#saint seiya fan fiction
aquarius-saint · 2 years
Chapter 3 of @whims-of-insane-fandoms and I’s fic When The Sun Was Stolen is out!
We’re really getting into the angsty thick of it now, and finally you’ll get to see our original character Seina Hoshino, aka Seiya’s mother.
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September 19, 2021. An old wip remembered, an elevator pitch to a fellow writer @aquarius-saint and one of the most creative and inventive stories and aus I have ever worked on was born.
This au fic has been a project out of passion and it has been the most fun I’ve had writing anything in a while. I really love how @aquarius-saint and I have combined ideas to form such a fun story. We’ve put a lot of our best writing here and it works so well. 
October 3, 2022, you couldn’t get here fast enough.
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mistress-of-vos · 1 month
I'd make a longer post (and maybe one day I will) but since Lore Olympus, the story that introduced me to webtoons is coming to an end I'd like to say something:
I can't believe it is considered problematic. It has to be one of the sweetest, fluffiest, simplest stories I have read (hence why I still like it, it's a relaxing read before bed) and somehow it got too "kinky" for mainstream. It's laughable.
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Everytime I dare to click on their tag or look for the # on Twitter or FB I see people clutching their pearls as if Lore Olympus were brainwashing teenagers into marrying a non existent God of the dead and have babies with him. What the hell?
The fact that people think LO is too dark makes me laugh. A single episode of Rick&Morty, BoJack Horseman or HQS has way more explicit content and dialogue. In fact!!! If it were up to me LO would have gotten genuinely kinky!!! All it does is have some surface spicy tropes that get sugar coated to not make puritans awkward and tbh that's sad. LO and the author get terribly hated anyway for daring to portray the most common female fantasy.
And this all makes me laugh but also mad because you'd think LO at least has some genuine dark themes but no? At most we have Persephone's trauma due to Apollo's abuse and yet that topic is treated as a therapy pamphlet because people couldn't handle an imperfect victim. Hades is a wife guy who shows little to no anger. Hera was re written to be sort of a feminist so that people stopped being annoying about women having emotions.
LO is a sweet, simple story with tiny spicy things here and there that were eventually pushed aside because people couldn't handle it. I wonder how Rachel feels about this, because at the beginning the story was extremely spicy and the only crime was being published in a platform as webtoon, full of people who can't differentiate reality from fiction.
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Is LO a masterpiece? Idk! I enjoy the story, it's very self indulgent for me, but I won't go and analyze every detail to see how it should be labeled as it's not meant to be a perfect media. It's meant to be an entertaining, nice story of romance and it does that job very well. This need to demand perfect writing while also crucifying authors over "dark" themes is ridiculous and contradictory.
And I keep wondering, if these people loathe LO so much, why dedicate all that time to the infinte posts they make about how they would have told the story? And all those re tellings are boring! It's always "So Persephone and Hades won't ever kiss here because she's a lesbian. Also he doesn't appear at all. And Demeter isn't an abusive mom! Oh and everyone is ugly because gods shouldn't be beautiful! And Apollo isn't evil he's uwu baby. And no toxic relationships here, Zeus is a good husband!"
Sweet Gaia, you guys wouldn't handle Saint Seiya having Athena in the body of a teenage girl with big tits and who's constantly in the edge of breaking her virginity vows. These attitude screams of jealousy and puritanism and both are disgusting.
TLDR: LO being too problematic for people is both funny and annoying. I wished it actually were as kinky and dark as people insist it is. I'd pay for a toxic romance, but that being said, I LOVE it very much as it is and it's nice to have a re telling that, while not pretending to be loyal to mythology, didn't went for a route of sanitizing all the myths. I hope that once it ends haters will move on and let real fans and the author alone. 🙏
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thrudgelmir2333 · 5 months
About Phoenix Ikki
This post is partially copied from a response of mine on Reddit, but I thought I'd expand on it here on Tumblr, where I can structure my ideas better. There's some thoughts I've had about the character of Phoenix Ikki for a while that I wanted to get out there. If you ask around the Saint Seiya fan community which character is their favorite, there's a relatively solid chance they're going to answer 'Phoenix Ikki'. In fact, you might even get told Ikki 'inspired' a lot of Saint Seiya fans. He's one of those shounen symbols of 'badassary' and 'uncompromising attitudes', like Takamura from Hajime no Ippo, but also of emotional distance, like Itachi from Naruto. In a lot of ways, if you grew up with Saint Seiya characters, there's a powerful possibility you looked forward to seeing Ikki show up and beat the crap out of some villain for hurting Shun, his little brother. It was an effect intensified by how much Ikki was usually withheld from the story. The absence of Ikki in a lot of ways made you want to crave this supposed member of the protagonists to show up.
Shun himself reinforces this interest, being adoring and forgiving of Ikki and his distance in every instance. This means all the reinforcement you get as a reader/audience is that Ikki is someone you're supposed to admire, to look forward to showing up, to be an example of how 'brutal and badass but also protective' a Saint could be.
I'd like to offer an alternative point of view on all this. I think Ikki is, well, actually a bad character. I also think that his absence had more to do with that poverty of personality to his character than any kind of perceived 'coolness' to him.
Maybe I'm the one off here. Maybe I just don't identify anymore with this sort of character. If you wanna conclude that from my post, that's fair. But I wanted to ask, though, "Isn't it about time we acknowledge Ikki is... kind of a bad character? And a terrible role model for young boys? And probably a sign of things that were to come in anime fandoms, even in the early 90s?"
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Pictured above; Phoenix Ikki, deeply contemplating how little effort he has to put into the story
First, let's talk some technicalities.
This is where you'll see most of what I wrote on Reddit.
First off, I'd like to establish that I think Phoenix Ikki, in technical terms, is NOT the worst Bronze Saint, but he's definitely the worst after Seiya. And also that the way some of the other Bronze Saints, mainly Shiryu, outshine Ikki as quality characters should really expose how poorly written Ikki is to more people.
People rightfully talk about how Seiya's character stopped growing after a certain early point in the story. There's no denying that. Ikki, however, as a character, doesn't trail far much behind Seiya in my opinion. This is such to the point that I got a theory that maybe somewhere in Kurumada's mind he intended to kill him off after the Black Saint Arc, or ideally against Shaka.
