#semi-willing vore
smol-and-trashy · 2 years
Just a Sip, Darling (Obey Me! vore fic)
A/N: Writing in 2nd person is extremely jarring tbh. I kinda wrote MC more insufferable and spicier than intended...oops. Warning: foodplay and semi-unwilling vore. Enjoy!
Your eyes flash open, and you find yourself in a sea of liquid. It’s dark, tepid, and a burst of chocolate overwhelms your senses. Normally, you aren’t one to complain about an abundance of chocolate, but this was almost too much; it was as if someone kept a perfume sampler strip, topped with chocolate, under your nose and refused to move it. 
You aimlessly wade through the liquid. It isn’t very deep, but it’s still mildly uncomfortable to be constantly gasping, trying not to let yourself be pulled to the bottom by the thick chocolate.
You scramble atop the only thing floating in this sea of warm chocolate--you’re grateful it isn’t scalding, but you can’t understand why anyone would get lukewarm hot chocolate. Hot chocolate is in the very name; it should at least be above room temperature. Still, you make it on top of your makeshift raft, and once you look down, your stomach sinks. 
You’re on a cat. 
Not a real cat, of course. But the impact still hits the same. It’s a cute hot cocoa topping; the liquid isn’t hot enough to completely melt it, so the marshmallow kitty still has most of its form intact. You can’t help but feel a rush of embarrassment about the fact that you’re forced to result to using a marshmallow to stay afloat. 
Suddenly, the door opens and the vibrations send waves of cocoa toward you. Bracing yourself, you cling with all you have to the slippery marshmallow fluff as a shadow looms over your hot chocolate lake. 
The ripples finally settle, and you look up to find Satan peering down at you, quizzically. 
The demon was already tall when you weren’t bug sized, but now he’s reached impossible magnitudes. Only his face fills your vision, while the rest of his body isn’t even visible past your limited line of view. 
“Is that you, MC?” His voice booms over you, and you resist the urge to cover your ears--not wanting to lose your grip and slip back into the liquid. 
“Y’know me, just taking a bath, normal human behavior and all. After all, hot chocolate happens to be great for the skin.” Considering the circumstances, the words slip out of your mouth with surprising ease.
 He blinks and you sigh, your quip wasn’t exactly lost on him, but he was likely one of the last demon brothers to play along with your terrible jokes. 
“No, Satan, I’m not okay. I’m literally the size of your thumb. What part of that is normal?”
 Satan quirks a brow. “So, you’re in there because...” He trails off, expecting some sort of explanation out of you, but unfortunately, you find yourself fresh out of those. Instead, you gesture with one hand to your edible raft for the demon to fill in the gaps himself. 
He doesn’t. 
You roll your eyes and push yourself a little further up on the marshmallow, so half your body isn’t sinking into the cocoa. It’s going to be a pain to get these stains out. You halfheartedly think to yourself as you look back up at Satan, who is still waiting for your explanation. 
“You know, just wanted to try a new experience and all.” 
He doesn’t laugh. His face isn’t completely stoic, though. Thoughts tinker behind those green-blue eyes, unwilling to spare even a glimpse. You sigh, figuring Beel or Mammon would have quite the opposite reaction if they found you instead.
A small grin paints his lips. “You are quite cute like this, MC, but how did you get so small? The only instances I’ve read about humans shifting sizes have unfortunately been constrained to the realm of fiction.” You can sense the underlying concern dripping off his words, and you sigh; your answer will only make him more concerned. 
“Don’t remember.”  
“Yeah. One moment, I was studying up on Devildom history and the next, floating in a sea of hot chocolate.” 
He frowns a bit. “I see,” is all he mumbles, but the faint pink dusting his cheeks doesn’t go unnoticed by you. 
You open your mouth, trying to coax him to at least lift you out of your mug prison, but a strangled chortle escapes instead. You couldn’t help it! But the moment his eyes flash back down at you, regret seeps in. 
“Uh, am I going to be stuck like this?” 
“Maybe,” Satan sighs, hands draping over his eyes and he looks back at you. “If this is a shrinking curse, I’ll gather the proper ingredients to reverse it, but if it isn’t... I guess you’ll just have to be patient for now, until we figure out what to do.” He shakes his head.
You groan loudly, sinking further into your mug prison. 
“Hmph. I should’ve gotten Lucifer’s help. If only he were here to help me out instead of the ever-so-helpful Satan --- here to save the day with zero ideas and no clue; really played my gacha odds here.” You murmur under your breath, but it sounds loud enough to Satan’s sensitive ears. 
“Really now?” Satan leans closer to the cup. “Well, if you think so, then maybe I should make life harder for a certain someone if he can’t find you for a little while.” Satan hums, and your stomach drops. He isn’t going to do what you think he is. He wouldn’t! 
Satan plants himself on the chair, and your heart sinks to your stomach; He totally would. 
He picks up the cup and raises it to his lips. You feel a shiver of dread run down your spine as he stares down at you with a smug look. 
Oh hell no--Frantically, you try swimming away, against the current, from the lip of the mug, but it’s no use. 
Satan laughs, “Don’t worry, I would never let anything happen to you, MC.” 
Though, you’d like to beg to differ, with his green-blue eyes shining with obvious mirth. The giant blond was getting a kick out of this. “But might as well teach you a lesson about that mouth of yours, darling.” 
Before you retort, he takes a sip of the cocoa, swallowing half of it, and you, in one gulp. 
You’re pulled deeper into his throat, and it's tight and hot. You can feel the warmth of the hot chocolate as it washes around you. You struggle for a moment, trying to give him a taste of his own medicine before the thick humid heat hits you immediately as you squeeze through the sphincter and free-fall down, with the remainder of the cocoa, into his belly. 
You take a moment to grasp your surroundings. It’s not as disgusting as you would have thought. Sure, it’s sweltering and stinks to the high heavens like old spit, but noxious food odors or the acrid bite of acids are surprisingly nonexistent. Chalking it down to Satan not exactly being human, you try exploring your surroundings, but you don’t get very far.
It’s tight and dark. After a few unstable steps, you manage to reach another wall, though, in the darkness, you aren’t sure which direction you are facing in the first place.
You slump against the curved wall, and idly, your fingers trace the soft surface lined with a mucous-like substance. You find yourself strangely comfortable, soothed by the rhythmic churning of the Avatar of Wrath’s insides and the warmth of his body. An odd combination of annoyance and contentment washes over you as the darkness slowly lulls you to sleep. 
Outside, Satan flips the page of his book while a hand rests on his middle. He sighs, still experiencing nothing short of utter bliss. It was impossible not to notice MC’s subtle movements and even as they rest, their weight serves as a constant reminder of just how close they are. His eyes feel heavy and he yawns, marking his place in the book and setting his glasses down on the bedside table. 
“Rest well, MC~” He purrs, content as he flickers off the light. 
He’ll let them out in the morning, but right now, he wants to savor this moment with his little darling. 
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pineappleparfaitie · 4 months
when ur frends a pred
And u are just a wee lil guy
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Ft. @karmatheprowlthra :]
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tparker48 · 7 months
Request from Anonymous
Evening had arrived as the streets of the neighborhood began to quiet down. Cars pulled into their driveways, people from inside heading into their homes. In a car resting inside a garage, would be a man named Hogan. He yawned as he got out of the car, tossing his safety cap to his workshop tool table near the front of his car. He dragged his feet toward the main door, and the cold breath of the air washed over him. The corners of his construction gear bulged into his arm pits, the sound of tears seething from his shoulders. He lowered his bag toward the wall, and his body became lighter, like a boulder had just been lifted from his back.
“One down, now I just gotta get these..” He sucked in his gut, grabbing the zipper of his uniform as his stomach bounced across his waistline. Sawdust splashing into the air, casting its particles into the sunlight as they danced from the laundry room window. He took to his pants, and let out a satisfied grunt as he kicked his boots off. “That’s better.”
He kicked the leathery shoes next to the washer machine, tossing his clothes into the opening as he walked bare into the living room. He grabbed his headset from the living room table and put them on. He crashed to his stomach on the floor, his console turning on along the shelf. After hours of work, what better way to unwind than through quality gaming.
He crashed to his stomach on the floor, his console turning on along the shelf. "Let's see what the boys are up to on deathwatch."
He flipped through the screen to his game, turning on his microphone as he searched through the lobby.
An hour had gone by since Hogan started to relax, enjoying the peace of enjoying the peace of with his online friends. The screen flashed with chaos as effects danced around the frame, Hogan’s call outs booming through the acoustic’s of the living room. But  another chaos brewed in the shadows, as a small pair of eyes peeked from the folds of a crumpled towel. Inside, would be Peppe, staring at his hubby’s backside.
“He’s finally home.” he said, a low giggle escaping from him. “Took longer than expected, but at least it gave me time to prepare.”
He dug into his pocket and fetched a tiny piece of gum, unwrapping its plastic blanket as it overtook his chest. He folded into a cubed shaped ball, and chewed at its end until the entire thing fit into his mouth. He savored the fruity flavor filling his mouth as he slinked out from beneath the towel, the smell of gas fumes polluting the air as the giant soles raked through the fibers of the carpet. 
He crept faster, the path narrowing as it centered toward Hogan. A mountain of hairy muscle rose before him, the elastic fabric over the mounds spreading atop like a blanket of snow.  After many times of venturing to his ass, he got tired of the view. It reminded him of being on an island, guarded by a musky volcano as it swayed overhead. He’d think he’d feel bad pranking his hubby all the time, but damn did it feel good to watch him squirm. And with an opportunity like this, it was too good to pass up.
He approached the crease between Hogan’s legs, the lining of crack rocketing over the bubbled ridge. He stepped upon the bulk of his crotch, sweat oozing from its surface like a leaking sponge. Must’ve been working hard out there on the construction, he thought, even after an hour of cooling still his backside was wet.
“Typical, Hogan. Big guy’s certainly not making it easy.” he rolled his eyes, gripping into the white fabrice along the left leg.
He clung to the bushed of hair, pushing into the thick borders sealing the mounds inside. His foot creased into a loose fold, warmth from beneath the fabric against as the smell of fresh sweat poured into his nose. He puffed his nose to ease its stinging sensation, continuing his climb aboard the mounds.
Sausage fingers reached from the other mound, piercing the lining of his crack Peppe dragged to the center. “Damn sweat’s going in the wrong places.” Hogan said, sliding his now glistening palm from the crack.
"Easy horsie, can't have your rider bucking off with the reins." Peppe whispered.  
He climbed to the top of Hogan’s ass and caught a glimpse of the horizon. A slope met before him as it climbed to a meaty neck above, the Tv screen flashing behind Hogan’s frenzied hair. He cherished the view for a moment before digging through his pocket, pulling a bulky string from inside. He opened his mouth and stuck the end of the string against the sticky mass, molding it with his tongue to ensure it was secure.
 Phase one of his great prank was complete, now it was time for the main event.
He approached the top of the elastic fabric, peeling a corer for himself as he tucked his feet inside. He shimmied himself between the mounds, watching the warm flesh rise as they spilled over his chest. Hogan’s fingers returned, stamping just a foot from Peppe as it stirred in place. 
“That works.” He said, shimmying the rest of his body as he slipped beneath the surface.
 The damp fingers wagged above as he dove into the mounds, flesh molding his body as they swallowed the light. Strands of hair snagged at his limbs, the scent of dry cement reaping his nostrils as sweat dashed into his clothes. After all was said and done, he had to remind Hoga to take a shower. Any more scents added to his musk and he’d be a walking gas station. The hairs thickened as they spread into him like a brush, revealing a red puckered star as it winked with sweat. It blew kisses as Peppe wisped past its folds, cushioning at the bottom as his foot sank between two soft boulders. 
“Target acquired,” He spat the gum from his mouth. “and just enough hair to strap on.”
