#seina hoshino
aquarius-saint · 2 years
Chapter 3 of @whims-of-insane-fandoms and I’s fic When The Sun Was Stolen is out!
We’re really getting into the angsty thick of it now, and finally you’ll get to see our original character Seina Hoshino, aka Seiya’s mother.
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When The Sun Was Stolen Chapter 2 notes
An extensive notes detailing of WTSWS’s chapter 2 by @aquarius-saint and me
Note 1- Comparisons to Missing - Who Was It?
This is where the original draft (MWWI) and WTSWS finally deviate. As mentioned in the notes for chapter 1, MWWI continued months after the kidnapping while WTSWS shows the reactions of the victim’s family. Honestly, this was for the best. It makes everything better to include the Nephus-Hoshino family’s reaction because this is where this fic shines in my opinion - what happens when the bonds of love (familial, friendship and romantic) are forcibly strained by someone is who is forcing a bond (the stalker)?
Note 2 - POV Characters
Diving straight into the story, we finally see the pov of characters Seina, Sisyphus, Aiolos and Seika. They are the Nephus-Hoshino blended family. While there’s no Aiolia pov yet, there will be in later chapters. 
Discussed in the prologue notes, the nuclear Nephus-Hoshino family (besides Seiya) consists of Seina Hoshino, Sisyphus Nephus, Seika Hoshino, Aiolos Nephus and Aiolia Nephus.
Seina Hoshino is Seiya and Seika’s bio mom, an original character with beautiful art made by @midostree-art who has made art coms for gaycalculator and me, including Ai Hino, June, SeiPan, and Juneya (check them out, their art is fantastic!). In charge of her pov was mostly gaycalculator who has written this woman really well and has done her a lot of justice. Seina is a motherly character who is loving and kind but has a spunky attitude. When creating her, we based a lot of her looks and personality on Seiya (we don’t see much of Seika’s personality in the og Saint Seiya, it’s free real estate). Her pov finally gives Seiya in our writing a mother that he never had in canon that could help him. If only we could’ve allowed her to be with her baby longer.
Sisyphus Nephus is Seiya, Aiolos and Aiolia’s bio father. He is Sagittarius Sisyphus from the Saint Seiya spin-off The Lost Canvas. Since we see Seina’s pov in the flashback with Seiya for October 2, we wanted Sisyphus’ pov to show how things are in the present. Also I don’t think we could’ve recovered as writers if we had done it through Seina’s pov because Seina is a bit more emotional compared to her husband who has a bad habit of bottling/suppressing his emotions. 
Aiolos Nephus is Seiya’s big brother (half-brother who share a dad) who lives in an apartment with his boyfriend Saga. This relationship will be explored more as the fic progresses so we didn’t talk more about Saga in this chapter, just alluding to him. For his flashback, we see how dangerously close Seiya was to danger even before the stalker kidnaps him about five days later and the strain he has thanks to that stalker. 
Seika Hoshino remains Seiya’s big sister (half-sister who share a mom) who still lives at home with her parents and little brother. Seika is currently a college student. Since, as mentioned previously, Seika wasn’t given much to show off her personality in the og anime so we have decided to show off how we envision Seika. Through her flashback, we are able to see Seiya hours before his stalker confrontation and before his kidnapping. It’s sad that the both planned to eat together because Seiya genuinely thought that the confrontation would end everything and he can be with his friends and family normally. Unfortunately, it did not end everything and he might never see his family again. 
Seika and Aiolos are major pov characters going forward while we will see Seina and Sisyphus’ pov every so often. 
Note 3 - Names
So most Saint Seiya characters don’t have this funny thing called last names.
In a modern au, where most people have last names, we had to create a lot of them through some research. Here are the ones thus far for this chapter:
Seina, depending on how it’s written, can mean “beautiful star”. “Sei” was a part of her name we wanted to keep to further connect her to her children Seiya (which was written by Kurumada as “star arrow”) and Seika (written as “star flower” which is so cute). 
Hoshino can be written with kanji that means “star” (Hoshi) and “field, wilderness” (no). Keeping with the star theme for Seiya, Seika and Seina. Their last name was almost Hino but that last name went to someone else (stay tuned)
Nephus, meanwhile, is a Greek last name that means “a God's son who will also become a God”. It just really seemed to fit Sisyphus, Aiolos and Aiolia and, to an extent, Seiya as he is a Nephus too.