I believe this because all of Ikki's involvements in the story past his battle with Shaka (and perhaps some of them during the Silver Saint Arc itself) have been needless interventions that either only reinforce how his character hasn't changed from his Black Saint days or steal the spotlight away from other characters, usually Shun.
Before we continue, another important technical note, this time on action, and this one goes especially to those concerned about how can such a strong character like Ikki be 'needless'. One important thing to retain here is that action can be written in a lot of ways, which is to say SCALING OF FICTIONAL CHARACTER IS A FABRICATION YOU DERIVE FROM HOW THINGS ARE ALREADY WRITTEN and not some kind of result from a scientific analysis of inalterable story facts.
So its not that Shun needs Ikki to save him, but rather that a choice was made by a human being for Shun to be written that he needs Ikki to save him. He could have been written, instead, to do it on his own, and even then something ridiculous like winning the Japanese lottery, just to add to the triumph of, idk, beating Capella.
Sorry for the earlier caps, I just always feel I have to remind people of that important fact whenever discussing action, become some people think that the usefulness of a character is derived from fights they win. Like they're real life wrestling competitors or something. The reality is, Ikki interferes in the events he does because he's written as such and he gets the results he does because, likewise, he's also written as such. They are choices by Kurumada.
And the reality of those choices is that they are open to discussion on weather or not they caused more harm than good to the plot and its remaining characters. This goes beyond the mere antipathy aspect in Ikki; the character is flat in a CREATIVE sense, being what the author of Rurouni Kenshin called "a joker card".
This means a character designed to counter the villain's respective 'joker'. AKA, Ikki exists to not to advance the plot in important ways (slaying main villains, help friends overcome trials, add to the story message) but to occasionally show off during an episode or two to deliver the audience the red meat of a high-octane action scene against a giant ogre or something.
What does Ikki actually DO in the story?
To understand the reason why I call Ikki a 'joker card', it is important to put his character's role in review. If you do, you'll find that most of his interventions in the story don't contribute to the plot's overall progression or the development of any of the characters, including himself.
So, just to quickly sum up his role; in Sanctuary Arc, after 'sacrificing himself to defeat Shaka' (which is where Ikki's character should have come to and end) he battles Saga only to stall him so that Seiya, a worse character, can reach Athena's Statue. This is something that can easily be written around to bolster Seiya instead, or have the lesser Bronze Saint character group that had just rejoined the story take on (instead of sitting back 'guarding Saori'). Ikki then contributes to a combination attack against Saga, but its mostly done by lending his Cosmos to Seiya, which means in terms of a physical measurable character choice, it's too abstract a gesture to feel emotionally impactful.
Yes, that's all he does in Sanctuary after Shaka. He then fucks off cause he's too cool to hang with his little brother and his friends. Moving on.
He comes back in Poseidon to show off to Caça, saving Shun, Hyoga and Seiya's life from him. The battle climaxes with Ikki defeating Caça but declaring that "Caça would have won if he had used an illusion of Esmeralda instead". It sounds touching, until you realise that it shows how Ikki is STILL not over Esmeralda, this despite his redemption arc. This is because, without that permanent grief, Ikki has no good reason to justify being away from everyone else other than just that he's an anti-social douchebag. Then Ikki, again, contributes nothing to the battle with Kanon and Poseidon that Shun couldn't have been written to do on his own. All of his involvements are in Shun's presence and taking away opportunities from the story to write Shun heroically.
And then Ikki fucks off again after posing for the arc ending picture.
Notice how, once again, Ikki's appearance is entirely predicated on taking action away from the main characters against a villain written to be particularly dangerous. Caça and Kanon act as the Poseidon Arc's joker cards; characters designed to give the cast a big giant obstacle to look cool overcoming, except it's really all fed to Ikki instead, who looks cool doing it but otherwise does nothing in the plot.
Finally, he stays away from Hades for the most part, thankfully, only to then show up to get the story rid of Aiacos (which was written to the point of being a non-character at the time, just a big Judge Joker) and have a fruitless battle against a Hades-Possessed Shun that ONCE AGAIN is all about drawing tears from the audience about how Ikki can't get over himself and do his job.
It's Saori, the character EVERYONE calls useless, that actually saves Shun, not Ikki. If Saori is a "useless", like everyone always says, what does this make of Ikki?
Oh, and then Ikki returns in Elysium for one final coolness shot; he takes a blow from Thanatos so that the story can reinforce the idea of "Oh, no, trust me guys, Ikki is TOTALLY special. Thanatos says so. Cause he took a hit and wasn't written to just fall over."
And then the story ends with him contributing to another abstract combination attack, instead of making any character choices. We don't even get a personal confrontation between him and Hades for, you know, HAVING POSSESSED HIS PRECIOUS LITTLE BROTHER THAT IKKI IS SO MOTIVATED FOR.
Oh, and guess what, thanks to Next Dimension, we know that after all this, with Seiya crippled and Sanctuary in ruins, Ikki fucks off yet again, cause apparently nearly losing Shun to an evil God taught him nothing about the need to stay by his loved ones.
The Terribleness of Ikki
I don't know if you've noticed by now, but all Ikki ever seems to do is pop in front in the camera, talk about how cool he is, and then whine about how "Death Queen Island was SO hard" until he Genma-Kens someone. And then fucking off.
Does he have a life? Can we imagine that he goes to a bar or something to drink his sorrows, or works in a farm like Shiryu, when not fighting a Holy War? Or does he just stalk Shun, looking for opportunities to swoop in and look like the big pathetic attention-needing loser emo older brother that he really is?
It's almost like the character doesn't exist for any other reason other than to show up and look cool, like a decoration. Almost as if, bear with me, the story of Saint Seiya didn't really have anything planned for him past a certain point, so they couldn't give him any meaningful contributions to the story.
Meanwhile, just to compare, Shiryu has a whole character arc about overcoming his crippling blindness, which he manages to do:
A) Without using it as a prop-trauma for how cool he is;
B) Without pushing away his friends;
C) Without neglecting his duty as a Saint;
D) Without disrespecting all the struggles everyone else go through;
E) And without making it the sole defining characteristic of his personality, unlike Ikki "My-girlfriend-is-dead" Kido;
Which is frankly hilarious considering that the reason Ikki told off Seiya early in the story and left the group to be on his own was because, I quote "he doesn't work well in a team", cause he's such a hardass, right?
