fantasiac · 6 months
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no one let me draw at 3 am
I've been chipping through one piece as I wait for dunmeshi episodes, I couldn't not draw it after the idea popped into my mind, and now I want to just watch am hour and a half long movie where Sanji and Senchi just prepare food lmao
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enbiart · 1 year
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SSL sillies...
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misoshinigami · 2 months
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My Young Medalist Lover Is a Devoted Beast: Learning to Love Each Other Despite Our Size Difference
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daisynik7 · 1 year
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inlovewithaspiderguy · 5 months
one panty shot already (episode 3)
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interretialia · 6 months
Nova Iuncta Verba Latina / New Latin Compounds
ὁ ἀλλαντώνης -ου / allantones -ae m. “sausage-buyer”   [ἀλλᾶς “sausage” + -ώνης “-buyer”]   [ἀλλαντ- + -ωνα-] stems   [ἀλλαντωνα-] new stem   [ἀλλαντώνης] nominative singular   [allantones] ἀλλαντώνης Latinized
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(Fons Imaginis.)
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pickled-flowers · 8 months
Today I shall attempt to make spaghetti sauce with no recipe wish me luck
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grrl-beetle · 1 year
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Senchi Designs
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kuronekkosan · 1 year
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Nanao from A Story of Seven Lives (ゴジュッセンチの一生/50 senchi no Isshou) by Shirakawa Gin
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spirit-of-anime · 2 years
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Me o Hiraitemo, 3 Senchi
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rinzay · 6 months
Just finished binging dungeon meshi and lemme tell you, Y E S
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thyarqade · 2 years
DESIRED - Secret Senchi (slowed+reverb)
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tallgirl14 · 2 months
What if chilchuck joined Laios group when his kids were younge???
Chil: I need to grab something from my house
Marcille: we get to meet your family!?
Chil: NO! You're going to stay a couple of feet from my house while I run inside. I'll be in out and done.
Oh, and Marcille, keep your hood up. I don't want you scaring anyone
Outside his house, the party sees a little girl with dark hair playing, and chilchuck immediately picks her up and brings her inside
Marcille: "i didn't know he had a sister."
Senchi: "Didn't he say his dad died when he was young? That probably forced him to be the breadwinner of his family."
Laios: "That sounds about right from what I've read."
Inside the house, chilchuck puts down Fuler, and his wife turns around, surprise to see her husband back so soon
Bea: "Your back?? Did something happen?"
Chi: "Yes, and no, it's complicated. I'm ok. I just came to grab"
Fuler: "theres big people with daddy."
Bea: "What?" She moves to the windo and sees what looks to like 2 tall men and a dwarf
Chil pulls her from the window "where are the girls?"
Bea: " Meijacks at school and puck is still taking a nap"
Chil: " ok good" kiss his wife on cheek then runs to his office. " keep them inside until we're gone. This the party ive been working with that told you about There harmless, just weird
Backoutside party notices someone had come to the window and chilchuck quickly came over and shut the curtains
Senchi: " how many people are in his family do you know?
Laios: "no chil dosnet like to mix home and work because of how dangerous the work is.
Marille: but what if something were to happen how would his family know??
Laois: that's why he's made union to be the middle man they would pass word to his family. It makes since I've heard storied of angery party members going after family members so it makes since he wants us to keep our distance.
The group is distracted when they hear a small "hello" the look down to see lil half-foot maybe 3yr of age
Marcille squeals seeing how cute she is and she kneels down " HI, arnt you the cutes thing, do you live in that house?" She points and little girl nodded " im Puckpattie"
" it's nice to meet you, I'm Marcille this is senchi and Laios we work with your big brother." They notice she had confused expression but just as quickly as it came it left as she goes to pull something out of her pocket and hands it to marcille " here for you" marcille except excitedly sees the little half-foot has gifted her a pinecone with googly eyes "thank you!"
Up the road meijack is walking home from school when she noticed 3 Stanger infront of her house and a woman about to pick up her baby. Sister dread hit her and she takes off sprinting. Laios is the first to get hit by a flying school book at the back of his head and the group turns to see another halfLing this one looked to be and exact copy of chilchuck there was no question that they were related
Mei holding a big rock in one hand ready to throw: " don't touch her!"
Laios pust his hands up " it's ok were not here cause trouble"
Mei: " you brought trouble trying to take a kid that's not yours"
Marcille moves toward her " no I wasn't were here with your brother-"
Puckpattie runs over to meijack happily " your back" and hugs her leg but Mei dosnet take her eyes off the strangers " I don't have a brother"
Inside the house Fullertom looking out the windo and chilchuck yells at her to get away from the windo
Fuler wines " but why dose Mei and puck get to talk to your friends?"
Chil: "What??" And runs out of the house seeing his oldest armed with a rock holding her youngest "HEY"
Everyone turns to see chilchuck running towards them meijack looks confused " dad??"
Marcille knocking off her hood " your a Dad???"
Senchi: " he's s teen parent?!??!"
Meijack looks back now terrified seeing the woman she thought was trying to take her sister is an elf and throws the the rock hitting marcille.
Chilchuck grabes his meijack so she doesn't throws anything else. She looks up at her dad terrified" hey it ok it's ok." Meijacks: she an elf she was tried to take puck ."
Chil" he's harmless she's mostly nosey" Looks back at marcille " you ok? " she nods " just a scratch."
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blorbo-gerrymandering · 4 months
Ahahahahha! I WIN! Senchi Reigns supreme as the #1 blorbo according to this very fair and balanced tournament.
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Btw in case anyone is curious on the exact behind-the-scenes of the final poll I'll put that below the cut.
Firstly, I gotta pat myself on the back for the idea of a personality quiz. I knew if I did a straight up gerrymandered poll against Jaylen she would have probably have BETTER odds cause people who (correctly) thought of my as the antagonist of this blog would vote for her because it was a vote against me. And from there people would easily coordinate 1 option to all vote for. So I hid the gerrymandering out of sight, and made the gimmick fun so that people didn't ignore it outright.
Now lets go over how exactly it was gerrymandered. Each answer to each question was either a Senshi answer or a Jaylen answer. To get Jaylen you had to get more of her answers then senshi's (so 3, since there are 5 questions)
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On question 1 you will immediately see my trick. Despite there being 5 options only 1 gives Jaylen. I saw quite a few guess as much so I'll quickly list all the other Jaylen answers. for "feelings on necromancy" her's is "I'm literally a reanimated corpse", For the door you gotta say fuck you, and for my sentence you gotta pick eternal failure.
Keen eyed ඞmong you may realise that I skipped "pick one of the things I just made made up question" That is because all the answers to that question are Senshi answers. The question is purely to tilt the odds more in my favor, poke fun at uQuiz, and reference Gloopgolp World.
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lime---green · 3 months
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dark-enchanted-forest · 4 months
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Senchi sketch. I gave up on the beard.
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