#and has his own favourite animatronic
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Gregory making sure Michael is a true FNAF fan
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crees-a · 6 months
Super messy sketch because I really REALLY wanna tell you about this AU
Also thanks to @milkyrrr for helping me :>
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So. Villainous trio AU is an AU where Eclipse, Jigsaw and Solar are a group of antagonists working together
Solar is brain of team, a mechanic with crazy scientist vibes who can spend weeks in his lab working on some weird machines that most likely won’t even work. Sometimes he builds them just to see them blowing up. Something went boom in the kitchen? Don’t worry it’s just Solar making himself some coffee
Solar killed his Moon after numerous threats and abuse and ran away to a different dimension. He still keeps Moon’s hat like a trophy making Eclipse envious
Jigsaw (Ruin):
Self-proclaimed leader of the group who comes up with most plans and ideas. He is also a carrier of the ruin virus and creator of Eclipse. His personality is almost identical to one he had when first appeared in sams
Eclipse was infected with the ruin virus by Jigsaw which made him more aggressive and uncontrollably violent. I think the next part will explain everything. It’s honestly my favourite thing about this AU
The ruin virus:
I searched what exactly this virus does in sams and found some facts about Ruin’s dimension instead. So I used them to create my version of this virus
The ruin virus makes animatronics much more aggressive and blood-thirsty but also more fragile and quick to break. That’s why infected animatronics need repairs more often than others. However they don’t turn into some brainless zombies. The virus just makes them really hard to cope with emotions, especially anger and intolerant to humans
I also found that animatronics in Ruin’s dimension have their own hierarchy and thought… what if it’s not just a way to organize themselves but an instinct to obey the one who infected them? So Jigsaw being the one who infected Eclipse made a very interesting “master and his servant” connection between them. No that doesn’t mean Eclipse is just some obedient dog now. This means it’s just more likely to see him next to Jigsaw than anyone else. Eclipse has no choice but look after him like a bodyguard because of the virus
Phew I think that’s all for now. You can always ask some questions about this AU if you'd like :D
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mychapel-004 · 11 months
something about vanessa afton
do you think she joined the police force as an act of defiance? to protect people, save children, one day maybe even take down her father? or was it an act of loyalty? did her father make her join? did he raise her to forever be his human shield?
the way he talks to her makes it seem as if she has been under his thumb the whole time, completely loyal until the last minute (“you had one job, keep him in the dark and kill him if he gets too close”). is she an officer so she can cover for him? how long has he been hiding behind his own daughter to protect the place he’s so “sentimental” over?
is she the one that hides the bodies? when did it start? how much of a role did she play in the killings? how long has she been cleaning up the blood that should be on his hands? when did it start to stain hers?
something about a little girl watching as her toy closet, her favourite restaurant, her life becomes a graveyard of kids her age. did he kill them so he didn’t have to kill her? in the end, did it even matter when he tried to kill her the moment she fought back?
does she visit the restaurant every night to cover up any mistakes bodies, or to pay her respects? she got so angry at mike when he left the door open, even when he didn’t know the truth of the restaurant. he just thinks she’s overly sentimental, like william, but she didn’t see it as a break-in. she saw it as a desecration.
how long has she stared into the eyes of the animatronics her younger self used to stare at in amazement, knowing what they are and what they’re capable of? has she ever felt a stab of irrational jealousy, knowing even after what her father did to these children they still see him as a friend, their hands don’t shake when he comes near, he calls them children when vanessa hasn’t been allowed to be a child since she found out what he had done? they get to stay young and naive forever, while she grows older and is never able to forget.
because even though she joined the police force to protect her father, she’s a trained emt. she knows where the first aid kit is. she knows where the nearest outpost with the right medical equipment to survive an animatronic attack is. some part of her hopes that just once, she’ll get there before it’s too late.
i really hope we get more lore about her in the next movie. i want to know more about her childhood, when she learned the truth and how it changed her. i know a lot of people aren’t fans of the change with william’s kids, but i think its a really interesting re contextualisation of the dynamics we were already familiar with!
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goodolddumbbanana · 2 months
I just think about the worst outcome ever. Definitely just an Au, and would never be true.
What if, when Nexus almost kill Sun in the future (maybe because he hates Moon, maybe because of the shards...) , he knocks out of Sun's memory.
Like, just a freshly out of yellow animatronics without any memories. Just like when TFP Optimus lost his memory and became Orion Pax. (Because of magic or something else, I don't know. Of course it would slowly come back because I hate my favourite character being a different person etc, but ...)
Do you think Nexus would take advantage of that, by lying he is his brother (Nexus always Sun's brother), to use him to hurt Moon, or to find more Shards?
It would be a delicious angsty, with Sun blindly tagged along with Nexus's nonsense, with Moon desperately trying to find his brother, to the point have to work with Lord Eclipse.
