#ser mom
drakoneve · 2 years
A Father’s Love
request: Hii!! I was wondering if you could do a aemond imagine where you are jace twin sister so you have the strong look! Viserys decided to marry you off to aemond to prevent the bloodshed and your first born a son comes out with the the dark brown hair and aegon starts teasing his brother about it because it’s like karma hit the greens about having a targaryean with a dark hair but aemond ends up protecting you and your child from all the comments coming from the greens. Thank you 🤍
pairing: aemond targaryen x y/n velaryon (strong)
word count: 2k
warning: mentions of pregnancy & childbirth, canon typical violence (protective aemond)
a/n: i think aemond’s son having the strong look would change his view of rhaenyra & her boys
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When you were still but a girl your mother, Princess Rhaenyra, explained to you that you would have your husband picked out for you in an arranged marriage. You didn’t quite understand it then, but the picture became clearer as you got older. 
By the time you were one and ten your grandsire King Viserys had declared you would marry your uncle Aemond born of the same year. The arrangement came after the night of your aunt Laena’s funeral, when Aemond claimed Vhagar for his own and your younger brother Lucerys struck out his left eye.
You were close with Aemond when you were children, but after the night he lost his eye, Rhaenyra moved your family to Dragonstone. Your relationship with Aemond had been reduced down to letters over the last six years. He wrote once and he expressed his fear that you might not love him because of the scar on his face due to the response of the whispers from the Keep. You assured him something so trivial as an old wound would not deter the feelings you already held for him.
The only people you told about the letters you exchanged with Aemond was your twin, Jacaerys, and your mother. Jacaerys didn’t like the idea of you marrying your uncle at first, but when you read him some of the sweeter things Aemond had written you, Jacaerys decided your uncle wasn’t the worst man you could possibly marry. Rhaenyra didn’t mind her younger brother and was more concerned about what Alicent could do to you upon your return.
Your reunion with Aemond went profoundly well as you promised it would, and the two of you married within weeks of your return to King’s Landing. Though Rhaenyra, your brothers, and uncle/new step-father Daemon attended the wedding celebrations, they didn’t stay long after the celebrations concluded. You understood because of the tensions between your mother and Queen Alicent, but it didn’t make you miss your family any less.
Aemond helped, however, as he loved having you by his side at all times. He walked you to your lessons, invited you to watch him train, he accompanied you to dress fittings. With all the attention you’d been receiving from your proud husband it came as no surprise to anyone when Aemond announced at dinner one night that you were officially with child. 
From that moment on Aemond’s tendencies to keep a watchful eye on you even worse. Any moment he couldn’t remain by your side he assigned two of his very own hand picked Kingsguard knights to accompany you. Thankfully your pregnancy went as smoothly as possible, all things considered. You had mild nausea through the majority but eventually it relented and things were smooth from there.
Labor was long, and incredibly painful, so much so the maester advised if you’d squeezed any harder you’d have broken Aemond’s hand. Aemond had stayed by your side from the moment you informed him your labors had begun and refused to leave your side despite some of the arguing of the maester and most of the midwives. Finally after about fourteen hours, you gave birth to a healthy chubby, brown haired boy. 
So focused on the newborn babe laid contently on your chest you hardly registered that your mother-in-law Queen Alicent had entered the room. Despite being nothing but kind towards her, Alicent never made a move to return the same sentiment. 
But Aemond noticed. He watched as his mother’s face contorted into a look of disgust as she glared, glared down at the babe on your chest. He watched as his mother forced a smile on her face. Her dead eyes said everything Aemond needed to know.
“He’s a little darling,” Alicent forced through her fake smile. 
Soon after Taelon’s birth, rumors began spreading around the Keep of his legitimacy. Your lady in waiting, Lilian had been the first to mention the rumors to you one morning as she brushed and braided your hair. The most popular whisperers were ones along the lines of that your son had been conceived while Aemond was away or that you had laid with your brother Jacaerys instead.
You mentioned them to Aemond later that same day when you met him for tea, and he told you he’d already heard with them and was working towards finding the source of such blasphemy so it would be properly taken care of.
Almost a whole month later, however, and Aemond did not yet have the source. At least, that’s what he told you. The whole time he knew it was his own mother, Alicent, that was spreading the rumours throughout the Keep. For weeks he turmoiled in anguish and fury that resulted deep in his gut as he worked his mind for a solution. 
