#semen mortar
jeandandelion · 2 years
Simak Alasan Lebih Untung Memakai Semen Mortar
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Semen mortar sangat populer digunakan untuk kebutuhan bangunan. Banyak orang telah bersaksi lebih nyaman dan untung pakai semen jenis ini dibandingkan semen biasa.
Ingin tahu alasan mengapa semen ini bisa hasilkan untung lebih banyak? Mari bahas bersama alasannya di bawah ini:
Lebih Mudah Digunakan
Alasan utama semen mortar banyak digunakan adalah cara pemakaiannya yang mudah. Anda hanya perlu menambahkan air untuk membuat adonan. Tidak perlu lagi mengira – ira berapa banyak pasir yang akan digunakan.
Material Lebih Kokoh dan Awet Tahan Lama
Semen mortar menggunakan bahan khusus untuk hasilkan bangunan lebih kokoh saat sudah kering. Campuran ini dibuat stabil dan dapat dinikmati langsung.
Jika menggunakan semen biasa, Anda terkadang harus memilih semen campuran tertentu dan masih menyesuaikan kadar pasir dan air.
Untuk semen mortar, Anda cukup ikuti instruksi kemasan antara perbandingan air dan bubuk semen mortar. Jadi, hasil semen yang kokoh dapat dihasilkan secara constant.
Membuat Pekerjaan Tukang Lebih Cepat
Adonan semen mortar lebih mudah merata untuk keperluan dinding. Tidak perlu memoles berkali – kali untuk merekatkan bata dan membuat susunannya lebih rapi. Jika pekerjaan bisa selesai hanya sekali poles, tukang pasti lebih cepat juga bekerja.
Untuk keperluan plester dan perekat batu bata, semen mortar memang paling cocok. Semen lain sulit rata karena campurannya yang terkadang terlalu banyak pasir atau air. Jika semen mortar, semua komposisi pas dan mudah digunakan. Simak juga informasi cara plester bangunan yang baik dan benar supaya bangunan tahan lama di https://www.id.weber/id/solusi-dinding 
Lebih Cepat Kering
Material semen mortar sudah diracik dan diberi campuran khusus agar lebih cepat kering. Hal ini membantu para tukang yang membangun di saat musim penghujan. Jadi walaupun hanya terkena panas sebentar, semen ini sudah kering.
Anda tidak perlu lagi mengatur jadwal ataupun menunda proses pembangunan hanya karena cuaca buruk. Pekerjaan yang lebih lancar akan menekan biaya yang Anda keluarkan juga pada akhirnya.
Dari penjelasan alasan di atas, Anda pasti sudah mengerti mengapa banyak orang memilih pakai semen mortar. Bila ingin menikmati banyak kelebihan dari semen ini, pastikan coba sendiri menggunakannya untuk keperluan bangunan Anda! Untuk referensi anda, akan kami sajikan informasi terkait produk unggulan yang paling dicari, terutama produk instan, ini dia produknya bisa anda temukan di https://www.id.weber/en
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bataringanlaris · 2 years
Material Hebel Jumbo PALING MURAH, 085891777187
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laszlossweetcheese · 1 year
hii! may i request laszlo x gender neutral reader whos a supernatural being? they could be a werewolf, or a ghost or even a witch, up to you tbh!! fank you <3
It's been too long, but I'M BACK! Thank you so much for your request! I think I'm going to do a second part to this one, so apologies in advance if it's a bit slow going here.
Laszlo x Gender Neutral Reader
Summary: Reader is a witch trying to make it on their own as a healer. They encounter an interesting new visitor.
Warnings: None
Growing up as a witch in the south had its issues when it came to cultural beliefs about other supernatural beings. You were taught by your mother and her coven that witches were above all, and despite constant arguments with your elders, they remained stuck in their centuries old ways, unwilling to change. As a young witch with a natural talent for healing and the desire to use this skill for the betterment of all supernatural beings, that was something you couldn’t stand for. So, you made the bold decision to move from your home in Georgia, all the way to Staten Island. 
You’d heard that witches near more progressive cities had more of an open mind about equality in supernatural society, but upon your arrival to the big city, you found things weren’t much better than they were back home. It was very kind of the coven that had taken you in to welcome you so warmly, but after a couple of months watching your new witch-siblings make plans to extract the semen from local vampire clans in rather outdated and barbaric ways, you decided to fly solo. 
Returning home would only prove to your mother that you couldn’t handle life that far away from all you’d ever known and you were desperate to prove her wrong. Determined to improve your healing methods and expand your knowledge of other supernatural species, you began visiting the local night market to speak with other beings and collecting as many books as you could. Understandably, most of the other spooks haunting the area were wary of you and your motives, but you pushed on, thankful your stubbornness was finally useful for something. After a while, you had gained something of a clientele, and your humble townhouse became a magical clinic of sorts. 
Being on your own for the first time in your life felt strange at first, but now you had settled into a comfortable routine. Most of your clients preferred to visit you under the cover of night, so you spent your days resting and gathering supplies in preparation for your nighttime patients. It wasn’t the highest paying job by any means, but you finally felt like you were doing something meaningful with your life. Those who couldn’t pay for your services with human money had the option of paying you with knowledge of their species or various ingredients for your remedies, so  you were making great progress in finding new treatments for a much wider variety of ailments.
It was a quiet Autumn evening when your doorbell rang, signaling your first visitor of the night. You left your mortar and pestle on your kitchen island and wiped the remnants of various herbs from your hands onto your apron as you hurried to the door, excited to have company. “Oh, Guillermo! Welcome back, it’s been a while,” you say with a smile to the darked haired man on your stoop. As you step back to let him in, you notice another man standing a few feet behind him, looking rather skeptical of you. His dramatically gothic attire was enough to let you know he was a vampire, even without your witchy senses and you understood his hesitation. Witches and vampires were historical enemies. “And who’s your friend?” You add, offering the vampire a friendly smile in an attempt to gain his trust. 
