#senior move planning expertise
wayfaringhoax · 1 year
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Summary: Javier Peña is slowly but surely becoming a thorn in your side. He just can't seem to leave you alone at work, and you're coming to realise that dismantling your plans is his top priority.
Word Count: 15k
SLOW BURN! You have been warned ...
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female Reader
Trope: Opposites Attract (work acquaintances that bicker like crazy)
Rating: Explicit. 18+ MDNI
Warnings: explicit sexual content (dirty talk, oral sex f-receiving, p in v), swearing, consumption of alcohol, mention of drug-related violence and death, angst, mention of overworking, bickering at work, bribing/trading favours at work, discussion of insecurities, talk of previous sexual partners. Slight dub-con with an unexpected kiss (on the cheek).
Author’s Note: This fic features a reader/OFC blend. She has a defined job and a particular personality, but she has no pre-assigned physical appearance.
I really hope you enjoy this! Please consider leaving a comment or reblogging if you liked this fic. It would mean the world to me !!
You have a method for these types of calls. The ones where an embassy associate or some other government official refused to accept what you were trying to tell them. It’s all about the tone of voice used; you must appear agreeable with a hint of ditsiness, just enough to remind whatever balding senior on the opposite end of the phone that you were a woman, and so, it was expected that things weren’t getting done properly. If it weren’t for misogyny, you’d have been yelled at more times than you could count.
God, and the pet names. It was as though these men believed sweet talking had the power to override all scheduling conflicts and put their names at the top of the list. You swear they are the reason why you never like when men call you “baby”, or “sweetheart”. The only thing it aroused in you was disgust.
As the American Ambassador to Colombia, your boss was in high demand, and as his personal assistant, you were extremely protective of his diary. And well, Crosby was revered for his expertise and military history, which caused all the other WASPs in your sector to swarm to him; eager to share a drink and talk politics with an American hero. 
Despite the fact your boss had no time to indulge them, having his hands full with more pressing matters - such as the alarming rise of drug-related violence in South America - they still blew up his phone constantly. Did these men not have wives to annoy, instead of you?
You lift your head at the sound of someone entering your office.
“Need your old man to sign this paperwork.” 
Not now. 
Javier. The man lives in his own little world, it seems. Can he not tell you’re currently occupied?
You raise a finger to your lips to shush him, before pointing at the phone pressed to your ear.
“What?” He mouths, moving closer to you. 
Rolling your eyes, you make a shooing motion with your hands. 
It doesn’t work, as he places the forms down in front of you, and when you think that’ll be it, you notice he’s leaning over your desk; eyes looking at you expectantly. 
You look up at him in disbelief. He’s grown far too accustomed to getting his own way with the women around here. You’ve seen the way he smolders; dipping his head down so his eyes appear irresistible when he gazes up at them, and of course, you couldn’t help but scoff at how he’d undo a few more buttons of his shirt, too. Sometimes, if he was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, he’d even resort to the sluttiest thing a guy could do: rolling the sleeves up. But, it hasn’t failed him yet.
Poor Colleen. She was about ready to hand over the embassy’s entire criminal database when Javier held her hand to admire her manicure. But it’s not going to work on you. 
You pull the phone away from your ear and press it to your chest, giving him a look that could kill.
“Javier, I’m on the phone.” You hiss. “You’ll have to wait.”
He huffs in annoyance before sinking back into the chair opposite you. You’re doing your best to stay focused as you rattle off a list of alternative dates, but Javier’s taken to toying with your belongings that are laid out on your desk. When you notice him holding a frame next to his face, raising his eyebrows as he points to the photo of your cat, you’ve just about had enough of his impatience. 
You attempt to snatch the object away from him, but he’s too quick for you; putting it back in its place before seizing your planner. 
“Mr. Cassidy, I can assure you. As soon as your funding is cleared, the ambassador will be in touch to discuss moving forward with the project.” You say whilst frantically making grabby hands at the man sitting across from you, hoping it will entice him into returning your most prized possession.
You have no such luck, as Javier appears perfectly content to browse the pages outlining your meticulous schedule, stopping every so often to nod his head or hum in amusement. You feel your ire rise at the country attache’s brazen presumption, but somehow, it doesn’t reach your voice, allowing you to continue the call as normal. 
Javier’s taken aback at how unaffected you seem, so he decides to ramp up his efforts.
Reaching into the pocket of his sand-coloured blazer, he pulls out a cigarette, and when he lights it, he observes how your eyes flash with a hint of something. Something he doesn’t see often. 
Could it be quiet rage simmering beneath those doe eyes? 
You were a people-pleaser; always pleasant and professional. So Javier’s surprised at the way you’re glaring at him. Proud even. Knowing he’s the one to bring it out of you.
As he makes himself comfortable, crossing one leg over the other and reclining back into the chair, you flash him an exaggerated smile. But Javier knows that it’s not meant for him, rather, it’s directed at whatever schmuck has been hoarding your attention for the past five minutes. 
“Thank you for your patience, I’ll be in touch shortly. Alright, take care now.” 
Finally. You end the call and immediately lean forward to retrieve your planner.
“What is wrong with you?” You ask. “Are there no drug kingpins that need incarcerating?”
He stares you down with a slight pout on his lips before repeating his earlier request; as though he didn’t even hear what you just said.
“I need this signing. It’s urgent, is he around?” 
“Everything’s always urgent with you, huh?” You grumble. 
“It’s not like there are lives at stake or anything.” 
You don’t appreciate his sarcasm, especially after how he barged in and disrupted your work. 
The smirk he’s masking is beyond infuriating, and you’re sure he’s exhaling the smoke from his lips in slow motion, purely to rile you up further. 
Every little thing he’s doing seems to annoy you, though you’re not entirely sure why. You put it down to the fact that you know you can’t get rid of him. Not easily, anyway. And not until you give him what he wants.
“The ambassador’s engaged all day, I’m afraid. Try again tomorrow, perhaps?” You tell him with a sickly-sweet smile, holding his forms out towards him.
Javier realises he may have pushed you too far, so he quickly scrambles to sit up straight; hoping a different approach will work on you.
“Sweetheart-” He begins, leaning closer to you. Cigarette now forgotten in favour of working you over.
You cut him off. “Don’t call me that. I’m not one of your girls, Javier.”
He sighs, retreating back in defeat. It’s hard to believe that you didn’t even look at him when you spoke those words, but your tone alone suggested it would be wise to back off. And so, Javier does just that, whilst he scratches his head for a new strategy.
“How about you fast-track these...” He suggests, holding the papers up again. “And in exchange, I’ll buy you a drink.”
You can’t help but scoff. 
“Yeah, that seems fair.” You jest. “That would also require me going to a bar with you, outside of working hours.”
You don’t need to elaborate. He knows you’d never willingly do such a thing. 
“You see.” He drawls. “That’s where you’re wrong. A few little birdies on the third floor told me you’ve got plans this evening. If I just happen to be in the area…well, I think our arrangement can still be fulfilled.” 
Your ears heat up in embarrassment. You didn’t like the thought that this man knew what you got up to outside of work. In your head, colleagues were colleagues, not friends. You liked to keep your work life completely separate from your personal life, and frankly, you didn’t want him trying to weasel his way in there. But something told you he wasn’t going to let this go.
It wasn’t like you’d advertised your plans. The women from communications had hounded you in the break room when they noticed you’d had your hair done. It would’ve been unprofessional to ignore them, so eventually, you’d let it slip that a few of your friends from home were visiting, and you all planned to head into town for some drinks. 
They had fussed over you like you were a newborn. Of course, you assumed it was because you typically kept to yourself at work, and it simply gave them something to gossip about; someone’s life to pry into where they could.
When did you get so cynical?
Snapping out of the memory, you busy yourself with organising your desk drawer. 
“Let me guess.” You say dryly, preoccupied with the task at hand. “You’ll be drinking alone?”
He raises his eyebrows in good humour. “Not if you’re there.”
“Fast-track’s gonna cost you more than one drink, Peña.” You tell him, your voice taking on a singsong quality as you avoid making eye contact. 
“And I’m not drinking with you. I have friends, believe it or not.”
“What will it take?” He asks, looking somewhat intrigued; he didn’t think you’d budge.
“Well, there’s six of us. So three bottles of something should be about right.”
Javier sighs. Why does it cost money to get anything done around here? 
“Wine?” He asks you.
“Am I that easy to read?” You say incredulously. There goes yet another thing he now knows about you.
Yes, he thinks. But he wouldn’t dare tell you that, too scared to poke the bear since you were so close to giving him what he wants. Javier stays silent, opting to give you a knowing look instead.
Finally, you look his way, and your eyes pierce into him. He’s not quite sure if he’s turned on or scared shitless. Or perhaps he’s both? 
Taking the papers from his grasp, you dangle them over the tray marked as “priority”, and his eyes lock on the movement of your hands like a cat chasing a laser. 
“If this means you’ll leave me to work in peace …” You say, looking to him for confirmation of your agreement. 
Javier raises both of his hands at that, holding his palms out in surrender. You squint at him in apprehension, before dropping the forms into the tray.
As he makes his way out of your office, he turns back to address you, and you’re not at all surprised when the DEA’s country attaché winks at you. 
“I’ll see you there.” He tells you.
The bar isn’t as crowded as you hoped it would be. Which means you spot him as soon as he enters. He’s still wearing his dress shirt, but he’s slipped his signature leather jacket over the top, and as cliché as it sounds, it screams bad boy; giving you yet another good reason as to why you should stay away from Javier Peña.
Javier, however, is pleased by the lack of patrons this evening. There’s enough empty space for him to have the perfect view of you from where he’s perched at the bar, nursing his whiskey neat. It’s an intriguing view, he thinks, as his eyes soak up the sight of you, very much out of your element, as you leave your circle of friends to get a drink. 
Your pristine black mary-janes have been swapped out for a pair of electric-blue strappy heels, and your modest silver stud earrings are nowhere to be seen. Instead, your ears are adorned with an elaborate, colourful pair of drop earrings, and Javier can’t help but want to pull your hair back so he can get a better look at them. Not that you’d ever let him that close to you. At least not before you tore him a new one, that’s for certain.
And the dress. His eyes can’t decide where to settle, as his gaze darts between each visual spectacle you’ve curated for him. 
Well, he knows you most likely didn’t dress up for him, but he doesn’t stop himself from indulging in the thought for a brief moment. The knowledge that you’ve been hiding all this underneath those pencil skirts and stockings is a pleasant surprise to him. One his brain can’t seem to compute just yet. 
Sure, he thought you were beautiful. After all, Javier wasn’t blind; he could spot a pretty woman from a mile away. But you always dressed so modestly. So he’s not quite sure what to think when he sets his eyes on the exposed skin of your shoulders in that halter neck, as well as the way the glittery fabric hugs your curves just right before it flares out slightly when it reaches the top of your thighs; giving your ensemble a flirty, playful touch. 
He also can’t help himself from staring at the supple skin of your legs as they draw his eyes down, feeling as though he’s been hypnotised. Besides, you’d made an effort tonight, and it would be criminal to let all your hard work go unnoticed. 
Was there someone you were trying to impress? Surely not. 
Javier knew you weren’t the type to give any man who didn’t meet your exceptionally high, and oddly specific standards the time of day. If they weren’t going to play into your five-year plan, then they were of no use to you.
Perhaps you have yet to notice him, he wonders. Stubbing out his cigarette, he heads to the bar, ignoring the bartender’s sceptical look when he orders three bottles of red wine for the table of young, attractive women over in the corner. Women who look like the last thing they need is to be bothered by this man, drinking his sorrows, alone on a bar stool. 
Amused, he watches you all fuss over the complimentary booze, chuckling to himself when he sees your friends dive right in to fill their glasses. But you don’t seem to be drinking any of the wine you haggled for back at the office. Instead, you stay sipping your margarita in the corner of the booth, seeming perfectly content to sit this one out.
Javier’s perplexed, and slightly exasperated at your cheek. His wallet is feeling significantly lighter in his jacket pocket as of right now, and here you are; shunning his generous offering. 
He walks over to you, preparing to turn on the charm. 
Wearing a winning smile, he approaches tentatively. He's playing the part of the handsome gentleman with nothing but pure intentions, and he doesn’t miss the way your friends’ eyes light up at his arrival. You, however, don’t seem so impressed.
He hunches over slightly, holding himself with a cocky air and chewing his gum as he catches the attention of the rest of the table.
“Ladies…” He begins. “Apologies for the interruption, but I need to borrow your friend here. It’ll just be for a few minutes, then I promise, you can have her back.” 
You take a moment to consider what he might want, but nothing sensible comes to mind. Therefore, you conclude that he must’ve come over here for the sole purpose of vexing you. 
“What’s the matter?” You ask him warily. 
“Embassy business.” He tears his gaze away to wink at your friend. “It’s confidential, of course, so I can’t say any more.” 
“Who’s this?” Your friend asks excitedly, and the rest of the group appears to share her enthusiasm, judging by their wide eyes and straightened backs. You couldn’t fault them, as the men back home were nowhere near as handsome as him. Javier had that whole rugged cowboy appeal; wild and headstrong, a little rough around the edges, with just enough charm and chivalry to make the panties drop. 
Did you really just acknowledge that you find this infuriating man attractive? 
You’d asked the bartender to go easy on the tequila, but perhaps he’d done the opposite. As there could be no other reason as to why you’re currently indulging in such absurd thoughts.
Of course, Javier’s thrilled at the prospect of flashing his badge to the group of beautiful women currently looking up at him like he’s some kind of god. 
He holds it up to them. “Javier Peña, DEA.”
“Again, I apologise, but it really is urgent.” He says, looking at you expectantly. 
You sulk out of your seat before you walk straight past him to a more secluded section of the bar. 
He gets a little too close to you, as when you abruptly turn to face him, he’s hit with a mouthful of your hair. “What is it?” You grit out. 
Meanwhile, Javier’s taken aback at how sexy you are when you’re mad like this. At the embassy, you kept it subdued; hiding behind your persona of professionalism with pleasant smiles and jovial handshakes. But right now, you look as though you might actually slap him. 
Again, you cut him off at the use of another pet name. Holding your hand up as you roll your eyes in frustration.
He tries again. “You clean up nice…” And at that remark, you turn your body to face the bar, not wanting to give him another opportunity to check you out.
“You’re not drinking?” 
You gesture to your margarita whilst you take a healthy sip.
“You know what I mean.” He says. “What? You rinse me out for nothing?” 
Taking advantage of your apparent shyness, he’d managed to slip in closer, so you’re surprised when his next words are spoken into your ear.
“You waiting on someone else, huh? Got a better offer or something?” 
“God…” You groan. “I just don’t like the idea of you buying me a drink, okay?”
“You’re from work.” You tell him as a matter of fact.
He raises his eyebrows in confusion. 
“The problem is … ?” His words trail off, searching for your reasoning. 
“The problem is.” You say. “Is that it’s not appropriate.” 
Javier watches your eyes fix on something behind him, ultimately giving you away. He turns his head to see what’s caught your eye, finding what he could only describe as a rather gormless American tourist, sharing a beer with another fellow statesman, as they stick out like a sore thumb. A pair of gringos, if he wanted to be particular. 
He can feel the mirth rising in his throat as it hits him. You had eyes for this plain-looking man. 
