#sencha touch
neoplatinum · 6 months
i choose you - part 3 | minatozaki sana
summary: a darkness in sana's past comes back into light
pairing: heiress!sana x reader
themes: blood, murder, gore, knives, arranged marriage au, fluff, angst, tension, lots of elitism, conglomerate power-hungry side characters, implied sex, misamo!
wc: 5.9k
(series masterlist)
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you stare at her as she stares at you back. the eyes of a woman who's held her domain for decades, bursting in power through the new age of technology. her eyes are still as sharp as ever, despite her age. it's how she's kept her power for so long.
long brushes of the tea cup lid against the cup, nursing a cup of sencha. 
"tell me, how devoted are you to the mintaozaki clan." she continues to swirl the tea in the porcelain cup. her eyes never leaving yours. 
you stare at her, but also to take a glance at the elders of the minatozaki clan all staring at you. strong eyes and the crest pinned to their delicate fabrics.
momo and mina are sat on the second row of chairs lining the edges of the room. various council advisors and distant family members sat in the back corners as well.
"i would lay my life on the line for the minatozakis." she stops her swirling. the gentle drop of the lid back onto the cup as she sets it down next to her.
with the flick of her wrist, a man shuffles towards, head bowed as he hands her a folder. the sound of papers being flipped through while you keep your eyes trained on the floor. 
all around are eyes peering in, a dare. they stare, daring you to make any sign of weakness, you keep your eyes unwavering as you wait. it's so quiet that an outsider would expect no one in this room. you can even hear the faint sound of wind outside.
"let me rephrase. would you survive for the minatozaki clan." she places the paper down. eyes instantly back on you. 
"until my last dying breath. i would utter it for the minatozaki name." you say, staring at her with intensity of a thousand flames. you think of sana, of haruto and hanako. the person you have become since being part of the family.
the matriach leans back into her chair. and you stare, for any sign of emotion. the way her eyes remain neutral and unchanging, hands comfortably laying on her lap. her feet tucked together and that large pendant on her neck.
"understood." another flick of the wrist. a different man walks forward, head bowed just like the last. 
his head low as he presents a tanto with both hands. the six inch double edged blade. a long dagger, sheathed in dark brown wooden scabbard. 
lined with the proud name of the minatozaki clan in hiragana, etched into the layered metal. she holds it within her palms, unsheathing it and holding it out.
"do you know of the etching tradition?" she says as she feels for the blade, the tip piercing enough of her skin to let out a drip of blood. she wraps it into a cloth as she goes back to staring at you.
"no, i do not." you've never even heard of the tradition to begin with. eyeing sana from the corner of your eye but she keeps her eyes focused on her mother.
"present." and then the cacophony of hands folding up their arm sleeves, and the turning of their forearm towards the matriarch, you can barely see it, but it's there. the scarred skin in the symbol of the minatozaki crest, just in the center of everyone's right forearm.
a glance to your right, and you notice it on sana's forearm, it's always been there. even in the curiosity you never asked, always wondering how she had a perfect scarring of her family name. the way it stretches across her arm, like a branding. 
like an imprint of being in a cult, you look back at the matriarch.
upon her forearm, the same name is etched deeply, a long stretch of scars lining around it, never touching the name directly. the room all around you, are filled with minatozakis, each and everyone one of them.
"the minatozaki name will be etched into your skin. do not show weakness." the matriarch calls you forth, you rise to your feet, making quick steps to her. kneeling before her as you present your arm, to which she gently rubs over.
the tanto digs into your arm, and you grind your teeth willing the pain away as the tip of the blade drags along the skin. clean and sharp lines that are moving like brush strokes on a painting. 
you grip onto your pants for a distraction to shift the pain. the burning and sweating sensation making you tremble a little. you will it away when you feel the blade lift up suddenly. 
"breathe." you can hear sana's voice behind you, calming the pain brewing all over your body. 
letting out a held breath that's been burning your lungs. a reminder that this pain is temporary, the breathing chills the burning sensation in your head. 
the final mark is laid upon your skin, and you can feel yourself feeling faint, holding onto the floor to keep your body upright. you feel the blade lift off your skin, the sound of the blade being cleaned, while you stare at the pool of blood on the marbled floor, dripping and seeping underneath your shoe. 
"rise." she speaks. you stand up, letting the blood continue to run down your arm. 
the ringing in your ears gets louder and louder. she speaks of tradition, the value of the name across your arm. all eyes continue to stare you down, eyes like steel. 
"this blade, has etched every minatozaki in this room, and those that have been laid to rest. this blade, will continue to etch into the minatozaki clan for future generations." you stare at the blade now in your hand, only seconds ago tearing your skin apart and being branded as the family's new pawn.
"to a new generation." she says as she hands it over, the drippings of your blood still across the double beveled edge. you stare at the blade, the weight of it, the memories of each person etched. it's heavier than you expected. 
generations of minatozaki's all carved into submission. you begin to feel it, stirring low in your subconscious, you need more.
every night in the dark study, you stare at the name. forever in your skin, and upon your body. a sign that you are now a minatozaki, even years spent becoming a figurehead didn't sear the idea until now. 
the scarring has scabbed over and begun to heal, into that perfect shape of the name. 
sana's been telling you stories about her late father, the patriarch of the minatozaki clan before he was assassinated by the abe clan. the abe's who wanted his land, his ability to rule over japan.
stories of his strict rulings, his inability to feel remorse, his lack of fear. his dictatorship under his ship, even more fierce than his father. 
the golden age of the minatozaki clan.
you often visit the matriarch, learning family secrets that wouldn't be uttered under broad daylight. understanding the inner workings of a regime that's lasted centuries.
more so, you've been trained by the matriarch to take over the next generation for the minatozaki's. receiving training in the philanthropy for public image, but also training on how to take out an enemy without letting a single drop of blood fall.
you can see how the minatozaki's have gotten so far, extremely cautious and calculating, much like other conglomerate group families. as much as you didn't want to be pulled in, here you are. fighting both momo and mina in hand-to-hand combat. 
a swift kick of the leg, and you topple over. the pain of the right hook that momo landed earlier still leaving a stinging in your cheek. you turn over, breathing in and out.
"you're still too slow." momo comments, sitting down with mina doing the same.
you continue to stare at the bright light overhead, the feeling of your heart beating thumping in your ears, the sweat dripping down your body.
"i know." 
mina gets up, grabbing water bottles and passing one to you. you sit up, drinking it as the two woman stare at you.
"why do you do this?" momo starts, a curious question that's been plaguing her mind lately. 
the minatozaki's never asked you to be trained to be the next head of family, but you took it upon yourself to do so. grueling physical training, while learning the arts of the past generations.
mina continues to sip at her water, eyes watching you.
"duty. for sana, for haruto, for hanako." you explain, as much as you didn't want to become a pawn for their family, you care so deeply for the family that you now have, one that you would tear apart the world for.
mina nods, but momo rolls her eyes, "how noble." and with another sip, she gets up again. you begin sparring once more. 
rolling your shoulders when you walk into your office, grabbing some soothing oil to rub onto the bruise on your ribs and the smaller bruises along your shoulders. 
you stare at the tanto that now lays in a secret compartment under your desk. the etching tradition still leaves you in a heavy daze these days, how much you have changed all for sana's family. 
when the devil herself walks in.
"you need to fire that assistant of yours." sana walks in, handbag hanging off her arm. glasses perched on her nose bridge, the exhaustion rolling off her words. she seems aggravated. 
"why?" you cock your head to the side.
"she just told me you have a meeting in five, which i mean sure thank you for the information but i seriously don't care." you laugh out, as she crosses her arm. sitting comfortably in the armchair in front of you. 
it seems today is one of those days.
"she's just doing her job." you explain. you liked shoko, she did her job well, often reworking your schedule when you needed her to. and she rarely complained about it, you even gave her a raise recently.
"yeah and i'm doing mine." sana gets up, leaving her bag on the floor and crosses over to you, dropping herself onto your lap.
she takes the glasses off your face. letting it slide across the table. you're about to get up to pick it up, when sana pushes more of her weight onto you. keeping you in your seat.
"last time you just waltzed into one of my 1 on 1 client meetings and sat on my lap the whole time." you point at her, showcasing the same exact behavior.
"yeah, like i said, i'm doing my job." sana says, taking off her sunglasses.
"sana...." you say dejectedly.
"i didn't hear you complaining when you bent me over this table and ate me out the rest of the afternoon." and with that she smashes her lips against yours. 
you completely forget what you were complaining about earlier.
"what's your favorite color?" sana's voice is quietly coming through the microphone, she called you multiple times, and texting you urgently nearly ten times. 
you silenced it, only to get a note from your assistant to pick up her calls.
"hmm, green." you say, watching as the shareholders stare you down, waiting for your approval.
without another second, the sound of the call ending comes through, you glance at your phone screen, seeing the call disappear, and a little confused.
"sorry, please continue." you point at the junior executive, he's been trying to get through this presentation without peeing his pants, and really you would like to get through it enough for him to finally calm down.
fifteen minutes later you get multiple pings on your phone.
"so like i said, we expect the project with akira industries to go well-" the junior executive's voice completely drowns out into white noise when you see what's displayed on your screen.
sana baby: attachment: 3 images
sana baby: you like?
your phone screen is filled with green, all three photos illuminating your face in a green hue. 
green lingerie set, green bows tied around her hair, and your dress shirt draped over one. good god, she looks like a vixen. 
photos of her laying across the bed, aimed at the mirror, long legs that stretch across the comforter. gorgeous lithe body framed by that light green corset. pouty lips in a selfie, aimed down at her cleavage.
you nearly curse out loud, instead letting a cough come through at the last second to cover it up.
another message comes through. you lift your phone back up to your face.
sana baby: you come home in thirty and you can take it off with your hands, any later and you do it with your teeth.
you're trying to pick out your work outfit for tomorrow, eyes glancing at all the dress shirts that you had hung up in the walk-in closet. you can hear sana faintly humming through the other side of the closet.
"sana..." you pick out one shirt, noticing the pink-ish red color across the collar.
"yes darling?" she says in a light-hearted tone, you see her walk over with her eyes a little playful. her eyes landing on the dress shirt that you have in your hand.
you hold it up to her face.
"why are my dress shirts littered with lipstick marks?" she takes the dress shirt out of your hand, eyeing it with happiness.
"they need to know who you belong to." she says and hands it back to you. 
you shake your head at it. putting it back onto the rack. 
only to notice another shirt, and another shirt, and another shirt.
"i mean, literally every single shirt is covered in them." you point at the whole rack, now noticing the pink/red littered across the collars. all of them have it. you turn to look at her, eyes wide as she just smiles at her handiwork.
she gives you a peck and just leaves. turning her head to look at you over the shoulder and give one last remark.
"you better not wash them off or you're sleeping on the couch."
"the abe clan cordially invites you to the 2027 annual ball." you stare at the invitation in your hand, red cardstock, beautiful crest in the dead center. 
with sana's quiet humming, you barely register that you've arrived at the abe clan's main estate. dark and light reds adorning the walls, intricate wooden carvings of dragons. the dark red crest and lapels on each security guard. 
the sedan rolls forwards, until you're stopped by two guards. handing the invitation card to the chauffeur, and letting the guards scan the car. 
you watch sana, her eyes floating around, admiring the long trees that line around the garden's pond.
and then the car continues to roll forwards, and all around you are different black marked cars. each with their own crest, women and men donning different formal wear. kimonos, tuxedos, hanboks, qipaos, ao dais, all around.
the door opens, and you step out, rounding the corner to take sana's arms into yours.
"one rule with the abe's, do not ever drink first in front of an abe." she whispers quietly as you both enter down a deep tunnel, much like the minatozaki house. 
large stone slabs lined underneath, but you can see it above, the lining of birds across a wired line. much like a telephone line. their dark beady eyes staring down, with jet black feathers that make their body look like voids. 
they all move their heads in turn with the walking guests. "trained birds, trained to kill." she comments and continues to pull you forward. 
then you enter a big hall, filled with different dignitaries, generals, top executives, council members, even a few celebrity faces. 
sana smiles at the sight of the turning heads, everyone's excited to see another conglomerate family at these events. "just smile and nod." she whispers again through a smile.
you do the same, watching the eyes all peer back at you. they don't have the stillness of the minatozakis, there's bloodlust, there's evil, there's an ominous undertone behind those spheres. a predator lying dormant in each and everyone one of them.
with the sound of the doors opening, you hear the awws of the guests, all piling into the abe main hall. much like the grandeur of the minatozaki clan, it's lined with artifacts of war. 
great katanas and bows hung along the walls. dark and deep red colored accents, a giant abe crest upon the center. there's beautiful music playing in the background as you scan the room. sana tugs you along.
"how much do you know about the abe's?" sana stares at you as she hands you a small knife. you tuck it into the breast pocket.
"a little." you offer, brushing her hair out of her face, and she gleams at that, giving a little kiss before returning back to her stoic face.
"kaito and kenji, two sons of the abe clan. kaito's set to become the head of the family. there's rumors that kenji might kill him for the seat." she explains, adjusting the knife in her thigh holster.
you nod, her mother has educated you on all the conglomerate groups, especially the abe and watanabe clan. both have been vying for the possible absorption of the minatozaki clan.
you adjust the knife holster for her, as you check your surroundings, just as you expected. nearly the same power in their private military, donning red fabric. you both take off to the other side of the room, eyes darting from face to face trying to remember significant figures, but who are you kidding, they're all people in power.
browsing through plates of delicacies, waiters and waitresses circling with plates of drinks. each more colorful than the last, it seems the abe have distinct taste.
you're leaning to your left when you're suddenly pulled into a conversation, the woman making large and loud gestures at you. most of which you nod and let the words flow through your ears. you never thought you would see her again.
sana's staring, taking turns staring at her and staring at you. her hold on your arm tighter than ever, feeling the blood thump in your arm. she continues to drone on until finally she gets swept into another conversation with someone else.
sana unhooks her arm from you.
"who is that?" sana stares at you, arms folded and that tick in her jaw. you can't help but keep eyeing the long black dress that she has on, with a deep thigh slit along the left side. 
you try your best to keep the impure thoughts to yourself, instead offering a kiss to sana's forehead when you stand in front of her.
"hmm, old friend from law school."
sana had been eyeing the woman even as she moved across the room. even more upset when she slid up next to you. talking your head off about something that must have been boring because she could recognize the attention leaving your body.
but she can't help but notice how forward the woman was, unnecessarily putting her hands on you. unnecessarily laughing at whatever you are saying, just a bit too hard. unnecessarily pushing her cleavage up against you.
"our year?" sana says, brushing off a piece of lint from your jacket, also brushing off the feeling of the woman off your jacket. 
you stare at her manicured fingers. long slender fingers that wear your ring proudly. you smile at the sight of the large diamond.