Seiya Hoshino-Nephus would be his name if hyphenated names were more common in Japan. We did learn that, technically, as a child of a Westerner, it can be hyphenated but, to keep it simple, it’s just Seiya Hoshino. You will catch me full naming him anyways. 
Note 4 - The Timeline
The timeline finally comes in! Here we go!
September 28 - Seiya sleeps over in Aiolos and Saga’s apartment after something happens to Seiya (spoiler alert: stalker related), the last time Aiolos spends time with his little brother.
October 1 - Seiya and Shun have a fight (mentioned by Seina in her flashback).
October 2 - Seiya and Seina see each other last before Seina and Sisyphus leave for work.
October 3 - Seiya and Seika flashback at breakfast, the last time Seika sees her brother, Seiya confronts his stalker, Seiya and Marin are kidnapped, June and Freya discover the aftermath, the police alert the family 
Note 5 - The Stalker
A looming presence in all the flashbacks and definitely in the present.
We have the slightly open curtain shown in Seina’s flashback, and Seiya hiding the phone (since he was looking at the stalker’s messages leading up to the confrontation) in Seika’s flashback.
However, the most present thing in all three flashbacks, and especially in Aiolos’ pov, is Seiya’s frantic, out of character behavior. 
We have him quietly holed up in his room in Seina’s flashback in a dark room under his covers (hiding himself from being seen from his window). He had a fight with his best friend and is completely isolated from his friends at this point (as seen from June’s pov in chapter 1). 
We have him shaking with fear in Aiolos’ flashback that alludes to him running all the way to Aiolos’ apartment since he’s out of breath, there’s leaves on him, and his heart is pounding. He’s pale and looks like he had been crying (he had been crying), he mentions his grades are slipping and he snaps at Aiolos when he normally wouldn’t. Aiolos even compares Seiya’s current state to episodes where Saga doesn’t sleep or eat and that’s because that’s what’s happening to Seiya. He isn’t eating or sleeping. 
Finally, in Seika’s flashback, we see him quiet, almost as if his usual fire was put out, and introspective but he at least is able to nibble on some food.
This is all the cause of the stalking which has been outlined by gaycalculator and I already with a timeline of the horrifying events Seiya went through even before getting kidnapped. This will come to light eventually as that is the mystery.
Another subtle influence of the stalking is how Seiya, a boy who relies a lot on his friends and family in canon, has been changed to an isolated victim who keeps on rejecting his family reaching out to help him because he’s so terrified and feels he is alone. It’s a tragic shift for his character and I hope it affects the reader as much as it did to me and my cowriter when we wrote WTSWS Seiya because Seiya Hoshino-Nephus didn’t deserve what happened to him. 
Note 6 - the fun area
Some fun little facts after the depressing note 5
Seiya is an otaku, with a big emphasis on him being a Gundam fan in WTSWS. His VA, Toru Furuya, voices Amuro Ray, the main character of Mobile Suit Gundam.
Seika, Seiya, Aiolos and Aiolia are all athletes. Seiya is a soccer player, Seika is a track star, Aiolos is an Olympian archer that represents Japan in the Olympics and Aiolia is a national swimmer that represents Japan in competition. The texts between Marin and Seiya in the prologue make a note of Aiolia going through the Olympic trials
Sisyphus and Seina are employed by the Graude Foundation, aka the Kido’s business.
Seina and Sisyphus becoming a couple has been discussed before and that might become a side story one day.
Saga is mentioned to be doing a commission because he is an artist (specifically a traditional painter) in WTSWS. He and Aiolos met in university in Greece.
Aiolos, Aiolia, Seika and Seiya hardly refer to each other as “step-siblings” or “half-siblings”. They are just “brothers/sister”. This can be seen when Seika runs to Aiolia and Aiolos to cry, how Seika and Aiolos refer to Seiya as just their “little brother” and how Seiya calls Aiolos “nii-san”. 
. . .
And that is it! I hope you all enjoyed this installment of WTSWS which has an easter egg title. Chapter 10 and 11 are in development but I got work and gaycalulator has uni. We’re going to get back to the grind soon because we have so much fun writing for When the Sun Was Stolen. Thank you for reading and see you all next Friday! Enjoy.