And he liked the look of you, too, it seems, as Javier notices him rise from his seat, clearly heading in your direction. 
“Oh, it’s funny is it?” You ask, your tone low. 
He’s taken to ignoring you now; staring straight ahead at the bottles of liquor lined up behind the bar, finding your irritation to be quite the source of entertainment.
The sight that greets you next is Javier, taking a swig from his drink whilst his eyes peer at you over the rim of his glass, inciting you to do something. You ball your hands into tight fists, before shuffling down the bar slightly to put some distance between the two of you.
The tourist is now in front of you. He fluffs his hair as he leans against the bar and greets you, and Javier silently sniggers at the man’s mediocre efforts to flirt with you. You, however, don’t seem to mind it, judging by the genuine smile on your face. Oh, so this is your type. Meek, predictable and incredibly dry. Each to their own, he thinks.
He knows he should probably leave soon, not wanting to spend another weeknight wasted for no good reason, but he can’t tear himself away from eavesdropping on what might be the most boring conversation he’s ever heard. He’s listened to hundreds of wiretaps on sicarios’ phone conversations, and although he wishes those shitbags were dead, their chats were far more engaging than the one he’s currently privy to.
“So, what’s your favourite colour?” 
“Purple.” You tell your admirer, overjoyed at the mundane nature of your conversation. 
Mundane is safe, and safe is good. Good is what you need in a husband and potential father of your future children. Good pays the bills. Good doesn’t spin your world off its axis and force you to question everything you thought you knew about yourself. Good, was good. And this man had all the right qualities, so far.
Another question. “What do you think of lasagne?”
“Yeah, I like it.” You reply, and Javier can’t actually believe how into this you are. 
Well, perhaps he could believe it, actually, if your planner was anything to go off. You even penciled in when you planned to consume alcohol. 
He had nothing against your love of a routine. But he most definitely wanted to see how far he could push you; see how you’d react to spontaneity.
From the corner of his eye, he sees you place your hand on the American’s arm and lean in closer. 
And for Javier, it’s the final straw.
His resolve snaps. Unable to tolerate any more of the painful scene unfolding right beside him, he makes his way over to where the two of you are standing, and in typical asshole fashion, he makes sure to accidentally bump his shoulder against the other man when he reaches you.
“Pérdon, amigo.” He says, hand on your date’s shoulder in a faux apology, before he mutters something else in Spanish. His voice low enough that you didn’t catch what it was.
You hazard a look up at him, and …
Fuck. You realise he’s only just getting started.
The tourist had been so kind as to order you both another drink, but before either of you could get your hands on them…
“Thanks, baby.” Javier coos, looking right at you as he takes a sip from one of the drinks; specifically, the one your date had been reaching for.
Stunned at his bold use of yet another pet name, it’s a few seconds later when you react. You turn your head so fast, that if he wasn’t a government agent, he would’ve missed it, but luckily for Javier, he senses you’re about to call him out when he sees your eyebrows raise, mouth open and hand poised, ready to point a finger in his direction. 
So, naturally, he shuts you up before you can ruin his fun. And he does this in the way he knows best. 
He kisses you. 
Or at least he tries to, but you somehow manage to swerve him just before his lips meet your own, causing it to land on your cheek.
It’s only a peck, but it does the trick, as you are well and truly dumbfounded.
If the eyes are the window to the soul, then you hoped Javier could gauge just how close you were to throttling him by looking into yours. What the fuck was he doing? 
Your ‘date’, though you weren’t sure you could call him that anymore, is just as shocked as you are, backing away from you slightly. You sense he’s not wanting to step on any toes, but he can tap-dance all over Javier Peña’s toes if he likes. In steel boots. You’d most definitely find joy in that. 
You size him up, trying to work out how to get yourself out of this situation before this asshole escalates it. Conflict was the last thing you wanted; it didn’t fit into your schedule for the evening.
“Javie-” You try.
“Sweetheart…I think you’ve bored this man for long enough, don’t you think?” His arm snakes around your waist, pulling your body into his as he stares blankly at the other man, waiting for him to scurry.
And, well, you were also hoping he’d leave. However, your reasons were different from those of Javier’s. Whatever they may be. 
You simply didn’t think you’d be able to contain your anger at the agent’s shenanigans for much longer, and you didn’t want to flip your lid in front of the stranger.
Cutting his losses, your tourist sees himself back to his table, and you notice he’s quick to grab his jacket and tuck in his chair. Javier’s getting comfortable on the stool next to you when you see your admirer leave, and the tight-lipped smile he gives you on his way out has you cringing; mortified at the example that’s been made of you tonight. 
When you’re sure he’s gone, you let some of the facade drop. 
“What was that?” You ask Javier, voice as sharp as a thousand knives.
He simply twirls the glass around in his hand, not taking his eyes off the amber liquid for a second. 
You push again. “What could you possibly have gained from that?”
But still, no answer from the DEA Country Attaché.
“You know what…nevermind.” You exclaim before attempting to return to your friends over in the booth.
Before you make it past him, Javier holds his arm out to stop you in your tracks. Offering you the second of the two drinks, he gestures for you to take it.
“Sit down.” He tells you. “At least until you’ve finished your drink.”
Simmering is no longer the most apt word to describe how you’re feeling right now. You are boiling; the heat in your veins ready to spill over at any moment.
Yet somehow, you are so overcome with outrage that your body feels stiff, and you’re unable to move, or even get more than a few words out. So, not quite able to comprehend what’s just transpired, you sit down, waiting for him to offer up some kind of explanation.
After a few more swirls of his drink around the glass, Javier breaks the silence.
“I was doing you a favour. Trust me, he was dull. You don’t want that.” 
You deserve better than that, is what runs through his head, but that’s a whole other emotion, so he squashes it before it can fester into something more potent.
He continues. “Your kids would’ve been called Randy and Bob or some shit like that.”
“Yes.” You grate in response. “And we could’ve lived in a cushy house in a nice neighbourhood, bought a couple of cats, and travelled once per year.” 
“You want that?” He asks you dubiously.
“And how could you know what I want, Javier?” 
Sensing your control isn’t wavering, he turns to humour. “Well, uh…he didn’t seem like much of a cat person, I’m afraid.” 
Well, he’s got you there. But you couldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d successfully picked out one of the man’s flaws. You couldn’t let Javier Peña of all people get the better of you. 
“And you don’t seem like much of a diplomat, but here you are … Mr. Attaché.”
That one was a bit too on the nose. 
A sullen look grows on his face; telling you it’s time to go. 
Tomorrow’s a new day, and if you see him, it will be at work. He can’t get away with this shit there. 
Clearly, Javier does not know how to respect your personal space.
The next day, at 12:15 pm precisely, you head to the break room for lunch, and by the time your coffee cup is filled, he’s there too. Loitering behind you like a lost puppy, but not the cute, innocent kind. Javier Peña was the yappy, irritating kind of puppy. 
Crosby had often considered him a thorn in his side; always waltzing in with some grand scheme that threatened to derail everything he had been working towards for years. And now, you were beginning to understand just how your boss felt. 
He waited for you to acknowledge him, but after seeing you potter about the communal space; tidying, reorganising, anything to look busy, he realised that you were stalling. 
And you were. You were hoping he’d get bored of watching you be so mundane, and eventually, he’d leave you alone.
He makes himself a cup too, before leaning against the unit next to where you’re currently refilling the sugar.
“Good night?” He asks, his usual mirth now present again.
“What are you doing in here?”
“Lunch break.” He grins.
“Oh, excuse me. I thought your diet consisted of cigarettes only.” You tease.
So quick, he thinks. And he doesn’t give you a response, hoping this little victory over him would somehow weaken your guard.
“You never come in here. What’s special about today?” You ask.
He shrugs in response before straightening up slightly, subconsciously hoping to get a little closer to you. He’s fascinated. As far as he was concerned, you eat, sleep and breathe work. So seeing you use your break time, like everyone else, feels strange. It feels new.
What would you do? He found himself studying you like you were a rare specimen; your behaviours, motivations and fluctuations a complete mystery to be unravelled. 
However, as he readjusts his posture, the collar of his shirt slips a little. Previously, the garment had done well to hide it, but now it’s plain to see.
A hickey.
This man has a hickey, just above his collarbone, and due to your proximity, you can see it as clear as day. 
And for some reason unbeknownst to either of you, it incites you. 
You’re not jealous.
You’re impressed. He’d spent a good portion of his evening derailing yours, and yet he still had time to secure a hookup. Well, the man was determined; you had to give him that.
“Good night?” You repeat to him, eyes locked on the offending mark.
Javier follows your gaze until he realises what you’re referring to. He looks around the room to check for eavesdroppers, before lowering his voice.
“Yeah, it was actually. It doesn’t compare to sitting at a bar discussing fucking lasagne, or all the different shades of purple that exist… but I’d say it was alright.”
You sigh. “Yeah, I know it wasn’t my finest hour. But at least I ended the night with some dignity.” 
“Oh, I had plenty of dignity by the end of the night.” He says. “You should try it sometime. It’s good stress relief.”
Stress relief. God, this man was ignorant if he didn’t realise that the majority of your stress recently has been caused by him. 
Him, and his insistence on aggravating you, getting under your skin and sinking in deep, all for some twisted type of power play. 
You must’ve been the only woman at the embassy who wasn’t throwing their panties at him as he walked by their station, which made you a challenge. Just like Escobar, you were a target that needed to be worked. He saw you as a conquest, and that’s what brought him to the break room just now: he was doing his reconnaissance. 
Moving to the far side of the room, right where the refrigerator stood, you try to put some distance between you before replying to his quip.
“Thanks.” You tell him dryly, your eyes looking at anything but him. “But I’ve got my own form of stress relief that works just fine.”
He holds in a chuckle. You were probably one of the most highly-strung people he’d ever met, so he seriously doubted your words. If this was you with well-managed stress levels, he couldn’t imagine what you’d be like on a bad day. And yet, some part of him wanted to see that. Wanted to be the one that drove you to that place. Not out of malice, of course, but out of curiosity. 
Javier wanted to work you up, right up to the point where you’re at the edge of what your body can handle, only to see you spiral down. All your rational thoughts lost to the physical, as you fall over the precipice, into a sea of baser instincts. It would be beautiful to see, he thinks.
But the sound of your heels drags him out of his fantasy, as he sees you heading towards the door. You were on your way back to your office, by the looks of it, and Javier can’t help but follow you, though he kept a safe distance so as to not spook you too soon.
When he sees that you’re at your desk again, comfortable, he quickly sneaks through the door. 
You’d anticipated that he wouldn’t leave it alone without getting the last word in, so you weren’t exactly phased by his intrusion. Typing away, you get on with your business as though he’s not there. 
Standing beside your desk, to any onlooker it appears as though he’s just running something by you, as he picks up a document from your desk that looks somewhat related to his sector. He rakes his eyes over it sporadically, not at all paying attention to anything it contains. Rather, he’s debating whether to let a certain thought of his loose. Would it be too much?
“What is it that you do then?” He asks. “For stress relief?” 
He looks up from the piece of paper he’s holding to gauge your reaction. It wasn’t meant to be sexual, but you couldn’t deny the shift in the atmosphere. Javier felt as though there was something unsaid between you. Something festering in the back of both your minds.
Your ire now subdued, you drop your pen to look up at him. “Organisation. Cleaning, moving things around my apartment, filling out my planner…” You say, tapping your nails against the wooden surface in thought. 
Javier feels something light tug at his chest. Fascination, for sure. But could it also be admiration he feels? He can see that you’re getting swept up in a daydream of your own making, drifting towards a sweet fantasy; your eyes lighting up in pleasure, and he wants so badly to call it fascinating, but something tells him it’s a little closer to endearing.
The document long forgotten, he asks you. “Your planner, huh?”
You nod in response. “It’s sacred.” 
A delicate smile makes an appearance on your face, and Javier’s trying his hardest not to indulge in the sight. 
“I bet. You use it to plan out every part of your life?”
“That’s what it’s for.”
“Even when you fuck?” 
That renders you speechless. Javier had expected you to lash out, call him filthy or heatedly demand that he get out of your office. But nothing comes.
It’s at this exact moment when he realises he’s struck a nerve. Your shoulders have dropped, you’re nibbling on your bottom lip, and under the desk, he can see your feet have stopped their usual tapping. You look sheepish, almost.
He knows he can’t take it back, so he figures he might as well push forward. After all, he’s got nothing to lose. Except for his eyes, and any other vital body part, should you go back to being mad at him and claw them out.
“Right.” He drawls, waiting for you to elaborate.
Usually, when Javier Pena provokes you, he expects you to give it back to him. But not this time, it seems.
Laying back into your chair in resignation, you sigh. “Not quite. Let’s leave it at that.”
It’s clearly a lie, you denying that your sex life is dictated by a schedule. Javier knows you’re just the kind of woman that wants to exercise control over every aspect of your existence, even your carnal pleasure. You’re not giving much away, and he wants to crawl deeper; draw out a confession and claim a victory over you.
“Leave it at that...” He parrots. 
“DEA interrogation 101, never deflect. Good job you’re not a criminal, huh?” He jests, his laugh seeming shakier this time.
Still unwilling to budge, you give him nothing.
Again, in classic Javier fashion, he leans down, hands planted firmly in front of yours on your desk, crowding your space as his eyes beg yours for contact. “Bonita.” He coos.
That does it, snapping you out of your mildness. 
“Javier!” You admonish, voice firmly raised, though not enough to draw the attention of others. 
“I know, I know… no pet names. Apologies.” 
All he receives in response is your glare. Scathing and defiant.
Straightening up, he exhales whilst flexing his fingers. “Just tell me. Then I’ll leave it alone.”
But you’re not prepared to give this man any ammunition against you, not of your own volition, anyway.
However, he decides to adapt his strategy. He swipes the sacred object. Your planner, and holds it behind his back; beyond the extent of your reach.
You don’t react at first. Not until you hear his next words. “I think I’ll take a quick look-”
Darting out of your seat, you go to stop him, reaching over your desk for the stolen object, before he slams it back down in front of you. His wide palms pressed firm against the fabric cover, holding it down in a show of his dominance. You shouldn’t find that sexy, you think, cursing yourself silently for allowing yourself to become affected by this man.
As this is nothing short of an act of war, leaving you bristling and agitated. Rising to your feet, you gravitate towards where he’s holding your planner hostage. “You’ve had more than enough fun terrorising me over lunch break, I think it’s about time you get back to work.” You say.
“Tell me, and you can have it back.” He affirms, though he doesn’t need to move an inch. He knows, and you most definitely know, that your strength is no match for him. He’s an agent, for crying out loud. You’ve got no chance of getting your planner back without one of two methods: manipulation or seduction.
The latter was certainly off the cards, so you went with the former option. But you couldn’t deny your body’s reaction to Javier’s physicality. The way he stood firm in place, challenging you to come to him, all the while knowing he has the power to wrangle you wherever he sees fit. And to you, that was undeniably sexy.
You would never indulge in such a fantasy, of course, liking your men docile, as they were less likely to cheat and screw up your five-year plan. But you could allow yourself this one forbidden thought. Just for a second longer.
“There’s nothing to tell. Give it to me and I’ll bump your meeting with Crosby to tomorrow instead of Friday. Heard you need a sign-off… urgently.” You try smirking. “Something about a Cali operation and a chicken van.”