Guillermo had become somewhat of a regular after stumbling upon your apothecary bundles at the night market. He’s your only human customer, but you’ve welcomed him nonetheless, having found his company to be rather enjoyable. “Hey, good to see you! This is Laszlo, one of the vampires I live with…he’s…well, he’s sick, so I brought him here hoping you can help him out,” Guillermo replies, rubbing the back of his neck a bit nervously as he leans in closer to you. “He’s still not totally on board with getting help from a witch, so…I apologize in advance for anything he’s about to say or do,” he whispers.
“I can hear you Gizmo,” Laszlo huffs, earning an eye roll from the familiar. “And I will not be apologizing for telling this semen stealing demon to fuck off if things get too handsy.” “I’m so sorry,” Guillermo sighs. “It’s alright,” you laugh, standing to the side and opening the door wider for them to enter. “I understand the hesitation, Laszlo. I promise your semen is safe.”
Laszlo is still hesitant, but he follows Guillermo inside, watching you carefully as you close the door behind them. “Please, make yourselves comfortable on the couch. Do you want any tea or anything?” You ask, waiting for them to get settled. Guillermo politely declines your offer and the two men sit down on your sofa, Laszlo still looking tense. You sit down in the plush chair across from them, your hands folded in your lap. “So, Laszlo, what seems to be the issue?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, witch,” the vampire huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. Now that he’s in better lighting, you can see dark circles under his eyes. He looks exhausted. 
“He hasn’t been sleeping,” Guillermo spoke, not wanting to drag this out. “And he’s having trouble turning into a bat.”
“Shut the fuck up Gizmo, you’re giving the witch too much information!” Laszlo hisses.
“Hmm…not sleeping…can’t shift…Laszlo, you have dirt from your homeland under your coffin, yes?” You ask, ignoring the insults. 
“Of course.”
“Alright. And have you been feeding regularly? Nothing’s changed with your diet recently?”
“No, nothing different.”
You think for a moment, getting to your feet and walking over to the bookshelf reserved for your texts on supernatural beings. You pull out a book on vampire anatomy and skim through it until you find what you need. “How long has it been since you’ve had a virgin's blood?” Laszlo takes a second to think it over before giving an answer. “Several months now that I think about it.” He turns to Guillermo, pointing a finger at him. “Thanks to this shit familiar not doing his job.” 
Guillermo gives you a deadpan look, making you struggle to hold back a laugh. “Well, it seems to me like you just need a dose of virgin’s blood to get a good night’s sleep. Once you’re well rested you should be able to use your bat form again,” you explain, closing the book and returning it to its place on the shelf. 
“Great,” Guillermo sighs, looking exhausted himself. “Guess that’s up to me then.”
“Not at all!” You interject, stepping into the kitchen. You return with a cold bloodbag straight from the fridge marked ‘virgin’ with black sharpie. You hold it out to Laszlo, who takes it and looks it over. 
“Right…so I drink this and boom, I’m cured? And you’re not going to take my semen?” Laszlo asks, cocking an eyebrow at you. 
“Like I said, your semen is safe. If I wanted your semen I would’ve taken it already,” you tease, nudging the bag into the vampire’s hand. He finally takes it, still eyeing you as he bites directly into the bag and sucks the whole thing dry within seconds.
He lets out a satisfied hum, licking his lips clean. You watch him with a smile, proud of yourself for your diagnosis. “That blood is going to hit you soon, so I recommend you get going. It’s going to be a lot like taking a bit too much NyQuil when you have a cold,” you explain for Guillermo’s sake so he knows what to expect. “He’ll probably be out for a few days straight to catch up on sleep.”
“Thank you. Seriously, he has been such a pain,” Guillermo says, standing up to give you a handshake, which you return happily. “How should we pay you back? I brought you some spearmint seeds, but I don’t think that’s enough for the blood you gave him.” 
You take the packet of seeds he holds out to you. “That’s perfect, Guillermo! Thank you.” You look over at Laszlo, who looks like he’s fighting off sleep the best he can. “On second thought…I think I’ll be needing that semen as payment.” You bite back a laugh at your own stupid teasing.
“I told you, witches are not to be trusted!” Laszlo slurs, stumbling to his feet and pointing at you. “I don’t care how sexy you are, you are not taking my semen!” 
Your laughter can’t be held any longer at his reaction and you put a gentle hand on his shoulder to help steady him. “Laszlo, I’m only kidding! How about this, you both have to promise to visit me again.”
“We’ll see, witch,” the vampire replies, still swaying from drowsiness. 
“I think we can manage that,” Guillermo chuckles. “Thanks again, you really saved me a lot of trouble.” He hooks an arm around Laszlo to help hold him up and you open the door for them. 
“Anytime! Let me know how he does,” you say, giving them both a wave as they head outside. Guillermo gives you a wave in return with his free hand and then turns his attention back to helping Laszlo stay upright, the two bickering as they stumble off into the night. You watch them with a fond smile, laughing to yourself as you head back inside. 
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hergan416 · 1 year
Louis James Moriarty. 14.
14. Necromancy
Ok, This ended up being kinda fucked up. I'm SORRY KARASU THIS JUST HAPPENED AAAA. I'm so sorry if the tags on this are things you do not want to read.
I'm taking liberties with the necromancy ritual. I had to do a lot of research (fandom.wiki) into this prompt, because I've at best played a Giovanni ghoul as far as clans that practice necromancy, and I didn't really deal in zombies or wraiths or anything much at the time.
I also kind of immediately decided Louis is actually a Ventrue, embraced by Mycroft? And probably supposed to be Camarilla, as much as NONE of these actions speak to Camarilla loyalty. Anyway, all this to say that VTM fans, I'm sorry I'm bastardizing the source material for the story I want to tell.
CW: You will find Sherlouis, referenced sherliam, and referenced will/louis below the cut. Also blood (obviously), noncon, & necrophilia. It's uh. VTM and I'm a fucked up person.
It took years to find the pieces before him.
