#senna (🎃)
sennamybeloved · 1 year
4﹕alternate universe.
✭ pairing: senna x seren (s/i)
✭ word count: 2731
✭ note: more stuff for my pride prompts! i was listening to a song and got muse for bewitching senna. lots of awkward flirting and banter in this fic! seren is dumb and senna is a little mean.
✭ tag list: @dragonselfship, @minkymeatshop !!
[ reblogs always appreciated // prompt list can be found here! ]
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As the sky grows dark and the air grows colder, Harrowing Eve's festivities begin anew. Each year, it's much of the same; cheesy decorations, pastries and candy, trick-or-treaters flooding the streets. Then, the witches show up, and everything changes, for better or for worse.
Seren recalls what it was like when he first met the coven many, many years ago. They were magnificent, cutting through the crowd like bolts of lighting. Some took to the sky on broomsticks, wings, or plumes of magic, whereas others walked—or crawled, or slithered, or pranced—right down the roads, every once and a while to acknowledge an awed child that caught their eyes. They were all scales and feathers, all neon and glitter, the smell of sweet candy and heady incense.
Every since he learned of their existence, Seren has always wanted to be just like the witches. They’re colorful, proud, and unique, which is all he’s ever wanted to be. It’s hard to dabble in the dark arts when you weren’t born into them, but fortunately, mere months before this Harrowing, Seren was blessed—or cursed, rather, depending on how you look at it—by the bite of an unusual red fox.
He was transformed into a lycan, more specifically a werefox. It was not painful or frightening. He did kill anyone, nor did he break anything of importance. He just feels different, and looks different sometimes, but he mostly feels. He feels Runeterra, the magic laden within its cracks and crevices, unending possibilities hidden behind a smokescreen forged by humanity.
This year, he’ll party with the big leagues. He’ll run with witches and monsters. He’ll eat all the candy he can possibly stomach, and he’ll kick ass at the apple bobbing competition.
In the early days of autumn, he met a witch named Neeko. He was testing out his werefox form, and she was… also testing out his werefox form. She’s a shapeshifter. A chameleon.
“Say I wanted to befriend your coven,” he’d said to her a few nights before the party. They were sitting on the rooftop of a schoolhouse, and Neeko was braiding his hair. “How would I go about that?”
“Just talk to them,” Neeko says like it’s the simplest thing in the world. “That’s what Neeko did. One day, she went up to the spider lady, Elise, and said ‘hello, spider lady!’ She was very nice. Loved Neeko.”
Elise? Somehow, Seren doubts she was all that nice to Neeko. Though, it seems that Neeko doesn’t care how cruel the lady witches can be, as long as they provide her with ample attention. Seren respects it.
“Just talk to them,” Seren echoes, sounding unsure. Neeko nods, egging him on. She’s so confident and encouraging that he doesn’t stop to think that things may go differently for him, a gritty, not-witch with fur for brains.
On Harrowing Eve, Seren sticks to what he knows: apple bobbing. He does kick ass at it, by the way. Those kids never stood a chance.
But he does have to talk to the witches at some point. He promised Neeko, promised himself. His chest tightens and his throat closes whenever one passes him by, throttled by their elegance and beauty. He just has to say hello to one of them. How hard can that be? How hard should it be?
The first witch that really catches his eye, the first one that makes him want to talk, is the one the kids he just defeated in the apple bobbing competition flocked to once they were done sulking. Seren pears over the tiny crowd, honing in on the other side of the square, where a lady, clad in colorful robes and a token pointy wide-brimmed hat, stands beside a creature of some sort. Deciding that this deserves a better, closer look, he follows the children, keeping a safe number of paces behind to avoid drawing attention.
Upon closer inspection, the creature isn't so much of an animal, but instead a pumpkin brought to life. It has sharp fins and a wide maw forged from magic, causing it to resemble a piranha. The lady is feeding it, paying little mind to the children that crowd her. They ask questions, "What's its name? Where did it come from? Is it your pet?" The lady gives half-answers and forced smiles. She doesn't say much.
The children eventually disperse, feeling the sting of her apathetic disposition, which leaves only Seren. He stands there awkwardly, arms folded over his chest, face oddly blank as he watches the lady and her pumpkin-piranha. He only realizes that he's staring when the lady speaks: "Do you need something?"