He placed the wad against the ridge of the hair taint, cherry picking bunched hair as he molded them into the gum like clay. Hogan’s  legs shuffled, scooping Peppe close as he planted against the warm testicles.  
"What’s this guy teabagging for? Our team won that fair and square! Let me get a crack at him, I'll give him some nuts he can teabag!"
“As competitive as ever” Peppe mumbled, peeling from the damp skin. He spun a portion of the string to anchor Hogan’s hairs. They sprawled out like a row of vines, their sweat soaked surface brushing against him as if it were a paint brush. Before long, the task was complete, hairs wrapping around the gum as if they were holding it up. “Like a bouquet of smelly vines.” he patted at the top of the gum.
He crawled toward the bottom of Hogan's balls, the dampened fabric appearing as it stretched behind him. Peppe followed its path until it curved upward, taking to the thick hairs covering the mounds as he crawled back the way he came.  They slid through his fingers, his body cast back down as he tumbled into the mustache covering his anus. Its bristles tickled his nose as he swatted them away, grabbing a handful in a bunch as he climbed up its length. 
“Yeah that’s right, take all these nuts!”Hogan roared, his own thighs moving as the sac below squished into the fabric. 
Peppe fought its sway, gripping harder at the strands of hair as he reached  toward the slanted lighting of the crack. He slithering his palm back into the cool world of the living room, shimmying the rest of him through the caked mounds before Pulling the rest of the rope out of his pocket.
“Alright..that’s my workout for today.” Peppe wheezed.
 He climbed back to the top of Hogan’s waist, and looked to his head. Still he faced the Tv screen, even after traveling through his underwear. Just what he was expecting, and now it was time to retrieve the fruits of his labor. Wrapped the end of the rope around his wrist, the line straightening as it darted beneath the fabric like an anchor.
“Oh ho, prepare for a sting of your life Hogan.”
"Well done guys, we managed to pass that squad without setting them off. Too bad we can’t say the same for you..”the mute icon appeared on the side of the screen,Hogan batting an eye backwards. “..Peppe.” 
He froze at his words. “Huh?!”
 the string tightened as he yanked him beneath the underwear, like a fish caught on a hook as he burrowed through the mound of flesh. The dimmed space greeted him once more, his face dragged along the hairs resting in the bubbled valley. From what took minutes turned to mere seconds as he was dragged beneath the bulk of the testicles, fingers fiddling at the string as if it were a spider retracting its web. His back clung to the wad of gum at the taint, the fingers taking to his side as they jammed him beneath the muscular boulders. He gritted beneath its weight, the clammy skin spooning his ears as they acted as restraints on his head.
The ground shifted as  fingers pulled the waistband apart, Hogan’s face peering inside. "What do we have here, a munchkin taking a dip in my underwear."
Peppe shuffled a fold from his mouth. "What gave me away?"
"Come now, as many times as you explored my body, don't you think I would know if something complex was in the way?" He dwindled a finger through his pubes decorating the round spheres between his legs, swirling a patch of Peppe’s into the mix. "Hair pulling. Tsk, you gotta do better than that, dumpling."
"What can I say? It's a classic."
"Uh huh, charming. You know you're getting  punished for this right? I missed a lot of shots because of your meddling. Naught, naughty." He squeezed his legs together, Peppe’s lips smacking as they puckered like a fish. "Unfortunately we’re still in a game, so consider this a taste of what’s to come."
His smile disappeared as the waistband clamped at his waist, a gust of musk washing into Peppe before the thighs shifted, and  Hogan’s weight pushed at his back. "Hubby! Come on, you can’t be made at this face. You can’t do this to your dump-" a solid surface cushioned his chin, the bulk of the giant testicles plonking atop his head. “pling..”
A soft chuckle vibrated the walls. "Oh no, you’re not getting off that easy, hun. No matter how adorable that face is."
Taking the slow route huh? Just like him to toy with him slowly. Peppe rolled his eyes forward,wiggling his head to relieve pressure from his chin. Sloshing muffled from the orbs cupping his face, like giant silos filled to the brim with water. Its body heat grew hotter as its muscle flexed, the shaft knocking out of place as it drooled into the white fabric. He was getting off at my capture, and he called him the naughty one.
But even caught, he wasn’t going to give up just yet. He shifted his gaze into one of the orbs, inhaling the dried sweat coating the skin as he leaned his fingers to his jacket. He pulled the bottom of the fabric from his pants, shedding from its layer as he pressed it into the clammed ceiling. He gazed into the maw of the musky cave, the loose skin sagging as if were going to collapse. 
 There wasn’t enough room to pull the string, but he wasn’t without options as he looked to the flexing muscle.  He laid upon his back, taking a handful of the soft skin as he pulled himself upward. The humidity between was rough feet, his skin skidding against Hogan’s as it peeled off like a sticker. The skin only grew firm as he reached the stem of Hogan’s cock, its barreled underbelly cushioning his chin. After moments of climbing, he sighed as the ever growing pressure slipped from his feet, the bag of sac collecting as the length of the shaft rested upon him.
He planted his feet upon the balls, and Hogan shifted. "What are you doing down there?"
"Putting my plan into motion. I'm gonna make you submit to your dumpling!" Peppe declared.
"Sure. And just how are you going to do that."
A smile crept along Peppe’s face, a foot peeling from one of the testicles. "Creativity." He spread his toes across the bulging testicle, and wiggled them into the tender muscle. He added his other foot, and pressed it to the other as he marched over them. 
A groan rumbled through the air, a thigh thrusting and a clunk came from outside. “Mmm..kneading my balls huh? Bold, I’ll give you that, but it's gonna take more than a few foot rubs to get me to cave.”
"That's for sure. This is just the appetizer." He cradled his limbs to the corner of the member, holding it against his body as if it were a body pillow. He worked himself beneath its underbelly to the top of the shroomed head. Its flesh radiated with warmth greater than the balls below, a salty stream spilling upon his shoulder as it guzzled from the slit. He ringed his fingers between its lips, the stream widening as it spilled at his neck. "You know the thing about being small? You can reach just about anywhere?"
He wiggled a palm over the slit, and jammed it inside. Its creamy fluid lubricated his arm, driving it to his shoulder as the lips clamped onto his shoulder like a sleeve. He plunged his other hand inside, and began to twist them through  the soggy folds as it trailed through the tight opening of the shaft.
Hogan’s body bucked, a sharp moan piercing the air as the sounds of buttons clacked from above "Oh..ff.."
Peppe's eyes became starry eyed. "Gotcha now."
He wormed more of his body toward the front of the underwear’s pouch, clinging his feet to the puffed edges as they peeled the hood away. The muffled grunts turned to purrs, Hogan’s entire waist beginning to thrash as if it were in a trap.
"Still thinking about surrendering?" Peppe giggled with excitement, grinding his elbows to circle the rest of his arms between the tight tube.
A digital voice announced that the game paused, the sound of a controller toppling to the side. "Give me 2 minutes,boys." Hogan's voice boomed, the space shifting as. Gravity tossed Peppe atop the bulging cock.
The inner tube tightened his arms like a vice, its girth nudging between his legs. The fabric yanked off and light blurred his vision, forcing Peppe to wince as his eyes raced to adjust. His gaze eventually relaxed, As Hogan’s met his, peering from the mountainous torso  high above.
"Now you done it, dumpling. You managed to make me cave?”
"I did? I mean yeah, I did! Take that, Hubby.” He declared, but looked up to a smile peering across his face. “You uh..you aren’t mad are you?”
“Me? Not all. In fact, I'm ecstatic.”
“Yeah..” He replied. A palm raised beneath him, clasping at the center of the shaft. It pumped at a steady pace, getting stronger as it gripped at Peppe’s arms. “I get to do punishment early.”
Oh shit. Peppe tugged at his arms to get them free, shimmying his shoulders to lighten the pressure, but a suction locked them down, the cock’s throat pulsing as they tucked his arms together. Fingers curled around his back, hoisting his lower half into the center as it tilted toward the cock slit. He wrestled between the thick fingers, a thumb pressing his head into the lips as they  gummed the sides of his cheek.
The thumb trailed over his neck to the rest of his body, plunging Peppe deeper into the urethra. He was caught in the pull of the suction inside, guiding him through the tight crawlway of the tube as seed lathered into his side like lotion. The tender walls manhandled his body, thrashing him about in its attempts to gobble him up. The lips slipped higher, funneling to the tips of his toes as he sunk deeper. The cool air left from his feet, and the shaft became alive as its walls tenderized his body.
Outside, a lump traversed through the cock's underbelly bulging, sliding down at snail's pace as it flattened against Hogan’s twisting palm. He gritted his teeth, pumping harder to knock the protruding bulge from its spot as he massaged its soft ridges as it parted the walls inside. It bobbed over the base of his shaft, a finger tilting it for Hogan to see for himself. With a simple clench, the bulge launched and it plunged past the surface of his crotch, its form wisping through his inside as it curled down to the meaty low hangers throbbing below.
The World was dimmer in this region of Hogan’s body, the waves of muscle squeezing him like toothpaste through the tubes. He couldn’t move his body, his blood rushing to his head as he tried to face upward. He doubted it’d help with the surrounding fluid, gunks of slated goo lathered his face, sending his senses ablaze as his head began to swirl. The wall hugged closer as an opening arrived, his head smothered as  more salty fumes spewed into him like a ventilated shaft. 
He found himself in a round chamber, white goo secreting from the walls as they collected into a large body at the bottom of the fleshy dome. 
"Your balls?” He shouted, the sphincter encircling his neck. “Who shoves their love life into their balls?"
“Consider it a special treatment just for you. I was going to just shove you into one of my boots, but then you went and got me hard.”
Lumps caved from the walls, and the chamber became slanted. The white goo rose like a roaring tide, submerging Peppe’s head beneath its surface. It shrouded like a fog, the pink walls near him blurring with white smudges.
“Quite the load isn’t it dumpling? All thanks to you.” 
the tight tube squeezed at his body, rocketing him into the milky mess as he flailed to the surface. He inhaled the tainted air, splashing to keep himself afloat. "Okay, foul play! You’re playing dirty, how am I supposed to have fun in here?"
“Sorry, hun, that’s not my problem. You’ll just have to sit in timeout like a good boy.”
 The chamber flipped once more, spiraling Peppe  from wall to wall as if it were a tube mixer. He felt nauseous as he dunked and emerged from its gooey surface, his efforts to cease derailed as his palmed slid from the soft wall. It was only when the pool flipped to the ceiling did the swirls cease, and it crashed atop of him.
Hogan’s laugh vibrated the walls, crusts forming into the seed as it rocked in place.. "Ready to call it quits?" 
"You..can't possibly think..I'd give up after that." Peppe panted, his head spinning amongst the seed.
"Yeah I thought not, you’re too stubborn for that. Ah well, perhaps a little marinating will teach you to behave yourself." The chamber swayed as steps rang through the walls, the fluid jumping as it crashed upon a solid surface. "I'm back boys, what I miss?"
Peppe groaned as Hogan faced his attention elsewhere, his head bobbing against the milky waves as he tilted to the ceiling. He looked to the shriveled star in the ceiling, seed squeezing from its folds like a wet rag. That was his way out of this filled chamber, but it was too out of reach to grasp. He pawed at the doughy walls for leverage, hoisting upon the soft lumps to escape the milky pond. But their surface melted upon contact, spilling him into the seed once more.
“This is getting me nowhere, how’s a guy supposed to move when everything around you is muscle?” He tried again to reach for a fold, its surface slipping into the fluid as it glossed the wall beneath.
A moan erupted from above, the walls caving as waves splashed him in its epicenter. He resurfaced, looking to the walls as they battered the fluid along his borders. “He felt that?” He puzzled, swimming to the wall behind him. 
