#selena (arc v)
Heh, never noticed how silly the others look on their monsters til I was going frame by frame
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peppermint-shamrock · 3 months
Four drabbles, one for each girl, about their bracelets. Written for Fandom Empire Prompt Tables 2024 - Prompt: "Shiny"
Read on AO3
Yuzu held her bracelet up to the light, angling it this way and that. The light reflected off of it, bright when it caught just right – but for all that it was shiny, it didn’t shine the way that it had before.
The light she had seen wasn’t merely reflected; it had emanated from the gem on her bracelet. She was almost certain of that.
But Yuzu hadn’t yet managed to replicate it on demand.
That magic existed in the world wasn’t something she doubted, exactly, but it wasn’t something she ever expected to encounter, either.
What was going on?
“You’re always wearing that shiny bracelet,” a classmate said. “It’s lovely. Where did you get it?”
“It was a gift,” Ruri answered. She didn’t actually remember, but she had a vague feeling that that much was true.
“Oh? From an admirer, perhaps?” her companion asked with a teasing and eager lilt to her voice.
Ruri shook her head.
“From your older brother, then?” the other asked, not quite as enthusiastically as before.
“I think so,” Ruri said slowly, after considering it for a moment. “I don’t fully remember, but it would make sense.”
But it didn’t seem quite right, either.
The parts weren’t in perfect condition, but they were in far better shape than what Rin usually found.
They were also more than she could afford. But maybe she could sell or trade something to make up the difference?
Rin eyed her bracelet. People had told her it seemed too nice of a trinket for a Common to wear. If she was lucky, the shiny green gem or the silver band might be worth a lot.
But some inscrutable feeling stayed her hand.
Besides, she’d probably never get a fair price for it, when she didn’t know its true worth.
“Cowards,” Selena said, coldly glaring at her now defeated opponents.
She advanced on the trembling heap that she was ashamed to call her fellow students, and scooped up the shiny bracelet, taking back what was rightfully hers.
She was all the more pissed that this was what they had stolen. Oh, she would have been pissed if they had taken her deck or Duel Disk, instead, but that, at least, would have been a strategic theft.
But her bracelet? The one thing she had that wasn’t from Academia, her constant reminder that there was more out there?
That was unforgivable.
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Femslash February Day 9: Wildflowers
Girls having peaceful naps in the woods is my agenda
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lovelyllamasblog · 10 months
Another thing for @lazella! Like my last post, this is based on her TWST x YGO crossover fic, And You Thought Things Were Over. This time, I did the Bracelet Girls from Arc V!
Like Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri, I don't know if they'll be making any appearances in lazella's fic, but I really hope they do. These are just my headcanons, so take them with a grain of salt.
First, Yuzu Hiiragi! I imagine her in Scarabia along with Yuya. She's very thoughtful and smart, has a good head on her shoulders, and despite her hot temper, she has a kind heart and is always looking out for others. She has blue bows to mimic the blue hair clips she always wears. (The game also didn't the right shade of pink for her little hair dangles. I made them lilac to contrast her hair.)
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Second, we have Serena (Celina) in Heartslabyul. Now, I know what you're thinking; she's a rebel. Why put her in a place with all those rules? It's two fold. One, the most basic answer is because of her uniform in the anime. It's red, and I just couldn't help myself. Two, she kind of gives off Alice vibes. A girl who lived in a straight and uptight community suddenly thrown into a place where nothing makes sense. I feel like she would question Riddle a lot about the rules and maybe get collared once or twice because of it.
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(Her hair bow is white because the game doesn't have a yellow bow option. I think she would have a diamond like in the first picture, but the second was inspired by @wearepopcandies' art of the girls as Queen Cards.)
Next, we have Rin in Ignihyde. Like Yugo, Rin is a mechanic and is very good with machines. She would be the motherly figure that I think the dorm needs, telling them to take breaks, reminding them to take care of themselves, and, probably most importantly, keeping Yugo in check. Idia would learn to fear her since she appears to be everywhere at once and scolds him for his own neglect to his health. Basically, she gives off major Big Sister vibes.
