#senju hashimara
randomreblogsone · 2 years
Another beautiful meme drawn by my best friend, please go follow her twitter
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the-stoned-ranger · 1 year
It’s Christmastime in Konoha, Fire Country
“Madara has passed out,” Izuna announces from his lookout outside Madara’s room.
The sound of his drunken snores waft into the hallway, where Tobirama and Hashimara are waiting with armfuls of struggling cats. They are ready to begin their annual Christmas tradition of hanging cats in Madara’s hair to decorate him for the holidays. They have even dressed one cat in white robes with golden wings, like an angel.
Izuna isn’t sure how this tradition started. They used to just hang ornaments in Madara’s tangled mass of hair on Christmas eve, but one year, after many bottles of sake, one of the many cats that lived in the Uchiha compound jumped into Madara’s hair to capture one of the glass balls and got stuck. Ever since then, they have skipped the ornaments and gone straight to the cats.
Now every Christmas eve, the Uchiha and Senju brothers try to break the record from the year before. The greatest number of cats they have ever hung from Madara’s hair before waking him up is nine. This year, they’re trying for an even 10.
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vvarriorjay · 7 years
Hey I just want to know the biggest mystery in Naruto. Who the fuck are Tsunade's parents? Like one of them is Hashirama's kid and no one seems worried about who they are? Are they red haired like Mito? Did they die in the War or was it something else? Why the fuck have we never seen or heard of them before??
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fuckishimoto · 7 years
I don't get Narutards who praise Kakashi for losing alot but still keeps a smile on his face like nothing ever happened but don't praise Hashirama who also lost those close to him but chose to create a system that prevents such loses.
So did Madara. He lost more, all of his brothers actually. Hashi at least had Tobirama. 
People often forgot Madara made the peace treaty with Hashirama AFTER and despite Izuna died from a wound given by Tobirama. 
Kakashi just gets a stupid sappy fanbase. They don’t care other characters experienced worse and still got more optimism and sense of purpose than Kakashi, cos Kakashi is their fav, they’d reach and twist to make him look better than he is.
It’s really hard to feel anything for Kakashi tbh. He told a kid not to whine about his own misery, and that killed whatever sympathy I might have for Kakashi. Really, his story isn’t that much a tear jerker, he lost a father, sasuke lost everyone at the same age. Besides, Kakashi led a normal life, juugo can never have a normal life, he either needs to be locked up, or he hole himself up in some mountain away from civilisation. 
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xxii7788 · 6 years
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an-ambivalent · 5 years
Hi! Could you do a Yandere Madara headcanon? Thank you!!! (^O^)/
aight check it, I’m going to write some headcanons for that Yandere! God! Madara concept I published before. This is an addition to this 
Warning: As this is yandere fiction, this deals with  behaviours  that can be uncomfortable and triggering to read. Read at your own risk. This work is purely fictional, I do not condone this behaviour irl.
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~ ♥ The only reason you would peek Madara’s interest in the first place would be due to your absolute devotion to the Uchiha religion, and continuing to worship him despite how much this endangered your safety. Conflict caused by religion is no doubt ruthless. Although the main god of Senju religion, Hashimara was a pacifist for the most part, many of his followers weren’t. It would only be a matter of time before they would attack your temple, and before that happens, Madara interferes and crosses over to the realm of gods with you. 
~♥ You were such a dedicated maiden. Surely, you cared about him more than your own being and would do whatever he desired to please him. 
~♥ God = worshiping; worshiping, worshiping, and even more worshiping – that is what he wants you to do. You are to bare his children, or he needs to use you to release a particular type of frustration. You will be bestowed with the opportunity to be deflowered by a God. It would be in your best interest to know you must worship him first. You must pleasure him before even think about your own.  You need to prove yourself and plead and beg him – you need to show him that you are worthy of being touched by him each time. It’s a ritual you should become accustomed to or else there will be consequences. 
~ ♥ A powerful God will not be gentle. Madara is intense, and Madara sees whatever he starts to the end. Once your pleading works and he decides you are worthy of holy dick, there is no return; he will not stop. That doesn’t seem like a serious issue since after all, you pleaded for it in the first place, right? Unfortunately, there will be many times where you are required to indulge in this ritual of begging against your own will. 
~♥ You belong solely to Madara. So, you better hope that while you reside in the realm of gods, another god does not become interested in you… Especially one of the Senju… the end result would be awful. 
~♥ But, how could the others also not be interested in you? Especially a Senju. After all, Uchiha followers were rare nowadays… On top of that, for Madara, out of all gods, to be fixated on a human… there has to be something special about you, and they wanted to know what. 
