written-seoks · 5 years
blossoming [ngk 05]
BTS | Namjoon/Jungkook/Yoongi | Soulmates AU | Teen
find this on ao3 here
Namgikook week .05 Prompt: soulmates
Namjoon quickly took a peek under his own shirt and almost wasn’t surprised to find a new line of wisteria on his shoulder. When he looked up, the only thing in front of him was a smashed cell phone on the ground where the guy - his soulmate - had dropped it. In the distance, he could see a little dot disappearing around a corner. “HEY!” He yelled to no effect. That’s… not what he expected.
You start to get flower marks where your soulmate touches you when you meet them
Namjoon had found a whole line of bruises down his arm when he first met Yoongi. Of course, being mildly hungover and very aware of his clumsy nature, he had just brushed it off. He hadn’t even thought about it until Seokjin had asked him about it.
When he took a closer look, the purple-brown of a bruise was more of a purple-blue of a wisteria. Little wisteria petals trailed down his arm, creating a path of clearly traceable fingerprints.
Of course, that was only half the battle. Now that he had met his soulmate, he had to find him. Which was ten times more difficult than it normally would’ve been. Because he couldn’t remember the night he got those bruises. They had already faded, so here he was, racking his mind for anything he remembered.
It may of been this pre-occupation with trying to remember the party where he had gotten that line of wisteria that caused him to bump into Yoongi in the first place. The irony knocked him on his ass. As did Yoongi when he clipped him going the opposite direction and staring at his phone.
Just as Namjoon had turned around to snap at the guy, definitely not in the best mood at 8 am before he had any coffee in him, he caught him staring at a new bruise of twenty laurel leaves on his wrist and what little of his neck he could see. Right where Namjoon had smacked into him.
Namjoon quickly took a peek under his own shirt and almost wasn’t surprised to find a new line of wisteria on his shoulder. When he looked up, the only thing in front of him was a smashed cell phone on the ground where the guy - his soulmate - had dropped it. In the distance, he could see a little dot disappearing around a corner. “HEY!” He yelled to no effect. That’s… not what he expected.
He picks up the phone. It’s locked, but the password is 1111. He texts the most recent contact, a guy who’s in the phone as “bobi the fool.” Which. Okay. He won’t judge.
[me] Hey, this is my soulmate’s phone, he just left it here. Do you know where I can find him to give it back?
[bobi the fool] HAHA WHAT
[me] His soulmate.
[bobi the fool] YOU SURE?
[me] yes, is the caps lock really necessary?
[bobi the fool] I guess not. What’s your name?
[me] Kim Namjoon. Who are you?
[bobi the fool] Whoa, you’re Taehyung’s friend right? I know him
Also, what do you mean?? Don’t you have my contact?
[me] he… he has you in here as “bobi the fool”
[sent 1 picture (screenshot)]
[bobi the fool] HE WHAT.
That’s actually kinda funny tho… :p
I’m Jung Hoseok. I’m on the dance team.
[me] Oh! With Park Jimin right? My hyung Seokjin knows him.
[bobi the fool] oh yeah I know about Seokjin hyung!
Anyways, you sure you’re Yoongi’s soulmate!???
[me] his name is Yoongi?
And yeah. Pretty fuckin sure. We bumped each other and I’ve got a line of wisterias covering my shoulder now.
[bobi the fool] Oh. yeah. That’s Yoongi’s flower.
[me] How do you know what his flower is??
Suddenly the phone gets a text from someone named “Jungkook <3.”
[Jungkook <3] Hyung, why did hobi hyung just text me saying you found another soulmate?
Hyung please answer
Oh. Oh shit. Namjoon stares at the cracked phone and can audibly hear the shattering of his heart. He barely prevents the phone from slipping from his hand and cracking even more. Fuck. What the fuck. His soulmate already had a soulmate? Was that even possible? Well… It obviously was, Namjoon can't just ignore the evidence right in front of him.
But… he's definitely soulmates with Yoongi. He has new bruises and so did Yoongi. This Jungkook guy must've met him first, which is why Hoseok knew what Yoongi's flowers look like.
He takes a deep breath, pockets the phone and walks towards his dorm. He needs to talk to Seokjin-hyung before he confronts the situation.
He gets home but Seokjin isn't there yet. He sits on the couch and wallows for what he deems an acceptable amount of time, which is about half an hour. He's drawn out of his misery by a ping of a notification. He checks his phone but doesn’t find anything so, with trepidation he checks Yoongi’s phone.
He finds a notification from “bobi the fool” he’d missed one or two from earlier when he was ignoring the phone but there’s another from just a moment ago. It reads:
[bobi the fool] I should let Yoongi tell you. Will you meet with me so I can get his phone?
Hey, are you getting this?
And then:
[bobi the fool] hey this is yoongi.
Oh. Oh FUCK. Namjoon seizes and stares at the phone in shock. What. What what-what. What is he supposed to do now?
[me] Hi, this is Kim Namjoon.
[bobi the fool] i know.
Oh yeah, Namjoon huffs out a breathy laugh to himself, of course, he would know that, why wouldn’t he know that? Namjoon’s an idiot.
[bobi the fool] so. you have my flowers.
Oh good, they’re going to talk about it. That’s great. There is absolutely nothing else Namjoon wants to do rather than talk about the fact that he’s a SECOND SOULMATE to a guy who looks like an angel and would probably never give Namjoon another look normally. Yay!
[me] yeah, I do
[bobi the fool] okay what do you want to do?
we can meet so you can give me back my phone or you can give it to hoseok if you want
Oh yeah. Oh yeah, of course, he doesn’t want to meet. He’s probably happy with his other soulmate, yeah that’s fair.
He’s just about to text Yoongi back that he can meet and give the phone back to Hoseok if that’s what Yoongi wants when Seokjin opens the door and startles the living daylights out of him, too focused on properly wording his text to pay attention to his surroundings.
“Namjoonie! How are you? Did you find your soulmate while you were out?” Seokjin laughs beautifully and sets his groceries down on their kitchen counter. When he turns around to see Namjoon’s defeated expression his face falls, “Joonie, what happened? I’m sorry-” He approaches as if Namjoon was a flighty cat. Namjoon immediately curls into Jin’s side as soon as he sits on the couch, phone landing in his lap.
“Hyung,” he rasps, defeated, “Hyung, I met my soulmate.”
Seokjin tries to smile excitedly, but he’s obviously still worried. “That’s good! What’re they like?”
Namjoon’s frown deepens as he tries to hold back tears, nervous breakdown near on the horizon. “Hyung, he already has a soulmate. He doesn’t want me.” Namjoon gestures at the phone in his lap, which Seokjin quickly takes and scrolls through the messages, pulling Namjoon closer as he does.
He finds the beginning of the messages - “How did you get his phone?”
“I literally bumped into him and he bolted.”
“Do you have new flowers? Show me, Joonie.” Namjoon nods obediently, too emotionally exhausted to do much else and so slips off his jacket to reveal the tank-top underneath. Seokjin gasps at the matching lines of wisteria twisting down his left and right side. He quickly turns back to the phone. “You two are definitely soulmates… I’ve heard of this happening once or twice before, so you’re not alone Joonie, it’ll just make it more difficult.”
“It’ll be impossible, hyung, since he doesn’t want me.”
“Joonie, nowhere does it say that he doesn’t want you.”
“Doesn’t it? He said that I could give the phone to Hoseok so he could avoid meeting me. I probably fucked things up with his poor soulmate too, he probably hates me.” This gets him a smack on the head from Seokjin.
“Shut up, Joonie. That’s not your fault. Also, he’s giving you the option of giving the phone to Hoseok - probably because he doesn’t want to pressure you.”
“I don’t think so, hyung. He straight up bolted before I could say anything.”
Seokjin frowns, “Either way, Joonie, I won’t let you just give up on this! This is your soulmate! He might be your only one, there’s no way to know!”
Namjoon frowns into Seokjin’s broad shoulders. “But… hyung….”
Seokjin hums. “No excuses. I’m going to make some dinner and you’re going to text this guy and set a date at that coffee shop you like. You’re going to go there, buy him a coffee, get to know him better and then give him his phone with your number inside it.” He rights Namjoon on the couch and stands before pausing and turning back around, “And while you’re doing that, you can put his number in your phone.”
Namjoon sighs and flops back down on the couch, phone in front of him. He groans but knows there’s no point in refusing Seokjin. He unlocks the phone and puts his number in before texting Yoongi back.
[me] Can you meet me at the campus coffee shop tomorrow at 9 am? We can talk and I’ll give you back your phone.
[bobi the fool] yeah, sounds good
is it okay if i bring jungkook?
Namjoon doesn’t bother asking who Jungkook is and doesn’t question how Yoongi knows he knows who Jungkook is. Hopefully, they talked and worked everything out and are going to let him down easy.
Seokjin takes the phone away from him after that, probably knowing that he’d stay up all night wondering if he had it in his hands. “Joonie, come eat, okay. Then bed and then I’ll walk you down to the coffee shop!” Namjoon nods despondently and rises to go eat the delicious food Seokjin had prepared.
Needless to say, he doesn’t get much sleep that night.
In the morning, at 8:45 am because he didn’t get to set his alarm last night, he rushes out the door and runs down the street (without Seokjin because he had claimed “beauty sleep”) to the coffee shop that’s 20 minutes down the road. He thinks he’s going to be late, but Yoongi isn’t there by the time he’s there. Which… is actually more frightening than if he had been late. What if Yoongi had decided not to come?
But regardless he gets his coffee and sits, staring out the window at nothing at all, watching pair after pair after pair of soulmates pass by him. This mindlessness with which he watches prevents Namjoon from seeing Yoongi approach, so when the chair across from him is pulled out, he jumps and almost knocks his coffee over.
He looks up to apologize and meets Yoongi’s eyes. He’d worn a t-shirt today because it had been the only thing on his floor when he’d woken up in a hurry. He could tell that it was a mistake by the way Yoongi was eyeing up his eyes, causing Namjoon to rub his arms self-consciously and look away, wisterias crawling along his skin.
“Wow, hyung, you must’ve tackled him or something to give him that many!” A guy Namjoon hadn’t noticed pulls out a seat and sits down, and Yoongi follows, not meeting Namjoon’s eyes.
The sudden action snaps Namjoon back into social-interaction mode - “Hi, you must be Jungkook… I’m Namjoon.”
Jungkook tilts his head and smiles, only a little bitterly. “Yeah, I guessed. You’re here to take my hyung away from me, right?”
Namjoon’s barely-there smile falls right off his face, “Uhh….” Error. Error.
Jungkook hums, “Just kidding. Are you my hyung? When were you born?” Yoongi still isn’t looking at him, weren’t they going to meet so that they could get to know each other?
Namjoon sighs, he doesn’t have the energy for this whiplash he’s getting. “I think so, I was born in 94.”
Jungkook sighs despondently, “Yeah, you’re older than me,” it kinda seems like he’s pouting, but Namjoon can’t tell. “You’re younger than Yoongi-hyung though.”
Namjoon jumps on the opportunity - “How old are you, hyung?” He asks, turning to Yoongi and ignoring the pitiful laugh Jungkook gives. He finds Yoongi staring at the hydrangea on his forearms. “Hyung?”
Yoongi sighs and looks up, glancing at Jungkook once before looking at Namjoon, face expressionless. “I was born in 1993. The night we met at that club, I bumped into you making out with a girl.” At this, Jungkook bursts out laughing, slapping the table and nearly knocking over his drink.
Namjoon splutters, mortified. “I - I what? I - um - don’t remember that?” Yoongi gives him a deadpan look and Namjoon rushes to cover - “No really! I was blackout drunk that night, I don’t remember anything at all, I just woke up with the wisteria on my arm!”
Jungkook bursts into even more laughter at that and Yoongi gives him a glare, punching his arm. Jungkook chokes out, “But, hyung, here you were worrying that- that- he waasha- ha- huh-”
Namjoon’s brows furrow, “Worrying that I was what? What?”
Jungkook chokes and Yoongi just folds his arms while he tries to recover, “He thought you might be--” Yoongi’s arm snaps out and necks Jungkook, drawing him close so that he can whisper in his ear. Jungkook stiffens quickly and his face goes beet red. He quickly whispers back, and Namjoon can barely hear him, “But hyung, you won’t know unless-” Yoongi’s whispers interrupt him, “Yes, yes, hyung I understand. Uh yeah, there’s! There’s no need to do that hyung, uh huh nope, I’ll be good. Promise.” There’s a pause and Yoongi almost lets go of him before Jungkook wrestles out of his grip and says in a clear voice, “Yoongi hyung thinks you’re straight. Or a fuckboy.” He turns to a fuming, red-faced Yoongi and gives him a guilty smile - “Sorry hyung, it’s for your own good. You deserve to know, at least.”
Namjoon is just staring at them for a long moment. Then he bursts out laughing. “Me- me - straight?? HA- ha - ha oh my go-sssss, that’s the fuuuuuniest thing I’ve heard all week, oh my god!” Then he sobers and frowns, “For the record, I’m pan. Why didn’t you assume that I was at least bi?”
Yoongi splutters and tries to defend himself, “I - I didn’t - Statistically!” When Namjoon gives him a look he sighs and looks down, “I didn’t want to get my hopes up,” he mumbles.
Namjoon laughs and all of his worries are lifted. “I’m sorry you bumped into me like that, I wish we could’ve met under better circumstances. Then all of this could’ve been avoided, hopefully.”
Yoongi looks up through his bangs, “So you’re okay that I already have Jungkook?”
Namjoon’s brows furrow, “I can’t say I’m ecstatic, it’ll take some time to get used too, for sure… but,” here he looks to Jungkook, “You seem like a nice guy - “
Jungkook grins, “Awwwwww hyung, you seem like a nice guy too! Does this mean I can have some of your coffee?”
Namjoon immediately rallies to the defense of his coffee, “No! Nonono! You already have your own let me enjoy mine!” He grabs Jungkook’s attacking hand and twists it, using his other to move his coffee away. Yoongi gasps. Namjoon frowns in response - “What’s wrong?” He lets go of Yoongi’s hand. Only to see a branch of Jasmine growing on his palm.
He gapes at the white skin of his palm, where white petals of jasmine are growing where he grabbed Jungkook. He looks up and meets Jungkook’s eyes before looking down to where he had gripped Jungkook - where a new line of hydrangeas lined his thumb and wrist.
Oh. Oh shit. Awesome.
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heulleoplots · 5 years
◈ [ seokah ]
my muse makes a drunk confession to your muse.♡
—— uh. — não era a primeira vez que bebiam juntos, muito menos que ficavam fora de seu estado normal. entretanto, quem costumava ficar mais para lá do que para cá obviamente porque tinha pouca resistência ao álcool, era noah. desta vez foi diferente. seokhwa que nunca deixava-se levar por instintos moles demais, estava desta vez, todo cheio de carinhos e o fato do mais novo estar sob o colo dele, deixava tudo ainda mais meloso. a voz embriagada e os olhinhos mais fechados que o normal tornavam o rosto sorridente a coisa mais adorável que o sullivan já havia visto em toda sua vida; que jinsoo não o ouvisse pensando isso. o americano estava dividido entre ouvir as palavras adocicadas do vocalista e encher o rosto rosado de beijos: acabou por fazer os dois, apesar de ser difícil desviar seus lábios dos alheios. a confissão que ainda não havia ouvido, no entanto, veio, desconcertando noah que parou o que fazia, ficando inerte enquanto seus olhos fitavam fixamente seokhwa um pouquinho abaixo de si, e podia jurar que seu próprio olhar tinha força para quebrar aquele baixinho ao meio. o ‘eu te amo’ fê-lo querer desesperadamente se jogar sobre o amante, mas ainda estava sóbrio demais para fazer. limitou-se a interromper seus carinhos bagunçados, trocando seu ritmo para um mais delicado, no que os carnudos tocaram a testa, a ponta do nariz e em seguida os lábios do amado, onde demorou-se por alguns segundos, para em seguida desgrudar-se minimamente, sussurrando ali mesmo, contra os o par semelhante. —— i love you too, sweetie.
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yutos-laugh · 6 years
I just realized that I haven't shaved my legs ever since I've "met" seokah. Talking about someone giving you confidence - 🌙🐣
oml fuck no shave november, i want no shave forever lmao
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dailymailcoid · 5 years
Merasa Dilecehkan Nikita Mirzani, Elza Syarief Bakal Ngadu Ke Presiden
Merasa Dilecehkan Nikita Mirzani, Elza Syarief Bakal Ngadu Ke Presiden
Dailymail.co.id, Jakarta – Aksi Nikita memaki Elza Syarief di Hotman Paris Show berbuntut panjang. Selain melaporkan Nikita ke Bareskrim Mabes Polri, program talk show itu juga telah diadukan ke Dewan Pers.
Tak hanya itu, Elza Syarief juga telah membuat aduan ke Menkominfo. Elza seokah ingin menunjukkan bahwa ia tidak main-main dengan perkara hukum ini.
"Iya (ke Menkominfo) soal ini, sama abis…
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fahrinusantara · 7 years
RT @NetizenTofa: BERITA sedahsyat ini, menyangkit kehormatan Muslimah, gak ada klarifikasi. Foto mesra yg diduga editam pun, dijadikan seokah asli. Media, media. https://t.co/3tU2WBkNsU
BERITA sedahsyat ini, menyangkit kehormatan Muslimah, gak ada klarifikasi. Foto mesra yg diduga editam pun, dijadikan seokah asli. Media, media.https://t.co/3tU2WBkNsU
— MUSTOFA NAHRAWARDAYA (@NetizenTofa) November 20, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/fahri_nusantara November 20, 2017 at 08:55PM via IFTTT
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seputarbisnis · 7 years
Komplotan Pemalsu e-Mail Presiden Jokowi Kirim Surat ke 51 BUMN
Jakarta (SIB)- Komplotan pemalsu akun e-mail yang mengatas namakan Presiden Joko Widodo dan Ibu Negara Iriana Joko Widodo mengirimkan surat ke 51 petinggi Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Dari 51 petinggi tersebut, satu orang yang melaporkan soal e-mail tersebut. "Sejauh ini ada 51 BUMN yang dikirimi surat oleh para tersangka, salah satunya kepada Andi Gani Nena Wea selaku Komisaris Utama PT Pembangunan Perumahan," ujar Direktur Reskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Wahyu Hadiningrat, Jumat (21/7). Sementara itu, Kasubdit Cyber Crime Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Roberto Gomgom Pasaribu mengatakan, para tersangka mengirimkan e-mail tersebut untuk melakukan penipuan. "Ya e-mailnya awalnya menyampaikan terima kasih atas kerja samanya, seokah-olah itu dari presiden, padahal bukan. Nanti ujung-ujungnya ya untuk motif ekonomi," cetus Berto. Roberto mengatakan, para tersangka mengatasnamakan e-mail tersebut dari kepala negara untuk meyakinkan calon korban. Tetapi sejauh ini, dari surat elektronik yang dikirim ke 51 perusahaan BUMN, belum ada yang mengalami kerugian materil. "Sejauh ini enggak ada, karena mungkin mereka sudah menghubungi pihak Setpres," lanjutnya. Dari tiga orang yang ditangkap, dua di antaranya Daniel Douglas Divine (WN Liberia) dan Kaba Souleymane (WN Guinea). Sedangkan satu orang tersangka lainnya adalah perempuan WNI, Ria Situmorang yang turut membantu mengirimkan e-mail dalam bahasa Indonesia ke 51 perusahaan BUMN. "Tersangka perempuan WNI itu istri dari tersangka Kaba," ujar Berto. Polisi menindaklanjuti penipuan tersebut setelah mendapatkan laporan dari pihak sekretaris kepresidenan. Pihak istana sendiri telah mengimbau masyarakat untuk tidak mempercayai surat tersebut. (detikcom/d) http://dlvr.it/PXlfjr
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iinnceess-blog · 8 years
Beberaoa waktu terakhir ini aku kehilangan banyak hal. Aku kehikanganmu. Bahkan lebih banyak dari itu. Aku kehilangan kehidupan. Aku hanya bermimpi tapi ak tak mau bangun untuk mewujudkannya. Yang kulakukan hanya, tertidur agar ak tetao bermimpi. Yang kulakukan hanya berbohong pada orang lain, berbohong pada keadaan, dan bernohong pada diriku sendiri. . Aku bertahan seoalah ada yang ak pertahankan. Aku berdiri seolah ada yang aku tunggu. Aku tertawa seolah sedang bahagia. Aku hanya perlu sadar bukan? Sadar jika kamu adalah sebuah ketidakmungkinan yang selalu ak semogakan. Sadar jika menunggumu sampai kapanpun tak akan menghasilkan jawaban. . Karena bagimu tak pernah ada keinginan untuk datang padaku. . Aku bersusah payah berpura-pura nyatanya kudapati aku yang semakin tak berdaya. Aku berusaha keras membendung kecewa. Kutahan, kutahan, kutahan hingga hitungan ketiga ia jatuh. Aku bodoh pada kenyataan aku menyerah pada kebenaran. . Kebenaran jika kamu sama saja dan aku oerempuan bodoh dengan lugunya menunggumu untuk mau melihatku. Nampaknya ini sudah waktunya untuk berubah. Aku harus pulang. . Aku harus bangun. Aku harus melepas segala harap tentangmu yang jawabnnya tak kunjung menghampiriku. Oh tunggu, beberapa waktu lalu kau menjawabnya melalui obrolan kita di chat itu. Kuikuti alur maumu kudapati kamu tak seperti biasanya. Kukira kamu mulai mau menerimaku. Tapi bukan dengan cara seperti ini yang kumau. Aku merasa murah di matamu mas, aku malu tapi keputusan yang sebenarnya tak seharusnya itu terlanjur kuambil. Aku sudah melangkah dan kamu menyambutku. Tapi ruangan itu gelap dan dingin, dan aku takut, dan aku tak menyukainya. Tapi lagi-lagi keinginanku untuk bersama mengubur segala rasa yang seharusnya. Kamu berhasil menangkapku mas. Aku sudah terlanjur jatuh dan beberapa hari setelahmya kamu melepas ku begitu saja. Membuatku bibgung taj terkira tadi malam aku ngobrol dengan siapa. Dimana kamu yang tadi malam sangat hangat tiba-tiba berubah jadi dingin. . Berhari2 berlalu ak mencoba mendekatimu bertanya bagaimana kabarmu tapi jawabmu seokah membuatku kembali bingung dan selalu menyimpan tanya, ada apa denganmu. Aku bosan mas. Kau melepasku begitu saja membuatku merasa asing. . Dan setelah ini kuputuskan ak akan pulang. Bisakah kau tak kembali bertanya lagi. Aku sudaj cukup sabar sebelum genggamanmu benar2 kau lepaskan mas. Kamu boleh datang kapan saja. Tapi setidakknya pamitlah jika kau mau pergi agar tidak lagi aku menunggumu datang menghampiku lagi.
