antrusimbol · 2 months
Random Digimons: Sephirothmon 👀🟢🟡
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mydigimonworld · 2 years
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Original is from 長谷川, user ID 66354341 on pixiv and @/hase_popopo on twitter https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/100149235 https://twitter.com/hase_popopo/status/1553888316621463554
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melancholywally · 5 months
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Digimon Anime Evolution 37/?
Digimon that possess the Spirits of Steel, derived from the power of AncientWisetmon. In Digimon Frontier, Mercuremon is one of the main antagonists and a servant of Cherubimon. Note: BlackSeraphimon has been used as a Fusion between Mercuremon + Sephirothmon.
Stages: Human: Mercuremon (eng: Mercurymon) Beast: Sephirothmon Ultimate: AncientWisetmon (eng: AncientWisemon)
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klug · 9 months
5, 40, 42!
5. Is there anyone who can always make you smile?
One of my IRL friends...Funnily enough we became friends through a mutual friend that I've lost contact with, but he's probably the closest IRL friend I have now haha
40. Favorite memory
It's a really simple memory but when I was visiting my cousin once and we were just OBSESSED with Dragon Quest IX at that time. we played it together one time at like midnight? We did some of the randomized treasure maps together and would make up names/backstories for the bosses in there and we'd hide our DS systems and pretend to be sleeping when his mom came in to check on us lmao. A lot of my best memories are associated with video games lol...
42. Favorite Book
trying to read more is a constant struggle for me...at least reading books and not visual novels which seems to be the phase I'm in right now... I'll always really love The Last Unicorn. More recently I read When Marnie Was There this year because of that ghibli adaptation that wasn't very well-received and it really ended up becoming one of my favorite books T_T I know it's like a children's novel but I found it very charming and it touched a certain place in my heart, Anna I think speaks to children who "have something wrong with them" and they realize that but they can't articulate it...I thought the novel had a lot of beautiful passages even if it was for children and so much of the imagery was smartly used...it's one of those books that I think children can appreciate but can touch the hearts of adults that had an isolated childhood
If manga is allowed I also want to say that My Alcoholic Escape From Reality will also always be one of my fave semi autobiographicals. Really got me out of a dark place when I was struggling with my art/writing
ask meme
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Just DigiAdv-02 Standom Things
Some DigiAdvs Stan @ Me: You HAVE to accept Everything (Every Single Little Detail) about Adv-02 Lore in order to be a gOOD DIGIADVS / 02 FAN, even when it uses (and gets wrong) details specifically from Jud@ism!---
Me: No.
Me: :)
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izzyizumi · 1 year
IzzyIzumi Note
(I'm going to tag that post with all appropriate tags later
but I seriously hope people here esp Adv-02 fans read that last rb this year because I'm very tired of having to repeatedly on end explain / hint all those related concepts to this fan base {when it comes to the [""real""-world] based ""02 timeline"", Lore and the like...} too.)
{I.e.: If you consider yourself a fan who writes "analysis" or the like, kind of commentary you should be acknowledging everything that post is saying when it comes to this topic and involved 'Lore's Especially If You're Xtian / actively celebrate Xtian holidays. That's All I Have To Say}
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fe-smashorpass · 18 days
I thought about this poll but I have no idea where to post this so I decided to post it here-
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Pics of Sephirothmon and Sephiroth (ff)
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otakween · 19 days
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Digimon Frontier - Episode 26
Okay, I actually liked this one. They focused more on Izumi's strength and kindness rather than her external beauty. The color palette was bright and happy in this one compared to the boys' episodes and they paid homage to Snow White, I appreciate a little girliness in the rough.
I like how they're using Ranamon's fan clubs to introduce new digimon. The Honeybeemon were really cute (even though they were simps lol).
When I was in middle school I actually did have a girl tell me she didn't talk to me cuz it would hurt her reputation, so Izumi's struggles with catty girls is pretty realistic. It's kinda funny because I feel like in other anime the foreign student is uber popular lol.
So...why was Ranamon inside of Sephirothmon exactly? I kinda thought the other digimon people were fighting were just illusions, but Ranamon was definitely real.
The scenes with Junpei, Takuya, and Koji were pretty random and unnecessary. Just mini filler fights for extra padding. Cool to see Parrotmon again tho. Also, not fair that Tomoki and Izumi got our after one fight but the others have to go through several battles for some reason?