He couldn’t decide whether, or more accurately, just how to confront his mother on the subject. The news of the arrival of your mother and the rest of your family arriving in King’s Landing provided the well needed distraction for Aemond, and you.
You and Aemond await side by side as your family approaches, you with Taelon swaddled in your arms. Rhaenyra reaches you first, kissing your face several times before looking down to the babe in your arms. “Oh,” Rhaenyra cooes at your son. “He’s gorgeous, my dear. You’ve done wonderfully.”
“Thank you,” you smile at her, and offer her your son. She takes him in her arms happily. 
Jacaerys appears by your side and pulls you into a tight hug. “I’ve missed you, sister.”
“And I, you, brother.” you whisper to him. 
Lucerys and Joffrey join the hug, but soon lurch away as you begin to ruffle their thick, dark hair. 
“You boys have grown into fine young men! I cannot believe how tall you all are,” you gape at your brothers. 
Aemond places his hand at the small of your back and pulls you into his side. “My wife is quite right, nephews. It pleases me to see the man my own son is sure to grow into.”
Jacaerys can’t hide the shock in his face as he studies his uncle for any malicious intentions. Lucerys grasps your hand like he did when he was first learning how to walk and would use you to support himself. Rhaenyra’s eyes widen at Aemond in shock and she looks to your for an answer. All you give her is a shrug as you take your son from her arms and look back to your family. Your mother, brothers, stepfather Daemon, standing with you, your husband, and newborn son. Something you once thought to be impossible, happening in front of your own eyes.
You knew after everything that happened between Aemond and Lucerys the night Aemond claimed Vhagar the dynamics in your family would never be the same. For a long time Aemond held a deep, vicious hatred for Lucerys. To be honest you didn’t exactly blame him. After Aemond finally opened up to you about some of his insecurities and frustrations regarding the loss of his eye and the scar that came as a result, and it helped you understand these fears and insecurities is what fueled his hatred for your brother. Over time, as you fell in love with Aemond even more and convinced him of your feelings, he began to feel less insecure.
The welcoming party disbursed as your family began to settle into the palace for their stay. Word of their arrival has spread throughout the Keep by now, and your grandsire Viserys ordered a large feast to celebrate not only the birth of your son, but the union of the entirety of House Targaryen under one roof. At first the plans made you anxious as you’d wanted a rather small dinner consisting of the royal family, but it seems there are other plans. 
Normally you would get ready for such events in the confines of your shared chamber with Aemond, but tonight you opted to join your mother and Daemon in their chambers. Rhaenyra asked for your help in choosing her hairstyle and accessories, an act you once cherished as a child. As you help your mother, Daemon coddles your newborn in his arms.
“He’s quite the charmer,” compliments Daemon, who is wrestling with the babe’s free flying foot. “have you chosen an egg for his cradle, tala (daughter)?”
“Not yet, uncle,” you shake your head. “Aemond wants us to pick it out together, and I haven’t had the chance to make it to the Dragonpit as of late.” You finish the parallel braids in your mother’s hair, securing them in place with delicate pins. 
“You must choose one before we leave,” he demands, not taking his eyes off your son. “I cannot, in good faith, leave my grandson knowing he has no dragon.”
Aemond appears in the chamber doorway dressed in his finest leathers. “I assure you, uncle, Taelon will have a dragon. I will make sure no son of mine goes without.”
You smile at him, taking him in for the glorious man he is. “Taelon is but a babe, sweet husband. He has no use for dragons except for our own right now.”
“Correct,” Aemond wraps one arm around your waist. “Though the sooner we choose an egg, the sooner the hatchling will come forth.”
Rhaenyra stepped forward to rest a reassuring hand in her younger brother’s shoulder. “Now's not the time to worry of such things. We’re here to celebrate Taelon.”
“Oh and celebrate we must,” you coo before scooping your son from Daemon’s arms. “Who wouldn’t want to celebrate such a handsome little face?”
The rest of the night went off without a hitch, everyone dining, drinking, dancing, and having fun. For the first time in a long time your family was collected in one room, children and all, enjoying themselves. It was well into the night when you excused yourself briefly to see Taelon to bed before returning.
You’d just settled yourself back into your seat next to Aemond when Aegon rose from his own chair. “I’d like to make a final toast,” he begins. “to Taelon, first of his name, may he grow to be handsome, healthy... and Strong.”
