#see eachother again this week or next. but there’s some other people I’m not so sure about. and like. we aren’t super close. but I spend lik
elsweetheart · 1 year
what you heard — part two.
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synopsis: you start to develop feelings for your boyfriends dealer. part two of this fic.
♪ what you heard — sonder ♪
cw: reader is dating a man, mentions of cheating, mentions of weed, men being annoying, smutsmutsmut, brief mention of violence. some angst? kinda. i guess. happy ending tho yay!
an: hi! it’s here! thank you for alllll the love on the first fic, i can’t believe how much people enjoyed it! i’m actually super proud of this one, my favourite thing i’ve written me thinks …… anyways yea! there will be no part three so pls don’t ask! ily ♡
It’s been a week. You haven’t spoken.
There’s blue-magenta behind your eyes. It swirls into contours and bubbles, recognisable sights beginning to take shape. Things go stark white, and then pale pink. Chartreuse fades in to khaki green into pale grey before you see a brick orangey red. You start to feel, aware of your senses. The brick becomes hair, and the hair tickles your neck.
You hear next, your own sigh. Your fingers press into an arm — your tight grip creates a white halo in their skin. You grip tighter, you have red fingernails now. You don’t remember getting them painted that colour. Half moons dust their skin from your touch. Freckles too.
A familiar feeling inside of you, that searing, hot, beautiful pressure in your groin. It feels good this time, not rushed and fast. Something smooth drags in and out of you, smoother than you’ve felt down there before. Something smells herby… herby and familiar, mixed with something else you can’t make out. The feeling builds, and you’re being touched all over with tender hands. Hands. A pixelated tattoo — not remembering the details.
The picture gets clearer, and you see your own smooth thighs. The freckle on the centre of one of them. They’re being pushed up rhythmically at the same time, a body slot between them. You see purple plastic now, coated and slick— and you realise you can hear yourself again. Loud, whiny, on the edge of… of something.
“Doin’ such a good job taking me, you look so pretty.” The echoey voice belongs to Ellie Williams and you look up to see her face. She’s wearing the grey hoodie she wore the last time you saw her. She looks the same down to her hair, but — wasn’t her eyebrow slit on the other eyebrow? You become more aware and it switches when you blink. How are you blinking? Fingers brush your clit and you gasp for air, skin on fire. “Better than your boyfriend, huh?” You were struck with euphoria, the sound of the ocean deafeningly loud, roaring monstrously in your ears. White noise. Nothing.
You gasped, and you were on your back still — but this time your room was dark, you were still wearing your clothes, and no Ellie. Your heart thumps, and your body reacts the same way it would as if you’d had a nightmare. You barely catch your breath, and the bed shifts beside you.
“Babe — makin’ so much noise. Woke me up, fuck.” The irritated grumble of your boyfriend. You don’t remember him sliding in beside you, and when your senses arrived back into your body, having been borrowed by the dream version of you, you were hit by the familiar and yet not at all comfortable stench of beer. Louis’ skin was pink and clammy under the moonlight peeking through your window and you felt that ugly feeling you’d been cursed with lately, disgust. It piled up inside your stomach like bile before washing away into the numb feeling of regret. He had gone to a party near by, a frat house — Delta something? Or was it Alpha? Clearly he couldn’t be all that bothered to walk back to his own dorm, staying with you instead. Maybe you shouldn’t have given him your spare key card. You push the thought away, and you try to like him again.
You squint in the low light, fully waking yourself up now. You shifted, thighs clattering into eachother with not much room, Louis taking up the bed. At the shift of your legs, you’re alarmed by the way your pyjama shorts cling to your hot, wet centre and suddenly you’re brought back to reality. You were having a wet dream about Ellie.
Guilty, your head turns to look at the man beside you. The room is filled by his deep heavy breaths, and the scratchy sound your hair made against the pillow when you turned your head. A small brown birthmark splotches on his bare shoulder, and you wonder if you squint, it could look like freckles. Reaching out, your fingers brush over it — and you are ejected from the moment instantly as he groans at the contact, rolling over. To add insult to injury, he thrusts a pillow out from beneath his head and shoves it between the two of you half awake. Message received.
You stare at the square tiles of your ceiling. Ellie Ellie Ellie. You wondered what she was doing right now, probably fast asleep. You lift your head quietly to look at your alarm clock, a bright red ‘02:55AM’ scalding your eyes. She could be at a party still, dealing. You pictured her there, hands stuffed in her pockets, wearing that cute khaki green windbreaker jacket that you secretly loved and her black jeans— her hair up in that messy half up bun. You don’t stop your cheeks from pushing up as you close your eyes, thinking of your new friend fondly. Your eyes felt heavier now, and you let yourself immerse into the fantasy, too sleepy to reject it or bare any guilt for daydreaming. You’re there at the party too, wearing something tight. Ellie notices you right away, eyes flickering over you in that way she has about her which is somehow equally loserish and confident. You walk over to her, and you’re too tired to fathom a conversation — but you’re not too drunk like you were last time, and there’s giggling and touching, and best of all Ellie isn’t looking at any other girls. She isn’t even focused on dealing anymore. She gives you all of her attention.
You fall asleep that way. You don’t dream of her, or anything for that matter for the rest of the night but the sleep is peaceful and you wake up well rested.
It’s 9:22AM when you wake up, and Louis is gone. Probably to make his 9AM lecture, turning up still drunk which you’re sure was absolutely hilarious to him and his friends, whilst the professor was probably hoping he wouldn’t turn up at all. You rub your eyes, and that nagging feeling in your chest kicks in.
One could truly never appreciate those first thirty seconds after you wake up. Still dreamy and disorientated, no anxiety, no worries — just bliss. Until you remember the current affairs of your life, and your eyes open.
Your phone is cold in your hand when you reach over and take it off charge, your free hand rubbing the sleep out your eyes as you suppress a yawn. Your stomach bottoms out, which is honestly sickening so early in the morning, as your eyes immediately land on a text from Ellie herself. Oh God, please tell me I didn’t reach over and text her in my sleep about my daydreams. It was unrealistic, but you definitely wouldn’t put it past yourself lately. You feel a blossom of disappointment bloom below your rib cage when you read ‘30% off for my fav custys. Blue dream, Purple haze, OG Green Kush. Get at me. Can do pick up or delivery tonight 📢🧟‍♀️’ Just another mass text, after all — Ellie was a business woman.
You swipe back onto your lockscreen, and chase the red ‘1’ symbol besides the Instagram logo, following it all the way to your DMS. Oh? Oh.
You see the first few words of the message from the preview, and your stomach fizzes up like shaken pop.
‘hey girl, i know you don’t know me but this is weighing on my mind so i have to tell you. last night your boyfriend louis was at the party down at alpha phi and we made out a couple of times before going upstairs and having sex. i didn’t know he had a gf until afterwards bc someone told me and i feel really guilty. u deserve better babe! just thought i’d let u know. i’m so sorry!!!’
Right, okay. This is not how you thought your day would begin.
You sit up slowly, like you’re worried that if you sit up too fast you’ll freak yourself out. How could this happen? You knew Louis was a bit of a dick sometimes, but a cheater? He seemed kind of territorial around Ellie at that party if you remembered correctly. So why would he wanna cheat?
You stare at the wall. Cry, damnit. Cry!
You don’t. But maybe you’re in shock. You pick your phone up again and text the girl back, a simple ‘thank you, will dump him today’ which you admit sounded kind of casual and hilarious, but you truly didn’t know what to say. You wasn’t really sure what to do. Do you just go about your day as normal? No, you needed to dump him. Okay, yes. First order of business.
Not over text, no. You were classier than that — although he didn’t deserve more than a ‘bye loser!’ text followed by the blocking of his number. You squint outside at the sun, showered and got dressed, pulling another one of your many sundresses over your frame. Despite the nagging, nervous feeling in your stomach it felt like a normal day. Maybe it wasn’t the end of the world.
You sat at your desk, staring at the wall. You’ll get up and go eventually you thought. You stayed in your room for hours.
4:47PM. No music in your earphones today, it didn’t feel right. Your mind was too loud anyways, you weren’t quite sure you’d even be able to hear the music over your thoughts. Your body was on autopilot as you walk. Louis should be getting out of his afternoon class in 13 minutes approximately, you’ll just wait for him outside and confront him there. Quick and easy.
But there’ll be people around, and you don’t want to make a scene do you? What if he’s with his friends and they all laugh at you? You figured it was more embarrassing for you than it was for him. What were you thinking getting involved with a frat boy? Of course he was going to cheat. The building that his class would be in was in sight now, footsteps quickening. Your heart was quickening now too, not with nerves but with anger. Anger at him. Anger at yourself, moreso. How did you let him cheat? How did you let it go on long enough for that to happen? Why didn’t you cheat first?
Your own thought sends you skidding to a stop. That’s… not you. You’re not a cheater. Regardless of what the person you’re dating does, it’s not right. Noise attracts you up ahead, and you see gaggles of students begin to leave the building — class having finished early. You don’t think, just dart left and keep walking. Away from the building, and Louis. Your feet start to hurt in your shoes from the way the soles of your feet are pounding against the bright concrete in the late afternoon sun. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I chickened out. Your brain screams at you and you’re already heading in the direction of the place that quiets your mind. You keep walking until you’re inside Ellie’s building.
There’s no time to think as you walk up to the beige door you knew too well, the familiar whiteboard pinned to it reading ‘Ellie’ in her slightly messy scribble, with ‘Knock first, assholes.’ scribed beneath it smaller. You do just that, you knock. After you do, you stand back — catching your breath from the stairs you took up there. You hadn’t even thought of what you were gonna say. Did you have money on you? Yes. You could just buy some of the weed she sent out the mass text about, and see where it goes from there. Solid plan.
You were too busy rehearsing what you were gonna say to realise that you hadn’t heard any movement from inside her room. An image of her fast sleep, drooling on her pillow napping crossed your mind and if you weren’t so wired up you’d maybe smile. You knock again, a little more timidly this time but feeling the same level of urgency. You tried to recall if she’d ever mentioned sleeping with headphones on? Your brows furrow, and just when you knock again — the door beside Ellie’s opens, a ginger guy wearing a jersey and sweatpants poking his head round to look at you.
“If you’re looking for Ellie I saw her go out earlier. She’s not in.” He rasped, and you’d realised that your knocking had perhaps woken him up from a slumber, instead of the imaginary Ellie who wasn’t in her room. You feel your heart drop a few centimetres before pattering against your chest in embarrassment, face feeling hotter than it already was.
“Oh, okay. Sorry if my knocking woke you up.” You cringe with a polite smile that he doesn’t return.
“She’s a dealer, you’re meant to text before you come over so this shit doesn’t happen.” He grumbles, before sulking back into his room — door closing. Your eyes widen— Jheez. Touchy.
You stare at Ellies door again, rolling your lips into your mouth as you thought. Maybe this was a good thing, fate even. You shouldn’t have come here. You should have just gone straight to Louis and dumped his ass like you originally planned— not run straight to your emotional-support-dealer who was complicating things enough as it is. You could have really done with smoking first though, you realised — which actually made your eyes glaze over with tears. Ellie’s weed was just behind that door.
You finally managed to peel yourself away, shamefully plodding back the way you came. You were halfway down the hall, when the door you were headed for opened — the sound of an oh so familiar laugh reaching your ears before your eyes found her. Ellie was walking along side Dina, the two chatting as your dealer searched her pockets for her keycard. There was a second or two when they hadn’t seen you yet, and you slowed down your pace — eyes raking over her. There was no reason for her to look so good, you almost felt like it was on purpose — hair in that classic half updo and an old white wifebeater clinging to her frame, black backpack on her back with simple black jeans and scuffed vans. You panicked, turning around hoping she wouldn’t see you, realised there was nowhere to run to, and spun back around to the two girls. When you did, they were already looking at you cautiously.
Dina looked at you, and then looked at Ellie, then back at you. Ellie called your name, pace slowing and you smiled sheepishly, praying the embarrassed and stressed tears threatening to spill would get sucked back into your eyes.
“Hey. Sorry I should have texted I was just…” Your eyes remove themselves from her, flying up to the ceiling so that the tears wouldn’t spill. You suck in a calming breath. Why now? Why was it all hitting you now? You glanced back at her just to see her face drop upon inspecting your state, and looked back at Dina.
“I’ll just grab the textbook from you later on, or you can bring it to me when you’re done — it’s chill.” Dina shrugged, and you could tell she was trying to be casual and polite despite it perhaps being an inconvenience to do so.
“Yeah. I’ll bring it.” Ellie nodded vigorously, like she were just about to ask her to do so. “I’ll see you later, D.”
Dina sent you a sympathetic smile before backing up towards the doorway, heading out. You fist at your dress uncomfortably, a silence settling over the two of you as you both watch her leave.
“Uh, come in.” Ellie speaks gently, in lieu of your frazzled state. She taps her keycard on the reader and opens the door, pressing her back to it to hold it open for you before closing it behind you. You watch the way she instantly makes herself at home like usual, kicking off her shoes dropping her backpack, sitting on the bed. You don’t move, just standing there in front of the door watching her. This really wasn’t meant to happen, therefore you had no time to mentally prepare yourself. Your brain was catching up, forcing you to dawdle and have an outer body experience in Ellie’s dorm.
“You… okay?” She raised an eyebrow, eyes flitting over the way you were gripping your sundress like it was going to fly off your body if you didn’t. You nodded, non verbal for a moment, eyes not meeting hers. You seemed to be coping fine before, but being around Ellie made you… vulnerable. Like you were worried that everything would just come out, word vomit all over your dress, and all your emotions were brought to the surface instantly by her calming nature. When you didn’t speak, she did. “You want pre-rolls? I got a couple, I dunno if you got my text.” She starts to reach for her backpack again. “Sorry I wasn’t here — you didn’t tell me you were coming so I—”
“Louis cheated on me.” You blurt and she freezes, ceasing to reach for her bag and reverting to the position she was sat on the bed before. Her face scrunches up a little.
“Yeah— he…yeah.” There’s no emotion behind your words now, staring past her at the wall. Her eyes squeeze shut, scrambling for words for a moment as she pushes herself to stand.
“What did— how did you find out?” She exasperates, slowly stepping your way.
“I just woke up to a DM on Instagram from some random girl spilling everything, saying that she didn’t know he had a girlfriend and fucked him. She was really nice about it though.” You ponder, shaking yourself back to your senses. It felt more real now that you had said it out loud, which was kind of comforting in a way.
“Damn.” Ellie whispers, now stood right in front of you. Her fingers nervously graze your arm, wanting to comfort you. “I’m… really sorry babe.” Babe. You don’t have time to register the nickname as she takes action on her impulses, suddenly wrapping her arms around you and pulling you in for a hug. You’re caught off guard, arms hovering for a moment before wrapping around her. You squeeze, and it feels good to be held by her. You nuzzle into her neck as she rubs comforting circles on your waist with her thumbs, your breathing synced up.
“I’m not.” It comes out muffled into her, and she pulls back slightly— warm breath wafting over your face as she stares down at you in confusion. “Huh?”
“I’m…relieved. I don’t feel anything. I don’t… care.” You admit, brows furrowing in a way that made Ellie think you felt guilty for having this outlook.
“Maybe you’re in shock.”
“Maybe I just didn’t like him.” You quickly admit even quieter, like the two of you were having a whisper off. She stared at you, not able to help herself from glancing at your glossed lips, and wondered if you could feel her heartbeat speed up as your bodies were pressed so tightly together.
“Maybe I… was already cheating on him in my head.”
Green light, Ellie thinks — infact she’d never known a light greener. She closes in on you, your back rebounding a little off the door, eyes locked in on eachothers lips. They nearly touch, the two of you exchanging a breath when a deafening knock sounds on the wooden door you were pressed against, making the two of you jump. Ellie pulls back, smiling sheepishly at your nervous giggle and she presses into you even more, bringing her eye to the view-hole over your head in the door to see who it was, expecting a customer. She pulls back, face to face and her eyes are wider this time, cheeks reddening.
“Think someone came lookin’ for you.”
Your own eyes expand, and you spin around to look through — a fisheye lens view of Louis stood there, stupid backwards cap on his head and meaty hands stuffed into his board-shorts as he obnoxiously chewed his gum.
Ellie’s heart swells for you when you spin around, looking at her desperately in a panic.
“Don’t wanna see him! I — I can’t. Not yet!” You whisper, breath shaking in your throat and she nods, a comforting hand on your arm rubbing for a moment as she pushes you into the crevice of the wall where the door would open on, hiding you. He knocks again, and you hear Ellie’s neighbour groan, angry footsteps thudding towards his own door through the wall.
“S’okay. Hey, s’alright. Fuck it— uh, I’ll see what he wants.” She nods at your worried expression, opening the door before her neighbour gets to him— boxing you in behind it. You had kind of hoped the sleep deprived neighbour would have gotten to Louis first, giving him a piece of his mind.
“Yo.” Louis greet, uninterested and you cringed, already wondering how you ever dated that. Ellie stared at him, waiting for him to ask about you. Waiting for her chance to chew him out. “Lemme get a half ounce. You got purple haze?” He sniffed.
“Looks like I’m fresh out.” You could hear the anger in Ellie’s voice just from the sight of him, which concerned you whilst equally validated you. She was blunt, tilt her chin up the way she did at that pool party, exuding confidence.
“Damn. What else you got?” He sighed, not seeming to pick up of Ellie’s raging ‘Fuck you’ vibe. She didn’t move to rummage her drawers or invite him in. She simply stood, unwavering. Staring. Borderline glaring, urging him to just get the picture that he wasn’t welcome here tonight. Or ever again, if she was being honest.
“Got nothin’ for you, man.” She held his gaze. He faltered now. Oh? Eyes flitting all around her face like he was trying to work out what her problem is. What did she know?
“You’re all out?” He flattened his voice just a bit more. A tone to his voice that said ‘Are you fucking with me?’
“Looks like I am.”
You heard him shuffling awkwardly, before kissing his teeth and stepping away. “Aight.”
There was no blow up, no gross attitude from Louis, no flip out from Ellie where she’d punch him in the face in your honour. He simply laid down and accepted that he was gonna be weed-less tonight, and fucked off. You peeked, watching Ellie continue to stare him down with her stony expression as he walked away before closing the door softly, revealing you behind it — cramped up in the corner. You looked dishevelled and wide eyed, having had to make an effort to not breathe, let alone speak. She felt her heart just… soften at the sight of you. In a way, you’d kind of resembled a scared stray kitten who’s run away from their big bad owner, and who better to take you in than a loving student with plenty of catnip?
She cleared her throat, stepping back and allowing you to move out of the cramped space behind the door.
“Just hearing him makes me mad.” You huff, walking over to her bed and plopping down on the end of it, defeated. She wipes her hands on her jeans, a little awkwardly — still recovering from your near kiss turned near confrontation.
“Yeah. Kinda took me everything not to kick his scrawny ass.” She shook it off, eyebrows jumping up as she envisioned the scene. You did too, something stirring deep within you at the vision of Ellie beating him, knuckles splattered with blood, angry grimace on her face. You shoo it away quickly, not wanting to indulge in that sick fantasy. You let out a non committal hum, dragging your eyes away from her.
“So did you want any weed? I can hook you up with something…” She took a step toward her black backpack that was slumped against the floor. You shook your head quickly, knowing she wouldn’t let you pay for it yet again given your state and well — as much as you adored free weed, you couldn’t do that to her twice in a row.
“No, no. I don’t think I’m in the right headspace to smoke, you know? Probably not the best idea.” You conversed, staring ahead as you took a long deep breath — feeling the slightest spark of what could be relief that things were finally over, despite the betrayal of being cheated on. You thought you had buried what you really wanted deep inside, turns out it was right on the surface the whole time. Was it that obvious to Ellie how needy you really were for her the whole time? You thought back to your near-kiss a few moments back, heat crawling up the back of your neck like the feeling of being flustered was submerging you in it’s lusty molasses. You realised she was saying nothing, just watching you as she swayed on her feet — nervously toeing at the carpet.
Shit, maybe you’d overstepped.
“Sorry — I can head out now. I don’t know why I ran here I just — I didn’t know where to go. Sorry.” You stood up and Ellie’s eyes enlarged, her own heart thumping as she tried to muster up the words to just speak. She was unprepared, she’d admit — this whole thing was not how she thought it would go down. She’d always imagined you banging on her door in the middle of the night, begging her to fuck you, something about Louis not being able to do it right, and she was the only one who could do the job. You’d be on eachother in an instant, limbs and moans, loud and messy, and afterwards— afterwards is when you’d have the discussion. She’d tell you that she can treat you better, and you’d say that you’d always wanted her. Not… this. This was slow, bordering on awkward. Come on Ellie, get it together.
“Hey.” It came out gentle, and almost like a Pavlov response to her tone, you calmed — eyes melting into a soft gaze as her hand grazed your arm, stopping you in your tracks. “We don’t need to smoke to hang out. I’m cool to just… talk. If you wanna.”
So you did.
You talked, and in no time you were laughing away, problems seemingly forgotten as you laid side by side on the bed. Ellie had some kind of magic about her, a type that inspired time to stop when the two of you would hang out. You wouldn’t notice the sun going down outside the window, or the way your bodies would overtime shift closer and closer to eachother on the bed until your shoulders were pressed together. Your shoes were kicked off and the window was open — bringing a warm, balmy evening humidity into the dorm. At the dawn of summer, the warm and lethargic evenings were one of your favourite things about the season change. They were even better with Ellie, you thought.
“So, did it work?” She was smirking, the laugh clenching the back of her throat like she was on the verge of letting out a ridiculous school-girl giggle.
“Did what work? You can’t just start a sentence like that and expect me to know what you mean.” You picked up her brown stuffed bear from the bed and swat her with it— the memory of the last time you were in her room springing up. What went down on this very bed. Suddenly, you realised what she might have been talking about.
“Shut up.” She chuckled. “My handy tips and tricks. Did you ever get down to having a better time in the bedroom?” She wiggled her brows, the arm furthest from you coming up to rest behind her head as she turned slightly to look at you — face close enough to see the green speckles caressed by hazel in her limbal rings.
“Ellie.” You groan in embarrassment, covering your face (and more so, your sheepish smile.) The smile peeked from behind your palms anyway, and Ellie capsized onto her side, leaning on her elbow now with her own grin — caused by the adorable-ness of yours.
“S’just a question.” Her voice was gentle and flat in her deep drawl, pulling your hands away from your face with the help of her own fingers pulling it away. Her hand stayed on top of yours when you rested it on top of your ribs.
“Do I have to answer?” You squint and her mouth turned downwards in thought with a inattentive shrug.
“No.” That mischievous smile of hers crept back up. “But that won’t stop me from guessing your answer.”
You gaze down at her hand on top of yours. It was cold like it always was — having caught her touch through grazed fingers with a weed baggie between them and friendly arm caresses when running into eachother in public. You wondered how her hands were still cold, even in the smouldering warmth of her dorm. You avoid her smug gaze.
“Well what do you think?” You quieten your voice, smile still lingering as you wiggle your fingers beneath her palm, she squeezes your fingers with her own — pinning them down where they rest. Ellie thinks, briefly distracted by your hands flirting.
“Hm.” She pretended to think. “Maybe. You probably tried to help him, bein’ a good person n’all. But you know… what was it you said last time? You either got it or you don’t?”
You said nothing, considering her guess. She waited, for some kind of reaction giving away whether or not she was right or wrong. When it didn’t come, she prompt you.
“No?” Her thumb was on top of the back of your hand now, her other fingers tucked beneath your palm— her knuckles laying flat against your ribs. The touch being so close to your tits sent your mind reeling and it took you a moment to respond, her thumb just stroking slow languid circles on your own knuckles.
“Since that day I haven’t… me and him didn’t…” You admit, finally braving a glance up to her eyes. They’re intense, as inspected — flickering back up to your eyes from your lips, caught. “He wanted to, but… I didn’t want to even try anymore.”
“And whys that?” She rushed out, internally yelling at herself for the speed in which she prompted you. Patience Ellie, Jesus fucking Christ. You know where this is headed, and if you push too hard she’ll spook like last time. Be cool.
Your cheeks pushed up, and she assumes you’re fighting a giggle at her eager response. Luckily, you don’t mention it. “Lets say you wanted a sandwich…” You started. Okay, what the fuck. Where was this going?
“Uh— sure?”
“And there’s a sandwich store in your town. Their sandwiches… aren’t very good. You think, maybe I’m ordering the wrong sandwich. But all the sandwiches taste the same and they’re all… bad. But then a new sandwich place opens up down the street. The sandwiches look amazing, and everything about it is perfect. Would you keep going back to the bad sandwich store?”
Ellie squinted, slowly sitting up a little more with an exasperated expression as her brain caught up.
“You did all that… instead of just telling me that you couldn’t fuck Louis anymore because you wanted to fuck me?”
You burst into giggles. “I’m shy!” You whine, rolling away from her to face the wall beside her bed. She laughs heartily in disbelief, her hands coming to tickle your waist without a thought.
“Oh you’re shy?” She snickered through your squeals. “Fuckin’ Shakespeare over here — what sandwich store huh? No, really. I’m dying to know where that came from.”
You flipped to face her suddenly, her face unexpectedly close. You faltered, eyes dropping to her pretty, naturally red lips before pulling them away in order to get your words out. “It was the best way I could explain it, okay?”