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written-seoks · 5 years
and that’s why i got all the power
BTS | Yoongi/Jungkook | College Swim AU | Mature
find this on ao3 here
Jungkook has looked up to Yoongi and Namjoon since his sophomore year in high school, when Yoongi and Namjoon were just entering their freshman year of college. So when Jungkook gets signed on to that same college in his senior year, he’s almost too nervous to swim properly. So Yoongi helps him out.
It's Yoongi that finds him in the blessed empty locker room (a rarity) after his disaster of a 100 IM.
He almost missed his event, and then had gained so much time that he had been last in his heat of 8. Everything that could go wrong, had gone wrong. He had dragged himself out of the water, breathing heavy. He had snatched his towel and sweatpants that he left on the staging chair and walked to the locker room, not meeting anyone's eyes . One of the other swimmers in his heat had bumped into him with his shoulder and had said, “This isn’t high school, kid.” With so much venom Jungkook stood still for a moment before running off. He'd almost tripped twice on his way to the locker room, ignoring Coach Jordan’s yell. He's annoyed and disappointed in himself. Even Jordan’s comforting confidence couldn’t help him now. He's frustrated himself almost to tears by the time Yoongi finds him, sitting on one of the benches.
Jungkook’s frustration only worsens when Yoongi shows him the finals' heat sheet. Thick eyebrows furrowed under blonde hair, fuming a little at Jungkook.
“Your time made the finals, but only by a hair; you’re number ten.” Fuck. Swim meets have Prelims and then, depending on the meet, finals either that evening or the next day. Only the top 10 in an event make it to the finals - although a swimmer can ‘scratch’ themselves out, so someone who was number 11 will become number 10 or even 9 because someone above them has scratched as well . That meant that Jungkook was safe as number 10. He might even move up to number 9. Yet, it meant that his swim in the finals would have to be a lot better than that abysmal time he went if he wants to place in top 5 .
“Hyung- I -” Jungkook, hyped up on adrenaline and nervousness, can’t string two words together. Instead, he frowns and looks down, frustrated with himself. He’s in college now, he shouldn’t have this problem anymore!
Yoongi studies him, tone softening, “What happened out there anyways? You looked, no offense, like a drowning cat.” He places a water-wrinkled hand on his shoulder.
Jungkook stares down at the damp sweatpants he had pulled on after his event before he had dried off, brain still not working right . He thumbs at the university logo stamped on his thigh. “I- I dunno. I dunno, hyung. I just got so, in my head? I guess?”
"Yeah, I could tell.” Yoongi scoffs. “You were shaking like a leaf when it was, like, event 2.” The men's 100 IM was event 10. Jungkook feels his cheeks heat with warmth at being so emotionallyunstable. He's a seasoned swimmer! He swam for 4 years in high school! Why is he acting like summer league kid at their first club meet? “I didn't want to say anything because you, uh, needed to go through that? I mean -” Yoongi looks like he's trying to backtrack. He sighs and pushes Jungkook further into the locker room by the chest, behind a divide to afford them some privacy . There's a mirror on their left that shows Jungkook’s swollen, red eyes when he glances into it.
Yoongi crowds him into the corner. “Jungkook-ah. We all went through this - I went through it when it was my first college meet, so did Namjoon. I clammed up before my first meet as well, I didn't say a word the whole way there. I even started shaking before the 200 Free. Namjoon was worse - he snapped all his caps before his race and then got disqualified on his turn." Yoongi laughs and places his hands on Jungkook's shoulders, looking him in the eye. "I have faith in you to turn this around Jungkook-ah."
Jungkook melts, he smiles helplessly at Yoongi. His shoulders slump and he lets Yoongi draw him in for a mind numbingly-good hug. He finally relaxes. Yoongi, his idol, someone he aspires to be like, has faith in him. He puts his arms around Yoongi and tugs him in closer, taking comfort in the warmth of his hyung.
He kills it in the 100 IM finals at that meet. He comes out first and jumps out of the pool, right into Yoongi's smiling, proud arms. He's absurdly happy. He even went a personal best. "Thanks, hyung," he whispers into Yoongi's shoulder.
Jungkook doesn't start to have problems again until it's January. State championships are coming up and he's terrified.
Not to mention the other big problem he's terrified about, the one that he started having around December, right before winter break . Right before Yoongi went back home for break. Right when Jungkook realized that he had a crush on Yoongi. Which was especially a problem because Jungkook spent two hours with him twice a day. And spend half an hour with him twice a day while they were both somewhat or fully naked in the locker room. And listen - Jungkook got used to locker room nudity quick, it's normal for swimmers and it's never been a problem before . But it's a little bit of a bigger problem when that nude person is your biggest crush since freshman year in high school .
Jungkook feels a little bit like a creep when he's talking with the other members in the locker room and he catches a glimpse of Yoongi changing, still covered with a towel . Even though Jackson is stark fucking naked next to him, chatting about his final in his psychology class . It's just... something swimmers get used to. Casual half-nudity, casual, accidental groping during practice.
But Jungkook cannot get used to seeing Yoongi pull himself out of the water after practice like a goddamn Greek god, slick with water, bangs in his eyes after he pulls off his cap .
His crush on Yoongi is terrifying. Yoongi is very close to JB, the senior captain who'll be graduating this year. And Yoongi is very, very close with Namjoon, who no one doubts will be captain next year. His crush on Yoongi could get him kicked off the team. With the stress of freshman year bearing down on him, swimming is his only comfort right now. And all that could change if someone found out about his crush on Yoongi. So he keeps quiet. Stops going to team outings when Yoongi is there. Avoids him during meets. Jungkook hopes that his crush will fade and he'll be able to be a normal friend to Yoongi.
Except that when they come back from winter break and Yoongi shows up at practice, Jungkook's crush comes back 10 times worse .
He can only hope that Yoongi hasn't noticed his weird behavior.
Yoongi has definitely Jungkook's weird behavior. He keeps trying to corner him after practice or when they see each other in the varsity room. Namjoon has even pulled Jungkook aside and asked him what is going on. Because his Crush on Yoongi is starting to affect swim and school and his social life. He'll drift off in practice and miss the set because Yoongi's laughing at something JB has said and he looks so good. He'll drift off in class because he's thinking of Yoongi. He's starting to become detached from the team because he's stopped hanging out with them. Because Yoongi is usually there.
Yoongi finally corners him in the varsity room. Everyone is trickling out to get an early night for their meet tomorrow morning. Jungkook, curled up on their soft couch in the corner, is tiredafter practice and a test and a long Overwatch session last night . He's running himself into the ground with swim and studying and gaming because any spare moment he has is spent thinking about Yoongi .
So, he's innocently curled up on the corner of the couch in a fetal position, legs curled to his chest when Yoongi approaches him .
Jungkook rises out of sleep when Yoongi sits next to his head and dips the couch towards him. "Gukkie - hey, wake up -" Yoongi shakes his shoulder, rubbing his back. Jungkook groans at the soothing stimulation. "Open your eyes, b- buddy." Jungkook snuffles and parts his eyes a little. "Come on, wake up." Yoongi hums and shakes his shoulder a little more, harder this time.
"Mmmm, yeah." Jungkook sighs, body responding tiredly . He rubs his eyes with his fists, yawning as he uncurls and sits up. Yoongi smiles sweetly at him as he lifts and, oh shit, he's so beautiful. Jungkook has to admit that in his sleepy haze, he hadn't realized that it had been Yoongi waking him up. And, as he's waking up, he realizes that there is no one else in the room. It's him and Yoongi. Alone. And Yoongi is giving him a look.
"Um... what's up, hyung?" Jungkook's voice is still slurred with sleep and his brain isn't working, but anyone could recognize that this is not going to be a normal conversation . It's also not going to be a conversation that Jungkook will enjoy. He can imagine how this will go, Yoongi's a nice guy so he'll be gentle but it's still going to break Jungkook's heart when he's rejected . Yoongi will say something about how Jungkook's a good guy and an okay swimmer, but it's too creepy to be on the same swim team with a gay guy that has a crush on him so if he could please get his stuff and get the fuck out, that'd be great, please never speak to him again .
"Jungkook-ah. Gukkie, are you listening to me?"
"Sorry, hyung, what was that?" Jungkook doesn't meet Yoongi's eyes.
"I said that I know you've been avoiding me. I - Well, I mean, you've been absent from the team hangouts and this is the first time I've seen you in the varsity room for weeks. I know that you were busy with school, maybe , but last semester you still made time for the team and, like, usually me 'n Namjoon would see you around separately from the team anyways but Namjoon tells me that he's been seeing you around, so I guess it's just me you've been avoiding . So, I'm sorry, if I did anything? Or if I make you uncomfortable -"
Jungkook stares at him in shock.
"What? Hyung, no - " But Yoongi keeps talking over him.
"I mean, I know that some people are uncomfortable with, like, gay people, and I guess us sharing a locker room probably doesn't help at all . I just mean, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable and I, uh, wanted to ask you not to tell coach or any of the other guys because they'd kick me off the team ." Yoongi pauses his word vomit to sniffle and Jungkook's gaze snaps up to see Yoongi's eyes are wet. "I get it if you don't want to hang out with me anymore, and I appreciate you, um, not telling anyone - "
"Hyung, shut the fuck up for a minute." Jungkook puts a hand on Yoongi's shoulder and pauses to parse the information Yoongi piled on him. "You're gay?"
Yoongi jerks back, "You didn't know? I thought you knew? I thought that was why you were avoiding me because you heard I broke up with Jinyoung, you and JB hang out so I figured he must have told you... JB was kinda pissed," he blurts out. After a pause his eyes widen, "Shit, fuck, sorry I dumped all that on you then, I - wait, then why were you avoiding me?"
Jungkook recognizes the deflection and tries to deflect back, "Uh, I've just been, um -" He should tell Yoongi. He shouldn't tell Yoongi. Should he tell him? Yes. No. Fuck.
Yoongi frowns at the silence that hangs between them and then sighs, "You don't have to tell me." He nods to himself, expression distant, "I'm sorry for waking you up." He brushes Jungkook's hands off of his shoulders.
Jungkook sees his chance slip away. "Wait! Hyung, I- I'm -" He chokes on his tongue, Yoongi glances back at him, eyes still a little bit red from earlier. Jungkook tries to take a deep breath and coughs, chest burning. Yoongi's blank expression fades away and he looks concerned. Well, that's good, at least Yoongi kind of cares about him. "I'm - I'm gay too, hyung. Well, more like, um, bisexual, but I guess I identify more with the gay community because it's larger and more recognized- " He rambles almost unintelligibly .
Yoongi's face breaks out into a smile and he laughs once. "God, you sound like Namjoon, Kook."
It's the last meet before state, but Jungkook isn't worried. He's made state times in almost all his races two times over, he only has to worry about the specific invitational and junior nationals cuts coming up .
So why is he so jittery? He’s gonna slip and crack his head on the tile at this rate. He’s talked to Coach Jordan twice over and more and has warmed up as much as he should - even a little more than he should. He’s pacing around behind his block, headphones blasting but mind distracted.
It’s event 2.
He’s event 26.
Is it because Yoongi gave him a smile and a pat on the back? Is it because Yoongi is swimming and he’s been working on his back and bicep muscles? His deltoids are delectable and all Jungkook wants to do is bite into them…
Yoongi finally gets done with his 100 Backstroke with a fantastic 52.5 only to find a jittery and frustrated Jungkook waiting for him . So he takes matters into his own hands.
By dragging Jungkook into the locker room and pulling him into the back, behind a wall or two of lockers and around the corner .
“Jungkook-ah - I’m, I wanna help you calm down, hm? Will you let hyung take care of you?” Yoongi presses him further into the tile wall and noses into the crook of Jungkook’s neck, taking a deep breath of chlorine .
Well, this is... unexpected, to say the least.
Jungkook moans, riled up with adrenaline still coursing through his body from his race . “Yes, hyungie, please - please.” His hands grip at Yoongi's shoulders, digging in. He's trying not to grip hard enough to leave a bruise, but it's so hard when Yoongi's so close and all Jungkook wants is him to be closer .
“Gukkie - baby, you’re gonna have to quiet down, hm? Can’t you be quiet for hyung? We don’t want anyone hearing us, do we?” Jungkook bites down on the whine that wants to escape as Yoongi slowly presses kisses into his collarbone and along his deltoid . Yoongi's hands slip on the water covering his body, reaching his hips and then his ass, groping him over his swimsuit .
God, Yoongi's making it hard to keep quiet, but he can hear the roar of the water as races take place outside the locker room, reminding him of the chance that anyone could walk in . Namjoon could walk in looking for them - fuck - swimmers from the other university could come in to change or shower. Yoongi smiles into his shoulder when Jungkook can't hold back a groan at the feeling on Yoongi's long, perfect fingers pressing along the line of his thighs .  "Come on, you can be a good boy for hyung. Don't you want to be a quiet little slut for me? hm?"
Jungkook can only dip his head to Yoongi's shoulder and nod frantically - "Wanna - ah - wanna be good for you hyung." Jungkook lets his hands fall to the small of Yoongi's back, trapping him against Jungkook's body . Yoongi bites Jungkook's shoulder at the feeling of their hips colliding. "Hyung, Yoongi-hyung, can't - don't leave any marks -"
Yoongi hums, biting him again on his chest, "I know, baby, but you're just so - so tasty ."
Jungkook giggles, "Yoongi-hyung, I - ha - I'm not tasty!"
Yoongi shakes his head, "You're a snack, baby." He blows a raspberry on his upper stomach. Making Jungkook giggle even more.
"Shut up, Hyung! I'm not a snack!"
“Mmm, but you are, sweetheart.” Oh, how Jungkook’s weak heart quivered at the pet name - “You’re so sweet, I could eat you up. And you’d let me, wouldn’t you, honey. Would you like that?” The mood has almost given Jungkook whiplash because of how fast it had changed.
Jungkook’s moan at this reverberated throughout the locker room. Yoongi frowns dramatically , “Aw, sweetheart, you’ve gotta quiet down or hyung won’t give you what you want.” He reached up to pet Jungkook on the head as if he were a dog - “Be a good little boy for me and I’ll touch you as much as you want.” Jungkook’s knees become numb, become jelly, become air.
He collapsed into his hyung's arms and nodded, moaning at some silly little words. Who knew words could reduce him to such a mess?
“That’s not being quiet, baby. Do you need hyung to shut you up before he takes care of you?” The condescending questions Yoongi asked him added to the fog in his brain and daze in his eyes. Jungkook nods, kind of unsure what Yoongi was going to do… but, in his heart Jungkook trusts him. Then Yoongi takes a sharp turn into unknown territory by stuffing his silicone cap into Jungkook’s mouth .
It takes Jungkook a moment to breathe through his nose, but by then Yoongi is on his knees and he finds that breathing isn’t so important anymore .
He wins the event. He went a 19.10 second 50 FR. He went a personal best. Fuck.
His teammates crowd around him when he steps out, ignoring the other racers getting ready for the 50 BR. Yoongi is right there, grinning, satisfied. “Glad I could help, kid.” He mumbles into Jungkook’s ear, pulling him into a tight hug. It’s then that Jungkook quickly realizes that he’s wet and almost overheating. He almost collapses into Yoongi’s arms. “Go on Guk, go sit down and dry off. Joonie and Jackson have been coming up with inspiring quotes to write on people.”
Jungkook just stares at Yoongi for a moment, starstruck. “Okay, hyung. Um- Than-”
Yoongi pushes him off with a shoulder pat, “We’ll talk later, rest for your 50 FL okay?” SuddenlyJungkook is glad he didn’t sign up for the 50 BR this week. He’s not sure he could recover from having Yoongi go down on him and then doing a 19.27 second 50 FR in time for the 50 BR.
Through some careful scheming, Jungkook and Yoongi end up on the bus together. By careful scheming, Jungkook means that Jungkook had forgotten his deck shoes and Yoongi had been chatting with a senior from the other team so they were the last ones on the bus . So by the time they had gotten on, everyone else had already settled down for the long trip home. Sitting side by side, silent, while the rest of their teammates sleep is a great feeling, Jungkook thinks . What do you say to the hyung who you had big gay feelings for and who sucked your soul out not more than four hours ago?
Nothing, is the answer to that.
It takes two hours for Yoongi to break and start talking.
“Guk? Gukkie, are you awake?” Jungkook grumbles, he had nearly been asleep, but not yet.
“Yea-” He yawns and stretches, almost hitting Yoongi in the face, who lets out a soft oof.“What’s up, hyung?” Jungkook asks, like he doesn’t know what Yoongi wants to talk about. He’s trying to stall and stay in his stable fantasy for as long as possible.
“You know. Listen, I-”
“Ha - Hyung, um, we can forget about it if you want? I’m sorry that I made you take care of me-” Jungkook stumbles, but it’s obvious that Yoongi is Not Impressed. Yoongi puts a hand over Jungkook’s mouth. Childishly , Jungkook considers licking it.
“Shut up for like five minutes, please. Can you do that for hyung, Gukkie?” Jungkook nods, face blank as he can make it. “ Firstly , you didn’t make me take care of you. I wanted to and you let me for some stupid reason. Secondly - Ah fuck-” Yoongi runs a hand over his face - “I don’t think we could forget about something like this anyways. Or at least… I can’t.”
Jungkook finally interrupts, terrified that this is finally it, Yoongi is gonna throw him away - “Hyung - um -” His throat clams up and his lip trembles .