A favor of a favor of a favor, resulting in a borrowed book from a Giovanni, stolen it from a Cappadocian that she'd killed. Why the book had been kept despite the animosity between the two clans, Louis did not know, and did not ask.
Another series of favors that taught him the basic principals of thaumoturgy, even though he was not of clan Tremere.
If his research was correct, it may have been better if he'd learned blood magic from the Nagaraja, but he doubted he would find one willing to work with him in this century. And, Sherlock Holmes was likely a key to the whole thing. He would soon expire, as mortal pets did, and so Louis had an unfortunate time limit.
Finally, the enslavement and torture of a recently-embraced Samedi had proved interesting, even if he'd turned out to only knew how to further decay things. Louis hadn't allowed Mycroft to know about that one, even though he'd used MI6's implements.
Almost like the good old days.
Now, he sat amongst all his books and learning in the basement of an MI6 stronghold. It was a small, stone storeroom, empty of all but what little remained of William's corpse, bone powder, wood from an ancient mahogany coffin (recently exhumed), the tears shed at the moment of stolen virginity, Sherlock Holmes, and a mortar and pestle.
He smiled bitterly as he pulled his pet to his side, biting his neck gently, and causing him to moan. He sipped his fill, watching Sherlock's glassy eyes to make sure he did not take too much.
"Love you, Louis," Sherlock murmured as the ecstasy of his saliva entered his blood stream.
Louis was under no illusions Sherlock's spoken feelings were real. He had been dragged kicking and screaming to his side after being pulled alive from the Thames, wanting William only, probably as badly as Louis did. It was years of blood drug that caused this muted reaction now.
Louis licked the wound closed, then pricked his finger and began to draw the proper symbols. Circles and equations and mathematics. He ground several of the ingredients together, bound it with his own blood, and spread the substance in key points of the room.
Before sealing the spell, he opened his own wrist with his teeth, offering the substance to the fallen detective. Sherlock lapped at it eagerly, like the dog he was.
Louis made sure to think of William as he fed Sherlock, tried to think of what his love felt like, before all this. The intensity of his feelings, the scope of his desire. He wanted his blood to taste like longing, like desire, to whip the mortal, still capable of these feelings, into action.
When Sherlock was done drinking, he licked his wrist closed and urged his ghoul forward. "Give Brother your love, please, so we can bring him back." Because like this, I am unable.
And Sherlock listened without question, Louis' will flowing through his veins. He vigorously stroked himself, overcome by feelings and desire, over the remains of William's corpse. He came with a cry, splattering the area in his semen.
Louis might have one time looked away. But he'd long since given up on his humanity. Now, he did not care.
He sealed the spell, fed it his vitae, and watched to see what would happen.
There was not much corpse for William to occupy, when Louis snatched his soul from wherever it had been. A torso, well-decayed, but missing the left arm; his face, missing a portion of skull that extended below his right eye. His hair was barely attached, and little flesh remained, rotting profusely. He'd not fared well over the years.
But still, Louis watched as something settled there, the remaining eye opened, still red as Louis remembered. For a second, it felt like his heart might beat again.
"Brother," he called. "ŵØȸʨ٤ᾬῨ." His lips felt weird pronouncing the original name.
The corpse moaned. Perhaps it was the only sound it could make, given the state of the decay. Perhaps the spell had only partially succeeded. Louis continued to soliloquy, despite it.
"You died," he explained. "And I was cursed with immortality. The only thing I wanted was to follow you everywhere, and now I cannot even follow you into death. And so, I brought you to me. I hope you do not mind, terribly, brother."
Sherlock shifted beside him, looking at the groaning abomination.
He looked distressed. The ghoul was too human still. He should have sent Sherlock from the room. "Sherlock," he warned, his voice absolute, powered by his Gifts. "No."
Domination, on his own ghoul. What a night.
Syllables formed next on the corpse's mouth. "Lou... is."
Perhaps the night had been more successful than he'd thought.
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man-reading · 2 years
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Lemonade: The Poetry (A Gay Man’s Perspective)
This is an ode to gay men who have been in abusive relationships. Originally from Beyoncé’s Lemonade visual album, here is a gay man’s perspective of the poetry.
I tried to make a home out of you.
But doors lead to trapdoors. A stairway leads to nothing.
Unknown men wander the hallways at night.
Where do you go when you go quiet?
You remind me of my father, a magician. Able to exist in two places at once.
In the tradition of men in my blood, you call me at 3AM and lie to me.
What are you hiding?
The past and the future merge to meet us here.
What luck. What a fucking curse.
I tried to change, closed my mouth more.
Tried to be soft, prettier.
Fasting for 60 days.
Wore white.
Abstained from mirrors.
Abstained from sex.
Slowly did not speak another word.
In that time, my hair grew past my ankles.
I slept on a mat on the floor.
I swallowed a sword.
I levitated into the basement, I confessed my sins and was baptized in a river.
Got on my knees and said, “Amen.” And I said Amen.
I whipped my own back and asked for dominion at your feet.
I threw myself into a volcano
I drank the blood and drank the wine.
I sat alone and begged and bent at the waist for God.
I crossed myself and thought I saw the devil.
I grew thickened skin on my feet.
I bathed…in bleach and plugged my semen with pages from the Holy Book.
But still inside me coiled deep was the need to know. Are you cheating?
Are you cheating on me?
If this is what you truly want, I can wear his skin…over mine.
His hair over mine
His hands as gloves
His teeth as confetti
His scalp, a cap. His sternum, my bedazzled cane.
We can pose for a photograph. All three of us, immortalized. You and your perfect boy.
I don’t know when love became elusive. What I know is no one I know has it.
My father’s arms around my mother’s neck. Fruit too ripe to eat.
I think of lovers as trees growing to and from one another.
Searching for the same light.
Why can’t you see me? Why can’t you see me? (Why can’t you)
Why can’t you see me? Everyone else can.
So what are you gonna say at my funeral now that you’ve killed me?