“Alright, wordsmith.” She was not just smirking, but openly staring at your mouth now, so close her breath was tickling your nose.
“You’re so annoying.” You press your lips together, subconsciously hiding them in nerves.
“Yeah?” Kiss me. Kiss me before I fucking do it.
“Yeah. Always popping up in my dreams too.” You beam, leaning into her a little now. Please kiss me. And she nearly does, but your words hit her and her curiosity gets the better of her. Fuck. She pulls away a little, eyes boring back into yours.
“What dream? Tell me ‘bout your dream.” She’s whispering now, brow jabbing downward in curiosity. You sigh, eyes closing. Why would you bring that up? You drop your head back onto the pillow.
“I just… had these dreams. About you.” You open your eyes. There’s blu-tack stuck to her ceiling tile. Her finger almost makes you jump as it curls beneath your chin with the gentlest touch, turning your face back to look at her.
“What happened in these dreams? Hm?”
You suck on your bottom lip, taking the time to take in all her features. The way it seemed like nothing else in the world mattered, just the two of you laying close on this bed, backed into the corner against the wall. Your cunt was aching — you let yourself realise this now.
“We’d be here. Just like this.” You murmur, your own fingers running up her wrist to meet her hand where it cupped your chin. Her eyes followed your movements, glued to your baby pink fingernails. “We’d be laughing, and talking and suddenly… we’re kissing. And… you’re on top of me.”
Thank fuck for your sundress, Ellie’s eyes were truly blessed — dropping down shamelessly to your tits as they begin to push against the material, already practically spilling out from your compromising position. She realises that you’re drawing in a long breath, followed by shorter, wetter ones. You swallow, panting from the memory. Jesus fucking Christ loops around her head, bouncing off the walls of her brain in an echo-chamber of horny. What next? What happens next?
“And then you’re… pushing into me and it feels good. Better than… better than he could ever make me feel. And you’re telling me I’m pretty… and how good I’m doing… just like you said you would.” You’re even quieter, but your words couldn’t be louder to Ellie. She’s tormented, wanting you to finish off your story, the tale of your dirty dreams — but equally wanting to cut it short by shutting you up with her mouth on yours. Decisions, decisions.
Your brows are furrowed, your hand sliding her hand down to your throat— just pressing it there. Maybe for comfort, maybe just to feel her touch. Likely because it’s turning you on. She can feel your pulse thrumming violently against your skin. Ellie’s eyes are all pupil. Is that your heartbeat or mine?
“And I cum.” You grin slowly in disbelief, eyes glazed over completely like you’ve been crying, brows still pinched in that endearing furrow. “I actually cum. And it’s so good. Because it’s you. And only you can—”
Fuck it.
Her mouth is on yours in an instant, swallowing the surprised whimper when she rolls over to hover over you, her knee pressed between your legs. Her tongue introduces itself to yours quickly, the wet muscles sliding over eachother in greeting like they were old friends. Her hand still cupped your throat where you had guide her and she could barely think, her body on pure primal autopilot. Ellie liked to think she was fairly experienced, but shit — it’s never felt like this before.
Her hands are everywhere. You’re trying to count them because you’re sure — certain even that you can feel more than two sliding over you, pushing your dress further up your thighs, kneading your warm, plush breasts. Your legs are falling open wider, like her tongue had reached a spot in your mouth that had triggered you to just go limp, and with the movement her knee presses up just a little more snug against your hot cunt. You shift on it, on instinct and the friction of it just… you moan.
Ellie can’t help but notice how relieved it sounds, and she wants to coo at you, chuckle and tease you about being sooo pent up, because little Louis couldn’t find that pretty clit. But she couldn’t drag her mouth away from you, having journeyed right down to your neck, sucking and biting— marking you. You belonged to her now, and there was no doubt about that. You couldn’t go back on yourself now, no. Not with Ellie all over you.
You kept shifting on it, experimentally grinding your pantie-clad pussy against her jean covered knee. You don’t even recall ever being in this position with Louis, and you squeeze your eyes shut tighter, huffing out your nose. Get that man out of your head, before he ruins the mood.
You let out another quiet mewl, and God — Ellie just had to pull away and look at you. Just a little bit, just close enough to still be breathing hard into each-other’s mouth. When your eyes fluttered open, she swore she could have died right there. You look flushed, pupils blown out with that needy look in your eye. As the moment settled in, hips still weakly bucking against her knee and hands desperately grabbing at her shoulders — Ellie felt a small tremor beneath your body, like a tiny earthquake had occurred right below you. It travelled up your body, falling out of your mouth in the language of a trembling gasp. Were you…?
Ellie grinned, proudly — brows knit as if to say ‘awwww’. And then she did say it, mouth running without permission from her brain. “Aw, you’re shaking.” She whispered, like it was a secret being shared at a sleepover. You weren’t your usually giggly self now, getting shy on her and turning away — you just wet your lips, tilting your hips for more and pulled her back in to kiss.
Ellie’s hand were pulling at your dress before she remembered to ask, so she slowed down hoping you’d say something. As she peeled away the fabric, dragging your straps down your arms her lips followed, pressing chaste kisses to the warm skin. You sighed at the feeling, melting into her bedsheets and Ellie tugged just that bit harder, your tits free from the dress now that bunched around your waist. The dealers eyes were on them, and then on your face, and then back to your tits when she remembered she was actually allowed to be looking at them this time. Her hands followed, doing what she’d always dreamt of.
The coldness of her palms brought your nipples to a peak and you wanted to roll over and hide again, but you couldn’t — because Ellie was dragging her spread hands up your ribs and grabbing the fat of your tits and it just felt too good. Felt good to be appreciated, analysed, borderline worshipped as Ellie dragged her thumbs over your nipples making a low whine fall from your throat accidentally.
“Shit, babe.” She breathed in disbelief, looking up at you once more and retreating to drop a quick kiss to the corner of your mouth. “You this pretty everywhere?”
You didn’t know what to say, so you said nothing at all— arching your chest into her touch. She gave them a firm squeeze before reluctantly pulling away to continue on her journey down your body, her mission to get your dress completely off still in full pursuit.
She immediately dives in to press a pouty kiss between your tits as soon as she can, letting her top lip drag slightly as she trails her lips downwards to your stomach. Don’t rush this, Ellie — she thinks, and for a moment she fears she accidentally said it out because you giggle. She looks up at you, a little wide eyed in confusion at your dazed titter. Her hands are curled around your sides now, thumbs resting on your rib cage, and your hand is creeping up the back of her head to caress the soft hair there.
“Tickles.” You mutter and she grins wolfishly, shaking her head ever so slightly as she gets back to it. A little impatiently, she tugs the dress down your hips, the material straining ever so slightly before she can slide them down your legs. You help her, kicking the material up and off and hearing it flump onto the floor beside her bed.
She was hungry now, closer and closer to what she wanted but her laser focus was on proving herself. You deserved to feel good, and that’s exactly what she was gonna give you. She needed to show you that she was the better option, that she could look after you right. Her hands were pushing your thighs open now, her face flushed and desperate as she pressed kisses to the inside. She hadn’t even spared a glance at your underwear yet, couldn’t even tell you what colour they were — just fixated on sucking marks into your skin, making sure that the dark purple were visible when she’d pull away with a pop.
Embarrassingly so, you bucked your hips against nothing— the stretch of material spread over your clit just barely grazing the button. You understood perfectly what her game was, she’d bet you’d never been teased before and she was right — but right now you needed her touch, after so long you just needed her.
“Please.” You finally let out as her hands stroke the crevices of your thigh crease, light fingers that tickled you enough to make you buck again. Her nose pressed against the skin beside the lacy leg hole of your underwear as she pressed a firm kiss there.
“Please what.” She didn’t even stop to look at you.
“Please t—ouch me.” You shudder, words nearly cut off half way through. She stops then, eyes wide like she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, before dragging them down to your panties. A soft pink, the outline of your fat lips spread due to the way she’d parted your thighs, the material stuck to them — creating the clear shape. What really caught her eye, was the growing darkness through them — soaked through from just her kisses and caressing. Confidence surged through her once again.
Her two front teeth grazed her bottom lip, bringing them down as if planning to say ‘Ffffuuuckk’ but it died on her tongue, just the ‘Ffffff’ sound whispered out. You watched her pupils double in size, and when she looked back up at you her lids were heavier.
“S’all for me?” She cooed, in this sickly sweet voice that made your fogged brain nearly not pick up on the fact that she was mocking you ever so slightly. You let out a shaky breath, and she didn’t take her eyes off you when she leant back in, pressing a soft and loving kiss over the fabric — right where your clit would be. She watched you then, jaw gaping and brows knitting, she even heard your toes clenching hard behind her because of the way the bed covers shifted. She remembered something being said about you liking when the other person took charge, and she wondered how far she could milk you into that space. How much could she force you to just let go and let her do all the thinking?
“S’right baby, just relax up for me yeah? You’re all tense.” She smoothes a hand over your tummy and Jesus, that was easy — you’re nodding furiously, body tensing and untensing a few times, actively trying to get yourself to follow her command. That’s okay, she thinks — we’ll get you there.
She starts pressing kisses around your panties again, your widened thigh crease, the spread lip peeking out from the material, along the waistband. She hears you breathing hard without looking up. Poor thing, must’ve really been unsatisfied to get this worked up so soon. Her own finger comes up to drag up and down your slit through the material, the plumpness of it having swallowed some fabric into its crease. You feel more arousal seep out of you when her finger tips circle around your clit and press down ever so slightly.
“Teasin’ me.” You manage in a strained whisper, trying to widen your legs even more. Your ankle hangs off the bed.
“Mhm.” She goes back in, pressing kisses to below where she was touching, her nose doing the work in nudging your button. She got to work, her tongue sliding out and licking up the juices that had seep through the soft pink material. You tasted just like she imagined, a little tangy and salty sweet— making saliva collect at the base of her tongue to roll down and soak you more.
The moans were flowing freely when she wrapped her toned arms around your thighs, bringing you down onto her mouth more. Through your hazy mind, you don’t quite recall ever getting to see her arms like this — and you’re just now noting how much muscle she truly had. For someone with a cocky side, she had to be pretty humble to hide them. It made the submission creep up more, the idea that she could do anything she wanted to you bouncing around your brain that was quickly emptying itself like an egg timer.
Ellie looked starved, practically unhinging her jaw to gather the saliva and arousal soaked material in her mouth and use the point of her tongue to push you where you needed her. The friction of the material between her and your clit rubbed against you in all the right ways, and just when you felt yourself drifting off into that hazy relaxed space, the same one you felt when you’d just woken up — your stomach involuntarily tensed and curled with something devastating building up. Surely not, surely Ellie wasn’t about to make you cum through your panties.
You let out a pathetic and almost fearful whine as your hand shaped itself into a claw at the back of her head, but you couldn’t bring yourself to pull her away. You didn’t even think you’d be able to, her head moving vigorously with her face buried in your covered crotch. Ellie wasn’t planning on eating you out through your underwear to the point of making you cum, but as soon as you signified that there was a chance she could? It was game. Ellie was competitive by nature, and sometimes that even meant competing with herself. Bet you can’t do it, she taunts herself— and as she pins down your bucking hips that smug voice in her head responds. Bet you can.
You shake, pressing her face in further as you hit a peak — stomach clenching the same way it does when you ride a drop-coaster, seemingly plummeting to the ground on rickety tracks. Your cunt burned and ached as she frantically mouthed at your clit through the thin fabric, tongue working you in such a frenzy that you were certain if she went for any longer she’d burst a hole in the material and get to the real thing. You felt your warmth gush out, the entirety of your panties now three shades darker in colour due to yours and Ellie’s joint attack.
Her teeth scraped over your covered clit as she pant for her own breath and you jerked, oversensitive — prompting her to detach her mouth, instead choosing to rest her cheek above your waistband, pressing breathless kisses to the skin she could reach.
“Ohmy—gosh.” You whisper in the shape of a whine and she looks up at you again, a sheen of wetness around her chin and mouth from her own saliva and what had snuck through the fabric. Her thumb strokes your waist soothingly, a chuckle slipping past her lips.
“That was cute.” Was all she said and you felt the heat burn your cheeks once more. Whilst you were distracted, breathless love stuck smile hidden by your clammy palms she took the opportunity to peel your panties to the side, looking at what she’d created. She let out a warm sigh that brushed over your glistening mound, entranced by pretty much the most perfect pussy she’d ever laid eyes on. Your folds were sparkling in your own juices and she could see the way it trailed beneath you having dripped down from your leaking hole. A string of arousal still remained attached to the underwear she’d pulled aside, and she wanted to explode. She placed two thumbs either side of the lips, pulling you apart a little more and you ripped your hands away from your face to watch — a feverish whimper leaving you from her touch. “So fucking pretty. ‘My god.” She sighs, pink tongue licking a stripe of you bottom to top, savouring in your taste— now unfiltered and louder on her tongue with nothing between the two of you. You let out a sob, still a little sensitive and your knees come up beside your chest, hand trembling on her head. She sucks on your clit, directly this time and it gets too much, your thighs attempting to crush her head like a watermelon. She removes her thumbs from beside your cunt to slam her hands quickly into the back of your thighs, pushing herself deeper into you as she shoves your thighs up, keeping you open. She hums against you threateningly and you cry, burbling out her name and a load of nonsense.
“ElsEllie—Ell—ie— s’too much I’m— already—” you try but it barely makes it’s way past your lips. She pulls away with an obscene pop, choosing to pepper kisses to your pubic mound instead and looking up at you warningly.
“Just take it pretty girl, gotta be brave about it yeah?” Tough love, because she’s desperate to taste you just a little longer. You’re about to protest, something along the lines of ‘give me a breather’ or ‘wait a minute or i’m gonna cum again too fast’ when you feel the coarse pads of her fingers slide up beneath her mouth, applying just enough pressure to the skin around your clenching hole to silence you.
She just rubs, massages the area, attacking your clit with her tongue once more. The movements are more precise, more pointed — the tip of the muscle circling around your button dizzyingly before you feel her middle finger dip into your hole ever so slightly. “Let me have you baby, let me in.” She whispers on you and you’re nodding, against your will, head thudding back into the pillow and nipples pebbled like you wouldn’t believe. You can have me. You can have me forever if you keep eating it like this.
She sinks her finger in, and you go against your brain and squeeze hard against it— like— if she were wearing a ring you’d be able to pull it off, that’s how hard you squeezed. “Hey.” Was all she whispered, a line appearing in her forehead when she looked at you, the trace of something sterner behind her expression. “Not going anywhere sweetheart, loosen up for me.” She stroked your thigh and you whimpered, doing your best.
“M’sorry” you shivered and she forgave you by kissing your clit again, beginning to drag her finger outwards. Not long after, her other finger joined and you went blind for a moment when they pressed up against something soft and spongy.
“Theeeere she is.” She spoke, more to herself as you hiccuped, hands clutching yourself now, self soothing because holy hell — you’d never felt like this before. Not even by yourself. “Thats it baby, good girl.”
You squeezed again at the praise. Good girl. You’d been waiting for it, anticipating your favourite words from all of your fantasies and it sounded better than you could ever have imagined coming from her Texan drawl. She smiled, like she knew — and tsked at you tensing again. From the fresh tidal wave of arousal dripping out of you from her words, your pussy all but squelched when she started to move her wrist again, grinding against that special spot. “S’talking to me, pretty. You liked that huh? Like bein’ good for me?”
You knew she had it in her— but damn— Ellie really knew what she was doing. You swore if she had dared to call you a good girl in a more casual setting before today, you might have just folded and become the cheater you swore you’d never be.
“Mhm!” Was all you could get out as you found her rhythm, working with her as you rolled you hips down on her fingers. Your chest burned with that sappy feeling — admiring the way she really did know how to look after you and give you exactly what you need. You needed to feel closeness again, and you called her name. “Ellie!”
“Yeah.” She cooed in a deep groan, lazily mouthing at you. She drew back for a moment and you thought she would give you what you wanted, but instead she went above and beyond, spitting on your clit before chasing it up with the flat of her tongue. You gasped, threatening to cut the circulation off in her fingers again.
“Ellie.” You sobbed more urgently, mouth actually downturned now like you couldn’t help from actually crying — hot tears resting in the space below your eye. The tone caught her attention and she looked up.
“Whats up baby? You feelin’ good?” Her voice was high and sympathetic, making you push your bottom lip out — trying to gather her thoughts as she continued to press you, fingers grinding inside your gummy walls.
“Yeah. Need to— need to kiss you.” You sniffle and she’s pouting back at you, instantly pushing her body up without taking her fingers out your cunt. Not that you’d let her, sucking them in desperately.
“Okay baby, alright.” She murmurs, getting herself situated on her elbow and bringing her mouth down to yours. You moan when you kiss her, mainly because she gave into your craving of her, but also because you could taste yourself all over her tongue. “Cantastethatright? Tastesgood” It’s muffled by your own lips as she speaks against them, not letting her pull back enough to speak clearly as your need to kiss her had become insatiable. You have no choice however, when you feel the pit of your stomach crying out in familiarity once more at the intense feeling.
“Ohmygod— gonna cum ‘gain Ellie. Oh Ellie!” She recalls you almost sound frightened, like you just can’t believe that someone could make her cum once, let alone twice.
“Yeah? Gonna give me another one?” She pulled away from you so that she could look at you, hand cupping up to thumb at your cheekbone so that your gaze remained on her as she did. Your eyes grew wild and desperate, wet and weak as you tried to be good for her and keep them open. “Thats it, beautiful. God— m’so fucking lucky. Just needed me to take care of you isn’t that right? That’s it baby, that’s my good girl. Take what you deserve.” You can barely hear her at this point, drowned out by the roaring white noise blasting your ears once more, your own moans a backing track. Her lips were at your temple, dropping encouraging kisses but you weren’t there. You’d floated up past her ceiling tiles, no longer a person. Yeah. That fucking good.
You came back to your body, eventually — you’re not sure when you left and when you returned but you could feel now, your own hand shooting out of its weak trance to grip her wrist and cease her movements. “El” You rasp weakly and she slows.
You seemed like you could fall asleep — and Ellie was happy to let you. You looked adorable and sleepy, so she took you in her arms, pressing kisses to your cheeks. “Did so good for me pretty girl.” She whispers, and it’s so warm and familiar like you’d been with her forever. Like that awful man had never been given the chance to touch you. What was his name again? You pout against her neck, letting her manoeuvre you and baby you. She’d clean you up in a little while, for now focused on holding you and telling you how good you did. She’d made you cum like you deserved, and that was two more times than Louis did. Ellie was… satisfied. “You okay?”
You wrapped your legs around her hips, drawing her closer to your body so that she was half on top of you. She chuckled, pulling back a little to look at you. “Hm? Caught your breath?” There was no cockiness in her voice, all gentleness when she cups your face making your eyes flutter open.
“Ellie.” You murmur, your own fingers grazing her cheeks like you were seeing her for the first time in years.
“Thats right, baby.” She grins, sounding like she was proud of you which made your heart swell. Her sweatpants covered crotch fell against your own slightly and you winced, suckling on your bottom lip and lashes fluttering from the feeling of the material against your engorged clit. “Shit, sorry—” She went to apologise, but your leg locked around her ass, pulling her back into you. You wriggled your hips, humping her like a little bunny rabbit.
Oh… you weren’t done.
“Yeah?” She was still smiling, but a darkness bolted through them, something else there, the sweetness disappearing for something more stern. “Want more?”
You’re lifting your hips now, trying to get some kind of feeling against you as your chest rises and falls — back into the swing of it. You felt deranged, like there was chance you’d be this damn horny forever.
She reaches down to grip your hips and thumps her covered cunt against yours a few times making you hum. She looks pensive, and when she looks back to you she’s decided. “You want me to fuck you, don’t you?”
She’s pulling the harness over her boxers, sweatpants discarded next to your dress, before you’ve even registered her practically leap off the bed. The dildo attached is black, and your mind flashes back to your dream. Not purple then, huh.
She takes the time to look at you from a new angle, on your back, knees cutely pressed together. From where she stands, she can see the purple bruises her mouth had littered around your thighs. As she tightens the harness with one hand, she gently pushes you knee open with the other, getting a good look at your drenched, abused pussy. Your arms squish over your boobs, fists beneath your chin as you watch her in adoration.
Before you know it, she’s hovering over you again— leaning over to share a kiss, as if she’d missed you in the short amount of time she’d been apart from you. You feel the tip graze your slit and jolt slightly, fingers curling into her wifebeater. Pushing herself up to be able to see properly, she grips the cock in her fist before flushing.
“Fuck— uh, I don’t have lube.” She thinks, and thinks hard — this cock was undoubtably bigger than your now exes, and she didn’t want it to hurt. The idea of her splitting you open made her clit warm, but she was set on you feeling nothing short of amazing.
“S’okay.” You pout, high pitched and whiny as you tilt your hips down, trying to hump against the shaft — or the tip — or whatever you could reach.
“Nah s’big, babe. Need it nice n’wet for you.” She huffs. “Look, I can run down to the store. I know they sell it there and—”
She doesn’t even realise you’re pulling her desperately onto the bed, falling onto her back until she’s looking up at you. In any other situation, she’d expect you to suddenly be taking charge — asserting dominance, but no — you looked more fucked out than ever, staring down at her with big puppy dog eyes, whispering ‘Please’ over and over like a prayer.
She cups your cheek, pressing some of your hair against your face from her grasp and is about to clarify on ‘Please what, sweet girl?’ but the words catch in her throat when you crawl down her shakily, licking your swollen lips at the sight of her plastic cock. No way.
“You sure, baby?” The words died on her tongue as you start to mouth at it, pink tongue flattened desperately against the shiny strap. A low moan sounds from the back of your throat as you continue licking it like it had some kind of heavenly flavouring. Now Ellie knew it wasn’t strictly her dick, and maybe it was the way you were pressing the strap down into her crotch — but she couldn’t stop the curses from flying out. It felt… good. You drooled, the pearly, bubbly sheen dripping down the shaft before you took the tip of your mouth, obscene moans and sucking sounds bouncing around the room.
You pulled off with a pop for a second, glancing up at her with your hazy, submissive expression she’d grown fond of fast. “Feel like a slut.” You groan, high pitched and girlish. You had worry in your expression, brows knitted and eyes watery — but it didn’t quite meet your actions as you went back down, taking as much as you could in your throat. Ellie smirked, entertained as she pulled any hair out your face — watching your ministrations.
“You can be a slut for me if you want, it’s okay. Won’t tell anyone.” She cooes. You blink up at her, suckling on her tip. “Yeah. Don’t wanna be a slut for just anyone though do you? You want me to slut you out, like you deserve.” It doesn’t come out like a question in the slightest, her back teeth gritting when she watches your lashes flutter, eyes threatening to roll back. You pull off, dropping demure kisses to the now wet shaft. “You shy now? Come up here.” She’s grinning and you practically leap to straddle her.
You’re not focused on what she’s doing, busy kissing over her cheeks — and you’re suddenly confronted by her shifting you into position, sliding the wet tip through your velvety, leaking cunt. “You want it like this? Like how I taught you?” She tilts her head to look at you and you nod frantically, stopping yourself from lurching forward again and kissing every freckle on her face. Gotta be good for her, gotta be good for her — round and round your head like a broken record.
“Want it Ellie, please.” You whine and she’s shushing you, hot pressure searing within when she pushes in. It’s just like you dreamt, smooth— but small ridges catch inside you making you heave out a high pitched moan into her neck. Her free hand smoothes down your back, comforting you.
“I know.” She croons. “Gonna be a big girl and take it all, yeah?”
It takes you everything not to destroy the progress she’s made inside you and clamp down like a vice, so you fling in the opposite direction, arching your back into her to widen yourself. She feels this, feels you trying to help her push it inside and kisses your forehead. “Such a good fucking girl.”
She wants to give you time to adjust to the size, but as soon as it’s all the way in you rock against her, sliding it in and out. You choke out a pained whine and she tsk’s, holding you still.
“See? Just not cut out for doin’ any of the work are you?”
Something awake deep down within you past the submissive fog wants to be offended. But she’s right. You want whatever Ellie wants, and if she wants you to lay there on top of her and take it— that’s what you want too. She speaks again, and you almost hit a sudden orgasm, her feet flattening on the bed as she slowly bucks up, doing all the fucking for you as you lay limp on top of her. “Thats okay. Just my pretty pillow princess. Yeah, that sounds right doesn’t it.” She pants lowly, but the words echo around your head like she screamed it.
“Feels — so — mmpghm” Its muffled into her shoulder anyway, and her hands grip your ass cheeks, spreading you wider to take her deeper. You mewl.
“Oh that’s the spot, isn’t it babe.” The smugness is back, and you let her speed up, pounding that sore but needy spot inside you. “Fuck, gonna make me cum too with those pretty noises.” Her teeth are grit, and your mind reels. You didn’t know that was possible.
At this point, Ellie was beginning to use you to get off. The way she was tugging you back and fourth on her lap had you sliding the harness right up over her clit, the ridges inside pressing her through her boxers. If she could just hold on a little longer, put her focus back on you…
“Wish you… wish you could—” You choke on your moans, about to hurtle over the edge.
“Could what, hm?” She purses her lips, focused on her movements.
