jeonggukingdom · 6 years
under the spell of a demon’s touch (m)
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▽ Pairing: Jimin x Reader
▽ Genre: incubus!AU, angst, smut, fluff the holy trio
▽ Summary: You had believed, for your entire life, that creatures of the underworld were only a myth but you were proven wrong by the existence of Jimin. He is, according to his definition, a smaller type of Fae called Incubus. A creature of sex. Someone that can only live and strive as long as his sexual appetite is satiated every day. And Incubi are known in all of their myths to be insatiable and ravenous creatures. ↳ alternatively: sending all our souls to rot in hell.
▽ Word Count: 14.872 words
▽ WARNINGS: graphic depictions of sexual intercourse, cheating, cuss words, dirty talk, blindfolds, handcuffs, oral sex, name calling, choking, hair pulling, butt plugs, spanking, rough sex, window sex, squirting, anal, vibrators.
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The building stands tall in front of your eyes, rows upon rows of seemingly endless windows all uniform in their anonymous simplicity.
Your heels tap on the white linoleum floor of the hall full of people walking haphazardly to finish the assignments of the morning before their lunch break starts.
You walk through them with calmness in your steps, chin held up high as you reach the elevator, a bag full of food in your free hand.
There is a smile stretched on your lips and it is due to the thought of the pleasant lunch you are about to have with your lover — a surprise you are quite sure he is going to appreciate.
The ride up to his office is long and you take it as a chance to check yourself in the mirror at your back. Your hair is tight in a ponytail, just the way he likes it, and you’re wearing that black pencil skirt he has bought you for your birthday, the one he says that makes your ass look amazing — which is potentially the very reason why you are wearing it today — and a burgundy blouse to match your lipstick. The food you are carrying, honestly, is just an excuse to barge in his office without anyone suspecting your true intentions — which would be to leave a nice bright red ring around his cock — but still give a sign that you are not to be disturbed.
The elevator dings happily as you arrive at the last floor and you briskly walk the empty corridor, barely glossing over the empty seat at the secretary desk, assuming she has probably already left for her break.
Oh, how wrong you were.
The first sign of your misjudgment comes from a strangled moan behind a closed door. A sound you would recognize amongst thousands. You should turn on your heels and go, forget this ever happened and return to your regular activities but something urges you forward and you keep walking, almost in a trance and, before you can realize what you’re about to do to yourself, you slowly open the door.
His office is pearly white and the light reflects on it, almost turning it painful to the eyes but the real burn comes from what your gaze immediately focuses on.
He is standing right by his desk, a hand grasping the edge of it to keep him balanced while the other is lost between her long and usually sleek hair now reduced to a tangled mess.
His black pants are gathered at his feet, right with his briefs and his head is tilted backward in pleasure.
He sighs and moans for her just like he would with you and that is what hurts the most. Knowing that you aren’t special at all, not when it comes to pleasure. You’re just like this other girl between his legs, doing what you would have been doing now if you had arrived a few moments earlier.
Park Kyungri wears her hair in a high ponytail, just like you, and she wears it like that every single day of her life and now a part of you wonders if it is to please him, if it’s because she knows how good it will feel when he tugs on them to guide your head and adjust your movements to his pace.
She has nice lips and they are firm around his cock while her head bobs to the pace he prefers which leads you to believe this is far from being their first time together and it makes you wonder: what are her thoughts when she sees you come to visit him? What does she believe of you? That you are naive and unaware? Or she simply doesn’t care?
As all these thoughts spin in your head all at once, you see his eyes open and, almost if solicited by an unknown force, they settle on you, standing right there at the corner of the room and if this were to be a normal relationship he would jump now, surprised, he would spring to action and try to justify himself. But yours ain’t a normal relationship at all.
He stares at you, mouth agape, and a part of you believes it excited him to know you are watching him, that you are witnessing how he crumbles under another female’s touch.
There is sweat on his forehead, making his black hair stick to his skin and he looks painfully handsome like this, semi-naked and lost in pleasure.
You see it in his features before even he can realize it: the moment the wave hits him and he is coming all over her face.
His firm abdomen contracts and his loads falls into her mouth, trained to gather every single drop, and that is when you decide it is time to leave.
You turn your back on the scene, close the door behind your back and simply leave, as you were never there to begin with.
For a moment you wander around the top floor, unsure on where you should go right now because you know you have no right to be upset but, at the same time, you are not ready to face him just yet.
In the end, you opt for the small balcony at the other end of the building and sit on the first bench you see, trying to work some appetite back so you can at least pretend what you just witnessed didn’t affect you. The key word, of course, is pretend.
There was a time when you were younger and inexperienced, when you believed stuff like this would never happen to you because you were too smart and you loved yourself too much. Of course, you had been proven wrong many times.
Back then you would have never imagined that you would fall in love with Park Jimin, young CEO of Shoreline Park & Affiliates, and that you would put your ego to the side just in the name of love. No, you would have never imagined you’d fall under the spell of a demon’s touch, that you would be caught in its web and rendered unable to ever leave.
You heave out a sigh, the Subway sandwich feeling stale in your mouth when your head is consumed by bitter thoughts, and give up on lunch altogether.
You imagine she must have gone to her break by now, dismissed after her wonderful work where he needed it the most and you consider the idea of going back inside, act like you just arrived and, honestly, on any other day you probably would. But not today. It just hurts a little bit more today.
Before you know it and before you can stop them, tears are falling on your cheeks and you rush to the end of the balcony, fixing your eyes on the fast pace of the city beneath your feet just in case somebody finds you there. Nobody needs to know, not even him.
You think back on the first time you saw him, at a meeting between your companies. You were a simple secretary back then, doing your job with enthusiasm, always ready to learn. He was already at the head of his company and he was as handsome back then as he is now. He had this charismatic aura around him and it felt like you weren’t the only one affected by it.
He had a magnetic smile and gentle eyes. He knew how to make you feel at ease while still exuding the power that came with his position.
When he had asked you out for a drink you had thought of rejecting or, later on, that you would absolutely refuse any sexual innuendos from his part. You knew that type of guy: they have money and power, they think they can have you just like that because you are worth less than their shoelaces and they won’t take no for an answer. But Jimin was different. So different. He cared, he was genuine and he barely touched you during your first dates together unless you expressed your permission by doing the first move. He was respectful and gentle and he had slowly caught you in his web and before you could pull away and save yourself, you were hopelessly and utterly in love with him.
Months after came the truth, shattering all your beliefs on the world you had always known and, of course, on your whole relationship.
Jimin showed you his true nature, as he liked to call it, and you should have been scared or understand back then that it was too much for you to handle. But you stayed, because you loved him. Just like you stay today, for the very same reason.
You had believed, for your entire life, that creatures of the underworld were only a myth but you were proven wrong by the existence of Jimin. He is, according to his definition, a smaller type of Fae called Incubus.
A creature of sex.
Someone that can only live and strive as long as his sexual appetite is satiated every day.
Much like Vampires that feed on blood, Incubi feed on sex and the energy of their lovers which, therefore, leads to the impossibility of any of them being monogamous.
You know all of this, you have known it for years now yet, it doesn’t get any easier. You can’t be mad at him because you know, one lover will never be enough for an Incubus. Not now, not ever. But you still can’t stop the hurt from blossoming in your heart whenever you see, or hear, or find a token of a fleeting lover abandoned in your house.
You take a deep breath and force the tears back in, quickly drying your cheeks to wipe out any sign they were ever there. It hurts, it will never stop hurting, but you don’t want to see the flash of guilt in his eyes again. You saw it so many times in the past and you know it breaks him too to know he has hurt you. You have loved each other for years, passionately, and in most of your up and downs, the main problem was always the same: his cheating, your hurt, and his impossibility to change things.
His body is not only yours to have, but that doesn’t mean his heart isn’t. That’s what you repeat to yourself like a mantra, over and over again, and it is right at that moment, when you are finally calm, that you hear the sound of faint steps behind your back.
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The air feels thick in the confinement of his office and with frustration, he loosens the tie around his neck to try and focus on the papers in his hands rather than his little problem in his boxer briefs. It always happens like this: out of the blue the need comes and takes him by surprise, rendering any other thought inconsequential until he can get exactly what his body craves for.
He fights it for a few moments, trying to distract himself, trying to avoid his thoughts to go there but, in the end, it is with trembling fingers that he calls his secretary in his office and before he can even try to think about changing his mind, to send her back and hold it in, her lascivious mouth is nicely wrapped around his cock. The pleasure is immediate and it abates the sense of guilt that comes with having another woman that isn’t his girlfriend between his legs.
Just as he thinks of her and how beautiful she looked that very morning, kissing him goodbye before he had to leave for work, she materializes inside his office. Her eyes are beautiful and they shine but not with the happiness he is accustomed to and, immediately, comes the regret for his actions.
He’d like to take a step back now, to stop his secretary from working him to completion but he can’t resist the urge, the way his body screams for his release to happen, every cell in his body drinking up the energy coming off of his current lover. So he stays there and stares at her without a sign of the shame he feels growing inside of him alongside with the bliss.
He comes like that, looking at the woman he loves while fucking the mouth of another and, as soon as the wave of pleasure dies down, all he can feel is loathing for himself.
He doesn’t remember dismissing his secretary nor getting his pants back up, too focused on her, the love of his life, gone as fast as she appeared.
He wonders around the top floor, relentlessly looking for her with a heavy heart because he simply knows, it must have hurt her a little more today. He could see it in her eyes.
She always smiles, she always acts like it doesn’t matter, like it doesn’t even exist, this need he has of multiple lovers, but he can see it all the time she catches him or feels a scent or finds something that someone else has left behind and he can see it in the way she chews her lips nervously, in the way she talks about nonsense just to avoid the silence or to dismiss the elephant in the room or in the way unshed tears gather in her eyes and she blinks them away before he can say something about them. And it kills him, every time.
When he finally finds her he exhales, immensely grateful for the fact that she hasn’t left him. She always stays but there is this part of him that constantly fears the day she’ll leave him, fed up with his kind of life, with his... nature.
“Hey, baby,” he speaks softly and she turns, a shy smile on her features as she pushes the hurt back down, away from his prying eyes.
She kisses him sweetly, eyes fluttering close, but there is an uncertainty pending from her lips and he knows she is wondering if he has kissed his secretary, if his lips are tainted by her as well as his cock is.
“You didn’t tell me you were coming,” he says, and his words hide others between the lines. If you had told me I would have waited, I wouldn’t have made you see it. But of course, he doesn’t speak those because he doesn’t want to hurt her further, to slid the knife back into her already bleeding wound.
“I wanted to surprise you,” she says in a whisper, her gaze drifting off of him and on the bench behind his back where their lunch still awaits, almost untouched.
“Are you ok, baby?” He asks, kissing her forehead as he welcomes her in his arms. He usually doesn’t ask, he knows she doesn’t want him to, but there is something different in her eyes today, a hurt that runs deeper than usual and he can’t shake it off as he normally would. He can’t keep ignoring all the pain he causes her, hiding it under piles and piles of sweet words and void gestures.
“Of course, why do you ask?” Her voice trembles as she says so and her body stiffens because she hates when her voice does that, when it betrays her while she tries to stay strong, to stand upright and not show him all the cracks he has caused on her once pure and intact heart.
“____,” he softly calls her name, hands resting on her shoulders to look her in the eyes and that is all it takes to bring the tears back and it shatters his heart in a thousand pieces. But he deserves to feel this, he is the cause of it after all.
“Baby,” he whispers and he hates how broken he sounds because he has no right to be hurt or to show her his pain, it is not her fault. He is the sole criminal and she is the victim, “I’m sorry.”
She shakes her head ‘no’ because, of course, she knows he can’t help it, that this is what he is and what he will always be but it doesn’t make it any easier, for neither of them.
“It’s ok,” she says, caressing his cheeks lovingly.
“It’s not and I’m sorry,” he closes his eyes to rest his forehead on hers, inhaling deeply to try and steady his rampant heart, “But remember that I love you, only you.”
She nods her head ‘yes’ and more tears come down her eyes and he’d do anything right now to make them stop, to make the ache in heart disappear and vanish forever.
“I know,” she says and she kisses his lips, the only part of him besides his heart that belongs only to her. He never kisses his other lovers because if he could, he would have only her in his bed for the rest of his life but he can’t so he saves what he can for only her to have.
“I love you, too,” she adds and he opens his eyes to watch hers, shining and beautiful as the first time he saw them, staring at him from across a room full of strangers.
Despite the love he feels right now, despite the happiness she gives him when they are together and nothing else exists, he often thinks back to that day he asked her out for the first time and curses himself for ever doing so.
Because if he never did she wouldn’t be here right now, crying because he has fucked another woman, hell, plenty of other women, because of what he is.
He should have known better back then, he was raised knowing that it wasn’t possible for someone like him to ever have a family or to be faithful. He was warned. But he decided to ignore everything and now an innocent heart is paying the consequences of his choices. Because he fell in love, because he couldn’t stop before it was too late, because he wanted her like he never wanted anything else in his entire life.
“Jimin?” she softly calls his name and he hums in response while caressing her hair lovingly, “Can you bring me back home?”
He is taken aback by her request but he complies nevertheless, eager to grant her all she wishes for.
“Of course,” he says, interlacing his fingers with her own and giving her a gentle smile which she doesn’t return, her face suddenly serious and devoid of any sign of affection and, for a moment, Jimin fears the worst.
“Can you take the day off?” she asks, her gaze falling to her feet, eyebrows knitting together as they always do when she is uncertain about something.
“I can if you need me to,” he replies, taking her other hand in his with a frown on his face, “Is there something wrong?”
She shakes her head ‘no’ and lifts her gaze back on him, “For the rest of the day, I want to be your only lover.”
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The door closes behind your backs and you can barely hear it go back in its hinges before your lover's hands are firmly pressed on your hips, pulling you closer to his body so he can rest his lips right above your ear.
“Did you wear this skirt on purpose, dirty girl?” he asks, voice husky as his lips tickle your lobe, his breath hot against your skin and you hum, tilting your head back to give him better access to your neck.
“You had bad intentions today, didn’t you?” his tongue darts out of his plump lips and it licks the soft skin right under your ear, teasing you for what is yet to come.
You sigh and your body relaxes in his embrace, your back pressed against his chest and you close your eyes, nodding your head ‘yes’ in response to his question.
“And what exactly did you have in mind, my dirty little girl?” he presses further, his lips sucking on the tender skin in a way that is bound to make purple roses blossom there in the night.
You hum and open your eyes, turning your head slightly so you can look inside his languid onyx eyes.
“I bought this new lipstick this morning and I wanted to see how it would look around your cock,” you watch the lust pass in his eyes like a falling star, quick but unmistakable, and he grumbles in your ear while his hands move from your hips down to the supple curves of your ass to give it an enthusiastic squeeze.
“Still feel like showing me what your pretty mouth can do?”
The question hangs in the air for a few moments before you eagerly nod your head ‘yes’, a brand new feeling taking over your usual desire to give him pleasure. No, right now, you not only want to bring him pleasure but you also want to be the best one to do it. You want to make him forget that the mouth of Park Kyungri was ever there between his legs, you want to make him regret having hers there instead of yours. You want to beat her and re-claim him as yours, only yours.
“Yes, sir” you whisper, assuming your role of full compliance so he knows exactly where your intimate desires reside at and, trained by years spent together as a couple, he wastes no more words on the matter before he is undressing you.
His hands work with expertise on the zip of your pencil skirt and it falls at your ankles in an instant, revealing the burgundy laced panties you have chosen for the occasion.
There is a moment of silence before he hums in appreciation and his hands start roaming on the expanse of your thighs and ass, giving little tugs and squeezes every now and then.
“Like what you see?” You ask, boldness in your voice while blood rushes in your cheeks at the way his hands keep coming closer to your core but always careful not to brush you where you would need it the most.
“Very,” he concedes, standing up on his feet to help you out of your blouse so he can witness the entire lingerie set you have bought just for him.
His hands grab your hips and turn you around so that his eyes can scan every inch of your skin, stopping a few seconds more on the curve of your breasts, barely covered by the laced bralette and then down between your legs where the panties are absolutely transparent and do nothing to conceal your sex nor the excitement already building there.
He bites his bottom lip while humming in appreciation of your very flimsy attire, lust flashing through his eyes as he takes you in anew.
"What a little dirty girl you are," he says, voice husky with what you can recognize as desire while his gaze fixes on the inconceivable wetness of your untouched core.
You tilt your head to the side and part your lips, eyes slightly closed with a sultry look designed to drawn him closer.
"I am, indeed," you say in a whisper, voice as deep as your yearning for his body on top of yours.
Your right hand caresses your neck and you start swaying your hips suggestively, your fingers slowly tracing down your clavicles and the curve of your breasts, taunting him until he is stepping closer, eyes glued on you and your slow movements.
His hands are quick to caress your body with new found fervor and you feel the fire of his touch scorching your skin, asking every molecule in your body to answer his call and turn your body aflame with desire.
The touch of an Incubus feels intoxicating and it clouds up your mind until all thoughts abide and all that is left is the deep craving for pleasure.
His mouth finds yours and you close your eyes, abandoning yourself to the sensation of being kissed by him like this, half-naked and ready to be taken until your body can no longer stand.
His tongue feels like flames inside your mouth when you part your lips for him and it draws out a moan out of you. Goosebumps arise all over your skin and you shiver in his touch as he guides you closer and closer to his body until no boundaries exist between you aside from his clothing.
His growing excitement is pressed against your swelling mound and you can't help but swing your hips towards his, hoping for a little friction. A gesture that grants you an hiss from his part.
"You're so eager for my cock, aren't you?" He asks, panting on your lips as he opens up his eyes, his dark gaze boring into yours.
"Yes," you whimper out with another rolling of your impatient hips, "I want to taste all of you."
He groans and bites your bottom lip, dragging it down and you hiss in both pleasure and pain that is quickly dissolved by his tongue, lapping the burn away.
His fingers trace your back with slow movements as he kisses your breath away and with expertise, they unclasp the hooks of your bralette.
The flimsy fabric falls on the ground, already dismissed and forgotten once his mouth can kiss the feverish skin that was concealed under it.
His tongue is relentless as he covers up every inch of the supple flesh and you inch your head backward, a silent moan twisting your features as he engulfs your already perking nip with his swollen red lips.
It feels like heaven to be held like this, kissed like this, and you feel yourself craving more and more with each ticking second, the anticipation building in your stomach almost unbearable as he touches you everywhere but between your legs.
"You taste so fucking good," he mutters under his breath as his hands grab your hips and turn you around so he can press his clothed sex on the curve of your ass.
"Do you feel that, baby girl?" He asks, his breath on the curve of your neck, "Nobody gets me as hard as you do," he confesses in a breath and you mewl at his words, your insides twisting with excitement and happiness for this is all you ever wanted. To be the one.
"I want to make you cum in my mouth as you scream my name," you confess, closing your eyes as you picture the moment in your head and he grunts in your ear, thrusting his hips into yours.
"Stay right here," he says, voice thick with excitement and you do as he says, quickly disposing of your heels by throwing them somewhere far away in the living room.
The first thing you feel as soon as he comes back is the feeling of cold metal pressed at the side of your hips.
You tilt your head towards him and smile as you put your arms behind your back, giving him the silent permission to handcuff you.
The feeling of constraint is not foreign to you and in fact, it only serves as a propeller for your already uncontainable desire.
"On your knees," he orders and you quickly follow suit, your ass hitting the back of your feet as you look up at him, ever the compliant companion.
His eyes are dark with lust and you can see in his pupils all the dirty things he wants to do to you, all the ways he wants to taint your body and you can't help but squirm on your spot, rubbing your thighs together at the sole thought.
There is a playful smirk on his swollen lips as he undresses for you, piece by piece, with controlled slowness designed to make you so eager you'd even beg for him.
He unfastens the buttons of his shirt one by one, his eyes never wavering from you and you drink up every inch of his exposed chest as he does so, marveling at the firmness of his stomach and the sculptured abs. You imagine yourself touching his exposed skin, licking and biting his soft him until he is marred with your markings.
He bites his bottom lip as he discards his belt on the ground and sways his hips seductively, knowing oh-to-well the effect he has on you as he does so.
You find yourself holding your breath as he unfastens the button of his black pants, sliding them down until all that is standing between his full erection and you are his boxer briefs.
You can already see it in the confinement of his underwear, the outline of his cock, and you lick your lips in utter anticipation making him grunt in response.
He removes his boxers in a haste and you watch his length ricochet towards his abdomen in all its hardness.
His head looks almost painfully red and moist with pre-cum and he engulfs his cock with his hand, giving it a little pump to prepare himself for you.
"Are you ready, baby girl?" he asks, voice hoarse with desire and you open your mouth in response, tilting your head upwards to meet his gaze.
His cock slides between your lips and on your tongue and you close your eyes, trying to adjust around his incredible girth and he hisses as you gulp down and consequently suck on his head.
You open your mouth more, allowing him to push between your lips until you can fully encompass him and, truthfully, is a slow process because his length has no equal and it takes a while for you to adjust and not suffocate on his otherworldly dick.
You open your eyes to fix your gaze on him and you pump your head forward, pushing him completely inside of you until you can feel his pubic hair prickle your nose and his head hit your throat.