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no-d4y-but-tod4y · 5 years
Scrappy Little Nobody
What do we want? Art trade! When do we want it? Now!
Back at it again for @kizuatoloveskakashi, involving some good old-fashioned cheering up from her beloved Hashirama Senju! Enjoy!
‘Camdyn? Hey, Camdyn?’
She sat with her back to the door, somewhat abrasively. She had locked that door for a reason...
Sniffling and hiccuping in here looking like an allergy ridden Dalmatian, nobody wanted to see that. Especially not her Hashirama - both to save him the trouble and to avoid the second-hand embarrassment.
‘I’m fine. Please, I just need to be on my own for a while.’
He sighed, though lapsing into silence, Camdyn could sense he was still there. ‘I can hear you crying,’ he pressed forward kindly, ‘you’re not fine. Please let me in, love.’
‘I’m not crying,’ she said, ‘I’m...sweating from my eyes.’
He laughed and that lifted Camdyn’s spirits already. Anything for that laugh. Anything. Despite (or perhaps because of) this, she rose to her feet and unbolted the door with a gentle click.
He smiled down at her, and probably wouldn’t have done any more than that had the presence of him not melted her as it did so often.
He pulled her in wordlessly, tucking her head under his chin, swaying her ever so slightly. He hummed gently, rubbing her back whole she calmed herself down.
‘What is it, love?’ He murmured into her hair. ‘Are your hurt?’
She shook her head.
‘Someone upset you?’
‘Camdyn,’ he stressed, sweetly exasperated. ‘You have to tell me otherwise I won’t be able to help you. Do you think I enjoy seeing you like this?’
She hung her head, shifting guiltily under his gaze. She turned and pulled him into the room behind them, with a sweeping gesture to the hollowed mirror and jagged pieces of themselves staring up st them from the floor.
‘Oh dear,’ Hashirama clicked his tongue. ‘That’s seven years bad luck there.
She giggled tearfully. Turning her to look st him now, he said, ‘Now why on Earth did you do that?’ He spied the jewel-encrusted hairborsh winking at them from the very corner of the room. ‘You threw that? Did you see a spider?’ He grinned ticking her under the chin.
Despite her halfhearted smile, she leaned away from his touch and sighed heavily. ‘Hashimara... I threw it at me. My reflection. And I guess I didn’t factor in that it could shatter.’
‘And it was only because I got thinking,’ she carried on before he could respond, ‘like...look at you. You’re so smart and funny, you get along with everyone and I’ve nerve known anyone not comment on how attractive you are. And I’m standing there looking at my stumpy frame, plain features, bland personality...why would somebody like you want to be with a scrappy little nobody like me?’
He rolled his eyes, smiling, sat on the bed and slapped his thigh, inviting her to sit on his lap. It was warm and safe, she felt a little better already.
‘Now then,’ he began gently, ‘let’s re-evaluate that. See your big eyes? They’re stunning, look at that colour. And that awareness. You have such a unique perception of the world, you know that’s one of the things that first made me fall for you. And your hair, feel how soft it is? It always looks like you’ve stepped straight out of the pages of a magazine - even when I have to drag you out of bed in the mornings. And your laugh. It’s cute, it’s so cute. You have the most amazing laugh, I could listen to you laugh all day. I’d do anything to make you happy, you know that.’
He held her at arms length, Camdyn desperately hoping the tears pricking at her eyes were not obvious. ‘All I’m saying is, I fell in love with you. I don’t care what anyone else looks like or smiles like or sings like. I chose you, I want you. And, you could be the highest authority in the land, the wealthiest priestess in the Western Hemisphere, the most talented person of our times.’ He broke out into a huge grin, tapping her once on the nose. ‘And you’d still be a scrappy little nobody to me.’
He planted a resounding kiss on her forehead. Camdyn felt him smiling against her skin.
‘Now that’s resolved,’ he pushed her off quite abruptly, striding out of the room. ‘Get some tape, and strong glue. We have a dangerous jigsaw puzzle to solve.’
Alma <3
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suitedsalamander · 7 years
struck me yet|MadaKaka
MadaKaka this an unofficial interlude to wage my soul to bet from Tobirama’s POV don’t ask me why I’m taking prompts for this verse where Kakashi gets picked up by the Uchiha first feel free to drop by my  ask inbox. @madakaka
The man with the silver hair is a demon for no man can so willingly walk beside the devil.
Senju Clans Men know this to be a truth yet here they are still trying to make a deal. Tobirama is too smart to spit on the ground at the announcement of Madara’s arrival. Where one walks forward boldly in red and black his silver shadow is sure to be lurking nearby.
His fingers itch to form a Jutsu and cut this sneering man down. Insuna is at least tolerable for an Uchiha a formidable and honorable opponent the younger of the brothers is by far the one Tobirama prefers to work with.