“Could cum inside me. Oh!” It hits you, and maybe it was your own words that did it. But she’s bucking off the bed soon enough, right behind you as her stomach tenses. The idea of her pearly white cum fountaining out your cunt when she’d unplug you making her go into fucking overload. She got sloppy, chasing her high but it was okay — you were crying again, the strap barely moving inside you from your clench but it didn’t stop Ellie from grinding, toes clenching and eyes squeezing shut. Fuck, fuck, shit. She was cumming.
You were pretty sure you blacked out. Because suddenly your eyes were fluttering open, senses returning to you slowly and you were just catching Ellie slipping into the bathroom, laying on your back now having been rolled over. You closed your eyes again sleepily, listening to the clattering of the harness hit the floor and a sighed out ‘Fuck’ from the dealer herself. The tap ran, and you dozed a little before Ellie returned with wipes.
“Mornin’ babe.” She chuckled, voice a little hoarse as you blinked up at her sleepily.
“Come n’cuddle.” Your voice was more hoarse, coming out cracked and squeaky. If you weren’t so sleepy, maybe you’d get shy about it.
“Alright, hold your horses. Need to get you nice and cleaned up first.” She shook her head, smiling at you affectionately as she settled between your thighs. Once she had wiped you up, helped you to the bathroom to pee, and pulled an oversized tshirt of hers over your head — then finally she was snuggling up beside you, pulling the blanket over you both. “There we go.” She stretched, arms above her head for a moment before they wrapped around you. “Ugh, I kinda stink.” She turned her nose up and you giggled into her chest. “Sorry bout that.” She chuckled.
“Don’t think you have to be sorry about anything ever again after that.” Your sweet voice is muffled, and your face warms again thinking about all the vulgar things she just did to you. All the vulgar things you did. You clamped your eyes shut, thinking about the desperate way you sucked her off.
“Good to know. In that case, definitely won’t be the last time I’m pulling that trick out.” She joked and you pulled back to look up at her with lovey-dovey eyes. She panicked, misreading. “Unless you don’t wanna…uh—”
You rolled your eyes. “I do. I want… I want you. Completely.”
Her expression softened, thumb drawing mindless shapes on your shoulder. “Yeah?”
“If you’ll have me, of course. Obviously gotta take care of… you know who, first.” You cringe, thinking it’ll surely ruin the mood.
“Can say his name you know, he’s not Voldemort.”
You giggle, snuggling back into her. “Just don’t wanna. Don’t wanna hear about that man ever again.” You smile, pressing the fat of your cheek into her small bust.
“I’m down for that.”
You let your eyes grow heavier, and when you’re silent for a few minutes — Ellie thinks you’ve fallen asleep. She smiles, in disbelief at the way things have turned out before turning her head to Dina’s textbook on the desk that she was meant to deliver to her at some point. Oops.
When she turns back to you, she almost jumps— your owlish eyes blinking up at her.
“Ellie, would you say a hot dog is a sandwich?”
She gapes down at you. “Hello?“
“Well I was talking about sandwiches earlier so now it’s on my mind!”
“Oh man, now we’re gonna have to argue. Who the hell said hot dogs are sandwiches?”
The two of you laughed, launching into a sleepy, delirium fuelled debate — and the world outside seemed to be held on pause. Maybe the reality of things would settle in tomorrow, but for now — you would just enjoy each others presence like you’d wanted to since the first time you’d met. This time, with no obstacles.
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lunajay33 · 5 months
Summary: You and Daryl got separated at the started and now you’ve just been wandering hoping to find a secure place will you find Daryl again?
Pairing: Season 2 Daryl Dixon x f!reader
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You and Daryl have known eachother since you were kids, growing up right next to eachother, along the way feelings grew and you got together right before graduation, you became a teacher and he worked at a mechanic shop, life was nice and simple together, you were even thinking about having a family but then things change, the world ended when you were teaching and you haven’t seen Daryl since, you search everywhere for him until eventually you had to leave down because of the walkers and venture out on your own, hoping you meet him again
Along the way you came across a barn, you scavenged for food finding some cans and as you looked out the window a horse was grazing the field, you packed up the rest of the food and ventured out finding a saddle approaching the horse steadily trying not to spook it away, thankfully it was friendly and approached you with ease letting, you strapped the saddle around her and hopped up, leading the horse as it trotted north
You’d be alone on your own for about 5 weeks now and it’s been lonely, you just wanted to see Daryl again just needed for him to hold you, you were on the horse walking through trees when a clearing opened up showing a farm house with people walking around, you were a bit wary since you’ve run into some shady people along the way but for some reason you were drawn to this farm, you lead the horse, you named Pixie, slowly as to not scare the people
As you and Pixie walked up the dirt road people started to gather, you hopped off Pixie holding her rope and waiting for the others to do or say anything and not just ogle you
“Who are you?” A man in a police outfit asked
“I’m y/n, I’ve been alone since the start, until I found pixie here” you said as you pet her shiny black hair
“Where’d you come from, who’d you find this place?” Another man asked he seemed a little crazy
“I’m from outside of Atlanta, I’ve just been wandering until I found something, I lost someone at the start and I’ve just been looking for him”
“Sorry to break it to you, he’s probably dead”
“Shane!” The officer glared at the man
“I still have hope, but do you guys have room for one more, I know how to hunt and I can help out”
“Of course, we could use another hunter, got one out hunting right now”
“Thank you”
The officer who introduced himself as Rick, showed you around introduced you to everyone even the owner of the farm, the sun was setting by the time all that was done
“We don’t have anymore tents we’ll have to go out tomorrow and get you one”
“Oh that’s no problem I can sleep out with Pixie” it was the normal for you now
“You sure?”
“Yeah it’s no problem…….shouldn’t your hunter be back by now?”
“Yeah oh there he is now” he said looking over you shoulder at the dirt road
A man with a crossbow and plaid shirt with ripped sleeves, you’d recognize that silhouette anywhere, you sprinted off towards him your heart racing, tears streaming down your face
“DARYL” you screamed as he looked up dropping his crossbow just in time to open his arms and wrap himself around you as you threw yourself into his arms
“Is it really you peach?” He asked in such disbelief it broke your heart
“It’s me, I can’t believe I found you I thought I’d never see you again, I looked everywhere for you I waited at our house hoping you’d come back but……I had to leave I had to find you” you said quickly your eyes not believing you found him having to tell him everything you’ve been thinking these 5 weeks without him
5 weeks may not seem like a lot but in the apocalypse there was no guarantee about anything so everything was precious
You held his biceps as he traced his fingers over ever features on your face completely forgetting others were around you both
“So I’m guessing you two know eachother?” Glenn asked
“She’s my girl” Daryl stated not taking his eyes off of you
“Thee Daryl Dixon got a girl?” Andrea laughed, you turned and glared at her
“You bet your ass I’m his”
“And ya ain’t ever leaving my side again”
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pixiesfz · 7 months
do u have to kill me w the jessie angst
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game on j.f
plot: You and Jessie play eachother for the first warnings: angst, injury part four of this
warnings: angst, injury
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You were now lined up in your respective teams, ready to go on and take your team photo before the game started.
“you ready?” Lauren asked you as you were told you were going to play the full 90 “Yeah” you answered her as you tried to pull the memory of your conversation with Christine away.
“Do your thing, we haven’t had a gem like you come across us in a while” she smiled and you smiled back “Thanks Lozza” You rested your head on her shoulder, ignoring the feeling of someone watching you.
When the game was about to start you walked over to your position next to Jessie “Ready?” she asked you as she tied her laces which you predicted was about the third time that she retied them today “Yeah you?” you asked the girl nodded her head “yep”.
The conversation was cold, you both knew it but unbeknownst to you Jessie was angry.
She was pissed.
You told her you didn’t love her, broke her heart and now you wanted her again.
You confused her and now she’s angry.
She’s angry that you’re here. Why? Couldn’t you have just stayed in London?
But the siren played before she could accidentally snap by just looking at you.
You knew how Jessie played and used it to your advantage, leading you to assist a goal in the twelfth minute. But you didn’t know that Jessie would start to play dirty in the 85th minute.
You had the ball, dribbling it down the wing before a leg hit your right ankle from the side causing you to yelp out in pain and jump meaning when you landed, you landed hard on your side, knocking the wind out of you.
Jessie got up in shock “y/n?” she asked and you rolled on your side “Can’t breathe” you stuttered before your teammates ran to you, Lauren who had been subbed on pushed Jessie away as she turned her head to try and get a good look at you.
“Jessie just leave” Lauren eventually said with a stern look as the Canadian was backed into another one of her teammates.
It took a second for you to regain your breath as the medics came to check on your ankle. “Is it broken?” you asked, a tear falling down your face in fear that you would be out for weeks” The medic crossed his head and you sighed in relief “sprained but you can’t play” he instructed and you nodded in agreement “you couldn’t pressure yourself into getting even more injured.
“Help me” you instructed to two girls next to you who helped you up. “get better y/n” they all said as you started to walk off with a limp, some people in the crowd applauding you as you walked down the tunnel.
You watched on the TV in the doctors room as the Portland thorns gained a goal by Jessie but she didn’t celebrate as her teammates piled on top of her. Portland thorns win 2 – 1.
After the game some of your teammates came in to check on you, Lauren promising to get you Pizza as she walked out.
But as you laid down on the table, the ice pack on your foot almost melted completely the door opened again.
You propped up on your elbows to see the woman who put you here in the first place. Bitterly you frowned “congrats on the win” you deadpanned and laid back down.
“I didn’t mean to tackle you that hard” Jessie said and you rolled your eyes propping yourself back up “Jessie I’ve been watching you play for three years, you know how to tackle and you know how to tackle clean” you told her and she sat down on a chair near the door “I’m sorry” was all she said again before silence took over.
“Why’d you do it?”
Jessie looked at you as you staired up to the ceiling “what?” she asked “Why’d you tackle me so hard?” you asked again “I don’t know” she stated “yes you do” you told her before lifting your body up so you’re both forced to look at each other.
“I-“ she started, running her hand through her showered hair which was slicked back, a hairstyle you would always run your fingers through to make her feel better after a rough game.
“spit it out” you demanded and the girl looked down “Why are you being mean?” she asked defensively “Oh I’m sorry are you the one who’s out for 6 weeks” you responded outraged that she’d even turn the situation around.
“Oh because you’re so innocent” Jessie shrugged and you raised your brows “excuse me?”
“Oh c’mon” Jessie groaned “I heard you talking to Christine before the game” she said and you looked down.
Oh shit.
“What do you mean ask me on a date?” she asked with anger as she stood up in anger “Jessie” you said softly “no” she cut you off “you said you didn’t love me, you broke me why?” she said, her emotions spilling over as a tear fell down your cheek, but you were mad as well, she injured you.
You propelled yourself off the seat, whimpering as your foot hit the ground “Y/n your injured stop-“ she said softly as you limped to her “No, you wanna know why I did what I did” you said, stepping closer as she stayed still.
You took her silence as a yes.
“I loved you Jessie, I really did that’s why” you stated and you saw her eyes gloss over “That makes no sense” she whispered and you rolled your eyes “You were unhappy at Chelsea, you deserved more and if you didn’t leave I- I would’ve been holding you back so I lied. I told you I didn’t love you because I loved you so much to let you go” You finished as you squeezed your face in pain by putting pressure on your ankle.
“You got it now?”
Jessie looked down at the floor in silence, your anxiety taking over you. “Jessie please say something” you begged “Jessie please-“
But you were cut off as her lips found yours...
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anticipatecrime · 1 year
'𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩'| colby brock x male oc
a/n: enjoy ;) summary: sam, colby, corey and jake plan to go to the witches forest, little do they know, they’ll meet a friend of jennifers. he’s a lonely medium studying witchcraft, what happens when colby starts to feel a pull towards him? his feelings confuse him, and make him question himself. 
words: 8.8k (TOO FUCKING MANY, i got lost in the sauce🫠)
sam sat on his couch, dialing the number of the woman him and colby met at the stanley hotel. the latter began to film as she picked up. 
“hi is this jennifer?” they shared a look towards eachother, acknowledging the awkwardness.
“yes, this is she.” 
“sweet uh.. about that forest, was that a legit offer? colby and i have been talking over the past few weeks and maybe.. are you in la now?” he asked, curiously.
“yeah i am”
“cool so maybe tomorrow or later this week we could meet up, and we’d probably be filming it so if that’s cool with you, you could tell us more like about what the forest is and then maybe like find time to schedule to go out there or something?”
“yeah we can meet up.” jennifer said ominously. 
“okay cool, maybe tomorrow we’ll schedule a time then.” sam started to laugh from the awkwardness, and immediately after the phone call was over he threw the phone onto the table and freaked out. “why is it so awkward?” he cringed.
“everytime we talk to her.” colby chuckles.
they both start talking to the camera about their plans with the witches forest, and planning a whereabouts for the meetup. 
a day had past, and sam, colby and jake were in the car, driving to the area where they were supposed to meet up with jennifer. colby had parked very close to another car in attempts to not be in the way of someones driveway. “can’t park in this driveway brother, gonna get a ticket.”
“can’t go to jail again.” sam laughs.
“we’re in a neighborhood, it’s not that sketchy.” sam commented, as they all start talking about how creepy this whole situation was, joking about getting murdered. 
they walk into the park, and they look around until they see two people sitting at a park bench. “hey!” sam calls out, as he sees them. “nice to see you again!” he goes in for a hug with jennifer. 
“how was the shoot and everything?” he asked.
“it was good.” she responded, nodding her head, before looking over to her friend, the guy next to her. jennifer didn’t really care about meeting up with strangers but elias, found it sketchy, so he decided to come along as some sort of backup.
“hey, i’m elias, good to meet you.” he shook hands with the person closest to him, colby. 
“nice to meet you too.” colby smiled, curious about the guy infront of him. he looked pretty cool, his sense in fashion was definitely something out of a vintage movie. his hair was dark brown, about medium length. he had brown circle glasses pushed towards his nose, contrasting his freckled face. 
from what he was wearing, you could see a few tattoos under his sleeves, along with a few different ear piercings. ‘damn this guy is cool’ he felt like some kind of fangirl.
as sam talked to jennifer, colby starting asking questions to the other. “are you also into the paranormal?”
“yeah. i grew up around it my entire life, and now it just seeks me out i guess.” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “how’d you get into it?”
“that’s the same as one of my friends, corey.” he acknowledges. “honestly it’s not that exciting, me and my buddy sam would explore like abandoned places and stuff then it became haunted areas and now we think we’re haunted.”
“that’s cool.” suddenly jake climbs onto the picnic table, creating a thud sound. “jesus jake.” colby laughed.
“so do you guys chill at the park often?” jake tries to make conversation with the two.
“yeah.” they answer at the same time. the camera is held facing jennifer as she begins to explain why the cabin is haunted, and why it’s called the witches forest. 
“you really have to figure it out yourself.” elias commented, chuckling. 
“so you’ve been there too?” sam interrogates him. 
“you could say that, i also own a cabin about a mile out.”
“would you say it’s haunted?”
“oh definitely, in 1946 a couple moved into the cabin and after a few years they started like experiencing financial issues, and it caused a lot of stress between them and eventually the husband started drinking, and one night he killed his pregnant wife before shooting himself in the head.” elias smirked, watching their jaws drop. “let’s just say i’m not legally able to rent it out anymore because of what happened to the last guests we had.”
“holy shit.” sam looked to the guys, with wide eyes. 
“that’s actually insane.” colby said, rubbing his eye. “so do you live there or just use it as a vacation spot?”
“bit of both honestly, the spirits don’t bother me much. i was just there a few days ago and i stayed about three months, left with tons of scratches and stuff.” elias explained.
“do you still have visible marks?” 
“yeah, the longest one is on my leg, i can show you if you like.” the guys nodded, so he stands up and props his leg on the park bench, before rolling up his black pants. quickly a red shiny scratch is visible. it starts at his ankle and goes underneath his thigh. “it’s one of the weirder marks i’ve gotten. it’s shiny and feels almost like a burn, like blistered over and stuff.”
“holy shit, that’s crazy.” jake muttered.
“i don’t know if we should do this anymore.” colby laughs, jokingly crying.
“so on a scale of one to ten, how is this a good idea or are we going to die.” sam wondered.
“let’s just say it’s scarier then the stanley hotel.” jennifer answered.
“is that the key?” jake zooms into colby holding the key to the cabin. colby pauses for a second, having an idea. “would you let us see your cabin?” he asks to elias.
“uhh, i don’t know, i would have to be there to supervise.” “not just because i don’t know you, but also for you’re protection. the spirits know me well, even the negative ones, they don’t like other people.”
“jesus.” colby mumbles. “is that why you can’t rent it out anymore.” he nods slowly.
“we have a friend out there that we met from the summer camp thing. a few of them are still there. elias can probably get in contact with one of them to help you out. since they’re both wiccans.”
“so you’re friend is a... wait you’re a wiccan?” sam asks towards elias, pointing the camera in his direction, receiving a half nod. 
“after i became a medium it slowly transitioned into exploring witchcraft, i wouldn’t like 100% consider myself a wiccan but i do partake in that stuff.” he holds up his pagan necklace. 
“wow, so does your friend live around the cabin?” 
“now i see why it’s called witches forest.” sam laughed hesitantly. 
“so a lot of people there are wiccans i’m assuming?” colby asks, before receiving a nod. “witches forest, wiccans.” he does a weird voice to express how crazy this situation is.
“this is awesome, thank you so much for this, we would probably just of done another hotel video.” sam thanked her. “should we call corey?” he asks to the guys.
everyone begins to say goodbye, colby hugging jennifer and elias. “we’ll let you know how it goes.”
“but uh, i just wanted to say, i haven’t been there in awhile so be careful.” jennifer calls out to them.
jennifer and elias start walking back to their apartment. he glances towards the group they had just encountered. “they seem cool, colby’s pretty nice.”
“yeah i guess. i’m surprised you didn’t give them the key.”
“first, they’re strangers, second, they seem like novices, i don’t want their deaths to be on my hands.” elias joked.
“you could’ve gone with them.” she shrugs. elias pauses for a moment, thinking about it. maybe he should. they are trying to find the most haunted areas.. 
“i’ll think about it.”
it was early morning of the next day, and elias had been messaging with colby since he woke up talking about whether or not he should go up with them. colby has been trying to persuade him, borderline begging him to come. they think it would be awesome for the video and their paranormal experience. 
and secretly colby just wants to get to know him as well.
the four boys were in their car, on the way to the first house, to talk to a wiccan who is offering a reading, and more information on the witches forest.
“i was thinking about what the physic said a lot last night, about how corey and i are in danger, and i think they could be right. i hope we have service because we’ve never been in this forest, who knows, like what if we get lost right? that’s why i think bringing elias, who knows the area could be helpful.”
“honestly yeah, and he seems like a cool dude so.” jake shrugs, agreeing with the idea. corey then calls and agrees to come, making everyone so much more relieved. 
“let’s just act like we’re going to a cabin in the woods.” corey says, trying to lighten the mood as he gets into the car.  
they keep on driving, about twenty minutes out, pulling over only to get jake some food because he kept complaining about being hungry. they pull into a burger king, and grab some food. colby suggests sitting at a table so he can fill both corey and the viewers in about elias and the other wiccan.
“just to catch everyone up, we got some food and we are ten minutes away from the forest!” sam starts it off.
“i’ve been texting with both this wiccan and elias, who agreed on meeting us, but they want to meet us at her house. she was just like ‘yeah swing by, and i’ll show you my tarot cards and stuff.’” 
“well, let’s hope we don’t die.”
they walk out to the parking lot, and talk a bit more, explaining to corey. “me, colby, and jake met up with jennifer and this new guy, elias, so the reason why he’s texting to this random wiccan is because they’re friends, them two would meet up with her at summer camp, and she’s going to tell us about the area.” sam said.
as they start driving, they encounter the fog of the mountains, and they struggle to see out the window.
“yeah, elias is going to be with the wiccan, so atleast it’s not like we’re by ourselves with a complete stranger.” colby mentioned.
“well we don’t really know him either.”
“better then completely alone though.” he shrugged, continuing to drive until google maps said he was at the correct address.
“so what have they told you?” sam asked. 
“nothing really, just gave us the address and said see you then.” colby explained, shutting the car door. they walked up to the door, not even having to knock before someone opened the door. “hey colby!” elias said, arm on the door. 
“yoo hey.” colby gave a hug before smiling. “thanks for taking up our offer on this, having you here and talk about some of the stuff is super great for the video.” 
colby felt nervous, seeing elias stand confidentially at the door, he looked more relaxed today, grey sweatpants, black hoodie and his usual brown glasses. you can tell he wasn’t planning on coming. 
in the light, it was much easier to see his face. he also realized elias’ hair was slightly curly. 
“yeah it’s no problem.” elias said as the other wiccan presented herself. “good to see you again.” 
“hey, how are you guys?” she asked. “wanna come in? if you don’t mind i’ll have to sage you though.”
“yeah it’s no problem.”
after the boys were saged, they sat around the table and began to talk about the witches forest. “so why is it called witches forest?” sam asked, getting down to business. 
“there’s a lot of rituals that go on in this area, it used to be a spot with mobsters, there’s a lot of satanic rituals, which aren’t as bad or evil as you would think.” elias nods along, agreeing with her. 
“so you guys would consider yourselves wiccans in the way that you both study witchcraft. 
“yes, i identify as a wiccan, but i feel like it has a different perception of what you would think.”
“okay so can you explain that to us.” sam asked.
“i like to live my life by the moon cycles, so full moon would be a time of like creativity and energy, where as new moon is more introspective and..” she trails off as the door opens for the second time. 
“we’re trying to spend the night here, in the forest. do you think that’s a good idea or bad idea?”
elias grimances, shaking his head. 
“what’s that supposed to mean?!” corey fake cries.
“a lot of people have died up there.. not recently so i don’t think you’ll die.” she says positively. “if you want we can do a little tarot reading.” she suggests, waving over elias to help her with it.
“tarot reading?” colby repeats asking for clarification. 
“tarot cards really tell you what you’re feeling subconsciously, and they help give insight into the past, your future, or the present. and basically however you relate to the card, it tells you what’s going on with your inner-self or stuff you may be doing.” he explains, before sageing the cards.
“this basically helps to detach anything thats holding onto the cards, so for example, the past readings she’s done, it’s possible that those readings could effect yours. so when i sage the cards, it clears anything on them.” he hands over the cards to colby, who passes them to sam, to jake and then to corey, to get their presence onto the cards.
she takes the cards and sets them onto the table. a few gasps come from the guys after seeing the death card, “none of these are bad, so don’t be afraid.”
“the tower is an iffy card in my opinion, so it means danger and destruction, it’s basically like a very sudden unforeseen change, which means you have to rebuild. it can lead to the next chapter of your life. so it starts out negative and eventually it leads to rebuilding which is positive.” elias explains.
“yeah and chaos isn’t always a bad thing, which relates to the death card.” she taps onto it. 
“the next chapter of my life is death?” sam asked.
“no.” elias answered shortly. “the death card will almost never mean death or represent anything like that. it’s typically more like the end of an era, so it implies new beginnings. it also is commonly known as the card that describes self awareness.” he was briefly interrupted by a bang upstairs.
“this card is all about fear and anxiety.” she points out. “but not a real fear, more like you’re worrying about something too much. like it’s in your head, like when you can’t sleep and you’re terrified but it’s not something that you should be worrying about. it’s more like you’re imagining something, like making up a problem.”
“like making conspiracy theories about yourself.” jake adds in, earning weird looks from colby and sam.
“just being scared of something that isn’t that big of a deal, like you’re more afraid then you need to be.” elias adds.
“that’s basically our group.” sam comments.
they talked more about the different chapters of their life, corey refusing to do more tarot. she gave more advice on how to keep the guys safe at their campsite, like taking the sage, having a ring of salt and holding hands.
elias watches as they huddle into the corner of the room and talk about some of their plans together. “honestly guys, i don’t know if i can do this.” corey admits. “this shit is crazy, we don’t need more spirits trapped with us.”
“i think we just have to hurry up because it’s a few hours from sundown, and we don’t know the area too well, i don’t want us to get lost.” sam comments.
“do you think we should invite elias?” colby asked.
“brother, now why would we do that.” corey said, shaking his head.
“he knows the area, and i think he would be awesome for content, he can tell us more stories, we can get to know him and maybe do more ghost stuff with him in the future.” 
“i’m down.” jake shrugs.
“we don’t know him very well, but i do think he’d be beneficial for this.” sam doesn’t seem to care that much.
“okay well i won’t invite him if you guy’s arent sure.” they all to look corey. 
“fine, but i swear to god if he murders us, i’m going to murder you again.”
“okay awesome!” colby walks away from the guys and up to elias. “i was wondering if you wanted to come with us, like to our campsite.”
“oh. uhh, i mean i guess i could hang for a bit, but it would probably be weird to stay the night with you guys. my cabin isn’t too far away in the forest so i’ll go back there once you guys are settled in.”
“we’d be chill if you wanted to stay the night in a tent beside us or something, but it’s cool if not.”
“i’ll figure it out later.” he shrugs, and follows the guys to the car. elias sits in the passenger seat, sam giving it up to sit in the back, so he didn’t have to sit squished next to strangers.
they began to drive in the direction of witches forest, taking a right turn onto a gravel road. 
“so where do you suggest us staying the night exactly?” 
“well i would say definitely be near one of the main roads, so you’re near your car, but as in area, if you keep going down here, there’s some pretty flat ground with trees surrounding it.” elias points in the right direction.
they pull into a blank area, and start gathering their stuff. “just down this way.” he leads, while helping carrying one of their bags. 