He smeared a layer of gunk from the lumpy surface, cupping his palm to split its flow to the rest of the seed. When clear pink muscle appeared, he pressed his fingertips into the soft wall, twisting it as it sunk breath its surface.
The walls shook again, and Hogan’s moans returned. When it finally settled, a smile crept upon his face. To think Hubby’s sweet spot would be right at the source of it all.  He swam closer to the wall, tapping his foot at the submerged flesh. When soft ground touched his toes, he shifted his legs into a running motion, his feet pattering against the muscular wall.
A sharp moan echoed the walls, Waves splashing in the seed. "What are you doing now?" Hogan's voice muffled.
"Improvising." he turned himself toward the wall of flesh, grabbing a handful as seed lubricated his hands. The chamber unraveled, globs of gunk slamming against the opposite wall as it crashed at the ceiling before it pattered onto his shoulders.
Hogan’s grunts turned to whimpers as the folds compressed and expanded,it battered its contents. "Stop being.. a brat." he strained, the walls beginning to pulse..
The seed’s current grew stronger, sweeping Peppe from the walls as he swirled around the rim.The walls compressed, and the ceiling closed in as the sphincter spasmed in place.
"Almost there, just one more push.." he assured himself, clinging to the corner of the folds to continue his efforts.
 The once spacious chamber shrunk to the size of a quarter, a mere gap separating Peppe from the chamber’s quivering lips. He massaged its folds to the best of his ability, the substance overtaking his arms as they splashed about his wrist. The walls squeeze closer as the fluid reached his chin, forcing him to tuck his nose close to the salty folds. 
"Here goes nothing." he managed to muster, taking a breath as he kissed into the center of the sphincter.
He sunk beneath the seed’s surface, suspended in the middle of the sac as the walls surrounding him became restless. Hogan’s grunt's grew louder, distorted as they became strained. Hard thumps shook the chamber, and the star above winked before it opened its entrance like a floodgate. A suction dragged at his body, pulling him against the widening entrance. Its lips barely passed his shoulder, the current flowing through his armpit as he held his breath.
A watery slosh echoed the chamber, before Hogan’s roar overwhelmed it.
Hogan’s body tensed, the controller in his hand slipping to the pocket of the couch. He stared weakly at his seed soaked palm, its grip still stroking his shaft as his hips bucked. "Can’t.. Hold it in..I.." he choked on his words, his head launching back into the cushion of his sofa. 
His hips locked, and seed erupted from his cock. Its warm fluid flowed like lava from an active volcano, a creamy stream filling his shorts as another drenched the corners of the chamber. He huffed as he regained control of his body, looking down to his member. its meaty length throbbed against his inner thigh, satisfied as it returned to its flaccid state.
In his weak stare, he looked to his bulging sac, the swollen orbs drooping over the side of the couch. "You kinky bastard.." he huffed softly, staring at the right nut that rocked slowly.
Inside, the pond had all but drained from inside the chamber, reduced to a hollow husk as fluid dressed the walls in webs. Stuck against the ceiling, Peppe remained, smothered by a wad of gunk as it dripped to the bottom of the chamber.
"I told ya..I wasn't finished." He smiled weakly, peeled from the ceiling as if he were a sticker. The chamber softened his fall, as it rocked slowly.. "How'd your game go?"
Hogan looked toward the screen, bits of his fluid dripping from the corners of the frame. Banter boomed from the microphone, gamertags from both his team and the opposite team flashing,
"Eh, they’ll.” he said. "Really wanted to get that streak. Was gonna get it too, until a twerp decided to get frisky.
"oo bummer." Peppe said. “Guess it goes to show you can’t shove something in your balls and not expect consequences.”
A flick shook the testicle. "Don't be so high and mighty, Dumpling. You're still in punishment time. But since you saved me the trouble of unloading in there, it’s only fair you do your part in making it.”
“You want me to make the pool all over again, didn’t you just climax?” Peppe asked, picking up a soft huff from the walls. “Wait a second, you’re not trying to get me to build up all that just for you to enjoy it personally?”
“I..I have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s simply a fitting punishment for a brat like you.” he said. “Just be sure to rub them deep. So..so I’ll know if you’re doing your task.”
Peppe places his hands at his hips. “Uh huh, sure.” he traveled through the mush  of seed toward the wall, reaching at a palm as he scratched at its surface. The chamber jostled in place, heavy thumps returning as they shook the walls.
“Oo..just a little to the right..”
“Do you want me to pleasure you with both my hands, Hogan?”
“Yeah..Er! I mean no-”
“Hah, gotcha. You’re totally into this!”
“Why you little-..this is supposed to be punishment. You’re not supposed to be enjoying this!”
“It’s not like I’m going anywhere. If I’m gonna be put to work, I might as well have fun with it, right? Oo! Now that I think about it, this space is just enough to bounce around it.”
“Dumpling, I forbid you to even try- Mm! No stop-mm..eassy in there!”
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mmmleckerlecker · 7 months
I just… *clenches fist* love preds who, as a personal rule, don’t ever let their prey out once they’re in their stomach. like physically they COULD, but they just… won’t
and it isn’t even a malicious thing. they have plenty of prey friends that they have never and WILL NEVER touch… unless the prey gives the go-ahead. and a lot of times the prey friend doesn’t even really comprehend what they’re getting into like…
“are you even really a pred? I’ve never actually seen you eat someone one,” friend 1 asks.
“oh, I definitely am,” the pred answers without even looking up from their phone.
“yeah?” friend 2 prompts. “could you do a little demonstration to prove it?”
that gets the pred’s attention. “what? on one of you?”
friend 1 shrugs. “yeah sure. if you can even do it.”
the pred is already sliding their phone into their pocket. “and this is what you really want?”
“yes, definitely,” friend 2 confirms. “I’ve known you for years. I’d really like to see you try.”
“well,” the pred says as they reach for friend 2, “if it’s what you really want…”
and within a minute, friend 2 slides smoothly down the pred’s throat and fills out their stomach. “told ya,” is all the pred has to say.
the pred gives friend 1 a few minutes to run their hands over their belly in awe, feeling friend 2 within curiously poking about their new surroundings. eventually the interest wears off and the pred sits back down, returning to their phone.
“aren’t you going to let them out?” friend 1 asks after a moment.
the pred squeezes absentmindedly at their stomach’s new occupant and only spares a distracted glance at friend 1. “ah sorry, no. I’ve never let a prey back out before and I’m not about to start now.”
the form within them begins to shift about a little more uncomfortably.
“but… but they’re your friend?” friend 1 can only stutter.
“yeahhh, they are,” the pred agrees looking genuinely a little sympathetic. “but you guys said you were cool with it and I’m not about to change how I do things now. again, sorry.”
by now, friend 2 is in a panic trying to escape, but the pred seems unbothered. they merely knead their prey back into submission with one hand and continue typing on their phone with the other.
at a loss, friend 1 can only stand there and gape. the rest of the day they’re forced to watch the pred’s belly get smaller and softer, knowing friend 2’s fate is partly their fault and they themself were only spared by pure chance. they try not to flinch every time friend 2 gathers what strength they have left to fight back, but their struggles grow weaker with each passing hour. friend 1 never challenges the pred’s abilities again.
or… OR the prey knows EXACTLY what they’re getting into, or so they think. they’ve been dating the pred for a long while now and have been considering offering themself as a meal lately. the idea of being made one with their lover is very appealing to them. but they also know it’s very permanent so it’s taken months to build up the nerve to take that one last leap of faith. finally they find the courage to ask.
the pred raises a surprised eyebrow. “really?” they question in disbelief. they aren’t opposed to the idea, they just never would have expected it from their lover.
the prey nods sheepishly, cheeks growing bright red.
the pred immediately drops everything and gives their partner their undivided attention, expression deadly serious. “you know it’s a one way trip, right? this decision is final.”
“I know,” is all the prey answers. “I’ve always known.”
the pred nods, satisfied. without further ado, the take their partner into their mouth. they ever so slowly swallow them down, giving them plenty of opportunity to change their mind. but they don’t. a few minutes later, the prey is sealed within their final resting place.
to keep things romantic, the pred puts on their partner-turned-meal’s favorite movie while they digest. at first, it’s just a tingling sensation for the prey. but then it’s an all encompassing burning. suddenly, this is far less romantic than they’d expected. their pred partner had always been so sweet and gentle, but then inside of their stomach is absolutely brutal and unrelenting.
“I’ve changed my mind,” the prey suddenly gasps, fighting against the crushing walls. “I don’t want this anymore. please. let me out.”
the pred just gives their belly a few comforting rubs. “sorry, love. but you already know that what goes into my stomach doesn’t ever come back out. you’re just going to have to stay right where you are.”
this isn’t what the prey wants to hear. they quickly turn to begging, then bargaining. finally they’re reduced to sobbing. it all falls on deaf ears as the prey massages their lover throughout the whole process and continues watching the movie. by the time the film is over, the prey has given up on escape. the only signs of life the pred can feel as they get ready for bed is the occasional twitch or shiver from within. when they crawl into bed and curl around their belly, they make sure to wish their partner one last goodnight. the only response they get is a weakened kick. the pred smiles as they drift to sleep.
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eluxurex · 27 days
I suddenly got this random idea. Had to share it if course before I forget.(I have a lot random thoughts Ik)
Blind prey in need of assistance. They weren't born blind; some days ago, they were caught up in a car accident resulting in permanent blindness in one eye. The other eye hadn't been been has badly damaged, but it was almost just as terrible. They could barely make out anything with that one eye. So it was as good as saying they couldn't see at all.
Obviously, losing one's sight so suddenly would be devastating. They were confused. They weren't show how they continue life like this. Hell, how where they meant to go home? Do their job? They had so many questions.
They suddenly felt a hand on their shoulder. "You looked a bit stumped there." A deep, masculine voice said. "Need some help getting back home?".
They nodded. To be truthful, they didn't really trust this person that was offering to help them. Since they couldn't see, it was impossible to tell whether this person was some sort of volunteer or some weirdo who was taking advantage of their disability for ill intent. But there weren't many options left out for them to pick.
Without warning, they were slowly lifted up into the air. "What are you doing?!" They demanded. They obviously wasn't liking where things were going.
They only got a deep chuckle in response. "I really don't want to risk anything happening to you as I escort you back, so I'll just have to do it this way." He said. "Sorry about this, little guy. I promise I'll be gentle with you."
"What-" They didn't have time to complete their sentence before they stuffed into the man's mouth. The man must have been really skilled in doing this; it didn't take long before there was nice big bulge in the man's stomach.
They forced into foetal position in the tight confines. Though it wasn't exactly squishing them, it was compacted enough to keep them in place. They could hear the man's slow and steady heartbeat as he let out a sigh, which sounded louder from the inside.
"Now, that we've got that part behind us, your address?...."
(Anyways, they became good friends. Istg, every time I say, "I've gotten a idea!", I just write out an entire story. Srry lol)
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lstories · 1 year
mmm, maybe you can write a story were the reader gets ate cus they aren't sleeping?
Warming Scales
Sorry it took a while to write. I'm not sure what happend, I lost the will to write and I tried things to get it back, and then after a while I just started writing again. I hope I can get more storys out as well. And thanks so much for the ask, sorry if it's not the best.
(Safe, Soft, vore, protective, unwilling, fearplay)
Wordcount: 3'957
You type away on your keyboard, each awnser being remembered and forgotten in the same second. A sigh drowns out as you can barely keep yourself from crying due to the repetitive and probably useless work. A particularly loud clack of the enter button has your boyfriend shifting in bed. You look at the work you have left to do, and then down to the time. You had been sitting at this desk working on the same folder of problems for the past 7 hours. It was 3AM and you were a little over half way done.