Here lies the body of the love of my life, whose heart I broke without a gun to my head. Here lies the man of my dreams, both living and dead. Rest in peace, my true love, who I took for granted, most bomb pussy, who because of me, sleep evaded.
His shroud is loneliness.
His God is listening.
His heaven would be a love without betrayal.
Ashes to ashes…dust to side dicks.
He sleeps all day…dreams of you in both worlds.
Tills the blood in and out of orifice. Wakes up smelling of silicone.
Grief, sedated by orgasm.
Orgasm heightened by grief.
God was in the room when the man said to the boy, “I love you so much. Wrap your legs around me and pull me in, pull me in, pull me in.”
Sometimes when he’d have his nipple in his mouth, he’d whisper, “Oh my God.”
That, too, is a form of worship.
His hips grind pestle and mortar, cinnamon and cloves, whenever he pulls out.
Dear moon, we blame you for floods…for the flush of blood…for men who are also wolves.
We blame you for the night, for the dark, for the ghosts.
Every fear…Every nightmare…anyone has ever had.
You find the black tube inside her beauty case.
Where she keeps your father’s old prison letters. You desperately want to look like her.
You look nothing like your mother.
You look everything like your mother.
Film, star, beauty.
How to wear your mother’s heels.
You go to the bathroom to try on the high heels.
Somewhere no one can find you.
You must wear it like she wears disappointment on her face.
Your mother is a woman.
And women like her cannot be contained.
Mother dearest, let me inherit the Earth.
Teach me how to make him beg. Let me make up for the years he made you wait.
Did he bend your reflection?
Did he make you forget your own name?
Did he convince you he was a god?
Did you get on your knees daily?
Do his eyes close like doors? Are you a slave to the back of his head?
Am I talking about your husband or my father?
He bathes me until I forget their names…and faces.
I ask him to look me in the eye when I come home.
Why do you deny yourself heaven?
Why do you consider yourself undeserving?
Why are you afraid of love? You think it’s not possible for someone like you.
But you are the love of my life…love of my life…the love of my life…the love of my life.
Baptize me now that reconciliation is possible.
If we’re gonna heal, let it be glorious.
One thousand boys raise their arms.
Do you remember being born?
Are you thankful?
Are the hips that cracked, the deep velvet of your mother, and her mother and her mother?
There is a curse that will be broken.
You are terrifying…and strange…and beautiful.
The nail technician pushes my cuticles back, turns my hand over, stretches the skin on my palm and says:
“I see your sons, and their sons.”
That night in a dream, the first boy emerges from a slit in her stomach.
The scar heals into a smile. The man I love pulls the stitches out with his fingernails.
We leave black sutures curling on the side of the bath.
I wake as the second boy crawls headfirst up my throat.
A flower blossoming out of the hole in my face.
Take one pint of water, add a half pound of sugar, the juice of eight lemons the zest of half lemon.
Pour the water from one jug, then into the other, several times.
Strain through a clean napkin.
Grandfather, the alchemist.
You spun gold out of this hard life.
Conjured beauty from the things left behind.
Found healing where it did not live.
Discovered the antidote in your own garage.
Broke the curse with your own two hands.
You passed these instructions down to your daughter.
Who then passed it down to her son.
My grandpa said, nothing real can be threatened.
True love brought salvation back into me.
With every tear came redemption.
And my torturer became my remedy.
So we’re going to heal, we’re going to start again. You’ve brought the orchestra.
Synchronized swimmers, you are the magician. Pull me back together again the way you cut me in half.
Make the man in doubt disappear.
Pull the sorrow from between my legs like silk, knot after knot after knot.
The audience applauds…
But we can’t hear them.
Written by Jimmy
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lokersayacom · 4 months
Lowongan Kerja Surveyor Sipil Dan Bangunan
Nobel Bangun Perkasa ialah perusahaan biro material building terbaru menyerupai bata ringan, panel lantai, semen mortar dan kontraktor sipil. sedang mencari calon gres untuk menempati posisi Surveyor Panel Lantai di cabang Surabaya Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan : – Survey lokasi yang mau di pasang panel lantai– Memberikan aba-aba terkait struktur bangunan lantai 2 atau 3 terhadap client. Keahlian : –…
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penhive · 4 months
Assorted Tales
A merry heart is good for the soul.
Samson and Delilah
Samson a brawny character in the Bible is given his source of strength in his hair.
Delilah a Philistine native was asked to woo Samson so that they might destroy the might of the Israelites.
Samson in drunken debauchery told her that his strength lies in his hair.
While sleeping she cut his hair.
Samson in desperation pleaded to God to give him his strength and when he got it, he shook all the buildings killing himself and the Philistines.
The Werewolf
It constantly nags him in his dream, sometimes growling and ferocious and sometimes appearing with a wagging tail. The funny thing about this story is the psychiatrist interpreting the dream had on his display board: I am werewolf the psycho. And put matters more complicated: the patient also became a werewolf and they started having sex.
She is named as Echo’s Dawn. She is only tall as a dwarf. While prancing on the grass, a soothsayer approached her and asked for a boon.  The thing in the story is: the fairy Echo’s dawn is the soothsayer’s alter-ego.
Mermaid is a creature having the body of a fish and the head of a woman. One day a lion approached her and asked her to gift her body so that he can keep the head. The story goes that the architect designing Singapore’s emblem had a dream and that was how the Merlion became an emblem of Singapore.
A Surreal Dream
In the dream I saw a ship and standing on its deck are people with hands outstretched and blind.
June and July are monsoon seasons in Kerala. The sky licks the earth with rain as mad as hatter. The earth is a chalice receiving rain.
Smoking is banned in public places in India and it’s bothersome to me as I am a smoker. What happened in the story is the Judge who passed the law was a smoker and he had to quit it due to sickness. So he was playing vendetta and enjoyed passing this Draconian law.
I saw psyche dancing in the air, a sound of music. Its pretty feathers shone like a rainbow. Its flight was poetry of passion an ecstatic gaiety, a tinsel glitter, a harmony of music, a song seeping in the wind.
