#hope I was rude enough back
acornered · 4 months
✋hater here! you're probably a nice person but I find it reaaaally annoying when people who have only known each other for some weeks act like they're the love of each others lives. I hope when you guys meet irl it turns out she can't stand ur stinky feet or something and you have to break up. only saying it bc you wanted anonymous opinoins of you tho, otherwise I would not be so mean. best of luck to you 2, I hope you will need it
This is hilarious because I used to be right there with you, side-eyeing every couple who got together too fast or fell in love without having shared a single kiss in person. It was a narrow-minded and cynical worldview born of years of stewing in my own heartbreak, and I'm glad I grew out of it. Romance and love are beautiful in all their forms, and life is too short not to put your whole heart into it. I'll spare you the details, but after what I've been through, I deserve a little softness. And it's frankly insulting for a complete stranger to suggest that the way I choose to represent my relationship online is indicative of some great naiveté of how the cold cruel world works. Yes, the practical, private conversations about what a relationship between us actually entails are absent on this public internet forum. That doesn't mean they aren't happening. I suggest you let go of some of that parasocial entitlement, and either be happy that we are happy or go somewhere else. Your opinion has "big divorced energy" as the kids say, and I hope you can heal to the point where you don't feel the need to be so bothered by other people's joy.
Also since you seem to be a bitter, loveless person I'll clue you in on something I've picked up over the years-- if you love someone enough, their stinky feet are a survivable quirk, not a nasty dealbreaker, hope this helps 👍
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thisismeracing · 9 months
Since when did we start charging money on patreon for fanfics 😭😭😭😭 is this for real😭
hi, love. I haven't seen that many people doing the Patreon thing when it comes to fanfic, but it's pretty common for people who draw for example to set up a Patreon. I believe that everyone who does, just like myself, needs the money. I wouldn't be doing it if i didn't need to. I figured the Patreon setup was the best idea since it's not really that common for people to tip writers, we've been struggling with getting reblogs and comments, so you can imagine.
Right now, I'm applying and doing tests to get an internship, which still won't be enough because I'm also trying to apply for a master's. So, yeah, I'm really thankful for everyone who tipped me on ko-fi and subscribed to my Patreon, last month my savings were over, and the Patreon money was what helped me pay for some medical stuff I needed (Idk if you saw the whole mick schumacher's sick club, but yeah — huge thank you for everyone who subscribed/donated btw).
We often see fic writers as little robots who don't eat, drink, or sleep. We request stuff, and expect an instant reply, and when we get the content we don't even go back to the page to tell the writer our thoughts. We don't reblog, nor leave comments, but still, we expect them to keep writing and keep sharing everything as if it didn't take hours, sometimes days to come up with a 1k piece polished to what we think readers will like best. I hope I don't sound rude, I'm just trying to make a point because I'm tired of seeing writers deactivating, tired of seeing my friends getting writer's block and then people still demanding things.
On top of that, I'm still posting a lot here, from smau to blubs and long fic requests (and I won't even talk about how some pieces aren't even getting a hundred notes, which always makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong, if my writing is bad, or if there's anything that I could do to make the reader's experience more enjoyable), and it takes a lot of time, it's even harder to balance the two profiles now, but still, I keep sharing some of my work for free. so please, please, don't make me feel bad about needing money. thanks ❤️.
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just asked a guy i've been mutually crushing on for over a year when he will ask me out on a date and his face literally went 😳
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faaun · 10 months
having interactions w a wider range of ppl also means sometimes u will interact w ppl who are genuinely insane and it feels strange even if u don't care abt/know them as a person all. fucked up if true
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Trans men? Being violent misogynists? Not shocking.
nice bait bro leme just
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if you *really* want to get me to bite, at least explain how trans men are being misogynistic. -300 points if you start saying terf bullshit.
ill admit, ill nibble this bait just a little, just for you buddy <3
trans men are not mysoginistic for existing, and as far as im aware im not being mysoginistic for believing that trans women are women, and also that everyone has the same "inherent ability" to be violent. men and women are equals and absolutely should be treated as such, but unfortunately in a patriarchal society that is not the case.