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kira-akira · 5 months
Top 5 Songs
thank you for the tag jack my boy. this is gonna be a weird top 5 because i'm big into a couple musical hyperfixations rn and most of these are just audio clipped from videos
hi bully - 터치드 TOUCHED
kidd - 새소년 SE SO NEON
the current king of masked singer covering the death note ost in episode 439 who is definitely not jo yunmin from TOUCHED
el amor from specifically takarazuka's 2015 sorrowful cordoba, sung by sagiri seina, sakihi miyu, hoshino anri, and nozomi fuuto
this one goes out to you @psychic-waffles, i also have die schatten werden langer on here but i clipped mine from a video of the 2014 elisabeth performance so it's sung by asumi rio and serika toa
i don't know who of my friends has already been tagged in this so if you haven't this one goes out to you
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tsuki-sennin · 5 months
Starshine Hoshino continues his epic saga!
And after that... from what I've heard, a somewhat uncomfortable clingy childhood friend story. My favoriiiiiite..
(Oh and also further information we learn about the Dark Sisters and what is in the big scary hole in the Ouroboros Realm I guess)
Spoilers, I guess...
-Spoooooooooky ghoooooooooooosts~! And our only help is Kajiki and fucking Jugglus Juggler.
-"Does anybody here hate the chief? :<" isn't a question you should ask over the chief's body, I feel.
Kajiki: "Among us..." Rinne: "Dude, he's not-" Kajiki: "AMOGUS-!"
-"Burn the wizard! Burn him!"
-"No fightiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing~!"
-Kamen Rider Gotchard taught us that humans were the real monsters.
-...how many people have made that joke?
-Spooky little ghoast~!
-What is that pose, who decided that
-Oh, Nana knows something, don't she?
-Imagine telling your friends that you were stuck posing with Takaya Aoyagi for a bit.
-Hello, Atropos~!
-What do you think about, Rinne-chan?
-"You suck. :<"
-Oh Christ, the fox.
-Oh, Appareskebow! Haven't seen that one in a while.
-The shrine...
-Watch out for snakes wha-
-That was a long shot
-Hello, Nana
-A whole other level of Malgam, perhaps?
-Man, Hotaro's really mixing it up today.
-Exorcise them!!!
-Cosmic Chemies united! Light the darkness and strike at evil~!
-Okay, sure Mr. Ninetails.
-Welcome home.
-The kitsune...
-Guess our troubles are over?
-Think I've had enough of god foxes for a while.
-Occult Detectives.....
-Mr. Hoshino...
-"He's gonna go crazy... :<"
-Fuck real estate speculators~!
-Thanks, Nana :)
-Alright, next episode
-Romeo and Juliet for Xbox Live
-Byeeeeee Juggler, I'll miss youuuuu
-Senior year, bro! Good on ya, lad.
-Rinne-chan, Kajiki-kun, good orning~!
-There she is, the transfer student.
-Tsukumo Sana- Er, Tsukumo Seina.
-Ohhhh, wait! That's Kanon Matsuzawa! She played Shiro Ogami in Revue Starlight and the Water Rail Orphenoch in the new Faiz movie.
-"Oh no, you two know each other?"
-Good for you, Kajiki :)
-Already muscling in, eh Seina?
-Even Geryon's creepy homunculi feel sorrow.
-That's one big bastard.
-"My da
-SONOZA?????? KIJINO./???????
-Oh, it's Shinnosuke Takahashi and Hirofumi Suzuki playing themselves, I see
-Ahhhhh, I see... putting the surprise cameo that wasn't in last episode's trailer contrasts super heavily with the dire state of the drama club.
-Romeo and Juliet. Forty thousand men and women everyday.
-To find that Gotcha...
-"I'm not a leading man, but... Okay!"
-We studied Romeo and Juliet extensively in one of our lit classes. I was Mercutio.
-Crosscasting, Hotaro! You've got a lot to learn, son.
-Hi Minato-sensei.
-Oh hi Clotho~!
-Little sisters got conflict.
-Going all out right away, huh lady?
-I see... Clotho's championing the form as all powerful, and yet even as a being made out of Geryon's alchemy strong enough to fight Gotchard even untransformed, she can't handle Dread at maximum power.
-"You're really hurting my feelings, Spanner... :\"
-Romeo and Juliet...
-Ten seconds and you cry.
-Hello, Seina-chan~!
-Y-You remember that too, huh?
-He's 1% of a man and she's 99% likely to have Chemy Trouble! Rinne-chan don't stand a chance~!
-Okaaaaay, I'm gonna have to ask you to tone it down a bit Missy.
