#send me headcannons about your ace characters or shoot some ideas for the husband
of-the-eventide · 3 years
I'm still foaming at the mouth about Estinien being ace so everyone gets to hear about it.
Head cannons under the cut cause wow... this turned out long.
Ok so I mostly head cannon him as a sex-repulsed ace but really, anything works
Anyway, lore
Back during his shepherd days, he had a few crushes
Sure, they were very far in between considering he was just a kid but also because his home village was pretty small
Besides his brother took up most of his time
After joining the military in hopes of becoming a dragoon well...
There wasn’t much thought other than getting though the training and getting revenge
He wasn’t a stranger to beauty though
I would say it was around this time that he figured out he was bi since he found beauty in women and also men
He even thought Aymeric was quite beautiful but he definitely wouldn’t act on that cause why lose his only friend?
However, even if he thought someone was beautiful he would never think about sleeping with them
Didn’t even cross his mind
He wasn’t an idiot and didn’t know what the birds and the bees were either, he was in the military, plenty of ruckus coming from tents late at night that he would get the hint which ones to sleep near and which to steer away from
He just never had the urge or the want to do it
If anything it made him grimace even thinking about himself in those type of situations
Flirting made him nervous, thinking of that was something else
Now, as I said, he didn’t give much thought on all of this anyway, more focused on getting the power to kill Nidhogg
It was probably around the time he was traveling around the east did he really figure out that he had absolutely no interest in sex
When he was traveling and was done hunting down the eyes of Nidhogg did he really sit himself down and think about what he wants in life
He was thinking maybe picking up being a shepherd again since the life of a solider was something he knew he wouldn't be able to do forever
Even entertained the thought of helping Aymeric in the house of lords should he ask
But he does know for a fact that he doesn’t want to fight forever
Then the topic of partners came up in his head
He knows that he does want a partner eventually, especially now that he is in a much better space to spend time on a connection with someone else
Though... would he ever want to be physical with that person?
He doesn’t think about sex right away of course since the boy got emotional problem up to his elbows so the thought of like a simple hug is what got him flustered at first
Then after a while did it come to the topic of sex
And man... he was not interested in that still
He thought at first it was because that is a very exposing state to be in with someone so maybe eventually he would be able to just he wasn’t emotionally ready for the idea now
But then more thought was put into it
And more
And a little bit more
And still he never wanted to have sex with anyone
It was all a bit confusing, he really didn’t know what to think about it for a while
Then Ito was a thing
It took him (and her) to really figure out where his feelings where for her
And when they both figured it out and started a relationship, they took it slow
Like really slow
This isn’t Ito’s first relationship and might not be Estinien’s but they both have been long out of the game and don’t really know what to do
I mean, wow, holding hands was a big deal
Then (much) later things became more comfortable and they were able to do things much more comfortably like hugging, kissing, sharing a bed, the works
It was when Ito was making a move to more heated territory late one night did Estinien finally figure out he was ace
Ito could tell right away that he wasn’t comfortable, stopped, and then proced to ask him if he was all right and if they should leave
They had a very long conversation that night and finally it was Ito that brought up the word ace
They were more comfortable in their sexuality of being a grayace, have been for a long time, so they knew what was up
After what Ito told him, he went looking into it
And bam, he finally knew why he never thought much on it
So there we have it! Please add on to it if ya want or change it around for your story, I’m always a sucker for seeing ace characters!
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