Charress woke up to a strange sound. He looked over to the clock as it read 3:19. He struggled to look over to the source of light that made him need to squint, seeing the chair siluet in front of the monitor, he realized it was the sound of sobbing he heard. He mostly got off the bed, most of his tail still spun into a nest. The soft sound of scales moving across the ground echoed off the walls. He turned the chair around, with your arms beginning to fallow. Your head fell from your hands, quickly being caught by his hand. His cool scales felt nice on your burning face. You gripped onto his hand and forearm as he took your legs with your other arm.
"Shhhhhh... come on. Let's go to bed."
Charress began to lay back down on his tail, using a coil to support your back as he steadied himself with his hand. He pushed your legs under the covers and pulled you a bit closer. You pushed back, pulling up his shirt and quickly snuggling into his chest. The cool scale like skin slightly cooling down wherever you touched. Charress slightly laughed to himself for a moment as you pushed yourself into him.
"Heh. Even threw closed eyes you can find your way back to your favorite spot on the bed."
As he pulled his shirt back over you, he could feel you slightly chuckle before going back to quiet sobbing. He started rubbing your shoulders, helping you sink into him and helping get the tears out.
"Yn, I thought we agreed that you wouldn't stay up this late anymore."
"N-no, you suggeste-ed it and i-I ignored it." You could feel your tears flowing onto his chest, you thought it was a wonder that he didn't hate you. "I-I need to finish t-this last assign-nment."
"Do you like watching me be hurt?"
"W-what?!" You couldn't believe it. What kind a question was that. Of course you didn't. You moved your head to the collar of his shirt getting ready to say something else.
He stopped rubbing your shoulders, moving a hand down to hold yours and another to hold your face, wiping a tear away from your eye. "Waching you kill yourself over every single course every night, it... it hurts to watch you ignore every bit of help you need. So I'm done asking. I need you to stay in this bed for the rest of the night, and no more thinking about college."
You could see the look on his face, it was one of the few times you've seen him this serious. You moved your hand up to his, pressing it a bit firmer into your cheek. You did your best to stop any sounds of crying and looked back into his pinkish eyes. "I know your just looking out for me and I can't stop loving you for it, but I have to finish this. I'll be done soon." As you finished, you pulled his hand away from your cheek and crawled out of his shirt. As you started stepping over a coil, you looked back, seeing sadness in his serious eyes, but needing to ignore it. You step over another coil, but feel a slight tug on your arm. You look back and see your hands still connected. You try to pull away, but he won't let go of you, gently rubbing your hand with his thumb.
"Charress, you can't force me to stay in bed with you. I still have work I need to do." You began tugging on his arm more harshly, trying to get his fingers to lose their grip.
"No, I dont want to force you to stay in bed YN, I'd rather that be your decision."
"OK! I made up my mind, now let go!" You had grabbed your arm with the other, pulling with everything you had to make him let go of you.
"(Inhale)(Exhale) No." He pulled you closer, a coil tripped you as you fell on top of him. He put an arm around your back to hold you close to him, letting go of your hand and hugging you into him. A coil fell on top of your thrashing legs as you tried everything to despretly get away without screaming in the clostrophobic fear you felt. He had never done anything like this before, and you started to fear what he'd do next.
"You can't keep me here! This isn't right! Let me go! I'll struggle out eventually!"
"Your probably right." You slowed your thrashing when you heard this. Your breathing was alread heavy and you could feel his was too. "I probably won't be able to keep you close to me, so I just need to keep you in me." Your eyes went wide as you heard that.
"Yo,-you can't mean that... right? Charres?" You could start to feel your heart beat out of your body as adrenaline started flowing. You could feel the end of his tail begin to coil around your ankles. "NO! Charress, please, I'm sorry, ok! I promise I'll stay in bed!" You had heard rumors that nagas were controlling, demanding, but extremely loyal and protective.
"Last time you promised that, you got up an hour after I went to sleep and started working again." You had also heard rumors that nagas in inter species relationships would sometimes eat their partner.
You could feel his coils wraping you two together. His stomach to yours, your chest to his. "Ok, I'm sorry, I promise I'll stay here just stop. Please! Charress!" You could still feel his hands massaging into your back like he was trying to calm you down after threatening to eat you. Maybe that's just it, he threatened to eat you because he cares about you, he loves you to much to eat you.
"I believe you," your eyes lit up as he said that, your head fell to his neck as you started crying again, and a tear fell down his shoulder. "But I love you to much to take the chance of you killing yourself anymore... So I promise you'll be safe. I'll let you out after you get some rest."
Dread. As you started to look up, you saw his mouth coming right at you. With a sickening squelch and pop your face entered his. You could barely focus on the thin tounge licking your face up and down. His throat looked bottomless right in front of you. The noises sounded, strangely comforting to some back part of your mind. The continues licking and stickiness of saliva fill you with fear, but also started to make you tired. You could barely focus on anything, let alone him licking your tears away. His fangs were stuck into the top of his mouth like they're ready to stab you at any moment. You mind started racing and just as soon, you heard a sound of death.
You heard a gulp as your face was pulled into his throat. The paralyzing fear flooded out of you as you started thrashing and moving as much as you could, harder than you ever had to before. You bent yourself in weird ways just to stop this. You knew the dangers and still went on that date, is this the price you get for wanting to feel love? You could feel another gulp, as you were pulled down further into the warm throat. You could feel tears and saliva mixing on your skin as you were dragged and pushed further into them. "O-Ok! OK! I'm s-Sorry! P-pl-pl-PLEASE! I'll Do what you want! I-I'll quit college if you want me to, J-Just LET ME OUT! P-please... I can't take anymore of this!"
Everything had stopped. You could start to feel his teeth dig into your skin threw his lips. You could feel a small bead of water drip onto your back. You thought that was it, he'd let you go now.... doom sounded again.
You tried to make a sound, but only a squeak came out as you were pulled further into his throat. The gulps came harder and faster, your head being forced into his chest and the once comforting heartbeat now sounding your end. You couldn't make a sound, your chest pressed into his ribs, barely allowing you to breath. Another and another gulp boomed around you as his throat quickly pushed into every part of you. You could feel your head touching something hard, like a ring stopping you from going any further. He swallowed again, forcing your neck to crunch into itself. It finally gave way and your head slid into his stomach. You could feel each muscle squish into you, examining you, tasting you. You could finally take a deep breath of the wet air, barely feeling your chest move his body. Your hands finally entered the mouth and you started to feel around. His gums, the hard teeth, his toung cutely wrapping around your fingers... No, it wasn't cute anymore. Then on the roof of his mouth you could feel his fangs. You tried to pry one out, but as he swallowed again, you could feel your finger get pricked just before your hand followed you down. You started to give up, you were basically in his stomach, you had no more energy and you now had venom in your system. He kept swallowing, forcing more of you into him.
You could feel him start to move. A spark of hope appeared, before getting crushed yet again. You were moved down as he began moving you around. Your feet hit the bed and he moved down, getting your lower half in one gulp. You tired to keep your legs straight, but the sudden motion kept them moving and your struggling body to curl up even more. Your feet plopped in uncerimonusly, adding to the scrunched up pile. Tears continued to run down your face and your mouth was wide open, taking in as much oxygen as you could.... All you could think, was that this is how I died.
A cold wind hit the back of your neck as the stomach you were in started to expand. You heard more gulping. "Fresh" air finally entered your lungs. He was keeping you alive, or, just prolonging your punishment for disobeying him. Tears would have come harder if you had any left to shed.
You shook as he started talking, you could feel his lungs close to you pushing and contracting threw the slimy wall. "I'm sorry if I scared you, but its easier to explain-" you didn't let him finish, violently pushing out in every direction and punching where you could feel his lungs.
"No shit you scared me! LET ME OUT! I can't- I" you started gasping for air, your legs and arms almost immediately giving out after just a few seconds. You leaned back, trying your best to steady yourself as his arms and hands pushed into you. You slipped slightly and the side of your face collided with the back of his stomach, his breath was strained slightly and you could hear his heartbeat faster than usual. You gave a slight push outwards with your foot, you could tell you weren't getting out of here. Might as well make the best out of this situation. You started settling your breathing and listened to his body like you did most nights, just... louder. "You said you hated seeing me kill myself, did you just want to take the glory instead?
"What, of course not." His voice came in an echoey feeling. It was hard to pinpoint but just louder than the bubbly noises and pops of his stomach. "I just want you to sleep and feel better. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."
"Well the sting of betrayal hurts a lot more than working."
"...oh, I should have figured. I just thought it would be easier to explain if you were already inside."
"Oh, explain that I'm safe. I know that's exactly what monsters do to convince people their ok and to not fight back. I've watched the news I know how it works." Your breathing were both going back to normal.
......."I'm sorry. It was rash, but it was hard to think of anything else. But I would never 'eat' eat you. I'll let you out after you've had enough sleep."
..."I still don't really believe you, but you might as well digest me. I have your venom running threw my systems" you pushed your leg back out where you felt his hand. Bringing it back after the strain of a few seconds.
"What? You already know what it does, I would have pulled you out the second I thought that too much had entered your system."
"What?" You stifled a yawn as you could feel his venom running up the veins in your arm. "No... no it...?"
"...It makes you-"
"Tired." As you cut him off, you started to remember the two pronged scar on your neck.
"You wanted me to use it on you once. You had human insomnia, and asked for anything to help you sleep. You'll be fine, when you wake up you'll just be a bit bleary and out of it."
You could feel the odd toxin in your neck, directly entering your bone. "Charress!" Your eyes drifted closed without the energy to keep them open, and you could feel his hand matching yours from the outside. You could feel the venom enter the back of your neck, crawling its way into the back of your skull. With the last pang of fear your body could force out. "I... I don't want to die."
His other hand layed across the back of your head. "You're safer than you ever have been."
You felt like you had shattered. You couldn't tell if you were cold or warm, looking at yourself threw someones eyes or looking threw your own. You couldn't describe anything, even where you were, it was.... it wasn't even nothing. It was the lack of anything. Not black not white, just nothing. You turned, looking around you could still somehow recognize you were in a room, but nothing was there that could indicate that. You could tell your body was still there. You had no indication or anything to go off of, but you could still feel... something. You moved your eyes slightly to read something. You were reading, and you felt, more real somehow. You were dragged out of whatever trance it was as you felt something slightly cool hit the top of your head as the nothingness began to grow black.
You could feel something very cold touching your arm. Without thinking you grabbed it, feeling the plastic crunch of a water bottle. You quickly opened it and began downing it as fast as you could. The coolness spreading threwout your body made you realize just how warm you were. You didn't realize the ringing until you started to hear the faint gulps above you and pops and gurgles around you. Another small object hit the top of your head, followed by another, softer one. A voice buzzed above you, just above the ringing in your ears.
"Well weren't you thirsty... have a good rest?"
You still couldn't get a train of thought going properly, reaching around to find the small object. Something clicked under you and your eyelids burned keeping out a majority of the light. You did your best to crack your eyes open, seeing the red pulsing walls all around you. There was maybe an inch and a half of space between you and the wall. You looked down, seeing your knees slightly bent as a you could see the slithering muscles bulge right under your knees for a few seconds. You let your head fall as your breathing started to come in painfully. You reached out, pushing a hand into the red surface and watching it stretch as far as you could push it. You did your best to sit up, giving you a bit more room to move. The light began to gleam in weird ways as two objects were caught behind your back. You reached out, grabbing both with either hand. There was a flashlight and a plastic bag filled with a few sandwiches and paper towels. "YN... are you ok?" You did your best to look up to the echoing voice, unsure how to respond. You looked down at yourself, feeling fine. You slightly pulled up your shirt, seeing no bruises, burns, or blood of any kind.
"Uhmm... ya. I'm all right. Could-... could I get some more water?"
He did his best to chuckle at the request. "Of course. Anything."
