#seeing foxy is mostly a side character in the pizzaplex
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Gregory making sure Michael is a true FNAF fan
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Dawn of Trouble
Fandom: Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach Rating: Explicit Tw: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Violence, Blood and Gore, Child Death, Character Death, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence AO3 Link
Chapter Three
The elevator to Gator Golf was crammed with rowdy kids and exasperated parents. Don was forced to press himself into a corner to avoid being knocked into by the flailing children. The crackle of the speaker caught his attention, the children quieting when an automated voice came on.
“Did you know that bears love pizza sauce more than honey?"
Don's nose wrinkled.
"It’s true! Before their extinction,"
'Extinction?' Don arched an eyebrow at the speaker.
"Bears were known to attack pizza delivery trucks more than any other food service vehicles. This has been another fun Faz Fact!”
'Fun Faz Fact'. What bullshit. Teaching kids that bears were extinct? Some dumb kid was going to get hurt some day while trying to feed a bear pizza. The shrill noises of amazement from the younger kids in the elevator were not a good sign to the contrary. Don was beside himself with relief when the doors finally opened and they were able to exit.
The elevator let off on a carpeted upper walkway that curved around the left side of the attraction, with places to sit and eat while you watched kids play mini golf. Don walked to the railing to look out over the room, taking in the synthetic jungle beneath him. It was a bit dark for an indoor golf course, only the winding walkways were bathed in a neon green light. The little orange bulb lights that dangled from the ceiling looked more like fireflies than actually lighting up anything. Don could hear the heavy snarl of fake gators around the course, but with the sounds of birds, bugs, and frogs beneath the sounds of music and running water, it really did feel like a jungle swamp. Did children really find this fun?
Across the way from where he stood, Don could see a narrow stage with two animatronics standing on it. It was hard to see exactly who, but the long tail on the one was sure to belong to Montgomery. Despite being on stage, neither seemed to be playing their instruments, facing one another instead in a rather aggressive manner. Was this part of a show?
Don started to walk around the walkway towards the stage, squinting to see if he could tell what was happening. Montgomery let out a snarl that Don could hear from halfway across the room, a child began to cry somewhere in the dark. Whatever was happening, it was his job as security to make sure it didn't get violent, so he ran.
The walkway let down right beside the stage, Don taking the steps two at a time once he could hear the yelling. Getting up on stage was easy, Don pulling himself up behind one of the giant speakers so he was out of view of the audience. He still had no way of knowing if this was an act or not.
Both animatronics had bass guitars, but neither were playing, their instruments tucked to their sides so they could stand nose-to-nose. One was obviously Montgomery Gator, a large green alligator with a black oilskin hat tipped forward over his angry eyes. His casing was painted to have gator-skin pants and black gloves, with a paint job on his torso to mimic a black bush ranger jacket, metal studs on his shoulder pads, gloves, and belt. It wasn't hard to see that his face was much less expressive than the Daycare Attendant’s had been, looking more like stiff plastic like Foxy's.
The other animatronic was a purple rabbit, with a hot pink bowtie and black suspenders, though the suspenders attached to his studded belt, since his pink and black tiger-striped pants were merely painted on. His eyes were narrowed at Monty past star-shaped sunglasses with yellow frames. Given that Don only knew of one rabbit at the Pizzaplex, this had to be Bonnie.
Where he was now, Don could barely hear their argument, which was mostly Monty snarling and pointing aggressively at Bonnie.
"-you're nothing but a spoiled, egotistical, bitch!" Monty snapped, his teeth inches from Bonnie's nose. That kind of language seemed out of place for kid's entertainment, maybe this was not an act and needed to be stopped.
"And you're a second-rate pool toy." Bonnie scoffed as Don stepped out from behind the speaker, stepping up behind Monty. Monty let out a growl, reeling back his fist with malign intent. Don saw the gator's elbow wind back and put up his hand to block the blow.
Don stumbled and dropped flat on his back, hand and nose flaring in pain. He hadn't managed to stop the blow at all, only managing to cushion the blow of Monty's elbow to his nose. He'd caught plenty of thrown punches and elbows in the past, but the strength behind the animatronics' swings was something beyond inhuman. He'd need to avoid a physical fight with any of them if he was going to survive this place.
"What did you do!?" Bonnie snapped, stepping forward to shove a stunned Monty out of his way. Don sat up rather quickly, pinching his nose shut with his right hand and looking woefully at his already bruising left. Between the spots in his vision he could see Bonnie, knelt down to make sure he was okay. Bonnie turned on Monty so fast, Monty flinched.
"Are you trying to get decommissioned?" Bonnie hissed, Monty looking as frantic as a robot could. Bonnie stepped behind Don and slipped his hands under Don's arms, carefully standing him back on his feet. One glance at the kids who were watching the stage with wide, fearful eyes and Monty was gone, running off backstage and disappearing behind the curtain. Don was still too dizzy from the blow to give chase, turning to look at Bonnie instead.