"Fuck," he hisses and his mouth falls agape with the immediate wave of pleasure you endowed him with.
His left hand grabs your nape to keep you steady and he slowly rocks himself inside your mouth, sighing every time you hum around him, sending vibrations all over his girth.
"You feel so good, baby girl," he whimpers out, his eyes fluttering shut as you close your lips together as much as you can, squeezing his length to suck him hard and make him tremble.
His other hand cradles your cheek, encouraging you to keep your pace and bring him under, make him quiver with your name on top of his lips.
The way his features contort with pleasure with every movement you make is enough to fuel you, to make you bolder and stronger in your movements, making you disregard completely the slight burn in your throat with the effort to keep him going, to get him coming in your mouth and all over your face.
"Fuck, baby, don't stop," he whimpers, unable to control himself as he starts fucking your mouth, keeping you steady in his hands and you allow him, relaxing your jaw so that he can use you as he pleases.
Saliva is trailing down your mouth and on your chin and your eyes prickle with tears as you struggle to breathe but you don't stop, not when you can feel him twitching in your mouth, not when you can feel the large vein on his cock rubbing deliciously on your tongue. It is intoxicating.
He pants and mewls your name, head inched backward and eyes shut close as his abdomen starts constricting, his pace getting sporadic as he fights against his own release, not willing to let go just yet.
You hollow your cheeks around him and he moans deeply, the sound of your name ricocheting through the walls in a way you are quite sure won't fall unnoticed by your neighbors and the thought excites you all the more.
He comes like that, with your name hanging on his lips, and you gulp down all you possibly can, almost chocking in your endeavor to not spill even a single drop.
"Shit, baby," he pants as his cock leaves your mouth and his grip around your hair and face loosens up but remains there, turning into soothing caresses while you try to catch your breath. Your attempt of doing so, though, is quickly overrun by the feeling of his mouth on top of yours and his tongue, relentlessly searching for his own taste mixed with yours behind your plush lips.
The kiss is sloppy, all tongues and teeth, and all you wish for is for your hands to be free so you can roam them on his body or let them loose in the strands of his hair.
"Are you okay?" he asks in a whisper as he regains control of himself, and you nod your head as he caresses your cheek lovingly, gazing into your eyes.
"Want more", you hoarsely say, pressing your thighs together in search of friction, not oblivious anymore to the excitement coiled between your legs now that you are not so focused on him anymore.
He chuckles under his breath and the tension in your shoulders disappears as he unfastens the handcuffs, briefly freeing you from your position before he his placing them at your wrists anew, this time bringing your arms in front of you and you already know what is going to happen. He loves watching you squirm, scream and beg for him to make you cum and as he takes you in his arms, guiding you inside the apartment and towards the massive black marble table in your bedroom, your initial thoughts are confirmed.
The surface is cold against your feverish skin and you shiver as he lays you down on the table, guiding your arms towards the little hook hanging from the ceiling, an addition to your bedroom made for times like this one.
You open your legs for him, stretching them wide so you can watch him shift his gaze from your face to what was hidden between your legs.
He hisses as he notices the wet patch on your lingerie, your arousal almost dripping down your core and he launches between your legs, his nose inhaling the scent of your excitement.
His breath is hot against your wet mound and it sends a shiver down your spine but it does not compare to the feeling of his mouth, encompassing your sex through the flimsy underwear.
"Jimin," you plea, breathless.
"Yes, baby?"
He pulls your underwear to the side and you watch him smirk at the lewd sound the wet lingerie makes as he moves it aside before he is licking his lips in anticipation. He looks like a famished man ready to consume his first meal in days and it is a sight that makes your insides contract painfully.
"I want to feel your tongue all over me, please," you whimper out, your head falling backward as he breathes above your swollen and needy lips.
He hums and you can almost feel the vibrations hit your core which makes your hips buckle forward.
"In a minute," he says, kissing your inner thigh before leaving you there, his eyes glinting with mischief.
You watch him walk away from you, dick bouncing with a new erection against his abdomen and you can't help but focus your eyes on the perfect curve of his ass, sculpted by the Gods nor you can help imaging biting down the supple flash, tint it in an angry red that spills out your name in clear letters.
It is a thought that makes your mouth water and you impatiently grunt, watching him rummage through your toys drawer eager to see what he will bring back.
You recognize it instantly: the black velvety blindfold, star of many of your sexual encounters. A clear sign that Jimin is not out to play today, no, he is out for blood.
Your throat constricts and you wet your lips as he blinds you, careful to not tie it too tight but still enough for you to be unable to escape the deprivation of your sight.
The world seems to stop as it turns into pitch blackness and you can feel your other senses stretch, trying to compensate for the missing one.
Suddenly, everything seems louder around you and you can hear his breath, the slight shift in his movements as he falls on the ground right in front of your dripping sex, the way he takes in air before encompassing your mound with his plump mouth.
This sensation alone is close to set your whole body aflame and your back arches towards the ceiling, your mouth falling agape with the unexpected wave of pleasure.
His hands come to rest on the underside of your thighs, keeping you firm and spread for him as his tongue darts out of his lascivious mouth.
He gives you a tentative lick, tongue flat against your folds, and you sigh in response, tilting your head to the side already feeling your body turning into nothing but jelly.
He kisses your sex like he has kissed your lips and you can already feel the energy being drawn out of you to feed his insatiable lust. Your breath turns ragged, your lips quiver and your head falls backward: your entire being surrenders to him and his deathly tongue, turning your core into his meal for the day.
The lapping of his tongue catches up speed and turns deeper, sleeking between the folds and then rolling around your clitoris until you’re a moaning mess with tears menacing to fall on your cheeks out of pure bliss.
“Jimin,” you whimper out his name and his lips kiss your wet ones, humming against the swollen flesh, “I need more, please.”
You feel him smirk on your skin, his breath ghosting over your folds and you know he enjoys this way too much. The way you will crumble and scream and beg for him, the way you have no fear or shame in asking for what you seek the most. And that is why he always happily complies to your very wishes.
His tongue pushes past your lips, invading your core with one swift movement. Your breath gets caught in your lungs and your back arches again, a mewl escaping from your parted lips as you can finally have him inside of you, even if it’s only a little part of him.
His tongue curls inside of you, hitting your inner walls with calculated precision and you feel yourself madly contracting around him.
You can almost picture how good he looks right now, enclosed by your legs, eating you out as if you were his last meal on his last day on earth. It’s an image that makes you whimper out and wish this blindfold would untangle itself so you could witness it in reality. But you cannot deny how the sensations between your legs are tenfold amplified by its presence and that fact is clear when he starts fucking into you with his tongue, relentlessly lapping your juices, and it feels like being shattered into thousand pieces and transported to heaven itself.
Your diaphragm spasmodically contracts, knocking the air out of your lungs, and you start panting loudly, chanting the word ‘yes’ with strangled whimpers that only turn him bolder in his movements.
“I’m-I’m, ah!” The world turns white, your ears start ringing loudly and your hips arch in the air, thighs quivering with the orgasm that washes over you.
You almost cannot feel your body once the high dies down and you’re flat against the hard table. Yes, it feels almost as if you are an incorporeal being, made out of only pleasure and contentment.
His plump lips against your cheek are the first thing you feel once your breath has considerably calmed down and you tilt your head to the side, searching for his face almost forgetting entirely the existence of the blindfold around your eyes.
"Hey," he whispers in your ear and his careful hands untangle the velvet cloth from behind your head, finally releasing you from one of your confinements.
"Hey," you whisper back, voice hoarse as you blink your eyes, trying to adapt to the light of the apartment again.
He is a few inches away from your face, looking at you as if you are the most precious treasure in the world.
He kisses your jawline, softly, dragging his movements down on your neck and it immediately sparks the fire back in your body, making you crave the blissful feeling of pleasure all over again.
"Are you up for round two, baby girl?" He asks, almost reading your thoughts and you mewl in response, spreading your legs up wide for him again.
"What a little insatiable dirty girl you are," he whispers atop your lips before kissing them roughly, biting down the battered skin until you moan for him.
"No blindfold," you say as he departs from your swollen lips, searching for his eyes, "I want to look at you as you make me come, please."
"You want to see all your pretty juices dripping down my chin?" he asks, his hands caressing the sides of your body and you bite your bottom lip in response, whimpering something incomprehensible even to yourself.
"I'll make sure to not leave even a single drop out," his voice is raw with passion as he says this but you have no time to respond to his dirty words because his mouth is already lapping at your aching core.
He eats you out almost ferociously, barely breathing between your folds and you feel the pleasure build up in your stomach quickly, turning you into a moaning and quivering mess.
This time his tongue and lips are entirely focused on your bundle of nerves, sucking, encompassing the little trigger of your arousal until you are threshing on the table, arching your back in a silent request for more.
His fingers intrude your sex almost unexpectedly but your previous orgasm and the excitement he has nicely build back make it easier for him to sneak his digits in and curl them inside of you.
"Fuck," you hiss, your head hitting the table almost painfully as your body relaxes at the sensation of being stretched way further than his tongue did.
"Does it feel good, baby?"
"Y-yes," you muster a whimpered response whilst he introduces a third finger inside of you, adding to the pressure in your stomach.
His movements are slow and calculated, carefully designed to loosen your walls enough to accommodate his cock shortly.
His eyes are dark as onyx as he stares at you, relentless in his ministrations, and your mouth falls agape in a silent moan as he picks up speed, guided by all the little reactions you give him in return.
His lips are tight around your little mound, sucking on the bundle of nerves whilst his hands move fast in and out of you, frantically chasing your climax to make you scream his name again and, God, you do.
Something snaps inside of you — your body trembles with deep waves of utter pleasure, your vision turns completely black and you fall lax on the hard marble table. For a moment, all that exists is the pleasure and the sound of his name leaving your mouth.
"Baby," his voice is distant as he calls your name but you still respond, tilting your head to the side and opening your eyes though you didn't realize you had closed them in the first place.
His hands are soft and gentle again, freeing you of your last confinement and you're suddenly made aware of the burn in your arms as you regain control over them.
"How are you feeling?" He asks, caressing your chest and stomach with soothing figures eight.
"Amazing," you say in return, seeking his lips to share a gentle kiss.
"Good," he hums to himself before taking you in his strong arms, lifting you from the table to guide you to the much softer expanse of your bed.
You feel your body relax on the fresh sheets and your eyes close as soon as your head is resting above the cushion. His touch is gentle and it makes you feel like clay, being molded by his fingers into whatever he sees fit for himself.
"Drink this," he says, lifting your head to guide your lips to the glass of water that has materialized in his hand. You realize you must have dozed off at some point without even realizing it. A side effect, you'd say, of being the lover of an Incubus: the more you concede yourself to him the more your energy shifts from your body to his. Where he is reinvigorated, you are drained. Yet, you love every second of it.
The water is a nice relief and it seems to bring some of your energy back, making your body feel more like himself or, at least, enough to attend to his evident needs.
His cock is fully erected between his legs, almost painfully so, and if the angry red of his head is anything to go by he must be desperate for his own release.
He follows your gaze while discarding the now empty glass on the bedside table and smirks, tilting his head to the side as he gives himself a little stroke.
"Are you still up to the task, my love?" He asks, lifting his eyebrows in a suggestive manner and you nod your head in response, biting your lips for good measure.
"I'm always ready for your cock."
Your left hand encompasses your swollen and still dripping sex, your eyes boring into him to watch the fire light up inside his eyes at the suggestive act.
“My dirty little slut,” he groans, turning your body upside down so your face is flat against the mattress and he has you at his complete disposal.
His hands guide your hips upwards and you arch your back for him, shaking your ass to taint him further, an act that grants you a little smack on the supple flesh.
“You have no idea what I’m going to do to you,” he whispers above you, his eyes dark as he stares at your dripping core and you mewl for him, your insides twitching into nothing but pure air at the only mention of his dirty fantasies coming reality.
You hear the sound of a bottle being opened and then the familiar smell of vanilla that belongs to your favorite lube.
His hands start rubbing the skin of your bottom cheeks, soothing you until you are fully relaxed and ready to welcome the sensation of his fingers, spreading the lube in and out of you.
Your brows knit together as soon as one of his fingers enters your hole and you exhale a hard breath, preparing yourself for the deep stretch you’re out to get.
His finger is delicate inside of you, curling ever so slightly to give you pleasure along with the slight burn and you reward him with little sighs every time he does so.
The lube does a great job in helping him slide a second finger in and your hips buckle almost instantly at the arousing feeling of having him so deep inside of you.
“Does it feel good, baby girl?” He asks, his free hand pressing on your back to keep you nicely arched for him, allowing him to thrust his fingers further inside of you.
“Yes,” you whimper, rocking your hips backward to meet his pace. Another smack lands on your ass and you cry out loud, feeling the arousal between your legs slick down your thighs.
You protest at the sudden feeling of emptiness that comes with his fingers leaving your insides but it is a sensation quickly subdued by the deeper stretch of a lubed butt plug.
Your eyes close immediately and you hold your breath, feeling every inch of the toy slither inside of you ever so slowly. The discomfort is only initial and you find your walls adapting to the foreign object quite quickly, allowing you to relax and enjoy the deep stretch inside of you.
“Beautiful,” he hums and you wiggle your ass in response which, of course, grants you another spank on your now inflamed skin.
"Jimin," you call out his name with a sigh, turning your head so you can glance at him, still staring at your sex, "I want you to fuck me, now."
The neediness in your voice mixes with the deep growl escaping his mouth and his firm hands are grasping your hips anew, pulling you back until you're forced to stand on all fours, allowing him all the access he needs. He guides his cock to your sex and you can't help but shiver as soon as you feel his skin touch your folds, nicely gathering all your juices before penetrating you. He pushes his head into you, slowly, and his girth leaves you breathless for a moment, your walls immediately contracting around him at the sensation of fullness his cock gives you. Your hands are flat against the mattress and you use them as leverage to push back, trying to meet his length and push him further inside of you. Your head tilts backward as your walls stretch blissfully around him, welcoming him until he's almost completely sheathed inside of you and you are whimpering his name, asking him for more. The first push of his hips is slow but deep and it makes your body lunge forward. The second push of his hips comes faster and deeper and you almost lose your balance under the pressure of his strength. The third push is neat and hard against your pleasure spot and it makes you moan his name loudly. His hands come to rest on the small of your back, keeping in place your ass as he guides you down to meet his hips so he can pound into you while aiming at the same spot, over and over again. "Harder, f-fuck, harder," you whimper out and he quickens his speed, his hips smacking against yours with such force your arms give out and you fall flat on your face. "Look at you taking my cock like the dirty slut you are," he groans, grabbing your hair to pull your head back so he can look inside your eyes. "Y-yes, I'm your slut, ah," your voice is hoarse and you struggle to push the words out while he relentlessly fucks into you, stealing your breath away with every push of his hips. His grasp on your hair tightens and you are forced to keep your neck arched for him enough for his other hand to reach your neck. The pressure of his fingers around your throat comes almost instantly and you close your eyes, feeling your face become hotter with the sudden lack of oxygen. Your mind becomes fuzzy and you feel yourself pant out loud, the arousal between your legs growing harder as you feel yourself contracting madly around him. "Fuck, you feel so fucking good, baby," he whimpers out as he leaves your neck, allowing you to breathe again and push you forward until you're completely flat against the bed and he's on top of you, fucking you senseless. He senses it coming before you do and he bites down the skin of your shoulder, slowing down his movements to make sure he can hit your pleasure spot with all his might and, for the third time that night, the orgasm makes your body quiver and swepts the world away in a haze of white. You can still feel him inside of you, rocking his hips forward as he chases his own release but you can barely utter a single word as you try to come down from your own high. "I'm so close, uh, " he grunts in your ear and you push your thighs together, purposely contracting your walls around him until he's coming into a cacophony of swear words. His movements slow down as he milks out his release and when the overstimulation starts becoming too much for both of you he falls flat atop your body, breathing hard against your back. "Damn it, baby girl," he whispers, moving to your side so he can hold you close to his chest. You tilt your head up to watch him in the eyes and he gives you a gentle smile, kissing your sweaty forehead as you both struggle to calm down the rampant beating of your hearts. You completely turn towards him, pressing your bodies together and that is when you realize his cock is still as hard as when you got home earlier that afternoon. "You're still hard," you say in a whisper, your hand traveling atop his abs before encompassing his length to give him a little pump.
He whimpers instantly at the sensation of your touch and you take it as a cue to keep on moving your hand up and down, slowly, until the risk of chafing him becomes real and his eyes are closed in deep bliss.
You slither down his body, caressing his torso as you travel downwards, your gaze fixed on the treasure between his legs.
Your mouth opens to welcome all of him past your lips and he groans loudly.
“Baby,” his voice is strangled and his abdomen contracts as you hollow your cheeks around him, sucking him hard.
“I want to fuck you until even your cock can’t take it anymore,” you confess atop the now sleek head of his cock and he growls at the lascivious ideas your words have planted in his head.
“Then do it,” he says, his hands grasping your hair to tug on them almost painfully, “Fuck me.”
The way he speaks those two words, voice husky and deep, turn your entire body aflame. He doesn’t need to speak those words twice before you are straddling his hips, your thighs tight around his sides, and you are aligning yourself to his rock hard cock.
Your folds open for him, welcoming him with the squelching sound of your juices mixed with his cum still sheathed inside of you. The sensation alone makes him moan loudly and you take it as a cue to let your hips fall on him with one swift movement, your walls stretching around him until he’s balls deep inside of you.
“Fuck, baby, you take my cock so well,” he whimpers out, eyes closed and bottom lip trapped by his teeth as he struggles to not rock his hips against yours. For once, he wants you to be in control and, for once, you want to be the one bringing him down and not the other way around.
You want to rejoice in the feeling of being able to unravel him, bring him to heaven and back. For once, your own pleasure comes in second place.
You place your hands above his chest and you start rotating your hips around him, tortuously slow so you can hear him sigh and whimper and watch his eyes open with a silent request reflected in those dark irises.
“Jimin,” you softly call out his name and he hums in response, watching you with his mouth slightly parted, “Don’t look away from me,” you whisper and you lift your hips until he’s almost completely out of you only to fall on top of him again, this time with new-found strength.
You lift your hips again and smack them down on him, the sound of your hips colliding making you both moan at the same time.
You arch your back and place your hands right under his knees to angle yourself and relentlessly fuck into him.
The sounds your bodies make are lewd and you can’t help but whimper yourself as you push him in and out of you quick and hard, chasing his release.
“Ugh, I’m close, baby, fuck,” a deep moan fills his mouth and you whimper in response, the sound making your walls pleasurably clench around his length.
You push your body forward, falling on top of him to cradle his face with your hands as you keep pounding onto him.
You kiss him harshly, dragging his bottom lip down until you can feel the taste of copper in your mouth and then you lick all the pain away, engulfing all his panting breaths with your lips.
You can feel his body starting to tremble and you sink on him harder, hitting your pleasure spot in the process.
You whimper out his name whilst looking inside his eyes and that seems to be the setting stone on his grave for as soon as the sound leaves your parted mouth, he comes in hot spurts inside of you, filling you up to the brim.
You have no time to chase your own orgasm or to milk his own away for his arms press you flush to his chest and before you can realize what is happening, he’s standing on his two feet, dragging you across the room.
You struggle to keep your balance as your feet touch the floor, your ears buzzing with the sudden movement and your head feeling as light as feathers.
Your eyes settle in front of you and you’re welcome with the view of the city landscape, visible from the big window in your bedroom.
His hands grab your arms and lift them up and you let him guide you, foretasting what is about to happen.
The feeling of the straps hanging from the ceiling is familiar and it makes your insides clench. This, is your favorite spot. The idea of watching the world outside your window as he fucks into you, the idea of somebody seeing you like this, they excite you beyond limit.
“Tell me how badly you want me to make you come,” he says above your ear, pushing you forward until you’re standing right in front of the window, your forehead almost touching the glass.
“Please,” you whimper out, pushing your hips backward to grant him an easier access to your sex.
He squeezes your cheeks together and you heave out a breath as you feel the butt plug leaving your now stretched hole. You turn your head as much as your position allows you to, studying his expression as he looks down at your gaping hole.
Your thighs rub together in anticipation, the imaginary feeling of his cock filling you up again enough to arouse you more but you’re met with a smirk and the sound of the lube bottle being opened again behind your back.
You barely have the time to process what is happening before you feel the hard and bigger toy move past your hole and stretch you further, preparing you completely for his cock.
Your eyes close and you let out a whimper at the burning sensation between your cheeks, blood rushing through your face in the effort to keep still and let the lube do its job.
The new butt plug is wider in girth from the previous one and the sensation of the toy completely inside of you is enough to make your legs quiver and turn your abrupt breaths into hasty sighs.
“Fuck me raw,” you whimper out, your forehead touching the cooling surface of the window and he forcefully grabs your hips, angling you to his cock.
“As you wish, my dirty girl.”
He’d usually move slowly into you, allowing you to adjust to his wide and long cock but this time, when you’re so full of cum and your own arousal you could fill up a glass with, he simply pushes right into you, stopping only when he is balls deep inside of you and you’re squirming under his touch, the burning feeling and the pleasure mixing nicely until you’re not sure where one stops and the other begins.
