#if you find all the romance stuff annoying just follow her there
acornered · 4 months
✋hater here! you're probably a nice person but I find it reaaaally annoying when people who have only known each other for some weeks act like they're the love of each others lives. I hope when you guys meet irl it turns out she can't stand ur stinky feet or something and you have to break up. only saying it bc you wanted anonymous opinoins of you tho, otherwise I would not be so mean. best of luck to you 2, I hope you will need it
This is hilarious because I used to be right there with you, side-eyeing every couple who got together too fast or fell in love without having shared a single kiss in person. It was a narrow-minded and cynical worldview born of years of stewing in my own heartbreak, and I'm glad I grew out of it. Romance and love are beautiful in all their forms, and life is too short not to put your whole heart into it. I'll spare you the details, but after what I've been through, I deserve a little softness. And it's frankly insulting for a complete stranger to suggest that the way I choose to represent my relationship online is indicative of some great naiveté of how the cold cruel world works. Yes, the practical, private conversations about what a relationship between us actually entails are absent on this public internet forum. That doesn't mean they aren't happening. I suggest you let go of some of that parasocial entitlement, and either be happy that we are happy or go somewhere else. Your opinion has "big divorced energy" as the kids say, and I hope you can heal to the point where you don't feel the need to be so bothered by other people's joy.
Also since you seem to be a bitter, loveless person I'll clue you in on something I've picked up over the years-- if you love someone enough, their stinky feet are a survivable quirk, not a nasty dealbreaker, hope this helps 👍
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silassinclair · 6 months
Can I request Maddox with a darling who lives to read, maybe he catches her reading some old romance books in an abandoned house they shack up in or something like that
Btw I live your writing ♥️
As someone who loves to read I am obligated to write for this req 😤🫡 Thanks for the request tho!! Hope you like it :-)
Yandere Wild West Outlaw x Bookworm Reader
CW// Maddox is annoying, Reader being a little perv Masterlist Here!!
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The new house Maddox found was lovely. It had decently okay furniture and a vast collection of old books on the shelf. It's small with only two bedrooms and one bathroom but it was charming. But what caught your interest was the big oak wood bookshelf. You couldn't even remember the last time you picked up a book. Being on the run with Maddox made time fly.
"Who would leave all these books behind? They're all in great condition." You mutter to yourself as you take a blue and purple book with gold trim off the shelf. Tracing your fingers down the spine of the hardcover novel you appreciate the craftsmanship. It was clearly expensive, something you could no longer afford. Your Dad bought you many books like these but now you were pretty much broke. You only had Maddox to rely on now.
Speaking of Maddox you had no clue where he was. Which you didn't really care, he always disturbed your peace. Cracking open the book you sit down on the loveseat and start reading. It was a romance book about a huntsman who fell in love with a duchess. The story was beautiful as it was exhilarating.
"Oh wow, you into that kinda stuff?"
You snap the book shut instantly, a mini cloud of dust poofs from the pages. Maddox chuckles huskily behind you, leaning down and resting his chin on the back of the loveseat.
"Oh don't be embarrassed princess, it was getting to the good part. What did it say again? Oh! Ahem-"
Maddox coughs into his hand and smirks. Deepening his voice he quotes the passage in a deep, British-like accent,
"He caresses the duchess' milky thighs, her womb felt of silk wrapped around his ma-"
"OH HUSH!" You whip around and smack the outlaw's head, his hat nearly flying off. But he only laughs at your flustered state.
"You're filthy." You groan and put the book back on the shelf where it was. But Maddox follows behind you and takes the book into his own hands and opens it up. Skimming through the pages he smirks.
"I'm filthy? Sweetheart you're the one readin' this junk." Maddox shuts the book and puts it back. Putting his hand up on the shelf he leans against it while looking down at your shorter self.
"Well it is a romance book." Rolling your eyes you choose a different book. This time you pick a title you're familiar with, Pride and Prejudice.
"Now leave me alone you brute. I'd like to relax for once." With that you walk away and go outside. Finding a nice tree you sit beneath it and read the book. Reading reminded you of home, the home that was ripped from you. In a way it was escapism which is unhealthy but a girl can dream right?
Hours pass and the sun begins to set, casting an orange glow across the cloudy sky. The words on the page become harder to read as the sun sinks lower and the moon rises. You didn't want it to end. You know you could read inside but that damn outlaw was inside. You just wanted to stay out here forever with the natural ambience of wind and birds.
Footsteps approach you and you already know who it is. Looking up you see him. Black denim jeans, a burgundy vest, twin revolvers around his waist, and a dark brown cowboy hat on his head. And of course that bandana covering the bottom half of his face. Anytime you asked him about his face he got ticked off so you avoided the subject. But you couldn't help but be curious.
"You're starin' sweetheart." His husky voice breaks the silence. There’s a hint of a Spanish accent mixed in with his Southern drawl. You can't help but think about what it would be like if you and him met under different circumstances. Would he save you from bandits? Offer to buy you a drink at the saloon?
Would you two have a storybook romance just like in the books you adore?
He's right in front of you now, crouched to your height. His gloved hand pets your hair and you're frozen. He has you in a trance that you make no effort to free yourself from. His dark amber eyes are crinkled in slight concern over your unusual silence.
"What..?" You say softly.
"It's gettin' dark. Unless you wanna be dinner for the coyotes then I suggest comin' back in. I'll cook up some beans so hurry your little bum up."
Well there goes the moment. You groan and get up off the grass, your back cracking as you stretch. Your eyes watch as Maddox walks back into the house. His hips sway as he walks, you never really payed attention to that before. His ass looks pretty round in those pants to-
"Ugh, what is wrong with me.." Groaning, you follow after him.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 24 days
Eisenhower don't give a fuck
Barbie dolls: Dave Lizewski x gn! Also superhero! Reader
Summary: you're also a hero and find out Dave (your boyfriend) is kickass and flirt with him to see his reaction
Warnings: you have daddy issues now, you don't like orange popsicles, based on the second movie so if you haven't watched that it's probably not going to make sense, I'm not suggesting you should watch it bc I hate the romance plot in it but you do you, also insinuated that you're apart of the lgbtq+ and or an extremely passionate ally, feeling unloyal even though you aren't cheating, lots of sex jokes and mentions, you think you're weird and annoying, Marty and you are mean to each other in the friend way yk
Request: seriously stop going through my stuff
Dating Dave was actually quite enjoyable. You could geek over comics together. You sat with his friends during lunch. You scribbled in his notes before returning them, little hearts around the corners. You shared almost everything with each other. The key word there: almost.
Was being a real-life superhero easy? Fuck no. But it gave you that adrenaline rush you got from flirting with Dave so how bad could it be? Not to mention you got to prance around town in your very extremely awesome outfit. You liked it, a lot. You liked people following you on your socials. You liked seeing yourself on the news. You liked helping people and seeing the relief on their faces. You like hanging out with Kickass and all the others in Justice Forever.
Remembering Tommy were a bit of a drag all things considered, but you loved sitting down and hearing about all their life experiences. In fact, a couple of their nuggets of advice actually made you change your day-to-day.
You loved talking and working with Doctor Gravity. He made you laugh and was amazing at his side gig. He’s probably saved your life a thousand times already.
You quite enjoyed talking to Insect Man. In your free time together, you felt like you were able to shed your walls and talk to him about anything. In fact, you went with him to the pride parade in town and helped him organize a local protest.
You were often paired up with Night Bitch because according to Colonel stars and stripes: you had complimentary personalities. You liked being paired up with her because you actually grew to be friends.
Battle Guy had his funny moments. You two seemed to get along but he appeared to be quite attached to Kick-Ass. Which you didn’t mind because you had your own attachments.
To be quite frank, you had already mentally adopted Colonel Stars and Stripes as your father figure. You weren’t sure if he was aware of that. You did however know he called you peanut so maybe he did know.
Sometimes when you asked for advice from him, it sounded like something Juno would hear from her father. It sounded like a dinner, shared over the wooden dining room table, that you helped make even though you couldn’t reach the kitchen counter. It sounded like a movie with ice cream while you were decked out in his band t-shirt even though it was for an adult and you were nothing of the sort.
Every time he told you you did a good job after a night of moderate crime fighting, you felt like he just hung up your stick figures on the fridge. Though you doubted he thought of it that way. It wouldn’t be the first time a random male authority figure became your only source of validation.
Though on the Kick-Ass note, he was strange. You’d mutter an inside joke to yourself, and hear a snort come from Kick-Ass. You just assumed he was quite perceptive. When you two were left alone, there was this strange tension floating between you two. It felt like deja vu. It felt like when you visit an art museum, see a familiar face, can’t place it, and then find it in the mirror the next morning. You just hadn’t gotten to the next morning yet. He made you feel weird. You felt like you should run away from him and hide behind Dave.
You felt unloyal just knowing there was weird tension between you and Kick-Ass. Even though you apparently got along quite well. You laughed at the same jokes, even the same words in some cases. You liked the same movies and comic books. You even thought he was just as funny as Dave. Which you hated because Dave was very important to you.
Every time you laughed at Kick-Ass’ jokes you felt your heart squeeze at the thought of Dave sitting at home thinking of you. After every laugh, you both sighed heavily like you could feel the weight of something returning to your shoulders. You assumed he was thinking of his homework or some shit. It wasn’t your business but you were positive it wasn’t hypothetical infidelity.
You avoided pairing up with Kick-Ass. You didn’t even stand next to him. You didn’t want his vibes getting onto your skin. Alas, Colonel Stars and Stripes didn’t pick up on your subtlety, pairing you two together again.
Though this time was different. You two had just been wandering around, waiting for some crime to catch up with you. You mentioned your favorite movie of all time and Kick-Ass dropped possibly the best thing you had ever heard.
“Oh my god, my partner fucking loves that movie.” Ah, see most people don’t normally enjoy learning someone has a partner, you, on the other hand, loved this new piece of information. You stopped walking. Kick-ass turned back around to probably raise an eyebrow, you can’t see.
“You have a partner?” You asked, already feeling your lips peel into a grin. Kick-Ass shrugged.
“Yeah? Is that so unbelievable?” He asked, slapping his hand onto the side of his thigh. You shook your head.
“No, It’s not unbelievable.” You said. You skipped, literally, ahead. You were beaming the rest of the night. You still tried to ignore Kick-Ass during the other meeting though now with the new information you were slightly less abrasive.
One night, alike many other nights, Dave knocked on your door right as you were getting ready for bed. You raised a brow at his appearance. He was missing his glasses, and nacho cheese was smeared over his face, primarily over his eye and mouth area. Though it wasn’t in his hair or on his clothes.
“Dude, you have to stop eating so messy. It is not a good look for you.” You said, pulling the door open further.
“Someone threw nachos at me, which I am quite upset about. I wanted to kiss you once I got over here but now I have to clean my face.” Dave said, shrugging his backpack and jacket off to drop them by the door. You snorted, making the corner of Dave’s mouth tip up. He left for the bathroom. You stood in the doorway and watched him, committing the image to your memory so you could think of Dave while you were on the hunt for misbehavior. Dave glanced at you from the corner of his eye before squeezing them closed again to scrub his face with water. He pulled his head back, blowing water away from his mouth with a huff.
“Could you get my glasses and extra shirt out of my bag?” Dave asked, dipping his head back to the sink. You spun around and headed for his bag. You thought for a moment, which pocket would Dave put his glasses and extra shirt in? Of course the biggest one. You zipped it open. You paused when you were met with a plastic bag covered in red font repeating ‘Thank you’. You furrowed your brows at the sight of green peeking through the white. You pulled on the loose knot, staring down at the very iconic Kick-Ass green covered in nacho cheese. You paused and thought back on it.
Kick-Ass laughed at the inside jokes that you only made with Dave. Kick-Ass had a partner who had the same favorite movie as you. Of course Kick-Ass made you feel some weird tension because he was your fucking boyfriend. You never ever heard Dave talk bad about Kick-Ass. They had the same favorite comics, movies literally everything. You finally reached the next morning.
“Holy shit.” You whispered, glad the sink was still running so Dave couldn’t hear you.
“They should be in the front pocket, baby,” Dave called from the bathroom. You retied the plastic bag and zipped up the big pocket as fast as you could. You brought Dave his glasses and extra shirt and pretended you had no idea the whole night.
However, on the next mission, you volunteered to pair with Kick-Ass. Kick-Ass gave you a questioning look. You shrugged. Eventually, you two were off, once again wandering about. You knew you truly shouldn’t but you wanted to fuck with Dave a little.
“Hey, Kick-Ass? You said you have fucked nerve endings right? You can’t feel when people hit you?” You said, balancing the edge of the sidewalk, your arms stuck out on either side of you. Kick-ass was walking next to you, his hands clasped behind his back.
“No, you can’t slap me,” Kick-Ass responded, taking one step away from you.
“No, I was just wondering if that made it hard for you to have sex. Like does that fuck with those nerve endings?” You said blatantly, keeping your eyes on the sidewalk so you didn’t fall. Kick-ass sputtered, making you grin.
“What? No. I mean, No that’s none of your business.” Kick-Ass said, taking another step away from you. You snorted. You stopped and dropped your hands to your sides.