You tried to smile back, unsure of how to feel at your current predicament. You slightly scrunched your knees to your chest, giving you a bit more room to move around. You opend the plastic bag, grabbing the paper towels and wiping your hands and your face off. Your eyes were starting to get used to the light as you grabbed the sandwich, taking a bite and tasting peanut butter and jelly. It was weird, knowing you were eating something while being in a stomach. You heard more gulps as another water bottle gently fell onto your shoulder, quickly falling down to your side. You finished off the rest of the sandwich as you put the trash back into the bag, still unsure of how to feel about this.
"Did you sleep well?" You could feel Charress pressing into the sides of your shoulders.
You cracked open the water bottle and took a sip. "Umm, I think. I had the weirdest dream though."
"Well, I hope it wasn't too unpleasant in there, cause you slept for 14 hours."
You slightly choked on your water as you heard him say that. "What? What time is it."
"Basically 6pm. I checked, and you didn't have anywhere to be today, so I let you sleep for a while. But... do you want to come out?"
You pressed your palm into the soft wall. It felt really nice, and hearing the little hums of pleasure he made around you felt good too, but the small pit in your stomach was turning uncomfortably and you felt you needed to leave. "Umm, could you start a bath for both of us?"
"Mmmm, oh, uh, ya. We probably shouldn't leave that gunk on you for too long."
You started to feel movement around you. Looking forward, you could see the dark void in front of you turning and bending as the soft sound of scales on hardwood vibrated beneath you. Laying back out, you felt the turns moving your body in tandem. You'd laid down on his scales as he moved before, but being inside was a much... weirder experience to be sure. Some part of you rather liked it, feeling each muscle feeling at you, massaging you, knowing it's you. But you opend your eyes, seeing the the red pulsing stomach around you, lines you couldn't identify, and weard dents that formed and smoothed out rithmicly. It my your own stomach tossed looking at it, quickly moving to turn off the light. But a part of you looked into the void in front of you and wanted to fill it. You turned off the light and placed a hand on the wall, feeling him humm above you as you started rubbing the muscles surrounding you.
With every sound slightly echoing around you, you could hear the slight difference as he entered another room. The movement came to a stop as the small ammount of liquid moved you forward slightly. You could hear Charress fumbling with something outside, then hearing the wood rolling draw of a drawer. You could almost imagine him taking you around the house on his scales, like this was normal. You drew your hands back resting them on your chest, the slight disappointed whine you heard almost every night slightly shook above you. It didn't take him long before you heard the creak of the bathroom door, and his scales sliding smoothly over the tile floor. You could hear the rushing water start behind you for a while and his tail splash in. You started feeling warmer for a bit before you were pulled upwards, feeling his stomach cradling you like a hammock as you reached out on either side grabbing a handful of muscle, and you could feel him murr above you.
You made yourself let go, pulling you hands up to your face as your breathing came in harder and faster. The tight muscles squeezed you upwards as a pop sounded around your ears. Two hands caught your back as you were slowly allowed to move downwards by them. You moved your hands away seeing Charress helping the rest of your knees and legs out of his mouth as he set you down into the warm water. You could only think about how demeaning it felt to be vomit as your back and head were lowered down. Finally your feet splashed into the water, and with all of you out, you felt so... exposed. The air was cold, everything was too bright, and the water didn't feel smooth enough. You were glad to be out, but something made you feel unsafe. "Y/N, are you ok?"
You propped yourself up, feeling the pattern indentation of his scales under your hand, your eyes drifting down. You were in there. Your mind was spinning, feeling.... diffrent, every second. "Ya. I'm- I think I'm ok. Thanks." You turned around in the water, leaning back into him as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. His hands went up your back and started pushing on your shoulders, massaging out all the knots from your sleep. His tail moved slowly under the water, creating a small nest around you as you sat..... "So... what did it feel like for you? Was- did it feel... good?" You cringed at your own words. You knew the type of awnser you wanted to hear, and you couldn't understand why you wanted to hear it.
"I felt protective, but it only felt good after you woke up and realized you were ok. I'm- I am sorry again... for scaring you."
"It's ok, but make sure you ask if you're going to do something like that again." Your own thoughts burned your head. You couldn't believe what you were thinking. "If...... if it made you feel good-" this was insane. You shouldn't be asking this type of question at all. "Would you maybe want to try it again?"
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wendy130 · 1 year
Can I request for some platonic Drunz noms? :)
Have a cookie 🍪 :D
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// I have no idea what their duo is like but I feel as if Dream playfully annoys Punz
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del-eatme · 7 months
As I lay semi-curled up in the slimy pouch encasing me I can't even find it within myself to feel angry or upset with the great creature. I was terrified at first, understandably, but now my thoughts have me halt my struggles.
It was just hungry. Something that every living thing needs to satiate, often at the expense of another life. How could I resent something so natural? It was just my unlucky day. It was hungry, and I looked like food. I am food, now. How can I still be as I was after being scouted and tasted and swallowed? Just sustenance.
A strange sense of peace settles over my mind as the deep organic sounds steadily grow louder and the ever-shifting movements of the stomach walls more intense. I don't have to do anything, now. Just digest. Maybe I was always going to end up here. Maybe this is how it's supposed to be. The thought coupled with the oxygen-scarce air dizzied me.
I soon found myself unable to lift my eyelids any longer. My body slumps against the slimy walls. I fade and succumb to the powerful creature which has devoured so many before me, joining its greatness.
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jack-the-nibbler · 2 years
Valentine’s Tea
A belated oneshot where Jack spends time with you in a rather...unconventional way on Valentine’s Day.
“Well, luv, I promised the perfect afternoon tea for you, didn’t I? You seemed to enjoy your little treats…I only think it’s fair for me to indulge now.”
All you could do was stare up at Jack from your position on his plate, hanging onto every word he said. You had gladly accepted his invitation after work, and he’d been nothing but a gentleman. The chocolates and treats practically melted in your mouth, and the tea was the perfect temperature and sweetness…and had been laced with a shrinking potion, condemning you to end up in the same position as a cream puff.
You watched Jack grab a spoon and drop two cubes of sugar into his cup and stir them around. He still looked rather cute, especially in this attire-a coat and top hat the color of dark chocolate, deep pink waistcoat and bowtie, heart-patterned dress shirt, and small roses pinned to his lapel and hat band. But that sly, hungry smile on his face put you off. You’d only been dating Jack for a little while, and though he was sweet, there was an air of danger around him. Surely he wouldn’t hurt you though…right?
Jack took a few long sips of tea, heaving a delighted sigh. His stomach gave a low growl as the drink settled. It almost felt like his stomach was beckoning to you…or were you just tense? Your unease didn’t go unnoticed. With utmost care, he took you in his hand and lifted you up to face level.
“Darling, there’s no need to be afraid,” Jack cooed. “Perhaps I could soothe you with a few kisses. Might that help?” Before you could respond, you were moved terrifyingly close to his mouth…which you’d eventually end up inside. Those soft lips moved in and pressed against your middle with a soft “mwah”. It tickled quite a bit!
Jack chuckled before planting another kiss, then another, and another. His fingers kept you from squirming free as his plush lips tickled you. You laughed and pushed against Jack’s face, having to endure the onslaught of smooches. Your fears had mostly dissipated…at least until one kiss turned into a lick.
“Shhh, darling…just relax. I’ll take care of you.” He whispered. Jack’s tone, soft as silk, was enough to ease you again. His warm tongue slid up along your front, lingering on your face. You felt each taste bud squishing against you, savoring you, painting you in a layer of saliva. With every lap of his plush tongue, Jack purred fondly at your flavor.
You were soon placed back down, but not for long. Jack took a small dish of melted chocolate and drizzled it over you. The sweet fluid thankfully wasn’t hot, but it did stick to you. You looked up at your boyfriend, watching him lick his lips and reach for a fork.
“I did say I prepared a shiny fork and knife just for you too, yes? Luckily for you, I’m not putting the knife to use.” He said. You did scoot back as the tines drew close, praying that Jack wouldn’t think to spear you. Thankfully he only scooped you up, slowly bringing you back to his lips.
Jack opened his mouth, his warm, clean breath washing over you. He gave you a moment to admire the view-his white teeth, pink tongue, and dark entrance to his esophagus. You were so entranced, you barely noticed him sliding you inside. As the fork pulled away, leaving you on Jack’s tongue, the reality of the situation set back in.
“W-Wait!” You cried, but it was too late. Jack shut his mouth, sealing you in darkness and leaving you at the mercy of his tongue. The soft muscle slipped and squished around you, suckling up the chocolate from your form. His soft hums vibrated around you, saliva clinging to you as the chocolate melted away.
After a minute or two of tasting, Jack’s tongue nudged you towards the back of his throat. Your feet slid over the edge, down into the tunnel of flesh. Trying to pull yourself up would be pointless-the surface was simply too slippery. You gasped as you slipped in, watching the throat open below you. In a single, small glk, you were sent on your way to your boyfriend’s tummy.
The walls of Jack’s gullet were slick and soft, the peristalsis steadily squeezing you downward. It was tight, but not crushing, feeling more like an odd full-body massage. An additional pressure was placed on you, the surrounding muscles pulsing with a hum. You realized that Jack was pressing a finger against you-feeling you travel down his esophagus. He panted softly, licking remnants of your taste from his lips as you slid past his collarbone.
After what felt like hours of being squeezed downwards, you fell from the end of the gullet and landed in a fleshy pouch. Jack’s stomach. Almost immediately, it started to churn and pulse around you, trying to determine the size of its new occupant. It briefly contracted as a small belch escaped his mouth.
“Ah, pardon me! My belly is just so happy to have you, luv!” Jack remarked. “You truly are an exquisite treat, my dear…here, allow me to give you a warm little bath.” You tilted your head, then heard gulping you above. Seconds later, you were doused in a cupful of Darjeeling tea. You sputtered as it poured from the sphincter above, filling the stomach up to your waist with the fragrant drink.
You sighed, having no choice but to lay back within the artist’s belly. You were still a bit nervous, yes, but it really was nice and warm. The fleshy walls were just as soft as his tongue, gently gurgling around you. It shouldn’t have felt so nice…especially as Jack carefully pressed down on his belly, rubbing you within himself.
“Mmmh~...Happy Valentine’s Day, luv. I hope you’re cozy, because I’ll be keeping you for a good while.” He cooed. Jack tenderly pressed on you again as he got up, rocking you within as he went to sit in his favorite chair. You sighed, settling into the bath of tea. One hell of a Valentine’s Day gift…oh well. You did feel strangely loved, tucked away inside your boyfriend. Perhaps this wouldn’t be the last time he showed his affection this way…
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tasty-n-sweet · 10 months
Been in a mood I’ve never really been in before: wanting to be semi-willing prey.
Wriggling fruitlessly while they effortlessly slurp me down. Squirming and whining in a pred’s bubbling gut while they coo about how delicious and filling I was. My body slowly digesting into mush, until all that remains of me is some extra weight padding their waist.
Bonus points if they’re an S/O. Extra bonus points if I get reformed and eaten multiple times.
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pineappleparfaitie · 6 months
CW/TW//:fatal vore,vore with heavily implied digestion,implied digestion with reformation, some mean words not rlly but still,GOOPY DIGESTION NO GORE!!
This isnt like my usual content but i wanted...SOMETHING other then regular shmuck.
Thats it
This is more closer to canon N if anyone anything
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benjaminthewolf · 1 year
Wally Darling (Welcome Home) Lol (Good Ending)
So I hear that this guy's a sexyman. Welp, Wally simps, including @luci-voracious-blog who I wrote this for, come get your juice!
Also, I know a lot of people will recognize where this story takes inspiration from, so I'll just say it right here that I swear to fucking Vishnu this story is SFW. I do not intend anything other than SFW vibes from this story.