And with Nexus, he finally has one person just like him. He finally has his own Sun. Because the Sun he knows, the Sun who is so scared of any loud noises, any violence, so infected and traumatized by Old Moon is gone. This Sun is his. Only his, and he will do anything to keep it like that. (Because deep down in Nexus's thick head, he still misses Sun and his family.)
But then... I bet he slowly realizes this amnesia Sun is different. It feels wrong to throw away anything between them, to be traced with someone new.
He misses the bitter and tired look on his brother's face. He misses the anger yet hasn't been given up on those eyes, the sheer determination when facing Nexus again. The innocent and trusted look on Sun's eyes now, it feels wrong, it feels like he stole it.
It feels like he is worse than Moon.
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knight-princess · 5 months
Appreciation post for:
• Wererats. Fucked up little beasties. Do they turn into people on the full moon or did they used to be people, I can’t remember and Boorman certainly never explained. Look like roadkill and sincerely want to fuck you up. Two heads for some reason. Only appear once and are dope and real animatronics and everything I’m pretty sure
• “Chloe Allagash’s brave little man”, otherwise known just as Allagash. Insults extraordinaire. Spent like. ten years in a box pretending to be his best mate and was so committed to that bit he tried to sell it to his best mate’s other best mate and daughter. Gave up his life to fight trolls and save the gang. Hates olives. Iconic
• Madmartigan, who I spent far too long convinced was actually called Martigan and nicknamed “Mad” Martigan by all his mates. Also in a box when we meet him. Tries to feed roots to a newborn. Slays in pink. Souped up on the love potion, gains himself an enemies to lovers arc with the hot badass warrior queen
• Sorsha Tanthalos, said hot badass warrior, redemption arc speedrun, kiss in the middle of battle pro, stop listening to your evil mom and make your own choices queen. Pissed off that the dorky hot rogue confessed his undying love to her and it was just love potion. “‘I dwell in darkness without you’ and it went away???” Go off queen. You can fix that never fear. Dopest sword ever but also that would be so so sucky to get stabbed with because fuck that is a lot of serrations. Is it all that functional? Don’t know but it looks awesome. 10/10. Goes straight from being henchman to her evil mom to trying to run a whole kingdom, raise three kids and keep one of them from dying to fulfil the prophesy. Makes some dodgy decisions. Complains about it all to her (literal) captive audience. Saves her daughters life. Complicated queen
• Sorsha x Madmartigan. Enemies to lovers classic with all the fun twists. “Love her?!? I don’t love her! She kicked me in the face!” Oh you just wait buddy. Couple affirming kiss mid battle??? Oh fuck yeah, sign me the fuck up. “I dwell in darkness without you.” Wait. Was that foreshadowing
• Jade and Elora being besties. Unexpected and delightful. Elora calling her “J” nearly made me hit the cieling. You’re telling me they’ve got nicknames already??? Sign me the fuck up. I love it. Need more of it pls and thank you
• Lili of Cashmere. On the wyrms milk. Dresses like a Greek goddess. Known by the alias “the Crone” which she hates even tho she really is secretly a skeleton held together with goo and a love of drama (I’m reusing that description ok I enjoyed it too much the first time). Evil makeover specialist. A+ Lili I love you
• And last but not least, smart and sassy trolls. @lowkeyed1 is a lifesaver and provided me with the transcript for the episode bc I remembered they had some truly iconic lines but couldn’t for the life of me remember what they were. So we’ve got: “He’s not appealing, but he speaks his mind, and I suppose that’s something” of Sarris’s own brother. Of the Crone: “Is she the eldritch nightmare people make her out to be? Yes. But she has her positive qualities too.” Lol fair. The forever iconic “I deplore those who rouse rabble” and my personal favourite “yeah, cos when I said ‘I do’, what I really meant was ‘explain it to me like I’m an imbecile’.”
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Villareal: Chapter 6, Part 13
Next season of ZBB begins filming
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CW: Low level sim spice. Content Warning Guide
For ease of reading if the toddlers are trying to say real words I'll put the English in brackets. Luna (mummy) and Devin (mama) use some German and Italian. Amore (Italian) Love Buongiorno (Italian) Good morning Ciao (Italian) Hello/Bye Schnucki (German) Sweetie but doesn’t have an exact translation
Devin wakes up and kisses her yawning wife. After checking that the boys are still sleeping she ducks in the shower so she can have breakfast with Luna. On her way to the breakfast table she runs into a madly grinning Joey who is scoffing his food.
Devin: Ciao
Joey: Buongiorno. Tuesday is coming over before work so… don’t barge into the gym okay sis?
Devin: *laughs* someone woke up in the mood
Joey: Having a spin before work stops me flirting with interns so everyone wins
He rushes out as Luna comes in smiling. She bends down to grab far back in the fridge and Devin realises her own needs are bubbling up.
