#selena with bangs
secrestsgomez · 1 year
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kikiwooo · 1 year
fredrinn be stealing us away huh…not that i mind
Fredrinn doesn't just steal you away, he steals your main's everything.
Let's see sum reactions shall we?
Lesley doesn't have much patience to begin with, even if Fredrinn is someone she is close with. She's is overly protective over her summoner and it's best to not piss this deadly lady off.
" Don't even dare, I assume you're not stupid enough to realise the consequences. "
The Duke feels the need to assist you in everything. He is being protective whilst not giving it to out for everyone. He even sometimes bothers his little brother to check on you.
" I shouldn't left you back there, I'm disappointed in myself. "
Better start praying because the Lord of the Abyss is actually angry. Hmp, this little mortal is quite brave, he's going to have fun. But better know, his patience is so thin.
" Tch, little mortal. Don't think of yourself so highly, (Name) only deserves the best, like me. "
" Ah, ah~ Only I can steal them away! "
Claude may seem like he wouldn't care in the slightest but oh boy he does, he cares so much that he'll turn the whole Los Pecados upside down to find you.
" Dex, seems like we forgot to take out the garbage. " was that so out of character? meh, enjoy Claude being a little...frisky? or should I say aggressive?
Selena might be a hooker, but as soon as you mess with her summoner in the wrong way, you'll see her other side. She has the anger of a cat and isn't scared of anything.
" Now, now~ Look how uncomfortable you're making them! We wouldn't want that now, would we? "
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maidoftheday · 1 year
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Today’s Maid of the Day: Selena from Mobile Legends: Bang Bang!
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sea-star-of-the-ocean · 9 months
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Abyssal beings supremacy ‼️‼️‼️ Might draw Arlott, Thamuz and Moskov 👀‼️
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sunzyn · 11 months
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no-mere-mortals · 2 months
I wish I was Neil
Banging out the tunes
‘Cause I’ll be single soon
I’ll be single soon
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lecoindecachou · 10 months
Uh, what is happening with Mabel's wardrobe this season
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zhongli-lover-69 · 7 months
disney has GOT to stop sucking ass + then dick + then ass again
#listened to the villain song from wish#and like. yeah. i knew it was gonna be bad. but not THAT fucking bad#''peep the name i'm magnificent''#''i let you live here for free and i dont even charge you rent''#OH and the chorus is just the same phrase repeated four times#i started zoning out halfway thru the song (that i was specifically dedicating time to listen to) bc it's so nothing#it's so absolutely nothing#sometimes the lines in the chorus get a little loud + intense so u can know he's a bad guy#and then he goes right back to the vapid fucking verses#he's just complaining abt nothing and admiring himself in a mirror#but like. not even in an interesting or properly aggressive way???#gaston could snap this guy like a twig. with his fuckinf AURA he doesnt even need his hands#this is the wimpiest little spineless little wet webkinz cat of an antagonist#normally thats a compliment but this time it is NOT#he's so nothing. he has no fucking motive#banging my head against the wall until disney either implodes or gets good#it'll be a fucking waste if it's the former but ngl it's better than just pumping out trash movies ad nauseum#i find the turn to poppy little nothing music vastly displeasing#disney hired a songwriter who's written for justin bieber and selena gomez before and. erm. it really fucking shows#it'd be less bad if they just accepted that pop was this particular music team's wheelhouse but NOOOOO#they had to ATTEMPT a pop-musical fusion and eugh. it sucks. you can feel the inexperience. the rhymes are mind-bogglingly bad#this is disney's 100-year anniversary film. a fucking waste#they've been throwing money down the drain rather impressively with their films the last few years and i'm honestly rather curious why#like. they can't be stupid enough to Not Notice that their Movies are Flopping. so why the inaction. why is there no change#it's like watching a slow-motion trainwreck#their funeral! their money they're burning!#like. is there a Reason that they want to get these shit movies out regardless of audience reception?#or are they just so confident in their other money-making ventures that they genuinely don't care abt a couple years of box-office flops#idk. just feels like there's some puzzle pieces i'm missing. it's too huge a company for it not to be some type of deliberate#dunno what's going on but their priorities are most fucking certainly no longer centered around creating beautiful stories. a fucking shame
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rosa-sunset · 1 year
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secrestsgomez · 1 year
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kikiwooo · 1 year
Hello!! How are you doing? I hope you are doing just well and fine <3
I am so sorry if I made you uncomfortable with this request and please don't feel pressured to do it.
