transhuman-priestess · 10 months
donot read tumblr urls under the infulence
i just aws "davidtennantpussytulpa"and got zlinghsoted to alfa sentaury
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coolfandomfairy · 1 year
We are not talking enough how kind and forgiving Crowley is.
He saved Job’s kids and sheep 🐑, saved Aziraphale multiple times and kept him out of trouble, cleaned his bookshop, babysat Jim, forgave Gabriel even though he was furious at him, and even suggested them going to Alpha Sentauri for honeymoon.
This man maybe has his own vices but he also has a HEART OF GOLD.
He would be an amazing human being ✨
I wish he had more friends to support him and tell him that he matters, that he’s loved for who he’s.
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pvssybros · 7 years
Jake found himself driving through the middle of nowhere, desperate for a place to stop and stay. The omega would be going through his heat soon and he certainly wasn’t about to have it out in the open like this. Luckily enough, he found a rather spacious looking inn for him to stop at. Parking his car, the young mechanic made his way to the front entrance of the building with absolutely no luggage or any indication of why he showed up other than the heady scent he was emitting and padded through to what he assumed to be the front desk. “Is anybody here?” he called, voice almost desperate to be acknowledged sooner rather than later. “Hello? I need a room, please.”
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manypersons · 3 years
Ok well now that I know I can ask, I know your writing a book but I don't know much more than that. I'd love to hear about the plot/characters!
omg, of course you guys are allowed to ask. I love getting asks!
I am going to put the rest of this answer under a cut because it is going to be long and rambling, so don't click unless you're ready to scroll for a year
So the one I'm working on right now is called Unstable, but it's not my first serious novel! Last summer I revisited an old draft that I wrote several years back, Aware, and I found myself completely rewriting it. I actually haven't bothered to take that original off wattpad, since it doesn't reflect what I rewrote last summer, so you could find that here if you're interested.
The Aware universe takes place in a post nuclear holocaust and genocidal world where select parts of society were brought to carry on humanity on a different planet, Santauri, and the rest were left to fend for themselves on Earth. Thousands of years later, neither of these two groups knows that the other exists
I am actually in love with the characters in Aware. So the main character is Viviana and she lives on Santuari. Below it my first concept drawing for her, my favorite drawing of her, next to to a piccrew recreation I made recently
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So basically she is very bitter and hates her city. She is a hustler that gets by and supports her family and ugh she is basically that awesome female character you can't help but love.
and sharing the next character is a bit more of a self-indulgent thing, because he is my absolute favorite oc
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This is Niklas Alwin and he is awesome and I want to kiss him on the forehead every time I see this picture and the fact that he and Viviana are wearing the same sweatshirts in these drawings means nothing. So basically, sad backstory, he is pan in a world where queer folk are hunted down and killed. Every time an attempt is made on Niklas's life for being pan, he gets a tattoo over the scar so that he's now a piece of art
Aldric Further from Unstable lives on Earth still, and his story parallels Vivana in the sense that it take place at the same time. So I don't have any art for Unstable on my computer, but to make up for that, I made these. Aldric in on the left next to his best friend Tylin
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Aldric lives in an underground society called the Underneath and considered it home before some events brought to light the true atrocities of the place
Tylin is ostracized by the general masses of the Underneath. His parents arrived there mysteriously before he was born. Nobody in the Underneath had seen somebody with such fair skin before (racism had led all of those with dark skin to be left behind when the rest were taken to Sentauri)
and ummm, I guess that's all I have in me at the moment, because I need to get back to writing, but I do love my characters very much and if you want to know more about the plot, I am always super eager to tell more!
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ha2e · 4 years
Ff verir misin lütfen?
@tinyd3vil @okayzey @palepurpleblrxx
@odinmodin @alpha-sentauri @sensentinus
@lader @starvelingpenguin @olmazkanka
@hilolita @buatesiharlama @biftekveot
@hamsterundskelett @cinaisebeke @jjheeze
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storja-historja · 5 years
For a lifetime I thought 'alpha centauri' pronounced as 'alfa sentauri' thanks good omens.
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testedtransgressor · 5 years
The Sentauri
Category: Concept - Species Setting: Fiction - fantasy Originally written: 5 August 2019 Pronunciation: sen-TAH-ree
I just want to make it clear, I am surprised at some of the ideas my own mind can sometimes come up with, maybe even more so than people on the internet who barely know me. This includes some heavily sexist and misandristic themes, and I’m really sorry if anybody is actually upset or triggered by this.
The Sentauri are a female-dominant human subspecies that are descended from the survivors of a shipwrecked fleet of settler ships. Their anatomy is very much like baseline humans, with some minor exceptions in strength, flexibility, and agility, as well as sensory differences. They exist within a matriarchal society, in which the few males are protected due to their rarity, and often subjected to harsh segregation as a result of female dominance.
Little is known about the Sentauri history, aside from their baseline origins. It is clear that they have occupied their island home for many generations, and have formed a bond with the former primary inhabitant of the island, a group of massive feline mammals that are unlike any known species. The Sentauri history is passed down through art, song, and spoken word, making it often difficult for others to understand.