Yoongi gives him a look, “It hasn’t even been two minutes Jungkook. If you want to leave after hearing what I have to say that’s fine but please hear me out. I - uh,” Yoongi sucks in a deep breath and wrings his hands in his lap. “I really , really like you Jungkook. In a gay way.”
Oh. Oh. What the fuckening?
“Hyung- a- are you joking with me? I- that’s not a nuh- nice thing to joke about, hyung -” Jungkook sniffles and rubs a hoodie sleeve over his eyes and nose. It only makes him feel worse.
Yoongi frowns, “No, of course, I’m not joking with you, Jungkook - I didn’t go through almost a semester of pining for this to be a joke . I like you Jungkook.” Yoongi slips under Jungkook’s oversized hood and looks him in the eyes. “ Seriously . No joke, baby.” Jungkook bursts into full-on tears and Yoongi startles, looking around to see if anyone has woken up . Thankfullynot.
Yoongi waits a minute for Jungkook to calm down before curiosity gets the best of him, from Jungkook’s reaction… Well, Yoongi can only hope . “Guk? Do - um - do you like me too?” It seems kind of self-centered to Yoongi’s brain, but he’s gotta know.
Jungkook sniffles and hits Yoongi’s shoulder - “Of course I do! Who couldn’t with your perfect smile and your beautiful hands and your amazing freestyle - ah!” He dissolves into sniffles again after being tugged into an embrace by Yoongi over the elbow rest between their seats .
“I’m glad, Gukkie, I’m glad.” God, Yoongi can feel himself getting emotional as well. Jungkook has made him soft. Oh well.
There’s a whooping call from the back of the bus and they both jump from shock, bumping their heads together before looking around to see - Namjoon and Jackson, grinning like buffoons and yelling . They’re only silenced when Jaebum, in the seat in front of them, slams a well-aimed hand back into Jackson’s face.
Jungkook laughs and leans into Yoongi, "I should return the favor sometime, huh?" Yoongi blushes and falls into tearful giggles against Jungkook. They stay like that for the rest of the ride home.
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written-seoks · 5 years
finally facing my waterloo
BTS | OT7 | Mamma Mia AU | Explicit
find this on ao3 here
After retiring from the group, Yoongi buys a small island villa somewhere in Greece and makes a lonely home there, bitter over the band's break up, the way they left things, romantically, untied and sour. Over the years on the island, he gets close to the townsfolk as they force him to open up, leading him to host the wedding of a young trio. In return for all he's done, the trio invites Yoongi's old band, ignorant to their unresolved romantic (and sexual) tension. Yoongi freaks out, realizing that he won't be able to avoid them forever. The night before the wedding, Namjoon asks him for a dance, and it all unravels from there.
In Media Res.
Quietly groaning under his breath, Yoongi plops down on the old wooden bench in his villa’s courtyard. The whole place is filled with people dancing and laughing gaily, all filled with joy for the soon-to-be-wed. Yoongi’s eyes catch on the three betrothed, clutching each other in the center, laughing with heads thrown back. He smiles fondly, these kids really are something, aren’t they?
After he’d fled Seoul, they had been the ones to help him open up again.
Though, Yoongi supposes, “fled” isn’t exactly the right term - he wasn’t being chased - but, well, isn’t that the trouble?
Even as he slouches, he recognizes that those six are around here somewhere, and he’s also trying to remember what else has to be done before the ceremony tomorrow, making his mind tense. Jordan’s hair must be done for the ceremony, now that they’ve finally let it grow out, and he has to remind them to put in a conditioning mask before bed. Yoongi himself knows the benefits of a good conditioning mask, even if his hair was never the same after all those years of hair dye.
There’s a hand on his shoulder and Yoongi jumps in fright. “God! What!” He exclaims, turning to see - “Oh, Namjoon.” He sighs, relaxing again. “What do you want now?”
“A dance, if you don’t mind. Sorry for scaring you, hyung.” Even after these years living in Kalokairi, he can’t help but slip into old habits when he hears Namjoon speak in his mother tongue.
“I’ve done more than enough dancing in my lifetime, Namjoonah. I’d thought that you would have agreed with me on that. How are your joints these days?”
Namjoon groans, “Don’t remind me, I creak to walk up a stair these days. But I’m envisioning more of a sway than actual dancing, hyung. Your young ones seem to have the rest all covered.”
Yoongi smiles fondly where Jordan, Gale, and Tristan, those three kids who he’d met his first day here, awkward and young, dance in semi-traditional patterns among the rest of the townsfolk. Jimin and Seokjin are in there somewhere, he thinks, and if not them then it’s Hoseok and Taehyung running around the edges, between the people. Jungkook is hanging out around the drinks. “Yeah, that they do.” He stands, creaking as he goes just like Namjoon had mentioned, “I can spare one dance, I think. But I have something to do beforehand.”
“Oh? What is it?”
“It’s a surprise, Namjoonah.”
“Alright. I’ll let you go as long as you promise me that dance.” Namjoon acquiesces gently.
“If I must,” Yoongi says, leaving in a teasing lean of his body towards Namjoon. He makes his way towards the piano near the edge of the party, the one he rolled out by the cliff this morning, claiming to Jordan that he wanted the nice view while he played. He’d left it out there just for this purpose, even though he winces to feel the humid air seeping into his baby grand piano. His old brown one hadn’t made the trip, he’d been forced to leave it behind with his parents.
Standing next to the keys, he turns to find Gale’s eye. Gale watches him, smiling, and catching Jordan and Tristan by their arms to point him out. He smiles back, feeling a familiar excitement and nervousness crawl up his arms. One of the townspeople - Ms. Michelakis, the sweet old lady - comes up to him with a microphone stand. He nods graciously at her and she claps twice to get everyone’s attention, music quieting down. “Everyone!” He speaks loudly so that even Namjoon, on the other side of the courtyard, can hear him clearly. “It is an amazing honor to me that these three - Jordan, Gale, and Tristan - are in my life. I’ve put together a little something for them in honor of their union tomorrow.”
He takes a seat at the piano. And plays. It’s not quite something that’s on paper, but he knows it by heart. He sings and hums with melancholy into the microphone, about love and loss and - something that was there and never there at all. How love is found again on sandy beaches.
By the end, a tear trails down Tristan’s face, down Seokjin’s and Jordan’s as well. Jungkook appears next to him with suspiciously misty eyes, although Jordan runs forward for a hug before he can start in on what Yoongi just sang. Yoongi is jolted back onto the keys, letting out a discordant chord, but he still receives the hug with a laugh as Gale and Tristan fall onto him as well. “Watch the piano, you kids!” He exclaims, struggling to stand up under the weight of their hug.
“Yoongi, that - that was amazing - !” Jordan exclaims, tears sparkling in their eyes. Yoongi scrubs the back of his head with his nails.
“Really, it wasn’t a problem…”
Tristan pats Yoongi on the back and draws back with a knowing look, “We appreciate the thought, Yoongi.” He grins and flicks his head towards Jungkook, “I’m sure that they do as well.” Again, Yoongi looks embarrassed.
“Ah, well…” He huffs and deflects, “I don’t know what you’re doing worrying over me, you’ve got a wedding tomorrow.”
It’s Gale’s turn to grin as he draws them both away, “I’ll make sure they don’t worry themselves too much if you make sure to…” He trails off, making a meaningful look towards where the rest of his old friends have gathered around Jungkook, chatting seriously.
Yoongi studies his hands, “I’ll… work on it.” He relaxes, but snaps to attention suddenly to point imperiously at Jordan as he remembers - “Don’t forget! Don’t forget the hair mask! If you want dry hair, that’s your business!” Jordan only laughs as they’re drawn away by both Tristan and Gale, “You brat, I’m serious, don’t forget!”
“Goodnight, Yoongi!”
“Yoongi-hyung?” Jungkook’s here again, next to him and oh, Yoongi remembers how Jungkook used to approach him with that same tone of voice late at night. They all had their insecurities, but Jungkook was perhaps the most vulnerable about it, perhaps because of his youth, perhaps because he was just that sort of person. But tonight it’s not just him, it’s the rest of them as well, Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jimin gathered behind him.  
“May we have this dance?” Namjoon stretches out a hand in offering as the music starts up again, even though those to-be-wed have left. “You promised.” Namjoon nudges when he sees Yoongi hesitate. Yoongi takes his hand, trying to put on a reluctant facade. As Namjoon and he walk out into the center of the courtyard to sway to the sweet, bittersweet music, the rest casually sway with them, encircling them somewhat. Yoongi knows that the townspeople are watching this all unfold, but he can’t bring himself to care.
“Yoongi-hyung.” Namjoon whispers, focusing Yoongi on him.
“Did you mean it?”
“Mean what? Of course, I did.” Seokjin swoops in to switch out with Namjoon as Yoongi responds to his question.
“Did you really mean it?” Seokjin asks again.
“Mean what?” Yoongi asks coyly, even as Seokjin slips out of his grasp, spinning him to be met with Hoseok.
“Did you mean it, hyung?”
“Mean what?” Yoongi asks.
“Did you mean it, Yoongi-hyung?” Jungkook asks softly, sweeping in to pull him close.
“Mean what? What did I mean?” Yoongi asks, just as softly.
“Do you mean it?” Taehyung whispers, drawing Yoongi into a tight sway as the rest crowd close.
“Do you know what I mean?” Yoongi whispers back.
“Do you really mean it, hyung?” Jimin asks, sliding in for a final spin and a bow -
“Of course I mean it,” Yoongi answers, drawing to his full height. “Of course I still love you all.” Yoongi looks at his cobblestoned courtyard and scuffs the stone with his shoe. “How could I not? One doesn’t just lose that sort of first love.” He looks up. Seokjin is standing in front of him. He regrets this, perhaps, the most, that this is something he and Seokjin could have solved together if they hadn’t started in on each other as they had. He wouldn’t ever blame his hyung, but he can’t help but wonder if his hyung blames him.
Jimin leans on Seokjin while the rest circle round them, and they all look at him. Jimin darts in to kiss him first, surprisingly uncaring of the townspeople watching, willing to trust them if Yoongi trusts them. Yoongi holds on to Jimin tightly with trembling hands that were released by Hoseok and Taehyung just moments before. Yoongi melts into Jimin’s kiss, into hands that cup his jaw and keep him close.
Jimin pulls away first, “Oh…” Jimin touches his lips in a daze, “Hyung…”
Hoseok chuckles at Jimin’s dazed tone. Yoongi closes his eyes, savoring the kiss. Seokjin grins and leans forward to take a quick, surprise kiss from Yoongi - making his eyes blink open - before saying, “Why don’t we go inside, Yoongiah? You’ve got a long day tomorrow so you should get some rest. We can talk later.”
“Y- yeah, hyung.” Yoongi stutters out, before being tugged by the hand to his own villa.
Once they get inside, Yoongi decides to take the lead to bring them all up to his spacious bedroom, grateful now that he opted for a large bed, because he suspected that they wouldn’t be leaving him alone anytime soon. Which was fine with Yoongi, to say the least.
“I’m - uh, I gotta- gonna take a shower before bed. You guys should as well, if you want to go grab pajamas…” Yoongi gestures loosely to his bathroom, not meeting their eyes. Jungkook dips his head in to look at the bathroom real quick and grins.
“Yeah, I’ll go grab some pajamas for all of us and we can all take a shower. Since it’ll take too long otherwise. If you don’t mind, hyung?”
“Of course, Jungkookie,” Namjoon answers for Yoongi. The rest of the group nod in thanks to Jungkook as he skips out of the room to go find some pajamas.
Yoongi leads them into the bathroom, blushing. The bathroom is white plaster and tile with royal blue accents, in true Greek style. Next to the door, there is a white basin-style sink with exposed silver plumbing and simple mirror hanging above it. On the wall across from the sink and to the right a little, there’s a toilet and beyond that, a bathtub that cuts the large room in three-quarters. Against the back wall and separated by the bathtub, is the large open shower that Yoongi had installed, sick of the small showers he had to deal with in their older dorms, hotels, and occasionally at Music Banks. There’s a bench with his usual products (very few compared to the number he had in his idol days) and a large rainfall showerhead that covers most of the space, aided by some smaller showerheads on the wall to either side. Also, there’s a removable handle shower head on the wall.
There’s no curtain because Yoongi had never thought that he’d need one, but now he regrets it, as unless they want to be awkwardly taking showers for an hour, then they’d have to share. They’d probably share regardless. And it’s not like the shower isn’t big enough for all of them.
Taehyung is the first to start to get undressed, pulling his shirt off and folding it neatly over the vanity, “Come tell me how to work your shower, hyungie.” He beckons, heat blazing behind calm brown eyes.
Yoongi lets his shoulders slump in acceptance of this semi-ridiculous situation. His whole life is ridiculous. “Yeah, Taehyungie. Lemme show you.” He goes over to the boy and reaches across him to get to the knobs, explaining each quietly.
Meanwhile, Seokjin and Jimin inspect his collection of products. “What’s this, Yoongi ah? You’re still using this awful two-in-one? I thought the stylists had trained you out of it!” Seokjin exclaims, snickering with Jimin. Yoongi rolls his eyes.
“I was just biding my time, hyung. Besides, I don’t dye my hair as much now, so - “
“What? You mean you’re not hiding any grey hair and touching up your roots every month? I’m astounded!” Jimin teases.
“Listen, Jiminah - Fuck! Tae!” The showerheads on the wall spurt on and catch Yoongi’s gesturing arm. “Careful!”
“Sorry, hyung.” Taehyung doesn’t look sorry at all, grinning unabashedly. Yoongi gives him a resigned sigh of acceptance, relaxing with the slow return of nostalgia in the room. They used to laugh and joke like this all the time. Back then.
Namjoon, who had been watching all of this with amusement in his eyes, approaches then. “Come on, Yoongi-hyung. It’s getting late now. We all know how you need your rest.”
Yoongi pouts but acquiesces, “You know, my sleep isn’t that bad, nowadays. Probably has something to do with how we don’t have schedules into ass-o’clock like we did back then, plus I splurged on a good mattress.” He turns to Hoseok, “How are you sleeping, recently?”
Hoseok hums and uncrosses his arms from where he was leaned against the door, coming over as well, “So-so. Now that I don’t move around so much, it’s better.” Yoongi nods absentmindedly.
Seokjin and Jimin have already gotten down to their boxers, but they all seem apprehensive to go any further, even as Taehyung shucks off his pants. Having given up on folding, the clothes have turned into a pile that falls from the vanity to the ground. “Your clothes are going to get wet, you know.” Namjoon points out to them, “Just go put them in Yoongi-hyung’s room, if that’s okay with you?” He directs the last part at Yoongi.
Again, Yoongi nods, fiddling with the edge of his white linen blouse. He’d transitioned to much looser clothes on the island, and with the sun beating down on them from day to day, he’d had to switch out his black ensembles as well. Unconsciously, Yoongi leans into Hoseok, standing next to him. Jimin and Taehyung start to argue quietly, tiredly, about what music to listen to in the shower while Seokjin gathers up all their clothes to bring into the main room. Namjoon watches them both, still. “Yoongi-hyung?”
“Do you wanna shower on your own?” It’s Hoseok who actually asks, while Jimin and Taehyung conspicuously do not stop arguing.
Yoongi takes a deep breath, “No. I don’t wanna shower alone. I’m tired.”
Hoseok smiles, satisfied, and rests the hem of his shirt from his fiddling hands, “Okay then, hyung. Raise your arms, for me?” Yoongi does and Hoseok pulls his shirt off slowly. Namjoon nears and rests his hands on his belt and this is good, this is fine, especially with the background bickering of Jimin and Taehyung and the footsteps of Jin-hyung and Jungkook, finally returning with everyone’s pajamas.
Jungkook steps into the bathroom just as Hoseok pulls his shirt over his head. “Hyung, I gotta say, this is a really ni- oh -” He stutters over his next few syllables and it sounds like Seokjin is laughing at him while Jimin coos endearingly. Yoongi can’t see because his shirt has gotten stuck over his head, thanks to Hoseok’s over-eagerness. Suddenly there are warm hands on his torso, traveling over his sides teasingly.
“Ah - Stop it - ha- hahahaha- “ Yoongi chokes and giggles as the light fingers trigger his laugh reflex unexpectedly. “Fuck - haha- Quit!” He struggles out of the shirt, with no help from Hoseok, to find that it’s Jungkook and Namjoon both trailing hands over his sensitive sides. “You two!” He brings his arms down hard, trapping their hands where they are and effectively stopping the teasing. “Honestly! We’re trying to get ready for bed! Stop getting me riled up!” He berates them. Namjoon and Jungkook just share a look between them and then burst out laughing. Jimin slides into the spot vacated by Hoseok.
“Aw, hyung, you sure we can’t rile you up?” He asks, silkily.
The tingling in his body from the tickling fades out into a shiver at the way Jimin’s voice brushes his ear. “I - I - We have a long day tomorrow.” It’s very clearly not a no, the way that Yoongi’s voice curls uncertainly around the phrase.
He can feel Jimin shrug against him - “It’s up to you hyung. For now, let's get clean, hm?” Jimin slips away again, probably to properly undress and finally shower, if the sound of rushing water behind him is anything to go by.
Yoongi still has his boxers on, though. He focuses back in front of him to see Namjoon and Jungkook studying him with similar smiles on their faces, shifting closer unconsciously. Yoongi meets their eyes one after another and leans closer himself, hips braced against Namjoon’s strong figure, locked in by his fingers intertwined with Yoongi’s belt loops, and supported by one of Jungkook’s hands around his waist. They lean in too close and too quickly though, as Namjoon and Jungkook jump apart with a hiss, temples knocking against each other. Yoongi struggles to hide a smirk, covering his mouth with a fist. He snickers and receives pitiful looks from both of them.
“Oh, honestly, you two.” He leans in to kiss them instead, leaving a peck on Namjoon’s lips before going for Jungkook’s. Jungkook quickly brings a hand to cup the back of his head, though, and keeps him close. Yoongi, feeling fulfilled and happy and oh- he kisses back sweetly, enjoying the slide of slightly moist lips against his as the shower fills with steam. Namjoon makes a wounded noise from right next to his ear and Yoongi smiles helplessly into his kiss with Jungkook. He’s about to try and pull away to give Namjoon the attention he wants, when he’s assaulted with Namjoon’s lips on his neck, exposed by the angle he’s kissing Jungkook at. And again a different body presses to his bare back, seeming to be Seokjin, this time.
“Come on, Yoongiah, aren’t you supposed to be the responsible one out of these youngsters? You know you need your rest.” Seokjin chides, taking a step back and pulling Yoongi with him, ignoring the whines of the two younger men. Seokjin takes the task of finally, finally undressing Yoongi to himself and unbelts, unbuttons, and unzips his jeans all from his position behind him, arms encircling Yoongi’s lithe form. Namjoon and Jungkook break away from where Jungkook had been making up for stealing Yoongi away to help Seokjin at this point as if drawn by some sixth sense. Namjoon goes in for a kiss from the side while Jungkook kneels to peel off his trousers, Yoongi already having stepped out of his shoes long ago. Yoongi’s breath catches at the sight of Jungkook on his knees, but he doesn’t have time to get as involved in it as he would like to, Namjoon kissing him fiercely. Namjoon and he have always had something together, though Yoongi would never presume to label it, to make it real. At least until now.
Yoongi feels the aching need press up in his chest as he rises into the kiss, eyebrows furrowing in feeling and focus. He almost doesn’t notice when Jungkook pulls off his underwear, leaving him completely bare except for the rings on his fingers and a simple cord necklace around his neck. Namjoon fingers the cord before grasping the simple rectangular pendant that hangs at the bottom, pulling away from the kiss and staring at it wondrously. “You… You found it? I thought… After you threw it away…Well.”
Yoongi grasps Namjoon’s hand which holds the pendant, “I know. I shouldn’t have thrown it away. Momentary anger doesn’t make up for the years we had together.” He looks away, ashamed, and Jungkook strokes his thighs comfortingly. “I went back and found it before I left... “ He sighs, “Don’t do that when you’re that close to my dick, Jungkookie.” He scolds lightly, trying to distract from the suddenly heavy atmosphere.