"no, a year younger." you say softly, bringing her hand up to kiss it. she flips your hand over to kiss it back. "why do you ask?"
"didn't know you liked younger women..." she comments, back to nitpicking what the woman is wearing tonight. 
how dare she try and lay her hands on you? sana's thinking of calling momo and mina to do some 'intervention'.
"i don't, like younger women i mean." you watch sana as she stares down the woman. the way she holds onto the neck of the champagne flute, the way she has that tick in her jaw, the way she can't keep moving her eyes up and down in disdain.
"good." she comments back, it's more so to herself, so you roll your eyes at that.
"i only like you sana." you say the golden words that make her heart melt. she stares at you for a bit.
"mhm keep sweet talking me like that and i’ll let you fuck me in the bathroom." she drapes her arm over your neck pulling you into a hot kiss, tossing a wink to the woman from earlier.
you pull away, her chasing after you, but with all the prying eyes you'd rather enjoy sana in a more private place. 
you begin to pull her towards anywhere that isn't open space for people to watch, when you bump into someone on accident.
"oh hello." the man turns around, a tall man toying with a knife in hand. his eyes dancing with amusement. "apologies, hope there's no hard feelings."
"none here." you offer, trying to side-step around him when he places his small knife at your neck. you look down at it, engraving in the base with red ink.
"kenji abe." you whisper to yourself, but he claps in delight, nodding quickly and sheathing his dagger away.
"that is me!" he exclaims, offering his hand. you shake it, his grip awfully loose, too loose.
"nice to meet you mr. abe." you explain, still trying to drag sana away. he stops you with a hand, a little smirk on his face. taking a glance at you and sana.
“nice to meet the minatozaki’s new lapdog.” he smiles, and then takes a look at sana, “hello sana, it’s been a while hasn’t it. kaito misses you.” the curling devilish smile as he hands both of you a drink. and taking one for himself. 
“cheers! to a lovely abe ball.” he says as he holds the glass in the air, you take a quick look at sana out of your eye as you both clink his glass, letting it linger away from your lip. 
watching the way he smirks, and then drinks his champagne. he smiles at you both before disappearing into the crowd. 
“never liked him.” sana shudders as she says it, you just smile at her. letting her lay on your shoulder. “him and kaito. they’re dangerous. and he called you a lapdog, what an excuse of a man.”
you just nod, absorbing the information you’ve just been told. it’s not easy transitioning into this lifestyle, with structures and family systems in place, you feel like you really are out of your depth here.
a question still remains, what did he mean by kaito misses sana? you’re distracted by even more dramatic flairs of the abe ball. fire lighting up around, spotting several of your father’s old business partners, nodding to them.
"have i told you how gorgeous you look tonight?" sana starts, giving you a light kiss under your jaw.
"hmm, no, not tonight." you smirk, leaning into her, garnering another kiss. you smile when she rolls her eyes, kissing her jaw lightly too.
"well you do, and i think you would look even more gorgeous under me." she whispers into your ear, you lean back. it seems tonight’s been getting under her skin, constantly trying to get you away from the ball.
you shake your head ready to tell her no when you hear a mic being tapped.
“hello, welcome to the 247th annual abe ball!” a tall well tailored man is speaking into the mic, upon a lifted podium. his voice loud and commanding as he looks below at all the guests. 
all around you are people clapping at him, so you begin to clap, interested in whoever this man might be.
“my name is kaito abe, thank you all for joining us tonight.” he booms into the mic, the sound booming off the walls, everyone clapping at his pauses.
“tonight, we have something special, a very special event.” he says, lifting his hand out to the other side of the podium. white flashing lights suddenly illuminating three bodies. 
the sound of gasps and quiet whispers making you curious. you keep your hand on the knife, sana’s picked up on the same thing, her hand pulling the thigh knife.
“i welcome you, the death of the watanabe’s.” and there you can see it, white fluorescent lights shining across three figures. their eyes begging for help while they’re forced to face the bloodlust of kaito abe. 
“sana, get behind me.” you push her behind you, her eyes staring at the watanabe’s. 
they look roughed up, blood already pouring from their heads and clothes. the patriarch, his wife and the only heir.
“you see, a little weasel from their clan, a vermin even.” kaito begins throwing the tanto he has in his hand, one much like the minatozaki tanto you have in your desk.
he continues to flip it through the air with ease. “tried getting into our clan, how silly right?”
he leans forward, nearly off the edge of the podium as he laughs maniacally. you can see shuffling begin to happen, people are panicking, trying to leave the ball. 
only to be pushed back into the center by the abe guards, all of them wielding weapons.
“oh no, you can’t leave darling, the show’s barely begun!” he continues to round the podium, letting out a laugh when the woman starts crying, his tanto hanging loosely in his hand as he points at the woman.
“see, when there's a rat in your home, what do you do?” he continues to pace the podium. “answer me!” 
he shouts from above, more people are shuffling nervously and then you hear a distant, “you exterminate them!” 
“BINGO! you. exterminate. them.” he laughs a bit, walking briskly towards them, pulling at the hair of the patriarch. 
you curse out loud, his swollen eyes and chunks of his hair missing. 
“but you can’t just exterminate one rat. no. no. they will just continue to repopulate. exterminate. at. the. source.” and then he jabs the tanto right into the man’s neck. 
blood gushing onto his suit like a geyser. he lets out a laugh as the man sputters up blood before falling forward. 
then he moves towards his wife, stabbing into her neck as her cries turn into screams. dragging out a laugh from him, meanwhile their son is crying silently, arms defeated as he watches his two parents’ now dead body.
“and remember. no survivors left behind.” he says with finality, as he shoves the tanto deep into the son’s neck, the tanto left inside.
sana’s covered her eyes into your back. you can feel her shaking a bit, you cover her ears as you pull her close, letting her keep her head against your chest. 
“sana?” she just continues to shake in your arms, fear enveloping her entire body. memories of her younger self around the abe clan. you’ve never seen her so scared. she clings onto you like a lifeline. 
“thank you, thank you! i hope you enjoyed the show!” he takes a deep bow, one in which he keeps his head forward with that smirk on his face. joy from killing, joy from being able to make others submit to him.
and then he walks over, using his foot as leverage as he pulls out the knife, wiping it clean off, and disappearing behind a door in the wall. the sound of shouts and chaos echoing through the hall.
the car ride is silent, sana’s gone quiet, simple nods when you ask her if she’s alright. eyes squeezed tightly and one hand curling around the other. you don’t even know where to begin talking about the events of tonight.
the abe’s are ruthless killers, you remember that even from when sana told you. it just takes a live performance of it to see how they are devoid of remorse. 
kaito abe, kaito abe, kaito abe. 
you barely knew the watanabe’s, only speaking to their son once, he was quiet. he didn’t seem the type to want to lead their clan, but now he lays dead, at the hands of kaito.
you play with your knife in your hand, thinking about how easily it shoved down the watanabe’s, killing them so quickly. the same blade that’s supposed to show honor and birth of a new member of the clan, used for killing those that harm the family.
the car rolls into the manor, and you take a deep breath, looking at sana. eyes still unfocused and staring at her own hands. you open the door and round the back to open the door to her side.
“darling? we’re home.” you offer your hand, she doesn’t even move. so you tap her shoulder lightly, she jumps at the touch, moving back from it.
“oh, sorry.” she takes your hand, and you pull her out, leading her towards the door. you immediately squatting at the sight of haruto and hanako walking outside.
picking up haruto in your arms, while sana picks up hanako, a warm smile back on her face. holding hanako tightly to her chest. haruto messes with your hair, pointing around and talking about his day. you kiss his forehead and walk inside. 
there’s still a weird tension lingering around her, she refuses to look you in the eyes. instead preoccupying herself with putting hanako to bed. so you do the same putting haruto into bed. tucking him in and giving him a kiss while sana waits outside. you kiss hanako on the forehead as well before slipping out.
giving yourself a deep breath when you close the door, you see sana next to you, her eyes back to their unfocused state. there’s something she isn’t telling you, and normally you aren’t one to pry. but after the events of tonight, you need to know.
“sana, are you alright?” you hold her head in your hands, eyes peering into hers, for any sign really. she just nods, taking a deep breath, dragging you down the hallway.
“i have something to tell you.” she begins as she sits at her vanity. starting to take off her earrings, you unclasp the necklace that she has on, placing it into a velvet box before tucking it away. 
she stares at herself in the mirror, memories of her past self resurfacing.
“kaito abe and i, we used to date. set to marry actually.” you sit next to hit, listening intently as she continues to take out hairpins and set them across her table. “it was what was destined for us, until his father killed my uncle. momo and mina’s father.”
you nod, you didn’t know much about momo and mina but there was an emptiness in their eyes, you always assumed it was because they were trained soldiers.
“seeing them up there on the platform, it felt like i was watching momo and mina being killed at his hands. then i thought, what if he killed you, what if he killed haruto and hanako. i’m so scared.” she bursts into tears, hands shaking to hold yours.
“he won’t be able to, i won’t let him.” you say confidently, kissing her gently. 
“so, the minatozakis were here tonight.” kenji stares at kaito, both of them throwing knives at a corkboard, you and sana’s photos pinned to the board.
“yes, sana and her plaything.” kenji turns to a guard, handing him ten new knives. kaito just laughs, doubling over and wiping the tears out of his eyes.
“her plaything? how delightful.” kaito stares at the photo of you, and then down at the photo of haruto and hanako by your side. “and her spawns.” 
“yes, two it seems.” kenji nods as he continues to throw straight into the forehead of your photos. the two continue to throw knives in the silence, slicing through the air, as they land on the different photos across the board.
“kenji, let’s topple the minatozakis?” kaito stares at sana’s photo as he aims for her heart, landing dead in the center.
“with pleasure.” his final knife aimed straight at your heart.
a/n: message me if you want a part 4 :^P
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mizuseyebrows · 8 months
what happens when I bite a bit harder… —mizu x f!reader
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image credits to bad thinking diary by park do-han ^^
warnings: not proofread, nsfw?, neck bites, intense kisses, body touch, possessive attitudes.
includes: horny mfs. bratty afab!/fem! reader. angryish, jealous mizu, I think both of them are dom and/or sub in their own way. words count: 4.3k (I'm incapable of writing something short fck)
a/n: this may be a mizu mischaracterization but I was a horny writer craving her (I'm probably ovulating).
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“Come here,” Mizu suddenly rose and grabbed your hand, pulling you from your spot cautiously trying to go unnoticed as you walked somewhere else.
You had been flirting with a man at the table across from you, giggling flirtatiously and distractedly lost in the alcohol in your body.
Mizu practically growled in bewilderment and annoyance at the sight of your sugary smile and the sparkle in your eyes. It was always the same when you stopped at a tea house to rest or at a eatery. You always had to flirt with every man who was present, sometimes you even let some women come up to you and touch you. You were unbearable when you weren’t traveling.
Although, Mizu felt that her discomfort came from her jealousy… Were you really unbearable or was it just jealousy? Jealousy of seeing you so comfortable and happy to have the attention of others.
Mizu forcefully pressed you against the wall, looking from under her new pair of tinted glasses with a heavy gaze that slowly studied your face from your eyes to your glossy lips. How did you always have moist and shiny lips?
She snorted and rolled her eyes in displeasure. “Quit acting like a seductress.”
“Like a seductress? When did I do that?” You pretended you didn’t know what she meant, pressing your back closer to the wall.
“Whenever someone comes near you,” she huffed, her voice a bit hoarse. “By allowing men to approach you, flirt with you, ogle at you. There’s even a specific way you tilt your head. Then, those lips of yours…” Mizu brought her fingers to your lips, caressing your lower one. “I bet you practiced pouting in front of the mirror every morning. You are not a doll who must be viewed and admired.”
You pouted, looking into her eyes, trying to look adorable. “Are my pouts ugly…? Am I not pretty enough to be a doll?” You kept teasing.
“You know, that’s exactly what bothers me…” her dark eyes narrowed, the faint scent of sencha tea leaves filling her breath. “You’re naturally beautiful, and you act cute knowing that. Every man wants you… and I bet you love the attention they give you.”
“I love having their attention, yes.” You nodded confidently and brought your hand towards Mizu’s blue haori. You could tell she was fighting over something in her mind. “And I love even more that you consider me beautiful…”
The moment you touched her haori, her eyes darkened, her pupils pinning like a snake. She grabbed your wrist in a tight hold, squeezing hard enough to make your fingers go numb. The veins on her neck, arms, and forehead were bulging in rage.
“I despise your vanity,” she hissed, her teeth gritted in a snarl. “Don’t act coy with me. You know that men find you attractive and desirable because of your beauty… You deliberately flaunt it!”
“Do you despise my vanity?” You continued to bother her. “You’re hurting me, Mizu… I thought we were starting to get along”
“Is that so? Do you think your playfulness is amusing? Your cute expressions and words?” She smirked, laughing with a bit of ‘contempt’. “I’m only putting up with you because we have a common goal. Once you’re done being an immature nuisance… I’m going to leave you, and I don’t want to cross paths with you ever again. Understood?”
“You wouldn’t do that. You love me too much to abandon me.” You licked your lips, playfully laughing.
“I don’t love you, you nitwit.” She barked, scowling. “You don’t know what it means to love someone. I don’t think it’s even possible for you to care about anything or anyone but yourself.”
“Ouch, you better leave me here if you’re going to talk to me like that now.” You pouted sadly and looked away. You were still teasing her because you sensed there was something she was hiding with her cold demeanor.
She tightened her grip on your wrist.
“What are you… doing?” her gaze traveled all over your face. “Don’t be cute now. I know you’re only acting like this to avoid being reprimanded,” she said, pulling you towards her, trying to be as scary as possible. “Are you seriously using your sad, sulky expression in hopes that I’ll feel bad and take that back?”
“Reprimanded? Why would you reprimand me? What did I do wrong?” You saw her again, still feigning innocence.
“You’re trying to toy with me, making a mockery of my words, and that is the last straw!” her grasp on your wrist tightened even more. “How can you look me in the eye and lie so easily…” she huffed in frustration. “I really should leave you here. You’re a pain in the neck. I’d rather be alone than deal with your childish stunts…”
“Do it then” You challenged her. “If you leave me here now, those men will have the opportunity to do whatever they want with me.”
“And why should I care?” she narrowed her eyes and glared down at you with a piercing glare. “You’re the one who attracts all this unwanted attention to yourself, and now you’re telling me that I should care about you being taken advantage of by those lustful men?"
“Oh, I thought your claim about me flaunting my beauty and charms was because you cared about me.” You stroked Mizu’s hand that was holding your wrist. “I see I was wrong…”
“Don’t play dumb with me,” she growled, her nostrils flaring. “You know very well what I’m talking about. You deliberately flirt with every man you come into contact with. You crave validation, being desired by every man.”