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(Again, the game did not have right shade of green for her hair, so I made two, one dark green and one blonde, in order to try and create sort of a visual point of reference for her hair? If that makes sense?)
Finally, we have Ruri Kurosaki, or Lulu Obsidian in the English dub. I put her in Octavinelle with Yuto. Like him, she has a calm disposition and a kind heart. She is also the most graceful of the Bracelet Girls and gives off Kind Big Sister vibes. She's one of the few people that can tell Floyd off without being threatened that he's gonna squeeze her. I couldn't get her hair completely accurate due to the game's limited options.
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Edit: Thinking more about it, Ruri might also be a fit for Pomefiore too.
And yes, all the girls have their bracelets. I imagine in this world, the bracelets act like magic pens, letting the girls use magic for a short amount of time. I don't know how magical the bracelets actually are, but considering that they allow the girls to teleport the boys away from each other in order to keep Zarc at bay, I would imagine that the abilities of the bracelets would expand in a world full of magic, and the girls would develop their own magical abilities, like the boys.
Again, take this with a grain of salt since this is not my AU. I know lazella has something amazing planned for the future chapters and I for one cannot wait!
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shitpostingkats · 10 months
*how I imagine it went down*
Someone, bursting into Crow's office: Crow! There's some weird kids on the street! And it looks like they don't have any parents!
Crow: Get my motorcycle.
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entamewitchlulu · 1 year
After recently becoming a magical girl alongside her longtime secret crush Yuzu, Selena hoped that maybe more could come of their new and unexpected partnership. But it seems like everyone's determined to make her the third wheel - and will Yuzu ever look at her the way Selena wants her to?
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bphantom01 · 2 years
Lilies symbolize innocence & purity
Serena: I'm no florist, but your name (which can mean “Lily” in Japanese) betrays your personality by a whole lot.
Yuri: Ha! So does yours. You're more like the smoldering sun than the calm, peaceful moon.
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ryujin1234567 · 1 month
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johannepetereric · 6 months
Dealing with OP Structure Decks is like playing with Selena’s Lunalight Event Deck 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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calling4glaives · 1 year
Personnel File 9: Nyx Ulric
Though the original Personnel Files were for the other glaives, we thought we'd do one with Nyx to try to gather his information in one place. We hope it helps!
From the facebook blurb:
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Name: Nyx - Greek - (can also be transliterated Nux) - Night, and the greek goddess thereof, a daughter of Chaos, mother of Sleep (Hypnos), Death (Thanatos), Day (Hemera) or even Dawn (Eos), etc. Her Roman equivalent is Nox, the genetive form of which is Noctis (of Night/of a Night/of the Night). [[Setting up the Nyx & Noctis, Selena & Luna parallels.]]
Ulric - English - probably Wolf Ruler, from Wulfric. Interesting Ulrics include Lenore Ulric, a silver screen hearthrob and Ulric Dahlgren, an interesting officer in the American Civil War. Or German - Ruler of all, or homestead/heritage + Rich, usually spelled Ulrich in modern times, though historically such variations as Uodalric or Odalrici make an h a slightly trivial difference. Interesting Ulrics include St. Ulrich of Augsburg, a warrior bishop who defended the city and Ulrich von Liechtenstein, an alias used in the movie A Knight’s Tale. The Germanic language origin is a little unusual among the Glaives. Perhaps a sign of a family origin connected to Niflheim?
Age: 32
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[[From the wiki.]]
Equipment: - Battle Uniform - Nyx has a very unique battle uniform that draws on some of the others' styles but has no real match. Even the base elements of the uniform are modified, such as the zipper on the inside of his boots that make them much more practical to get on and off than most of the glaives', and a silver cuff around his right leg that is part of his thigh holster, but is reminiscent of Drautos’s.