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Sorry, Shiryu. You had that whole 'character development' thing going, but look how cool I look.
Yeah, well, everyone in Seiya's team does a better job at being a Saint than he does, so maybe Seiya was on to something when he almost punched Ikki that night for saying such a dumb thing. This, of course, without going into all the things Hyoga and Shun also go through to show upstanding and emotionally strong they can be. I only mention Shiryu because if I talked about them as well, I'd be writing this post all day.
So you might be asking "That can't be it, right? You have to be acting reductive, Thrud. This can't be the extenct of such an influential character's contribution?"
No, seriously, it really is. Ikki never grows past his distant, traumatised self, he never learns to overcome his pain and personality problems and all of his contributions to the story's challenges is to act as the sleeping giant behind Shun's smiley face.
We're pretty much at the end stretch of ND, and Ikki is YET to show signs of change. He's just done a bit of fighting and hasnt had any friendly interactions with anyone. It's 2024 and Ikki is STILL a giant asshole.
Even the thing he's most beloved for, his contribution to action, ultimately falls flat in story terms because most of the antagonists he takes on, with the exception of Shaka, are written to be just temporary obstacles to the story (like Aiacos) or are people Ikki saves Shun from (like Caça). Shaka has a whole thing involving challenging the Bronze Saints conceptions of evil, and in the manga he even has his manipulation of Ikki, but everyone else Ikki defeats look like they were written in just so that Ikki could have someone to look cool beating on.
Which is to say you could probably envision a version of Saint Seiya WITHOUT Ikki, and you wouldn't lose that much, story wise.
So why is Ikki so beloved? What is going on here?
Well, because simply put, the fandom identifies with how macho and action-oriented he portrays himself. They like him BECAUSE he's an anti-social prick who tells you "You can replace having healthy emotional development by just being a badass". And to some people, especially in shounen circles, that's the ultimate power fantasy, giving you a bigger trip than being reincarnated as the most overleveled slime demon princess.
But don't take my word for it, peruse the internet yourself and try to find someone defending him who doesn't talk about how "badass" he is.
The fact is, not just in anime but in media in general, a lot of people love identifying with assholes who put down everyone else's contributions to the group, act like they are above it all and fall back on a fantasy that "they don't need anyone" and "are secretly the best". They reinforce the idea you don't have to put in effort to make others like you, because you can just be violent and dismissive and that's somehow automatically worthy of admiration.
Yet, put anyone problem in the story that cant be solved with punching, or put anything too complicated in the story to solve with a Genma Ken, like Hades' possession and Poseidon about to kill Seiya at the Main Breadwinner, and chances are Ikki won't know what to do about it. His contribution will be to put a strong face about how he wishes he had a way to fix it, but what a shame, this will just be "another trauma to add to the pile, poor Ikki"
There are terms for these kinds of role models that teach you to dismiss emotional problems, that teach you to admire those who see their self-imposed solitude as a curse, or even strength.
They're called sigmas. You know, those assholes infesting male media who blame everyone else for their problems and think mysoginy is super cool? And look at that, people LOVE how Ikki told Pandora "he ain't feminist like Seiya and WOULD hit her if she stood in his way". What a badass! Ikki isn't gonna let this goth girl stand in the way of him... failing to save Shun anyway. Wow!
So cool, guys, right? Right?
This is where my point just devolves into a rant.
Ikki isn't just one of the worst Bronze Saint characters. He is, in fact, a terrible character just in general, who gets by on having a cool power suit and reinforcing his audience's pre-conceived notions about the world. Ikki teaches you from a young age that your problems are to be dug deep down, only to be brought up to shield yourself from criticism.
His staleness ends up rivaling Seiya's, and only fails to meet it cause Seiya's case is so comically bad. Ikki happens to make a good Bronze Saint action figure, so he remains popular.
But unfortunately his influence casts a long shadow. Saint Seiya isn't nearly as popular as it used to be, but there are tons of storytellers and story followers that have been influenced by him as a character. Bleach, by Tite Kubo, drew heavily from Saint Seiya in not just story telling, but story structure and characters.
Who do you think Byakuya, Rukia's stoic, overpowered older brother is modeled after, my lovelies? And look at that, he's just as overrated as Ikki is, to the point the author didn't have the courage to truly kill him off in his final story arc, even though his arc was done and done.
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Rukia: Nissan, there's some weird guys in armor staring at us over there. Byakuya: Don't pay attention, Rukia, those are just the characters our author subconsciously based us off from. Just focus on your sand scuplture of how pretty I am.
And honestly, it's tiring to see people my own age still thinking and saying that the pinnacle of character design and development is characters like Ikki, and the long trail of 'stoic badasses' he has left behind.
I don't respect this kind of anti-social glorification any more. You might even say I think it's toxic. Obviously Ikki is just a character, a bunch of ink on paper, but when you take a step back and you look at the characters that have copied him, or the legions of people online making unhinged rants about 'strong masculinity' that would think Ikki IS inspiring (especially when he slaps the hell out of Pandora), and then you combine it with the 'hate' directed at the weak characters? Then he becomes more than that.
I just think that characters like Ikki make people miss the point of stories like Saint Seiya. And if you have a character that makes you miss the point of the story, who just stick around because their toys sell?
Then they're not good characters. Not in my opinion, anyways.
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gaysaintseiyafan · 3 months
fandoms and homophobia
my recent post about griffith made me think. my main fandom saint seiya is full of pretty boys on both the protagonist and and antagonist sides, because the fandom has alot of girls and queer people their designs are generally appreciated plus its the way most of the characters are drawn so it could also be taken as that its just Kurumadas art style to draw bishounen characters Hades is a very pretty villian and he does not really have any redeeming traits, many of the other villians often have reasons for their actions and aren't truly evil but hades for the most part is just pure evil he just hates humans so he wants to take over earth but yet I never seen anyone in the fandom show strong hatred towards him or attack his fans. while berserk western fandom has a bigger number of straight cis men, and Griffith's feminine appearance stands out compared to the other male characters especially Guts who is very traditionally masculine in terms of looks, I feel Griffiths femininity and the signs of him being homosexual is the real reason he gets shit on so much, the western men feel threatened and afraid of feminine queer men, I literally seen them wish the worst violence on him and it scares me with what they would wish upon queer men in real life considering the anger they show for just a fictional character is rather uncanny. I never seen any antagonists in any form of media get the same level of intense hate to the point that fans of the character feel they cant even discuss them or show their appreciation in the mainstream fandom circle. it actually scares me.
