#see yall on saturday
taylovelinus · 1 month
my favorite eurovision entries this year are definitely Greece and Italy and for a while Greece's entry was my #1 but after listening to them back to back a few times in a row.............. I'm so sorry to the beautiful and glorious nation of Greece but Italy might be my favorite actually
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doinggreat · 9 months
+6 minutes? i dont think so
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jakes3resin · 2 months
England Arc Snippets!
Decided to go with the Bucky Snippets tonight just cause Gale's POV decided to annoy me at the last minute! I thought I'd do a bit of a everything and chose bits from different parts of what I have written :)
(BTW if you have no idea what I'm going on about, these are snippets for the sequel to my fic 'Garden in My Heart')
“Looking forward to seeing your fella again Major?”
Bucky smiles at Ken. The other Omega smiled back just as bright. Bucky can just smell the happiness, an emotion he knows is reflected in his own scent, on the other’s scent before the wind washes it away.
“Oh, just a bit.” Bucky laughs.
Ken runs off a moment later to get the ground crews in gear, and Bucky’s left with his bikes to watch the skies.
He smiles. Gale’s up there.
“How often does that happen?” Gale’s pissed. His scent clogs the air, raging and hungry for revenge. How very Alpha of him. Bucky rotates his jaw as he puts off answering. With some ice, he might get away without a bruise. The RAF doesn’t teach their pilots how to throw a punch thankfully.
The pack edges closer around them, offput by the display. Curt pushes to the front of the crowd. Bucky can’t help but notice the blood dripping from his knuckles. He makes a note to send Curt to the infirmary. He can’t send a pilot up if their hand is broken.
“John!” Gale growls, and Bucky turns his eyes up to the other. Gale’s eyes flash between his pretty baby blues and Alpha red. Bucky still finds the sight absolutely devastatingly hot. He almost says as much when Gale growls again, wordless in his anger now.
“How often does what happen?” Bucky leans back against the brick wall. There’s water soaking into his uniform, but he doesn’t give a shit right now. “Cause nothing happened, Buck.”
Bucky pressed a lazy kiss to the hinge of Gale's jaw. He didn't want to get out of bed. He desperately wanted to sink down into this moment until the world stopped, and all that existed was the space holding the pair of them.
From the way Gale's hands gripped at his hips, Bucky knew he felt the same. Just from that alone, he knew that Gale would give anything to keep Bucky grounded right here where Gale could love him, where Gale could keep him safe.
His heat had passed in a pleasant haze as they usually don't. This one had been so different, and Bucky knew why.
Gale had been there, and that's why it was so different. Sure, Bucky's shared his heat with others before, but none of them had left him feeling so cared for. Gale hadn't left his side, had done everything Bucky had demanded, and more. It was enough to make an Omega feel spoiled, and Bucky said so, shattering the silence.
"You sure do know how to spoil someone, Buck." Bucky tucked his grin into Gale's throat.
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ceruleanharley · 2 years
croatia and morocco love each other so much that we're gonna play another match this world cup i love that for us
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scarefox · 5 months
Cryingggggg! Bro why was Fays live so early? I was still sleeping at that time... 😭 And worst/best of all it was with Jeffy again. Will I ever catch them live together in their Playboyy era hu??
They went out together
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Don't ask why I am so fixated on them. It's mainly because we never get them in interviews or vlogs. But they are lovely. Jeffy is damn funny (and speaks english so that helps). I don't know much about Fay yet and that bothers me.
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connorsui · 2 months
✨️in lab✨️
Student 1: who da fuck got this shitty ass finding!? ...it don't even match to the fucking code on the assingment??
Student 2: ...u can't even read wtf they found ..like what is this handwriting?? ..the founding fathers of the constitution?
Ur girl: 💅🏻✨️...💀
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chibi-scone · 2 days
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Has anyone else seen this article? Why does it read like someone who clearly has some weird bias against ghost lmao
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hey everyone ! just letting you all know beforehand that I will be away and without internet until Saturday, not exactly sure what time, but I'll be leaving before the poll ends, so i likely wont be able to get out the final round of the adhd swag poll . so either in the morning I'll try to make a guess of who'll win what round and schedule the poll or the final round will just have to wait until Saturday, sorry everyone !
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ok in the least creepy way possible - does anyone want my clothes?
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This is just my mildly sus way of saying I'm gonna try to make it out to the clothing swap this month, have a bunch of stuff to drop off
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femstyles · 1 year
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Exciting news..... baby #2 is on the way!
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pokemonkatia · 1 year
I'm so excited to post fanfic, and read others. Best part about this story reaching a wider audience is MORE FANS!
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luwukass · 11 months
i havent seen the barbie movie yet and im trying to avoid spoilers so bad but i want to know about it but also tell me nothing
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frenziedcrescendo · 8 months
Disappearing. Fading.
My time has come.goodbye
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missingn000 · 1 year
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leafsboys · 1 year
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