He pushes you forward until your body is completely flat against the glass, the cooling surface making your nipples perk up and a shiver run down your spine.
He fucks into you slowly, just like this, allowing everyone who can look out of their windows to see you completely naked, being owned from behind.
“Do you like that, baby?” He says in a breath, strangled by the effort of keeping his pace strong and heavy between your legs, “Do you like being exposed like this? Letting anyone see what a dirty little slut you are?”
“Yes”, you whimper out, pushing your hips back to meet his, searching for that scorching feeling of release you so desperately need.
He bends his legs slightly, guiding you with him and you sink right onto him, allowing him to push inside of you further and find your pleasure spot again.
His fingers are tight around your hips and you feel the skin bruising up there in the form of his digits, and the thought of being marked like this, of being possessed to such an extent that anyone would know with a single look at you that you are his, makes your insides burn with desire.
You feel him twitch inside of you, a signal that he may come again like this, before you’re granted your own release and you tilt your head backward, searching for his eyes.
“Jimin,” you whisper softly and he looks up at you, grabbing your hair until you’re arching your back for him and he can successfully pound into you.
The head of his cock brushes against your bundle of nerves and you moan out his name, closing your eyes at the blissful sensation.
“There, right there, fuck, don’t stop.”
The new position allows him to repeatedly hit your cervix and, consequently, the trigger to your pleasure.
Your legs quiver as the new wave of arousal washes over you and a strangled moan leaves your mouth as your whole body is set aflame, your juices flooding out of you as your orgasm manifests itself in the form of a squirt.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” your voice has turned into a shriek as he keeps pounding into you, milking out all the juices you have to give and just as you’re about to cry out of overstimulation he comes too, stilling his movements whilst his cock twitches inside of you, releasing his orgasm.
Your knees buckle as your high washes out and you’re sure if it weren’t for the straps holding you up you would have fallen to the ground, completely and utterly spent.
His hands turn gentle again and they encompass your body as he frees you of your confinement and gathers you inside his strong arms.
His voice is barely above a whisper and you can hardly make out any of the words he speaks but you know, they all come from a place of love.
Your eyes are closed by the time you’re lying on the bed again and you don’t open them even when he’s guiding your lips to a new glass of water to make sure you won’t pass out on him anytime soon.
“You’ve been so good tonight, baby,” he says, kissing your forehead after a while and you finally open your eyes, taking your time to watch his face, flushed with blood and serene with the contentment.
“What if I want more?” You croak out, tracing his face with a finger and he shakes his head ‘no’ a couple of times.
“You’re exhausted,” he says and his words do imply that he is not, that his hunger is not sufficiently satiated just yet and you hate your humanity in this moment because it doesn’t allow you to keep up as much as you want to.
“I want to be your only lover, at least for one day. You promised” you whisper, your gaze falling to his chest and then down to his cock, still half-erected between his legs.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he says, kissing your temple before guiding your face upwards to look inside your eyes.
“Then fuck me,” you say, pulling on his neck until he’s close enough for you to kiss him breathless.
“Baby,” he warns you, concern laced in his gaze and you hate it. All you want to see there, for just this one night, is love, passion, desire.
“I want you,” you say, voice shaky as you roll your hips to meet his own, “All of you, everywhere inside of me.”
He grunts as your abused core brushes against his half-erection and he stills your movements with his hands, searching for your eyes.
"Baby, if you do that again I won't be able to control myself," his voice trembles as he says so and you purposely roll your hips onto his again.
"Then don't," your voice is husky as you speak those words, your tone laced with sultriness.
He curses under his breath, shaking his head as he pushes your body down, straddling your waist with his toned thighs.
"You'll be the death of me, baby girl."
His mouth falls on your swollen lips and you sigh into him, closing your eyes as his tongue claims yours anew. Oh Lord knows if you could, you'd do only this for the rest of your life. Kissing him, making love to him, being forever close to each other and attached by the hips, mouths touching every breathing moment of your lives. Yes, you'd live like this. You'd gladly lose yourself into him and a part of you knows, he'd do it too if he could.
"Spread your legs for me, baby," he says in a hot breath atop your lips and you quickly abide, allowing him to take a look between your legs.
It is a mess of juices and cum still flowing out of you and the sight makes him whistle in admiration.
"You look so beautiful like this, so amazingly fucked and full of me."
You lock your gaze on him and your hands travel between your legs, teasing him as you gather your own juices and spread them around your swollen labia.
He curses under his breath and smacks your hands away with a warning look on his face.
"Wait here," he says, quickly leaving the bed, "And don't you dare touch yourself!" He shoots you a look before he's rushing to your toys drawers again and you bite your bottom lip in anticipation, your heart hammering in your chest with trepidation.
You can see a glimpse of bright pink in his hands before he is turning towards you, almost running back on the bed as a kid who found the treasure he was looking for and, truthfully, the vibrator held in his hand is quite the gem.
The toy is in the shape of a rabbit and your mouth waters only looking at it, already quite accustomed to the devastating effects of its precise work.
"Turn around," he orders and you follow suit, standing on all fours to grant him the perfect view of your battered bottom cheeks and your wet core.
His fingers are hot as they caress your inner thigh, guiding your legs to spread them wider and as soon as the vibrator comes in contact with your entrance you jolt on the spot, overly sensitive to any little touch.
"Relax baby, I'll make you feel really good," he says, kissing one of your cheeks as he pushes the toy inside of you, little inches at a time. The rabbit vibrator is not excessively long but the stretch feels nice nonetheless and, honestly, the best part is the second rabbit hear precisely angled atop your womanhood.
"Ass up, baby girl," he orders as soon as the toy is sheathed inside of you and you do as he says, resting your head on the bed with a hand keeping the toy firm inside of you.
He kisses your bottom cheek again whilst his fingers work around your butt plug, removing it slowly so that your hole is still gaping for him when it is removed.
The scent of vanilla invades your nostrils and you bite your lips in anticipation as you feel him align to your sex, nicely coated in lube.
The head of his cock moves past your walls, slowly inching forward so you're allowed to adjust and accommodate around him but the lube and the previous stretch do really make it a fairly easy job. The slight discomfort and burning feeling are quickly mitigated by the yearning for pleasure and he pushes himself forward until he's almost completely inside of you.
"Turn it on, baby," he whispers behind your back and you don't let him repeat these words twice before your pushing on the side button of your vibrator, quickly maneuvering around the settings as he instructs you to.
The vibrations hit you like waves and you whimper almost immediately, grabbing the sheets beneath you with your free hand.
He slowly pushes inside of you, testing the way you feel around his cock and you sigh in pleasure at the slight movement.
He whimpers behind your back as he pushes himself out of you before smacking right back in, sending jolts through your spine and up his hard cock.
The sensation of him moving in and out of you and the pulsating waves of the rabbit toy is almost too much already and you start panting loudly, struggling to keep yourself anchored and not just give in to the pleasure.
His little moans in your ears seem to only add fuel to the fire and you start bouncing back onto him, meeting his speed at full force, mind clouded by the menace of your impending release.
You start to whimper in the form of his name and he increases his speed, searching for his own release while granting you yours.
"Make it faster, baby," he instructs, voice strangled from the effort and your trembling fingers reach for the setting buttons of the toy stimulating your core. The waves get stronger and you moan loudly before grabbing the sheets with your teeth, strangling your own sounds as he fucks deeper inside of you.
Your eyes roll back inside your head and your toes curl with the new wave of orgasm that encompasses you completely.
Your whole body jerks under him whilst he keeps relentlessly fucking into you, making sure you keep cumming all over your abused bed sheets.
"Fuck, I want that pussy to cum all over my cock," he groans behind you and he stills his movements, grabbing your hips to turn you around.
His eyes are almost ravenous as he watches the state your core is reduced to and he angrily pushes the vibrator away from your sex, attaching his mouth on your lips in its place.
You arch your back to the ceiling, head falling backward, and you call out his name in a strangled moan, squirming under the touch of his covetous tongue.
“I-I want to come with you,” you whimper out, slightly closing your thighs to make him stop before he sends you to Heaven once more.
“As you wish,” he whispers with one swift lick of his tongue and you shudder as he lifts your body up to push it up against the nearest wall.
Your legs hook around his hips and your fingers grab fists of his hair as he pushes himself past your lips and all inside of you in one single thrust.
“Don’t come until I tell you to,” he says, kissing your lips one last time before he starts pounding into you.
Your noses brush together with each and every stroke of his length inside of you and you start to pant atop his parted mouth, eyes unwavering from his.
The position you’re forced in allows him to push up high inside your walls and hit your cervix with utter precision, stimulating your pleasure spot with ravishing thrusts that draw out mewls and sighs out of you.
“Harder,” you whimper, tugging on his hair until he groans in both pain and pleasure, thrusting faster inside of you.
“Ah, keep going, fuck, yes” you mouth falls agape and you close your eyes, feeling your body twitch with the beginnings of a release you are not allowed to give in to just yet.
His lips kiss your own, ferociously, all teeth and tongue and you pant into him, whispering his name on top of his mouth until he’s completely breathless and struggling to keep his rhythm inside of you.
“Baby,” he softly calls for you and you lock your gaze onto his again, “I love you,” he says, quickly placing a kiss atop your lips.
“I’m all yours,” he adds, with another quick peck, “I’ll always be only yours.”
His words bring tears to your eyes and you nod your head ‘yes’, hugging him closer to your chest until not even air can stand between your bodies melting all boundaries between your separate existences.
“Come for me, baby girl,” he whispers into your ear and, just like magic, his words draw the final straw to your resistance and you come for him, clenching all around him until he’s coming too, filling you up till you’re sure your body can’t take it anymore. It is utter bliss.
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Your eyes feel stuck by glue as you try to pry them open and you slowly become aware not only of your surroundings but also of the aching spread out in your entire body.
Muscles sore, bones heavy and very little energy are the feelings you wake up to and, as soon as you can make out the outline of what is in your peripheral vision, his smile is what welcomes you back into the world.
“Hey,” he says before planting a kiss on your forehead, hugging you closer to his chest which, you realize, is what you used as a cushion for the entirety of the night.
“Hey,” you croak out, throat hoarse with the effort of the deep and loud moans that escaped your mouth for the entirety of yesterday’s evening and night.
“How are you feeling baby?”
You close your eyes and wince as soon as you try to move and readjust your position in search for a more comfortable one.
“Like crap,” you admit, opening your eyes to look into his again. You can see guilt flash in his eyes and your heart shrivels in your chest.
This is why. This is the very reason he has to cheat on you and seek pleasure into other women’s mouths and between other women’s legs. You are not enough.
You are quick to realize that even the task of standing up or walking on your own would be too much to ask and for a moment, all you wish for is to fall back asleep and drown in sweet dreams all the bad thoughts swirling in your mind.
“Hey,” he softly calls you again as soon as your eyes close and you open them back up, shivering in his embrace, “Stay with me, baby.”
You move your head up, embracing his hips with your sluggish arms to push him closer and you stay just like this for long minutes, looking into each other’s eyes with silent apologies reflecting in them despite the fact that, really, neither of you blames the other in the slightest.
It happens just like this.
In his embrace you can suddenly feel the tension in his muscles —  so incredibly stronger and more invigorated by your salacious activities in the night —  and the shift of his body so that your hips are no longer as close together as they were a few seconds before. And of course, it only takes a quick glance from your part to notice the erection between his legs.
You think to yourself that it would be easy to attend to his needs, to open your mouth and suck him off until he’s satiated but the truth is that your body can’t take it anymore. Not for today, not when all your energies have been gathered and drained from your mouth to his in the form of that lifeblood he so desperately needs to survive.
Your eyebrows knit together and you look up at him, your lips quivering as unshed tears cloud up your vision because you know, he will have to leave you like this. He will have to seek another woman while you stay in bed alone, waiting for him to return with her scent all over his skin. And you can’t fucking take it anymore. Not today, maybe not ever anymore.
“I’m sorry... I can’t...” you whimper pathetically in his embrace and he hugs you closer to his chest, silencing you with his lovely whispers.
“I know, baby, I know, it’s ok, I don’t need anything.”
You shake your head and take in a hard breath, knowing oh-too-well that his words are lies. You did this before, once, and it was enough to prove to the both of you that some things cannot be changed.
He tried to have you as his only lover and it ended up almost killing the both of you. You, because you couldn’t give him anything more and him, because you simply didn’t have enough to give. There is absolutely no winning in a situation like this.
“Yes, you do.”
”No, I’m perfectly fine right now so there is no need for you to worry about me.”
He gives you a gentle smile before quickly kissing your lips, ready to move on from the painful subject.
You know your pain is like a sharp sword, twisting and cutting the tender flesh of his already deep wounds and, really, you do hate to see all those dark emotions swirl into his eyes but, at the same time, you simply can’t keep going on like this, ignoring all your emotions, bottling them up in hope they will be eventually forgotten. They won’t magically disappear, they didn’t yesterday, they are not now, and they will never dissipate.
“Jimin,” you whimper out, taking his wrist in your hand as he gets up from the bed.
He stays silent, his eyes wandering off everywhere except your face and, closed off in his own muteness, he gathers you in his arms, lifting you up to guide you to the kitchen.
“You need to eat something first. You need some energy back.”
He tries to play off the loving boyfriend part as he usually would but you notice the tension in his jawline, the stiffness in his body and the fake happiness in his voice.
“I’m not hungry, I want to talk.”
He turns around and looks into your eyes, his gaze suddenly stern and you wince under it, biting your bottom lip in shame for, with one quick look, he has made you feel like a kid throwing a tantrum.
“We can talk later.”
It is with reticence that you drink up your coffee and eat up the warm bagel he prepares for you and you do it because you know he’s right, you do need all the energy you can get from a proper meal which is something you realize you didn’t have ever since yesterday morning.
You sigh as you finish gulping down the remnants of your breakfast and you lift your gaze to look at him, feeling your insides churn with anxiety.
“You should go taking care of...” your gaze shifts from his face to the evident tent in his sweatpants, “Problem.”
“I already told you I’m ok,” he says, his voice stiff as he takes your empty plate and cup away, turning his back on you.
“Jimin, we both know you can’t resist the whole day like that,” you hate the fact that you raise your voice or the way you sound when you speak those words, especially after the amazing day you spent together yesterday but you still speak them, because they are the truth and you care for his well being, maybe even more than your own.
“Why are you so eager to send me to another woman?” He asks with rage in his voice, turning around to fix his fuming eyes on you, hurt flashing through them.
“I’m not! But I can’t pretend you won’t sneak out at some point and fuck some random girl you met at a bar!”
You get up from your seat, ignoring the way your head spins as you do so, and he takes a step back, evidently hurt by your vicious remark.
“I’m sorry,” he simply says, his gaze fixing on his feet and your heart breaks at the sight of his face, twisted into one of guilt and sorrow, and it is worse because you know you planted those emotions there.
“I think we should...” his voice trails off and panic shoots right through you, taking your breath away.
“Don’t say it,” you whimper, hot tears falling from your eyes and down to your cheeks.
“I don’t want to keep hurting you like this,” he lifts his gaze to the ceiling and you notice his lips trembling as tears fall on his face as well, “I can’t...” he gulps down, trying to gather his thoughts but evidently failing to do so.
“Don’t leave me,” you walk the distance between your bodies with quick steps to take his hands into yours, grabbing them with all the strength you can muster.
“We can’t keep doing this. I can’t be only yours... Look at the state you’re in today... I could have killed you!”
He shakes his head and frees his hands from your grasp, briskly walking past you, his mind already made up on what he thinks he has to do to save you both.
He’s almost at the door when you realize that once he is gone through it he won’t be coming back.
Your sobs are loud and they shake your whole body, menacing to wrench it open, unhinge all the bones you’re made of and leave you in pieces on the floor, crying your heart away.
“P-please d-d-don’t leave m-me,” your whisper is as broken as you feel while falling on your knees. It is pain like you have never felt it before. It’s in your heart, it’s in your head and it’s everywhere else and it makes you wonder if somebody can die out of nothing but pure torment.
Warm arms suddenly surround you, like towers made for protecting you and keep everything that can hurt you out of reach.
There are lips kissing your head and a sweet voice humming in your ears but for the longest of times, you do not recognize any of these as his.
Your heartbeat slows down in your chest, your panting breath returning to a more regular fashion as this strong body keeps rocking you back and forth, pacifying you.
“I won’t, I won’t, I’m sorry I said that,” that voice speaks those words chanting them like a mantra and it makes your eyes look up, searching for its owner’s face.
“I’m sorry, baby, I just wanted to make it better, I’m so sorry.”
You move inside his arms to hug him close to your chest, your grasp tight around him in fear he may disappear soon if you let go of him.
“I love you, I’m sorry.”
You kiss his lips desperately and he hugs you closer, dragging you on top of his body.
“Don’t leave me,” you whisper on his lips and he nods his head, softly kissing your lips.
“I won’t, I swear I’ll be yours for as long as you’ll have me.”
Your hands caress his face and you close your eyes, exhaling loudly as you try to gather your thoughts.
“Can we... can we set some rules?”
“I’ll do whatever you want me to,” he quickly says, not even stopping to think of what your words may imply, “As long as you are happy, I can do everything.”
Your heart swells in your chest, blooming like flowers under the warm sun.
“I don’t want to know when you meet someone else.”
“You won’t bring them here so I won’t see them or find something they have left behind.”
“Ok,” he nods his head for emphasis and you stroke his hair back away from his forehead.
“No sex in the car and not in the office either because I could see you there and I also don’t want to smell another woman on you. No marks either.”
It does sound absurd to remove all the proves that he is lying with other women when you already know he will on a daily basis but, as people always say: out of sight, out of mind.
“One last thing,” you add, pecking his lips, “Your mouth is only for me to kiss. Promise me.”
“I never kiss them,” he shakes his head, kissing the sides of your mouth with tenderness, “My lips are only yours, just like my heart.”
He promises all those things with soft kisses on your mouth and on your supple flesh; he reminds you of how much he loves you with every tender stroke of his fingers on your skin as he washes you in the shower and when he massages the sore muscles and most importantly when he slowly makes love to you during the night in the dim light of lit candles; he proves it to you staying the entire day by your side whilst promising you he will do so every weekend of his life for as long as you’ll be together for, just for a couple of days, he can and he will be completely and utterly yours.
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Copyright © 2018 by jeonggukingdom. All rights reserved. 
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kpopaeipathy · 5 years
A Voice to Remember (Jimin Drabble)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Angst
Summary: After a break up, no matter how long it’s been, there’s always something for you to remember.
Word Count: 258
A/N: Reposting. This is for @serendipity-day project. I hope y’all like it even though it’s short ^^ Also, this drabble was inspired by this.
It’s been so long you’d forgotten everything.
You forgot the deep brown eyes that seemed to be able to see the secrets of your soul. You forgot the cheerful smile that made those eyes almost close and you could hardly see the happiness hidden in them.
The slim, well-formed body that was capable of giving you warmth (both a protective warmth when you needed a hug, and a seductive and devastating heat when you curled up in bed) had disappeared from your thoughts.
The joyous moments in which your heart throbbed with happiness and the butterflies fluttered wildly in your stomach, and the sad moments that made you wake up with swollen eyes after you’d spent the night crying. Every moment with him had faded.
It’s been so long you thought you’d forgotten everything.
There was still one song left. A melody that kept intruding on your mind whenever it was silent and empty for more than a second.
The sweet, airy voice penetrated your mind subtly, filling every space with the light timbre and leaving you shivering with the background growling in the lower tones. That voice seemed to carry your mind to every place you wanted to go and made your body relax in a surprising way.
It was that voice you recognized today that made you pass through a crowd, lightly stroking them to get to the center and see the person to whom that voice belonged. When you saw him, you noticed.
It’s been so long, and yet, you hadn’t forgotten anything about Jimin.
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bluehourseraph · 6 years
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Jimin’s dancing appreciation art~
Ref: parkjamjam_kr
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serendipity-day · 6 years
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Welcome to Serendipity Day, a countdown event being held in honour of the one and only Park Jimin. This project will act as a creative platform for individuals to show and share their love for Jimin through their unique forms of art.
It is an event open to anyone who wishes to participate, even if they are not a member of 95LineNet or other affiliated networks.
Sign-ups will open on August 18th and close on September 8th.
To Participate:
Follow the Serendipity Day blog;
Read the Rules and the F.A.Q.;
Reblog this post;
Make sure you have a Tumblr or a Twitter account, and an active e-mail that you check regularly;
Fill out this form.
If any further questions, feel free to send an ask to any of the admins, to 95line.net, or to the Serendipity Day blog!
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feralbangtan · 6 years
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“Strumming my pain with his fingers Singing my life with his words Killing me softly with his song Killing me softly with his song Telling my whole life with his words Killing me softly with his song”- Killing Me Softly, Fugees
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dihcorrea · 6 years
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Jimin’s dance appreciation ©
Serendipity Dance
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deachwita · 6 years
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↳The Little Prince
(insp.)(thanks to @btsjimln for the idea!)
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jeonggukingdom · 6 years
midsummer night’s dream (m)
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▽ Pairing: Jimin x Reader
▽ Genre: fairy!AU, fantasy, fluff, angst, smut
▽ Summary:  Five years have passed since you first visited the Fae Court and ever since Jimin, the Fae Prince, has held your heart in his hands. You have loved him all those years, from afar, for Fae and humans are not allowed to be together. You are promised to another man but when your feelings appear to be reciprocated, everything changes. ↳ alternatively: breaking everyone’s hearts 
▽ Word Count: 16.358 words (if you have problems with long fics on your app, all my stories are cross-posted on AO3!)