Devin: Buongiorno amore mio. Te amo
Luna: Are you trying to seduce me Mrs Villareal
Devin: I know, I know *sighs*  you’re married and you love her
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Luna: Well I do
Devin: You know… today is your day off
Luna: Maybe but you’re needed at set at 9
Devin: That gives us at least an hour by my calculation. If you wanted to have a little… breakfast in bed
Luna laughs as the toddlers potter around the couple getting their plates of food. Seeing the toddlers are happy she stands and grabs Devin’s hand, pulling her back to their bedroom. They were too exhausted after trying to bolster Max and Miriam to have any fun last night but now they have time together.
Luna: Schatz… promise me we won’t end up like my brother and his wife
Devin: I can promise I’ll love you forever amore mio, how’s that
Luna: Deal
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Luckily Devin gets her satisfaction in before set time. Once again actors from all productions are on lot and she has large doubts about the management that schedule the use of the lot. Before she heads in however she takes care to take a selfie for simstagram and update her followers with “ZBB Season 3, let’s go!!!”
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First stop, as always, hair/makeup and wardrobe.
Devin: Damn Emily, this jacket is nice
Emily: It may not be post-apocalyptic authentic but who are they to say your character didn’t pillage a mall after the bugs wiped out the humans inside
Devin: Thanks Em
Then she pops back to show Rudolphus the finished look.
Rudolphus: Oh I do good work, look at you! Thank the watcher you didn’t smudge getting into that
Devin: Selfie for the album?
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Costume sorted Devin goes to practice her monologue. When she had a small role in the first season the prevalence of monologues worried her a little. It’s not often in TV nowdays that the protagonist talks to no one, normally there’s some kind of animatronic or ball you’re meant to treat like a cgi creature. But Norah knows her stuff and it really sells the medium as sole survivors amongst the fallen.
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She’s interrupted by a producer who lets her know Norah wants a word with her before shooting begins s she heads to the main stage to find her old friend.
Norah: Thank goodness you’re here, I think some of the other stars are going to riot
Devin: What do you mean
Norah: You know how we have to film a death scene for everyone so that word can’t get out about who is really getting killed off
Devin: Yeah…
Norah: Some are considering themselves above such “cheap stunts” and are refusing to do it. Apparently they object to being treated as "dispensable"
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Devin: *gasps* but… we can’t risk it getting spoiled
Norah: I know, I know, this season is banking on "no one is safe". Could you do your death scene first? I’m thinking if the artists see one of the fan favourites is on board with the plan we can bring them around
Devin assures her friend that she’s happy to go first and will treat it as seriously as if her character were actually dying. Honestly, Norah faced this kind of pushback too much. It’s so hard for women to break into directing. Walking the set to get a feel of it she’s glad to see Connor isn’t here, she’d have been disappointed if he was one of the ones pushing back.
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Norah: Villareal death scene, QUIET on set
A hush descends as the regulars and guest stars notice their most famous face has taken the stage. If Norah was using her real name instead of the character name she was making a point. Devin wouldn’t let her make it alone.
Devin: Oh… oh I feel… I can’t be pregnant… wait…
She pauses and looks directly into camera.
Devin: It’s the bugs… they’ve woken up inside me…
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She freezes in place, contorting her face in a vision of pain. She pretends the bugs are winning and spasms to her knees. She acts as though she is trying to speak, trying to get a last message out, but it’s too late. She buckles sideways and lays motionless.
Devin: Was that good? Did we get it
Norah: Perfect Mrs Villareal! Now… who’s up next?
Devin shuffles off stage as one by one the actors put on their game faces and play through their own death scenes. The grumbling on set ends, the point has been made. No one is indispensable in TV.
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The rest of the shoot goes well. Devin is used to the set now, it’s becoming a familiar playground for her. She does fight scenes and flirting scenes alongside the guest stars, and the shoot wouldn’t be complete without a guitar solo.
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Back home Devin hangs outside with Luna and the twins. While Luna is in charge of teaching numbers Devin is in charge of playing pirate! Alfred is first on the ship while Rilian focuses on the flashcards.
Luna: This number is first…
Rilian: One?
Luna: That’s it schnucki
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After Alfred finishes playing he gives Devin a big hug before going to ask Luna for his turn at flashcards. Rilian waddles over to the ship and gets busy steering!
Rilian: Mama
Devin: Yes Rilian
Rilian: Did you think about me pool
Devin: *laughs* I did. You better thank your Mummy as well
Rilian: *smiling* you mean…
Devin: One kiddie pool coming up!
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Devin grabs the plastic pool from inside and fills it up while an excited Rilian dances. When it’s deep enough Devin helps him in and he goes to sit down.
Rilian: MAMA *splashes*
Devin: Are you happy caro
Rilian: YES *splashes*
Devin and the toddler play around splashing each other while a studious Alfred works on his numbers with Luna. It’s a warm autumn day and Devin has ever seen her son smile so wide.
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muffant · 3 months
I got an adorable idea!