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gab-has-adhd · 1 year
"I have issues but you're just as bad." 🃏📍
Gab / Lubel / Illumi
🏳️‍⚧️(agender - masc expression)
Mentally ill and neurodivergent (ADHD, BPD, possibly PTSD, anxiety disorder)
Current hyperfixation: Hunter x Hunter
Art blog: @lubelzoldyck-artworks
Please be 18+ to follow either of my blogs (frequent suggestive and gore posts)
If you see an opinion you don't like on my blog, please just block me and move on. Don't try to engage discourse with me. I don't like discourse. I am bad a rethoric and it really is just mentally stressful for me. I'm not here to discuss.
I'm an anti, but if you are one and believe death threats / d0xxing / suicide baits towards pr0ships are okay, just fuck off.
Other fandoms I might share stuff of: Homestuck, Saint Seiya, Good Omens, Versailles, Mozart l'Opéra Rock, les Misérables, Undertale, Deltarune, OFF, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Team Fortress 2, Yu-Gi-Oh, Full Metal Alchemist, Houseki no Kuni, Saltburn, etc...
Find my DNI, kin list and socials here:
I'LL COPY MY DNI HERE IN CASE SOME PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO CLICK ON MY CARRD OR CAN'T FOR ANY REASON. DO NOT INTERACT (that means reblogging, yes, even a post I am not the OP of, I check every blog in my notifs) IF YOU ARE:
A truscum / transmed
A matfem
Far right, alt-right
An aroace exclusionist
A radqueer or supporter
Contradicting orientations / identities
An endogenic system
Believing otherkin / fictionkin / kinning in general can be compared to LGBT orientations / identities
Mad Pride / anti-psychiatry
A pr0sh1pper or supporter
Or if you believe fiction can 100% never ever influence reality
An anti who believes harrassing / death threats / suicide baits / d0xxing is a good and efficient way to "get rid" of pr0sh1p
A drawn CP (l0li / sh0ta / cub / babyfur) supporter / enjoyer / artist
Racist, sexist, xenophobic, antisemite, fascist, white supremacist, etc...
Defending cops
"Doesn't see colors"
Supporting Israël
Anti-kink at Pride
A hisogon, illukillu, zoldyckcest, stridercest or other p3do / incest shipper (even if it stays SFW)
Defending Andrew Hussie
A problematic paraphile (p3do, z0o, n3cro, etc...)
NFT / crypto
Against AI art
Supporting JKR
Actively in the Harry Potter fandom
Hetalia fan (yes I know I used to be one but. Really I don't wanna have anything to do with that anime ever again. Thank you)
I pretty much am obsessed with Illumi and Hisoka. Sometimes I will make memes about them or just post rambles about them. I have a "few" headcanons about them, which I talk about on this post 🌸
Frequent personal tags I use:
#gab talks / gabs stuff (when I post stuff)
#gabs face / #my face / #selfie (when I post selfies)
#gab memes (when I shitpost)
#gab replies (when I reply asks)
#gab makes polls
#posts i interacted with
#posts i talked on through tags
#polls (for the polls that aren't mine)
#my beautiful silly girlfriend <3 (when I reblog gfs posts or tag her on one)
#my art (when I reblog my art)
#self-reblog (when I reblog something I already posted or something from my art blog)
#stuff I want / #need
Other frequent tags:
#forever in my heart (the old fav tag)
#meowing cats
#accurate visual representation of adhd
My art blog: @lubelzoldyck-artworks (⚠️ frequent gore / suggestive artworks)
My girlfriend's blog: @sparkling-ladysapphire 💕
My friends: @opossumprince @mey51 @cat-mutual @yamithemoonwitch @forbiddenseason @oloreandil 🌸
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abuddyforeveryseason · 8 months
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It's november 3rd, and this is the Buddy for the day. The drawing itself was a bit of a quicky, but the gradient in the foreground's different.
Some comic creators talk about an artist tool collection, quick cheats to show what's happening in a story without wasting too much time drawing it in detail, or being too dependant on narration (which, as we all know, is frowned upon by pretentious comic fans).
Usually, in western comics, that means simplified backgrounds that show, as simply as possible, where the story's taking place. A few tufts of grass mean a garden or a park, a suburban aread where kids can play and chat while walking. A few bricks means the city, a building, or a long wall in the background. Trees and rocks mean the woods.
In manga, it's a bit different. There isn't an agreed-upon lexicon of backgrounds, but usually, flowers in the background mean love a crush or a happy memory. Dashed lines, lightning of fire means tension, before a fight. Memories of the past can sometimes be done by filling the background with faded pages of an earlier chapter of the manga. Grey little blobs in the background are people.
In Saint Seiya, a statue of a god means the character is channeling that god's power. Good thing those are all in the public domain. It also works for constellations. A lot of the action in that manga takes place in different dimensions, conveniently represented by random energy blobs or craggy rocks in the background.
It's funny, when I was a kid, I never associated fantasy and science fiction with sloth. Now, it seems like an easy way to skip on research.
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floaromaxtowns · 1 month
list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
✨ love your fandom asks ✨  [Accepting]
list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
1st: As someone who isn't American. It genuinely feels nice to be in a fandom that's majorly composed of folks from LatAm, Europe and certain parts of Asia. The vibe in the Saint Seiya fandom genuinely IS very different, from the others that are heavily American-centered. By which I mean: Most of us touch grass and don't try go off on massive delusional discourses about morality in fiction. I'm not saying we aren't a discourse free community, but you really don't hear about ppl being "cancelled" or harrassed off the internet over fanarts or fanfics. It feels like we have retained the feel of old day's fandoms for the most part.
2nd: I LOVE reading fanfics in Portuguese!! I LOVE finding posts/content in MY LANGUAGE!! I love having to actually speak my tongue in order to communicate or find others in the Sts fandom!!
3rd: This is a very old franchise, the fandom is old. You can find with relative ease, many old doujinshis/comics/fan-comics. Some dating as back as the 90s and early 2000s.