I was surprised to see Ranamon defeated! For some reason I didn't see a big defeat coming in this kind of episode. Is this Izumi's first real win? (Even though she won Ranamon/Calmaramon's attacks looked way stronger, especially that one drill attack 😳)
Funny how Izumi just...willed herself better from the effects of the poison apple? I mean, it was kinda badass, but should she really be able to overpower drugs/magic so easily?
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windfighter · 7 months
Sticks and stones
”Hey, Kouji”, Junpei said.
Kouji looked up from the game he was playing with Tomoki, looked at Junpei instead. Tilted his head a little. Junpei put the deck of cards he had been practicing with back into his pocket.
”Can you teach me kendo?”
Kouji hesitated. Junpei didn’t like the sound of that.
”I don’t think kendo is for you”, Kouji said.
”Why not?” Junpei crossed his arms. ”Is it because I’m fat and you think I won’t be able to do anything?”
So many people thought that, Junpei was used to it. Hearing it from Kouji though…
”It’s not that”, Kouji frowned. ”Why do you want to learn kendo suddenly?”
Junpei could feel everyone’s eyes on him. He tried to ignore them, sat up straighter and grinned.
”I want to get stronger!”
Kouji threw the die, moved a few steps on the board. Tomoki grabbed a card from the board.
”I’m not licensed to teach”, Kouji continued. ”I’m not telling you don’t go for it but… I think something else would fit you better.”
”Like sumo!” Takuya shouted from the tree he had climbed into.
”Haha, very funny”, Junpei answer, not amused.
Kouji looked towards the treetop, shook his head.
”I don’t know how to tell you this, but sumo has a very rigid training and diet regime.”
”It’s just eat and hit, Junpei would excel at it”, Takuya continued. ”He already has the body for it!”
”Yeah”, Tomoki found air somewhere. ”Junpei already looks like a sumo-wrestler!”
Junpei’s shoulders fell. Kouji threw a stick at Takuya, then turned to Junpei again.
”Kendo is about speed and agility, I just don’t think you would enjoy that fighting style. It’s not about strenght.”
”But apart from Takuya you were the strongest back in the digital world!”, Izumi said. ”Surely the kendo must have had with that to do.”
Kouji leaned back, looked at all of them. Looked at the ground.
”I was just… lucky to get the stronger evolutions. But even then, most of my strenght came from speed. While Takuya’s just came from stupidity.”
Takuya threw a stick at Kouji. Kouji grabbed it and chewed on it. Junpei watched in fascination.
”Absolutely gross”, Kouichi said. ”Eat some actual food.”
”Bark is filled with fiber”, Kouji answered.
”So what”, Junpei ignored them, ”are you saying I should just… not become stronger?”
”I’m not”, Kouji frowned again, ”but there are other styles of fighting you could try.”
Kouichi moved a little closer. Looked at his shoes and put his backpack next to Kouji.
”What about boxing?” he asked.
”Boxing?” Junpei asked.
Kouji dove into the backpack, pulled out an apple and bit into it. Tomoki moved his piece on the board.
”Yeah”, Kouichi answered. ”I didn’t… see what went on in Sephirothmon at that time, I was… busy.”
He glanced at Kouji. Kouji was completely distrected by the apple.
”But I saw your battle against Volcamon later and… I think you should try boxing.”
”Actually I think that’d fit Junpei really well”, Izumi said.
Junpei’s cheeks felt hot.
”Really, Izumi-chan? You think so?”
”The hits against the head won’t do much damage either”, Takuya added.
Junpei stood up, glared into the tree.
”Why don’t you come down and say that to my face!?”
Another, slightly bigger, stick flew past Junpei’s head, straight up into the tree and hit Takuya in the face, leaving a thick red line on the side of it. Junpei froze.
”He doesn’t appreciate it”, Kouji’s voice said.
”It’s just friendly teasing”, Takuya said. ”You are a danger to society.”
”Yeah, probably”, Kouji agreed.
Junpei sat down again. Kouji finished the apple and chewed on the stem of it. Kouichi grabbed it and threw it into a bush.
”You’re not a dog, eat actual food.”
”But what if I am?”