What if the animatronics in security breach played D&D! Now I'm not talking about the characters inside a fantasy realm I'm thinking what if a person left a players hand book at the pizza Plex and the gang devoured that shit up!
Id like to think Freddy would be a support roll, more the type to help the party indirectly. He feels like the most inclined to spell casting. Id put him as the type to do Wizard, Cleric, Paladin, or even Druid! Id say hed likely stick to the races in the players hand book, probably a human main. He's very into playing a character, even if that character is the same sweet person each time.
Chica is your major roleplay player, she would be all about getting into the mind of her character and really selling it. She plays any race, and class, and often is the one to pick her class race combo last so she has something to go off of, as a challenge. When she does choose you know my girl is Bard all the way. She's also the only one to actually read the history of the races and really get into the D&d lore.
Roxy likes playing a modified monk, (in fact as a over all rule they play with a lot of table rules!) or a rogue, she usually doesnt pick any other class, as well as loving being an elf. She's a little less on the roleplay side (but can't help but bounce off of the others when needed) she's more of a combat centric player. She loves winning encounters, loving puzzles, anything. She's likely to be the one min maxing her character. Which has lead to some fun experiences when Chica asks about how she became a Cleric, Paladin, Druid multi class.
Monty is exclusively a fighter dragonborn. He loves being allowed to smash shit up and have no *real* repercussions. However he's not actually combat driven, he's a roleplay player similar to Chica, only he expresses he can make 101 characters with out needing to change the mechanics of said character. It's scary how calm Monty can be when he's in the role. (Said calmness started to carry over to work life too!) That doesn't stop a burst or two which thankfully only results in a pouty gator. Monty loves exploring the worlds, it's his favourite thing. To picture landscapes and worlds completely different from his own. And then be able to interact with those worlds.
Sun and Moon are the DMs! Sun is a story focused DM, he loves crafting a narrative, playing NPCs, and developing the world's of his story. He's the one usually in the spot light for a majority of the time. The rest of the time is Moon. Moon is a challenge focus dm. He loves crafting riddles, puzzles, combats, and difficult choices at the party. When ever it's moons turn to take over the table all the lights go out and dark red ambient lighting fills the room. Moons challenges are to be feared as Moon takes death in the game as a real and possible thing. While Sun tries to avoid it happening all together. Funnily enough Moon doesn't like improf, he has his encounters planned almost to the T, including alternative paths the party takes, INCLUDING DEATH OUTCOMES. He is meticulous. Sun on the other hand has a half ass idea of what the session will be about related to the over arching story, have a few bullet points of required information, a few bullet points of optional information and just goes from there. He has a party who eagerly love to make their own decisions and discuss where to go and what to do.
I like to imagine that while one is running the work for the day, the other is planning out their portion of the session, always able to communicate and keep track of details together. While Sun is playing Moon is taking notes, more for himself really.
They play once a week on Sundays, seeing as that's their only day off. They play 6 hour sessions usually and go on many tangents. But they enjoy playing so much, after all its the closest thing they get to freedom.
Edit: I FORGOT DJ!!! Of course he would be allowed to play!! And the little DJ dudes too idk what their called. DJ seems like the kind of player to sit back and watch everything happen, communication is a bit hard but he's still included. I think he would play a bard (very classic) just so he could have an excuse to play sound boards during the game. Speaking of which they definitely play games in the west arcade, with DJ helping set the ambience with music and sound effects. I like to think he secretly downloaded files like leaves russling to add to it. DJ likes to work on theme songs for each character. He simply enjoys being included even if it's limited.
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sleepysuburb · 1 month
chinnery, pauline, bernice and mrs levinson 😩
these feel TARGETED
under the cut because i have a lot of hcs and they might get long
he'd love a pet of his own more than anything, but can't have one for obvious reasons. instead he has a bunch of those little animatronic toy animals with touch sensors, so he can pet them to decompress after work.
once he starts drinking he finds it extremely difficult to stop. more than once he's gone for a half pint to take the edge off and wound up blackout drunk and sobbing. at this point barbara's fairly used to him being in floods of tears in the back of her cab.
he smells like disinfectant, silage and wet wool. it's not unpleasant, just musty and weird.
he's hopeless with dating. yes, he's tried it - but as soon as someone finds out he's THAT vet, they make an excuse to leave and never talk to him again. even attachments wouldn't help him and to this day he's devastated they put 'not at all kind to animals' on his profile without even asking him.
he can't sleep without his nature soundscape cassette. either it's birdsong and rainfall, or a sleepless night.
she's an astrology freak and treats herself to a trash mag every few days, mostly so she can check her horoscope.
she's rarely sick, so when she is she makes it a whole event. constant complaining, duvet on the couch, game shows, cartoons and bargain hunt on the TV all day... whoever's there looking after her has to make her chicken noodle soup - and feed it to her - and keep her topped up with lucozade, otherwise they're "ruining it".