(Update: Luci and I decided in private it would still be best to mark this as mature.)
(Also the inspiration is from Feedfancier's Belly Love Journey animation.)
     “How are you feeling now, little one?” Wally Darling calmly speaks as he softly caresses you in his hands. “I’m sure far better than you were back in that storm.”
     Almost as if on cue, the bellowing crack of a lightning strike and the subsequent shaking of thunder ravaging against the outside of the home positively cut through the moment, causing Wally to instinctively bring you closer towards his chest for immediate comfort. Soon, however, there is no more outside noise aside from the constant baraging of rainfall, at which point Wally decides to speak up once more.
     “Well, that wasn’t very pleasant, now was it?” he rhetorically asks with a chuckle whilst continuing to hold your tiny form extremely close to his being.
     You, however, for the moment, are just simply in no position to give an answer of any sort to that question, even if one wasn’t really needed in the first place. Wally gives a bit of a nervous gaze of concern down at your being as you suddenly begin to softly sniffle. His grip around your body slowly loosens as you vainly attempt to conceal yourself in his jacket, positively burying yourself into his chest.
     Wally doesn’t exactly wish to bother you too much, considering the traumatizing horrors you must have gone through in the storm. He is rather aware that whatever mental processes are going on inside your mind right now, it would probably be better to just allow them to do their thing to heal you instead of interrupting them to speak.
     Thus, Wally simply observes your minute body silently, eventually deciding to re-tighten his hold ever so slightly after realizing just how comforting being against his giant body seems to be for you. It then seems as if his assumptions become validated the moment that your breathing is steadied with a heave, and a bittersweet smile slowly forms across your face.
     Wally’s assumption is only partially correct, however. Yes, the feeling of having someone so confoundedly larger than you gently nestling your miniscule form against its immensity and caring for all of it so deeply was something you had basically never experienced at this point…however…there just…almost seemed to be something somehow even more wonderful lurking somewhere even more deep. Perhaps…tucked away between several layers of flesh and skin. It almost made you want to melt into it, and be a part of its workings and warmth now and forever.
     Releasing a shudder of comfort, you are gently able to nuzzle your face upon the living puppet’s chest, listening intently to each thump emulating from his heart, and slowly breathing deeply to its beat. 
     “Oh…you poor little thing. All you really needed was affection, is that right?” Wally comments whilst bending his head down to reach to your form. “Well I promise you right here right now…” he tenderly murmurs down to your being. “....that I am always here for you if you need…”
     Wally gently plants a kiss on your head before repeating the final portion for emphasis. “...I am always here if you need…-”
     And then, just like that, everything stopped. 
     It obviously wasn’t as if Wally had intended for it to happen, but because his lips had been around the top of your head whilst he had been taking in air in order to speak, it just happened to be that the pressure that resulted from the upwards motion was also just enough to bring you in, too, causing Wally to instantly jolt into an upright sitting position, whilst his currently extremely stunned, faltering, overburdened mind jittered around inside of its skull tirelessly in order to attempt to figure out what was happening. 
     It would also just happen to be, then, that within that short window of time, you were still somewhat under control of yourself and your actions. Resulting from this, had you just decided to act simply a singular second before, then it most likely would have been that the singular thought that currently screeched within your meager mind practically begging you to call out to be released would have won out in the end. However, in reality, that just simply did not happen.
    Currently, you were just barely able to lift your head within the tightened, lowered confines that was the warm, slimy maw of Wally Darling, without scraping your head up against the roof’s rough ridges. Within a second that seemed instantaneous, however, not only did the maw unexpectedly rise in order to give you significant space to move about, but there also appeared to be a brilliant, yellowish light shining towards the back of the maw, near the gullet, illuminating the pinkish space all around, and beckoning dearly for you.
     Wally was still unable to think, and to you, in that moment, there seemed to be simply no reason to. Shuffling slowly on your knees across the slippery, compressible surface, you cautiously inched your way closer and closer towards the light, nearing into the gullet’s deep drop with each shift.
     Just above your head by this stage lay the uvula, swaying subtly and gently across its domain over the fall. Just like you, it possessed an inscrutable lack of any fear. Unlike you, however, the uvula was destined to remain watchful and stationary, locked upon the top of the soft palate, where it would observe your form lodging itself into the gullet. The gullet of a sentient puppet, who, due to the strange and uncomfortable sensation, was given no choice by his body but to comply, swallowing gently yet fully as a result.
     You are able to slip past the byway, the place where either one entered the tube of the trachea, or, as you had done now, entered the tube of the esophagus; connected in turn with the gurgling organ of the stomach. Yes, indeed, in any regular circumstance, that would indeed be the next destination. However, as you squelched deeper and deeper with each subsequent push of the muscle walls, it somehow became an understanding inside you that the stomach was not where you were headed. You were not entirely sure where exactly the alternate exit was to be for you, however. That was, however, until one final push left a valve in plain sight. The moment the valve opened up was the moment you understood all.
     Speechlessly floating up onto the powerful, thumping organ which for so long had been assumed to be the seat of all human emotions, you quiveringly nestled yourself up onto the heart of a person who, despite being a puppet in technicality, was no less a person than you. You would have loved to just stay there. To stay there and take it all in. To stay there against the deep pounding. To stay there and melt deep inside. That was all you wanted, and also all you had. The unapologetic and by all measures, cruel, faceless concept of fate, however, possessed a significantly different idea.
     It was only a more powerful thump. That was all that it was. Yet that single thump was indeed all which was needed, to send you from your grasp upon the seat of love. You weren’t entirely sure into which valve, ventricle, or otherwise bodily causeway you were being forced into, now. Yet, the next thing you knew, you were squelching into the growling stomach.
     “OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!” Wally repeated to himself incessantly as he started shuddering, locked in mortal terror. “OH, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO OH LORD THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING THIS JUST CANNOT BE HAPPENING!”
      Alongside the cries and anguish, there also was just a little air released out, which came, naturally, within the form of a deep belch. Wally could indeed perceive only the worst from this sign, still utterly unable to know the truth of his body.
     Due to the manner in which the puppet was known to always speak, the pleadings were still far too soft for you to be able to sense them above the stomach's glorping, low ambiance. You, meanwhile, though still very safe and situated within the body of said Wally Darling, surrounded now in full by the goopy, churning, cushiony walls of the his stomach, were considerably saddened for the moment, mainly of course, due to the fact you had been forcefully thrusted away from his heart.
     And yet, once again, seemingly out of utter nowhere, the light stone again, shimmering above the deep liquids present within. It seemed as though a clear reminder to you of the true reason you were here. Not daring to question what came next, you simply ventured along, wading in with a step to the pool. Your legs begin treading lightly as you slowly lose physical contact with the ground. The light was now clearer as ever, and now was your chance to reach up. 
     “...hey…are you okay in there?” a suddenly crisp and clear call of Wally Darling finally resonated within from outside.
     And then, just like that, the light became snuffed out. 
     You, now left with nothing else you are able to do besides wade your way back to safe territory, and answer the question in the affirmative, are unsure within the word’s entirety just exactly what was happening within this moment. This being, aside from the physical, of course. Yet nothing within your living body told you that something was wrong, and yet you simply decided to go along with it, giving a tranquil and soft, subtle smile, before nuzzling yourself against the walls.
     “Well then…umm…as long as you’re comfortable I suppose!” Wally ends up saying whilst still taking everything in. “Oh good God I’m happy you’re okay…you see I thought for a minute back there I actually…I….umm…yeah let’s not talk about it anymore. I know you’re safe. That’s all that matters to me.”
     Subsequently giving Wally’s stomach wall a light pat in order to let him know that you were just fine, you proceeded to soak in the organ’s warmth, whilst finally settling for your stay. The journey you’d taken was long, and yet here, it had still, in the end, been destined to conclude in this organ. Taking a prolonged deep breath, you knew this was it. You now needed only to close both your eyes, before finally, slipping away.
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s1desn4cks · 2 years
For Predcanons, what about Stanley from The Stanley Parable or The Narrator?
Oh, I am SO glad someone asked for them. Thank you Anon!
Let’s start with Stanley.
* He’s usually the prey, but when he is a pred he’s very quick about it.
* He prefers not to leave prey in his mouth because he’s afraid of hurting them.
* He’s unsure if he likes the feeling of prey in his stomach or not, and when he leaves them in there for too long he starts to get a stomachache.
* His stomach is slightly softer than a normal humans, and a lot less wet because he doesn’t have to eat like a normal person.
* Because he doesn’t have to eat, his stomach isn’t used to having stuff inside of it, especially moving things.
* Stanley will blush if you fall asleep in his stomach, he’s unsure why.
* The only one he’s okay letting eat him is Narrator, although he’ll still pout when he arrives in Narrator’s stomach. This hasn’t stopped others from eating him, however.
* He secretly enjoys lounging in a full stomach or cup of tea.
* Stanley and Narrator have special ways of communicating when they eat one another since Stanley can’t talk.
* If anyone else tries to eat him, Stanley will flail and panic because he’s scared he won’t be able to communicate with them.
*Stanley will constantly have a hand on his stomach while someone is in there. He feels like it helps remind both him and the person that he knows they are there.
*Stanley will rub or gently prod at his stomach to communicate with whoever is in there.
Now, let’s talk about Narrator (He’s totally a guilty pleasure pred crush lmao)
* Narrator can size shift. He’s able to shift his own size to be incredibly large, or incredibly small. He cannot change others sizes (but I do have an idea for a character who can in my Stanley Vore-able AU~)
* Narrator is a slow pred. He’ll take his time when swallowing someone, and enjoys toying with them as he does.
* If he sees the prey is clearly stressed or scared, he’ll be quicker about swallowing them so he can make them feel secure.
* He enjoys pairing his prey with different foods an drink, even though he doesn’t need to eat either. His usuals are red wine or tea.
* Narrator’s stomach glows a slight yellow color, as well as his throat. He is unaware of this, and since he only ever usually eats Stanley, he’s never been told about it by someone else.
* His heartbeat is always a slow, constant rhythm that you can hear from within his stomach. Since it’s simulated, it never really changes and is great white noise.
* His stomach is used to having things in it for a long time, so someone could stay in his stomach for days without it bothering him.
* Since Narrator can size shift, he can change the size of his stomach as well. Feeling too squished? He’ll make some room. Tummy hug? No problem!
* Narrator will follow his prey’s decent with his fingers until they reach past his collarbone.
* Unless he’s protecting someone, you would never know there’s a prey in his stomach. He usually just goes about his day and leaves them in there for a bit.
* He secretly enjoys how close the prey is while inside him, and how he has a constant reminder that he’s not alone. (Skip button angst, anyone~?)
*Narrator is never a willing prey. Even the few times Stanley has eaten him, he’s only been semi-willing, and it was only when he couldn’t control his shifting or was absolutely exhausted.
*He will sometimes let out low rumbles, almost like purrs, that vibrate his whole body and are able to be felt by the prey. He will deny this to no end.
* If he’s tipsy, he will rub his stomach and purr even more with a prey inside him.
* Narrator loves some good fearplay every now and then, but only if the prey is willing. He has only scared an unwilling prey ONCE, and regretted it immediately after he gulped them down (story in progress~).
