#send me ☕ + topic and ill give you my opinion on it!
lenskij · 2 years
☕️ on contemporary art (in general or you can pick a trend you have strong opinions about) love you (:
Thank you for your question, dear! 💚
I love visiting contemporary art museums, to take a slow stroll through it and look at all the pieces. Only problem is that they tend to be on the expensive end for museum tickets, so it's not a frequent treat for me....
Contemporary art, just like art from any other time period, is incredibly varied and there's lots to explore. I don't like all of it, of course, but I'm very peeved when people swipe it all under the rug for being "boring" or "nonsense" or whatever else they call it, and thereby demonstrating that they simply haven't taken other than a surface look at any contemporary art.
I have seen a couple of exhibitions that make me go "humph, this is stupid!" and leave, while other exhibitions stay with me for a while. I can never tell which it's going to be in advance! (Last time I went to a contemporary art museum, my experience was very much clouded by the very expensive ticket I had to buy to see it. Which is unfair to the art! But it be like that sometimes).
As you can tell by the answer, my preferred way of experiencing art is through museums :) I like to see the piece in the flesh, to be able to look at it from different angles and better gauge its size, and also to have the "mindset" that comes from actively choosing to go to a museum specifically to look at art - in contrast to, say, looking at pictures on my laptop.
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sothischickshe · 1 year
☕ tall people
Haha, I'm bloody tired of the lot of them/being kicked etc 🙄
Buttttt I will concede at least part of the problem is things being made poorly/capitalism. Like, I'm not even particularly short, yet I've often been unable to reach the holding-onto-apparatus on w/e public transport, or ive come up against workplace chairs which are adjustable...except u gotta be sitting on them to do so & they start off too high for me to climb aboard to adjust ♻️🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ppl reallllllly need to design make n test their shit for a diverse range of bodies, not just some 'norm' -- whether that means ppl like them or some genuine average. ‼️‼️‼️I don't think I can be much shorter than the world average height for an adult so like... Who is determining what counts as normal? Where is this stuff being made?? Do all office chairs come from the netherlands or some shit????
I do sometimes see v tall ppl suffering in similar situations eg not being able to fit anything from the neck up into train carriages comfortably & feel some degree of empathy for them, but then I'll try to live my life and find im being kicked in the ankles and smashed in the umbrella all day long by Talls who seem to have developed v little spatial awareness bc the world is designed for them while I'm trying to reach something in an ill placed cupboard or w/e & im back to being filled with rage 😅
So the solution probably is largely to end capitalism so ppl aren't just rushing shit things out plus if ergonomics & design etc can't engage w/ the fact that not everyone has the same body we probs need to dismantle those whole frameworks tbh. But like until that's achieved... Talls stop being such arseholes ffs
Send me a ☕ + a topic and I shall give you my opinion!
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umflowers · 2 years
Daniel Ricciardo for the ☕ thing
sure why not, today's as good a day as any to get shot!
i get that he can be funny and i get that him pretending everything in his own existence is fine is probably a coping mechanism (that i relate to), and i was impressed when he spoke up about mental illness, but i don't get his appeal.
i detest "good vibes only"-type people for both personal and objectively valid reasons, i don't personally find him attractive, i get that he's probably a better driver than his career would show bc of some things out of his control but i don't think he's anything extraordinary either, and he has a huge platform that he could be using a lot more than he does and the seniority in the sport to get away with it, but he doesn't.
basically i find him very average and don't think about him much. the only time i do is when his fans put content on my dash, and i'll still take them over lando's fans literally any day lol.
send me a ☕ and a topic and i'll give you my honest opinion
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cityprix-moved · 2 years
☕️ : What’s ur top 3 two-word ice cream flavors (not limited to rocky road, mint chocolate, etc)?
oh cute question
i would say cotton candy, milk tea, and salted caramel! 😋
send me a topic and ☕ and ill give you my opinion
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