“You sure? ‘Cause I could help you out with that. There’s a public restroom right around the corner. Or we could just use the alley.” You said, taking a step closer to him. Dave held his hands up in surrender, leaning away from you.
“I have a partner. I am dating someone. They sexually gratify me perfectly. I am seeing someone, who I love deeply. I am severely committed.” Kick-Ass said, squeezing his eyes shut. You snorted and walked away from him, completely ignoring the fact that now your face was hot from him confessing his love.
“I’m just fucking with you Dave, don’t take me seriously. I would never fuck in an alley, that’s like STD grand central station.” You said, balancing on the edge of the sidewalk again.
“Sorry, wait, what’d you call me?” Kick-Ass asked. You kept walking, though now you thought back on your words. You grimaced when you realized you called him by his real name.
“I called you a bitch.” You said. Well done, that was perfect. No notes. Kick-Ass met your pace, walking beside you. He leaned his head to the side, trying to make eye contact with you.
“No, you didn’t. What did you call me?” He asked. You shrugged.
“You called me Dave. Why did you do that?” You stopped and met his eyes. You shrugged.
“I think we actually do need that alley now, come with me.” You split off to the nearest alley, pulling Dave into the shadows. You glanced around to make sure no one was around before yanking your mask off.
“It’s me, Dave.” Kick-Ass gasped, taking a step away from you. He spun around, his hands on his head.
“Oh my god, I’ve slept with a real-life superhero.” He muttered. He pulled his mask off, dragging his hands through his hair.
”To be fair I also had this reaction when I found out about you.” You said, shoving your mask into your belt. Dave spun back around to you, gripping your face with both his hands.
“God, you gorgeous pain in the ass. I love you so much.” He pulled you closer to him, resting his lips against yours. You reached out and tugged him closer by the green fabric pulled over his stomach. Dave groaned into your lips, slipping his hands under your arms to hold onto your back. He pulled back just enough to whisper to you.
“Stars and Stripes is going to kill us,” Dave said. You nodded against him, pushing your lips back against his.
“Stop thinking about him, think about how we’re totally going to fuck in these costumes.” You muttered. Dave’s hand found the back of your head, holding you still while he slipped his tongue past your lips.
By the time everyone did meet back at the base, you and Kick-ass were stuck together like glue. Colonel dismissed everyone, but Kick-ass’ hand shot out for Battle Guys’ arm.
“Hey Coronal, we have bad news.” You said. Colonel turned around looking between you three.
“You haven’t started selling drugs have you?” You shook your head.
“We all know each other, in real life,” Kick-Ass said. Battle Guy jerked his arm out of Kick-Ass’ hand.
“No, the fuck we don’t. I know you,” Battle Guy pointed at Kick-Ass. “Don’t know who that is.” Battle Guy pointed at you. You made a mental note to add a middle finger to Marty’s birthday card. Colonel grimaced at Battle Guy.
“Language.” Colonel pinched his brow as he looked between the three of you. “How long have you known this?”
“I’ve known since yesterday, Kick-Ass found out today. Battle Guy is apparently still behind.” You said. Colonel sighed.
“Do you hate me?” You asked, making Colonel raise an eyebrow.
“Why would I hate you?” You shrugged, feeling everyone’s eyes turn to you.
“I don’t know. I was just checking because-“
“Oh my god.” You heard Battle Guy say. You glanced over at him to see him wandering away from the line you three had formed.
“What!” You responded, following him with your eyes. He dragged his hands over his head.
“I just figured out who you are.” He said, dropping his hands to his sides. ”I recognized you from your daddy issues.” You scoffed at Marty.
“You recognized me from my daddy issues? You know what-“ You said, your voice raising. You pointed your finger at Battle Guy. Kick-ass’ hands shot out, pressing either one to you and Marty’s chest.
“Okay, okay. No fighting, there’s no point.” You sighed, dropping it. You faced Colonel again. He hummed.
“Do you know what we call this?” Colonel said, waving his hands around at you three. You shrugged, glancing at Dave to see if he knew.
“No?” Kick-ass muttered.
“Loserville party of one?” Battle Guy asked. You huffed, looking around Dave to glare at Marty. Kick-ass reached out and lightly pushed your head back.
“Not my problem. C’mon Eisenhower. Let’s allow these doofuses to solve this on their own.” Colonel replied, tugging on Eisenhower’s leash. She quickly pranced after him. You waited until you heard the door slam shut before tugging your mask off. You turned to Marty, sticking your finger in his face again.
“Fuck you, Marty. I’m setting your birthday present on fire.” You said, huffing and turning away from Marty.
“Yeah, that wasn’t necessary. We talked about how we don’t bring up parental issues anymore, Marty. There was an entire family meeting about it.” Dave said, pulling off his own mask. Marty huffed and yanked his off.
“I didn’t listen during that meeting and you know it,” Marty responded.
“Whatever Marty, just don’t talk about it again.” You said, pulling your mask back over your head and leaving the building.
Marty did apologize the next evening at Dave’s house. You, Marty, Todd, and Dave went over to Dave’s house every day to hang out because the time at school you had together just wasn’t enough.
You and Marty were sat outside, eating the popsicles you stole from the freezer. Dave’s dad banned everyone from eating them inside because once Marty dropped one on the couch. It's been forever sticky. So there you two were, sitting on the steps of the back porch in the dark. The dull and faded light from the living room stretched out through the glass sliding door.
“I actually am sorry, about the other night. I know sometimes I am a dick. I don’t know why I’m like that. I just am.” Marty said, taking another bit of his orange popsicle. You hummed.
“I’m the same way. Sometimes I’m just weird and annoying, I don’t know why. Just am.” You said, chomping into the blue popsicle you were holding. Marty hummed, licking down the side of his hand at the streak of melted juice. A quiet moment went by where you stared up at the dark sky and ignored the very loud sound of Marty slurping.
“For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re annoying,” Marty said, biting into his popsicle again. You paused on your popsicle, looking over at him.
“Really?” Marty nodded, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
“I mean weird, for sure-“ You shoved Marty’s shoulder.
“Oh fuck off.” You laughed, shaking your head at him. Marty snorted. You continued with your popsicle, though now your lips were tilted up.
“Also when I said Loserville party of one, I was talking about you,” Marty added, taking another bite out of his popsicle. You rolled your eyes.
“I know!”
“Just checking, 'cause you never laughed,” Marty said, tilting his head back to catch the runaway bit of popsicle.
“Yeah, it wasn’t funny.” You both sat in silence as you paused in eating your popsicle to watch Marty and his messy eating. He pulled back and glanced at you.
“So do you actually think of Colonel Stars and Stripes as your dad?” He asked, chomping again. You scoffed. You shoved his shoulder again, making him rock to the side. You finished your popsicle, licking the wooden stick. Marty was maybe two bites from finishing his. The glass door slid open. You turned back. Dave smiled at you.
“You guys coming in soon? We’re about to set up our next board game.” Dave said. Marty turned back, nodding at Dave.
“Yeah, baby.” Dave hummed and took the four steps from the door to you. He leaned down and lightly pecked your lips. He pulled back, his tongue darting it between his lips.
“Blue?” You nodded. He hummed and left, sliding the glass door behind him. Marty waited a moment, watching Dave retreat to the coffee table through the glass. You watched too although for different reasons.
“How long is Dave?” Marty asked. You gasped, smacking the last bite of popsicle out of Marty’s hand. It flipped in the air and leaned in the grass with an unsatisfying ‘thush’.
“Hey! What was that for?” Marty said, sadly looking down at the orange popsicle bite now covered in green grass.
“Potty mouth.” You said, standing up. You picked your popsicle stick off the step. Marty stood up after you, joining you at your side.
“It was ass anyway,” Marty muttered. You nodded, dragging open the glass door.
“You picked orange, I’m not sure what you were expecting.” You said, throwing your stick into the garbage. You and Marty joined Dave and Todd at the coffee table to start the game. You greeted Dave with a kiss and settled onto the floor next to him. Marty sat across from you and wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“I’m not answering your sick question dude!” You responded. Dave worriedly hummed.
“What’d he ask you?” Dave asked. You shook your head and patted his cheek.
“Don’t worry your pretty head about it.”
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
Can I get headcanons for panty anarchy x reader?
Thank you for ordering!
Come again soon!
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Oooh nice one!
Panty Anarchy as a yandere I see as one of the less dangerous yandere's in this verse though to be fair none of them are THAT dangerous.
Not to say she isn't bad though. Far fucking from it!
I see her as an Obsessive, Clingy and Jealous kind of yandere. Perhaps Semi-Manipulative with a tinge of sadism too.
Obsessive in the way she just adores you. She thinks you're just the cutest thing and absolutely loves to tease you. Panty likes learning about you, Collecting some of your items
Clingy in the way she always has a hand touching you somewhere (I am now realising how bad that sounds once I type it out). An arm slugged over your shoulder, Hand holding as she takes you along. Panty is always following you around, Talking your ear off usually.
Jealous in the way that she just does NOT like anyone talking to you. Anyone that does interact with you she instantly grows a strong distaste for, Why would you be talking to anyone when she is right here? Panty's an angel, The hottest AND the most charming person you've met so why are you talking to them?
Leads us onto our next point. Semi-Manipulative in the way she instantly bad talks them to you, A lot of cuss words and disgusting metaphors. I don't think Panty's even aware she's manipulating you and changing your worldview, She tells you she gets a "Bad vibe" from them and to stay away.
And finally, Semi-Sadistic in the way she likes to tease you. Panty enjoys bantering with you and taking shots at one another, Loving the expressions of hurt or any reaction you may give. Don't worry though, If it gets too much she will apologise as she lazily tosses you a snack as payment.
She doesn't really remember how her obsession started, Panty just saw you one day said "God damn! They're HOT!" and your fate was sealed.
Panty, Unlike other yandere's wastes no time on approaching you. Instantly strutting up to you and starting to flirt with you to no end. At first, Panty treats this like any other man or woman she's trying to get with.
But when you start turning down her advances, She's standing there stunned. Even more so when you start hitting her back with her own lines, Matching her own flirtatious attitude perfectly.
Panty stands there flustered for the first time in her life. She can't say anything as you flirt back to her, Every little word you say makes her blush profusely. All before a shot of blood erupts from her nose and she falls unconscious on the floor.
Afterwards, She's hooked.
It's not just sexual anymore. Panty feels romantically attracted to you too, At first she finds this icky since romance just isn't her deal. Whenever Stocking mocks her for how she's feeling Panty is suddenly more defensive.
But once she finally settles with it her eyes are set on you entirely. Her hook-ups become less frequent since she's so busy on befriending and hopefully getting you in her bed.
Panty starts following you around. She begins to tease you, It's her way of talking. She keeps making innuendo's and hints at her feelings, You however shrug it off as you both start to gain somewhat of a friendship and see it banter. For you at least, Panty sees it waaaay differently.
Panty, As your relationship continues grows more and more enthralled in you. To the point she even starts slacking off when killing ghosts, Stocking is annoyed by this but Panty could not give a fuck.
Panty constantly mocks you. Sometimes pushing you around in a flirtatious way but nothing more than that.
She really starts to lean into the romantic stuff, Though she is not experienced in it whatsoever. It's also the reason why it comes off as banter when she shoves a bouquet in your hand, Her inexperience makes it look playful and platonic.
This starts to irritate Panty though she doesn't say anything about it. She believes if she throws enough bouquets into your hands and tosses you enough chocolate (It's Stockings) she'll date you soon enough.
That mentality only stops however once you start to go out with other friends.
Panty is absolutely baffled why. She's been working her ass off to try and get into your pants yet you want to hang out with other people? Panty is the hottest bitch here, Why the hell would you want to talk to anyone else?
Her jealous tendencies instantly kick in and she starts ranting off to you about the people you've been hanging around. She's throwing out every cuss word she can think of (its in the four figure digits) and starts telling you how horrible they are.
You instantly start telling her to back off. These are your friends you've known all your life and you've only known her for maybe a few months, She's acting real controlling and you don't like it.
After her blow-up at you, You decide you should start distancing yourself from her. Much to her chagrin of course, Especially once she see's that the time you spent with her is spent with them now.
Even more so when you seem to be getting.. Intimately close.
That's when she just can't handle it. Panty couldn't give two fucks if you cry or scream, She shoots your partner square in the head with a gun. Barely giving a shit once you yell out and run away.
Panty doesn't understand it either as she chases after you. Quickly catching up due to her angelic strength as she tackles you to the ground, Getting on top of you and threatening you at gunpoint.
You're crying as she acts just as normal as she usually does. Still throwing what she considers banter at you, You try to get away but she's too strong for you to do anything about it.
Before you know it you're thrown into the back of her car and driven off towards the church.
Now you enter the domestic stage.
You live in Panty's room from now on. Ignoring all the suggestive stuff you're basically locked in there forever, She doesn't let you out except to go to the bathroom.
Panty really could care less. She doesn't take anything seriously. While she is completely in love with you that doesn't mean she's delusional, Don't try to manipulate her into letting you out because she will figure it out.
She won't force anything on you other than maybe sleeping together and physical affection. Even though she is rather horny 24/7 she understands the importance of consent and won't do anything you're not comfortable with sexually.
