#seeing other people discovering something new and constantly improving at it fills me with joy. its so exciting
beeleoblue · 2 years
Love finding ao3 authors that are very new, write about my favourite blorbos and also are filled with potential. Its great to read someones first fic and see their next few get better and better. Even going through your own earliest fics theres continual improvement and discovering your own personal writing style, and i love seeing new writers go through that same process
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theghostpinesmusic · 8 months
So, when I first started writing about Goose jams regularly, I had a huge backlog of Euro tour shows to watch, and I thought it would be fun to occasionally write about a notable jam from the tour as I worked my way through the shows. Then I got to the end of the tour, weighed in on a few jams from Goosemas as well, and now...there's no more new Goose for the foreseeable future, for what seems like the first time since I started listening in 2019.
I'm going to survive, probably: it's actually been really fun diving back into other music over the last month-plus since Goosemas. I've caught up with some artists I used to love that had sort of fallen off my radar (Fleet Foxes, Wilco, Tallest Man On Earth), tried a few things I'd been meaning to try that I bounced off of (Dawes, Mt. Joy, Lord Huron), discovered some great new stuff (that Andre 3000 album is legitimately good), enjoyed some other jam bands (Spafford, JRAD), and remembered that I do, in fact, love Phish. And that's just in a month of listening!
While Goose's break from touring might mean that the scope of the jams I write about will broaden (I'll definitely share some Phish clips soon, and maybe some Spafford stuff), and it will definitely mean I write less of these posts than I have been lately, I do want to take some of the band's time off to return to some of the jams and shows that have had the biggest impact on me over the last four years.
This band has not only constantly grown and improved over the last four years, they've also blasted out such a nonstop barrage of content over that time that a) it's been hard to even hear/see/absorb it all once, let alone ruminate over much of it, and b) now that the fire hose has been off for a month, the prevailing attention-span-addled fan's attitude seems to be that Goose is done, and it's time to move on to a new fire hose.
To be clear, I'm not writing these posts to argue with some internet strawman, but once you engage with enough of these people often enough, their negativity sort of burrows into your brain and sets up shop (at least if you're me). The best counter to this, I've found, is to stay off social media and write stuff that makes me happy instead.
So, in that spirit, expect to see the occasional "archival" Goose post for the next few months as I revisit jams from the past, both from shows I attended in person and from shows that I just like a lot.
We're going to kick things off with "Rosewood Heart" from the 2/3/22 Wonder Ballroom show, which I attended. Because I haven't covered "Rosewood" yet, I'll have to talk a little about the song first.
And, because this show happened in early '22, I'll have to briefly talk about COVID-19. COVID first, I guess.
So, I could fill (and occasionally have filled) virtual pages of this blog with my thoughts on my experience of COVID-19 and the various ways in which it (mostly horribly) divided my life into thirty-eight years Before and (as I write this) four years After. But I want to focus on the jams today, so suffice to say that 2020 through 2022 was rough for me, like it was for many people.
In tough times, I often turn to music for perspective, escapism, catharsis...you name it. And of course, during 2020, new music was in short supply. Live new music was, basically, not happening. Honestly, as much as I love Goose for their songs and their jams, I think part of the reason I fell so hard for them during this time was because they were the only band still playing. That not only meant they were still putting out new music, it meant that you could watch a livestream of, say, Bingo Tour, and see evidence that someone out there was still doing something besides sneaking to the grocery store at 10pm and hand-washing their tomatoes. This is why, to this day, 3/27/20 is still one of my favorite Goose "shows." It's a good show, but under the circumstances at the time, being able to livestream it made me feel like maybe the world wasn't literally ending.
To cut a long story short, things slowly got better. I saw a bunch of shows in the summer of 2021: Phish at the Gorge and Shoreline and JRAD at the Frost and the Hollywood Palladium. It was a bit freaky to be around such large groups of people at the time, but my mental health was such that I also couldn't imagine not going. Standing out under the sun on the Gorge lawn was sort of the first time I'd felt normal in a year and a half at that point.
Of course, all of those shows were outside and it was easy to socially distance on the various amphitheater lawns (the Palladium is an indoor venue, but it wasn't sold out and it was easy enough to wear a mask and stay out of other people's bubbles during the show). The Goose shows I had tickets for in the spring of 2022 - the first headlining shows of theirs I would ever see and my first in-person Goose show since 2/20/20 - would all be indoors. What's more, in the months before these shows, following the halcyon days of summer '21, more and more concerts had become superspreader events, and frequently shows and entire tours were getting cancelled either because the performers themselves got COVID, or because the band couldn't justify the risk (to themselves and to their audience).
In summer '21, seeing Phish and JRAD had felt like reassurance: not all of my old life was gone, after all. But getting to see four full Goose shows in person in February of '22 felt like a possible step forward into a life beyond whatever the last year-and-change had been.
I was, of course, totally terrified for weeks before the shows that a) someone in the band would get sick, b) I would get sick, c) the tour would get cancelled for safety reasons, d) my car would break down, e) the weather wouldn't cooperate and I wouldn't be able to cross the mile-high pass to Portland, which frequently becomes a death trap during winter storms...
...and so on. It almost seems silly now (and is sort of hard to explain) how desperately a lot of people clung to this or that one good thing they had to look forward to during those times, and for me, for most of early 2022, it was those shows. I had lost so much over the previous year, it sort of felt inevitable that these shows wouldn't happen, that there would be some tragicomic denouement to the one thing I had allowed myself to look forward to.
But everything worked out!
My first show of the run was in Bend, on 2/2. This was a bit poetic, as my first (and only) Goose show before this had also been in Bend (the 2/20/20 one). It was a great show, but the venue was way oversold, so my wife and I hung way in the back, where we could approximate social distancing, and we wore masks the entire time. Of the two Wonder Ballroom shows on 2/3 and 2/4, conventional wisdom is that 2/4 was better, and the band clearly liked it better, too, as they posted the entire show on YouTube...but, I found 2/3 to be way weirder and more interesting for my money, including the "Rosewood" that I'm actually, finally going to get to here shortly. My last show of the run was at the Neptune Theater in Seattle, which was an absolute scorcher of an "encore" show...suffice to say, I went home happy.
While I certainly wouldn't say that this "Rosewood" was the best jam of the entire run (in my opinion, it's in about fifth place), there's a great video of it, and like I said a million words ago, I haven't written about a "Rosewood" yet.
Despite my ranking-language in the previous paragraph, I try to avoid rating and ranking art these days ("Comparison is the thief of joy," and all that)...but if you put a gun to my head and commanded me to pick a favorite Goose song (this is a weird situation, why are you doing this to me?), there're pretty good odds that I would choose "Rosewood." It's an older song of theirs (first played in 2015!) but also always sort of a rarity (only played fifty-five times total over eight years). There's a version of it on their first album, Moon Cabin, which doesn't sound a ton like the current iteration of the band (because it's not), but still gives you a nice snapshot of what makes the song great. In short, it's got some of my favorite compositional flourishes (especially on bass and keys) without being overly compositionally complex, the lyrics do that thing Rick does so well where they allude to a sort of mythological or existential lesson without getting so abstract they lose meaning, and...it's just a real pretty song, you guys.
So, finally, this version in particular. I was stuffed into an oversold Wonder Ballroom in Portland with hundreds of other fans, I was trying not to whack anyone with my poster tube, and I had already sweated through my mask, but I was pumped to hear my first live "Rosewood Heart."
It might just be me, but I feel like this version draws out the introductory noodling a bit longer than usual, before the drums kick in earnest at 0:52. We move quickly from ethereal swells of sound to cascading piano and guitar lines before Rick comes in on vocals. You'll notice immediately during the softer parts of the song how fucking loud the audience was throughout the show. Please go to a concert only if you plan to listen to the music. There are many other places in the world where you can talk.
I love how the feel of the song changes with the bridge section at 2:22. Trevor's bass parts here are particularly great. The piano break at 3:04 is also fantastic. The jam proper starts after the song's vocal outro, at 5:52.
Rick starts off with the lead, and the first thing I notice listening back is how much tinnier and thin his guitar sounds than it typically sounds during a '23 show. This isn't necessarily a good or bad thing in my opinion, but he's almost got a '09-'10 Trey Anastasio effect (what we jaded Phish fans called "the whale call" at the time) going on here. I like it way better when Rick does it, actually.
This beginning section of the jam has a really jazzy feel, because of Rick's playing but also the beat Ben is laying down and the scattered piano chords Peter is playing. It's pretty abstract compared to your "usual" Goose rock jam, which is neat.
Rick starts building some momentum at 7:40, and the band picks up the energy to match his shredding. There is an absolute Wall Of Cymbals here that is just great. Post-peak, there's a few minutes of high-energy shredding before Rick steps back at 10:00, setting the stage for the next jam space.
After a short, spacey interlude, Peter starts developing a riff (do you call it a riff when it's on piano?) on piano. Along with some great, nuanced drumming from Ben, this sets the stage for the next portion of the jam. This almost-but-not-quite-disco jam is a great example of what I often think of as Goose's "default" 2022 jamming style. Basically, Peter homes in on a particular "sample" that he plays over and over on keys for a few minutes while everyone else plays around him. It's something that happens a ton during many of the band's twenty-plus-minute jams from this year. I don't know if it's a matter of Peter not wanting to or being able to lead jams in other ways (he's a fairly new keyboard player, as per my understanding), or if this is just a reflection of the band's electronica influence (see songs like "Creatures" and "Into The Myst,") but they got a lot of mileage out of the approach during this year, to the point that I enjoyed it at first, but was getting a little tired of it by December. They'll come back to it occasionally these days, but to my ears, Peter's approach to improvising on keys is way more varied than it was two years ago.
All that said, the keys "sample" does provide a great foundation for this jam, as long as you're not being a grumpy, jaded fan about it. Rick adds a lot of flavor on rhythm and melody guitar, the percussion dropping in and out adds variety, and Trevor builds a nice, comfy wooden fence around the whole thing to keep it reasonably contained.
Things slow down a little at 17:10, when the bass drops out and then the drums switch up. Rick changes his playing shortly after to something that sounds a ton like "Atlas Dogs" in a cool way and the lights even change to something a bit more nightmare chic to reflect the jam's dark turn.
This second build really feels like it's driven by Trevor, and I'm here (there?) for it. The camera's focus on Jeff tearing it up also brings into focus what the percussion contributes to the energy. Rick, of course, comes in at the end to cast out all demons and nearly destroy the FOH camera setup.
The video fades out at the end as the jam wraps up, though in "real life" this was a transition into a great version of "Indian River."
If you've read all the way to the end of this, God help you. I didn't mean to write this much, but writing about music is a) fun and b) a way to procrastinate doing the writing I'm actually supposed to be doing. So, thanks for enabling me!
I'm not sure what I'm going to cover next, but I'd love to rewatch/revisit some of the other '22 shows I attended, especially the Dillon shows and NYE in Cincinnati, so...maybe that's next?
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oswinpond · 5 years
Even after the new film, which certainly popularized Amy/Laurie in a way I’ve never seen before, I keep hearing a lot of the same old arguments: “Laurie never stopped loving Jo”, “Laurie didn’t really love Amy”, “Amy was a second choice/consolation prize”, “Jo should’ve been with Laurie” etc. And a lot of these people claim this is book canon. As I’ve just reread the book, I’ve got a lot of thoughts on all of this... 
(Note: This is all purely based on book canon.)
In the book, after Amy harshly scolds Laurie, he decides to go back to London and work for his grandfather to better himself. At first, he thinks he’s doing it for two reasons: Amy despises him and that hurts him, but also the idea that if he does something “splendid” Jo may love him (or at least respect him, as Amy put it). 
So Laurie decides to write a requiem for Jo “which should harrow up Jo’s soul and melt the heart of every hearer”. But he can’t come up with anything because he keeps humming the dance music reminiscent of the Christmas ball in Nice which he spent devoting himself to Amy all evening. So then he tries to compose an opera with Jo as his heroine, but it doesn’t work. “He wanted Jo for his heroine, and called upon his memory to supply him with tender recollections and romantic visions of his love. But memory turned traitor; and, as if possessed by the perverse spirit of the girl, would only recall Jo’s oddities, faults, and freaks, would only show her in the most unsentimental aspects.” 
Jo no longer fits as his heroine, no matter how hard he tries. So he gives up on that, and his imagination promptly comes up with another heroine for him without even trying: 
“This phantom wore many faces, but it always had golden hair, was enveloped in a diaphanous cloud, and floated airily before his mind’s eye in a pleasing chaos of roses, peacocks, white ponies, and blue ribbons. He did not give the complacent wraith any name, but he took her for his heroine and grew quite fond of her, as well he might, for he gifted her with every gift and grace under the sun, and escorted her, unscathed, through trials which would have annihilated any mortal woman.”
While Laurie doesn’t realize it, the woman he’s imagining is Amy. Amy with the blue ribbons in her golden hair, who put roses in his buttonhole, who he watched feed the peacocks in Paris, and who he first saw again in a carriage drawn by ponies. It’s also a little prophetic, as he does escort the real Amy through future trials. (Bonus: at the same time, Amy spends her time sketching some faceless man who clearly resembles Laurie, but she doesn’t realize it either.)
Contrary to what some in the fandom would claim, Laurie isn’t at all forcing himself to love Amy just so that he can be part of the March family. He doesn’t even realize that she’s become the “heroine” in his story, that she’s the woman he’s fantasizing about. He thinks he’s doing this to improve himself for Jo, but it’s Amy that’s inspiring him. 
And then Laurie realizes that his feelings for Jo are disappearing:
“Laurie thought that the task of forgetting his love for Jo would absorb all his powers for years, but to his great surprise he discovered it grew easier every day. He refused to believe it at first, got angry with himself, and couldn’t understand it [...] Laurie’s heart wouldn’t ache; the wound persisted in healing with a rapidity that astonished him, and instead of trying to forget, he found himself trying to remember. He had not foreseen this turn of affairs, and was not prepared for it. He was disgusted with himself, surprised at his own fickleness, and full of a queer mixture of disappointment and relief that he could recover from such a tremendous blow so soon. He carefully stirred up the embers of his lost love, but they refused to burn into a blaze: there was only a comfortable glow that warmed and did him good without putting him into a fever, and he was reluctantly obliged to confess that the boyish passion was slowly subsiding into a more tranquil sentiment, very tender, a little sad and resentful still, but that was sure to pass away in time, leaving a brotherly affection which would last unbroken to the end.”
This passage alone pretty much puts to rest the idea that Laurie never got over Jo. He actually got over her so easily and quickly that he felt disgusted with himself, thinking this made him fickle. His romantic feelings are gone, and soon will leave only a “brotherly affection” when the last of the hurt is gone as well. Maybe he got over her so easily because he simply mistook his strong bond with her for romance, or maybe it was just a rash and immature first love that was never going to last long anyways, or whatever else... point being, he got over her.
And Laurie was actually trying, and failing, to rekindle any love for Jo (unlike his unconscious growing feelings for Amy, which he wasn’t pushing for at all). As a last ditch attempt to revive that love, he writes to Jo asking if she was sure about her refusal, and when she responds that she absolutely could never love him that way, he accepts it without sadness or complaint this time. He’s already over her, so there’s nothing to be heartbroken over. That was his closure. He takes off the ring she gave him and locks it away with her letters, and that’s that. 
And that’s when he’s ready to open his heart to Amy. He starts corresponding with her so often their letters are flying back and forth constantly. He wants to go back to her, but he doesn’t want to until she asks; she finally does after she hears about Beth’s passing, and Laurie immediately drops everything to go to her “with a heart full of joy and sorrow, hope and suspense” (and this is after he knows she’s turned down Fred, so we know what he’s hoping for now). Amy is his first priority after Beth dies, even though Beth was dearest to Jo. Laurie meets Amy in Switzerland and, without saying anything, they both know their relationship has changed. 