Aemond rises from his seat so fast the front legs lifted off the ground and it fell back onto the floor. “I’ll have your blasphemous tongue for that, ” he growled through gritted teeth. His hand fell to the hilt of his sword and he began to pull it from its sheath before rounding the side of the table to meet his brother.
“I dare you to repeat yourself.” Aemond hissed as he raised his sword to Aegon. The Kingsguard did not draw their swords, instead choosing to shield themselves and the eldest prince. “And it shall be the last thing you ever do.”
Alicent rushed towards her sons, getting in between Aemon and the Kingsguard. “That is enough!” the queen demanded, “Put away your sword, Aemond.”
You stand from your seat, tired of the insolence, and you join Aemond’s side. “Queen Alicent is right, husband. There is no need to sink yourself to such lows as this drunkard.”
The two of you returned to your chambers where Taelon slept soundly in his cradle under the watchful eyes of your lady in waiting and two guards Aemond picked for Taelon specifically. You dismissed all three, knowing the guards would take up their post outside your chamber doors. 
Aemond begins stripping down to his night clothes and you begin doing the same, keeping a watchful eye on your husband. You knew the rumors of Taelon not being Aemond’s son was beginning to get to him even though both of you knew there was no other contenders. 
As the two of you began to settle into bed, you scoot as close to Aemond as physically possible. He chuckles softly before wrapping you up in his arms. He kisses your forehead, then presses a string of soft kisses onto your hairline. 
“You should ignore your brother,” you whisper into the darkness. “He’s a fool who knows nothing of what it means to be a dutiful and loving father as you are. I’m confident Aegon doesn’t even know the twins’ names.”
Aemond laughs, “I suppose you’re right, my love...”
You sit up, placing your right hand on the pillow next to Aemond’s head for support. He reaches up to brush the long strands of your unbound hair that has fallen around your face. “What ails you, husband?”
He hesitates, eye searching your face for any sign of deceit. “I’m afraid of failing our son. Mine own father was never a constant in my life, and I fear this leaves me unable to father our son properly.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you whisper. “I’ve seen the way you watch over him. I mean, the way you protected him tonight against Aegon’s words, that proves you are more than capable than watching over our son. I’ve never doubted you from the day I told you I was with child. From that day forth your only focus has been providing for and protecting your family. You’re an honorable man, Aemond. And the most capable father.”
Aemond rises to press your lips together in a quick kiss. When he lays back down he pulls you with him, resting your head on his chest. This way you can hear the hard thump of his heart beating in his chest, a sound so rhythmic and comforting you can’t help but be lulled by sleep.
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vysehrn · 3 months
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dreamedfyre-a · 1 month
firm believer there was no bedding ceremony when helaena and aegon married because she would cry and possibly kill someone
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the-hufflepuffle · 5 months
I like to think, in another life, Ser Barristan knew that Cerseis children were Jaime's, and (having been essentially Jaime's only good father figure) looks after Tommen and Myrcella as his own blood.
I think he'd try to watch Joffrey but I think k because Cersei lost her Baratheon baby so young she'd be extra clingy and possessive of Joffrey because ✨️trauma✨️, so he just takes care of the younger ones.
Alternatively, in a Braime world, he watches their children like a grandfather.
Mostly I'm here for Ser Barristan seeing 15 year old Jaime and going "Oh so I'm a father now. This is my son."
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The actor plays a grandfather on Derry Girls on Netflix and I keep seeing him with the baby and being like "what if that was Ser Barristan with Jaime's kids".
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serendipnpipity · 6 months
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Life's a Game AU pt. 2: Brainstorming Boogaloo!!
A lil sneak peek at Suzette and Susan designs?? We'll see how much stays consistent (story-wise and/or design-wise) but I had so much fun drawing them (and haven't even gotten to drawing them w the guys yet!!)
