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steaked-bolt · 2 years
i like that the seximal holocene era is closer to the actual age of the holocene than the decimal holocene era.
also, it just turned nif 7k7 HE!
dec 2023 = sex 13211 = nif 1k7 CE
dec 12023 ≈ sex 113211 = nif 7k7 HE
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y-ve-squared · 2 years
fun fact:
2π (aka τ) in base-6 is approximately 10.14; and when rounded to the first six digits after the radix point, is 10.1411
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xmagaldi · 11 months
UNDOXXED - Sculpture AR
Undoxxed Book @UNDOXXEDBOOK The Finest in Digital Lifestyle Culture is a book on digital wearable (irl & ivl) covering fashion, sneakers, art, design, and tech. Xavier Magaldi, based in Geneva since 1975, is part of this innovative generation of artists who have evolved from graffiti to open up new perspectives through their talent. After a successful transition from the streets to the studio,…
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milkyvast · 9 months
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wereblossoms · 2 years
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nerdtrash · 1 year
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Graffiti'd senary numeral system my beloved
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allseeingdirt · 1 year
thinking i swing wildly between opinions on vriska depending on if im seeing her as a unit or isolated because vriskan makes me Unwell but on her own shes :/ >:/ <:? to me and had the epiphany that shes not wm. shes kath with wm's meangirl bitchiness but not their nonchalant abandonment of the system. genuinely horrible in ths kath way = unresolved issues of the parental and systemic kind and makes it everyone elses problem
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deer-rising · 4 months
my uncle who works at flight rising told me that undel said whichever of these gets the most votes is going to be THE anniversary update this year!!!!!!!!
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phoenixyfriend · 1 month
Bare Your Teeth, Soldier: Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Senatorial Introduction
Quinlan Vos, as a shadow, is used to weird shit.
He does the stuff with the Sith holocrons. He does the stuff with the Force-nullifying lizards. He does the stuff with the undercover Hutt space work.
How the Council can still throw him for a loop is beyond him.
As a general rule, Quinlan Vos does not want to touch someone’s lightsaber. He doesn’t want to touch anything that is that deeply personal and uncomfortably reflective of the soul.
However… he’s curious.
So’s Aayla, though she doesn’t exactly have the option that he does for getting to know the new people quickly.
Dimensional travel, from a universe where humans do not have the standard sex senary. People who know him, or at least a version of him. One of them, supposedly, knows him… very well.
Skywalker is tense; Quinlan’s guess is that he wants to cling to Kenobi but is stopping himself.
They smell so… neutral. Like children, or someone completely stopped up on suppressants or surgery. It’s not even the kind of neutral that comes from, say, a twi’lek, like Aayla. The base smell is still human, just not… specified.
Kenobi is putting a lot of effort into not showing discomfort with Quinlan’s presence.
“Would you like me to leave?” Depa asks.
No. She’s the only one of them that seems to have something approaching an idea of how to handle the situation.
“Let’s get this over with,” Quinlan says, holding out a hand. “I’m curious, and you apparently trust me, so sure. I’ll take a look at your life.”
“You’re certain?” Kenobi asks.
Quinlan quirks a brow. “Would I ask if I wasn’t?”
Yes, Kenobi’s expression says, because he really does know Quinlan much better than Quinlan knows him.
(Continue on AO3)
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fletchingbrilliant · 5 months
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"You desire my gift... Alastor," the voice said, again near and far, everywhere and nowhere. "And you believe your hands to be capable of wielding such a tool? What a fascinating child it is that has called me from the senary bridewell. Tell me, Ahnah Eyhe, what would you give for such a gift?"
"I would give..." Don't let your eagerness be known. Don't give what you can't afford to lose. "...I would not give my mind. Not my heart, either."
"Oh, I have no use for either," the voice chuckled. "Your mind is much more useful in your head, child, and your heart is a tar pit whence nothing living shall ever emerge. What I want... is something you are sure not to miss."
Alastor felt something touch the center of his chest. It felt like a hand, but bigger than an adult's. He couldn't pull himself away.
"I want your soul, Alastor."
Finished the render on this beast in one go and now I regret everything.