“awesome, thank you.” sam thanks him, actually kind of surprised how much this stranger was helping them.
“do you need help setting up your tent, or?” he wondered.
“uhh..” jake mumbled, knowing he’s never put up a tent in his life. 
“that is a possibility.” sam chuckles. ”so like, did you group up in california or elsewhere?” he took what colby said earlier, about getting to know him, and ran with it.
“oh uh, no i grew up in a small town out of seattle, but i moved to la when i was 17.” elias answered, feeling a bit uncomfortable.
“oh cool. why’d you leave seattle?” jake asked.
“just bad memories i guess.” he took a deep breath. “the house i grew up in.. my brother he died there when i was 6. his death brought me into the paranormal world.”
“oh, i’m sorry for your loss.” colby commented, beginning to build the tent.
“don’t be.” elias laughed it off. “it was a pretty natural death, he was born with heart complications, honestly a miracle he lived till 14. he was very positive and i’m sure he wouldn’t want people mourning, so i choose not to i guess.”
“that’s a good way to look at it.” colby smiled at the other. colby took a liking to him, he wasn’t sure why though but it felt like something was pushing him to get to know him.
“so you said you’re a medium?” corey asked, helping colby with the tent.
“yeah, the thing with my brother, it guided me to other spirits and i just kind of fell into it all. i feel things more the most people, i hear more, i sense more.” he paused. “i don’t feel any presences here but i feel sadness and regret.”
“that’s honestly really cool, so to become a medium does it need to be something that happens to you or can you like learn and study to become one?” colby asked, setting up the camera on a camping chair, pointed to elias.
“in my opinion it has to come to you, you can’t work for it. if you are gifted with the ability you can learn and study to enhance it but you can’t force it.”
“the tent’s looking good.” corey nodded towards it. “but i swear to god i don’t want to sleep here.” he begs, making everyone laugh.
once everything was set up, and looking good, elias decided to leave. “i’ll probably head up to the cabin.” he says, rubbing the back of his neck.
“yo, you sure?” jake asks, actually wanting him to stay. in the past few hours they’ve all been vibing pretty hard.
“yeah no pressure to leave.” colby said, giving him a smile. 
“i don’t wanna intrude too much on your video or anything, but feel free to come to the cabin if you have any problems or something crazy happens. can’t promise staying at the cabin will be any better but still. i have wifi, hot water, beds, all that stuff so don’t be shy.” elias smiled back.
“alright, thank you.” sam nodded. 
“make sure to say goodbye before you leave though!” elias called out, as he walked away. 
“bye!” colby shouted.
“cya!” jake yelled.
“dude, you’re staring.” corey pointed out, laughing at his friend. colby turned to look at him, before rolling his eyes.
“shut up, i just think he’s cool.”
corey winked to sam and jake, them chuckling to eachother.
it was hours later, maybe 3 or 4, and elias was in his cabin, drinking a glass of wine, while reading one of the books from the old bookshelf. his days here were simple. he’d tend to the plants, garden, read some books and drink wine. he wish he had a more extroverted life, and would sometimes regret missing out on opportunities. such as hanging out with the guys back at the campsite. 
he wondered why he didn’t just stay, when they were clearly okay with him there, but he was still unfortunately a stranger. they were okay with him there, but they didn’t want him there. 
‘god i need friends’, he thought. he’s been so lonely, his only friend being jennifer, and they weren’t all that close anymore since he’s started studying witchcraft. elias has only had a few friends in his lifetime, people thinking he’s weird or abnormal for his interests and gifts, and he’s only been in one relationship which ended around 6 months. 
he honestly hasn’t felt that interested in people, elias finds them too generic, but he did take interest in the group. no matter how goofy they all seemed, they were cool. especially colby, he seemed to care the most. and he was kinda cute so that’s a plus. but he was probably straight.
he paused, hearing a bang upstairs, before sighing. his only friends are the spirits of the forest. he took his glasses off and gave them a rub, as they got a bit foggy. 
‘maybe a bath will ease my mind’ as he began to run a bath he heard a scream for help. his eyes widened at the voice, that was definitely colby. 
“help!” it was a gut-retching scream. elias turned off the bath, and as he was running to the front door, he turned the outside lights on, immediately lighting up the area. 
“colby?!” he called out, opening the door. 
“elias?!” suddenly, he came into view. “holy fuck, thank god.” he sighed, relieved. he rushed to the door. 
“what the hell happened out there? where is everyone?”
“i-i i got lost, i don’t know where i am, i was chasing after a shadow and i thought sam and jake were after me but i went in circles and i walked for so long it’s been like 15 minutes and i don’t know where they are.”
“woah, colby are you hurt?” elias reaches out to the others side, seeing a few smaller scratches. he gently touches them, earning a hiss out of colby.
“ouch.” he chuckles. “anyways, i really need help finding them, i don’t know what the fuck happened.”
“you said you saw a shadow figure? was it just a shadow or were there any visible descriptions?”
“just a shadow.” he shrugs, shivering a bit. 
“theres been a few people spotting shadows around here, a lot of people think one of the main shadows, it’s of a larger male and it’s predicted that it’s the spirit of the husband i told you guys about earlier, and that he’s stuck in this forest as punishment.”
“jesus.” colby exhales. 
“here, come in for a second, i’ll get you a heavier jacket and i’ll get a bandage for your side.”
“oh, thank you so much.” colby rubs his neck, awkwardly standing in the others home. “this cabin is actually beautiful.” he said, not expecting it.
“haha yeah, i take pride in it. nobody ever is here to see how gorgeous the wood and plants are.”
“oh why’s that?”
“i just don’t have many friends.” elias said, while grabbing a few items. “gets lonely up here.”
“hey well, you can consider us friends, i think you’re cool as hell.” colby smiles, taking the jacket, and putting it over his shoulder. “it would be awesome to have you come with us to other haunted places.”
“i-” elias was about to decline, before he thought for a minute. he knew he would regret declining. “sure, why not.” he gestured for colby to move his arm so he could wrap his side. 
“that should do it.” he gave him a pat on the shoulder. “now, we really have to get you back to your friends, they’re probably freaking out.”
“yeah.” colby agreed, rubbing his side. 
“do you mind if i spend the night with you guys? i have a feeling.. like i can feel something bad in your future, and i don’t think it’s safe for you guys alone.”
“oh god..” colby sighed, not ready for whatever he’s talking about. elias grabbed a few more things, and shoved it into a backpack. “it would be appreciated if you stayed with us.” he laughed it off, pretending he didn’t care too much, but he actually felt pretty nervous about the idea. 
he’s never really found guys that attractive or anything but something about elias, it wasn’t even his looks, something about his personality or dare he say ‘spirit’ was alluring. colby just needed to know more, needed to get close to him.
“okay, let’s go.” he said, turning off the house lights, and turning on his flashlight. 
they walked through the forest, trying to avoid all of the unnerving noises they heard. “thank you.” elias said quietly.
“what? why?”
“because, today has been the most social interaction i’ve had in awhile.” he chuckled. they continued to walk in peaceful silence, colby instinctively walking closer to elias. they smiled to eachother, elias having to look away and blush out of sight. ‘jesus, what is happening to me.’
they walked a bit more, and finally began to see bright lantern lights, similar to colby’s. “guys!” he shouted.
“no way, colby!” corey shouted, running straight to him out of relief.
“holy shit it’s colby!” 
“what the fuck happened to you.” sam shook his head. they all looked closer and saw another person. as they got closer they realized it was elias.
“holy shit.” corey exclaimed.
“are you okay bro?” jake asked.
“the shadow person, i kept chasing it, i saw it again. it ran so i ran after it, i ended up going in circles and i got lost so i started screaming for help and i saw a cabin, thank god it was elias’.
“did you hear the scream? it was like a female scream.” sam explained. 
colby went to sit in a chair, his side aching. “no i didn’t, i scratched my side though.” he lifted his shirt to show the bandage. 
“dude, me and jake saw like a baby or something small hung.” sam said.
“bro, i looked at it, and my first thought was that it was a baby hanging, it was swaying and everything.”
“wait.. you said you saw a baby hanging?” elias looked at them in pure shock. “holy fuck.. you saw her.” he mumbled.
“what?” sam asked, eyes wide.
“what the fuck is going on.” corey shouted.
“the.. the story i told you guys, about the husband killing his pregnant wife. a few people i rented the cabin out to, they would see shadows of a hanging dead baby outside the windows.”
“holy fuck!” corey screamed, jumping before walking a few steps away.
“that is fucking crazy.” jake exclaimed, holding onto his head.
“i can’t believe this.” sam held the camera, beginning to shake. “okay, a rule, we can’t separate again.”
they began to talk about what the shadow could’ve been, talking about the biker kids they had seen earlier in the day.
“it definitely was not a biker, you would’ve heard it a mile away, and nobody just goes for a walk in the middle of the night.” elias shakes his head in disbelief at the situation. 
“i’m not staying out here any longer.” jake says, running into the tent. everyone else begins to pack away their stuff, making sure that if they got scared again, they could leave without having to worry about their scattered belongings. 
sam pulls out the camera once everything is put away, and gives the viewers a quick update. “just a little update guys, we did clean up our entire campsite, and now we’re going to chill in here for a little bit, because we don’t know what’s out here.” he gestures inside the tent.
“is it alright if i stay here? i don’t feel like walking back to the cabin.” he asks.
“oh yeah of course.” sam practically invites him in. “you’ll just have to deal with our gross selves.”
“i think i’ll be fine, i was a babysitter for 3 years of my life.” he joked, earning laughs from everyone.
a small fight ensues about sleeping bags with the guys, and elias sits off to the side of the tent, not wanting to get too close and make anyone uncomfortable. he watches as colby pokes around at corey’s pocket. 
“brotherrrr, scared the fuck outta me.” corey cries out. “it’s either colby hitting on me again or a ghost.” elias laughed at that.
“i like to use shrek’s belly as a pillow.” jake mumbles, away from the drama.
a few minutes go by, and bugs in the tent frighten elias, while sam and colby start swatting at them before jake and corey talk about the white people face. elias, guilty of making that face more then once tonight.
the rest of the night was filled with fivesome jokes, jake playing with shrek into the camera, dance parties, sam touching more spiders in the tent, and colby trying to rest his eyes.
he originally laid near corey, between him and elias. he was resting on the end of his sleeping bag, feeling exhausted with the night so far. after another bug was squashed, they placed the camera back in the center of everyone.
elias was the closest to the camera, slightly out of frame, colby close by, corey leaning to the front, jake beside him, and sam on the other side also out of frame. “who keeps farting?” colby asked jokingly annoyed.
“yo what is that smell bro.” colby started cringing, holding his nose, causing everyone to laugh, corey the most.
“who farted dude?” jake commented about the smell looking towards sam.
“i don’t smell anything.” he shrugged carelessly, elias agreeing with him.
“yeah cause it was you!” 
“someone ripped ass, and it was me two minutes ago.” corey revealed, laughing like a madman. 
“my face was right by your asshole!” colby shouted, making a disgusted face to the camera before slowly shuffling away from the guy, and closer to elias. he dramatically collapsed onto elias’ leg and begged him not to do the same.
colby found his leg oddly comfortable, holding onto it like a pillow. he didn’t want to get too over the top and make elias uncomfortable, so tried to stay away from the boys lap.
then, it was back to jake putting shrek up to the camera, pretending to ring an imaginary doorbell. 
“look guys, stop recording if we’re actually going to fuck.” corey pulled his sleeping bag over his face.
“yeah i don’t wanna be on camera.” elias said, holding his hands up, making everyone snicker. it was kind of awesome how they could go from complete strangers, thinking eachother was creepy, to then making jokes like this.
speaking of jokes, everyone made comments about colby and how he was sleeping all cuddly on the other, and god was it unbearable. 
it was awkward, and uncomfortable but oddly enough, the friendly teasing felt better then being alone, so he dealt with it, and listened to corey’s little story about the boys and the shadowman. 
suddenly, noises started getting louder. exhales, footsteps, bangings. corey felt uncomfortable, and kept demanding to leave the tent. everyone paused, trying to listen to the surrounding sounds, sam hearing a car, and elias hearing thuds. 
“yo, should we just try to go to sleep?” colby asked, genuinely really tired.
“uh, no.” corey answered like it was obvious
elias felt the need to interrupt. “listen, the noises are obviously scary and whatever, but you need to understand that you guys are overthinking. think back to the tarot cards. you are scaring yourselves.” he tried to explain, as a way to calm them down.
it definitely didn’t work, corey hearing another exhale, and telling everyone to get out of the tent as a safety precaution. 
eventually everyone began to rush out of the tent, into darkness, sam screaming for someone to get a light. elias put on his glasses, and grabbed a flashlight, pointing it around the camp.
he heard rustling coming from a near bush and started walking up to it, he peeked around trying to find what the noise could’ve been. “elias, hurry up!” sam called, as everyone began running to the car. 
he caught up to them, not caring anymore and jumping in the back with jake and corey. “holy fuck.” he exhaled. “where are we going?”
“jennifer’s cabin.” corey replied, nodding at the idea.
sam’s phone started to ring as colby was driving on a tight road. “yo, yo, look!” he answered the call, everyone hearing absolute gibberish. it was random noises, deep exhales and other strange noises.
“that sounds like someone fucking with us.” colby stated, as sam talked about telling all his friends he was coming here.
“holy shit, i don’t think it’s someone pranking you guys.” elias stared, wide eyed at his phone before holding it up so everyone could see. 
“fuck.” jake muttered. “answer! answer!”
elias answered the call, putting it on speaker phone. the sounds coming from his call was much different from sam’s. these, sounded like chants, as if a huge group of people were shouting into the phone, cursing the boy. “guys, what the fuck is this.” he had experienced everything, but never has he gotten no caller id calls, with scary ass chants. “are you fucking with me right now?” he asked the group, tears welling in his eyes.
“no! no! of course not!” colby assured him. “we don’t do shit like that.”
he pulled into the driveway of jennifer’s cabin, immediately opening the doors and seeing the pouring rain. at the door, jake started shaking the water off of him, complaining about being wet.
quickly, elias could see sam was struggling. he was digging through his bag trying to find the key. he was beginning to panic, and everyone was starting to realize. 
“wait you don’t have the key?” corey questioned, getting nervous. “sam.” he sighed.
“was it in your pockets or the backpack?” colby asked.
“when do you remember last having it?” jake watched as sam patted his pockets.
“n-no i had it today, i showed the girl that jennifer gave me the key.” he defended. “here, just check the car, i swear, i have it.” 
“really try to remember, did you put it in your bag or your pockets?” colby kept pushing.
sam frantically looked around the car as the others judged him, complaining and blaming him for losing the key. “hey honestly sam, don’t worry about it, it’s just a mistake.” elias tried to reassure him everything was fine, only for corey to say something.
“i thought.. it’s either here or in the backpack.. unless is it in our bags? should we check the trunk?” everyone was freaking out, and elias stood there awkwardly watching. he felt bad for sam.. he could feel the sadness and guilt dripping off of him.
“we need this key. we can’t get in. dude jennifer trusted us with this key, you can’t-”
“is this the only key?” “sam, are you fucking serious, dude. i’m not trying to be rude, but first you lowkey lost colby, and now you don’t have the key. i’m just saying, this is why i don’t like doing this type of shit.” corey raised his voice. 
jake and corey agreed they didn’t want to go back to the tent, as colby kept filming. elias took a breath before saying excuse me and pulling sam to the side. 
sam looked confused, but his guilt was overtaking it. “what?” he looked at the other, wondering why he dragged him a few feet away. 
“dude, don’t listen to them, losing the key, like i said is a simple mistake, any of them could have done it, they’re not upset at you, they’re just upset at the cirumstances. but you’re forgetting i have a place just a few minutes away.” elias tried calming him down, seeing tears well in his eyes. he could tell sam wasn’t one that could deal with being yelled at.
“it’s not anything big, it’s a two bedroom with a pull out couch.” elias shrugged. “please just accept my offer, alright?” sam nodded, wiping any sort of water away from his eyes.
“thank you elias, really.” sam suddenly grabbed onto him, giving him a side hug. 
“no worries.” he smiled, leading him back to the car, before they explained the plan to the others. everyone could see the disappointment in sam’s eyes, as he sat quiet in the passenger seat. 
jake whispered to elias, about what happened out there, him shaking it off as to say it was private. he guides colby down the different roads, and in a few minutes they were outside his cabin. 
“here we are!” he welcomes them inside, turning all the lights on.
“shit this is nice.” corey nodded, jumping onto the couch. 
“woah woah, take your dirty ass boots off.” elias joked, watching as he threw them off in the direction of the door.
“thank you so much for having us here.” sam smiled, setting his bag down. 
“really, don’t worry about it, i’m glad you’re here and not outside.” elias took their stuff and organized it by the doors. “okay so, there’s two bedrooms, you guys can take those if you want, i don’t mind sleeping on the couch.”
“hell no.” colby laughed, refusing to have him give up his own room in his own house.
“mkay whatever, someone can sleep in my room with me i guess, because trust me the couch is very uncomfortable to sleep on. plus the rooms are much safer. the living room is the scariest, you’ll hear the most shit out here.” he chuckled. “you guys can look around if you want, also feel free to eat anything you find, and use the wifi, passwords on the fridge.” he yawned. “i’m going the fuck to bed.” 
the guys chuckled, taking him up on that offer. 
for over half an hour, they decided to eat some of the snacks in his fridge, and taking crackers from the pantry. “god i was so hungry.” jake moaned into the leftover burger he was eating.
“okay guys, take it easy, we aren’t trying to raid their food.” colby snickered, watching as his friends ate like hungry rats. 
“yeah good point.” sam took a handful of crackers and put the box back. “should we talk about sleeping arrangements?”
“there’s no fucking way i’m sleeping on the couch or anywhere in the living room after what he said.” corey stated, heading into the direction of the guest bedroom. 
“yeahh, me neither.” jake followed after him.
“so.” colby shrugged. “do you care where you’re sleeping tonight?”
“not really, i’ve gotten to know elias pretty well so it doesn’t really matter to me.” the brunette squints at him. 
“what did you guy’s talk about?” he questions. 
“honestly, when he pulled me aside i was shocked. he like saw how overstimulated i was with the whole situation and he completely calmed me down, comforted me and everything.” he threw his arms as he was talking.
“yeah, i’m sorry about that, we were all just frustrated about the key.”
“don’t worry about it.” sam smiled. “are you and elias getting close? you were like all over him, sleeping back at the tent.” he was genuinely curious, considering he hasn’t seen his friend like this in awhile.
colby paused, thinking about everything that’s happened tonight. “honestly... i don’t know, it’s been really weird for me. i’m so confused with what im feeling.” he shook his head, so unsure.
“hm, i’ll go sleep with corey and jake.” they both nodded to that. “goodnight colby!” sam called out, walking in the same direction as the others did.
colby slowly approached elias’ room, pushing open the door gently. both bedside table lights were on, followed by a few candles around the room. he could see that the other boy was still awake. “oh hey.” he put down his book.
“hey elias. thought you were going to bed?”
“i was, heard some loud munchers in my kitchen though.” he giggled, as colby apologized. “no, honestly it’s okay, i was actually surprised how fast you guys decided to come to bed.”
elias yawned once more, stretching his arms out on the bed. “i can either sleep on the floor, make a little bed and shit, or if you’re cool i’ll just stay on the right of the bed.”
“literally don’t worry about it, not the first time i’m sleeping with a dude-” he paused, cutting himself off. “god that sounded bad.” he laughed, blushing with embarrassment. 
“wouldn’t be my first time either.” elias smirked, blowing a fake kiss before wheezing at their dumb jokes. 
colby moved closer, setting his personal backpack down and folding his jacket on the table. he shuffled towards the bed, and sat ontop of it. “i have no idea if i’m going to sleep tonight.” he sighed.
“that’s fair. it’s crazy out here. if you want we can just stay up and talk for awhile?”
“actually.. that would be nice.” colby rubbed the back of his neck. in was silent for a few seconds, him getting comfortable under the covers. “so..”
“how did you like the witches forest? scary enough for you guys?” the other asked, trying to start a good conversation.
“oh definitely one of the scariest places we’ve been to, like with the history of it and everything.”
“what other places have you been to?”
“uhh the stanley hotel, the biltmore, queen mary, cobb estate, griffin park, and we’ve explored so many creepy places, like morgues and abandoned hospitals.” colby explained.
“geez, no wonder you guys are haunted.” he laughs. 
“do you think we are? we joke about it but im genuinely curious if we are.”
elias thinks for a minute. “i don’t think you’re haunted. however, i can sense something with you. with you and corey. whatever is following you, is completely different then what is attached to corey. notice the different in words.” he points out. “i think you have gotten yourself into many negative situations, not just paranormal.” “would you consider yourself lonely, or sad?”
colby exhaled shakily. “yes, sometimes.”
“spirits love following people that are lonely, they find them to be like easy prey, vulnerable.” he emphasizes the last word. elias closes his eyes, really focusing on colby’s presence. “i think the spirit that is with you is also lonely. they are following along with you, because you are feeding into it, giving it attention. and that’s fine, but if you don’t want it with you, you have to make it clear.”
“is it friendly?” he asked.
“yes. it’s friendly. i can’t tell you where you picked this spirit up, but it’s positive, and enjoys your company. it will not hurt you-” he stops, feeling something float by him. “it will not hurt you, it doesn’t want to, that’s not it’s intent. infact, it wants to protect you. noises you might hear, when you go to a haunted area, it very well could be this spirit trying to assert dominance with other ones.”
“holy.” colby tried to calm his breathing. “this is crazy. as long as it’s friendly, then i welcome it.” “so, do you think corey’s ghost is like bad?”
“i wouldn’t say bad, but when i was sitting near him earlier, it isn’t as friendly as yours. it likes the fear that comes with scaring him, i’d even go as far as, it wants to scare him more, it wants to up it. and with that spirit challenging him, i am nervous for his health both physically and mentally.”
“jesus, i have to tell him that in the morning, he’ll probably freak.” he sighed. “it’s so cool how you can like sense this stuff, does it ever get overwhelming?”
“allll the time.” elias chuckles. “sometimes i can just be in a library back in la, and i’ll feel like some version of spirits and like all these weird emotions, and i have to leave.”
“wow i’m sorry that comes with such an amazing gift.”
“it’s okay, i feel at peace with it now. i think my brothers with me, helping me deal with it all. i think he realizes how alone i am, and has decided to follow me.” he laughs at himself. “sorry, sorry, let’s talk about something more fun.”
colby laughed along. “so do you have a girlfriend?” he wondered, making elias pause and blush lightly.
“no, i’m single.” “goes along with the loneliness, if you feel me.” he chuckled. “you?”
“same, it’s hard to date now that sam and i’s channel has blown up. a lot of people have tried to use me for like clout and stuff.” the other frowned at that, apologizing for his past experiences. “no, no it’s okay, i just hope i’ll find someone soon, i do feel you, it gets so lonely.” he fake cries.
elias sips his glass of wine, offering some to colby. “i’m a vodka and rum kinda guy.” 
and soon enough, the boys were drinking, gossiping to each other about absolutely everything. colby was a very talkative drunk it seemed. he was blabbing about his friends, girls, ghosts, anything. “so like, are you gay?” he asked.
elias spat out his wine back into the glass before turning to colby. “uh wow..” he rubbed the back of his neck. “where did that come from?”
“i-i don’t know.” colby admitted, trying to hide himself with the blanket. he really didn’t know why he asked, his weird confused feelings mixed with being drunk just made him ask, he was so curious.
“i’m bisexual.. how’d you know i was into men?” 
“i.. i didn’t.” colby mumbled into the blanket. he felt himself shaking, so nervous and anxious. he took a deep breath and exhaled aggressively before jolting up and looking right at elias. “i didn’t know you liked men but i think i do.” he rushed it out. 
“i’ve never felt anything for a guy before so i’m pretty freaked out right now and-d confused but i think i like you.” he rubs his eyes, embarrassed and uh pretty drunk.
“wait really?” he paused for a moment. ‘holy shit’ he thought. he never would have expected this, he just thought colby loved being physical with his friends from all the touches earlier in the night.
seeing that his confusing feelings were being reciprocated, it made elias the happiest he’s been in awhile. “dude, i feel the same way.”
colby stopped, completely still. both boys were completely shocked at each others confessions. 
“like i feel like i’ve known you for awhile.” elias commented.
“same.” he tried to think of what to say next, where to go from here. 
“hey.” the other touched his arm. “don’t get too nervous about this whole situation, we have plenty of time to get to know eachother, plenty of time for you to figure out everything you’re going through.” “don’t feel pressured into anything.”
colby thought for a few minutes. “thank you, i appreciate it.” “it’s.. it’s so weird feeling like this. ever since i was younger i’ve been so convinced that i’m straight, and now i’m getting all these feelings for you and it’s honestly making me scared. what if i do like you? does that mean i have to come out? tell my friends, family and viewers? what if i don’t and this is just a mistake?”