if this is about my man v bear post, all im saying is that *anyone* can be violent, its just that cishet white men get away with it more. 👍
wont be responding on this any further. im under no obligation to tolerate you coming up to me and just saying shit, and im absolutely not obligated to debate my existence and/or the existence of other trans people, or whatever else point youre trying to make.
bye, i hope you have a nice day ❤️
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missshame · 5 months
Fuck medschool so so much omggg
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kawaiichibiart · 7 months
Continuing my Felix becomes Argos early AU (which I'm currently referring to myself as the Early Bird AU not sure if I'm keeping the name officially)
Seeing as one of his main (and likely only) goals for attending DuPont is to look after Adrien, he very much steps in to remind Marinette (and potentially later on the rest of the Akuma Class), after he (Adrien) suggests they take the high road when it comes to Lila lying, that Adrien isn't her boyfriend. He is not her keeper. She doesn't have to agree with him. But fuck her if she drags his cousin under the bus because she can't get over a silly little crush and has that affect whether or not she can actually disagree with him. If she wanted to go with it, fine, but she should have laid her own terms. Like if Lila does something drastic, she's going to tell someone, an adult she can trust to do the right thing. Or if Lila doesn't stop soon, even with the more minor lies, she's going to say something. And for love of everything, actually get evidence before you say shit because you're just sounding like a bitch whenever you say Lila's lying with no proof.
Felix: Literally no one but her has claimed she was telling the truth as far as we know. We all just think her stories are interesting and considering this class, what with Miss I'm The Mayor's Daughter, my cousin the Famous Model, MX. I Live in a Museum and YOU, Miss I Actually Have Connections But I'm Too Humble About It And Don't Wanna Brag, is it really hard to believe what Lila says?
Marinette: But, it's not fair that I have to-
Felix: Have to what? Back up your claims? Yes. It is fair. BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONE MAKING THEM!!
Marinette: Felix.
Felix: Marinette.
Felix: Listen, like I said, I'm just here for Adrien. And for whatever reason, he likes you and wants to be your friend.
Felix: And I'm not going to stop him from being your friend. But if he gets hurt, just because you can't get a clear head when he says something to you, when he suggests something you don't agree with, I don't care what connections you have.
Felix: So, either come up with terms for the honestly very likely time the highroad comes to an end, or tell Adrien you can't take the highroad at all.
Felix: Do I make myself clear?
Marinette:...yeah. Yeah, okay. Give me a few days.
Felix: I'm giving you two at most.
Marinette: But-
Felix: I was going to give you until tonight. Would you prefer that?
Marinette: Ugh, no, fine...
Marinette:...it's hard to like you.
Felix: So I've been told.
Marinette: But I can't hate you, when...ughh, when I know you're right.
Marinette: I'll see if I can come up with any terms, and if I can't... I'll tell Adrien I can't take the highroad.
Felix: Good. I'll hold you to that.