tells people she drinks black coffee, but she actually loads it up with mental amounts of cream, sugar and syrup.
she has hoarding tendencies. it's a constant battle to keep her space clean and tidy, because she has a habit of trawling charity shops and grabbing any bric-a-brac, clothes, books or soft toys she takes a liking to. no, she's not getting rid of her garfield plush collection, she's imprinted on them all and it would be like chucking out family.
her eyesight is horrible and she's blind as a bat without her glasses. one time in prison she got into a fight and broke them, and requested to be sent to solitary until they were fixed so she wouldn't have to worry about fumbling her way around.
her favourite pen is the one mickey gave her at the end of his restart course. that's what she'll say if you ask her in front of him, but her actual favourite pen is a metallic pink gel pen she never uses to keep it in pristine condition.
under her clothes she's absolutely covered with tattoos, all blue linework and traditional designs (mermaids, anchors, stars, angels and devils...)
mrs levinson
she has a massive unlicensed weapon collection, but being the vicar, everyone turns a blind eye.
she hates christmas, but her favourite holiday is halloween; she likes drenching herself in fake blood and revving a real chainsaw at trick or treaters to scare them away, and then steals the sweets they end up dropping.
the communion wine hasn't been wine for ages, but somehow nobody's noticed she swapped it for vodka with red dye in it yet.
despite everything she loves her job because she enjoys hearing everyone's business. it gives her a huge amount of power to know the intimate details of everyone's life, who's shagging who, who's got crippling depression, who's stealing from work... she could ruin everyone's lives in an instant, but she likes to bide her time until someone really pisses her off.
she's a bottle blonde. for years she had mousy brown hair and hated it, thinking it made her look plain and dull. pretty soon after she bleached it, iris bleached hers too in competition, so now it's a constant battle to see who can maintain it the best.
she's cycled through lots of self-employed jobs to try and find purpose after eddie's death - counselling, making her own jewellery, countless pyramid schemes, the massage parlour. none have worked out.
she does some "romance" (read: dirty) writing in her free time under a pen name, and it gives her a real ego boost to go out in royston vasey and hear people discussing her books without knowing she's sitting right there.
any 'designer' clothing or bags she bought after eddie's death are likely cheap fakes. nobody except her would ever know, but she does sometimes get paranoid that someone's going to see the wonky coach logo on her handbag and call her out for it.
she has hookups occasionally, with both men and women, if the loneliness gets too much for her. her sexuality is complicated and she doesn't want to label herself, but as time goes on she's finding herself favouring women more and more.
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sugarywishes · 11 days
A rather simple one this time around: Could you go a bit more into Elizabeth Afton's relationship with her father, past & present? It is one of my favourite dynamics in the series, so I'm always curious to see how people handle it and/or interpret it fully.
Yeah sure! Their relationship is one that is probably a lot more different than how most fans interpret it, answers below as usual! (Also, sorry for the late response 😭)
So I guess in a simplified sense, she has daddy issues. She views William as an amazing person, seeing as he is a family man (an ABUSIVE family man), he has his own business (that he doesn't even care that much about), he creates robots or as she sees it 'living toys' (he doesn't even like making those either), in general she thinks he's wonderful, but he could care less about her.
When she was younger she believed that Will equally cared for her and her brothers and that he'd only treat Mike so roughly to discipline him and that he'd coddle Evan to make him feel better. It never hit her that he didn't even treat her in anyway at all. He never hit her, nor did he spoil her to an extreme, he did even lower than the bare minimum when it came to caring for her. Sure he'd buy her toys, only when she was whining so much about it, sure he'd compliment her high grades on school work when she kept insisting he'd look over it, he'd tuck her in bed at night only when she'd ask him to do it after he tucked in Evan. Any happy memories she had with Will were either self-deception or when she wanted him to be attentive to her. He sees her as a hassle to be around. Maybe sometimes she'd be good for manipulating.
His idea of her was half revealed a few days before Evan's birthday party. But instead of her realizing he doesn't actually give a shit about her, she interpreted as "my dad doesn't care for me because he's always stuck caring for my worthless little brother" she still idolized him to the same toxic extent as she did before, except now it was a little worse.
Anyways once Evan died, she assumed that now he'd focus all his love onto her, so she'd keep trailing him constantly everywhere he went, when she found out about the Circus Baby animatronic and the whole Sister Location thing, he decided to fabricate the idea of Baby being made just for her as a surprise, in order to not have her tell anyone about it. Then eventually she'd be alone with Baby...and uh yeah, we all know how that went!
(William was indeed pretty unhappy with this, not because he was like, 'Oh no, my poor daughter, I'm a monster!' But now that Lizzie disappeared, it would bring a ton of suspicion to Circus Baby's and it would be inconvenient to kill kids via robots, hence why he ditched Circus Baby's Pizza World and returned as Springtrap to kill the KCI)
Even after the whole thing, SHE STILL THOUGHT HE'D COME BACK AND GET HER 💀💀 obviously that didn't occur (he didn't bother even visiting, and also he became Springtrap a few years later) and then FFPS happens, and she still thought very highly of her dad anyway.