Jungkook giggles and rises, “Sorry, hyung.” He kisses Yoongi quickly before leaving to strip and join the other young ones in the shower.
Namjoon presses his own kiss to Yoongi’s forehead, “It’s something we can talk more about later, hyung. For now, we’re all together and all has been confessed.” Namjoon always manages to weave his words into beauty, Yoongi marvels, looking up at him with a sparkle in his eye.
“You’re right,” Yoongi allows.
Seokjin, who had been silent through that exchange, speaks up, “Come on, I wanna try this two-in-one shampoo you’re so in love with.”
Yoongi lets himself relax into Seokjin’s grip as Namjoon shakes his head, stepping away to join the rest in the shower. “It’ll ruin your color, Seokjin-hyung.” Yoongi points out.
Seokjin sniffs, “Well, if you took better care of your own hair, then maybe my hair wouldn’t be in danger.”
“Oh, shut up,” Yoongi says, escaping Seokjin’s grip and spinning to kiss him deeply. Seokjin makes a semi-surprised noise but goes to immediately grip Yoongi closer by the waist and then by his ass. “Fuck- “ Is all a flustered and flushed Yoongi can manage as his soft cock brushes Seokjin’s thigh, whimpered against Seokjin’s mouth.
Seokjin himself gasps as Yoongi invades his mouth, tongues slipping together with fervor. Before they can get too riled up, however, Taehyung infringes with a hand on Seokjin’s shoulder. “Come on, hyungs. Weren’t you just talking about how we needed to get to bed?”
Seokjin breaks away from Yoongi and gives Taehyung a glare that could kill God. Taehyung just stares back with a barely suppressed smug smile. Seokjin gives in and groans and lets Yoongi go to shuck off his own pants, as they finally all crowd into the shower.
It’s unbearably steamy and slick in surprisingly un-sexy ways as they viciously snatch the shampoo and body wash from each other at intervals. It reminds Yoongi so much of the old days, sharing showers to conserve water, to save time before bed. He hums and washes under his arm fiercely before handing the bar of soap to Namjoon, who is the only other one using it. The rest of them don’t want to suck the moisture out of their skin or something, Yoongi doesn’t know. After passing the bar away, he steps past where Taehyung and Jungkook are washing each other’s hair, sneaking up behind Jimin to steal the face wash from him. Jimin yells and spins, hand still holding a dollop of the product in his palm. “Hyung!” He whines. Yoongi snickers and finishes pouring out his own portion, handing it back to Jimin.
“You all are going to use up all of my products at this rate,” Yoongi grumbles good-naturedly. The rest of them just laugh. Hoseok comes up behind him as Yoongi starts to wash his face, startling him with a hand on his waist.
“D’you want me to wash your back, hyung?” He asks, smiling at a half-blind Yoongi.
“Mmm, sure,” Yoongi says, relaxing with half of his body in the warm spray of the shower. Taehyung and Jungkook are laughing away as they scrub increasingly hard at each other’s scalp, and Namjoon half-heartedly scolds them that they should be winding down for sleep. God, this is exactly like the old days. Well, maybe Jungkook is more comfortable around them than he was in the old days, but other than that, the echoing of laughter and good-natured teasing and half-hearted scolding brings him into sweet nostalgia. He leans back into Hoseok like a cat as his hands massage and wash his back in turns, digging his thumb into the meat of his upper trap, lower shoulder blade, and along his spine, where he used to get the most pain.
Hoseok rubs his back sensually and Yoongi can’t help his responding moan, even though this really isn’t the time. Well, it could be argued that this is exactly the time for this, in a shower together, about to go to bed, but Yoongi isn’t sure that they’re all ready for that sort of step. He blinks open his eyes after washing them out sleepily to see Seokjin and Jimin staring at him with hunger in their gaze. Yoongi meets their stare meaningfully but lets his eyes fall shut as Hoseok continues his wash/massage. Hoseok starts to pull away, but Yoongi whines and leans back enough that they meet back to chest. “Aw, hyung. Are you getting tired?”
“Mm… Yeah, a little. Relaxed. Happy.”
“Sweetheart…” Someone coos from in front of them. Yoongi opens one eye and sees Seokjin and Namjoon in front of him.
“You guys done?” Yoongi mumbles out.
“Yeah, hyung. You want us to go get your pajamas?” Namjoon asks as Seokjin leans in to peck Hoseok over Yoongi’s shoulder. Yoongi nods at Namjoon and he smiles, going to grab his towel and dry off quickly.
Jimin approaches them as Jungkook turns off the shower, leaving Taehyung staring up at nothing, instead of the warm spray of water that was there a moment ago. He pouts at Jungkook, who smiles and kisses him. Jimin pulls Yoongi away from where Hoseok and Seokjin are still kissing, taking a towel off the rack and turning to Yoongi with it, held out like he was a child. Yoongi grumbles but steps into the towel and lets Jimin rub him down with the fluffy towel. He huffs and groans as Jimin rubs over sore muscles, leaving kisses anywhere he pleases, along Yoongi’s neck and arm and shoulder and stomach and thigh before kissing him on the lips properly at last. Yoongi presses into the kiss languidly, letting it slide slowly filthier as Jimin grasps his jaw in a strong hand, entering his mouth with a slick movement in complete contrast to their first kiss. Yoongi moans helplessly and strains desperately closer to Jimin’s firm, still wet body. Jimin finally pulls away with a laugh, leaving Yoongi bereft as he picks up another towel from the rack and wipes himself down quickly.
Namjoon has somehow find Yoongi’s pajamas by this time and, grinning, hands them to him. Yoongi, towel still around his shoulders, pulls them on, ignoring his arousal for the nice silk pants and matching, embroidered top. He pouts at Namjoon and Jimin who snicker at him, eyes flicking to his pants, where it’s getting to be obvious that he’s aroused. Yoongi pretends to not realize though and crosses his arms. Jungkook, from behind them, laughs and says, “Really? Silk pajamas, hyung? Like way back when in… Uh… 2016?”
Seokjin passes by them and says, “Yeah, Blood Sweat and Tears era. And you always teased that you didn’t wear underwear with yours,” He mentions, nodding at Yoongi.
Yoongi smirks and lets his head fall to the side. “Yeah, I did.”
Namjoon snorts, “No, you did not. I know the stylists, nevermind the managers, would never have allowed that. You just wore your jockstrap instead and called it going commando.”
Yoongi swats him lazily, “Shut up! Silk feels nice.”
“You know the fans used to go mad watching fancams for your dick.”
“Yeah. Really.” Yoongi rolls his eyes and changes the subject.
“Come on, let’s all go to bed, it’s getting late.” He leads them into his beige-colored bedroom. He’s thankful for his king-sized mattress now, though it’s probably still going to be a squeeze for all of them. They all follow him, getting dry and dressed respectively. Namjoon already pulled on his sleep pants and Jungkook only puts on boxers for bed. It’s awkward for a long, long moment as silence overcomes the sounds of them all getting dressed.
Yoongi looks around at all of them. “So, who wants to be boiled alive?” He asks, trying to break the tension. There’s a spattering of chuckles and Seokjin, who gets cold easily, raises his hand, making his way to the bed next to Yoongi. He looks at Yoongi and Yoongi just looks back, eyes dimmed with sleep and arousal. “Well. Get in, hyung.” Seokjin just sighs and pulls back the covers, taking the middle position, having already plugged in his phone.
After that, Jungkook slides into Seokjin’s left, as he also gets cold. Jimin and Taehyung quietly bicker over who gets to be next to Jungkook as Yoongi gets to the side of the bed and slides in behind Seokjin. Namjoon takes advantage of Jimin and Taehyung’s preoccupation and sneaks in next to Jungkook. Taehyung and Jimin only look disappointed for a moment before Taehyung takes the spot facing Namjoon and Jimin places himself front-to-back with Yoongi on the other side. Finally, Hoseok, being the lightest sleeper out of all of them, slips in behind Jimin.
They all get settled quickly before Yoongi realizes - oh, “Oh, Seokjin-hyung, you’re on my heating pad.”
Seokjin looks confused before feeling underneath himself and the pillow to find a blue heating pad with an attached wire and control. He flips over to face Yoongi, holding it and frowning, “You still need this? For your shoulder?”
Yoongi tries not to look ashamed as he grabs it from Seokjin’s hands, “Yeah.”
“I thought your shoulder was better?”
“Doesn’t really go away. It’s better in waves nowadays, but sometimes it gets achy. I like to just stave it off with the heating pad.” He explains, defensively, as he struggles to situate the pad beneath his shoulder just how he likes it.
Seokjin sighs and takes the pad back from Yoongi without much trouble, gesturing for him to sit up, the rest of the bed grumbling at all the movement. He places it beneath Yoongi’s shoulder so that the edges of the pad can roll over his upper trap, at the junction between his neck and shoulder. “That good?” Seokjin asks softly.
Yoongi nods, “Yeah… Thanks, hyung.”
After getting situated, Jimin wraps his arms around Yoongi haphazardly, Seokjin pushing his nose into Yoongi’s collarbone. “I’ll give you a good massage someday, since I’m sure you still have awful knots in your shoulders from hunching over your computer all the time.”
Yoongi smiles into Seokjin’s hair at the thought. Jimin’s small, but strong, hands make it so that his massages are always amazing, great at getting into the trigger point of the knot. “That sounds good, Jiminah.”
The room is dark, as Hoseok had turned off the lights before getting into bed, and it’s quiet as Yoongi shifts on the warm heating pad, with Jimin to his back and Seokjin snuffling dreamily into his collarbone. Jimin is breathing on his neck, but it’s not uncomfortable. It’s riling, as Yoongi shifts closer to Jimin’s solid body, causing Seokjin to whine softly and shuffle closer as well. Abruptly, now that it’s silent and the only sound is breathing and rustling of everyone he cares about, Yoongi can’t find the peace to sleep.
Yoongi shifts again, closing his eyes and trying to calm down. But Seokjin’s thigh is dangerously close to his cock and Jimin is pressed tightly against his back. They’re close enough in size that his hips line up with Yoongi’s perfectly, his cock pressed against Yoongi’s ass.
Fuck, probably not good timing. Definitely not good timing. He tries to think of nasty things, like his grandmama, naked.
Jimin blows on his ear.
Yoongi jumps violently but somehow manages not to wake Seokjin up, if his continued smooth breathing is anything to go by.
“Hyung, are you asleep?”
“Not after that, I’m not. What the hell, Jiminie?”
Jimin smiles into his neck. “You haven’t called me that in so long.”
Yoongi breathes out, “Yeah, I guess.”
Jimin’s smile turns into a kiss against his neck. His hand tightens on Yoongi’s hip. “I missed it. Missed you calling me that, hyungie.”
Yoongi hides a nostalgic smile in Seokjin’s hair, “I missed it too, Jiminie.”
Seokjin shifts suddenly and presses further into Yoongi, mouth breathing on his collarbone and thigh properly slotting between Yoongi’s legs. Yoongi sucks in a breath quietly.
“Oh, what’s wrong, hyungie?” Jimin’s voice sounds so innocent but there’s something mischievous in the grin he can feel against his neck.
“Really?” Jimin’s hand shoves down between Seokjin and Yoongi’s bodies, not being subtle at all. Yoongi feels a bit of whiplash at how they shifted from sweet and nostalgic to tension-filled and aroused so quickly. Although, it’s been happening all night long, so Yoongi supposes he should be used to it by now. Jimin’s hand finds Yoongi’s chub through his pants and grasps it, making Yoongi jerk. Seokjin smiles into his collarbones.
Oh, those two sneaky bastards. “This isn’t fair,” Yoongi says, though it comes out as more of a whine than he intends. He pokes Seokjin in the side, making Seokjin shake with suppressed giggles. He kisses Yoongi’s neck sloppily.
“You caught on quick, Yoongiah.” Seokjin hums, sucking a hickey on his neck.
“Fuck - ah, hyung, please don’t leave marks - I don’t wanna wear a scarf in seventy-degree weather tomorrow - oh -” Yoongi bites his lip as Seokjin finds a particularly sensitive spot and Jimin adjusts his grip on his slowly fattening cock.
“Will you stop worrying, hyungie. You think too much.” Someone from behind Seokjin says, and Yoongi can see that Taehyung has raised up on his elbows above Jungkook and Namjoon, who look like they’re sleeping face to face, but Yoongi suspects that they’ve woken up by now.
Yoongi scoffs breathlessly, “You’re not the one who’d be walking down the aisle in front of fifty people with a scarf, Taehyungah.”
“You’ve performed a cute version of a song about capitalism in front of nearly 20,000 people, hyung.”
“Shut - up! I didn’t ah- do that with a hickey on my neck, though - Jiminie, fuck - “ Jimin grinds his cock against Yoongi’s ass just as he finally, finally sticks his hand down Yoongi’s pants to stroke his cock, distracting him. Seokjin has unbuttoned some of Yoongi’s shirt so that he can pinch Yoongi’s nipples, making Yoongi arch roughly, warmth building in his stomach -
There’s a loud thump from behind him.
“What the fuck was that?” Jungkook asks, sat up from where he was kissing Namjoon into a daze.
Jimin pulls away from Yoongi slightly to look behind him. Jimin bursts out into raucous laughter. “Ha- Oh my god! I’m so sorry, hyung!” He chokes out.
“I’m glad you feel sympathy for my situation, Jimin.” Hoseok growls. Yoongi twists to look over his shoulder and sees Hoseok, sitting on the ground, earplugs hanging out of only one of his ears.
“Wha - what are you doing down there, Hoseokah?” Yoongi asks, dazed from all the attention he was just getting.
“I was fucking inspecting your hardwoods, I love the cherry wood.”
“I got it imported - Wait, what?” Yoongi blinks heavily.
“He fell off the bed when you got too rowdy, hyungie,” Jimin explains, laughter still in his eyes.
Hoseok sighs, “I asked Jungkook for my earplugs so I could hopefully catch a couple of good hours of sleep. So, I didn’t hear whatever you nasties were up to.” He ends this statement with a glare, continuing, “And then, all of a sudden, Jimin’s fatass was pushing me off the bed!”
Jimin makes a cry of outrage, “Hey! You like this fat ass! You were pushing your cock against this ass not five minutes ago!”
Hoseok looks offended - “I can’t be held responsible for wet-dream Hoseok or his actions.”
Namjoon rolls his eyes, “You definitely can, but I’ll let it slide.”
“Thank you, oh mighty Namjoon.” Hoseok praises in an overly mocking tone. He turns to Jimin, “Is that why you didn’t think to include me? You thought I was already awake?” Jimin nods.
“I’ll make it up to you, though, hyung.” Jimin offers, sultry. Yoongi whines, though, bereft at the thought of losing Jimin’s warm cock and perfect hand. “Don’t worry, Yoongiah, I can take care of you as well. But don’t you think you should pay attention to your hyung as well?” Jimin prompts, nodding to Seokjin behind him. Apparently, Yoongi can’t be assed to tell him off about honorifics when he’s in this state of dazed need.
Yoongi turns back to Seokjin, who looks up at him with a smug, self-satisfied, sultry smile. “Come on Yoongiah, you were about to ride my thigh so cutely earlier. Come rub off on your hyung like a horny little baby, hm?” Fuck. Yoongi goes grumbly breathless at the comparison, ashamed and turned on at the same time, but he lets Seokjin’s thigh press up on his cock through the silk, regardless.
Jungkook and Namjoon seem to go back to whatever they were doing prior, while Jimin pulls Hoseok back on the bed, whispering about the benefits of an orgasm before bed. Taehyung seems to be content to cuddle up against Namjoon’s back while the rest of them get off, but he’s definitely interested, if the slick noises coming from him are anything to go by. Yoongi doesn’t pay attention to any of this, though, too preoccupied with sliding his dick along Seokjin’s strong thigh carefully, getting the perfect, smooth feeling of the silk against his cock and Seokjin’s gentle kisses along his neck, sliding up to his mouth. Yoongi squeak is muffled into his mouth as Seokjin tweaks his nipples, rubbing his thumb over them to sooth them afterward.
“Oh, fuck - hyungie! Seokjin- “ Yoongi gasps, toes curling and back knocking against Jimin, who is debauching Hoseok behind him on the bed. He ruts faster onto Seokjin’s leg, hands coming to his ass and massaging and helping him thrust better. Seokjin takes control of Yoongi’s movements gently, rocking him on to his thigh and making him throw his head back and whine loudly, in time with Namjoon making a high noise in the back of his throat as they all undulate in rhythm.
Jungkook is the first to come with a loud - “Oh! Hyung - Namjoon, hyung, hyung -” He trails off into a keen as Taehyung shushes him, jerking off Namjoon.
Yoongi is close behind, but Jimin gets Hoseok there first with his mouth and hands, making Hoseok come with a whine of Jimin’s name, hands buried in his hair as Jimin noses his groin, cock buried deep in his throat.
Seokjin pulls Yoongi down on to his thigh a final time and Yoongi cries out, freezing up and seizing, his stomach tensing as warmth tingles down his limbs, Seokjin slowly rocking him through it. He watches Yoongi’s face closely, licking his lips with desire. As Yoongi slowly calms down and his body relaxes, Seokjin pulls him down by the hair to kiss him deeply.
Yoongi smiles lazily into the kiss before pulling away and shifting to turn around, pressing his ass against Seokjin’s cock, entertained by the lovely sight of Hoseok kissing Jimin roughly while rubbing his dick sensually. Seokjin’s hands grasp his hips and he shoves his nose into Yoongi’s neck, breathing heavily. Yoongi can imagine that having someone rub off on you would be pretty arousing. Hoseok tugs Jimin’s head back by the hair and lets Jimin grind into his tight stomach, making Jimin moan prettily. “Oh, Jiminah, you’re so beautiful, aren’t you? My beautiful Jiminie, hm? Gonna come for me? Gonna come for your hyung?” Jimin nods helplessly, head thrashing slightly as he gets closer to the edge, riled up by the words coming out of Hoseok’s mouth.
Jimin whimpers and meets Yoongi’s eyes. Yoongi grins sleepily at Jimin, eyes lit with arousal despite his exhaustion. “Fuck - ah, Hobi-hyung, hyung-” Jimin tugs against Hoseok’s tight grip on his hair before his face crinkles and he comes silently, face frozen in pleasure.
“Jimin looks so beautiful, doesn’t he, hyung?” Yoongi mumbles to Seokjin, still thrusting against Yoongi’s ass.
“Y-yeah, Yoongiah - ah -” Seokjin gasps and bites down on Yoongi’s shoulder, pressing him further into the mattress, shifting so that he’s straddling Yoongi more, getting a better angle to shove his cock between Yoongi’s cheeks. He has one hand on Yoongi’s hip, giving him leverage, and one hand on Yoongi’s neck, pushing him down into the pillows, almost smothering him. Yoongi doesn’t complain though, just takes it. “You’re so, so good for me, Yoongiah. So - good, such a perfect ass, hm? Taking it like a - a - oh, so good.” He ruts against him harshly, cutting his own words off with groans while Jimin and Hoseok, lazily lying together, watch him.
“Like a perfect little whore, you mean, hyung?” Jimin asks, voice laughingly tired.
Yoongi groans and bucks back against one of Seokjin’s thrusts at the word, surprised at how much he likes it. “You like that, hyung?” Hoseok asks, amused. He nods into the pillow.
Seokjin growls and presses him down harder, “You like being called a whore, Yoongiah? My sweet slut? Gonna take whatever I give you?”
“Yeah, yeah, hyung. G- Wanna be good for you -” Yoongi gasps, finding breathing difficult as Seokjin’s weight forces the air out of his lungs.
Seokjin groans and finally lets up, sitting up and rubbing his cock against Yoongi’s ass a few final times, hips stuttering. He bites his lip as his face contorts in pleasure, coming into his pants, moans caught in his throat. Seokjin and Yoongi pant breathlessly as he slowly slides off, falling together side-by-side.