“Or maybe I do it because the person I want doesn’t pay attention to me.” You responded insightfully, returning your gaze to the room where you were before. “I know how to take care of myself, so I don’t think those men will abuse me.”
“Don’t try to flatter yourself, you immature little brat.” Her voice was hoarse and strained. “You’re too childish to truly understand the dangers around you. How can you be so arrogant as to think you can take care of yourself on your own? You don’t know what those men are capable of. They’ll use their brute strength to strip you down in front of me. To make you helpless…”
“You taught me to defend myself.” You looked into her eyes again, with a sly smile. “Do you doubt your abilities as an instructor?”
“I’ve taught you many things,” she nodded, a faint hint of pride seeping out of her cold demeanor. “But it doesn’t change the fact that those men will find ways to overpower you once they are set on using you. Even if you tried to fight them off, they are not bound by the same laws that govern us. There are more of them than of you, and they are stronger. They will take you away from me, and I will be left with nothing but pure, unadulterated anguish.”
You stared at her as you heard what she said. That confession made your eyes shine with wonder and your cheeks warm gently.
“So you do care about me.” You laughed affectionately, caressing her hand again.
Mizu realized her mistake and froze. She couldn’t deny it – it was obvious even in the expression on her face, despite how much she was trying to mask it with cold composure.
“Don’t get used to this, you little idiot. I only care about you because we’re working together, and you’re my partner. I’m not going to be your babysitter forever.”
“Your partner? In what sense?” You tilted your head to the side, blinking profusely and slyly smiling.
She smirked. You couldn’t really call it a sweet and playful smile. She stared at you with cold eyes and said nothing, her hands tightly grabbing your wrists, still pinning you to the wall. She was enjoying this, watching your eyes light up, hearing your voice get excited.
“We’re partners in the pursuit of our personal targets,” she said, her voice flat and stoic. “Nothing more, nothing less.”
“Are you sure we can only be that?” You whispered, blushing at the way she was holding you.
She was taken aback by your question. “Why are you asking me such a thing…” her voice was more than strained, it was rough and cracking. “You know you’re getting on my nerves right now, right?” she asked, leaning her forehead against yours.
“Stop pretending that you are indifferent to me and tell me what you really feel…” You closed your eyes as you felt Mizu’s forehead against yours.
“What’s to tell?” she whispered, leaning closer. “Why do you want to know?” her grip tightened, it felt like any second she would pull you in, kiss you.
“You give me a lot of mixed signals… I can assume some things but you’re so hard to read…” You continued to whisper, clenching your fists from the way she was clutching your wrists. “And I’m too good a reader not to understand you…”
“Mixed signals…” her breath was shallow. She kept her face just a few inches away from yours, her eyelashes tickling your forehead. “Then tell me what it is that you’re reading?” she asked, a sly smile playing on her lips.
“I think your claims go beyond just the possibility of me being hurt by those men.” You sighed, opening your eyes to get lost in her blue ones. “It’s just that?”
“Mhm.” She spoke softly, almost with a shiver. The feeling of having her lips and forehead so close to yours was making her feel… “Yes, of course, that is just it. I know exactly what those men intend to do. That’s all.” She repeated, trying to mask the longing in her voice.
“That’s pretty disappointing…” You laughed softly, your breath hitting Mizu’s lips. “Now you’re the one lying.”
Her eyes narrowed, her grip tight on your wrists. She closed the distance between us, the sensation on her breath sending shivers down your spine. She slowly moved close to your lips.
“Oh, I was lying, was I?” she whispered, her lips just an inch away from yours.
“Tell me the truth. You won’t stop being the scary assassin you want everyone to see if you speak honestly.” You sighed, focusing on her lips.
“You really want to hear my honest words, huh?” She smirked, her breath tickling your lips. “Then listen up, idiot,” she whispered, her voice becoming raspy. “I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to be alone again. But more than that…” she moved even closer, her lips brushing against yours.
“More than that…?” You stood still, completely at Mizu’s mercy. She could do whatever she wanted with you at that moment. Literally anything. You wouldn’t refuse.
She didn’t say anything. All you could hear was her shallow and rapid breathing, the sound of her heartbeats hammering against her ribs. She was taking in your scent, the smell of your skin filling her nose, arousing every feeling inside her body.
Then she pressed her lips against yours, lingering, lingering, her tongue gently pushing past your lips, her hand sliding down the back of your neck.
You moaned softly against her lips, after so much tension this felt like heaven. You had even almost slid down the wall, like you were melting.
She kept you up, her body pressed tightly against yours. The feeling of your tongue against hers sent chills up her spine. Her hands traveled from your wrists to your shoulders, then down to the small of your back, squeezing you closely. Your bodies were molded into one, as if two pieces of a puzzle were finally coming together.
“You’re going to understand something, those men don’t want to chat with you because they appreciate how interesting you are. It’s not for nothing that they always buy you drinks. They think that they have a chance with you.”
She broke away from the kiss abruptly and tightened her grip on your arms, under your shoulders, almost shaking you. You just looked at her in silence, agitated by that intense kiss.
“But they don’t.” She whispered and moved closer to your face, furrowed with seriousness. Still maintaining a somewhat cold and intimidating attitude.  “You’re mine.”
“I’m yours?” You gulped and raised an eyebrow playfully. “And since when I’m yours?” You leaned your head against the wall, a little dizzy from the kiss.
As quick as the lightning that illuminates the sky before a storm, Mizu brought her lips to meet yours again.
Her lips were warm and passionate, her tongue softly and insistently playing on yours, her grip tightening around you. Her embrace engulfed you like a powerful wave and carried you away, leaving no air in your lungs, no thoughts in your mind, no other feelings but overwhelming desire and arousal.
She moaned softly, her entire body shivering with the intensity of the kiss. The sensation of your mouth against hers was intoxicating, sending an intense wave of warmth through her entire body. She pushed her body against yours even more firmly, her head tilted sideways to give you a better angle, and she groaned with pleasure, her fingers digging into your back.
You hugged her neck with need, feeling yourself melt under her kiss. Your fingers tangled in her hair as you sighed softly against her lips. If perfection were a kiss… this would be it.
As your bodies pressed tighter to one another, your mouths kept moving in the dance of your tongues, breathing heavily, hearts beating fast. The kiss slowly morphed into something more. It went from passionate to intimate, warm to arousing. It wasn’t just about kissing. It was something deeper – it was true desire.
You cupped her face and jumped up to hug her hips with your legs, panting even more steadily. Your hands gripped her haori, trying to release the pleasure you were feeling.
Her hands glided up and down your body, lingering along your chest, back, and sides, your ass… feeling the heat rising and your breathing getting deeper with each touch. You both were wrapped within the cocoon of intense desire for one another, not thinking about what may happen next.
You separated yourself from her lips for a few seconds, trying to recover some air with accelerated breaths. “Since when do you like to give shows like this in public?” You whispered against her lips, loving seeing them so swollen from your kisses.
“Shut up,” she gasped, her heavy panting breathing not so different from yours. “It’s not like I usually do this sort of thing, okay?”
She placed her forehead against yours as your bodies still embraced one another, the intensity still remaining in the air. You could feel her heartbeat, her breath.
Her voice was barely a whisper. ”And we’re not exactly in public.”
“No, we are in the hallway of a tea house.” You joked sarcastically, closing your eyes and caressing Mizu’s arms.
The corners of her mouth pulled up in a playful scowl. She placed a gentle kiss on your lips, not caring that her lips were still swollen, and yours too.
“That’s not what I meant, dummy,” she grumbled softly, her voice still laced with breathlessness. “There are no people around. We’re alone, and… and, that’s not too problematic for me. But, if we do find ourselves in real public…”
A grin widened across her face.
“What would the people say, I wonder. What would the men who watch and ogle you so often think when they see me kiss you? What would they envy and desire?”
“Mm, are you jealous, grumpy kitten?” You smiled pleased to see her like this and caressed her swollen lips with your fingers.
“I am not a grumpy kitten,” she muttered quietly, her cheeks feeling flushed and hot as your fingers traced around her lips.
It was a strange feeling, as if she wanted to be mad at you but the heat of the moment made her mind blank and her thoughts nothing but a bundle of desire, need, and lust.
“Stop smiling at me like that,” she grumbled slightly, her fingers tightening around the fabric of your kimono.
“Like what…?” You whispered, in a velvety tone, and caressed her neck using your nails to tickle her.
“Stop caressing me” she barked softly, her voice almost as intoxicating as her scent. “You’re making me crave you.”
You hadn’t noticed how her words had a seductive undertone to them.
“Stop… teasing me,” she growled playfully. “Your kisses — every one of them is addictive.” Her fingers slid from your waist to your throat, lingering at the exact spot where your pulse throbbed the hardest.
You let out a quiet moan when you felt her fingers on your skin. “You were the one who kissed me, silly.” You laughed softly and removed your hands from her neck.
“Are you feeling… sensitive?” the grin widened across her face. “Your neck sure as hell looks vulnerable right now.”
Her thumb rubbed over the spot on your neck. She could feel your heavy breathing, could sense the heat and the arousing energy radiating from your body.
She leaned forward and bit your neck, her hot breath making the area tickle slightly and then sent a surge of ecstasy through your body.
Another soft moan came out of you, as you were trying to hold on to something, without touching Mizu to bother her. “Yes it is…sensitive…” You gasped, feeling your heart race.
“Oh, is it so?” she chuckled, her voice tinged with a teasing and enticing tone, her eyes shining in the dimness of the hallway.
She gave a few more gentle bites on your neck, each one a little bit deeper and more intense than the last.
“And what happens when I bite a bit harder…?”
You moaned a little louder, clenching your fists. “Fuck…” You whispered, trying not to draw the attention of the other customers. “You’re going to leave marks on me.”
“Who cares? What are they gonna think,” she said breathlessly, her voice lowering to a near whisper, her lips barely inches away from your neck, her breath tickling you gently.
“That’s what you want, right? Let them see that they won’t be able to mark me like this, right?” You were desperate to touch her again. You panted rapidly, beginning to feel a tickling sensation between your legs.
“Let them see that you’re mine, yes,” she murmured, her breath now hot and quick as she leaned even closer to you.
She bit your neck again, but harder than the last time, and she squeezed your legs more tightly around her waist as she leaned forward and pressed her body against yours. Mizu gave you a little tug towards her, her breath warm and steamy, her tongue quickly darting out to lick the exact spot she had just bitten.
“Do you think those men imagine how soft my skin will be? How pronounced are my curves under my kimono?” You tried to provoke her to behave more possessively with you, you were loving how she clung you to her.
“I bet they do… the same way that I do. The same way that I can’t take my eyes off you. The way that I imagine how you look naked, how you moan when I make you feel good… They surely imagine all of that… and much more. They probably can’t wait to see your soft skin, how your curves would feel like, and most of all…”
Mizu grabbed you by the back of the neck and pulled you down towards her, her lips now meeting yours for a deep kiss.
You moaned in surprise and kissed her back, clutching your hands to your kimono. You wanted to touch her, hug her, caress her, everything… But you wanted to hear her ask for it first. Two could play this game.
A strong tickle passed through your body as you melted from Mizu’s kiss and the increasing wet sensation in your crotch made you begin to sweat and burn all over. Her tongue was simply mesmerizing.
The kiss went deeper and deeper, the heat and intensity growing with each second. She could feel your moans and she felt how you wanted to reach for her as well.
She was slowly getting addicted to the way you reacted to the kiss. The sound of your voice… the way that your breaths quickened and your body trembled… all of it sent a surge of desire through her.
Still holding you by the back of your head, she made you tilt your head back and licked your neck again, her breath caressing and warming your skin.
“Gods… I don’t know if I should be worry about this possessive side of you or if it pleases me…” You whispered, closing your eyes tightly pretending you didn’t know the answer.
“You’re mine,” she growled in reply, her voice laced with both desire and jealousy. You had been playing this game with so many other men and they had fallen for your charm, but none of them could mark you as theirs.
And here she was, marking you with kisses, claiming you and making you feel more intense and arousing things than you ever had felt.
“But are you mine?” You asked cautiously, grateful that she was holding you; otherwise you would fall because of the way your legs were shaking. “Can I call you mine too?”
Her fingers tightened around the sides of your neck slightly at your response, her hot, heavy breath wavering through the air between your bodies. Was she really possessive of you? Of the feelings between them?
“Yes,” she finally murmured softly, her voice laced with the same emotions that you felt. “Mine,” she repeated, and you could feel a slight bite where her teeth pressed against the skin below your neck. "Say it."
“What do you want me to say?” You gasped loudly, a little disoriented by the haze of pleasure. You wasn’t really sure what you were talking about now.
She bit your neck again and this time you felt a sharp sting of pain. She drew her fingers up to your jaw and forced you to look at her.
“Say it,” she growled. “Say that I am yours.”
You stared into her eyes and swallowed heavily, feeling like your heart would beat out of your chest. “You’re mine…” The way those words caressed your tongue made you gasp in pleasure.
The sting in your neck was temporarily forgotten with the intensity of your feelings. It was true — you could her claim on you. The idea didn’t exactly feel bad, in fact, it felt good.
“Say that you are mine too,” she murmured breathlessly as she brought her lips back to your neck and gave you several soft kisses in rapid succession.
“I’m yours…” You threw your head back again, laughing almost moaning at the feel of her soft kisses.
“Good,” she muttered, her voice breathless and trembling. Your words were music to her ears and your reaction were like poem to her eyes. Your laughter, your moans, every little thing just added to the pleasure of the kiss.
She was feeling the same way as you were. Her breath had quickened, and her lips had curled into a soft smile after hearing you utter those words.
She pressed her body more tightly against yours, letting out a small gasp and tightening her grip slightly around your waist. She could feel that the both of you had reached the breaking point and that whatever happens next will be unstoppable.
“Aren’t you tired of carrying me all this time?” You asked softly. Your hands were tingling wanting to touch her.
“Not tired at all,” she murmured softly, her grip around your neck tightening once more and her breath wavering in the air as she stared into you with her deep blue eyes. “But perhaps…” she smirked, her voice becoming breathier as she continued. “I do want those beautiful hands of yours to do something to me.”
“My beautiful hands?” You stared into her eyes, feeling yourself sinking into them.
She nodded gently and let out a small moan as she noticed the way her breathing began to quicken even more. Your words were making her head spin.
“Yes, those hands,” she replied softly. “I want them to caress my skin. I want them to feel my scars, to explore every inch of my body. I want them to grasp every part of me and hold me tightly.”
