laudys83 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Barbarians (TV 2020) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Hermann der Cherusker | Arminius of the Cherusci/Thusnelda of the Cherusci (c. 10 BCE), Flavus of the Cherusci/Maroboduus (d. 37 CE), Maroboduus (d. 37 CE)/Odarike (Barbarians TV 2020) Characters: Flavus of the Cherusci, Hermann der Cherusker | Arminius of the Cherusci, Maroboduus (d. 37 CE), Thusnelda of the Cherusci (c. 10 BCE), Folkwin Wolfspeer, Segimer Additional Tags: Drama & Romance, Parent-Child Relationship, Canon Gay Relationship, Intolerance, Brotherly Affection, Deviates From Canon Summary:
In a small Cherusci village, Ari and his brother grow up happily with their family. The leader of another Germanic tribe, the Marcomannis, is looking for a way to unite the tribes against the Roman invader. He proposes an alliance to Segimer, the leader of the Cherusci, and, to secure this new and unusual friendship between two leaders, decides to take Ari’s young brother as a foster child.
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ravi-617 · 1 year
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apersonwholikeslotus · 8 months
forever stuck on the scene from Barbarians where Segimer tells Arminius about Fenrir and Hati & Sköll and then it jumps to where Varus is telling Arminius about Lupa and the "but my father said-" "your father was wrong" and then the scene where Arminius is an adult and he's walking through the woods and there are the wolves following him but he wakes up and they're gone and,,,,,,,,
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jarwoski · 6 months
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lifewithaview · 9 months
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David Schütter and Jeanne Goursaud in Barbarians (2020) Vengeance
The theft of the standard provokes a crisis, reuniting Roman officer Arminius with his father Segimer, and childhood friends Folkwin and Thusnelda.
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kwebtv · 2 years
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Barbaren (Barbarians) - Netflix  -  October 23, 2020 -
Historical Drama (6 episodes to date)
Running Time:  41 - 51 minutes
Laurence Rupp as Arminius
Jeanne Goursaud as Thusnelda
David Schütter as Folkwin Wolfspeer
Gaetano Aronica as Varus
Bernhard Schütz as Segestes
Nicki von Tempelhoff as Segimer
Ronald Zehrfeld as Berulf
Eva Verena Müller as Irmina
Nikolai Kinski as Pelagios
Urs Rechn as Kunolf the Brukteer
Mathis Landwehr as Eigil
Jeremy Miliker as Ansgar
Sergej Onopko as Hadgan
Matthias Weidenhöfer as Golmad
Florian Schmidtke as Talio
Denis Schmidt as Rurik
Sophie Rois as Seeress Runa
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nat111love · 2 years
Hey! Glad to know they're canon can you tell me more about then and if there are any love triangles? Hate them tbh hopefully none of them die given that they're constantly at war I would be afraid of that hopefully they have a happy ending. Haha I'm already fangirling with you browsing the tag! The guy looks like he's instantly heart eyes reminds me of Arman from TCL I just need them to be 100% devoted to each other and only each other and ride or die
Hey nonnie!!!
"The guy looks like he's instantly heart eyes reminds me of Arman from TCL". Yes nonnie!!! you get the vibes loool!!! Arminius is another mister steal your girl lool.
Ok what can l say about this show?!!! The plot when the story starts:
Varus, who is the governor of the province, orders the reclaim of the eagle. To do this, he sends his “son” Arminius to retrieve the eagle and restore glory to the legion.   
 Arminius is a Romanized German who was taken captive as a child as a security for the peace between the Cherusci and the Romans. Ari – as his people call him – is the prince of his tribe and the son of Segimer. Moreover, in his youth, he was a friend of Thusnelda and Folkwin( who are now lovers...l have to also point out the fact that ari and thusnelda had feelings for each other when they were young.... later she’ll tell him that her heart died the day he was taken captive...did you read that line nonnie?! This is some type of soulmates shit!!!) , which puts him in a rather uncomfortable situation....  
If Barbarians series is historically accurate we won't get a happy ending but a tragic one. Nonnie you should def give it a try. The first season was really good and the second one will be better. 