I was wondering if you could do a yandere headcanons for genderbend Lesley, Fanny, Hanabi, Irithel, Masha, Selena and Valentina? (You can do more if you'd like, and obviously you can also do less I wouldn't mind either way☺️)
Again you don't have to do this and I hope you have a good day/night!!~
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notes: yandere themes, genderbent character(s), gn reader
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© @/kikiwooo
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Lesley is a observer, nearly nothing can escape from his hawk-like eyes. His eyes are constantly on you, watching your every move, expression... He can be affectionate if you decide to obey him. Lesley can and will kill anyone he sees as a treat to both of your relationship, he's merciless deep down.
Fanny is strong, everyday he trains himself to the death, to be able to protect you better of course! He has quite a well-built body and the stamina of a monster. It's nearly impossible to outrun him...would you try to run away? With Fanny, he has two personalities, a lovesick puppy with you and a ruthless monsters to others who he sees as a treat.
Hanabi is a nightmare to deal with, he can pop off from every corner. Nothing seems to be impossible for him when it comes to you, his one and only. Hanabi is strict when it comes to his rules and expects you to obey them, however, he's not afraid to be a little rough with you. In the end he'd continue the relationship like nothing happened.
Irithel has a strong sense of protection when it comes to you, his mate. He often leaves Leo with you for that matter. He makes sure that you're well fed and warm, he cares whenever you're unhappy or not, being sad can make you sick y'know. He loves to get cozy with you, go on, lay on his chest. Irithel will try his hardest to not squeeze you here and there. It's pure adoration.
Masha can sometimes be overwhelming, he can't help it when he constantly worries over you. He is your shadow and he'll always be, if any treat, he'll be your shield. Masha uses the cold weather to his advantage, he's running warm and he knows it, he knows how you're inching to nuzzle him for warmth. Once you snuggled into him, Masha will trap you into his chest for as long as he likes, you really don't have a say in this.
Selena is a tease, a huge one at this point. He's just obsessed with you, not just you of course, the little things about you... The expressions you give him, ah aren't you just the cutest! Selena basically worshiphs you, his honey-like words are to fall for, he loves running his hands down your body, to him you're perfect. He can get quite dangerous if provoked, I suggest you to not get onto his bad side.
Don't even test Valentine, you'd only make a fool of yourself. He knows every possibility you can think and do, he observed you from the start and is still doing that. He knows every little things about you that you don't. Why don't you just be good and come sit on his lap? There's a glint in his eyes the way he wraps his arms tight around your waist.
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I admit it’d probably be cool to have Selena Gomez playing Amy’s step-sister, because Selena is lovely and we would have Amy’s family background as soon as in season 5. But also this would have been totally different and I don’t want to live in a world when Larry Fowler does not exist nor he is the sweetest human alive.
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goldemas1244 · 2 years
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New comic I posted on Instagram!
Panel 1:
Zhask: Ok Muz. I've received your message. Why did you call me?
Panel 2:
Thamuz: You're the leader of a planet and an army right? I want you to train these guys.
Panel 4:
Thamuz: I hope you can handle it, Zhask. Besides, you owe me one.
Zhask: ... Allah (God).
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selenagomezz · 5 months
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Bang Bang Bang by Selena Gomez & The Scene
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selenastaylors · 1 year
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belovedmusings · 8 months
“I’m not going anywhere.”
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Explicit Smut 18+ 🚫Minors DNI🚫
Satoru survived being severed in half thanks to Yuuta’s Reversed Curse Technique and subsequently claimed victory, but you keep reliving the moment you saw him die before your eyes. You wake up beside him one night crying from a nightmare of it, and wanting to make you feel better and remind you that he’s okay and he’s not going anywhere, he lets you take him any way you need him.
Relevant tags: AFAB reader with minimal gendered language, reader insert without using “y/n”, graphic nightmare at the beginning but it’s quick, fix-it, hurt/comfort, soft and emotional sex, handjob, fingering, Satoru’s 6-inch fingers, slow sex, praises and declarations of love, lots of kissing, love bites, riding, unprotected sex, creampie, cockwarming, Satoru’s big cock :’) <3
Music recommended while reading: My Love (Sia), positions (Ariana Grande), Souvenir (Selena Gomez), Religion (Lana Del Rey)
A/N: no I’m absolutely not over wtf happened in ch 236 and yes I’m 100% crazy enough to still believe him when he said he’d win. He’ll win and I trust him. I have to or I’ll go crazy. Here’s this emotional smut to cope.