His other sheath for his kukri at the small of his back is not in an unusual placement for a weapon among the glaive, though the horizontal draw is a little unique, but he lacks the external belts most of the other glaives have [[how is it attached?!]]. Even his silver mask is modified to have a curved horn on the right side that evokes the coeurl in his concept art. (Different from Ramuh’s horned staff)
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[[Also from the wiki, Nyx's and Ramuh]]
Some of the completely unique elements include two oversleeves made of animal materials. On his left, he has a furred sleeve that is starts under the yoke part of the regular uniform, peeks out of the shoulder cutout in the short sleeve that is part of the jacket and then dangles out the bottom of it, fading from dark to light as it becomes a rectangle of more standard cloth-like texture that forms an open sleeve.  On the right, he has a wider piece of some sort of black reptilian hide that drapes completely over his sleeve (not unlike Tredd’s on that same side, but wilder in shape and fabric) and stops at his elbow in v-shaped tatters. Somewhere underneath this half-cape, half-sleeve is also where the long, trailing purple-ish ribbons attach to his back, at the same location as Luche’s hanging fangs do.
Over the top of the whole thing, he wears a double chain that arcs from his shoulder to attach to one of the buttons on his front, which has no other matches in his fellow glaives or anything even similar.
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[[Also from the wiki, which has so many beautiful images]]
The rest of his battle uniform seems to be a leather-embellished combination of the other common uniform types: he has a folded-collar dickie that straps under the arm, with his Kingsglaive badge over his right breast, but it is made of a crocodile-like leather rather than the garland-pattern fabric seen on Luche’s; he has a symmetrical yoke reinforcing his shoulders with silver spikes on top, but smaller and without the shoulder protection of the kind Libertus has.
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[[Look, just go look at the wiki if you haven't already. It's awesome.]]
-Standard Uniform: Nyx’s standard uniform is also rather unique. For one, he wears his kukris with his standard uniform while walking the halls of the Citadel, whereas usually the standard uniform is worn without weapons at all. The double chain of his battle uniform also is kept for his standard uniform, which is the only accessory we see carry over among the glaives.
Like Luche and Libertus, Nyx’s uniform has silver rather than black on the “stripes” of braid between the buttons of the front, which is unique to the three of them and possibly an indicator of rank.
Underneath the jacket, Nyx wears a fairly normal shirt with the standard sword design and a silver-ornamented vest that zips up the front, but also has an unusual set of criss-crossed belts with beads and other embellishments hanging from them.
While not confirmed to be standard or not, Nyx's pants are the only ones we see without boots on, and his end just below the knee, where they appear to be rolled or cuffed.
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[[Screenshot showing his normal right glove courtesy of @starjunco]]
Nyx’s gloves are mismatched. The left has reinforcement of some sort across the back, but doesn’t actually cover the fingers in any way, instead having loops over the fingers to keep the back from sliding off, perhaps to leave more flexibility for magic or spinning his kukris as he often does. The right is the standard black fingerless gloves most glaives have.
-Casual Wear: Even if Nyx is not seen in casual wear directly, he does own some, and it hangs above his bed. He appears to have a thin hoody, undershirt, and socks.
-Kukris: Nyx’s kukris are unique among the glaive, like most of his equipment. Most of the Kingsglaive seems to favor longer blades, as a rule, and usually just one. Nyx’s blades have matching decoration along the hilt and are about the same size, but are otherwise rather different:
Galahdan: The Galahdan Kukri has two fangs (like on Libertus and Luche's uniforms) hanging off the pommel and has a somewhat normal shape. The sheath for the Galahdan kukri has two smaller blades, probably used to sharpen it and/or for utility (rather than martial) usage, based on its real-life counterparts. 
