#sense8 is about how every connection you ever make is holy beyond comprehension
Look. Look at me. Look me in the eye. Riley Gunnarsdottir is important because people love her. So many people love her so fucking much. Yes, she's in part a story about how grief fills you up and empties you out like breathing but Riley is about reaching out. She reaches and someone always takes her hand. Folks offer her places to stay, they host her shows, they bring her supplies, they give her a ride and keep her safe and save her friends. Someone loves Riley enough to visit graves for her. Someone loves Riley enough to plan escape routes for her. Someone loves Riley enough to bring her aboard and flee the country with no questions except is he alright? In a series with so many characters defined by their relationships to one or two people outside the cluster, Riley has so many people in so many places that you can't even picture it and yet. Riley ran and someone caught her, everywhere, over and over and over.
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