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wendy130 · 1 year
forgive me if you aren’t taking art requests rn, but if you are-
could i request some peer pressure duo noms? — 🎲
// I fucking love your peer pressure story (pt1 & pt2) soo :P
// transcript of words under the read more line
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2nd page words:
A long string of "no"s trailing behind Ranboo
3rd page words:
A long string of "no"s as Ranboo gets picked up Ranboo, thought bubble: "Oh god, I'm going to LITERALLY die" Techno, thought bubble: "Oh god, I'm going to die of social interaction"
4th page words:
*wiping drool off*
5th page words:
*muffled cry*
6th page words:
Techno: *soft purrs* Pointing at Ranboo: *passed out*
7th page words:
~~Time Skip~~
Ranboo yawns, next drawing says "where... am I?" Arrow pointing between two drawings: *thinking for a moment* On either side of a concerned Ranboo: OH NO Next drawing: *snoring noises* as Ranboo *touch*es the stomach walls Next drawing, "no"s surrounding Ranboo as he thinks "I don't want to be AWAKE for this--"
8th page words:
*Waking up noises* Techno: "Wh'h'ppen...?" Next drawing, a small "AH" coming from Ranboo as Techno *push*es down & says "Oh-- are you okay?" Next drawing, Ranboo says "...Wth do you think??" Next drawing, Ranboo is squeezed and cries out "wait-- wait-- I'm sorry" over and over again Next drawing, Techno's thought bubble says "Shit-" and he says "kid-- KID-- Relax, I'm getting you out!"
9th page words:
Ranboo is *plop*ed back into Techno's hands
10th page words:
"And then they became BEST FRIENDS" Above Ranboo and Techno it says "HUGS :D"
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fla-vored · 2 years
Welcome back to the blog, hope Nathan is hungry for some prey for we have collected a lot since the last time. Shrunken down for convenience of course.
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Larger prey is also alright with him! But smaller prey, although less filling, is MUCH easier to carry around while bustling through the studio he's working at. He's still gonna have trouble hiding that gut though..
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toast-tales · 2 years
In The World of Monsters, P10
Read on A03  |  Chapter masterlist can be found here
Danny and Christopher find themselves in an odd new living situation. How will this new “trust exercise” go? ~4000 words, g/t, some mouthplay and mention of vore (soft, safe). 
Domestic Life
Christopher's face was too close for Danny's comfort. She worried she had given him the wrong idea—she noticed his mouth part slightly at the end of his sentence.
"Woah, woah, woah. Not right now. I have been inside of too many people in the last twenty-four hours. I think I need some space."
She thought she saw a bit of a pout—like he was going to keep begging her or something—before he backed off, sitting fully upright but still looking at her. Not in a hungry way anymore. More...bemused.
"That's understandable, I suppose. I'm just glad you understand the nature of the situation."
"Yeah, and I bet you're real torn up about that, aren't you, mister 'doesn't-have-an-antidote'? What kind of a second-rate dealer are you?"
Christopher looked almost offended. "Hey now, growth serums aren't exactly common, even among dealers. And there's even less of a market for antidotes. You should be glad I have the connections to get you an antidote at all."
"Hmph," Danny grumbled, taking a corner of the giant hand towel and wrapping it around her. Her wet clothes were still rather uncomfortable, and it was beginning to chill her skin.
Christopher smiled as he saw her huddle into the towel. "Let me get you some new clothes, dollface." She watched him disappear into his bedroom and heard him rummage around in a few drawers for a bit before reappearing, this time with a small wooden box about as big as his hand.
Danny looked at it curiously.
"Let's see...well, I have no guarantees on sizing, but some of these might fit you, you're fairly skinny though..." Christopher rifled through the box's contents before stopping suddenly, then smacking himself in the head. "Whoops. Totally forgot about your little growth spurt. These are all useless."
"Where did you get a box of human clothes?"
Christopher gave her a quizzical look, as if that wasn't the question he expected her to ask. "Well, there's not a lot of demand for human stuff up here, but there are a few human traders who carry a wide assortment of stuff like this. They generally only trade with other humans, but I have connections. Well, had, anyways..." Christopher trailed off, heading back into his room.
She guessed it made sense—the human who had smuggled her into that bar had done so in exchange for protection, right? Maybe he had helped Christopher get other things, too. Danny shuddered. She hadn't really thought about Christopher's human smuggler before. Did he live here too? Did Christopher know he was the one to kidnap her last night?
"Hey...um..." Danny tried to raise her voice so that he'd hear her from the other room.
"Hm?" It sounded like Christopher was still looking around in his room. Did he actually have larger clothes somewhere?
"Do you...does that other human...live here? You know, the one who..."
Christopher cut her off immediately. "No. After the little stunt he pulled last night, I don't think Max will be coming around again. I, ah, ended his contract, so to speak." He grinned devilishly.
"Did you eat him?!" Danny's voice squeaked, a bit more accusatory than she intended.
Christopher passed in front of the doorway, and she saw his face contort in disgust as he strode to the other side of his room. "Eugh, no. Oh, but speaking of which..." She heard a small rattling sound before he emerged from his room, this time holding a very small...well, it looked like a giant-size prescription bottle. He unscrewed the cap and placed it on the table. "Here. Take one and drink up."
Danny looked inside the clear plastic container. Inside, there were tiny, human-sized vials of some sort of bluish liquid. They were still very tiny to her—maybe half the size of her finger. "What the fuck is that?"
"Scent-masking serum. Humans use it to hide their scent from giants. I used to give this to my, uh...employee." Christopher looked embarrassed. "I doubt it'll work at your size, and I don't think it's safe to take more than one at a time. But we might as well see what it does though, hm?"
Danny carefully picked out a vial and eyed the contents suspiciously. It looked like antifreeze. "Well, I'm sure you know what you're doing..." She unscrewed the top of the vial and swallowed the tiny amount of liquid, then nearly coughed it all back up immediately. It took effort to choke it down. "It tastes like shit."
Christopher held a finger up and glanced away as if he was focusing on something. She watched him inhale deeply, then sigh. "Well, at least I tried. It does cover your smell up a little bit, but not enough." Despite his disappointment, he was clearly trying to suppress a grin. She got the distinct impression he had been fully expecting this result anyways.
Danny gingerly placed the empty vial on the table. "How do you even keep track of human stuff this small? This may as well be like...I don't know, a grain of sand to you."
Christopher laughed. "I had Max count those things and package them for me. I tried doing it myself before, but let me tell you, inventory was a bitch. Mostly just tweezers and swearing."
"So, do you have any clothes for me, or...?"
"Well, the short answer is no. The long answer is, I could probably make some, but in the meantime, I'll wash your other clothes and, ah...well, a hair dryer will probably work in a matter of minutes." He gave her a once-over, as if he was judging the state of her worn-out clothes and pondering something. "Is that...the only pair of clothes you have?"
"Of course it's the only pair. Where am I supposed to get human clothes in a giant city, moron? Nathan doesn’t exactly know how to sew."
"But I do." A strangely thoughtful expression settled on Christopher's face. "Once you get back to your regular size, I could probably supply some more clothes for you." Just when Danny thought he sounded halfway sincere, he added with a smirk, "...if you asked nicely."
Danny just gave him an ugly sneer in return.
Before he could make another smart comment, a loud growl escaped Christopher's stomach. He sounded starved, and Danny watched as he gripped his stomach and winced, as if in pain.
"...you good?" Danny asked, hesitantly.
"I ah...just remembered I didn't eat anything yesterday. Except you, of course." Christopher's grimace morphed into the hint of his signature teasing grin. "I should...probably take care of that. I bet you're hungry too, aren't you?"
Danny had a retort ready for his previous comment, but she couldn't deny the hunger clawing at her own stomach. "Yeah. What, do you cook actual food, or am I gonna have to scrounge around for crumbs?"
Christopher chuckled. "Of course I can cook, dollface. My line of work requires a...refined sense of taste, after all." Danny noticed his tongue slide over his teeth through his barely-parted lips, probably in a teasing gesture. She repressed a shudder, and quickly broke eye contact with him.
He moved to the fridge, getting out various vegetables, a carton of eggs, and a few containers of something. "You can eat omelets, right?"
The word omelet made her stomach growl hungrily. "I'd kill for an actual omelet." Nathan had fed her, of course, but she didn't get the impression he could cook himself. He had mostly given her small slices of meat, cheese, and fruit, but hardly anything prepared. He'd said something about it being "too suspicious." Danny couldn't actually remember the last time she had something close to a home-cooked meal.
The scent of the food sizzling in the pan on the stove nearby was making Danny's mouth water. As Christopher's back was to her, she sighed, finally giving in to the discomfort and stripping her shirt and pants off of her, but keeping her undergarments firmly in place. She still kept the towel wrapped tightly around her, but at least now she was mostly dry.
Christopher only gave a cursory glance to her pile of wet clothes before placing a giant-sized plate on the table in front of Danny with the largest omelet she had ever seen on it. It looked fluffy and delicious, with cheese and vegetables poking out from the seams and some sort of sauce drizzled on top of it.
"Um...yeah, I can't eat that whole thing."
"Good thing we're sharing, then, doll." Christopher cut off a relatively small corner of the omelet, then, after some consideration, cut that portion into even tinier pieces. "I don't have any silverware for you, so you're just going to have to use your hands. Don't worry, I won't judge."
I'm too hungry to care. Danny immediately sat down next to the plate and started shoving the bite-size chunks of omelet into her mouth. It was probably the tastiest thing she'd ever had in her life. Christopher seemed to be eating just as ravenously—he must have meant it when he said he hadn't eaten anything yesterday. He must have been in a real sorry state.
I still don't feel bad for you, asshole. But Danny couldn't summon the usual amount of vitriol anymore. Everything was so strange. Here she was, wrapped up in a giant hand towel, eating an omelet off of the plate of a human-smuggling giant. A giant she...well, not a giant she liked, but at the very least, she certainly was appreciative that she wasn't being digested in the stomach of a different strange, gross giant right about now.
That canNOT be where the bar is.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Christopher grinned and twirled his fork in his fingers, his elbow resting on the table as he stared at Danny.
"Fuck no," Danny spat, stuffing her face with more omelet to avoid conversation. She had run out of bite-size pieces, and instead started grabbing handfuls off of Christopher's larger portion. He saw this, but just shrugged and continued eating until the omelet was gone.
After the last bites of food vanished, both Danny and Christopher sat back in contentment. Christopher absently trailed his hand over his stomach in satisfaction. "Well? Was my cooking up to your standards?"
"It was fine." Danny felt a little bad after such a blatant lie. "Actually, it was the best omelet I've ever had. Maybe you should change careers," she said, spitting out the last word with no small amount of disdain.
Christopher looked oddly pensive at the suggestion. "You know, I hadn't even considered that. Cooking's just a hobby for me."
"Now that we're on the subject, are you still planning on smuggling humans? Or did you actually take Nathan's advice?" Danny crossed her arms. 
Christopher looked down at the table, an uncharacteristically serious look on his face. He didn't respond right away. "No, I'm not. I already told you I cut ties with my human employee, and believe it or not, outside of you, I don't have any other humans on hand." He paused, his eyes narrowed slightly at something in the distance. "And I cancelled all my client appointments. Indefinitely." 
Danny's eyes widened, not actually expecting him to admit to quitting his trade. I'm not buying it. "Why?" she asked, a hardened edge to her voice. 
He gave her a curious look, raising a single eyebrow at her inquiry. "Business has been...well, slow, since Cyrus started his own little smuggling ring. Pretty much all of my regulars have been going to him, because he's cheaper. And he's been having his own little minions clearing the town of any humans they can find. You're frankly quite lucky you weren't one of them."
"Yeah. Lucky." Danny glared at Christopher, her scowl only causing him to grin slightly. "So it's just convenient for you, isn't it? You didn't actually have a change of heart," she scoffed.
"I mean, I didn't have to take care of you," he smirked, resting his chin on his hand. "Or rescue you. I think that ought to count for something, hm?"
She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, congratulations, you're doing the bare minimum. Let me break out the participation trophy for you." She narrowed her eyes in a challenge. "You think that's enough to make things up to Nathan?"
He returned her gaze, coldly. "And what, exactly, do I have to do to prove myself?"