Not romantically though. Panty still expects a kiss or two and keeps up with her touchy attitude. This time it's more intimate since she's decided courting is over.
Hugging, Cuddling, Lying in bed with her or general indoor PDA is all the rage with her. She's still new to this romantic stuff (Or in her words: "She feels like a fuckin' virgin again") and still get's flustered.
Panty loves you a lot but she doesn't say it. Her love language is touch and quality time, If you try to get her to admit it she'll get huffy and mock you more
If you try and escape it's most definetly possible. Though trust me it would be TOUGH. Gaining her trust or pretending to love her more than you actually do would be a good way.
Afterwards once she lowers her guard and leaves the door unlocked you could make a run for it.
If you do manage to get out she would be PISSED. Like you've been playing her this entire time and she's bloody angry, Hell and heaven are shaking rn kinda angry.
Panty would 24/7 be looking for you. She doesn't care who she has to diddle to get you back, She will, At any cost.
Once she does she'll drag you back screaming and crying by the hair or your legs, Yelling and cursing you out as you're unable to get out.
Once you're back she will NOT trust you again, Not for a long while. Not for a good few years. Your room will be double padlocked and you'll be locked in a closet when she's away for a few weeks.
Good luck :)
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wonyui · 2 years
Carnival Games
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SUMMARY Feeling bored and incomplete, Minji decides to skip studying for once and focus on the fun plans that her friends had made at the carnival. Not being the best shooter out there, she tries to win the teddy bear that had been left to complete her odd teddy collection just for it to end in complete failure. Almost giving up entirely and leaving with a frown, she finds herself watching the pro shooter beside her go for the teddy that she originally wanted.
Pairings: Kim!Minji x F!Reader
Genre: carnival setting, strangers to lovers(not really) au, romance, comedy-romance
- silent add: I finished this when I was sleep deprived, so please lmk if there's any incorrect spelling 💔
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"Bro, I suck at these games, but how do you manage to not knock down at least one bottle?" Hanni half questioned and complained, causing Danielle to nudge her in order to shut her up.
Minji stared at her friends like a menace, even more terrifying when Haerin stared at them for no absolute reason. The sound of the toyish gun machine was the only thing she continued to hear, along with the disappointed sighs, for every time she missed a plastic bottle.
"Should we get more snacks? We could get a soft cold drink for her," Danielle whispered with care in her voice, but since she was a terrible whisperer, it caused Minji's hold on the toy gun to become stronger. "Yeah.. we are definitely going to the snack and drink bar. Minji, we'll be just over there if you decide to give up, okay?"
"Make sure there's ice in it, I can't stand drinks without ice in them!" Haerin looked over to her shoulders as she continued to make her way over to their new destination, her cute yet annoying stare creeping Minji out to the point Danielle had to stop the younger girl from staring.
It took over more than Minji's monthly allowance to finally realize that she needed to stop. Otherwise, she wouldn't have enough money to buy more stuff that intrigued her. Before walking over to join her friends who watched her while making conversations, a stranger took the spot next to her. The strong visuals of the stranger next to her gave her the sudden gay panic attack. Seriously, who knew it'd be a blissful night when all of a sudden you see a cute stranger? It's definitely a win for Minji.
"It's a struggle for beginners." The girl happily hummed, almost as though she was talking to Minji.
"Uh.." Minji awkwardly looked back to her friends, wondering if she should reply(if it was even for her).
Hanni shot a thumbsup, giving it as a sign for Minji to reply even though she didn't know the exact reason for why Minji was staring at them with a questionable look in the first place.
Danielle watched the whole thing, sending a frown at her fellow Australian friend. "Do you even know why she looked over at us?"
"Hey," Hanni shrugged, "anything is good when it comes to a pretty girl."
Hyein, the only 14 year old there, snorted. Acting as though she didn't beg her mom to join them in the first place. Perks come when your mom is a social person. Plus, they were all basically her older sisters, so it was a win-win situation(only for Hyein).
"Unless she told her to stop staring because it creeped her out!" Hyein stated proudly, giggling to herself afterward.
"Right, staring is weird." Haerin added quietly, causing the three of them to look at her to see if she was even joking.
Back to Minji. Iternally gay screaming out of her mind Minji. The awkward silence between her and the cute stranger in front of her made her suffocate. For some reason, she wanted to leave, but it'd also mean missing a chance on at least starting a conversation with you. Yeah, blame it on her half introverted when meeting strangers and half extroverted when cursing at her friends personality. It's truly a blessing for her.
"I'm thinking I should aim for the one on the right top and get 10 more points," you spoke out your thoughts, "but I already have more points needed for the prize I want and it wouldn't really matter anyways unless I want to impress the pretty girl besides me and get one for her too. Which one do you think I should go with?"
Minjo turned red the moment you finished your sentence—or question. She didn't really know, but all that matters was the fact that you had basically called her pretty. It was also smooth along the lines.
"Uhh.. I'd say pick your choice? I don't know." Shs quickly answered, biting her lips and cringing mentally for sounding too dry for her own liking.
"Pretty girl, it is." You smiled, aiming perfectly for the toy bottle.
The worker clapped, feeling proud of himself for setting up such an 'easy' game, blind to the fact that half the people who paid to play didn't really win because the bottles were far and not everyone had great vision. Also, because some had horrible control over their aiming.
"Could I get the teddy bear on the top, right?" You kindly asked as he sent a proud thumbs up. "Thanks."
Minji's eyes stayed on you, waiting for you to look back at her to start another conversation. You eventually did, holding onto the teddy bear that the worker had given you.
"Do you still want this?" The shock on her face made you giggle, turning her even more redder than before.
Nodding her head shamelessy, not because her collection was about to be complete but because you had gifted it to her with your own efforts, made everything about the teddy bear feel more special.
"SHE'S SINGLE BY THE WAY!" A loud voice coming over the snacks and drinks bar made you jump a little.
Judging from the way Minji glared at the pretty girl who proudly wore her bangs, they must have been close friends. The passerbys continued to walk after hearing the loud shout. It was gonna be a memorable moment to you, but for the shy girl in front of you, it was definitely gonna be an embarrassing memory for her.
"I'm Minji, by the way," you smiled and nodded, waiting for her to finish so you could introduce yourself. "And I'm very thankful for the uh.. teddy bear. Am I supposed to give something in return? Because.. I'd really love to, so I don't have to feel as though I'm in debt."
"Y/N, and if anything.. I don't really need anything in return!"
"No, no, I insist."
"No, it's fine!"
"No, like, I want you to ask for something in return. Don't make me feel guilty."
"Oh! Then would it be fine if I took some of your time? It'll be short since you clearly have friends over there waiting to hang with you." Minji looked over at her friends who immediately sent another thumbsup, mouthing the words "we don't mind!'' or "we don't care, just leave."
"It's a yes. Take as much time even. I think they'd be more happy that a stranger took me out of their sight.."
You chuckled. "Alright! Where to?"
"I'm so fucki— oh. Is it alright if I swear?" Minji asked all of a sudden, waiting for you to finish tossing the ring so you could answer.
"You're cute," you laughed, finding her question funny. "Yeah, I sometimes swear, so it's nothing new to my ears."
Minji flushed, feeling her ears turn red.
Ah.. maybe hanging out with a fourteen year old 24/7 got to me.
The odd feeling of someone staring at her made Minji look around to find the source, making eye contact with one of her friends all of a sudden. The glare that she sent wasn't obviously enough to scare them away.
"What are you doing?!" Minji mouthed.
Hanni grinned. Danielle looked away. Haerin continued staring, although her eyes had a glint of mischief. Hyein looked more busy trying to count the many licks it took in order to finish her questionably big lollipop.
"We came to spy on you guys for our own entertainment!" Hanni mouthed back.
"Something wrong?" You asked, noticing how badly frightened Minji looked.
Making sure to use her whole figure in order to block the other girls out from your view, Minji sent a soft smile. "I think we've had too much ring tossing! Why don't we try bean bag tossing?" It was too fast that you couldn't utter out a single word before Minji could drag you by the hand, making sure the other girls couldn't catch up.
"Should we tell her that we happened to find her by coincidence and played along with it?" Danielle asked, feeling worried. Mostly for you.
"Nah," Hanni grinned, "didn't you see the way they held hands? I'd say it was a successful plan."
"And we voted Haerin the most devious.." Danielle trailed off.
Haerin gasped in disbelief, not believing the fact that her friends would do such a thing. "Hey!— I may stare all of a sudden for no reason, but it's because her reactions are always funny. I don't have the brain to think of something like this."
"Woah dude, congrats." Hanni clapped all of a sudden.
"Your first words throughout the whole night! Maybe getting a girlfriend next is on the list?"
"I despise you." Danielle giggled at Haerin's reply, not noticing the lingering glance that Haerin sent before looking elsewhere the moment her brain woke up in realization.
Inhaling for air, you thanked Minji for giving the bottle of water. It was enough coming from her for making you run more miles than you expected.
"I'm sorry, I guess I was just excited to throw bean bags." Minji immediately apologized, looking for any signs of her friends.
Gathering enough air to talk, you pointed to where the bean bag tossing was actually located. "That's nice, but bean bag tossing is over there.." With a huff of annoyance at herself, Minji looked elsewhere to find any fun things the two of you could do together. "Hey.. this might sound crazy but are you down to use your legs paddle something? Well—it's not really paddling, but we're using our feets so basically, it is." "You mean you wanna hop on those boat paddlers after running a whole 6 minute run?" "I'm down if you're down." "Honestly that's crazy, but because you're down, I'm down."
"This was a bad idea." You undeniably admitted the truth.
Minji tried to reply, but she had to catch her breath. After regaining her energy(well, half of it, but nobody was gonna point that out), she sinked into her seat and sighed.
"Well, it was worth the amount of oxygen I needed," She too, admitted. "But hey, we have the best view right now."
If the two of you weren't facing the wrong direction, it would have been the best. Right now, it was a huge wall filled with horrible yet funny art. It looked like junk.
"Are we looking at the same thing?"
"Are we? I believe the view is pretty from my point of view." Finally realizing what she meant, you turned to make eye contact with the latter who wore a coy smile on her face. "So we definitely weren't looking at the same thing."
"I guess the cute shyness disappeared?" You grinned, feeling quite content at the moment. Also, the redness that crept up under your cheeks felt too overwhelming to control.
"Well," Minji clicked her tongue with a geeky smile forming afterward. "I definitely wouldn't pass on a great opportunity like this. Would you?"
Shaking your head at her question, it brought her a great amount of happiness. "Definitely not."
"You sound kinda wayyyy too experienced with that reply. Are you sure I wasn't the only girl you've flirted with?" She joked, feeling comfortable to joke with you this time.
It was a suggestive joke, too, giving you the opportunity to reply back with something more funny. Or maybe a pick-up line at that—she hoped.
"I'm not sure," you pretended to ponder, "was I the only girl you've flirted with too?"
Minji simply shrugged. "Never in my life. In fact, I think you raised my standards."
"Well then, to be honest," you shyly spoke this time, "I've never actually shot my shot and vice versa. It was always questionably a given whenever a person would come up and ask for my phone number."
"Maybe it's cause they don't have toy guns just laying around, waiting for someone to use them?" Minji joked, getting nudged by you. "You know what I mean!"
"Yeah, you wanted my phone number."
"Don't get too confident.."
"You never denied it."
"And I didn't admit it!"
It could go on for long until Minji averted her eyes elsewhere, looking at her friends who waved at her, looking so small, yet she could see that they clearly wanted something. "I think we might need to go back on land.."
"What is it?" The annoyed girl grumbled, glaring at her friends(mostly at Hanni).
"Yeah, we get it. We interrupted your date, but we wanted to meet her too!" Hanni spoke out for the rest of them.
You nervous smiled, feeling a bit small in their presence. Minji noticed this, of course, taking your hand and interlocking it with hers. It was somewhat a habit of hers whenever she'd notice a friend was feeling a bit uncomfortable—which was rare. Something about her holding hands with you felt new—it made her feel things that she had never felt before.
"Okay, we'll pretend not to notice that!" Danielle positively smiled.
Before greeting you and introducing herself, she made sure to nudge Haerin. It was the only option she had to stop her from what it seemed like rudely staring at you.
"The names Danielle! That's Hanni, Haerin, and this one.. she doesn't need to be intro—" Before the poor girl who radiated sunshine energy could even finish, she had been interrupted. "Yeah, I'm Hyein. Nice to meet you!"
"Hyein, you're too young to involve yourself in this conversation!" Danielle reminded.
You raised your eyebrows, wondering what she meant by too young. Hell, the latter looked to be the same age as the one who seemed to have a bad case of staring for no absolute reason(which you didn't mind).
"She's fourteen.." Danielle sighed, feeling disappointed.
"Oh.." Sounding a little rude there, you paused. "I meant, oh! She looks mature! I'm in like—shock."
"Really? I sort of get that all the time." Hyein proudly grinned.
"Mhm! And the names Y/N." They all nodded in sync as soon as you introduced yourself.
"Pretty name!"
"For a pretty girl, that's for sure."
"Hey now."
"Relax, I'm not gonna steal her?"