Junpei shook his head, laughed and leaned back. Looked at the sky. Takuya started climbing out of the tree. Boxing, hmm… Yeah, maybe Junpei should give that a try. He took the deck of cards out of his pocket again and Kouichi sat down next to Junpei as he went back to showing off his magic tricks.
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kariachi · 9 months
It's always sad to be reminded that people who aren't into digimon see it as just 'cute animal becomes mech or big-tittied woman' because it gets so much weirder than that.
Like, yes we have a lot of mechas and a lot of big tits, but then you get shit like Arkadimon (Super Ultimate) and Sephirothmon.
The dub had to censor a fucker and now we have a dude that's just an orange.
There's a whole subsection of digimon that are technically digimon in costumes, except some of them actually are the costumes, and some are just in costumes of themselves (look at Etemon, we already know that's an outfit but try to tell me they don't look near exactly the same underneath).
We have a baby that is a chicken nugget that in it's more common line can become a three-eyed gremlin of death, and in actuality can become anything the fuck else. Anything the fuck else.
We've got a fucker that's just a collection of shadows and eyes who can turn into Dagon who can turn into ten-legged prehistoric goat.
Come, join us, you will find something you'll enjoy, with 1,469 of the fuckers, plus another ~141 Appmon, it's impossible not to.
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Okay fine I'll play along with the drawfee digimon smash or pass
Beelzemon: smash
Angewomon: smash
Ladydevimon: smash
Angemon: pass
Devimon: pass
Beelstarmon: SMASH
Rosemon: cute but pass
Sakuyamon: cool af but pass
Myotismon: ew
Renamon: absolutely not.
Leomon: ....pass? Smash? He's so Dad and I'm not that into like dad energy BUT its fucking LEOMON..... maybe smash.
Weregarurumon: pass
Sistermons: the like younger looking ones absolutely not BUT the like adult ones w their eyes covered, smash
Kazemon: pass only bc I associate her w the character in frontier and thats a child
Lucemon FM: SMASH
Gallantmon: pass
Mervamon: smash.
Lillymon: adorable! But pass
Gankoomon: pass
Bancholeomon: smash
Garurumon: that is a dog. Pass
Wargreymon: pass. Tho it does look like his metal loincloth can like fold up and i am curious if it actually can but besides that, 0 interest.
Flamdramon: that is a teenage dionsaur. Pass
Exveemon: nah. Pass
Chaosmon: idfc if karina hates it, he looks cool, minus the poor head of bancholeomon. Pass tho, i just think hes neat
Antylamon: pass
Meicrackmon VM: .....an ashamed smash....
Stingmon: pass
Piedmon: i can see it, but I'm not into clowns, pass.
Belphemon RM: This certainly is for someone. But that someone is not me. Pass.
Fangmon: Thats a fucked up dog. Pass
Indramon: pass
Growlmon: pass
Astamon: gives me Vincent Valentine vibes, smash
Ganemon: pass, that is a coin
Pistmon: pass, that is a bicycle
Vulcanusmon: Okay I'm torn bc it does just look like a cute anime guy in a mech hazmat suit... I'm just not into the suit. Pass
Eyesmon: ah yes the digimon designed by junji ito specifically to become peoples sleep paralysis demon. Big pass
Dragomon: pass
Apocalymon: ....pass bc idk how tf to get up to him
Jijimon: that is a small old man. Pass
Vademon: disgusting. Pass
Arukenimon: they said pass bc she looks crazy but guess what I like the crazy eye and big hand. Smash.
Venommyotismon: hes so close to a smash but i still hate myotismon. Pass
Boltboutmon: i love a pirate! Just not this pirate, pass.
Grandracmon: pass wtf
Gulfmon: PASS
Sephirothmon: pass even tho i love the fact he exists. He's like both really cool but also really fucking dumb looking
Arcadiamon Adult: ew. Pass
Arcadiamon Ultimate: Now thats a smash
Noblepumpkinmon: now.... hear me out.... smash... (also reminds me of Ms. Pumpkins Comical Dream)
Togemon: ow. Pass
Daipenmon: that is a penguin. Pass
Princemamemon: pass.
Blimpmon: ......pass but I'm so fucking curious about it. Not to a smash level but like. How the fuck
Betsumon: absolutELY NOT! This is a sex offender. Big fucking pass.