You began to breathe rapidly while you squeezed your hands with desire. What you wanted most was to feel it. Unconsciously your hip rubbed against her abdomen.
“I want you to use them on me..”
You stirred in anticipation, still hugging her hips with your legs, and brought your hands to her cheeks. “Let’s get out of here, let’s go to a room so you can make me yours and I can make you mine. Come on, come on.” You begged her, moaning softly.
“Oh, how impatient you are,” she chuckled softly, her voice low and seducing. She could feel the tingling sensation in her body, the heat slowly spreading all over her skin like a thick coat. “Let’s go then,” she muttered, her voice hoarse and breathless.
You got off her hips, almost falling to the ground because of your shaking and unstable legs. You cupped her face and leaned in for a deep kiss, standing on tiptoe.
She felt your lips on hers, pressing firmly with a little more force than she had been expecting. The sudden move made her body tremble, every inch on her skin was feeling sensitive.
She opened her lips and allowed your tongue to enter her mouth. The hot, warm feeling in her throat made her shudder and tremble, and the intense reaction made her want you even more.
Did it matter what would happen after that day? Would you act as if nothing had happened? The answers to those questions interested you much less than the pain of each bite mark on your neck.
None of that mattered now.
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I don't know what I did, sorry ❤️ I'm other person when I'm craving that blue eyed woman
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sencity · 1 year
yandere!botanist x gn!darling, pt. two . . .
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˚₊ ꒰ nightmare fuel 𝄁︎ obsessive/needy behavior, violent intrusive thoughts, ominous thoughts, slight leg humping, oral receiving (for y/n), overstimulation (also y/n), cumming untouched, incidental self-harm, + mentions of blood, murder, and suicide.
˚₊ ꒰ word count 𝄁︎ 931.
˚₊ ꒰ key 𝄁︎ crossed out red words indicate sencha’s thoughts. blue text indicate sencha’s messages. purple text indicate y/n's messages.
˚₊ ꒰ sen’s statement(s) 𝄁︎ you’d find pt. one here, let alone sencha’s face claim and information here. this’ll be the last part of headcanons, btw. (these hcs just keep getting longer and longer, god).
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☪︎︎ 𝔂andere botanist! who leaves itemized love letters at your doorstep in the middle of the night with a flower that displayed his mood and what the love poem was going to be about. it could go from a stargazer lily with a letter sealed with a pink heart or a wilting petunia and a crumbled letter indicating that he was clearly angered with something and the letter sloppily ranted his baleful desires towards you.
☪︎︎ 𝔂andere botanist! who glowers you down as he watches the flower shop clerk flirt with you, his mind whirling with thoughts of repetitively stabbing his throat with the claw of his rake before burying his body beneath his garden to use as fertilizer. it’s a miracle that he hasn’t launched at the man by now but stood there trembling with anger, his heart thumping harshly, hearing the word “go” compulsively raid his mind, his hands twitching occasionally yet noticeably as the thoughts became louder …
“that loser doesn’t even go know where go eucalyptus originated. y’know i could tell go you everyth-STAB HIM everything you need to know, y/n. why laugh MINE …it up with this weirdo? go.”
☪︎︎ 𝔂andere botanist! who is an empty threatener. his obsession is primarily threatening to his emotional, physical, and mental health since he wouldn’t harm a fly, not him or his compulsive/intrusive thoughts. he feels a bit belittled when you brush off his outbursts, but nothing but a small smooch should be able to brush it off… for now, at least …
“i’ll kill anyone who even considers you as an existing human being! KILL THEM KILL THEM INSTEAD no one should know that you’re alive but me, i’ll even kill myself because i know you!! so loud, my head…”
“hm, that’s nice to know, sweetheart.”
“sweetheart…no, hush. you’re a bane, y/n. you never take me seriously…sweetheart, sweetheart, sweet heart, my love is sweet to them…”
“and don’t… and you a lie. now c’mon, the apples should be ripe to try.”
☪︎︎ 𝔂andere botanist! who embraces you dotingly, tightly, and longingly, muffling a loud moan into your shirt. his knees were in a gelatinous state, buckling wildly to the point where his weight shifted on top of you. he shoved himself so deep into you to the point it was painful, as if he was forcing his way into what’s beneath your skin. his arousal wasn’t discreet either since he was ‘subtly’ grinding his hips into your leg like a mutt in heat …
“hnngh, y/n? i missed you so much, did you miss me too? please tell me you miss me, i need it…”
☪︎︎ 𝔂andere botanist! with his face buried deep between your thighs, sucking and slurping you hungrily during your orgasms, seeing as his lips have not detached from you in a second. his own pants were stained with his own cum yet he hasn’t touched himself during the whole process, but solely examined your expressions as they contorted in pleasure and pain. his grasp around your thighs was hopeful and voracious. to think that someone like him would have such a hold, let alone coy look …
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry! it’ll be over soon, just one more for me, okay? just give me two more and i’ll love you harder…just five more…a few more than that, please?…sencha, you idiot…”
☪︎︎ 𝔂andere botanist! who is easy to please pt. two. he’ll take whatever you would give him sexually, even if it’s for your sadistic pleasure. he completely understands since he wants to see you in every scenario, so it only turns him on immensely that you love him so much to do such. he just wants to be useful for you, thrusting his sticky hips against you, his cum could be felt through the confinements of his boxers, which was caused by you merely kissing him and caressing his body. he couldn’t even breathe when you touched him so generously …
“please please please tell me you love me again…it’s a bold request and i’m a little messy but i know you can… i just want your love forever and—mmph, floret! your face, just look at me, catch me with your eyes and tell me i’m yours…”
☪︎︎ 𝔂andere botanist! who keeps his emotions limited to the best of his ability, but everything you do gets him so excited! the most ominous desires slip from his mouth instinctively, instinctively to the point where he doesn’t possess the mental awareness to apologize (which, again, you learned to inure) …
“i’ll skin all your friends in order to sew you a nice warm blanket to keep you comfy during the winter…”
“… that’s uh considerate, flower boy, but i’ll stick to the blankets you’ve bought me. they’re very warm, trust me.”
☪︎︎ 𝔂andere botanist! who absolutely trashes his place when you’re gone for too long with little to no explanation. once you came through the door you were greeted by a frantic and apologetic male, his roseated cheeks stained with smeared tears, his hands pricked with bloody rose thorns after destroying his vases out of resentment, and his hair was tousled and a bit damp from sweat. it was hard to be mad despite you being concerned, and what’s worse is that he seemed to calm down immensely when his hands traveled up your shirt, his breathing shaky and irregular as the thorns dragged across your skin …
“take off your shirt. i need your touch, your love, your sweat, embrace me with everything you own… i need your skin infused with mine… we’ll become one big bud of blubbery love, blooming under each other’s needs! you have a heart, don’t you?! can you show me, please? show me that you miss me. tell me that you need me. i can’t take another moment without you!”
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© all rights reserved 𝄁︎ sencity. plagiarism will not be tolerated on this blog but addressed and chastised accordingly.
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Akai is going to be the death of him.
This has been a long-time conviction of Rei's, and yet of all the ways that could go, this really is not how he pictured it.
Leading contender for cause of death: irregular blood flow, leaving him without the oxygen necessary for higher brain functions.
Where has it gone? Mostly to his cheeks. And the tips of his ears. They're burning.
(And some of it may have gone further south, pooling warmly in his stomach).
Akai's wearing the sweater Rei made and it's so oversized he's got cute little sweater paws covering his hands. Rei would like to faint now, please. Please. Please?
He closes his eyes in hopes this is all just a hallucination caused by lack of sleep (ignoring the fact Akai just woke him up, actually feeling well-rested for once). But when he opens them again, Akai's still there, eyebrow raised. Lit in the warm colours of a new dawn, and covered in a sweater Rei knows is incredibly soft, because he picked the wool himself. Holding a steaming cup of something.
Hm. It smells like sencha.
Temptation itself, in the morning cool.
Rei curses, resigns himself to the new reality he gets to enjoy now. Okiya Subaru is one thing, the identity deliberately crafted to be harmless and cozy, but Akai Shuichi should not be looking this adorable. Maybe Rei did suffer that concussion, after all.
There's some overlap in their watch cycle, so Rei busies himself trying to get the excess energy out and make breakfast. He's definitely not ignoring Akai. Which would be difficult anyways in the one room apartment they're using to lay low.
It's going to be bland, even with his best efforts. There's barely any spices in stock, just lots and lots of dried and pickled foods, stuff that keeps. Not that Rei's expected anything more from Akai - okay, maybe a little, considering he's trying (and failing) to learn how to cook. Then again, he probably didn't figure he'd actually have to use the safehouse, and they've had worse. That weekend in Rikubetsu comes to mind. It still sends shivers down his spine.
Besides, the food isn't actually the problem - though they'll need to be conservative with it. No, the real issue is the shitty insulation. And terrible heating. Rei shivers in his sweater and huddles closer to the stove. It's not like they can call a HVAC repairman without drawing attention to themselves. Who thought it was a good idea to do this sting in the winter?
Whatever. They'll only need to stay here for a couple of days, until their allies have finished the witch-hunt, and then they can leave this safehouse behind them.
An uneventful breakfast and several hours later it's Akai's turn to sleep. He's mostly been sitting quiet and unobtrusive in the corner chair, keeping an eye on the street below. Rei knows the look, has seen it many times. Mostly on Rye, back in Osaka. Perching on the place with the best view, making as little noise and movement as possible. Coiled up and ready to bolt. The apartment isn't safe, and the mission isn't over. Akai won't rest, not really, until the all-clear. Idiot. As if he's not injured, doesn't need to recover.
"Akai. Your turn." He tries, and is roundly ignored. Akai must've heard him - there's nothing to listen to, in here. If he's somewhere else, mentally, well. Rei's never been good at quitting. Or alright with being denied attention.
"Akai." When the sniper still doesn't react, Rei walks up to him. Grabs a hold of his chin, tipping it up, forcing the other to look up at him. There's no resistance; either Akai is too tired to object, or he actively allows the touch. Rei's not sure which is worse. He feels Akai flinch as he straightens - must be the strain on his injured ribs. The sniper stares up at him, jade eyes dull and lifeless. The shadows under his eyes are deep enough to blot out the sun. Where's his stupid mirth, the barely concealed amusement? This won't do.
"Go lie down. Even if you can't sleep, your body still needs the rest. You're useless like this." How long has it been since he last slept?
"I can still-" Akai starts to object, eyes flicking to the window, to the street below.
"No. I've got this." Akai's so close, and so painfully tense, and Rei really doesn't know how to get his message through Akai's thick skull. So he tries for the closest approximation. He leans down that last little bit, until their noses touch, their foreheads rest together. Akai's skin burns against his own. "Rest." A single word, too gentle to be a command, but Akai still obeys. Long, soft lashes flutter against Rei's cheek, feather-light, as green eyes slip shut. The ghost of a sigh brushes against his lips. The pressure against him increases as Shuichi loosens into his touch.
Rei allows himself to indulge in the warmth of their shared space for a few shared breaths. It shouldn't be this hard to pull away. "Not here, idiot. The bed."
It's unclear whether Akai actually needs the help, or if he just likes to force Rei to do extra work, but he finds himself supporting the sniper to the bed. Helps lower Akai to the mattress as he settles in, careful not to aggravate his wounds. Cocoons him in the blanket. And if he's being a little too considerate, well, Akai looks about ready to pass out, so it's likely he won't notice or remember.
Rei finds himself checking in every once in a while, making sure Akai's still breathing. The man can be eerily quiet when he wants, and in slumber he almost seems dead. The first couple of times Rei saw him asleep, he found it disconcerting. By now, he knows how to spot Akai's signs of life, the faint rise and fall of his chest.
Of all the things that happened in the last 48 hours, Rei's mind returns to the most harmless offense - Akai in a too-large sweater.
How could that happen? He knows Akai's features by heart, by touch and measurement, and he's pretty sure he's counted out the rows and numbers correctly. Okay, fine, he might have picked out the design and worked on it in a hazy fugue state, but that is only slightly worse than his usual operating conditions. The result shouldn't be such a disaster. Maybe elder Tsuruyama will know where he went wrong.
(Because he did go wrong. No amount of stupid, heady pride at seeing Akai wear what Rei made for him with his own two hands can dissuade him from that. Rei tries to shove down the satisfaction spreading warmth throughout his body, right down to his toes. But the feeling has been building for weeks now, and is getting harder to ignore each day. Rei pretends he doesn't see the signs, doesn't know what they mean. They can't afford the distraction.)
Thankfully, his musings are interrupted by a sharp intake of breath, followed by a series of shallow gasps. He scans the room, wondering if Akai's noticed something he missed, when, with a quiet thud, the thick blanket slides to the floor. Akai's twisting and turning on the bed. Oh, great, the genius wants to agitate his wounds and freeze in one go.
Rei abandons his watch uneasily. But it's the middle of the day, and anyone coming after them right now would have to be stupidly brazen. Besides, he'd probably not notice attackers anyways. Akai's panting and thrashing is way too distracting.
Night (well, day in this case) terrors are not unusual for people in their profession, and if they are a regular issue for Akai, that might explain his general reluctance to get to bed, as well as the permanent bags under his eyes. But at this rate, Rei will need to intervene, or Akai will further injure himself.
"Don't go inside-" Akai's words, low and sharp, stop Rei dead in his tracks. Oh. They should've done a debrief before heading to bed. He's willing to bet he can guess pretty accurately what holds Akai in its grasp. It takes him a deep breath and a conscious effort of will to shake off the image of the abandoned factory, the smell of dust and mildew. The echo of a gunshot.
"Akai?" Rei continues his slow approach, gentle, non-threatening. Though Akai's eyes are wide open, staring at the ceiling, Rei doubts he can see him.
"At least wait for backup-", Akai pleads, unsteady. He's reaching out, grabbing at empty air. Grinding his teeth in agitation.
Alright. What did Hiro say? Considering Akai's taller, and loathe as Rei is to admit it, a better fighter, trying to wake him is most certainly a bad idea. Even if he weren't stronger, there's a gun on the bedside table, and Rei's not keen to learn what Akai's instincts look like if he wakes up disoriented and with too much adrenaline in his system.
So. Soothing might or might not be possible, but he has to try. "Akai. Shhh, it's all right. You got to me in time. We made it out. I'm here. I'm safe."
'Because you took a bullet for me', he doesn't say. Bulletproof vest or not, Akai's carrying the reminder of his actions on his chest, in cracked ribs, tender skin, and colourful bruises. It's grating to be in his debt, yet again. The first time might have been accidental, more about Scotch than Bourbon, but there's no doubt that this time, it was all about Rei. Who has the sickening suspicion Akai would've acted no differently, had he not been wearing body armour.