His own grin falters. Huh…he must really need the ambassador’s approval. 
But he tries to play it off. “It’s alright, these things can’t be rushed. I think I’ll hold onto this a little longer.” 
“What do you want, Javier?” You ask, your voice unimpressed and impatient.
“Tell me. Tell me that you actually plan when you get laid. Then you can have this back.” He holds the planner above his head, and when you reach for it again, he snatches it back behind him. 
“Come on…” You groan.
He moves closer to the door, daring you to let him leave with your most prized possession. But you’re running out of plays, you’re getting tired, and you remind yourself that Javier’s most likely going to get screwed later on, in some way or another, by the Colombian government, and that thought alone brings you comfort. Enough comfort, that it outweighs the distaste of having to give in to him.
Stepping closer, you huff out. “Okay! Fine! … I follow what Vogue magazine suggests. Orgasms at least every two days, and-” 
“And what?” He taunts.
“Eating saffron regularly, a-and drinking red wine, too. Aphrodisiacs … you know?” 
Javier’s grin is smug as shit, after drawing out your admission, and you want nothing more than to wipe it off his face. But right now, you just want him gone. Somewhere where he can’t see the blush flourishing in your cheeks. 
“Are you done?” You ask, arms crossed against your chest in an attempt to regain the appearance of power. Something you had forfeited whilst chasing the DEA Country Attaché, who held your planner hostage, around your office like a child chasing a butterfly.
The man in front of you softens at your tone, understanding that he’d pushed you quite far, and that he quite possibly got carried away. He couldn’t resist the way it felt; getting swept up in teasing each other, evoking a lightness in his chest that doesn’t come around often. 
“Do you ever do anything simply because you want to? When you want to?” He asks you. “Impulsively?”
All you can say to usher him out of your space is his name. “Javier.” You call, until you somehow manage to form a few more words. “Time’s up. Out, please.”
Sensing you’re at the end of your thread, he stalks towards the door. But when he reaches for the handle, he turns back to look at you. And the look on his face is unlike any of the ones he’s sported around you previously. It’s genuine. 
He calls out to you, voice almost quiet enough to sound sincere. “Hey, uh- if you ever wanna ditch the planner and let loose sometime, let me know, yeah.”
And with that, he’s gone. Leaving you reeling from the implications of his parting words.
The following day, Javier seeks you out on his lunch break, hoping to ask for another favour. But you’re not there. 
When he asks around in the break room for you, he finds out that you’d gone out for lunch today. Avoiding him, perhaps?
Now left with twenty-five minutes of free time, and a reluctance to head back upstairs and do some actual work, Javier goes snooping. He already had his excuse, having brought down another form for you to sign off on, so he’s not worried about looking out of place. But still, he’s considered a hero nowadays; a reputation to uphold, so he quickly checks for prying eyes before he pushes open the door to your office. 
That’s when he sees it. 
Your planner. Sitting pretty, waiting for someone to come along and peek inside. Well, today, that someone was Javier Peña. He knows he shouldn’t be doing this. It’s a huge violation of your privacy, and if you found out, you’d surely have Crosby fire him. But as his feet carry him forward, he tells himself it’s harmless.
You work in an embassy, and you weren’t the type of person to have anything incriminating on your person whilst in a building filled with the top brass, not to mention various military and police officials, so there couldn’t be anything too intimate in there.
He picks it up, and as soon as his fingers touch the first page, he becomes frantic; possessed by the need to soak up as much of you as he can through these slightly worn pages, before he gets caught.
Javier studies your schedule like a classified file. He tells himself he’s searching for some dirt on you, something juicy that will become ammunition for his future torment. But that’s not the whole truth. At least, the fondness in his eyes suggests otherwise.
Mondays: no caffeine until 12 pm… Wednesdays: senator’s conference, dinner with Damon, laundry (whites) … Saturdays: allowance of 500ml wine …
The last one causes his eyebrows to raise, though the discipline it showed was certainly true to what he knew about your character.
However, as he’s about to investigate what you had planned for this Saturday night in particular, he hears the click of your heels getting closer, followed by your laughter. There you were, on your way back to the office, Crosby close behind as the two of you partake in light-hearted conversation. Huh, so that’s what you look like when you’re happy.
Luckily, for Javier, the ladies from your floor latch on to you, dragging you into their conversation and buying him some valuable time whilst you discuss last week’s department meeting.
It all happens so fast. He darts out of your office and makes a beeline to the elevator, his shoulders slacking only when he’s back in the sanctuary of his own workspace.
Pulling open his desk drawer on the right side, he shoves your planner inside and almost slams it shut; the closure somewhat symbolic of his hesitancy to confront what he’s just done.
It was when he saw you working late one evening, on a Friday nonetheless, that Javier considered it might be time for him to return your planner. He hadn’t looked inside again, not since that day in your office when he’d come looking for you during lunch, but there was a reason he didn’t want to give it back just yet.
The planner tied him to you. It gave him a reason to not have to leave you alone. Of course, you weren’t aware that he had it; as far as he could tell, but for as long as he held it, he’d matter to you. This little piece of stationery gave him a place in your world. Just for now, but now was enough for Javier, at least until he could make sense of these incomprehensible feelings you were eliciting from him.
Feelings that were causing his stomach to churn, currently, as he observes the way your hair falls in your face, whilst your hand moves elegantly over the page. However, he notices that the usual swiftness of your writing is absent. It appears as though you’re tired; wrist flexing far too often, and the strokes of your pen somewhat sluggish at this time of night. And to top it all off, there was a cup of coffee beside you; the rim kissed by the pink of your lipstick, teasing him with phantom sensations of what your lips would taste like. 
Javier got the sense that for you, drinking coffee after 7 pm was practically illegal, and yet the proof was right in front of him. It must’ve been a tough day if you were willing to disrupt your immaculate sleep schedule.
He steps inside, and you’re not even alarmed by him violating your privacy again. At this point, you’d come to expect his presence, despite how troublesome it always seemed to be for you.
Devoid of the energy needed to accost him for his choice of words, you settle for a scowl. But it’s a tired scowl, and he can tell you’re most likely not in the mood to bicker with him like you usually are.
You don’t lift your eyes when he sits down in front of you, but you should’ve done. Because if you did, you’d have seen the unmistakable furrow of concern on his face. You would have seen his empathy. Unadulterated, earnest and afflicted. It was the kind of expression one can only offer to another when they’ve experienced it themselves. 
After all, Javier had plenty of experience in overworking himself to the point of physical and mental burnout. Unable to ever switch off, even, and rather than fall deeper into his vices, he considered it better to channel the ambivalence he often felt into more work; that way he’d feel like he was doing something good. Even if all he was doing was searching for minor leads; needles in a haystack that Uncle Sam didn’t have the funds to clean up. 
Hoping to obtain more of your attention, he lets out a rough cough to stir you from your tired musings.
When that doesn’t work, he asks. “What are you still doing here?”
“It’s fine.” You tell him. “It’s not that unusual.”
“For you, it is. Trust me, I do this often and I never see you here. What is it?” He questions, gesturing to the forms you’re working on.
“Crosby needs all this done. He’s headed back to Oklahoma for the weekend to see his family, and well, there are four networking events next week, and it’s down to me to organise it all. Nothing I can’t handle, but he only dropped this on me when he called earlier, at 4.30 pm.”
Javier knows that by the way you punctuate the time, you’re not a happy bunny for having your schedule thrown into disarray. Like clockwork, you left the office at exactly 5 pm every day, so at 8.53 pm, you’ve had almost four hours off track. 
“So what … you’re gonna sleep here for the weekend until it’s done?”
Exasperated, you say his name in a warning. “I’m not in the mood for your-”
“I’m not in the mood for you, right now.” You tell him, wanting it to come across with absolute finality. But there’s no certainty in your voice, and it pains Javier to see you like this. 
He knows it’s not his fault - the cause of your stress - but the way you’re trying to exile him sends an anxious quiver through his veins. A part of him longed for you, and hearing that you wanted him to leave caused an uncomfortable urge to fight; to prove to you that he could fix it all for you.
He calls your name in a plea to get you to stop, just for a moment. Perhaps so he can talk you round? Fuck knows. He doesn’t know what to do, but he figures he’ll try to buy himself some more time. 
You look up, and he can see the whites of your eyes are tinged red; strained. The way you look so unsure of yourself has him crippled. Never, had he ever anticipated seeing you like this, as you were always so driven, confident in the trajectory you were following for yourself.
He says your name again. And it’s a white flag; a temporary truce whilst he helps you through this stump. 
“What?” You ask. You’re not annoyed, however, as there’s a trace of laughter in your voice; the kind of laughter that comes when something slips. It wasn’t exactly a facade, but you’d definitely loosened up now that you had gone past your “working hours”. To Javier, it seemed as though you’d given up on trying to impress others. Trying to please everyone, as you did constantly throughout each day at the embassy. And shit. Javier liked the way it looked on you. 
“You should head home, it’s late. Crosby would never get rid of you if you didn’t finish all this shit.” He says with a soft smile.
“Well…” You huff. “It’s easier said than done. Besides, you said it yourself. You’re always here late.”
Of course, he was the pot calling the kettle black, but this was you. And you didn’t deserve this. 
He doesn’t have an answer to that. “Yeah, well …”
“What about this?” He says, picking up your stress ball from your desk. He holds up the squishy cat, before holding it out to you.
“Here. Give it a squeeze … Problem solved.” He jokes.
You take the toy from him before giving it a few good squeezes in your hand, and Javier can see some of the tension in your muscles evaporate at that. 
And he’s almost floored when you smile sheepishly at him. Do it again, he begs in his head, wanting - no, needing - to see this purer side of you. 
Standing from his chair, he coaxes you up too. “Come on … pack up your shit and you can let me give you a ride home.”
You shake your head almost instantly. “I’m good. I can call a friend.”
Javier sighs and perches on the corner of your desk. Leaning down closer, he tries again. “Well, Brenda left hours ago. You caught a lift in her with her, right? Come on, it will save you and your friend the hassle.”
He’s greeted by your vacant expression. Well, this is going great for him.
After a pause of deliberation, you try to get your words out. “But-” Is all you manage.
Sensing your concern at this new advancement in your working relationship, he tries to reassure you. 
“What, huh? Your planner won’t let you?”
And as soon as Javier mentions the planner, he regrets it. Considering it was currently in his possession, and he had planned to return it to you tonight, he probably shouldn’t be putting the thought of it in your head. Thankfully, you’re too exhausted to pick up on it.
“Come on …” He groans. “Be a little spontaneous for a change. Who knows? You might like it.” 
“I don’t wanna owe you any favours, Javier.” 
“No favours …” He assures you. “I’ll even do you one. If you let me drive you home, I’ll leave you alone from now on.”
You pretend to believe him. “Right. It’s not like you haven’t told me that several times already. I’ll believe it when I see it, Agent.”
Fuck, why does the thought of that hurt him?
“This time I mean it.” He announces.
And in that moment, a pool of unease treads between the two of you. 
You should be glad of his promise to leave you be. Perhaps, you are. But you love routines and consistency, so you can’t deny that the thought of such a change unsettles you deeply. 
Feeling both anxious and safe with Javier in this moment, you accept his offer.
Riding in Javier Peña’s car was not where you thought you’d be on Friday night. And you’re sure he can tell by how strangely you’re acting.
You’ve got your knees locked together tightly, with your hands resting in your lap. Whilst you tense and flex your fingers repeatedly, Javier’s trying his best to keep his eyes on the road. But at the stop lights, he’s able to get a proper read on you, and once again, he’s bemused by what he sees.
It’s awkward. Or at least, you’re behaving awkwardly. There’s no sass, no feisty determination … 
Just you, not knowing how to act around him now you’re alone together. 
“Lighten up, would you?” He says. “You look like you’re riding in a funeral car.”
And that snaps you out of it. Slightly. 
You swallow and unclasp your hands before you speak next. “Sorry, I’m not used to this.”
“What, you don’t take DEA agents home often?” He teases. 
Javier predicts your eye roll before it comes. “What do you think?” 
He looks away from you then, but you spot his grin in your peripheral vision.
It’s silent for a short while, until the man beside you can’t help but speak his mind.
“Look, I uh- I completely get it, you know. Not trusting people, not wanting to let them in. But it’s not all bad. Having someone to talk to, someone to have fun with, someone to touch. I meant it when I said it’s stress relief. And you deserve to have that.” He says with utter sincerity.
“With whoever you consider worthy, of course. If anyone can even make it that far, right?” He jokes.
And you can’t help but laugh at his teasing this time, but the awkwardness is still very much present in your body. 
“Thanks …“ You mutter, voice trailing off in uncertainty.
Javier uses the lull to change the subject. “So how long have you been living at your place?”
“Around two years. Not all of us got upgraded to the premium apartments. We can’t all be heroes, you know.” 
Your pitch rises at the end to convey your amusement, and Javier finds himself mirroring your soft smile.
“Don’t know about a hero, Princesa. But I’m El Jefe now … guess they needed to give me a swanky new apartment to distract from the fact I’m pretty fucking useless these days.”
That one was new. But for some reason, it was fitting.
And it doesn’t even bother you, right now. You know Javier Peña is a notorious womanizer. But just for a moment, you let yourself indulge in it. The moment that feels so much like a fantasy; you’re alone with him, in his car, and he’s calling you Princesa. It’s the funniest thing, how exhaustion has completely unravelled all your judgements.
“Wh- what do you mean? Crosby wouldn’t keep you around if you were useless, Javier.”
Fuck. The way you say his name like that, so hopeful, and without a trace of expectation. It makes him want to tell you everything; all of his fears, regrets and deepest insecurities. 
Some were rooted so deeply they almost felt physiological, and perhaps, they’re what cause him to say. “Every lead’s always one step ahead of you, and by the time you manage to get somewhere, someone’s already dead. When it matters, the people in charge won’t do shit, not until the narcos embarrass them enough to knock them off their asses.”
Your heart flutters at his raw admission.
“Fuck, and when things are good. When people aren’t getting killed, it’s because the government’s in bed with the fucking bad guys, paying them off with Uncle Sam’s money. Meanwhile, the narcos are raking in more cash than ever before.”
“Javier…” You exhale. 
Unsure of what to say, you try to reassure the troubled man beside you. 
“It’s enough. What you’re doing is enough. That’s all you can do. The system isn’t changing anytime soon.” You tell him.
The question is on the tip of your tongue. “I’ve heard things, and well … there will always be people like Stechner, pulling the wrong strings. Why put yourself through all the pain, when it’s never going to change? What’s in it for you, Javier?”
Does he even know why?
“One less body. One less overdose. One less finca destroyed … I hope to God that somehow, the scales are tipping. Even if it’s only a little. I hope something good comes out of it all, once in a while.” He says.
Silence soon comes to feel like a friend. At this moment, neither you or Javier know what to say, but you don’t feel the need to fill the quiet just yet. After all, that would mean acknowledging the prominent development in your relationship, and you were both too afraid to call it what it was. Afraid that acknowledgment would cause everything to dissipate all at once.
“Thanks for lending me your ear … uh, I guess it’s a good thing I said I’d leave you alone. Means you won’t have to hear me whine like that again.” Javier tells you, his apprehension somewhat obvious to an outsider. But not to you.
“Yeah … it’s a good thing, huh.” 