▽ WARNINGS: graphic depictions of sexual intercourse, unprotected sex, very unrealistic first time.
▽AN: I’d like to thank both @fireheart-namjoon  and @hobiwonder for helping me through this and encouraging me all the times I was either desperate or whining, lol. I love you ♥
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It’s at the cusp of dusk, when the sun is still set in the sky but starting to tinge everything in hues of purple and orange, that your carriage halts its movements at the command of your coachman. The summer breeze infiltrates the cubicle through the small curtains and brushes on your skin almost as a welcoming act and, truthfully, it does feel like homecoming but, sadly, not quite.
This land of magic and impossible beings is not your home and anyone looking at you enough to notice, would immediately understand you do not belong there in the slightest. Yet, it is still welcoming and as you step out of your vehicle, you inhale deeply the air around you that always carries a soft scent of lavender and peaches.
Your eyes marvel at the scenery all around you, a sight that is now familiar but, at the same time, unusual in its uniqueness.
There are lands upon lands of colorful grass and plants you do not know the name of, the citadel around the castle brimming with life and beauty and magic.
The atmosphere vibrates all around you, saturated with the power of all the inhabitants of the land and your heart twists painfully at the mere thought of never being able to see any of this again.
Coming to the Yhesha Kingdom had been a duty for the first months and then it had become a pleasure and, ultimately, it had turned into something you’d waited with all your being, your body quivering in the night as the days thinned out on the calendar, nearing to the date that will allow you to come back. Now, the feeling building inside of you as you scan this impossible and beautiful land, is a bittersweet one.
There was a time when Inareth had felt like your only possible home, there was a time when leaving the safety and comforts of your chambers had been almost torture but now, everything feels different. Everything is different.
You turn your back to the wondrous city and your eyes settle on the magnificent castle, its private walls awaiting your arrival.
Every time your eyes land on the reflecting surface of the towers your breath gets caught in your lungs. It’s a feeling of amazement even familiarity can’t eclipse.
The high turrets fend the sky, tips as sharps as stalactites, in their glassy mauve and coral pink hues; big windows reflect the light in all directions from the peaks of the towers, looking like crystals in the sky. Someone would think a castle as such would be easy to access, to break and to conquer but the magic brimming from every single inch of it would prove any invader otherwise. The Yhesha Castle is as beautiful as it is impregnable.
Water of an impossible turquoise separates the castle from the rest of the land but the drawbridge is already set in its place, waiting for you to walk on the silvery path and be welcomed in the Fae Court.
You step on the transparent surface of the bridge, the light reflecting on it almost painful to your human eyes, and inhale deeply. The walk from the land to the Castle seems always interminable and you suspect part of the reasons to be your haste to reach the Court faster and also the fear of slipping on that seamless surface with your high heels and break your neck dying a stupid and unfortunate death.
This time, the walk to the opened door seems to last only a few seconds and you wonder if it’s because you are lost deep inside your thoughts or if it’s because you already know this is the last time you’ll ever walk this path going inside the Castle. You fear the walk back from the Fae Court will be torture and nothing in the scenery will be able to catch your eyes enough to distract you from the inevitable goodbye and the pain that comes with it.
You shake your head, your loose strands of hair slightly hitting your face as you do so, and proceed forward, determined not to think of your future for as long as you’re held inside the Castle walls.
Your eyes fix on the huge silver door at the end of your path and a smile stretches your mouth the moment you see it opening from within, welcoming you inside as if you were the rightful owner of this entire Land and, for a moment, you truly wish you were.
Your eyes train along the hall’s wall, the arches a pearly white studded with precious purple gems all over their surface. After years spent inside the Court you are familiar enough with each and every door and aisle in the Fae Castle but, still, your feet halt and you stand right in the middle of the room as the grand door closes behind your back.
The light of the twilight shines inside the hall from the glass rooftop and it tinges everything in a nice and atmospheric hue you could never witness back home — a place of endless winter and perpetual snow.
Your hands shake around your stomach and you interlace your fingers to hide the otherwise evident tremor, torturing your phalanges with intricate patterns to calm your nerves.
Loud steps announce you the imminent arrival of your hosts and you inhale deeply, closing your eyes the briefest of moments to regain control over your turmoil and prepare to present yourself at your absolute best — a fundamental requirement for a Princess, after all.
You cannot stop the rampant beating of your heart, though, as your entire being throbs in anticipation and you wet your cherry-tinted lips, allowing your gaze to divert from the room to scan your attire and make last minute adjustments if anything is found out of place.
The long dress you decided to wear is a pastel lilac, as close as you could get it to the Castle itself, and the satin fabric hugs your curves around your stomach, giving you that desired hourglass figure you are always praised for within this court. The corset is tight around your ribs, hugging your breasts in a way that would almost be indecent if you’d wear this same outfit in the Inarethian Court but that it is more than welcomed between the Faes.
Your pupils dilate with excitement as the sound gets louder in the corridor to your far left and you slightly turn your body to face the arch, eager to be faced again with the impossibly handsome features of the Prince.
A smile is plastered on your face and it takes all your effort to not make it falter once the owner of those loud steps comes into view. It is not an unpleasant welcoming, not in the slightest, but it is not who you’ve been dying to meet for the last couple of months and disappointment tugs hard at your heartstrings.
King Seung Won stands right before you, a welcoming smile on his sharp features and an aura of gold surrounding him, a small token of his grand magical power.
Your body springs into action and you bow before him as he steps closer, a warm hand briefly touching your shoulder as he greets your respectful manners with mirth.
“Did you have a nice ride, dear?” He asks, the corners of his mouth lifting as he intercepts your gaze and locks it on his own eyes.
The King moves elegantly around the hall, personally escorting you through the path that will unmistakably lead to your chambers inside the Fae Castle and you follow suit, your gaze unwavering from his figure. He is tall and lean, muscles can be seen through the soft fabric of his simple black attire and, for a brief moment, you can see the Prince in the way his father talks and glances at you or even in the way his eyes land on your figure.
His eyes are black as onyx but shine like opals, another otherworldly sign of the magic that pumps through his veins, and they remind you of a cat’s — feline and always attentive.
“I did, thank you, your Majesty,” your voice is soft as it leaves your mouth and it is met with another gentle smile.
The Fae King oozes power and his presence does induce compliance but, at the same time, he is a master at making people feel at ease — a quality inherited by the Prince as well.
He must read your continuous thoughts of the Prince inside your glinting irises because the next thing he chooses to say regards his absence from the welcoming party.
“My son was really sorry he couldn’t come welcoming you as he always does,” he tilts his head to the side and glances at you with what you believe to be a knowing  look, “But he had a hunting trip with the Redcap ambassador that could not be postponed.”
A shiver runs down your spine at the mention of the humanoid creatures known for their insatiable bloodlust and you refrain yourself from asking what the subject of the hunting was.
“I understand, your Majesty,” you reply, unable to conceal the pout forming on your lips as you look down at your beautiful dress, designed specifically for the Prince to witness.
The Fae Kingdom is populated with insuperable beauty and even the handmaidens of the Castle are true beauties concealed in servant clothes, therefore, all your efforts when coming to this impossible Land resides in being up to par with the standards of the Court. Simply, you want all of them to be impressed with the human Princess and, more importantly, you want to impress him, the center of your preposterous love for humans should never fall in love with Faes.
“He shall be making it right on time for the party, tomorrow night.”
His steps come to a halt and you are surprised to find yourself standing right in front of the door to your private chambers. Lost within your thoughts you had completely lost track of your path and now you stood, quite dumbfounded, right at your destination.
The mention of the party immediately lifts your mood, not only because it means you’ll finally be able to see the object of your inner desires but, also, because the Fae Court really does know how to entertain their guests and you cannot wait to witness yet another one of their grand shows.
Your smile must give out the excitement throbbing in your body because the King chuckles at your expression and takes a step forward, leveling his face to yours so you can look him right in the eyes.
“I have something special prepared for you this time, Princess,” a wicked smile appears on his lips and your heart stumbles in elation.
“Thank you for your kindness, your Majesty,” you slightly bow in gratitude for his attention and then lift your gaze to study his expression, “And for walking me to my chambers,” you add, looking at the golden frame on your right side.
He waves a hand as if it weren’t a big of a deal and then turns on his heels, hands resting behind his back and, without uttering a single word, he leaves you alone in the vast corridor, body still lunging forward in your small version of a curtsy.
There had been a time where you had been startled by the bending of the rules inside this Castle but now, you wouldn’t even question the actions of any of its inhabitants.
Where in the Inarethian Court it would be unthinkable for the King to not only come alone to greet his guests but also to personally escort them to their room, here it was nothing to be surprised of.
Where Servants in your Castle were just that and, very rarely, maybe friends, here in the Land of Fae, the only inkling that they were servants at all was in their occupations and attire. It had been odd to adapt at first and to forgo all you have been taught about what is proper and what is not, or how to entertain your company and speak to anyone respectfully. Simply, the society of the Fae has much more bendable rules and, after years of practice, you have come to love the free way of living the Faes have. Even being a Princess isn’t as much of a burden here as it is inside your very home. You are you, no matter your title, and the feeling of being accepted for your true nature and not because they simply have to endure your company even if they’d rather not, is the most wonderful feeling you have ever felt.
Heaving out a sigh, you turn towards the door, the fatigue of the long ride finally catching up to you now that the excitement has significantly died down for the current evening.
The door opens under your touch and you step inside, inhaling deep the perfume of freshly washed sheets and that underlined taste of oranges that always accompanies your room and every time, you wonder how they even found out that to be your favorite fruit.
The big canopy bed resides at the center of the room, covers a pleasant lavender and deep purple calling you in the comfort of their warmness; the light of the night sky shines through the oval window at the other side of the room and you find yourself walking across the chamber to look up at the glittery stars sprawled on the navy blue carpet.
In that moment, looking up outside your window, your thoughts wander off to the Prince once again, miles and miles of colorful land stretching between you and you wonder if, in this moment, he is looking at the sky too, thinking of you.
Your heart aches at the thought and neither ‘yes’ nor ‘no’ are a pleasant answer to your question for, ‘yes’ would mean shattering his heart and yours in return and ‘no’ would feel like stepping on the splintered potsherds of your feeble soul.
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The light comes through the window in thick rays, engulfing the expanse of the room with white and pastel lilac hues given by the reflective surfaces of the external walls.
It is with immense effort that your eyes flutter open and it takes a few moments for them to adjust to the merciless light of the summer morning.
You lift your back up and stretch your muscles in a way that would get you scolded back home for not being womanly enough and a deep yawn shatters the silence of your private chambers.
Strong knocks are delivered to your door and a soft voice calls your name to stir you up from your slumber.
A small smile stretches on your lips and you jump out of your bed, rushing to open the door. Instantly, you are met with the lovable gaze of EunBi, a young and adorable Fae with long green hair and a sweet smile always plastered on her lips. She should be, by definition of the Inarethian Court, a servant girl but here, where rules are bent and nobody is there to scold you, she is more of a friend than anything else.
“Good morning, Princess!” Her enthusiastic voice rings in your ears and you lunge forward, hugging her small frame to your chest. EunBi is one of the very few friends you have scattered along the vastness of Ikos and she is, by far, the most trustworthy of the whole lot for she is Fae and one of the reasons you find their company so delectable is their incapability to lie.
“I missed you so much,” you shriek in her ear, indulging a little bit more in the tightness of your embrace.
“I missed you too, Princess.”
Her hands caress the small of your back and the hint of true affection in her gesture warms your heart and almost brings tears to your eyes.
The moment you let go of her she snaps back into her designated role and with attentive eyes, she scans your tangled hair and disheveled night attire.
“You look...” she pauses, her lips jutting out in a pout, “Well, terrible right now, but I can tell you have been well.”
Her remark makes you laugh and you drag her inside the room, eager to watch her hands do the magic and transform you into the better version of yourself.
For the first ten minutes all you do is talk and ask questions to your loyal friend, her gossips of the intricate relationships inside the Castle always delight you and you often find yourself laughing or screeching at the news of people falling in and out of love — not to mention those who bravely fight for their loved ones, whether it is in duel for the boys or by pulling hair for the girls. In this, the Fae race is as mundane as the humans are.
“You should get dress, Princess. Breakfast is going to be here any minute,” she says, sprinting back up from her relaxed sitting position on the soft floor and you hum, dragging yourself across the room to follow her quick movements.
It is a miracle how in the span of a few minutes EunBi manages to pull your frame inside a tight sapphire dress and do your hair in silky curls.
“Would you like me to change your hair color, Princess? Something to match the dress?” She looks at you with glinting eyes and for a moment you consider her proposition just to humor her but, ultimately, you decide against it and she adorably pouts in your direction.
She stays quiet for a moment, pondering her options and then a light shines through her eyes and you hold your breath, wondering what she has in store for you.
Looking in the mirror right across you, you watch the magic sprinkle out of her fingers in the form of azure glittery dust that falls between the loose curls of your hair, your face and your exposed cleavage making you shine like one of their kind. You stare at yourself in shock, wondering how it would be like to be born like this: with magic oozing out of you in shining gleams all over your skin.
“This is beautiful, EunBi,” you manage to whisper, unable to take your eyes off of yourself.
She chuckles at your side and hugs your shoulders from behind, resting her chin on her small hand.
“I can only spark up what’s already there, Princess.”
The sound of soft knocks on your door is what interrupts your little moment. With a bittersweet heart, you watch her cross the room, spring in her feet as she almost levitates above the ground, and you have to force down the lump forming in your throat at the idea of never seeing her again.
Breakfast and her duties are what save you from confronting EunBi about your impending future and having to deal with the heartbreak that would come with the realization sinking in further. Because, still, a part of you wishes for it all to be a ludicrous nightmare.
With your mind drifting off to these incessant thoughts, you spend the afternoon tuning in and out of the conversations led at the rounded table of the Council. It is one of your duties as the human ambassador to participate in the reunions between the Fae and the human councilors. Of course, your presence it is only a mere formality as it usually is the one of the Prince which, of course, is missing in this particular occasion.
Usually, him sitting across from you is what makes the hours tick by faster as you exchange looks and smile every now and then, entertaining a silent conversation from afar.
A pout forms on your mouth as your gaze darts toward the open window to your far right and you find yourself pondering what the Prince is doing right now and if he will be able to make it in time for tonight. Because if he can’t, you won’t be able to say goodbye and that would be the biggest regret of your entire life.
“Princess,” the mellow voice of Min Yoongi pulls you from your deep thoughts and your gaze refocuses on the face of the Inareth delegate — and best friend — sitting right next to you.
“The council is over,” he says, a small smirk on his rosy lips and you feel blood rush to your cheeks as you look around to see that almost everybody in the small room is already gone through the door.
“Preoccupied about something?” he asks once he is positive no stranger ears are going to eavesdrop your conversation.
You stay silent for a moment and then your throat swells with the urgency to cry or scream, or possibly both at the same time.
“I don’t want to say goodbye,” you whisper in a choke, averting your gaze from his because you can already sense the pity in his demeanor and it is too much for your already breaking heart.
“I’m sorry, Princess.”
His hand caresses your cheek and you lift your gaze to meet his troubled one and you know, instantly, that he really means it.
“___,” he softly calls your name, dropping all formalities to regain his role as best friend, “I know how hard it is for you and I swear if I could, I’d change everything.”
You nod your head ‘yes’ and a few tears escape your control, falling down your warm face to reach your trembling lips.
“Now, now,” he says, gathering every last drop with his index finger, caressing your skin as he does so to soothe you further, “We wouldn’t want to make Prince Charming see us like this, would we?” He cocks his head to the side and you chuckle in response.
“Don’t call him that,” you scold him, sniffing loudly as you gain back the control over your emotions.
“Why? Isn’t it true?” he laughs as you elbow his side and you find yourself smiling in return.
“There,” he says, nodding his head to himself, “Now I recognize my beautiful Princess.”
You roll your eyes at his remark but you know it comes from a good place and, for the second time that day, you find yourself thinking how lucky you must be to have such amazing friends in your life.
Just as you think that, the frantic voice of Eunbi — in the form of your name —  echoes through the vast corridor.
“Princess!” she is breathless as she bursts inside the room and for a moment you think something bad must have happened but she points at your attire, gasping for air and you roll your eyes to the ceiling, “We have to get you ready for the party, it’s so late!”
Of course, fashion would be a top priority for Jung EunBi.
“I thought I was already dressed for the night?” you ask, still letting her drag you through the Castle and back to your chambers.
“Don’t be ridiculous, that was just child’s play,” she briefly turns toward you, a wicked smile on her lips, “I’m going to turn you in the most beautiful woman this land has ever seen.”
You laughed at that as she said it, rolling your eyes to the ceiling at her antics but, now that you are looking inside the mirror, all you can do is stare at yourself, mouth slightly agape in utter bewilderment because you can hardly believe the girl right in front of you is actually, well, you.
Long lashes adorn your eyes making them pop on your radiant face, coral pink tints your cheeks and lips and periwinkle dust gleams all over your features and exposed shoulders. Your crown of twisted twigs and thorns with silver roses shines atop your head, playing nicely with the lilac lights the Castle is endowed with and making you look as much of a Fae as EunBi herself.
The dress she has made specifically for you is breathtaking and it is the most beautiful gown you have ever had the privilege to wear. The skirt is big and made out of layers upon layers of organza, the color as blue as the deep sea and the night sky and it brings back memories of the previous night and the scenery out of your window. Small stones of silver are scattered along the top half of the skirt giving a fading out effect and they remind you of the shining stars in the sky, the ones you stared at wondering if your Prince was thinking of you.
The corset, tight around your body with a heart shape is entirely covered in silver glitters and stones and it hugs your breasts, cupping them closer to both secure them and make them look bigger.
"This is stunning, EunBi," you mutter, under your breath as you take one last look at yourself.
Her smile is full of contentment and she clasps her hands together, her eyes shining with adoration.
"Nobody will be able to focus on anything else but you tonight, Princess!" She squeals, taking your hands in hers to give them a little squeeze, "Even the Prince's eyes will be all yours, I'm sure of it."
The sole mention of the Prince is enough to make your heart go rampant in your chest and you smile widely in return before kissing her on the cheek.
"Thank you, my dear friend."
There is more in those words than what they look like but, of course, EunBi has no idea yet of your final departure approaching faster and faster as the hours tick by. That 'thank you' is for all the years spent together, for all the times she lifted up your mood and for all the beautiful dresses she made for you, for all the night she spent at your side talking about nothing and everything at the same time. Ultimately, for just being your friend.
Without adding a single word you turn your back on her and it almost feels like betraying her or stab her in the back and, with a heavy heart, you walk the long corridor to the ballroom.
By the time you arrive inside the Castle's most beautiful room, at least in your own personal opinion, you have calmed the beating of your heart and the swirling of your thoughts, adamant about living your last night at the Fae Court as if it's not the last one at all.
Columns of beige marble divide the center stage from the more private areas — designed for eating and mingling — and you walk between their shadows, catching glimpses of people you know with only one goal in mind: find the Prince. The dancefloor is illuminated by a big chandelier right at the center of the room, the light cast underneath it a pretty shade of lilac and it is right there, almost at the perfect center of the tiled floor, that you see him for the first time in months.
Jimin, the Fae Prince, is as beautiful as he always appears to be inside your dreams.
Hair of silver adorn his head, swiped back to reveal his forehead and the gentle gaze of his impossibly blue eyes. A small smile graces his plump rosy lips, looking so inviting even from afar, and his head is tilted to the side as he scans the room, probably — and your heart squeezes at the thought — looking for you.
As you look at him from afar you are reminded of the very first time your eyes laid on him. It was barely five years ago and you were both at the ripe age of fifteen — meaning, you were now old enough to attend Counsels held between your Kingdoms and to be appointed as ambassadors.
The Fae Land had been scary at first and the Prince had seemed unattainable, a creature far too different from your kind to befriend. Of course, you had been wrong.
The Prince had always been soft and gentle with you. He would show you simple magic tricks to charm you and then ask the most random questions about your kingdom and the human race. He, much like his father, knew how to weave people in, how to make everybody love him and, in no time, you had fallen for him hard.
Five years now from that day, you're still amazed and scared by how impossibly handsome he looks and your heart, right the second his gazes focuses on you, starts beating faster in your chest.
It feels like thousands of butterflies have awoken in your stomach, their wings fluttering incessantly inside of you as you watch him turn his body towards you and walk through the room to reach you.
The smile on his lips has widened and his eyes almost disappear as his full cheeks rise up with the corners of his mouth. You feel the blood rush to your face and you have to look down at your feet to calm your breath and not make a complete fool out of yourself.
"Princess," his mellow voice calls your name and you lift your chin up, your eyes focusing on his intense gaze.
His warm hand reaches for yours and he briefly kisses the back of your hand, eyes unwavering from your face.
"My Prince," you whisper back, your knees bending slightly in a little curtsy.
"You look absolutely breathtaking tonight," his voice seems at ease as he speaks those words but the roses tinting his cheeks suggest the timidity behind them.