@dilfosaur plz drop the full list this is so fucking fun.
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disgustiphage · 9 months
been catching up a bit on digimon 2020 and look who came back!!
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well, part of him
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hurgablurg · 10 months
everyone in chat passed on sephirothmon, but like, just flip ‘em upside down and facefuck ‘em as you stare, unerringly, into their pleading, needy eyes; their orbs quivering and buckling from the extant pleasure.
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rex101111 · 2 years
you can tell this is a kids show because Bokomon just said “well that’s something new!” when looking at Sephirothmon, when the much more appropriate response would have been to scream his head off and shout something along the lines of “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?”
(while putting his hands over the egg’s “ears” of course. which doesn’t help and when a long time passes and Seraphimon is once again on his throne he will bump his toe on a table corner and shout “FUCK” loud enough for people all the way in Fire Terminal to hear it.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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leori-the-unlearned · 2 years
How do you think Digimon Frontier might have gone if the Spirits of Steel, Wood, and Earth had been bequeathed to Ophanimon, the Spirits of Darkness and Water had been bequeathed to Seraphimon, the Spirits of Flame, Light, Ice, Wind, and Thunder had been bequeathed to Cherubimon, and the protagonists had been Katsuharu, Teppei, Chiaki, Teruo, and Koichi (with Kouji joining later)?
first off thanks for the ask!!
I put a lot of thought into this, because i can’t just half-bake an answer for something digimon frontier-related >w<
however, I’ll mainly just talk about their group dynamics and interpersonal relations, rather than trying to piece out the whole puzzle of where in the digital world they arrive, where they go to collect their spirits and who they fight along the way, what their digimon forms exactly are (I can’t see Sephirothmon being very useful in a fight purely because of its massive size and weird gimmick, not to mention it’s the least humanoid of all the Spirits- imagine what being THAT thing feels like..), or how a Spirit of Light could be corrupted with darkness if Kouji ends up following Koichi’s arc and being some sort of Light Duskmon. Mostly because if I tried to define all of that, I’d basically be writing the series over again, and I don’t have that much dedication.
also, I’m leaving a read more, because this gets long (as my discussion posts tend to do)
First I’ll talk about the new team of Warriors, because I just refreshed myself on Katsuharu, Teppei, Chiaki, and Teruo (and I was able to watch the original Japanese for it, rather than the censored/altered dub! hooray!).
Katsuharu would fill the leadership role, as he does in canon already - he’s decisive and makes up his mind quickly, and has a pragmatic mind for risks. This can lead him to hesitate in the face of a huge risk - such as, him freezing and failing to risk himself to try to save Teppei when the Centarumon were chasing them both (ep40). Some of that can be attributed to none of those four personally being in a battle before, since they all had Angemon fighting for them, but given Takuya followed Tomoki out onto the freefloating tracks in ep1 to bring him back instead of shouting like everyone else, before being able to Digivolve, it’s safe to say Katsuharu doesn’t have that much guts, and isn’t particularly courageous. Katsuharu is also the main one asking questions and trying to figure out what happened in Beanstalk Village (ep41), and though he starts out as a bully who enjoys belitting others, he grows a lot in the Digital World. When Teppei starts messing with Tomoki again, Katsuharu stops him, saying ‘they came here so they didn’t have to do stupid things like that anymore’ (to paraphrase). I think, given the opportunity to Digivolve and become a Digimon, and be on equal footing with other Digimon they face, Katsuharu would do incredibly well as a leader, especially since he already knows one of the kids in his group, unlike the canon group who didn’t know any of the others.
Unfortunately, Katsuharu is the only member of the group given so many lines and so much character. Teppei is shown to lash out when he feels threatened and hates being seen as weak or useless (when the Warriors appear and tell him to get lost because he can’t do anything to help, he refuses to believe anything they’ve said, even when they mention the loss of land he’s witnessed recently to back their story up), even though he’s still somewhat young and doesn’t have too much real confidence or conviction of his own. He cheers on Angemon for being such a cool hero, but isn’t that cool hero himself (and he seems to warm up to Tomoki specifically after Tomoki saved him from the Centarumon and Digivolved into Blizzarmon, being awed at both), and would definitely benefit from having enough power to defend himself, so long as he learns to wield it responsibly.