Nothing else is said for the remainder of the journey. The day had ground the two of you down, and you had collectively reached your limit. 
As you enter your apartment, you can’t help but replay the drive over in your head. Dropping your heels on the way to the living room, you curl up on the couch, processing. Would Javier really leave you alone?
Yet the most pressing question remained unanswered. Is that what you wanted? 
When Javier vowed to leave you alone, you expected it would bring relief.
However, you haven’t seen the man for five days now, and you can’t shake the sense that something is missing.
His daily annoyances had become a part of your routine, and without them, your office felt a little too quiet. Ghastly, almost. It was devoid of the warmth his mirth would bring, as he’d saunter in bargaining for favours with that artful charm of his.
Files he needed you to fast-track. Stationery he’d tamper with on your desk. His legs crossed in your chair. Even the curls of his cigarette smoke filling your office. All these things were simply no more. 
To the best of your understanding, you’d always thought you hated him. He was everything you were not. Scared of commitment, brazen and sometimes rogue, Javier was a lone wolf. 
Whereas you were reserved, organised, rigid in your ways and a pathological people pleaser. A goody two shoes, to be frank. 
He was everything you thought you hated, but perhaps, he reflected everything you were scared to be. 
For the longest time, you believed you needed someone just like you. A mirror, to be exact. Someone who validated your existence, because they lived in the same skin as you. 
And now, you’re not so sure anymore.
Having somehow misplaced your planner, time had seemed quite blurry, lately. You made a mental note to buy another when you head into town at the weekend, yet part of you wondered what it would be like to be without it. After all, you’d survived the last week. Would it be a disaster? Or would it be freeing?
There was a deep yearning within you to break the monotony and try something new. You longed for the taste of spontaneity and recklessness that Javier had fed you; bit by bit until you’d become addicted to the thought of it. 
You weren’t naive. This didn’t mean you wanted to run away with him, ask to go steady, and pray he’ll change his biology. Pray he’ll commit to you, and you only.
No. The thought of that made you feel sick, even. You’d never want to be the sacrificial lamb who tries to change the wolf, all because she thought there was a chance he could love her, in a different life.
Rather, you longed to give up control to him. You longed to have him knock you down a peg, make you question everything you ever knew about yourself. You longed to see the version of you that complimented him; all rough edges and dark clouds.
But a leopard can’t change its spots - not overnight, anyway - and you didn’t possess the courage needed to make a move. So, ultimately, you got back to work, allowing these new desires to fade into the background.
Perhaps, in the need to catch another kingpin, desperation alone would bring him to your desk, and he’d sweet talk you round to get things moving faster. And you’d flirt back with him, or at least try to, and he’d be surprised; eyes wide and smirk strong.
Such a thought sent a shudder through your body. Perhaps.
Javier Peña couldn’t remember the last time he went over to a woman’s place, without the intention of sleeping with them.
But here he is, standing outside your door. 
He hasn’t seen you in a while, having stood by his word to leave you alone. And although he tells himself he’s just here to return your planner, at last, that doesn’t explain why he decided 9.27 pm would be the best time to come over. 
It also doesn’t explain why he wore that same leather jacket from the night at the bar, when he’d ruined your chances with another guy. Or why he made sure to lock all the car doors and windows, as though he expected to stay awhile.
He knows his chances are slim. But Javier wants to test the odds. 
His knock startles you, and you scramble to fix your appearance, not having expected any visitors this late in the evening.
When you open the door, you’re met with the last person you expected to find there. He’s uncertain, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was nervous. But Javier Peña doesn’t do shy. Reckless and haphazard, perhaps, but not shy. Not like this.
Why is he here? Did Crosby die, or something? You couldn’t imagine why else he’d be here right now.
“W-What happened? Is he alright?” You ask, stuttering in your panic.
He holds his hand out to steady you, firm fingers clasped firmly around your delicate wrist. “Everything’s fine, don’t worry. I just came to return this. I uh- found it in the break room, beneath a pile of magazines.” 
He holds up your planner. But he doesn’t hold it out to you, too scared of you kicking him to the curb once you’ve got it. Before he even has a chance to figure out why he’s here.
“Oh my God! Really? I’ve been looking for it everywhere.” You say, shaking your head in disbelief, still coming down from your earlier panic.
He looks up to the ceiling, not quite sure how to handle the fact you’re quite underdressed; the top buttons of your blouse are undone, revealing the way your breasts are barely contained by the thin satin adorning them. And underneath your skirt, your legs are bare too, a sight that had haunted Javier’s dirty dreams since he first saw them that night with your friends. 
When you’d opened the door, your sweet little gasp of surprise caused his cock to stir in his jeans, and now he’d set his sights on your body, he wanted to hear it again, as he held your thigh against his chest whilst he fucked you deep into the bed.
Shit. He couldn’t take it anymore. He needed to feel you; feel what it’s like to hold your attention completely for a while. Feel you clamping down on him as you said fuck expectations and succumbed to the chaos of carnal pleasure. Pleasure that he was desperate to give you. 
You weren’t a conquest. Not at all. It was just that Javier knew how much you were holding back and holding out on yourself, and he wanted to be the one to show you what it could be like to let loose. To let go and be a little kinder to yourself.
Leaning in closer, he coerces your eyes to meet his, and the intensity of his stare has slick pooling between your thighs. He didn’t even need to touch you. You’d give him anything he asked for.
“So, uh … what’s on the agenda for tonight, then?” He asks, testing the waters.
Your eyes peer up at him. Your want, need and craving staring back at him. It has to be now, he thinks.
“Fuck!” He curses, before his body’s moving yours, walking you back into your apartment with his hands on your hips. 
“Javier! W-what?” You ask, but you don’t get the chance to reply when his lips on yours successfully quiets you. 
“Javier! We should … We should- shouldn’t be-”
“Shouldn’t be doing what, huh?” He counters, his tone laced with amusement.
You don’t have an answer for him, instead your hand grips the back of his neck to pull his mouth back to yours, and in return, you feel him smile through his kisses.
When you reach your bedroom, you situate yourself on the bed whilst pawing at Javier desperately. His belt. His hair. The leather covering his broad shoulders. Your hands reach for whatever they can get. 
“Sweetheart.” He exhales, his voice trying its best to hide his impatience. 
His eyes unable to get enough of you like this, you watch as they roam up along your bare legs, taking in the rare sight of you sans stockings as you lay back on the bed, your supple skin the perfect contrast to the crisp white sheets beneath you. 
His gaze having soaked up enough of your body to drive himself crazy, he eventually moves it upwards to admire your face; the innocence mixed with pent-up frustration divulging how much you need to be touched. How much you need someone to unravel you from head to toe.
“I need-” You begin. “I need it, Javier.” It being every unspoken desire you harbour for this man. Everything you want him to do to you, but you’re too scared to admit. 
“I need more than that. Words, baby. What do you need?”
“I-I need you to show me. Show me what it’s like to let loose … like you said.” Your voice trembles slightly, not used to acting on your wants.
That’s all Javier needs to hear to give him the green light. Then, he’s back on you, mouth latching to any inch of skin he can reach. Trailing kisses down the v of your cleavage, stopping only when your blouse cuts off his access to the heaven below, he moves off the bed to stand beside it.
“Take your clothes off. I need to see you.” He tells you.
“Are you seriously asking me to strip for you?” Your voice is hesitant, worried you’re not going to match up to his other girls if that’s the level of sexy he expected from you. “Is this what it’s always like?” You ask. “With the others?”
“No, fuck I- … I’ll mess up the buttons on your pretty shirt if I try. Maybe you should-”
You cut him off. “Yeah, that’s good.”
He watches you unfasten each button, one by one, and you’re taking too long for his liking. It’s not deliberate on your part, it’s just that you’re wearing satin and the garment had to be handled delicately. By the time he’s removed his leather jacket and his shirt, you haven’t even made it past your tits. 
It’s not enough. There are still too many parts of you concealed from him, and Javier decides that messing up the buttons wouldn’t be that bad after all, as he replaces your nimble fingers with his own rough hands, opening your shirt with a few harsh tugs before wrangling it over your head. 
When he’s gotten it off, he tosses the somewhat wrecked garment aside before hiking your skirt up to pool around your tummy, and his rough touch has you moaning loudly.
“Javier…” You whine.
“Javi, baby. You call me Javier when I’m getting on your nerves at work.” He gives you a cheeky smile, relaxing you. “This is different.”
You try it out, the name tasting unfamiliar on your tongue. “J-Javi …” You moan, deciding it tastes good in your mouth.
“There you go, baby.” He praises, his face lighting up at your submission, but also at the fact you seem to be enjoying yourself, as that’s all he wants out of this; for you to feel good.
He kisses and nips at the soft skin of your belly whilst he tugs your panties down your legs. They stick to your pussy, at first, due to how much slick has gathered within them, but you lift your hips eagerly to help him, and Javier’s taken aback by just how vocal you’re proving to be. How pretty the sounds you’re making are. 
However, he doesn’t know that you’ve already written this off as being a one-time thing. You figured that If you were only going to be able to have him once, you might as well go all in and enjoy yourself. Right?
Having stripped you of your panties, he quickly pockets them in his jeans, but not quick enough for it to escape your notice. 
“What are you going to do with those?” 
Your expression is guarded, concern causing you to shift back up the bed slightly. Javier’s stomach drops as he sees you slip away from him slightly, and he’s consumed by the need to reassure you.
“Nothing you don’t want me to do.” He says, hand gently working your calf to relax you. “Do you trust me?”
You probably shouldn’t, but you do. “Yes.”
“Good.” He taps his pocket with your underwear inside. “A precaution. You’ll have to speak to me again after this. If you want these back, of course.” 
It’s the way that even his filth is somehow laced with sweetness that comforts you, and you settle closer to him on the bed, allowing his hands access to your body again. His experience now blatantly obvious to you, Javier swiftly slips your bra off, mouth instantly latching on to your nipple as he teases it with his tongue.
“Javiiii … “ You whine, writhing under his touch. Hand caught in his soft curls, your fingers press his head closer to you, which is frankly impossible, but still, you try; unable to get enough of him.
“What, baby? What is it, huh?” 
Arching your back as his tongue swipes at a particularly sensitive spot, you mewl. “Touch me, please.”
He lifts his mouth from your tit with a wet pop. “What do you mean?” He asks with a smirk. “Looks like I’m already doing that, no?”
Javier’s greeted with a cute, yet frustrated grumble from you. “Touch me there.”
“Where?” He knows you won’t explicitly tell him where, but he continues to tease it out of you. 
“You want me to touch your pretty cunt?”
“Oh my God …” You cry out. “You’re so dirty.”
Taking your words as praise, he finds himself needing to prove to you how dirty he can be. 
He flips you onto your belly, and as you go to raise yourself up on your forearms, he beats you to it, pulling your ass up and causing your back to arch. Shoving your skirt out of the way, he leans over you for a moment, tangling his hand in your hair as he massages your scalp, subtly pushing your head further into the pillows. It’s a signal. It says relax, I’ve got you. But it also says don’t move, this is exactly how I want you.
You lose it when his mouth latches onto your pussy, tongue licking thick stripes through your folds as you open up for him. 
“Fuuuck!” His lips suckle and kiss your hole in a wet frenzy, as you squeal before quietly cursing yourself for being so noisy.
Javier watches you plant your face into the pillow, trying to muffle your sounds of pleasure. He reaches a big hand back into your hair to turn your head sideways, as he urges you. “Don’t hide from me, baby. This sweet little pussy deserves to feel good.” 
His words are made even filthier by the sounds of him mouthing kisses on your cunt. You moan for him, louder this time. “It tastes so good, too, just like honey. Do you want me to keep going?”
“Yes!” You beg. 
Javier stops. He lifts his mouth from your centre, only to spit on it. A mixture of your slick and his spit runs down, past your hole and onto the sheets below you; the lewd sound of his fingers toying with your combined juices has your shoulders digging further into the bed. He’s driving you wild.
His fingers nudging at your entrance, you call out to him. “Javi … m-maybe we should slow down, we’re getting the bed all wet.” Your hands fist the sheets, hoping to draw his attention to the soaked fabric as your eyes plead with him.
Pausing the exploration of his fingers, Javier moves his head to the side to check your expression. You look embarrassed. Ashamed of feeling this good, and he can’t have that. He’s not used to women who are so stubborn in receiving pleasure. 
But then again, you weren’t most women, and that’s what drew him to you in the first place.
“Sweetheart, you say the word and we’ll stop.” He reassures you, and you shoot him a grateful, yet timid smile in return.
“But you shouldn’t ever feel embarrassed about this.” His thumb finds a pearl of wetness pooling at your entrance and he drags it up, smearing it everywhere, and you feel it too, as the cool air hits the slick now covering your ass cheeks. 
“This, is so fucking sexy, princesa. And it’s going to get messier, still, when you come on my mouth.” 
Princess, he calls you again. And the way your pussy clamps down on nothing tells him you like this pet name, after all.
“You good?” He asks, his concern genuine.
“G-Good.” You squeak in reply, before stretching out on the bed again.
And with your affirmation, he ducks his head down to bury his face in your pussy, again. But this time, he’s increased his force; his tongue darting inside your hole whilst one hand grips your thigh tightly. The other finds its way back into your hair, caressing your scalp and gently tugging to coax you further out of your shell. 
“J-Javi!” You moan his name again, liking the way the sound of it moves through your body. Like it was yours to keep, for just one night. 
“Yeah, you like that baby?” He goads, mouth never leaving the paradise between your legs as his nose nudges your swollen clit. You feel every syllable vibrate through you. “You like getting your cunt eaten?” 
“Javi, please.” You whine, volume no longer a concern of yours.
He knows you’re close, can feel you throb against his tongue, and your thigh shakes underneath his hand. He moves both hands to spread your cheeks, allowing him to dive even deeper and tongue-fuck you even harder.
“That’s it princesa. Sweet girl. I’ve got you. Give it all to me.” He coos, lapping at your clit to draw out your orgasm. 
You come in a symphony of whines, mewls and cries. Your pussy soaking his face, as well as the sheets, just as he promised you. 
And Javier works you through it, drinking up your nectar and prolonging your orgasm until your body falls flat on the bed in exhaustion. He figures it had been a while for you, so it was no surprise that you looked as though he’d just fucked you to sleep. 
Now pliant in his arms, he moves his hand back to your head, petting you as you come down. “That’s it, baby. So fucking good for me. You did so well, huh?”
“Javi … “ You groan, voice hoarse from all the noise you made. His grip on your hair is firm enough that you feel yourself leaking again, already, and you reach behind yourself to feel him.
“Shhhh, baby. I’m right here. What do you want?”
Everything you have.
Such a thought scares you, and so you turn onto your back to tell him. “It’s fine, I-I’m all good now … you should-.” 
“I’m not going anywhere. Not until you tell me what you want.” So stubborn, he thinks. Can’t you see he needs you just as bad?
The sound that comes out of your mouth is just above a whisper. “You, Javi. I want you.”
You sound so sweet, beckoning him to you like that, and he pushes your legs apart before pushing a finger into your sopping heat, soon adding another when you purr for him.
“Well, you’ve got me, alright. You didn’t even need to ask nicely.” He smirks at you, and you would’ve rolled your eyes had he not been taking you apart with his fingers so good. 