“you can.. or we can figure it out one step at a time.” elias smiled. “and by the way, never feel pressured to come out, it’s a personal and heavy thing to do.”
he shivered, tears threatening to spill. it was such a vulnerable moment for him. elias reached out to the boy, offering a hug. 
they shared a tight hug, elias rubbing his back out of comfort. 
their moment was interrupted by an incredibly loud bang, and three loud screams from the guys in the other room. “colby!” one of them shouted.
they pulled apart from their hug, just as the three barged into their room. “did you fucking hear that, bro?!” sam questioned, before looking at the people in front of him. he acknowledged how close they were, the slight tears in colby’s eyes,how intimate the room lighting was, the wine, the white rum.. 
oh fuck, they just interrupted a moment. 
the other two didn’t notice, too scared of the noises they’ve been hearing all night. “that was the loudest one yet!” jake announced. 
“i’m not going back in there.” corey whined.
“we’ve been hearing shit over there, what about you?” sam asked, before mouthing a sorry to the two sitting in bed. elias smiled at the gesture, before trying to wipe off his smirk.
“nope.” colby shook his head, his eyes less red then a few minutes ago.
“it’s safer in here.” corey stated, setting down the pillow he brought from the other room, and curling into a ball onto the floor, making elias laugh.
“are we having a sleepover?” he asked.
“oh, fucking totally.” jake snickered, running back to the other room and grabbing every blanket and pillow he could.
sam made a gesture with his finger, calling over colby. he noticed and walked to the bathroom with him. 
“uh, hey, sorry about that, we didn’t mean to interrupt you guys.”
“interrupt? you uh didn’t interrupt anything we were just talking.”
sam made a face, before nodding. it was his business, so when he wanted to tell him, he would, so he left it alone. “alright.. you ready for this sleepover?” he smiled.
“fuckkk yeahh.”
it had been over an hour, everyone was dead asleep, corey snoring. elias was the only one awake, he was too in thought to sleep. he watched over colby, who was laying right infront of him on the floor with the rest of the guys. they were each laying on both bed mattresses, covered in blankets, basically in a line.
he had been debating to put an arm around colby, but.. if they woke up like that he could expose colby to the rest of his friends, or atleast cause him to get teased. 
after a bit, he decided to shuffle his left arm under colby, so it was less noticeable. he held the boy, smiling, before finally falling asleep.
he didn’t know this, but colby was awake the entire time, smiling, wondering what the frick he was gonna do about this goofy medium he found himself possibly falling in love with...
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oneeyedgrimes · 5 months
Beat This World.
Summary: you were inlove with Daryl. you had been for a while but you hid it telling yourself you’d tell him one day, one day too late.
Tw: major character death, angst, pinning, all that good stuff.
ELLO TUMBLR This is my first time writing here I just needed to write for my husband because if I didn’t I would COMBUST. this DEFINITELY isn’t proof read as I started this at 2 and it’s 4 now so if there’s any errors don’t be afraid to let me know, constructive criticism is always welcomed and appreciated, enjoy loves!
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You had always noticed Daryl. Since the day you stumbled upon the quarry, you’d been by yourself for who knows how long and when you finally found the group, he was the first person you laid your eyes on, pointing his bow ready to shoot and end your life at anytime and the only thing you could think was how pretty his eyes were in the sunlight.
From then on you found yourself trying to get to know him more, sitting next to him when the group would cook the squirrels he found, trying to get him to teach you how to hunt. The two of you even found yourselves up late unable to sleep and you would find eachother and just sit and look at the stars and that was all the both of you needed, you’d barely speak on nights like that you’d just soaked up each others presence.
By the time the group found Alexandria you and Daryl’s relationship was better than ever, though with the recent loss of Beth after just finding out she had been alive, watching her die infront of him Daryl had been more closed off, but you understood, ofcourse you did, so you gave him space, made yourself busy working on things around Alexandria.
But soon distance became barely seeing each other, and that only made your heart ache for him even more, you so desperately wanted your bestfriend back even if that was all it would be, even if you wanted him to yourself, even if you did want to feel the feeling of his lips on yours, you would take what you could get.
You’d finally found Daryl sitting on carol’s porch sharpening his knife, you stopped just before you came into his view and just looked at him, seeing him up close after not seeing him for so long, it felt like you’d fallen inlove with him again right there and it hurt.
“ Daryl can we talk please? I get it if you’re too busy but I really just wanted to talk to yo-“ Daryl looked up at her the slightest bit of a smirk sitting on his lips before he cut off your rambling “ hey, I ain’t ever ta’ busy for ya’ wha’s up” Daryl’s attention was fully on you and now you were nervous.
“ I miss you. I’ve barely seen you since we got here at this place and everything’s so weird and these people look at me like I’m some kind of alien and I know you’re working and doing things to keep people safe and this may be selfish of me but I miss you and I want you to be around more” Tears prickled at your eyes, whether it was from frustration or genuine sadness you didn’t know. Daryl looked up at you and and sat the knife down and brought his finger up motioning you to come towards him
“ c’mere,” You looked at him and slowly walked over to the porch sitting next to him blinking away the tears now feeling embarrassed you let your emotions get the best of you. “ why ain’t ya’ tell me ya been feelin’ like tha’ i woulda’ done som’ ‘bout it” Daryl guided your head to his shoulder, his voice a soft tune he only ever used with you. “ because i.. you were busy and I didn’t wanna bother you and I just..”
You trailed off going silent realizing you’d almost said something you’d probably regret, and Daryl just pulled you in closer wrapping his arm around you “ I’m sorry I ain’t been checkin’ on ya, I’m gon’ try an’ be around more, can’t promise nuthin’ but I’m gon’ try”. You got your friend back, and that was more than enough for you, even if your heart screamed to tell him what you really want.
It was a few weeks later, and Daryl did what he said he would, he was around a lot more and he kept you company whenever he could, and you were the happiest you could be. You were both sitting on Carol’s porch eating whatever cookies she made that day when Rick walked up to the both of you asking if you guys were up for a run with a few others from the group, you agreed and went to get ready.
As you walked inside your house you told yourself you’d tell Daryl how you felt when the two of you were back from the run, you thought of how you were going to do it as you finished putting on your boots and grabbing your bag putting a few water bottles in your bag. Daryl came and got you walking with you to the gate helping you into the car and you laughed looking at him thru the window “ thank you mister strong man” He looked at you with a straight face though you could see the tiniest smirk on his face “ stop.” He told you as he got into the car nodding to Rick as he pulled out of the gate.
Everything was going fine, they found a few cans of food and some bottles of body wash in a nearby store, you turned your back for just two seconds, you saw a toy you thought Judith would like and you smiled and reached on your tippy toes to grab it, at the same time a walker turned the corner from behind the shelf and fell onto you knocking you down to the floor, you reached for your knife but couldn’t reach it, atleast not before the walker sunk its teeth into the side of your hip causing you to let out a scream as you finally got your knife out of the holster plunging it into the back of the walkers head pushing it off of you as Daryl came running to you.
“ wha’ tha’ hell happened “ Daryl kneeled infront of you he saw the walked beside you and looked back at you all the confusion on his face gone “ you ain’t bit are ya’?” He looked up at you waiting for your answer, his face falling a bit when he saw the tears building in your eyes, his face now filled with worry as he looked down seeing your hand covering your side, he gently moved your hand lifting your shirt revealing the bite “ no, no you can’t fuckin’- this ain’t fair! You can’t leave me y/n you can’t” Daryl’s voice became wobbly and his lip quivered, something you had only ever seen a few times “ I’m sorry d, it all happened so fast I couldn’t get my knife out fast enough” You looked at him squeezing your waist tighter, your own lip started to wobble. “ you know what’s funny? I was gonna tell you that I’m inlove with you after we got back from this run, was gonna take you to my house and take you up to my room, and I would let you lay in my lap and run my fingers thru my hair and tell you how I’ve been inlove with you since you held that big crossbow at me” you laughed regretting it after as you started to cough harshly, Daryl just stared at you his eyes wide in shock “ I’ve loved ya for a while y/n a good long while too. Wasted all dis’ time when we coulda’ been ta’gether”You smiled finally letting the tears fall
“ we would’ve been a match made in hell dixon, will you be okay?” You ask him holding his face in your hand that wasn’t covered in blood “ Hell no, I don’ know how i’ma go on without’ ya. “ “ you’re strong I know you are, you’re gonna live for me and you’re gonna be okay I know you will I love you Daryl.” “ I love ya’ too girl.” “ then beat this world for me Dixon”
You smiled at him with the last bit of energy you had before your eyes shut and your movements stop completely, daryl sits there almost as still as your own lifeless body before he pulls out his knife stabbing you in the back of the head and sits with you for a few more seconds before he stands up picking up your body laying you in the back of the car as he calls the rest of the group, and they all see it on his face, so they don’t ask. They have a makeshift funeral and Daryl dressed up in his best button down he has, and when he goes to his room and it’s late at night and it’s quiet and you’re not there to fill the room, he doesn’t cry but he whispers into the air
“I’m gonna beat this goddamn world for you .”
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i-wanna-write · 5 months
Never Again - Daryl Dixon x Reader
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Prompt: Reader was at work when the outbreak happened, leaving them separated from their spouse. But, through luck and survival, they find eachother
Takes place during season 1
Warnings: some cuss words. Probably some inaccurate timelines cause I haven’t watched season 1 in ages. Awkward Glenn. Crying Daryl.
All the Flufffff
Word: 2170
You stare at the flames in front of you, a blanket wrapped around your shoulders while you fiddle with your knife in your hands. The group you joined only hours ago talk quietly among themselves, wise to keep their voices low to not attract the dead. Rick, the small town sheriff you met a week ago, sits next to his wife with his son in his lap, whom he was finally reunited with, details of his time away from them.
Just a day ago you were fighting for your life in Atlanta, killing the already dead with the small town sheriff by your side. You’re grateful for your past and your knowledge of weaponry as that is a needed skill for survival now. The hunting knives and guns you found now act as an extension of your body, allowing you to protect yourself and stay alive.
You never thought a day would come when those who die would not stay dead. That you would have to stick a knife in your coworkers or patient's skulls to put them down. That you’d hear the crack of their skull as you punctured it to reach their brain so they’d stay down. That you’d be separated from your family, separated from your person.
Yet here you are.
“New girl,” a voice sounds from your right. You turn your gaze from the flames to meet Glenn’s eyes, they Asian kid you owe your life to. “Tell us a little about yourself. I feel like we only know your name.”
‘That’s cause that’s all I shared.’ You think to yourself.
His statement causes the whole group to look at you and you feel a little anxious at all their eyes. You were never one to be the center of attention. You always enjoyed talking one on one and were never a fan of groups. You’ve always been closed off and hesitant to open up to others, yet now everyone seems to want to know more about you.
“Um,” you begin. “Well, you all know my name is Y/N and I found Rick a week ago. Before than I was just on my own trying to survive I guess.”
You’re not really sure what to say, not knowing what information these people want. You just met them today. Sure, you trust Rick and Glenn, but feel so out of place compared to them. Glenn seems to know and get along with everyone and Rick has his family and best friend with him. You don’t have anyone.
“What’d you do before all this?” Shane asks. Ricks best friend, small town deputy, and appointed leader of this group.
You sigh, figuring that the sooner you answer their questions, the sooner the attention is off you.
“I was a Physician's Assistant in the ER at a hospital.” You reveal.
Shane whistles. “Damn, so you're a doctor then?”
Everyone seems to get excited at the idea of having a doctor in the group.
You shrug. “Not formally but I guess. I would treat those that came into the ER and had past rotations in the OR, assisting with surgeries. But I always liked the front line and helping people get to the surgery. Not during or after.”
Everyone seems to nod at that answer, seeing the sense
It’s quiet for a moment and you’re glad, hoping the conversation is over and a new one will be picked up.
“What about your family?” A blonde asks.
You look over at her and think it’s Andrea who asked it, or Amy. You’re not quite sure but know they're both blondes and sisters.
“I’m an only child and both my parents have been dead awhile.” You state, not getting into the details.
“What about a boyfriend? Fiance? Husband?” The other blonde asks. Now you think this one is Amy, the younger of the sisters. “I mean, you’re so pretty. Were you single before all this?”
You can feel everyone’s eyes on you even more, if that is possible. You begin to feel your heartbeat increase and your throat begins to feel as if it’s going to close. This is the question you didn’t want to be asked.
“Yeah, you mentioned you were looking for someone.” Rick chimes into the conversation.
Your hand automatically flies to your necklace, fiddling what’s around the chain. So many memories come back to you at once and you feel your eyes fill with tears.
“I-“ you clear your throat, trying to keep the tears at bay before taking a breath to calm yourself. “Yes. I mean no, I wasn’t single before all this. I’m married.” You reveal.
“What?” and “You’re married?” and “I’m so sorry.” are heard all at once.
You close your eyes to take another calming breath, opening them to only stare back at the flames.
“Yeah.” You whisper. “I’m married.”
You can't stand it. You know that if you look away from the fire you’ll see it - the pitying glances. Their looks of sympathy. Rick just reunited with his wife and son and you can’t help but feel jealous, wishing it was you and your husband who were cuddled around the fire instead.
“If you’ll excuse me.” You say, rising to your feet and walking away, needing to get away from the group.
You walk towards some tents, not quite knowing where to go but knowing where you currently don’t want to be. You feel so jealous of Rick and shame fills you because of this. Rick risked his life to help you and vice versa. He’s not only a husband but a father. He deserved to find his family again. He was a sheriff before all this and was shot for Christ sake. He deserves to have found them.
But you still wish you found him.
“Hey.” A voice says.
You turn and see Glenn.
“You probably don’t wanna talk, but I’m here if you wanna…” he trails off.
You smile gratefully, now know what to say.
“You can crash in my tent tonight - not with me of course! I’ll sleep in the RV. Cause, you know, you’re married. Well obviously you know your married but I just mean-“
You cut the rambling kid off, smiling again but this time in amusement.
“Thank you Glenn.” you say, raising your hand. “I appreciate it.”
The kid smiles back and guides you to his tent where you step in and lay down, sleep immediately taking you.
You wake up to raised voices and immediately grab your knife from under your pillow. You open your eyes and see blue, the past day coming back to you. Atlanta. Wearing a dead man to blend in. The group in the woods. The conversation by the fire.
You sigh, bringing a hand to your face and wiping the sleep from your eyes. You don’t think you should stay with this group. While everyone is nice and open, you feel - you know - that your husband is still out there. You know you’d never forgive yourself if you didn’t find him. Whether walking alive or walking dead.
“Hey.” A voice sounds, causing you to quickly turn, knife raised. “Whoa, sorry! Didn’t mean to scare you.”
You’re face to face with Glenn, his head pooping into the opening of the tent, his eyes wide and arms raised. You lower the knife quickly and swallow, glad you didn’t almost kill the poor guy.
“We let you sleep through breakfast since we figured you’d be so tired.” He begins to explain. “I figured the fighting may have woke you up, guess I was right.”
“What’s going on out there?” You question, pulling the blanket off of you and beginning to rise, your back popping from the night of sleeping on the ground.
“I forgot you weren’t with us yet when we were on the roof.” Glenn begins to explain, motioning for you to follow.
You stand up and exit the tent with him. You’re both standing away from the main clearing where all the action is and you’re glad, never being a fan of drama.
“We were on a roof to escape the dead and handcuffed one of our group to it. He was a real ass. And racist.” Glenn starts. “His brother was out hunting and just got back so we had to tell him we left him behind.”
“You saying you left a racist asshole cuffed to a roof surround by the walking dead,” you question, eyebrows raised and hands on your hip
You have no idea how these people were still alive. Their survival levels are next to non existence.
Glenn’s face turns pink and he ducks his head. “He was high out of his mind!” He starts to defend. “You never met Merle but he -“
“Wait who?” You ask, your heart beginning to pound so loud you hear it in your ears.
Merle. Racist asshole. High. There’s no way that’s a coincidence.
“Merle.” Glenn says cautiously as he notices your reaction and starts to get nervous. You can’t possibly know this guy, right? No way this guy is the husband you’re looking for, right? That’d be bad. Not only would they have an angry Daryl to deal with but and angry you as well.
“And his brothers name is…” you trial off.
“Daryl.” Glenn says, motioning for you to follow him towards the fight.
Daryl. Daryl. Daryl.
Merle, racist asshole high out of his mind with a brother named Daryl who was hunting. Hunter. Your Daryl is a hunter with a brother named Merle who also happens to be a racist asshole that's always high.
This is just one large, almost comical, coincidence right? There’s no way this groups Daryl could be your -
“Daryl?” You whisper to yourself as you reach the clearing.
There, in the middle of the commotion, is your husband. Looking just as he did when you saw him weeks ago, only dirtier. Wearing a green tank top and jeans, his hair is still just as short, reaching just long enough to curl near his ears.
‘Hes here.” You think to yourself. ‘He’s alive.’
…And he’s being held in a chokehold.
“Chokehold’s illegal!” He yells and you can’t help the sob that escapes you at the sound of his voice.
“Best file a complaint.” Shane growls back at him.
You don't care what they’re fighting about as you start running towards them. Your legs move the fastest you ever think you’ve ran, so happy and oh so grateful he’s here. He’s alive.
“Daryl!” You yell as you run towards as Shane lets him go.
His head moves faster than you think humanly possible as his eyes lock on you.
“Y/N?” He questions, as if he’s hallucinating and this is just a nightmare. His brother left behind for dead and his wife finally here and safe.
But he soon realized it is real as your body collides with his.
“Daryl!” You sob, your arms immediately wrapping around his neck and jumping into him so your legs can wrap around his waist.
You burry your face in his neck as sobs now escape you freely. Weeks of not seeing him, not knowing if he was dead, walking dead, or alive have finally led to this moment. You finally have your husband back in your arms.
You take a deep breath in and breathe only Daryl. Gasoline mixed with vanilla and spice. You can feel his skin stick to yours due to the heat but you don’t care and just squeeze tighter. Arms wrap tightly around your waist and you feel every inch of Daryl’s body against your own, so happy he’s in your arms again.
The onlookers watch in confusion, happiness, and shock as Daryl Dixon - who was just screaming at everyone in anger - drops to his knees with a women in his arms. They watch as the usually grumpy man appears to cry tears of joy as he buries his head into the neck of the women in his arms.
“Y/N.” Daryl whispers as he squeezes tighter before pulling away to look at you.
Your eyes meet light blue, more gorgeous than the sky during a sunset and you see the tears running down his face, knowing you match his expression. His hands reach up to cup your cheeks before one of his thumbs moves down to stroke your lips.
“You’re here.” He breathes
“You’re here.” You repeat, a bright smile on your face.
“I looked for ya. I did. I wanted to stay at the house for ya but Merle-“
You cut him off. “It doesn’t matter. Cause you’re here. And I’m here. And we’re here. And I’m never letting you go. Never again.”
Daryl leans in, his lips crushing against yours in a kiss that makes your toes curl. You don’t care that everyone is watching. You finally found the person you were looking for. The person that's been there with you through good times and bad. Your person.
Daryl pulls away, his eyes staring into yours as he whispers with your lips so close you can feel his breath upon yours.
“Never again.”
Please lmk how it was!!!
💜 Kenzie
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emmie-tt · 1 month
What are we..?
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Billy Hargrove X Reader
Description: You’ve been seeing eachother for weeks so…what are you?
She sat quietly in the middle of his bed as she watched him work out. His cut off tank top clung to his body because the sweat dripping off of him, his muscles bulging with each rep.
After another minute she sighs rather dramatically before standing from the bed and walking over to him. “Billy…”
He stops his workout as he raises a brow and stares up at her questioningly
She takes a deep breath before rubbing her hand down her face as she contemplates how to ask the question that’s been weighing on her for weeks now. “What are we?”
He sets the weights down as his questioning stare turns into a surprised one. “What the hell do you mean?”
She groans as she makes her way back over and plops down on the edge of his bed “I mean, we’ve been seeing eachother for weeks, you literally took my virginity but also you haven’t given us a label so are we just…friends, or…?”
He smirks as he slowly stands from the workout bench before making his way over and sitting himself down next to her. “That’s a good question…what do you want us to be?”
“I don’t want to be another notch on your belt but…I know you’ve been sleeping with other people.”
That made his back straighten as he looked down at his lap, the smirk smirk in his face disappearing “So you do know…”
She nods as she wraps her arms around herself, anxiety filling her whole body as she watches his reaction. A long sigh leaves his mouth as he runs a hand through his hair roughly. After a moment he moves closer to her, his arms wrapping around her shoulders as he pulls her closer to him. “Are you…jealous or upset?”
“Both…” she mumbles as her head flops against his shoulder. The action caused a frown to form on his face, guilt formed in his gut, a feeling he wasn’t used to whatsoever. He wrapped his arms around her and gently pulls him into his lap allowing her to rest against his chest comfortably. “There is no reason to be jealous…i’m yours…”
She shakes her head as she sits up and glares back at him, her eyebrow raised questioningly “Yet you sleep with other girls?”
He reaches his hand up and runs his hand through her hair, playing with the strands and and gently wrapping his fingers around them.
“But they are…nothing to me. I’m just having some fun with them. But they don’t mean anything to me…you do.”
She groans as she flops back on the bed now laying across his lap. “But I don’t like it!”
“I know you don’t love…” He gently puts his finger under her chin, gently lifting her head up to so that she looks at him directly in his eyes. He could see the mixture of emotions in her eyes, hurt, confusion and anger… “You wanna know why I do it?”
She rolls her eyes as she gently swats his hand away and grumbles with a huff “Because you’re a whore!”
“Damn woman, that was a bit harsh.” He laughs, his smirk returning to his face as he yanked her up back onto his lap. One of his hands gently moves to her hip, rubbing it gently. “But no, that’s not why I do it.”
“I do it because…” he starts, pausing for a moment as he runs his hand from her hip, up her waist, till it’s resting on her face. He gently caressed her cheek, the pad of his thumb rubbing against her soft skin
“I’ve never been in a proper relationship before. I’ve been with girls, but I’ve never really cared about them the way I care…about you. It’s all been fun and games. Nothing serious”
She once again swats his hand away from her as she glares at him “Then stop being a jack ass and keep your dick in your pants unless you are getting it out for me!”
“Yeah…I think I can do that..” he says with a smirk as he gently tilted her chin up, looking down at her. He looked into her eye, his amused ones meeting her frustrated ones. He leans down so that their faces were close close to eachother…close enough to touch “You’re mine right…?”
She slowly nods, her frustration dying down as she relaxes against him and lays her head on his shoulder “and you’re mine…”
“Yes I am my little princess…” he wraps his arms around her and held her close to him. He loved how she fit in his arms so perfectly, he couldn’t believe he hadn’t committed to her sooner. Now she was his and he wasn’t letting her go anytime soon.
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jj-maybanks-daughter · 2 months
jj and john b find the pictures you sent to your boyfriend, but sarah figures it out.
jj maybank and daughter
pogues and niece
mentions of nudes, cringy texts, cursing, (lmk if i missed anything.
“dad, i’m getting in the shower!” you called out to him as you walked into the only bathroom of the château, other than the one in your uncle john b’s room. 
“k!” he shouted back.
john b and jj saw your phone on the counter, looking at each other, than back at the phone. “should we…?” john b asked
“well…” jj looked at the phone really wanting to, but he didn’t want you to be mad at him. “fuck it let’s do it.”
john b snatched the phone “what’s her password? if she’s anything like you it’ll be 12345” 
“ummm…” jj answered looking guilty
john b typed in the obvious password. “umm.. actually let’s not.” he said, placing the phone down, screen first. he saw the pictures you sent to your boyfriend, tristen.
“woah man what’d you see?” jj asked grabbing the phone.
“you know man, it is hers…” john b said, acting innocent of what he just saw. he tried to keep jj from seeing it, because he didn’t want to deal with the wrath of you too fighting for the next week.
jj looked at him with a raised eyebrow and began typing in the password 
“no man don’t!” john b said trying to stop him. not only because of the fighting but to keep you from knowing that your own dad saw your nudes. 
“AH GOD WHAT THE F-“ john b slapped his hands over his mouth, careful so y/n wouldn’t hear. not that you would anyway, you always sing in the shower. 
jj looked at his friend “what the fuck do we do about this?”
“wait did he ask for it? john b asked
“oh shit” jj said. “ew this is fucking gross” he added. 
it’s my birthday, babe. gimme some cake
i don’t have the ingredients 😔
not that kind of cake, sweetie 
ik 😝
attached image 
john b acted like he was barfing, and jj was holding it down 
“do we say something?” john b asked. 
“idk we should ask sarah and kie.” 
“good idea.” 
the girls came inside and sat down. the boys explained to them what happened. 
“this is what your gonna do,” sarah started. “ask her for it and say i’m going through it, as soon as she gets out of the shower, so she can’t delete it. then, when i find them, i will have to be the one to talk to her and will have to tell you. she would be mortified if she knew her dad saw her nudes.”
“kiara added. “she wouldn’t trust you with anything ever again.”
jj just sighed. “when did our little girl grow up. i miss when the only thing we had to worry about with her was where her stuffie was.” jj said looking down at the ground, half joking, half serious. 
y/n finally got out of the shower. 
“hey kid, sarah’s gonna go through your phone while you get dressed.” jj shouted through the hallway. 
“no,no,no, wait!” the pogues gave eachother a look. 
“it’s fine y/n/n, im just going to turn off this thing in your settings, go get dressed.” sarah said grabbing the phone off the counter. 
y/n hoped that she closed out of the tab, where she knew what she did. her heart was pounding. 
after around 5 minutes, sarah knocked on her door. “can i come in?” 
y/n opened the door to let sarah in, but shut it after her. 