#felix graham de vanily#miraculous au#like seriously felix is only here for adrien#he doesn't care about anyone else at dupont#and he's very much aware of what social cues adrien knows and doesn't know#he knows how adrien was taugh to deal with situations like the lila one#and that is: do not interfere at all if possible. just stand back and let someone else handle it. don't get dragged into it-#-and soil the family name.#it's not something he agrees with but he can't do much about it other than try to get adrien to see it's not a good thing to follow#and as i mentioned before he doesn't know where he stands with marinette#he can't tell if she'd be a good friend for adrien (what with her crush and again where the fuck did she get adrien's schedule?) or not#and he has a feeling she agreed to the highroad simply because she has a crush on his cousin#not because she agrees it's the best path to take#and felix isn't about to let her stupid little crush potentially hurt the only person in this school he cares about#and he isn't going to be nice about telling her these things#he's going to be blunt and mean and rude. she needs to know he's being serious about it and being nice#just won't get that message across for him personally. he has to lay it on thick for her to understand.#and she does eventually understand and tells adrien that she can't take the highroad. she can't stay quiet about what lila has said and don#but she also acknowledges that she's been digging herself into a hole and crying wolf#if she wants others to believe her she can't just use her words and hope that's enough. she has to find things to back her up.#and while she'd rather not#if she has to use her own connections#she will#in short: if felix isn't taking anyone's bullshit as argos he isn't taking anyone's bullshit as felix#his motto: fuck around and find out bitch#early bird au
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autism-disco · 10 months
the car seat is headresting that’s for certain
#watching bake off and in my head it’s just vague twin fantasy#‘woah that’s a nice cake’ ‘cute thing don’t be a rude thing!!!!!!!!’ rauasasaaaaaaa#man i still have so much work to do but this is more fun#i want to like. gain the power of flight i think#i want to detach all my limbs and move them about and put them back together#and i don’t mean that in an unhappy way i should clarify im doing alright this evening#but like. i want to dance as if i did not have a human body and just explode everywhere and and and#hjhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#i don’t think this is only csh i think it’s also cause concerts are slightly different to what i thought they were#turns out it’s actually more convenient but it’s different so it’s the end of the world etc#man i remember one time i was at choir and someone jokingly called me a tory for not liking change :(#i do like change in some respects!!!! but the plans are not the original plans what am i meant to do now#uh i’m just saying words here now huh#i dunno there’s a lot of thoughts in my head i can’t make sense of it all#i need to do my duolingo and homework and homework and homework#they’re stressed on bake off which isn’t helping i don’t think but still quite enjoyable#i need to find music teachers as soon as possible to ask questions i must not forget to do that !!! that is very important#(need to see if i can keep the baritone in school thursday -> friday next week i really hope i can#hm hm ok that’s enough of a tumblr post i need to have a shower and i’ll try and get to bed like what before one??#no ok. half 12 half 12 that’s reasonable ok i’ll call it that#ezra’s real life rambles#ezra likes music#<- got a bit off topic but that’s the original post
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trans-xianxian · 2 years
hmmmm I drafted an email to my boss abt how her text regarding my time off request after my mother's death made me feel very uncomfortable and how I felt like it was unprofessional should I send it
#obviously I did not go to sleep after that reblog kshdmudksb#anyway I want to but also like I work closely w her every day and I don't want to eternally feel uncomfortable because I confronted her#but at the same time like her text made me feel bad enough that it completely altered how I feel about my job#like I was going to come back next year and for summer camp but how she handled the whole thing just made me feel Bad#and like if in the future something else happens where I need extended time off she will be equally as not understanding#idk it just put a rlly bad taste in my mouth that she tried to make my co workers work life my responsibility during my time off#I feel like thats something she needs to be confronted about#but like. what outcome will that have other than making it uncomfortable to be around her for the foreseeable future#idk and also like. everyone else in my life including co workers has been so understanding and kind and compassionate#but even her My Condolences tm text was kind of cold and rude#and its like. okay maybe I'll calm down about this once I'm not In The Throws Of Grief but at the same time#I am in a very emotionally vulnerable place and someone intentionally took advantage of that to make me feel bad#thats kind of a big deal?#idk its just weird. she'd been so understanding until I actually needed something from her#I'd also sort of been getting the impression that she was growing tired of the whole broken foot thing#but I was hoping that that was just me projecting cuz I feel bad about not being helpful#now I am nawt so sure...#anyway this really sucks I really loved my work environment and then it was ruined with one (1) text#ghost posts#text
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randomnameless · 1 year
Actually I want to expand this, it's immigrants turned citizens and their children who are born and become citizens.
To be pedant,
An immigrant is someone who "migrates" to some place, so in the Fodlan verse, Mercie'n'her mom became Adrestian immigrants in Faerghus (just like Anselma and young!Supreme Leader?).
To be fair I don't really know what you were refering to anon (an earlier ask I guess but I've queued some more!), but in general, making differences based one someone's status as an immigrant isn't that far off with the "discriminating against someone based on their origins" thing that I refered to as nauseabond.