Reaching for his belt, you coo to him. “I want to touch you, s’not fair …”
And, well, Javier would be a fool to deny you. He makes quick work of his belt and zipper before pulling his jeans off, and then he’s kneeling on the bed. Right in front of you, where you can see him; throbbing, the tip flushed red, aching for the touch of a woman. 
He gives himself a few firm tugs, before groaning out as his strokes get faster. His gaze locks on you. Your eyes blown wide, lips parted and tongue peeking out in thirst, as you arch your hips up towards him. 
“Fuck.” He leans forward to capture your lips, but your hand on his chest stops him halfway.
You look up at him in expectation, your eyes unsure of what it is you’re asking for.
“What is it? Are you okay?” He asks in earnest. 
“I … I want to see you … touch it.” You say, voice as soft as a kitten.
And Javier groans. He settles his legs on either side of you as his hand returns to his cock. You can see that he’s teasing himself, playing with the tip and smearing his precum down the underside. Is that for your benefit? It’s somehow become more than a little friendly stress relief between colleagues; he’s showing off for you.
“Baby!” You whine, hands grabbing at his forearms to stop him.
Well that was unexpected. But he liked it. Liked the way you were getting into it enough to call him baby. Releasing his cock from his grip, he looks at you. You reach for his soft brown curls again, pulling him down to your lips.
Between kisses, he taunts. “Thought you wanted to watch, princesa. Huh?”
“I’ve seen enough. I need you to … “
“Need me to what?” His expression plays at being serious, but his tone tells you he’s teasing. 
He knows you don’t want to say it, but he’s not letting you off that easily.
“I need you to … “ You begin, but you can’t say it. “I need you …” You beg, instead, wrapping a leg around his lower back in an attempt to get his cock inside of you.
Javier chuckles at this. He should’ve known you wouldn’t be willing to admit what you’re about to do. With a wrecked sigh, he grabs your thighs and pulls your sweet cunt onto his cock.
The sounds you both let out excite each other further, and as Javier opens you up on his hardness, you mewl at the stretch. It stings perfectly, reminding you, once again, that your experience is no match for his. You squirm on the bed desperately as he gives you more of himself.
“So tight.” He grits. “Doing so good, princesa. Taking me so well. Look at that … “ He marvels, looking down to where your pussy is stretched out around him. He pulls out slightly to show you how your juices have soaked him. “Already, huh?”
You let out a high pitch, girlish sound at the depraved sight. There couldn’t be any doubt. That was you. Your body taking his, and it fills you with a peculiar sense of pride.
He pulls out again, teasing your clit with the tip; tapping it against your nub until he’s satisfied that you’ll have to throw these sheets out with how wet you’ve gotten them. It catches on the rim of your hole a few times as he pushes it back inside, eventually getting tired of his own teasing and pushing in all the way.
“Fuck, yesss.” You praise, your hand fumbling to hold his. Javier gives you one of his hands and you intertwine it with your own, resting it atop your hip. His other hand, however, holds your leg, spreading it wide as he fucks into you deeply.
He’s on his knees, his back straight as he drives forward, and your hips are raised, almost as if you’re perched on his legs. Javier fucks you until you’re both spent, and as you both near your peaks, he crawls up to lean over you; mouth pressed to your ear, tongue licking at your skin whilst he fills your ear with pure filth. 
His change of position has you practically bent in half, your hips lifting off the bed as he pounds you down into the mattress.
“Princesa …” He rasps. “Need you to come on my cock … show me how much you like it.”
“J-Javi … “ Your hands tug at his hair roughly, cunt clenching down on his thickness.
His thumb rubs your clit faster now, as you get louder. “How much you like the way I fuck this sweet little pussy like it’s mine. Always so uptight, huh? Turns out you just needed to get fucked like one of my girls-”
You cry out as your orgasm hits you, and as you come all over him, Javier talks you through it. His thrusts now slower, but deeper. 
Again, you roll your head to the side, hoping to drown your cries in the pillow, but Javier quickly sets it back in place, needing to hear it all come out.
“That’s it. There’s my feisty princesa … let it all out.” He coos.
And he wants to sneak a glance at where you’re soaking him, but he’s taken by the innocent look in your eyes as you let go for him.
Forehead now pressed against yours, he kisses your face whilst soothing you with his soft gaze. And the way you’re looking back at him reassures Javier that his last comment didn’t offend you. 
Who knew you secretly liked his filthiness?
Satisfied you’re finished cumming, he pulls out and begins jerking himself over you.
“Javi, baby.” You coo. “I want to see you. Want to feel you on my skin.” 
It’s the gentleness within your voice that sends him over the edge and Javier comes in spurts, painting the skin above your mound with his seed. Some of it spills onto your pussy, too, and he feels another wave rush over him as he watches his cum coat your puffy hole. 
“Fuck.” He curses, nose nuzzling your throat before he collapses beside you. 
“Yeah … “ 
He places a quick kiss on your lips. “Did you enjoy yourself?” 
You nod, trying to curb your enthusiasm by biting your lip. But Javier can see through it, considering he’s an agent.
Or was it because he’d gotten better at reading you? 
“Thanks.” You offer awkwardly.
“Jesus Christ … “ A large hand palms his face. “Please tell me you didn’t just thank me. I’m not an escort, no matter what you might think.”
That has you giggling, quietly. 
“You know that’s not what I meant, Javier.”
So you were back to that, huh? Javier feels himself tense at the change of address.
Deciding to give himself a moment, he tells you. “I’ll be right back.” Before getting up and heading into the bathroom.
He returns a moment later with something to clean you up. As he softly swipes the cloth over your sensitive folds, he searches for something in your expression. Something he can’t seem to define.
Leave it alone, he reminds himself as he settles back on the bed, next to you. You feel his chest press against your side as he hovers over you, hand caressing your hip, whilst his eyes avoid yours.
“Well, um … I guess that’s it. Wow … “ You say, dazed, as though you’d never truly experienced pleasure before.
Without asking you, of course, he lights a cigarette. “Well, you know where to find me … “ He says, voice trailing off in implication.
“That won’t be necessary.” You chuckle. 
“I should probably get back to searching for a husband.”
“You know, I’ve got a five-year plan waiting on me.” You breathe, and Javier notices that you almost look unsure. “What about Van Ness? He’s one of your agents, right?”
“What about him?” He replies.
“I see him around the office … he’s cute. Is he single?” 
“Princesa … “ He groans, and you cut him off.
“I thought we were done with that whole thing now.” Your eyes dart around the room, suddenly shy. 
He hums in thought. “Never had a woman talk about another man whilst she’s in bed with me.” Tutting, he pretends to appear offended. 
Yes. Pretends.
You give him another girlish giggle, and it warms his blood again.
“Well … Is he single?” You repeat, eyes alight with hope.
Huffing out, he reaches over to the ashtray on the nightstand. “You’ll have to ask him.” 
“You haven’t thought it all through though. Not properly.” He says.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, where do you want to live when you’re married? Colombia?”
You shake your head.
“Van Ness is DEA. We’re the kind of guys that find it hard to settle down in one place. I can’t see him leaving Colombia just yet, not whilst the action’s still here … “ 
He’s got a point, though you hate to admit it.
“Whatever.” You groan. “No DEA guys then.”
“Except me.” He interjects, smirking at you.
“Including you!”
Stubbing out his cigarette, Javier moves his body over yours, looking down at you with a gaze so intensely affectionate, it renders you speechless.
But then his signature, winning smile returns. “What I’m hearing … princesa. Is that your search is futile, right now. As long as you’re in Colombia, anyway.”
His thumb traces your bottom lip, and you can’t help but open up for him. It seems as though he’s unlocked a new weapon to torment you with; his touch. As, currently, you’re unable to resist even the slightest sensation: a featherlight graze of his fingertips on your body.
“The way I see it. You might as well enjoy yourself some more. Marriage is always going to be there.” 
He winks at you, and you want to throttle him. Like that day in your office, when he’d interrupted your call. 
But you end up doing something else.
You close your lips around his thumb, sucking him further into your warmth, whilst simultaneously staring daggers into him. 
Always so stubborn, Javier’s reminded.
“There’s my feisty girl, huh?”
Thank you so much for reading! Please consider commenting or reblogging if you enjoyed it. <3
Taglist for this fic: @gracieispunk @queerponcho @darkerskylines @soaringcloud @kirsteng42
Shoutout to the bestie, @gracieispunk for helping me out with this and for taking my initial ideas to the next level with your genius. Eternally grateful for your support! <3
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mariacallous · 4 months
Earlier this year, McKinsey executives found themselves in serious political trouble. The Financial Times reported that their China branch had boasted in 2019 of its economic advice to the Chinese central government, while a McKinsey-led think tank prepared a book which advised China to “deepen cooperation between business and the military and push foreign companies out of sensitive industries.”
McKinsey, which had previously gotten media attention for promoting China’s Belt and Road initiative, responded with a statement saying that China’s central government had never to its knowledge been a client, and stressing its “75 year history of supporting the US government.” But the damage was done: Senior Republican policymakers called for McKinsey to be banned from tens of millions of dollars in federal contracts.
Once, information brokers like McKinsey could advise governments and share data across national borders with little controversy. Now, they are being forced to make hard choices—and not just by U.S. politicians. The Beijing branch of the Mintz group, a consultancy specializing in due diligence, was raided last year by Chinese authorities, which had apparently started worrying that accurate statistics about the Chinese economy were a national security threat. Bain, which provides detailed advice to corporations, was raided a month later.
These changes in practice go hand in hand with changes in regulation. Although China has eased off on some of the harshest implications of its new rules preventing the export of data, businesses still face serious uncertainty over what information they can export and what they can’t. The U.S, long notoriously lax in its treatment of sensitive data, has acquired a newfound zeal to prevent the export of certain kinds of information and moved sharply away from its past blanket support of “free cross-border information flows.”
Not so long ago, consultancies and other information brokers could work easily with different clients in different countries. Just as they talked to competing firms, they advised competing governments. In 2015, when senior McKinsey partner Lola Woetzel hoped the think tank’s book “provides useful input for the planning and development of China’s technology enterprises and government institutions,” she likely didn’t think she was making a controversial statement.
But what may have seemed banal then may now be depicted as smoking gun evidence that companies are helping the enemy. For decades, business leaders assumed that globalization meant market expansion. Their big worry was gaining and keeping market share, and competing with their rivals. Now, they are being thrown unprepared into a world where globalization means geopolitical risk—and information is the riskiest asset of all.
Top officials in Washington and Beijing no longer see economic information simply as the fuel for innovation and better business services. Instead, they worry about economic confrontation and act on fears over what might happen if there was an actual war, where data could power artificial intelligence, disinformation or surveillance. As markets become battlefields, government leaders begin to worry about who has crucial information about the contours of the combat zone—and who they might be sharing it with.
That is why leaders on both sides of the Pacific are ratcheting up actions aimed to limit the exchange of strategic information. Semiconductors—where the U.S. has imposed extensive restrictions on the export of tools and expertise—took the first hit. Now, business consultancies and compliance groups are in trouble. Soon, it may be everyone.
Once, information brokering seemed to be politically risk free. When political consultancies like McKinsey were criticized, it was usually left wingers deploring their business advice, not centrists and conservatives condemning their work with adversary governments. As governments realized they needed greater information and access, they started to rely more on international consultants, which worked with many clients in many countries.
Consultancy firms were already crucial middlemen in the globalized economy, providing advice and shaping so-called best practices. Big companies in Beijing could see what their peers in Boston were doing, and adapt it to local circumstances. Consultants began to do the same for government clients. Other major international businesses, such as accountancy firms and data brokers, got in on the action, providing governments with specialized information that they didn’t have themselves.
Just as specialized compliance firms told business how to raise capital or make safe investments under different regulatory regimes, business consultancies advised governments how to attract investment, optimize public service delivery, and learn from what other regulators were doing. Governments saw themselves as innovating and competing for market share in a global economy. That seemed to allow information brokers to become middlemen for governments too.
Businesses are rarely happy when an information broker offers advice to an economic competitor as well as to themselves, but they can live with it, so long as confidentiality is preserved. When governments thought of themselves like businesses, they could accept the same rough bargain.
All that has changed now that governments worry less about market competition and more about security competition. What once seemed like market advice to competing governments may now seem like trading information with the enemy. Building up an adversary’s economy may help fuel a military machine that might someday be used against you, and providing data and information might directly enhance their arsenal. Microsoft offered to “relocate” cloud computing staff from China amidst dire pronouncements from the Biden administration that cloud computing might help adversaries train AI.
These sweeping changes explain McKinsey’s current troubles. Business activities that seemed innocuous a few years ago may be depicted as near-treasonous today. Companies that did not directly engage with foreign governments, but that just gathered market information, face similar dilemmas. Chinese regulators justified their action against Mintz by claiming that the company had conducted “foreign-related statistical investigations.”
In a world of geopolitical competition, even apparently innocent collection of economic data can be penalized harshly. After all, other governments could potentially use such data to discover and exploit economic vulnerabilities, discovering which businesses have financial relationships with which, or which rely on foreign technologies that might be weaponized against them.
The U.S. has already acted to choke off China’s access to certain highly advanced semiconductors, and has targeted businesses with close relationships to China’s military.
China has cut off foreign access to key data on business relationships and technological advances, which it fears may be deployed against it.
Chinese officials have also complained furiously at U.S. actions, but their rhetorical conversion to the gospel of free exchange of information is belated and hypocritical. China does not just censor its own citizens and try to silence dissidents abroad. It has spent decades enthusiastically trying to force reporters and information companies to comply with the party line, exploiting the vulnerabilities of parent companies, which want access to China’s market.
When Bloomberg ran a story on the corruption of China’s party elite, the government searched its bureaus and ordered state-owned companies not to lease Bloomberg terminals. Bloomberg reportedly killed a second story that would bring the corruption story closer to Xi Jinping, suspending, and later firing, the reporter responsible, reportedly for revealing what had happened.
The U.S. and China have each made efforts to limit the economic repercussions. Jake Sullivan, the White House national security advisor, has taken to using the more anodyne term “derisking” as an alternative to “decoupling,” and has stressed that the U.S. wants a “small yard, high fence” approach that would limit China’s access to a limited number of “foundational” technologies, while allowing continued financial and informational exchange elsewhere. China has partly rolled back a national security law that would have made it vastly more difficult for companies to transfer internal data across borders.
But even so, the trend seems to point toward more restrictions on information exchange rather than less. It is nearly impossible to define what “foundational” technologies are in advance, or to keep the yard small when a bipartisan coalition wants to dramatically expand it. And while some in China’s complex internal political system might want continued international exchange of trade and information, national security hawks are ascendant, suggesting that the future may see more rather than fewer restrictions on information exchange.
Nor are traditional information brokers like McKinsey—or even Ernst & Young—the only plausible targets. The U.S. Congress has started investigating whether cranes used at U.S. ports are phoning back to the mothership in China, while the E.U. worries about Chinese produced airport screening equipment The data revolution means that nearly every major business is an information broker, and hence at risk of being targeted or pressed into service as a possible unwilling combatant.
Indiscriminate data collection has itself become a risky bet as the logic of national security devours the globalized economy. TikTok’s business model and its Chinese roots have led U.S. politicians to see it as an urgent national security risk. That is why they swiftly passed legislation intended either to force its sale or shut down its U.S. operations. Biden administration executive orders limit cloud service providers and data brokers from sending data to China. Elon Musk has had to hustle and build an alliance with Baidu to get China to consider approving Tesla’s compliance with data security laws.