"That's not what I mean- Ugh."
An idea was what Danielle wanted. Specifically something that could allow all 6 of you to hang out. Minji frowned, noticing the happy grin that presented on the younger latter's face. "Anyone up for bean bag tossing? Losers do whatever the winners want."
"I WANT A REMATCH!" Hanni complained.
Hyein side-eyed the older girl, feeling happy about the win that she didn't participate in because it was mostly you doing all the work of tossing the bean bags in. It felt truly horrific knowing that there was probably nothing you were good at.
"I honestly should have been in your team. A free win would have been good for me." Minji sighed.
"Be for real," the annoying Australian spoke, causing Minji to glare at her. "We know that's not the real reason." Minji continued to glare, "playfully" pushing the younger girl away so she wouldn't have the chance to say more stupid things.
"It's already eight pm?" Danielle looked at her watch, pouting at the thought of having less time to spend with you. Though it couldn't beat the disappointed stare that Minji gave, knowing that it'd be too upfront to suddenly ask for your phone number.
"We still have the bet going on, right?" You asked, looking at Minji mostly.
"Ah!" It had hit Danielle in realization at the sudden question. "Yeah, gosh. I almost forgot!"
"I'm cold. Hanni, give me your hoodie."
"Um. No?"
"The bet. Loser. Give."
Feeling defenless and giving up at that moment, Hanni started to mutter curse words under her breath while taking off her jacket. Handing over her jacket, Hyein smiled in victory before putting it in on. Danielle watched the whole thing unwrap, looking over at Haerin with a mischievous grin.
"Haerin? Are you afraid of heights?" Haerin immediately shook her head, hoping Danielle would ask her to join her on the ferris wheel.
"Great! How about you ride the ferris wheel alone for three minutes?"
A frown fell on her face, along with a big sigh. Danielle was a difficult person when it came to those who liked her. Usually, it was a blessing for Haerin, but she was now annoyed. Minji snickered, finding the situation funny. Haerin lazily made her way over to the ferris wheel, cursing the universe for ruining her enjoyment.
"I wanna join her." you stated, hoping Minji would take the hint.
The butterflies in her stomach disappeared, feeling more like a pit all of a sudden. "Oh. Well, you could if you want to.." Her disappointment sounded way too obvious, causing you to chuckle, "Well you obviously didn't get the hint. I meant I want to look at a better VIEW this time," you emphasized the word 'view'.
Minji unnoticably gulped, nodding quickly so her chances of being alone with you on a ferris wheel on wouldn't go to waste. "Yes. Please."
"What are you guys doing here? I thought the winner was supposed to order the losers around?" Haerin genuinely asked, wondering if the two of you had gotten fooled.
Minji flushed, feeling both nervous and giddy that she couldn't answer the cat-like latters questions. You, on the other hand, took the initiative to answer her question, almost sounding as though you weren't internally panicking in your mind.
"We're actually gonna ride the ferris wheel together."
Haerin bitterly smiled, blaming Danielle for her stupidity. Now, she has to basically third-wheel and sit all by herself. 'Good going, Danielle. Look what you did, dense idiot.' was the only thing that echoed in Haerin's head.
"It's so pretty.." You stared at the cities that looked small from your view.
Minji had been admiring the view, too, not looking at you this time. "Pretty good, I guess. I've seen better."
"Really? You're seriously a picky one, aren't you?" You raised your brows jokingly.
"Hey— you don't know exactly what I've seen in my life, but it's pretty admirable," Minji jokingly huffed, sounding way too proud of her own accomplished
"I'm sure it has been," you added, pretending to sound uninterested, "I'm sure it has."
The silence grew, keeping it peaceful. Minji had more to say, but she wanted you to have a great time enjoying yourself. The silence grew even more, this time a little awkward than it was before. Thinking of how to start her sentence, Minji decided to go big or go home.
"Listen I-"
"Hey so-"
The cut-offs made by each other quickly turned into laughter. "I'll go first since I'm an impatient one." Minji quickly added in between her laughs. You agreed, waiting for her to continue. "Listen, I had a great time with you and everything. It was truly enjoyable," Minji softly smiled genuinely.
It was mutual. You grew fond of the girl. You wished that the time didn't fly past, but repeated as though it was meant to be. You wanted more time spent with her, but it'd be too weird to admit in front of you.
"Thank you.. for this time. I also enjoyed it," You paused, wanting to add more, "your friends were also funny!"
It grew quiet once again. This time, the two of you had nothing to worry about, letting the silence overtake the atmosphere. Maybe it was the fact that you felt a little sentimental that you couldn't even look Minji in the eye. Just how different would have things been if you saw how fond she looked while staring at you? Would you have done the same? It filled her with questions that felt almost too possible to answer nor ignore. It was on border of being either too annoying or exciting to feel.
"I-" Before she could even finish, the ferris wheel started moving again, showing that the ride was about to finish. "Huh?" You questioned, waiting for her to finish. Minji fake smiled, "it's nothing, I was just gonna spit out a fun fact."
You slowly nodded, wondering if there was more to it than just a fun fact. Oddly enough, she looked more disappointed than you did at the moment.
"So, how did the two of you enjoy your time?" Haerin asked bitterly, remembering how it was just more than 3 minutes to herself. At least it was good enough to question her whole existence.
You who sounded enthusiastic looked over at Minji, who looked down. You wanted to say more but a familiar face stopped you from doing so, realizing that it was your older brother coming to pick you up. Also, the friends that you had accidentally ditched just to hang out with Minji, though they didn't seem to mind because they looked like they also had a great time.
"Ah, my brother is here.. this is where I take my leave." This time, it was you who had bitterly smiled.
The glare that your brother had sent for straying too far sent chills down your spine, causing you to bow and apologize before running off to where he was. All of it was too sudden for Minji to even bid you goodbye. Hell, she was frozen, trying to process things.
"Nice going!" Hanni nudged, disappointed that you had left without leaving your number or anything.
There were too many emotions she was feeling at the moment. You turned back, waving one more time with a smile as Minji finally returned it. Your figure leaving further and further away from her was all she needed to realize that you had already disappeared.
"I'm such a coward. Please tell me you angels had gotten her number!" Minji basically begged, feeling like she could cry at the given moment when her friends shook their heads(except Hyein).
Minji faced the youngest one, hope laced in her tone. "Hyein?"
The youngest pretended to shake her head, that is, until Minji's head began to hang low in disappointment. "I'm joking. Oh my god, take a joke."
"Pause. Are you saying what I'm thinking?" Minji asked, a sudden adrenaline rush coursing through her.
"Yes, I asked for it earlier, knowing you'd be a full-on coward. You're welcome." Hyein rolled her eyes, giving the note.
Taking the note from Hyein's hand, Minji's stoic expression melted into a soft smile. Although she wasn't brave enough to ask, she felt happy that her friends(mostly Hyein) had her back. Who knew a handwritten note was what made her night the most besides spending time with you? Minji read the note all over again as if you included words in it.
'xxx-xxx-xxx don't spam text/call please TT joking do it :)'
"Hyein.. I'm definitely buying you whatever you want. You're finishing your barbie doll collection tomorrow, okay?" Minji patted the younger latter on the back.
Hyein smiled while the others frowned in envy, wanting the older girl to buy something for them, too. "Hey! What about us?" They asked in unison. Minji stared at the other girls in distaste, ignoring them before pulling Hyein under her arms, planning to spoil her with candy and drinks for the rest of the night. Who knew an ex-stranger would be the reason for Minji's sudden giddiness?
"Shoot. I forgot the teddy bear at the duck paddling thingy majiggys! We gotta go back!" Minji yelled, running a little later on as the others joined in.
Luckily enough, she was smart enough to hide it under the seats. Otherwise, it would have been a total loss for her and a big treasure find for whoever found it.
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mixelation · 1 year
some kushina jr/tobirama thoughts
they meet mid-to-late teens bc kushina jr has no planning skills and they invented time and dimension hopping with no way to get home, so they just show up and realize they've fucked up and now they live in the woods. the senju-uchiha war is still in full swing, and the only relevant difference between this timeline and canon is tobirama is a woman
tobirama's personality is NOT all that different, and she fucking hates uchiha. she runs into kushina jr and tries to murder them even as kushina jr flaps their arms around and tries to explain they're from the future. uh huh. nice try. tobirama fails to kill them though, and kushina jr unfortunately remembers tobirama is supposed to be a time-space jutsu expert so they won't leave her ALONE
tobirama: anija i have gained my own annoying uchiha, but this one is delusional
madara: who in the fuck is this. i've never seen them before in my life
kushina jr: (jazz hands) time traveler....!!
tobirama: what the fuck
now tobirama wants to know how this was even possible >:( get BACK HERE, kushina----!!
i'm thinking the main effect the gender change has for tobirama is that she has a lot more social pressure to be a certain way than before. kunoichi ARE expected to fight and screwing around with experimental jutsu is fine, but also she's expected to be pretty and traditionally feminine for her future husband and gets more comments about how she's wasting her time if experiments don't work immediately (which they rarely do because that's just how experimentation is). she's discouraged from seeking leadership positions except in very specific domestic ways even though she's often the most competent person in the room. men get weird at her when she's stronger, smarter, and faster than them in a way men don't get about other men. she keeps getting scolded for rude speech. which like... all that is not going to stop her, but now she's grumpier and more aggressive
also bc tobirama is someone who likes clearly defining rules and then sticking to them, i think she'd have a lot of internal conflict about her expected role As A Woman versus what she would LIKE her role to be.
kushina jr is very open to just babbling about the future, and tobirama finds herself, like.... extremely curious about it despite herself. both as like someone who likes having knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but also in this horrible disney princess way where she kind of wishes she'd been born in kushina jr's time. yes please tell her more about fulfilling clan duties without having to give birth
anyway kushina jr figures out how to leave after a couple months but they fucked up in that because they went to tobirama for help, tobirama now ALSO knows how to timeline jump and obviously she follows. after all, they don't know the rules of time travel, and kushina jr might fuck EVERYTHING UP
tobirama: we should identify some timelines were don't care about fucking over and run some experiments
kushina jr, who grew up hearing stuff like that all the time: yeah okay sure
i don't think any version of tobirama thinks super hard about romance but i can see her watching someone flirt with kushina jr and suddenly feeling blind jealous that is VERY alarming. like no she has never once before considered dating until hashirama picks out her husband to strategically marry to strengthen the clan or whatever is going to happen, but also, kushina jr is HER annoying uchiha in the woods
kushina jr after they become Official: i know you'll be busy being hokage and all, but i was kind of hoping you'd help me run the uchiha clan too
tobirama, brain completely shutting down: wait. wait. what
kushina jr: like when we get married?
tobirama: WHAT
kushina jr: did i not tell you i'm the heir
tobirama: WHAT THE FUCK
tobirama is not emotionally prepared for "marry," let alone "marry the uchiha clan heir from the future." she is so emotionally unprepared for this sentence she forgets to remember they probably wouldn't let a woman be hokage for at least a few decades. if anyone is going to have two jobs across two timelines, it's going to be tobirama---
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the-darkestminds · 6 months
Let’s just revisit the bonus chapter and follow it through from start to finish, focusing on Azriel’s perspective/state of mind.
He encounters Elain. They finally have a moment alone together. They step closer. She says “yes” to him kissing her, he smells her arousal, he wants her so much it seems almost painful. He has negative thoughts about himself, like he doesn’t deserve her, his hands are bloody and have done awful things that Elain must not know about if she is letting him touch her. 
They are clearly into each other, and then suddenly, Rhysand interrupts. We are drawn out of the moment. Azriel leaves Elain on negative terms: he says it was a mistake, she apologizes, she is clearly hurt and embarrassed. He feels guilty, but disappears into the shadows. He has a tense conversation with Rhysand, in which he sinks into the icy depths of his rage. He feels angry that Lucien is Elain’s mate, he says Lucien will never be good enough for her (although based on Az’s own thoughts, it seems like he feels the same way about himself).
He leaves the conversation with Rhysand. He goes to sit outside in the frigid night air, he lets the “frost in his veins match the air around him.” And then: “Until he felt nothing. Was again nothing at all.” These are all very negative feelings. We see that he is in a bad place emotionally.
He decides to go to the training pit so that he won’t do something he regrets (such as seeking out Elain again). His reasoning: “giving in to the need to work off the temptation, the rage and frustration and writhing need.” 
He stumbles upon Gwyn, his shadows not warning him of her presence. At first he seems reluctant to interact. They talk, they lock eyes and he remembers their first encounter at Sangravah. He knows she was remembering it too. He notes how different she is now. She says “happy solstice” in dismissal. Instead of leaving he engages her further. He smiles at her, but there’s no indication of any real emotion behind it. 
She takes him by surprise, asks him if he sings. “He couldn’t help his soft chuckle.” His mood is turning around. He is grateful for the distraction of this impromptu lesson. At the end: “Azriel dipped his head in a sketch of a bow, something restless settling in him. Even his shadows had calmed. As if content to lounge on his shoulders and watch.” We see here that he has been thoroughly distracted from the negative feelings he was having before. He is calm. His mind is no longer on the rage and frustration he feels at the situation with Elain. 