Fiction is the gap between reality and fantasy.
Mind always lives in streams of consciousness.
The Bird
The bird is a woman of my dreams. She is slim having breasts as small as grapes and also she has lean thighs and hips. Yes I want to taste all her nectar.
A Dream
In the dream I saw myself feeding a cat. It symbolism suggests to me that my wishes are getting satisfied.
The Story
I am a pen writing a story without an end, a spurt of semen, infinity.
Taboos are boring to salvage. I have to get rid of this nuisance.
Does ego have gratitude? The ego is self-accomplished.
Macabre Poe
Poe was in Easy Street where he bargained with a slut and took her home. He tied her up and smashed her skull with a spade, enjoying what he did. Then he took her to the basement and covered her body with mortar and buried her cruelly. I am only reflecting on Poe’s Gothic Fiction.
Where did music come from? What’s rhythm and melody? They are secrets of God handed to humanity.
Red Riding Hood
After getting saved by the woodcutter, Red Riding Hood became a witch and ate his entrails.
Snow White
I am fascinated with Snow White’s step mother who wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Alas the impediment is Snow White and she is lying in the apple that choked Snow White.
Is luck an evasive Proteus? I am grabbing Proteus before he changes form. I want to imprison him in the prison of luck.
Fortuna the Goddess of fortune is a menace to me. I would like to murder her and free myself to luck.
Temptation brings lust  and I am trying to avoid it
The River
The river is a pregnant belly.
For the clan the Maverick, the totem is a phallus.
Wallet has to become a friendly slave.
The Marriage
My marriage was an unpleasant one. My father was agonizingly debt ridden and all the creditors were in the house raising fury. Sad to say I had no honeymoon and to till this day, I long to spend quite moments with my wife. She has been faithful to me standing with me in life’s thick and thins.
God came to earth as a man, lived his life as a man, and got crucified as a man and then resurrected as God.
I am locking your box and I don’t want to taste your evils and ruin.
God hates sin but the devil loves it.
God created Lucifer as the chief musician of Heaven. If God had no pride in his creation how did the devil become perverted to have pride? Why did not Lucifer ask God for pardon?  Yes no one can question God’s sovereignty.
Karma is an asshole that screws life.
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bataringanlaris · 2 years
YANG BAGUS, Tlp 0858-9177-7187 Toko Penjual Hebel Focon
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Toko Penjual Hebel Focon KLIK https://wa.me/6285891777187, Hebel Reject, Hebel Tipis, Hebel Tembok, Bata Ringan Rijek, Hebel Frl 60/60/60 Kami adalah supplier material bangunan profesional yang berpengalaman mensupplay kebutuhan material bangunan untuk proyek pemerintah, swasta maupun proyek personal. Kami menyediakan bahan bangunan berkualitas dengan harga kompetitif karena semua material bangunan akan dikirim langsung dari pabrik / produsen langsung ke lokasi proyek. Kami menyediakan bahan bangunan seperti Bata Ringan/Hebel, Semen Mortar/Perekat, Plesteran & Acian dll. Untuk konsultasi mengenai kebutuhan material bangunan proyek dapat menghubungi kami di WhatsApp 0858-91-777-187 KLIK https://wa.me/6285891777187 #hebelsni, #hebeltebal10cm, #hebelelcon, #hebelelephantblock, #hebelfrl90/90/90, #hebeluntukdinding, #hebelpsk200/ghreral9003, #bataringanreject, #hebeljumbo, #hebelgradea
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venottyyvenn50 · 1 year
DISTRIBUTOR Bata Ringan Indoblock SNI WA 0821-2215-2295
distributor hebel Indoblock SNI cirebondistributor hebel Indoblock SNI cirebon, distributor bata ringan Indoblock SNI jakarta, distributor hebel Indoblock SNI sukabumi, distributor hebel Indoblock SNI tangerang, harga hebel Indoblock SNI bata ringan Indoblock SNI , agen hebel Indoblock SNI lampung tengah, Jual bata hebel Indoblock SNI lampung, distributor bata hebel Indoblock SNI di cirebon, distributor bata hebel Indoblock SNI di karawang, distributor bata hebel Indoblock SNI Apakah Anda sedang mencari Distributor Hebel Indoblock SNI Bata Ringan Indoblock SNI ? Silahkan Langsung Hubungi WA kami 0821-2215-2295
Untuk Kamu yang Sedang membutuhkan atau mencari produsen bata ringan hebel Indoblock SNI , Distributor bata ringan Indoblock SNI hebel, supplier bata ringan hebel Indoblock SNI , penjual bata ringan Indoblock SNI hebel dan sejenisnya, Kami siap membantu memenuhi kebutuhan proyek pembangunan anda baik sekala perorangan, instansi,perusahaan atau projectan.