Read below cut:
He was winning. He was fine, he was smiling and now—
He’s not. He’s not moving, he’s not doing anything but he’s in half he’s in fucking half and there’s so much blood—
You scream. You scream but it sounds like it’s underwater and you can’t breathe, you can’t feel anything but despair and pain and dread and anger and disbelief and fucking devastation. Satoru is— he’s— oh god, he’s—
You’re sobbing. Tears stream from your eyes but you can’t feel, you can’t see anything, you can’t hear, you can’t exist without him—
“Hey. Hey, hey, hey.”
That voice snaps you back to consciousness, a deep gasp from you following. Warm hands are on your shoulders, and you look up at the source, eyes landing upon Satoru’s concerned face. His beautiful, alive face. What? How?
“Hey,” he murmurs again softly, brows furrowed in worry as he rubs up and down your arm soothingly. “Shh, shh, shh…you’re okay. It was just a bad dream.”
A dream?
“No it wasn’t,” you shake your head, voice broken. The lump in your throat won’t go away as you continue to cry. “You were…you were gone and I—”
“I’m right here,” he cuts him firmly, squeezing your arm. “Look at me. I’m talking to you, aren’t I? I’m fine. Promise.”
Your eyes search his face, his body, and blindly you reach out, touching his clothed abdomen, feeling over it to make absolutely sure he’s not lying. When you feel nothing but solid, warm flesh underneath, even when you touch down to his thigh, you relax, sniffling. He’s completely intact. He’s okay.
You remember then what had happened after he had fallen. You’d gone into a panic, threw up, and blacked out after sobbing uncontrollably after tearing your eyes from the screen that displayed his lifeless body.
When you woke up, you were lying against a wall, Shoko watching over you, telling you that Yuuta managed to get ahold of him while Yuuji and Higuruma were fighting Sukuna. He’d used his Reversed Curse Technique to heal him, and he was up and fighting again, this time facing off with Kenjaku.
It was jarring to see him back alive, like you were seeing the resurrection of a god. But it was okay. He was even stronger than before, and along with the others, he was capable of defeating both of the threats.
His victory had restored balance once more.
He’d come off of that battlefield on his own two feet, sweaty, heavily banged up and exhausted, but he had a brilliant smile on his face that said everything is fine now, and he’d welcomed you into his arms without hesitation.
“Oh god,” you breathe out, “It was a dream. Thank god.”
He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in, planting a kiss on your temple.
“I told you I’d win, didn’t I?” He asks, “You gotta trust me, silly. M’ not going anywhere.”
You huff, nuzzling into his chest. “Don’t call me silly because I’m worried about you.”
He sighs softly, rubbing your back. “Fine, fine. But seriously, I’m fine. So no need to worry, okay? I’m right here, however you need me.”
He is. You can feel him in your arms, you can feel him holding you, and yet in your sleep-fogged mind, you can’t help but still retain some anxiety that you’ll wake up again and he’ll be gone for good. That you imagined all of those victories in order to cope. You need to feel more of him to confirm he’s real.
“However I need you?” You ask, drawing back to meet his eyes, gleaming in the dim lighting of the moon. He nods.
“Of course. What kind of boyfriend would I be otherwise? I’m yours to do with as you please.”
You can’t help it; his tone always brings out a special playfulness in you. “As I please? You sound so easy.”
“Easy for you,” he grins wolfishly, and you roll your eyes fondly before sobering up.
“I need more reassurance,” you tell him. “I want to feel you.”
He eyes you curiously, nodding. “Sure thing. What do you have in mind?”
You reach up to touch his face, brushing your thumb between his eyebrows to work out the furrow, then dancing it over his brow bone, then his cheekbone, and finally his lips. You pad it over the soft skin there before leaning up and kissing him, relaxing at the familiar taste of his mouth. He doesn’t hesitate to return the gesture, lips moving with yours in a combination of slow and sensual.
The hand that was resting on his jaw slowly travels down over his neck, where your thumb runs over the column gently, grazing his Adam’s apple a few times before moving on to his collarbone. You explore that spot for a few moments and then massage down his shoulder, over his pec, flattening your palm to feel the beat of his heart.