It makes no sense why he would go this far. There's people waiting for him - his siblings, his coworkers, the Kudos. Besides, he's the Silver Bullet, meant to take down the organisation. And here he is, throwing it all away for nothing. Who really cares whether Rei survives? He's long resigned himself to the fact he might not.
Hiro comes to mind, and Rei immediately rejects the notion. Maybe it's uncharitable. Things surely were difficult for Hiro, but the longer Rei has to think about it, the less he can forgive him. If he truly had cared about Rei, he would've found a way to let him know he made it. It's been three years, after all, easily enough time to settle into his cover. It shouldn't have fallen to Akai, perceived threat and even enemy at the time, to bring this revelation.
Rei's glad Hiro is safe, make no mistake. But there's years of grief and guilt between them, the loneliness growing roots so deep it's isolated him from the one person that mattered the most. The betrayal of the trust he thought they shared stings every time he thinks about his best friend. If he can even be called that, these days.
Akai thrashes, and Rei barely manages to grab a hold of his arm before he's decked in the face. Stupid. Here he is, getting lost in his own issues, while the other agent needs his support. He owes him that much, if not more.
Making sure he keeps Akai's arms in view, Rei puts the gun into the bedside table's drawer to avoid any accidents. He sits himself down at the corner of the bed, next to the agent's head. The stupid knit cap has slid off, revealing sweat-slick curls of dark hair. Rye's hair used to be so fine, smoothed out by its length, obviously well taken care of. The texture now, as Rei cards his fingers through steadily, is wet and oily - Akai should wash it tomorrow. With all that sweat, he'll need to shower anyways, though the motion might be straining his injuries. It might be good to offer to help - with the hair, that is.
"Not you too, not so soon-" Akai still seems agitated, but the repetitive stroking of his hair grounds them both, little by little. At least he's not kicking out anymore. "Akai, listen. You're not getting rid of me that easily, all right? And they're not getting you, either. You're here, with me, safe and sound. We're both here." And freezing, he notices. Akai's shivering beneath him, seeking his touch, his warmth. Rei feels like an idiot. He really should've grabbed the blanket first. Then again, Akai probably would've just shaken it off again. He'll fetch it when Akai's calmed down a bit more.
He scooches closer. Rubs circles into Akai's shoulder and upper arm, trying to create warmth through friction. Running his hand along, he's glad to feel the mohair he picked is as soft as he had hoped.
"No, please, Rei-" A stupid slip-up, inappropriate not just because it happened in front of the enemy. And yet the PSB agent can't bring himself to be too mad about it. It's not like Aperol lived to tell the tale. Rei had taken the shot in the window of opportunity Akai had bought him, and, well. He might have cared more about dispatching Aperol quickly so he could focus on a downed Akai. He's already mourned Akai once before; he'd rather not do so again, in the foreseeable future.
"Shhh. I'm with you." He squeezes Akai's shoulders, trying to make sure the other knows. He shouldn't indulge like this. Can't encourage Akai's behaviour. But duty demanded he go into that warehouse, and he's really not sure he would've walked back out without Akai.
Either Bourbon's cover is blown, or Rum has decided it's time to clean house and deal with loose ends. Whatever the case may be, killing Aperol will have burnt any goodwill he might have had, if it existed at all. He can't go back.
Except, it hits him: it doesn't matter. If the Kudos' plan worked, there's no place to go back to. He's survived Gin's distrust and Vermouth's games. Rum's relentless chase. He's still standing. Because of skill and luck and the allies Edogawa Conan has collected. Five long years undercover. They're finally over. He doesn't believe in miracles, but this comes pretty damn close.
Of course the job is not over, not by a long shot. There's stragglers to round up, witnesses to interrogate, statements to give. Evidence to submit and analyse. Going up against the Karasuma corporation means their case needs to be airtight, or they'll wiggle out of it with good attorneys. In all likelihood, everyone involved in this operation will need to sleep with one eye open for the rest of their lives.
But the fact remains that it looks like there will be a future, after all.
And it doesn't look terribly bleak.
Three years ago, he'd thought his world had ended. But he'd kept going, hanging on for duty - and the need to corner Akai for answers.
It just might have been worth it.
For late-night talks, shared cigarettes and stolen sweaters. For this beautiful, brave, reckless idiot, lost in fitful sleep beside him. For the hope of a better future, forgotten and rekindled.
He can't bring himself to say it, not even when Akai's asleep in his arms, unpleasant memories barely kept. But he knows it all the same.
'Thank you for keeping me alive to see this day.'
Sweater weather AU masterpost
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cozyenigma · 8 months
Word Count- 1201
Request?- Yes!
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(sorry this took me so long! I hope the tarot parts aren't too basic and it's what you envisioned! And of you'd still like the anon handle you can absolutely take that one!)
Tag List- @cookielover0001010 , @swag-droid , @watchoutforfrostbite
Warnings- None
Dark didn't need to eat or drink. Food didn't nourish the carcass he hauled around and drink did nothing to quench his thirst. When he found himself presented with these things anyways, Dark always took a small amount of pleasure in others discomfort when they noticed he never touched anything.
Still, in the privacy of his own office, away from annoyances and prying eyes, he let himself imbibe. A steaming hot cup of sencha sat on his desk. The fine china cup, delicate and thin, gleamed atop its saucer. Heedless, of the temperature, Dark took a sip.
It tasted like ash.
One of his human components, he wasn't quite sure which, had liked to take tea in this setting once upon a time. Steaming hot tea in a window seat with a good book. As much as Dark was annoyed at the bleed over, the habit helped.
As did the readings. Dark knew which one this habit stemmed from. The cards seemed to flow in his hands. Shuffling and dealing and reading. The deck was worn. Creased and faded at the edges, the cards showed their age. Part of him wondered if this was her set when she was alive. Probably not.
As he was going to set the spread of cards, the hairs on the back of his neck prickled. Dark's hands paused. Then he gathered the cards back into one stack.
"Back again, are we?"
The air grew noticeably colder, the steam rising from his tea that much more pronounced. They were here alright.
With a sigh, he started shuffling again. "Are you going to skulk about or try and wreck my office again?"
His answer was a lamp tumbling to the floor, glass skittering across the hardwood.
"Right." Dark ignored the blatant hostility and cut the deck. The DA, reduced to the presence they were now, would eventually tire of the destruction. They always did. It was only Dark's own aura that kept them from doing physical harm to his body.
The destruction was a nuisance but only that. While he didn't enjoy replacing and repairing his furnishings every other week, he wasn't about to give them the satisfaction of seeing any reaction. Eventually, after he heard them gouge long tracks into the floor, they stopped.
He hummed and placed the deck on the desk.
"If you're finished?" Dark gestures to the cards and waited.
The room was still and silent once more. He knew they could move and choose the cards. Whether or not they were shocked or just refusing, he could only guess.
"If you won't," he took up the deck himself, giving it one more shuffle. "I'll ask a question for you, I'm sure both of us have been thinking it. Why do you keep coming back?"
The sound of broken glass crunching under foot. They were seemingly grinding the shards into the floor. That got to them.
"Let's keep it basic, shall we?" He kept going, tone too casual for the situation. "Basic three card pull. Past, present, future, hmm?"
They slipped through his hands as easily as water. Three cards, situated in a line right in front of him. Dark pictured them in his head, brooding as they sat opposite. It almost made him smile.
Delicately, he flipped the first over. A woman wrestling with a beast that might have, once, been a lion. The wearing of time and distortion made it seem otherworldly somehow.
"Strength," he laughed. "Makes sense, I suppose. You always were confident in your skills, even when we were young. Clear choices, clear purpose. I imagine you and everyone else thought you were aiming for bigger and better things, hmm?"
The walls themselves seemed to creak ominously around him. If he didn't know better he might suspect they could bring the ceiling down on top of him.
"Yknow," he said, resting his fingers atop the next card, "this is less the cards talking and more supposed to be the people themselves talking. To put things to words, I suppose. Though you can't quite manage that can you?"
The tea cup beside him abruptly cracked in half. Hot tea leaked out in a small flood, nearly taking the cards with it and soaking into his sleeve. Dark paid it no mind.
"The present now then, shall we?"
This next card was so worn down he very nearly couldn't read the text. Though he'd know the upside down design without it well enough.
"Reverse wheel of fortune," he leaned back, shaking errant drops of scalding tea from his hand. "A run of bad luck. Much as you try you can't control the past, you can't control the present either. Oh my poor, poor friend. I can understand that, to a degree."
He scanned the room, looking for a shimmer, a shadow, anything to indicate where they were. If they actually occupied any sort of space in this reality. The empty, cold office didn't provide him with any insight on that.
"Neither of us were in control then," he said eventually, "as for now…"
Dark flexed his hand. What was once their hand. "I suppose I'll be taking that back for the both of us, hmm?"
No response. Nothing was destroyed in a fit of impotent rage but he knew they were still here. That crawling every present feeling of being watched was still there.
"Stop trying to change things," he murmurs, "I don't pretend to know where you're existing now but there's surely better things for you to be doing. Maybe even actually rest."
Again, nothing. Dark huffed and, without further preamble, flipped the last card. This one made him laugh. As much as he could laugh, anyways.
"Justice? Really?"
The card was fairly self explanatory, as far as other cards in the deck went. The woman depicted held a scale and sword, regal and just. At some point the face was nearly erased, a small tear going through where her eyes would have been. The now cooled tea had soaked into the paper, giving the card a sickly brown green tint.
"You're pinning your hopes on karma, is that it?" He tossed the card back onto the desk. "I don't think so. The world isn't that kind. If anything, I'll be bringing you justice. Bringing down the man that caused all of this is karma enough, I think."
The deck next to him abruptly flew apart, cards pinwheeling in the air and just adding to the mess. Heaving a sigh, Dark got to his feet.
"One of us can keep going with this cycle, old friend," he'd admit, the old moniker was a dig he couldn't help but slip in, "and I think you know who."
If they heard him they chose not to show it. The room was more than still, it was empty. That pressure, the presence in the air was gone. Which left Dark among the ruins of his office once again.
"Same time next week, I suppose," he mutters, plucking a card from the desk and giving it a flick. The sencha had truly soaked the thing. Even with the paper starting to warp and discolor, he could still make out the tower clear as day.
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Hi! I saw that your requests were open and was wondering if I could please request some headcanons for Hanzo with a more shy s/o? Thank you in advance <3
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Hanzo Shimada x Shy! S/O (Gender Neutral)
Hi here! Speaking as a former Hanzo fan, here are some of my headcanons for Hanzo with a shy gender neutral S/O:
Note: I’m assuming that reader here doesn’t have any abilities/combat skills
-When you and Hanzo first met, the way you speak and the way you stuttered indicated that you needed a bit help with letting out your thoughts
-He would often reciprocate your love through physical touch, always hugging you and making you feel safe.
-Pet names are mostly just "Koibito"
-He would usually ask you questions to see how comfortable you are with certain things
-But whenever he's tired, he would just hug you from behind, or hold you in bed, as if you're gonna leave him
"Koibito, do you like that?" He would ask as he caresses your neck, thigh or cheek
-He prefers having a shy S/O, the calmness and serenity you radiate would make for a good acomplice in his meditation sessions
-Dates would mostly be him taking you to quiet places at night, or sneaking to rooftops to eat some takeout together while looking at the beautiful city skyline
-He loves hearing any noise you make, may it be tiny squeaks, or mumbles or anything you say, either way he just enjoys being with your presence
-Whenever you seem stressed, he would bring a cup of hot sencha tea, alongside your favorite songs
-Give him headpats or caress his face, or maybe even a soft chaste kiss on his lips, cheeks
-Hanzo tries his best to appreciate everything you love and do so hopefully one day you could feel safe and comfortable enough with expressing your words with him
-Most nights are spent in bed, watching the TV or just enjoying each other's presence
-He would often give a soft chuckle whenever you have struggle expressing yourself, only to be followed with headpats alongside the words "Breath, take your time Koibito. I'm here for you."
-Whenever he's about to leave for a long journey, he would often grab your dominant hand and kiss it, bidding you goodbye and telling you how long he would be gone
note: I'm sorry for it being a bit short, I'm just not sure what to add since I'm not much of a shy person, but I hope this does you justice!
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A Home To Come Back To
Ayato x reader
‘It’s the little things that matter in life. If you can’t begin to appreciate them, you can’t hope to matter for something bigger’
W.c: 1k
Theme: Bone crushing fluff
Warning: Not proofread 
Little note: Pleaaassee my heart can’t take it anymore when I typed this little story out. I was supposed to do a Scaramouche short story but Ayato lives in my mind without paying rent. 
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A knock was heard before the door slides open. In your hands, you hold a tray with a teapot filled with his favourite Sencha tea. Your slightly weary eyes glance at the well formed head of the Kamisato clan. You sigh.
“Still a lot of work?”
He chuckles at the question. “As per usual. You should know that”. 
He continues to paint characters on the scrolls with black ink. You slowly walk closer to him, setting the wooden tray on the table after he’s helped moved some books. You smile at him with a small thanks leaving your lips. As expected, he only gives you a little smile. 
Your heart tugs every time you receive his attention. Even if its just a little, it was all a worth while. He’s a man of few words. Well that’s because he’s a man of action and actions speaks a thousand more than just mere talk. That’s what you’ve learnt from someone like him and you grew to appreciate people like him even more.
You carefully poured the tea in his cup. The warm smell of Sencha emits from the steam. Ayato peeks at the tray just as you finished pouring. He looks back at his scroll.
“Where’s your cup, love?”
Your face reddens and you can feel your ears getting warmer. Clearing your throat, you answer “Um I made this tea for you. There should be no reason for me to have one”. 
Inside your mind, you cheer yourself up for not stuttering once, Even though you were close to losing it. You swear your heart is about to burst. If you messed up, you would’ve combust yourself to non existence. 
‘Calm down heart. Calm down. This is not the time. Must keep professional. But he called me love! How can I not stay calm??!’
You were deep in thought that you did not realise you haven’t respond to him. Ayato notices the change of colour of your face and ears. You look as red as the tomatoes his little sister would harvest. You can’t hide your emotions. Especially from him. 
“Y/n come here” he says while patting the space between his lap and the table. You hope he doesn’t hear the sound of you swallowing your spit. The corner of his lips curves with a glint of cheekiness from his lavender coloured eyes. 
It’s no false that you despise -love- the likes of him. But nonetheless you reposition yourself. He pulls you closer. Your back touching his chest. His breath tickles the back of your neck. You almost forgot to breathe. 
He brought his arm under yours to reach for his cup. He hands it to you. With your eyes wide open, you stare at him disapprovingly. 
“My lord, that’s yours. It’s not for me. I-”
“I know. And as your lord I command you to drink from this cup”
You deadpan. 