"Thank you, Prince," you smile at him as you feel your body warm up as if it wants to combust into flames entirely on its own accord, "You look handsome as always," you cannot help the way your voice falters as you pronounce those words and your heart leaps in your chest as his smile widens further.
"You flatter me, Princess."
"Maybe," you concede, "Doesn't mean that I'm lying."
He hums, stepping to your side to give you his arm, ready to walk you around the great hall and you happily comply, linking your arm around his.
"My Father has prepared quite the show for you tonight, Princess."
"So I was told," you hum slightly nodding your head, "Something special to celebrate tonight?" You take a glance at your side, studying his features but he keeps looking straight ahead, expression calm and relaxed.
"Not really," he cocks his head to the side and smiles to himself, "Well, it was your twentieth birthday last month and we couldn't throw the party we would have wanted to back then, so..." his voice trails off and you stop in your tracks, turning your body towards him.
"Wait, this is in my honor?!" You can't help the way your voice raises at least two octaves and he looks at you with mirth in his eyes.
"When isn't one of our parties not in your honor, Princess?"
Of course, he is speaking the truth but your mouth hangs stupidly open thinking about the entire Fae Court here for you, to celebrate your birthday as if you're one of their kind.
"I..." you pause, shaking your head in bewilderment, "I don't know what to say."
"You don't need to say anything," he says, stepping closer so he can put his hand on your shoulder, "Just enjoy your special night."
There are many things you'd like to say right at this moment. Even the hurtful truth. But a calling of your name stops the words from leaving your mouth and you turn around: Jeongguk and Taehyung are approaching you through the crowd of people. The two little Princes look as dazzling as their older brother tonight and you bow in respect as the enthusiastically compliment your outfit for the night.
The two younger brothers have grown a lot in the last couple of months and they have long surpassed the Crown Prince in height but, as beautiful as they can be, Jimin's beauty has no rivals and you can tell a lot of women, and men, share your exact thoughts by the way they drink up the Prince’s appearance whenever he is close enough to be discretely admired.
You walk around the hall for a few minutes, smiling and entertaining small conversations with the Fae you encounter on your path, the little Princes tagging along as puppies would and you find your mind drifting off to thoughts you had promised yourself to keep pushing away, at least for this one night.
Your grip around the Crown Prince’s arm unconsciously tightens and he halts his movements, tilting his head to the side to look at you.
“Something wrong, Princess?” He asks, voice soft with concern and you feel his intense gaze studying your features attentively, ready to capture every small movement, “You look a little pale,” he notices, turning completely towards you so he can face you, “We should probably sit down for a bit.”
“No, it’s ok! I’m ok,” you answer back, shaking your head as you force a smile upon your lips.
He stays silent for a moment, definitely not oblivious of the fact that humans, unlike Fae, can indeed lie and you just did exactly that. You are sure he has noticed but, even if he did, he decides not to address the matter further and simply nods, regaining his position at your side.
For a while all there is left between you two is utter silence, not even the Princes dare to say a single word, and your heart gets smaller and smaller with every passing second.
It is with immense relief that you welcome the sound of the trumpets, breaking the mild chattering of the room in an instant. It is the signal of the arrival of the King and Queen and the imminent start of the awaited show.
The King’s eyes train on the small crowd, his lips curved in a fond smile, until they find his sons’ and, quickly after, yours. He bows his head in your direction and you bend yours in return while keeping your eyes trained on his figure. His skin seems to glow tonight under the lilac lights and his golden and burgundy attire bring out not only his charismatic feline eyes but also the chiseled cheeks and the shimmering glitters glistening on his plump lips.
The Queen by his side is as beautiful as she has always been: eyes azure like the prettiest lake in the Land, hair curly and soft the color of melted chocolate, skin a beautiful shade of caramel twinkling with golden sparkles.
Her powers shine all around her in beautiful shades of raspberry and mauve and you find yourself holding your breath as she walks right past you, smiling in your direction as she joins her husband on their thrones.
She is absolutely blinding tonight and in her beauty, you recognize the one of the Prince. He is like a winter night and she is like an autumn day yet he has the nice shape of her eyes, the small nose and the plump lips and the same curve of the smile.
“Come, Princess, the show is about to commence,” Jimin’s voice comes in a swift whisper close to your ear and you turn towards him. His face is impossibly close to yours and your noses brush together as you tilt your head upwards to meet his gaze.
The contact is brief because he draws back instantly but a spark of electricity runs through your body nonetheless and you feel goosebumps appear all over your exposed skin.
For a feeble moment you think you caught a glimpse of that same electricity sparkling inside his eyes but if it were there it is now gone. Still, your heart leaps in your chest because of it.
You follow the Crown Prince through the hall and take your seat right next to him whilst the lights dim down, setting the atmosphere for the show. In those five years you spent within the Court you have witnessed magic at its finest whether through music or dancing or even silly magic tricks to entertain, mostly, the human guests.
This time, it is different. It’s the last show you’ll ever see and it is one made specifically for you and you have no idea what to expect.
The room is blanketed in utter silence and thick with the blackness of the night and you almost jump on your sit at the blazing lights appear in front of your eyes. They shine in shades of deep orange and sparkling gold, mimicking the flickering of a fire but exploding like fireworks.
You cannot see the Faes behind the magic but only their hands, tracing patterns in the space between you and the stage. The lights seem to be alive, like they have their own body and their own free will.
Your mouth falls agape as the words “Happy Birthday Princess”  flicker in front of your eyes and your bottom lip trembles, a sob menacing to come out of your mouth because it is beautiful and it is all for you.
The warm hand of the Prince takes hold of yours, resting on your lap, and you turn toward him, studying his expression. He is still looking forward, the lights dancing on his angelic features and you hold your breath, squeezing his hand lightly. The smile that stretches on his mouth next is not a feeble imagination because instead of disappearing, like the spark in his eyes, it stays fixed there and your heart leaps with profound happiness.
The music blasts behind your backs and you focus your gaze back on the stage before you just in time to see the words fade into the blackness. The room is suddenly engulfed by blazing light and you’re forced to close your eyes to sustain the sudden change and, when you open them, you find fire erupting from every corner of the big hall, the precise work of half-naked jugglers floating up to the ceiling with torches flying between their hands. They have bodies that resemble statues and skin of melted gold and you find yourself unable to look away as the flames dance above your head, their powers melting and mixing together like the colors of the rainbow. It is like nothing you have ever seen and it is a spectacle of such beauty you find tears brimming in your eyes.
“Do you like it, Princess?”
The hot breath of the Prince hits the skin of your neck, right at the juncture under your lobe, and goosebumps gather anew on your skin, your throat suddenly dry with the unexpected closeness of his presence. The Prince has always been affectionate in both his words and his gestures but there is something so different about tonight, about the way he looks at you and touches you. And it elates your heart as much as it scares it away because those feelings, yours and possibly his, have no future ahead.
“It’s beautiful,” you mutter, wetting your lips as you turn to face his intense gaze. His blue eyes have shifted and just like his father’s they are now like opals, shining brightly and shifting color depending on the light cast on them. It is a sight that locks you into place and from which you cannot look away.
He smiles at you, happiness seeping through every pore of his body, and you smile in return despite the feeling of your heart shattering inside your chest.
“I’m glad you like it,” he says, turning towards the stage in front of you, “I was afraid you wouldn’t like the show I prepared for you,” he looks at you from the corner of his eyes and your brows knit together in confusion. You thought the King was behind every show you ever witnessed, not the Prince.
“I wanted it to be special and I wanted to do something for you,” he explains, his voice turning smaller as embarrassment tints his cheeks red, “I realized I never gave you a birthday present before.”
You look at him astonished, body turning towards him as you slightly shake your head.
“I don’t know what to say, my Prince,” you whisper, struggling to find the right words to convey your emotions, “I don’t even think I deserve any of this,” you gesture at the whole hall and the people there celebrating you, not to mention the entire show and he shakes his head too, his grip on your hand tightening while he does so.
“You deserve more than you imagine,” he whispers in return, voice so small you’re not sure you caught the words right.
“I...” your bottom lip quivers and you have to look away as you pronounce the next words, “I will never forget this.” Your eyes are shining with unshed tears and you turn towards him, your free hand about to rest on his warm cheek. It looks like he’s going to say something back when the music stops and everyone around you stand from their seats, cheering for the artists.
You quickly let go of the Prince’s hand and rise on your legs, following everybody else’s applause while smiling profusely at the Fae bowing for their crowd.
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The music is loud in your ears as you spin and turn to the tempo, a laugh escaping your lips as you can barely catch your breath and the warm hands of the youngest Fae Prince, Jeongguk. Your mind is slightly inebriated with the aftermath of consuming Fae beer: a peculiar mixture of raspberry and mint flavor. The sweetness of the drinks is still on your tongue and you keep savoring it every time you lick your lips or talk to your partner for the next few moments.
The youngest Prince is smiling down at you, teeth in full display and you find yourself noticing for the first time how absolutely adorable he looks, even in his very matured body.
“Are you having fun, Princess?” He asks above the cacophony of music and people screaming at each other and you nod in return, exhilaration overcoming.
“I think I may be a little bit drunk!” You scream back, giggles escaping your mouth right after and he laughs at you, his grasp on your hips soft as he prepares to hand you to the next partner.
Spin and turn.
The strong hands of an elder Fae are holding you next, he has a sweet smile and eyes glinting with amusement.
“Do you have parties like this in the Human Kingdom?” He asks, mirth in his eyes because he probably already knows the answers.
“Oh my... I wish!”
Spin and turn.
The King holds you steadily in his arms and he looks down at you as if you were the daughter he never had and your heart warms up with affection.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying your birthday party, my dear.” He says, his lips curved into a smile.
“Oh, I am, my King!” Your excitement makes your voice ring loud on the dance floor and he laughs at you more out of amusement than out of humor.
“Good, that’s all I wanted for you.”
He looks at you and a shadow seems to pass on his features and you almost stop on your tracks. A part of you wonders if the King already knows. If the secret is only for the Court and the Princes. If it is, a part of you feels relieved because that’s one less talk you have to face.
Spin and turn.
His touch is tender and his gaze is soft and you find yourself staring in the deep pools of Yoongi’s eyes. He greets you with a gummy smile stretched on his angelic features and it feels like a homecoming after a long day.
It is warm and easy, it’s familiar and sweet and it immediately soothes your bothered heart. In the span of the few moments you pass between your friend’s arm, all thoughts about the King are gone and laugh returns on your mouth.
Spin and turn.
Your cheeks feel hot to the touch and sweat has started gathering on your skin. You have a hard time catching your breath and you can barely look your partner in the eyes before you’re sent off to the next one in line.
Spin and turn.
Your lids are half-closed as you catch your breath but as soon as his fingers interlace with yours you know it’s him. The Prince is laughing when you open your eyes and if your heart could beat any faster right now, it would.
“I think I’ll pass out soon,” you say, laughing as he guides you through the steps now that your legs are starting to feel like jelly.
“You should take a break when the song finishes,” he says, chuckling at your sudden confession.
“I think I will. I feel a little bit tipsy... don’t you?”
“Fae do not get drunk,” he reminds you and you roll your eyes to the ceiling recalling the one time you got totally drunk and embarrassed yourself in front of everyone.
“Right,” you pout and he lets go of your hands, passing you to your other partner.
Spin and turn.
It feels like you have been dancing for years but you keep going and going until your feet are screaming for mercy and you’re sure this is a night you will never forget, a night you have lived to its fullest.
You walk to one of the balconies, welcoming the fresh breeze of the summer night and you inhale deeply, finally catching your breath.
The garden almost looks like a silver lake, the moonlight shining on the plants as if they were made of glass and, for a moment, you think they may actually be considering how the Castle itself looks.
“Do you want to be alone?”
His voice is mellow and you immediately turn to catch him staring at you, his shoulder resting on the porch and it makes you wonder how long has he been there, drinking up the sight of you.
“No, of course not,” you smile at him, chin tilting upwards to fix on the night sky, “I was just catching my breath.”
He hums in return and walks to stand right next to you, his gaze following yours as silence engulfs you.
You don’t know how much you stay like this, standing next to each other without the need for a single word but you feel him shift right next to you and you peel off your gaze from the scenery to glue it on him.
His hand is searching for yours and you let him hold it in his again, relishing in the warmness of his touch.
“It’s lovely, isn’t it?” You look at your hands intertwined and you’re about to say yes when he looks ahead, “The moonlight makes everything seem more magical, doesn’t it?”
You can pretend on the outside his words didn’t disappoint you but you cannot stop the pang in your heart as you realize that very different thoughts were swirling inside the Prince’s head. For a moment you feel juvenile and stupid because even if he were to reciprocate your feelings, like you suspected all night, he still wouldn’t be able to act upon them.
“Next time you come here to the Court it will be Fall,” he says out of the blue, eyes brimming with excitement as he turns towards you, “We planted Orange Woodbine all around the Castle, it will be so beautiful, I’m sure you’ll love it.”
You can picture it perfectly: the flower’s petals of a deep orange, the center a bright red and thousands upon thousands of those flowers creating a carpet of beautiful warm colors, melting together. A sight you’ll never see.
Your heart squeeze in your chest and you realize this is it. This is the moment you say it because you will never get a better chance. There is no better because no moment will be able to ease the pain that will come with the truth.
“Prince...” you whisper, voice caught in your throat as you try to find the right words to tell him, “This... this is my last time here.”
He looks at you, utterly confused by your sudden statement and you watch him turn his body towards you, his gaze unwavering as he studies you, trying to catch a sign of a bluff in your features.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m... My sister Tzuyu will take my place as the next ambassador. She turns fifteen in a month.”
“Why?” His other hand grasps your own and you can see the various emotions swirling inside his eyes: confusion, bewilderment, betrayal.
“A week from now I will be leaving my home to go to the Uwruvine Empire,” your voice becomes a soft whisper as each word escapes your mouth but you do say them, the words that leave a bitter taste behind, “I will marry the Elves’ King.”
It almost feels like a stone falling on your heart the instant you say that because, admitting it out loud makes them all the more true. There is no more room for pretending it won’t happen. No hope. And it is not fair for you but it is not fair to King Jaejoong either. He is, much like the Fae King, a merciful and gentle man. He is only ten years older than you with hair of honey and eyes like chocolate. You are lucky because you know you will be treated right and, eventually, you will live a happy life. But now, with love twisting your thoughts, it looks like a death sentence.
His face is paler now, under the moonlight, and his eyes are shining but not with the happiness you saw in them the entire night. It’s the exact opposite. It’s devastation.
“But why...” he wets his lips, his voice raw as if he is struggling to keep his emotions at bay, “Why won’t you be coming back even if you marry him?”
You understand the desperation in his voice, the need to find at least a shred of hope in all of this and you hate, you absolutely despise the fact that you have to shatter it over and over again until all that remains is pain and defeat.
“I’ll be the Queen of the Elves,” you mutter, your eyes focusing on your hands, still interlaced with his own.
“So what? You’ll be the Queen of the Humans too, one day!” His lips are trembling, you know that because you can hear it in his voice and the more he talks, the sicker you feel.
“But that day is not today, and certainly not in a week and when I will be the Queen of the Humans I’ll have children that will take the ambassador title.” ”Don’t say that,” he spats, suddenly leaving your hands to take a step back.
You lift your gaze and focus it on the Prince and his pain hits you with the force of a hurricane. He’s grabbing his hair so tight you fear he may pluck some off, and he’s looking at anywhere but you, trying to make sense of all of this.
“Don’t say that you’ll marry another man and have kids with him,” he says, his voice broken as the first tears stream down his cheeks, “I thought that man was going to be me one day.” His voice is small as he says so and it wrenches your heart out because he has loved you all these years just like you loved him and it was impossible the whole time.
“I wanted it to be you, too” The first sob escapes your mouth and tears quickly follow until you’re a weeping mess, just like him.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asks, almost outraged, as he grabs your hands in his again, searching for your eyes.
“Why didn’t you?”
You watch his mouth part but no sounds come out because, of course, Fae cannot lie. He didn’t say anything because he couldn’t, because Fae do not mingle with Humans, they never had and they never will.
You nod your head as he falls silent and you weep together as he caresses your cheeks, unable to look away from you now that he knows these, right here, are the last moments you’ll ever spend together.
“I can’t let you go,” he whimpers, shaking his head over and over again and you cry harder, hating yourself from doing this to him, hating your father for doing this to you, hating destiny for doing this to the both of you.
“My Prince,” he gathers all your tears with his thumbs and it breaks you even further until you think you’ll never be able to be whole again, “Please, don’t make it harder than it is. You have to let me go, now.” Your words are harsh and broken and you hate to pronounce them but if you stay a minute longer you’re sure nothing of you will be there to salvage in the morning. If ever.
You leave him there, alone and broken on the balcony, with tears falling on his cheeks and pain twisting his features and every step you take feels like a bone is snapping out of your body.
You are gasping, crying and shaking by the time you have reached your room and a scream shatters the silence of the empty chamber. It keeps coming out of you on and on until your throat is raw and your voice is gone and soft arms are embracing you, cradling you to calm you down.
“What’s wrong, Princess? What’s wrong?” It’s the soft voice of EunBi that calls your name and your lips start to quiver uncontrollably as you realize you have to relive it all. You have to say those awful words again. But you can’t. You can’t do that again, not tonight.
“You told him...” you tilt your head upwards and you find Yoongi standing there, watching you falling apart on the floor in the arms of a servant and he instantly knows. Of course he does.
There is no need for words on your part, all it takes is a look and he’s on his knees, hugging you close to his chest.
“EunBi,” you croak out, your hands in small fists behind your friend’s back.
“Yes, my Lady?”
“I’m sorry... I’m so sorry...” the sobs come rushing again, stealing your breath away, making you nauseous to the point you feel like you’re going to be sick.
“EunBi, I hate to be the one telling you this,” Yoongi intercedes for you, his grip around you tightening further, “But she won’t be able to...” his voice drifts off as he cradles you in his arms, trying to soothe you as if you are a baby having a fit.
“What is it, my Lord?” Eunbi asks, and you can sense the fear in her voice and you hate it, you hate it, you hate it.
“The Princess will be marrying the Elves’ King in a week,” he kisses your head at that, a reassuring gesture that stops the quivering of your body, “And she won’t be able to come back here in the future. This is a goodbye.”
You feel the tears of EunBi falling on her face without even looking at her, you feel her heart break and the way she takes in air like it’s the most difficult thing.
“P-princess...” Her arms are what comes next and you find yourself engulfed between four arms and yet, even though you love them, they are neither the pair you’d need the most right now.
You have no words of consolations for EunBi, you can’t even thank her for being a friend, for being a loyal servant, for everything. But a part of you hopes she knows. She has to know.
“How is the Prince?” she asks, after a while, and the sole mention of his name is enough for havoc to explode inside your heart.
It all comes back to you: the broken and raw whispers, the hot tears, the desperation twisting his features.
You scream again, the strangled sound coming out of you muffled by Yoongi’s chest and you fight against the sadness and the pain but it is unbearable, no matter how many sweet words they whisper in your ears.
The next thing you know is the pitch black and the sound of a familiar voice screaming your name.
Everything is wrapped in a haze of mist and confused memories, you feel like you’re stuck in cotton candy and can hardly hear the faint whispers of people around you or the warm hands that touch your forehead, your cheeks, your hands.
Your eyes flutter open from time to time and you can make out the worried expression on EunBi's face or, alternatively, Yoongi's but it is hard to wake up, to fight back the dizziness and speak up.
When you open your eyes again in what feels like million years after, you feel groggy and still slightly unfocused.
Eunbi and Yoongi are both at your side, watching you, and you force a smile on your lips as you take notice of your surroundings.
The first thing you notice is that you're inside your bed, under the covers, and the beautiful dress you wore to the ball is now gone, replaced by your soft nightgown.
"What happened?" you ask and your throat scratches painfully as you do so, a nice reminder that you screamed yourself not too long ago.
"You passed out," whispers Yoongi, caressing your forehead gently, his eyes dark with concern.
"I'm sorry I scared you," you say back, taking his hand into yours and he nods, giving you a soft smile in return.
"It's fine," he says, caressing your cheek, "As long as you're ok."
You nod your head ‘yes’ even though you are far from being ok and, you suspect, it will take quite some time for you to feel like you are again.
"You should rest, you're tired." He says, voice gentle but still laced with concern and you nod your head. You know he also means that you’ll have an early departure in the morning but he doesn't speak those words out loud because he knows, he'll break your heart all over again if he does.
His lips are warm and gentle as he places a chaste kiss on your forehead and you close your eyes, already feeling the grip of Morpheus holding you down until your mind is drifting into a dreamless sleep.
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Your heart hammers in your chest, your breath is heavy and your body is shivering uncontrollably. For a moment you sit there, on your bed, trying to recall the nightmare you must have had for waking up with such a start but, when the sound of knuckles knocking of your door comes again, you realize it was that sound that forced you out of your slumber and not a bad dream.
You breathe in, looking around the room as if you’re registering your surroundings for the first time because, for a few seconds, you fear it may be already morning and you have to say your final goodbyes now. But your eyes tell a very different story: there is only darkness all around you which means, it is still the middle of the night.
