#sehzade mehmed selaheddin son of murad v
ottomanladies · 5 years
Murad V harem + children
Sorry for the late reply!!
Elaru Mevhibe BaşKadınefendi (6.8.1835 - 21.2.1936): Senior Consort of Murad V, she was born in Tiflis, Georgia. She entered in the Ottoman palace at a young age and was allowed to grow up among the sultan's daughters. On 2 January 1857, she married Prince Murad inside Dolmabahçe Palace, but the marriage produced no children. Elaru was Senior Consort for 93 days, after which she was confined inside Çırağan Palace with her husband and the rest of his family. She was the one who kept a correspondence with the outside throughout the confinement, asking Abdülhamid II for simple stuff, from tobacco to fruit. After the death of Murad V - which she herself announced to the sultan through a letter - she settled down in Sisli, rarely going out. When the British occupied Istanbul, she decided not to leave her home ever again and spent her last years tending to her garden. At the time of her death on 21 February 1936, she was one of the oldest living imperial consorts.
Reftar-ı dil Kadınefendi (1838 - 3.3.1936): Second Imperial Consort, she was Circassian and a member of the Hatko family. She married Prince Murad on 4 February 1859 and two years later she gave birth to his only son, Prince Selaheddin Efendi. After Murad V's death she settled in her son's palace, then she bought a house in Ortaköy in 1910. Though she fell on hard times, those who knew her said that she was always smiling. Reftaridil loved music and reading to others; she was also very knowledgeable. In 1936, she took the surname Hatgil.
Şayan Kadınefendi (4.1.1853 - 15.3.1945): Third Imperial Consort, she was born Princess Safiye Zan in Anapa. At the age of 16, she married Prince Murad at Dolmabahçe Palace. Her only child, Hatice Sultan, was born in 1870, a year after the wedding. In his memoirs, Şehzade Ali Vasıb Efendi disclosed that he used to call her "third grandma". Princess Leyla Açba met Şayan during a dinner hosted by Caliph Abdulmecid II and said that she was especially fascinated by her because "despite her old age, she spoke remarkably and was extremely kind to everyone". In 1915, the CUP cut her salary and she fell on hard times. When the Ottoman dynasty was exiled in 1924, she moved in with Reftar-ı dil Kadın in her house in Ortaköy. Şayan was the last of Murad V's consorts to die.
Meyl-i servet Kadınefendi (21.10.1859 - 9.12.1903): Fourth Imperial Consort, she chose palace life after visiting Refia Sultan with her sister. The princess took her in, and Murad later married her. In 1875, a year after the wedding, she gave birth to Fehime Sultan. She lived her whole life imprisoned in Çırağan Palace, as she died on 9 December 1903-- a year before her husband.
Resan Hanımefendi (28.3.1860 - 31.10.1910): of Georgian origins, she was born in Artvin as Ayşe to Ömer Bey and Fatma Hanım. She grew up in the household of Seniha Sultan, who then presented her to Murad V on his accession. In 1879, Resan gave birth to Fatma Sultan and a year later to Aliye Sultan. After the announcement of the Second Constitutional Monarchy, she requested to move to Yildiz Palace but in the end settled with her daughter Fatma. She died of tuberculosis on 31 March 1910.
Cevherriz Hanım (1863 - 1940): a gözde according to Filizten Hanim, Second Ikbal according to Harun Açba. She was born near Sochi and her farher was called Halil Bey. When the Circassians fled Russia, Cevherriz entered the Imperial harem, where she grew up. As she spoke French fluently, she taught it to her step-children. In 1914 she remarried, to Hüsnü Bey. Her second marriage was apparently very sad, and she passed away in Istanbul in 1940.
Nevdürr Hanım (1861 - 1927): she was born in 1861 in Batumi, the daughter of Nakaşvili Rüstem Bey. She married Murad V in 1880 and had no children with him. After the death of her husband, she was sent to Bursa with Cevherriz, Rems-şinaz and Filizten Hanım for a few years. Afterwards she went to live with her step-daughter Hatice Sultan who requested a salary for Nevdürr many times, but it was never accorded. When Hatice Sultan was exiled in 1924, Nevdürr fell in total poverty. She died in 1927 in the Beşiktaş district in Istanbul.
Rems-şinaz Hanım (1864 - after 1934): daughter of Bıjeduğ Hasan Bey, she was Circassian, and came to Istanbul after the Russian invasion of Caucasus. It is not known how she met Murad V and when she married him, probably in the 1880s. She left Çırağan Palace in the 1910 and was sent to Bursa with some of her fellow concubines, where she lived until 1914. Afterwards she returned to Istanbul and died after 1934.
Mehmed Selaheddin Efendi (5.8.1861-29.4.1915): only son of Murad V to survive childhood, he lived secluded in Çırağan Palace with his own harem until the death of his father. He had 7 consorts and 14 children, but he was survived only by two sons and four daughters: Şehzade Ahmed Nihad (1883-1954), Rukiye Sultan (1885-1965), Adile Sultan (1887-1973), Emine Atiye (1891-1979), Behiye Sultan (1881-1948), Şehzade Osman Fuad (1895-1973). Mehmed Selaheddin Efendi was buried in the mausoleum of Prince Ahmed Kemaleddin. 
Süleyman Efendi (1866-1866) 
Hatice Sultan (5.4.1870-13.3.1938): daughter of Murad V and Şayan Kadınefendi, she married twice and had four children: Ayşe Hanımsultan (1902-?), Sultanzade Osman Bey (1910-1.1911), Sultanzade Hayri Bey (1912-195?) and Selma Hanımsultan (1911/4-1941) [more detailed life: here and here] 
Seyfeddin Efendi (1872-1872) 
Fehime Sultan (2.7.1875-15.9.1929): daughter of Murad V and Meyl-i servet Kadınefendi, she married twice but had no issue. 