In their silence, Namjoon and Taehyung’s soft panting becomes loud, and Yoongi turns over on to his side, re-wrapping the heating pad on his shoulder, ignoring the sticky cum in his pants for now. Jungkook looks back at them from where he was watching them get off together and grins, before looking back. Namjoon and Taehyung pant into the same space, noses pressed together, mouths open but barely touching. They seem to be jerking each other off, though Yoongi can’t tell exactly. Namjoon comes first, voice catching on high notes, choking through his orgasm, body jerking. Jungkook rubs his back comfortingly while Taehyung’s own voice becomes louder, Namjoon jerking him off the best he can. Taehyung’s eyes clench closed and his mouth hangs open, silent for a moment before he works through his orgasm with a whimper.
It’s finally silent in the room, except for the combined panting of seven men coming down from orgasms.
“Fuck.” Yoongi breathes to the ceiling.
“Fuck.” Jimin agrees, and Seokjin laughs into Yoongi’s shoulder.
“And we just got out of the shower.” Namjoon points out, tired amusement in his voice.
“Ugh - I don’t want to get up.” Jungkook groans, pouting, flopping his arms around.
“You’re not sleeping next to me with cum in your boxers,” Seokjin says pointedly. He at least makes an effort to sit up, though Yoongi’s arms around his waist hinder movement.
“We’re probably going to have to steal your sleep clothes, Yoongi-hyung.” Taehyung sounds a little chagrined, but he gets off the bed anyway, wincing as his warm feet hit the cold wood flooring. “Oof, your floors are cold.”
“Mmf - I didn’t see the point in heated floors, sorry,” Yoongi says, leaning into Seokjin’s stomach. Seokjin smiles down at him and strokes his hair.
Hoseok sighs and forces himself out of the bed as well. Taehyung turns on the light in the bathroom, making them all groan when the light touches their eyes. “Tae!” Jungkook whines, turning over onto his stomach, arms hitting Namjoon on his left.
At this abuse, Namjoon also shuffles out of the bed, leaving Jungkook cold. Jimin hums and leans into Yoongi on the other side - “I don’t need to shower.” He sounds unbearably smug. Seokjin rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, well the rest of us do, so if you don’t want to be left alone…” He shrugs, unconcerned. Jimin groans and smothers his face in Yoongi’s side.
“I’ve got mouthwash in my cabinet if you want it.” Yoongi offers.
“Fuck… Fine, come on, show me where it is, hyungie.” Jimin says, sitting up and tugging Yoongi with him. Yoongi’s slack limbs are dragged to the edge of the bed, forcing Yoongi to open his eyes and put a foot down on the cold floors.
“Maybe I should look into heated floors…” Yoongi trails off, watching his feet as Jimin leads him into the bathroom, which hadn’t even dried from their last shower. Taehyung has already turned on the shower but thankfully had found the light dimmer. This time they’re just jumping into the warm spray, washing off the accumulated cum from their bodies, and jumping out. Yoongi has to drag himself out of the warmth and into another towel, this time held up by Hoseok, who wraps it around him in a hug.
Jungkook stumbles into the bathroom to wash off at last, pushed in by Seokjin, both rubbing at their eyes. Hoseok and Yoongi waddle in a burrito of towels past them, followed by Jimin and Taehyung, who pause to kiss deeply in between steps. Yoongi pulls out a pair of silk pants for himself and Hoseok, and Taehyung snatches up his relatively clean pair of pajama pants, rummaging in Yoongi’s drawers for boxers to wear. Jimin suggests that he goes commando, but Taehyung laughs him off and says that then they’d never get any sleep at all. Yoongi is inclined to agree with him, begrudgingly, as now that he is with them, he can’t imagine being apart.
They tumble back to bed, loose-limbed, smushed closer than they were before in a mishmash order with Yoongi in the middle. They’re all more comfortable now, arms and legs splayed across other legs and arms, all crisscrossing to create a warm pile of limbs and smiles. Yoongi and Namjoon lazily trade kisses in between smiles, while Seokjin sighs and falls right to sleep, Jungkook next to him. Taehyung and Jimin whisper sweet nothings and Hoseok hangs half off the bed, earplugs back in. Yoongi leans in for one final kiss from Namjoon before finally settling in for real, pressing his nose into the sheets and listening to the rustle of the fan above them.
When he wakes to his alarm, Yoongi doesn’t jerk awake, even though his bed is filled with strange weight. Instead, he is lifted softly to warm light and a hand in his hair. Seokjin snuffles into his collarbone as Namjoon looks on fondly. Yoongi smiles at him sleepily before sitting up slightly, rearranging his pillows. He feels something dig into his back, and is surprised to find that it’s his heating pad, forgotten and cold. He must have forgotten to turn it back on.
He places it on his pillows and clicks the button, leaning back into the heat as Namjoon snuggles closer. Seokjin frowns in his sleep and pulls him closer in response, obviously a jealous cuddler. Yoongi laughs quietly to himself as he tries to figure a way out of this situation without waking his bedmates.
It’s made easier by the fact that Namjoon is already awake, and that Hoseok’s on the other side of the bed. Meaning that Yoongi can slide out the other way if he’s willing to wake Jimin and Taehyung. He’s not sure he should brave that temptation though, as those two would just invite him with half-lidded eyes back to sleep. He has to get up and make sure preparations are finished for the wedding, though, and help set up.
Past that, he’d promised Jordan to help them with their hair and makeup. He knows that he’s really there to be his friend’s moral support, though. Jordan had been a timid child when he had first come to the island, but they’ve grown into themself now, thanks to their partners. And, maybe, thanks to Yoongi as well. Seeing Jordan, Tristan, and Gale grow together had been hard at first, as if it was a reminder of all that Yoongi had willfully lost, but watching Jordan come out of their insecurities and doubts to become someone who could love with their whole heart and laugh carefreely… It had given Yoongi some hope, he thinks. He can’t help but be grateful to the brats for inviting his old group members to their wedding, terrified as he was at first. It’s given him an opportunity he’d never seek out on his own.
Yoongi watches the time on the clock grow steadily later and groans, deciding to brave the seduction of a half-asleep Jimin and the octopus arms of a fully-asleep Taehyung in order to get out of bed before his second alarm goes off. He crawls over their entangled legs carefully, exiting the bed in a diagonal manner, by the corner. He turns off his alarm just in time and gets dressed as a drowsy Namjoon watches on. He only pulls on boxers, slacks, and a linen shirt, making a note to give himself time to get properly dressed for the wedding later in the evening, at sunset. He slaps some toner and moisturizer on his face before giving a tiny wave to Namjoon as he leaves. Namjoon gives him the cutest possible wave back, yawning slightly, and Yoongi’s heart clenches.
He slips out the door smoothly and downstairs, sandaled feet padding on his stone floors. Opening the large barn doors of his foyer to the sunlit courtyard, he’s gratified to see some of the town’s people bumbling around with chairs and flowers in hand to set up the reception. Thankfully, the church on the hill had already been set up, as Jordan, Tristan, and Gale had opted for a simple ceremony. Yoongi agrees with them, as he thinks that the rustic stone of the church is enough decoration and makes for good photos. He’s been told that he’s not allowed to touch his camera today, however, as the three of them want him to enjoy the ceremony instead. Yoongi smiles to himself, stopping to chat with one of the town’s people and checking up on how things are going. Those three kids won’t be awake for a little while longer, if he has anything to say about it, so Yoongi takes the opportunity to help set up tables and flower arrangements. He sweeps the grounds, polishes the centerpiece, washes the windows, even helps tie the bows on the chair’s covers.
Eventually, though, his phone goes off with another alarm. This one reminds him to go wake up Jordan and separate them from their soon-to-be spouses, as tradition dictates. Tristan had thought it was stupid, but Jordan and Gale, romantics that they are, had wanted to adhere to it. Gale would be taken care of by one of his childhood friends and Tristan by his mother, who lived on the island.
Yoongi makes the short trip down the winding road of the town to find the three’s house, entering with the key they had given him. He walks up the creaking steps to their bedroom and smiles when he finds Tristan already awake, watching the two that are still sleeping from the doorway, holding a cup of coffee. “Hey, why are you awake so early?” He asks, slipping into English. Over his years of living here, his English had improved in leaps and bounds, since he was forced to interact with the locals. Jordan and the boys had also picked up Korean phrases from him, but not enough to hold a full conversation that wasn’t about the ocean or the weather.
Tristan jumps, apparently too absorbed in watching his soulmates sleep to hear him. “Oh - Yoongi. You scared me.” He smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head - “Couldn’t sleep, too… excited. I’m so excited.” He sounds giddy, and his body curls as if he’s preparing to launch into the atmosphere with excitement.
Yoongi laughs, patting Tristan on the arm. “Alright, alright. I get it. It’s an exciting day, after all.” He gives an indulgent smile, “Come on, help me wake those two up, before Gale’s mother comes and storms the place.”
Tristan nods, but instead of moving, for a moment he just watches his loves sleep. Then, shaking his head, he sets his cup of coffee down and shakes Jordan’s shoulder, leaving Gale to be woken up by Yoongi. While Jordan is softly awakened with a hand brushing their bangs away, Gale gets a rougher treatment, being rudely shaken awake by Yoongi. Gale blinks up at him and instantly glares. Yoongi smiles down at him with false sweetness. He goes to brush Gale’s bangs away sarcastically but is batted away by an awake Gale.
Eventually, they all shift down to the kitchen, just in time for Gale to be whisked away by his friend. Tristan’s mom comes in only a minute later, kissing them all on the forehead before pushing Yoongi and Jordan out the door.
They make their way back up to Yoongi’s villa, where the reception will be held. The townsfolk call out congratulations from their windows to a slowly reddening Jordan as they walk through the curved streets, smiling to themselves.
Reaching the villa, Yoongi only hopes that the lazy men he left in his bed have cleared out. Thankfully, when he opens the door to his room, the bed is empty and made, while all their clothes have disappeared from the floor. Yoongi sighs in relief and Jordan stifles a laugh, “Did you have guests over, Yoongi?”
Yoongi rolls his eyes at their question, “Ah, be quiet. I know it was you three who invited them, besides.”
“Are you mad?” They ask, a little tentatively, shedding their clothes while Yoongi grabs a robe off the back of his closet door. He has their wedding dress in another room, safe in its bag.
Yoongi turns around at their signal, seeing them sat at the small vanity in the bathroom. He rests his hands on their shoulders and shakes his head. “How could I be?” He responds, a bit of a helpless note creeping into his voice. “I would never have reached out to them on my own, no matter how… Lonely I got.” He picks up a brush and combs it through their hair to calm their bed head, spritzing some sort of spray to help calm the frizz, caused by bedhead and humidity. “Did you use that hair mask I gave you?” Yoongi says, changing the subject.
They fall into a quiet pattern of conversation that is familiar to them, both introverted, think-before-you-speak, sort of people.
Before too long, Jordan’s hair is done up elegantly. He knows that they were scared to let it grow out, but he’s glad they did. Yoongi’s humming and hawing over what to do for their makeup while Jordan cuts their own nails carefully when there’s a knock on the door. Yoongi goes to the door, opening it only slightly in case it’s one of Jordan’s boys. Instead, he finds Jungkook, smiling shyly at Yoongi. “Hey, hyung. I was helping out downstairs, but ah- I forgot my phone up here.”
Yoongi laughs and lets him in to find his phone, “And you didn’t notice until now? You don’t need to help, by the way, most of the town is out helping us today.”
Jungkook shrugs helplessly, waving at Jordan as he picks up his phone. “No, I was too busy helping, and before that the hyungs kept me occupied.” Yoongi snorts at the blush dusting Jungkook’s ears. “I know they didn’t need help, but if I can, then why not? How are you two doing in here, anyway?”
Suddenly, Yoongi’s gaze turns speculative. “I’m trying to figure out what to do for Jordan’s makeup…” He trails off meaningfully, but true to Jungkook’s nature, he doesn’t pick up on his tone.
“Oh! Good luck, hyung!”
Yoongi sighs and turns to a smiling Jordan to shake his head exasperatedly. “Do you want to give me a hand, Jungkookie? You used to be pretty good.”
Jungkook chokes on air, “Uh - hyung - “ He swallows thickly and nods, “Yeah, I can help. But-” Now he turns to Jordan. “Are you sure you want my help? I’m mostly experienced in subtle, natural style makeup.”
Jordan responds eagerly, “Yes! That’s exactly what I want. I trust Yoongi to do it, but if you have more experience, then that’d be useful.” Yoongi smiles ruefully.
Jungkook shoots off a text on his phone, presumably to the rest of the group, letting them know what was going on, before scrolling through his gallery. “Like this?” He says, showing a picture to Jordan.
“Perfect, thanks!”
Jungkook and Jordan take a while to warm up to each other, but eventually, they’re chatting quietly about makeup. Jordan doesn’t have any experience with it, but Jungkook is eager to teach and explain what he’s doing as he brushes a dark brown over their lids.
Yoongi takes this as his cue to go, after checking with Jordan that they’d be alright until he came back. He pads downstairs again to find the rest of his group mates hanging out with the townspeople and setting up. Seokjin and Namjoon help arrange flowers in vases on the tables, while Taehyung and Jimin laugh with the old ladies and tie bows around the party favors for the guests. Hoseok is even leading a band of kids around the edge of the courtyard, effectively keeping them out of the way. He leans in his doorway and smiles, watching them work and laugh together.
Seokjin is the first to notice him and he strides up with a flower in grasp, bowing gallantly and offering it to him while the children laugh in the background. Yoongi takes it, feeling red brush his cheeks as he holds the white lily to his nose. “You’re an idiot,” He tells Seokjin, who just laughs and kisses his cheek, taking the flower back to be put where it needs to go.
Hoseok waves from the other side of the courtyard while Jimin and Taehyung whisper conspiratorily with their new best friends, hands nimbly tying bow after bow. Yoongi waves back before going to check in with some of the townsfolk who are putting up the garlands along the walls and are hanging lights across the yard. Satisfied that everything is in its place, or will be soon enough, Yoongi travels back upstairs.
He steps into his bedroom, checking his watch and carrying Jordan’s dress. He finds Jungkook and Jordan embracing tightly inside, tears sliding down both of their faces. Yoongi panics, coughing wildly and flailing with the dress in his hands, trying to figure out what to do. Upon hearing him enter, though, the two pull away from each other, laughing stuffily and wiping their eyes carefully. Yoongi manages to hang the dress on the door and rushes to them both, hands flickering around them. “Wha- What happened you two! I left and everything was fine!”
Jungkook waves a hand, scrubbing his nose with the other, “It’s fine, it’s fine, hyung. Nothing - Nothing bad happened.” He sniffs and stands taller, looking at Yoongi with a gently pinched expression, eyes still filled with water. Yoongi looks to Jordan as if to confirm, who nods at him firmly, makeup thankfully still intact.
“Fuck -” Yoong’s shoulders relax. “You two scared me! Today of all days... And you- “ He turns to Jordan with a scolding finger - “You can’t cry yet! You’re getting married today, you should save your tears.” Jordan bursts into tears again. Yoongi starts flailing again. Jungkook snorts, which turns into full-blown laughter at Yoongi’s frantic behavior as he hovers over Jordan.
Eventually, Jordan gets fed up with this and catches Yoongi in a tight hug, crying into his shirt. Yoongi goes still for a moment, looking helplessly at a still-mirthful Jungkook, who offers no help. Carefully, Yoongi wraps his arms around Jordan’s small frame, crushing them into a hug. They hold on to his shirt and cry harder. Yoongi takes a deep breath and whispers soothing words into their ear, “Shhh- It’s okay, Jordie. It’s okay. You know they love you. They love you so much, Jordan.” He whispers.
He looks up at Jungkook as Jordan slowly calms down to find him smiling fondly at him. Yoongi scowls, embarrassed and looks away.
After making sure that Jordan’s make up is perfect, and their hair still in place. Yoongi packs a small bag, gets changed into his suit, and leads them out the back of the villa. Jungkook stays behind to get changed and to remind the others to get changed as well. Jordan and Yoongi hike up the hill, emergency bag and dress suitor being lugged behind them. They hadn’t wanted to get Jordan’s dress dirty, so they set up a little section of the old stone church where they could get changed.
There are a few of the townspeople already there, finishing the chair set up and decorating the altar. The town preacher is there as well, smiling genially over the crowd that bustles around him. He calls out a warm greeting to Jordan, who runs to hug him. Yoongi smiles fondly at the scene and brings the dress into the small room they’d set up. The photographer is in there already, and Yoongi chats with her while waiting for Jordan. The wedding is due to start in an hour, and most of the guests are milling about outside, but the grooms won’t be arriving for another twenty minutes or so.
Soon enough, Jordan pulls the curtain back and grins sheepishly. Yoongi shakes his head at them but gestures them in quickly. “Come on, then, your grooms will be here soon and I’m sure you’ll want to look over your vows before - “ Jordan gasps and pats down their pockets frantically.
Yoongi hands them their vows, handwritten on a sheet of paper, from his emergency bag. “You really thought I’d let you forget them?”
Jordan coughs self-consciously and takes them, reading them over slowly. They’re reading their own writing, but tears still fill their eyes by the second line. Yoongi shakes his head, pulling them away, “What did I say about crying before the wedding, kid?” Yoongi wipes under their eyes, careful not to mess up Jungkook’s hard work, taking the vows back gently. The photographer has been silently taking photos of them, thankfully unobtrusive.
The photographer in question steps out of the room for a moment while Jordan gets undressed and into their pretty lingerie, gone to take photos of the guests, but they call her back in when it’s time for the dress. Yoongi helps slip the dress over Jordan’s head and shimmies it down their torso. He steps back to let the photographer get a close-up of the beading, done by the tailor lady down the road from Yoongi. He watches this kid, close enough to his kid, bashfully brush their hands over the beautiful lace-bead combinations in the form of flowers, with some pastel rose detailing. He sniffs quietly. Jordan had been through a lot and still found love. Jordan’s love had not been easy, but every day they were proving that it was worth it. Could Yoongi do that?
Yoongi could never love easily, every moment he has is fought for, but truly, it’s a worthy fight, he thinks. Jordan has shown him that you can grow from sandy rocks, that love is worth it in the end. He sniffs again, louder this time. Fuck. Jordan, this sweet kid, had found love, had worked hard so that Yoongi could have another chance at his love as well. Now he just can’t mess it up, he thinks to himself. He rubs a hand over his eyes.
Jordan wraps an arm around his shoulders. Yoongi chokes and sobs softly. What’s he crying over? Is it the hope for a second chance at love? Is it the thought that Jordan is finally getting what they deserve, this kid who he’s grown close to? What does he have to be sad about anymore? Fuck. He sniffs one last time, taking a ragged breath.
He pulls away, embarrassed at his outburst. “You’re a good kid, Jordie.” He says softly. “I’m proud to be the one to walk you down the aisle.”
Jordan beams. Yoongi smiles back. The photographer snaps a photo.
They get everything properly sorted out with the dress and Yoongi presses a cool towel to his eyes to remove the redness. Eventually, there’s a knock on the door to let them know it’s time. Yoongi peaks out to see the preacher and the pianist all set up, Gale and Tristan fidgeting at the altar. His boys are in the first row to the left, on Jordan’s ‘side’ of the aisle, all dressed up and styled to the nines. He smiles and turns to Jordan. “It’s time, kid.”
Jordan takes a shaky breath and rubs their hands together. Yoongi offers them his arm to hold on to. They clutch it desperately. The photographer leaves first so she can get a better angle, while Yoongi breathes slowly and deeply to try and calm Jordan. “They’re out there because they love you, Jordan, you don’t need to be scared.” He reminds them. Jordan looks up to him with wide eyes.
“I’m not scared, Yoongi.” They shake their head and straighten their shoulders, “I’m excited,” They say. Yoongi smiles and pulls back the curtain nodding to the pianist, who starts up the strains to the Wedding March. Jordan takes measured steps with him as they turn out of the room and down the aisle. But as soon as they look up and see Gale and Tristan, it’s all over.
Jordan hurries Yoongi down the aisle subtly, barely keeping their excitement or their tears in check. There’s not a dry eye in the place, besides. At the end of the aisle, Yoongi kisses each of their cheeks and lets them go to the altar, to stand between Gale and Tristan, facing the priest.
Yoongi sits on the seat innermost to the aisle, next to Jungkook and the rest of them.
Jungkook leans in close, taking his hand from his lap to hold, and murmurs - “Are you okay, hyung?”