He leaves and finds that Elain has returned the necklace. Not necessarily a big deal, because who knows how much meaning it really has. But he decides to give it to Gwyn instead. He thinks to himself that he does not really consider Gwyn to be a friend. But when he hears that it might bring her joy, something sparks in his chest. He can picture her teal eyes lighting upon seeing the necklace. It brings a smile to his face. He stuffs the image deep down where it glowed quietly. “A thing of secret lovely beauty.”
Okay. There is no romance between Gwyn and Azriel in this chapter, that much is clear. What we see is a potential fork in the path of Elain and Azriel. The chapter begins with Azriel and Elain, an interaction that ends poorly, with both of them hurting. And by the end of the chapter Azriel is in a good mood, he is smiling, thinking about Gwyn. To suggest that “gwynriels” lack reading comprehension and are stupid/silly to even ship this is, for one thing, extremely rude. It is also somewhat naive. This chapter offers an out to Azriel’s feelings of frustration over Elain. Is it a guarantee? Of course not. Elain and Azriel could very well be endgame. But this chapter creates another path. It is has yet to be explored, and is clearly only a small inkling of something new, but it is there nonetheless. I would encourage everyone to not hurl personal insults just because you feel passionately about a certain ship. It’s annoying and rude and makes you seem immature.
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theheraldsrest · 2 years
Inq accidentally switching bodies with their LI? Don’t ask how it happens it just ~ does ~
“Inquisitor switching bodies with Romanced!Companions”
Hello again. I will continue to apologize for my absence. I’m slowly and surely getting through the asks, I promise. Let’s do body swap, bois!
-Lord Lex
-WTF song playing in his head
-How did this happen? Why? Where’s his body? Everything feels weird. Someone help
-Not that pleased when he finds you trying to act like him to some very confused soldiers
-Even more confused when a very embarrassed Inquisitor pulls away a giggling Cullen
-When explaining to Josey and Leliana, Leliana makes the comment “So that’s why the Inquisitor kept sticking out her chest and walking funny.” Both see this as an inconveniance and he’s just panic 
-Not so much of a problem if she’s romanced by a femal Inquisitor. Might be more of a problem if male.
-Honestly sees no problem with it other than just explaining to people what had happened. Goes about her business as if nothing is wrong
-She’s had to explain so many times that it’s her and not you and no, she will not be answering any explicit questions
-Listen: If the body swap was because of something you did on purpose, she’s fully gonna get her payback by coming up to you in your body and acting all mushy-gushy
-She takes great care of your body and respects your privacy. However she also thinks it’s very neat to see things from your perspective. Andraste help the poor fool who insults you to her face.
-Oh the PANIC. He’s abso-fucking-lutely losing his shit over this because, for one, he’s in your body. How is he suppose to hold himself, moreless not make himself seem like a fool?
-Second, if he’s in your body, then that means you’re in his. What if you find out who he truly is? What if, in some way, you find out his connection to the orb? Oh no.
-His worries die down when he finds you just taking a stroll around the hold, happily greeting him, possibly slightly out of touch with the body you’re in. What was he worrying about?
-He follows you around just so you two can explain and work out what’s happening while also making sure nothing goes wrong.
-You almost got away with a few jokes before he stepped in. Especially when he found you talking to Sera about all the things you could do as Solas while also being disgusted. (Ew, magic man body. Get out of there)
-She sits there for a solid hour, not knowing what to do and afraid of making any mistake as you. 
-She doesn’t even want to try to get dressed as it would be inappropriate (even though she’s probably seen you naked before) but does so with her eyes closed. Yeaaah, it’s…interesting
-Eventually you find her in your room simply pacing and convince her to leave because there is stuff to do. She is horrified at the thought but also concerned on how you’ll act as her
-Also sticks to you while walking around and realizing people are talking to her when addressing the Inquisitor. The advisors find it very funny, she does not
-Please make corny jokes, it helps her relax and also laugh about it. But not around people. She doesn’t want anyone to hear Cassandra Pentaghast making goofy jokes
The Iron Bull
-Honestly? It takes him a god damn minute to realize. Even if you’re far shorter than him. Goes about his morning up until he’s actually drinking his first ale of the day does he stop and think “Wait…”
-This a great inconvenience but also an oppurtunity. He gets to know you even better and see things from your eyes. Also get’s to explore your-
-But it’s inconvenient since he doesn’t have his size, his strength, his horns. Even if you’re another qunari, it’s still the same. You don’t have his horns. It’s personnal to him
-It’s annoying for him when the dignitaries come to bother him, looking for your input and he simply points them in the direction of his body. If this doesn’t stop, he’s gonna cause a diplomatic problem
-But dear gods above is it so funny watching you try to manage his body, running into doorways, struggling to get around trees, hitting your head off light fixtures. Welcome to his world
(Extra: Chargers lose it over this and mess with you both, including Krem. They’re the main reason a lot of diplomats and nobles keep bothering him. They also keep petting Bull’s body’s pecs. They say it’s for good luck or it’s tradition. It is not.)
-When you find your body, it’s chilling in Dorian’s usual spot and looking quite groomed. If that wasn’t a big hint, a simple “Ah, I was wondering where you were at. Having a delightful day?” gave it away
-Dorian see’s this as a big oppurtunity to expand on your closet and to replace your junk books. Also to scare a few people
-Don’t worry, he’s not going to do anything to injure your pride or reputation, but some people do wonder why the Inquisitor suddenly has an air of sass to them
-Does get a little upset that his poor self is being treated to the Inquisitor style, but it’s a little charming. He knows you’re trying and treating his body well.
-Both of you forget that you’re in each others bodies that some people question why it’s Dorian acting all lovey dovey. His reputation will never be healed (he doesn’t mind)
-Oh no. You’d be panicing. If you’re in Sera’s body then…oh no.
-True enough, you find yourself on one of the tables, declaring “I’m the Inquisitor and I think your hat looks stupid. Burn it!” to one of the nobles. You can very much hear her accent in your voice
-It’s well aware to everyone that you two switched bodies. No one can match Sera’s chaotic energy that well and the supposive “Inquisitor” was doing a grand job
-She has to be confined to your room to stop her from causing anymore problems. Josephine is already dealing with the nobles who have voiced their complaints about being told to “fuck off, ya twits”
-But, oh no, Sera is also mad at you. How dare you try to make her look nice and styled and *gasp* clean?! The audacity!
-This man’s first thought, when he wakes up, is not about the room nor about the bed he’s in. No, it’s “When did I get tits?”
-The next second is just him feeling indecent and perverted. How did this happen? He has no idea, but he’s piling shirt upon shirt on to cover your body.
-Goes looking for you-or him-his body? Which ever, it hurts his brain too much. Finds you hanging out by the barn also trying to figure out what’s going on
-Is one of the only people in this situation (other than Solas) that makes it a top priority to switch back by any means necessary. Doesn’t want you to have to go through what he usually does on a daily basis, with the glares and such
-Goes as far as asking Solas and Vivienne for help. And if that doesn’t work and only as a last resort will he go to Dorian, who will never let Blackwall live this down.
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Evie (Ace!Tav) Playthrough Day 3(?)
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Day 1... Day 2 - Day 4
Astarion x Evie (Ace!Tav) Masterlist
For the uninitiated, I wrote a Tav well before I ever had a chance to play the game. Now, I finally can and thought it might be fun for my first play through to be as that Tav. Or, at least as much as the game play will allow me.
These are just some of my notes and scattered highlights that I thought would be fun to share.
Let me know if you think if I should continue this and any suggestions you might have.
This actually is more Day 3/4 since I did go back and redo some stuff I wasn't keen on; yes, I've discovered the power of quick saves!
Guys I'm going to romance Gale so fast and I don't think I can hurt this man
Got the "go to hell" dialogue with him; stood in front of the goblin so he's told me at least some of his deep dark secret; basically in the green on approval
I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to reject him guys
Obviously I'll keep playing and see how it goes, but I told myself this would be an Astarion play through
Of course, it does align with my thoughts about Gale having feelings for Evie at the start, so it might all work out
Giving me a lot more ideas about slow burn Astarion and Evie stuff in act 1
Going forward from that Wyll is now in the squad!
He's so perfect and soft with the kids
Definitely more distant at the start in terms of putting on the Blade of Frontiers mask, which I actually really like for future development
Switched out some stuff and guys "Speak with Animals" for the extra animal dialogue is so worth it; I love being a bard
Volo has also been underplayed in how funny he is: I'm now picturing Evie being unsure whether to be annoyed or amused by him every time they meet
She's definitely met his type before; they have very different approaches to the role of the bard in society
Got a lot of quests and God I never wanted to slap a bitch as hard as with Kagha
The fact I can't punch her in the nose without sparking all the druids to turn on the tieflings really does hurt my soul
Evie's nails are digging into her palms the whole time
On that note, the fact you can kill Netti without consequences is objectively funny to me
I rejected even taking the poison because Evie wants to live, she's not just going to take her life
Was not expecting Netti to fight, but needless to say four against one isn't much of a fight
We walked out of there and nobody has said a thing
Also shocked that choice doesn't get Astarion's approval; I thought for sure it would
Actually that's a question I have to the internet: can you do non-leathal damage? There are some things I'd like Evie to try to steal and don't necessarily want to do lethal damage
Found the back underground passage, but turned around because I knew I would get distracted and I wanted to find Karlach
Went out of the grove, found some of the Absolute followers
Astarion not happy with Evie saying we can't trust the power the tadpoles give us
They're really not starting off on the right foot
Now debating going forward with the guy squad or going back to camp, picking up the ladies and either go back to the underground cavern or continue to search for Karlach
Suggestions at this time are welcome
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pikachu78109 · 2 months
More Modern!TCODC Headcanons because I’m bored :p
((I don’t have a list for each character; it’s all kind of random. Let me know if y’all are interested in some modern day AU Caligari Ask Blog if you wanna see these dudes in a modern interpretation))
Jane, Francis, and Alan get together for a Friday movie night and is always held at Francis and Alan’s apartment. Francis goes out and gets snacks while Alan cozies up the living room. These three tend to bicker about what genre to watch (Francis like both action and horror, Alan is a romcom fella, and Jane adores historical dramas). They end up playing rock-paper-scissors to decide. Francis tends to hog the popcorn bowl whereas Alan and Jane tend to nitpick on the film’s writing (they both have the writer’s eye), much to Francis’ annoyance.
Jane lives in the dormitory at the college she attends. Occupies it herself and it’s decked out with various posters from plays, musicals, and other theatrical productions. Has quite the plushie collection and keeps most of her manga/novels/writing journals on her desk or crammed into her college shelves.
Jane is not that organized but she can easily find things without trouble.
Francis and Alan live off campus and commute to classes.
Cesare doesn’t attend college due to his condition and because his guardians, Caligari and that other young doctor from the film, has him do stuff such as community work or exercises to improve his health (mental and physical).
Caligari has his own reasons for parading Cesare around, usually to fuel his notoriety and ego as a doctor. Gets jealous very easily and commands Cesare to either sabotage or “take out” his competition.
The other doctor, whom I’m gonna call Mathias, cares about Cesare’s health and worries a good deal about him. Wants him to interact with people and encourages Cesare to make friends, such as Jane. Caligari HEAVILY disapproves of this.
Mathias tends to let Cesare have a bit more freedom and allows him to go out and do things on his own, y’know, building up independence while Caligari isn’t present.
Jane and Cesare are pretty good friends, though people often mistake them as a couple. Both of them shut that down immediately.
I imagine Cesare’s demeanor that of Cinnamoroll from Hello Kitty when around Jane: sweet, shy, helpful, and overall kind. Jane is a blend of My Melody and Pompompurin.
Francis and Cesare do not get along. Francis thinks Cesare is a love rival and Cesare keeps getting annoyed by this. Their common greeting is a middle finger. Alan gets on fine with Cesare, though is admittedly intimidated by him.
Whenever Caligari and Mathias aren’t around in the evenings, Cesare sneaks out and wanders around the neighborhood in the dark, wearing his headphones and listens to music. He might not own a phone, but he has a CD player and owns a couple of CD’s that Jane has given to him with songs she picked out for him to listen to. Cesare likes to go to the park and sit on the swings and just…zone out.
Dr. Olsen and Caligari do not get along. They don’t tend to see things eye to eye and have had hour long debates which resulted in a few fists being swung.
Alan may be soft spoken, but the boy can SPIT. Try him at slam poetry and you’ll be surprised.
Adding on to being soft-spoken, Alan has a Podcast where he narrates bedtime stories and conspiracy theories about nonsense in a calming delivery. Has a good following.
Francis gets up at ungodly hours and goes on runs. He sometimes bumps into Cesare and these two will just stare at each other like two alley cats.
Cesare has a sensitive stomach, so he can’t eat anything high sugar, anything caffeinated, contain high amounts of sodium, etc. He’s kept on a nutrition plan that Caligari constructed himself.
Gonna say it: Caligari is an almond parent.
Cesare has gotten a couple of admirers, though he’s oblivious to it.
To be honest, Cesare is scared of romance altogether. Like, out of all the people in this universe, why him?