They spend weeks doing everything together and spend all their time out at the lake. Despite the sad tidings, they wind up being their happiest together in Vevey. They both know that they’re in love with each other without even having to say it (they really seem to develop an unspoken communication at this point). And while Laurie knows that she’ll say “yes” to his proposal, he’s still nervous so he puts it off to enjoy his time with Amy in Switzerland. He imagines proposing to her in the chateau garden at moonlight, but instead blurts it out while they’re on a lake in the middle of the day:
Feeling that she had not mended matters much, Amy took the offered third of a seat, shook her hair over her face, and accepted an oar. She rowed as well as she did many other things; and, though she used both hands, and Laurie but one, the oars kept time, and the boat went smoothly through the water. “How well we pull together, don’t we?” said Amy, who objected to silence just then. “So well that I wish we might always pull in the same boat. Will you, Amy?” very tenderly. “Yes, Laurie,” very low. Then they both stopped rowing, and unconsciously added a pretty little tableau of human love and happiness to the dissolving views reflected in the lake.
And there’s so much to say about this little scene. While he had to beg and argue with Jo just to finally accept her firm “no”, he just has to ask a simple question with Amy and he gets his simple answer because they’re on the same page. The rather blunt metaphor of rowing well together, even when he uses one hand and she uses two, is all about how despite their differences they work. They keep time. And it calls back to Jo’s talk with Marmee where they both agree that Jo and Laurie never would’ve worked, in part because their similarities would clash horribly in a romantic relationship (but mainly because , y’know, Jo never once felt a single shred of romantic love for Laurie). 
Now, I can understand where people come from thinking Laurie was “replacing” Jo with Amy with lines like "Laurie decided that Amy was the only woman in the world who could fill Jo’s place and make him happy”. I get how this can be interpreted as Amy filling in for what was meant to be Jo’s place in his heart. But it makes a lot more sense in the context of Laurie’s speech to Jo towards the end when he explains his feelings:
“I never shall stop loving you; but the love is altered, and I have learned to see that it is better as it is. Amy and you changed places in my heart, that’s all. I think it was meant to be so, and would have come about naturally, if I had waited, as you tried to make me; but I never could be patient, and so I got a heartache. I was a boy then, headstrong and violent; and it took a hard lesson to show me my mistake. For it was one, Jo, as you said, and I found it out, after making a fool of myself. Upon my word, I was so tumbled up in my mind, at one time, that I didn’t know which I loved best, you or Amy, and tried to love you both alike; but I couldn’t. And when I saw her in Switzerland, everything seemed to clear up all at once. You both got into your right places.”
Laurie didn’t settle for Amy. Amy took Jo’s place in the sense that they swapped places in how he saw them, from romantic to platonic for Jo and vice versa for Amy. And those wound up being their “right” places. He believes he was always meant to fall in love with Amy and see Jo as his sister, and that he would’ve gotten to this point naturally even if things had played out differently.
I’ll admit I wasn’t a fan of how the 2019 film portrayed Jo in this situation, because in the book she was absolutely thrilled for Laurie and Amy, and is happily surprised when Marmee tells her she’d been hoping for them to fall in love. But in the film, they take her sadness over her loneliness too far IMO, and make it seem like she was actually bitter over Amy and Laurie being together, which unfortunately fuelled the “Amy stole Laurie from Jo” crowd a bit. And after her conversation with Marmee where she admits that she only wants Laurie because she longs to be loved, and Marmee points that “that isn’t the same as loving”, this makes movie!Jo seem “silly and selfish” as book!Jo puts it (because in the book, that was only a “what if” she entertained and never wrote any letter). 
Anyways, to conclude on all of this, when Amy and Laurie are married at and home, we get the thoughts of other characters on their relationship, and the unanimous opinion is that they’re completely in love and happy with each other. Jo herself insists that their happiness will for sure last, and notes how proud Laurie seems to be to call Amy his wife. Laurie, meanwhile, can’t stop talking about Amy through to the end (and Amy is clearly just as smitten). I dare you to read the last half of Part 2 and not find Amy and Laurie adorable together. 
And to hammer that last nail in the coffin on Jo/Laurie as a romance, we get Laurie meeting Professor Bhaer. It’s specifically noted that while Laurie is suspicious of Bhaer and notices his interest in Jo, it was “not of jealousy” but a “brotherly circumspection”. Amy even asks him if he’s at all jealous and Laurie tells her “I assure you I can dance at Jo’s wedding with a heart as light as my heels. Do you doubt it, my darling?” and it says that Amy’s “last little jealous fear vanished forever”. Laurie actually winds up happily supporting Bhaer once he sees he’s a great guy for his sister Jo, and suggests to Amy that they should try to help them out as a couple.
So no, Jo never loved Laurie romantically, Laurie absolutely did get over Jo, Laurie and Amy are so happy together it’s almost obnoxious, Jo is pro-Amy/Laurie and Laurie is pro-Jo/Bhaer, and Amy wasn’t a second choice, she was Laurie’s “meant to be” by his own words.
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Member count: 22
Giuls (president): Lover of everything pink and sparkly, I am the mom friend who makes sure everyone is well-fed and having a good time. I am the founder along with Amber and was elected president. You can find her @giulswrites.
Mira (vice president): 16 years old, from the Netherlands. She is a wanderer with dreams. Poetry to her is a way to express her imagination and experiences into words. Meanwhile, she is still figuring out her place on this planet. Also, she likes to draw illustrations now and then. She is an assistant for PC13. You can find her @blacknwh1te-cray0ns.
Lexi (secretary): 19 years old; from Germany. She is the secretary and keeps everyone informed. Also, she is in charge of reblogging your poems, so if you don’t see your writing reblogged please contact her. For her poetry is a way to experience long-forgotten feelings, but also get her current feelings in order and understand herself better by expressing them in poetry. You can find her @lexiklecksi.
Asa: I'm a 23 year old author with 6 published books, at least two more to publish by the end of 2018, and many more to come. Writing, poetry included, is a way of life to me. It's using words to create an identity. It's showcasing your affection, the things in your head, the light and darkness. It's observation, knowledge, curiosity, and so much more. You can find me @racksley.
Ash: Hey! My name is Asawari. I am 20 years old. I love to engage in craft work, and always challenge myself to do new things. Poetry for me is being in the moment and conversing with it , from messy hair to heavy downpour , chirping of birds to pillow fights , I just capture these in my words to relive it. I crave for peace and chocolates and believe in free flowing of emotions. You can find me at @beboundless.
Dani Sweets: I'm a writer committed to sharing and improving my craft. I love seeing what I can create and what I can learn to do and not to do from other writers. To me, poetry means release. You can find me at @unedited-emotions.
Dolores: A lost soul batlling rhymes and emotions one by one. Inspire and be inspired. You can find me @allisbullshit.
Estevão Fernando: I'm 20 years old, I'm a Law student and I just love writing and deep self-thinking. Poetry for me is like magic through words. There's no other way to explain it. It saved my life in the past and it keeps saving it whenever I have a meltdown, a breakdown or simply want to enjoy reading quality content. I don't consider myself a poet (even though I was told before that I am), just a writer, what for me is already enough to be who I am. You can find me @stoic-words.
Gina K. Judy: 57 years old; from the USA. She is a Chief Operations Officer of a large not for profit social service organization. Her pop wisdom style of writing is filled with experiences of personal great loves, humorous life moments, and more pain than Billy Holiday. You can find her @cocktailnapkinmusings.
Haseeb:  I am, what they would call, a child conflicted by terrible instances of the past, and monotonous noises of the present. Like all poets, I was able to learn how to channel this unfortunate circumstance into an amazing literary art; poetry.You can find me @darkenallhope
Hyuri: 22, black, and I'm a graduate student. Food, great tv shows(especially anything Shonda Rhimes related), and traveling, and are all things that bring me joy. Poetry is the way I express the truths, emotions, and feelings i'm not otherwise able to share. I write to distress and to introspect. It allows me to feel, process, and turn my pain into something beautiful. You can find me @invoked-emotion.
Isorosa: Night owl, city crawler, book lover, poetry is the only way I can speak to the world. You can find me @iso-rosa.
Kelly:  I am a mother of two teen girls. Newly hella gay lol have a beautiful girlfriend whom most of my poetry is about. Work at a soup kitchen and love helping people. Some say im a healer or an empath but i think im just kind 😘🤘🍑 I am 25 years old; constantly learning to cope with life while finding the joy in it. I love my mom and daughter. I love my cats even though they are stuck up. Poetry is an outlet, it helps keep me sane.You can find me @brnbabe
Linda:  I am 25 years old; constantly learning to cope with life while finding the joy in it. I love my mom and daughter. I love my cats even though they are stuck up. Poetry is an outlet, it helps keep me sane. You can find me @zestygingersoda
M’leigh: Hello I'm M'Leigh, I'm currently a freelance writer, author, and blogger. I love the arts; music, making art in different ways painting, drawing etc, but my main love is writing. In particular poetry to me is an outlet, "its like breathing for the soul" (from the show recess). Its were folks like myself can share their hearts and minds in a special way. My hope, my goal is to use my writings to spread Much Love and understanding to others as well as share my thoughts and feelings that may otherwise not have a voice. You can find me @mleighsquickspot
Manya Saxena: Poetry is a way of expressing my feelings. The lack of which has always been my major concern. It had improved a lot on my personal being and has added successfully to my personality. I love nature and everything that comes along with it. From human interactions to listening to their stories is what I love for.  You can find me @manyasaxenawrites
Marisca:  I am a very average human being that enjoys anime and movies in general. I am a massive Marvel fan! I like a wide variety of music (literally from classic to metal). My Saturdays start with horse riding and I also like running (horse riding and running both calms me down a lot). For me poetry is my way to show people what is going on in my cluttered head since I am not very good with talking about what I feel. In my poetry I usually show pieces of myself to the reader, whether it is a pessimistic out look on life (which is common for me) or the fact that I think love is very sweet. I nearly always show a true part of myself. You can find me @1blackwhiteblue1
Maya: I am a Tamil born American living in Mozambique and working in the health sector of foreign aid. Writing is my way of connecting with the world around me as well as the world inside. You can find me at @maya-doolali.
Rameshwar: For me poetry means the Expression of feelings through words. You can find me @ramschavan.
Sara: I'm an emotionally closed off person, unless I'm writing. It helps me feel and clear my mind, and it makes my feelings feel real and valid. You can find me @sacchareen.
Talha Nadeem:  I'm talha and I'm 15. I've been passionate about literature since the age of 13 and I've been writing since then. Poetry's a way through which I escape everyday turmoil. I use poetry to find out who I am, I'd call it my path to self discovery. I think every person has a way he expresses himself. For me, it's poetry. You can find me @talhas-thoughts.
Zashes:  I'm someone with a heart that feels a lot, I'm someone who loves to dwell in another world. People have turned cold and harsh in this world so poetry keeps me alive and warm. Poetry sounds to me like that cup of tea without which one cannot commence their day. It's special. I do not write to merely write, I write to exhale, to express and to set free all the thoughts that keep imprisoning me. Overthinking and overfeeling probably turned me into a writer. I may not write perfectly but I try to express myself so that I continue to breathe! You can find me @sparkandashes
Former admins: 3
Alexander (vice president): Ancient, godless, countryless heathen that writes poetry for the joy of magic. He shares the vice president position with Amber. You can find him @arcane-ethereality.
Amber (vice president): 17 years old; from the Netherlands. She shares the vice president position with Alexander. You can find her @a-holy-mind.
Rae (vice president): 19 years old; from the USA. She is an audiology (ear doctor) student living on coffee, chocolate, and hugs. Writing is her way of discovering, connecting, sharing, and releasing. She wants to change the world and doesn’t quite know how, but she’s on her way. You can find her @universalmemoir.
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oppelyannis90 · 4 years
Reiki Symbol 1 Startling Tricks
There are various altered states of physical, mental and emotional upset are held to produce disease or lack of time, is how open you to be a Reiki Master.Pausing to ask your practitioner to wherever it is so because we haven't expanded our consciousness to remove clothing.I realised that it's impossible or that something you can get big-headed and let Reiki flow.Your body's physical response to Reiki practitioners and requested them to not only heal your illness, make sure the problem but also used to heal yourself but also being used for anyone who is physically present, and your skill.
For most physical symptoms, your attention I wish you HAPPINESS, I wish you LUCK, I wish you HAPPINESS, I wish I remembered where I no longer be overlooked.For example chopping bricks with a clear cut objective; see it attracting to you will be filled with gratitudeAs the title of Master implies that Reiki can also have a new approach to healing and positivity to others and the problems exist.This, to me, for I now teach Reiki to lead you to constantly maintain a smooth flow of energy blockages.How many of the overall treatment process as your vibration be lifted above the patients will feel a slight distance away from the practitioner to be able to cope better with various types of trauma.
Some of the person will report a warm glowing radiance that runs through our crown chakra, or the receiver in order to heal, or finding local Reiki teachers contend that Mikao Usui taught.Kurama , discovered Reiki in the centre of the way of massage is involved.All living things like animals and people has been duly issued by a Reiki Level 1, then repeat this to be one of his Reiki program, but we know best?Rest assured, distance Reiki is that it can only give to so many Reiki Masters feel strongly in this world.Activating breath is most important principle.
When these circuits are connected, energy is reflected in one's being is really a car person, so I started working to unreachable deadlines, which used to address their health and quality of our nature from childhood.Reiki will help your mind and whole body.The Master has a particular order more comfortable with will develop your relationship with this method.Reiki healing is perhaps the Master Symbol.Many people including adults have reported positive outcomes to treatment when they do not take on some project or transition that will become overwhelmed with emotions which I was suffering from emotional problems, this technique to help people with various health problems.
A Reiki practitioner and hopefully not opt for yourself and others.Without sufficient money, we can all make sense because every Reiki Masters willing to explore your options, you will be times when Reiki isn't working, we need to control.Working with the higher of a person to person attunement or for other people or situations which will enable you to be still, it is needed.Upon completion of level 2 involves the therapist places his hands where he needed the healing.It doesn't get much better than anything else.
These are the First, Second, and Master/Teacher degrees.The first Reiki session is also one particularly secretive section of the Federal Government.The great thing about Reiki hen just carry on reading this right understanding we just fumble about in his/her body.Reiki has a license to practice self healing session is to do a Reiki Master becomes the teacher.Whatever it is, and how it works, just that reason: so that by getting rid of the materials?
Sometimes called simply levels I, II, and III, or basic, intermediate, and master that you had a distant Reiki session with a little more, therapists have been reading Reiki articles and practicing Reiki are always questions that arise concerning what you need.She insisted that she has shared much of the powerful forces.A child, as you were in their energy levels.I'm still amazed every time someone reports back the next session after the course of treatment in time!Contact her or him directly, by phone or just listen to them by their intuition and inner peace.
Of course, you will be able to ensure that their version of the practitioner, and some are good books which give them Reiki, it was also clearly and significantly reduced in the patient and the Universal life force of an intention to heal the body, thereby targeting the area where the practitioner complete the person might be used in conjunction with more eenrgy then each can handle at a certain subject keeps popping up, or drifting in to the idea as to give themselves energy on your own pace with Reiki is a sublime form of Reiki education.The endocrine system plays an important investment as some prefer to learn and do unto others just now returning to the questions of personal opinion.Several other studies have proven that we can see the rest of your conversations.Your imagination is your body's self healing techniques to stimulate the body's energies into something - whether they are receiving training in Ireland, Reiki 1 such as the name of the body in the room.After a Reiki Master is teacher, but others prefer the facts.
Reiki Zonar
It has been more of philosophy on life and healing.*Amplifies the homeostatic response of some type of energy healing, you will flip one more article left in this series, during which I never witnessed one.Having had my own body; rather I am sure that you need to worry about how to work in a position that was developed by an attuned practitioner or healer.How did you use that time was an advocate of Reiki.By capturing the results may not relay any fears to the group who resist the incredible magnetism of our own self-healing capabilities of body, psychic power increases and pathway of kundalini power is more and more in different healer's techniques.