Yoongi looks at him, really looks at him, before letting his gaze slide to the others, who are divided between watching him and watching the ceremony. He licks his lips and smiles at Jungkook - “Yeah, I am.”
Yoongi laughs as one of the men finishes a story about Gale in his youth, clinking his wine glass with Jimin and Seokjin on either side of him and taking a long sip in a toast. The ceremony had been beautiful, and just as Jordan had started their vows, the island’s golden hour had hit, lighting them all in an angelic glow. There hadn’t been a single person who hadn’t wiped away a tear or two, and Yoongi isn’t ashamed to say that he’d straight up bawled into Jungkook’s suit jacket like a child when Gale and Tristan said their vows as well.
Now, though, everything has settled, even as the festivities have really begun. Raucous music and wine fill the courtyard, decorated with tables and garlands and a large space for dancing in the middle. Yoongi feels a tap on his shoulder and, looking up, is somehow unsurprised to see Namjoon smiling down at him.
“I think you owe me a dance, hyungie.” He says demurely.
Yoongi hums and studies his wine glass, as Jimin leans into his shoulder and Seokjin giggles slightly. “Are you sure? I thought I gave you your dance last night?”
Namjoon sighs, “Come on, hyung, I only got to dance with you for a moment.”
Yoongi sniffs but puts down his glass, “Not my fault you all decided to take up dramatics and ambush me like that.”
Seokjin smacks his arm, “Hey!” He whines, “I thought it was romantic!”
Yoongi breaks into giggles against Seokjin’s shoulder, “It’s okay, hyung. I was just kidding. It was all very romantic. I guess.” Jimin snorts and falls into Yoongi’s side as well, crushing him between them. Seokjin huffs and ruffles Yoongi’s hair roughly.
“Yah! You brat - Your hyung is very romantic. I’ll prove it to you!”
Yoongi smiles so big he can barely see, “I’d like that, hyung. I expect you to keep your promise, no take backs!” Seokjin acts aloof but throws an arm around Yoongi’s shoulders regardless. “But! I think I’ve ignored Namjoonie for long enough.” He shakes off Seokjin’s arm and pushes his chair back, Namjoon watches him fondly.
“Come on then, hyung. I asked the DJ for a slow song since I know your old joints ache.”
“You ask me to dance and then insult me! You’re a brat, Namjoonie.” Yoongi puts a hand to his chest in mock offense - “Weren’t you just agreeing with me that we’ve done enough dancing for our lifetimes?”
Namjoon shifts on his feet as the promised slow song comes on. He offers his hand to Yoongi, other one hovering around his waist - “Aish, hyung. I was just joking. I just thought this might be more - how did Seokjin-hyung put it?” He grins, “Romantic.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes and takes Namjoon’s hand, stepping into the hand on his waist to do a basic waltz with Namjoon. They only stumble once or twice as the townspeople spin around them. “This is quite romantic, Namjoonie,” Yoongi mumbles over the music, while Namjoon tugs him closer by the waist.
Namjoon laughs into his neck, “I’m glad you feel romanced, hyung. I hope I get the chance to show you just how romantic I can be.” Pause - “Plus, you promised Seokjin-hyung the opportunity to romance you as well.”
Yoongi blushes and curls his arm over Namjoon’s shoulder, pressing his face into the sleek blazer. “Ah.”
Namjoon flings him out for a spin and Yoongi goes easily, redirecting the momentum and ending up closer to Namjoon than he was before, if that’s possible. “You’re alright with being romanced? It might take us all a while.” Yoongi’s blush intensifies.
“I - Namjoonie.” Yoongi sways against Namjoon and they step away in time with the music to return - “Namjoon.” He takes a breath - “I’ve just got you back, really. I’m not going to let any of you go just yet. I made that mistake once, I won’t again.”
Namjoon huffs, “More like we just got you back, hyung. Don’t think that we’ll let you go so easily this time, either.”
The song shifts into it’s final, smooth jazz portion, slowing them down to a sway. Yoongi hums and sways with Namjoon in something that’s closer to a hug, head pressed into his shoulder. “I don't mind.”
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written-seoks · 5 years
an ode to fatherhood
Beneath technobabble, His particular dialect that I'd never understand,
That His years of studying and years of living have taught Him.
Over my own baby-babble, he chats with his coworkers,
But beneath that, I sit and listen for year upon year
Under this old desk, soon to be replaced with one I help Him build
His office is warm, although he always gives me His jacket
It's this practical down-feather puffer coat that's so large for me
Just as how His large world is too large for me.
The world at large is too large for me.
So He wraps me in the coat of Himself
and makes the world a comfort to me
He's been in the same room for 20 years now
It's this warm color beige because He painted it
And laid down carpet so it's softer for the dogs
He taught me how to paint my room,
To change a tire and check for all the best deals before I buy.
To learn from others but to keep your opinions close
To speak loudly at the dinner table
while Mom looks on in chagrin
To say please before I ask and then again after,
To say thank you every time,
Waving tantalizingly sweet pancakes in front of me
To ask for help when I need it,
Taming me into calmness with a classic movie or show
That makes Mom rolls her eyes
We must have watched this episode sixty times now.
But we’ve both changed between 0 and 60
He’s screwed and glued and touched everything in this house,
He’s crafted cabinets and countertops, showers and a person
All in between Himself and Me
How can I ever sit at His desk?
That I’ve only ever learnt to sit under
I hate to leave Him, but I must go
He taught me all the skills I need
And yet to stay a little longer I wish He hadn’t taught me anything at all
To a song, He likes to hear me sing
I’ll see you soon, now, and forever ago
My Father
Who became upon a September night
Many, Many Years ago
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written-seoks · 5 years
reading [ngk 04]
BTS | Namjoon/Jungkook/Yoongi | Superpowers AU | Mature
find this on ao3 here
Namgikook week .05 Prompt: superpowers
Namjoon loves sitting at the bar and feeling thoughts wash over him like so much alcohol. Eventually, he’ll snag on one or two thoughts from especially loud people. Tonight there’s a lot of, “I can’t believe he broke up with me!” and “God she’s hot!” and “FUCK HE’S SO HANDSOME AND TALL AND DA-” uh. He tries to track the source of the thought to its owner and glances over his shoulder to see a black-haired boy staring at him, sitting alone with a martini in front of him. Namjoon can't help but think - fuck he’s cute I wanna… but he cuts off that train of thought, watching the kid quickly look away, blushing at being caught. Namjoon blushes himself and turns away.
Namjoon’s thoughts; “other people’s thoughts”
Being a mind reader isn’t all it’s made out to be. Namjoon has always struggled with himself over the ethics of being able to read someone else’s mind. Telepathy is one of those morally grey powers that, if you have it, you don’t tend to spread it around.
It is a useful skill, however, especially when searching for a lover at a bar. And he’s not above using it in little bursts to his advantage.
All he has to do is catch someone’s eye and then order their favorite drink and he has a 70% chance of going home with them. Usually, after a little bit of alcohol in their system, people get a little looser with their thoughts and it’s easier for Namjoon to sense them. Clubs can be overwhelming for that reason, but Namjoon appreciates never having to worry about what someone thinks about him at a club.
He loves sitting at the bar and feeling thoughts wash over him like so much alcohol. Eventually, he’ll snag on one or two thoughts from especially loud people. Tonight there’s a lot of, “I can’t believe he broke up with me!” and “God he’s hot!” and “FUCK HE’S SO HANDSOME AND TALL AND DA-” uh. He tries to track the source of the thought to its owner and glances over his shoulder to see a black haired boy staring at him, sitting alone with a martini in front of him, fuck he’s cute I wanna… he cuts off that train of thought, watching the kid quickly look away, blushing at being caught. I wanna make him blush at other things. Namjoon blushes himself and turns away.
More thoughts flow to him, only a couple more from the black haired kid and some more from randos in the club.
An interesting thought of, “I can’t tell if I want to ride him to hell and back or if I should fuck him until he cries.” slips through his perception, making Namjoon shiver. It’s definitely directed at him with some very vivid imagery involved. He glances over towards the side of the bar, where a blonde haired man is drinking a glass of wine. Classy. He thinks, before scanning his admirer, Oh god his fingers… He thoroughly studies the way they curl around the wine glass and bring it to his… fuck, very, very, very nice lips. “I guess that answers that question then… I’ll finish this glass and then go over.” Namjoon grins into his whiskey glass and knocks it back.
He hears an overpowering thought behind him, coming from the black haired kid again, “Crisis mode time, Jungkook. There are two hot guys over there and you are very very gay. FUCK.”  Namjoon snickers into his empty glass, nearly choking on his own saliva. Across the bar, he hears the blonde guy giggle into his glass. Namjoon glances over to the blonde dude and ignores Jungkook’s gay panic in the background. Fuck he’s cute. I wonder what he’s laughing at?
The blonde guy drains his wine glass and gets up. Okay, okay, okay, look cool, Namjoon. You can do this. “Hey, I’m Yoongi. Can I buy you a drink?” The blonde dude, Yoongi, slides into the seat next to him. Oh, can you!
“Definitely. I don’t drink wine, though.” Namjoon gives Yoongi a sly smirk. As close as they are, Yoongi’s thoughts are almost all-consuming of his attention. “Oh… that’s. He’s even more beautiful up close.”
Yoongi laughs. “That’s fair enough. You have something against wine, though?” He smiles disarmingly and Namjoon quickly shakes his head, turning so more of his body presses against Yoongi’s.
“No, no, nothing like that. Just not a wine guy, I guess.” Namjoon shrugs and leans in, looking Yoongi straight in the eye.
“You just haven’t met the right wine yet, then.” Yoongi challenges, spark in his eye. He places a long hand on Namjoon’s thigh. God.
“You’ll have to introduce me sometime, then .” Namjoon mocks.
Since Yoongi slid into his space, the jumbled thoughts of the club have been mostly background noise, but suddenly, Jungkook’s thoughts pierce his focus again. “They look so good together, I want to be between them. I wanna suck their dicks- shut up brain!”
Namjoon suddenly throws his head back, bursting into unexpected laughter. Yoongi is trying not to laugh, as well, but Namjoon catches a few giggles leave his mouth.
Wait, what? He snaps his head back down to meet Yoongi’s eyes. Who stares at him too, mouth agape.
“Wait, what?” Yoongi’s eyes are wide, in a mirror of Namjoon’s own facial expression. Jungkook’s loud thoughts filter through again - “What are they laughing at? I can’t tell what they’re thinking at all. God, they’re so hot.” Namjoon raises his eyebrows at Yoongi.
Oh fuck.
“Oh fuck.”
They both burst into laughter again, Namjoon slapping Yoongi’s shoulder as he tries to muffle his giggles in his hand.
“God. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Namjoon asks, sliding off his barstool. He’s imagining a very specific set of events happening from here on out. Imagining them very hard and with lots of detail. He can see Jungkook staring, wide-eyed, at his hands squished between his thick thighs out of the corner of his eye.
“You know it.” Yoongi replies, sniffling a little but matching Namjoon’s smirk. “Although, if I may suggest - “ Yoongi pushes his own set of thoughts towards Namjoon for his perusal and - wow. Namjoon chokes a little and nods instantly. “Come on then, sweetheart.” Yoongi croons, slipping a hand around Namjoon’s tie and dragging him over to where Jungkook is now sitting alone, seemingly abandoned by whoever he was with.
Jungkook’s thoughts get more and more frantic with every step they take towards him. “Oh fuck, they probably think I’m weird for staring at them so much...  nice going, Kook.” Namjoon just wants to coo at the cute inner thoughts, the sweet nickname. But Namjoon and Yoongi simply slide in next to Jungkook on either side and smirk.
Namjoon starts thinking very, very hard about the things he’d like to do to Jungkook’s thighs. Jungkook’s head swings to look at him, eyes widening so much they look like they’re going to pop out of his head. Yoongi takes the lead and thinks, clearly, and with intent, “Hey baby.”
It nearly makes poor Jungkook jump out of his seat. “Wait, what?” He says out loud, looking between Namjoon and Yoongi confusedly. “What?” He repeats. Yoongi smirks, leaning close to Jungkook.
“We heard you thinking about us, baby.” Yoongi croons into Jungkook's ear.
“ Thinking- What? What do you mean?” Namjoon laughs at Jungkook's incredulous tone. Jungkook hasn't quite caught on yet to their ploy.
Thinking about us. Thinking about all the lovely things we can do to you. Namjoon hums, squeezing Jungkook's thigh tightly.
“I- what, you too?” Jungkook looks between them, trying to figure it out, “both of you?” “You can hear my thoughts?”
Namjoon nods, smiling at Jungkook. “We definitely can, baby. And what sweet thoughts they are, too.” More thoughts come to Namjoon's mind at the way Jungkook blushes at the nickname. Do you like that? Baby. Baby boy.
Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut in embarrassment. Yoongi grins and whispers sweet nothings into Jungkook's ear, nibbling a little at the sensitive lobe. “Baby boy… I like it. Do you wanna come home with us, baby? Let us treat you right?”
Jungkook shivers. His thoughts turn to the finer aspects of how he wants to be treated and he can feel them both stiffen and groan next to him. “Yes… please.” Jungkook agrees, letting his head fall back, leaving his neck open to Namjoon’s and Yoongi’s attacking mouths. Namjoon presses his face to Jungkook’s neck and starts sucking a bruise on his neck.
Jungkook is wearing a silky button up that’s unbuttoned to an indecent level, and that drapes so beautifully over his frame. Yoongi can’t help but admire Jungkook’s chest and the way his nipples are just barely visible, thanks to the way the material clings. He lets his fingers dance along smooth planes, press and dip where they please. “Please, hyungs-”
Namjoon laughs cruelly at Jungkook’s needy tone. “Is that really what you want to call us? Baby boy…” He coaxes, slipping lips over the more sensitive skin of his ear. Jungkook shakes his head but doesn’t say anything more. “Too embarrassed? Aren’t you just an innocent sweetheart…” Namjoon coos at Jungkook’s red face. “That’s okay, hyungs know what you really want. We’ll treat you right if that’s what you want.” Namjoon subtly checks Jungkook’s commitment, feeling the little bit of alcohol buzz over Jungkook’s thoughts.
Jungkook buries his face in Yoongi’s chest and thinks very clearly, “Please take me home right this second and ravish me until dawn.”
And so they do.
0 notes
written-seoks · 5 years
patience [ngk 03]
BTS | Namjoon/Jungkook/Yoongi | Canon-Verse AU | Mature
find this on ao3 here
Namgikook year .03 Prompt: canonverse
He jiggles his leg again, this time on purpose. He doesn’t acknowledge it when Namjoon finally turns around to give him a glare, purposely looking away with his arms crossed. He knows he’s acting like a spoiled brat, but. He’s tired and he wants to go home and maybe get a hug because he’s had a long day and he hasn’t been able to get any hugs for like a straight week now, nevermind kisses and he misses his family. He imagines a little frowny face at the end of that line of thought for emphasis.
Jungkook focuses on ignoring Namjoon’s glare and Yoongi’s exasperation, staring resolutely at the studio walls. He’s so focused on ignoring Namjoon that he doesn’t notice his approach until he leans down to cage Jungkook on the couch with his arms. “Jungkook-ah.” He says, lowly, dangerously.
Jungkook can’t help but act like a little bit of a brat in front of the cameras, play up his discontent with being the youngest a little for some laughs and playful teasing. But that doesn’t change the fact that his hyungs are in charge and he has to listen to them. Especially Namjoon and Yoongi. Jimin and Taehyung are close enough to his age that he can brush off their annoyance every now and then and Seokjin usually lets him get away with some things. But… Namjoon and Yoongi are different.
Namjoon is someone he’s looked up to ever since he knew he wanted to go into music, he’s lit Jungkook’s path like the moon at night. Yoongi embodies such strength and talent that it’s impossible for Jungkook not to look up to Yoongi like he’s the stars in the sky.
Namjoon and Yoongi are usually figures of authority for Jungkook, and nowhere is that truer than in their studios. Outside of the studios, they could ask Jungkook to do something and he’d grumble, but eventually get around to it.
Inside the studio is a different story.
While inside the studio, his hyungs could tell him to jump and he’d ask, “How high?” and probably if they want him to get them coffee. Something about the sheer aura of power the two put out while they’re working makes Jungkook, well. Something about it makes Jungkook very hot under his collar, to say the least.
After an exhausting dance practice with only Hoseok and Jimin - Taehyung and Seokjin excused for vocal lessons, Namjoon and Yoongi away composing - Jungkook doesn’t even have the energy to walk, much less go back to the dorms. He sighs and hefts his smelly bag filled with a sweaty shirt, stumbling on heavy legs towards Yoongi’s studio. When he enters, he doesn’t just find Yoongi alone, but Namjoon as well, leaning over Yoongi to see whatever is on the computer screen.
Neither really look up when he comes in, too occupied with the screen, but Namjoon makes some sort of ‘sit down and shut up’ movement behind his back and, really, who is Jungkook but to obey? So he flops down on the couch, bag by his side and basically passes out.
He wakes to Namjoon leaning over him with a grin like a cat who got the cream. Needless to say, his expression manages to put Jungkook on edge as soon as he wakes up, still tired and groggy and his back hurts from sleeping on the couch too, he pouts. Namjoon’s grin just widens and he ruffles Jungkook’s hair, “Hey Guk, you can’t sleep here. You won’t be able to sleep later, hm? So just stay awake a little bit more and we’ll leave for home soon, okay?”
Jungkook frowns and sighs, knowing that ‘soon’ for these hyungs in particular means ‘in about 3 hours,’ and that the managers won’t let him go home alone at this time of night. “Hyuuung,” He whines, “can’t we just go home now? It’s already pretty late-”
Yoongi spins in his chair by the computer, “Sorry, no can do kiddo. I’m on a roll and Joonie’s busier than usual this week so he won’t have time later.” He smiles at Jungkook and then turns back to his work, “Don’t worry, we’ll be out of here soon.” Namjoon nods, giving him a reassuring smile before returning to Yoongi’s side.
Jungkook sighs and leans back against the couch, pulling out his phone.
Of course, they don’t leave ‘soon.’ It’s been 2 hours and it’s 12 midnight exactly before Jungkook even sees Yoongi move, Namjoon having pulled up a chair about an hour ago. Jungkook’s phone is dead and he’s bored of just sitting there. He starts humming to himself, but it’s not long before Yoongi snaps his fingers in a ‘shut up’ motion. Jungkook sighs loudly and crosses his arms and legs.
He manages to stay like that for a minute before he gets antsy again and jiggles his leg. This time he gets a, “Quit it.” From Namjoon, who doesn’t even look back at him. Jungkook’s frown deepens. He hates being ignored. He wasn’t trying to be a brat before, but now.
He jiggles his leg again, this time on purpose. He doesn’t acknowledge it when Namjoon finally turns around to give him a glare, purposely looking away with his arms crossed. He knows he’s acting like a spoiled brat, but. He’s tired and he wants to go home and maybe get a hug because he’s had a long day and he hasn’t been able to get any hugs for like a straight week now, nevermind kisses and he misses his family. He imagines a little frowny face at the end of that line of thought for emphasis.
Jungkook focuses on ignoring Namjoon’s glare and Yoongi’s exasperation, staring resolutely at the studio walls. He’s so focused on ignoring Namjoon that he doesn’t notice his approach until he leans down to cage Jungkook on the couch with his arms. “Jungkook-ah.” He says, lowly, dangerously. When Jungkook, sitting stock still now, refuses to even look at him, arms still crossed, Namjoon growls. “Jungkook-ah. Look at me.” Jungkook shivers but continues to ignore him.
Yoongi, still sitting at his desk, but turned around now, says, “Jungkook-ah, you’d better listen to your hyung. Are you trying to be a brat?” He’s obviously getting annoyed with Jungkook’s antics. But Jungkook just wants to go home. Now.
He snaps his head in their direction to tell them just that but is caught by Namjoon’s intense eye contact. “Uh…” He blinks rapidly to clear his mind, “I want to go home hyungs! It’s midnight and you won’t let me sleep here! I want to go home and sleep!” He tries his best to keep the whiny tone out of his voice but it’s impossible. Namjoon frowns at him, giving him a disappointed look. Jungkook just huffs and looks away, sniffing his runny nose loudly.