In the SB portion of my re-imagining, she'll still follow William like a lost duckling until finally, she'll see him for what he was all along.
Hope that answers your question!
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
For day 10 of the event, I used number 4 from prompt 13 for some of the guards from Nanbaka! It’s such fun to write for these guys and I hope you lovelies enjoy the headcanons!
Do they give out candy or do they eat it all themselves? Favourite candy?
Hajime and Hitoshi wouldn’t pass out candy if it was left up to Hajime. He gets so involved in his work and his little free time is spent on the few hobbies he has and he’s actually probably going to completely forget about Halloween up until he’s reminded by his brother or one of his co-workers. If it wasn’t for Hitoshi, there would be no candy for the trick or treaters. However, Hitoshi really enjoys Halloween, both for the chance to dress up in a cute costume and for the opportunity to see all the little kids in their costumes. Hitoshi makes sure that, if Hajime isn’t working, he helps pass out treats to the kids. Hajime is more likely to give the kids whose costumes he really likes more candy, though Hitoshi scolds him for doing so because all the kids are doing their best and deserve equal treatment.
Kiji doesn’t stay home on Halloween. If he’s not working and has Halloween off, then he’s out and about attending various Halloween parties and having fun on his own. He doesn’t even buy candy for himself because of the havoc it would cause for his skin.
Neither Kenshirou nor Samon celebrate Halloween, so they don’t pass out candy. Both men prefer to work on that day anyway, but if they don’t, then their neighbours have already learned well enough to not even bother with their houses. However, Samon will definitely take advantage of the Halloween sales on candy to pick up some that he’ll bring to the prison to munch on while he does paperwork. He also probably hands out some to the prisoners if they do really well in their training.
The Daisen brothers always argue about this every year. It’s very rare for them all to be working Halloween, and at least one brother will for sure pass out treats. The argument they have every year is always about what kind of treats they’ll be passing out. Youriki insists on handing out anything other than candy, as the most health conscious of the bunch. Kids love apples too, right? Why don’t they pass out apples? Meanwhile, Rokuriki and Kokoriki will argue with him until they’re blue in the face that kids deserve a treat every now and again. Kokoriki suggests canned juices while Rokuriki just wants to give the poor kids candy. They might end up in physical fight-fights over it. They end up giving out apples every year.
Yamato used to be fastidious about either him or his wife handing out candy. He really loves seeing all the kids in their costumes and is super friendly with them. However, as soon as he had a child of his own, making sure she gets to go out trick or treating is the top priority for both Yamato and his wife. It’s a little sad, because his house used to be the one absolutely all decked out for Halloween, with animatronics and blow up decorations and fake tombstones and anything else he could think of that the kids might love.
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varibean · 1 year
hand over some varian headcanons to me and the rest of tumblr dot com
OK SO, gonna be a mix of canon and modern au
disclaimer i have so many varian Thoughts but they're all so mixed up so pardon the disjointedness of it all
varian has a big sweet tooth. he's got a weakness for little treats and when he goes off on his adventure he's trying so hard to be a Responsible Adult and eat well balanced meals but sometimes there's a lil voice in his head going "...cupcakes could be dinner."
hugo knows of this weakness and exploits it, constantly. He'll piss varian off just a bit too much and then later that day he's like "oh? what's this? rock candy i made myself with my own alchemy equipment? dyed it blue too, wow, imagine that."
varian hates this bc he KNOWS what hugo is trying to do, he's aware that it's a bribe, and part of him is going 'candy is NOT an apology' meanwhile the other part of him is going 'but he made it himself. with his own stuff. and he made it blue, he wouldn't put that much work into something unless he was actually a little bit sorry deep down, right?'
just becomes a thing that they do later in their relationship where hugo will still make him a lil sweet if he makes him mad or annoyed
his favourite sweet though is candied rose petals
varian doesn't like the crusts on sandwiches. especially sour dough, too tough and chewy.
doesn't want to admit that though so he'll usually eat them anyways. or give them to ruddiger bc he hates wasting food
bites his hands a lot. chews on his knuckles, he's given himself a few scars like that. the gloves are there to protect his hands from himself as much as they are to protect him from fire hazards
modern varian doesn't really dress that different from canon tbh. he likes the way vest make his chest flatter, sometimes he doesn't even have to wear a binder
he gets bullied for this during his younger teen years but then when he goes off to college no one gives a shit, ppl either think it's kind of cool or they mind their business. everyone is showing up to class in their pajamas anyways, no one cares about the one dude with custom cufflinks and arm bands.
god speaking of binders and shit i have so many thoughts about varian's relationship with gender (modern and canon) and especially with him going on t so if anyone wants to hear that mess lmk but the quick version is that he's nervous about it bc even if he has some dysphoria he's also Ok with how he looks and he's scared about it being such a big step for him
never gets top surgery (i do like drawing him with top surgery scars sometimes so awijf I Contradict Myself Constantly)
he's really good at bowling. just, for no reason. he's a fantastic bowler, if he were to actually try he could get perfect games every time.
