#sending me hate is like putting a kong ball full of peanut butter in my enclosure
acornered · 4 months
✋hater here! you're probably a nice person but I find it reaaaally annoying when people who have only known each other for some weeks act like they're the love of each others lives. I hope when you guys meet irl it turns out she can't stand ur stinky feet or something and you have to break up. only saying it bc you wanted anonymous opinoins of you tho, otherwise I would not be so mean. best of luck to you 2, I hope you will need it
This is hilarious because I used to be right there with you, side-eyeing every couple who got together too fast or fell in love without having shared a single kiss in person. It was a narrow-minded and cynical worldview born of years of stewing in my own heartbreak, and I'm glad I grew out of it. Romance and love are beautiful in all their forms, and life is too short not to put your whole heart into it. I'll spare you the details, but after what I've been through, I deserve a little softness. And it's frankly insulting for a complete stranger to suggest that the way I choose to represent my relationship online is indicative of some great naiveté of how the cold cruel world works. Yes, the practical, private conversations about what a relationship between us actually entails are absent on this public internet forum. That doesn't mean they aren't happening. I suggest you let go of some of that parasocial entitlement, and either be happy that we are happy or go somewhere else. Your opinion has "big divorced energy" as the kids say, and I hope you can heal to the point where you don't feel the need to be so bothered by other people's joy.
Also since you seem to be a bitter, loveless person I'll clue you in on something I've picked up over the years-- if you love someone enough, their stinky feet are a survivable quirk, not a nasty dealbreaker, hope this helps 👍
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