‘I hate you Ayato’
You thought sarcastically. You grasp the cup from his gloved hand and took a sip of the piping hot tea. You feel the warmth travel through your body. Ayato held you tighter. It was a matter of seconds before his fingers intertwined with yours. He proceeds his work and you don’t think you’re living anymore. 
“You feel cold Y/n... How long were you outside?”
It’s winter season. The temperature keeps getting colder as the day passes. In fairness, you were outside. More than you should’ve. You were helping out a charity event and there was a problem with the delivery of the required items for the show from Monstadt. However that was done and dusted. Now you’re back home. With him...
He hums after the explanations. His and your fingers are still tangled together. To your surprise, he doesn’t bother nagging at you for being in the cold and because of that you can’t help but take a glimpse of what he’s doing. 
Unsurprisingly, you understand after silently taking in the context of his scrolls. He’s hardworking. Just as simple as that. He once told you that people will draw their blades for the sake of tarnishing normal, simplistic lives. Before he’s your lover, he’s a man for his people, his family. He wants everyone to have a home to come back to...
You put the cup back on the tray and turn your upper body around, enveloping him. Your head snuggles onto his shoulder. Your action startles him but he does not display it publicly for you to notice. 
“My my aren’t you quite affectionate at this very moment”, he teases you as he caresses your head, brushing his fingers through your silky hair. Actions speaks more than words.
“Shut up...”, you mumble quietly. You place yourself in the comfort of your lover as you close your tired eyes. You can hear his heart beat thumping. Faster and faster... The melody of his heart soothes your mind and soul. Something you’ve yearned for so long. 
Without even realising it, you end up falling asleep. Light snores escape your soft lips. Now you delve into deep slumber. 
Ayato sighs at the peaceful sight and returns the brush pen to its rightful place. He scans his room filled with papers, scrolls and books. All...of this is...immense amount of work that most of the time he stays up all night. He even goes to places, and doesn’t come home for days, where careful discussions occurs. One blunt and it decides the fate of a larger scale from your careless actions. Even just a mere mistake. 
Just by looking at your appearance, he believes he must do what he can for the safety of his people. You never once complain about him never having the time for you. Instead you encouraged him. Whatever he’s doing, he’s doing for an honoured reason. 
He wished moments like now would last forever. If he had the power to stop time. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t sad that you slept early. Despite that, he picked his brush pen again and dipped it in the black ink. He carries on with work...
Whilst holding you lovingly on him...
@Don’t repost my works, plagiarize or submit them on other platforms without permission. This work belongs to me and only me. Thank you very much!
Please like and repost if you enjoy what I post!
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dipplinduo · 7 months
#1 - 50
no im kidding LOLLLL #25 and 34.
(Context: Questions for Fic Writers Ask Game) LOOOOOL I WAS ABOUT TO BE LIKE "DAMN OKAY" xD
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
My toxic habit is that I go on google and look up synonyms of a word and search until I find one I like if I notice I'm repeating myself/want it to hit different. I should be using actual resources imo but I'm too lazy to go find them.
I also tend to research random things for accuracy (e.g. for S&S D, I often check what pokemon are available in certain areas for worldbuilding; for DIOH I recently went on a whole deep dive about sencha so I could incorporate cultural stuff & things like taste appropriately, etc.)
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
Sweet & Sour Dipplins:
I recently said this but Kieran's dialogue regarding gayness was verbatim my memory of what little me said in response to learning about gay people & a family member's disapproval of gay marriage ("Isn't love just love, though?")
Some of the highlights of Juliana's character are based on what I aspire to be/try to be, and her character flaws are based on what I know are my own.
Not really irl stuff but I lazily decided Juliana's team is legit my Scarlet team because I didn't feel like putting too much thought into it LOOOOL
I think I pull from my interactions with my irl guy friends when thinking of what Drayton would do/say sometimes. Also same with the bromance that is Arven/Crispin.
I base a lot of Sweet & Sour Applins' behaviors off of cats. Sweet Applin is more of my freinds' domestic cats, while Sour Applin is closer to a cat I grew up with and saved from the streets. She had a very big love/hate relationship with me in particular DESPITE ME BEING THE FIRST HUMAN SHE WARMED UP TO AND THE LITERAL REASON SHE GOT A HOME-
One of the S&S kissing scenes is based on something I've experienced personally. I am not saying which one. 💀
The Dichotomy in Our Hearts:
People in my personal life often describe my disposition as being "sunshiney", but I can have my own broody rainclouds when I'm down lol. I usually appreciate being able to talk about my feelings but if I'm in a particularly rare mood of total despondence nothing will really work on me other than silence and physical touch. It's my primary love language and Kieran's own despondence being broken through with it in Chapter 2 is a very ME thing in hindsight LOOOOL
Juliana hiding her feelings is something I have absolutely done with crushes growing up, and her shy but curious and caring disposition is based off of my past self. How she will deal with her secret crush on Kieran will also be dealt with in the way I have dealt with my own (although this is coincidence and is for the plot).
A Sugary Sweet Kiss:
One time I went on a date with someone who was really really nervous the whole time, and I pulled a littleeeee bit from him when I was characterizing Kieran. I also dressed very nicely while the other person dressed down like Juliana and Kieran did in the fic. xD
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leafwhirlwind · 11 months
Kakuzu x Fem!OC This is my first time posting any of my fics on Tumblr so I don't know how to format any of this fhdjajfds Will probably be NSFW in future chapters but not in this one
"You want me to work with a dokuhime?" Kakuzu spits, the seething in his voice barely bothering to be concealed. Pain sighs, having seen this coming. He closes his eyes, causing the gray rings on his staticky outline to blink out of existence.
"I do. Her skill set is incredibly important for us at this time. None of our members can execute stealth assassinations as—"
"You must be aware of how high the bounties are for her kind," Kakuzu cuts in. Hidan raises an eyebrow at his partner's adamance about the situation. The old asshole was never this pissy at Pain.
"I am very aware, Kakuzu. This is why it is of the utmost importance to keep her on retainer. Our work on pursuing the jinchuuriki has begun to damage connections we need to keep alive as long as possible, and keeping the Akatsuki name out of the assassinations is key in maintaining them for now." Pain opens his eyes again, glaring deeply into Kakuzu's red and green. "When we have no further need of her services, feel free to go after her bounty. But for now, the mission comes first."
Kakuzu grits his back teeth, the grinding just audible over the transmission jutsu, and his eyes glitter with rage. "500 million ryo," he hisses. "Double that if she's alive."
Pain doesn't flinch. "You are forbidden from touching her for the foreseeable future. Perhaps you can utilize her services for your bounty collection on the side. I'm sure plenty of your targets would fall for her methods."
That was a fair point. Kakuzu scoffs, and then crosses his arms. "... The second we have no further use for her, I'm taking her in."
Hidan whistles, long and low. "That was fuckin' tense. What the fuck is a dokuhime, anyway?"
Erika takes her spare mug out of her travelling pack as the waitress of the tea shop sets down her sencha, and she carefully transfers the hot drink from one to the other.
"Thank you," she says quietly, and the waitress gives her an odd look, but decides against asking. That suited Erika just fine— she could let people believe she was just a strange germaphobe. It was safer that way. If the tea shop didn't properly sanitize their mugs, the next person to drink from hers could accidentally die a rather horrible death.
Erika was due to meet with the Akatsuki members she'd been paired with any moment. Grande Mother had instructed that this would be her final assignment for a good long while— she'd be working with this group of mercenaries for the time being. It was unusual that she was being forced to work alongside anyone, however, Grande Mother had assured her these were unusual circumstances.
She pulls the porcelain mask on her face above her lips to drink, and then pauses as she hears the shutter doors to the shop open, and then close again, followed by the raucous sound of a one sided argument.
"But I want some fucking tea!"
"We're not here for tea, we're here to pick up our partner."
"It's a tea shop!"
"I'm not buying you tea."
Already, Erika wanted to gouge her ears out. Fucking insufferable. She should just kill them and leave. She takes a long, long pull of the tea and hopes in vain the pair of men wouldn't see her.
"Oh, is that her?"
No such luck. She was the only other one here. She moves her mask back into place so she could see out of the eye slits as the shuffling moves in front of her, and a silver-haired man plops down in the chair across her.
"You're, uh, Yurika, right?"
"Erika," she murmurs. A shadow darkens her left side, and she glances up at it— a tall man in a hood and mask, wearing a matching cloak to the idiot reclining before her. Red clouds, black fabric. That was them, alright.
"We need to leave," the hooded man says. Erika pushes her mask back up her face, taking another long sip in lieu of saying anything. But the statement is clear: 'I'm not leaving until I'm done with my tea.'
Hidan tilts his head and squints, eyeing the bottom of Erika's face curiously. Her skin was dark— as dark as they tended to be in Kumogakure— and her lips were full, and painted red. She also had a mole on the left side of her chin. He'd heard she was supposed to be pretty. All dokuhime were, according to Kakuzu. Helped with the whole 'seduction and murder' thing.
Kakuzu grits his jaw again, closing his eyes. Already, this woman was more of a headache than he had patience for. The temptation to just kill her and bring her in was mounting steadily, the longer she sat silently and nursed that damn mug.
"... And your names are?" Erika finally asks, her voice deep and a bit gravelly.
Hidan barks a laugh— he liked anyone who could piss Kakuzu off as much as she clearly did, the way his fists were all balled up. "I'm Hidan, that's Kakuzu."
"A pleasure, I'm sure," she drawls, before tilting the mug back and letting the rest of the hot liquid slip down her throat. She carefully sets the mug down and readjusts her mask before taking a small packet out of her travelling pack and ripping it open, producing a small towelette. Kakuzu watches as she purposefully went around the rim of the cup with it, wiping off any lipstick, before stowing the mug and used wipe back into the bag.
He'd kill her. He'd kill her.
She finally stands, setting down a few bills and coins to pay for her refreshment.
"Now we can leave," she says, pulling her own black cape around her.
As she heads towards the door, Hidan grins up at Kakuzu, who has to hold back everything he has not to crush his stupid, smug face in.
"Not one word," Kakuzu growls, following after Erika. Hidan simply shrugs and goes to stand walk closer to their new companion.
"So. Uhh, dokumushi, right?" He asks. Erika sighs quietly.
"Right, whatever." Hidan crosses his arms. "Kakuzu told me that you're poisonous."
"That's right," she murmurs. "So don't get too close."
"I don't think that should be an issue," Hidan laughs. "Lord Jashin has blessed me with an indestructible body."
"... How's that?" She tilts her head a bit. Grande Mother had told her the men she was working with would be a bit strange, but she hadn't expected 'psychotic religious idiot' levels of strange.
"It means I'm immortal," he grins. "Even Kakuzu can't fuckin' kill me, even though he reaaallly wants to."
Kakuzu just gives a quiet grunt.
"... Immortal," Erika repeats.
"Uh-huh." The doubt drips off her tone.
"Go ahead! Try and kill me!" Hidan opens his arms wide with a grin.
"I'll pass."
"Fine, then, you fucking heathen," Hidan scoffs. "You'll see during my next ritual."
Kakuzu ignores their chatting for the most part— he was just glad Hidan wasn't bothering him.
"So, if you're immortal, what's his deal?" Erika asks, nodding towards where Kakuzu was trailing a few steps behind them.
"He's immortal too, kind of," Hidan waves his hand dismissively. "He steals hearts or some shit."
"Hidan, shut your mouth," Kakuzu warns. Even if they were working with the dokuhime, she didn't need to know about his jutsu until it was absolutely necessary.
"Heart stealer?" Erika snorts a bit. "He doesn't seem charming enough for that."
Hidan blinks, and then bursts into laughter.
"She's got your fucking number, you bastard," he crows. Kakuzu just grits his teeth and ignores them and his blood pressure rising.
Erika, so far, wasn't impressed with her new partners. One claimed they were both immortal and asked her to kill him, and the other one just seemed like a pushy asshole. But if Hidan continued to talk, she was sure she'd end up preferring the pushy asshole.
And he did. Hidan's mouth always seemed to be running. He talked about whatever seemed to come into his mind at the moment— usually complaints. Erika herself was quiet, but indulged him from time to time whenever he spoke to her directly.
"So, what's your face look like?" Hidan asks as the sun begins to droop towards the horizon.
"My face?" Erika quirks an unseen eyebrow.
"Yeah. Kakuzu told me all dokuhime are supposed to be pretty." Kakuzu cringes internally— he didn't need to fluff up this girl's ego bigger than it clearly already was.
"Ahh. And you want to see if I fit the bill," Erika snorts.
"Fucking obviously." Hidan rolls his eyes. "Come on, take it off!"
Erika weighs the pros and cons. She truly didn't care if Hidan thought she was pretty or not— it was no consequence to her, as he wasn't her target. However, if he did find her attractive, she wasn't sure if he'd be annoying about it or not. Then again, if she was going to be staying with them for the foreseeable future, he'd end up seeing her face anyway.
"... Alright," she sighs, reaching up to pull back her hood, and then the snood underneath it. Silky ebony curls come spilling out, cascading around her shoulders and pooling into her hood. And then she pulls off her mask.
The full, shapely red lips and sexy mole were apparently complimented by a pair of hooded, glossy, smoky violet eyes framed with long ebony lashes and strong arching brows. Her cheekbones were high, but round, giving her face a slightly cherubic look, and her naturally disinterested expression only served to make her look even more enticing.
Kakuzu had been right— this was a face custom bred to snag unsuspecting men and lure them to their doom.
Hidan whistles long and low, raising his brows. "Look at that! You are pretty. You'd make an excellent sacrifice for Lord Jashin."
"I'll take that as a compliment," Erika scoffs again.
"Of course it was a compliment!"
Kakuzu, a few steps ahead of them, spares a glance over his shoulder— he couldn't deny he'd also been a touch curious. He would deny it to anyone who even breathed the suggestion, but not to himself. Unfortunately for him, though, Erika catches his eye, and offers nothing but a subtle smirk before she returned her attention to Hidan. Rage boils in his stomach for what must have been the seventh time that day; she had indeed, as Hidan had put it, got his number.
As night finally falls, the three find their way out of the woods and into a town— and in the heart, a glittering, thrumming night market, bustling with shoppers, music, and drunks singing and arguing and adding to the ambiance. Erika scans the booths through the slits in her mask as Kakuzu starts looking for the cheapest possible inn he could book them for the night. Hidan, as usual, was running his mouth.
"Look at all these fucking idiots. Not a single pious soul in sight. None of these people would make anything close to a suitable sacrifice for Lord Jashin. Kakuzuuuu, are we really going to be staying here for the night?" He scowls at his partner's back, and the older man suppresses a withering sigh.