A hand creeps up the inside of his thigh. Namjoon’s. “That doesn’t give you the right to be a brat, Gukkie. Will you apologize to hyungs for being such a brat?”
Jungkook is outraged, he has to apologize to them? “No! You’re the ones who are being mean, you apologize to me!” He says, pouting. But this just makes his situation worse, causing Yoongi to stand up and stalk over. Yoongi shoulders Namjoon out of the way to shove a menacing hand into Jungkook’s shoulder, leaning over him. Yoongi-hyung may be small, but like this, he seems 10 ft tall.
“Jungkook-ah. Do you want to say that again?” Yoongi asks, voice soft but eyes hard.
Jungkook humphs and growls back, “You should apologize to me for making me wait! You’re being mean!”
Oh, that was a mistake. He thinks as Yoongi suddenly slings himself into Jungkook’s lap and holds his jaw still with a painfully tight grip. “Take that back and apologize now.”
Anger overflows Jungkook’s rational thought and he tries to snap at Yoongi even through the grip keeping his jaw in place, “Fuck off.”
Again, Yoongi asks, “Take it back and apologize, Jungkook-ah.” Jungkook just bucks his hips as Namjoon looks on, stone-faced and arms crossed. “Quit that,” Yoongi says, barely phased by his struggling, “Apologize.” He says, grip getting more painful.
Finally, Jungkook can’t stand the tense silence that follows and mutters a, “I’m sorry, hyungs.”
Yoongi smiles triumphantly and stands. “Strip. Now.” He commands, sharing a look with Namjoon.
Again, anger fills Jungkook to the brim. “Fuck no. Fuck off, hyung.”
Namjoon raises an eyebrow. “And you’re right back to being a brat. Either strip or say your safeword, baby boy. You’re only making it worse for yourself.” Jungkook growls savagely and looks away. He doesn’t want to bow out and say his safeword, but he doesn’t want to be punished like they’re obviously threatening to do.
“No.” Jungkook spits, crossing both his arms and legs.
Yoongi speaks up again, “Oh, baby boy. You’re in for it now. Say your word or strip, before we make you.” Jungkook just lifts his chin impetuously.
He regrets it a second later when Namjoon uses his height to overpower him, spreading him out on the couch. He regrets it even more later when he’s stuck between them with bites littering his neck and collarbones, whining out of his mind for being denied so many times. Sweat sticks to his sweet skin just like Namjoon’s and Yoongi’s kisses, long since turned gentle instead of punishing-bruising. Hands please and tease, denying him orgasm but keeping him just riding his climax indefinitely.
Both of them have such long fingers that touch him so perfectly, even when they’re aimed to hurt and punish him for being such a brat. Jungkook’s ass is red for being spanked by each of them for talking back, but it’s such a pretty strawberry color that Jungkook can’t complain one bit. He feels released in the fuzz that controls his brain as he rocks between his hyungs, one leg on the floor to steady himself on the small couch.
He just feels so good, it’s hard to be mad at Namjoon or Yoongi for keeping him here, all he can feel is gratefulness for the sweet pleasure they’re giving him with every slight movement. Even when denied another orgasm, all Jungkook can do is drool lightly on Yoongi’s shoulder and rock his hips a little petulantly.
He keens as loud as he wants in Yoongi’s soundproof studio when they finally give into his puppy eyes and whiny brattiness and let him come.
Jungkook moans tiredly when Yoongi gives him a last, passionate kiss and lets it last only through gentle reciprocation.
“Sorry, sorry. Guess we tired you out, baby.” Yoongi hums, soft as a flower now. He presses a kiss to Jungkook’s sweaty hair.
“Wanna go home, hyungie,” Jungkook whines back even as Namjoon slides a pair of sweatpants up his sensitive thighs.
“Okay, okay. Hyungs are sorry for being so mean and making you stay out so long. We’ll go home now and get you cleaned up, hm?” Namjoon coos sweetly into Jungkook’s ear.
“Mhm.” Jungkook just nuzzles closer to Namjoon’s chest, hanging off his shoulder as Yoongi picks up his gym bag and opens the door for them. “Thanks, hyung. Needed that.”
Namjoon grins like a cat that got the cream, “We knew that.”
Sure they did.
0 notes
written-seoks · 5 years
forgetting [ngk 02]
BTS | Namjoon/Jungkook/Yoongi | Slice of Life AU | Teen
find this on ao3 here
Namgikook week .02 Prompt: slice of life
Jungkook knows he looks a little bit naive when he looks to Seokjin and Yoongi and Namjoon with stars in his eyes when they tell him about Taco Bell at 3 a.m. and finishing 20-page assignments, but he didn’t care. In spite of all of his starry-eyed anticipation for the start of college, Jungkook still hates college. College is the institution that took Namjoon and Yoongi away from him at the start of his Sophomore year.
.02 slice of life + school - Jungkook hates college. Despite all of the years he’s spent preparing for college, looking forward to it, Jungkook hates college. Jungkook anticipated the so-called freedom he’d seen experienced by his seniors. Jungkook knows he looks a little bit naive when he looks to Seokjin and Yoongi and Namjoon with stars in his eyes when they tell him about Taco Bell at 3 a.m. and finishing 20 page assignments, but he didn’t care. In spite of all of his starry-eyed anticipation for the start of college, Jungkook still hates college.
College is the institution that took Namjoon and Yoongi away from him at the start of his Sophomore year. College had offered Namjoon a full ride, had lured Yoongi with the best music program in the country. College had taken Namjoon and Yoongi away from him, him and his sophomore aspirations. Jungkook and his small, unreachable 15-year-old dreams. Yoongi and Namjoon were so happy together, in college, away from him. So Jungkook tried his hardest to be happy for them too. But it was just so hard when the two people he was in love with were happy somewhere else, somewhere far from him.
Namjoon and Yoongi get together early senior year, pushed together by the burst of stress and recklessness that accompanies the last year of high school. Namjoon is a year young, but that doesn’t really stop them from wandering the halls with lovestruckstar eyes.
Jungkook realizes he is in love with them both in the spring of their final year together. The year has been a constant struggle of feelings, of happiness and some of the best moments of Jungkook’s life, colored by the sadness of two of their members leaving. But in the spring, in the last weeks of their time together, when they drink too much and Jungkook manages to get drunk enough to forget his slowly growing feelings and pass out, and Namjoon carries him in his lanky arms, Yoongi following worriedly until they reach his bedroom and lay him on the bed.
Jungkook grasps at the sleeves of Namjoon’s sweater when he tries to pull away. “Hyung- “ his voice is almost too slurred to understand - “hyungie, don’ don’t go?”
Namjoon - also a little bit tipsy - shares a glance with Yoongi, who sighs and leaves the room, “I’m sorry, Kooks, we should have never gotten you so drunk.”
Jungkook frowns- that’s not what he wanted to hear - “Hyung, I’m a big boy, I can drink a little al-alcohol.”
Yoongi laughs, returning with a glass of water, “Sure you can,” He sits on the edge of the bed next to Namjoon, dipping the mattress towards him. “Drink all of this for me, ba- Jungkook.” And Jungkook frowns but listens to him, sipping at the water with curled lips. Namjoon sucks in a breath, catching Yoongi’s slip. Yoongi’s shoulders stiffen and he does not look at Namjoon.
When Jungkook is done, Namjoon takes the glass of water and pushes him down into the bed, “Go to bed, Kook, we’ll see you tomorrow, hm?”
At this Jungkook gives a pout, “No! No- Hyungs, pl’se stay?” He’s still slurring his words, but his eyes are surprisingly clear.
Namjoon startles when Jungkook says ‘hyungs.’ “Kook, I don’t know if we’ll both fit in that bed-”
“Gonna miss you so much, nothings gonna be the same, want you to stay - hyungs-” Jungkook has taken Namjoon’s gentle rebuttal to heart and now he’s slowly getting more and more frustrated, tipsy tears leaking from his eyes. Namjoon knows they’re not just talking about staying the night in the same bed anymore. Fuck. Jungkook needs reassurance. Namjoon isn’t really surprised he and Yoongi missed Jungkook’s growing anxiety, wrapped up in college, and each other, and college, and each other.
He feels disappointed in himself for not thinking about Jungkook, for only focusing on Yoongi and college and ignoring one of the other most important components of his life. Namjoon makes eye contact with Yoongi, whose face is flushed even under the dim light in the room. He’s still embarrassed about slipping and nearly calling Jungkook ‘baby,’ even though neither of them have the right to. And, well, they haven’t properly talked about it yet. It’s always been an undercurrent in their relationship, their shared love for Jungkook, but neither has thought to acknowledge it, to scared of shaking up their relatively new thing.
He puts that aside for now, and reaches for Jungkook, who immediately pulls him closer, curling into Namjoon’s chest and almost purring with delight.
They end up curled around each other.
Somehow, Namjoon ended up the little spoon, but he doesn’t mind because this position lets Yoongi have his way with words in Jungkook’s ear. He whispers soothing things while petting their youngest. It has a drunk Kook drifting off in seconds and a tipsy Namjoon asleep in a minute.
Jungkook is gone when they wake up and meet eyes. Jungkook is gone from their next hangout with all seven of them, claiming homework. Jungkook is gone all the time until Seokjin gets back from college and drags him in by his ear the week before graduation. Namjoon and Yoongi had both already been accepted to their school, so they’re trying to make the most of their last days as high schoolers before they leave, but it’s hard to enjoy it without Jungkook being there. So, they hadn’t exactly asked Seokjin to intervene, but they’d told him the whole story about their feelings and their actions, which was basically the same thing.
Seokjin drags Jungkook into the empty classroom at school that their group usually claims, throws him in, leaves, and locks the door behind him. Jungkook stands there for a moment, looking confused, which quickly shifts to fear when he sees Namjoon and Yoongi and hears the click of the lock. “Ha- Hyungs, what are you- you doing here?” He sounds out of breath and incredulous, which is fair enough. Seokjin isn’t typically stronger than their youngest, but Jungkook knows not to put up too much of a fight against Seokjin when he’s serious.
Namjoon and Yoongi share a look. “We wanted to talk to you, Jungkook.” Namjoon says finally, breaking a long moment of silence. “But we haven’t been able to talk to you alone so-”
Yoongi snorts, “More like you’ve been avoiding us.” Jungkook looks ashamed at this but doesn’t deny it. “So, we got Seokjin to help us out. We know how much of a brat you can be.” Namjoon huffs a laugh and Yoongi continues, “We need to talk about what happened.”
At this Jungkook laughs self-deprecating. “Nothing happened, hyung.” And then, whispered, “You made sure of that.” Yoongi can barely hear him, but it seems like Jungkook is pouting.
Namjoon sighs, “Come here, kook, sit down.” He gestures to the school desk near him and Jungkook goes reluctantly. Namjoon pulls the desk closer when he sits down. “Jungkook, you know that even when we’re gone we’ll still come to hang out as much as we can. Seokjin did the same thing when he left. You didn’t mind this much when he left.”
Namjoon knows he shouldn’t push. He’s guessed why Jungkook minds so much, but it seems so impossible that he can’t help but try and get Jungkook to say it, to admit it. Maybe if he does they can figure this whole thing out together.
“I don’t care, hyung. You’re going to leave anyways.” Jungkook is obviously pouting now.
Namjoon groans. “Jungkookie, you’re not listening - we’ll till be able to talk. We can text and call and skype -” “It won’t be the same hyung.” “I know it won’t, b- Jungkook, but -”
“Hyungs, just stop. I don't care. You’ll leave to go to college and forget about me, but that’s fine.” Jungkook makes for the door.
“Jungkook- wait-”
Seokjin opens the door - “Shit, I forgot -”
Jungkook bolts out the door before either Namjoon and Yoongi can stop him. Seokjin is surprised enough to let him slip by, shouting a confused and annoyed “Jungkook!” down the hallway after him.
Jungkook comes to them, finally, on graduation day.
It’s everything Yoongi imagined, graduation is. He steps up on the stage to receive his diploma with honors and a clear path into the future. He looks up from shaking hands with the principal to where Seokjin had pointed out his seat. He finds Jungkook clapping along with Seokjin as they yell and scream Yoongi’s name. He supposes they did this for Namjoon too, when he went up. But the hour had been such a blur for him so far, he had almost missed his cue.
He stares up at Jungkook in the stands, looking so happy, he stares until the principal puts his hand on Yoongi’s shoulder, “Yoongi-ah, are you alright?”
Yoongi looks up to meet his eyes and smiles as brightly as he can for the photographer, “Yes, sir.”
Yoongi and Namjoon meet Jungkook outside the venue. They practically crash into each other. Namjoon tackles Jungkook to the ground. “You came!”
Jungkook laughs incredulously, “Of course I came, hyung, I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” More seriously, Jungkook looks down, avoiding Namjoon’s eyes, “I’m sorry that I’ve been such a brat, avoiding you guys. I should’ve made the best of the time we did have together I just, I didn’t want it to hurt so much when you left -” He huffs, blinking quickly. Namjoon lifts himself off of Jungkook a little, while Yoongi crouches down next to them.
Yoongi ruffles Jungkook’s hair, starts, then hesitates, “Jungkook. We - we have something to tell you.” Yoongi shares a look with Namjoon. Jungkook’s watery eyes widen, “Wait - wait hyung, before you say anything I have something to tell you - I -” He sucks in a big breath, and Namjoon hums and shifts off of Jungkook to let him breathe better. Jungkook bites his lip and looks between the both of them, “I like you, hyungs.” His eyes snap down to his hands and he jerks his head to the side just a little. “I’m sorry, I- I just, I needed to tell you before you left - I’m sorry-”
Yoongi breaks out into breathless laughter while Namjoon just stares. “Jungkook - Jungkook, you like us?” Namjoon asks quickly.
Jungkook opens his mouth as if to say something else, but shuts it and watches his shoes. “Yeah, yeah, hyungs, I like you.” Jungkook makes as if to stand.
Yoongi looks to Namjoon disbelievingly and blurts quickly, “Wait, Jungkook, listen to hyung - We - we wanted to tell you that er- that is, that we like you... too.” Jungkook freezes.
“What?” Jungkook stares at Yoongi. Seokjin just groans behind him and mumbles something about being too old for this shit, even though he’s only a year older than Yoongi. Jungkook’s eyes are getting too close to red and teary for Namjoon to bear, so he scoots as close as he can, ignoring the strange looks they’re getting for being on the ground still.
“Jungkookie, me n’ Yoongi-hyung have liked you for a long time. We just, well, we didn’t want to say anything because you were- are- still in high school and you shouldn’t be tied down to something that you might not even want in a couple years, morality of our age gap aside, you know- “ Jungkook shuts him up with a kiss, Namjoon immediately responds.
Yoongi scoots closer while they kiss and nuzzles into Jungkook’s shoulder. “Baby,” he whispers in to Jungkook’s ear, satisfied at finally being able to say it. “Baby boy, our Jungkookie. We made you wait so long, huh?” He sounds so smug, so happy, and it sends a shiver down Jungkook’s spine even as Namjoon pulls away from their kiss, trying to be mindful of their public location.
Seokjin sighs from above them, “Come on then, the three of you. I’ve had to watch you dance around each other for almost 2 years now! I deserve a drink.”
They all laugh. Their woes will always be forgotten in the arms of each other.
0 notes
written-seoks · 5 years
togetherness [ngk 01]
BTS | Namjoon/Jungkook/Yoongi | Space AU | Teen
find this on ao3 here
Namgikook week 01. Prompt: space/sci-fi
Namjoon, Jungkook, and Yoongi are boyfriends aboard a military space vessel, they escape and spend the rest of their days happy and in love.
.01 space travel + extraterrestrial -
   Namjoon’s quarters on the ship are small, almost too small to fit them all, but they make it work. Yoongi is squished up against the cold metal wall, comforted by the feeling of being surrounded on all sides. His colony world had been too open, too stationary when they were attacked, so now he takes comfort in the enclosed spaces of the ship, finding corners and closets and vents to hide in, convenient places to drag Namjoon or Jungkook in for a quick make-out session.
In contrast, Jungkook likes to curl up on the edge of the military-issued cot and keep both Namjoon and Yoongi from moving off the bed. He makes sure that they don’t roll out of bed during the night, or leave without him. If Namjoon has to wake up in the middle of their sleeping hours for some meeting or some research project some idiot has messed up, then Jungkook’s always there, sleepily hanging on his shoulder. No one comments on it anymore, since Jungkook tends to just growl softly and cling tighter when someone tries to seperate them.
Namjoon is very happy with his place in the middle of both of them. But he also can’t wait to finally get off this ship. His 6 year tour is up in about a year, but Jungkook won’t be out for another 4 years. Namjoon will probably have to sign a contract as a consultant to stay, and even then, he might not be placed on the same ship. It’s a whole mess.
Made even more complicated by Yoongi’s situation. His species is known for being analytical geniuses when put in front of a computer or a set of data points. Yoongi is technically military property. Rescued by Jungkook on one of their numerous missions, Yoongi had been held by a group of bandits after his home world was attacked, under threat of being sold because of the rarity of his species.
He’s been on this ship ever since and he’s not registered to any database. Hell, half the ship has forgotten he exists as well. But if Yoongi ever tried to leave, Namjoon is sure someone would stop them.
Hence the reason he’s up an hour before he’s supposed to be, just before the end of his assigned sleeping hours. Just before all of the guards change shifts. When the ship is the least protected and everyone is unaware. Jungkook is already awake, sleepily rubbing his eyes even as he gets dressed in civilian clothes. And grabs his gun.
Namjoon shakes Yoongi awake softly, “Yoon, yoongi-hyung. Wake up, hm?” Yoongi’s up in a moment, still sleepy but aware. He’s been jumpy ever since being rescued.
“Mm, Joon? Kook? Was - what's going on? Oh- is it?” He slowly shifts his legs over the side of the bed before his eyes light with recognition.
“Yeah, hyung. It's time. We're getting out of here.”
They make it past the bay guards without many problems, Jungkook and Namjoon were both trained in stealth and came out on top of their class - part of the reason they both ended up on this prestigious ship. As much as Namjoon hates the military, he's glad it brought him to Yoongi and Jungkook, the two brightest lights he has among the dark war they're embroiled in.
He and Jungkook choke out two guards at the same time and let Yoongi slip past them with cat-like grace. Yoongi gets them to the ship and starts it. But that's when it all goes to shit. Of course.
Suddenly there's a yell of alarm and then the actual alarm starts and Namjoon is still at the terminal, waiting to open the bay doors.
Jungkook yells for him to open the doors - hanging off the ramp of the cargo hold while Yoongi growls and works faster. Namjoon turns his key in the slot and runs over to the ramp of the ship they've chosen - the fastest and smallest in their fleet - he catches it just as Yoongi lifts off of the ground, jumping for his life and then hanging onto the handles inside, getting smashed against the side of the ship, poked and scratched from all of the machinery on the side of the walls.
They're jarred in-flight by energy guns firing at their ship. Yoongi is faster though, he pulls them up and out of the bay, speeding through the doors from the light-bright of the bay to the inky blackness of the galaxy.
And that's that.
They're free.
They're together.
Jungkook, hand slowly loosening it's death grip on one of the oh-shit handles, lets out a breathless, exhilarated laugh. Namjoon is speechless. 6 years in the military. 2 years for Jungkook. 4 years for Yoongi. They're finally out.
“Hey! You idiots okay?” Yoongi yells from the cockpit, craning his head round the doorway to catch a glimpse of his two lovers. Namjoon stands and stumbles over to Jungkook, grabbing his face and kissing him.
It's not much of a kiss - neither of them are breathing properly and they keep separating to look into each other's eyes, to run hands over each other's bodies, to reassure themselves. But the kiss feels like all of the stars that surround them are suddenly burning in Namjoon's chest.
“Will one of you please come here and kiss me because this ship doesn't have auto pilot and I don't want to crash before we've even left military airspace so, please-” he's cut off by both Namjoon and Jungkook sneaking up on him and kissing the air out of his lungs too.
And it's perfect.
They're out.
They're together.