He startles, blinking rapidly, prying his eyes from whatever he was looking at to meet her gaze. A staggering emerald green.
"Oh," he mouths. "No, ma'am. I apologize. I was just looking at your, uh, pet."
The lady hums. "Not a pet," she says, patting the creature on its head, much like you'd do to a pet, before putting two gloves fingers between her lips and whistling. Seren's confusion turns to awe as another creature—this time made mostly of metal, like a cannon given teeth, which looks absolutely absurd—floats toward her, beckoned from a dark alleyway. The creature's sharp green eyes lock onto the pumpkin-piranha, and within the moment, it gobbles it up.
"It's food." The lady finishes, and Seren's mouth falls open in a silent gasp.
This new creature assumes the pumpkin's place at her side. She leans down and strokes it affectionately, hand ghosting over enchanted steel. Seren blinks. He forgets just how weird things can get around the Harrowing.
"Ah, I see." He says, trying to sound casual, but it ends up coming out strained. The creature chatters its large serrated teeth at Seren, like a warning. Seren steps back.
The lady chuckles dryly. "S'not gonna bite you," she snorts. On a silent command, the creature goes limp in Senna's hands. She picks it up and swings it over her shoulder, resting it there, like a literal weapon—a cannon. It's perfectly still, appearing inanimate, but its eyes still move, blinking and darting around. It makes Seren feel uneasy.
“Hah. Uhm…” he coughs, clearing his throat. “Anyways, sorry to bother.”
The lady dismisses him easily, and if he was smarter, he would’ve left right then and there, but he doesn’t want to let this opportunity go to waste. After a brief silence, he speaks up again, “What’s your name?”
The lady, who was preparing to walk away and carry on with her night, halts and turns to face him, appearing throughly unamused.
“You don’t sound all that sorry,” she says, and Seren swallows thickly.
“If you were so sorry for bothering me,” she hums. “You’d stop bothering me.”
An ugly cocktail of shame, embarrassment, and anxiety wells up within him, making him want to flee and hide. Somehow, he manages to stand his ground- sort of, though he’s certain that he doesn’t look all that confident.
“Oh, yeah, yeah. I’m sorry,” he stammers, beginning to slink away, fighting the urge to take off running. “I’ll go. Have a nice night, ma’am—”
Suddenly, the lady witch erupts into bitter laughter. It does little to ease the tension, but it does make Seren stop and listen.
“Stop. Don’t play that game. If you want to talk to me, then talk.”
Seren blinks in surprise. She watches the lady take her gun-creature off her shoulder and prop it up against a nearby wall. It’s beastlike eyes flutter shut, as if it’s taking a nap. Unsurprisingly, talking to a witch feels slightly less frightening when she’s not obviously armed. He gulps down his nerves and rises to her bait.
“Okay,” he says, trying his best not to follow up with yet another apology.
“I’m Senna,” she answers at last.
“Senna,” he echoes. “That’s a lovely name. What’s it mean?”
She gives him a strange look, and he realizes that most people don’t know what their own names mean. That isn't common knowledge. He shrinks a little.
“Uhm… my name’s Seren.” He says meekly. “Means ‘star.’ I think it’s pretty.”
She offers a slow nod. Is she judging him? She’s probably judging him. God, Neeko must be real charming to keep getting away with this.
No, it’s not that she’s more charming, it’s that she’s confident. Seren isn’t. Never has been, never will be. Dammit.
“Well, Seren…” she turns his name into something nasty with her tone. “What are you doing here? As far as I know, werewolves change on the full moon. Thought your kind spend the Harrowing in the forest.”
Werewolves? Oh, that’s what Senna must think he is. To be fair, there is little distinction between a werefox and a werewolf: both have pointed ears, sharp teeth, glowing eyes, and scattered patches of fur on their otherwise humanoid bodies. Seren does very little to hide her supernatural state from the world, though it does earn him many judgmental looks—and maybe something worse, someday, if he’s not careful.
“Oh, no. I’m not a werewolf. I’m a werefox!” He informs her with a smile. “We’re very different. Us foxes tend to change on the new moon, and, not that this matters, but I usually have full control over my transformations.”