It calms you to feel that strong thump thump thump against your touch, impassioning you enough to make you deepen the kiss and slip your tongue into his protestless mouth. A soft groan sounds at the back of his throat, and that spurs you on to continue touching him, running your palm over his muscles that were once lithe, but after time spent preparing for battle while he was sealed away to occupy himself, have turned thick and solid. You ghost over the ridges of his abdomen and shiver, feeling each contour through his shirt.
It sends a wave of heat through you and your ministrations turn heavy with desire, finding the hem of his shirt, sliding your hand underneath it and massaging over the hot skin of his naked chest. He groans and guides his own hand from your waist to your ass, clad only in underwear for comfort to sleep, giving it a generous knead.
“Mmh,” you breathe into his mouth, letting him go further to grab your thigh, hooking his hand under your knee and hiking your leg up around his hip.
His tongue runs over yours dirtily as his hand slides back up to the apex of your legs, reaching around to cup your mound through the thin garment over it. His middle and ring fingers massage over that little sensitive pearl just begging to be touched, making you moan softly.
Your lust is deepening by the second and it makes you grow bolder, palm on his abdomen lowering to the front of his boxers and caressing the sizable hardness it finds there. Subconsciously you start to move your hips with his touches, kiss turning sloppy the more you pleasure each other.
The drags of his fingertips get a little too difficult when the fabric over your core gets soaked through, so he easily amends it by slipping his fingers beneath the edge of the article, touching you without any barriers.
“Satoru,” you moan louder as he teases the swollen pearl beneath his digits. He hums in his throat, and wanting to even things out, your hand dips below his boxers, wrapping around the hard and hot erection he’s been sporting since you started kissing him.
A bead of precum at his tip makes the slide a little easier and you feel him start rocking into your hand, meeting your strokes, a breathy groan sounding from him.
He wants the upperhand, of course, so he elects to push two of his lengthy fingers into your entrance, causing you to gasp, spreading your legs wider to accommodate. The man’s digits are long enough to reach your cervix without even trying and he presses pointedly against it, wriggling the tips of his fingers against that sensitive spot teasingly.
“God, Satoru,” you mewl, touching him with more purpose, circling your thumb over his tip.
“Ngh,” he groans in response, moving his hand so that he starts finger-fucking you at a pace, the wet sounds reaching your ears along with the heavy pants from the both of you. You clench around him and he speeds up, abusing that part deep inside of you just with his hand.
You love it when he fingers you but it’s not what you want right now—not truly.
You look up at him, shuddering at the look of unbridled lust pooling in his cerulean eyes. He always gets this certain wild look that gives you goosebumps.
“Satoru,” you manage breathlessly.
“Yeah?” He asks, just as winded.
“I want you inside me. I need to feel you.”
He sucks in a breath and nods, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before pulling his fingers out of you. He rolls to lay on his back, raising his hand up to his mouth and running his long tongue over the digits coated in your essence, a deep groan sounding after. It invigorates your desire for him and hurriedly, you remove your soaked underwear, freeing him of his own boxers afterward.
He sits up for a moment to get his shirt off, tossing it off the bed and then grabbing your hips, making you straddle his thighs. His hands hook under your shirt and you raise your arms so that he can remove it, the two of you now bare as the day you were born.
He wastes no time in kissing you again, this time more desperately, using one hand to guide your hips over his large cock, the other holding it still. He slides inside as you lower yourself, girth forcing you to stretch generously.
“Fuck,” you breathe into his mouth. You’re familiar with his impressive size by now but it never ceases to light a fire with your nerve-endings, length stuffing you full even before he’s bottomed out. You shudder and push him down to lay out on the bed, following him, breaking the kiss to bury your face in the crook of his neck. His palms grip the tops of your thighs as you lay on his chest, your skin touching everywhere. He’s so warm and sturdy beneath you, you feel like you could stay like this forever, tucked into him, split open on his dick, nestled deep inside you without any effort. You breathe in and get hit with the scent of his skin, musky and sweet in a way that’s unique only to him and completely intoxicating to you.
You push your nose more greedily into the column of his neck, moaning as he starts rolling both of your hips together slowly. Like this, his abdomen provides the perfect firm muscle to grind your swollen pearl on, heightening your pleasure.
He bends his legs to provide himself with a little barrier so that when he pushes your hips down, they don’t have anywhere to go, forcing you to take his cock deeper. It prods at your cervix and forces hot chills over your body, your hands bracing on his shoulders helplessly as he does all of the work.
You inhale deeply as he grinds up into you, walls fluttering around him, eliciting a groan from his syrupy voice.