With that knowledge, you force yourself to stand up from the bed and reach the door with quick steps to yank it open.
There, standing on your doorstep, is the Prince himself.
His eyes retain nothing of the luminous light they usually have, they are almost black and sad, so sad, and bloodshot red as if he’s been crying for hours now. Your insides clench at the mere sight and you wish you had nice words to tell him right now, something to make it all better but you don't.
"I can't let you go," he whispers, his voice trembling as he steps forwards with trembling hands that are unsure whether to touch you or not.
The new proximity of his body makes you notice the stench of alcohol and you look at him confused. The Prince doesn’t disdain a drink or two but he never reeked of alcohol before and it looks like he has tried to drown his sorrow in the activity, even though the bliss of a drunk state is not conceded to the Fae race.
"Please, my Prince," you whisper, dragging him inside your room before anyone can see him in this desperate state and, as soon as the door is closed behind his back, his strong arms engulf you into a hug.
"I can't stand it, ____. I can't."
It is the first time he has ever called you by your given name and not your royal title. You had fantasized so many times about this moment, on how your name would sound coming from his mouth but, now that it is laced with anguish, you find yourself hating it with every fiber in your body.
"Jimin," you whimper in return, hugging him closer to your chest whilst hot tears warm up your shoulder. Feeling him like this, crying in your embrace, is too much for you to handle and soon, you're crying too. No, you're mourning.
He untangles from you and his hands are quickly on your cheeks, brushing the tears away as he shakes his head.
“Don’t cry, please, don’t cry.”
You sniff loudly and your bottom lip quivers but still, you push the tears back and do your best to keep them sealed inside your eyes. It feels like a losing battle but, if you can do something for him, no matter how small, you’ll do it. At least tonight.
“I know I can’t change anything, I know I can’t stop you from going away, from... leaving me,” his face twists at that, his voice breaking and you nod your head ‘yes’ because it’s the truth, there is nothing that can be done, “But I wanted to... I wanted to know what it would be like.”
You look up to him confused as he leans forward and, unexpectedly, his lips briefly touch yours, the kiss full of uncertainty and yet enough to spark up electricity within you.
Your arms move behind his neck to pull him closer and you fingers lose themselves in the tangles of his hair as you drag him down. The touch of his mouth is soft and intoxicating and he kisses you fervently, almost desperately, and you open your mouth for him, welcoming him the swift movement of his tongue and with it, the raspberry and mint flavor of the Fae beer laced with honey. It is inebriating.
Kissing a Fae feels completely different from kissing a human: it is magical and you can feel his power seeping through your pores, conquering you from within and intoxicating your mind to the point you start believing you could levitate now, if only you’d wish for it.
It is like being scattered, pulled from within and then recomposed, turned into something brand new and all of these feelings all at once leaves you utterly breathless.
When your eyes open you find him at you, his forehead pressed against yours and all the love he has concealed over the past five years is now brimming in those beautiful eyes, now shining as they always did before tonight and the sight warms up your broken heart.
“The thought of him kissing you like I did just now is unbearable,” he confesses in a breath, closing his eyes as he clenches his jawline.
“Jimin...” You caress his cheek with one of your hands and he exhales loudly, opening his eyes again.
“I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t say this.” He shakes his head and brand new tears stain his cheeks, the light in his eyes gone as soon as it appeared.
“I’m sorry for hurting you. I never wanted this to happen. I...” You gulp down heavily, your throat tight with grief and the desperate need to cry.
“Shh, it’s not your fault,” he quickly says, kissing your lips softly to gulp down your sob, “It’s nobody’s fault.”
You nod at that because it is the honest truth. There is nobody you can hate for it besides destiny and that, if possible, makes it all the more intolerable because there is no enemy to defeat, no war to win and therefore no hope for a brighter future.
“I didn’t come here for this,” he says, caressing your face, “I came here because I wanted to be with you, like a couple.”
“Jimin,” you look into his eyes, shaking your head but he silences you, his finger tracing your lips.
“Just for one night,” he says, “I want to be yours just for one night.”
You should say no to that, you should push him away because these memories right here will haunt you forever but how? How can you say no when you have the chance of knowing what it would be like? How can you say no when all you ever wanted is right in front of you? How can you say now when it’s Jimin? You simply can’t.
“Ok,” you whisper, bumping your nose against his before placing a soft kiss atop his lips and he smiles. For the first time since you told him about your marriage, he smiles. And that, right there, is all you could ask for right now.
He takes your hand in his and he drags you out of your room and it doesn’t even matter that somebody could see you, that you’re not even dressed properly, all it matters is you and him, together, living your dream even if only for a single night.
You walk with him for long minutes that feel like seconds and you wish you could stop time, you wish you could have him like this for all eternity and just be happy.
His eyes shine brightly every time they look at you and his cheeks get rosy every time you lean forward and kiss his lips. It is, really, a dream and even better. Your imagination couldn’t have topped the reality, not even if you tried.
“Do you remember that one time I told you I had a secret place?” He asks, mirth ringing in his voice as he turns towards you and you simply nod, recalling that sweet memory from four years ago when a younger and more playful Jimin teased you to no end with a place you later believed to be fictitious and a phantom of his own imagination.
“I thought it didn’t exist?” You ask, tilting your head to the side and he chuckles, shaking his head slightly.
“It does. I’m taking you there right now.”
You follow him as he increases his speed and you trail off behind him, chuckling at his antics. Jimin turned out to be a posed Prince, very mature and well-mannered but it is heart-warming to see him be his past self. Deep down, he’s still that kid that used to mock you, show you magic and tell you stories in the night, even the scary ones. No, especially the scary ones.
His secret place is within the Castle’s garden, you realize, and its guarded by tall climbing plants, their leaves an emerald green shining even the night.
It seems completely closed off, like a wall made out by nature itself but Jimin pushes the branches outward and you follow him past the intricate branches.
His secret place, this secret garden held inside the Castle’s walls, is absolutely stunning. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the blinding light of the moon, shining like a brand new kind of sun inside this small heaven.
There is a small waterfall right at the center of the little garden and it pools into a smaller version of the Castle’s lake, shining like melted silver.
The grass under your feet is soft and of an impossible green but it appears to be only a carpet for thousands upon thousands of bright pink flowers. They resemble roses but there is what appears to be lilac nectar coming out of them and they look almost made out of pure glass.
“These are Swamp Roses,” he says, following your gaze and picking one up in his fingers, “Have you ever tasted them?”
You shake your head no and he squeezes the flower in his hand, his fingers ghosting over your mouth as you promptly part your lips to let the juice fall on your tongue. The taste takes you by surprise and it is not what you were expecting at all. It is sweet as a strawberry but sour like a lemon and it’s warm like a hot chocolate but pleasant like a summer breeze.
“It tastes differently for everyone,” he says, licking the juice left on his fingers — an action that doesn’t fall unnoticed.
“What does it taste like for you?”
“It tastes like the sweetest chocolate during winter time, and like the fresh watermelon in the summer, sometimes it tastes like honey and butter but today it tasted just like you.”
You feel yourself blush and you have to divert your gaze, biting your bottom lip to suppress an embarrassed giggle.
“This place is beautiful,” you say, quickly changing the subject to something more comfortable as you lift your gaze up to the big tree next to the waterfall. Birds the color of fire sing in the silence, tweeting on the small branches and the scent of peach you always thought you could smell inside the Palace overwhelms your senses. It came from here, you realize, and it makes you look up at the Prince again.
“Nobody knows of this place?”
“Father knows, he showed this to me when I was a kid,” he says, a fond smile on his lips as he recalls sweet memories from the past, “And I came here every time I wanted to be alone or escape from my duties or just to... think, I suppose.”
“Why are you showing it to me now?” You question, thinking back of all the times you asked him to take you here before deciding it wasn’t real but only a way to tease you.
“Because...” his voice turns small and he takes your hands in his, caressing the back with his thumbs, “I want to share everything I ever owned with you.”
“Jimin,” you lift your chin upwards and he kisses you right away, already accustomed to the silent requests of your body and once again it is sweet but laced with passion and desperate need.
“I love the sound of my name on your lips,” he says, leaving your lips to look inside your eyes.
“Jimin,” you whisper again and he kisses you promptly, though too briefly. His lips are already swollen and red like cherries but they look even more delectable so you whisper his name again.
Jimin. He kisses you and it tastes like sugar on your tongue and you keep wanting more.
Jimin. His hands cup your face and drag it closer as he kisses you breathless, tongue encircling yours. Fireworks explode in your heart.
Jimin. Jimin. Jimin.
You are both panting when he leaves your mouth and you rest your head on his chest as he holds you closer. You relish in the steady pumps of his heartbeat and you close your eyes, feeling at peace for the first time in months.
Inside Jimin’s strong arms nothing can hurt you, nothing can even reach you, and everything is perfect and possible. For the second time, tonight, you wish you were born with the ability to stop time so you could be held like this now and forever.
“I’d give anything to stay like this for the rest of our lives.”
“____,” he whispers and you lift your head up to catch his gaze but his eyes are closed and his eyebrows are knitted and you can only imagine the hard time he must be having right now, containing his bitter thoughts because he doesn’t want to ruin this magical moment, taint it with the sadness of your departure.
“I want to make you mine,” he struggles to say those words but when he opens his beautiful eyes and you can see the desire in them all you can do is draw him closer and kiss him anew.
“I’ll be yours forever,” you whisper atop his lips and it’s like something ignites inside of him because next thing you know is that you’re lifted from the ground, your legs encircling his hips and he is kissing you like his whole life depends on it, like he’s a dying man and you’re his only chance at survival.
“Jimin,” you softly call his name and he lifts his gaze, hooded with desire, to meet yours and you nod your head ‘yes’ to express your equal yearning for closeness.
Without uttering a single word he puts you down on your feet before dragging you down to the ground right next to the waterfall.
The grass beneath your body is as soft as you imagined it to be and the flowers function as a cushion under your head and you can only imagine how you two look like now, getting undressed inside a heaven like this. Surely, it is the most romantic setting you could ever wish for. A perfect place for a perfect first time together. A moment you will never forget.
You watch him get out of his clothes slowly, gaze unwavering from you, and you hold your breath as the moon shines above his skin. Much like his mother, he glistens under the direct light and it’s a beautiful shade of light purple that draws you in to the point you can’t look away from him.
His skin appears to be soft and tender to the touch but firm where his muscles are. He is sculpted like a statue and you can hardly wait to put your fingers on him, to feel him pressed against your body and make him yours.
His lips come first, kissing you for the thousandth time that night but your hands are quick to reach for every inch of his body you can access, caressing every part of him that you can, almost as if you’re trying to burn your digits onto his skin for everyone else that will come after you to know. He was yours now, he was going to be yours forever.
“You are so beautiful, my love,” he says and you can’t stop your heart from jolting in your chest at the little nickname. You never knew words could sound so sweet.
“You are perfect,” you answer back, fingers sweeping his hair away from his forehead so you can drink up every detail of his features, impress them in your mind so you never forget how he looked like in this very moment.
He smiles and his eyes glint with happiness and you hold him closer for long minutes before his fingers start undressing you, unlacing the front of your nightgown with slow movements. His eyes watch your face and then the fast rise of your chest as he frees your breasts from their confinement.
Your breath hitches as his lips kiss the supple expanse of your chest, inch by inch as if he’s mapping it down with his mouth.
A soft sigh escapes your mouth at the first touch of his tongue and your eyes close as utter bliss expands within your stomach.
Jimin’s touch is soft yet electrifying, it’s everywhere you desire it to be but it makes you beg for more and more; it is absolutely intoxicating.
Your nightgown is gathered at your hips as he drags his mouth downward, kissing your ribs and then small of your abdomen. Little fireworks bloom on your skin, scorching it hot with desired and titillating it with their touch. You do not know if it is his magic on his fingertips of if it’s all because of the deep love within your heart but one thing you do know: you have never felt like this before.
You lift your hips as his hands drag down the soft fabric of your gown. The summer breeze hits your skin covering it with goosebumps while Jimin stares down at you and your new-found nudity.
His red and swollen lips are glistening with all the open kisses he planted on your stomach, his hair is ruffled from the way you kept tugging on the strands all night and his eyes are shining in the night and now, in this very moment, with the waterfall splashing water right next to him, he looks like a deity you’d gladly sacrifice your life for.
“I want to remember you just like this,” he whispers, his fingers tracing the outline of your breasts and abdomen and further down your hips, caressing every inch in his view.
You feel your skin become hotter under his intense gaze, timidity surfacing in your conscience yet, you do nothing to cover yourself, in fact, you arch your back allowing him to look at your body better because, egoistically, you do want him to remember you forever, you do want to be his first thought in the morning and the last one when he falls asleep for the rest of his life. You want all of these things because you know there is no way you will ever forget him or this very moment.
You lift your back from the grass and with hesitant fingers, you work the button of his pants and he lets you, breath hitching every time your hands brush against his abdomen.
His pants come off under your touch and you fix your gaze on him, staring into his eyes as he completely undresses for you.
Your fingers trail on his abdomen, drawing circles on his lower belly just to watch him tense under your touch and breath hard on your lips. The way he reacts to your touch is encouraging and intoxicating for you want to draw more out of him, you want to watch him crumble beneath your touch and be swept away in bliss and, even though you have never done this before, it makes you bolder.
Your fingers curl around his length and he hisses, body rigid as you drag your hand downwards to give him a nice pump and feel him harden against your touch.
“I’ve never done this before,” you confess, voice uncertain as you keep moving slowly between his legs and he smiles, kissing your lips briefly and you know it elates him to be the very first man for you. A part of you wished to be his first too.
“You’re doing well, my sweet love,” he assures you before reaching for your hand and take it in his, “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want us to do. I didn’t bring you here for this,” he tilts his head to the side and kisses your fingertips, one at a time, “I just want to create beautiful memories with you.”
“I want to do this,” you say, shaking your head as soon as he stops talking, “I want you to be the one for me,” your voice is small as you say this but in the silence of the Garden it is enough for him to hear you.
His lips return to your fingers but this time they engulf them, his saliva trailing down your hand as he coats it nicely, making sure every inch is covered before guiding it down between his legs.
You find it’s easy to feel him like this in your hand, it’s easy to pick up a nice rhythm that has him rigid in your palm in no time and breathing hard in your ears and you find it makes you feel immensely powerful to be the one in control of his body and, furthermore, of his pleasure.
“Just like that, my love,” he whimpers in your ears and you eagerly start pumping him faster, reveling in all the little encouragements and responses that leave his mouth.
His breath is hot on your neck and he kisses the soft skin there, biting it down and then licking the pain away as you work him completely rigid in your hand.
A soft moan escapes his lips as you swipe your thumb over his head and he closes his eyes, head tilting backward with the first wave of pleasure you offer to him.
“You are so good, my love,” he says in a whisper as his eyes slightly open to watch you work him raw with the desire of loving you like this forever, not just for this one night.
“I want to taste your lips,” he whines and you immediately understand it is not your mouth he so desperately wants but rather what is between your legs and, with a few more pumps on his cock, you fall back on the ground and spread your legs wide for him to claim what his heart desires.
He is almost ravenous as he grabs your hips and crawls between your thighs, making your blood rush to your face as he inhales deeply the scent of your mound.
The first swept of his tongue takes you by surprise and you jolt on the soft ground, a shriek escaping your lips with the unexpected spark of electricity that ran through you at the mere touch.
His lips come second, kissing your skin the way he has kissed your mouth all night: soft yet passionate and laced with lust.
The sensation between your legs is foreign but it is infinitely pleasant and it makes you wonder how it would feel to have him inside of you, not only like this.
All thoughts are swept away by the second lick of his tongue, sliding between your folds with calculated languidness.
The first time his lips encircle your mound, sucking hard around it, you find yourself moaning his name and arching your back, eager for him to give you more of that heavenly feeling.
It is utter bliss that cottons all of your thoughts and takes over your body the moment he starts claiming you with his mouth, licking and sucking while one of his fingers intrudes between your slick lips.
Every little sound you emit makes him bolder in his movements and faster as he seeks your very first release of pleasure. You understand this the moment your abdomen starts contracting and you find it hard to breathe. It almost hurts but it makes you scream for more until you’re a quivering mess.
“I think I’m going to...” your words trail off as another one of his fingers moves past your lips and follows the first digit inside of you and the stretch it gives you is painfully good, so good you feel something snap inside of you and claim your body as its own.
Your legs tremble and your eyes close as a wave of pure pleasure hits you with the force of a wave, turning everything white.
Your ears are still ringing loudly when you come down from your high, his eyes stuck on your expression as he towers above you, a playful smile on his lips.
“You were so beautiful right now,” he says, caressing your cheek with his clean hand and you bite your bottom lip to stop yourself from smiling so stupidly at every single compliment he has to give, “I want to make you look just like that over and over again.”
His voice is husky with desire and you drag him down on top of your body, kissing him with equal desire to feel him as close as humanly possible.
Your heart beats fast in your chest with excitement and you can’t stop your fingers from trembling while you caress his head as he goes down your body, following the path he already traced with his lips before.
He aligns himself on top of you, kissing your mouth briefly before he is pushing past your swollen lips, penetrating you one inch at a time to give you time to adjust.
The stretch takes some time to happen and it is not like the feeling of his fingers: it’s bigger and it’s more intense and it stings a bit more every time he pushes himself further.
It is painful at first and tears prickle in your eyes but you nod your head ‘yes’ every single time he looks at you, checking your features for any sign of discomfort.
Only when he’s completely inside of you, you release the breath you didn’t realize you were holding and he completely stills his movements.
He kisses your forehead, your eyes, your nose and then your lips, over and over again until your breath is not so ragged anymore and the pain has been subdued with the underlining sensations of pleasure.
He drags his hips forward for the first time and he kisses your lips as he does so, coaxing you until your body relaxes and starts meeting his slow pace.
His hands are cradling your head and he keeps staring inside your eyes as he deepens his mellow pace, reaching inside of you until he can draw moans out of your mouth.
“Does it feel good, my love?” he asks, voice strained with the effort of keeping his pace and you kiss his lips anew, your fingers lost in his hair as you do so.
“Yes,” you whimper out as he pushes further inside of you and he keeps moving forward, angling himself in search of that little something that will make you melt.
The wave of fleeting pleasure hits you by surprise the moment he brushes against your sweet spot with the head of his cock and your breath hitches with a silent moan.
“Jimin,” you whimper out, fingers tightening their grip on the strands of hair on his nape and his eyes refocus on you, “Right there,” you whisper and he pushes forward again, hitting right on that spot and eliciting a deep moan from you.
His lips are quick to gulp it down and then they are on your neck, sucking hard on the skin as he keeps moving in and out of you, his hips meeting yours in a sensual pattern that has you breathless and wanting more, always more.
Your hips start rocking to his tempo, meeting his as you search for that feeling of bliss you experienced mere moments ago.
Your hands rest on the small of his ass, keeping him in place as he thrusts inside of you, whispering your name in your ears over and over again, like a mantra or a prayer.
There is sweat gathering in your hair and on his forehead but it is something else that hits your face and it is tears.
He is looking at you and he is crying with the intensity of his emotions.
“I love you, ____.”
There are words some people never expect to hear and those, coming from the mouth of the Fae Prince, are exactly the ones you would have never thought you’d hear, ever.
But he says them and there is so much emotion in them, so many feelings and despair laced around every single letter of the statement you can’t help but tear up as well.
“I love you, too, Jimin,” you kiss his trembling lips with your quivering ones because even if the desire is still there, even if you are together now, the sadness and the pain for your departure are still a constant thought inside your minds, “So, so much.”
His head falls in the crook of your neck and you hold him closer to your chest, still rocking your hips forward with the desire and the desperate need for release and to feel as close to him as you will ever be.
Low moans escape from his lips every time you clench around him and you fasten your pace until he is lifting his head to look you in the eyes, mouth agape with the pleasure that is finally taking over him.
You watch his features morph and relax as he comes undone, whimpering out your name, guiding you through your own release while riding his.
You feel the fireworks erupt within you and the snapping feeling returns, turning everything white and foggy. All that exists in that moment is bliss and his body flushed against yours, hugging you closer to his heart unwilling to ever let you go.
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The room is engulfed in golden light and you struggle to open your eyes but it’s the feeling of a body, right next to yours, that compels you to do so.
The Prince is lying there, his head supported by his arm and he is watching you, a loving gaze on his features.
Memories from last night resurface in your mind and you smile at him, quickly greeting him with a tender kiss.
The walk back to the Castle is a bit foggy in your mind but you do remember the moment he laid you on your bed and you begged him to stay. You had fought sleep as long as you could, trying to be with him for as long as possible but, eventually, fatigue had gotten the best of you with his promise to not leave your side until the morning arrived.
“How did you sleep?” He asks, a soft smile on his lips still quite red from last night’s activities and you take in a breath, hugging his hips as you turn completely towards him.
“I slept perfectly,” you confess, tilting your chin up to plant pecks all over his face, “How about you?”
“I didn’t,” he sighs, pulling a loose strand of hair behind your ear, “I didn’t want to waste a single moment sleeping when I could keep looking at you.”
“Jimin...” you feel guilty for falling asleep, for letting those few hours that you had left pass away just like this when you could’ve kept on making memories together but he shushes you quickly, reading your thoughts as if you were a book.