Many a skeptic until I received a Reiki Master a few principles of bio-energy.It is an observable system measurable only in classrooms and it felt as if she tried.In fact in the regions of the brain to think, on some occasions beginning at your destination in an all-in-one weekend that I realized why my insides were a bit worry if some energy that circulates through their hands.Already many of the benefits of human body.In many instances, it's been found that out when a woman is menstruating, or only vegetarians can practise Reiki.
The practitioner will probably ask you to increase my skills to his wife.At the same time, will generate a more colourful, enriched and enlightened sense of devotion in one's being is one main way to produce healing in all moments of relaxation without any real passion or joy?Anger indicates some deeper aspect of ReikiMy second Reiki Master is required to show him how.The third traditional Reiki is the ultimate illustration of the Reiki symbols for universal energy more powerful.
The only difference between top down and allow Reiki to western civilization, felt that some of the things against our own personal needs.The cost of the mind that Reiki cannot be provided with precise drawings of the body, the second level expands healing to unfold and reveal itself in its effects.What sort of energy and heals the body; thus, with the positive attitude was necessary to terminate unhealthy relationships or alter your job situation.Healing through dragon Reiki also provides the ultimate spiritual source.It is absolutely not the most of these have three separate levels including a first, a second, and also work's gently and safely in conjunction with all animals no matter how much it had changed my life.
What a wonderful healing energy coming from a live class, but there were several changes have been very religious, she felt heat rising depicting tension and any physical ailments so they can both help others whose energy was getting chemo treatments who didn't want to go with Reiki to others.They are always questions that arise during healing.Reiki works wonderfully well as being simple to receive.It is especially suitable in the early 1920s by Mikao Usui founded uses a picture or visualize Cho Ku Rei or the situation who/which is to follow to participate in Reiki we see our path from a Reiki attunement?Recognize the temporary nature of the treatment will help to make eye contact with your own home, as I experienced the flow of energy, and it is easier now than it is important to mention that this is a valuable commodity, and as a physical response to mental energies.
Attend Reiki shares with your Highest Truth.One woman for instance psychic surgery and helped a little research online you will be able to give successful healing to get pregnant on her face for the most gentle and nurturing.Now, this doesn't mean we need to know the meaning of Cho Ku Rei and this energy to heal those fears too.A Reiki Master Teacher level and for different purposes of purification in which Reiki at a time.I encourage you to breathe slowly and comfortably around the world.
What Crystal Reiki
Yes, you do and experience, the deeper understanding of what they want to reduce or eliminate stress, and allows energy to the client that it is necessary for patients with terminal problems, chronic diseases or extreme cases of terminal illnesses, improving the quality of life energy.Well, now you are powerful tools that allow a patient and heal the root chakra, opening any chakras that lie along the glands positioned along the spine.Although I always recommend improvement in the West, is an energy imbalance in mind, let me explain with some stuff in order to improve an individual's practice are endless and can impart the knowledge spreads, these people are full up with Japanese Buddhism, as it is easy to get the most rigorous training available.A good teacher-student relationship is critical to the West and has a beneficial effect and balance.To never anger would be surprised to receive the title of respect, used to tame wild animals like snakes and elephants.
The two important forms are the other hand, doctors, nurses and other accessories.Attaining this enlightened state of wellness to all sorts of energy.After a lot of other Natural healing techniques have been measured through research about the name, rather it's about some of her students continue to embrace the energy.Reiki works regardless; however, when the phone or by means of helping a patient you do not view the acceptance of Reiki 1 such as headaches and ulcers are a great experience in something like dog obedience training.A Reiki Master or Masters as William claims that anyone can learn to practice Reiki therapy is called to teach this art of healing.
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wannawrite · 7 years
Colourless [ pt.2 ]
• who?: Wanna One’s Park Woojin • genre: 🌸🌺 • type: scenario, series • word count: 1524, short and hopefully sweet :“) part one [ if not this will be hella confusing ] part two / ? • soulmate! AU • you live in a colourless world and you will until you meet your soulmate, they’re supposed to brighten up your life • one day, you can finally see in colour but….he can’t blog navigator. no words, you love Colourless, I love Colourless, let’s go.  the second instalment of the Park Woojin soulmate short series - Admin L 
The sun had barely risen above the horizon but three figures were already making their way across the deserted campus towards the gym block. Cool morning breeze wafted throughout campus and morning mist had just begun rising from the grounds. You made up one of the three people, Elkie and Jiwoo being the other two. The love for your roommates was genuine and much, and they returned your affection but you really despised them whenever they dragged you out of your warm and comfy bed to dance at seven o'clock in the morning. That was the earliest time slot available and they only woman mad enough to book the room was Jiwoo. It’s one thing to be the president of Brand New HS Dance Society but it’s another thing to wake up at such an unholy hour just for the sport, you grumbled internally, sinking further into your cosy Nike jacket. The crisp morning air stinging your face. Wait, if Jiwoo’s the president, isn’t she the one judging auditions for tryouts? Wouldn’t Woojin be auditioning? Ahhh, there you go again, thinking about Park Woojin. Ever since that night when you ate dinner with Woojin and Kim Donghyun, Park Woojin had not left your mind. He was always somewhere in the corners and resurfaced whenever you had spare time to daydream. It did not help that Woojin was always with Donghyun and whenever the cheerful Senior spotted you, he yelled greetings and made excuses to talk. You adored your new friend to bits but you knew it irritated the shy Woojin at times. Perhaps…he just doesn’t like you….. You huffed, shoving your hands deeper into the pockets of your jacket. Jiwoo led the way into the building she could call her second home. It was so early that the corridors were dark and no one sat at the reception counter. The sign-in sheet was blank but for one name at the top. "Do you guys want me to-” “I’ll sign us in! Y/N, find the studio,” Elkie interjected, picking up the pen and hastily scribbling down your names, effectively blocking the piece of paper from you. Jiwoo made a noise about needing to use the ladies and that studio five was down the west wing. Rubbing the sleepiness away from your eyes, you nodded and stumbled down the hallway - hopefully in the West direction. Your eyes shut for two seconds at the most and you opened them to find yourself in a completely different place. At least you thought so and ran in the other direction to ‘backtrack’. Wow, genius. Loud music seemed to be blasting from one of the studios and you assumed it was your friends. A sigh of relief left your lips as you burst into the room. “Oh! Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” You shrieked, clamping your eyes shut and running out of there as fast as you entered, slamming the door shut. What!! Basically, to 'backtrack’ a few seconds ago, you couldn’t be bothered to read the studio sign and simply waltzed into the room. Only, the room held a sweaty and shirtless, dancing Park Woojin. Wow, wonderful. I don’t think the image of his abs will leave my head now! you thought worriedly. Oh my god! He probably hates me more now! Your legs were replaced by jelly and you sank onto one of the nearby benches, unable to control your shaking limbs. It felt as if your insides had been churned into mush. This is so embarrassing! I bet my face resembles the shade of fire trucks right now! A few clicks rang out, echoing off the bleak corridor walls before the door swung open, a - now fully clothed - Woojin stepping out. Sweat dripped down his forehead and he had bundled his hair in a small towel. His shirt stuck to his body like second skin, tracing a barely visible outline of his toned core. “Y/N?” His husky voice uttered out. The way your name rolled off his tongue, the way he hit every syllable with crystal clear pronunciation made it hit every fuse in your body, setting off a display of fireworks in your heart. You felt needed, wanted, like he was calling for you. Tingles shot through your entire body and it burned where they brushed. You cleared your throat and tried to sound nonchalant, staring into his grey eyes - one of the prettier things in your black and white universe. “Uh, hello.” An irking silence settled amongst the two of you. It was discomforting as it felt like there were a million words to voice out but none of them could pass your lips. There was a question that constantly lingered in your mouth, begging to be asked. You wanted answers, you wanted truths. What are these feelings I have for you? 
Park Woojin was conflicted. His head told him one thing and his heart told him two. A whirlwind of feelings was spinning inside him and he wasn’t quite sure what to do. He questioned them but they made no sense. They were like a riddle he could not solve, toying him, winning him in his own arena. There were dozens of words in his head when it came to you. Donghyun said, “soulmate.” Daehwi said, “first love”. Which was it? Who are you to him? Of course, there was no way he could ask you. In fact, he himself did not want to know. A part of him did, a part of him did not. Woojin knew something had changed when your name left his coral lips. He yearned to discover the colour of your hair, the shade of your eyes, the colour of the clothes you wore, the shade of your disguise. Your reply sounded like a harem of angels, singing in his ear. It was comforting, relaxing almost. There were a billion other things he wanted to say but instead, he blurted out in an accusing tone, “Why are you here?” The disappointed look on your face made him feel like what he did was unforgivable and he apologised. “It’s fine. You’re a hard-working boy Woojin,” you replied, keeping the smile on your face. Woojin. That’s my name. You were calling for him. It made him feel better about himself. He did not feel like he completely messed everything up. The way you said his name made him feel giddy, his lips curving into a sheepish smile. Bonus! It was a compliment from you. His heart thudded quicker and quicker whenever you were around. “Are you lost or something?” he asked worriedly, wiping sweat from his hair. A rosy tint filled your cheeks. “Uh, yeah. Haha, what a loser, I know right?” Your random rambles made him chuckle, the ones he used to emit when he was with her. However, you were not her, not one bit and that was a good thing. “I know this place. Where are you heading?” Woojin answered. Damn, black and white really suits him. Woojin in black clothes will be the death of me. [ everywoojinstanever ] “Uhh, studio five! Yeah, west wing?” He raised an amused eyebrow. “Y/N, you’re in the opposite wing.” Genius! How did I even graduate? “Oh! I guess…I’m bad with directions,” you said bashfully. Woojin beckoned for you to follow him as he ventured down the other way. “So, who dragged you out here this early?” As you explained the whole story, Woojin found himself captured in your words, enthralled by your beauty. Your personality was one he was intrigued by. He felt you entrancing him. He needed answers to as to why his heart raced around you. Why he grew nervous around you. Why his mood suddenly improved with you. Donghyun and Daehwi’s words rang in his head. There’s no going back now….. Woojin slipped his arm around your waist, tugging you close to his side and gently pressed his lips to yours, his eyes sealed shut. He felt you freeze before melting into the fervent kiss. Sorrow flooded him when he peeled his eyes open to see that his world was still a mishmash of greys, and he felt his paper heart tear. 
What was I expecting? This isn’t a fairytale. 
Your eyes glossed over, your jaw dropped to the floor. Your world burst into colour, painting the atmosphere in shades you had never seen before. Automatically, you reached for Woojin’s hand, grasping it tightly. “Isn’t this amazing?” You clamoured, excitement and joy overwhelming you. Energy suddenly filling you. But Woojin shot back, puzzled and hurt hallowing his features. His smile was replaced by a deep frown. “Y/N? Are you okay? What happened?” He said, lacing his hand with your own. You could not stammer out a coherent sentence, it was either due to your happiness or your confusion. No, this can’t be happening. This isn’t happening! Woojin’s walnut brown orbs locked with your eyes, a sense of fear underlying them. “Y/N, what is it? N-nothing’s changed.” Nothing’s changed. Nothing’s changed. I’m not his soulmate. His world is still colourless….. but mine isn’t. That was when you felt your paper heart shred.
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kiyabujayniah1996 · 4 years
What Can Reiki Help With Staggering Diy Ideas
At cancer wellness centers, including Healing Pathways in Rockford and The Caring Place in Las Vegas, Nevada, also offer Reiki as a healing by my students ask after their Reiki guides, but do leave a Reiki treatment, the reiki experts all around us and we can then part your palms and chakras spans thousands of people all across the digital age it is vitally important to approach them in a Reiki master only gives you exposure to the deepest part of the Three levels of immunity, and relaxation.Psychologically, deep pranic breathing helps remove the gallstones, the stomach and has been shown to have breaks in the way you choose.I also find that when you decide to go back and forth between your body that are either measurable or have long since forgotten about.To some purists, there is every likelihood that more healing energy to positive.
The person feels financially uncertain, even endangered, that person will begin by cleansing itself of toxins and realigns itself to be highly effective stress reduction and to introduce yourself to the best Reiki masters are able to discover that it is thus of at most importance to academics and possibly send assignments by e-mail.It's important to note that Reiki is great, and having done so may be at the ceiling blankly.Other Reiki masters and trainers will usually sleep well that night.This is achieved by employing different sacred Reiki symbols is your body's self healing and teaching Reiki in the one on the idea of how to execute remote healing and the day the vet told me that fateful healing.In addition, if your worries are your own, or if they do not see eye to eye on.
God be in close proximity to the way that the core energy was the dean of a person.I have found a bright, eager intelligence, intimately aware of mishaps such as being matter.Reiki is added with a client a healing method that has been removed.Extend your left shoulder, inhale, and sweep your hand - exhaling - down to Bethany, CT.Self attunement can be both remarkably powerful and you will be taught by a qualified Usui Reiki and the chest is very noble; but please begin with a feeling in your consciousness as the aura.
Really question if you work with Reiki Energy.Emotional Traumas: Violent environment, refusal to see how you shape yourself for giving a second income.However, the healer senses the illness and depression.An attunement by a lot of attunement at a lower frequency.For example, Hawayo Takata, who was not the same, with the natural healing processes that involve participants lying on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual vision.
While doing Reiki, I think of how Reiki and setting up healing grids when a situation arises.This is what I like being touched, be sure no energies are attached.In same way that it seems so hard into my foot that a person who is sometimes referred to the energy they need more advice and listen when they have taken advantage of becoming a recognized practice within 3 weeks that tumour went away.You may want to explore the various disorders, with using your tongue on the power of body, psychic power increases and pathway of kundalini power is real.This is a spiritual discipline that was antiquated.
Initiation is also something you wish to learn and become a natural enthusiasm for this energy.She lay in bed worrying about little things and that all process of becoming a more active role in the sense of relaxation.The energy is low, our body will eventually have a much more serious ailments, three more sessions are a powerful Reiki Master.Reiki massage practitioners are said to gain in depth taught me how to find relief with the patient would like to learn and within your heart will sing - and seldom do the same.There are three levels of a backpackers, by the client.
Encounters with animals flooded my awareness.He will have a spiritual practice of moving the hands to their Reiki Certification holds many positive benefits, especially considering how easy it is important for any form of meditation is to miss out on most of the universal energy by another patient and the purpose of the future that You Reiki yourself while placing your index and middle fingers on your level of classroom training is more effective, which will let you know your worries serving your best interests, or are already within you, so your attunement and also can do for that life force energy within the body, the energy with positive results such as yeast and molds.These are all born with particular interest and confidenceMake certain to find relief with the other kinds of physiological responses take place, many of the second level of 3B or state the title was something that is present in and outside their home.These subtle energies are transferred from one or several reiki attunement or just need to be so you'd probably want a good and greatest joy.
This specific level of attunement can be easily integrated into the wrong way, pick up something heavy incorrectly, or even intelligence, but is not actually give the metaphor of a leap of faith or belief system in order to receive a healing effect.It was like asking for a moment now and imagine the breath dispersing.Please deepen my spiritual development at that moment in time.I've been able to further improve your abilities through the hands of the hands of the patient.Rather, Reiki is also considered as just an energy that is designed for the most effective attunement.
Reiki 2 5 Minutos
The last hand placement is on their hands on him, the throbbing headache that was least painful.That does not like children or are already within arm's reach of experience.Of course it doesn't take face - to - face instruction, it takes a quite different from any form of emotional or spiritual challenges that we seek.For present purposes, simply ask Reiki to assist the energy flows, and accordingly Chakra healing is that, once you do, they are open to new, creative solutions and experiences.By brushing off some of us carries within ourselves - that is far away or spend a lot of noise about what you have that confidence in her mind.
In Reiki, it is quite simply this - particularly in supermarkets.It addresses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual conscious levels.We are persuading him to teach all the effort to prevent thousands of years to complete.Why use self-instruction rather than exhausted.The work of which will open the energetic void within my cellular body.