"It's one night, Hidan. You can go one night without one of your insufferable rituals," he snipes back. Hidan rolls his eyes, and opens his mouth to start again, but stops. This catches Kakuzu's attention— Hidan never stopped talking.
His eyes scan over to where Hidan was looking— Erika was standing in front of a booth of weapons, arms crossed over her chest, hip popped to one side, clearly appraising the offerings.
Women, he thinks scathingly, and moves over behind her.
"I'm not spending any money here, so don't get any ideas," he hisses. Erika doesn't even acknowledge him, instead picking up a katana that noticeably was without a scabbard.
She swings it with a flourish, forcing Kakuzu to take a step back— and catching the stallkeeper's eye.
"You've got good taste, miss," he says, coming over and rubbing his hands together. "And clearly you've got skill with a blade."
"This is from Iwa, isn't it?" She asks, turning over the hilt and running a finger along the imprinted insignia on the blade. "Jewel steel, low carbon. Shin-shinto, too, this is quite a find."
The man's smile turns sickly sweet, and he nods happily. "You know your blades, clearly!"
"I do, thank you. What's your name?"
"Satoru, miss."
"Satoru. How much is this?"
Kakuzu watches this with interest, now— he knew Iwa swords were considered some of the best blades money could buy. And she just happened to stumble across one on the street? One without a scabbard, no less... but the blade edge was nicked all along the surface. The thing couldn't be worth more than—
"I'm willing to let that one go for 650,000 ryo," the stallkeep coos. Kakuzu's eyebrows twitch, and he has to restrain himself from reaching across the table to choke the sleezeball out. Just as he's about to take the sword from Erika's hands and return it to the stallkeeper, he hears her laugh.
"Don't bullshit me, Satoru, darling. This thing isn't worth anything more than 100k, and you're going to give it to me for 50."
This time both Kakuzu and the stallkeeper look gobsmacked, before the man stammers and blusters in rage.
"50,000?! You must be mad. You yourself said this is—"
"I was lying," Erika sighs, running a gloved finger along the blade edge. "This thing isn't low-carbon, it's high-carbon. A low-carbon blade wouldn't have nearly this many nicks. And it's barely Shinto at best, I can't imagine it having been made past the warring Era."
The stallkeep sputters a bit, losing his steam.
"I-I swear it's Shin-shinto! I have it under good authority—"
"Your authority doesn't know what they're talking about, Satoru. They couldn't tell a high-carbon from a low-carbon, and that's just sad for a weapons vendor. Unless you were going to sit here and take me for a sap." She sets the sword back on its stand. "50k."
"I can't go that low, miss!"
"You can, and you will, if you want this thing off your table anytime soon." Her eyes shift up to his, blazing purple in the darkness of her eye slits. "It doesn't have a scabbard, it's rusting along the tsuba, and the ito needs to be re-wrapped. And judging from the dust on the sword stand, this is the first time anyone's picked it up in a while. Really, Satoru, who other than me is going to buy a sword with no scabbard?" She scoffs.
"I-I can do 100k!"
"45k, for wasting my time."
Kakuzu watches with mild amusement as Erika goes back and forth with the man, and finally comes away with the sword for 65k— ten times cheaper than the original price.
As she walks away, getting out a scroll to seal her purchase in, he follows her, Hidan on his heels.
"That was fucking wild, Erika!" Hidan cackles. "That old bastard folded like a bad hand of cards."
"It helps he was stupid," she shrugs. "This thing is actually Shin-shinto. He was upcharging me but it's worth at least 400k. It'll polish up nice. I have a scabbard in here somewhere I can fit to it. Nearest pawn shop will take it for at least a mil."
She tosses Kakuzu a glance over her shoulder. "I paid for it with my own money. Just like the room I'm going to get. I'm not sharing with you two stooges."
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Hidan scoffs, while Kakuzu boils inside with an uncomfortable mixture of intense seething and begrudging approval. He desperately wanted to kill her and take her in. But... at the very least, the dokuhime could clearly make her own money, and he wouldn't need to dole out anything to keep her quiet.
And her bartering game was mildly impressive. If he wasn't so stubborn, he might ask to utilize her tactics in the future.
But he was, so he wouldn't. Over his undead body.
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asknarashikari · 2 years
If I may ask, what are your opinions on Sentai Reds and their caffeine preferences?
Tsukasa: Coffee-based frappucinos, usually with a lot of sugar and chocolate
Shoutaro: Black coffee, made from beans he roasted himself like Sokichi did... though with more success than his mentor did
Philip: Ryu's coffee, just a touch sweeter, though Shoutaro's will do in a pinch (but he has to add more sugar to it)
Eiji: Sencha (green tea). He likes the freshly brewed one best but will also go for teabags/bottled green tea
Gentaro: Energy drinks in the vein of Monster and such in citrusy/fruity flavors
Haruto: Generally doesn't consume caffeine on a regular basis but would have coffee if available
Kouta: Caffeine hasn't had an effect on him since he became Fruit Jesus, but he'd enjoy a caramel latte
Shinnosuke: Black coffee, as strong as possible. It's the only thing that keeps him awake during stakeouts
Takeru: Matcha, especially if made properly- but he won't say no to a Starbucks matcha latte
Emu: Bottled iced black coffee, he buys a giant one whenever he goes to the supermarket and finishes it in a few days
Sento: Black coffee from Cafe Nascita (made by the real Isurugi Souichi). Otherwise he just gets it canned
Sougo: Royal milk tea. He's also a fiend for boba milk tea and will try out all the flavors
Aruto: One of those fancy Nespresso pod things, he tries different flavors on a whim
Touma: Hojicha. Do not give him other forms of caffeine, especially sugary coffee. It will not be pretty.
Ikki: Canned cafe latte from the vending machine, the less sweet the better
Ace: Espresso, made only from the finest small-lot coffee beans and served in a ridiculously expensive and tiny cup
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tezumi · 2 years
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Made from roasted first flush sencha leaves and stems, Zansho houjicha is a deep, full-bodied tea with a touch of sweetness 🍵 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2PkapdW
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dilnak · 1 year
The Art of Tea: A Journey through Culture, Health, and Flavor
Tea, the second most consumed beverage in the world after water, has a rich and diverse history dating back thousands of years. Beyond being a comforting drink, tea embodies culture, health benefits, and a world of flavors. In this article, we'll take a journey through the world of tea, exploring its origins, its impact on culture, its many health benefits, and the myriad of flavors it offers.
The Origins of Tea
The story of tea begins in ancient China, where legend has it that Emperor Shen Nong discovered tea around 2737 BCE when tea leaves blew into a pot of boiling water he was preparing. Over time, tea became deeply ingrained in Chinese culture, influencing everything from art and philosophy to medicine and daily rituals.
Tea eventually made its way to Japan, where it took on its own unique traditions, most notably in the form of the Japanese tea ceremony, or Chanoyu. This ritualistic practice celebrates the preparation and consumption of matcha, a powdered green tea that emphasizes mindfulness, aesthetics, and respect.
The British also played a significant role in tea's global spread. During the 17th century, the British East India Company began importing tea from China, making it popular in England and eventually leading to the Boston Tea Party in 1773, a pivotal event in the lead-up to the American Revolution.
Tea and Culture
Tea has had a profound influence on the cultures it has touched. In China, tea has long been associated with Confucianism and Daoism, and it has played a central role in various social rituals and ceremonies. In Japan, the tea ceremony is not just a cultural practice but a spiritual one, emphasizing harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility.
In British culture, the tradition of afternoon tea became popular in the 19th century, and it remains a cherished custom today, complete with finger sandwiches, scones, and a pot of Earl Grey or English breakfast tea.
Tea and Health
Beyond its cultural significance, tea offers a wide range of health benefits. The leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which produces black, green, white, and oolong teas, contain polyphenols, antioxidants, and other compounds that have been linked to various health advantages.
Antioxidants: Tea is rich in antioxidants, such as catechins in green tea and theaflavins in black tea. These compounds help combat free radicals in the body, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.
Mental Alertness: Tea contains caffeine, which, though less than coffee, can provide a gentle and sustainable energy boost without the jittery side effects.
Weight Management: Green tea, in particular, is believed to aid in weight management by boosting metabolism and promoting fat oxidation.
Digestive Health: Herbal teas like peppermint and ginger can soothe digestive discomfort, helping with issues like indigestion and bloating.
Stress Reduction: The ritual of making and sipping tea can have a calming effect, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
Flavors of the World
Tea's diversity goes beyond its cultural significance and health benefits. Different types of tea are created through varying processes, resulting in a wide array of flavors.
Green Tea: Known for its grassy and earthy flavors, green tea is minimally processed, preserving its natural color and fresh taste. Varieties like Sencha, Matcha, and Dragonwell offer distinct profiles.
Black Tea: Black tea, with its robust and bold flavors, undergoes full oxidation. Varieties like Assam, Darjeeling, and Earl Grey showcase the diversity within this category.
White Tea: White tea is the least processed, resulting in a delicate, floral, and slightly sweet taste. Silver Needle and White Peony are well-known white tea varieties.
Oolong Tea: Falling between green and black tea in terms of oxidation, oolong teas are complex and nuanced. They can range from light and floral to dark and rich, with Tie Guan Yin and Da Hong Pao being notable examples.
Herbal and Fruit Infusions: Beyond the traditional tea types, there's a world of herbal and fruit infusions, including chamomile, peppermint, hibiscus, and more, each offering unique and delightful flavors.
Tea is more than just a beverage; it's a cultural treasure, a source of well-being, and a voyage of flavors waiting to be explored. From the serene Japanese tea ceremonies to the bustling British afternoon teas and the myriad health benefits, tea continues to captivate hearts and minds around the world. So, whether you're seeking a moment of tranquility, a boost of energy, or simply a delightful taste experience, a cup of tea is always ready to take you on a journey of culture, health, and flavor.
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Acts Of Service
For: @kyu-pine
Words: 2046
Note: So, this might feel like I just sort of cut it off. I did, and I apologize. I have really been struggling with writing this month and I just hit a wall, but I hope that what was written down is delightful to read <3
Material objects were fun. A person could decorate their house with things that they liked, or get clothing that complimented their figure. On certain occasions, people could even gift objects to others. A little surprise wrapped in some pretty paper and decorated with a nice bow.
Sage didn’t like material objects though. 
They were often left sitting in some corner of a room, forgotten until it was time to dust them off and move them somewhere else.
Instead, they preferred to give gifts that could be used. Treats that a person could savour on a nice sunny day or gift certificates for dinner with their favourite person.
Their favourite gift to give above all others was acts of service.
Little things that they could do to make their friend’s day a little easier, or a tad more enjoyable.
Whatever it was, with certain limitations, sage was happy to oblige. 
This is exactly how Sage had finally figured out the perfect gift for their boyfriend. After weeks of frantically searching through the stories and racking their brain for an idea, it finally came to them on the morning of Gai’s birthday. While they were laying in bed wrapped up in each other's arms.
“Breakfast,” Gai had declared with a proud smile. “We should have breakfast.”
Sage was hungry, and they were due to start their day soon. Kakashi had already left the comfort of their bed to begin his duties in the Hokage’s office while the two of them lounged around for just a bit longer.
“What would you like?” They asked as they gently brushed Gai’s hair back behind his ear. “Rice?”
“No,” Gai leaned into their touch. “Something with more flavour.”
“Grilled fish?”
Gai stuck out his tongue. “That’s for when Kakashi is with us,” he protested, “something a bit easier on the taste buds than that.”
Thinking through their options, Sage grinned. “Kakashi made you tamagoyaki last year.”
“He makes me tamagoyaki every year that he’s home for my birthday,” Gai chuckled. “It’s perfect.”
A brilliant start to a wonderful day.
Sage couldn’t wait to see what else they could do to make Gai’s birthday wonderful.
After a nice breakfast of Tamagoyaki and some warm sencha tea, Sage and Gai finally made their way out of the house into the streets of Konoha. There was no destination in mind, just a desire to take a walk.
Still, sage shouldn’t have been surprised when they saw the Dango shop appearing in the distance. It was Gai’s birthday after all and he had certain traditions that he followed. The most important tradition was to get a few sticks of dango.
A sweet treat that he would enjoy throughout the rest of the day and a perfect opportunity for Sage to spoil his boyfriend a little.
“Why don’t you go get us a seat?” They suggested. “We can relax for a bit before we continue our walk.”
Gai didn’t slow down for even a second. “I always go to the counter,” he stated as if sage could forget all of the years they had seen him patiently waiting at the front of a very long line, prepared to greet Emi-san as soon as she opened up shop. “If I don’t go to the counter then who knows what could happen. The world might end.”
Sage snorted at Gai’s dramatics. “I think the world will be fine,” they argued. “Besides, Emi-san always goes to your table after the line-up is gone.”
“If I’m in the shop,” Gai corrected them. “Sometime’s I get my dango and go elsewhere.”
“Well, today you’ll be in the shop,” they declared, pointing towards the section of the shop that was already open waiting for customers. “And I’ll be the first in line to greet Emi-san. Or do you not trust me to greet her?”
Gai averted his eyes. A move that immediately struck sage right through the heart.
“You don’t trust me.” they gasped. 
“Greeting Emi-san is my thing,” Gai argued. “I’ve been at the front of that lineup since I was eleven years old, and every year I’ve made sure that I’m the first person she sees when she opens up shop on my birthday. It’s tradition.”
A tradition that was important to Gai. Everyone in Konoha knew how much he looked forward to standing at the front of the line every January first. Even if someone had gotten there before Gai they would always let him into the line ahead of them.
 “Alright,” Sage held up their hands in surrender. “But I’m paying.”
“That’s not up for negotiation,” they grinned. “Today’s your birthday and I want to spoil you. You wouldn’t deny me the opportunity to do that, would you?”
Considering his options for a moment, Gai chuckled. “I guess it would be rather rude of me to try and pay for my own birthday gift.”
“That it would be,” Sage agreed. “Very rude, in fact. You wouldn’t want to be rude to your partner now would you?”
Throwing his head back, Gai howled with laughter.  A burst of laughter so bright and joyful that Sage couldn’t help but join in, their head falling forward as a hand came up to cover their mouth in a rather poor attempt to hide their laughter.
“I would never even think of being rude to you,” Gai confirmed with a shake of his head. “Kakashi, maybe. He often deserves it.”
Now that was something Sage would love to see. Although Kakashi wasn’t often trying to be rude, his blunt nature could easily be misunderstood by people as impolite, snarky or even downright disrespectful. A fact that Sage had come to understand with Gai’s help after a few arguments that arose because of that blunt nature. 
For Gai to match that energy was downright impossible in their opinion. Gai was a man that found it difficult to be rude to his enemies, there was nothing in the world that would ever cause him to say a single rude word to their boyfriend.