You exchange tender kisses in the morning light and for a moment it all seems perfectly fine, like nothing is ever going to happen to you, like this is your life from now on.
And then, the knocks come.
Jimin is the first to cry and hug you closer to his chest, unwilling to let you go, and you follow suit, the pain wrenching in your heart.
There are promises hanging in the air, even though neither of you says a word, but they are loud and clear. I will always love you, I will never forget you, I’ll be yours forever.
For long moments there are only tears, sobs, and desperate kisses while behind your door people call your name, incessantly knocking at your door.
You don’t know how you do it, how you finally untangle from each other and say those dreadful words, those goodbyes you hoped never arrived and you don’t even know how you get dressed or walk down to the Hall where your Inarethian emissaries await for you for departure.
You don’t know any of this because by the time you are waling to your carriage all life has been drained out of you. There is no more you but only endless despair.
As you had imagined the evening of your arrival, the scenery doesn’t hold any appeal when you don’t have the heart to admire it, or the eyes to see it.
All you feel is your legs moving forward, your movements guided by the steady arms of Yoongi and then your seat inside the carriage.
You do not see him standing there, on the stares, crying in a corner as he watches you disappear from his life, you don’t even look back and oh, how cruel must you look when you don’t shed even a tear as you leave the whole Kingdom behind.
But as soon as Yoongi’s arms are around you, whispering sweet nothings in your ears, you are screaming and crying all over again, just like last night and there is nothing anyone can do to calm you down.
You know people in the Court that came to see you off can hear you, even in the small distance you already put between you and them. You know he can hear it too but you cannot stop. Not even when you feel sick to your stomach, not even when your voice is almost completely gone, not even when you feel like you have been drained of your tears and nothing will ever come out of your eyes ever again.
You don’t stop even when Yoongi starts crying along with you because you are his best friend and he doesn’t know how to help you, he doesn’t know how to pick up the pieces and put them together again. He doesn’t know because he can’t.
You are shattered, broken beyond recognition and there are simply no pieces left to pick up. No, you are nothing but fine dust being swept away by the summer breeze, hoping to reach him and touch his tender skin again.
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Copyright © 2018 by jeonggukingdom. All rights reserved. 
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bluehourseraph · 6 years
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My angel, my world I’m your calico cat, here to see you
1995.10.13 || happy birthday Park Jimin
23 notes · View notes
bluehourseraph · 6 years
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Little fairy Jimin~
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dihcorrea · 6 years
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Favorite Physical Feature - Jimin’s Thighs
for @serendipity-day project
16 notes · View notes
dihcorrea · 6 years
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Jimin’s eye smile appreciation (part 2)
For @serendipity-day project
14 notes · View notes
dihcorrea · 6 years
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Jimin’s eye smile appreciation (part 1)
For @serendipity-day project
14 notes · View notes
dihcorrea · 6 years
The Gift of Song - Jimin Fairytale AU! (Part 1)
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Pairing: Jimin x Female Reader (feat. Taehyung, Mamamoo Wheein, and GOT7 Jackson)
Genre: Fluff, angst, fairytale au! (PG15)
Summary: When Fairies lost one of their powers after too much contact with humans, they secluded themselves in their world. But you believe it is possible to hope again when you find out that a human has what your people has lost.
Word Count: 11.736
Warnings: Mentions of death
A/N: This is part of the @serendipity-day project for Fairytale and Voice themes. I hope you like it.
The working zone was getting filled up when you arrived. You were not late, but most of the fairies were already there. You smiled as you flew by, saying “good morning” to the ones you recognized. Your best friend was waiting for you close to one of the edges of the field and you smiled as she waved at you, spotting you at the same time as you recognized her.
Despite what people may think, fairies have their own types of work. Of course they have to personally help nature keep it’s balance sometimes, but Observing, Detecting and Filing were more important. At least that’s what the lead fairies always said. And you could understand why. If those three things weren’t well done, how could the Ground workers know what to do?
In Fairyland, fairies were divided into groups of five or six, and each group took its place in the field, with its own personal garden to assist in concentration, to observe a part of the Earth or a species. Of course, the fairies could do this kind of work on buildings that separated the teams from each other, but that would never work. Fairies are stirred up beings, who do not like enclosed places. In addition, the connection with nature always helps them to work better. They need nature as much as nature needs them. So they work in open fields. Not in dense forests, but in clearings that can give space to small gardens, according to the will of each team.
The teams were different because the fairies were different. Each of the fairies has a special gift, a Connection with one of nature's elements, given by Nature on the day they were born and that helps with some aspects of their work. Some are connected to the Air and know when it bears a different smell or particles, such as when it is dense with rain. Others know everything that happens to the Earth, whether it is ready for planting or if it is intoxicated in some way, even when it has some missing nutrients. The fairies connected with Water have all the perception about the element, and can even control it, which, of course, some use to control the wheather. And lastly, the connection with Heat is particularly interesting. When humans speak about the elements of nature, they always call this one Fire, although fire is only one of the manifestations of the element. Heat can appear in many ways and, like water, it is more used for wheather control to help with planting, but it can also be present in the way mothers hold their babies to protect them from the cold.
The teams had the number of fairies connected with each element according to the need of their work. But some, like yours, had a fairy of each element, because they all had equal importance and control over the part of the Earth or the species that was observed.
"Good morning," said Wheein, your best friend, when you finally reached her. Her short blond hair barely reached the chin line and she always had to throw it back so as not to cover her eyes, as at that moment.
You two still had a few minutes until one of the field leaders ordered them to start working. The previous shift was still retreating to the hours of rest so you could take their place.
The work zone encompassed the three most important stages of the work of the fairies. Observation was the first and longest stage, in which all teams observed what was happening on Earth from their gardens, using their gifts to find irregularities, anything that could harm Nature or the harmony of the world.
Fairyland was not exactly another world, but a second dimension where fairies were not affected so quickly by the changes of Nature that occurred on Earth, and from where they could observe everything through the portals of observation, a natural version created by fairies of what humans call crystal balls, or what could be called "crystal screens," since it occupied a flat, not round space.
If the fairies Detected any anomaly in their assigned part, they needed to catalog it according to the level of damage it could cause nature and notify the leaders of the work zone, and that was where the Council, a select group of older and more experienced fairies, stood in; they decided what should be done in relation to that irregularity.
Sometimes the Council decided to do nothing. If the irregularity was too small or too simple, they let fate take care of it alone, but that wasn't often. Most of the time, the Council sent Ground workers to solve the problem.
It was a difficult and often dangerous work, so only a few brave fairies were chosen to work on the Ground, crossing the portal that led from Fairyland to Earth and coming into contact with the other species and with the damaged nature. Not all fairies could stand to be near the imperfect nature they saw through the portals of observation. The lack of balance around them was able to break the balance within themselves. But someone needed to do that job and bring back to Fairyland the reports on how they dealt with the problem. These reports were Filed for learning, so the fairies knew what to do with each new anomaly, according to what they had already experienced.
So once again despite what people may think, there are no such things as fairy godmothers. Humans have gotten obsessed with it and insist that it is real. But just because some fairies, long ago, broke the rules and tried to help humans, it doesn't mean that this is a real job in Fairyland. In fact, all fairies who did this were punished for disobedience.
One more thing about fairies that isn't common knowledge. The superiors do not tolerate very well when someone break the rules.
The field leader who took care of your team area gave the order to begin and you and Wheein turned to your own screens to begin Observation.
Earth appeared in front of you, a blue-green part that you had learned was the ocean. And then you moved the controls to change the image, from the fascinating green of the trees to the colors of the flowers until arriving at the buildings. How could a place with so many nature harmony problems could have such beautiful landscapes? And how could a place with such creations of nature as this one have so much difficulty in maintaining itself?
That particular area you observed mixed the buildings with some plants. It was prettier than when it was just the gray of the buildings.
It had been a few months since your team had been observing that part of Earth, when was watching humans, but you had never been able to get used to that color. The building's gray looked so different from the glittering colors of nature that it always caught your eye. But the explanation for the places you saw was exactly because you observed humans. Your team was one of many designed to observe humans. Not only a specific part of Earth that was inhabited by them, but also their acts. Humans were a very complex species, with almost incomprehensible ability to modify nature, which made them important and dangerous to fairies. If fairies' work was to maintain balance on Earth, and consequently on Fairyland, their main task was to monitor the species with the greatest chance of ending that balance.
You directed your screen to a park, while Wheein watched the parking lot of a nearby company. There were some teenagers in the park, probably killing time after they left school. After so much time doing that work, you had already gotten a little bit into the routine of humans, at least in that part of the world.
But something about the behavior of those young men caught your eye. By a connection that only the fairy that controlled the screen could have, only you could hear the sounds of the image on your screen, and even without being human, you knew that the laughs and the jokes of those humans were the same as always, but their behavior was different.
A human female, a young girl who should not have been more than sixteen years old, was trying to get something out of the hand of a human boy, not much older than her, but much taller. The young man kept his arm raised to prevent the girl from catching whatever it was, and suddenly he raised his other hand.
It was only then that you realized that what the boy held and the girl wanted was a piece of paper, but now it was too late because the paper was burning. The boy had set fire to it when he raised his other hand.
You kept watching carefully, doing your job no matter how unusual the scene was. You were not there to intervene in humans lives. You were there to Observe and Detect something that could harm nature.
And then everything changed. Suddenly a stronger gust of wind took the still burning paper from the boy's hand and led it aimlessly through the air. As only a fairy could do, you concentrated a little more and you could foresee what would happen to that paper, like a movie passing in your mind at a greater speed than the reality on the screen, and you knew, without any doubt, by the gifts that nature gave to your kind, that the paper would fall in a part of the park with some dry leaves and would begin a fire that would take half of the park and would wound at least two of the adolescents before the human authorities could contain it.
This was the kind of intervention to nature that fairies were to avoid. That was the kind of job you were there to do.
Then, without taking your eyes off your own screen, you called Wheein, loud enough so that your friend had no doubt you'd called her, but low enough not to alert the other teams.
"Wheein, I need your help."
As the words left your mouth, your hands touched the screen. This contact was not necessary if you just wanted to control the image, but it would help if you needed to use the Connection, which was exactly what you were going to do.
Wheein did not approach you, she was not allowed to use your portal of observation. No one had. To facilitate the use of Connections, each fairy had and used their own screen for as long as they worked with Observation. Then Wheein directed her screen to the area you were observing and immediately realized what she needed to do.
You had already slowed the wind in the park until the paper stopped moving in the air and your friend knew you had asked for her help as a matter of Connection. Your entire team was there to solve the adverse situations on Earth, but each of the four was connected to a different element and had a specific role to play. In a case like that, if you had already used your connection with Air to stop the paper from continuing on the disastrous course, it was Wheein's turn to use her connection with Water to put out the fire.
That would appear in the records, of course, the way you two came together to intervene in the humans actions, but neither of you was concerned. That's what you were there for. It was not necessary to waste time with Council decisions for such situations. A decision had to be made quickly to prevent the damage, and no one would judge you for doing your job, especially when leaders saw the logs on the screen and could themselves foresee the damage that would have been done if you and Wheein did not had acted.
Once the situation was under control, you finally relaxed and moved your eyes off the screen, watching as the field leader near you nodded.
"Y/N, Wheein. Good job." Said the leader before moving away.
You and your friend smiled at each other before returning to work. Your shift was not over yet.
But it was all quiet now and the Observation would be quiet until you or someone else realized that a human was being neglected again to the point of wreaking havoc on nature. And then one or more fairies would work to solve the problem, because that was how the system worked. At least, that was when the situations were simple. And you hoped that the next situations would also be simple, to the point of not needing the Council's action. Nothing was simple when the Council needed to act, neither for humans who normally caused these interventions, nor for fairies.
But the Council had its reasons for it, because things were not always as simple as they seem today.
Long ago, when humans had not yet occupied Earth - at least not as the species they are today -, fairies already worked for balance, using Air, Water, Earth, and Heat. And all was fine, until the most recent stage of humans evolution.
Unlike other species, humans created more awareness at each stage of evolution and learned to use more tools. As a result, they began to use the planet's resources to create and change things, and the changes they made to Earth made it all get out of control. The four initial elements were no longer sufficient to contain the imbalance. The fairies' dimension began to collapse because they couldn't contain humans.
But Mother Nature would not let that happen, not without fighting. So she created a new gift for the beings who had always cared for her, the fairies, and called it the gift of Song.
The gift of Song was not one of the original gifts, and never worked the same way, because singing is not something that can be manipulated. Voice and music have a different effect from the elements that fairies could manually control and use to balance a situation by modifying it physically. The essence of Song was the purity of fairies, which made them different from the other species in character, and what made them chosen as protectors of nature and harmony.
That's why Song had a direct impact on the mood of humans. By itself, it could bring harmony to every person who listened to it, soothing heart and mind, and changing bad intentions to good ones.
It was later realized that this gift affected not only humans, but all species, including Fairyland ones, but only a few fairies possessed it, within the division of the elements into the species. And those who possessed the Song were venerated and protected for years, decades.
But the new gift came with a price no one noticed at first, and that was the biggest mistake of the fairies.
Humans were an extremely complex species. And the Song could not be controlled from afar. It was necessary for the person to hear it so that it had an effect on them. This forced fairies to leave Fairyland and go to Earth to calm humans and, excited to finally have a way to bring harmony back to the two dimensions, they didn't think much about it and hurried to do their job. So none of them imagined what could happen. Or realized when it did.
The coexistence between the two species brought some balance to humans, transformed the way of thinking of many of them, who began campaigns to save the planet. But this same coexistence also modified the fairies. Those few who possessed the gift of Song spent too much time among humans, not bothering to return to Fairyland while their powers were taking effect and, without realizing it, they began to act less like themselves and more like the other species. Humanity had the power to transform fairies as much as the last ones thought they could transform the former.
When the Council realized what was happening and ordered all fairies to return to Fairyland, it was too late. They came to their land without any power. The purity that had generated the new gift had been compromised and disappeared, before Mother Nature's eye, taking the Song with it.
Since then, the gift of the Song did not exist anymore. It was just a story told to the children in their learning days, as a legend, to teach them to be careful of their gifts and with humans. And the Council had to take measures to end the coexistence between the two species. That is why Observation and Detection were done through the screens. So there was so much bureaucracy when the situation required direct intervention and only a select group of fairies were allowed to cross the portal. So the two species were more separated now than at any other time. The fear of the transformation that humans could cause to fairies was too great.
The proof of what was possible was still present in Fairyland, in the way every fairy who had lost their gift felt about all that. No other gift had replaced the one that no longer existed to calm the feelings that were stronger now, after living with humans, than before. The purest old fairies were now resentful and angry. They resented nature, who had first chosen them for the new gift and sent them to do a difficult job and then punished them for not being strong enough. They blamed humans for having transformed them into what they were today and taking away the purity that made them so special.
So it wasn't a simple task to watch humans, as you did every day. It wasn't necessary to have any special features for this, but it was a job well supervised by the leaders.
The image on the screen in front of you changed and you began to watch people walk back and forth in the hallway of a building. The name on the facade of the building had no special meaning when you read it, because it wasn't a company that worked with chemicals or natural resources specifically, but you knew it was your job to Observe that place as well. Nothing could be ignored.
You guided the screen as if it were your own eyes, as if you were flying yourself inside the building, seeing all those people, while they couldn't see you. Everything made it look like you were there, as your connection to the screen continued. The images, the smell, the sounds.
Something caught your attention and you suddenly stopped the screen moving. It was a voice, young and pretty, strong too, a little thick, and hoarse as well. Whoever it might be was singing. And he was foccused because he did it very well.
A few years ago, humans had also realized that music had some power. Of course, they had no idea what the gift of Song was, not even that it had once existed, but they knew there was something in the music that helped influence people, even to calm them down. And they began to explore it as well, as they did with everything else. They made sounds playing instruments, and with their own voices.
It was admirable of them, since they would never even have the chance to experience the gift of Song, but they tried anyway, and succeeded in their attempts. Without knowing the magic of the Song, they didn't want to get what it brought, they just wanted to entertain each other.
But some fairies resented even that. Humans using something that was originally from the fairies and that they no longer possessed. Not only the fairies who now had no gifts, but most fairies resented the humans who could make music, and nothing, in years, managed to change what they felt. The fairies still blamed them, as if they had taken the new gift of the species themselves.
Then another voice joined the first. Lighter, less thick, but obviously more instinctive, completely natural. And when the first voice stopped and let the second master the song, suddenly it was not just the image on the screen that was motionless, so were you.
The sound was like a breeze moving the leaves of the trees, the freshness of a flowering garden, the mild warmth of spring and the waves beating gently against the sand of the beach. All this at the same time.
The voice was sweet, angelic even, with a touch of calm even at the highest notes. And a slight hoarseness that only made everything even more shocking. And as the words came out, you could see every feeling the person wanted to express.
It was a man who was singing, but you didn't pay attention to it, just kept listening, for a moment forgetting what to do.
Wheein stopped Observing when she realized that you had been motionless for some time and began to watch you, frowning with worry. She said your name softly, trying to get your attention without calling the leader's, but you didn't hear. She thought the humans could have done something this time, something really terrible and powerful, that had petrified you through the screen.
The fear of what might be happening to you was taking hold of her as the leader approached and began to talk to you.
"Y/N. You've been watching this image for a long time. Is there any problem?"
"Actually," Wheein began, suddenly feeling that she needed to stop the leader from realizing what was happening and giving you room to get back out of your trance. At least she hoped you could come back alone. "She's thinking, trying to help me."
"We don't have time to think in this work, Miss Jung. You should…"
"The matter, leader, is that I have a question."
And the discussion continued, with Wheein saying almost anything that popped into her mind to try to divert the attention of the leader of your body as frozen as your screen.
But you were not hearing a single word of what they said. Your were too stunned to pay attention. Because the immobility of your body was only a reflection of the surprise of hearing something so beautiful. Inside, you felt as if you were flying, floating in the warm breeze of your own element. The Connection with the Air made you feel light, complete, as if your spirit were totally at peace.
It was as if that voice were magic.
And then you knew.
Of course there was no special reason for you to be so sure, except that you had listened his voice. Because you had never met someone who had that ability, not while the person had it, at least. So you didn't know exactly what it was like and you had nothing to compare with. But something inside you was sure.
The hairs on your body were still bristling, your heart still pounding as you began to move the screen images to find the owner of the voice that had done that to you. Because somehow you knew that human had the gift of Song.
What you thought to be impossible was happening. The gift of Song still existed, and was Connected to a human.
As soon as the screen began to show different images, the leader stopped discussing with Wheein, who sighed in relief.
You passed the halls and the rooms looking for him, watching from another dimension, but feeling as if you were there in person. You did not want to lose it by carelessness, if you saw it, but did not pay attention, so you looked at the places carefully, albeit as quickly as possible. You didn't want the song he was singing to end and the gift to no longer be there to help you.
Then you found him, just as he was singing the last note so sweetly and so lightly that you smiled, even without thinking about doing it.
There were two young men, about twenty years old, in the room. One of them had blond and messy hair. His eyes were very dark and penetrating, but the box smile was lively and carried lightness to his handsome face.
But the other one, the owner of the voice you couldn't forget, had black hair, with the fringe falling over his brown eyes. He wasn't smilling, but his full lips complemented his concentrated expression. He was handsome too, and looked more serious than the first one, who was taller, but his eyes sparkled with the same excitement. His voice suited him, after all.
"It's amazing what you can do with your voice," said the first man. "I couldn't even continue singing."
He laughed. And you smiled with him. And the quick smile that came later almost knocked you out of breath. Was there anything about him that wouldn't bewitch you?
"It's only practice," he replied to his friend. "If you train hard enough, you'll be able to do it."
"Jimin, you know what I'm talking about," continued the blonde one, taking one of the instruments in the corner of the room and hanging on his shoulder. "Not even all the training in the world makes someone's voice sound magical."
So his name was Jimin. Suddenly this seemed like very important information as he smiled back at his friend and left the room.
"Maybe you have your own magic," he said, right before looking up.
You weren't there for real. He couldn't see you or see how fascinated you were. Even so, you felt your cheeks blush. It was as if he had caught you staring at him.
The two left your screen as they walked out, and you chose not to follow them at that moment. Instead, your breathed, a little more relaxed.
"Glad you're back," Wheein said, turning her body to you and resting her chin on both hands as she studied you. "It would've been difficult to explain to our leader that you're overtime for a non-important situation. Because if it were important she would want to know exactly what it was. "
"Wait. Overtime?" you asked.
"Yes, our shift is over. But you were still there, as if in a trance. I thought I'd have to poke you."
"I didn't..." you interrupted what you were saying. You had known Wheein all along, and you knew there was no point in arguing with her. If she thought you looked like in a trance while Observing, she would keep saying that, no matter what you said.
But it wasn't going to take long for you to tell her what had happened. You told each other everything. You just didn't want to do it there, in the work field, where anyone else could hear.
You still felt the energy the flapping of wings carried when you stood at the front door of Jackson Wang's house. You, Jackson and Wheein had been best friends since the Learning era, but he worked in a different and distant part of the work zone, Observing savannas and other species while you and Wheein were Observing cities and humans. So you three made it a habit to meet him at his place after work.