"Thanks for-" Don blinked, Bonnie had already turned away and was moving to get off the stage, leaving Don leaning against the speaker.
"Hold on!" Don called, collecting himself and walking after the rabbit. Bonnie stopped and sneered over his shoulder.
"What do you want?" Bonnie asked in a huff. Don frowned, an anger flaring in his chest for a moment before he quelled it.
"What was all that about?" Don asked, his thanks abandoned.
"The crocodile was throwing a pity party." Bonnie dismissed it and took another step down the short stage stairs.
"Hm," Don's unamused noise seemed to halt the rabbit. "Anything I need to worry about?"
"Oh please," Bonnie turned to look at him, sneering down his nose at Don despite being below him. "You're here for appearances only, little man. Clean yourself up, before a kid sees you making a disgrace of the Pizzaplex." Bonnie turned and walked away, leaving Donald f u m i n g.
Would he break his hand if he tried to punch that stupid purple rabbit? A crowbar might work. He regretted getting in Monty's way now, he could absolutely understand the desire to assault him. Anyone with that much ego was bound to piss off every single person they came into contact with. Still, the tin hare had a point, Don could feel blood on his fingers and didn’t really want to deal with stains on his nice white shirt.
The bathrooms in Monty Golf were crowded with children, mostly little punks that were making a ruckus in the stalls, flooding the toilets, and tormenting the wet floor sign bots and staff bot that was mopping the floor by covering them in toilet paper. When Don stepped inside, his hands and face bloody and his glare one of pure aggravation, the bathroom was very quickly emptied.
"Damn, those little shits made one hell of a mess." He grumbled, grimacing at the wet shlap of his shoes across the floor. His nose wasn't dripping at the moment, so he took a second to help get all of the toilet paper off of the staff bot and sign bots. Using some of the paper to get up some of the water before throwing the mushy mass into the nearby trash bin.
"You good?" He asked the staff bot, who was recollecting its mop. It turned to look at him, but did not nod or say anything.
"I'll, uh, take that as a yes." Don stepped away to wash his hands and face and see the extent of the damage. His nose wasn't broken, but he had some decent bruising and a small cut on his nostril that stung. Both sides of his hand were bruised and his palm was swollen slightly, a nice cut across his palm that he hadn't noticed before. Thankfully, his nose hadn't bled enough to get on his shirt, but his palm had managed to stain his cuff enough that cold water only got rid of most of it.
"Fu-" He caught one of the sign bots staring at him in the mirror. "Uuuuuuum. Hm." With how small and cute it was, it felt like cursing in front of a toddler. "Er, I need a first aid kit," Don said aloud, turning to the staff bot that had returned to its mopping. "Do you know where one is?"
There was a soft ding and Don looked down at the sign bot that was looking up at him.
"You know where one is, lil bud?" Don asked again, amused when the sign bot spun in place. Don grabbed a paper towel to keep the cut on his palm from bleeding and followed the little bot when it sped out of the bathroom. It led him to the elevator, which was thankfully a little less jam-packed, and out into the main Atrium. Don kept track of where they were headed with his map app, his curiosity peaked as they passed into Rockstar Row. Where was this thing taking him?
The 'hallway' that was Rockstar Row seemed to be a museum dedicated to Fazbear history, framed posters and artwork hung on the walls and glass cases full of memorabilia and…
Don stopped by one of the cases.
It had a strange, rusty metal skull with one eye attached to it. Bits of dirt clung to it and the frayed old wires that stuck out of it. It was strange to see this so close to where the main animatronics spent their time, like the decapitated head of an ancestor set out on display for children to gawk at. Perhaps he was reading too much into it. It was likely the animatronics didn't even acknowledge this thing as any more than an old chunk of metal.
A bump against his leg yanked his attention from the case and back to the sign bot that was looking up at him.
"Sorry, got distracted." Don said, motioning the bot to lead the way. The bot made a noise like a chirp and turned, rolling away once more. Don followed close this time, taking a glance at the massive curtained windows they passed. Above each window was a character in neon lights, Chica, Bonnie, Roxanne, and Freddy. Chica and Bonnie's curtains were closed, the lights turned off inside to denote that they were elsewhere. Roxanne's, however, were drawn back so you could look inside. The wolf was sitting at her vanity, taking pictures with a young girl in a racing jumpsuit, even signing the little Roxy plush that the girl held out to her. These animatronics really were just robotic celebrities that they didn't have to pay.
Don stopped again, this time because the sign bot had led him into a small hallway beside Freddy's room that had velvet ropes leading to a door that the little bot stopped in front of before turning to him again.
"Uh, I don't think I'm allowed in there, buddy," Don didn't approach the door. "Pretty sure that's the big guy's room."