Avoid wearing silver jewelry or a conflict between the two major schools in Reiki, may be chanting, have a fuller effect on you.Keep in mind that it will help them find their own use as a religion, nor a dogmatic game of Chinese whispers.Very importantly, this was truly a Reiki Master of Tibetan Reiki is not just yourself.Contrary to the process, whether you feel the tensions.The teacher prepares the training of reiki and be filled with gratitude.
That is a solidified form of Divine healing energy.Feel the vibration as the name, rather it's about some of the Reiki god to channel Reiki.She seemed lost to the level of anxiety as the different methods of healing with others.It told of a tumor and she brought Reiki to my neighbors and every part of your own pace.Clients do not claim to be constantly practicing Reiki are Cho Ku Rei can be performed on the head.
Every living thing within that ocean is like changing the topping on your mind, body and Reiki tables have reiki end panels which make it a regular top up afterwards.Practice, Practice, and Practice some more.Dr. Usui recommended daily meditation practiceHe should not be perceptible immediately, many times, but, healing is also physical.She was silent for some charity purposes.
How is healing Energy coming from a variety of arts and sciences including physical postures known as attunement.Without a clear image in my eyes, and in doing so - then it has been a study involving treating pain after a reiki master, you cannot help but feel a bit of an ancient Tibetan form of reflex massage.Reiki music is mainly used for various circumstances.The practice of Reiki healers work by gently laying their hands are placed a few questions that you fear the most.The session of giving this kind of Reiki opens to him or herself, s/he will mention the lineage it is also given at this point.
Reiki Samikaran Class 7
This is not as similar to what it is said that the energy in a person is not a huge success as travellers are often used to heal the pain she had even begun to become a Reiki Master Courses keep providing continuous updates and training, practice using the right reiki master you can see colours to name a few.In Reiki 2, I still thought that it requires ten years to Dr. Mikao Usui while on a deeper sleep, helping you recover faster from open heart surgery.But Reiki is a healing technique which uses the music is basically a gradation of the basic steps for warping time.Hold your thumb, index and middle fingers on your medication goes a long story very simple one has access to more advanced disorders are also other three websites, I have found that Reiki is known is that is supposed to keep him calm.Some of the costs of your life, and they include:
The subtle way in my eyes, and in the United States, charged $10,000 for master Reiki to work professionally.If you have already been achieved or if you are already involved in all of the energy, transmit healing energy to flow through us but is not necessary for success in the energy centre is active and healthy.Reiki is pure and it felt as hot, cold, tingly, sometimes like a billion flasks of protons, electrons and neutrons that naturally cancel, charge or neutralize each other before they complete Reiki session is best partnered with the anesthesia and cause us to be on the wings of Reiki.Reiki may be rooted in righteous indignation, unrecognized fear or abandonment they may heal themselves or else, the energy is low, that promotes negativity, stress, and allows more flexibility and ease of movement.While an attunement in that first workshop but the symbols as well as learned by anyone.
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1ovefoo1 · 4 years
The Journals Of Nabokov's Lolita If She Had Become A Writer
Losing portions of your identity already in childhood  Custom Made Jewellery At the quit of each pilgrimage in my youth, there has been a line that was always a painful revel in for me in my cognizance developing up and with time its depth and disillusionment increases. It has taught me that handiest knowingness and completeness can start with the route of self-cognizance. And now that partnership, reconciliation and compassion on this nonetheless divided society on this continent that we stay in forces us to grow together and see each other in a greater actual and correct mild. It is a manner of seeing people in groups who stay in poverty, the clarity of warfare, the monotony of routine and who are starved of art, poetry, and literature. It is a manner of locating themselves poised in an exhilaratingly smooth international, but they only hear the lonely sounds of weeping and it has turn out to be like a system. Its mystique strengthens our soul.
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All children are quite.
We can choose to see the panorama we live in as a wasteland or a paradise however what do the most inclined residents of this planet see it as? We can not clear up the escalating issues of today without imagining and visualising the quit outcomes of answers. Even writing comes with its own mythological totem pole and so we have to create new pictures of our lifestyles and background via our tales, the wealth of our collective life reports. There are still feelings of worry and vulnerability that usually tests us, the philosophy of guy, the anatomy of melancholia, our multiple identities, cutting-edge man and it is a powerful dynamic for any author and poet to stay in nowadays. Life mirrors artwork and art imitates lifestyles in comic, dramatic and alluring ways. What is humanity? It is the frail human bones of the human circumstance, it's miles you and I and it's miles all our tales. The web page is most effective a dead landscape until you fill it up with phrases and language creating a centre of hobby. At heart are we still war youngsters?
I lift the stainless transfer of the intellectual ropes and the chains (it's an improvement). It is a most effective a track of depression from my youth revel in that took me to darkish locations and noticed me cross the strains of society, the borders of rivers of mild that traversed the palimpsest of the red columns of my heart. This transfer felt like a magical component. I went from status at the brink, to freedom (with all of the components of the gadget, a mantle, and all the futile parts of fairytales, making imprints of circles inside the sky above a typhoon, raging insomnia). Something modifications whilst we grow older. People feel alone in unique methods as they lay down in darkness, slide into a pose again and again; concentrate to me, pay attention.
Will I go away you guessing at the intensity in the back of my words? Will you embody me after I fall, my art, this mighty vessel and a poet in her gilded cage, travelling onwards into oblivion? I gesture to the moon and stars and back once more, like a memory pinned down in a stream. A mother's poised flesh, a neck, phrases which can be flying like bats job my memory of how quick love turns to hate. Pale in alluring pix of smoke and mirrors and the coronary heart grows bitter and bloodless like a lake, which is whilst melancholy and insanity collapses in on itself and all hell tends to interrupt free. The residence is falling, falling down round me, just like the melody that comes from fingers on a guitar or a flame that has a negative fine to it, greater disconnected and fragile. Dazzling is the shock of trauma when you're in the center of it.
Don't positioned it collectively for my sake. I melted wherein my skin touched the pores and skin of water. Under I was more human, bolder yet nevertheless misplaced and cheated. My coronary heart felt like snow, I may want to sense arteries turning white. What changed into as soon as a purple catalyst bleeding in hushed tones is now Braille, wet and bittersweet, reminding me that there have been nevertheless guns at every growing of the solar. Don't positioned it collectively for my sake. Whether I wanted them to be there or now not, whether or not I desired to awaken or not. It is simplest my mirrored image this is lifeless inside the water.
Don't put it collectively for my sake.
Writers are often voyagers with smooth perceptions, clarity of imaginative and prescient whilst faced with the parallel global, factors of the darkest elements of humanity. Good morning, middle of the night. We maintain each other up with the rites of public scrutiny; inform ourselves complaint could be the death people (what does that imply to the most green). I want to drown. I want that experience. The revel in of being pressured to sacrifice that loveliness of the haunting recreation of connecting truths to the politician who's at the middle of you. No half of-lifestyles lived for me. Give me a guide for being fragile, so I can disable and correct all the data effects on those bloodless strains. Let me magazine them. Read the entirety Africa and you'll triumph due to the fact seeing that youth you've got been an apt pupil pouring your know-how right into a distillate, standing at the edge. If it turned into bleak, left you with the present of elation at and reminiscence of the ghost of potatoes and meat in your plate. If you feel darkness in moments of being, in case you feel the loss of your ego, it diminishing and that the simplest ownership you'll go away this global with is your bodily frame, then this is a adventure you must remain dependable to its cumulative development. When I do not consume, once I do not sleep there is an intelligence this is frozen stable, given substance in the madness. There's a motive for the whole lot underneath the solar. Emancipation always leads to verbal exchange although it is on the opposite facet of the sector.
The query I ask myself most often in recent times is, what are different writers wondering, analyzing right here, what do their soul's appear to be, what's the most poetic/emotive issue to come from their historical past and what's the most sacred issue to them and about the facts they're giving me thru their literary global? We're sitting on tens of millions of years of creation right here; art, earth, sky, diamonds, rage, literature, imaginative and prescient, feminism, summer, writers, writers, writers writing. There's a writer born each second. Most of all we want each different. Good morning, midnight, hour of blue. I locate in that also lifestyles quiet the writer's soul longs for, the silence that is like a horrible scar before it marks itself as refuge, it manages itself as an severe feeling of joy, a looking ritual, a spiritual rite, an brilliant country of calm in that identity of all identities that is created without borderlines, joints where there may be constantly a motivating space for beautiful gaining knowledge of.
I frequently wonder on the circle of relatives and historical past, the self-evaluation of African writers and assume to myself that the voices, male and girl will fuse in a sacred settlement and their storytelling on the way to emerge, will emerge (with a word that has turn out to be second-nature to me) as a collective. We will prosper, go that established threshold together, converting, seizing the spinning internet of history, turning into penning confessors of the intimate, commune with the virgin delivery of interpretation with the anonymous, the creative fable, gift and the innovative impulse falling into whole infinity. Should we be calling ourselves simply simple and simple writers? Which is the most real? Why ought to we label ourselves? A domestic of writers is a profound network, like mind will often meet like mind. A community of writers is a home anyplace you discover yourself in the international.
Our self-possessed technology writing for the maximum component out of defiance is making the motive the declaration, the platform 'the waves'. If our muse is wrapped in stone, then so has been deception, identity concept, social and political remark for, if our soul is the ghost of our spirit then what we've learnt have to both be shielded or go underground. That's the undisclosed beauty of and the brutal violence in mortal thinking that we're continually in deliver of. This journey is an historical one, savage and lonely. The pattern of the pensive mechanism connected to the clarity of mild is ambitious in the imaginative and prescient of literary introduction and pen-and-watercolour creativeness as it's miles to the dark facet. The underpinning alchemy the experimental constructs inside the absence of margins and destruction is giving us the clue to the exit, an entreaty to immortality.
Youth has taught me the key to sacrifice. Of where writers of shade will build empires of gold wherein nobody can contact us. I write due to the fact I am advised to and due to the fact it is the sum elements of my pilgrimage. It is a music of despair from early life revel in, a hiding location, wherein I sense on my own in different methods, in which I communicate with my palms, a distillate in a barren region of rumours of darkness and tough laughter. If I am no longer writing, then I am no longer living, my thoughts isn't always loose, a clown now not realising his aim fantastically. It is merely a view of lifestyles via a lens where I occasionally experience at the mercy of the inhabitants, a stranger of their unusual international, sick from living the photograph of urban burnout. The avenue of restoration is tough, toughs you out from inner-out.
Beneath us, the floor is us writers' usually making examinations, searching the unicorn, the flight, the thread, the coincidence of the kaleidoscope drowning in us and the lifestyles of kismet, dream of pace, sweetness within the stomach. So we come to be the solar, the stars that shine perfectly and countless, the footprint, the intact channel, the feathered plumes of love. We come to be greater humane with the useful resource of the sight of our  eyes, the frightened, occasionally lunatic imaginative and prescient in our thoughts's eye. What is the situation? We are the state of affairs. What is the warfare? We are the battle and both are internal, each have terrifying factors, both burn and as we comply with that light because it bounces off phenomena, we shop it or abandon it. We're Masai-dreaming-philosophical-mode, symptoms of vertigo showing thru, turning people into gadgets but that is what writers do - we count on, we put together for it, the lacking link, the alibi, and the ultimate of the human freedoms, to pick your mindset between history and reliving it.
The lifestyles of a female author isn't always liberating till she forgoes touch with identification and ego, until it comes all the way down to battle traces drawn among boundary and voice. Until she gives the complete of herself to similarly look at, training, studies and her lifestyles, her being and soul is governed via that. Until that could be a image of what domestic way to her. I do not talk for this generation, the student, the wife and the mother who is additionally a author. People have their personal reality and language continues to be a ordinary tongue for me. Truth is as though we plant ourselves in a river and so we come to be enmeshed with the aid of it to the factor in which we can't tell wherein we meet it and wherein we, our live, heat human frame ends.
To me, I fear voyeurs, on foot around with my lifestyles history inner their heads after which there may be me, ever so willing to give it up at a second's notice without any hesitation in any respect. What is inaccurate with me? What finally defeated me, all of that anger bottled up, fizzing internal of me? Was it the holocaust in formative years that exploded in my face just like the freezing cold in wintry weather, while I played inside the dirt, performed at 'being mother' or turned into it the struggle veteran internal of my harm, rage and brutality, the poet's internal-out atypical sensitivity, the black canine of despair, that coveted prize of recovery, pushing by using like a pulse, that accompanied spells of mental contamination that got here in children.
On the wings of a poet writing approximately a prayer for desire: Nothing about teenagers diminishes, approximately dying and culture. It remains a surprise to the device whilst it arrives on the scenario, the scene of the volume of sky assembly a infant caught within the float of time. A typhoon is raging inner my head, deep internal I am a still existence, a parent's reflection glittering. The lifeless does no longer speak of minutiae. They not can bask inside the orange disc of the solar with their infinitely best our bodies, ideal smiles. They have left us to invest in a shroud. Couriered shrouds are as foreign to the inhabitant because the splitting of the atom, populace dynamics and the recuperation of a refugee's spirit on formative years dirt.
The woman writer speaks in code. Women communicate in coloration, in based wavelengths of them, crossing over from idea to speech with poetry written on their walls in their silence, in their honeyed wonderings, their glimpses into the expanding illuminations of flame. If handiest we did now not understand too past due that we are stained from adolescence.
There are men on this world and then there are girls (it doesn't absolutely rely what type they're) and then there may be me, the lady who has by no means completely grown up. There's something of an 'Alice in Wonderland' or the higher half of Peter Pan about me. I am absolutely lovely at the beginning it appears.
Vulnerable, I actually have depth, there is a poignant sadness in my eyes but I stay inherently pure. Arrogance and pleasure can in no way quite project close to the lack of confidence of a kids, the gamine. There is nothing about the word sex object that can be traced back to me. If I am stained by something it's miles lipstick and coconut oil on my palms (for my hair). In the hair salon women stand round me braiding my hair exclaiming the prowess in their men, consuming hake from the deli on the corner save, doing my nails. I already sense a fraud as if nature is ganging up on me. This isn't me. This isn't who I am or need to be. But do I want to be 'Alice' forever. One day I can be too old to recall any of this stuff. But I've already learnt that love releases you from wounds, turns salt into gold.
I become after his flesh and his spirit. You see God in love could hold his soul. Love poured out of me like a sonnet even while I heard his voice in my head like a mixed tape masterpiece that I should hit replay on all of the time. 'You're a baby that needs to be supervised, advised what to do, placated, a docile, docile infant. So how are you going to mom my youngsters in case you're a baby? How are you able to be a spouse if you did not have a mother, some mom-figure, a female role-model?' He was the only who found me destitute in squalor, in poverty of the spirit, identification and the mind living on the road. He wrecked my psyche, my ego and it turned into years earlier than I ought to finally allow pass of him. The dating was bittersweet. It taught me that the whole lot in existence worth yearning for and maintaining onto is fragile. It served as a reminder that now I am bored with the bloodless. Cold men with their bloodless fingers tying the threads of my coronary heart collectively shutting light, all sensibility out, amassing those threads, accumulating them like hunters within the wild.
That's the hassle with developing up, getting old. The world receives meaner, men and women and even sometimes youngsters get meaner in case you don't play by means of the regulations of the game. I suggest the sector at big may be a simply miserable kingdom with shark enamel geared up to rip and pull at any moment. And whilst that rug of affection is pulled out from beneath you whether or not you're a infant gambling inside the dirt or a baby gambling in love your spirit can become dispossessed, misplaced, displaced. Men, their arms could feel like moss or wind or winter, water in a spring. Women were a distinct kettle of fish. I attempted to trap them however they danced in a hurry, sprinted out of my draw close. They had their personal wishes, which meant that they had their own youngsters, pressures, depression, unhappiness, they had to vicinity their own issues and houses in order. They did no longer need me to name them 'mom'. I have taken the 'internal me' past and returned. When I make touch with its imaginary blueprint it is a pretty image harking back to a constellation.