Unlike Francis and Alan, Jane doesn’t have a job. Where Francis works part-time in retail and Alan at a café, Jane does editing work on commission. Her parents send her money once a month to help with tuition, but Jane wants to earn money by utilizing her writing skills in her little freelance business.
Cesare usually lingers at the local psych ward with other patients. He’s typically with Marlene (the woman who was “playing” the piano) and Claudia (woman with the doll) as they are the calmest patients there. Cesare doesn’t stay at the ward; he goes home with either Caligari or Mathias (usually with Caligari, poor guy).
On rare occasions, Francis, Alan, Jane, and Cesare meet up and do stuff as a group whether it’s hanging out at the park, or at a nearby café, or just casually walking around.
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plushietoon · 3 months
Also, just saw your pinned; hit me with the sweet Kat & Ana takes
N'aww, you think my takes are sweet? I'm flattered! I hope I don't let you down! ...also so sorry this ended up being a REALLY long post. The twins be a hyper fixation, I feel awful about it. So um...maybe get a snack or something while reading...idk...thank you for reading and supporting my thoughts if you do.
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
They are baby but they can kick your ass.
Individually, Kat has ADHD vibes and as a person with ADHD, I feel we both just forget to pause and have taken things seriously. Also she is protective of Ana and I relate. Plus there's something charming about Kat trying to act like the grown up between her and Ana.
I'm a bloody sensitive crybaby and had projected that onto many favorite characters much to my current shame. I'm trying not to push that trait onto other characters now. But to know that Ana's an actual crybaby resonates with me and thus I get to write sob stories with her as I please. Horrible, I know. But I do adore that she is childlike but observant, sort of mature.
least favorite thing about them
The original voices. Ok, I can't diss on those ladies too much, they were doing silly voices for a bit. It is frustrating that most of the twins' voice stuff then and now are not separated in files. I want to animate them saying stuff dangit.
Anyways, I love and hate that Kat is a bit of a bully to Ana because like, why would you be mean to your baby sister, but at the same time, siblings tend to fight. It creates interesting situations. IDK, her saying that Ana is hopeless resonates with me as in yeah I been in Ana's shoes, but also I shamefully take any chance to pity characters I love. Woobiefication been a thing for my whole life, unfortunately.
I'm not a big fan of Fryda and probably the newer games' writers and voice director making Ana more loud and energetic in GiT and Move It. It makes her less distinguishable from Kat who's always been the energetic loud twin. Ana has always been portrayed and described as the timid, quiet, cautious sibling and to see the newer games muddle that trait makes me annoyed. Ana's portrayal in Gold is perfect, though I will not lie some newer voice lines are still cute.
favorite line
Kat - "I need a nap!"
Ana - "I've never been readier!"
...what? I like it when the twins' actual age show up.
If you spend like 5 seconds on any of my active plushietoon accounts, you'll easily find that I adore Lulu and Ana being besties. Stemmed from throwing the two together in roleplay, and seeing Ana kinda latching onto Lulu whenever Kat's away cuz Lulu is like...brash and confident like Kat. But Lulu also likes frilly things that Kat can't stand. I feel Lulu is also a bigger fan of cuddles. But both Lulu and Kat will protect Ana...though technically all of WarioWare would protect each other.
Can't forget that technically Kat and Ana are also BrOTP too, cuz they're siblings. Best siblings perhaps. But most certainly they are like each others' best friend. Kat can be outspoken and speaks a lot for herself, she's also one to speak up for Ana too...though maybe sometimes too much. Ana is a bit different from Kat so there are some differences in needs, and like Kat can assume incorrectly and overstep boundaries. But generally Kat is pretty good at guessing what her sister needs. On the other hand, Ana is scarily good at knowing what Kat wants and needs in general. She is observant and cautious...though isn't above following Kat's childish/reckless antics...sometimes.
Debatedly Lulu and Ana but, they're baby. It's too soon to tell. Plus I love platonic stuff. I have mixed feelings about romance in general due to...past experiences. People be taking (romantic) shipping too seriously sometimes. IDK, I'm one to say that Lulu and Ana end up having a very deep intimate connection that doesn't surpass the twins' familial love for each other, but is plenty close enough with snuggles. It's the kinda bond that makes one think "is that romantic?" when they're older but the true answer is a mystery because love comes in all shapes and forms. But that's a me logic.
Kat x ninjutsu #1 ship though. Nothing beats that in regards to the twins besides the twins' love for each other. Life long love, baby!
Aside from me saying "i do not care what you create or consume but please keep the non platonic ships involving the girls with anyone who are teenagers and adults when the girls are kindergartners away from me", I'm iffy about shipping Kat and Ana with the Volt boys. They're currently at different developmental levels. I get it could get romantic when they're older, but it's not my cup of tea. Plus, it's probs a me thing but, imagining the twins and volts dating each other simultaneously feels weird. It's hard to pinpoint why for me but I won't be dissing anyone who ships them.
Also I sometimes consider myself Leo x Ana's biggest hater. I mean...I'm ok with it, and very much support the idea of Leo having a crush on her. It's just that he's like a bully to the ninja twins, and probs punched below the metaphorical belt even when trying to figure out that lovey feeling. People shouldn't be rewarded for being a dick to those they have a crush on (or love). But again, do what you want, it's fiction. I get the enemies to lovers thing and people change as they grow. Fans probably ship the two because they aren't shown to be glaring at each other in the GiT gallery. I've thought of Ana and Leo like the Anya x Damien thing from SPY x FAMILY. But I know there are folks who ship Kat x Leo, and that's coo too. And that's waaaay more fitting of the enemies to lovers dynamic.
random headcanon
I could go on all day about what brainworms I have about the twins, but here are the ones I said on this account so I don't repeat myself. And now for two more.
Kat fractures her (left) leg at some point in her life, possibly around the current 'ware period, or older. Definitely from a fight with some baddie (or training gone wrong). Has some agony over "no fighting, training, or rough play for awhile" for about a week. But she recovers quickly enough from it in that time thanks to cartoon logic and the Crygors' help. Based off the fact that my first Kat sticker from Sweet Cosplay Sisters lost her leg. Also she's reckless, and battle happy.
Ana is sensitive to touch and affection. Does not like it when a stranger or person (she doesn't trust) touches or holds her and can cry from it. But being gentle and familiar is comforting and can ease upset feelings or overstimulation. Will often take hugs from Kat and some of the crew, though Kat isn't a big cuddle bug. Ana's the one who initiates most of the affection between herself and Kat.
Seriously, please ask me about the twins, it makes my day. Y'all may also ask questions to the Ana ask blog I made (@/cautiouslittleninja). It'll be like asking Ana herself...kinda...it's unofficial for sure. I want to return to it and all the WarioWare fanfics, comics, and whatnot that's brewing in my brain. But i'm terrified of the fandom. ;w;
unpopular opinion
Repeating what I said earlier, I do not ship Ana and Leo romantically. It seems like shipping the younger twin and the lion boy is popular. I've written and drawn Leo into situations where he's dealing with (an) Ana who doesn't reciprocates his feelings.
Also this is mostly a me thing but I don't like it when people forget the fact that the twins are kindergartners. Like yes the twins are badass, but they aren't teenagers, let them be silly like-KAT NO DON'T POKE THE BEEHIVE.
...You'd think the new voices would help, but people just insist that the twins should only be badasses, no room for kiddy stuff. But I get where they're coming from because the food loving trait is being pushed a lot. It did give me a tragic headcanon that pushes that the twins aren't well off so any chance of eating is treasured. Wait they did canonically state that they had to pay for kindergarten AND THEY LIVE IN A PARK. But yeah, the twins can be badasses and baby. The powerpuff girls did it, so why can't these girls do that too? Actually were the WarioWare writers inspired by the PPG? It's a mystery.
song i associate with them
Barring the excellent Split Screen tune that perfectly encapsulate the twins vibe and the amazing Patchwork title music lovingly played by the twins on recorder, gonna go with Oshiete Yo by Hyorotto Danshi. It's partially due to Gold moving to a more cutesy (chubby) aesthetic for the twins to the point I keep imagining them, Red, Lulu, and Pyoro dancing that animation. But the lyrics fit them and Lulu with the childhood whimsy. I do have a playlist for the twins but I'm not completely sure if it fits completely anymore. Though if I were to remake it, the Baby Shark, Bluey, and Sago Mini (and maybe Pororo) songs stay. I feel the twins got some silly preschooler bones in their bodies.
favorite picture of them
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The babies are eepy.
Sorry I've been calling the twins baby a lot. I'm 99% sure Kat hates it. She's a big girl y'all. But the twins are kids, children, sometimes toddlers and littlies. I just find baby easier to say.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 7 months
Can I just say that as much as I'm usually talking into the void here, I'm so grateful for this community, even if I'm usually hanging out on the sidelines?
It's so nice to be able to come on here and write my silly little posts about the things Taylor's music makes me think about and to then have you wonderful people continue the discussion, or to read what you are all observing or analyzing and have my mind blown or chuckle or share in the joy or whatever.
For comparison, there are people who I used to love talking about this stuff with but over the years they've soured on Taylor (totally her prerogative) and we've stopped being able to have these discussions, because the nuance just goes out the window in the process. Like thinking Taylor was obsessive for writing as much as she did about JG because they were only together three months (when those of us who follow her realize it was more complicated than that), or insisting Midnights is a breakup album and the last year and a half of the relationship with Joe was fake going through the motions or fake and that they broke up way before tour (when... it's pretty damn obvious when it happened from the set list alone) and thinking TTPD is just going to be a diss album used to bury a helpless ex (...) or using the situation last May (ahem) as proof of her callousness or whatever, when again a more human answer is that she wasn't exactly thinking clearly and in The Pit in the wake of a life-changing upheaval etc. Or what really gets me, dismissing the Snakegate stuff as her being petty and holding onto grudges and ignoring the really intense mental and physical consequences that she dealt with for years afterwards.
Which is not to say this is all about her personal life, but that by being able to look at the music through a more nuanced lens instead of, like, taking it literally, for lack of better word, it colours in the lines and not only situates the music more in the context in which it was created, but also makes it feel richer to our own interpretations and associations with it. I LOVE when we all go back and find parallels with her other songs, and it's even more fun now because the mash-ups on stage show Taylor does the same thing with her own music! It's such a rich tapestry and we're in such a unique position as fans where an artist is reaching (if not has reached) living legend status in real time, while at an unprecedented level of creative output, and we get to digest the music and study it and watch it evolve before our eyes!
It's just really nice to have a space online where we *can* do that, because I feel like there just is nowhere else to really do that? It seems like people I know in real life either a) actively avoid her music (totally fair, not everyone's cup of tea) b) only care in terms of current pop culture value (also fair, although it gets annoying when it veers into TikTok brainrot into easter egging and shit instead of being about hte music) or c) obsessed with the Travis romance of it all. And I think most online spaces are kind of caught in these camps too. It's either unrelenting criticism (which is fine, not everyone has to like her and there are valid things to critique, even if I don't particularly care to myself) veering into hatred for the sake of hatred, or obsessing over her personal life to the point of dehumanizing her as a person and artist.
I know I'm being a cupcake but like, this is the cupcake website, so who cares. I use this space to delve into the shows and movies and music I love because there isn't anywhere else you can curate your experience as much as you can here. And when it comes to Taylor's music, I love that I can just spill my guts about what sets my brain on fire (affectionate) and the connections that emerge and just how much it makes me feel. And between the reblogs and comments and messages, it's slightly less lonely talking to everyone else too.
So, thank you friends! I don't know why I'm in my feels today but it seems like as good a time as any!
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cherrytree-irl · 5 months
ooc post: considering a reboot
so. a while back i realized that this blog would probably be more interesting if it took place a few years earlier, when sylvan was still... well... a wanderer. going where he wants and doing what he wants and trying to find his place in the world. also he was immensely, terribly lonely. that's probably why he would start the rotomblr blog! but hey, what's the deal with that guy he just met?! he's super weird, but also kinda cute?! sorry, that's corny.
this change would render the blog anistar-amarena non canon and obsolete, but that blog has 2 followers so who cares. the blog rover-on-rotomblr would probably stay mostly the same, any lore changes probably would only be known by me. which is good, because people like rover.
a lot of "probably"s and "likely"s and "maybe"s because like. idfk.
below the cut are some possible pros and cons of me rebooting this blog. probably would not be deleting any posts but considering them no longer canon. if i do this, it probably will not be soon unless my poor impulse control acts up. it'll probably be in september, for reasons.
pros and cons list:
sylvan will no longer be in a state where "most of the interesting things have already happened to him." there will be drama! romance! bloodshed?! maybe not that last one. maybe a little?
he'll match his url better. he's not exactly doing any wandering right now.
sylvan and i will be around the same age. that's mostly just a pro for me as the writer. but maybe it would make syl seem more... authentic? i do sometimes worry that he doesn't act his age. but also i don't think i act my age?? anyway.
i won't have to stick to the schedules i made up for my characters in my head that no one but me is forcing me to stick to.
it's a great time for me to do retcons and rewrites and rethink all sortsa lore. technically i can do retcons whenever i want but i kinda don't like just. randomly changing shit.
possible unique designs for sylvan's pokemon? cuz like i've kinda wanted to do that but it would make all the art i've done for the blog outdated. but if everything i've done so far is non-canon anyway, then...
possibly more opportunities for audience participation
possibly more angst which people seem to consider enjoyable generally.
linnet and her brother would be retconned out of existence. i have no strong feelings on this, but maybe you do? i doubt it!
less N probably. at least for a while. and there's already not very much N. well- less of N himself directly talking. sylvan would talk about N plenty.
i'd kinda feel sucky about throwing away all the stuff i've written so far without finishing this sylvan's story :(
despite some aspects making writing easier, writing the rebooted blog in general will probably be harder. i'll have to think of interesting things to make happen!
idele would be retconned out of existence :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
it would be setting the timeline further back, from just after X/Y to just after Black/White which could probably be mildly annoying sometimes.
man, i just realized that by the time september rolls around, i'll hopefully have a damn job! so it might be harder for me to keep up with the silly rp blogs and it might, like, slow down the action of this reboot. but that's a hypothetical.