Together, they make it out of military air space and stop off to withdraw the money that Namjoon has been getting Yoongi to put in an offshore account for a couple months now, ever since they started planning this escape.
And then they wander through the stars.
For a couple months they avoid everyone, not stopping once, even for fuel. They stay in abandoned or underdeveloped systems, away from any sort of galaxy government that might want to execute them for desertion.
Eventually, though, they have to go back for fuel.
They reach a dusty, slowly developing planet that somehow has the fuel they need. The small city they stop at reminds Namjoon of the old western movies he used to watch when he was still on earth. Complicated mortalities and all that.
They go to the local bar/restaurant to finally eat some food other than tasteless military rations. They pay in cash credits, which gets them a raised eyebrow, but they picked this place for a reason and nobody gives them any trouble.
They all squish into one booth, facing the door. They've gotten too used to touching each other in the last couple months. Namjoon reaches over Yoongi in the middle to steal the ketchup from Jungkook's corner, even as Yoongi steals his fries and the steak sauce from his plate. It's messy and doesn't really make any sense to the restaurant's patrons who are trying not to stare at the odd trio they make. But it's still one of the best days Namjoon has ever had.
And then four bounty hunters walk in. Not one, not two, four. Which, whatever, that's what this place is like, it's why they chose it. They're not here for them, no way. There is such a small chance they're here for them it's laughable the way Yoongi and Namjoon stiffen, Jungkook still stuffing his face with lamb.
That chance gets unbearably larger as the bounty hunters ignore the bartender and walk straight towards the trio, who are studiously ignoring them.
This task gets so much harder when the second tallest of the group plops his ass down in the booth across from them. “So, you're Namjoon, right?”
Namjoon doesn't answer.
“Hm, you sure look like him. Well, may-be-namjoon-may-be-a-guy-that-looks-like-namjoon, I have a proposition for you. It's not sexual though, not like that, more of a business proposal?” They guy smiles brightly even though his words make no sense.
Yoongi nudges Namjoon, their unofficial leader. “Uhhhhhhhhh…” he says intelligently.
Jungkook looks up from his food, finally, “What kind of proposal?”
0 notes
written-seoks · 5 years
then heaven meets earth
BTS | Jungkook/Jimin/Taehyung | Blade Runner 2049 AU | Mature
find this on ao3 here
Jimin is smiling prettily at the end of the hallway, “Welcome home! How was your day?” He asks.
Jungkook turns and walks towards him, “Long, tiring, don’t really want to talk about it. What’d you do all day, hm?” Jungkook is careful to keep the present hidden behind his back as he approaches Jimin.
AKA: Jungkook gives Jimin a present, Jimin gives Jungkook a present he never asked for, but will treasure forever.
Jungkook returns home exhausted from a long day at work to see Jimin waiting for him at the end of the hallway. The day had been long and taxing both emotionally and physically, but it had been worth it for the bonus that had given Jungkook the final amount he needed to buy Jimin this expensive gift.  He had been slightly nervous about it the whole way home even though he knew he didn’t need to be, neon lights highlighting the black package in his passenger seat.
Jimin is smiling prettily at the end of the hallway, “Welcome home! How was your day?” He asks.
Jungkook turns and walks towards him, “Long, tiring, don’t really want to talk about it. What’d you do all day, hm?” Jungkook is careful to keep the present hidden behind his back as he approaches Jimin.
“Nothing much, as usual. Found some new recipes and got a new update while you were out, nothing big. I think you should try this one cake recipe I saw that doesn’t need eggs and then I found this really cool dance video I wanna show you-” Jimin starts, rambling on.
Jungkook laughs and shuffles past him, “Nothing much, huh?” Jimin nods sheepishly. There’s a moment of comfortable silence before Jungkook says, “I got you something,” he glances up to nervously meet Jimin’s warm eyes. He lifts the present out from behind his back to offer it to Jimin’s gaze.
Jimin spins around in glee when Jungkook shows it to him. “Oh! Jungkook! You shouldn't have!" The bright yellow and neon lights coming in from Jungkook's window form a halo around his blond hair and he glows like an angel. Jungkook still can't believe his type is blond, but he’s not gonna complain when he’s lucky to have Jimin at all. "I love it!" Jimin exclaims, his eyes scrunched up in clear, honest happiness as he twirls around Jungkook's small apartment like a ballerina.
Jungkook smiles fondly, even though it's been a long day and he's tired, he's happy to see Jimin looking so ecstatic at his present. "I haven't even installed it yet, love - I still need to-"
"Well then, hurry up! Hurry up!" Jimin interrupts because he's rude and a pest and Jungkook's chest is so, so warm with this feeling -
"Yeah, yeah, give me a second. I haven't eaten all day." Jungkook pretends to take the two steps to the kitchen. He takes off his heavy rain-proof coat that protects him from both the regular rains and the more common slightly acidic rains that tend to come around here in the city and throws it over the couch arm.
"Install first! Make food later! And don't leave your clothes on the couch, we've talked about this." Jimin sounds exasperated at the last part and, to be honest, Jungkook was only putting his coat there to annoy him anyways. He grabs the coat again and changes course back to the entryway, the black box containing Jimin's present still in his hands.
"Aren't you supposed to make sure that I'm eating properly? That's one of your jobs, right?" Jungkook calls from the coat rack at the door. Jimin is still in the living room, right at the edge of the hallway threshold, trying to peer further into the hallway. It's a lost cause, they both know. But now-
"You can eat later, one of the recipes had glass noodles and we have all the ingredients and everything- Oh, you brat! Don't get me off topic, install the Emanator now, please?" Jimin leans as close as he can to the entryway and gives him his best puppy eyes at this, pouting his perfect lips out just right in that way that he knows gets Jungkook to concede to any of his demands.
Jungkook can't really hold out any longer anyways and he just doesn't have a reason to, other than to see Jimin pout some more.
"Oh... alright, I suppose I can install it before I eat," He gives a mock sigh that makes Jimin pout some more. Jungkook laughs at his expression, trailing a hand against the textured wall for some sense of another presence. He goes to stand in front of the console in the hallway. He presses his code into the small pad underneath the box and then undoes the latch at the bottom of the panel and presses a couple of buttons while taking the Emanator control stick out of the black, sleek box that all Wallace products come in. There's a beep and Jimin freezes in place, face smiling happily but eyes empty. Jungkook avoids looking at the visage as next to Jimin a modern looking holographic screen opens up.
It displays the words: "PARK JI-MIN. WALLACE MODEL [EMANATOR DETECTED - SCAN AND CONNECT? Y/N]" Jungkook presses the 'Yes' button on the panel in front of him, and the sleek little remote in his hand beeps cheerily to let him know that’s connected.
Jimin unfreezes, still smiling.
With the Emanator now connected to Jimin's system, and through some technology Jungkook can't be bothered to understand, Jimin can now come with him wherever he goes as long as he has the remote. It's an intoxicating feeling to have Jimin next to him when he sits on the edge of his tall apartment building and smokes while Jimin marvels at all the neon lights that surround his building, finally able to see all of them for the first time.
It's nice to have someone, especially Jimin, next to him on the roof. He's used to being alone - being a Bladerunner working for the police will do that to you - and to have someone next to him - even if that someone is semi-transparent and flickering slightly because of the rain - is nice. The emanator makes it so that Jimin has some sensation and response when Jungkook touches him. But it doesn't make him warm.
Jungkook can live with this, though. Is very happy with this, even though he knows it’ll never really be real.
He meets Taehyung on a job, investigating another Replicant case at a pleasure house, with too many pleasure models trying to surround him. Taehyung isn’t helpful in the least, more of a hindrance, flitting around him, warm hand on his chest, on his shoulder, on his cheek before Jungkook brushes him off. He’s got Jimin and his own hands, thanks.
Taehyung, determined, manages to stick a card into his jacket before he leaves though. When Jungkook finds it that evening, he scoffs and throws it in the trash. Jimin asks what it was, but Jungkook distracts him by asking him to play some music for them to dance to together. It’s a lovely, sweet evening, cold sensation resting on Jungkook’s waist and hand, slow dancing to some old song that Jungkook’s never heard of.
He should’ve known that Jimin wouldn’t let it go that easily, However.
He goes out on a dangerous mission and leaves the Emanator at home, ignores the loneliness that seeps in again when Jimin’s not there. When he gets back, tired, hungry, and a little worse for wear, all he wants to do is sleep and then eat.
Instead, he finds Jimin and Taehyung talking quietly on the sofa, and he stares. “What the fuck is this?” He asks, not bothering to hide the annoyance in his voice, shoulders as tense as could be.
Jimin stands immediately, conciliatory expression already on his face. “Jungkookie… I- um. I called him here.” Jimin’s clothes shift from the t-shirt and jeans he normally wears to something softer, unthreatening, baby blue and grey. Jungkook tries to calm down and control his anger at Jimin for going behind his back, forcibly releasing tension as Jimin presses a cold hand to his cheek to calm him.
“Why, why would you -?” Jungkook asks, hopelessly frustrated and tense and tired from his long day and now this, why is Taehyung in his house, his home, talking with Jimin, his Jimin. He can barely string words together, emotions caught up in a net. He presses too hard into Jimin’s hand and accidentally passes through the hologram, making an unconscious whine slip into his throat. He eases up on the pressure and the cold force returns.
“I called him first because I wanted to know what that card was, so he came over? And then we got to talking, and I guess, well, I’d kinda been considering something like it anyways but, Taehyung’s the best option.” Taehyung snorts in the background and Jungkook and Jimin send him identical looks. “So, I called him over to help you, to help us both.”
“Help us, what? Jimin, I don’t understand.” Jungkook says, eyes fluttering all over Jimin’s face, his eyes, his nose, his mouth, and back to his eyes.
“He’s here to help me be real. I wanna be real for you.” Jimin says, and Jungkook’s face morphs into confusion.
“You are real for me.” Jungkook protests, but Jimin shakes his head, frowning when he sees that Jungkook doesn’t get it. Behind them, Taehyung stands from the couch and approaches carefully.
“Jungkook,” Taehyung starts, and Jungkook frowns, stares at the floor. “Me ‘n Jimin have talked. He wants to provide for you, not just emotionally, but physically as well. That’s why he called me here.” Jungkook can understand the emphasis Taehyung puts on physically and he blushes. He knows what Taehyung is, he knew when he met him what Taehyung was literally made for, but that doesn’t make it any less embarrassing to him, inexperienced replicant he is.
After all, who wants to have sex with a replicant who hunts his own kind?
Jungkook sighs and turns to Jimin, “You- you know I don’t need this, don’t you? I don’t need physical to know that you love me and that you’re real. I don’t wanna- “
Jimin runs a hand through his blond hair, a bright color that clashes with Taehyung’s dark brown hair. “I know that,” He says, softly. “But I want to be able to do this for you, too. Taehyung’s agreed to do this for me this once, and then if - uh, if it works out, then he’ll live here as payment… is that okay?”
Jungkook stares at Jimin, knows the possessive streak in him. “You’re okay with that? With this?” Jimin nods. He gestures vaguely towards Taehyung, who sneers at how dismissive it feels. Jimin nods in response, but doesn’t say more. Jungkook studies Jimin a little bit more, then turns to Taehyung, “And? What do you get out of this?” He asks harshly.
Taehyung laughs, “Hopefully? A place away from the House. I don’t want to be there. I don’t care if you’re rough or if you’ve got some weird kink, but I don’t want to go back to the House. You feed me and let me stay here and I’ll satisfy my agreement with Jimin.” He nods to Jimin who ignores him. “Consider this a trial night.”
“I… I guess, if you’re sure that this is what you want, Jimin, then…” Jungkook sighs. “You know I’d do anything for you, right? Anything you wanted.”
Jimin gives him a gentle smile and nods firmly, “This is what I want.” Jimin looks over his shoulder towards Taehyung, who approaches with long strides. They’re not really the same height at all, but that’s not really the point here.
The point is, when Taehyung steps into the cold sensation of Jimin’s holographic form, Jimin syncs his hand movements and as one a warm hand finally touches his cheek and Jungkook lets out a breath he never knew he was holding. He suddenly sinks into the touch, so starved for warmth from the constant rain and cold, too many chemicals that clog their atmosphere and prevent the sun from reaching them. But now it feels as if he’s being bathed in warm sunlight thanks to this simple touch.
No one usually touches him unless to hurt or manipulate and Jimin’s small actions can barely be counted as touch, so when a hand only meant to help and please is pressed to his cheek, he can’t but help to put a caging hand on Taehyung-Jimin’s wrist to keep it there. The touch is so similar to what Jimin had done earler, but so, so much warmer. Jungkook wonders who’s idea it was to touch his cheek, but he supposes it doesn’t matter.
Taehyung-Jimin’s other hand lands on his waist to steady him, and it’s Jimin’s voice that says, softly, but firmly, “Strip, baby.” And the voice commanding him is familiar, but the accompanying touch to just under his shirt is not, causing Jungkook to shiver not from the cold when he pulls of his flimsy, cheap shirt. There’s no point in luxury if it’s just going to be ruined in the end.
Taehyung’s smile is offset behind Jimin, hidden behind a flimsy layer of holographic imagery. So this is their dynamic? He thinks to himself before making a bold move towards Jungkook pants, a move that Jimin can’t anticipate, causing their hands to unsync. Strangely enough, Taehyung can feel Jimin’s displeasure without seeing his face, maybe by virtue of literally being inside him.
However, a moment later, Jimin’s hands follow his and help him push Jungkook’s pants down and slide slick down his smooth thighs to the sound of Jungkook’s cute whines.
It builds from there. They don’t say much, Taehyung lets Jimin do the dirty talking, since Jimin knows just what to say to get Jungkook down on his knees, but in the end, it’s Taehyung’s touch.
Together they bring Jungkook to ruin.
Taehyung stays in the apartment, and Jimin adventures with Jungkook sometimes and Jungkook leaves every day for work and danger but always returns to a cold, angelic voice and warm, heavenly touch.
Jungkook can understand that. “I’m not sure we have room for you, though.”
Taehyung gestures to the couch, “I’m not picky.”
He’s still not sure. Jungkook oscillates between saying yes and no. He’s good with Jimin, he knows what Jimin wants from him, and he can give it to him.  He loves Jimin with his whole goddamn heart and here Taehyung is trying to rip that apart. Taehyung is attractive, he’s built to be that way, just as Jungkook was built to be sturdy and able to take a punch and to be submissive and obey orders. He doesn’t have any orders. He doesn’t know what Jimin wants from this situation and it terrifies him.
Realistically, he knows that Jimin will never leave him, could never leave him, fucked up as it is. But the fear is still there, the fear that Jimin could hate him just like everyone else but never be able to tell him. “Jimin.” Is the single plea Jungkook lets out.
Jimin looks up at him. “Sweetheart, Gukkie. I want this, not just for you, but for me, for us.” Jungkook sighs, Jimin knows all the right words to say, doesn’t he?
Jungkook stares straight through Jimin’s flickering form and states, “Your programming doesn’t prevent you from lying to me.”
Jimin laughs bitterly at Jungkook’s deadpan response, his programs trying to keep up with the rapid change in emotions in Jungkook. He wishes he could just shut them all off. “You’re right. What do I have to do to prove that I want this?”
Jungkook shakes his head, “Nothing.”
Taehyung sighs. “If you don’t make up your mind, I’m going to find somewhere else to go.”
Jungkook frowns, that doesn’t sit well with him either, “
No, it’s okay.
0 notes
written-seoks · 5 years
catch-22: confused laughter
Catch-22, a novel by Joseph Heller, is an amusing and terrifyingly existential tale told about war. It contains a large cast of characters who are all slowly descending into madness throughout the war, with the exception of Yossarian. Yossarian, the main character through which the novel is told through, goes through a series of un-chronological events laced with murder attempts, bombings, and increasingly ridiculous dialogue. This novel thrives on dark, unexpected humor and it shows it off well with a hilarious scene in chapter three, as Yossarian tries and fails to have a conversation with his roommate, Orr. The obtuseness of the characters in this scene and how they react to each other and the situation in ludicrous ways is where most of the humor in this story lies, as the reader looks on in incredulity at the maniac personalities that seem both incredibly relatable and absurdly exaggerated.
This particular scene, in chapter three of Catch-22, is easily one of the funniest in the book, because of the way it builds in repetitive ridiculousness, never really moving forward, leaving the reader laughing but perplexed at the same time. It starts as a normal conversation between Orr and Yossarian, if a little disjointed. Orr is trying to fix a leak in the improbable gas stove he’s installed in their shared tent and Yossarian asks him to stop because Orr is making him nervous. Instead of answering him, Orr makes a statement out-of-the-blue, “When I was a kid… I used to walk around with crab apples in my cheeks. One in each cheek.” Yossarian braces himself in response and the reader wonders what he’s bracing himself for, finally, he asks Orr why he used to walk around with crab apples in his cheeks. And Orr, triumphant, responds with what is perhaps, a more confusing statement: “Because they’re better than horse chestnuts,” leaving the reader bewildered at his logic and on the beginnings of a incredulous chuckle. Orr continues in this confusing fashion with, “When I couldn’t get crab apples… I used horse chestnuts.” This clears up some of the confusion about Orr’s previous statement, but not why he’s bringing it up in the first place. Again, he continues with, “Horse chestnuts… actually have a better shape [than crab apples], although the shape doesn’t matter a bit.” Which returns the reader, and Yossarian, listening to him, to a state of turmoil over what he means. Yossarian repeats his question from earlier, asking why. An interesting thing to note in Heller’s writing here is that he repeats things very often, invoking a crazy sort of loop that doesn’t go anywhere and vexing the reader. He does this here by first having Yossarian ask the question he already asked, then writing the action, “Yossarian asked.” Then having Yossarian restate the action, “That’s what I asked.” Orr follows this with some repetition of his own, although he switches around his answer here, saying that crab apples have a better shape than horse chestnuts.
At this point, the reader is starting to get frustrated with the lack of movement forward in the dialogue, the repetition also contributes to this, and is probably facing some secondhand embarrassment on the part of both Yossarian and Orr, the social situation becoming awkward. However, Yossarian reacts disproportionately and swears at Orr, and Heller uses a malapropism here (replacing reproving for approving) to further confuse the reader into hilarity as Yossarian rants the question that the reader is begging to be answered. And Orr just answers the same way, frustrating Yossarian to the point of silence. The reader giggles with Orr at the rollercoaster of reactions this conversation has gone through in only about a page. Orr provokes Yossarian and the reader is hooked to see how he’ll respond to this baffling situation. Yossarian tries to play at Orr’s game by smiling guilelessly and refusing to explain himself, but Orr plays it much better and starts on about the valve he was fixing earlier. Yossarian breaks. The next section of dialogue is cramped and confusing as they ask and answer the question at the same time:
“What is?” Yossarian asked. “Because I wanted -” Yossarian knew. “Jesus Christ! Why did you want -”
“- apple cheeks.” “- apple cheeks?” Yossarian demanded.
And the scene continues in hilarity from there, Orr only adding to the ludicrous situation by saying that he also used to carry rubber balls in his hand so that he could deny that he had crab apples in his cheeks. But then he also says that, “It’s pretty tough to make people understand you when you’re talking to them with two crab apples in your cheeks.” Yossarian wonders if he has crab apples in his cheeks at that very moment, and the book just moves on to another anecdote, while the reader can only question what they just read.
Throughout this scene, there are twisting lines of dialogue as the characters don’t really answer each other and instead only repeat themselves, confusing the reader with hilarity as they look on at the rising tension in a conversation about crab apples and horse chestnuts. Another part of the humor in this scene comes from the relatable factor of the frustration but then Yossarian’s disproportionate reaction to Orr’s harmless game. The scene as a whole makes use of a few humorous systems and gets laughs out of the reader by making them laugh at Yossarian’s misfortune and at the juxtaposition of their topic of conversation and their reactions.
This scene is only indicative of the rest of Catch-22, in which Heller uses situations like this to emphasize the unpredictability and ridiculousness of war. Particularly, how it can cause even little things to be hilarious because they’re treated with such seriousness, which he does several times, including the scene above. Heller shows how disjointed war can make a person feel through repetition and underserved seriousness, how it can bring humor to even the mundane because when in war, nothing makes sense.
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