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vanillahub · 11 months
Name / Alias: Vani Are you over 18? Yes / No Is your muse(s) over 18? Yes / No / Depends on the muse & verse When was your blog established? This blog was created at the end of 2022 and start of 2023. That's when I moved here! REPOST, DON'T REBLOG!
– W R I T I N G –
Are you selective about who you write with? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only).
Life gets busy for me, I tend to also feel overwhelmed easily so I’d rather keep my circle small so I can provide everyone with a good RPing experience!
Are you selective about who you follow? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people).
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / Not Applicable.
Star wars’ lore is MASSIVE... As a result, I try to learn more about it through bits and pieces, I choose what I feel like will work best for my interpretations then fill in the gaps however I feel like. Pokemon's lore is very chill, easy to digest and fun to play around with! Even if there isn't much for many characters, but I still try to stick with the timeline of events that most fans agrees with. Saint Seiya's lore is what I'm currently learning more about! So far, it's kinda of chill like Pokemon's but it is fun to think of, like it is with SW's.
What post lengths do you write? One-Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella / All of the aforementioned.
One-liners are only for crack/dash shenanigans. Shorter responses work best for Discord RPs. But on tumblr, I have a huge preference for lengthier threads.
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Yes / Sometimes.
I used to love using icons, I had tons of fun with both iconing and making borders for them. BUT I've dropped them in favor of banners. ATP I got too many muses, and it'd drive me MAD to make them for each one of them. My banners are meant to fill in the void left by icons, and this way it challenges me to put more effort on my writing.
Do you write on other platforms? No / Yes
Discord, mutuals are welcomed to ask for it <;3
What level of plots do you write? Unplotted / Open-Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted / Fully Plotted Epics / All of the aforementioned
I have a huge preference for plotted stuff. Knowing the course of events and my partner’s muse makes things a lot easier for me, and overall it is a lot more enjoyable to me.
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) / Average (1-2 weeks) / Fast (less than one week) / Very Fast (less than three days)
It depends on the kind of thread & the size of it TBH. Usually speaking, I'm fast to get to RP responses, but I rely on my queue to deliver them. It helps me to space out RP responses, and manage the numbers of RP threads I have going. I can't stress enough how this method helps me SO MUCH, to prevent any form of burnouts. It may seem like I tend to respond faster to Discord rps, simply because the threads there tend to be shorter in size. But it is mainly due to the fact, there isn’t a queue system.
What types of themes do you like? Adventure / Romance / Fluff / ANGST / Violence / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / All of the aforementioned
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Smut / Adventure / Espionage / All of the aforementioned
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No / Yes / Sometimes
Gore can leave me feeling ill, graphic descriptions of injuries/blood/etc can cause me to feel nauseous. Overall it is something, I'd rather avoid reading altogether. I'm also uncomfortable writing adult/minor and incestuous relationships.
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged?
I have no triggers! But I would like that my mutuals tagged anything related to current world events/politics. I get how heated these subjects are to many people. However, I’m not an American, when I’m on my RP blogs I don’t want to see those things. Trust me, if I wanted to know more about it, I'd search for reputable sources of information. And not random blogs, that could be spreading misinformation or fear mongering, uninformed people. No one benefits from these types of situations. I've been in the RPC for many years, and this shit shouldn't be seen an acceptable way to behave online. Spoiler alert: You're not a grand savior, just bc you reblogged a post that had something to do, with whatever may be happening. Not everyone on Tumblr is from the US.
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to?
Romantic / Platonic / Familial / All of the aforementioned
It all depends on the chemistry, and IC development. I’m extremely picky about platonic/familial relationships, due to having some really awful experiences with it in the past.
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / All of the aforementioned
See the answer above. So long as we have managed to come up with something that works well for both muses, it’s all good for me.
Do you have OTPs? No / Chemistry Only / Yes
I do! My ship bias lists can be found on my muses about docs/pages!
Do you have NOTPS? No / Yes
They can be found on my muses about sections/docs as "ships I refuse to romantically write". These can range either for my own comfort, to me straight up not liking them.
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Pansexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you’re asking
See their infos
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? Heteroromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Sapioromantic / Aromantic / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you’re asking
See their infos
Are you comfortable writing smut? No / Selectively / Yes
I have a NSFW side blog just for that, even though I haven’t used it in ages LMAO. I just have been preferring to write NSFW stuff on discord lately. With that said though, not all of my muses are open for it.
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship / During plotting / After a couple IC interactions / Several IC interactions / Slow burn / Plot dependent / Never
Man it just happens.
Are you open to toxic ships? No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
With that said, I’m selective about who I’d write such subject. I personally, prefer doing this by myself. I’m not opposed to writing it with others, I just want to make sure nothing will be romanticized during the plotting/writing of such relationship. And due to a few bad apples in the past, I’ve become wary of giving others a shot at this.
Are you open to problematic ships?
No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
Bruh, anything can be considered problematic in this day & age, let's go grab some juice instead. I have ships where, a good chunk of their respective fandoms have labelled them as "problematic". But then when you look at my writing, I'm not writing the "problematic" things the fandom claims them to be as. In the end of the day, my followers and mutuals are highly encourged to curate their stay. This includes, blacklisting to their hearts' content. I feel like we as online fandoms have devolved so much, to a point you will likely find a mfer claiming how shipping in itself is problematic. As well as how you must be ashamed, to enjoy pairing fictional characters in general. Anyway hit me with whatever you want, and I’ll be the judge of what I want to write or not.
Are you open to polyshipping? No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
It depends on the muse you’re asking for. This is something that's more dependent on IC reasons, than OOC ones. Many of my muses wouldn't approve or be open, for a relationship like that.
Are you an exclusive shipper? Never / Sometimes / Yes / I would be open to discuss it
No, absolutely not. I’ve never had any luck with exclusivity, and after many failed attempts. i’ve come to the conclusion, it just isn’t for me.
Does crack shipping ever happen? Nope / Yes / depends / altho they gradually become normal ships
Stares @ all of my ships and sweats.