Text is from a short fic my partner @zaebeecee and I wrote called "The Crossroads", imagining a scenario in which Alastor sells his soul while alive, a mere boy of fifteen. We'll be posting the whole fic and I'll have a link up, along with some more images 🙃
(He headed up the demon-whose-identity-shall-not-be-disclosed-yet, and I headed up Alastor)
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steaked-bolt · 2 years
people used to get about 210 <78> but covid knocked that down to round 200 <72>. morbidly satisfying tho to have an even 200
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themoonweaversden · 1 month
Messeges that were found so far: FORD / SIXER (spoilers)
This is just to collect all the codes that you can type in in thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com and their effects only (please click images for better quality)
Masterpost with all messeges / codes
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NAME: Stanford Filbrick Pines
DOB: 06/16/19--
Age: 18
EYES: Brown
REPORT: Stanford performed extrimely well on reflex, cognitive, IQ, and every other test we could think of. We even tried giving him a placebo and he tasted it, chuckled, spat it out, and said "Oh Please." Then he amazed the team by playing "Flight of the bumblebee" on the piano in our lobby. Honestly, I can't call this a disability- this is a hyper-hability. He did finger puppets depicting the sinking of the Titanic and everyone was spell-bound. We might be looking at the next evolution in the human species. If (blacked out) I could kidnap him and bring him to our secret cloning lab. (blacked out) Whoops, haha. I've said too much.
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abidethetempest · 1 year
here it is, in all it's this-took-me-like-4-hours glory:
"Ikleydem nama’ir'viikor ibar iisrohkamraskas mah’azeyr ke’hiir aadekspriist en ma’shak zeth'iir niikanya braakem."
its the first line of the tab, "The five Splicers sat motionless around the small access point that jutted from the dark stone."
Whoo! That sentence alone ended up adding about 22 words to my lexicon! Going by how much work just this one sentence was, I'll have the whole lore tab done in about a month, so uh buckle up for the long haul folks haha
some fun details below!!
"en" is a relative pronoun (for those of you in the audience who are not total linguistics nerds like me, that's a word meant to introduce a relative clause, such as in English the words "that, which, who, whose" etc). I was particularly inspired by how Irish and Welsh do this, with a relative pronoun for direct and indirect objects. I have not decided what the indirect relative pronoun is yet.
iisrohkamrask is my word for Splicer, and literally translated it means "machine-weaver". very proud of that one, ngl
my rough draft for plurals is that the final vowel of the noun being pluralized is duplicated at the end of the noun and then -s is added! You can see that in action in the sentence above actually, in the word for Splicers. (I'm gonna make a post about plurals soon I think, because it's a little more complicated than just what I've got here.)
I have the very basic skeleton of a number/counting system. Fun fact: it's dozenal aka base 12, because Eliksni have 12 fingers! I considered using senary (base 6) instead, but I liked base 12 more in the end. Huzzah, math! All I really have fleshed out right now is a few numbers and that when numbers are used as adjectives they get an -r suffixed on the end. Historically, they were treated the same as any other adjective and got the full -iir/-hiir suffix, but due to how frequently they were used they mutated into shortened forms for ease of speaking. Sorry, got a little carried away there haha, I just really love adding details about Eliksni's history and all its little quirks.
Date: 7-23-22
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dsaf-confessions · 6 months
i love jack kennedy. hes a very jnteresting protagonist who both fits into the senarious the game asks for him, and displays his own personalities and reluctances. I like it that he is treated as just another character rather than "the player character". hes interesting in his own right with his own struggles, changes, and goals. Its a really good balance that was struck. Hes also cute id kiss the corpse man.
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zeejeythedoodler · 29 days
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Atom Calis:
Species: Blue-fronted dancer damselfly.
Age: adult (the oldest of the group)
Likes: being alone, fixing things, old tools, computers, repairing a hivenode and seeing it remain functional for longer than literally two hours (a rare occurrence).
Personality: crass. Kind of a smartass. Likes to play little tricks on people. Constantly tinkering with something. Very anti-naut. Vaguely socialist, though they'd probably argue with that fact.
Additional details:
Works as a freelance FNC* maintenance technician. Though they're technically self employed, they've been contracted by Mycohex so many times that they're practically an employee (without the health benefits, of course).
Atom doesn't remember much of their childhood, on account of they spent it as an unintelligent water-bound nymph in an artificial lake. Once they reached maturity, however, they were claimed as offspring by their father, an original Odonaut, and relocated to the first circle of Cibarium to live with him.**
Atom and their father had a complicated relationship (to put it mildly), so as soon as they had a job that paid well enough, they moved into a crumbling apartment in the third circle.
After the attempted rebellion, Atom's father was arrested for “treasonous activity” and was sentenced to life in prison. He remains there to this day.
*There is technically only one advanced computer in Cibarium, and it works by passing a weak electric current through an advanced network of living mycelium and synthetic cables which functions like a giant brain. The network has been built into the structure of the city itself, and "personal computers" are generally just interfaces involving monitors and other equipment that have been plugged directly into it. These interfaces are called hivenodes.
This Fungal Network Computer (or FNC, as it is commonly called) is the exclusive property of a company known as Mycohex, which is owned by Drone Mellifera (a member of the Senary. More on them later).
**This is a common parenting method for dragonflies and damselflies in the world of Cibarium. The difference in environment makes it difficult to raise nymph children until they've reached maturity, so parents will often release their offspring into artificial “spawn pools” and return to claim them once they've grown up.
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