Every prominent international business that extensively gathers data risks unwelcome attention and action. And nearly everyone is gathering data. So what can businesses do to minimize the risk of being McKinseyed?
The first and most obvious step is to map their exposure. Companies need to understand how much they have become information brokers, the specific information and data that they have collected, and the different jurisdictions that they are exposed to. Very often, data practices are consigned to middle management and company lawyers—but they now pose potential existential risks.
As a result, capacity needs to be built at the level of top management. Senior executives in strategic sectors of technology, such as semiconductor production, have had to educate themselves in a hurry about how geopolitics is transforming their business model.
Some businesses will have to consider reforming their internal organizational structures to make themselves more robust. McKinsey itself is moving toward a more centralized risk management system to make it less likely that ambitious partners, hungry to grow their client relationships, create risk for the firm as a whole.
But for some businesses, the best step may be the most radical one—considering whether they want to be in the business of information gathering and brokering at all. As Fourcade and Healy suggest, the drive to gather data on everything was at least as much the result of businesses piling in on what everyone else was doing, as of cool consideration of the possible business model.
Others may want to support national privacy and data protection laws that they previously opposed. Such laws provide them with a potential legal shield against foreign demands for data and information that would hurt their reputation and get them into political trouble back home. Finally, businesses may find themselves increasingly forced to choose between the U.S. and China.
Information brokers like McKinsey and Bain have long been criticized for their association with a particular model of globalized capitalism. That model is in trouble—and so are the businesses that helped propagate its gospel. As information increasingly comes to be seen not solely as an economic input, but also as a source of geopolitical risk and disadvantage, McKinsey won’t be the last information broker to end up being targeted by angry politicians.
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betzabobababi · 2 years
Hello Hello! There aren't any pairings for this story I think? (for y/n) Enjoy!!! ANY feedback is appreciated. Please reblog if you like the story, it helps other people experience peoples writing/stories
Pairings: Peter x Mj Ned x Betty x (baby) Emerson Y/n x Lonelynes
Warnings: Swearing - Lonleyness - Weddings - mentions of being drunk (from song lyric)
Summary: Y/n is struggling to move on to the next chapter of their life.
Inspired by: 24-Sundial
"Im 24 now still at my parents house"
You had turned 24 a few days ago, and you still lived with your parents. You constantly tried to move forward and onward but it was difficult. Especially knowing that you did but didn't want to leave Queens.
"Thought I would have figured it out"
You needed a change of scenery but you didn't want to be in a place completely new. So you thought why not move in with my sister. And that worked well until she broke up with her high school sweet-heart and moved to LA. By then you had started to save money so you could move out and move to the outer part of town.
"Friends getting married"
Peter your best friend since both of you were babies and the love of your life had recently gotten engaged to his high school sweet-heart. Michelle Jones, or as most people knew her Mj. She was one of the most bad ass women you had ever met. Coming in second place after meeting Pepper. You were happy for them you really were, but it hurt you on so many levels to see the one and only person you loved getting married, to someone that isn't you.
"One has a baby"
Ned and Betty had gotten married 2 years after high school and they had just brought the little bundle of Joy, Emerson into the world. Emerson looked like if Ned and Betty were conjoined together. Emerson was the carbon copy of both of them. Having both, their looks, brains, and attitude, Emerson was a tiny little baby Einstein in a stroller.
"I barely recognize this town"
Everything changed after high school. You would run into people that you talked to frequently during school, and now you wouldn't recognize them. They would frequently tell you the same thing "Oh you haven't changed at all!" You of course knew that. You knew that you hadn't changed since senior year. You also knew you Needed to change.
"Mama asked me what my plan is for the future"
Alas you ended up moving back in with your parents. You had gone to college but you were never able to actually get hired in the expertise you studied. Your mom would constantly ask you what you would do with your life. Your response was always the same. "I don't know mum, I believe in fate"
"Im 24 now thought I could finally settle down"
You stared at the dimly lit phone screen. It was a website to sign up for speed blind dating. You thought that if you couldn't get Peter then you'd do your best to move on. So here you were in an uncomfortable chair listening to the 10th guy of the night rambling on about how successful they are and how you're stunning and that the both of you would make perfect heirs for their companies.
"Parties end before im drunk"
"Friday night im tired as fuck"
"I dont know how I ended up like this"
"Can someone tell me what the hell I missed?"
You were sick and tired of living like this. You needed a way out. Everyone else was moving on succefuly why couldn't you do the same? Every night you would be laying in your childhood bedroom staring at the ceiling contemplating the meaning of life. Contemplating where you went wrong. Contemplating how you could turn your shitty life around.
"Got no friends, just lots of stress"
The day of Peter's and Mj's wedding finally arrived. You were Mj's Maid of Honor and you also walked Peter down the aisle. May had gotten into a car accident and badly broken her leg so you did her the favor of walking Peter down. Of course it hurt like hell to watch the love of your life and one of your best friends exchanging vows with the most perfect girl in the world.
"It feels like yesterday when we were kids"
You got the 'honor' of saying a speech for both Peter and Mj. You reluctantly walked up the stage and started saying your speech. For Mj it was just saying how lucky she was to find the most caring man you had ever met and having the privilege to marry him. For Peter though, it was a different story. Being his bestfriend meant you had full consent to say embarrassing stories about the both of you. Towards the end of your speech you broke down crying. You brushed it off saying they were happy tears but in reality they were tears of acceptance. You cried because you accepted the fact that you'd be alone forever. You accepted 'giving' your best friend 'away'. You accepted the fact that Peter was never meant to be yours.
"Can someone tell me what the hell I missed? 'Cause I don't know
"Sleep till the sun's down, another breakdown
Feels like the days are all the same
New type of anxious, school never taught this
And what the fuck are taxes anyway?"
You would stay In bed all day and cry the whole time after the wedding. Everysingle day was the same. Eat-Work-Cry-Sleep over and over and over again. Bills were piling up. It's not that you didn't have the money, its more of like you not having the motivation to do anything.
"I tell myself I won't be cynical and bitter
And now I see it when I'm looking in the mirror"
You needed to leave the shell. You needed to get your ass up and work your ass off. You Needed Change
"I'm 24 now, wondering when I will be okay"
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harumiflag · 2 years
Panasonic in HARUMI FLAG, Tokyo, 2020
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Harumi Flag, a new urban development project located in the Harumi 5-Chome District, has been launched. This development is touted as one of the legacies of the Tokyo 2020 Games.
This 18-hectare area will hold 5,632 privately-owned and rental apartments in 23 buildings. It will accommodate a total of 12,000 residents by 2024.
Energy Management
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government, in partnership with ten private companies, is planning to redevelop the buildings that hosted the Olympic Village of the 2020 Games into an urban town called HARUMI FLAG. The new town will incorporate residential condominiums, child care facilities, and senior housing to accommodate a wide variety of people’s lifestyles and needs.
The town will use hydrogen as its primary power source, though conventional grid-supplied electricity can be used to supplement it. The area will also use solar generation and power storage systems in common-use spaces in 21 high rises that are now under construction.
In addition to providing hydrogen, HARUMI FLAG will also utilize an area energy management system** to monitor and control electricity consumption in each of the town’s residential blocks. Data from each block will be analyzed by the energy management system to lower reliance on conventional grid-supplied power and to help predict peak demand. By using these solutions, HARUMI FLAG will become an innovative model for sustainable development.
Security & Disaster Prevention
HARUMI FLAG is the name of the game in the snazzy new town being developed by a handful of well-heeled developers. This 13.9 hectare urban village will rewrite the rules of urban renewal and make Tokyo a more livable city for all. Panasonic is proud to be a part of this bold initiative that promises a new era in city planning and management.
Aside from the requisite security and surveillance, the real show stoppers are a handful of innovative features and technologies that will leave a lasting impression on visitors of all ages. Among these is the aforementioned 750 network-connected cameras which send pictures and videos to a specialized emergency response center. Other gizmos include a virtual reality experience which will give the residents a sense of what's in store when they move into their new home in 2024. Moreover, the aforementioned technology is matched with a smart phone enabled security system that will notify users via text message and email as soon as a break-in is detected.
Public Area Lighting
HARUMI FLAG is the first town in Japan with a full-scale hydrogen energy infrastructure system that includes a station, pipelines and hydrogen fuel cell generators. A group of private companies, leveraging the expertise and funds of the Tokyo government, is engaged in unified development and operation of this 18-hectare area.
Panasonic is a key player in this project, offering a comprehensive package of urban development solutions including Hydrogen Power Generation, Energy Management and Security & Disaster Prevention. 750 network-connected cameras are also deployed in town areas and common-use spaces to ensure security for residents. Finally, the HARUMI FLAG sales center features a cutting-edge VR (virtual reality) display that demonstrates how to make the most of a small screen in a large space using a high-brightness laser display. It is a highly entertaining experience. It’s also a smart way to get a glimpse of a future town in the making. The technology is a product of the long and close partnership between Panasonic and the Tokyo metropolitan government.
Virtual Reality Experience
Virtual reality (VR) is computer technology that makes you feel like you are in another place. The software produces images, sounds and other sensations to create a world that appears to be real, but it's all a simulation. Check their site to know more details HARUMI FLAG/晴海フラッグ
A VR system typically requires a headset, a computer, and a device that creates a 3D environment. It may also have sensors that can collect stimuli response information and send it back to the VR system to improve the experience.
A number of industries are benefiting from VR technology, including science and medicine, entertainment, education and real estate. A VR system could allow a doctor to practice procedures with virtual patients without putting them at risk, for example, or architects can show detailed plans in 3D before a building is built.
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movingcompaniesusa · 21 hours
Evolution Moving Company, LLC Expands Their Services to Fort Worth, TX
Evolution Moving Company, LLC is excited to announce the expansion of their comprehensive moving services to Fort Worth, TX. Renowned for simplifying the moving experience, the company is eager to bring their trusted services to families and businesses in Fort Worth, delivering the same exceptional quality that has earned them a strong reputation across Texas.
Company Background Starting as a family-owned business, Evolution Moving Company has grown into one of Texas’s leading moving companies. Specializing in residential and commercial moves, as well as offering packing and storage solutions, they have built their reputation on professionalism, efficiency, and a dedication to meeting a diverse range of moving needs.
Mission and Vision Evolution Moving's mission is to provide stress-free, seamless moving experiences for each client. Their vision of customer-first service and commitment to quality has driven their continued growth, ensuring that every move is carried out with precision, care, and attention to detail.
Reasons for Expansion The increasing demand for reliable, high-quality moving services in Fort Worth made it a natural choice for Evolution Moving's next step in expansion. By bringing their expertise to this thriving city, they aim to offer residents the dependable and flexible moving solutions they deserve.
Services Offered in Fort Worth In Fort Worth, Evolution Moving Company offers a full range of services, including senior relocations, local residential moves, expert packing, and secure storage solutions. Their personalized approach ensures that every client's unique needs are met with flexibility and care, making the moving process smoother and more efficient.
The Team The backbone of Evolution Moving’s success is their dedicated, skilled team. Known for their professionalism, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence, the movers ensure that even the most complex relocations are handled efficiently and smoothly, giving clients peace of mind throughout the process.
Community Engagement As part of their expansion into Fort Worth, Evolution Moving Company is committed to actively engaging with local organizations, senior living communities, and local events. This involvement reflects their dedication not only to business success but also to becoming an integral, supportive part of the Fort Worth community.
Customer Success Stories Throughout their journey, Evolution Moving has helped countless customers achieve stress-free relocations. Their commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in the many positive reviews and repeat clients who appreciate their top-notch service, attention to detail, and dedication to meeting every moving need.
Looking Ahead As Evolution Moving Company establishes itself in Fort Worth, they are eager to continue their growth. With plans to introduce new services and continually improve their technology, they are well-positioned to maintain their reputation for excellence while meeting the evolving needs of Fort Worth residents and businesses.
Conclusion With expansion of Evolution Moving Company, LLC in Fort Worth TX is ready to provide reliable, efficient, and caring moving services to the local community. Whether you require assistance with a residential move or need specialized moving services, Evolution Moving Company is your trusted partner for a smooth and successful relocation in Fort Worth.
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Important Competencies for the Australian Role of ICT Project Manager 135112
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As per the Australian Computer Society (ACS), the ICT Project Manager 135112 function involves an extensive array of duties that necessitate a distinct set of competencies. The core competencies required to be successful in Australia as an ICT Project Manager 135112 will be discussed in this article.
What is the ICT Project Manager 135112 Role?
Allow us to first discuss the role's objectives before moving on to the essential competencies needed for an ICT project manager in Australia. ICT Project Manager 135112: An organization's ICT projects must be planned, carried out, and completed under the guidance of an ACS Australia Assessment. For projects to be completed on time and with high-quality deliverables, this entails setting goals, planning timelines, assigning resources, and supervising teams.
Key Skills for Success in the ICT Project Manager 135112 Role
1. Strong Leadership Skills
One of the most crucial skills for an ICT Project Manager is strong leadership abilities. As a project manager, you will be responsible for guiding and motivating your team members, providing direction, and resolving conflicts effectively. Strong leadership skills are essential to keep the project on track and ensure that team members are working cohesively towards a common goal.
2. Excellent Communication Skills
Effective communication is key to the success of any project manager. As an ICT Project Manager 135112, you will need to communicate with various stakeholders, including team members, clients, and senior management. Having everyone understand the project's objectives, schedule, and expectations is ensured via clear and succinct communication.
3. Project Management Expertise
To succeed in the function of ICT Project Manager, one must have a strong understanding of project management approaches, such as Agile or Waterfall. To properly plan, carry out, and track the progress of a project, you should be knowledgeable about the tools and procedures of project management. It is also very helpful to have prior experience with budget control and risk management.
4. Technical Proficiency
In the ICT sector, project managers need to be technically proficient. You should be well-versed in a range of technologies and able to understand the technical aspects of the projects you oversee. You will be able to assess risks, make wise decisions, and fix technical issues as they arise with the help of this information.
5. Ability to Solve Issues
Throughout the course of the project, you, as an ICT project manager, will face several obstacles. To recognize problems, determine their underlying causes, and create solutions that will keep the project moving forward, one needs to possess strong problem-solving abilities. The ability to think critically and adjust to changing circumstances is necessary for overcoming obstacles and finishing a job successfully.
In conclusion, a broad range of skills, including technical expertise, communication, leadership, project management, and problem-solving ability, are necessary for the ICT Project Manager 135112 position in Australia.
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Why Privatizing Social Security is a Risky Proposition
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Social Security has long been a crucial part of retirement planning for millions of Americans. The assurance of a steady income during retirement provides peace of mind, allowing seniors to live with dignity. Yet, discussions and debates about its future have introduced a controversial idea: privatization. While the idea might seem attractive at first glance, understanding its implications is vital.
What is Privatization?
Privatization of Social Security suggests moving from a system where contributions are pooled and then distributed based on a defined formula, to one where individuals manage personal investment accounts. This concept, while appealing to some due to the potential for higher individual returns, comes with significant risks.
The Hidden Dangers
Market Volatility: Unlike the current stable system, privatized accounts would be subject to market fluctuations. At times of economic downturn, retirees relying on these accounts could face severe financial hardship.