Fatma Sultan (19.6.1879-20.11.1932): daughter of Murad V and Resan Hanımefendi, she married Karacehennemzade Refik Bey and had four children with him: Ayşe Hatice Hanımsultan (1909-1968), Sultanzade Mehmed Ali Bey (1909-1981), Sultanzade Mehmed Murad Bey (1910-1911), Sultanzade Celaleddin Bey (1916-1997) 
Aliye Sultan (24.8.1880-17.9.1903): younger daughter of Murad V and Resan Hanımefendi, she never married.
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ottomanladies · 6 years
On this day, 29 April, in Ottoman history
29 April 1915 - death of Şehzade Mehmed Selaheddin; only son of Murad V, his mother was Second Imperial Consort Reftarıdil Kadın. He died in Üsküdar, Istanbul at 53 years old. He was buried in the Yahya Efendi Cemetery in Istanbul. 
 29 April 1920 - wedding of Rukiye Sabiha Sultan and Prince Ömer Faruk Efendi; daughter of the last sultan Mehmed VI Vahideddin and Emine Nazikeda Başkadın, she married her cousin Ömer Faruk (son of Caliph Abdülmecid II) in a magnificent ceremony inside Yıldız Palace. This was an attempt to join the two Mecid-Aziz branches of the Dynasty, who didn'r get along. The couple later divorced in 1948. 
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ottomanladies · 4 years
Şehzade Mehmed Selaheddin + children?
Şehzade Mehmed Selahddin was the only son of Sultan Murad V and, contrary to his father, had many children. While he died before he could succeed Caliph Abdülmecîd II, two of his sons became heads of the Ottoman Family in exile.
Ayşe Beyhan Sultan (17.7.1878-17.12.1878): daughter of Dil-âvîz Hanımefendi
Şehzade Mehmed Livaeddin Efendi (25.6.1880-1.8.1882): son of Nâzik-nâz Başhanımefendi
Behiye Sultan (29.9.1881-1948): daughter of Nâzik-nâz Başhanımefendi, she lived in Çırağan Palace for the first 28 years of her life. She married Dâmâd Hâfiz Ismail Hakkı Paşa in 1910 in Ortaköy Palace. She had no children. She died in Cairo, Egypt.
Celile Sultan (5.3.1882-24.11.1899): daughter of Tevhide Zât-ı Gül 2. Hanımefendi, she died of typhoid fever at the age of 17, and was buried in the Yahya Efendi Cemetery.
Ahmed Nihad Efendi (6.7.1883-4.6.1954): son of Nâzik-nâz Başhanımefendi and head of the Ottoman family after the death of Caliph Abdülmecîd II; had the empire not been abolished, he would have ascended the throne as Ahmed IV. He married thrice but had only one child: Alî Vâsıb Efendi, the grandfather of author Ayşe Gülnev Osmanoğlu
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Photograph of Ahmed Nihad Efendi
Rukiye Sultan (1.6.1885-16.6.1971): daughter of Tevhide Zât-ı Gül 2. Hanımefendi, she married Dâmâd Şerif Abdülmecîd Beyefendi in 1910 in Ortaköy Palace (in a double ceremony with her sister Behiyye). She had no children.
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Photograph of Rukiye Sultan
Adile Sultan (10.2.1887-6.12.1973): daughter of Tevhide Zât-ı Gül 2. Hanımefendi, she married Dâmâd Fâik Beyefendi in 1910 in Göztepe Palace but had no children with him. She subsequently married Moralı-zâde Dâmâd Sâİaeddîn Beyefendi and had Nilüfer Hanım-Sultân (1916-1989) with him. She died in Paris, France and was buried there.
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Photograph of Adile Sultan
Behiye Sultan (26.9.1887): daughter of Nâzik-nâz Başhanımefendi, she died on the same day
Safiye Sultan (30.6.1887-20.2.1911): daughter of Gül-i ter 3. Hanımefendi, she died of tuberculosis, and was buried in the Yahya Efendi Cemetery.
Şehzade Mehmed Efendi (23.3.1889): son of Tevhide Zât-ı Gül 2. Hanımefendi, he died on the same day
Emine Atiye Sultan (4.12.1891-10.10.1978): daughter of Tevhide Zât-ı Gül 2. Hanımefendi, she married Sırkâtibi-zâde Dâmâd Osmân Hâmî Beyefendi in 1914 in Erenköyü Palace but had no children. She died in Istanbul and was buried in the mausoleum of Mahmud II.
Osman Fuad Efendi (25.2.1895 - 22.5.1973): son of Jâle-fer 2.Hanımefendi and head of the Ottoman family after the death of his elder brother Ahmed Nihad; had the empire not been abolished he would have ascended the throne as Osman IV. He died childless in Paris and was buried in the Muslim cemetery of Bobigny.
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Photograph of Osman Fuad Efendi
Şehzade Mehmed Nijad (Nejad) Efendi (3.3.1896): son of Cemile Dilberistân 3. Hanımefendi, he died on the same day.
Şehzade Mehmed Namik Efendi (24.6.1898-18.9.1899): son of Cemile Dilberistân 3. Hanımefendi
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Şehzade Mehmed Selaheddin’s four daughters who reached adulthood (from left to right: Adile Sultan, Rukiye Sultan, Behiye Sultan and Emine Atiye Sultan) with his grandson Ali Vasib
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