-A bond of brotherhood reinforced by malice.
-"Still the same lonely little girl you always are."
-Just like that, eh? How about that?
-She was frozen today!
-I know Rinne's a teenager, and I realize that her relationship with Hotaro is integral to the story, but like...
-Man, idk, there's gotta be some smoother way to go about this.
-"I done fucked up."
-"I'm going to kill your ass. For my Dad!"
-Okay, I see what they're going for now
-It's all these different elements coming together to cause a reaction.
-Since I'm here, I guess I'll keep going
-"She's dead, Rinne."
-Believe, Kudoh!
-MoonCerberus, yay~!
-One fast doggy
-Be thawed, girly!
-Welcome home, Blizzammoth~!
-Yeah, who is that guy?
-Meikoku no Ou...
-"Hi Dad :)"
-"Do it. End them. Kill them all, my dear daughter! Oooooh~!"
-Ah, yep, Romeo's murder of Tybalt. Guess they are being thorough.
-Tsukumo, c'mon girl
-I suppose it's quite serendipitous that the Alchemist Association didn't accidentally wipe those memories too.
-New Malgam dropped
-Hello again, Spanner~!
-He got Splatooned
-Awwww, Spanner...
-Kamen Riders, yes~!
-To hell, children~!
-These're some fun camera and editing tricks here
-"You did it, moron~! You killed your friend~!"
-A trick~!
-Oh yeah, solar eclipse. We had one of those.
-I didn't get to see it, I lived too far away.
-What's Your Fire, once more~!
-Hoooooo! Heat!
-This is how Romeo and Juliet ended, right?
-"Yeah sorry I can't watch this anymore."
-We saved~!
-Drama Club is saved forever~!
-"Go away."
-"Moooooom, c'mon! I made that! What an unfunny joke!"
-Keeping her creepy sadism on our side is good.
-OH HELLO?????
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unsubtlelove · 7 years
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さよならパレード [x]
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eternalyjun · 7 years
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chevalierene · 7 years
Hyperbolic Chart (Yukigumi 2012)
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Since I finally uploaded it, I want to show everyone this incredible (and devastatingly sad) show! This is another one of Chigi's small theatre shows during her Nibante years when Kimu (Otozuki Kei) was Top Star.
Starring Sagiri Seina, Hoshino Anri, and Yumeno Seika, Hyperbolic Chart takes place in an Italian hospital where Dr. Fernando de Rossi (Chigi) is a surgeon who drinks a bit too much and likes to have affairs. Nurse Monica (Anri) has taken a liking to him. And Dr. Lambert (Tomomin) just wants to learn the best that he can but his superior is not the best to learn from.
Stream will be at 12PM EST tomorrow, July 9th. Check the Trello here for your timezone. Link will be posted about an hour before start and I will have some videos up in the meantime. 
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captured-moon · 7 years
If there are any Yukigumi fans out there that can’t sleep/are feeling sad (like meeeeee T-T), hit me up and I can stream some La Esmeralda, Fancy Guy, or Greatest Hits and we can all cry together
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offthehananomichi · 7 years
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Today in Takarazuka (April 21st 2017) The Sun in the Last Days of the Shogunate / Dramatic 'S'! opened today at the Grand Theatre! The show is the debut for the 103rd class! It is also the final performance for top combi Sagiri Seina and Sakihi Miyu along with Houshou Dai, Karyou Shizuru, Momohana Hina, Hoshino Anri and Aoi Miki. Congratulations to everyone on opening day.
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aquarius-saint · 2 years
Fic Announcement!
Anyone who’s read my fics before, I’m so excited to show y’all the first huge Saint Seiya fanfic I’ve written with @whims-of-insane-fandoms , an amazing friend and co-writer. 
This fic came out of an old story from Whims, and we’ve been developing the entire story for over a year now! Modern Aus have always been fun, but this is a Modern Au with a twist, the twist being that it’s a kidnapping thriller mystery. 
It also gave us an opportunity to implement some of our OCs such as the Bronze’s mothers, as well as many other headcanons and fully developed background stories. Hopefully we’ll be able to share it all some day!  https://archiveofourown.org/works/42122493/chapters/105753387
(Please, head the tags. This is not a lighthearted fanfiction nor is it one intended to romanticize the themes present) 
Upload days will hopefully be on Fridays, but the prologue is currently up! Any feedback and comments are so appreciated, so please check it out!! 