Investment Expertise: Not everyone possesses the skills needed to effectively manage investments. This could lead to failures in planning, leaving many without enough savings for retirement.
Increased Inequality: Privatization could widen wealth gaps, as those with more resources and financial knowledge stand to benefit more than those without.
Higher Administrative Costs: Managing private accounts would incur greater administrative expenses, reducing the overall funds available for distribution.
A Call to Preserve Security
The shift to privatized accounts could undermine the core promise of Social Security: providing reliable and predictable support. This potential change puts the financial assurance of millions at risk, making it crucial to weigh the possible outcomes carefully.
Get Your Free Copy of George Magazine
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Want to dive deeper into this topic? Discover more about the debate surrounding Social Security reform and explore the potential impacts of privatization in greater detail by reading the full article in George Magazine.
Claim your free copy here!
Explore more insights into economic stability and retirement security by signing up at George Magazine.
For a comprehensive look, check out the Collector’s Edition here for exclusive stories.
Now is the perfect time to gain a deeper understanding of these issues with our free magazine offering. This isn’t about subscribing; it’s your chance to read thorough analyses and opinions by renowned experts. Simply get your free copy and start exploring today.
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Physiotherapy for Seniors: Improving Mobility, Balance, and Independence
As we age, maintaining physical independence becomes increasingly important. Seniors often face mobility challenges, decreased balance, and a higher risk of falls, which can lead to a significant decline in quality of life. Physiotherapy is a powerful tool that helps seniors stay active, improve their physical abilities, and retain their independence. At Realign Chiro & Physio, we specialize in tailored physiotherapy programs designed specifically to meet the unique needs of older adults.
The Importance of Mobility in Aging
Mobility is crucial for maintaining independence and ensuring a high quality of life. Unfortunately, conditions like arthritis, joint stiffness, muscle weakness, and reduced flexibility can make everyday tasks—such as walking, climbing stairs, or bending over—more difficult for seniors. Loss of mobility not only impacts physical health but can also lead to social isolation, mental health issues, and a decreased sense of well-being.
Physiotherapy focuses on enhancing mobility by strengthening muscles, improving joint flexibility, and teaching seniors how to move safely and confidently.
Benefits of Physiotherapy for Seniors
Personalized Treatment Plans
At Realign Chiro & Physio, we understand that every senior has different needs and goals. That’s why we offer personalized physiotherapy programs based on a comprehensive assessment of each patient's physical condition, medical history, and lifestyle. Whether a senior is recovering from surgery, managing a chronic condition, or simply looking to improve their mobility, our experienced physiotherapists tailor a treatment plan to ensure the best possible outcomes.
What to Expect During a Physiotherapy Session
https://realignchirophysio.ca/During your first physiotherapy session, our specialists will conduct a thorough assessment, which includes evaluating your balance, flexibility, strength, and gait. Based on the assessment, a personalized plan will be created, which may include:
Our goal is to treat symptoms and improve overall function, allowing seniors to continue enjoying life with greater independence.
Supporting Mental Health and Social Engagement
In addition to the physical benefits, physiotherapy can also have a positive impact on mental health. As seniors regain mobility and independence, they often experience a boost in self-confidence and overall mood. This renewed sense of autonomy encourages social engagement and participation in activities, reducing the risk of isolation and depression that can come with aging.
Why Choose Realign Chiro & Physio?
At Realign Chiro & Physio, we are committed to helping seniors lead fulfilling, active lives. Our dedicated physiotherapists provide compassionate care and expertise to guide patients through their rehabilitation journey. With personalized treatments and a supportive environment, we ensure that every senior receives the care they need to achieve their goals.
If you or a loved one is experiencing mobility challenges, balance issues, or pain, consider the benefits of physiotherapy. Contact Realign Chiro & Physio today to schedule a consultation and start the path to improved health and independence.
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siom-nashik · 6 days
Unlocking Career Opportunities with an MBA in Operations and Supply Chain Management
In today's global economy, operations and supply chain management have become essential components for business success. Companies rely on efficient supply chain systems to manage resources, meet customer demands, and stay competitive. As a result, professionals with expertise in these areas are in high demand. Pursuing an MBA course in Operations and Supply Chain Management equips individuals with the skills to streamline processes, optimize resources, and ensure smooth business operations.
An MBA in Supply Chain Management focuses on the various aspects of sourcing, procurement, logistics, and the movement of goods. With the rise of e-commerce and globalization, companies are increasingly looking for individuals who can manage supply chains efficiently. This program prepares graduates to handle complex supply chain networks, making them valuable assets in industries like manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and more.
Why Choose an MBA in Operations and Supply Chain Management?
An MBA in Operations as well as Supply Chain Management prepares students to develop a holistic understanding of both operations and supply chains. The program covers core concepts such as supply chain strategy, logistics management, procurement, and operations management. Graduates learn how to balance cost efficiency with service excellence, ensuring that goods and services move smoothly from suppliers to customers.
This degree also focuses on developing problem-solving skills, teaching students how to handle disruptions in supply chains and optimize operations under challenging circumstances. Whether it's mitigating risks, improving efficiency, or reducing costs, an MBA in this field positions you to manage the end-to-end flow of goods and services effectively.
Career Opportunities
With an MBA in Supply Chain Management, graduates are well-positioned for leadership roles in various sectors. From logistics and procurement to production planning and distribution, the opportunities are vast. As global supply chains grow more complex, companies are looking for skilled professionals who can handle everything from sourcing raw materials to delivering finished products. This degree can open doors to roles such as supply chain manager, operations manager, procurement specialist, and logistics director.
Additionally, industries such as manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and technology heavily rely on operations and supply chain management expertise. Graduates of this program are well-suited for senior positions in these industries, as they bring a comprehensive understanding of how to manage the flow of goods and services effectively.
Conclusion: Why SIOM Stands Out
For those seeking to pursue an MBA in Operations as well as Supply Chain Management, SIOM (Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management) is the ideal choice. SIOM is renowned for its specialized focus on operations and supply chain management, providing students with the knowledge and skills to excel in this field. With a curriculum that combines theoretical knowledge with practical, industry-oriented learning, SIOM ensures that students are industry-ready upon graduation.
SIOM's strong industry connections and emphasis on experiential learning allow students to work on real-world supply chain challenges, gaining hands-on experience that sets them apart in the job market. The institute's focus on innovation, sustainability, and global perspectives ensures that graduates are equipped to handle the evolving demands of the industry.
Whether you're looking to lead operations or optimize supply chains, an MBA from SIOM offers the right platform to launch a successful career in operations and supply chain management.
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diamondmoversnz · 7 days
Auckland Movers: How to Get the Best Deals for Small Moves
Moving can be a stressful experience, especially when dealing with small moves that may seem less complicated but still come with their own set of challenges. If you're planning a small move in Auckland, you're likely looking for affordable movers who offer quality service. Whether you're moving into a new apartment, downsizing, or shifting your office, finding efficient movers at a reasonable cost is key to making the process smooth and stress-free. In this blog, we'll cover how you can get the best deals for small moves with Auckland movers, providing practical tips and insights.
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Understanding Small Moves in Auckland
Before diving into how to get the best deals, it’s important to understand what constitutes a small move. Small movers in Auckland typically handle moves that involve fewer items or a smaller space, such as a one-bedroom apartment or an office relocation. Unlike large-scale relocations, small moves are quicker and require fewer resources, but that doesn’t mean they should be any less professional. Many New Zealand movers specialize in small moves, offering tailored moving services to meet the unique needs of individuals looking for an affordable and efficient solution.
Why You Need Professional Home Movers for Small Moves
You might be tempted to handle a small move yourself, thinking it’s a simple process. However, hiring home movers offers several advantages, even for small relocations. Professional movers have the expertise, equipment, and manpower to ensure that your belongings are safely transported. They offer packing services, loading, unloading, and even storage options if needed. By hiring efficient movers, you avoid the hassle and potential damage that can occur with DIY moving.
How to Find Affordable Movers in Auckland
Finding affordable movers in Auckland doesn’t have to be a challenge. Here are a few steps to help you secure a budget-friendly moving company:
1. Start Early and Plan Ahead
One of the best ways to secure a good deal with Auckland movers is by starting your search early. Waiting until the last minute can limit your options, as many moving services may be fully booked, especially during peak moving seasons. By planning ahead, you'll have the flexibility to compare prices and choose the most affordable movers available.
2. Get Multiple Movers Quotes
To get the best deal, it's essential to gather quotes from multiple movers. Each company may offer different rates, services, and packages, allowing you to compare and find the best fit for your needs. Make sure to request a movers quote that includes all the services you require, such as packing, transportation, and unloading. You can easily request quotes from New Zealand movers online, making it convenient to find a deal that suits your budget.
3. Look for Specialized Small Movers in Auckland
If you're dealing with a small move, it's a good idea to seek out small movers in Auckland who specialize in these types of relocations. These movers often offer lower rates and more flexible packages than larger moving companies, as they cater specifically to smaller jobs. They understand the nuances of moving smaller loads and can provide a more efficient and cost-effective service.
4. Consider Off-Peak Moving Times
Another great way to save on your move is by scheduling it during off-peak times. Most New Zealand movers charge higher rates during weekends and the summer months when demand is high. By planning your move on a weekday or during the offseason, you can often negotiate better rates with affordable movers.
5. Ask About Discounts and Promotions
Many movers in Auckland offer discounts and promotions, particularly if you're flexible with your moving dates. Don’t hesitate to ask moving companies about any ongoing deals or special offers that can lower the cost. Some movers may also provide discounts for seniors, students, or repeat customers, helping you save even more.
What to Look for in Efficient Movers
When choosing a moving company, it’s not just about finding the cheapest option. You want to ensure that the movers you hire are reliable, professional, and efficient. Here’s what to look for in efficient movers:
1. Experience and Reputation
Experienced movers are more likely to handle your belongings with care and provide smooth service from start to finish. Check reviews and testimonials for New Zealand movers to see if previous customers were satisfied with their service. A moving company with a strong reputation is more likely to offer reliable and professional service.
2. Licensing and Insurance
Make sure the movers you hire are fully licensed and insured. This provides peace of mind knowing that your belongings are protected in case of any damage during the move. Auckland movers with insurance also demonstrate a higher level of professionalism and responsibility.
3. Range of Services
Efficient movers offer more than just transportation. Look for companies that provide a wide range of moving services, including packing, storage, and even cleaning services. The more comprehensive their offerings, the easier it will be to streamline your moving process and reduce stress.
The Role of Movers Quotes in Finding the Best Deal
When comparing movers quotes from different companies, it's important to look beyond just the price. Evaluate the services included in each quote to make sure you’re getting the best value for your money. Some companies may offer a lower rate but charge extra for services like packing or disassembling furniture. By understanding what’s included in each movers quote, you can make an informed decision and avoid any unexpected costs.
The Benefits of Hiring Affordable Movers for Small Moves
Hiring affordable movers in Auckland can save you both time and money. With a professional team handling your move, you’ll avoid the physical strain of packing and transporting items, ensuring a smoother and faster process. Affordable doesn’t have to mean low-quality—many reputable New Zealand movers offer cost-effective solutions that maintain a high standard of service.
1. Cost-Effective Solutions
Hiring affordable movers allows you to stay within budget while still receiving high-quality service. Many Auckland movers offer competitive rates and will work with you to find a package that fits your financial needs.
2. Stress Reduction
Moving can be a stressful experience, especially if you’re trying to manage everything yourself. By hiring professionals, you take the burden off your shoulders and ensure that your move is handled efficiently and safely.
3. Time-Saving
With efficient movers, the entire process is quicker. They have the experience and tools necessary to complete your move in a fraction of the time it would take you to do it yourself.
Finding the best deals for small moves in Auckland doesn't have to be difficult. By planning ahead, comparing quotes, and choosing efficient movers, you can ensure a cost-effective and stress-free relocation. Whether you're looking for home movers or specialized small movers in Auckland, following the tips in this guide will help you secure the best deal possible. Remember, affordable doesn’t have to mean compromising on quality, so take the time to find Auckland movers who offer both value and professionalism. For more information, visit Diamond Movers and get a customized movers quote for your next move.
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angelholyhomesau · 13 days
Top Home Care Providers in Adelaide: Why Angel Holy Homes Stands Out
When it comes to finding reliable and compassionate care for your loved ones, choosing the right home care provider is crucial. In Adelaide, Angel Holy Homes is setting a new standard in home care services, providing exceptional support that meets the diverse needs of seniors and their families. Located in Modbury North, SA 5092, our mission is to deliver personalized care that allows your loved ones to thrive in the comfort of their own home.
Why Home Care Providers Are Essential
As people age, their care needs often become more complex, and many prefer to stay in their familiar home environment rather than moving to a care facility. Home care providers play a critical role in making this possible, offering both medical and non-medical support tailored to individual needs. This approach not only enhances the quality of life for seniors but also provides peace of mind for their families.
What Sets Angel Holy Homes Apart?
Choosing from the many home care providers in Adelaide can be overwhelming, but Angel Holy Homes distinguishes itself with several key attributes:
Tailored Care Plans: At Angel Holy Homes, we believe that every individual’s needs are unique. That’s why we work closely with families to create customized care plans that cater specifically to their loved one’s requirements. From assistance with daily living activities to specialized medical care, we ensure that our services are perfectly aligned with each senior’s needs.
Experienced and Compassionate Caregivers: Our team is composed of highly trained professionals who bring both expertise and empathy to their roles. Our caregivers are dedicated to providing not only medical care but also emotional support, fostering a compassionate environment that helps seniors feel valued and respected.
Comfort and Independence: One of the greatest advantages of home care is that it allows seniors to remain in the comfort of their own homes. At Angel Holy Homes, we prioritize preserving our clients' independence while providing the necessary support to ensure their safety and well-being.
Family-Centered Approach: We understand that caregiving involves the entire family. Our approach includes working with family members to provide guidance, support, and resources, ensuring that everyone is involved and informed. We aim to create a seamless and supportive experience for both seniors and their families.
Flexible and Responsive Care: Life is unpredictable, and care needs can change over time. Angel Holy Homes offers flexible scheduling and responsive care options to adapt to any changes in your loved one’s condition or preferences. Whether your family needs short-term assistance or 24/7 care, we are here to accommodate your needs.
Get in Touch with Us
If you are searching for dedicated and professional home care providers in Adelaide, look no further than Angel Holy Homes. Located at 5092 Modbury North, we are committed to providing high-quality care that enhances the lives of seniors and supports their families.
For more information about our services and to discuss how we can assist you, please contact us at 0425-760-172. Our team is ready to answer your questions and help you find the best care solution for your loved ones.
In Conclusion
Choosing the right home care provider is a significant decision that impacts the well-being and happiness of your loved ones. At Angel Holy Homes, we are proud to offer a service that combines professional expertise with compassionate care. Let us be your partner in providing the best possible support for your family, ensuring that your loved ones can enjoy their golden years with dignity and comfort.
For more information and to explore how Angel Holy Homes can make a difference, don’t hesitate to reach out. We look forward to serving you and your family with the care and attention you deserve.