Upon being shipwrecked, the survivors banded together and formed a small community wherein most fell into the supposed “pre-determined” gender roles - males venturing out hunting and gathering while females remained in the camp, cleaning and cooking and trying to create a home. The male population, however, began to dwindle due to interaction with the felines of the island, and those who survived would sometimes be permanently incapacitated from their encounters. With hunter numbers dropping, many of the women ventured out instead. They were attacked less frequently than the male parties had been, and would often return with food for the rest of the group.
Eventually, the survivors began to doubt that they would be rescued, and so it was decided that there would be a permanent council of leadership formed. Infighting amongst the males who wanted the highest positions on this council led to unnecessary death, and the strongest women stood up and cast out the would-be aggressive alpha male types. The council was formed almost entirely of women, with the exception of two males, and the women of the group were formally recognised as the more dominant ones. This has not changed in the generations that followed.
Social Structure
The Leadership Council is comprised of five adult women, two young women, and two males. They are considered the leaders of the group, each of them displaying an uncontestable level of skill in a specific area. Each full solar rotation, they are expected to defend their position through competition at various trials and games days.
The Leadership Council governs all the comings and goings of the tribe. They control who is permitted to make a claim, who may venture beyond the territory for hunting, and who may venture out for exploration. They also assign the ranks of warrior and huntress at each of the trial days, and annul claims made throughout the lunar cycles between Trial Days. They also handle criminal matters - minor ones on Trial Days and major ones as soon as is possible.
For most women, a bounty of occupations is available, from warrior to huntress, venturer to gatherer, and many roles in between. Very few choose the path of an educator or guardian, only fulfilling these roles during pregnancy as physical exertion is avoided during this time. There is no expectation on women to bear a child, as some are more than happy to spend their lives bearing children while others prefer to avoid the role altogether.
For males, the future is limited. With one male to every four or five women, and considered essential to the survival of the society, men are expected to engage in sexual intercourse with multiple partners. Very rarely, a single female will “claim” a single male, competing in combat to earn her right to a monogamous partnership with that particular male. When a male has been claimed by a dominant female, he is expected to act as a servant to her, maintaining her living space and preparing private meals for her (while others eat the communal meals by the fire).
Men are encouraged to become educators and maintenance folk, ensuring that everything within the settlement remains functional and in good condition. They are often seen as protected beings, and are rarely allowed to engage in combative or dangerous sporting games, for their own safety. They are discouraged, but not restricted from pursuing roles as hunters or explorers, though they often have to work twice as hard to prove themselves and even then are rarely allowed out of the territory without female companions.
Unlike women, however, men are expected to engage in sexual relations with women, in order to produce offspring. These familial lines are tracked very carefully, so as to avoid dangerous inbreeding.
Children are educated in all skills from an early age, and upon reaching their tenth year they are encouraged to choose two or three to focus on. Children come of age at seventeen, and this is when they are encouraged to start participating in breeding.
Women can be extremely aggressive and territorial, which is why claims over single males are monitored very closely by the Council. At current count, there are approximately 100 adult females and 20 adult males.
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jascnstone · 8 years
“Out of all the mortals in this gods damn park, I had to be stuck in the one dressed like Iris’ excrement.”  Hades rolled his eyes in disgust, referring to the multicolored suit that Jason still wore.  “Looks like the eternal damnation never ends.  I’m just stuck in a new kind of Hell.”
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darketingsagrap · 6 years
Recuerdo cuando alfa sentauri era nuestra favorita...
¿Tú lo recuerdas,me recuerdas?
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The Daily Converstion
Future NASA (or space) Projects
The dreams of scientists are about to come true....... Well not as fast as they want to it’ll take a lot of years to develop the technology it’s needed to achive what they’re aiming for .
NASA and other aerospacial enterprices are willing to make aproach to distant planets. The first is getting to mars, the idea of steping on the red planet has been in scientists mind quite some time now, but the technology isn’t enough even now. The first try is booked for 2040 while they figure out making posible for a human living up there and the consecuences of living in space for long periods of time. Still NASA is planing to send a new robot to get more information about the planet. After all NASA is not the only one wanting to be in the red planet a lot of agencies are competing to get there.
Another project that makes me go crazy is the idea of sending somthing like a parachute impulsed by laser rays and get to Alpha Sentauri wich is the closest planet that can be habitable for man kind and might be the only one reachable in a life time. But it’s a long process as the energy of the rays it’s a million times less than it’s needed and they also need to know of wich materials it’s going to be build. So they have to send it wait over 13 years to get into the planet and then 4 years to get the info.
All of these is makes me just dream about how life will be in 10 maybe 20 years. Maybe technology will get  there faster than they think maybe don’t but the idea of having the opotunity of getting to a new planet it’s amazing. I’ve always loved Sci-fi and these it’s just that for now but who knows maybe I’ll be in Mars or in Alpha Sentauri.
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