kami menjual segala jenis macam merk bata ringan hebel baik yang hebel Gress, Hebel NS, Hebel KW atau hebel Riject Patahan, berbagai macam merk hebel tersedia di antaranya adalah :
Hebel Bata Ringan Grade A++ - Jual Hebel Bata Ringan Merk Broco - Jual Hebel Bata Ringan Merk Multicon - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel Power Block
Hebel Bata Ringan Grade A+ - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel Alfa Block - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel Rubicon - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel HOKI - Jual Hebel Bata ringan Abadicon
Hebel Bata Ringan Grade A - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel Indoblock SNI /GMP - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel BSH - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel Indoblock SNI - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel Inti global - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel SNI - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel welbrick - Jual Hebel Bata Ringan Merk SAKA - Jual Hebel Bata Ringan Suyen - Jual hebel Bata Ringan Merk TRblock - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel Betacon - Jual Hebel Bata Ringan IBI
untuk informasi Harga Bata ringan hebel Silahkan hubungi WA Kami 0821-2215-2295, sebab Harga Bata Ringan Hebel tiap wilayah beda beda sesuai jarak tempuh
Minimal order 1 DO 12.6 Kubik ukuran bata ringan hebel sebagai berikut :
Ukuran bata ringan hebel 7.5 x20x60 cm, 1 mobil isi 7 palet 1 PALET isi 1.8 kubik 1 DO / 1 mobil isi 12.6 kubik = 1400 batang 1 kubik ada 111 pcs
Ukuran bata ringan hebel 10 x20x60 cm 1 mobil 7 palet 7 x1.8 kubik perpalet Jadi 1 mobil 12.6 kubik 1 kubik ada 83 pcs
Di samping menjual bata ringan hebel, kami juga menjual aneka macam semen/mortar atau lem perekat bata ringan hebel di antaranya sebagai berikut - Jual Semen Hebel Mortar EB-168 Perekat Bata Ringan EUROBOND - Jual Semen Hebel Mortar EB-178 ACIAN HEBEL EUROBOND - Jual Semen Hebel Mortar EB-188 PLESTER HEBEL EUROBOND - Jual Semen Hebel Mortar EB-128 TILE ADHESIVE LEM KERAMIK - Jual Semen Mortat SB-198 Render - Jual Semen Mortar SB-128 Ahesive - Jual Semen Mortar SB-108 SKIMCOAT - Jual Semen Mortar SB-188 Plester Superbond - Jual Semen Grand Mortar instan - Jual Semen Grand Mortar Acian - Jual Semen Grand Mortar Render - Jual Semen lain lain.
Sampai ketemu di WA "
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proxhome · 1 year
Tips Ahli untuk Pengecatan Rumah yang Menakjubkan
Bocoran di rumah adalah masalah yang seringkali membuat kepala pening. Bocoran dapat muncul di atap, dinding, kamar mandi, atau bahkan pipa air. Namun, jangan khawatir! PRO-X Semen Kuat Anti Bocor hadir sebagai solusi terbaik untuk mengatasi masalah bocoran ini. Produk ini dirancang khusus untuk memberikan perlindungan yang kuat dan tahan lama terhadap kebocoran, sehingga rumah Anda tetap kering dan aman.
Keunggulan PRO-X Semen Kuat Anti Bocor
Apa yang membuat PRO-X Semen Kuat Anti Bocor menjadi pilihan terbaik? Berikut adalah beberapa keunggulan produk ini:
Keandalan Tinggi: PRO-X menggunakan formula khusus yang sangat kuat dan tahan terhadap tekanan air. Dengan menggunakan PRO-X, Anda dapat yakin bahwa bocoran akan teratasi dengan sempurna dan tidak akan muncul kembali.
Aplikasi Mudah: PRO-X hadir dalam bentuk semen yang mudah diaplikasikan. Anda dapat menggunakannya sendiri tanpa perlu bantuan profesional. Petunjuk penggunaan yang jelas dan sederhana akan membantu Anda melakukannya dengan mudah.
Tahan Lama: Setelah mengering, PRO-X membentuk lapisan yang tahan terhadap cuaca, sinar UV, dan perubahan suhu. Ini berarti bahwa perlindungan dari kebocoran akan bertahan lama, bahkan dalam kondisi lingkungan yang ekstrem.
Cara Menggunakan PRO-X Semen Kuat Anti Bocor
Berikut adalah langkah-langkah penggunaan PRO-X Semen Kuat Anti Bocor:
Persiapan: Bersihkan area yang akan diatasi dari kotoran, debu, dan bahan lainnya. Pastikan permukaan benar-benar kering sebelum mulai mengaplikasikan PRO-X.
Campurkan: Campurkan PRO-X dengan air sesuai dengan petunjuk yang tertera pada kemasan. Pastikan untuk mengikuti takaran yang benar agar mendapatkan konsistensi yang tepat.
Aplikasikan: Gunakan kuas atau spatula untuk mengaplikasikan PRO-X secara merata pada area yang bocor atau rentan terhadap kebocoran. Pastikan lapisan yang diaplikasikan cukup tebal untuk memberikan perlindungan yang optimal.
Tunggu pengeringan: Biarkan PRO-X mengering selama waktu yang ditentukan pada petunjuk penggunaan. Hindari kontak dengan air atau kelembaban selama proses pengeringan agar hasilnya maksimal.
Periksa hasilnya: Setelah PRO-X benar-benar kering, periksa apakah area yang bocor telah tertutup dengan baik. PRO-X akan membentuk lapisan yang kuat dan tahan terhadap air, memberikan keamanan jangka panjang untuk rumah Anda.
PRO-X Semen Kuat Anti Bocor adalah solusi terbaik untuk mengatasi masalah bocoran di rumah Anda. Dengan keandalan tinggi, aplikasi yang mudah, dan ketahanan jangka panjang, produk ini akan memberikan perlindungan yang optimal. Jangan biarkan bocoran merusak rumah Anda, segera peroleh PRO-X Semen Kuat Anti Bocor melalui situs resmi mereka di https://pro-xhome.com dan nikmati rumah yang bebas dari kebocoran.
Terima kasih telah membaca artikel saya tentang PRO-X Semen Kuat Anti Bocor. Saya harap informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda dalam mengatasi masalah bocoran di rumah Anda. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut atau ingin berbagi pengalaman penggunaan PRO-X, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya. Selamat mencoba dan semoga rumah Anda tetap kering dan aman!