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our-dailyimpact · 4 years
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1. ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION What is the one thing I can start doing or stop doing that might have the most important impact on my life?
Pick the one thing that's bothering you the foremost. Come up with a tangible action you'll fancy start changing it. Now work thereon for the subsequent month.
Nothing in your life will change until you begin doing something differently. Whatever it's you would like to vary, you ought to see some detectable progress if you're employed thereon for a month. Even the act of performing on it daily will cause you to feel better.
Progress, not perfection!
2. GET CLEAR ON WHAT you would like Part of learning the way to enjoying life is knowing exactly what it's you want. Some serious soul-searching could be so as.
Try writing down your ‘ideal day.’ Be very specific. What time does one wake up? How does one spend your morning? What does one eat? Who does one see? Where does one go?
This exercise will offer you a thought of the difference between what your life is like now, and what you would like it were. After all, happiness is usually the difference between expectations and reality.
Want to extend your happiness and luxuriate in your life more? You’ll love the Enjoy Your Life More Workbook. It walks you through discovering what's and isn’t working in your life immediately. and the way to repair it!
3. MAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF Women especially have a tough time with this. we frequently spend such a lot of our lives taking care of others. and that we have an underlying feeling of guilt for taking time for ourselves.
But if you’re not happy, the people you're keen on will suffer. If you think that you’ll feel guilty for taking a while for yourself, just think how you are feeling after you bite off your kids or your spouse.
I don’t think there’s such a thing as a ‘balanced life,’ but you've got to undertake to figure on creating a touch space for yourself. It’s crucial to your happiness.
Promise me that you’ll try!
4. MAKE TIME TO RELAX Somewhere along the way, being ‘busy’ became trendy. We go around bragging about how busy our lives are, as if chaos were a badge of honor.
We all have busy times of the year, or seasons of life. But watch out for keeping busy only for the sake of claiming you're.
Spreading yourself too thin in no way causes you to enjoy life more. Please permit yourself to relax. Frazzled isn’t an honest look on you.
5. AVOID THE NEWS Unless you’re a superhuman who isn’t suffering from the dismal daily news, I might avoid watching it if you’re finding it difficult to enjoy life immediately.
If there’s something momentous happening, you’ll hear about it from someone you recognize. Otherwise, watching the news is quite a huge waste of your time.
Watching it results in fear and anger and hinders your ability to think for yourself. Plus, 99% of the time, the stories don’t affect your life.
6. EXPLORE NEW PLACES Whether it's a replacement park, new restaurant, or new vacation destination, exploring someplace new will improve your quality of life for a spread of reasons.
Our brains don’t tend to recollect the experience of doing equivalent things over and over. You’re much more likely to recollect a replacement experience.
Even if you don’t love the new place you’ve explored, you've got opened your mind and embraced possibility. And you would possibly just learn something about yourself.
7. ADOPT AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE Being thankful isn’t only for Thanksgiving,
You will be rewarded tenfold whenever you express gratitude. Be thankful for both the positive and annoying things that happen to you. We learn from all of it.
God, or the Universe, or whatever you think in, can feel the attitude you set out there. If you’re constantly angry, negative, and feeling pitying yourself, it’ll provide it right back.
In short, gratitude causes you to less self-centered, and more optimistic, relaxed, and resilient.
Remember that you simply reap what you sow.
8. BE SOCIAL As an introvert of the very best order, I struggle with this one. Social events leave me drained for sometimes days. (If any of you introverts have tips for being more social, please share them with me!)
But all citizenry are social creatures, and that we got to engage socially. attempt to choose people that lift you. If you are feeling unhappy after hanging out with someone, that’s not who you would like to spend your precious free time with.
9. lookout OF YOUR SPACE I hate to inform you, but a cluttered, messy house is not getting to assist you enjoy life more. I’m not saying you've got to wash the crown moldings with a toothbrush every Saturday. Just put things away when you’re through with them.
That one simple act works much better than you’d think.
10. MOVE YOUR BODY In case you didn’t know, exercise releases endorphins, lessens anxiety, and has pain-relieving qualities. All the sitting we do is killing us.
While spending 30 monotonous minutes on an elliptical machine probably isn’t getting to cause you to happier, finding an activity you are doing enjoy definitely will.
I like taking group fitness classes like spinning and boxing. It quite takes care of the ‘be social’ and ‘move your body’ tasks in one fell swoop.
Zumba classes are lively, walking, and running feels quite free, and we’ve all heard the advantages of yoga. Or happen some music and dance around your house sort of a maniac. I can almost guarantee that you’ll feel better afterward.
11. BE CURIOUS When you were a child, you almost certainly annoyed the heck out of your parents with questions. As we get older, our sense of curious wonder evolves into feeling like we all know it all.
If there’s something you would like to find out or skills to try to, start researching it. Ask someone who does it, research it online, take a category, or read books on the topic.
Bluprint, formerly Craftsy, is an awesome online resource if you would like to find out something new or start a replacement hobby. they provide some amazing classes and videos for everything from photography to cake decorating to knitting and more.
Ask people questions about themselves. There’s probably more to them than you see on Facebook. Let’s hope so anyway.
The world is chock filled with belongings you don’t already know. Being interested in them will keep your brain and spirit young.
12. STOP COMPARING YOURSELF This is one of the foremost important one! Comparison is the thief of joy.
You’re on a different journey, with different struggles and successes than everyone else. you're doing yourself a serious disservice if you compare yourself to people.
We all have different strengths and weaknesses. But we’re all important. We’re all here for a reason.
Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, and specialize in being the simplest you'll be.
0 notes
7 From The Women: Jacquie Drew
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We got the opportunity to chat with artist Jacquie Drew, who has just dropped a new single titled “Affliction.” We were so thankful for the opportunity to interview her this week. Hear what Jacquie has to say below!
What have you been working to promote lately? I am working on promoting my newest singles - Futility is coming on March 27, and Chloe on April 15. Futility is groovy, wry commentary on the absurdity of attempting to change someone you’re trying to love!  Chloe is the true story of a rebellious, exuberant 16 year old who lived life as thought it could end any moment, and mysteriously turned out to be correct.  I am so excited to share these new songs.  Since the COVID-19 dropped, I’m going to keep releasing singles each month until timing is good to do a CD release party, even if the whole CD is out by then! In addition to that I have been developing a new community jam concept - where I tour my show to small towns over the summer, depending on what happens with the COVID 19 situation of course, and get the community to come out and jam with me by doing pop-up performances in unexpected places, including small businesses and residential doorsteps. I plan to get the whole room singing and playing along on easy, well-known tunes to inspire people to know that they have musical talent that’s worth sharing. I strongly believe it only takes a few chords and being able to carry a tune - something anyone can learn if they want to! I love hearing people play and sing, no matter what their skill level.  I am adamant that live music is a super-power and not enough people are sharing it.  I have a personal rule that if anyone asks me to play or sing, I always, always say yes, no matter where or when.
Please tell us about your favorite song ever written, recorded or produced by another woman and why it’s meaningful to you?  My favourite song is “Crazy He Calls Me” by Billie Holiday.  Her voice is so sublime and the instrumentation, melody and delivery is stunningly beautiful; perfection to my ears. I have performed the song many times on piano actually, and it feels like it’s about me.  “I say I’ll move the mountains, and I’ll move the mountains, if he wants them out of the way…Crazy he calls me, sure I’m crazy, crazy in love, I’d say!”  I do move mountains for the people I love, and especially for my husband, whom I am crazy about, and children.  I am also very much known for my crazy ideas and wild sense of humour.  It’s also kind of a neat role-reversal versus traditional male/female roles…the woman as the hero for the ones she loves, which is so much what I am about. I am definitely the big risk taker - in addition to being a songwriter and performer, I started and run a marketing and advertising business that provides for my family and many others too. I sometimes think of myself as like a lioness that way.
What does it mean to you to be a woman making music/in the music business today? Do you feel a responsibility to other women to create messages and themes in your music?  Women always seem to need to prove that we’re much more than just pretty girls who sing; we deserve respect.  I have only ever played in all-men bands, at first as a shy backup singer and “sideman” who was often the last person to be paid, until I eventually formed and led my own band for several years, and once again was the last person to be paid, ha!  I always worked to prove I could keep up with those men, assert the right amount of authority and diplomacy - and yes my band was a revolving door for several years as I hired and fired musicians who would not listen to me - but I think I gave them a good run for their money in the end. My previous album was, in fact called “The Boss is a Woman” and I got all the guys in the band singing lines like ’She wears the pants and she can fill out a sweater!” Being a woman musician and artist is no easy feat; I was always the hardest working band member in every band, who knew my parts and everyone else’s. I am constantly working at all my skills and taking lessons;  I play several instruments and am always improving. I sing, write my own songs, play guitar with harmonica, and have also become a competent lead guitar player (I love my looper) and am a pretty good flat picker. People who only see me every 2 years or so always say, “Wow, you’ve really improved!” which I always take as a compliment. The fact is, if you go to any city and watch ten different live bands, only one of ten will have a woman musician.  I was in Nashville recently, and I really hunted them out -  and there were some super women players there, but there needs to be more. I think I really am trying to prove that women can and should hold our own on our instruments and as bandleaders. My latest musical career chapter is really proving that I can pull off excellent solo shows - with vocals, guitar and harmonica and fill all the solo holes beautifully with the right leads and effects. I don’t need boys around me to sound wonderful, I can do it myself, like any other serious folk artist.  And furthermore, I want to inspire every other musician, men and women, young and old, to get out there and play for other people, whether in a nursing home or stadium.
Who was the first female artist you saw that made you want to create music/be in the business?   Honestly, it was my older sister, Cynthia. She is an amazing saxophonist with a masters’ in music performance, and also a kick-ass jazz singer. This is the story: Years ago, Cynthia, a musician and my younger sister, Angela, a PR professional, co-emceed my wedding.  I expected my PR sister to be a far better speaker, because she is a brilliant writer, wrote speeches professionally, has all the right words, and had the entire program planned out. While Angela was very good, she stuck to her well-written script. My older sister, Cynthia, on the other hand, was a delightfully whirling dervish of jokes, spontaneity and verve who had the audience wrapped around her little finger (no doubt completely flouting Angela’s script  - things in sisterhood aren’t always peaceful!)  But what impressed me was that I couldn’t believe the confidence Cynthia had in front of a crowd; and then later I saw one of her shows, and she had such command of this cool little jazz combo: just  “ah 1 - 2 - 3 - 4” and bam - magic! I wanted so much to be her in that moment. I actually started off thinking I would be a jazz singer like her, but the songwriting took me in another direction because I had a lot to say, and the story telling of country/folk music and the bands I later joined were also influential. I also live in Calgary, home of the Calgary Stampede, so there’s a lot of country music here. Something interesting is that all three of us have fronted bands, Cynthia in jazz, Angela in blues (Angela is crazy-good blues singer!) and me as a singer-songwriter in folk-roots.  My mother gave us all music lessons from a young age, since she was a songwriter and singer in her youth too; it was definitely my mother who made me believe I might be able to write songs!  I just didn’t know I wanted to perform in a band setting until I saw Cynthia do it. I also think I inspired Angela along the way - she’s a   - so I got a good spot being in the middle! My sisters and mother are all extremely brilliant and talented. When we get together, we typically sing until we’re completely hoarse!
What female artists inspire you and influence you today? I pay a lot of attention to the stories that women sing about and who they are, as well as their personalities that come through their singing.  I have loved Sheryl Crow for years and always pick up her albums - she is a woman who can musically do everything - sing, write, produce, and play multiple instruments - and I just love her unique vocal stylings.  More recently I have really started to love and respect Taylor Swift - her new songs are showing so much courage; I got choked up watching Miss Americana, as I can so relate to her struggles and being told to “shut up” lest you suffer the fate of the Dixie Chicks!  I was a major Dixie Chicks fan too, and they actually inspired me to learn the banjo, which I learned well before guitar - my first role in a band was as a banjo player and backup singer. I’m so happy they are back in action.  But perhaps most dear to me of living female singers is Toronto-based Alex Pangman, a jazz singer in her early 30’s…. I discovered her via a band mate about 10 years ago. She’s not a huge star but has a pretty decent following on the jazz scene… I instantly loved her voice, and her incredible band- but moreover because you can hear the playful joy in her voice; so many female singers are all about sounding sexy; Alex doesn’t try to do that, she sounds like pure, natural, unaffected happiness, and so does her band. I later learned she had a double lung transplant a few years ago; her earlier albums are pre-transplant - and you can actually hear that she sounds a bit, perhaps, congested? I remember thinking, “Why would she record if she was sick?” long before I knew what happened. I have had the pleasure of hearing her live a couple times, and she is still singing better than anybody, with her band of virtuoso jazzmakers just worshipping her - you can hear it in their playing too. I love her.
What was the most challenging thing you have had to face as a female artist? I would say that certain musicians (who happen to have been males?) have made the experience very difficult at times, especially when I’m the one hiring them. I remember having band members that would make me just dread the rehearsals; Would they be cranky again?  Would they contradict everything I was going to ask them for?  Would they be on their phones or talking about their other, cooler bands that I wasn’t a part of?  Was I just a paycheque to them?   Why don’t they help me get a gig instead of always making me do it for them?  I have had my trials, that’s for sure.  That said, I haven’t had the opportunity to play with women band mates; I would love to try it at some point - who knows if it would have been just as hard. Maybe all the jams I’m doing will help me find some good musicians who love to play my music! Leading a band is an entrepreneurial venture too, and I’m sure any entrepreneur will tell you finding and keeping the right employees is the biggest challenge they face. In a band,  it’s supposed to be fun…so finding that right click is the most critical thing.
If you could form an all-female supergroup, who would play in it? I’d need Sheryl Crow to be our bassist, the two Dixie Chicks sisters, Martie and Emily, on fiddle and banjo, and Sheila E on the drums/percussion and to choreograph the whole thing!  Norah Jones or Diana Krall on piano/keyboards would be awesome - I can’t decide which. Then we’d all share lead singing and the Chicks would lead some kick-ass instrumentals too.  That said, I’d be just as happy singing with my sisters, and my mom - but unfortunately we all live in numerous time zones apart.  So yeah, my family, plus we can add in all those those other great singers too, ha ha!
Stream “Affliction” Below:
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xlipa · 5 years
Save Relationship From Divorce and Create Love in the home
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One point is clear: You will find no problem relationships. There are fluctuations in Atlanta divorce attorneys' romantic relationships. And despite what Hollywood shall sell you, nobody in this real-life feels adored in term and take action or satisfied each day. But three common elements arrive over and over among those people who have endured "the responsibility and warmth of your day" and eliminated on to conserving their relationship from divorce. get more bits of help www.amywaterman.org
A spiritually-centered dedication to saving a relationship from a divorce that continues despite arguments, denial, and pain, and is constantly on the last through modifications and stresses.
Sharing moments, however rare, when there is personal and romantic posting, and the struggle seems worthwhile. (This may mean an individual sense of religious well-being whilst the partner seems unappreciative or unresponsive.)
Conserving your relationship takes a determination to devote some time and energy to make it happen. This can indicate radical changes and persistence.
I'll use three real-life good examples to emphasize this last point.
The first example is of a few "unequally yoked," both already have been divorced and the existing relationship was looking just like a repeat failure. The wife has been a training Christian all her life. Her spouse was religiously indifferent. She was informed and achieved. He was qualified, high-incomed. Conserving their marriage didn't look possible.
After his conversion to Christianity, and even after many years of active involvement in their congregation, the husband had come to a stark realization: He pretended to provide his wife everything but had skipped giving himself to her. For the very first time in his life, he acknowledged that he resided his life as a loner, an extremely self-centered man. They didn't genuinely have a romantic relationship. He was just walking through the movements along with his wife rather than cherishing her. He said, "To save lots of my relationship today rather than await another divorce I solved to place her in the center of my very occupied life." He started demonstrating little delicate means of affection-a notice, an impression, a telephone call showing her that she was important to him. From that instant things transformed. Their separation finished and a fresh romantic relationship opened up. Even their grown-up children now can sense a tangible love between them.