“i’m not mad, can you just explain this for me?” sarah said sincerely, showing her the screen. 
“i-i i just wanted to make him happy” she admitted, hanging her head in her hands. 
“i know y/n/n, but do you know the dangers of this? it could end up with his friends, your friends, everyone, and even though you trust him, i know that because i know your smart enough not to send these to people you don’t trust, his friends could have his phone and send it to themselves and all this stuff that you didn’t think about happening.” 
“i understand,” y/n said looking up at sarah. “i just…i just thought like…well i don’t know .” you sighed putting your head back where it was. 
“this is what your going to do. ask him to delete the picture and the texts, you don’t want them getting out and you should’ve thought about it before.” 
“ok” you said grabbing the phone from sarah. as you typed, you looked at her. “does my dad and them know?” 
“no, but i feel like i need to tell them.” 
y/n nodded her head but was still upset. she knew sarah was just trying to do the right thing.
“did he answer?”
“yea, he said he did it and he respected my decision” she showed sarah the phone. 
“you got yourself a keeper y/n/n” she said grinning. “now go to your camera roll and delete it.” 
“i’m proud of you, y/n/n”
“why i sent nudes?” you said looking painfully at the ground. 
“it’s not easy asking for him to delete them, i’m proud of you.” 
sarah leaned in for a hug and y/n accepted it. 
“now im going to go tell your dad, but ill keep in the details about what you asked him, ok?” you nodded your head, embarrassed.
sarah walked out, smiling, the pogues knew it was a success. sarah didn’t lie about telling your dad what you said. 
“phew, nice save, sarah.” john b said. 
“can i get an amen to that!” jj added, cracking open a beer.
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nebulablakemurphy · 5 months
Hi! I love your work I asked about the epilogue for moves and countermoves, I was just wondering if you have any idea when it will be out? Move and countermoves has become my comfort fic and I’m dying to see everyone get their happily ever after! Also I’ve been reading total eclipse of the heart and it is INCREDIBLE!!!! I usually try and avoid the stories with the wolves and vampire imprints because they just never seem to actually like eachother but I’m obsessed!
Hi! Thank you so much. Hopefully in the next few weeks the moves & countermoves epilogue will be posted 💜
I’m glad you gave total eclipse of the heart a chance, I love the idea that people/creatures with a ton of differences and even prejudices toward one another can learn to accept (with some difficulty) and love each other. I’ve loved writing it again. (I had people waiting 2-3 years for updates 😭😂) I need to feed them well for sticking with me so I’m hoping to finish that over the next couple weeks.
Then I’ll be back for the epilogue of moves & countermoves, the final chapter of twenty questions and hopefully get back to writing exile!
The novel only has 2 chapters left to be edited, then I’m just doing a quick round of revisions and sending it out to my lovely beta readers. While they’re reading and giving their feedback, I will have more time to write fanfiction! Everything is coming together 💜
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wonik1ss · 1 year
002. meet the flinstones — SURFS UP ! 🏄‍♀️
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A few minutes after the girls twitter fight hanni walked, into Y/n room and said. “ You know you could have just said stop teasing me. There was no need to get your attack dog one me “. She rolled her eyes and sat next to Y/n as she laughed and said.
“ Then don’t bully me! And to be honest you started- “. Hanni had gotten one of Y/n’s peoples and started hitting her. As a response Y/n did the same and they both started a pillow fight. Until Sav came in.
“ Stop hitting eachother and go outside! Mom got some girl to show you around since they are grounding me for the first week here “. As the girls stopped Sav left and the ran outside to meet the other girl.
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As the girls got outside they saw the girl start to speak. “ Hi I’m Aran I’ll be showing you around here “.
“ Hi I’m Y/n and this is Hanni. Can we stop by her house to get my friends for this tour? “. Aran smiled back at the girl and said “ Sure the more the merrier “. As she smiled again at Y/n she looked over to Hanni seeing her, smirk right back at her and then wink.
Seems that hanni has found her new toy..
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As the girls approached Hanni’s beach house Wonyoung came running out to hug Y/n, Yunjin following behind her arms crossed smiling.
“ FINALLY YOUR HERE Y/N I MISSED YOU “. Wonyoung said as she nearly hugged Y/n to death. “ Ya I get that so please stop taking all my oxygen woonie “. Wonyoung began to laugh as she let go of Y/n, and Yunjin spoke up to introduce herself to Aran.
“ Hi I’m Yunjin and this is my child Wonyoung. Don’t mind her she forgot to take her meds today “. As she finished Wonyoung hit her and smiled at Aran saying. “ Don’t mind her she has a lying problem “. Yunjin glared at her and was about to speak again before Aran did.
“ It’s fine I’m Aran I’ll be showing you guys around here “. As she finished Hanni walked up to her and grabbed her hand, and with her best puppy dog eyes said. “ So where are we going next Aran “. The girl started to blush as held onto the older girls hand and finally started her tour.
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“ So this is the choi house, we’re grandma c leaves now with her grandson Beomgyu “. The girls nodded and looked at the dark blue house In aw. While it looked very old it was also pretty.
As they continued there your Aran pointed out small shops, restaurants and finally the surf shop.
“ Lastly we have the Surf shop were the Jang’s sell surfing supplies and also food and surfing lessons “. As Aran finished talking with their hands still intertwined Hanni looked back at Y/n and said “ Maybe you could take up some surfing Y/n. I know we would all like to see you fall flat on your face. “ As the girl giggled away Y/n hit her arm and said.
“ No way I’m surfing surfing is so- “. As Y/n was speaking she saw 6 laughing girls come out of the shop. But she didn’t care about any of them expect the one with the short hair. As Y/n stopped talking she started to think she had saw an angel.
The girl was very tall, nice short hair and a gorgeous face with very plumb lips Y/n wanted to kiss. “ Aran what are you doing here? “. The girl said as her and her group of friend started walking towards the girls.
“ Just showing the new kids around. They’re staying the whole summer “. She said as she motioned to the rest of your group. “ Oh I didn’t know there were any people coming here this summer.. any of you wanna take a surfing lessons? “. As you were about to speak Hanni spoke up instead.
“ We would love to buy my friend here Y/n think’s surfing is- “. As you walked up to Hanni and clamped your arm around her mouth you said. “ I think surfing is.. very hard.. don’t know if I would be good at it “.
Y/n then took her hands of Hanni’s mouth kicked the back of her leg, as a warning. “ Oh it’s not that hard I’m sure I can teach you! Here this is the sign up for it! Only cost 30 dollars in all “. Y/n hurriedly grabbed the sign up sheet and sign up her name.
“ I’ll bring the money tomorrow “. She said as the other girl nodded showing her big smile as Y/n stood, mesmerized by her face.
“ Guess I’m not the only one who found her next target “. Hanni whispered to her friends as they both giggled. Watching the whole thing play out.
Boy was Y/n head over heels over this girl, she didn’t even know the name of.
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masterlist | next
summary : it was your 1st trip to the sunny beaches of cali. you had never been interested in anything else but surfing.. well that was until you saw the new teen surfing instructor j. she was everything you wanted and more. But with that came a really really REALLY dense girl who would probably never see your feelings.. which is what you thought for now.
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lunajay33 · 7 months
Change Part.2
Summary: Y/n is a loner but loves ballet but her family doesn’t have enough money for her to dance at the studio, Daryl is a redneck who hates people and prefers bikes, until one day these two run into eachother and their lives change drastically, will Daryl toughen her up? Will y/n soften Daryl? Or both? How will things go when people start coming back from the dead
Pairing: Young Daryl Dixon x f!reader
A/n: This is going to be a series, it’s gonna start with how they met eachother and their lives before the apocalypse, eventually it’ll blend with twd story line!!
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It had been a week since Daryl and I’s first time hanging out and things have been nice, if that’s the word that could describe complete peace and acceptance around him, he’s the first person to ever see me for me and treat me normally, like o wasn’t a burden or a weirdo quiet loner
At school we’d help each other throughout class, well mostly me helping him when he didn’t know the answer to a question on our daily biology work book, and he started to sit with me on the bench behind the school bordering the towns woods, same as today
“So what do you have for lunch?” I asked as I sat cross cross facing him
“Just a sandwich, sucks” he said shrugging his shoulders
“Here you can have my chips” I said handing him my little bag of sour cream and onions chips
“Nah it’s yers” he said waving his hand
“You’re having them” I said placing them down next to him so he couldn’t refuse
“I’m not that hungry anyways so it’s fine” I said as I took another bite out of my green apple, I don’t know why but I’ve just lost my appetite lately, maybe it was the stress at work plus home life plus school stacked on top of each other but I tried not to think about it too much
“Ya sure? Ya should eat more” he said squinting at me
“I’ll be fine I’ll just eat when I get home maybe…..maybe if you’re not doing anything would you like to come over?” I asked hesitantly, we haven’t hung out, outside of school since Sunday and now it was Friday and I was just crawling to be alone with him again
“Sure, I ain’t got nothing going on” he said as he ripped open the chips but I swear I saw a faint smile
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The bell rang signalling the end of the day, I went to my locker, pulled on my coat and stuff my textbooks into my bag for the homework I had to do over the weekend, I closed my locker jumping when I saw Daryl already there with a smirk
“Jerk you scared me” I said laughing as we started heading for the exit, the gust of fall air felt amazing, fall was always my favorite the leave turning to burnt orange and falling to the ground, the wind with the aroma of wet leaves it was comforting
We got some weird stares from people like the snotty preppy girls but when I looked at the football team all huddled by the car lot by heart dropped, Jackson looked at me with so much hatred and I knew it was because he hated the dixons, I wasn’t embarrassed of Daryl, he’s my friend I was just scared of what Jackson would do
We continued walking towards my house, it was silent most of the way
“So….how much more money do ya gotta save for ballet lessons” he asked his hands stuffed in his baggy cargo pants
“Well the lessons are a hundred dollars a month so for a year it would be twelve hundred a year so I’m really far off, I only get paid 9 dollars an hour at the dinner and i don’t get that many shifts so it’s starting to become just a dream plus I’m probably too old now” I said upset knowing now that doing the math I’d probably never get to be that ballerina I always craved to be, to dance in those pink slippers and tights, to feel the music move me
“I can help ya, I got some extra money” he said with these hopefully eyes I’ve never really seen on him before and it made my heart thump
“Are Daryl I can’t have you do that, it’s your money you worked hard for, it’s okay I’ll just watch Swan lake over and over again” I said laughing pathetically trying to make this situation not as awkward and sad, but wasn’t that just me? Awkward and sad
“But it’s yer dream”
“Ya it’s just a dream but it’s fine Daryl, I’m sure I can find something else to make me happy” I said smiling at him as we finally made it to my house, we went straight to my room dropping our bags and stripping our jackets to flop down on the bed and just look at the ceiling
“Show me this swan lake yer always talkin ‘bout” he said as he laid his arm behind his head looking at me with a smile that warmed my heart, if this is what having friends was like I’m glad I finally had one
“Okay!” I said as I jumped up and put in the vhs into my dingy old tv hearing the tape wind up and appear on screen all grainy but beautiful, I sat back down next to Daryl as we watch the whole dance I knew every move, every turn of music notes it was amazing
The black swan was devastatingly beautiful, and the song change when she appears hits me deep inside and my skin shivers with amazement every after the numerous amount of times I’ve watched this, then it was over and the tape cut off
“So how did you like it?” I asked excited for his impression
“I ain’t one fer this kinda thang but it was…….cool”
“It’s kinda like us, I’m the white swan that everyone runs over and you’re the strong black swan, sad and beautiful” his face turned red as he cleared his throat and looked away
“Nah stop that” it was cute making him embarrased in a sweet way
“Well it’s true maybe you could learn it and dance with me” I said 100% joking knowing that would never happen but would be funny to see
“I ain’t gonna do that, but…..I’ll watch ya dance” he said looking back at me the pink tint still lingering on his cheeks
“I just need slippers first” I said laying back down next to him
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We must have fell asleep because we were abruptly woken up to my door slamming open and Jackson and his one jerk friend coming in, we shot up in bed and I instantly felt scared
“Jackson what are you doing?”
“Really a Dixon, I knew you were a slut” he said as his friend laughed
“What no he’s my friend, just leave”
“If you’re gonna sleep with whoever what about my friend here” his friend came up to me grabbing my arm and trying to drag me off the bed but I held on tight to the sheets
“Leave me alone, let go” I said panicking, I felt his grip let go and when I looked Daryl had him on the ground punching his face in, Jackson grabbed him and threw him back
“Get the hell outta here, ya ever touch her again and yer dead, I swear I’ll kill ya” Daryl groaned as they both left shutting the door
Daryl led me back to sitting on the bed, his touch was comforting and warm compared to the harsh cold grip I was just in
“Are ya okay?” He asked making me look at him as he wiped my tears away
“I think I’m gonna be sick” I whined the anxiety so high I didn’t know what to do
“Shhhh yer safe now just breath”
He helped me relax but that thought of not being safe alone scared me, what if Daryl wasn’t here? What would’ve happened?
“Daryl….will you stay with me tonight?”
“I don’t know ya sure ya want me here”
“Please I’m scared to be alone with them here”
“If that’s what ya want” he said getting up and taking some blankets from my closet setting up a makeshift bed on the floor right next to my bed, the adrenaline crush was hitting me hard and I was exhausted, I laid down facing him, seeing him sprawled out just as tired as me
The moonlight from the window was bathing Daryl in a silver hue, he looked almost ethereal and I felt my heart thump again, I’m glad I met Daryl and that we were paired in class, he feels safe, he feels like……like my hope
“Goodnight Daryl”
“Goodnight ballerina” he said huffing a little laugh but my heart filled with joy hearing that, this was my first sleepover ever and it wasn’t how I thought I would start but I’m glad he’s here non the less
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Taglist: @pinchofthetwd @bigbaldheadname @strawberrykiwisdogog @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @l0kilaufeys0n7 @welcumetomyescape @severelykinky @tesfayera @daryldixmedown
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daddykylokenobi · 2 years
Clyde Logan X Y/N Chapter 2
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Warnings-cussing, alcohol consumption, insinuated violence, some very light angst, light fluff.
Another few weeks went by without Clyde seeing Y/n, she hadn’t came to the bar any and he hadn’t run across her in town either, he started to wonder if she already moved away and he would never see her again. At least their evening of getting to know eachother helped keep his mind off Sarah and he felt like he truly was getting past it.
It was the 4th of July weekend and the bar had been crazy busy every night with people partying and enjoying the patriotic holiday. Clyde was excited for the 4th, he honestly felt like he needed a day off just to hang out with family and friends and get his mind off of things.
The bar was closing at 6 to let all the workers enjoy the evening out with their families, town had a big fair set up and fireworks at 8 that Clyde was really looking forward too.
It was 5:30 and people were still flooding in and out getting drinks to go, Clyde was counting down the clock as closing time was getting near. He was pouring a group of guys beer into plastic cups as the bar’s doorbell clanged once again as someone entered, Clyde’s eyes shot up to greet the next customer and he froze for a second as he saw that it was Y/n. She was wearing a red dress with white polka dots and had on the most perfect red lipstick he had ever seen, she looked like something out of a pinup poster. He slapped himself back to reality as he refocused on the beers in front of him.
She was with her friend again and they both walked over to the bar and sat down. Clyde wasn’t sure why but he felt nervous, he hadn’t seen her in a few weeks and had been hoping the entire time that he would run into her but he wasn’t expecting her to come into the bar again after she hadn’t for so long.
Her friend waved him over and after Clyde finished pouring the beers he walked over, he couldn’t help the smile that was on his face as he greeted them.
“What can I get you ladies?” He asked trying not to stare at Y/n who was looking directly at him.
Jess quickly ordered her beer then looked over to Y/n.
“Oh I’m okay for right now.” She said waving a hand in front of her.
“Well you just let me know if you change your mind.” He smiled before walking off to get Jess’ drink.
Jess looked at Y/n straight in the face with wide eyes, “You didn’t even want a drink you just wanted to see Him!” She whispered while pointing her head towards Clyde who had his back turned towards them.
“Shh!” She whispered back as her cheeks began turning red. “That’s not true.” She crossed her arms and looked away from Jess with a smirk on her face.
“You little…” Jess shook her head at Y/n then looked forward laughing.
In a moment Clyde returned with a tall glass of beer and set it in front of Jess.
“You sure I can’t get you anything?” He asked looking at Y/n.
“I think after the other weekend I need to take it easy for awhile.” She laughed.
Clyde laughed back and they both looked at eachother with wide smiles.
Then a tall man with dark ginger hair appeared behind Jess, “Hey Darlin’!” He grabbed her shoulders and planted a quick kiss on her cheek. Clyde and Y/n both watched the pair.
“Chris!” Jess stood and wrapped her arms around the attractive man.
He pulled away then looked over to Y/n.
“Oh hey haven’t seen you round’ here for awhile!” Chris wrapped one arm around Y/n giving her a short side hug. “How’ve ya been?”
“I’ve been good.” Y/n smiled.
Clyde had slipped away after watching the ginger give Y/n a hug, he knew it was ridiculous to be jealous over it but something inside of him flipped when he saw it, he disappeared to begin shutting the bar down since it was almost 6 already.
“Glad to hear, now hey hun’ the guys are all waiting on me are ya ready?” Chris asked Jess as he pointed his thumb back towards the door.
“Sure am!” She grabbed her beer than looked to Y/n, “are you coming with us?”
“Oh uh I think I’ll catch up a little later..” She said quietly trying to peer through the people in the bar to find Clyde.
Jess easily caught on to what she was doing, “Mhmm… Well if you want to bring your friend later he’s welcome.” She smiled at Y/n then linked arms with Chris. “See ya in a bit.” She waved as the couple exited the bar.
After a few minutes of no Clyde Y/n assumed he left out the back and decided to head out. After she left the bar she noticed a group of people setting up chairs and a fire pit in the parking lot close to the bar, there was one man that she recognized from being at the bar the same night her and Jess were last time. He locked eyes with her as she walked by and she couldn’t help but think he was watching her for a reason.
After about an hour of roaming around and chatting with some people she knew from her business she found Jess again, the fireworks were going to start soon and their group had set up where the rest of the town usually gathered.
“Hey girl!” Jess smiled as Y/n walked upto her, she looked back behind her then got a disappointed look on her face. “No cute bartender?” She asked.
Y/n shrugged her shoulders. “Guess not.” She smiled trying to play off her own disappointment.
A bit of time passed, the group had all gotten situated on lawn chairs and picnic blankets as the time for the fireworks was almost here.
“So what even happened did you ask him to join us?” Jess asked Y/n who was sitting beside her on the ground.
Chris who was beside them interrupted before Y/n could answer. “Babe quit askin’ about him she could find better.” He said with a hint of annoyance lingering in his voice.
“Why is that?” Y/n raised an eyebrow as she leaned forward to get a better view of Chris who was on the other side of Jess.
“C’mon we don’t gotta pretend, dude doesn’t even have both hands!” He laughed as he looked around at his friends who all joined in.
Jess patted Chris’ knee trying to tell him to stop. “Chris she kinda likes him..”
“Well it’s for her own good he wouldn’t even be able to get her off right I bet.” He reckoned while continuing to laugh and yell with his friends.
Y/n felt her body getting hot with anger.
“You don’t even know him what the hells your problem?” She barked back at the redhead.
“I’m just speaking the truth Y/n everyone else was thinking it!” He threw his hands out in front of him as he tried to defend his inappropriate statement.
“Yeah sure.” Y/n quickly scrambled to her feet and left the group. Jess called out to her as she walked away but she ignored her.
“Ugh!” Y/n tightened her fists together as she stormed down the sidewalk, she loved Jess as a friend and as her cousin but she chose the dumbest guys then just put up with it, it drove her crazy.
In Y/n’s anger she didn’t realize she had walked in the direction of the bar, people were around everywhere with the fair stands set up with food and games so it completely threw off her sense of direction as she navigated the crowded streets. In a few minutes she saw the big red sign reading “Duct Tape” come into view.
She stopped in her tracks as she spotted Clyde leaning back against the bars porch railing with his feet crossed.
“Fuck it.” She hissed under her breath as she crossed the street and made a b-line for him. The parking lot was filled with people set up in chairs and also the back of their trucks, a group of kids were playing with sparklers and running around after eachother. Y/n breathed a sigh of relief at the change of scenery from Chris and his hooligan friends.
Clydes looked over and felt a smirk come over his lips as he spotted Y/n strolling up to him. After a few more feet she had closed the gap between them and stood beside him, she mimicked his stand and leaned herself back against the porch not minding his arms which were resting on top of the railings.
“Hey there.” He greeted as he looked down to take note of the small space between them.
“Hi.” She gave him a warm smile. “I tried to find you earlier but I guess I missed you leave.” Y/n inwardly cursed herself for admitting this.
“Oh- I was in the back I had to finish a few things up.” He explained while gesturing behind them at the bar. He was surprised by this and had no idea she had try to find him.
“Ah I see.” She nodded.
They each fell silent as they looked forward at the gathering of people, she peeked over at him a few times to fully take him in, she had really only seen him the one time before and earlier that day, he had always been behind the bar and she had been sitting so now that they were both standing beside eachother she truly realized how big of a guy he was.
“I thought you were with yer’ friends?” He asked breaking the silence.
“Yeah…” she looked down. “It’s just not really my crowd ya know?”
“Same guy you told me about before?”
“Yup.” She huffed out.
“Mmm.” He hummed looking down at her.
Y/n felt him staring so she looked up to meet his gaze, she raised an eyebrow and smiled at him as they held eye contact.
She lightly shook her head then asked, “What?” She didn’t know why he was staring but for him it was obvious why a man would want to look at her.
“Nothin’” he smirked down at her.
Just then Jimmy walked upto the two and looked at Y/n. “Clyde who’s your friend?” He asked switching his gaze from Clyde then back to her.
Y/n put her hand out to Jimmy, “I’m Y/n.” She shook his hand.
“She’s Earl’s niece.” Clyde added.
“Forreal?” Jimmy asked surprised. “I’d never had guessed that.” He said looking Y/n up and down, he didn’t have much shame when it came to checking girls out. “So are you new in town?”
“Ehh kinda I’ve been around the area because of family but I just moved here a few months ago.” She explained. “My dad moved here awhile back, he works with Earl now so you’ve probably seen him.”
“Ohh okay.” Jimmy nodded his head, “well it’s good to have some new friendly faces in town.” He gave her a kind smile.
“It is.” Clyde agreed as he gave Jimmy a certain look, he had caught on to him checking her out and wanted to make it obvious that That, wasn’t okay.
Just then a nicely dressed woman with a little girl walked upto Jimmy.
“Daddy daddy!” The young girl called out as she ran and hugged Jimmy’s waist.
“Hey darlin’!” He said as he picked her up and swung her around in circles. “Hey Jo.” He greeted the woman as well.
“She’s already had dinner so just make sure to have her back before too late okay?” Jo explained as her eyes caught sight of Y/n. “Oh! Hi Y/n I didn’t know that you knew the family?” She tilted her head and looked at the two men.
“I just met them recently actually, they’re your family?” Y/n eyed up both of the men.
“Yeah Jimmy here is Sadie’s dad.”
Y/n suddenly caught on and realized the dynamic between the 4.
Dad, ex wife, daughter, and uncle. She thought to herself.
“Ohhh okay.” Y/n nodded.
“You know Jo?” Jimmy asked looking between the two women suspiciously.
“She’s our cleaner Jimmy I told ya’ awhile back we got one.” Jo interrupted as she handed him a child’s backpack.
Y/n nodded again while smiling. “Yup! And Sadie here is definitely my favorite client.” She giggled as she leaned over to give her a fist bump. “Did your pageant show go good?”
“I got first place just like you said I would!” Sadie squealed with a big toothy grin.
“Yes I knew it!” Y/n clasped her hands together.
The two of them laughed with wide smiles for a minute before Jo had to excuse herself.
“Well Moody’s waitin’ on me, you be good baby girl.” She kissed Sadie’s cheek then left as she disappeared into the crowd.
Clyde was so excited to hear that she knew some of the family, watching Y/n do so good with his niece Sadie was enough to make him want to ask her out right then.
“Daddy the fireworks are gonna start soon let’s go!” Sadie yelled while pointing over to his truck to sit and watch the show.
“Alright alright let’s go.” He sang as he left Y/n and Clyde to go sit on the bed of his truck with Sadie.
There was a moment of silence between the two as they watched Jimmy and Sadie walk away then Y/n looked back to Clyde.
“Well earlier I was going to ask if you wanted to come with me and Jess but since I’m here do you mind if I join you instead?” She asked shyly.
“Of course.” Clyde answered, he was so excited that she asked to stay with him, almost every 4th Jimmy either had a new gf or was with Jo before their separation, it always reminded him of his singleness and especially with everything that recently happened with Sarah he was more than glad to have the company.
Y/n gave him a big smile then returned to stand beside him, her history of men wasn’t much brighter than Clyde’s with women, she had been with a few guys here and there but after a rough breakup almost a year ago she had been single ever since. She had started to wonder if there really were any good guys out there but Clyde felt different than the others, even though she barely knew him she felt a spark between them that she hadn’t felt with anyone before.
Before either of them could say another word a single firework shot up into the dark sky signaling the beginning of the show.