Danny rose to her feet, keeping her eyes fixed to Christopher's. "Let's see how far your little 'change of heart' goes." She crossed her arms, her towel falling to the table as she did so. She ignored it. "Those other humans, in Cyrus's place. I met one of them when I was there. You want to show Nathan you actually give a shit about humans?"
Christopher cocked his head quizzically, interrupting her before she had a chance to finish her statement. "You're asking if I'm willing to help recover all of Cyrus's stock, aren't you?"
"The other humans. Yeah."
"That's a tall order, dollface." Christopher's eyebrows knitted together. "Let's just say Cyrus and I aren't exactly on the best of terms, and even if we were, buying up all those humans would cost much more than I have, especially if I didn't plan on returning them. I might as well give him my house."
"I'm not saying buy the other humans, asshole. I'm saying rescue them. They're all there against their will and treated like shit. Surely you could come up with something."
Christopher shook his head. "You'd be asking me to attempt the impossible."
"Nathan told me human smuggling was illegal, right? Can't you just...I don't know, report him to the authorities?"
Christopher laughed mirthlessly. "If my goal was just to shut him down, I suppose I could, but if I cared about the humans, I couldn't guarantee they wouldn't just end up somewhere worse. It's all rumors, of course, but I've heard that the government is more wrapped up in the human smuggling business than anyone. They'd put on a show of locking Cyrus up while taking all of his stock—sorry, all of the humans—for themselves."
"Bastards." Danny glared at the table. "Well, I'm going to keep thinking of a plan. If you ever feel like doing the right thing, feel free to contribute some ideas." Danny turned around—she didn't feel like looking Christopher in the face.
As if he could read her mind, Christopher grabbed her torso and spun her around with one hand, using one of his long fingers to tilt her face up to make direct eye contact with him. She resisted the urge to bite it. "Hey, hey now, I didn't say I wouldn't help. I just said it wouldn't be easy." She didn't know what to make of his expression then—not teasing, not a hint of a smirk, but something that seemed slightly pained. His eyebrows furrowed. "But if it matters that much to you, I'll at least try to think of a way, alright?"
"Since when do you care about my feelings?" Danny seethed. Just when she thought she could tolerate Christopher a little more, he had to go and say something stupid like that. Anger boiled inside her. "'If it matters that much to you.' As far as I can see, you're only being nice to me for Nathan's sake. That's the only reason you went and saved my life, too. Am I wrong?"
Christopher was silent for a minute as he retracted his hand from her, his face unreadable. "You know what? I don't know." There was a long pause, and Danny couldn't think of anything to say to break the sudden chill in the room. "A few days ago, I was a completely different person. And you were just a really, really delicious human. Maybe I am only being nice to you for Nathan. Or...maybe he was what helped me figure out I was wrong. The way he cares about you...I'm jealous, dollface. And I don't know which of you I'm more jealous of, at this point."
Danny choked on her own snarky retort again. She hadn't expected him to be this...honest.
He leaned closer to her, and the serious look in his eyes made her almost flinch away. "I enjoyed seeing the fear in your eyes. The helpless look on your face. The way your body trembled in my fingers." His warm breath washed over Danny, and the memory of his dark, predatory eyes boring into her made a quiver of fear spring up in her gut. She froze as his fingers gently stroked her hair.
"The truth is, I've never gotten so attached to a human before. It's true that I went after you because of Nathan. But something about the way that idiot Gary talked about you pissed me off. I've dealt lots of humans, but this was the first time I felt that someone didn't deserve a specific human. The way he was treating you—like some common drug for a quick high—was wrong. He didn't appreciate anything about you."
Her lip curled in contempt. "So what you're saying is, you only care about me so far as you appreciate the way I taste."
"Well, the taste certainly helps, sweetheart." Christopher made a show of taking her hand between his fingers and lifting it to his lips, leaving a gentlemanly kiss as he looked teasingly at her, watching for her reaction. She forced her features into stone, unwilling to let him get to her now. "But I don't think that's all, either. When you kicked my nose, despite it being completely pointless—remember that, doll? Or when you stood up for Nathan, even when you knew it meant I'd digest you. I've never met someone as reckless and passionate and loyal as you—human or giant. It scared me to think about how that bastard was just going to...take all that away forever."
The look in Christopher's eyes nearly made Danny lose her resolve—something between anger and despair.
He bent down closer to her again, and his lips brushed the top of her head as he spoke. "It made me want to hold you inside of me forever, and never let you out again."
Danny shuddered, but she couldn't accurately place the emotion behind it. Christopher moved his face directly in front of her, staring right into her eyes again. She gulped. Why wasn't she angry anymore? Why wasn't she afraid of the giant's lips resting so close to her face?
Without thinking, she felt her hands reach out to touch Christopher's soft top lip—mostly as a way to create some distance between them and keep him from getting closer. This seemed to surprise him—enough that he didn't move in response.
"...listen. I don't like you, asshole. I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to be. But I think, at the very least...I don't hate you either. As much. I'm giving you a chance to be a halfway decent person, and I'm only giving you that chance because Nathan believes in you. And if you end up proving me wrong, I swear to god I'll find another growth serum and eat you for a change."
The thought made Christopher chuckle. "Noted. Does that mean you trust me, then?"
"'Trust' is a strong word. All I trust you to be at this point is a dick."
"Oh, well, if that's the case, I may as well play the part, hm?" Before Danny could process his words, he parted his lips slightly and then closed them around her hands, a malicious and self-satisfied grin forming as he dragged his tongue across them. Thankfully, he stopped there, and Danny quickly wrenched her hands out of the giant's greedy mouth, wiping the excess saliva off on the towel still nearby.
"Sorry, dollface. Couldn't help myself."
"Like I said, 'trust' is a strong word. So is 'tolerate'."
"Sounds like we need some trust exercises, then. And speaking of which, when are you going to let me eat you, sweetheart?" Christopher's face was the picture of innocence. Danny wondered how much energy he was having to exert to keep up that facade.
Danny hesitated. She looked at Christopher's full, soft lips, turned up in a smirk. Maybe...she could start small. The stomach and throat were their own monsters to deal with. Perhaps if she could get used to the cramped quarters of his mouth first, the rest would be easier...
Oh, fuck me, am I actually going to do this again?
She exhaled slowly, feeling a shakiness return to her limbs. I really don't want to do this, but I also know I need to...work on my claustrophobia for my own safety. And I hate feeling scared of you, bastard. "I don't want to go all the way today. Can we just..." She felt herself getting a bit physically sick, thinking of what she was going to say next—"can you just maybe hold me in your mouth first?"
Christopher's eyes brightened up eagerly, and the look made her stomach turn. "Right now?" His fingers brushed against her back, immediately ready to snatch her up.
She swallowed nervously, but fought her fear back. She had to. "I just want to get it over with, so you better hurry up before I change my mind." Danny closed her eyes. She could feel him picking her up gently, pressing her arms to her sides as he lifted her up to his eye level. She sat in his palm, her legs dangling over the edge of it.
She forced herself to look him in the eyes. "So first, obviously—don't swallow me. Second, go slowly. I need time to breathe and get used to it, okay? And third—wipe that smug grin off your face, you bastard. I'm not doing this for your enjoyment," Danny huffed. She wished she could have practiced this with someone nice like Nathan instead, but she knew Nathan would like it less than she did, and he'd probably be more likely to hurt her accidentally as a result.
"I know, I know...it's just a fortunate side effect." She watched in horror as Christopher absently flicked away a drop of saliva that threatened to escape his mouth. Oh, god, this was a mistake. He brought his lips closer to Danny, making her heartbeat threaten to escape her chest. "Now, should I go headfirst, or—"
"Yes," said Danny quickly, fighting the fear in her chest at the thought of it. "That's the only way this makes sense. Just...slowly, okay?"
"I can do slow," said Christopher with a smirk, stroking Danny's hair back as he placed his lips on top of her head. The warm air he exhaled made her skin shudder.
"Not slow like you're enjoying it, slow like—you know what, never mind, just do it already." Danny braced herself, squeezing her eyes shut and sucking in a large gulp of air. She felt Christopher's lips part and slide over her body, his huge tongue moving across her face and down her torso. He picked her up with his other hand, angling her to make the slide into his mouth easier.
His lips closed just around her shoulders, and her head was now completely inside his dark, wet, slimy mouth. She squirmed around, trying to get her arms in past his lips—thankfully, he seemed to understand what she was trying to do, and he relaxed his hold on her enough for her arms to move inside. She tried to use them to prop her head up off of his tongue, allowing her a little room to breathe.
Breathe. For some reason, this time was causing more anxiety to spike in her chest than the rest. All the other times she had been eaten, there had been something else to distract her from the immediate experience—fear and anger, mostly. Now, though, she was forced to focus on the sensation of being in Christopher's mouth, and all the unpleasantness that came with. The only thing she seemed to notice was how tight his lips held her shoulders, and how little room there was in here compared to the first few times, when she was smaller.
He slowly slid more of her torso in until he got to about her waist. Her head was balanced precariously on the edge of his tongue, much too close to the throat for her liking, but at least here there was a bit more space for her to breathe.
In and out, in and out...
She wondered if Christopher could feel the shaky contractions of her lungs, or the intense beating of her heart through his tongue.
I used to enjoy seeing the fear in your eyes. 
Danny tried to force her thoughts away from her inner panic, and towards Christopher. He didn't seem to be enjoying himself, well...any more than usual, she supposed. He was being surprisingly careful with her, not pressing her to the roof of his mouth or even moving his tongue too much. Perhaps it was simply because there was so much of her inside his mouth, but he was holding her still, his palm holding up her legs outside of him. She felt his saliva pool around her, and he seemed to be taking great pains to swallow it without jostling her too much. And, thankfully, his firm grip around her midsection kept her from going down with it.
He slowly opened his mouth a bit, letting in some air and light but still not moving Danny. The light illuminated his uvula and the back of his throat, which stared her in the face. She watched with morbid curiosity as the muscles of his throat expanded and contracted, seemingly widening of their own accord as if they could sense her there at the edge, inviting her downwards.
She closed her eyes and focused on nothing but her breathing—three seconds in, three seconds out. It was a cramped space, but she wasn't being squeezed like she was in the esophagus or the stomach, and with Christopher having his mouth a bit open, it was more manageable.
She realized that she was probably going to have to be the one to set the limit on this little "trust exercise," so after she felt her heartbeat finally calm down a bit, she gently kicked Christopher's palm. "Okay, that's enough. Let me out."
She gasped as Christopher shut his mouth and pressed her against the roof of it—not too forcefully, but sudden enough to put another spike in her heartbeat. She kicked his palm again, harder this time. "Hey—mphgm—" Her face pressed into his tongue and her words disappeared into the wet muscle. Thankfully, though, he was slowly dragging her out of his mouth, using his tightly closed lips and tongue to suck as much of the saliva off of her as possible on the way out.
When her head finally came back to the outside world, she doubled over, breathing in as much beautiful, beautiful air as possible and hugging her knees to her chest. She was resting on Christopher's palm, and she noticed him gently starting to wipe her off with the hand towel again. God fucking damnit, I'm going to have to wash myself off again.
"Well? How was that?" Christopher was looking much too pleased with himself as he dried Danny off.
"Oh, tons of fun," she quipped, yanking the towel away from him. "Nearly as much fun as that one time I got food poisoning. Or appendicitis. Or, ooh, maybe that time I got chased by a squirrel on my first day in this godforsaken, shitty-ass giant world."
Christopher smiled. "Don't worry doll. I enjoyed it enough for the both of us."
* * * * * * * * * *  
Part 11 -->
Hey guys. It’s definitely been a hot minute. I don’t know how frequently I’ll be able to update this story, but feel free to reach out to me about it if you are curious or if there’s something you want to see! What’s in store for our enemies-to-unlikely-housemates? We’ll see...
As a disclaimer, this chapter has been edited since its original posting.
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