“Will Izuna be attending later?” These war council meetings are as new as the village springing up around them and it's not unusual for one of them to be called away.  
Creating a village where they can live in peace is a surprise, not a peaceful endeavor.  
This is no shock to Tobirmama, Madara for all his talk is not a man of peace neither is he.
However, Madara is a dreamer. With Hashirama's help, Tobirama believes the future won’t be a nightmare.
“So you can stick another kunai through his stomach?” Madara’s tone could cut flesh.
“It was a friendly spar.” He deflects. No weakness. Tobirama will not speak of the surprise he felt when Izuna’s blood turned his hands red.
Izuna could have died because of Tobirama but he is also still breathing because of him. They are not their fathers and he won’t let himself be manipulated into a fight.
His neck prickles hair standing on end due to the killing intent and he puts it down as Madara’s usually pissery and settles on his heels.
That’s before he see’s the swordsman poised at his back.
“Kakashi,” Madara warns.
The man behind him taps the hilt of his sword and sighs.
They stare at each other for a moment and the silver-haired shinobi dips his head. He slinks over to Madara an apologetic smile perched on his masked face.
A dog brought to heel. Tobirama bristles ready to hiss out accusations but Hashirama’s glare warns him to keep silent.
“Maa I was just saying hello, Angel.”  He teases, teases! 
Even Hashirama is rarely so brazen as to poke the sleeping dragon.
Madara shakes his head spiky mane of hair falling back over his shoulder. The corner of his lips tugging upward. Tobirama has never seen anything more terrifying.
Hashimara snorts and shakes his head. Tobirama’s can’t find it in himself to be amused.
Anyone who can bring that kind of expression to Madara Uchiha’s face is the most dangerous of them all.
Throughout the meeting Kakashi’s eye tracks him and Tobirama tracks back. The smile they share when the council is over is a parting exchange between predators.
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o(*^▽^*) (。•ˇ‸ˇ•。)
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an-ambivalent · 5 years
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Yandere! God! Madara 
With the recent rise of an influx of followers converting to the Senju religion and praying to their god Hashimara, the god of the Uchiha religion was left with little to no followers, with the exception of few. 
You were an absolute loyal follower of Madara, being the only one who stayed at his temple and made an effort to look after it. He was moved by your loyalty. 
When the day of of the war comes, where the Hashimara followers decide that their god was the only true one, and any remaining followers of Madara needed to be annihilated, it’s a start of a war that calls out to the gods themselves. 
It was about time, Madara decided that the Senju payed for such sins, especially with their intention of possibly hurting you. So he decides to take matters in his own hands and will kill each and everyone of them. But before he does, he needs to reward you for your dedication to him. 
He would bestow you with the highest honour of bringing you to the other side with him -- to the the realm of gods. There, you two would get married and you would bare his children. 
Surely, with how dedicated you were, this would make you the happiest. 
im just really thirsty for yandere madara
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an-ambivalent · 4 years
Im not even sure ur writing anymore but um... What if hashirama, madara and another character of ur choice... Found a baby ... Either abandoned in the woods (a little over a year old i guess???) Or inside a meterite I dont care. I just wanna see what these idiots would do with em. Wouldn't you?
They'd probably leave it where it is lmao. They grow up during the warring states era where you can only trust your own blood. An abandoned kid wouldn't be a new site to come across and it could be trap planned by another clan.
The Uchiha take pride in their Sharingan and clan secrets (it's why their hair is so big). Someone as possessive as them over their kekkai genkai would do nothing with a strange abandoned kid, and I'd say the same goes for Senju. Sure, Hashimara might be sympathetic and he might help the kid with some shelter or something, but they wouldn't make them a member of their own clan. Senju are depicted through a rose coloured lense in Naruto. Where Hasirama is said to be idotic and too kind, I don't think that would completely be the case (naruto has bad writing so this is my 'fix it.') In order to be a leader, especially for a notorious clan like the Senju or the Uchiha in an era where any moment can be your last, you need to have an aptitude for it to some extent. You can't get away with being a complete airhead, so I wholeheartedly believe that while Hashirama would be kind, he wouldn't be stupid enough to do something like this to help one kid because in their world, anything is possible. And even if he wanted to, Tobirama is logical enough to prevent him from doing so.
War is harsh, war traumatises people. Clan leaders can't afford to be "irresponsible" like this, or have sympathy to swear for every abandoned kid they come across.
And just because I said I'm not posting as much rn, doesn't mean I'm not writing anymore. My asks are still open for a reason, and I am dying from writing all these assignments 😵 pray for my soul.
I havent slept lmaooo
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