*Nonnie you should also read my previous ask, it’s a barbarians ask too*
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thewintermusketeer · 3 years
What up it's me, your boy, and 400 unasked for words about Ari|Arminius from Barbarians and implied Ari/Folkwin/Thusnelda
Always, it was the wolf. Following, following, following. If he were a proper Roman, one born into an equestrian family with no question as to its lineage, maybe then it would not scare him. He would have no memories of being pursued through the trees. No tales of destruction and the wolf-driven end of days. (No wolf tooth pendant hidden away. No Thusnelda. No Folkwin.)
Only the might of Rome, suckled on conquest and legacy and legends of a she-wolf.
When first come to Rome, he was glad at least that Anselm was with him, that he would not have to take upon the role of Romulus; instead he had smothered Ari and let Arminius take his place. He could not kill Thusnelda and Folkwin though. They were bound to him before the gods, and Ari to them, and so there remained still a little Cherusci boy that could not die, but also could not live under the shadow of the eagle. Spirit calls to spirit, and it was the ghost of Ari that both called and feared the wolf, that saw it in Rome, in Pannonia, in the forests of Germania – too familiar for a man birthed by Rome – and it was all Arminius could do was remind himself of his pater’s words. The wolf was Rome. And so he was he.
But it was harder to remember, here, a wound on his side and the eagle returned and his fath – Segimer’s disappointed face carved into his mind. Folkwin’s aid against Berulf. Thusnelda’s disdain. The two of them so very wild and un-roman and utterly beautiful. They’d inhabited his dreams for years, stirring a confused mix of loyalty and disgust and those strange dreams where he woke from visions of wolves and promises aroused and guilty.
After he’d slept off the worst of his injured slog to return the eagle they had been there again, but this time unmistakable. He knew what they looked like now. Knew the harsh lines of Thusnelda’s angry jaw, the strength of her arms. Could recall the compact muscle of Folkwin and the brush of his earring against his neck. They intertwined in his dreams, kissing, fucking, eyes glinting at him as they watched him watch them. Even in his own mind Arminius would not let himself join them.
Not until his pater tells him he’s not returning to Rome. Then, that little boy digs himself up out of his grave, a shattered statue of Mars in his wake. He’s been told he belonged to Rome for more than two thirds of his life, but untethered he finds a wolf tooth necklace leading him back, back to two oath-bound people who he belongs with.
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manystarredface · 4 years
uuuuggggghhhhhhh, arminius' whole story is so sad. i'm on ep 4. :( varus saying 'hey, i've taken you from your family, your people, and raised you to be a Good Little Roman Boy and NOW I'm gonna chuck you back into your people and You get to lead them. aren't i a great dad? I'm the best dad. You're gonna do this for me, aren't you Best Son?"
Fuck, Ari just got Segimer back for uncomfortable reunions and then he gets that shit put on him
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iceagebatons · 4 years
Barbarians or
if the others write your fanfiction....
Barbarians is a new show on Netflix, detailing the events of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. As they imagine it. 
Now, the first question everybody asks you as historian: Is it any good? 
It’s not “bad”.
The Romans are really well done. Good historical advisors, too. Latin! (if that’s your thing)
The story is... as stories are... twisted to fit the modern expectation for narration and conflict, not exactly historically accurate. (as a writer, I think the original would have been enough, but hey, Netflix you do you) 
Now...those Germanic tribes. 
a) that priestess/shaman dress is from the mesolithic (European medium stone age, 9000 years ago, not 2000). Just saying mates. 
b) The Romans look cool, yes. But they should have used some of the money they used on their customes on giving the Germans more than one measly village. Both Segimer (Arminius father) and Segestes (Thusnelda’s father) were tribal chiefs of the Cherusci. They ruled over several villages within the area of the Cherusci. 
Also: “Reik” is pure invention. It would have been fine to call them “Fürst” in German. It has an old germanic equivalent in furisto, which literally means “First”
c) Germanic tribes had a complex relationship with Romans. Germanic chieftains traded with the Romans, they ate from Roman tableware and wore jewelery of Roman provinience. They did not sit around bonfires, planning attacks on the world’s largest army like a group of weekend LARPers.
All in all the Germans’ depiction feels a little like a Roman fanfiction of the battle. The Romans are painted in perfectly drawn detail, they are given their own language, their own complex motivations and are put front and center. Arminius, in that regard is treated as a Roman. 