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punchdrunkdoc · 1 year
Part 2, Chapter 6
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Summary: After the events of S3, Matt Murdock is trying to once again balance life as a lawyer and a vigilante. But he’s been scarred by loss and betrayal - will a mysterious new neighbour help him heal? Or will her secrets drag him back into the darkness?
Notes: This is a slow burn romance with an original female character, told in 3 parts. There is mystery, intrigue, action/violence and angst - all the good stuff!
Also available on AO3 and Wattpad
Reference pics - *UPDATED*
Chapter 6
Calina rubbed the petal between her fingers as she waited for the phone call to go through. The flower Matt had given her had wilted and died after a few days of sitting in a glass of water on her bedside table. All that remained was the single blood red petal she held in her hand.
Matt couldn’t have known that the colour of the flower exactly matched his Daredevil suit - it was purely a coincidence. But during her more fanciful moments, she thought it was more fate than random chance.
The first and only flower she’d ever received was like being gifted a piece of the man himself.
And with his offering and his apology, the wall that he’d erected between them had crumbled. They were closer now than ever before. Falling asleep next to him felt natural. Waking up in his arms, even more so. And Matt no longer seemed embarrassed to find himself wrapped around her in the morning. In fact, touching her seemed second nature to him now; he was always brushing his hand down her arm or grazing her waist when he walked passed her in the apartment…
It felt like they’d entered some new phase of their strange relationship. She should have been excited. She should have been over the moon.
Instead she was feeling anxious and unsettled again.
She hoped the Widows would have news that would ease those feelings.
“Yes? What is it, Calina?” Yelena finally answered after the phone had run a dozen times. She sounded annoyed.
“I’m so sorry for disturbing you,” Calina replied. She couldn’t hide the snark in her voice. “I was calling for an update, seeing as you guys have been radio silent for the last couple of weeks.” 
Yelena’s answer was just as snarky. “Well, I’m sorry that we’ve been too busy trying to find info on the man who drugged you to text you all hours of the day.”
“Well has all your busy-ness paid off? Have you found out who he was? Are there more like him out there?”
“Sort of. Yes. And we don’t know.”
Calina mentally matched the brusque answers to her questions. Then sat up straight, the petal falling forgotten to the floor. “Really? You know who he was?”
“Nicolai Aminev. A low level grunt from the research division of the Red Room.”
“Low level?”
“Yeah. Best we figure, he stole some tech during the chaos of the Red Room fall, managed to survive, and tried to make some cash out of selling a Widow.”
“If that’s the case, then there shouldn’t be anyone else after me. If he wasn’t part of some bigger operation-”
“We don’t know that for sure yet. We have a lead on some of his associates that we’re following up on. In fact, we were prepping for a recon mission when you called.”
Calina winced at the not-so-subtle rebuke. “I’m sorry. I know you guys are trying. I’m just feeling…trapped here. And useless.”
“It was your choice to stay.”
“I know. And I don’t regret it. I’m just going a little stir-crazy, Yelena. I can’t stay cooped up in this apartment much longer.” She rose from her chair and stared out of the windows, subconsciously counting down until the moment the billboard outside changed display.  She knew the timings and the pattern down to the second. She knew every crack and mark in every window pane. She knew every dent and scratch in the floorboards and every frayed thread in the rug.
She never thought she’d get sick of being in Matt’s apartment, but she was fast approaching that point.
“I hate that they did this to me, again,” she continued, her voice rising with anger as she paced. “I hate that they took away my choices - again. I’m trapped again because of those…those fucking bastards, and I hate it!”
The rage and the frustration and the helplessness that had been simmering inside her for weeks suddenly boiled over, until it had nowhere to go but out. She lashed out and punched the wall between the arched windows. The hard brick scraped her skin, causing it to split.
A warm, strong hand suddenly covered hers. “Don’t do that,” Matt whispered, stroking the damaged skin of her knuckles.
She gazed up at him, surprised. She hadn’t even noticed he’d come home from work.
How much had he heard?
He took the phone from her other hand and put it to his ear. “Yelena? It’s Matt. I’ve got this.”
She could hear Yelena’s tinny reply. “I warned you this would happen.”
“I know. I’ll deal with it.”
He hung up. “Go get changed,” he said to Calina.
“Put on some workout clothes. We’re going to the gym.”
 “She’s going to get angry. Not tonight. Not tomorrow. But at some point, she’s going to snap out of her numbness and her fear and she’s going to get really, really angry. And you need to be prepared for that. You need to give her an outlet.”
Matt remembered Yelena’s words vividly. She’d taken him aside as the three Widows were leaving that Friday night weeks ago and issued her warning.
And Matt had been waiting ever since for Calina to snap.
It looked like tonight was the night.
“Are we allowed to be here?” Calina asked, as he ushered her into Fogwell’s with a hand on her back. She sounded curious, but there was still a tension in her voice. The muscles in her back were taut, as if she was wound tight.
“It’s been abandoned for months,” Matt explained. “I come here all the time. It’s fine.”
He dumped his bag on the floor and shrugged out of his jacket and sweatshirt, leaving him in a sleeveless T-shirt. He sat on the bench beside the ring and started wrapping his hands as Calina wandered around the disused gym.
She flipped back the hood she’d worn to disguise herself as they’d left his apartment. The move sent a wave of her scent towards him, clearing the musty smell of the gym from his senses. The dust on the floor swirled about her feet as she inspected the old equipment, and he heard a punching bag swing as she gave it a light tap. The wooden stand by the lockers creaked as she picked up one of the dumbbells resting on it.
“‘No Pain, No Gain’,” she murmured, reciting the mantra painted on the wall. “We have a similar saying in Russia: ‘Without effort, you won’t even pull a fish out of a pond.'”
Matt laughed. “Not quite as catchy.”
That would have made her smile a few days ago. But now there was no response. She just moved on to the Wing Chun dummy in the corner. Before the gym had closed down they’d started hosting Kung Fu classes to try and generate more income. The dummy was a remnant of that failed plan.
He heard a muffled whack as Calina hit one of the wooden slats. Then another. And another, the pace increasing until she was executing a fast series of blocks and strikes against the dummy in a practiced routine.
Matt winced as the force of her hits increased. He could hear her breathing heavily beneath the rhythmic sound of her attack.
“Hey.” He came up behind her and pulled her away from the dummy by her shoulders. “You’ll hurt yourself.”
She shrugged out of his hold and viciously kicked the wooden statue. “No pain, no gain, right?” she sneered.
“I didn’t bring you here to hurt yourself-”
“So why did you?”
“Yelena said you’d need an outlet. This is the one I use.” He handed her some wrap for her hands and a pair of gloves. “I thought it might help.”
“I’m not much of a boxer.”
He remembered the way she’d fought against him before, all balletic grace and lithe deflection. “No. But the gloves and the bag will be less painful than the dummy. Just try it.”
While she prepped her hands, Matt tugged on his own gloves and started hitting one of the bags. By the time he’d slipped into his own rhythmic routine, Calina was next to him, jabbing forcefully at the other bag. 
Her form was good. She may not favour the style during a fight, but she was obviously well trained in it. She was light on her feet and swung from the hips, and her gloved hands connected with the swinging bag with satisfying slaps.
Matt tried to concentrate on his own bag - wanting to give Calina the space to process her anger on her own - but after a while it became hard to shut out the signs of her distress. The more she punched, the more erratic and harsh her breathing became. The faster her heart rate. He could taste the salt from her angry tears and her grunts of effort transformed into cries of rage as she pummelled and kicked at the leather target in front of her.
He wanted to pull her away from the bag and into his arms where he could hold her close. But she needed to work through this. She needed to let her anger out. So he continued with his own workout and waited for the moment she exhausted herself.
Luckily, he didn’t have to wait too long. After one last vicious roundhouse kick, Calina staggered back from the bag and braced herself on her knees, panting. When she straightened up, he finally got the chance to wrap his arms around her. He held her firmly from behind and rested his head against the side of hers.
Her breathing started to slow and sync to his, just like when they would meditate together. Her heart rate levelled out too, and eventually she relaxed back against him.
“Are you okay?” he whispered.
She nodded.
“Do you feel better?”
Another nod. “Yes, thank you.” Her voice was hoarse from her cries.
He reluctantly broke the embrace. “I’ll grab you a drink.”
He ripped off his gloves and dug through his gym bag for the water bottles. When he returned to Calina she was studying something on the wall.
And he knew exactly what it was.
“Here,” he said passing her a drink.
“Thanks.” He heard her twist off the cap and gulp down the cool liquid. Then she started played with the half-empty bottle, rolling it around between her palms, making the plastic crinkle. He knew her well enough now to recognise the meaning behind her uncharacteristic fidgeting - she was debating whether to say something.
“You can ask,” he said, gesturing to the poster he knew was on the wall in front of her.
“‘Carl Crusher Creel vs Battlin’ Jack Murdock’,” she read. “That’s your Dad? You said he was a boxer.”
“Yeah. This was his local gym. I practically grew up here. I used to sit on that bench over there and do my homework while he sparred.”
She took a seat on the bench he mentioned and he joined her. His eyes swept around the room, as if he could see its contents. And in a way he could. This vantage point was so familiar to him - it was one of the clearest memories he had from when he still had his sight. He could easily overlay the details he remembered onto the impression his senses gave him of the room - the black shine of the floor; the silver duct tape holding the punching bags together; the beat up looking grey lockers and the rich golden yellow light that would flood the room at dusk.
“Do you want to tell me about him?” Calina asked. “About your Dad?”
Matt sighed and leaned back against the wall behind him. “There’s not much to tell. He died when I was nine.”
“I’m sorry.”
Matt shrugged. “It was just the two of us growing up, and I idolised him - so much. I knew he wasn’t invincible, not like some kids see their dads. I had to stitch him up after enough fights to know that he bled and bruised just like a normal person.” Matt let out a hollow laugh at the memory. “Man, could he take a beating. He could get hit all day long and never got knocked out. That’s how he won his fights - outlasting the other guy. Never giving in.”
Matt could hear his Dad’s voice, clear as day in his head. ‘It ain’t how you hit the floor, Matty. Its how you get up.’
He continued speaking, his voice wistful now. “I wanted to be just like him when I grew up. Even though he hated that idea.”
“What do you mean?”
“He didn’t want me to be a fighter. He wanted me to get an education and get out of Hell’s Kitchen. He’d be proud of me for being a lawyer. I’m not so sure he’d be proud about the Daredevil thing.”
“But you’re helping people.”
There was that acceptance again, Matt thought, remembering his internal battle the other night during the storm.
But now he was worried that she was a little too accepting. That she’d romanticised what he did and turned it into something more noble than what it was.  She’d never seen what he did in the suit, after all. She’d never seen him when he truly became the Devil
“I don’t think he’d see it that way,” Matt tried to explain. “We both have this…thing inside us. This rage and this darkness that’s always trying to claw itself out. ‘Beware those Murdock Boys. They got the Devil in ‘em.’ That’s what my Gran used to say. She saw it in my Grandfather. And in my Dad. During his fights…he would occasionally snap. His eyes would go dark and he’d just start wailing on the other guy. I think Dad would worry that I’m just using the suit as an excuse to let that rage out.”
“Is that what you believe?”
Matt leaned forward and rested his arms on his legs. He tugged at the fabric wrapping his hands as he debated how honest he should be. “Sometimes. Sometimes I worry that I’m kidding myself that I do this for any other reason than to hurt people.”
“You’re wrong.”
He sighed. “Calina, you can’t say that. You haven’t seen me out there. I-”
“Yes, I have.”
Matt sat up straight and faced her. “What?”
She bit her lip and looked away.
“Calina?” He prompted, starting to get worried. When had she seen him? What had she seen?
“When I first found out about, um, you being Daredevil. I followed you. At night.”
“You followed me?”
“Yes. I was curious. I was trying to reconcile this person that I knew from this tabloid news story character.”
“How often did you follow me?”
“Just a few nights. Four at the most.”
“Jesus.” Matt sprang up from the bench and started pacing. He didn’t know what he most angry about. That she’d kept it a secret from him? That she’d seen what he was like as Daredevil, or that he’d been followed that many times without suspecting a thing.