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finssyblog · 2 years
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J'ai publié 831 fois en 2022
30 billets créés (4%)
801 billets reblogués (96%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 213 billets en 2022
#my art - 15 billets
#finss draws here - 9 billets
#lmao - 6 billets
#from my sideblog - 6 billets
#personal - 5 billets
#saint seiya - 5 billets
#duskwood - 5 billets
#ace attorney - 4 billets
#my art blog - 4 billets
#wow - 3 billets
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#that moment when you go back to a completely different fandom but you still encounter your fellow dick grayson fans
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
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Make some place for Pegasus Izuku! It's based on @owlinpajamas wonderful Saint Seiya x My Hero Academia crossover!
(Go take a look if you want Izuku having awesome uncles, Ikki being a super father and it even some hyoshun!)
16 notes - publié le 7 mai 2022
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'just wanted to sketch my idea of Jake. You don' t know how much I need him to have glasses.
29 notes - publié le 19 juin 2022
Me: :|
My brain: Do you remember how sweet and warm the friendship between Shun and Seiya is? How proud Seiya was to see his youngest friend so strong and brave compared to the little boy he once knew during the Sanctuary arc?
Me: :)
32 notes - publié le 28 avril 2022
It is so strange to have finished Duskwood. I already miss my little fictional friends :(
53 notes - publié le 17 juin 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
Yu Gi Oh is a story of grieving. Of understanding that nothing is eternal or immortal. Of accepting that a goodbye always ends up coming, but that it doesn't have to be a fatality or the end of the world, even if it hurts.
Behind it's façade of "card games manga", it dealt with themes that are often, voluntary or not, hidden in children's media, despite being realities any person can end up living.
If today, countless of people learned how to continue walking even after a loss, it's a bit thanks to you Kazuki Takahashi.
Thank you, and may you rest in peace.
4 460 notes - publié le 7 juillet 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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aquarius-saint · 2 years
Fic Announcement!
Anyone who’s read my fics before, I’m so excited to show y’all the first huge Saint Seiya fanfic I’ve written with @whims-of-insane-fandoms , an amazing friend and co-writer. 
This fic came out of an old story from Whims, and we’ve been developing the entire story for over a year now! Modern Aus have always been fun, but this is a Modern Au with a twist, the twist being that it’s a kidnapping thriller mystery. 
It also gave us an opportunity to implement some of our OCs such as the Bronze’s mothers, as well as many other headcanons and fully developed background stories. Hopefully we’ll be able to share it all some day!  https://archiveofourown.org/works/42122493/chapters/105753387
(Please, head the tags. This is not a lighthearted fanfiction nor is it one intended to romanticize the themes present) 
Upload days will hopefully be on Fridays, but the prologue is currently up! Any feedback and comments are so appreciated, so please check it out!! 
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Chapter 1 is in high gear!
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Saint Seiya Headcanons || Aquarius Camus||
Vampire Au
After a mission on Paris Camus returned to The Sanctuary but, he was not the same. He stopped training with us as having dinners. He used to came to Capricorn looking for a book or just to talk about Milo and his relationship, but everything just stopped.
So after a training day I decided to look for him and what i found was nothing to believe in fact, I’ve seen things that are no human, things that can lead you to nightmares for years and still none shocked me. This one did… he was still him but so much beautiful… Camus is a vampire.
•Request by anonymous, story by me
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hellolordbeerus · 5 years
Solo un sogno...
“Alone!” esclamò Tenma rivolgendo un’occhiata di rimprovero all’amico seduto a gambe incrociate sul letto con stretto fra le mani un grosso blocco di fogli da disegno “Ma non stavi male fino a tre secondi fa?”
Alone gli rivolse uno sguardo perplesso e colpevole “Sì… in effetti non mi sono ancora ripreso ma…” provò a dire per giustificarsi buttando di tanto in tanto uno sguardo al disegno al quale stava lavorando: c’era una piccola linea scura sull’angolo sinistro del foglio, segno inequivocabile che entrando a quel modo nella loro stanza, urlando come un dannato, Tenma lo aveva spaventato. Beh, si disse, almeno il disegno non si era rovinato.
“Niente ma!” protestò Tenma facendolo sussultare di nuovo per lo spavento “Devi prenderti cura di te stesso, Alone” lo rimproverò poi incrociando le braccia al petto e mettendo su un piccolo broncio. Con Alone finiva sempre così, tornava mezzo distrutto dalle sue passeggiate per il bosco e poi, dopo averlo fatto preoccupare a morte, si metteva a disegnare come se niente fosse, come se non avesse rischiato di perdere i sensi solo un attimo prima.
“Ma disegnare non mi stanca affatto” protestò subito Alone “Anzi mi rilassa…” aggiunse poi posando lo sguardo con fare assorto sul paesaggio che aveva appena finito di abbozzare.
“Lo so, lo so!” sbuffò Tenma sedendosi malamente sulla sedia che si trovava accanto al letto “Ma io mi preoccupo!” aggiunse poi con fare ancora più imbronciato “Sei tornato a casa col volto tutto arrossato e sudato per il caldo, sembravi sul punto di svenire da un momento all’altro. Non puoi strapazzarti così tanto” gli fece notare cercando di ammorbidire un po’ il tono di voce, non voleva che pensasse fosse in collera con lui, era solo tremendamente preoccupato e spaventato all’idea di poterlo perdere com’era accaduto con Sasha.
“Scusa…” biascicò Alone abbassando per qualche attimo lo sguardo “Non volevo farti preoccupare… ma era solo un colpo di sole e io ora mi sento già molto meglio” aggiunse poi abbozzando un piccolo sorriso intimidito.
Tenma stava per rispondergli, per dirgli che andava tutto bene e che non era arrabbiato davvero, ma lo sguardo di Alone, perso nella stanza lo distrasse: era come se fosse lì con il corpo ma avesse la mente rivolta altrove, in un luogo distante e che solo lui e nessun’altro avrebbe mai potuto raggiungere. Era un luogo nella sua mente in cui Alone si rifugiava quando dipingeva, ed era così intimo, così privato che Tenma non aveva il coraggio di chiedergli di mostrarglielo. Sapeva bene che Alone, con la sua innata gentilezza, non avrebbe avuto problemi nell’accoglierlo almeno una volta in quel suo piccolo rifugio, ma Tenma non poteva evitare di sentirsi inopportuno e ficcanaso anche solo a pensarlo.