Senna gives him another quick look-over, harsh gaze scanning him from bottom to top, as if she’s recontextualizing him as a fox. “Werefox,” she echoes. “I don’t think I’ve ever met one of those.”
“Well, I’m honored to be the first.” He punctuates his words with a stiff laugh. She doesn’t laugh with him—or even smile, for that matter.
“So, you…” he begins, trying to keep the conversation rolling. “You’re a witch.”
She glares at him. “What else would I be?”
Seren tenses. Oh god, she really hates him.
“Uh… I don’t know! I’ve just never seen one like you before.” He says; a very blatant lie. He just doesn’t know what else to say. He still wants to earn her favor, but he’s panicking.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She presses, not keen on making this easy for him.
He stammers nonsensically for a moment before answering. “You’re, uhm… the- uh…” she points toward the gun-creature, which is leaning against the wall. “That. Is that your familiar?”
Senna’s gaze flicks from the Seren, to the creature, then back to Seren again. “Something like that, I guess.”
“Cool,” he croaks, his grin turning into something of a grimace. This is unbearably awkward.
Seren should excuse himself. He should dip into an alleyway and run for his life. He should leave the party—leave this town—and hide his face forever.
But, against everything that is good and sensible within him, he harps on, “And also you're, uhm..." suddenly, his mouth feels dry and his throat feels tight, "you're pretty."
There's silence. He spares her a very quick glance. She's staring at him, eyes wide and unbearable green from behind her round-rimmed glassed. He doesn't look long enough to read her expression.
"Not trying to be weird," he follows it up with, wringing his hands anxiously. "Just... saying."
The silence persists for a moment longer, before she makes a sound that is halfway between a scoff and a laugh. "Okay," she says. "Well, you enjoy the rest of your night, wolfie."
Wolfie? No, he's a fox. That would technically make him foxie—oh, and she's walking off. Goddammit!
"U-Uh, yeah. You too, miss!" He calls after her, but she's gone before he knows it.
He's left feeling terrible, ashamed, and humiliated. She really hated me, he thinks to himself. So much for trying to put myself out there. Fuck this party.
But no matter how far he shrinks into himself or how hard he wills it away, the party still persists, and to avoid further fear of missing out, he stays and tries to enjoy it. He keeps away from crowds, hiding in the shadows and munching on candy. Whenever he sees a witch, because they're always bound to show up, he hides his face and quickly flees for another hiding spot. The cycle revolves until it's almost dawn.
He's sitting outside one of the village's less popular graveyards, leaning against the metal fence as he unwraps his final piece of good candy; after this, he'll have to make a venture to get more. Either that, or he'll just go home.
He pops it in his mouth and tips his head back to watch the sky. The stars twinkle like a thousand fireflies, fluttering around the moon, which is as round and iridescent as a pearl. The air is crisp, smelling of dying leaves and rotting earth. It's peaceful.
His peace is suddenly interrupted by a voice, husky and feminine and sickeningly familiar.
"Hey, wolfie."
Oh, god. It's that fucking witch again.
Seren thinks he could just die then and there. He nearly chokes on his candy, managing to gulp it down unceremoniously before looking up at her. She's just as enchanting as she was the first time he saw her, with those full lips and striking green eyes. Thick curly hair pokes out from beneath her hat and billows over her shoulders. The fabric of her hat is slightly iridescent, which is even more apparent in this light. Her cape—oh, she doesn't have a cape. She has wings. Orange, translucent, whispy bat wings. They're only half there, clearly formed by magic as opposed to physical matter. Had she always had them? Perhaps Seren had been so distracted the first time they met that he'd simply written them off as a cape.
Ah, he's staring again. She's waiting for him to answer her, lips pursed, arms folded over her chest. He feels a blush creep back onto his face.
"Hey," he croaks, voice cracking lightly. "It's, uh- I'm not a wolf, by the way."
She cracks a little smile, suppressing a chuckle. A warmth blossoms in his chest. He may be laughing at her, but at least he can make her laugh.
"What are you doing all the way out here?" She asks, and he's surprised by the fact that she's even making conversation with him. He thought she hated him. She still sort of looks and sounds like she does, if he's being honest.
"Party got boring," he lies. "Wanted some peace and quiet."
She hums. "I understand that."
The silence that follows is peaceful instead of awkward, and Seren tries not to ruin it by looking over at her too much, despite really wanting to.