Clyde periodically looked down to watch Y/n’s face as the fireworks bursted into beautiful colors up above them. Her eyes glimmered with each one as she watched with her head tilted towards the sky.
Suddenly each of their shoulders brushed against eachother, Clyde looked down to Y/n ready to pull away but her gaze was still focused on the fireworks, she glanced over at him with a smirk then leaned herself over to rest her shoulder on his, he felt his cheeks get warm and looked forward nervously.
They stayed like that for the rest of the show, shoulders leaned gently against one another, eyes fixed on the bright bursts of color.
The grand finale of the show began and everyone started to clap and yell out excitedly.
Y/n looked around as the crowd began to gather their things to pack up for the night, “I suppose you gotta get back inside?” She asked Clyde as she pressed herself away from the railing to face him.
“Hm? Oh no we’re closed for the night.” He said as he looked her up and down in the dimly lit parking lot. Clyde was honestly surprised that a girl as pretty as her was still wanting to hang around him.
“Oh.” Y/n was under the impression that he would have to go back to work for the evening but was pleasantly surprised to find out that he didn’t. “So…. You’re free then?” She asked slowly.
Clyde smirked at her obvious shyness, “I am.”
Y/n smiled back at him. “Well, if you’d like to join me I have been Absolutely Dying, for a funnel cake.” She chuckled.
“You should’ve said somethin’ sooner.” He leaned forward to interlock his right arm with hers then started walking towards where the fair was set up.
Before long Y/n and Clyde were both giggling over cheap beer and of course funnel cakes at an empty picnic table.
“Wait-“ Y/n stopped her sentence and raised her hands dramatically in front of her. “So you think, that your family is cursed?” Her head was tilted to the side and her eyebrows raised as she awaited an answer.
“Okay when you say it like that it sounds bad, but yes I do.” He stated with a serious tone.
“What?! Like a legit curse?”
“Uhhh yes.” He hesitated for a second before taking a swig of his beer.
“Wow, and I thought My family was weird…” Y/n said sarcastically as she awkwardly looked to the side.
Clyde stared at her with a goofy smile, she glanced back with a side eye then burst out laughing. “I’m kidding I’m kidding!” She leaned over the table to grab his beer then took a drink. She stopped mid drink to look back at him, “What? Mines gone.” She shrugged with a devilish smirk.
Clyde shook his head then stood from the table, “Where are you going?” She asked while subconsciously reaching her hand out for him.
He reached forward and locked fingers with her, “I’m getting ya another beer before ya finish all mine.” He said with his head tilted down to look her directly in the eyes. “I’ll be back.” He squeezed her hand then pulled away disappearing back into the street where people continued roaming from stand to stand.
Y/n felt a hot blush come over her face, she instinctually pulled her arms around herself and tried to focus back on her funnel cake in front of her.
“Hey!” A familiar yet unwelcome voice startled Y/n back to reality away from her busy mind. She looked over and saw Chris walk upto her. “Jess has been lookin’ everywhere for you since ya ran off earlier.”
“I wonder why that was?” Y/n asked sarcastically before turning back to her beer to take a drink. “You can tell her I’m fine.”
“Doesn’t really look like it,” he gestured to the glass bottle in her hand. “Maybe I should take ya home.” He hummed as he stepped closer to her. “Jess doesn’t need to know about it.. right hun’?” Chris reached out to grab the sleeve of her dress and twirled it between his fingers.
“Ugh.” Y/n audibly groaned as she looked upto him with a death glare. “I’d rather eat this bottle than go home with You.” She hissed back as she yanked her arm away from him.
“Well maybe you shouldn’t dress like such a slut if you’re gonna be a prude.” He said stepping towards her.
Just then Clyde who Y/n hadn’t noticed come back grabbed Chris by the arm. “I think you better take a step back.” He said sternly.
Chris turned around to look at Clyde then smirked. “Oh yeah? And what’re you gonna do?” He stepped forward into Clyde’s face and looked up at him just daring him to do something.
“Hey!” Y/n yelled as she pushed herself inbetween the two men. “Come on Clyde we’re leaving.” She reached down to grab his hand and pulled him away from Chris, Clyde gave him the best death glare he could before turning to follow Y/n.
They walked in silence for a few minutes before either of them spoke a word, Y/n had aimlessly led them onto a backstreet which was void of any people since everyone was still at the fair.
Clyde was fighting the urge to turn around and go let Chris really know how he felt, he was just about to give in when he heard a sniffle from Y/n, she was a foot in front of him and had been leading him by the hand this whole time.
“Y/n?” He stopped in his tracks and held onto her hand causing her to stop as well.
She stood in front of her with her head hanging down, a few more quiet sniffles escaped her as she turned towards Clyde, she had a few tears rolling down her flushed cheeks.
“I’m so sorry.” She shook her head while looking down. “I don’t know what happened he just-..”
“Hey..” Clyde’s fight response from before was completely gone, now he just wanted to show Y/n that he was there for her. “None of that was your fault you ain’t gotta apologize for it.” He looked down at their still intertwined fingers then began to gently rub circles into her hand with his thumb.
“I just.. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t shown up.” Y/n said weakly as she looked up to meet Clyde’s gaze. “Thank you.”
Clyde stared into her E/C eyes then looked down to her lips, her red lipstick from before had faded lightly but still looked just as beautiful. He brought his hand upto her cheek then brushed the tears away. “I wouldn’t let anythin’ happen to you.” Even though him and Y/n were still getting to know eachother he had quickly fallen head over heels for her and he wanted nothing more than to protect her and make her feel safe. “Now why don’t I get you home?” He asked.
Y/n looked at him with such tenderness, she had never had a man treat her this way before and it felt so foreign but so right.. “I’d like that.” She nodded.
Clyde interlocked his arm with hers once again and walked her home, with it being such a small town it didn’t take long and now for the second time he was watching her disappear up the stairs of her apartment building.
Clyde still felt a deep anger from what had happened earlier that night but his feelings for Y/n were vastly overshadowing any negative emotions, he walked back to the bar with a smile that didn’t leave him all night, he felt that he had found someone special and he was so excited to see how things with her would unfold in the coming days ahead.
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28whitepeonies · 1 year
Xander's dad had a friend who was a photographer and he ran a blog called Philly Chats. It was partly about Philly in general but he would also post a lot about Harry and Xander. He posted photos of them together, or Harry out and about in Philly, and sightings. He had an instagram page too and answered fans on it. He never said that they were in a relationship but imo he talked in a way that suggested they were like mentioning romantic dates, sleepovers, meeting parents, sharing clothes, jewelry etc. He wasn't the only one who did this because there were several others connected to Xander who also pushed the Xarry thing including his brother Max. So that is what made me think it was fan service because for what other reason would they do that? Unless they were looking for attention from Harry's fans and went about it in a creative way lol. I understand why Brad wiped his IG but not why most of his instastories are about Harry. Like clockwork, he posts a pic at a location and then we get pics the next day of Harry having been there. So now fans have connected the dots that Harry is everywhere Brad is. Other things like sharing clothes. The yacht pics of them in Australia. The backstage Brits pic where Brad was beside Harry but the rest of his team were at the back. The matching tattoos which the media brings up. Fan vids of Harry with Brad in the background, fan accounts of meeting Harry and Brad being there too. Pap pics, sneaky fan pics. I really doubt Harry and Brad are together all the time so why do they make it seem like it? Again, I don't think they're in a relationship but I thought maybe it was to keep fans speculating. But I 100% agree with you that they panicked when the tabloids picked it up. After that we didn't see Brad for like a week. But now we're seeing him again and the media does tend to post fan chatter. So I'm curious how they're going to manage this lol. Maybe they'll have Brad post a pic with a girlfriend, it's probably the only way. Sorry this is so long but am interested in your thoughts!
Okay I think maybe the issue here is just a fundamental difference in how we look at celebs and relationships.
My starting point generally when it comes to friends/family of celebs is this - people share about all sorts of parts of their lives and that might include their famous friends. I’m not sure how useful it is to get into specifics but let’s imagine that I was right and Brad doesn’t want to share his personal life now that he is under more fan scrutiny but he does like to share bits of his life on social media, especially if he’s doing a job that’s interesting/fun/prolific - why would there have to be a wider agenda? Maybe staff on LOT are encouraged to post about the tour also? I’ve worked in jobs where a social media presence has been encouraged and in jobs where it’s highly restricted.
Some of this I just don’t agree with also, like the matching tattoos thing I think is a bit mad to try and make work, sharing clothes like don’t you share clothes with your friends? My pal was here for the weekend and wore my hoodie out for the day, we’re not dating.
You said you really doubt that Harry and Brad are together all the time, but I don’t think that’s up for debate here bc I agree, I do think that they’re together a lot while Harry is on tour. There could be many reasons for it - I do think him being someone Harry enjoys being around or is doing his job is a valid enough option.
I’m also not familiar enough with the Philly chats content to comment on how things were framed, you can defo send me some if you have it, but I’m pretty confident in what my position will be.
I think Philly Chats was maybe trying to raise its profile by maximising the connections he had. I also think it’s a bit of a stretch to think that Xanders dad’s friend who runs a public blog would be posting about his friends son’s famous boyfriend or would even know about any relationship they had beyond ‘they know eachother’.
I’m not sure I think they need to do anything else just now - I think the bradrry rumours have died down a bit. I also don’t think it’s likely at all that Brad having a girlfriend would be related to this, the issue is not Brad but speculation about Harry’s sexuality - the obvious response would be for Harry to continue to perform heterosexuality.
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elizapreg · 2 years
Tale of Alora- Chapter 14: The Illusion of Choice
As he finished telling their story, Ben looked over at Beth. He was a bit shocked at how little she’d spoken up during his lengthy explanation, given how forward she usually was. But the innkeeper just stood there holding her chin in thought.  He’d gone on for longer than he’d thought he could, with Nelia making corrections to his tale as necessary. “Well? Do you think that will get people to sympathize with us?” Nelia asked, looking up over her belly at Beth from her position of restraint. Beth ran a hand through her wild hair, exhaling loudly as she leaned against the jailbars. “Well, to be totally frank it sounds like something an amatuer author would write just to explain some outlandish situation…” She said, “But assuming people believe it, it definitely paints you guys as friends rather than foe.” Ben nodded. “That's the best we can hope for.” Beth shook her head a bit. “One concern though. If Nelia truly is some important former prisoner of the Demon hierarchy, isn’t her staying here the exact threat the people are worried about? Sure, she’s not an enemy, but you’ve already had an encounter with a hunter, who’s to say more demons aren’t hunting her down?” Standing stunned, Ben turned back to Nelia. “It's been weeks since we encountered the hunter. They had to have lost our trail, right? We’ve kept Nelia well hidden until now.” Beth cut in, louder now. “You know how powerful her people are! You think there’s not some spell that could locate her? How did the hunter find you to begin with?!? Are you seriously telling me you guys walked in here without even thi-” “CUT US SOME SLACK!!” Nelia suddenly shouted, catching the others off guard. “It should be impossible for demons to stay in this realm for long, and Ben just wanted to give Alora and me a safe place to be for a while!  He’s…kinda had to provide for two pregnant gals so I don’t blame him for taking what he can get. Me though?  I’ve had a long time alone in that room to worry about what might happen next.  I still don’t even know how that hunter got into this world, and I don’t know if they can do it again.  And then there’s all the other weird stuff about this situation.   Whatever they did to me in that cell, it changed things about me beyond just this belly. I didn’t notice until we arrived here to be fair, but my eyes! Don’t you guys know anything about Demons?” Beth and Ben looked at eachother confused. “Your eyes?” Ben asked. “What are you talking about? You’ve had green eyes since we met.” “EXACTLY! I didn’t realize the change until seeing myself in the mirror on our way here, but all demons, everyone I’ve ever seen, have red eyes. I did too, before being taken. So whatever they did to me has caused this change. I don’t know how to fully explain it, I’m no expert in the magic arts, but ever since escaping, I’ve felt different. I became more sure of it after we encountered the hunter. I’m disconnected from the magic that connects the demons together. Reije… the hunter? He’s one of the best they have. Yet he seemed unprepared for when he ambushed us. Almost like he found us by accident and had to act-maybe the same thing happened to him when he came to this realm.” Ben thought back to that day, “Yeah, I mean, with how strong he was, I still don’t get how we got away, or why he hasn’t found us again.” Nelia looked down at her belly. “I don’t know what my role in their plan truly is, but I do know it has something to do with creating some sort of ‘super demon.’ I don’t think they would be taking their time to get me back without reason.” Beth sighed again, running her hand through her hair.  “Maybe don’t say anything about a super demon in your defense speech,” she said.  Then she suddenly gave the motion to be quiet as the door to the cell block opened and the mayor walked in with Captain Mac. Beth turned to them. “Come on you two, be reasonable, you know Ben, he wouldn’t bring doom to our doorstep. This demon has even lived in my inn for weeks and hasn’t done a single thing out of line.  She’s harmless.” The Mayor seemed weighed down, shaking his head slowly. “I’m sorry Beth, that’s not for me alone to decide. I’m no king, I serve the will of the people. And they demand a trial.”
“They demand a bloodbath, morelike,” Beth grumbled and crossed her arms.  “I thought she was supposed to be the demon here.” Captain Mac opened the cell, walking in and placing a collar around Nelia’s neck, similar to the ones on her handcuffs, before releasing her other restraints. He reached out a hand to the demon to help her to her feet, looking over at Ben. “Give me a hand, that collar will sap most of her strength, so we’ll need to help her walk to the platform.” Ben nodded, pulling Nelia’s arm over his shoulders to help her to her feet. As she stood, her knees buckled as Ben and Mac held her up. “Whhaa.. Woah.. Sorry. This… is making me…” “Tired, yes, it's just to keep you from making a run for it or fighting back. And should put the people at ease.” The mayor interjected. “Our legends and history have a strong hold in their minds. As far as they know you can breathe fire.” Nelia chuckled nervously hearing that. “That’d be nice. It's so damn cold up here.”
Exiting the prison into the blinding morning light, Nelia squinted, even a few blocks away, she could already hear the mob at the city center, chanting and rambling. Trudging her way towards the noise, her groggy mind wondered ‘Is this the end for us, little one? I hope Alora is safe… but she’d probably be on the mob's side after last night…’ Ben pulled her up higher on his shoulder, looking over into her eyes. “I know now's not the best time. But you really do have pretty eyes. I just hope they are as special as you think. Could be our best chance.” Reaching the mob, it seemed like the whole town was there. The various walks of life seemingly arguing among themselves in a mass at the foot of a large wooden platform with a podium and seats on each side.  Nelia wiggled her nose, thinking this looked more like a festival than a trial.  She was a bit relieved however, as she expected a noose, or a large hooded man with an ax. Ben and Mac carried the limp demon girl up onto the platform, placing her in a seat on the right of the podium, with Ben sitting next to her. “Try to stay calm ok?” Ben asked, grabbing Nelia’s hand in his “Do your best to… look non threatening?” Nelia looked over at him and chuckled. “I can barely stand, and look pregnant enough to pop. I think I got that covered.”
“Don’t open your mouth too much either,” Ben said, “apparently they think you can still breathe fire.” Beth came and joined them on the stand. “As much as I don’t understand, I’ll do what I can. I hope your story gets better with the second telling, Ben, or I doubt I’ll have many more visitors to my inn.” She joked, trying to break the tension. Walking up the other side of the stand, the Mayor came up, standing behind the podium. Behind him Jandyce took a seat, glaring over at Nelia with contempt. “Alright everyone. We are gathered here to witness the arguments for and against Nelia the Demon. For those unaware, she was found to have been smuggled into our city by Benres of the south forest villages, and Alora, the Elf maiden of Aalumond. For several weeks she has been kept secret in Beth’s Inn, though as far as I’m aware Beth was unaware of Nelia’s demonic heritage.” The Mayor turned to gesture at Jandyce. “My wife Jandyce Johnstock has come forward with charges of espionage and conspiracy against Benres, Alora and Nelia. Alora has not yet been arrested but we assure you once she is found she will be brought to be judged before you as her friends have. Due to the prosecution being obviously a person of great importance to me. I will not be the Judge of this case. I will refrain from input unless called upon, and as dictated by our city’s laws, the captain of the guard is the next in line to judge.”
Stepping back from the podium, and walking off the stand, Mayor Johnstock took a seat beside the crowd as Mac took his place behind the podium. “Let’s get this show on the road. Jandyce, you may present your case to the people.” Jandyce stood, pacing for a moment across the stand as she looked out across the crowd. “ A thousand years ago, our people were the greatest civilization in the land. Every race from the noble elves to the powerful giants sought to live among us and take part in our grandeur. Then, as we all know, came the Demon King and his hoards. They decimated the land, nearly wiping out the human race, and scattering us across the lands. It was only through the foolishness of their command, and the unity of those who remained that the demons were ever driven back. ” The old woman turned to point at Nelia, “And what do we have here? A demon sent not only to scout us out, not only to probe for our weakness, but to birth into our world the first wave of an invasion to wipe us from history.”
Ben nudged Beth in the elbow.  “Hey, what’s that…thing that you’re supposed to say in a trial…when you think someone has said something wrong?”
“Are you thinking of…objecting?”  Beth whispered.  “That’s not-”
“Objection!”  Ben shouted.
Jandyce raised an eyebrow at Ben, who had stood up so fast he’d nearly knocked his seat over.
“On what grounds, Benres?” Captain Mac asked.
“On the grounds that…” Ben pondered, “what she said isn’t true!  Nelia’s not-”
“Overruled,” Captain Mac said, “the defense can give their testimony when it is their turn to speak.  Please allow the prosecution to finish.” Facing the crowd once more she continued. “How are we to know that Benres isn’t the last survivor of the south? His people were wiped out by this demon's power. The mighty elves of Aalumond may not have fallen so easily, but there have been rumors that the daughter of one of their highest citizens vanished almost a year and a half ago. And in comes an elf girl bearing the tell tale gown of their culture. Alora, the fallen elf. Beguiled by this temptress and carrying a child of ruin.”
“No that’s wro-” Nelia started to shout, only to find Beth’s hand over her mouth.
Jandyce shook her head, looking up at the sky for a moment. “I spent much time with Alora over the last few weeks. She is truly a wonderful spirit and I’d been filled  with such joy at the thought of her motherhood.” Looking down again, she got louder. “Only for that joy to be stolen away as I realized it was only a front- physiological warfare by the demons to hide the truth!” Pointing back at Nelia, Jandyce calls out “This threat to our civilization cannot be tolerated! I call all those to make the tough choice with me. SLAY THE DEMON!!” “YOU’RE DELUSIONAL JANDYCE!!” Shouted a loud, familiar voice from behind the crowd. Jumping to his feet, Ben looked out over the crowd, his heart soaring with hope and relief when he saw the purple hair of Alora, standing in the street with her hands on her hips, panting after that sonic blast. Her face red, Jandyce shouted to the guards “Seize her! She cannot be allowed to escape!” Alora’s determined facade quickly faded as she realized she’s as much of a target as Nelia…and the whole town was just informed she was carrying a child of ruin. “GET OUT OF HERE!! RUN ALORA!” Ben shouted out before Jandyce slapped him across the face. Looking around in a panic, Alora saw the crowd boiling as the soldiers made their way towards her. She felt her chest tightening, her belly feeling heavier than ever as she tried to formulate a plan. She turned to run before stopping herself, her mind racing. “No… NO!  I can’t run! Think of Aluma… think of Ben.. think of Nelia! They all need me, I have to fight. No more running, no more fear. I’m in control of what happens!” Turning back to face the swarm approaching her, Alora felt a surge within her she hadn’t had to feel in weeks. Her hands began to glow as she tapped into her magical reserves of power. “Damn the consequences, THIS STOPS NOW!” The elf shouted, lifting her luminous hands as a light purple mist surges out from them, engulfing everything in a bright purple glow. As the light dissipated, everyone stood still, before they slowly began to fall to their knees one after another, some managing to stay conscious, others dropping out cold. Walking forward triumphantly, her glowing hands clenched in fists, Alora felt the searing pain of her belly contracting, the huge outpouring of magic taking its usual toll, yet she paused only for a moment to shake her head before she kept on walking, unphased by the pain, her eyes set on her friends. She pushed past the weakened guards with ease, looking up at the stand, Ben was out cold, Nelia seemed just as she did before, and Beth seemed to have taken it pretty well, remaining awake. Alora stomped up the stairs, but as she reached the top, Jandyce stood between the elf and the demon. The once helpful old woman scowled at the elf.
“You won’t get away with this,” She said, falling to her knees.  “After all I’ve done for you…welcoming you with open arms, preparing you for the birth of your child…and it turns out you’ve thrown in your lot with her…a demon!” Alora reached out, grabbing Jandyce and looking at her at eye level. “You stupid bitch. ‘After all you’ve done for me?’  Abducted me into your ‘weird moms club’?  Treated me like nothing more than a charity case all so you could feel high and mighty?  I never asked for your stupid help!  You never once asked me what my story was…about me! About what I wanted!  Well I’m not just some demure little mommy elf! My power, and my friends are only your enemy if you MAKE us your enemy. If you truly want to avoid the dire fate you think we bring, you’ll listen and you’ll listen good.  We are the best shot you have against what's coming to this world.” Alora pointed sternly at Nelia. “She has been through more trauma than you could possibly understand! And you have the nerve to treat her as a foe despite all she’s risked to STOP her people!?!  Yeah, you really care about mothers-to-be, huh?  When the one who needed help the most had to-” Alora paused, noticing Jandyce’s intense glare focused on her hands.  They were no longer glowing with the purple light of her magic.  She looked back at the mob.  They were not stirring.  Everyone was still on the ground.  Even stranger, the very color of the sky had changed, as if a cover of clouds had rolled in when she wasn’t looking.  A chill ran down Alora’s spine and she blinked, trying to shake the feeling that she was looking out at a street lined with corpses.  No, they were all just sleeping.  That’s all she could do.  They were all just passed out.
All except for one.
Standing in the same spot where Alora had released her magic, stood a white haired woman, her back toward the crowd.  She was dressed in a long robe, in no color a commoner could wear.  Thin black smoke seemed to pour out from under it.  Even from this distance, Alora could see the striking, dark horns piercing the air above the woman’s head. Quickly turning to Nelia, Alora shouted, “Who… WHO IS THAT?!?” Nelia was paler than Alora had ever seen her, her voice shaky she replied. “It… It can’t be, she can’t leave our realm…. It's… it's the Queen.”
“Queen?” Jandyce huffed.  “There was no Queen in legend.  Don’t you know your own dark history?” “Ah so even a traitor such as yourself remembers me.  Flattering to know that even one such as you will always remember how to address me properly.” The Demon Queen said, her voice steady and conversational, yet loud enough that she could be heard clearly even from down the street. She slowly turned around, revealing her sharp face and the ornate patterns on the front of her robe.
“My wonderful child…we were so worried about you.  I was beginning to lose hope we’d ever find you again. If your little elf friend hadn’t just set off the magical equivalent of a signal fire, who knows how long it would have taken,” She said, winking her red eye before vanishing, appearing at the foot of the podium in a puff of red smoke. Alora primed herself to fight, only for a sharp pain to shoot up her back, knocking her to her knees as she clutched her bump in pain, everything inside it cramming against her spine in an unbearably uncomfortable unease. Nelia tried to stand, only for the collar to make her fall back into the chair. The only one still standing, Beth, moved between the two pregnant girls and the new threat. The tall demon smirked at the display. “My oh my, what such short lives will do to a human!  It should have been passed down that you drop to your knees before a queen. Yet, the traitor is right. I’m still in the demon realm, this is just a projection of my consciousness.” She explained, moving her hand right through Beth's chest. “See? No physical form here, so I have no choice to let your act of insolence slide.” Laughing, the Queen peered at Alora and Nelia over the innkeeper's shoulder. “But even if I'm not there now, I will be soon enough.”
Nelia scowled at the Queen, “We’ll be long gone before you get here then.” The Queen smiled, “That would be a problem, which is why I’ve appeared before you today.  It seems the people of this village were wise enough to wrap you up nice and safe and sound for me.  I’m here to ask that they simply keep you that way.  If you are not there by the time my forces are able to enter the realm, then this proud woman,” she looked over to Jandyce, “will be made to watch as history repeats itself on her watch.”
The queen’s brow furrowed intensely, lines appearing all over her face.  “You’ll face the same fate if any harm should come to my sweet, sweet angel.  If you don’t value your lives at all, then let her go free, by all means.  Every single one of my troops have heard legends about how sweet the blood of humans is.” Jandyce lies barely conscious on the stand, scowling right back at the Queen but giving no answer. The Queen turned back to Nelia, but her eyes never left the round mound under her overalls.  Nelia found the strength to squirm in her seat, trying by any means necessary to avoid the hand that was now coming for her.  Even though she never felt the burning touch of the Queen, she saw that hand press against her belly, and the life inside began to throw a fit. “Wait for me, my precious.  Soon enough I will feel you in my arms.” She whispers to Nelia’s belly.  Her face came closer to the bump, and this time, Nelia could feel a burning where the Queen’s lips would have connected. Just as Nelia began to cry out, the Queen vanished into smoke and the skies slowly began to lighten, leaving Alora staring at the pile of unconscious citizens now awakening in confusion.