“È che mentre riposavo è filtrato dalla finestra un raggio di sole, uno degli ultimi prima del tramonto, ed era così bello e il suo colore così intenso, che non ho potuto trattenermi e ho dovuto ritrarlo. Anche se… come al solito, ho finito col fare qualcosa di più complicato. Vedi…” disse indicando con la punta del dito un punto preciso sul foglio “Dietro al raggio di sole ho aggiunto l’accenno di un paesaggio, è un bosco” spiegò.
Tenma guardò estasiato il disegno dell’amico “È bellissimo” disse incantato.
Guardare i disegni di Alone gli piaceva sempre tanto, perché diversamente da quelli degli altri bambini sembravano vivi, pronti ad uscire dal foglio o dalla tela in qualsiasi momento per mescolarsi con la realtà. Guardandoli a volte, Tenma aveva avuto addirittura la sensazione di poterli toccare e di sentire sotto la mano la consistenza della carne anziché del foglio. In quel caso però, trattandosi di un paesaggio, aveva l’impressione di poter sentire il frusciare delle foglie e il profumo fresco del vento primaverile.
“Trasmette così tanta pace…” bofonchiò con fare assorto
“Ne sono felice” rispose Alone sorridendo con fare allegro ma un po’ stanco, probabilmente, pensò Tenma, adesso iniziava di nuovo a risentire del malessere di quel pomeriggio.
“È proprio quello che speravo di trasmettere con questo disegno: pace e serenità, perché è ciò che ho provato io mentre osservavo rapito quel piccolo raggio di luce”
Lo sguardo soddisfatto e rapito di Alone e la concentrazione con cui si stava dedicando a quel disegno, piccolo rispetto alle tele enormi che era solito dipingere in chiesa, convinsero Tenma che forse non era poi così sbagliato che passasse un po’ di tempo a disegnare anche in quelle condizioni; in fondo, anche se affaticato dal caldo, la sua espressione era talmente serena…
“E va bene!” cedette in fine con un sospiro fintamente esasperato “Continua pure a disegnare, ma almeno promettimi che ti fermerai quando ti sentirai troppo stanco, e che mangerai qualcosa prima di metterti a dormire”
A quelle parole, che avevano il suono dei rimproveri che le madri fanno ai loro bambini, Alone non poté trattenersi dallo scoppiare a ridere. Una risata argentina, chiara come lo scrosciare dell’acqua di un ruscello, e che scaldò subito il cuore di Tenma.
“Va bene” gli disse “Prometto solennemente che mi prenderò più cura di me stesso”
“Non prendermi in giro, Alone” gli sbuffò Tenma arrossendo leggermente per l’imbarazzo “È che sei così fragile, così delicato… non voglio che ti spezzi”
“Grazie Tenma” gli sorrise Alone stringendogli con delicatezza e affetto la mano. Tenma ricambiò subito la sua stretta, poi, e non senza un po’ di esitazione e imbarazzo, si sporse verso di lui per posargli un piccolo bacio sulla fronte.
“Rimettiti in fretta”
“Lo farò”
Tenma non fece in tempo a focalizzare lo sguardo sul sorriso di Alone, che tutto intorno a lui iniziò progressivamente a diventare nero, come se avesse improvvisamente perduto la vista.
Il panico e l’ansia per quello che gli stava succedendo si insinuarono subito nel suo cuore offuscandogli quasi completamente la mente e rendendogli ogni movimento terribilmente più pesante.
Durò tutto una manciata di secondi, giusto il tempo necessario perché si risvegliasse e tornasse cosciente del luogo e del tempo in cui si trovava.
Sbatté le palpebre un paio di volte prima di riuscire ad abituare gli occhi alla luce intensa del sole di mezzogiorno: era al Tempio.
“Un sogno…” bofonchiò passandosi con fare stanco, ancora un po’ assonnato, la mano sul volto nel tentativo di allontanare almeno un po’ la stanchezza e recuperare lucidità.
Alone… non era la prima volta che lo sognava. Da che era iniziata la Guerra Sacra e aveva scoperto che proprio lui era stato scelto come corpo fisico di Ades gli capitava di continuo, sognava sempre del passato, dei giorni felici che avevano trascorso da bambini, di quando ancora provava gioia e serenità guardando i suoi dipinti e i suoi schizzi. Ora invece, se alzava lo sguardo al cielo, ricoperto ormai quasi per intero dal Lost Canvas, non provava altro che inquietudine e rabbia. Rabbia perché tutto quello non era affatto giusto, perché Alone era un ragazzo troppo candido e puro per essere destinato davvero a tutto quello, a portare la morte nel mondo.
Tenma sentiva che avrebbe potuto rinunciare con facilità a qualsiasi cosa, perfino alla sua armatura di Pegasus, pur di ritornare a quei giorni, pur di rivedere il volto sereno e sorridente di Alone mentre dipingeva, pur di rivederlo assorto in quel mondo che era solo suo; e odiava fare quei sogni perché la felicità e la gioia che provava al loro interno non erano altro che un’illusione che spariva al suo risveglio lasciandogli come unico ricordo solo un gran senso di vuoto e sconforto.
Ed era proprio così che si sentiva a volte, anche se faticava ad ammetterlo perfino a sé stesso: sconfortato e terribilmente impotente, perché qualsiasi cosa provasse a fare per raggiungere il suo obbiettivo risultava completamente inutile, e Alone sempre più vicino a trasformarsi completamente in Ades.
“Vorrei svegliarmi e scoprire che questo non è stato altro che uno stupido sogno” disse. La voce che tremava leggermente per le lacrime che stava trattenendo “Vorrei non essermene mai andato via dal nostro paese natale per diventare un Cavaliere, vorrei esserti rimasto accanto anziché lasciarti solo in balia del male, ma diamine…” continuò pestando con forza il pugno a terra creando così una piccola voragine “Giuro sulla mia vita che riuscirò lo stesso a salvarti, Alone. Lo sconforto, la tristezza, la rabbia, l’impotenza, non mi farò fermare da nulla.”
Si alzò in piedi, passò una mano sugli occhi per allontanare le lacrime, poi, con decisione prese a camminare verso il Grande Tempio: non era più il momento di piangersi addosso.
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ahlia77 · 5 years
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Fan Fiction Saint Seiya - Oro vs Dark Angel
Old Drawing! Enjoy!