Whereas the Cherusci are reduced to background characters. They are there to fight, but their rich and complex society is largely ignored. The complicated political climate is largely ignored, because it would give the Cherusci a certain historical agency that is not intended by the show.
They are, low and behold, barbarians and used and treated as such by the show.  Much in accordance with the Roman idea of barbarians and their justification on why they deserve to be conquered and civilized. 
That aside, the depiction of the battle itself is also not corrrect. It lasted three days, with an opening volley of numerous needle attacks on the marching army’s retinue, slowing them down, slowly eroding their maneuverability by burdening them with an increasing number of wounded and depleating ressources. I wish they would have put some more emphasis on they way Arminius literally abused all the weaknesses of the Roman army to beat them at their own game. 
Is it an entertaining show? Yes
Can you watch it when you want to see cool Romans in cool (and authentic) Roman clothes? Yes
Can you watch it when you want some Romans to be butchered? Hell yes
Is it historically accurate, even with the few sources we have about Arminius, all of which are Roman?  Nope.  Enjoy the show, oogle some Romans if that’s your thing, don’t use it to answer test questions in your history class
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Barbarians Season 2: Questions the German Netflix Series Needs to Answer
Warning: contains spoilers for Barbarians season one.
While historians may have other items on their wish list (including more a more accurate representation of 9 AD, judging by some responses), what most viewers want from a second season of Barbarians is escapist action. We want hefty sword fights, ferocious armies, blood-daubed faces screaming for revenge, shocking deaths, betrayals, and naked hook-ups in the dye shed.
All that is hopefully in the pipeline now that filming on season two is underway. As reported by Deadline, the second season of Germany’s most successful Netflix production went into production in and around the Polish city of Krakow at the beginning of September. It’s obviously too early for an official release date but the smart money would be on the six new 45-minute episodes arriving at some point in late 2022. There’s no word as yet on which historical events the new season will cover (the first was set during the run-up to The Battle of Teutoburg Forest, a decisive victory by the united Germanic tribes against their colonial Roman masters), but we’ve suggested a few possibilities here.
Appreciating that the history books provide answers to the fates of many of Barbarians’ characters, here are a few additional plot points left hanging by the first run that we’d like to see resolved.
What will Folkwin’s sacrifice to the gods mean for his and Thusnelda’s baby?
In Barbarians episode three ‘On the Edge’, Folkwin is being hunted down on Varus’ orders for his part in stealing the Roman legion’s eagle standard. Unable to find Folkwin, the Romans raid his village and crucify his entire family. Devastated, Folkwin prays to Woden and the gods for revenge upon the Romans. He asks that “Varus, and all who ride under his flag shall shed their blood on our soil,” and promises in exchange, “for this, I will sacrifice what’s most precious to me. My firstborn.” The gods kept their side of the bargain in the blood-soaked Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, after which Varus fell on his own sword after his legions were defeated by the Germanic tribes.
Folkwin’s childhood friend and former lover Thusnelda ended season one pregnant by him. Will the gods take their sacrifice in season two, thus dooming Folkwin and Thusnelda’s child? History tells us that the real Thusnelda did have a child, but as Folkwin’s character is a fictional part of this historically inspired series, perhaps this particular pregnancy won’t reflect the historical course of events.
How will the Folkwin/Arminius/Thusnelda love triangle be resolved?
Thusnelda and Arminius’ marriage may have started out as a political union designed to unite the tribes, but that’s not where it ended. Ari had gone into the arrangement aware that Thusnelda was in love with their childhood friend Folkwin, and prepared for the relationship to be just for show. But when the couple were told that Folkwin was dead, and were given his wolf tooth necklace as proof, they forged a bond and mourned their friend. Thusnelda fought at The Battle of Teutoburg Forest to avenge Folkwin’s death – an unnecessary vow as Folkwin had been alive all along. After the Germanic victory, Ari offered the newly returned Folkwin a lordship under his rule, but was rebuffed, and Folkwin vowed to kill Ari if he became the king of the Germanic tribes. Thusnelda told Folkwin that she intends to rule by Ari’s side. In season two, will Thusnelda stick with that decision? Husband and king, or childhood love?
Will Ansgar complete his gods-given task?