It sends a shiver through you and wanting to chase it, you flick your tongue out over his collarbone, licking along the flesh to taste him.
“Oh,” he grunts, sucking air through his teeth as you feel him twitch inside of you. Encouraged from his response, you do it again, closing your lips around the spot and sucking. A stuttered breath is pulled from him, your hold on his arms tightening.
Like this, you just feel so safe, so content. He’s all you could ever need. Sure, he’s insufferable sometimes and his personality goes overboard naturally, but he’s never too much for you. He’s serious when he needs to be and so sincere in his sweetness, in his affection—you don’t know what you’d do without him. You thank any god that might exist along with the stars that he survived, that he prevailed and that everything is fine now. Your chest swells with all of the gratitude in the world and it spills over.
“Satoru,” you breathe, feeling tears prick at your eyes, “I love you so much.”
You feel him swallow thickly as his hands rub comfortingly up and down the expanse of your back, kisses being pressed to the top of your head.
“Me too, baby,” he replies softly, voice slightly strained with the distraction of heat around his cock. “I feel the exact same way about you.”
You sigh shakily, littering sloppy, wet kisses over his neck, starting to roll your hips in time with his.
“I’m always gonna be here,” he continues between labored pants, “You…you can’t get rid of me. Mmh—you’re stuck with me for life.”
Your kisses begin to be accompanied by involuntary whimpers, the sensation of him locked inside of you along with his smooth skin rubbing against your sensitive bud starting to overwhelm you.
“I’m gonna…h-hah…love you so much you’ll be annoyed with me,” he continues, sucking air through his teeth, “oh fuck…so glad I have you. I really am.”
You sniffle, a watery smile spreading over your lips. A few tears escape your eyes but this time they’re of joy.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” you say with your entire soul.
“Nothing can keep me down for long,” he assures you, “I promise, okay? I promise.”
You nod against his neck, moaning when he speeds up, hands controlling your movements to meet him thrust for thrust.
“Sh-shit, Satoru,” you mewl, feeling your climax start to approach. His breathing gets heavier and more ragged, chest rising and falling so prominently that it jostles you on top of him, indicating that he’s just as wrecked as you are.
“Fuck, I’m close,” he exhales thinly, “Oh shit, shit, god you’re so tight…I’m gonna…”
You choke on a gasp, eyes squeezing shut. He always rambles when he’s nearing his finish, control on his words slipping, and you think it’s the hottest thing in the world.
“Ngh,” he gasps out, guiding you faster on top of him. You clench at the feeling, nearing the peak—“oh fuck, it’s gonna, it’s—a-ah, ah, fuck…”
You feel exactly when he cums, cock twitching hard as he spills against the entrance to your womb. The feeling of release pouring coupled with his incessant grinding on your mound pushes you to climax, a full body shudder taking over you as you tighten around his member.
He groans at the feeling, giving you another spurt of release, hands moving up to hug you close, pressing his cheek to your forehead.
“That was so good,” he breathes.
You nod in agreement, kissing his neck once more.
You know this is the part where you get off of him so you can clean up to get back to sleep, but you don’t want to move at all. You’re completely sated now, and the feeling of his softening cock inside of you is comforting. Undeniable proof that he’s right here with you in the form of a dull stretch in your core.
“Let’s stay like this,” you tell him, and he chuckles softly.
“It’s just that good, isn’t it?”
You snort softly, raising up to meet his eyes. “You’re such a little shit.”
His smile is lazy and mirthful. “Ah, but I’m your little shit. By law you have to deal with me forever, sorry.”
He shrugs in a way that indicates he’s not sorry at all, and your grin widens.
“I’m happy to deal with you forever.”
His beautiful face is radiant with the next smile he gives you, and when your lips meet in a soft kiss, you realize that all of the anxiety and fear that nightmare had left you with has been melted away.
Satoru is real, and he’s okay. He really isn’t going anywhere. He’s safe and warm and set to live a long and happy life by your side.
When the kiss ends you lay back down on his chest, and he takes to drawing invisible circles over your back with his fingertips, the steadiness of his breath, the sureness of his heartbeat, and his comforting scent all lulling you to a peaceful sleep with the promise of his presence tomorrow.
A/N: I actually miss him so much to the point where it’s debilitating. I’m literally a widow at this point I might as well put a picture of him in a fuckin locket and wear it like he sent it in his last letter to me, like Gege u bitch that was our husband
Please don’t repost my work but feel free to reblog/share. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed :)
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