#sekaiju gay
searchie · 4 months
on a scale of 1/10 how gay is every sekaiju boss
Oh geez.
ThanksgivingDinner: ... I don't know how more CookedTurkeys happen and I'm not sure I want to know either.
DeviledEggsterminator: I don't think the concept of attraction is programmed into it.
Jimbly: He has a wife and nothing indicates him being bi. Definitely an ally though!
Virinus: She's in the negatives she literally killed Hairon... /j, but she is very straight considering Kony
Lleh: Still not gay. Then again do you want LLEH to be gay?
Mona: This is the first one where I can kind of see it. Though I can just as easily see her in the negatives.
Du&Bu: I have no idea
Kony: I mean the guy is dating an alien so who knows
Picutris: At first he thought it was weird, but after a self-finding journey realized it wasn't all that strange after all.
Stellarax: She had a husband
Warmonger: No
Leucipe: Finally a W! I'd solidly put her at 6 or 7.
Quillon: 7
Swarac: Canonically aro
Gyro: Canonically pan
Oonh: Oonh/10 (/j). idk he's a whale
Vermis: idk he's a creature. Actually I might have heard he's actually multiple creatures inhabiting one rock and if that is indeed the case and I'm not crazy then that's pretty gay innit. At least if they're not in the same family if they're related then nevermind.
Termos: idk I can see it 6/10
Com: Somewhere around 5
Vyvin: Definitely closeted 8/10
Vorazoth: That is a rock
Zeth: There is some homestuck hateloving going on between him and Elbus I swear 9/10
Elbus: See above
Ogeid: ... No I don't think so
Cincon: 10/10 canonically gay
Spectrum: Has a husband
Doro: Wife to the above. Worth noting Doro is shorter though so there might be something interesting going on there.
MemoryWell: Uhhhhhhh
Pythias: They're literally 5 PulseBolts that's kind of gay. Assuming it's not like a dad or mom pulsebolt or something.
Hagall (tank): Hagall (tank)
Hairon: Canon gay 10/10
Plasmalde: 5/10 sure why not
Tyriz: He doesn't strike me as very gay but not as very straight either. 3/10? Also 100% an ally either way.
Aversa: More gay than her sister for sure.
Gateau: Probably not
Nelid: Rock
Brand: I think one of the heads is very gay and the other is completely straight that would be funny
Picceli: Straight
Sukhjot: Rock that ruined the life of gay people
Faminewreaker: ... No...
MacRoenn: Look how concerned he is for Alviion... CLEARLY there's something there,,, (/j?)
Alviion: Probably less gay than MacRoenn
Guartan: Unlikely. Another robot.
Ophanium: At first I thought there was a lot of tension between him and Raphael but then I realized that'd be pretty weird since Raphael is like literally his creation. Now I imagine Tempus is just a really big dispute between dad Ophanium and rebellious son Raphael.
TA-5: Canon gay 10/10
Hail: If she's gay she doesn't realize it. You could say she's BLIND to it,,,
MrGoogles: Doesn't really get it at all.
Banafrit: If she got out? 8/10 probably.
Daemon: ophione is canon gay 10/10. at this point i dont think daemon cares much about romance though
EssenceOfSekaiju: That is a planet.
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thelurk3r · 5 months
I updated the chronomancer yaoi because kronos looks different now I guess
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honkifex · 5 days
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(art dump) gay birds from hit roblox game sekaiju . the last one is from Months ago
and the words on the third one are lyrics from heavening by lauren bousfield
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sunnelliot · 1 year
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i love gay sekaiju characters i hope one isnt dead
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searchie · 4 months
sekaiju again! you charted the bosses' gayness. mutants are next in line
Oh geez
Antired: 4/10 (0/10 if red)
Envied: 8/10
Crimsonfly: 7/10
CAM06: 6/10 (duh)
Undeniable: Undeniably pretty complicated. Probably varies (genderfluid Undeniable real?)
Ormidas: 0/10 because he only cares about himself
Cavaloho: Strikes me as a 1/10
Obsoletion: *points* STRAIGHT
Desolare: *points* STRAIGHT TOO I have been informed that Desolare is actually canon bi.
Headshot: Gay doesn't really apply here because of their kind of nonbinariness. They did like other non-binary people the most though.
Necratlas: 6/10 but is in too much suffering to care
Emissary: Dog dog dog
Neoprizma: Strikes me as aro
Arthificioda: 9/10
Grumblebee: Homestuck hateship with Techtonic/10
Potterror: 9/10
Infisruble: 3/10
Ferusk: Ferusk would kill either way
Drainage: 5/10
Sedipent: 3/10
Metamarva: Canon gay 10/10
Japed: Canon gay 10/10
Thermagon: 6/10
protocor: 2/10
Abnormality: Varies since there's multiple of them
Facsimile: 2/10 he's pretty straight if you take him as a he
Somaxon: Somaxon is kinda just a critter to me
Ujiakes: Literally drops GayWillow
Tortutreuse: 9/10 is the kind of lesbian that kills though
Oskittlation: Too committed to the cat bit to care
Banafrit: 8/10 probably
Belielf: Uh... probably whatever is Obsifal's ngl.
Gelidus: Gelidus is implied to contain a Memorhellion, which would make him INCREDIBLY... lesbian? I'm not sure how the math works out here.
Artophogglomerate: Bread
Mimeograph: Same as Facsimile
Phantomath: Too busy broken recording to be gay.
Paradox: Simultaneously, separately, gay, straight, bi, pan and aro.
Affront: Affront
Otorrhagia: Creature
Oshinmen: Beast
Conundile: Strikes me as aro.
Paceholder: The three bodies are all bi, but lean towards what would make them gay.
Tectillion: Weird bird
Arcahellion: 5/10
Besqueltch: 4/10
Empafrit: 3/10 because she's evil Banafrit.
Phazmuth: Critter
Eierbalut: Whichever orientation involves firing 10 Eierbillion missiles.
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