Even if Kakashi did sometimes deserve it.
“So you’ll let me pay for the dango?” They asked. 
“I will,” Gai nodded his head. “Just don’t try to pay for the extras the Emi-san throws in or she might ban you from buying me dango ever again.”
“I’ll just give her the money for whatever you order.” Finally, the two of them arrived at the dango shop, the doors still tightly closed but no sight of a line-up anywhere. “It seems we arrived before everyone else.”
“No,” Gai chuckled, pointing behind sage when they looked his way. Turning around they gasped when they saw a large group of people across the path. Most of them were people that they recognized, like Gemma, Ebisu, and Iruka. Even Kurenai was in the group holding little Mirai in her arms. “They always wait for me to arrive now.”
“I see,” waving towards the group, Sage chuckled when they all lifted a hand to wave back at them. “Well, in that case, we should get in line so they can join us.”
“A grand plan,” Gai declared as he wheeled himself to the front of the little dango shop. “Oh, and we should get some dango for Kakashi as well. We can take it to him after we relax for a bit.”
A birthday treat for Gai and a little gift for Kakashi to enjoy while he was stuck behind the Hokage’s desk working until dinner time. Sage couldn’t think of any better way to spend their money.
Two hours later, with a bundle of dango wrap up and ready for delivery to the Hokage’s office, Sage and Gai found themselves back on the path through Konoha.
“I never realized just how close you are with Emi-san,” they commented as the two of them turned the corner. Hokage’s Residence stood in the distance, looking over the rest of the village as it always had. “Is that why you get extra dango every year?”
“I’m certain it’s because of my stunning personality,” Gai protested. “I could be wrong, but I like to think that it’s my stunning personality.
The wind blew through sage's hair, sending short red locks flying into their face. “Your personality certainly does help.”
After waiting for a second to see if their hair would fix itself Sage admitted defeat and reached up to fix it themselves. Parting it down the left side so that it lay nicely against his head once again.
“My personality and good charm.” 
Sage snorted. “Is that what you call it?” 
With a bit more drama than sage thought was necessary, Gai spun himself in place and threw an arm over his forehead. As if Sage’s words had mortally wounded him.
“Such cruel words,” he proclaimed loud enough for all of Konoha to hear him. “How could I forget that I am in a relationship with not one, but two people who find pleasure in insulting me.”
Sage watched the show that Gai put on and even clapped at the end of it, offering his support for all the showmanship. “Now that we’re done with that,” they chuckled when Gai shot them a glare. “Shall we continue to the Hokage’s residence? Kakashi’s dango won’t eat itself.”
The facade dropped at the mere mention of Kakashi.
“Perhaps I’ll ask him for a competition,” Gai mused, acting as if nothing had happened as he turned his chair back to the path they were following. “We had a few yesterdays, as is tradition, but there’s no harm in asking for another.”
Sage couldn’t help but chuckle. There was little chance that Kakashi would say no to Gai’s request unless he was busy at the moment, even if the two of them had participated in four competitions while they were spending their time together. 
“Are you sure you can handle another competition?” they asked. “From what I heard you didn’t do so well yesterday.” The final score according to Kakashi had been three wins for Kakashi and one win for Gai. Terrible results for the man who was supposed to be celebrating his birthday early.” 
“Today is a brand new day,” Gai beamed up at them. “And it’s my birthday. I’m sure that I will fair better in whatever competition we decide on.”
 Sorting through a few options in their mind, Sage smiled when the perfect idea came to them. “How about an eating competition?” Gai’s eyes went wide with excitement. “You lost the last one I believe, so perhaps you can make up for that and claim a victory this time.”
“An eating competition,” Gai nodded. “But what kind of food shall we have? Last time it was Sushi…”
“It is your birthday,” Sage reminded him. “I’m sure whatever you choose Kakashi would be happy to go along with.”
“You’re right,” There was a mischievous sparkle in Gai’s eyes that worried Sage. A look that the Taijutsu master only ever seemed to get when he was thinking up the worst possible way to annoy Kakashi. “I think we’ll have Curry.”
A devious way to secure an easy win. 
There were a lot of foods that Kakashi couldn’t tolerate because of their texture and curry was at the top of the list. When Sage had asked him about it he admitted that the food tasted good as long as it was one of the milder curries, but that the texture activated all of the worst sensations in him.
To see the man get through half a bowl was impressive, but an eating competition?
Kakashi didn’t stand a chance.
“I’ll pay,” Sage declared, determined to spoil Gai as much as possible today. “It will be the cheapest dinner out we’ve ever had.”
“Don’t count on that,” Gai laughed as the two of them continued down the path. “I’ll have to eat double the curry for Kakashi if you’re paying.”
Sage couldn’t wait to see the look on Kakashi’s face. The haunting realization of what his night was going to be like, and how much he loved both of his partners to be putting up with such blatant favouritism on Gai’s birthday. 
It was the best birthday present that could have ever gotten for Gai, and all they had to do was pay for dinner.
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edgelord-dl6 · 2 years
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List 5 of your muse’s favourite sensations.
The feel of hard polished wood beneath his palm
The taste of perfectly brewed sencha
The sight of that man, across the court room
The smell of autumn, clean and cold
The sound of the Steel Samurai opening jingle...
Do they have any pet peeves?
like...so many. everything seems to annoy him, but that’s mostly because of his facial expression. he hates when people ramble, chew too loud, touch him too much, invade his personal space, talk too loud, suck up to him, make snap assumptions, walk too loud, drive too fast, etc. etc. etc.
he’s sort of a control freak - and that should explain everything.
Their comfort read? (could be a book, magazine, comics, etc)
Jane Austen novels!
If  the book they are reading turns out to be shit, do they push through   just for the sake of finishing it, or do they move  on and find  something else?
he needs to formulate a fully informed opinion so - especially if he’s interested in the subject matter - he’ll push through, and get all pissy about it
Their comfort tv show / film
broh you KNOW it’s oldschool Steel Samurai flicks and the original series
A song that is currently stuck in their head? (or multiple)
ohh umm hmm...lol
The next three questions are for you. do you have anything special in common with your character.
we both love our papas. we are both tragic little fancy boys ( ha ha jk...or am i ) but honestly i relate with edgeworth’s negative traits that have to do with his aggressively lone wolf tendencies, wanting to handle everything myself, wanting really badly to be the best and prove myself, all by myself - things he struggled with as a younger guy.
but i also relate to his desire to help people. he’s pretty decent with boundaries i think - he gets involved when he really thinks he can accomplish something - but when he does get involved, he goes all out, and being a rich guy helps lol. i, too, want to spend my disposable income on my friends when they need help, and i really do feel a compulsion to help people like he does. it’s the push and pull of wanting to guard oneself, but wanting to become open to the human experience, love, cooperation, etc. that’s pretty relatable!
oh, also his love of trinkets and his obsessiveness...lmao
What brings you the most joy about writing this character, right now?
oh boy miles is so special to me, and has been for about half of my life. writing him gives me gender euphoria. it helps me explore a snarkier and more succinct side of me that i don’t always get to display. it lets me explore darker feelings and my own relationship with my dad. it lets me be a disgruntled old man but also a persnickety little fop and BOY is that fun. i really do love being a gay man ( who, also, sometimes, loves women?! ) vicariously through him lmao, and i love shipping with him cuz i think he has such a complicated relationship with romance, but he really just invites love.
he is so much fun and i really have you guys to thank for that - you all bring out such excellent sides of him that are surprising and funny and a joy to write.
Who would win in a fight, you or them?
hm i think miles could probably kick a hole through me. also have you seen him? he’s thick! he’s stacked! he could german suplex me into a mahogany desk.
Any advice from your muse?
“seek truth, always. when you think you have found it, dig even deeper - that is your way forward.”
tagged by: @kamipyre​ thank u sweetie!! and thanks for specifying miles!
tagging: i’m getting to this a little late so please steal it from me if you haven’t done it!
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seelestia · 2 years
considering how broke my hubby is i'll have to depend on you for this one... but why do i have a feeling that ayato will blackmail me while dangling the promise of my bail in his hands rip me /j
it was written in the stars and predestined by the hands of fate just accept it you sweet lovely couple <3 i can definitely see him booping your nose and laughing when you scrunch your nose in defiance lol
the highlands in my country has nothing over that cold windy weather hskdjsjd i'm just so glad i prepped those innerwear and extra warm clothes... plus i can't deny that it is quite fun to layer your clothes!! if i do that where i live i'll burn like a vampire 🫠🔥
yeah am more of a jacket person i guess! sweaters are comfy but i guess i like the aesthetics of jackets more... also i wish i had bought gloves. i've discovered that my fingers get cold v v easily shdksjdl where's zhongli when i need him dangnabbit-
he has so many names and i love fooling around with them <3 yeah tartarsauce is indeed kinda cute ugh i see he's climbing up the ranks of your fav characters too darn it tortilla stay on your place-
"if tartaglia comes home, then he comes home. if not, aight, then the little angy anemo harbinger shall" this is actually a good mindset i'll just let the (intertwined) fate decide for me :) ba dum tss cyno are you proud of me-
right!!! the scarab farming horror stories are just... yeah uh i'm good for now thanks maybe next time~
also i triple crowned xiao yesterday!!
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my precious bby is so stronk now <3 hubby is also slowly getting stronger. i'm just missing childe's tusk thingy... i am in dire need of dream solvents + that slime stuff slfksldk brb going for a slime killing spree don't mind me :D
have you finished all the achon quests and events btw? i still haven't even touched the archon quests at all and i've only just slightly played through the event 😭 i'm gonna have to spend this weekend finishing the event quests and story aren't i-
jetlag wasn't fun ughhghgh thankfully it didn't last that long!!
the mango one was... meh. i just can't taste the mango at all??? it just tasted like a normal oolong jasmine tea for me... i mean it's not bad, but it's not as unique as the other ones </3 i was saddened but i found a few others that i liked so that's good at least!! both rooibos teas were super nice, and osmanthus sencha... top tier👌🏻 i'm glad i bought a box of that, i brewed one last night <3
also mwah mwah head ruffles for you (and lin) too 💗
HE WOULDDD 😭 but dw, i won't turn a blind eye to that and give his arm a soft pinch later LOLLL he won't get away with it (/lh)
which speaking of, i can't help but wonder about what kind of dynamic would take place between zhongli and ayato... hmm, mutual respect, most likely??? although i feel like zhongli might get slightly annoyed by ayato's sadistic sense of humor 🤔
HELPFJWJDJ i just imagine you hissing at the sun and i laughed 😭 jackets are definitely more flowy and gives you more room to breath tho! as a sweater lover, i can confirm that it is not fun to be sweaty when you're wearing a sweater <//3 but as long as we're slaying and looking good, who cares (/j)
too true LOLLL it's like... bestie, you have three names and i might have to ask you to pick one. you're confusing the government rn 🤨 (/j) indeed, he has been climbing too fast lately... never thought i'd ever find an adrenaline junkie like him endearing. ahem, ahem 🕳️🚶
THE BA DUM TSS HELFOEOKD i can see our general mahamatra cheering you on from somewhere in the crowd 🫡 (/j) i'll be manifesting for you, rin jie! i'm at guaranteed 7 pity and i think i'm gonna hold off doing pulls until the very end of tartaglia's banner next patch (in case we get news about an ayato rerun 👀). this is how you know ayato is still #1 because i'd skip tartaglia for him and him only (/lh)
yayyy, triple-crowned xiao! look at the pose he's in fhejkfkskd so proud <3 but atp, i think you're already getting too used to hearing childe's weekly boss voicelines LOLLLL butyl yeahhh, gooo slay those slimes and tortellini tartar sauce's ass \⁠(>◡<)⁠/ i shall also continue to fight the raiden shogun to farm for heizou and tighnari's talents, let us suffer. (/lh)
mhm, i did! i managed to finish the fourth act in two days, i think??? dw, i won't spoil you, rin jie~ but i gotta say that one of my fav things about the newest act is the teamwork and development of the dynamics between the characters! and plus, we get to see alhaitham a lot, hehe. tho, i can't but affectionately slander him every time he's on screen. he is only tolerable by proxy because of you, rin jie. (/lh)
NOOOO, i was really looking forward to the mango one, but it seems it isn't as strong as i expected. what a waste of potential <//3 but i'm glad the rooibos and the osmanthus (what is this coincidence) tea were to your liking~ oh, to talk about anything and everything with zhongli whilst the steam from your teacups billow like a miniature chimney <3 whatever would the two of you talk about?? the world's current issues? common interests? or even impromptu history lessons? *chants* zhongrin zhongrin zhongrin hehe 👀
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tealovers · 4 months
Embracing the Flavours of Australian Black Tea: From Boutique Brews to Bushland Essence
When you think of the world’s most prominent tea-producing countries, Australia probably doesn’t come to mind. Despite not being a well-known tea producer, Australia has a boutique tea industry that is quickly gaining recognition among tea enthusiasts. Among its offerings, Australian Black Tea stands out due to its distinct flavour profile and local production.
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Go through the different version of Australian tea
Another popular Australian tea variety is Australian Sencha Green Tea, which is grown in Victoria’s Alpine Valleys. This full-bodied green tea has the same flavour and growing characteristics as Japanese Sencha, but with a softer character, making it a high-quality and distinctive Australian green tea option.
At Tea Lovers Australia, we offer an extensive selection of home-grown Australian Black Tea and Australian Green Teas. Our popular Australian Black Tea blends include Australian Daintree, Australian Bushfire Caravan, Australian Breakfast, Australian Lemon Myrtle, Australian Mint, Australian Chai, and Australian Lavender — each promising a unique and delightful tea experience.
What type of flavors you find in Australian Tea?
Among our standout blends is the Australian Caravan, incorporating mild smoky flavours reminiscent of billy tea over a campfire. Equally popular are our Australian Lavender, Australian Mint, and Australian Chai blends, featuring lavender petals, fresh peppermint, and chai spices, respectively, for a refreshing and aromatic tea experience.
Despite its modest scale, Australia’s tea growers are dedicated to producing high-quality, sustainable tea using eco-friendly practices, prioritising environmental health. This commitment ensures that every cup of tea you enjoy is not only delicious but also ethically produced.
In summary, Australian Black Tea offers a distinctive and flavourful tea journey worth embarking on. Tea Lovers Australia’s diverse range of Australian Black Tea blends caters to every palate, from the comforting smokiness of Australian Caravan to the invigorating aromas of Lavender, Mint, and Chai. So why not infuse your next cup of tea with a touch of Australian flavour and experience Australian Black Tea today? Visit www.tealovers.com.au for over 200 specialty tea blends, exotic tea wares and tea gifts.
Source URL: https://tealoversaustralia.blogspot.com/2024/05/embracing-flavours-of-australian-black.html
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