#sent on 20210705
booasaur · 3 years
What was your favorite scene in fear street?
Oh, well, you know, it's usually hard for me to pick one moment, and this one did have a fair number of good moments, especially for just being a movie, buuuuuuuut. It has to be the "You make me feel like me" convo. Nothing comes even CLOSE to the staggering romance and connection of that moment.
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booasaur · 3 years
God people being angry bc the Hera died and the girls survive is one of the things I kinda expect it but surprise me.
And another anon:
people really are being like "actually literally everyone other than the lesbians were the best characters in fear street and it should've focused on them instead, but I'm not homophobic or anything" i don't know why i'm surprised
I dunno that many God people would be angry if Hera died... :P
But yeah, I get it. You know what, I'm gonna address a bunch of the complaints and comments I've seen. First: where is the media literacy?! What do people think they're watching? It's a slasher, most people, including likable, fun best friends, will die.
And despite how often this happens, I am surprised each time. I guess in this case I at least expected that with leads, as rare as that is, THEN they'd get a certain inherent sympathy that leads get. But the issue is, Certain types of characters have to earn it. The viewer actually starts off a little bit against them, waiting for them to justify their selection over someone more default in Western media.
This happens for a variety of people, in all kinds of combinations: men (and even many women) find it difficult to get women's viewpoints, straight people toward LGB people, cis people toward trans, white people toward POC, POC toward other POC, especially Black people. Even within groups, darker skinned people find it harder and it took me a very long time to feel the same empathy for desi characters as for white (in case you don't read my bio, I am desi).
Even people who've had one queer experience may feel judgmental toward other queer people, like recently we've seen a rise in frustration and annoyance with closeted people, right. The biggest victim of Sam's struggle with homophobia is not Deena, or even Peter, it's Sam! So many people act like closeted people are manipulating others for the joy of it, like it's a secret because of selfishness and not a deeply traumatizing fear! They're never granted that empathy, though. I've seen people call Sam boring and undeserving, meanwhile she's the girl who showed huge personal growth, fully came out to her scary mom, has a fun lowkey sense of humor, and made the decision THREE TIMES this night to die!
Now to Deena. Again, the way people view her from the outside instead of thinking, oh no, she has to try to force pills down her gf's throat and then drown her while hearing her best friends be killed, now she has to pick between her brother and gf, hoping that she'll be able to save both but possibly losing them. You know what it is, it's such a lack of good faith toward these characters. I said sympathy and empathy above, but really, it's simply not believing them of being capable of the same emotions and feelings as everyone else. There's this suspicion and bad faith jump to the worst motivations.
Like, other characters do this all the time? Prioritizing saving a loved one? There is almost no concept more generally pushed forward by Western fictional media than "a group that sacrifices the few to save the many means they don't deserve saving the many"?? That love and teamwork will always win out, that you don't give up or give in, that against all odds, every effort should be made to save everyone?
Speaking of which, going back to media literacy, I love Kate and Simon, enough to say that before the official airing, but the moment they were ready to sacrifice Sam? These movies don't forgive that kind of selfishness. Like, okay, usually that comes from very obvious bad guys, the kind of smirking, bullying jock that Peter was, who would normally survive to be able to pull something exactly like this and then be killed right when he thought he'd escaped but the movie playing around with tropes doesn't mean it's completely ignoring them.
It's funny, people talk about how bold media like GOT, The Boys, Succession, etc, are but really, where's the boldness when you know your audience is gonna eat up your straight white people doing shitty things? It's stuff like this, wanting your audience to like characters they normally wouldn't and allowing them to be messy, that is far braver.
HAVING said all that....thanks for letting me vent the thoughts that've been percolating, lol, but I don't think we should dwell on this. As hard as that sounds, because the more mainstream this is, the more ubiquitous the discourse and it's obviously more than just fiction, it's about the real life ways real life people relate to us, and clearly I have had a lot of thoughts about itttt, but let's not let them ruin it, eh? Get your frustrations out and then just have fun.
It's not our responsibility to try to defend or promote the movie or even, really, try to get its ratings up. It's incredibly unfair that we have to do that and surely media producers and neutral consumers expect things like review bombing and lack of audience sympathy and factor it in. We get two more movies, it's their loss if they can't enjoy them.
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booasaur · 3 years
idk if you've heard but the hardy boys got renewed for a second season!
I did hear that! Hopefully it'll have some good progress on the Jesse/Trudy front, considering it really seemed they were setting up a lot for a future season if they got one. And they got one! Though I enjoyed the rest of the show too, so I'm just glad all around at the news. :)
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booasaur · 3 years
Have you seen Nevertheless? It’s a k-drama on Netflix and they’re pretty clearly going there with 2 of the side characters, Sol and Ji Wan. Only 3 eps so far but those 2 have been really sweet!
Actually, yep! Someone sent me an ask about it and I liked what I saw. I've got it on my list to gif but I'm trying to clear up some other sets and asks first.
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booasaur · 3 years
I can't believe no one has asked/told you yet about Princess Charming. It's like the lesbian and German version of The Bachelorette. Irina and Lou remind me of Kristian and Demi in a good way and, hopefully, with a better ending.
Oh, I've heard a bit about that, but I think Kristian and Demi put an end to my interest in dating show f/f, heh. Probably reality show in general, tbh. I need the distance of knowing they're fictional people, like, clearly I already get really weird even about just them, real people make it too complicated.
Good luck to them, though! Hope the right pair finds each other!
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