The curtain to Freddy's room had been pulled shut, but Don had been able to see the light on inside. If the big guy himself was there, it would be a little awkward to just walk inside-
He WAS supposed to introduce himself to him.
Don crossed his arms with a frown, thinking it over while the sign bot stared at him.
What was the harm? He gets talked down to again? Big deal.
Don stepped forward and knocked lightly on the door, stepping back when he heard the heavy thud of metal footsteps approaching almost instantaneously. The door slid open and Freddy Fazbear stood there, a pristine example of what a well design animatronic could look like. The bear smiled down at Don.
"Hello-" Freddy was cut off by the sign bot wheeling its way into the room, Freddy quickly moving his feet as if to not have his toes rolled over.
"Ack! Sorry," Don tried to grab at the little bot and missed, watching it roll away to an arcade machine in the corner of the room. "I'm not sure what's gotten into him."
"Oh it's quite alright!" Freddy said with a toothy grin, he seemed to have a little more emotive capability than the other Glamrocks, but not much. "You're Roberts, the new security guard, right?"
"Yes sir," Don smiled back and offered his good hand to shake. "You can just call me Don though."
Freddy took his hand and shook it gently.
"A pleasure to meet you, Don." Freddy gripped his hand, concern suddenly taking over his tone. "You are injured."
"Oh, uh, a little mishap with Monty is all," Don tugged his hand back, lifting his injured hand to show Freddy the paper towel. "I asked the little guy here for a first aid kit and he brought me here." Don motioned to the sign bot, trying to ignore how horrified Freddy looked.
"Goodness," Freddy crossed his arms anxiously. "I do hope Monty didn't hurt you on purpose?"
"Oh no, it was an accident, that's all." Don assured him, feeling a little silly reassuring a robot.
"I'm glad, Monty likes to be rough, but he's never been violent before."
Don just hummed in reply, thinking that Monty had been rather violent with Bonnie, or had attempted to be.
"But!" Freddy turned as though he remembered something. "Let me get that first aid kit for you!" He exclaimed, moving to the arcade machine the sign bot still sat beside. He excused himself as he reached into a spot between the game and the wall and pulled out a small red and white box.
"I like to keep one here for emergencies." Freddy explained, opening the box and pulling out several things as he returned to Don's side. With Freddy's help, Don set about doctoring his palm. An alcohol wipe to clean it out, a bit of antibiotic Faz-sporin cream, and a nice clean roll of bright blue Faz-wrap gauze to finish it off.
"Thank you, Freddy, a bit embarrassed that I got hurt on my first day, to tell you the truth." Don helped put the trash in the little bin under Freddy's vanity, while Freddy repacked the first aid kit and put it away.
"Oh please don't be! Injuries happen-at no fault of Fazbear Entertainment or its affiliates, there's no need to worry over the little things. Have you met the rest of your coworkers yet?"
Don was rather focused on the 'no fault of' part, but lifted his head when he realized Freddy was staring at him.
"I-uh, haven't met any of them yet, actually." Don admitted, thinking on how he hadn't seen a single human staff member since he arrived. Freddy gave him an odd look, ears swiveling slightly to express his confusion.
"I thought you said you'd met Monty?" Freddy mused.
Freddy meant the other animatronics.
Of course.
The big bear probably had them coded as all being coworkers. It was only reasonable that Don was now added to that list.
"Oh!" Don smiled. "Sorry, I misheard you." He laughed it off before Freddy could question it. "I have! I had a run in with Monty and Bonnie, I got to play a bit with Foxy, and I got to see Sundrop in action."
"So you still need to meet Chica and Roxanne?"
"And the DJ." Don amended. Freddy nodded in understanding.
"I think you will like the DJ, he is such a nice fellow. I do believe Chica is down on the dancefloor currently, you may be able to meet them both. Two birds, one stone as the saying goes?"
"What kind of bird is the DJ?" Don asked, internally kicking himself for the terrible joke, Lark would have laughed. Terrible taste. Freddy just looked confused.
"Nevermind," Don waved it away. "It's been nice to meet you, Freddy, but I should let you get back to it."
"It was a pleasure," Freddy's ears wiggled happily. "You are always welcome here, even if I am not available." Freddy pointed to the ceiling. "There are no cameras here, so if you ever need a break-" Freddy winked.
Don laughed and patted Freddy's arm before turning for the door. No cameras? In the main Star's greenroom? That felt like either a lie or a massive oversight. Can robots lie? Don nearly tripped over the sign bot, who rushed for the door the moment it was open.
"Careful, little dude." Don chided, sidestepping out of its way and watching it zip off down the hallway. Don sighed, checking his watch and glancing at the map. It was already past 11am and it was a good walk from Rockstar Row to the DJ's stage in the West Arcade. At least he only had three more animatronics to meet, though Freddy's comment put a weird feeling in his stomach. -Were- there any other humans working at the Pizzaplex?
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