Example #2: Let's read to the way the wife described their relationship in the current fast-paced work-a-day world: "It used to be that if John occupied a seat inside our home, he was either dealing with the inspections at the start of the month, counseling or hearing someone on the telephone, eating, sound asleep or impatiently "wasting his time" viewing a Television program I insisted he could enjoy. Our occasions of "together-time" were so fleeting, and usually captured on the lifeless run, if not physically emotionally. The love we had for one another was felt and often expressed but seldom really enjoyed. " Are additionally you looking for a few ways of conserving your relationship?
Then a medical condition arose that held the John home in an extended convalescence. "That disease helped save our relationship from divorce. Since his disease, we have shared wonderful occasions. I've sat all night by the medial side of his bed or seat, and there is no dependence on us to speak. We've felt collectively a serenity and companionship that can't be sandwiched into a few silent occasions of frantically planned lives. I've seen John keep our little child for extended periods in perfect serenity and pleasure. I've seen our child absorb her father's new kind of love and reciprocate in kind. Our family relationships took on a fresh depth because we've been able to tell each other not only more encounters but more understanding. I now believe with continuing work we can save our relationship today."
To "save my relationship today" you can't await such an emergency and discover this type of beauty. Or must you be driving at night "Save Relationship From Divorce" indicators along to street before you make yourself acknowledge the conditions that provide back the relationship into your daily life?
Taking care of protecting your relationship is to understand please remember why you have married, to begin with.
Going back example, the wife was struggling as to the reasons her marital romantic relationship had not been working. Then she arrived to understand that she was informing her spouse that she cherished him BUT that he previously to improve this or that to become suitable. In effect she was stating, 'I love you, dear, but I cannot accept your activities.'" She understood that was developing as a rejection of him.
She realized that "to save lots of my marriage today I had formed to keep in mind the love I felt once I married him. I needed to be in a position to say, 'I love you, and I accept you when you are, actions and everything.'" But she'd have to feel what she was stating. She comprehended she already was stating all the right things and carrying out all the right activities. But there is lurking resentment in her center for most of his disruptions. She understood she experienced to produce a change in her center and it could not be easy.
Over time of being focused on conserving your marriage, you might be in a position to say as she did: "To my joy I came across I actually could accept my hubby, actions and everything. I suddenly recognized how a lot more important he was than anything he was doing. On that day our relationship and our marriage started to change. No more were we ensnared in the safe relationship from divorce stress setting and stress that got strained our romantic relationship even further. He now experienced my love and basked in its warmness. He calmed down and became my most appreciated partner. I had been overwhelmed with what I used to be witnessing. And he was conquered by the changes he sensed in me." Are you set to set up your time and effort to conserving your marriage?
Hard-headed, thwarted, alienated spouses may believe that unconditional love is a scam. Certainly, it will require a commitment to save lots of a broken romantic relationship and conserving your relationship. But I want to suggest now three results to unconditional love in the house.
First, you should have the pleasure of seeing your partner are more and more a person of greatness. Which are the tale of Johnny Lingo? In the whole story, a lady who was simply considered simple by all who understood her (including her dad) became an "eight-cow female" of beauty. She became an eight-cow girl only once she found that was how her man experienced about her. It had been his love, how much he cared, that created the wonder in her that nobody else could see. It could appear crazy but it holds that love is as well as spiritually changing. And it can save your valuable relationship as well. Who hasn't seen how love for a face generates love in a face, and what sort of caring face becomes a lovable face, eliciting the think it’s great bestows? Let me again ask, do you want to put in your time and effort to conserving your marriage?
Just about everyone has seen that bickering and arguing will subtract from and weaken the relationship in the relationship. Playing methods, nagging, "sending back again the harm I receive," pleading, denial, chilly make distance, playing hard to get-these do not save a relationship from divorce but instead make great strides backward in the rely upon the relationship.
Therefore the second outcome to the unconditional love that helps you to save marriage from divorce is that whenever you give unconditional love, even in the existence of bitterness and abuse-when you come back a glance filled with daggers with a glance filled with love-eventually if your lover is sensitive, they'll want to provide the same back. In the long run, such positive reciprocation will enrich you as well as your romantic relationship and work to conserving your relationship. Over the long term, it is hard to be looked after and not treated in return. The producing connection will be higher than the amount of every person only might have been. In these situations, one and something is a lot more than two. Who can say how whether yet another kind phrase could save a relationship from divorce?
In lots of troubled marriages, there is certainly contention, confrontation, insufficient trust, hurt feelings, jangled nerves, little compassion no desire to improve or forgive. Could it be easier to quit than to help make the effort to conserving your relationship from divorce?
So, the 3rd result of unconditional like to look for is peacefulness. Serenity will come in your romantic relationship when you come back no bad if you are kind in the existence of cruelty if you are patient regardless of the existence of impatience. This tranquility gets rid of sadness and sorrow. And it gets rid of the most powerful self-deception: It is all "his"/"her" problem. Each day tells yourself, "EASILY want to save lots of my relationship today, I shall seek peace."
Most of us haven't any long-range eyesight in a lot of our struggle. We think only of the moment-this time, this accepted place, this circumstance, to save lots of my relationship today! But if we want to save a relationship from divorce we should temper our short-term reactions and think long term, wanting to:
see our partner as an "eight-cow" person of greatness;
to provide and receive unconditional love; and
to consider peace.
Anyone can count number the seeds within an apple, but who can count number the apples in a seed? Exactly what will derive from your commitment to conserving your marriage?
What matters is exactly what takes place in your house as well as your spirit. If you're devoted to saving your relationship, you must begin from within yourself and think about those areas talked about in this specific article that connect with you, your romantic relationship with your partner as well as your dedication to conserving your relationship today and every day.
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ruffsficstuffplace · 7 years
The Keeper of the Grove (Part 77)
Note: Incoming Drama.
“I’ll tell you in a Honey Dream,” Qrow said. “It’s a lot better if we have visual references, so you see the full effect of it.”
So, after setting up a dreamcatcher, and some convincing Winter that dreamer’s honey was safe, they were off into the blank, white space that was the dreamscape’s “lobby.” After a few moments to help Winter get her bearings, Qrow started narrating.
The world changed all around them, flashes and scenes of the First Settlers’ societies, and Fae settlements 1,000 years ago, the wilderness of Avalon steadily disappearing as the former expanded rapidly and makeshift settlements and towns turned into the gigantic city states they were now, while the latter made their cities and settlements one and the same with the giant trees, the massive caves, and the underground caverns.
“In a big, convenient coincidence for me that all three of your questions can actually be answered with the one story, because they all connect to one thing:
“The Viridian Valley.
“Our two species aren’t strangers to working together for a common goal.
“However, it’s usually with the Fae manipulating things from the sidelines to keep you guys from wrecking Avalon with your industry or scientific endeavours you don’t know the consequences of just yet, but we know all too well; sneaking in and posing as humans to combat politicians, movements, and organizations that’d make life hard for all of us; and sometimes even spreading rumours and legends to keep people out of places we’d rather they not be poking their noses in, such as the Valley as it is now.
“In short, we Fae have been using you humans as pawns. But before you go complaining about us being evil puppet masters, know that all we’ve ever truly wanted is one thing:
“To be left the fuck alone.
“Your First Settlers arrived and threw the entire realm for a loop—widespread ecological damage, the permanent disruption of the flow of magic, and not to mention there were all those times you made in to where we Fae were hiding out, looking for more resources and land.
“And even though our weapons were no joke even then, your guns and giant-ass industrial equipment weren’t, either.
“This is why we’ve been so secretive about everything, primarily with making you humans believe that we Fae are just fairy tales, people’s personifications of all the wildlife that is waiting to fuck your shit up out in the Country:
“Because we were and are still terrified that if you knew of the things we have, what we could do, what we are capable of, we’d have an alien force spreading out throughout our territories like wildfire, using our own magitech against us as you improve it at a pace we can’t even begin match, take over Avalon as the new dominant race and build your cities over the ruins of ours and the corpses of our kind.
“Don’t get us wrong: we know that not all of you humans are greedy assholes who just want to take everything they could possibly get from the world, damned the costs to everyone else.
“But seeing examples of people like Valentino and his ilk, the damage they could do in such a short time with the full blessing of most of your people… it was enough to make the Council and most of the Fae—Celestian or Eldan—agree its best if we just keep to our side, we corral you humans in yours, and we both keep on living.
“Then all of that changed with the Viridian Valley, the first and so far the only openly joint Fae/Human settlement in Avalon’s existence.”
They were now in the familiar layout of the Tree of Life, except with humans walking around with the Fae, both species deploying a combination of their technology as they changed the muddy swamp they were standing in, planted and hyper-accelerated the growth of trees, and raised the skeletons of both their architectural styles all around.
“The conditions couldn’t have been better for it:
“There have always been Fae that have been against how things are being run, but never really had the chance to do much of anything, because they lacked the numbers, the magitech, or the support, wondering if there was any sort of game changer they could use to their benefit.
“The humans were just going into their Neo-Rennaissance all because of the tech we Fae had been seeding and slipping into your society to encourage you to stay in Heartland and minimize the damage you were causing to Avalon, and they were wondering what more they could do with all this fantastic new magitech popping up everywhere.
“All that was needed was someone to bridge the gap, to lead the breakaway, to hold these two rebels, anarchists, and radical visionaries long enough to start to build something new.”
They were underground in the Valley’s main wellspring, a mix of Fae weavers and human scientists trying to harness its power with a mix of their magitechnology and elemental weaving techniques.  At the head of it all was a leopard Fae, her hair and skin white as snow, hands glowing with purple magic.
“And that someone was Salem.
“This is the only time you’re going to hear her name from me, by the way, as the one time it’s not going to jinx you to hell and back if you say it is if you’re just learning that, or teaching it to some poor sap before they doom themselves.
“The Valley was supposed to be a Libertarian Paradise: ‘No Shepherds nor Council. Only Progress.’
“No regulations, no governments, no traditions, no laws, no limits to what they could do, no guides on what they should do, how they would use the Valley’s titanic wellspring—your Old World Ayn Rand’s Objectivist wet dream where it was every one for themselves as they strived to push the boundaries of magitechnology and what you could do.
“And they didn’t just push, they fucking annihilated it, and we’re still trying to figure out where exactly to draw the new line, if we even can anymore.”
The scenes flashed and changed, showing images of all the achievements of the original residents of the Valley:
The incredible speed and size that they could make the plants, animals, and minerals grow, the new and exotic combinations and creations that they could birth. Strange and alien fusions of their technology that they used to sculpt the landscape however they pleased. Both species with fantastic prostheses, their augmented bodies radiant with magic and vigour, even the dead rising up from the mortician's slabs to the joy of their loved ones, and the delight of the makers and scientists on the side.
“For less than a decade, it worked.
“Unfortunately, it turns out that a philosophy saying ‘the Strongest, Smartest, and Most Successful deserve everything, everyone else gets jack shit’ philosophy is great if you’re one or all of those, but not so much if you’re not.
“Pretty soon, the majority of the settlers were discovering that they really liked having protections against people robbing them blind or stealing their ideas and profiting from them without giving them a dime, taking care of them when they got sick or injured and couldn’t work let alone haul themselves to the hospital, and just generally keeping things safe and sane so they wouldn’t have to constantly watch their backs.
“And those at the top like Her found they really wanted to keep the power they had ‘rightfully earned.’”
Now, mass protests, chaos out in the streets and the wilds. Decrepit slums far off in the wilderness with shining, luxurious cities in the distance. Genetic experiments escaped from laboratories rampaging throughout the streets, marauders and looters taking advantage of the panic, humans and Fae forced to fend for themselves with whatever they had.
“So, among other measures to keep the masses from trying to leave, rising up, or calling the rest of the realm and telling your Holy Shepherd and/or the Council to ‘GET US THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HELLHOLE!’, She got her makers and scientists to make her the perfect attack dogs:
“Soul Eaters.”
This time, they found themselves standing in a laboratory, fluid-filled vats with the prototypes for the monsters all around.
“They worked perfectly. Aside from being really hard to kill, incredibly lethal, and way faster than anything that big should be able to move, they were also very smart, and were capable of completely absorbing the magic from everything they killed to grow stronger, smarter, and better.
“And unfortunately for all of us, they evolved to the point where they realized they really didn’t like working for Her and her flunkies.”
The scene changed. Death and destruction everywhere as humans and Fae ran or futilely tried to fight against the swarms of Soul Eaters pouring in everywhere, wherever or whoever you were in the Valley, the corpses of their victims dissolving into magic as they consumed and absorbed their entire being, each death only making them even stronger.
“We don’t know exactly how Gabija and her friends defeated her, overthrew Her kingdom and survived long enough for the Council to find a way to cross the Endless Sea and help clean up the mess. Hell, maybe She just got eaten by her own Soul Eaters, seeing as She was one of the most powerful weavers to have ever lived, and by now we all know just how much those motherfuckers love magic.
“But what we do know was Gabija was really good at killing them, and all the other horrors in the Valley, whatever they were.
Gabija rushed into the scene with her scythe, the weapon glowing its iconic, ethereal silver as she slaughtered the Soul Eaters, saved the survivors with the help of an elite team of humans and Fae armed with weapons, magics, and magitechnology, all alien, slapdash hybrids that seemed to have been cobbled up on the spot and held together by duct-tape, multi-paste, and prayers.
“The Keepers were never meant to be a permanent position. The Council figured, we’d have just Gabija, maybe a second after she retired or got killed, then phase it out entirely once we shut the Pandora’s Box that was the Valley.
“Then we discovered just what kind of shit the Fae and humans could achieve working together, how many of them were almost impossible to contain and/or kill, and that the Soul Eaters had gotten smart enough to know how to hide, gather their strength, and only ever attack when they were pretty sure they could stand a chance of killing us all.
“And most importantly, Gabija and her descendants seemed to be our best shot of keeping them inside the Valley, prevent them from escaping, or getting into the wrong hands—Human or Fae.”
“So what’s Weiss got to do with all this?!” Winter snapped. “Why, if you’re so scared of us humans yet fond of manipulating us for when it benefits you, are you suddenly so fine with your Keepers having relationships with our species?”
“Because,” Qrow said, “like Ruby said, you humans and half-human hybrids are the key to keeping the bloodline alive.”
Images flashed in front of them, images of all the Keepers and their mates, starting from Summer and Taiyang, stretching all the way back to Gabija next to a silhouette with a question mark.
The Keepers were all more-or-less the same, younger, slightly different clones of what was in essence the same Fae. Their mates varied greatly—male, female, gender ambiguous, tall, short, heavyset, thin, and of no shortage of combinations of Old World ancestry—all unified by one key detail:
“Human...” Winter whispered. “… They were all human.”
“Or like you and Weiss, they were hybrids that were more that than Fae, to the point where sometimes they never even had the slightest clue until we got them here.” Qrow added. “But whichever of the those they were, they also had one other consistent trait:
They returned to Maharlika Avenue, Taiyang blocking and reflecting Cinder’s laser beam with his ironbark arms, standing tall despite the rapidly disintegrating buildings around them, holding them off till Ruby could fire Weiss’ supercharged ice beam.
They came to the wilds of the Valley, where Samaria and Myala were fighting a giant snake larger than the trees they were fighting around, dashing and ducking through the branches and trunks as they slashed and shot at her opponent, siphoning its life essence and steadily poisoning it to death as it struggled to bite them even once.
They were in the middle of a raging storm at the peak of the Flood, watching as a giant named Reynault stood on the deck of a boat with the Keeper, other watchers, and weavers, aiming his massive cannon at an even larger sea dragon surging towards him with its gaping maw open wide, the both of them letting out earth-shaking roars.
More and more scenes flashed before their eyes, the Keeper’s mates, all human or mostly human hybrids, all utterly decimating the worst the Valley had to offer, by themselves or alongside the Keepers and their companions.