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When The Sun Was Stolen prologue notes
An extensive notes detailing of WTSWS’s prologue by @aquarius-saint and me
First note - the origin of this fic
First long note is that WTSWS’ prologue is based on an old wip I found from somewhere in 2016-2018. That prologue involved original characters Tai and K who got kidnapped. Tai was the one who was stalked so Tai is the prototype to Seiya in WTSWS while K (a male upperclassman btw) got casted as badass Marin in WTSWS.
This old wip has a lot of the same stuff as the completed product but the writing is intensely better because by god, gaycalculator is such an amazing writer. They add so much details, the way they use words is so creative and they are actually the major writers of Marin’s section in this chapter. 
(Yes, this is the start of the notes where I can rant excitedly about my co-author, their writing is so good and I really like how it blends with mine because you can’t really tell where each of our writing sections end).
Second note - the school’s layout
gaycalculator actually found the layout of a school in Japan for us to do our layout of events. It’s somewhere in our messages while we reworked the prologue. somewhere. When we find it, we’ll put up somewhere.
But, originally, the layout was based on my high school since the old wip was made when I was in school. It went field > gym > classrooms because that’s how my school had it’s layout. When we got the layout of an actual school in Japan, we were able to go field > gym > gym canopy (since some gyms in Japan are a separate building rather than being in the same building like in the US) > classrooms. Really fun stuff to investigate!
Third note - text messages
A fun addition found in my og skeleton that gaycalculator liked since we could introduce the major pov characters of the rest of the fic. They are: Seika, Aiolos, Aiolia, Saori, Shun, and Hyoga. As for Gemini, well, that’s a secret for now, of course. And we will get the pov of Seiya’s mom and dad in the fic too. The major pov characters in the near future who is not present in any of the text messages are Shaina, June (our beloved) and Freya.
Fourth note - character relationships
To be established early on - Aiolos and Aiolia are Seiya’s half-brothers but they are Seika’s stepbrothers. Aiolos and Aiolia share the same mom and dad. Their dad (Sisyphus from Lost Canvas, sue us, he looks like their bio dad) married Seika’s mom (an original character, Seina Hoshino who’s art is available in gaycalculator’s sideblog I have tagged in this post) and they had Seiya. So there’s a blended family right there. This means that, in this fic, Seiya is half-Japanese, half-Greek.   
Seiya is dating Saori Kido because SaoSei has been a long time ship of ours. Seiya is best friends with Shun and June. June is dating Freya and Shun is dating Hyoga. 
Marin is Aiolia’s best friend and so she was helping out her best friend’s little brother. Her kindness got her tangled up in this mess. Marin is dating Shaina. She has a little brother too - Touma.
Fifth note - the stalker
God, what a creep but so fun to write to be so unhinged. From the get go - the stalker has already been chosen. We spent like 2-3 days deciding on who it was during our year long brainstorm so, trust us, if you get it right, we’re not going to change it our spite. 
I actually want to see how many people will figure out the stalker’s identity. 
There’s a reference to Meant to be Yours from the Heathers musical in some of the text messages the stalker gave. 
For writing inspiration with this stalker, we found a playlist and some unhinged characters from fiction all around. The stalker won’t be a major pov character.
Seiya’s had a rough time with this yandere. gaycalculator and I actually wrote the confrontation that kickstarts the events of this prologue as a good way to get into the headspace of Seiya and his stalker in the start of the main fic. It exists and we’re not revealing that whole scene until the reveal. Good luck, sleuths.
Us: we gave a hint on the identity. he’s a man/boy
Saint Seiya’s main cast being men: that doesn’t narrow it down
. . .
I sincerely hope you enjoy because I loved writing this! I may sound annoying but it’s been so fun to write with gaycalculator. We’ve both enjoyed this experience. We have at least 8-9 chapters completed. For now, expect chapter 1 to drop this Friday! See you around!
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aquarius-saint · 2 years
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Me and @whims-of-insane-fandoms trying to bring in new saint seiya content
(Thank you again @midostree-art for the art)
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offthehananomichi · 8 years
Retirements 7/23/2017
Sagiri Seina (previously announced) Houshou Dai Karyou Shizuru Momohana Hina Hoshino Anri Sakihi Miyu (previously announced) Aoi Miki
They will retire on the final day of Sun in the Last Days of the Shogunate / Dramatic S!
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