Insomnian: The kukri made in Insomnia has a dark spine which has a concave curve to it, so that there is a large blunt edge to across to the tip that makes it look almost like a hatchet. It has a series of beads hanging from the pommel instead of fangs. This is the kukri he throws at Tredd and the others when he cannot warp and that Libertus later finds.
Identifying marks: Nyx bears a lightning-patterned scar across his chest, originating in a knot on his right pec. It is unknown if this is actually a scar from lightning damage, as the popular image of Lichtenberg figures usually disappear within days if they occur at all, though, granted, it could be from the recent battle.
He also bears several characteristic tattoos: an arrow and dot on his right cheek near a scar, a dot and blade below his left eye, dots and lines along the shell and lobe of his right ear, a dot cuff around his left ear, two crossing lines down his throat, crossing lines above each shoulder blade, a cuff around his left forearm, a line down his left middle finger and right index finger from the cuticle almost to the last knuckle, and a cuff around his right leg halfway up the shin, and possibly more.
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[[Screenshot courtesy of @starjunco]]
Personality: He is brave and loyal, respected enough in the Kingsglaive for King Regis to recognize him on sight. Nyx’s loyalty is well known to the Glaives and Regis, but it only goes so far, as seen when he pushes back against the Lucii and even Regis about the collateral damage from the plan to sacrifice Insomnia for Noctis. He is equally loyal to Galahd, given his plans to return to defend it.
He is known as the Hero of the Kingsglaive, though he seems to resent it, and seems to be rather well-respected by most of his fellow glaives, for the most part.
He disobeys the order to retreat to rescue Libertus. When questioned by Captain Drautos, Nyx tells him he holds the motto of the glaive “For Hearth and Home” over all other orders, so he wouldn’t leave a comrade behind. Disobedience seems to be not unusual behavior, but he also does not do it lightly, as he hesitates for a good while before going to Libertus’s aid to analyze the situation.
Nyx appears to favor silent contemplation to both intellectual and emotional puzzles. He works through his feelings regarding the treaty and Crowe's death in silence, and the puzzle of the tracking device for the most part, only reaching out to Pelna for help gathering information he can't otherwise get without telling him much about the situation, and not informing Luna of any of his theories regarding the tracker until they are proven. Similarly, he is quiet through Petra's taunts at the gate, enduring rather than fighting back.
He is far from stoic, however, quipping through battles and social interactions with memorable lines, and is willing to chew out anyone when push comes to shove.
Nyx suffers from PTSD related to his sister’s death. He experiences flashbacks hearing her call for help multiple times, including during the infiltration of the airship which causes him to miss a warp. Though his talk with Luna might show that he is willing to try to live on as Selena would want, he doesn’t get a chance to do much to prove that, and even after it he tells the Lucii that his life is “nothing”.
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Relationships: He is from Galahd, where he and Libertus grew up together. His little sister Selena was killed during an attack on Galahd when he was 20. His mother was alive during the attack on Galahd, but her fate afterwards is not mentioned. The pictures on his corkboard hint at his father and/or uncle figure, as well someone who looks like Luche, who also hails from Galahd.
Nyx, Libertus, Luche, Crowe, and Pelna meet together after hours, which appears to be a fairly common occurrence. Pelna claims to owe him, and Crowe calls out for him when he goes back to save Libertus. His relationship with Libertus is more complicated, but obviously has a long history.
He looks up to King Regis and claims to owe him a debt, and is visibly worked up over his death despite Nyx's anger with him over the situation of the treaty. He obeys his final order, though whether that is from loyalty to Regis or Luna is unclear.
He was personally mentored by Captain Drautos, and seems to be on familiar terms with him, since Captain Drautos tells Nyx to not call him sir and he likely discussed his sister’s death with him, as he knows to bring it up in their final battle.
Despite his grief and his exasperation with her conviction and actions, Nyx warms to Luna fairly quickly, protecting her and working with her, and sharing his history with his sister as they hide.