No, that wasn’t right. He had suspected something. He remembered back to that time period, and the vague sensation he’d had of being watched. But it had gone away after that incident by the docks.
That incident…
“It was you.”
“That night, with those kidnappers. It was you, wasn’t it?” She’d been the one who'd taken out the thugs while he was lying incapacitated on the floor.
She tipped her chin up. “Yes.”
Matt raked his hands through his hair as he thought back to that night. And to the next morning, when Calina had come to his door.
She’d been checking up on him. She’d known he’d gotten beaten up, so she’d come to check on him. He’d let her back into his life that morning. Everything that had brought them closer together since had started that day.
And it was all based on a lie.
He’d never suspected that she’d had an ulterior motive that morning. He’d just accepted the care and attention she’d given him while he’d been sick. 
God, every time he was reminded of how good a liar she was it hit him like a suckerpunch.
He forced down the betrayal that he felt. They’d both resolved to start fresh and discard the lies that had tainted beginning of their relationship. By introducing themselves to each other after their fight, they’d wiped the slate clean. Then they’d sealed that unspoken deal with a handshake.
He needed to let it go.
So he focussed on something else that he’d been wondering about from that night by the docks. “What did you use? To take those guys down. I remember hearing something odd, like an electronic device…”
“It’s called a Widow’s Bite. It’s an electroshock weapon. Standard kit on a Widow’s suit.”
“Wait, you were suited up? As a Black Widow? Jesus, Calina! Did it ever occur to you that that’s how you were found?”
The stubborn tilt of her chin edged up a notch. “Of course it did. But I don’t regret it. You needed my help. And that little girl needed you. Just like the other people you saved that week. When I followed you, I didn’t see someone revelling in violence and enjoying the pain he was inflicting. I saw someone helping his community. You showed mercy towards the people you stopped, Matt. Not needless cruelty.”
He took a seat beside her again and shook his head. “There’s still something dark inside of me. You need to understand that-”
“We all have that, Matt. Parts of ourselves that we’re not proud of. Dark aspects of our soul.”
It was her turn to sound self-loathing. He rested his hand on top of hers on the bench between them. “Hey. Whatever darkness you think resides in your soul was put there by the people who trained you and controlled you.”
She laughed bitterly. “I’m not the innocent victim you think I am, Matt. I’ve made choices - since I was free of the Red Room - that I’m not proud of.”
“But those choices were informed by the life that they forced you to live. By the person they forced you to become. Could you still say you’d have acted the same if you were allowed to be raised by your family, in a loving home, far away from the Red Room?”
She turned her hand over to grasp his, as if it was her turn to offer comfort. “The same could be said for you, Matt. If you hadn’t had your accident, and lost your Dad, would you still feel the same about the man you are today? We’re all at the mercy of chance. We’re all shaped by our experiences.”
He shook his head. “But that’s what I was saying before, about me, and my Dad. This is nature, not nurture There’s something inside us-”
“No. I don’t believe that. You make it sound like there’s something fundamentally wrong with you-”
He gave a hollow laugh. “Calina I dress up in a devil suit to go beat up criminals at night. That’s hardly the picture of a normal, well-adjusted human being.”
‘“It’s no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society’,” she quoted.
“I moved on to philosophy books this week, and came across that quote from Krishnamurti, an Indian philosopher,” she explained. “I think it means that most people go about their lives not seeing the sickness and corruption in this world, or not caring about it if it doesn’t directly affect them. But people like you - who’ve experienced it, and gained empathy from it - they don’t conform. They fight. They fight to make the world a better place. That’s how I see you, Matt. Not as some rage-filled monster.”
Matt sat in silence for a few moments, humbled by Calina’s opinion of him. He tried to absorb the words, to make them his truth…but he was fighting against thirty-odd years of dogma. Thirty-odd years of believing there was something wrong with him.
It would take more than a few words…but he was still grateful. “Thank you.”
She squeezed his hand in response.
“And thank you, for before,” he continued. “That night with those kidnappers. If you hadn’t been there…you probably saved my life.”
“You’re welcome,” she said. “Thank you for saving mine the night with the serum.”
“I didn’t save your life. All I did was hurt you.” He could still hear the crack of her knee impacting the floor. He could still hear the pop of her elbow as it was wrenched out of his socket. He could still feel the heat rising from the bruises littering her skin...
It didn’t feel very heroic.
“You stopped me from having to live that life again, Matt. I consider us more than even.” She stretched her arm out in front of her. “And look, good as new.”
He took hold of her arm and moved it around, feeling the joint as it flexed, wanting to assure himself that she was telling the truth.
And she was. There was no evidence of any lingering damage.
He ran his thumb down the delicate skin of her inner arm, and reluctantly let go when she started talking again. “I think that’s why I’ve been feeling so antsy lately,” she said. “And why it all came to a head tonight. I feel ready to go back to my life, but I’m still at the mercy of whoever’s out there.”
“Did Yelena have any leads on that?” he asked.
Calina explained about the identity of the man who drugged her. “But Yelena’s being cautious - she’s worried there’s more to it than a low-level lackey trying to make some money.”
“What do you think?”
“I think what I’ve always thought - that there’s no danger here. Not anymore.”
“Does that mean…are you going to move back into your place?”
There was a beat of silence. Then another. And he felt like every muscle in his body went tight as he waited for her answer. “Calina?”
“Is that what you want?” she finally said, turning his question back on him.
“No,” he replied. 
And it was the truth. He knew she’d have to leave eventually. He just hadn’t let himself think about what that would feel like - watching her walk out of his door. And he didn’t want to think about it now.
He wasn’t…ready.
“You can stay as long as you need, you know that,” he finally said.
“Then I’ll stay a little longer. I, um, think Yelena would feel more comfortable that way.”
Matt smiled, recognising it as an excuse.
She wanted to stay.
With him.
“Then stay.”
Chapter 7
Taglist: @hollandorks, @yanna-banana, @stilldreaming666, @tearosearts-blog @chezagnes, @freckledbabyyy, @acharliecoxedfan​,
If you’d like to be added, let me know!
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kiragecko · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Tag Game
@zahri-melitor didn't tag me, but did leave it open to followers.
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
17. There's still a few on ffnet I haven't moved over, but they're ROUGH.
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
27,088. Fifteen hundred words per fic seems about right - I generally like 'em to have 2 scenes.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
X-Men and Batfamily.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Shirt Off Your Back - aka, the one where all the stuff I'm really proud of showed up by accident while I was trying to find a way to end it. I did good, it deserves the kudos.
Ives Adapts - love this weird little fic. It's obvious that it's a Tumblr thing - as much a list as it is a story. Which is what I love about it! And I thought 'the world needs more Ives' and then DID something about it! Good job, me.
Kon Is Loyal - hehe! This one is silly and fun. I don't do silly and fun that much. I'm glad I did.
Terms of Use - this is the far too personal one where I'm working through multiple things at once. The fic on this list I'm the most proud of.
Presents - not quite the same fic as Shirt of Your Back, but they're of a pair. I enjoy how clever Damian thinks he's being. Yes, yes, Damian, you're so smart!
(Also known as 5/6 of my Batfamiliy fic, and all the fic I've written in the last 5 years.)
5. do you respond to comments?
Yeah. I missed one, didn't notice it until 2 years later, and it STILL annoys me. Maybe I'll eventually thank them for their emoji a decade after they sent it, or something. I LIKE talking about my fic!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's called Fighting Fire with Kindling, and it's Not Good. Probably won't move it to AO3, even when ffnet dies. Trying to figure out why romance made me feel the way it did led to some weird fic.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Is It Really True? - which is a Rumpelstiltskin retelling is pretty straightforwardly happy at the end?
Most of my fic are more HOPEFUL than happy.
8. do you get hate on fics?
No. Well, maybe? I think I remember deleting something, once. It didn't leave a lasting mark. I've gotten hate on COMMENTS before, though.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. Back in 2005 I was writing a lot about infidelity and unhealthy relationships, but ... actual sex scenes??? It took me a decade just to build up a tolerance for READING (or skimming) them!
10. do you write crossovers?
No. It's all about the relationships. Crossovers make it harder to focus on the relationships I'm in the fandom for.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. I wouldn't notice.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I am NOT popular.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Closest I've gotten is beta-ing. Team projects were the hardest part of school.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Probably Wolverine/Mariko Yashida/Jean Grey but not poly? Like, it WAS Wolverine/Jean Grey, and then she died, and then it was Wolverine/Mariko, but now Jean is back and Wolverine still loves her and they're all trying to co-parent their kid(s) but none of them are poly and it's complicated.
I cared about this one a LOT when I was 20. Almost entirely for the angst, but I'm taking what I can get. I'm way to aroace for most shipping to register.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
This Tim Recovers in Smallville fic. Possibly with some fake dating that stays very very fake? Like, I don't want to write it, but I REALLY want it to exist.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Outsider perspectives. Respecting abnormal thought processes and perspectives. Controlling pacing and indicating voice through sentence structure.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I started my fandom experience in barely-post-90s X-Men. Phonetic accents and illogically inserted random words from foreign languages are charming to me. Reading 80s/90s Wolverine as a Canadian makes me giggle.
It's also usually classist and often xenophobic. Always othering. In any fandom other than X-Men, phonetic accents and inserted foreign words bother me.
Have yet to see a form of other-language dialogue with translation that both flows smoothly and works with screen-readers.
Untranslated foreign-language dialogue works if I'm supposed to feel like an outsider, or like I'm missing something.
I prefer it translated into English, with narration telling me what language it is ... okay, that is a lie. I prefer every language to get their own special quote marks. I think that's REALLY fun. Especially if we can get some telepathy in there as well. I was reading X-fic in the early 2000s, I can't be expected to have good taste!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
As stated, X-Men. Learned a lot, then took a decade long break for my mental health. Now I can write without worsening my depression!
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Either Terms of Use (which is actually good) or Sometimes It's Hard to Think. I wrote the second one when I was a baby fan, and it was fun! I also love my self-insert character. She is SO different from who I am now. Everyone should write self-inserts - it's fascinating to go back and see insight into your past self-image.
If you want to (mostly so you can remind me of fic to reread 😉): @whetstonefires, @galaxystew, @alarajrogers, @incogneat-oh, @angel-gidget, @tabithian
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valleynix · 2 years
Hey there! Do you have any head canons for the dimi girls? Like any quirks and fun things that you might not be able to get into the main plot?
listen i have so many thoughts about them, it’s very unhealthy-
since Bela and Cassandra are both pretty into creative stuff (music and art, respectively), they definitely have had little get togethers where they just hang out in the Opera Hall when everyone is asleep and practice their own thing
Daniela definitely joins them occasionally, probably with a book in hand or sleepily listening to Bela play the piano
Cassandra only allows her immediate family to call her Cassie. no ands, ifs, or buts. her s/o can call her Cass, but only once she’s realized she has feelings for them
Bela may not show it often, but she’s incredibly protective of her younger sisters. there was a time for like a week where she just spoiled them with little treats and praise and both thought Miranda had replaced her with some shitty copy
Cassandra has made her sisters their sickles, and it’s the only reason they’re good quality and haven’t fallen apart after hundreds of uses
Daniela takes offense when anyone doesn’t want to read with her. there was once a maid she fancied that refused her and made her cry, and, well… we’ll just say that her older sisters took care of that
all three love head scratches but in different places. there. i said it
Bela makes fun of Cassandra for being shorter than she is (nevermind that it’s only like an inch difference)
anytime the girls want something that might be a little hard to get, they have to send Daniela with her saddest puppy eyes to Alcina. it works like a charm
(Alcina never says no to them anyway. is she spoiling them too much? maybe, but she doesn’t care)
Cassandra and Daniela respect the hell out of Bela, even if they spend 90% of their time being the most annoying little siblings on the planet
definitely have little monthly get-togethers where they spend a few hours doing sisterly things. talking about the maid they fancy, how many people they’ve drained, which tool is best for causing the most damage… yknow. normal stuff
Daniela will hide in the library when she’s upset, hidden behind some hard-to-reach bookshelves
if Cassandra is ever upset and wants to hide, you will literally never find her unless she wants you to
if Bela is upset, she’ll either lock herself in her room or throw herself into her work until she thinks she’s made a rational decision
Cassandra has done paintings of her family before. don’t tell anyone, though. she will murder you
Bela will sometimes have the maids prepare her little siblings’ favorite dishes seemingly out of nowhere. she’ll deny ever being involved
i think i’ve kinda referenced this one before, but their flies are tied in with their emotions. Bela is incredibly flustered? flies are buzzing around her form. Cassandra is excited about something? hers are either buzzing around her form or crawling on something nearby. Daniela gets to a plot twist in her cheesy romance novel? expect to only hear buzzing in your ears for 3-5 business days
they purr when they’re content
Daniela can be strangely poetic at times, which she then follows by seeing something interesting and changing the subject like she’d never spoken. Bela and Cassandra are used to it, but they think it’s hilarious to see how guests react
when she’s feeling particularly down, Bela will go into the village at night and go to Cassandra’s and Daniela’s old homes to remember all she’s gained from this life
this is all my dumb brain can come up with for now, but i’ll definitely make a part two if i remember more of the little things i headcanon for them <33
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