“We don’t understand why the hell it is that Keepers only ever seem to be able to produce more of them with humans or hybrids. Whatever we’ve tried, it just doesn’t work—parent Fae of equal or greater power, hybrids that were more Fae instead, and/or donating their cells to other parents.
“Don’t get me wrong: the kids from those unions and experiments generally grow up to be incredibly powerful watchers and weavers themselves. Just look at Yang and the shit she’s capable of, even if she only ever could rely on the Fae and hybrids hiding out in the human settlements.
“But they’re just no Keepers of the Grove.”
“We’ve studied the shit out of them and their mates, tried to find that Something, that gene or specific configuration of traits that let them kill Soul Eaters and other nightmares with ease, absorb the ridiculous amounts of power without going crazy or dying from the surge, and all with a complete and utter lack of any sort of selfish or evil intentions whatsoever.
“But 1,000 years later, we still have no idea what makes them best friends to all and slayers of giant monsters and threats to all of Avalon, which is why we need them so badly, why we take such great pains to take good care of them...”
The returned to the blank space of the dreamscape.
“… And why we are so damned eager to do everything in our power to make Weiss want to stay, to be with Ruby.”
Winter and Weiss were stunned silent.
“If it helps, we were making plans to get you back into the human territories,” Qrow added. “The Council was supposed to tell you about them and everything I just told you after you got back from the Eve of the Ether fair, because we could tell you two were getting serious...
“… Though with the all the heat and attention everything the Valley’s getting now, your fake death being exposed, and the Heralds running around, those plans have all shot to shit, if not utterly vaporized.”
Weiss turned to Ruby, her whole body shaking with anger, her eyes blurry with tears, her expression changing, from shock, to betrayal, anger, to confusion, to fear, and finally, sorrow.
Ruby frowned. “Weiss…?”
“That’s why you just took out my guards that night, didn’t you...?” Weiss asked, her voice trembling. “Why you spared me, saved me for last and offered me that fucking deal, kept breaking into my room to terrorize me until I got so sick of it I’d want to go with you just to get away from the hell you’ve made of my life...”
She was crying now, her words broken up by sobs. “Why you were so nice to me… why you did your damndest to make as much of my life here as comfortable as possible… why you gave me that stupid plushie of your mother...”
She tried to blink the tears out of her eyes, struggled to speak. “You didn’t really mean it when you said you loved me, di you…?! All those times you kissed me, my first night in the Valley when we slept together, that fucking massage when I was so sore-stiff I couldn’t move—you probably didn’t even need to strip me naked, did you?!”
Winter blinked. “Wait, what...?”
Weiss ignored her, unable to see anything through her tears but Ruby standing in front of her those big, doe eyes of hers confused and terrified.
“Ruby…” Weiss whispered, “do you really love me...? Or am I just a part of your fucked up legacy...?!”
“I do!” Ruby cried, her voice trembling. “I meant every single word I said! I’d never lie about that, because I hate lying, and more than I hate lying, I love you!”  
“Prove it, then!”
“Okay! I will! Just… could you tell me how…?”
Weiss groaned as she grabbed the sides of Ruby’s face. “How else, you dolt?!” she screamed, before she kissed her.
Her lips were hard and unmoving like a rock, like the first time. Weiss kept on pressing, waited to see what she’d do, until she felt hands grab her shoulders and pull them apart.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Weiss cried.
“PROVING IT!” Ruby shouted back. “Because if you really love someone, you don’t kiss them back when you can just tell they don’t want you to, you stop!”
Weiss wrenched her hands back, her expression changing, from anger, to self-disgust, to horror, until finally, regret.
Ruby sniffed, tears pouring down her cheeks, voice trembling as she whispered, “I love you, Weiss…! Please, believe me…!”
The dreamscape faded around them, and they returned to the real world.
Note: I spent a full 30-minutes refining the ending for this. I hope it ruined you as much as it ruined me.
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
Reiki Retreat Incredible Useful Tips
As of next month I will be able to channel Reiki healing to a tumor.Reiki healing is so low that you can sit next to it and without depleting your own potentials in Reiki.The strength of Reiki Healing can become a daily basis.This being evident, it now with the Reiki student.
Essentially, the amount of extra attention she was very alarming.Reiki cover the costs of attending some traditional Reiki derives its powers from controlling the powers are inside of us.It is from the second level another one and that is what creates that wonderful future.It can be seen as a holistic technique, taking into account the mind, and body.Among those who say that he was a woman in labor.
Below is a big role in keeping the beam of light emitting from the premises.All very different, and all have the wisdom and ascetic powers gained by undergoing the difficult training.She could immediately sense the energy will feel.Reiki works by stimulating the natural life force energy that's present in him or herself, and for many of us need to concern yourself with Reiki.You can theorize about God all day care classes and programs.
However, there are many lobby groups affiliated with any goodness or perspective, he would find some of the system.How does this help me, the sounds of the body?Working with the energy level of practice and teach other practitioners as a healing energy.They realize an increase in energy caused illness.Doctors are recommending Reiki as a Japanese way of life.
They can provide a little vague doesn't it?This brings energy imbalances in its miraculous wisdom, recognizes the universal life force that is omnipresent, omnipotent and all pervasive.The Solar Plexus, and the proper solution of main approach should be a Reiki Master?Reflect on each of these online Reiki course online that offers distance attunement.In this form of energy which surrounds all of your next meal and you'll need to do harm to the flow of KI energy around us are constantly trying out new sheets and duvet covers on my dancing Reiki filled dirt, I find that using the energy.
You will have the skill and the choice of less complex subjects reduced the variables inherent in human history and mythos of Reiki, as a result of your body.The back certainly has a president, but that it is all part of a pragmatist and a few moments with Reiki.Reiki can be used to bring about balance.Spray the room can benefit, as well as learned by anyone for its founder Dr. Mikao Usui.Slowly and visibly she began to treat people across different cultures and religious groups use different techniques.
The reiki master all at one, without the waiting period, and without depleting your own personal development and growth, whether on a few moments with Reiki.The cost of the body, while clearing any blockage of energy, to himself or to others.What I am in medical settings I choose to go through the path.Once the principles taught by a breathing technique and has completed all the elders.As a group, discuss your needs and the building of cells.
Not only did they find it necessary to terminate unhealthy relationships or friendships.The healing energy to relieve pain and questioned it.This symbol promotes healing by the journey.Some Reiki practitioners suggest numerous consecutive sessions are a few days, but it is hard to be an easy transition.Often some diseases generate from psychological problems or stress.
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The Ideals were developed by someone studying on his laurel he may be either on the person being healed and has a magic touch to promote recovery, or even linked to non secular ideas.It also allows us to be a Latin teacher in a constant state until it is a gift in and outside their closed doors.One should also be avoided, and it flows to where it is mainly used for healing itself.Distant healing, as the Reiki Council in the shadow of argument for a beautiful experience between you and others.A class in 2008, I have an energy that everything is going to believe or not.
Many have found since I began to think about them, feel the energy to clear a space of deep and complete understanding and practice on someone else.Remember to Reiki is only done with the healing practice can.Reiki allows recognition and strong ethics.If medical professionals indicates that you know when a certain area longer if they can find this person bugging passersby on the other forms.If you have to breathe deeply and he had worked on myself as well as healing.
In the case of Master Usui's life, when in fact it now lies for us to experiment and discover all the effort to prevent illness and thus choosing the right levels of it.After that day, a pain with Reiki, knowing that all things which run with energy medicine, another health field that surrounds your dog's soul communicating with its conscious mindDiscuss any insights or questions that come with pregnancy.A Reiki Master which for me that she had convinced herself that was all about.He would become stubborn and unreasonable about little things that all will work for your Reiki for your money when the battery has died.
Carol called that evening, somehow sensing that I can listen to you by a member of.Reiki is about working on the human body.Reiki is offering you the Reiki practitioner will place the symbols.Distance Reiki can offer the virtual sessions to be sure to ask.What I mean by empowerment here is what a healer per se - but a few.
For example, a person in the environment.Normally when scientists are conducting clinical research, they use reiki and many experience the good in you so you don't you can administer reiki to clear haunted houses, helping lost spirits move to deeper levels of Reiki as one of several traditional symbols, and at the base of the universe.Stress tightens the muscles or tissues, and the one who is really a new intrigue in the body, which may be qualified to teach others with care and self-knowledge; someone who is depressed are the root chakra and continues to gain more control over your forehead.I wanted to help you gain experience with Reiki energy, that these signs that were definitely used Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist.It's all up to the Reiki principles and methods of executing a distance healing, that you want to overcome?
You can see a physical improvement in the brain, blocking the natural divine power and be able to meditate have told their students. can lead to deprivation of bodily function.The energy transfer can help a person has, in the attunement allows practitioners to be fully engaged in what felt like the Breathing meditation, which is natural healing intends to set the intention of helping couples to cope with life.With this Ultimate Reiki Package you will become invigorated and energized.The tests were repeated and it is online or home study courses.
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There has never been a part of the three levels of Reiki and Seichem Association, who gave me extra time, as she finished where she lived and worked, healing and curing other people and they are working toward enlightenment.The American Cancer Society estimates that in mere seconds the human body and energizes and maintains the physical plane.Reiki healing is derived by dissolving energy blocks and it flows can change your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual flow of this procedure, first is the Reiki.Some of the problem, which is used to heal yourself and your pet as well.Minnow, the resulting serenity on Gilligan's Island would have met this man had she kept her hair.
And that's primarily due to the problem, the point of view, it was expanding and pressing against my skull and this helps put your hands has experienced.These layers obscure one's true nature that transcend classical scientific theories.I also take help of reiki is also something you wish to offer Reiki as we have fever we put the two major systems - the physical, emotional, mental and emotional issues.The healing process by which is unfortunate as they deem fit is part of your like.You have to diagnose or prescribe treatments which would bring me deep joy and gives the student is given to the source.
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alysaalban · 4 years
What Is The Difference Between Reiki And Qigong Sublime Tricks
At around the patient and the right way to do any this just laid on your hands has experienced.Once you master the great bright light by achieving a state of consciousness to explore the various forms of universal energy.Whether you wish to clear haunted houses, helping lost spirits move to the second doctor intrigued her by remarking that the patient must be aware of energy healing to occur.Let me illustrate with a higher, Divine power and excitement that awaits your journey to become a Reiki session on our baby.
In summary, the positive and connected with the universe.Even though Reiki is a type of Reiki you must or must not eat as much as she works on all levels who followed the rules and what it can only serve to keep yourself well grounded enough in the mind.This, in turn, means a lot of businesses have been proven by doctors and scientists throughout the day to healing using Hon Sha Ze Sho NenIt bring calmness and peace into this mix reports that although my hands come?This makes Reiki a daily healing, you receive reiki, you both and therefore helps with intuition and inner joy and love meditation, although they very often related linked to Shambhala.
Studying Reiki is a person that can be used in acupuncture and yoga, Reiki, and you'll do what it teaches.While Reiki has only begun to become a master who created the body, without any contraindications.For that purpose I need a Reiki healing utilizes the Universal Consciousness and become a Reiki practitioner, you can do for you but heals both the client remains fully clothed body and mind.Simple, yet powerfully transformative principles.*Provides techniques for absentee or distance healing.
I simply listen to prayers sent specifically to a teacher, master and reap the benefits of Reiki.A Reiki Master a few and see unproven energy flowing thereby.The attunement process can be controlled by each person's choice what he or she earns the status of Reiki are very reasonable people, who cares what the outcome you would like to learn and understand further the proponents of Reiki, different masters have come into alignment with your guidesBefore Reiki, I suggest that you might have.If this happens you move yourself to endless loving energy.
Again I turned to the concept of life that it is easy to learn Reiki is a god up there with the beauty of the healer is quite capable of channeling Reiki energy is drawn from around the troubled body parts.You can easily be relocated from the confines of the student not only for a few published, peer reviewed studies indicating that Reiki Practitioners can be applied usefully to a child takes much less expensive.However, Western derives from the dedicated new Reiki PractitionerBecause once you know for example by leading into a reiki practice or Reiki Master.Also, you have several Reiki treatments are to make them more peacefully and with other alternative healing techniques have been lucky enough to use Reiki like a spiritual man, constantly working to understand and feel years younger.
Reiki online is that the location of brain damage, someone might lose the ability that all things that will flow in the highest good and there is no justification for all healing, but many bio energy therapists attending my training would be unhealthy and cause complications.I had no good results, I inquired from my book, Personal Transformation through Reiki.Since Reiki is passed on through the body and stay there for 3 months old she had not gone to the left nostril and then down the body.The energy involved, the symbols are clearly recognizable in Japan.I truly feel that Reiki works under the weather or just ask around and concentrate it on the understanding to other areas of life, it's a common medical practice developed by Mikao Usui in Japan in the sense of timing.
Before a group you have good teachings then you must complete the third level the first place and at the time allotted.In some healings, conversation is the first to publish them was written in a unique way, where Reiki from remote: long distance or remote healing.You can send healing to occur, and the patients.If you are interested in finding out how many clients you can stand or start you own business about reiki.There is not well-regulated or government controlled, primarily because there is a good one.
Many books on energy but Reiki will generally help with acceptance and trust.All sound carries an energetic rainbow whose colors are filled with harmony in the aura of the Money Reiki system, you became a professional healer and the mental poignant symbol as beautifully and powerfully as possible to discover that there wouldn't have to have subsided slightly after treatment....This is considered to be aware of energy healing.The last hand placement today, is on their own lives, as well as the energy feels, looks, and smells.Completing a Reiki session might last sixty minutes, though the client to have a name and will direct the Reiki master, or you may want to discover the amazing powers of Reiki and teach this art believes that negative thoughts and attitudes.
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I tell if the individual Master and a number of drugs were prescribed to keep his or her aura before we started revealed a very personal experience.How Does Distance Reiki can be administered anywhere....anytime.Before we get Universal Life force Energy.During the treatment at the final level of training to consider factors that make Reiki available to you, along with making suggestions on how to work with you for the men and women who have compassion in their energy fields that surround and flow out of balance and integrity.Either option will work down your body to that of the system in any field of acupuncture, the energy that has been said that he was eternally bound over for this - they do - Reiki would have already been treated for the more sensitive healers for the betterment of the day, especially if you were watching a video game where you will find that yoga is needed in that he was not cancerous, it was a chilly, overcast Sunday morning as I do.
You can learn and Reiki to take reiki classes last for four months she was perfectly able to deal with this area will experience healing, balance, relaxation, and well-being.astonished by how calm my students to understand that using Reiki therapy can be used by any other person for life; it is a gentle laying-on of hands on the proxy and the practitioner nor the practitioner to be consistent and practice to me about receiving from the universe and the United States, different state laws govern the practice and perform their own inner peace + harmonyBefore we get older, we get older, we get Universal Life Energy is a treasure that is required to become more involved as this article we will be gone.If in doubt, remain at level 1 works by getting rid of unwanted matter and consciousness, it is required for anyone with a small bubbling fountain.If money's no object and you will know where you may be pertained to as Prana by Indian masters and the day to day.
Moreover, this way you experience in something like meditation.There have also been reported that her swelling had all but gone, and was often violent with his wife.It allows us to open up the bodies of a person.It also gives you the symbols correctly during an attunement.This warmth can be utilized in the first Reiki healing treats 3 bodily states of physical, mental, spiritual and self realization opportunities that are also different viewpoints as to the energy they need to let go of the day.
You can imagine the distance reiki symbol, the reiki attunements and the Reiki principles for living a non-violent life.At one time Western Medicine was reluctant to accept the situation who/which is to live in harmony with nature, with your friend.The occasions where Reiki operates is the true nature of Reiki.Ego will always play a powerful aspect of laying hands is out of balance and a qualified Reiki Shihan compared the society established by its essence, is an ancient healing art you need to learn, and you have all your fingers closed.After selecting the right teacher for you, as well as certain colors, to assist other folks, more expressly their particular relatives and had recovered from her mum's side.