Oro, the mightiest and largest among all the other Griffins of the clan of Pegasus, gets into a battle with one the Dark Angels in order to protect Sara, the youngest filly of the clan, and Mu, real targets of the monster
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ariel-seagull-wings · 2 years
@superkingofpriderock @the-blue-fairie @dasakuryo @amalthea9 @faintingheroine @princesssarisa
So lets be real: the U.S is acostumed to be the most influencial media exporter since the end of World War II. Its just expected that we, people from the outside, know mainly U.S American Pop Culture.
But there have always been the rule breakers, the pieces of Pop Culture from outside the U.S that for several factors, ended up becoming a phenomenon, aclaimed by public and critics, homaged in fan works, with important influential legacies in several countries... except, ironically in the U.S, that while exporting its culture to other parts of the world, rarely does the inverse of importing, favouring the consume of its own media.
So in no particular order, here are seven pieces of media that, while phenomenons in other parts of the Globe, never got popular in the land of Uncle Sam.
01. The Asterix the Gaul Franchise
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Originating in France as comic books created by Renee Gosciny and Albert Uderzo, expanding into animated and live-action movies, the success of this adventure comedy series about irredutible celtic warriors who protect their village against the Roman invasions thanks to a druid's magic potion, flavoured with lots of anacronism based humour, had its success expanded to other European Countries, Canada and Latin America. In Gringoland tough? It may be sold, but under cheap price to Francobelgian Comic Geeks, precisely because isn't as popular as the Marvel and DC Superheroes.
02. Mafalda
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Created by argentinian comic artist Joaquin Salvador Llavado (Quino), the Mafalda comic strips ran from 1964 to 1973, being adapted into several animated TV shorts and an animated movie. Mafalda was a very curious child who constantly asked dificult questions about the world, the society and its politics, for the despair of her parents who didn't knew how to answer her questions and didn't want to admit it. Acompaning Mafalda in her questionings and games were her baby brother Guile, her pet turtle Burocracia (Burocracy), and her friends in the neighbourhod: the dreamer Felipe, the innocent Miguelito, the little futile socialite Susanita, the idealistic Libertad and the greedy materialist Manolito. An icon of rebeliousness from Argentina who even has a statue in Buenos Aires, Mafalda's got extended to Latin America and Europe. In the U.S tough? Its pretty rare that anyone ever heard of her.
03. Chespirito
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The mexican writer and comedian Roberto Gomez Bolanos, nicknamed Chespirito (spanish for Little Shakespeare) created several characters for TV shows and movies, the most famous being the orphan boy El Chavo del Ocho, the superheroe El Chapulin Colorado and the bumbling medic Doctor Chapatin. Fusing humour with pathos and social commentary about the reality of Latin America, having his shows to fellow Latam countries (minus Cuba), Europe and Asia, when Chespirito died, millions of people from Latam camed to Mexico to be present at his funeral, paying the last homage to show much he meant to them! His shows, that also got expanded into comics and cartoons, made us laugh with joy and cry with emotion. But in the U.S, he is seem as a simple exotic curiosity, as that "campy show where adults dressed as kids".
04. Pedro Almodovar Movies
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With a career that goes back to the 1980s, the spanish filmaker Pedro Almodovar presented to audiences movies that, ocasionally bluring the line between fiction and reality, but rarely in a way that gets too complicated for viewers to undersant, mixed drama and comedy to tell the complicated lifes and relationships of cistraight women and lgbtq people, exploring with naturalness themes that society deems as tabu. They released some names that are now well known to Hollywood, like Antonio Banderas and Penelope Cruz, but still they are rarely seem and talked about by U.S American audiences.
05. Saint Seiya
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A manga and anime franchise created in 1986 by Masami Kurumada, Shingo Araki, Michi Himeno and the team of Toei Animation, the long-runing franchise about warriors who dress armour inspired by constellations to defend the Goddess Athena was a huge hit in Asia, Western Europe and Latin America, helping to spread the otaku comunity in those places. Sadly a marketing mistake that sold a heavily edited and censored version of the series made an atempt to sell the anime to U.S American audiences fail miserably in 2003. Recently, with the Netflix agreement that resulted in the production of a 3-D animated remake and a new dnglish dub to the original 1986 version of the series, some american viewers are discovering Saint Seiya as a kind of cult classic, in contrast to the mainstream toy selling hit it is in the rest of the world.
06. Japanese Tokusatsu Shows
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During the 70s, the 80s and the 90s, Japan exported to other Asian countries, Europe and Latam, alongside the manga and anime series, the live action special effects shows known as tokusatsu. Shows like National Kid, Spectre-Man, Fuun Lion Maru, Sekai Ninja Sen Jirayia, and Giban to this day are fondly remembered by those audiences, even receiving homages like a hip-hop song named Lion Man, composed by brazilian rapper Criolo. From the 90s and forward, some of those audiences replaced the original japanese series with the americanized version of Super Sentai called the Power Rangers, but still keep hearing about and being shown the original tokusatsus by their parents. Meanwhile, in the land of Uncle Sam, besides the sci fi fans watching the Godzilla movies, audiences mostly watch the americanized versions of Super Sentai and two seasons of the equally long Kamen Rider franchise, without much curiosity for the original japanese versions.
07. Telenovelas
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An heir of the serialized novels where the chapters were published daily on the newspaper, than going to radio and finally getting with all force into television, telenovelas are TV shows meant to air daily (monday to saturday), with duration on the air varying usually between six or eight months. Their plots are mostly drama and romance driven, but comedy and elements of social comentary appear in the subplots to balance things out for such a long time of exibition. Telenovelas are produced in parts of Africa, Europe and Asia, but is in Latin America that they are pratically the main cultural product and a patrimony, with Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina being the main producers of telenovelas. In the exportation field, our telenovelas are frequently exchanged between ourselves, along with sellings to África, Europe and Asia. In the U.S, while their are spanish speaking channels that exibit latam telenovelas for the hispanic comunity of California and Florida, most of the country consumes the american made soap operas, writen to air without an ending in mind, with several seasons, no different from the series. Besides some memes and react videos that select out of context scenes to portray telenovelas, again, as campy exotic curiosities, telenovela productions don't get mainstream releases with english dubs or subs for U.S audiences to know their variety of styles, themes and tones, even tough there is a telenovela category in the Emmy Awards.
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