One of Barbarians’ more retrograde storylines in season one was Ansgar’s disability-makes-you-magical plot (not at all unlike Game of Thrones’ Bran Stark story). When Thusnelda’s little half-brother Ansgar attacked a Roman soldier to save his sister, he was struck on the head with a sword and suffered a serious brain injury. Thusnelda stopped her step-mother from euthanising him, and allowed Ansgar to be looked after by the tribe’s seer Runa, who called the boy a favourite of the gods, with special abilities. Runa said that Ansgar had been to the Kingdom of Death but returned to Earth because he had a task to complete in the land of the living. Ansgar was seen predicting The Battle of Teutoburg Forest through his paintings, so perhaps he has other predictions to make in season two? The child survived season one and was last seen being led away from the battle by Folkwin.
Read more
Barbarians and Animal Symbolism: What Did Wolves Mean in the Ancient World?
By Juliette Harrisson
Barbarians’ True Story: the Battle of Teutoburg Forest, Arminius and Roman Defeat
By Louisa Mellor
Will Hadgan’s betrayal be punished?
Chatti Reik Hadgan is one of Barbarians’ villains. Thusnelda’s father Segestes promised her in marriage to him but she refused and later married Ari. Hadgan tried to force himself on Thusnelda but she fought him off, then he removed his men from the Germanic army, choosing not to join Ari in the fight against Rome. It was only when he and his co-conspirator Segestes (a well-known historical figure) realised that the tide had turned in the Germanic fighters’ favour that they entered the battle. The pair were last seen in the season one finale plotting against Arminius. History tells us Segestes’ fate, but will season two see Hadgan punished for his actions?
When will we properly meet Arminius’ brother Flavus?
Ari wasn’t the only son of Reik Segimer taken as a child from his Cherusci home to be raised as a ‘noble hostage’ by Rome; his younger brother Flavus was also taken. Unlike his sibling, Flavus remained loyal to Rome and served under Roman leader Germanicus in The Battle of Idistaviso, which was fought against the Germanic tribes led by Arminius. Flavus only appeared in Barbarians season one as a child in flashback, but for a drama themed around cultural identity, the adult haracter would make a rich addition. Three of the new cast members for season two look as though they could potentially play the role – Austrian actor Murathan Muslu, Russian-born Daniel Donskoy and Italian Alessandro Fella. They’re all confirmed as joining the returning cast of Laurence Rupp, Jeanne Goursaud, David Schütter, who respectively play Ari, Thusnelda and Folkin, along with other newcomers Cynthia Micas, Katharina Heyer and Giovanni Carta, all in as-yet-undisclosed roles.
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Barbarians season 1 is available now on Netflix.
The post Barbarians Season 2: Questions the German Netflix Series Needs to Answer appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2YwC3br
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I require more dad Germania :\ We've let him be a Twink for long enough, give me Germania that looks like Segimer from Barbarians. Give him a big old beard, and a gut, and let him be soft but make it clear that he can still kick Rome's ass to protect his kids. He deserves no less.
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movietvseriesfreeme · 3 years
Barbarians: 1x2
Barbarians: 1×2
The theft of the standard provokes a crisis, reuniting Roman officer Ari with his father Segimer, and childhood friends Folkwin and Thusnelda.
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makiingu · 3 years
Segime tambien en mi instagram .
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Lider Del Clan Azucar :D .
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lifewithaview · 2 years
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Jeanne Goursaud and David Schütter in "Barbarians"(2020-)
Wolf and Eagle
Cherusci tribal chief Segimer bristles at the increasing demands of new governor Varus. Secret lovers Thusnelda and Folkwin deal Rome a symbolic blow.
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aworldofyou · 4 years
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[ arminius ] the wolf is at your door. and you shepherds are fighting over a handful of wool. and you think I'm the wolf? [ arminius / ic interactions ] [ arminius / inquires / ic interactions ] [ arminius / inquires / out of character ] [ arminius / visage ] [ arminius / musing ] [ arminius / ch. study ] [ arminius / meta ]
[ arminius / dyn: thusnelda ] [ arminius / dyn: folkwin ] [ arminius / dyn: segimer ] [ arminius / dyn: segestes ] [ arminius / dyn: varus ]
[ arminius / v: barbarians ] [ arminius / v: elder scrolls. oblivion ] the hero of kvatch
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