#seems WAY more satisfying than any oneshot i'd ever write lol
not-poignant · 3 years
Wow I would really really love to see a dr gary just ripping into Lija when he finds out about her visit. I know it probably wouldn’t work as part of ffs itself, but would you ever think of writing a one shot or something of the scene? I feel like dr gary would have to be very calm and controlled in front of ef but actually fuming and sometimes I just wanna see people get yelled at for bad mistakes.
I mean, Dr Gary does not yell. I don't even think he really yelled at Henton. He would be very calm and composed in front of Lija. I sometimes think cold anger is way more terrifying than hot anger, and Dr Gary's anger is a cold thing.
I also don't think Lija would really respond to being yelled at. This is a woman who has had people die on her operating table, and then had people yelling and screaming at her that she let their family member die, and who has had to learn how to cope with that and the guilt associated with that (even when she did nothing wrong and is still targeted). These characters aren't teenagers, they're not in their twenties, they're professionals who need to be able to stay calm and composed in very difficult situations.
Yelling would probably mean Dr Gary wasn't that good at his job (yelling escalates agitation and fear in other people, and any clinician who's prone to yelling is not going to do that well in volatile mental health spaces for very long at all). It's nice to imagine, but it isn't what I'd ever write for him.
I don't know if I would ever write it as a oneshot, though I can definitely understand why folks would find it appealing to kind of be a 'fly on the wall' in that situation! I certainly think he's not above implying that were Efnisien to press charges, her actions could have put her own son in danger re: jeopardising the case, due to it looking like she went there to threaten Efnisien into not talking. But he'd have a conversation with Lija. He wouldn't yell at her. I think if two people saw them talking, they'd think they were just two professionals talking.
But I'm 100% certain Dr Gary will get his point across, because Lija had already realised she'd made a mistake by the time she left, lol.
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