"Do you live far from here?" She asks, apropos of nothing.
He blinks. "Uh, no. I actually live just outside of town. In the woods."
Senna smiles, warm and genuine. Seren's breath hitches. "The coven is busy for the next few days, but if you'd like to spend some time together on, say, Tuesday, you can come over to my house."
Seren sputters. Spend some time together? What in the name of hell is she talking about? There is no way he's talking to the same lady he met in the town square.
"What?" He asks, audibly shocked. "You're serious?"
She rolls her eyes at him. "I don't talk for my health," she scoffs. "You want to or not?"
Okay, yep, this is definitely the same lady.
"Oh, yeah. Yeah, I do." He nods vigorously.
Her smile returns. "Fantastic. Look for a round, two-story cottage in the middle of town. It's covered in tinsel, hanging lanterns, and bones." He nods along with everything she says, committing it all to memory.
"That's great, I..." His mouth hangs open. Every question he wanted to ask dies on his tongue. He looks at her. She's already backing away, starting on the path back toward the village. "Wait, miss-"
"Okay, Senna. My apologies. I have a question-"
"What? I told you where to meet me. I'm a busy woman. I'll talk to you then."
And with that, she's gone. Again. Seren is left standing there, amongst a pile of candy and wrappers, alone on a moonlit night as a party resounds in the distance. He's confused, very confused, but he also feels strangely giddy. He can't help himself from smiling as he ponders the idea of being her friend.
He's worried that he'll mess this up, but considering how terrible he's acted thus far, and how she pursued him regardless, he doesn't think that he'll have to worry about that.
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aurelion-solar · 2 years
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Bewitching Neeko, Anivia, Senna, Cassiopeia & LeBlanc! 🎃
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nanumn · 1 year
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🐱🎃 bewitching neeko & senna 🦇👻
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yan-senna · 2 years
Halloween Party (Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Valtor, Zuko)
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The Keeper of the Diamond
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Y/N is invited to her cousin’s Halloween party while Snape, Lucius, Valtor and Zuko are visiting her and her friends.
This is a request from @encantadiafan12. Thank you for your request!
Happy Halloween!🎃👻 Y/C/N means your cousin’s name.
I hope you enjoy!
Published: 10/31/2022
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Word count: 2.5k
Warning: Mentions of ghosts, spiders, vampires and zombies
It’s the Halloween season! Y/N, Laura and Vera are waiting for their guests to arrive. They have invited Snape, Lucius, Valtor and Zuko.
As they still aren’t sure what they will do on Halloween, they have decided to celebrate the spooky season with the four guys today. Halloween is next week, so they still have some time to think about what they are going to do on that day.
The three girls are currently decorating the house with spooky things - ghosts, spiders, pumpkins with scary faces.
While Y/N is setting the table, Laura is preparing to greet the guests. Well, correction - to scare the guests.
“Laura, what are you doing?” Vera questions.
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Author’s note:
If you liked this, you might also like “Spooky House” (Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy)!
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Follow @yan-senna-taglist and put on notifications in order to get to know when I post a new fanfic!