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awsomebloggersblog · 14 days
Job Opening For RN Traveler - Solutions By Sanford - Fargo Cardiac ICU - FT Rotating Intuitive Health Services Job title: RN Traveler - Solutions By Sanford - Fargo Cardiac ICU - FT Rotating Job description: Create Your Career With Us!Join our not-for-profit organization that has provided over 100 years of housing and services to seniors with a commitment to quality care and service in a Christian environment.Facility: Sanford Medical Center FargoLocation: Fargo, NDAddress: 5225 23rd Ave S, Fargo, ND 58104, USAShift: 12 Hours - Rotating ShiftsWeekly Hours: 36.00Salary Range: 2602.00 - 3242.00Department DetailsExperienced RNs come join the Solutions By Sanford team!We are looking for RN's with at least two years of experience and at least one year of travel experience to join our team. You must live at least 60 miles from the location you are applying for. You will be paid weekly, your stipend is included in the weekly pay rate. You will also be eligible for Sanford Benefits. Contracts are 13 weeks with the option to extend or go to another Sanford site!Job SummaryThe Registered Nurse (RN) is responsible for utilizing the nursing process (assessment, diagnosis, outcomes/planning, implementation and evaluation) to provide individualized nursing care to patients. Collaborates with other inter-professional colleagues, including physicians, to plan, implement and evaluate care. Demonstrates competency and practices within the full scope of nursing expertise/knowledge and utilizes appropriate age and population specific standards as designated in their assigned clinical setting. Cares for patients in all phases of preventative care, health maintenance, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up as patients move along the continuum of care. Responsible for the planning and coordination of care, patient assessment, patient education, triage, and various other nursing interventions. Functions within the scope and standards of nursing practice as outlined in the Nurse Practice Act and Administrative Rules in state of practice and licensure. The Sanford Professional Nursing Practice recognizes the Scope and Standards of Practice and the Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements as published by the American Nurses Association as the foundation of nursing care delivery and professional conduct.QualificationsGraduate from an accredited nursing program required, including, but not limited to, American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), and National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA). Bachelor s Degree in nursing preferred.Currently holds an unencumbered RN license with the State Board of Nursing where the practice of nursing is occurring and/or possess multistate licensure if in a Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) state. Obtains and subsequently maintains required department specific competencies and certifications.BenefitsSanford Health offers an attractive benefits package for qualifying full-time and part-time employees. Depending on eligibility, a variety of benefits include health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance, a 401(k) retirement plan, work/life balance benefits, and a generous time off package to maintain a healthy home-work balance. For more information about Total Rewards, visit https://sanfordcareers.com/benefits .Sanford is an EEO/AA Employer M/F/Disability/Vet. If you are an individual with a disability and would like to request an accommodation for help with your online application, please call 1-877-673-0854 or send an email to [email protected] .Sanford Health has a Drug Free Workplace Policy. An accepted offer will require a drug screen and pre-employment background screening as a condition of employment.Job Function: NursingReq Number: R-0195228Featured: No Apply for the job RN Traveler - Solutions By Sanford - Fargo Cardiac ICU - FT Rotating At Intuitive Health Services, our goal is to make healthcare better for everyone.
We help hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare places find the right doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers. For over 15 years, we have been doing this important job. We work with places like state hospitals and correctional facilities to make sure they have the best people to take care of patients. We don’t just connect people with jobs; we also support them throughout their journey. We help with things like improving resumes, preparing for interviews, and finding the job that fits best. We work in over 50 different locations and have over 900 professionals who trust us to help them. If you are looking for a job in healthcare, we are here to guide you. If you are a healthcare facility needing to hire someone, we can find the best person for you. Our team is always ready to help, and we believe that by working together, we can make healthcare stronger and better for everyone. If you need to contact us, you can find us at: Address: 520 West Lacey Blvd, Hanford, CA 93230 Email: [email protected] Phone:+1 (805) 703-3729 We’re here to help you with all your healthcare staffing needs! https://intuitivehealthservices.com/register
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vestaeldercare0 · 23 days
Senior Home Care: A Compassionate Approach to Elderly Well-being
As our loved ones age, ensuring they receive the proper care and attention becomes a priority. Senior home care services provide the support that elderly individuals need to maintain their independence and quality of life while staying in the comfort of their own homes. 
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Vesta Elder Care provides professional senior home care services, offering personalized assistance, medical support, and compassionate care to ensure comfort and safety for the elderly. Our trained caregivers help with daily activities, medication management, mobility, and companionship, allowing seniors to live independently at home. Trust Vesta Elder Care for reliable and dedicated home care solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of your loved ones.
Personalized Care Tailored to Individual Needs
Senior home care offers personalized care plans that cater to the unique needs of each elderly person. Whether it's assistance with daily activities, medication management, or companionship, these services ensure that seniors receive the attention and care they deserve. Trained caregivers work closely with families to develop care plans that align with the health and lifestyle preferences of the elderly.
Benefits of Home-Based Care
Choosing home care over other options, such as nursing homes, offers several benefits. It allows seniors to remain in a familiar environment, which can significantly enhance their mental and emotional well-being. Home care services also provide a higher level of one-on-one attention, ensuring that the specific needs of the elderly are met with compassion and respect.
Expertise and Compassion in Senior Care
Home care providers are committed to offering compassionate care that respects the dignity and independence of the elderly. These services often include assistance with personal hygiene, mobility, and other daily tasks that may become challenging with age. The goal is to improve the quality of life for seniors while supporting their health and happiness.
In conclusion, senior home care is an excellent option for families who wish to provide their elderly loved ones with the best possible care without moving them out of their homes. It ensures that seniors live comfortably and safely in a place where they feel most at ease.
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movingcompaniesusa · 22 hours
Evolution Moving Company, LLC Expands Its Premier Moving Services to San Antonio, TX
Evolution Moving Company, LLC is excited to announce the expansion of its highly-rated moving services to San Antonio, TX. Known for simplifying moves across Texas, the company now brings its trusted expertise to families and businesses in San Antonio, delivering the same exceptional service that has made them a top choice statewide.
About the Company Founded as a family-owned business, Evolution Moving Company has grown into one of the most reputable moving companies in Texas. Specializing in both residential and commercial relocations, the company offers a comprehensive range of services, including packing and secure storage solutions, all delivered with professionalism and efficiency.
Mission and Vision At the heart of Evolution Moving's mission is the goal of providing a stress-free moving experience for every client. Their customer-first approach and commitment to quality service have driven their continued growth and success, ensuring that every move is completed with the utmost care and precision.
Why San Antonio? The decision to expand into San Antonio stems from the increasing demand for reliable, high-quality moving services in the area. Evolution Moving aims to bring its expertise to this vibrant city, offering San Antonio residents the dependable moving solutions they deserve.
Services Available in San Antonio Evolution Moving Company’s San Antonio branch offers a complete range of services, including local residential moves, senior relocations, expert packing services, and secure storage options. With a personalized approach to each move, they ensure every client’s needs are met with flexibility and attention to detail.
The Team Behind the Service The company’s success is driven by a skilled and dedicated team of movers who are known for their professionalism and meticulous care. Whether it’s a small local move or a complex relocation, the team at Evolution Moving ensures each move is executed smoothly and efficiently.
Commitment to the Community As part of their expansion, Evolution Moving Company is committed to being an active member of the San Antonio community. The company plans to engage with local organizations, senior living communities, and participate in community events, reflecting their dedication to not only business growth but also community involvement.
Customer Success Stories Over the years, Evolution Moving has earned a loyal customer base through its unwavering focus on customer satisfaction. From glowing reviews to repeat clients, their reputation for delivering hassle-free, seamless moving experiences continues to grow, demonstrating their dedication to excellence.
Future Growth Plans As they establish a strong presence in San Antonio, Evolution Moving Company is excited about the future. The company plans to introduce new services and enhance its technology to better serve its clients’ evolving needs, all while maintaining its reputation for outstanding service.
Conclusion With their expansion into San Antonio, Evolution Moving Company, LLC in San Antonio is ready to provide reliable, efficient, and compassionate moving services to both residents and businesses. Whether you’re planning a local move or need specialized relocation assistance, Evolution Moving is the trusted partner to make your move stress-free and successful.
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normeacottremovals · 24 days
10 Advantages of Hiring Family-Owned Removalist Companies
When it comes to moving, the choice of a removalist company can significantly impact your experience. Opting for a family-owned removalist company brings unique benefits that can make your move more personal, efficient, and enjoyable. Here are ten reasons why hiring a family-owned removalists Central Coast company might be the best decision for your next move. 
Commitment to Quality
With their reputation closely tied to their family name, these companies are often more committed to maintaining high standards. They go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction, knowing that word-of-mouth and repeat business are vital to their success. Their commitment to quality is reflected in their meticulous handling of your belongings, the professionalism of their staff, and their dedication to making your move as seamless as possible. This high level of commitment can provide peace of mind, knowing that your possessions are being cared for by people who truly value your business.
Direct Communication
In family-owned removalist companies, you’re more likely to communicate directly with the owners or senior staff. This direct line of communication can lead to quicker decision-making and problem-solving, enhancing the overall efficiency of your move. If any issues or changes arise, you can speak directly with someone who has the authority to make decisions, ensuring that your concerns are addressed promptly. This level of accessibility can significantly reduce the stress and uncertainty often associated with moving.
Personalised Service
Family-owned businesses often pride themselves on providing personalised service. Unlike larger corporations, they take the time to understand your specific needs and tailor their services accordingly. From the initial consultation to the final unpacking, every step of your move is handled with care and attention. This means you’re more likely to receive attentive, customised support throughout your move. Whether you have special packing requirements or unique items that need careful handling, a family-owned company will ensure that every detail is considered.
Flexibility and Adaptability
Smaller, family-run companies can be more flexible and adaptable to last-minute changes or special requests. Whether you need to adjust your moving date, require additional services, or face unexpected challenges, they’re often more willing and able to accommodate your needs. Their ability to pivot and adapt quickly can be a major advantage, especially in the dynamic environment of a move. This flexibility ensures that your move can proceed smoothly, even if plans change unexpectedly.
Local Knowledge and Experience
Family-owned removalist companies often have deep roots in the local community. Their local knowledge and experience can be invaluable, especially when navigating through busy city streets, understanding local regulations, or dealing with remote rural areas. They know the best routes, the busiest times, and the local nuances that can affect your move. This expertise can save time and reduce the likelihood of delays, making your move more efficient and stress-free.
Trust and Reliability
Trust is a cornerstone of family-owned businesses. These companies build their reputation over generations, which fosters a high level of trust and reliability. You can feel confident that your belongings are in good hands. They understand the importance of their customers' trust and work diligently to maintain it. Their long-standing presence in the community often means they have a track record of successful moves and satisfied customers, providing further assurance of their reliability.
Support for Local Economy
By choosing a family-owned removalist company, you’re supporting the local economy. These businesses typically reinvest in their community, contributing to its growth and prosperity. Your choice helps sustain local jobs and services, fostering a sense of community and belonging. Supporting local businesses also means that your money stays within the community, promoting economic stability and development. This local support can have a ripple effect, benefiting not just the business but the broader community as well.
Lower Overheads and Competitive Pricing
Family-owned companies often have lower overhead costs compared to larger corporations. This can translate into more competitive pricing for their customers. You may find that you get better value for your money without compromising on service quality. Their leaner operations allow them to offer affordable rates while still maintaining high standards of service. This cost-effectiveness can make a significant difference, especially if you’re moving on a budget.
Personal Investment in Success
Family members working in the business often have a personal stake in its success. This personal investment can drive them to work harder and provide better service. They treat each move with the care and attention it deserves, knowing that their reputation is on the line. This level of dedication and commitment can result in a higher quality of service and a more positive moving experience. Their passion for the business often translates into a more motivated and dedicated team, ensuring that your move is handled with the utmost care.
Long-Term Relationships
Family-owned removalist companies aim to build long-term relationships with their clients. They’re more likely to provide consistent, high-quality service because they want you to return and recommend them to others. This focus on building relationships can make your moving experience more pleasant and trustworthy. By prioritising customer satisfaction and fostering lasting connections, they create a loyal customer base that benefits from their exceptional service. These long-term relationships mean that you can rely on them for future moves, knowing that you’ll receive the same level of care and attention every time.
Hiring a family-owned removalist company offers numerous advantages, from personalised service and local expertise to competitive pricing and a commitment to quality. These businesses provide a level of care and attention that can make your moving experience smoother and more enjoyable. When planning your next move, consider the unique benefits of choosing a family-owned removalist company. Their dedication to customer satisfaction, coupled with their deep-rooted community ties, can ensure that your move is handled with the utmost professionalism and care. Make the smart choice for your next move by opting for the personalised, reliable service of a family-owned removalist company.
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CMI Management Courses - Find The Truth About Them
The proliferation of online management courses has transformed professional development, offering flexible and accessible options for professional growth. These programs, including courses in leadership and coaching and mentoring online will meet your specific professional needs and provide valuable capabilities and expertise to move forward in one's career. As more people are looking to enhance their leadership skills online, programs for leadership have become the most popular option. They help learners balance their current job responsibilities while developing new skills, making them the ideal choice to professionals looking for career growth without interruption. CMI management qualifications have become an industry standard for those looking to advance to leadership positions. The CMI management courses provide a structured pathway to gain the necessary skills and recognition at work. Courses such as the level 7 strategic management and leadership will provide you with deep understanding of high-level decision-making as well as strategic thinking, which are crucial for senior positions. In the same way, the CMI certification at level 5 for professional consultant certification aids individuals to develop their consulting skills that make them more flexible in their positions. Go to the following website, if you're looking for more details about cmi management courses.
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These credentials not only boost ones skills but add significant value to their professional image, helping them stand out in the job market. The value of programs for leadership online lies in their ability to keep abreast with current fashions and trends within the field. These programs typically include components such as coaching and mentoring classes, that help students develop their management style and interpersonal skills. Combining these courses gives a broad learning experience, where participants not only acquire technical knowledge but also gain the ability to effectively manage and inspire teams. This holistic approach is especially beneficial to those who wish to earn cmi management certificates, as it provides them with the tools required to be successful in challenging and dynamic workplaces. Online management courses are also an excellent option for those looking to shift careers or tackle new challenges. They allow the flexibility of learning at one's own pace, these courses offer an chance to develop new skills without the need for an extended career break. For example, the level 5 professional consultancy course provides an overview of the business of consulting, and allows learners to transition smoothly into this area.
Additionally, leadership program online environments promote a sense of the community among students, providing opportunities for networking that could create new career opportunities and collaborations. In today's competitive job market, obtaining CMI management qualifications can substantially enhance your career chances. The Level 7 diploma with a focus on strategically management and leadership particularly advantageous for those who aim for high-level positions. This course covers a wide range of subjects, including strategic planning, leadership and decision-making. The course prepares individuals for the demands of high-level management jobs. Additionally, coaching and mentoring courses online can play an essential role as they assist in developing the soft competencies required to lead effectively, and ensuring that employees are well-prepared to lead their teams towards the success they deserve. As the demand for flexible learning opportunities increases and expand, online management courses will play a more significant part in the professional development process. The ease of access and convenience of these programs make them an attractive choice for professionals at every stage of their career. In terms of leadership courses or coaching and mentoring programs, these online programs provide the expertise and experience needed for success in today's high-speed work environment. When you pursue online leadership programs and obtaining cmi management qualifications, individuals can ensure their success by insuring they're fully prepared to take on the challenges that modern work environments pose.
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