Fear-induced writer's block is a total jerk but I really want to make the Game of Life fic happen, so we're pushing through! Feel free to lmk what y'all think ^-^
btw shoutout to @phan-tasia who ALSO has a Game of Life AU fic that I'm currently reading (live fast die young go to robot school) bc it's amazing??? our storylines are definitely gonna be different lol, but i cannot get enough of that fic and of this AU in general
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seratlantisite · 9 months
December 24, 2000: Jeff Master arrest / IS-7 case
Spring 2001: Phoenix accused of theft, he Larry and Miles become friends
April 2001: they begin fourth grade together
December 28, 2001: Gregory Edgeworth death / DL-6
japanese school years start in april and end in march. my headcanon was that they met at the start of grade four but they actually gave us the date! ish! they had nine months of being kids together and im TT_TT
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boxwinebaddie · 4 months
anyways *me ignoring my stannic attack* speaking of tkak ( the delicious uncle nina tsot toxic yuri ) i'm conflicted bc writing it in the old english is kind of impossible to read...but having stas say shit like "gwendolyn, your frock looks rather fetching, particularly the bodice Not That I Was Looking Upon It!" and "alas boys! i am ruined! fetch me the mead so that i may drown my eternal sorrows in it before i throw this cruel wretched form from the bell tower" and "butters you are true ally and kinsman! tucker...may your next meal contain many Poisons" IS SO FUCKIN FUNNY THAT I MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE TO
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girl-intrigued · 1 year
Love when the Green kids face rhaenys' dragon , neither of them look away or close their eyes . They straight up stare at it with wide eyes and are ready to face the consequences without cowering up. They hold each other and accept their fate like if we go , we go together. My brave babies 💚💚
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yuniper · 2 months
i might actually start burning cds again so i can have those white noise soundscapes playing during the night and not be woken up by some ad getting blasted right into my eardrums on full volume
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Arryk and Criston arguing,
my mom:
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taiyami · 1 year
My mom just called me straight up crying over Chris Evans getting married. Is every Latina mom like this or just mine
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cuatrotrece · 2 years
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me taggearon @americanpsychobolche y @julienzo pero de paso hago el de @powerbottomarx y @world-of-lang xq son divertidos si quieren hagan el mio de vuelta pero sino taggeo tmb a @eliasdrid y a @cronicatv @lapisslunaris @taniushka12 @ratajota
los circulos es q escucho y me gusta los tics es q escuché pero quiero escuchar mas
en el mio “black dressy” incluye ademas de las black dresses los albumes solistas de rook, rook&nomie, Mom, los albumes de Devi McCallion & Katie Dey, Anarchy99, Angel Electronics, EAT BABIES? y Yellow Bile, pero principalmente black dressy
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menwhoplaygod · 1 year
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Shout out to all the mixed people who’ve never felt like they belong
lo entiendo.
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serendipnpipity · 4 months
Ser!! Let's play the phascarade (m)ask game you made! I know you're gonna have good answer for this I feel it in my bones
6. Heliotrope - Favorite dnp moment that makes you believe love is real.
I need to stop pulling a Dan and get out of my head for this before I neglect to post it for a month!! You said it so perfectly in your other ask, so I'll let that speak for me on the whole *soulmates not that souls are a real thing that exist* front. I'd say that doesn't necessarily make me believe love exists, but that makes me believe in some other magic existing woven in the interwebs of the universe.
With that said, the first thing that comes to mind is the Mukbang video, especially that one moment (28:43) when Dan asks "do you ever feel like you don't have a personality" and then Phil gently argues against that train of thought by pointing out *hey, you don't do that around me. bc why would you need to?*
That gets me for two reasons. First, it's that the overarching feeling that there are people out there in the world that you feel safe enough to exist with, without pretense. Without trying to put on a face or worrying you're gonna be judged. Whenever in my life I've realized I found one of those people (and I count my lucky stars, it's happened more than once), it is a special, special reminder that love exists. People will love you and you will be able to love them right back.
Secondly, this moment reminds me of my parents. A lot about dnp's dynamic (minus the um. horny energy. thank god.) reminds me of my parents... but especially this, so much so that it kinda hurts. That's totally something my dad has said to my mom before (and yep! they're another reason I believe in love. have I mentioned before how lucky it is for my life to be so full of love?). But it is such a familiar conversation that it struck a chord in me back when it was first released, and it still does now.
What can I say? The things that make me believe love exist are the smaller moments in our day to day. The everyday ones, the laughter. We need those to live. ❤️
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italoniponic · 1 year
I discovered some time ago that Oikawa's favorite food is milk bread and it just got to me today that it's the same milk bread that I use to eat dinner almost everyday... maybe bc it's not so crazy when you're in Brazil, idk lol
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miraiq · 6 months
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"Oh, did I win?" ~ Sparkle ✰
Bingo Game | Always Accepting!
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Blinks. Heavily confused. She has no idea who this lass is but...
" I... Uh.. Yeah, I suppose you did. Congratulations..? "
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