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aspectofthe-moon · 2 years
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୨🎃ノ Bewitching Neeko, Senna, LeBlanc, Cassiopeia and Anivia
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electronicdazecolor · 11 months
Hey everyone my name is star and I'm from the channel 🎃Superstar🎃 so if anyone knows me from there hello and for anyone who does not know who I am which is probably most of you hello it's a pleasure to meet you and I will tell you about some of the things I plan to do and stuff I do on this Tumblr account
1: GoAnimate content since I'm a GoAnimate fan
2: scenario art
3: tickle art and tickling scenarios because I have a tickle interest ^⁠_⁠^
4: and drawing stuff (after I finally have an art style I'm satisfied with)•́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀
5: gacha
And yeah also I like the digital circus also here's my DNI list
Cutegores: (you guys are absolutely disgusting) (⁠‘⁠◉⁠⌓⁠◉⁠’⁠)
Proshippers: (you guys are even worse)
People who bully people for their age (no thank you get out) 👁️👄👁️
People who draw sexual art of underage characters: (get out of my sight)
Opinion bashers: no thank you
senna supporters: absolutely not
Other than that everyone's allowed and if you are an NSFW artist as long as you keep it SFW on my account and respect my boundaries then you are fine and this also goes for 18 plus accounts as well and I understand your boundaries and I respect them since I understand you do not want people who are under the age of 18 on your account interacting with you which I understand since your content is not aimed at a not mature audience let alone people who are minors so yeah but if you disrespect my boundaries or anyone else's you're getting blocked until you improve also I'm a minor but I'm not telling my age so yeah also I'm a night owl lol also I will only make tickle art out of people's characters when they are okay with it if people do not like it or do not feel comfortable with it I will not do so and if you do not like me I understand but anyways yeah see yha
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
oh my lord this concept art i'm actually faint. she has never looked this fucking stunning before i am genuinely at a loss for words
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
i'm literally in awe right now. her hair. her glasses. her hat. her weird little bat wing on her outfit. her gun is alive and it is her FRIEND
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
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aurelion-solar · 2 years
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Bewitching Senna, LeBlanc, Cassiopeia, Neeko & Anivia Icons 🎃
231 notes · View notes
aurelion-solar · 2 years
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Bewitching Senna, Neeko, Anivia, Cassiopeia & LeBlanc Borders 🎃
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yan-senna · 3 years
Friendship with the Potions Master (Severus Snape x Slytherin student! reader)
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Author’s note:
Once again, sorry for the delay. I hope you will enjoy!
Also, happy Halloween!🎃👻 (10/31/2021)
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Chapter 1 ϟ Next chapter ϟ All chapters
End of Year 2 (chapter 10)
Word count: 2.9k
Warning: Petrification and mentions of blood and death
It's been a month since the last petrification... Until now. Hermione Granger was found near the library in her petrified state.
Severus can't help but feel somewhat relieved - he will enjoy every second of the insufferable know-it-all's absence in class. He won't be seeing her putting her hand up all the time for a few months. What a nice late Christmas present.
Of course, Potter and Weasley are absolutely devastated by this. So are others - not because of the girl being petrified, but because all the Quidditch matches have been cancelled.
"Stupid Mudbloods. I could have been playing Quidditch right now if they weren't being petrified all the time" Draco loudly complains to Crabbe and Goyle during lunch.
Loud enough for two particular Gryffindor boys to hear him.
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Follow @yan-senna-taglist and put on notifications in order to get to know when I post a new fanfic!
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yan-senna · 3 years
Spooky House (SS, LM)
By yan-senna
Other links to the one shot: Wattpad / AO3
One shot schedule list
The Keeper of the Diamond series
Want to be tagged when I post a fanfic?
This is a one shot from The Keeper of the Diamond series. It contains Severus Snape x reader and Lucius Malfoy x reader. I only own Y/N, Laura and Vera. The three girls are 19 years old.
Y/N and her friends, Laura and Vera, invite Lucius, Snape, Narcissa, Draco and the Trio to an amusement park on Halloween. Laura is on a mission - to make Severus Snape spooked.
BTW: Happy Halloween! 🎃👻
I hope you enjoy!
PS: You can send requests!
Word count: 1.7k
Published: 10/31/2021
TW: Swear words and mentions of clowns, dragons, ghosts and spiders
Snape sighs. He still can’t believe he said yes to go to an amusement park with seven teenagers. Thankfully, one of them is Y/N, and both Lucius and Narcissa are coming as well - otherwise, he would not survive.
Today is Halloween, which is why they are going to an amusement park as they have decorated for the season.
Y/N and her friends, Laura and Vera, have invited Snape, Lucius, Narcissa and the Trio to come with them to have fun and enjoy the spooky day.
At least they won’t be in costumes - the teenagers all agreed that they are a bit too old for trick and treating. Which means Lucius won’t have to wear an Elsa costume from Frozen again, thank Merlin for that.
Laura wanted to protest but gave up in the end. The girl is on a mission - to scare Severus Snape. If she can’t do it with a costume, then she will just find another way.
She can’t wait to hear him scream. She wonders if he screams like a girl. She decides that he probably does. This will be fun.
Right now, the wizards and witches are waiting outside the amusement park in the three girls’ dimension. A few minutes later, the girls finally show up.
“Finally! It was getting boring to wait for you three” Draco complains.