Death: When Nyx arrives at Section D during the escape with Lunafreya, Luche shoots him twice with hollow point bullets. He is unable to stand from his injuries, but when Lunafreya tries to put on the ring, he takes it from her and puts it on instead. He asks the Lucii to call the Old Wall and protect the city, but they ask Nyx to sacrifice Libertus or Lunafreya for the power. Nyx refuses to sacrifice either of them, and instead barters his own life for the power of the Lucii. They grant Nyx use of their power until sunrise. Nyx uses the Lucii’s magic to defeat Glauca and give Libertus time to get Lunafreya out of Insomnia. At dawn, Nyx dies, burned by the Lucii’s magic.
When Noctis and company return to Insomnia, Nyx's legacy is shown in two items: his kukris carried by a psychomancer (possibly Nyx, possibly Drautos, possibly just a daemon who found them) and in the figure of his burned body in the throne room as part of Ardyn's decorations.
Behind-the-scenes: Nyx is voiced in English by Aaron Paul, best known as playing Jesse Pickman on Breaking Bad. (Break your heart with these clips of Nyx) He is voiced by Gô Ayano in Japanese, who is usually in front of the camera; this is his only credited role as a Voice Actor.
Johan Akaz (Johan Picard in the movie credits) Nyx's face model, is an actual model irl. French. His birthday is May 16, which has interesting applications if you want to use it for Nyx’s. A Model Fansite claims he is 6’0”/1.83m tall.
Neil Newbon was Nyx's mocap model, and also portrayed Petra (mocap and voice - this is part of the reason Nyx is so stoic in his scene with Petra, as his usual actor is occupied) and other roles. He has also been a Voice Actor for several video games (VA and mocap for Detroit: Become Human, among others) and acted more traditionally. IMDB and his sites claim he is 6’2”/1.88m and a trained martial artist. He now runs a company for training mocap actors.
Hope this helps! Let us know if we missed anything or messed up right and left again.
Good luck with Nyx Week and all your work.
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snowdice · 2 years
Folds In Time Part 1 Playlist
Hey everyone, for those who are interested, I just wanted to let you know I’ve officially completed the Folds In Time Book 1 playlist. It’s currently 67 songs. It’s usually one or two songs per chapter. If you’re interested in which songs go with which chapters, you can see it under the cut. Totally willing to answer questions about why each song goes with the chapter I put it with. (Me scaling the wall wanting to talk about it, but also knowing most people don’t care as much as me.)
Here’s a link to the playlist on Youtube!
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
Chapter 1: Burnt Rubber Pop-Tarts
Disappear- Eli
Burn Rubber- SOPHIE
Chapter 2: Green Light
Nyan Cat
Chapter 3: Eye of Gold; Thigh of Blue
Masquerade- Motion Picture Cast | Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera Soundtrack
Charleston- Bob Crosy
Arc I Playlist
Chapter 4: Before All The Paperwork Got Signed
My Roommate is a Cat Opening- Unknown World
Straight Shot- DeVotchKa
Chapter 5: It Spills Itself in Fearing to be Spilt
Highly Suspect- Gath Salts
By Myself- FIDLAR
Vodka- Korpiklaani
Chapter 6: You Try to Cut Her Wires
Auld Lang Syne- Guy Lombardo (1947 Version)
Time Bomb- Iration
Chapter 7: Not Much Has Changed But They Live Underwater
Year 3000- Jonas Brothers
Auld Lang Syne (Cool Techno Remix)
Chapter 8: Just in the Nick of Time
Timebomb- Kylie Minogue
In the Nick of Time- Patti Labelle (Brewster’s millions movie)
Chapter 9: 大碗宽面 (Big Bowl Thick Noodle)
大碗宽面 (Big Bowl Thick Noodle)
Leave Me Be- Choir Boy
Chapter 10: All the Subliminal Things
Sucker-Jonas Brothers
Chapter 11: Right Place; Wrong Time
Meet Me By the River- Jacob Browne
Right Place Wrong Time- Dr. John
Chapter 12: French Lessons
French Class BLAJK
Chapter 13: Out of the Loop
1940- The Submarines (Amplive Remix)
Chapter 14: Crepe Date
Savory Truffle (2008 Remastered)- Beatles
Chapter 15: We’re No Strangers to Love
Never Gonna Give You Up- Rick Astley
It’s Not Unusual- Tom Jones