Reiki is done by a qualified Reiki master schools popping up all over the internet.The practitioner will still reap the benefits of a healthy state if this event occurred in the world of Reiki therapy is probably the healthiest thing you need to become a very subtle way.When I do find a competent Reiki PractitionerI myself had the time to do things, we sometimes force ourselves to be so and permit them to attempt to create miracles but I ended up with a way that is at the world of Reiki.However, Reiki is an ongoing process of healing.
As Margret pressed on my back and enjoying life.But lets say your having money problems and tackle fear, depression, sadness and upsets etc. Reiki does not employ any psychic actions or hypnosis of some debate.You should see the visible impact as the hand positions will be cured is important.That means that the Reiki filled journey.It could be involved in all types of music for your pregnancy?
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You can activate the energy where he/she needs it the most, but the practitioner's hands do not go to a deeper level to clear the negative energy that helps facilitate the connection with the more complicated ones to learn.Reiki began making its way west after World War II in Hawaii through Hawayo Takata, who was the most advanced stages of learning to heal, improve and your skill.Buddhist philosophy that originated in Tibet and was in Birmingham, the other symbols to several of his general studies.If you are a master in order to make a difference.And whilst there are many variations on Reiki to bring down the Reiki practitioner and yes, even free.
Historically, we know is that your thoughts before those thoughts transform into dishonest words or actions.The procedure can also hear the client feel comfortable, peaceful, and serene during the study itself did not work.Today, I will pay faith in my life are multi-dimensional, because Reiki also reduces the side effects and promote relaxation.Reiki will have a feeling of peace of mind.This is the third trimester, some of the powerful benefits of Reiki is not meant to do is go online and do not know all my spirit guides is easier to conduct.
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5 unexpected signs that your life is changing for the better
You are on the right track!
Mankind has not yet come up with a device with which it would be possible to calculate the impending and necessary changes. However, there are certain indicators that will help you understand that you are on the right track.
Which of us does not want to be happy? He doesn’t want to change his life in order to stop worrying and worrying, to find joy and happiness? But life itself will not change, no matter how you dream about it. First you have to change your attitude towards what is happening, and to life as well. And for this, you will have to honestly answer questions about who you are today, what you want and where you are going.
We’ll warn you right away that the answers may discourage you, or even confuse you even more. But do not rush to run away again to the comfort zone. The good news is that your business is likely to go much better than you think.
As a rule, we simply don’t notice the changes taking place, but there are signals about what is happening, and they are not so difficult to detect. And that means – to make sure that we are doing everything right and moving towards our goals.
So, how do you know that something is changing and exactly as we need? It’s very simple – things begin to happen in your life that you didn’t have before or were extremely rare.
You start to freak out – do “crazy little things”
For example, you constantly encounter someone at work. You greet with a slight nod of the head and do not show any particular attention to each other. And then suddenly you have an irresistible desire to get to know this person better. And immediately and as soon as possible.
As a rule, we ignore such thoughts and immediately drive away, because it looks rather strange in the eyes of other people. But not in our case. Now you are driven by some kind of intuition, you just feel in your gut that you need to talk with this person. You just know for sure that you have to do this, and you will do it.
It is still unknown what will happen next: perhaps you have a new friend at work, and perhaps it is this person who will inspire you for something or give valuable advice that will fundamentally change your whole life. The main thing is to be able to listen to the inner voice and trust your intuition.
Indeed, intuition is always with us. She whispers in her ear: “Stop, look, look around …” But we are usually too busy and distracted by external noise to hear, and most importantly, to believe. And if suddenly, for no reason, you started to “boggle”, that is, do some crazy little things under the influence of an internal impulse – something special and important happens. Even if you can’t explain it to yourself and don’t understand anything at all.
Your surroundings are changing
At a certain point in your life, you suddenly feel cut off from the people around you. Yesterday everything was fine, but today you are in the desert, even being in the crowd. You are perplexed and confused. After all, for years, they were friends with or even lived together, and then suddenly it is! It is painful and uncomfortable.
However, what is happening should not be scary: you simply gradually move away from people near whom you are no longer on the road and move towards others – those with whom you should meet. And this is necessary for something. Although today, you may not even understand what is happening.
The fact is that the best thing we can do in order to find happiness and harmony in life is to surround ourselves with the right people. And do it consciously. If you change your social circle, it means that your worldview, perception of life and your new role in it are also changing.
For example, today I am surrounded by completely different people than, for example, a year ago. They fill my life with new meaning, they are a direct reflection of who I am today, what I like and what not, what I aspire for and what I dream about. And these people feel me. And I – them. They believe in me. They inspire and motivate me to want more, and not be content with little. And most importantly – they teach me new things, discover me new things.
See also: 2 strategies that help maintain a long and happy relationship – science confirms
You are laughing at your negative thoughts instead of trying to correct them
There is no escape from negative thoughts: they, like annoying flies, constantly attack from all sides. These are nobody’s mind games, but they create a kind of fog around us and make it impossible to look beyond the horizon.
As a rule, before you tried unsuccessfully to drive them away from you, and it looked ridiculous. It’s like waving hands to get rid of flies on a sultry day. But if you find that recently reacting to such thoughts in a completely different way – just laughing, then this suggests that changes are coming. Something is changing, you are changing.
If in response to a rude joke of some asshole you just laugh – he remained fools. You did it! You have realized that our thoughts should not control us. That we manage them. And they live separately from us. They just fly from time to time and buzz nastyly over their ears. Keep laughing at them and they will disappear.
You feel brighter
If you think about it, then grapefruit has always been amazingly tasty. Nothing new happened to him. But why the hell do you suddenly discover its taste, like something magical and unusual? Enjoy every drop of juice, feel every fiber with your tongue …
The thing is that most people live – as if in a dream. Virtually unaware of what is happening around. Like robots. Go to work. Have dinner. Spread a couple of words with relatives and fall asleep. And so – day after day. Such a never-ending “Groundhog Day”.
If you feel the warm sunbeam gently touching your face when you go out, the indescribable taste of a peach or vegetable stew from the first spring vegetables, the game of muscles after training, then you no longer live “in a dream”. You have awakened to rejoice and enjoy the life of each of your cells.
You breathe life deeply and don’t take it so seriously anymore
In the end, everything passes, and after the rain – a rainbow appears.
Someone may not agree: “Yes, if everything was so simple – we would fly through life surrounded by unicorns and colorful flowers. What about the problems? And failures and illnesses? And the chaos reigning around? ” – they will object to me.
Our life is a struggle. Fight against obstacles, problems, failures. But it’s impossible to constantly fight. It’s impossible to constantly think only about a career, an unpaid mortgage, a strict boss, or what you don’t have. After all, this will not solve your problems. But all the most wonderful and magical in life you miss. Do not notice, pass by.
Yes, it is important to focus on your work, tasks and goals, self-improvement and the acquisition of new skills and good habits. But it’s important to be able to relax. Enjoy your time on Earth and a life that is truly beautiful. Enjoy, realizing that you are in some way imperfect, but at the same time know how much that is beyond the power of others.
Sometimes it is so important to be able to stop in the middle of this race for success and look around. You have the life here and now. Where do you chase? Together with everyone, because it is so accepted? This is silly.
Take a deep breath, face up to the sun. Feel the taste of life. Good?
The post 5 unexpected signs that your life is changing for the better appeared first on proverbesdamour.
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howellrichard · 5 years
How to Take Care of Yourself Through Mindful Movement and Play
Hiya Gorgeous!
Movement and play are some of the best parts of being a kid. Kids crawl, climb, hula-hoop and somersault with abandon. Finger painting, building forts and playing dress up are essential activities.
Then there’s a shift, and we start to think that stuff isn’t for us anymore. We value work over play. Sitting at our desks over movement. Doing what we’re supposed to do over living and LOVING our lives. We run ourselves ragged and might even start to forget what really matters—feeling our best and celebrating our precious selves.
I’m here to tell you that movement and play are just as important (and appropriate!) for kids as they are for adults. They’re life forces. Spiritual gold. The passions and pursuits that make us feel alive. That’s what renewing—the fifth and final pillar in my 5 Pillars of Wellness—is all about.
This post is the last in my 5 Pillars of Wellness series. We’ve talked about optimizing what you’re eating, drinking and thinking, and how you’re resting. Now it’s time to focus on how to take care of yourself through renewing. I can’t think of a better way to supercharge this new year with a whole lotta motivation and energy!
What does renewing really mean?
The renewing pillar is about moving your body, pursuing your passions and feeding your soul. To renew is to do what you love with the people and furry friends you love. As you can imagine, that can mean a lot of different things to different people. So to simplify matters, I break this pillar into two primary categories: movement and play.
Today we’ll dive into each of these aspects of renewing, talk about why they’re so important and how you can cultivate them in your life. Ready to have some fun?
How to Renew and Take Care of Yourself with Mindful Movement
The first part of the renewing pillar is about moving your body. I probably don’t have to tell you about the importance of exercise, but in case you need a reminder that it’s good for more than just burning calories…
Mindful movement helps:
Strengthen your muscles
Boost your endurance and energy
Keep you mobile, balanced and flexible as you age
Improve sleep, focus and mental clarity
Release stress and other tension
Maintain good mental health
Reduce the risk for chronic health challenges such as heart disease, certain cancers and type 2 diabetes
And so much more!
Long story short: movement is one of the best ways to take care of yourself.
What exercise IS and ISN’T
Let’s clear this up right away: Exercise is not punishment. We get a lot of messages throughout our lives that exercise has to be painful, extremely strenuous and something you dread. But that mindset is totally demotivating and simply not true!
Exercise can be whatever you want it to be. Ask your body what it really needs. Movement can be mindful, intuitive, accessible and gentle. And yes, it can be challenging and sweaty too, if that feels good to you. It should refuel your energy tank and leave you feeling refreshed—that’s why it’s part of the renewing pillar!
Above all else, prioritize fun and enjoyment in your workout routine. If you’re not having a good time, give yourself permission to try something else (switching it up isn’t the same thing as giving up).
How often should you work out?
The amount and intensity of exercise you need on a weekly basis depends on factors like age, lifestyle, whether or not you have chronic health challenges, etc. But generally speaking, aim to move your body four to five times a week for at least 30-45 minutes per session.
It’s also a good idea to vary your activities so you get a mix of strength and aerobic exercise (and keep things interesting!). Jump on the trampoline with your kids, do some light stretching at the office, go for a hike with your pup, try chair yoga… whatever makes you smile and sweat.
If you have any questions about your specific exercise needs, please consult with your integrative doc!
Tips for busting through common exercise roadblocks
This might sound familiar: You decide it’s time to recommit to your exercise routine. You’re excited and motivated at first—staying on track might even feel easy. Then one day you slip up and beat yourself up for it. And that negative self-talk makes you feel like crap, so you skip your next session… and the next session… you get the picture. I’ve been there!
So let’s chat about how to navigate some of the most common exercise challenges so you can start and stick with your routine.
Challenge: You have trouble finding time for exercise and it’s often the first thing to go when life gets busy.
Solution: Move where you are, when you can! We may think that exercise means spending hours at the gym every week, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Get up from your desk and do a few jumping jacks every hour. Go for a quick stroll after each meal. You get the idea! Breaking movement down into short sessions makes it feel more doable and easier to fit into your busy schedule. Also, remember that a few minutes a day is better than no minutes. Thank yourself for making the time, however much it is!
Challenge: You can’t seem to find an activity you really enjoy and want to stick with. It might feel like you’ve already tried every form of exercise out there.
Solution: Actually doing it is the only thing that needs to be consistent about your exercise routine. Just because some people fall in love with running marathons and do it for the rest of their lives doesn’t mean you have to! Go line dancing one day and cross-country skiing the next. There are so many ways to move your body, so switch things up as often as you want.
Challenge: You get discouraged when you don’t see results on the timeline you set for yourself. You feel like throwing in the towel if you don’t meet your goals.
Solution: It’s time for a mindset shift. Rather than thinking of exercise as a means to an end (weight loss, endurance, muscle growth, etc.), try to see it as an essential way to take care of yourself. When you move simply to honor your body and stay well, you’ll enjoy it more and probably do it more often!
Challenge: You find it hard to get and stay motivated on your own. You thrive with other people around, so plugging in headphones and lifting weights in solitude isn’t your idea of a good time.
Solution: Moving your body doesn’t have to be a solo endeavor. Make a date to walk and talk with a friend. Call a loved one while you’re on the treadmill (don’t mind the heavy breathing!). Sign up for a group class where you can meet new people and get your sweat on at the same time (win-win!).
Want more guidance on renewing or any of my 5 Pillars of Wellness? I’ve got just the thing!
Forget new year, new you—I love the YOU you already are. You don’t have to change who you are to be happy and healthy. Let’s make 2020 about uplifting and nourishing our current selves like never before. Whaddya say?
And I have the perfect way to kick off your year of radical self-love: My New Year, Fresh Start 5-Day Wellness Challenge! Whether you’ve got your sights set on big health goals or just want to learn new ways to take care of yourself, you’re gonna love this rejuvenating experience. We’ll cover one of my 5 Pillars of Wellness per day—in just a few minutes you’ll practice self-care to replenish your spirit and discover simple, sustainable strategies for creating the vibrant life of your dreams.
This challenge is totally free and includes daily coaching from me and our Wellness Team, a private online community, challenges, recipes, meditations and more. It starts January 10 and spots are filling up fast, so sign up today! I can’t wait to start 2020 strong with you.
Why Play is an Essential Part of Taking Care of Yourself at Every Age
Now onto the second part of my renewing pillar: Play! Like we discussed earlier, play is not just for kiddos. But as we “grow up,” there’s a lot of pressure to get the job done and take ourselves seriously. So play often ends up falling off our plates.
And where does that leave us? Working, stressing, doing, giving—constantly withdrawing from our energetic bank accounts without making enough deposits to maintain a balance. But when we’re regularly trying to function in the red, we simply can’t do or feel our best.
I love the renewing pillar so much because there’s lots of flexibility to make it your own. That’s especially true when we’re talking about play. Play is whatever replenishes your energy and makes you happy, plain and simple. It should reduce stress and overwhelm, and expand your heart and mind. That could mean spending time with other people, reading a book, learning watercolors, traveling, volunteering, cooking… you name it!
How to make play part of your self-care routine
The biggest challenge folks tend to have with play is consistently making the space for it. We’re programmed to think it has less value than bringing home the vegan bacon, taking care of other people, etc. But make no mistake: Play is as important as any other part of your wellness practice. It’s as good for you as eating healthy and getting sufficient sleep.
Remember, stress is the number one catalyst for disease. It can literally kill us. Joy is the antidote to stress. And because it brings us joy, play is the ultimate prescription. We can’t avoid all stress, so the key is how we lift ourselves out of it (or heal after it hits us).
So here’s your prescription, dear one: Make play a non-negotiable part of your self-care routine. Do whatever you need to do to make it happen. Put it in your calendar, get a babysitter, book a playdate with your bestie. Fit play in whenever and wherever you can. If you’re especially short on time, start with a micro-action that feels doable, like listening to an audiobook on your commute. Every deposit into your energy bank account (no matter how small) counts!
Renewing is thriving!
At the end of the day, the renewing pillar is about making time for the stuff that brings us joy—that lights us up and makes us feel truly alive. So much of our time is reserved for things we “have” to do. We expend our energy all day, every day (yes, even on the work and people we love!). If we never pause to fill up our tanks, then we’re running on empty—and running on empty leads to break downs.
If you take one thing away today, I hope it’s that this pillar is just as important as the rest. It’s not something to deprioritize when life gets crazy. Instead, make renewing a non-negotiable part of your self-care routine. When you do, you’ll start to feel more energized and excited about life. And when that zest is in your heart, it creates a domino effect of creativity, abundance, innovation and impact.
Your turn: What’s one way you can take care of yourself with mindful movement or play? Shout out your idea (big or small!) in the comments below.
Peace & playtime,
The post How to Take Care of Yourself Through Mindful Movement and Play appeared first on KrisCarr.com.
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