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tanaka-angkatan48 · 1 year
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PABRIK Bata Ringan Indoblock SNI , WA 0821-2215-2295, harga bata ringan Indoblock SNI 10x20x60
Apakah Anda sedang mencari Distributor Hebel Indoblock SNI Bata Ringan Indoblock SNI ? Silahkan Langsung Hubungi WA kami 0821-2215-2295
Untuk Kamu yang Sedang membutuhkan atau mencari produsen bata ringan hebel Indoblock SNI , Distributor bata ringan Indoblock SNI hebel, supplier bata ringan hebel Indoblock SNI , penjual bata ringan Indoblock SNI hebel dan sejenisnya, Kami siap membantu memenuhi kebutuhan proyek pembangunan anda baik sekala perorangan, instansi,perusahaan atau projectan.
kami menjual segala jenis macam merk bata ringan hebel baik yang hebel Gress, Hebel NS, Hebel KW atau hebel Riject Patahan, berbagai macam merk hebel tersedia di antaranya adalah :
Hebel Bata Ringan Grade A++ - Jual Hebel Bata Ringan Merk Broco - Jual Hebel Bata Ringan Merk Multicon - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel Power Block
Hebel Bata Ringan Grade A+ - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel Alfa Block - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel Rubicon - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel HOKI - Jual Hebel Bata ringan Abadicon
Hebel Bata Ringan Grade A - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel Indoblock SNI /GMP - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel BSH - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel Indoblock SNI - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel Inti global - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel SNI - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel welbrick - Jual Hebel Bata Ringan Merk SAKA - Jual Hebel Bata Ringan Suyen - Jual hebel Bata Ringan Merk TRblock - Jual Bata Ringan Hebel Betacon - Jual Hebel Bata Ringan IBI
untuk informasi Harga Bata ringan hebel Silahkan hubungi WA Kami 0821-2215-2295, sebab Harga Bata Ringan Hebel tiap wilayah beda beda sesuai jarak tempuh
Minimal order 1 DO 12.6 Kubik ukuran bata ringan hebel sebagai berikut :
Ukuran bata ringan hebel 7.5 x20x60 cm, 1 mobil isi 7 palet 1 PALET isi 1.8 kubik 1 DO / 1 mobil isi 12.6 kubik = 1400 batang 1 kubik ada 111 pcs
Ukuran bata ringan hebel 10 x20x60 cm 1 mobil 7 palet 7 x1.8 kubik perpalet Jadi 1 mobil 12.6 kubik 1 kubik ada 83 pcs
Di samping menjual bata ringan hebel, kami juga menjual aneka macam semen/mortar atau lem perekat bata ringan hebel di antaranya sebagai berikut - Jual Semen Hebel Mortar EB-168 Perekat Bata Ringan EUROBOND - Jual Semen Hebel Mortar EB-178 ACIAN HEBEL EUROBOND - Jual Semen Hebel Mortar EB-188 PLESTER HEBEL EUROBOND - Jual Semen Hebel Mortar EB-128 TILE ADHESIVE LEM KERAMIK - Jual Semen Mortat SB-198 Render - Jual Semen Mortar SB-128 Ahesive - Jual Semen Mortar SB-108 SKIMCOAT - Jual Semen Mortar SB-188 Plester Superbond - Jual Semen Grand Mortar instan - Jual Semen Grand Mortar Acian - Jual Semen Grand Mortar Render - Jual Semen lain lain.
Sampai ketemu di WA "
hebel Indoblock SNI kw 2, harga batu bata hebel Indoblock SNI , harga bata hebel Indoblock SNI 10 cm per kubik, harga bata ringan Indoblock SNI 7.5 cm, harga hebel Indoblock SNI 7 cm per kubik, harga hebel Indoblock SNI 7 cm 1 kubik, harga bata ringan Indoblock SNI tebal 10 cm per kubik, harga bata ringan Indoblock SNI per kubik bandung, harga bata ringan Indoblock SNI 10x20x60, harga bata ringan Indoblock SNI 60x20x10
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lokersayacom · 10 months
Lowongan Kerja Surveyor Panel Lantai
Nobel Bangun Perkasa ialah perusahaan biro material building terbaru menyerupai bata ringan, panel lantai, semen mortar dan kontraktor sipil. sedang mencari calon gres untuk menempati posisi Surveyor Panel Lantai di cabang Madiun Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan : – Survey lokasi yang hendak di pasang panel lantai– Memberikan kode terkait struktur bangunan lantai 2 atau 3 terhadap client. Keahlian : –…
View On WordPress
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hbringan77 · 2 years
Distributor jual bata ringan, semen mortar, panel lantai terbaik dengan harga murah di Surabaya. Distributor bahan bangunan terpercaya No. 1
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nandriahefram · 2 years
pasir silika bali hub 0813-3535-3290
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Pasir Silika adalah komponen struktural utama dalam berbagai macam produk bangunan dan konstruksi. Silika digunakan untuk campuran produksi lantai, mortar, semen khusus, plesteran, sirap atap, permukaan anti selip, dan campuran aspal untuk memberikan kerapatan dan kekuatan.
Gudangan PT Hefram Asasta Indonesia Pergudangan Salsabila no.106
wa.me/6281335353290 Map : https://goo.gl/maps/A6yXs9kRzDnVFVFt5
INFO LANJUT KLIK LINK DIBAWAH/BISA HUB NO DIATAS Marketplace : https://www.tokopedia.com/beonecakraid/pasir-silika-silica-sand-aquarium-filter-air
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bataringanlaris · 2 years
YANG BAGUS, Tlp 0858-9177-7187 Toko Penjual Hebel Elephant Block
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Toko Penjual Hebel Elephant Block KLIK https://wa.me/6285891777187, Hebel Reject, Hebel Tipis, Hebel Tembok, Bata Ringan Rijek, Hebel Frl 60/60/60 Kami adalah supplier material bangunan profesional yang berpengalaman mensupplay kebutuhan material bangunan untuk proyek pemerintah, swasta maupun proyek personal. Kami menyediakan bahan bangunan berkualitas dengan harga kompetitif karena semua material bangunan akan dikirim langsung dari pabrik / produsen langsung ke lokasi proyek. Kami menyediakan bahan bangunan seperti Bata Ringan/Hebel, Semen Mortar/Perekat, Plesteran & Acian dll. Untuk konsultasi mengenai kebutuhan material bangunan proyek dapat menghubungi kami di WhatsApp 0858-91-777-187 KLIK https://wa.me/6285891777187 #hebelsni, #hebeltebal10cm, #hebelelcon, #hebelelephantblock, #hebelfrl90/90/90, #hebeluntukdinding, #hebelpsk200/ghreral9003, #bataringanreject, #hebeljumbo, #hebelgradea
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borabora22 · 2 years
Harga Jasa Finising Trowel Floor Hardener & Cat Epoxy Lantai
Penawaran Harga Jasa Floor Hardener Lantai kami sajikan untuk anda dalam rangka memberi sebuah informasi secara nyata guna kebutuhan pekerjaan lantai.