He Hates Bowling.
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FNAF movie Vanessa sucks at “flirting” with Mike
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malachiwardyt · 8 months
Today is a very special day, podcast side of Tumblr.
In about half an hour, the Magnus Protocol will be releasing to the public, which is very exciting. To celebrate, I decided to make a video going over my pre-series theories, throwing everything at the wall in hopes of getting a prediction to stick.
Originally, this was meant to be a full breakdown of TMA, but that project wound up being a lot longer than I expected. It doesn't mean it isn't coming, just that I couldn't get it done for today.
The art for this video features everyone's favourite Magnus ARG character, Mr. Bonzo, the jaundiced Mr. Blobby rip off with a slightly menacing aura. I knew I wanted to do something specifically related to Protocol, but I didn't want to do any of the main characters without hearing their voices and getting to know them, so I instead opted for Bonzoland's unsettling mascot, partly because he's a fan favourite and partly because I love doing monster design.
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Bonzo obviously already had a design, which I did my best to stay true to, though I also make some changes. The most notable change is probably the teeth, which are much more broken down than in the original. I figured that a terrible creature like this would probably have teeth made of plate or ceramic, so I chipped away at them in the areas where they would most often be used, being the incisors and molars in a human. Of course, Bonzo has a few extra teeth, but that's alright.
The art did have to be rushed a bit, since I literally finished it around 3:00 this morning, so it's not quite as detailed as I would like, but I think that's alright. When I inevitably do my follow up AFTER listening to the premier, maybe I'll go back and give Bonzo the superior shading he deserves.
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One of my favourite details about Mr. Bonzo is the fact that you can see little red eyes poking out from inside of the suit, with what looks like most of a face inside of the head, so I had to include that in my version. If you look closely, you can spot the eyes hiding in Bonzo. I did try to make my Bonzo a bit bulkier overall, with a smaller head relative to his body and defined neck, which I think moves him away from theme park mascots a bit, but into the realm of bulky animatronics or muscly monsters, which are their own form of uncanny valley.
Also, it's semi-unintentional, but I made his spots glow. Because I can.
This piece is also the first time I've publically shown off my new persona design. I've been holding on to the redesign for a few months now, but I figured this was as good a time as any to shadow drop it. Afton himself looks mostly the same, save for a hair update which makes it longer, but the biggest change is in his clothes, moving from a burgundy coat and green tee to a lavender coat and rust turtleneck. I've also bulked up the glasses a bit and finally found a way to get semi-accurate hair colours. Chestnut hair is hard to draw.
With all of that out of the way, I think that just leaves us to prepare for the release of Protocol. I've been dodging spoilers for months at this point, so I'm glad to finally get a glimpse into this new world. Will my predictions be right? Probably not. I can always hope, though. Regardless, thank you for reading, and good night, Tumblr people!
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leffee · 9 months
Foxy headcanons part 2 because I love him (will also include lots of him interacting with characters from other fnaf games)
he has his own place to sleep in Pirate Cove of course, but he often sleeps with others, either on the main stage or in the backstage area. Pirate Cove is not the biggest, and in order not to fall he has to curl up a bit, which can be uncomfortable sometimes. He has this one tattered blanket that he got from a kid long time ago and he cherishes it
him and Mangle are such friends (and just friends, I really dislike them as a ship). Mangle is quite taller than him when in fixed form that is, and it's the one I'm using, although not related, they have a lot of sibling energy, with Mangle being the older, caring sister
him and Rockstar Foxy have a different dynamic though. Rockstar Foxy is brighter, newer, more full of life, and way more of a pirate than Foxy is. Rockstar Foxy has such sympathy for him, because that is him yet looks so much broken down and sadder. So their friendship mostly consists of Rockstar Foxy trying his best to pump some life into him. And Foxy really appreciaties it, it's just weird seeing whom is essentialy him like that, louder, cheerier, more energetic and of course without any holes
him and Monty thooough, ugh, it's actually becoming one of my favourite duos, and it's absolutely my 2nd favourite ship. But anyway, Monty is just this really tall really brawny guy and his enthusiasm gets to Foxy a lot when he's around him, without even trying too hard. To Monty. Foxy is just this little guy whom he constantly picks up and practically throws around, though always catching him. Foxy really trusts him actually, he allows Monty to do anything he wants with him and the other 100% does just that. Foxy's napping and out of nowhere Monty will appear, pick him up under his arm and take somewhere to do some stuff (never watched Security Breach, no clue if that's anywhere near to Monty's canon personality, then again those are called headcanons for a reason)
his hook hand gets him in a lot of minor problems. Even after years of having it he sometimes forgets to consider it and, for example, reaches for objects with his hook without looking. He scrapes walls with it, makes holes with if the material is pliant enough, sometimes hurts himself by accident, but by far the worst is when his hook gets tangled in his tail, which did happen a few times before. He can never free it himself, plus he doesn't want to rip his tail fur, so he will, with one hand awkwardly stuck behind his back, go to one of the other animatronics and ask them for help
because of being the lightest of the animatronics (in restuarant from fnaf 1) he can, with some difficulty, jump quite high. How high? Well, he can jump on top of the arcades. You're free to play that game, he's just resting there, though his tail might accidentaly get in the way. In such case just push it aside, he won't mind
That's enough for now. Foxy with Monty is my beloved duo more and more, which wasn't ony my fnaf bingo card and yet it happened
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doombum · 9 months
Can we hear more about your Mike's relationship with Cassie? I think you mentioned in a post before and AU where he was kind of her dad?