Laura snorts at that. “Really? Couldn’t the spoiled kid wait a few minutes?” she teases.
The boy just huffs, muttering “Muggles” under his breath.
Lucius sighs. “Now, now, Draco. We did not wait that long” he assures them. Nodding, the girls go and hug the Trio and Narcissa.
As Laura and Vera are discussing Halloween with Hermione, Harry and Narcissa while Ron and Draco seem to be fighting over whether ghosts or pumpkins are the best decoration, Y/N approaches Lucius and Snape.
“Hi” she shyly says.
Lucius smiles. “Hello, Y/N. Ready for Halloween, huh?” he asks her.
She nods. “Yeah, how about you guys? Are you ready to get spooked?” she asks as she giggles.
She knows about Laura’s plan - she wonders if her friend will succeed.
“There is nothing to be ready for as there is nothing that can spook me” Snape says as he rolls his eyes.
It takes a lot to scare the Potions Master - some silly ghost-dressed people on the streets will not scare him the slightest.
Lucius chuckles at his friend. He almost hopes that he will get spooked as he doesn’t think that he has ever heard him scream before - he wonders if Snape screams like a girl.
He decides so and smirks at the thought.
Narcissa clears her throat to gain everyone’s attention. Mainly to stop Ron and Draco’s heated argument.
“Well, shall we enter now?” she questions.
As everybody nods in agreement, they enter the amusement park. They all look in awe at the place - it has been decorated with pumpkins, ghosts, zombies, spiders…
When Ron notices the spiders, he lets out a high-pitched scream. Which only amuses Draco, of course.
“Scared of a Halloween decoration, Weasley?” he taunts.
The red-haired boy’s face turns red from anger. “Shut up, Malfoy!” he warns.
They all then start to walk around the park. Narcissa buys an orange-coloured candy floss for each of the teenagers.
Y/N shyly smiles at Snape and Lucius. “Would you two like to try it?” she offers.
After being deep in thought, both men nod and take a piece off of the candy. They both then take a bite.
Of course, it’s pumpkin-flavoured.
Snape winces as it reminds him of pumpkin juice which he absolutely despises.
Lucius chuckles at that. He doesn’t mind the flavour, but he does mind the stickiness. Y/N can’t help but giggle at their reactions.
As the ten of them keep walking, Draco spots an amusement ride that gains his attention.
“I want to try that one” he demands as he points at the roller coaster in front of them.
“Hey, good idea! Come on, let’s go!” Vera says, excited to try the roller coaster.
“I will stay here… Amusement rides aren’t my cup of tea” Snape says, gesturing for the others to go.
Laura smirks. “Scared?” she taunts him.
He raises an eyebrow at that. “Nothing can scare me” he states.
The Dark Lord did scare him, but Snape would never admit that to anyone.
He then reluctantly goes with the others. As three people can sit next to each other, Y/N sits between Lucius and Snape. Behind them, Narcissa sits between Laura and Vera.
Draco sits alone - he wants to have the whole thing for himself. Hermione sits between Ron and Harry.
During the ride, Draco is having lots of fun as he puts his arms up in the air.
Hermione screams, so does Harry - however, he’s having fun as well. Ron is scared that he might throw up. Thankfully, he doesn’t.
Narcissa, Laura and Vera are screaming, too. So does Y/N as she grips Snape’s and Lucius’ hands. They both smirk at that.
Occasionally, Lucius screams as well. He tries his best not to, but he fails.
Snape doesn’t scream - in fact, he doesn’t utter a single word. Much to Laura’s dismay. She was sure that he was going to scream like everybody else.
Once the ride is done, they exit to look at the picture. Laura can’t believe it - Snape doesn’t look scared at all. He has his usual unreadable expression while everybody else has their mouths open, arms up in the air looking like they are having fun.
Except for Ron - the boy looks quite uncomfortable in the picture.
Lucius laughs. “I will buy one picture for each of us - we absolutely have to save this” he says as he smirks.
Once he has bought ten copies of their picture, the group keeps walking. Lucius snorts when he sees a witch decoration - the Muggles clearly have prejudices when it comes to magical beings.
Narcissa frowns at the clothing for the witch decoration. Muggles have no idea what witch fashion is like. They got it all wrong.
Vera suddenly spots something that makes her nudge Laura to get her attention.