Chiaki is pretty simple; though she does laugh at Teppei’s jabs towards the Warriors when they first met, she seems friendly enough towards them when she, Teruo, Junpei, and Izumi are out harvesting. She mentions her observations on Katsuharu and Teppei when they first met, saying they ‘had some repressed anger’, which also implies they mellowed after a while, and also showing that despite that anger, it didn’t fracture the group or cause any grudges. She also mentions the fact that all of them decided to stay in the Digital World because they preferred it to the real one, and that what appeals to her in the Digital World is everything is fantastical. From that, I think she’s the thoughtful one out of the bunch, and most likely to look at people and try to pick apart what makes them tick. She also clearly has her own motivations and desires, even if they aren’t stated or shown.
Then there’s Teruo, who’s least talkative out of the bunch. He’s not averse to talking, but doesn’t have many comments during his appearances. He says he prefers the Digital World because it’s interesting to be with Digimon, unlike doing schoolwork or taking tests (though, he’s only seen a small portion of the Digital World, and was protected by Angemon that entire time, so who’s to say if he’d have the same attitude if he went through as much trouble as the Warriors, or if he’d want to turn tail). One tidbit is that when Teppei makes fun of the Warriors for saying they’re here to save the Digital World, Teruo points out they can’t do much, being humans with no strong Digimon at their side to defend them, and it doesn’t seem to be entirely a jeer, he’s trying to reason with them too.
Looking at their personalities is a big part of measuring them as protagonists, because they’re always given the choice to just leave, if they find a way out of the Digital World. If they’re the sort of person to give up halfway through and leave the Digital World, that changes things, and could possibly lead to the rest of the group failing. I mean, unless you instead look at it as ‘what if Katsuharu and his group were written as the protagonists’ rather than ‘what if they, as they are, were the protagonists’ as I did, in which case we’d just have Takuya with some Kouji in him, actual Kouji and Koichi, and three different extras, and they’d be written to save the Digital World anyway. I find it more interesting to see if the versions of them we see in canon could stick with it and save the world if given the same abilities.
I think they absolutely could, though! Whether they end up finding Angemon to be their mentor and encourage them to continue fighting themselves and grow in strength, or instead find Bokomon and Neemon and have to fend for themselves in battles, as long as they have the power to fight as a Digimon, I don’t see any of them dipping out. Teppei follows Katsuharu, and Katsuharu might waver, but Kouji wouldn’t (once he’s on their side), and neither would Koichi, who’s dedicated to find his brother (while not knowing he HAS found him when corrupted!Kouji shows up), so Katsuharu wouldn’t leave them to fend for themselves, he’s too compassionate. Rather than a Takuya to inspire them along, they continue together because Koichi isn’t stopping and someone needs to make sure he doesn’t die.
Primary friendships in the group would be; Katsuharu and Teppei, with Teppei trailing behind Katsuharu and only really confident if he has someone to follow or give him direction, but incredibly confident if he does have that; Chiaki and Teruo, both being curious about the Digital World and being exploring buddies to see more of it, and acting somewhat like siblings with Chiaki being the ‘older sister’; and Koichi gets along with everyone but is pretty shy about joining conversations or integrating, and too worried while Kouji is corrupted to properly let loose and have fun with the others. I think eventually Katsuharu or Chiaki would notice that and try to get his mind off Kouji, with Katsuharu enforcing breaks when they reach a new town to meet the locals, rest up, and have fun at local attractions, and Chiaki asking Koichi to join her and Teruo on ventures to he doesn’t sit at camp and feels like he’s looking for Kouji when there are no signs of him elsewhere.
Once they find Kouji and figure out he’s the crazy powerful Corrupted Warrior hounding them, Koichi does his best to convince Kouji of his story. It doesn’t end up working for a while, until Koichi manages to give details on their shared dad and a very specific family ritual both twins grew up with, and that begins to awaken Kouji’s memories. It goes about the same as with Duskmon, except Kouji wasn’t aware of his twin beforehand. After he’s purified, he’s ashamed of the actions he took while corrupted, and uses that shame as motivation to push himself way too far to protect and defend the group instead, and he has to learn to let the others support him too. He starts out cold and only really warming up to Koichi, learning what his secret twin is like, but will slowly begin to give his input in group discussions, and then in regular conversation.