Yes ! In one of my AUs, Cassie is Michael and Jeremy’s daughter (alongside Gregory, and the missing children, kinda).
She is technically Phone Guy’s daughter, but he died in Fnaf 1 when she was 1-2 years old, so Mike and Jeremy, as her godfathers, adopted her. (Timeline is a bit wonky but who cares, she's 10-11 by the time SB happens)
Mike used to say he never wanted to have kids, so when Cassie came into his life, it was a bit of a surprise. Don’t get me wrong, he loved her unconditionally from the moment he had met her and he saw her as if she was his own once they adopted her, but he was very wary and scared of being a father. Basically, he was terrified of becoming like his father, which, of course, didn’t happen.
He always puts her first, no matter what. He considered stopping his hunt for his father when she got into the family, but ultimately decided to continue on and go through the Fnaf 6 plot because he didn’t want there to be a chance of William getting anywhere near her and the only way to do that was to finish him off once and for all. He escaped the fire though (only because Henry found out about his family a few days before it was to go all down and fixed the exit for him).
She is his little princess and after Roxy was made and became her favourite animatronic, he called her his little racer or cub. He's a bit overprotective, but can we blame him with his past. She understands where he comes from and he never gets so overbearing that she feels trapped or anything.
She really loves Mike and is usually trailing after him around the house, always trying to learn new things from him. He taught her sewing and make-up.
Cassie is very protective of her dad, and she will fight anyone who has something to say, might it be about him being gay or about his appearance. She thinks him being a zombie is very cool. She really likes zombies.
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skores · 8 months
Why does William Afton kill?
Disclaimer: These are general theories from the fnaf community and my own personal thoughts on this subject so keep in mind that there is NO definitive canon answer just pure speculation.
Tw: Mentions of child murder, blood, manipulation and psychological issues.
Ah yes "The Man Behind The Slaughter" we know it oh so well however why did he start to murder kids? Well a theory is that the first fnaf death was The Crying Child in the Bite of 83. William suffered a loss and wanted Henry to know the feeling of losing someone dear as well so he went on to murder Charlie. Now I particularly don't agree with this as I think Charlie was the first to ever be killed.
Moving on to our next theory its going to be based on Williams drive to become immortal through the use of remnant from his victims. He starts killing and collecting it planning all the MCI deaths (except for maybe Cassidy) and intentionally equipping the animatronics with killing mechanisms. After getting spring locked however the games imply that he has lost all sense of morality and possibly any sanity he may have previously possessed.
Another theory is that he kills for joy maybe caused by some phycological disorder a sort of thirst for blood (like maybe Claudius from the Roman Empire). Now I don't think this to be entirely true as he is depicted as charming and helpful by police and I mean kids wouldn't trust him so easily if he wasn't which means he is exceptional at deception and manipulation accompanied by his intelligence it still doesn't rule out the possibility of him being mentally ill though. William could also just be a toxic dark empath by personality which means he knows how to get exactly what he wants from a person, including their life and sympathise with them accurately and also a professional at putting up a fake facade.
Now my last and final theory is rebuilding his dead family. So unfortunately I am going to have to break canon and the timeline a bit by talking about Ms. Afton as it's theorised she was killed and possesses Ballora as she isn't present in the games and well... someone has to give birth right? Now as we know The Bite of 83 was an accident and William didn't want Elizabeth to be killed so possibly he started killing kids to collect remnant to revive his family (Purple Guy you should have just found a Necromancer instead). Now this is a pretty interesting theory however he didn't reach his goal due to the spring lock failure and he blames all of the Afton family deaths of his wife and 2 kids on Michael (I feel like that's the type of person he is and would manipulate Michael into thinking that and succeeds) which leads to the events of Sister location and everyone's favourite exotic butters and casual bongos.
Conclusion: I have no answer we have to somehow beg Scott Cawthon for a real canon answer on Williams killing motive sorry.
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