Pegangan dan lantai adalah bagian penting dari lantai bangunan. Masing-masing dari mereka memiliki peran yang berbeda dalam menghasilkan lantai beton yang indah dan tahan lama.
Karena pekerjaan yang sempurna dan optimal ini, lantai juga akan lebih kuat dan tahan lama.
Pekerjaan konstruksi lantai jenis ini adalah dengan mengoleskan pelumas pengeras lantai.
Berbagai bahan campuran digunakan untuk menghasilkan tampilan lantai yang diinginkan. Bahan-bahan tersebut adalah pasir, grading, semen, silika, dan pigmen.
Pekerjaan ini biasanya diterapkan pada berbagai konstruksi lantai, mulai dari garasi dan tempat parkir hingga area pabrik dan lantai gudang.
Setiap kondisi lantai dan penggunaan yang berbeda membutuhkan aplikasi penguatan lantai yang berbeda pula.
Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan, pengeras lantai yang paling tepat harus dipilih.
Ada dua jenis pengeras lantai, pengeras lantai alami dan pengeras lantai mineral yang memiliki keunggulan masing-masing.
Di bawah ini adalah penjelasan dari kedua jenis material tulangan lantai di atas: tipe normal Pengeras lantai ini merupakan campuran antara semen dan pasir silika.
Itu juga bisa dibuat dari campuran semen dengan agregat ampelas. Semuanya membentuk bahan padat untuk lantai. Aplikasinya membuat lantai tahan terhadap goresan dan gesekan.
Karena harganya yang murah, jenis yang natural paling banyak digunakan di Indonesia. tipe metalik Bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk pembuatannya antara lain serbuk semen dan besi.
Peran utamanya adalah untuk memperkuat lantai sehingga mampu menahan beban yang lebih berat dari pengeras lantai biasa.
Jadi, worth it kalau harganya lebih mahal. Lantai meningkatkan kualitas dan bertahan lebih lama.
Lantai ini cocok untuk lalu lintas padat seperti gudang dan area pabrik yang harus menerima beban berat dari kendaraan yang melintas.
Trowel adalah fungsi untuk meratakan permukaan bumi. Pekerjaan ini menggunakan mesin khusus yang disebut trowel atau mesin concrete trowel. Penerapannya bertujuan untuk menghasilkan lantai yang halus dan rata.
Trowel, yang merupakan nama alat untuk meratakan mortar halus, memiliki banyak peran penting.
Salah satunya adalah mencegah adanya rongga udara pada konstruksi lantai. Selain itu juga terdapat hasil dari aplikasi yang merata sehingga penggunaan bahan lebih efisien.
Finish lantai dapat dilakukan dengan sekop manual atau bermotor. Mesin sekop beton yang sama digunakan untuk meratakan permukaan lantai yang besar. Bisnis ini lebih cepat dalam menyelesaikan proyek.
Contohnya adalah meratakan lantai garasi, gudang, atau area parkir. Selain membuat silica bekerja lebih cepat, hasilnya lebih halus, beraroma dan lebih konsisten. Pekerjaan sekop, baik dengan tangan maupun dengan mesin, merupakan salah satu hal yang diperlukan untuk membuat lantai cor.
Dengan perpaduan antara floor planer dan floorhardener, konstruksi lantai akan terlihat lebih sempurna dari segi tampilan dan kualitas. Jadi, jangan heran jika banyak sekali jasa dan produk dari bisnis ini. Anda dapat dengan mudah menemukan layanan finishing lantai ini secara online.
Harga Jasa Finising Trowel Floor Hardener & Cat Epoxy Lantai
NO ITEM PEKERJAAN HARGA 1 Jasa Borongan Pengecoran Lantai IDR 20.000 /m² IDR 65.000 /m³ 2 Pengecoran Jalan, Rigid / Garis Jalan IDR 28.000 /m² 3 Finish Trowel IDR 25.000 /m² 4 Finish Trowel Floor Hardener Natural dan Warna (Upah kerja, tidak termasuk material IDR 25.000 /m² 5 Finish Trowel Floor Hardener Natural (Upah Kerja + Material) IDR 35.000 /m², Dosis 3kg IDR 38.000 /m², Dosis 5kg IDR 48.000 /m², Dosis 7kg 6 Finish Trowel Floor Hardener Warna (Upah Kerja + Material) IDR 48.000 /m², Dosis 3kg IDR 55.000 /m², Dosis 5kg IDR 65.000 /m², Dosis 7kg 7 Coating Lantai Clear (Material + Upah Kerja) IDR 150.000 /m² 8 Cutting Lantai (Upah Kerja) IDR 25.000 /m’ 9 Cutting Lantai (Upah Kerja + Peralatan) IDR 45.000 /m’ 10 Sealent (Upah Kerja) IDR 18.000 /m’ 11 Sealent (Upah Kerja + Material) IDR 45.000 /m’ 12 Epoxy (Upah Kerja) IDR 55.000 /m² 13 Epoxy (Upah Kerja + Material) IDR 120.000 /m², 300 micron IDR 145.000 /m², 500 micron IDR 210.000 /m², 1000 micron IDR 310.000 /m², 2000 micron
Demikian lah informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan pada kesempatan artikel diatas dan kurang lebihnya kami memohon maaf.
Harga jasa perkuatan lantai kami masih bisa nego. Untuk mengetahui seluruh pekerjaan dan detailnya, Anda dapat melihatnya di daftar harga jasa finishing beton kami.
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