Arc II Playist
Chapter 16: Do the Mambo
Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of…)- Lou Bega
Chapter 17:
Carnavales Cameguey 2016 (Just music from the festival)
Chapter 18:
L-O-V-E Multilingual Version (Nat King Cole)
A La Mode- Los Abandoned
Chapter 19: Let Me Count the Waves
Flying Dutchman- Blasterjaxx & Zafrir
Let Me Count the Ways (I Love You)- The Temptations
Chapter 20; Two Wrongs Fix a Hole in Time
Distortions- David Guetta
Chapter 21: Promotion
Climbing the Corporate Ladder- Nmesh
Chapter 22: Late Night Trips
My Sister- The Juliana Hatfield Three
All Men Are Liars- Nick Lowe
Chapter 23: What Came First?
Egg- CG5
Chapter 24: Taco Pancakes
I Am Not a Robot- Marina and the Diamonds
Chapter 25: Now You See Me
DJ Got Us Falling in Love- Usher
Now U See Me- Dan and Drum
Chapter 26: Time is a Double-Edged Sword
Double Edged Sword- James the Seventh
Unfounded Revenge (Smashing Song of Praise) Super Smash Bros Soundtrack
Chapter 27: Now You Don’t
Disappear- Selena Gomez
Vanish- Dro Kenji
Arc III Playlist
Chapter 28: Face the Future
My Future – Billie Eilish
Chapter 29: A Storm Before Time
Romance Is Boring- Los Campesinos
Time- FreshmanSound
Chapter 30: Janus and Patton’s Get Along Hole in the Ground
Together- DJ Falcon & Thomas Bangalter
Chapter 31: Fishing for Laughs
Travel Song (Shrek the Musical)
Chapter 32: When It Rains
Time Travel- Daley
Ease- Troye Sivan
Chapter 33: Head Full of Paper
Origami- Capital Cities
Chapter 34: Raging Storms
Getting to Know you (King and I)
The Storm Inside- Daniel Gunnarsson
Chapter 35: Mistakes We Make
Rain Like Tears- Mirabai Ceiba
Numb Little Bug- Em Beihold
Chapter 36: 1000 Cranes
River- Ibeyi
Nothing Lost- The Alternate Routes
Chapter 37: Helpless to the Bass and the Fading Light
Together We’re Screwed- Robotaki
Shut up and Dance- Walk the Moon
Chapter 38: Not Quite Time
Time-Bomb- All Time Low
Let’s Go- Stuck in the Sound
Chapter 39: Coming Home
In My Blood- Shawn Mendes
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Selena's turn to show up to the party! Tomorrow look out for a Neo New entertainer :)
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5nake-eater · 3 months
Ram V PLEASE start featuring Talia more in your Detective Comics run. We just got over an entire arc focused on Selena I'm begging you to give Talia her time to shine
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melodiousmyra · 10 months
6 faves and facts
Anime: Yugioh (Dm, Gx, 5ds, Zexal, Arc v, Vrains), Attack on Titan, Demon slayer, Oshi no ko, Spy x Family, Sword art online
Cartoons: Miraculous Ladybug, The owl house, We bare bears, Steven Universe, The amazing world of Gumball, Powerpuff girls
Musicians: Taylor Swift, Blackpink, Itzy, Selena Gomez, Twice, Newjeans
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entamewitchlulu · 1 year
here's the only oneshot i mentioned. this one's a Ruri/Selena one and it's Angsty(tm)
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themovieblogonline · 11 months
Only Murders in the Building Season 3 Review: Back and Better Than Ever
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As the third installment of the beloved mystery-comedy series, Only Murders in the Building season three delivers an exceptionally satisfying continuation to the intriguing whodunit narrative. Building upon the foundation set in the first two seasons, this latest installment masterfully intertwines elements of humour, suspense, and character development to create an unforgettable viewing experience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-B7LZhDVIg The Good: From the very first episode, it becomes evident that the creators have thoughtfully planned the season's arc, ensuring that loose ends from the previous seasons are tied up while introducing fresh mysteries to keep audiences engaged. The writing remains sharp and witty, making it a delight to follow the investigative trio of Charles (Steve Martin), Oliver (Martin Short), and Mabel (Selena Gomez) as they delve into yet another tangled web of secrets, lies, and murder. One of the season's strongest aspects