So even if by Fodlan's codex of citizenship regulations that totes exists in the 10k years of lore, it doesn't matter if Sothis's kids, by virtue of being born in Fodlan aren't immigrants but "Fodlan born", the second some take start to go through this route to paint the "non Fodlan born" people in a negative light, it goes in the "nauseabond" trashcan.
Again, when I said "judge people based on their actions and not on their race", I didn't inclued "being born" as an action!
But ultimately... yeah, like some people pointed out, maybe some people are sprouting this shitty rhetoric to defend their fave without really understand what they're typing or not thinking too much about it - and usually it'd just be a shit take in an ocean of fandom takes (some are shitty, some are not, who cares it's just fandom!) but regardless of irl implications, giving the "bad because wrong race/i mean origins, even if coming from Sothis's place means you are not human it's just a coincidence!!!" really sucks in a franchise that spent 16 games (counting FE17!) playing the "humans and people who are not humans can live together as long as they don't try to kill each other".
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Man, today was absolutely mental. I don’t think I’ve ever come so close to losing it with a customer
#‘which customer’ you ask. well first there was rude ice cream man#he came in… i want to say before noon? i think it was before we became absolutely inundated#and he was MAD rude for what#he was buying like 4 ice creams so he def had kids with him and was a frustrated father or uncle or grandpa or hired babysitter or whatever#but DUUUUUUDE. there’s no need to give me the blank ☹️ face and ignore all of my questions and exchange zero pleasantries#then there was the lady whose phone died and she couldn’t pay and she was so nice but why. why#like of course i can’t just let you have this stuff. it could be theft. my manager put her stuff in a fridge and then she came back for it#later and i had to go find it and it was so much#she was so nice though i hope she’s well#THEN there was the motherfucker who was buying… i can’t remember what but his total was £5.35#and i remember this because he was trying to insist on paying for it with exactly three (3) £1 (£1) coins. like sir. that doesn’t work.#that’s not enough. i Could Not get it through his head that i couldn’t take cash unless he gave me at least £2.35 more#eventually i managed to get a contactless card payment out of him and he grumbled about how he was going to have to carry these three pound#coins around with him (ohhhh my god what a hardship 🙄) and about how money was leaving his bank account#like idk how to tell you this but we serve overpriced food here sir. if £5.35 leaving your bank account is a big problem for you you picked#the wrong place to come. also like. you could’ve just. spent only £3 lmao. you had two items#the retail section def sells stuff that’s £3… you didn’t have to do this. like at all. and i’d be happier if you hadn’t#THEN my coworker decided to let two fucking customers in after we closed and they both wanted machine coffees and they took SO long#the one guy had admittedly been queuing just before we closed but the woman just rocked up solidly five minutes too late and was like ‘i’ve#come so far :( it’s been such a long journey :( i just need any coffee :(‘#i REALLY wanted to say ‘fuck your journey and fuck your coffee. plan better’ but instead i had to make an americano#i don’t think i even tried to hide how mad i was#like hiiiii i know you don’t care but this is my life. this is taking time away from me being able to clean down for the closing shift#which is going to take time out of my life because i’m only paid until five#i know you don’t care that i’ll have to do unpaid work but like. here’s your fucking coffee. lol#there was also this other guy and i can’t remember what he did or said but i remember i was passive-aggressively sugary sweet with him#because it was the only way i could let my annoyance out. i love being sarcastically nice in this job because they can’t call you on it#or they look crazy#in summary i had a fucking day. thanks for asking#personal
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aro-aizawa · 2 years
i will forever be fascinated with doctor who, i hope that never changes
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msommers · 2 years
the vibe after spending a mere few minutes thinking about meredith's pre-blight connections and how they drastically change after like 11-18 months
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raskies456 · 12 days
(vent post)
okay but how are you supposed to get good rec letters when you graduated several years ago + were mostly incapable of building memorable relationships with your professors bc your untreated mental health issues left you barely capable of even showing up to class and doing the bare minimum to get a grade
am I just fucked forever
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agneaul · 2 months
this may surprise the bitchy patrons I have at work , but my dream, overall goal, and ultimate purpose in life is not to work in service.
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