Nelia struggled to her feet, kneeling down next to Alora and hugging her tight, the two girls' bellies pressing against each other, both of them starting to calm down for the first time. Tears running down Nelia’s cheeks, she sobbed “You came back… You came back…”
Looking over the confusion of the town square, the unconscious mayor and his shaken wife, then up at Ben as he snored in his seat, Alora hugged Nelia back. “Of course I did… But at what cost…”
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kiddiesmores · 1 month
“𝟖𝟔 𝐌𝐚𝐡𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐡𝐢”: 𝟖𝟔 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬!
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You and Schlatt cannot stop flirting with eachother, but will it go anywhere?
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Drinkin, Cussin
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.5k
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐞: LORDDD chapter two is finally with us 😭🙏🏽 sorry guys I was in such a slump, please forgive me! I will not leave you guys high and dry again! Enjoy!! Love you!!
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Your first few weeks at Chops went as smoothly as they could. Following Schlatts advice to not let anyone walk over you definitely helped and you’ve even got yourself a couple of regulars because of it.
However, even though money is good, it doesn’t stop the lingering tension between you and him. You pray nobody can pick up on it, and luckily no one has (besides charlie), but it’s agonizing to say the least.
The small brushes against your back whenever he’d scoot past you, the sweet, “You look nice today,” he would tell you every time you came in. Don’t even START with the free food he hands out.
Somehow he always has an excuse. “They fucked this one up, take it.” or “Come try this, it’s going on our seasonal menu next month.” Who were you to deny him?
It didn’t stop at work either. Charlie, the little shit he is, pesters you outside of work about him constantly.
The two of you decided to go out to eat after work one night, catching up on each other's lives as if you don’t see each other daily. He wasted no time bringing up Schlatt.
“Oh he definitely likes you,” He starts, his words muffled due to the handful of fries he has stuffed in his mouth. His lips formed a small pout, “He doesn’t give me free food.”
You laugh to yourself, waving your hand to dismiss him. “I don’t mind a free meal or two…or seven. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he likes me— I mean, aren’t you guys close?” Your voice lowers, taking sudden interest in stirring your drink around to avoid eye contact, “Does he like…talk about me to you or anything”
Charlie smiles, shaking his head at your bashfulness. “Not explicitly no, but whenever I see him making food with no tickets in the window, I try to steal some right? And then BAM! HE hits me! Literally hits me!”
A scowl paints his face as his voice deepens mockingly, “ ‘It’s not for you, don’t touch my shit’ like okay ASSHOLE! And then I see him offer it to you, so obviously there’s some connection there!”
You laugh loudly and roll your eyes at his Schlatt impression, stealing a fry from his plate. “Well he’s definitely helped me save on groceries, I haven’t paid for a meal in a month” you joke.
Your knee bounces nervously as you think of all the times Schlatt has spoiled you with meals and sweet words. But your mind can’t help and only comes up with the worst possible scenarios.
Say you actually do get together, what happens if you get into a fight and have to go to work together? Would he fuck up your food? Fire you? Oh god, would he fire you? Is that even allowed? What if-
“You’re thinking too hard about this.” Charlie interrupts, snapping you back to reality. Your eyes dart back up to meet him as he looks at you with gentle eyes. “No! No, I’m fine. I’m chill..” you mumble, but you aren’t fooling anyone, not even yourself. “I just wanna be sure I know what I’m getting into..”
Charlie smiled kindly, reaching across the table to put a hand on your shoulder. “Look Y/N, I’m coming to you as friends of you both and telling you that you have a chance. Don’t get in your own head. Nothing bad will happen to you, even if things do go south. But I know they won’t so that’s out of the question! Trust me, okay?”
You give him a thankful smile and nod, “Thanks Charlie…I’ll let you have half of whatever he makes me next time if you’re right”
The next night at work was peaceful. The restaurant was pretty dead towards closing, only a few people sitting at the bar and maybe one or two tables of two in your coworkers sections. Rosie sat in the office doing paperwork, all the other servers chilling at the bar area talking amongst themselves as they had been cut for the night.
You were adjusting your tips into the system, too in your own head to hear the side door open. A pair of hands wrapped around your waist, shaking you from your trance. Looking down frantically, you recognize them almost immediately, “Oh- hi Schlatt. Didn’t know you were coming in today.” you breathe, placing a hand on your heart to try and ease your heart .
Your voice is low, giving him a gentle squeeze on his hands as you look up at him with a sincere smile. He stares down at you, a tired gruff expression painting his face, he seems exhausted. He hums, leaning down grazing your ear with his lips, a small gasp escaping you as his breath tickles it.
“Wanna go make out in the back?” He whispers, his voice low. His thumb strokes your stomach, eyes trailing your face awaiting your answer. You’ve never turned your head so fast. “Wait- huh?” You question, wondering if you heard him correctly.
“Do you. Want to. Makeout. In the back.”
He articulates every word, expression serious. You’re blown away at his bluntness, mouth floundering as you try to form a coherent response. But he looks so cute, cheeks red and eyes tired, meeting your crazed stare.
You wanted him terribly.
But you can also smell the whiskey on his breath, he’s been drinking.
“Maybe when you’re more sober.” you tease, patting him on the arm, pulling yourself together with a teasing smile.
He pouts, making your heart melt. “I’m 250 pounds, it takes a lot more to get me drunk.” He argues, making you roll your eyes. You turn to face him fully, arms crossing over your chest as your nerves ease just a little when you see him slightly rock on his feet.
He’s just as nervous as you are. Or drunk, maybe both.
“I’ll tell you what, ask me again tomorrow and maybe I’ll follow you up on that offer.” You suggest, holding onto one of his hands.
A loud groan escapes him as he begins to lean against you, his head resting on top of yours as he pulls you into a hug. “But I wanna kiss you now…” he complains, making you scoff. Your hand rubs his back, “How did you even get here if you’ve been drinking?” you ask, trying to dodge his statement.
He pulls back, turning and gesturing to nothing, “Charlie. We went for drinks at a friend's bar down the road and wanted something free to eat so we came here. Waitin on our ride now, his girlfriend I think I dunno.” He grumbles.
‘Charlie’ You think to yourself, you’re gonna beat his ass when you see him. Which might be soon since you hear your coworkers and him laughing at the bar.
Schlatt looks down, head tilting to the side while he brings his hand to your cheek to pinch, “And I wanted to sneak a look at you.”
You huff and shove him away playfully. “Oh shut up!” you grumble, forcing your attention back on the screen so he can’t see your smiling face.
He chuckles, hands back around your waist while his chin rests atop your head. You can’t help but melt into him, bodies swaying a bit as he tries to stand still.
“I mean it,” he starts, staring at the screen with you while you finish adjusting tips. “I’ll remember in the morning and ask you again. Will you say yes then?”
If your pupils could form hearts they would have.
“I will.” you whisper, looking up at him, almost deciding to throw out all your morals and makeout with him right there. A wicked smile paints his lips, “Heard.” He mutters, giving your waist a small squeeze before stepping back.
You almost whine at the loss of his warmth, watching him gather his things before leaving. He waves a bye to you on the way out, a giggling Charlie following behind him with big thumbs up causing you to scowl playfully.
You fiddle with the strings on your apron, an excited squeal leaving your lips as you smile goofily to yourself.
Rosie steps out of the office to look for the commotion, peeping her head around the corner and seeing you giggling to yourself.
“You’re still here? Hurry up and go, our labor is high as shit!”
“Sorry! Sorry! I’m gone!!”
You hear a mix of voices and a crashing noise before her door swings open. A dazed Charlie in a crop top and his boxers greets you while your face grimaces. “You are not Brooke.” You joke, face still disgusted. He scoffs, leaning on the doorway, “She’s in the bathroom, said she’ll be out soon. Whatcha need to go in so early for, you’re good for another hour. I know, I made the schedule.” He smirks, arms crossed. You cross yours back, “I open actually smart ass, what are you doing here anyway? Weren’t you with Schlatt last night?”
He laughs, flipping his hair, “My girlfriend— who loves me very much— picked us up last night. Thank you. Oh but you wouldn’t know anything about being in a relationship would you?” He taunts making you scoff.
“Okay I’m ready, let's go! Bye baby, see you in a bit” Brooke interrupts, kissing Charlie on the cheek and taking your hand while a cheesing Charlie tauntingly waves bye to you while you glare at him.
“AND THEN, HE WAS LIKE ‘OH LET'S GO MAKE OUT IN THE BACK’ LIKE WHAT DO YOU MEAAAAN.” You gripe, flailing about in the passenger seat with your head shoved in your hands. The car is silent for a bit, making you peek at her through your fingers where you’re met with a blank stare, “It most likely means he wants to make out with you.”
You bitch and moan the entire car ride, Brooke's grip on the steering wheel getting tighter and tighter as you repeatedly ignore the obvious attraction from the man.
She pulls into the Chops parking lot, parking at the very back while you continue to rant about how nervous you were. Her eyes look ahead, squinting as she sees Schlatt standing by the to-go door holding a cigarette while you slumped against the passenger window, head in your hands completely oblivious to the man. The two make eye contact, acknowledging each other with a nod of the head.
And a lightbulb goes off in Brooke’s head, hand quickly signaling and mouthing for him to come closer to the car. He stares back confused, slowly walking over as she directs him to the passenger side.
“I’m just so scared, I don’t know what to do.” You pout, looking at Brooke still oblivious to Schlatt.
“Well he’s coming over right now so you better figure out something quick.” Brooke points, making you turn to face the front but not seeing anyone there.
There’s a tap on the window, making you turn to face him.
And you scream. Loud. Cowering back with your hands back over your face.
He flinches, muttering a ‘What the fuck’ and cackling while signaling to Brooke to roll down the window, which she does. He reaches a hand through to poke at your arm, slowly uncovering your face while you stare back with a nervous smile. “Hi..” you mumble, making him chuckle. “How you doin?” He teases with a sly smile.
He opens the car door, “C'mon I’ll walk you in.” He insists, grabbing your bag from the floor board. You turn to Brooke and all she offers is two thumbs up making you whine. You step out, slamming the door and rushing to walk next to Schlatt.
“Have a good shift you two~” Brooke teases as she drives past, making you flip her off while Schlatt shakes his head. He opens the door for you, dropping your bag off in its designated spot as you start your opening duties.
“So how you doin?” He asks again, making you turn your head. You laugh, “You already asked me that.”
“Well you never answered..” he jokes, crossing his arms with a sly smile. You shake your head, “I’m fine, how are you? Your head okay?”
He shrugs, “M’fine, Charlie was worse.” You roll your eyes, “Yeah he was at my apartment this morning, answered Brooke’s door with a crop top on, don’t even know where he got that!”
Yall laugh, the banter continuing as you finish all the opening duties before the others show up. He leans against the expo line, gazing at your figure from the back.
“So…you still thinking about that offer?” He asks lowly, he watches your arms tense, your voice lowering with a teasing tone, “It’s only 10am..” you joke, looking at him over your shoulder. He chuckles, crossing his arms, “Yeah, and?”
You smile, turning to face him, mimicking his body language. “Maybe, you gonna get drunk again before I give you an answer?”
He scoffs and turns his head, making you giggle. He pushes off the counter, heading to the kitchen as your coworkers start making their way in. “Have a good shift.” he mutters, “You too!”
Apparently the day wanted you to go to hell. The hosts triple sat you, people called out left and right meaning your break was cut short as nobody could handle the amount of people coming in today, everything sucked. Not to mention the Sunday crowd was stingy with their tips as always, if they even tipped at all. Why the fuck do old people even still come out to eat?
Now you’re trapped with a 20 top, who need accommodations for every fucking thing but decided to come in 30 minutes before close. Just your fucking luck.
Not gonna lie you were handling it well, to your table at least. In the back you were irritated, constantly refilling drinks and beefing with the ice as it gets lower and with Cooper when he pushes out another dessert for you to run.
You felt terrible for the cooks who have to stay longer due to your table's terrible time management, making a mental note to buy them a drink next shift.
Schlatt especially, but in all honesty you really couldn’t tell what he was feeling right now. His face seemed focused but irritated, you couldn’t see what he was doing, but he seemed really into it.
Your table was finally content, laughing with no cares in the world as if it’s not 30 minutes past closing and they were still inside, so you took the opportunity to put the rest of your tips in.
“5…3…5…6…wow lucky 10..” you mumble to yourself looking at the receipts until—
You flinch at the harsh noise, looking down to see what caused the commotion. It was a plate with a brownie sundae on it, and you looked up to see who left it there and it was no other than Schlatt, avoiding eye contact with you.
“I have a dessert for you.”
“I’m going out back, find me if they need something else”
He walks off quickly, another commotion following, the sounds of pots hitting the ground.
“WHO FUCKING LEFT THIS HERE? FUCK!” He shouts, making you laugh quietly to yourself as a clearly stoned Cooper comes from the kitchen coughing and walking up to the fountain for a cup of water.
“I don’t know why he gave me this, you already gave me all my desserts?” You question, pointing at the sundae while looking at Cooper. He laughs, shaking his head, “I think it’s for you man.”
Your nose scrunches, “But why-“ “I dunno, I’m gonna go smoke again though.”
Annnnd he’s gone. You shrug, pulling the dessert over to you and looking down.
You gasp, realization washing over you as you finally take in the dish. In chocolate syrup, written around the edges of the plate were:
“Wanna Go On A Date?”
The words were shoved awfully close as the plate was not fit to hold a dessert and a declaration of affection, but you understood nonetheless. You smile to yourself, giddily eating the dessert (after taking a picture of course).
Once you finish, you come up with your own plan of getting back at him. You see him turning the corner while he comes back in from smoking, “Schlatt!” You call, making him stop, turning to walk towards you.
“What is it?” he asks, nervously picking at his hand with his fingers. But you smile nonetheless, handing the plate back to him. “Can you take this to the dish pit for me? I think that table is finally ready to check out.”
You try to ignore his face drooping slightly before he grunts out a ‘yeah’ and takes the dish from your hand and turns on his heel to head back. You shake your head, printing out your table's receipt and walking over to check them out, beaming.
Schlatt however was not happy, his brain was doing loops trying to see if the signals you were sending meant nothing the whole time. He drops the plate in the dish pit with a huff, eyes squinting as he sees the mess on the plate he gave you.
There written in the leftover sauce was a “Yes”.
Now it’s his turn to start beaming, eyes lighting up while his heart starts to race. He laughs to himself, shaking his head as he turns the corner just to be halted by a mass bumping into him, you.
You step back, about to apologize until you realize it’s him, “Oh! Hey..” you smile, waving the merchant copy of your receipt, “$60 tip!”
He whistles, taking it from you, “Very nice, it’s the least they could do after keeping us all here an hour later.”
You nod, taking it back and putting it in your book, “Should’ve been more, honestly..” you mumble, making him bark out a laugh. He follows you over to the POS system, leaning next to you as you finish closing out tabs and adjusting totals. He watches as you pout, hand rubbing over your stomach as it growls, “Hungry?” He questions, laughing at you while you hush your stomach.
“A little, haven’t really found time to eat today..” you sulk, printing the checkout and stapling your receipts together. He takes them, watching you put your tote bag over your shoulder, “Woah woah- slow down, let me make you something before you go!”
You frown, adjusting the tote bag, “The kitchen is beyond closed, I can just hit up the gas station or something-“
He pulls you in by the waist, big hands tightly holding your hips against his as he speaks.
“Let me tell you somethin.” he starts, pulling you closer making you giggle. “Tell me somethin.” you mock, mimicking his accent, “Yeah let me tell you somethin.” he repeats, getting closer to your face.
“Who owns the restaurant?”
“You do-“ “I do, that’s right, see you’re keeping up!” He interrupts. You roll your eyes, about to argue but he cuts you off again. “Let me worry about the numbers, and the inventory, and the time. That's my job. Your job right now—“ he points to your stomach, “—Is telling me what the fuck you want to eat. So tell me, what. do. you. want. me. to. make.”
Your body tilts back as you let out a dramatic sigh , causing him to laugh and catch you with his free hand.
“I want a filet.”
“What size.”
“8 ounces. Medium well.”
“No, you always get medium well, do medium.”
“Fine! Medium.”
“What sides.”
“I want a baked potato. Loaded.”
“You’re fucking with me”
You roll your eyes, annoyed. “What’s wrong with applesauce? This is MY meal”
“You’re getting broccoli.”
Your face changes from annoyance to disgust. “I don’t fuckin want that!” “Oh no!” he mocks, holding you tighter in his grip, “Don’t care! I’ll grill it, it’ll taste better.”
You huff, “Fine!”
He laughs at your pouting face, cooing as he leans down to press a swift kiss on your cheek. “Aww, i’m just messin’ baby, you can have some fucking applesauce.I don’t give a shit.”
A shy smile forms on your lips as he kisses your cheek, his thumb rubbing your hip while you look away bashfully.
“But I'm still gonna give you some broccoli, if you don’t eat it you're paying for everything.”
You wait patiently in the dining room, bouncing your knee and scrolling through your phone to distract yourself. Your hand ghosts your cheek, thumb tickling the spot he kissed, having to hold back your giggle as you replayed it in your head. It felt nice to finally admit you both had the hots for each other, the last month of sly touches and casual flirting finally feeling like it was worth it.
A text pops up on the top of your screen, it was Brooke asking if she needed to come pick you up. As your fingers hovered over the keys, Schlatt turned the corner, setting down a to go box on the table.
You offer a sweet smile, muttering a thank you before typing out a quick, “No I’m okay, I have a plan.”
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Challenging fate (Tom Riddle x reader)
Chapter 8
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Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Epilogue
Description: There were a lot of unexpected things happening the day of the Battle of Hogwarts. Being send back into the past to change the course of history was definitely one of them.
1807 words
It was finally time for you to go back to the future, you had talked to Dumbledore and all three of you decided that it would be best to wait until the Christmas holidays, so that there weren’t as many students present in the castle. All of you thought it best not to tell anyone you were going and instead letting Dumbledore make up some story about how you had to transfer to Ilvermorny. Both of you spent a little more time than usually with your respective friend groups in the last few weeks, but them not knowing you were leaving for good also made saying goodbye a lot easier, because all of your friends thought it’d be a goodbye until the next term, and so you were able to pull yourself together and not shed any tears (in their presence at least).
When the school was finally quiet and almost empty the next morning, you met Tom outside of Dumbledores office with your small suitcase and most importantly, the timeturner. Both of you were able to bring a few things that you deemed important to the future with you. Tom was already waiting for you when you arrived - five minutes late - and he was staring thoughtfully at the wall before noticing you.
“Good morning darling”, he smiled, but it was unconvincing. “Are you alright?”, you asked concerned and his smile fell a little. “Yes I am, I think I…might be a bit nervous”, he admitted and you were about to ask him if he was sure about this, when he interrupted you. “Yes I am sure”, he chuckled (just like the last couple times you were checking if he was still sure) and you were blushing. Why did he always know what you were thinking! “I’m glad”, you smiled and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, because you knew that eventhough there wasn’t really anybody here he wasn’t into pda.
You knocked on Dumbledore’s door and immediately heard him say “Come in!” from inside. Stepping into the office with your things and closing the door, the Professor magically locked it with one wisp of his wand. “Good Morning you two”, he greeted you, which you returned. “I hope you are ready, there is nothing else left to discuss”, he let you know and your heart beat faster. In a few moments you would see your sister again. You couldn’t fight of the smile.
You stepped close to Tom, pulling out the timeturner from under you school uniform and put the long chain around Tom’s neck aswell. “I will try to get you as close to your original departure time as possible, it might be a few hours later, as it is really hard to be accurate with this”, he explained starting to turn the timeturner. “Thank you Professor, for everything”, you said, tears welling up in your eyes but you pushed them down. “You are very welcome Miss Granger, I will see the two of you in 55 years”, he said with amusement in his voice and before you could answer he turned the golden piece of magic one last time and let go.
You quickly gripped Tom’s free hand and not a second too late, because the world around you went blurry as fast as the first time. But again, just as fast as it started it stopped and you were standing in the same office, but also not the same at all. “Hermione”, you chocked on her name, seeing her sitting on the couch in what was now McGonagalls office. She jumped to her feed immediately and you hurried to get the golden chain away from your neck and you fell into eachothers arms.
It felt like a lifetime since you had seen her, and for her it was probably just a few hours ago. Remembering there were three other people in the room you reluctantly pulled away from her and wiped away a few stray tears quickly before turning around and facing your two Professors. Professor Sprout looked at you proudly and pulled you into a hug too. “This is how we Hufflepuffs do it”, she said and let you go.
Proffesor McGonagall wasn’t looking at you though, but at something behind you. “Mister Riddle, is it?”, she asked and the other two women in the room seemed to notice the dark haired boy too now. “Professor McGonagall, is it? And you must be Professor Sprout, it is a pleasure to meet you both”, he answered with that polite smile you’ve seen him use to charm people, and normally that worked. But they usually also didn’t know that he was Voldemort in a different timeline. The effect it did have though, was that Sprout and McGonagall looked caught off guard by the fact he knew who they were. He of course knew who everyone was, having seen it in your mind a few weeks ago.
“Oh I can see how he did it”, Professor Sprout said to McGonagall and you had to suppress a giggle. Oh yes, he could be very charming, but you could tell that none of them even trusted him one bit. You understood them, of course you did, not that you didn’t trust him. You did a hundred percent, but you were his soulmate and that probably didn’t count.
“So you did it then?”, asked Hermione and looked at Tom curiously. Before you could say anything Professor McGonagall opened her mouth. “She was in fact successfull”, she stated and looked at the other two expectantly. Both of them just looked at her confused. “When I try to remember what happened the last few decades, I seem to have two different sets of memories”, she explained further and as she said that you realized that you did too.
There was one string of memories where Voldemort did exist like he did previously and one where he didn’t, the present we were currently in. Without having lived through it you knew that Harry’s parents were alive, that he had a younger brother and you also knew that Dumbledore was still alive and held the position as headmaster. Tom cleared his throat a little to get your attention back, you were seemingly just staring into space, going through your memories.
“This is so weird”, Hermione said and looked at you and you just nodded still not fully grasping the current reality. “This is how it was supposed to be though, all of us in here were supposed to remember what would have happened”, Professor McGonagall said and you remembered vaguely that she said something like that right before you departed.
“Considering I don’t hear any fighting going on outside anymore, I think we should probably head to Dumbledores office?”, you suggested, trying to get this weird and stiff situation moving. The other three women were silent for a minute, looking slightly overwhelmed by the memory that the Dumbledore in this timeline was still alive, when only a few hours ago he was dead.
“Yes I think that would be best”, Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and made her way over to the door, checking if there were any threatening noises to be heard outside. “You can leave your luggage in here”, she instructed you and - deeming it safe - lifted the charms on her office before opening the door. Hesitantly she stepped outside and signaled you to follow her, after looking both ways.
Professor McGonagall was leading you, Hermione on your right clutching your hand as if afraid you’d disappear again, and Tom on your left giving you and your sister space, knowing how much you missed her. Professor Sprout was walking behind you and looked behind her nervously every few seconds, maybe expecting a death eater to jump out behind an armour.
Nobody was speaking while you passed a few stray students on their way to dinner, the clock you passed a few corridors ago showing that it was seven fifty in the evening. For you that wasn’t such a foreign sight, having lived for about a year in a Hogwarts that wasn’t at war. But for them this looked drastically different to the way the school looked a few hours ago.
Finally arriving at the gargoyle McGonagall gave it the password without hesitation, knowing it in this timeline. You made your way up the stairs and in front of the office door McGonagall hesitated again, exchanging glances with Professor Sprout before knocking. “Come in”, answered Professor Dumbledores voice from inside. The three women gasped slightly, but McGonagall pushed through her shock and opened the door.
There at his desk sat Dumbledore, looking as calm and collected as ever, but considerably older than the one who sent you back not that long ago. “Ah I was wondering which time you would arrive today”, he smiled knowingly and gestured for you to sit infront of his desk, having summoned a few more chairs than normally. “Hello Professor”, you greeted him, guessing that the others needed a bit more time. “Evening Professor”, Tom greeted him too and gave him a small smile. “It is good to see you two again, it feels like yesterday that we saw eachother last”, he chuckled with a twinkle in his eyes. You just grinned and even Tom let out an amused huff.
“I hope that everything worked out with the plan Minerva?”, Professor Dumbledore addressed McGonagall this time and she was broken out of her stupor. “Yes, yes it worked perfectly well”, she answered him and then she started smiling, “it’s good to see you again Albus.” Professor Dumbledore gave her a comforting look, but then directed his gaze to Tom again.
“Mister Riddle, I think we have a few things to discuss, if we hurry you might be able to catch dinner”, he said and then turned to you and Hermione. “Miss Granger and Miss Granger”, he chuckled, “I think it would be best if you two head down to dinner, do not worry I will not be keeping Mister Riddle too long.” Slightly hesitant to leave Tom alone, you knew it would be stupid to start arguing about it so you took his hand and gave it a soft squeeze, giving him a comforting smile and then you and your sister made your way out of there. Tom really didn’t look that bothered, but you were still worried.
When the gargoyle was in place behind you again, Hermione broke the silence. “So you’re dating you know who now?”, she burst out and eventhough it was a little insensitive you understood where she was coming from. “He’s not you know who, he’s Tom”, you smiled and added, “how about I’ll sneak over tonight like old times and tell you the whole story?” She agreed, eventhough she looked like she would rather know right now.
The next chapter is going to be the epilogue already!! Hope you enjoyed this part <3
@salleun @darkenwolfie @dannalikestoread
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