“What?” Laura asks curiously.
Once she sees it, she smirks. “Hey, why don’t we go in there?” she questions the others.
They all turn around to look - it’s a spooky house.
“Enter at own risk” Hermione reads out loud.
Ron gulps. “Maybe we shouldn’t…” he says, shaking a bit from fear.
Draco snorts at that. “Are you seriously scared of that, Weasley? It’s just Muggles dressing up in silly costumes to scare us” he says, looking amused at Ron’s fearful face.
A fearful face that quickly turns redder than his hair. “I’m not scared!” Ron states, trying to look more confident.
“Well, I am definitely skipping this - I do not wish to get a heart attack” Narcissa says as she chuckles.
Hermione nods. “Me too, I will stay out here” she states.
Harry then looks at the three girls. “Will you stay here as well?” he asks them gently.
All three shake their heads. “Nope, I’m going” Vera says, sounding confident.
“Me too, dude - I need to see if it’s true that nothing can scare Snape” Laura says, challenging the Potions Master.
Snape smirks. “As you wish” he simply says, accepting it.
Lucius chuckles to himself - he can’t wait to see this.
“Well, I’m going as well - I just can’t promise that I won’t scream” Y/N says, giving a nervous laugh.
Lucius smirks at that. “Severus and I will protect you, darling” he reassures her.
She blushes but smiles at him. “Thank you, Lucius - just don’t hex any of them, otherwise you will have to obliviate a lot of people” she says as she chuckles.
Narcissa and Hermione wish them good luck as Snape, Lucius, Y/N, Laura, Vera, Draco, Ron and Harry enter the spooky house. It’s quite dark in here.
Suddenly, something pops out of nowhere - it’s a creepy clown face.
“I hate clowns!” Vera exclaims while screaming.
As they keep walking in the dark, Ron screams as a big spider turns up.
“S-spider!” he yells, almost fainting.
As Draco confidently walks ahead of the others, a zombie jumps out of nowhere.
“Salazar’s hairy arse!” the boy screams.
Harry starts to laugh. “Salazar’s hairy arse?” he questions, still laughing. Vera, Laura, Y/N and Ron laugh as well.
“Shut up, Potter!” Draco says through gritted teeth.
Just then, Harry screams as well when a snake slithers near his head. Draco laughs at that.
Lucius and Snape are holding Y/N’s arms protectively - she’s quite scared.
Lucius chuckles a bit. “Do not worry, Y/N. There is nothing to fear, we are here” he assures.
Just then, a dragon pops out of nowhere, spewing fire.
“Fuck!” Lucius exclaims.
Y/N can’t help but giggle at that - it was funnier than it was scary.
Laura almost gets a heart attack when a ghost creeps near her.
“Boo!” it repeats as it floats near her.
“Jesus Christ!” she exclaims, holding a hand over her heart.
After a long journey of surviving the spookiness, they finally exit the place as the light blinds their eyes.
“So, how was it?” Narcissa gently asks.
Laura can’t believe it - Snape wasn’t scared, at all! He barely even blinked.
As the Potions Master is distracted, Laura takes the opportunity - this is her only chance!
While the man is talking with Lucius as the teenagers explain their experience with the spooky house to Narcissa and Hermione, Laura sneaks up on him.
“Boo!” she yells.
Caught off guard, Snape gives a small high-pitched scream. That’s right, Severus Tobias Snape just screamed - and it was Laura who spooked him.
It was only a small scream, but a scream nonetheless. She succeeded in her mission.
Vera, Draco, Harry and Ron start to laugh uncontrollably.
“Ha, you just screamed!” Laura says, looking smug.
Snape glares at her. That insolent little…
Lucius can’t help but laugh as well. “I must say, I did expect you to scream like a girl - but your actual scream is much better” he confesses, still laughing.
Everybody keeps laughing, even Y/N can’t help it. She tries her best to stop as she covers her mouth with her hand.
Snape sighs. He will never hear the end of this.
Author’s note:
The reference to Lucius wearing the Elsa costume is from book 3 chapter 20, by the way!
Also, if you liked this, then you might also like Christmas at the Burrow (SS, LM), Happy New Year! (SS, LM), Snape’s Birthday (SS) and Valentine’s Day (SS)!
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