And now their powersets! Most of the Spirits (Earth, Wood, Water, and of course Darkness) follow a similar design standard as the canon human-used Spirits, having a consistent Human Spirit. Steel is the obvious exception, and the only way I can see a human using that Beast Spirit is if it’s in a different form (although Sephirothmon could still be useful for its mirroring ability). Friendly fire is also at a minimum, with the possible exception of Earth, but since Junpei’s lightning never strikes out at his friends, I’ll say Earth isn’t that likely to either. They are lacking in fliers, since I don’t think any of the corrupted Digimon could fly in Human Spirit form, and only Calamaramon, Velgrmon, and Sephirothmon can, which does put them at a disadvantage against the new set of Corrupted Warriors unless they can learn to control the terrain.
And speaking of those guys… time to cover them!!! This is the fun part because I get to make stuff up.
Corrupted Agnimon/Vritramon reads as a hothead - he’s prideful in his own abilities and charges into a fight without asking if he can win it. He’ll accept help, rather than reject it to probe his strength, but prefers to be considered the MVP/‘star player’. As Agnimon, he shows a lot of personality through taunts and banter, but once he gets his Beast Spirit, Vritramon is a berserker; jarringly silent except to roar and call out attacks, going on full offensive, and impossible to scare off. Vritramon won’t turn back into Agnimon unless he exhausts himself.
Corrupted Chackmon/Blizzarmon is stoic and stern-faced, unlike his cutesy, playful appearance. He’ll follow orders to the letter, which also means the group can sometimes take advantage of his adherence to the letter of the law and convince him to leave or lighten up on technicalities, and that he won’t take action if a situation isn’t covered in his orders. In contrast, Blizzarmon is quite ambitious and passionate, even though he has the same strategic mind, and both consider themselves an elite warrior - not as a point of pride, but considering it a fact, and disregarding anyone’s attempts to discredit that.
Corrupted Blitzmon/Bolgmon is a big troll. …That’s what it says in Blitzmon’s description, at least. I can see him accidentally sounding sarcastic when he doesn’t mean to, or sounding genuine when he means to be sarcastic, so you can never tell which he means except by his actions. Interestingly, his fighting style differs greatly between Human and Beast form, with Blitzmon having an ability to lower gravity for himself and move with great agility and power, whereas Bolgmon is incredibly slow, trading mobility for defense.
Corrupted Fairimon/Shutumon reads as an innocent face with a hidden thirst for mischief. Fairimon is stated to be a ‘gossipy, talkative troublemaker’ but ‘because it has no ill will for the person’ she isn’t hated and still considered innocent. Rather than having insecurities about her beauty like Ranamon, Fairimon is sure of her own merit and worth, and isn’t outright bothered if someone else tries to insult her, but she’ll still fire back by trying to embarrass them, or get their friends to turn on them. Becoming Shutumon only encourages this behavior, and she’ll even start to indirectly cause fights among the other Corrupted Warriors just because it’s fun.
Corrupted Kouji (Digimon names unknown), if it is possible for him to be corrupted with darkness, would likely change animal inspiration from wolves to something more associated with decay and death - akin to the vulture motifs in Velgrmon, I can see Corrupted Kouji taking inspiration from a quadrupedal scavenger, the hyena. Since the same process is applied to Kouji as was to Koichi, Corrupted Kouji would have the same personality as Duskmon, being vicious and merciless, without compassion for his allies. So, almost the same as canon Kouji! /j
Since Vritramon is based on a fire dragon that’s the nemesis of a thunder dragon, it’d be fun if Agnimon and Blitzmon had a rivalry, where they keep misinterpreting what the other says and assuming it’s an insult. Even mid-battle, they’ll stop to bicker with each other, or confusedly reiterate what they meant, only to make the other even angrier. Fairimon/Shutumon is awful about this, because Agnimon or Blitzmon will approach her for advice in interpreting what the other said because she’s in tune with people, and she will intentionally tell them it meant something worse than it did.
It’s important for the Corrupted Warriors to be a little bit dysfunctional so the regular Warriors can get a leg up and actually beat them. It’s also incredibly funny.
Anyways, I’m not sure if this is exactly what you were asking about, anon, but this is what I made of your question! If you want to clarify your question and get my thoughts on something else, you can send that in, too.
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