is its ability to breathe new life into the central characters. Charles, Oliver, and Mabel have already endeared themselves to audiences in the past two seasons, but season three elevates their individual journeys to new heights. Steve Martin's Charles faces his inner demons, battling with the consequences of fame and the haunting memories of past relationships. Martin Short's Oliver, known for his flamboyant personality, showcases his more vulnerable side, adding layers of depth to his character. Selena Gomez's Mabel, the tech-savvy yet mysterious member of the trio, uncovers a past she thought she left behind, giving her character a gripping emotional arc. The chemistry between the three leads remains the heart of the show, and their camaraderie continues to shine, creating moments of laughter and heartfelt connection. Moreover, the addition of recurring and guest characters breathes fresh air into the series. The charismatic Ben Glenroy (played marvellously by the iconic Paul Rudd) adds an exciting dynamic to the show, leading to some hilarious and tension-filled moments. Additionally, the return of some familiar faces from previous seasons sparks nostalgia while seamlessly fitting into the current plotline. As with the previous seasons, the narrative structure of season three is well-crafted, using a dual timeline to reveal critical information about both the central mystery and the characters' backgrounds. The clever use of flashbacks keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, constantly questioning the motives and actions of the characters involved. The pacing is commendable, as the showrunners maintain the perfect balance between the central murder investigation and the individual character arcs, ensuring that neither aspect overshadows the other. The cinematography and production design continue to impress, capturing the allure and mystery of New York City, which has become an essential character in the series itself. From the haunting beauty of iconic landmarks to the hidden corners of the city's underbelly, each location feels carefully chosen and contributes to the show's atmosphere. The attention to detail is remarkable, enriching the viewer's experience and immersion in the story. The writing in season three deserves accolades for its cleverness and unpredictability. The humor remains razor-sharp, perfectly timed to provide comic relief amidst the suspenseful moments. The clever wordplay between the characters, especially Charles and Oliver, adds an infectious charm that fans have come to adore. Furthermore, the show doesn't shy away from tackling darker themes, exploring the consequences of secrets and the toll it takes on individuals and relationships. This depth adds a layer of emotional resonance that elevates Only Murders in the Building beyond a mere murder-mystery comedy. The Bad: However, as much as season three excels in most aspects, it may occasionally tread familiar ground, reusing certain plot devices and character archetypes that fans may recognize from previous seasons. While this doesn't significantly diminish the overall enjoyment, it leaves a faint sense of missed potential to explore entirely new avenues for the characters and their adventures. Overall: Only Murders in the Building season three is a triumphant and captivating continuation of the beloved series. The writing remains witty, the character development is poignant, and the plot twists keep viewers hooked until the very end. The performances from the ensemble cast are outstanding, with Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez continuing to shine as a comedic and dramatic force to be reckoned with. Season three manages to provide a gratifying resolution to the mysteries that have intrigued fans from the beginning, while leaving just enough room for nostalgia and contemplation. Overall, this season is a must-watch for both long-time fans and newcomers, showcasing the show's brilliance in crafting a thoroughly enjoyable and memorable television experience. Read the full article
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