Jackson didn't take long to answer. His brown eyes were already full of recognition as he opened the door, because he already knew it were you and Wheein who had arrived. His brown hair would fall on his forehead no matter how much he threw it back.
"Come in," he said, and walked away so you could pass.
Mrs. Wang left the kitchen at that moment with the cookies she always made for you and set the tray on the table.
"Hello girls! The cookies are ready. I'll leave you here and go," Mrs. Wang said, and then turned to her son. "I'm going to the central garden. It looks like they want to make some changes over there. If you need, you know where to find me."
Then she left, flapping her wings quickly to get to the door just as the three of you sat on the heated stone carpet in the living room.
The gifts were not divided by families, but by affinity and personality, but somehow, Jackson's family managed to have almost all its members with the Connection with Heat.
As the proximity to their own element made the fairy feel in balance and satiated of their needs, the houses ended up always containing some touch of the elements. In Wang's house, for example, everything had to do with Heat. The heated stones that formed a decorative rug on the living room floor, the shades of red and orange on the walls. If everyone in the house had an affinity for Heat, the more that element was present, the better.
Jackson's grandmother was the only one in the family you knew who didn't have the same gift. Nowadays she didn't even have a gift, because she had been chosen for Song, and also lost it. She was not a bitter fairy, as many in the same situation had become, but kept away from fellowship with the other fairies. And in a way, you could understand why. It must be difficult to see everyone around you happy and complete with their gifts and while you had none.
You thought of Air and how it made you feel like everything in the world was right, and you imagined how sad it would be to have to live without it. And perhaps for the millionth time, you wished you could pass on that good feeling to Jackson's grandmother, as his family did with Heat, warming the stones on the floor of the room so that the visitors would feel comfortable on cold days.
"What are we doing today?" Jackson asked excitedly.
You didn't answer right away, you were snuggling to the rocks. They were warm enough, and the feeling was good and welcome.
Then Wheein answered for you.
"Something happened in the field today. Y/N saw something and stood completely still, as if something on Earth had paralyzed her."
"It wasn't like that," you defended yourself, but you knew it was a lie. Surprise had not let you move.
But Wheein grimaced in your direction, showing that she didn't believe your lie, and proving to Jackson that you were lying. "But she still hasn't told me what she saw," she continued.
You sighed. Not because you didn't want to tell them, but because you knew it would be difficult to make your friends believe. You yourself had trouble believing, even though you saw and heard everything.
"There was a boy..." you started, but the two interrupted you at the same time.
"I can't believe it," said Wheein.
"And he's handsome?" asked Jackson.
You smiled. Wheein was outraged, but the things that worried her were not the main detail of the story to Jackson. Wheein knew the complications of observing humans very closely and getting involved with them for any fairy, but Jackson was interested. A handsome man was always a good candidate for a romantic engagement. And Jackson never ignored it. He believed he would find his soul mate sometime soon and was always willing to look for him. And as it seemed, it didn't matter if the handsome man was a human.
Your friends were so different sometimes.
You didn't answer either of them and kept narrating. "I was watching when I heard a voice singing and I stopped to listen. The voice was beautiful and caught my attention. But then another voice came and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The second voice had something different, special. I listened until the end, without noticing the time passing."
When you looked at Jackson, he waited anxiously. His eyes sparkled with curiosity. Then you answered with a short laugh. "Yeah, Jackson, he's handsome. Both are."
Satisfied now, your friend smiled too and relaxed, but Wheein's voice was not relaxed when she spoke, it was worried.
"Yeah, that's exactly what happened," she said. "You stood there, with your screen frozen, for a long time. The field leader started asking questions, but you didn't hear anything. I managed to distract her, but you're risking a lot. You know what can happen to you if she starts to think you're getting involved with humans."
"You don't understand," you protested. "He was Singing." The emphasis you gave the word made Jackson blink. "Not both, but the second boy was. It's incredible and scary to deduce this, and I don't know how, but I felt it. It was different from the first voice."
"You can't be serious," Wheein said, gawking in surprise.
"I am," you stated. None of you had ever lived with the gift of Song because it had disappeared before you were born, but everyone had heard stories of what it felt like. "I heard it, and I couldn't believe it at first either. It was exactly as they say it is."
"Wow!" Jackson exclaimed, earnestly, but with an excited voice. "Grandma always said it could happen." When the two of you looked at him with questioning expressions, he continued. "She says changes have occurred in both fairies and humans. That the two species were influenced on the same level. So if the fairies developed bad and bitter emotions, humans could also have developed something that only fairies had. But I don't know if she imagined that any of them could have the gift of Song. "
"It's been a long time since the species lived together. It may be that the gift was developed later, taking longer to appear." You noted. "But I'm pretty sure I felt it."
Then Jackson tapped a hand on the heated stones on the floor, as if decreeing something. "That's why I asked you if he's handsome," he said.
"What? Why?" asked Wheein.
"To see if he's worth it," Jackson replied. You looked at him with a frown, confused as Wheein, but he completed. "It's obvious you want to go to Earth and find this man. You want to prove personally that he has the gift. I was wondering if he's worth the trouble you can cause by doing it."
"If he's beautiful is it worth it?" Wheein asked, shaking her head as if she couldn't believe what your friend was saying. Jackson shrugged, but his smile was an affirmative answer.
"I was thinking maybe your grandmother could help us make sure he has the gift or not." You spoke directly to Jackson.
Wheein sighed, realizing that you had made your decision.
The portal flickered just before you passed it. It was not hard to find, since the Council believed that fairies would be obedient enough not to go through it if that was not their job.
You took a deep breath. You had never been through the portal before and didn't know what the other side, Earth, was like. At least, no more than your Observations had shown. The portal seemed only the meeting of two different densities of air. If someone saw it without paying attention, they wouldn't understand that it was the passage to another dimension, but you knew what to look for.
The portal involved you as you passed by, flying low, afraid, because you didn't know what would happen when you reached the other side. And you felt the heavy air, literally dense around you, as if it were a cloak all over your body, and the feeling was stronger on your back.
Suddenly you searched for a river that ran close by and came to it, still flying low and this time looking around, afraid that some human might see you, but there was no one close by.
And when you saw your own reflection in the water, you finally understood why you felt so much the air's density on your body. Your slightly pointed ears were now rounded, and your back, where you most felt the weight of the wind, were where your wings should be, light and flexible, like a butterfly's, but the water did not reflect them.
The portal not only connected the two dimensions, after all. It made one species resemble the other, at least visually.
You sighed and blew the hair that fell on your face as you let the air out. Mother Nature certainly had reasons to make the portal that way. It would probably have been a mess if the fairies who visited Earth simply showed themselves to humans as they were. And anyway, the power of the portal did not change anything to you. Humans couldn’t see, but your wings were still there and you could still fly.
A movement to your right suddenly caught your eye, but before you could scream, Wheein stepped out from behind one of the trees in the woods where you were. She shook her head as if to make something fall from her short hair.
"So it's true," said your friend. "I always wondered how the portal prevented humans from seeing our wings." Then she looked at you, frowned, and her eyes widened. Her face lit up with surprise as she spoke again. "And it looks like it's not only the wings! Your ears!" And she put her hands to her own ears to see if the same thing had happened to her.
"What are you doing here?" you asked and saw when your best friend's expression turned serious again and she shrugged.
"I couldn't let you come alone," Wheein replied. "Who'd help you if you got in trouble?"
You shook your head, laughing to yourself. It was quite typical for Wheein to pretend she was not interested in the adventure, even though she knew that you could see that was exactly what she wanted. Of course she'd do anything to help you if you really got into trouble, but she also didn't want to be left out of the excitement.
"Is Jackson here, too?" you asked, looking around.
“No. He decided to stay to prepare Grandma for what we are doing and to give an excuse to the leaders if we don't come back soon."
But neither of you knew that you didn’t need to take long to get the leaders' attention.
Jackson didn't take long to tell his grandmother what you had seen and heard in the field, or that you were already gone, looking for the young man who could Sing. Mi Kyoung didn't look as surprised as her grandson thought she would.
"Does anyone else know that, Jackson?" she asked in a subdued voice, her eyes shining as if a whole world of possibilities passed before them.
“No ma’am. Y/N said a field leader was bothered by the time she spent Observing the same image but she couldn't have listened to what was happening on the screen. The portals of observation only allow the one who manipulates it to listen," Jackson replied, sure of what he was saying. He really believed all the danger you were in had to do with the unauthorized visit to Earth.
But he was wrong this time.
"You never noticed, did you?" Mi Kyoung asked suddenly. When Jackson blinked at her, not understanding what Grandma meant, she continued. "Portals of observation can be handled by anyone, even if only one at a time."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. But no one ever uses another fairy's portal. It doesn't make sense."
"They do if they think it's important," Mi Kyoung said. "Jackson, living with humans in the past has brought us more than different emotions. Fairies also learned from them how to use some technologies. Portals of observation are as natural as possible, but not completely. The Council used in them the same technology humans use with surveillance cameras. The portals record the images and audio of everything that passes through them."
Jackson's eyes widened, finally realizing what his grandmother meant.
If the screens could record what was Observed, the field leader could've gone back to your screen after the work shift and seen everything you saw, and listened to what you heard. And then she'd know about the gift of Song and would be able to tell the Council.
"Jackson." Mi Kyoung caught her grandson's attention one more time. "The gift of Song is more powerful than you think. Being able to change a person's emotions, or even a fairy's, gives the gift’s owner the power to do almost anything." She paused and closed her eyes as if the memory brought her pain. "Yes, it takes a pure heart and personal harmony to have this gift, but it is a very delicate Connection. The Council never gave the fairies total freedom to use the Song in fear of the changes it might cause in Fairyland. The Council was happy when we lost this gift."
Jackson's grandmother stopped talking, waiting for her grandson to take in everything she had said. She noted the look of astonishment on his face, worried about what he might do next to help his friends, but only when he said his own words did she realize his decision was made.
"Honey, the Council wasn't able to control humans even when using the gift of Song. And fairies' fear of that other species only grows. What do you think the Council's going to do when they find out there's a human who can Sing?"
Jackson's eyes flashed with determination right before he answered.
"Like humans, we kill what scares us," he said.
You and Wheein weren't flying when you reached the building where you had seen Jimin through the portal of observation. You didn't want to scare humans. In fact, you didn't even know if you'd find him in the building, since you had seen him leave with his friend, but it was the only place you could search, for you knew nothing more about him.
It was strange to walk so much and go upstairs when in Fairyland you used your wings more than your legs, as much as it was strange to feel the weight of the portal power on your wings, but you wouldn't complain. You were there with a purpose and wasn't willing to go back before achieving it.
You stopped walking when you heard a loud, clear voice, following the rhythm of the beginning of a song. Of course, in a building where everyone worked with music, that voice could be anyone's, and it certainly wasn't Jimin's. You'd know if it were. You were convinced you'd recognize his voice anywhere, even if millions of people were singing along with him.
Still, you recognized the thick, husky voice that sang, and followed the sound to the next room. If Jimin's friend was singing nearby, there was a chance he'd be there too.
Wheein followed you, frowning at the thought that you might have recognized that voice as having the gift of Song. Because, despite being a beautiful voice, it didn't stir Wheein's emotions as she always thought the Song would. It didn't get her thinking about home, or feeling everything in the world was right. It only made her shiver.
When you opened the door slowly and quietly, however, she saw that your eyes didn't cling to the singer. They wandered around the room searching for someone else. Someone that, Wheein realized, lit your eyes when you found him, but at the same time made you nervous.
At that moment, the deep voice of the tall, dark-eyed singer changed slightly, but enough for him to stop singing. He looked at his friend who watched him a few steps away.
“See? That's where I always have problems. I can't make that part sound as good as it should," the singer said. "You said it's a matter of practice, but I don't think it's worth practicing if I don't know what I'm doing wrong."
"It's not you, Tae. It's the song," Jimin replied, approaching his friend. "I don't think it was written thinking about you and you don't have a common voice. That's why sometimes your voice doesn't seem to fit in."
"Maybe it was written with you in mind. All song writers of this place dream of composing for you. And girls dream of hearing you sing to them."
"Nonsense. I'm not the pro here. It's you everyone wants to hear." Jimin said.
Tae gave him a skewed look and a half-crooked box smile, as if he thought his friend and teacher were only saying that to cheer him up. But Taehyung, whom Jimin called Tae thanks to the intimacy of a long friendship, had no low self-esteem and didn't envy his friend. Jimin had made his choice when he decided to be a singing teacher instead of a professional singer, such as Taehyung, and the two were happy in their professions, helping each other whenever they could. But Taehyung never stopped trying to convince his friend to be a singer. Maybe they could form a duo if Jimin agreed. Jimin's magic voice could charm a crowd in mere seconds.
Jimin smiled at his friend, approaching a piano in the corner of the room.
"But I think we can fix the situation," Jimin began. "Do you think the song writer will be too upset if I made some modifications to the song for you?"
"Not if I tell her it was you who changed it."
"She's not in love with me, Tae. Stop with that."
Kim Taehyung's smile brightened even more at his friend's slightly embarrassed words. "If you say so," was his answer.
Then Jimin ran his fingers over the piano and let out a few keystrokes. Neither of them had noticed your or Wheein's presence, and the two of you watched in silence, as you had spent years learning to do for working in the Observation field.
"Why don't we try this?" Jimin asked and suddenly began to play the instrument, his voice following shortly after.
It took a second, maybe two, for you to be totally bewitched by his voice again, feeling like the whole world didn’t even have a flaw, and you were exactly where you should and wanted to be. Involuntarily, you smiled, lost in time and space, just listening. Feeling the magic engaging you.
Only now did you think about his natural voice, the one you heard when he wasn’t Singing. The gift of Song was present in Jimin's music, but his voice was still beautiful when he didn't Sang. And then you realized that it was not exactly the voice that changed, but it's energy. The voice was still the same, but the gift made it so harmonious that the man couldn't contain such perfection. The sound spread the sense of peace and harmony to all the ones who heard it.
Looking at him at that moment, you thought Jimin seemed to glisten, but you knew it was all your imagination, for you were so affected by his gift. Probably.
In a curious moment, you looked at Wheein, wanting to see her reaction, and you knew that your friend was recognizing what you had recognized through the portal of observation. There was something special about that man's voice, and for you fairies to think so, it was because there really was something different. After all, you were born to deal with such things.
Wheein was wide-eyed, her hands clutching her arms, as if that could contain her shivers. When she looked at you, she didn't have to say anything to let you know what she was thinking. It'd been hard to believe for you, too.
When you looked forward again, you saw Taehyung open his eyes. He had closed them to better appreciate the sound of his friend's voice.
Jimin stopped singing and smiled. He had only Sung for a few seconds, but it felt you'd listened to him all your life. Your heart was still pounding in your chest.
When Taehyung tried to sing the way Jimin told him to, and his voice sounded better, he laughed, the deep sound surprising you.
"Jimin, you're a genius!" Taehyung said. "How did you know it was going to work?"
Jimin also laughed before answering and shrugging. "It's a gift."
He obviously didn't know how close he was to the truth. And maybe it was time to tell him. But Wheein was faster than you, and before you could do anything to get the two men's attention she was already speaking.
"How long have you been doing that?" she asked.
The two of them looked at you wide-eyed, their bodies tense and threatening to run away.
“Who are you? And how long have you been here?" Taehyung asked.
"You didn't answer my question," Wheein stated, and you nudged her ribs.
It seemed a crime to frighten the two men in front of you that much. So, you decided to be friendlier and answer their questions first.
"I'm Y/N and this is my friend Wheein. Forgive her rush. We're here for only a few minutes and we didn't want to scare you." Then you hesitated. What'd you say now? You hadn't thought of anything, rehearsed anything. You had been too focused in the possibility of hearing his voice again to remember thinking of anything to say when you met him. "It's just that we had to come and meet you. I couldn’t wait anymore."
Your last two sentences came out in a whisper that grew lower with every word, but even so, Jimin could hear. You had to come and meet him? Why? He restrained a smile when he thought that perhaps there was something special that might have caught your attention even from a distance.
Jimin thought you were beautiful. Wheein too, but she stared at him as a scientist looked at a new discovery. As if she wanted to study every detail of his until she discovered what had caught your attention. But something in the respectful, ashamed way you looked at him made you even more attractive, and made him smile unconsciously.
He wasn't stupid. He knew he had something special on his voice. If not since he was born, at least since he began singing. And he knew how it affected people. Everyone said they heard something wonderful when he sung and it seemed he didn't have the ability to miss a note, or, if he did, nobody noticed. Some people were envious and angry, others were willing to become his personal slaves, if he wanted them to. He'd already received such suggestions. And others were obsessed with hearing him and finding out why and how he could do that.
Few people had grown used to the idea enough to ​​become friends with him, as Taehyung had done. Of course, Tae was already his friend before they discovered what his voice could do.
But no one had looked at him like you were looking at that moment. He waited patiently for you to speak again.
"I... ahn… Your voice. I heard you from afar and... I had to meet you." You said, still stumbling on your own words.
So that was it, despite the different way, you were just another girl in love with his voice that didn't want to know the real man who owned it. You just wanted to hear him sing. For the millionth time, Jimin wondered if his life would be easier if he were a professional singer, as Tae always suggested.
“No. That's not right." And there you were again, not finding the right words. "What you do is important to my people. It was part of us one day, but it isn't anymore. We need that back. We need you to bring it back."
This was new to Jimin. People had never invented stories to make him sing before. They simply asked him to sing. Sometimes, if they were girls, they said they were in love. But that left him with no reaction at all. All he could manage to say was a quick, "What?"
You sighed, trying to find the words that would better explain the situation than the first attempt, but Wheein spoke before you.
"What you've got in your voice is really a gift, as you said. It's not just a talent, as humans call it. And it's not something you can do easily. It isn't something humans should even be able to do. This gift was born with us in our land." Wheein paused when she heard you sigh again and took your hand. "We're not like you." When Taehyung raised one eyebrow with a mixture of curiosity and mockery, she ignored him and continued speaking. "We're fairies and came from another dimension. Our people have lost that gift of yours many years ago and still suffer from the loss. We'd like your help to bring it back."
You raised your eyes to Wheein. You two hadn't talked about it, but somehow, you'd thought the same. It wasn't only the fact Jimin had the gift that had brought you there. Both of you hoped he could help restore the balance that Fairyland had lost when Sing disappeared.
"Do you guys really expect us to believe that? That you're fairies?" Jimin asked.
You started controlling the air around you without saying a word. Fairies powers that humans didn't have were what distinguished you from humans and the best way to show it was telling the truth.
A light breeze made Jimin's black hair move, spreading around his face, and then followed to do the same with Taehyung. Their expression didn't change. Even if they were inside a closed room in a building, feeling wind in their hair wasn't unusual for them.
You were going to try something stronger when Wheein gave up waiting and raised one eyebrow, catching the men's attention. She didn't move. Only her eyes roamed Jimin's body first and then Taehyung's. That was the only proof that what came next was her fault.
Fairies didn't need to create the elements to use them. Their Connection to Nature was so great that they could use whatever they had of their element in the environment, in any form. And Wheein was very good in controlling Water, even the one that was already part of the human body.
Even in the air-conditioned room, beads of sweat appeared on the men's faces and shoulders. And the water didn't stop appearing on their skin until their shirts were soaked.
How could they explain it rationally? To sweat in a refrigerated room and only on the top of their bodies.
Wheein smiled at the result, but you worried they could catch a cold or something. Saying your friend's name in a reprimand tone, you used a warm wind to dry them both. When it was over, you analyzed them both, pleased, trying to forget the image of how the wet shirt had attached to Jimin's well-made body just seconds earlier.
When you looked into his eyes, you saw they were wide open, but before you could say anything, Taehyung said.
“Wow! That was incredible! How did you do that?"
"It's like Wheein said," you answered. "We're fairies. We do it naturally. We're born with the gift of controlling some element of Nature. Jimin does that too, but his gift is less known and common, yet very important. It's called the gift of Song."
Taehyung laughed, in contrast to Jimin's very serious face and stormy eyes.
"Did you hear that, Jimin? You've got a gift. Like a fairy. That explains a lot." Tae said cheerfully. At least he believed what you said, since his friend didn't seem to believe it.
"That’s ridiculous," Jimin said, waving his arms nervously. "I just know how to sing. It's no big deal. Tae knows it too and you're not interested in him."
There was only one thing that'd get them more shocked than your element powers. The last thing you could do to try and convince the black-haired, brown-eyed man who was frowning at you.
Then, with some effort, you used Air to push away the portal density from you. The weight left your body slowly, until you felt light again, despite the concentration needed to do that. And you could see on Jimin's eyes the exact moment when your wings got visible.
They were white with gold details, like long, firm strokes made by a talented painter, but everyone who'd looked at them up to that point was so used to seeing something like this that they reacted as if it was something absolutely normal and ordinary. But it wasn't like that for Jimin. He'd never seen a fairy before, and his eyes, wide with surprise, also showed delight. And that attracted you even more.
When the effort to keep the wings visible became too much, you let the portal density cover them again.
"If your friend had the gift, we'd certainly be interested in taking him too," you stated.
Taehyung raised his eyebrows, flattered.
"If, by chance, I believed in you, what do you think I could do to help?" Jimin asked.
"First, you can show our people there's still hope. The gift of Song has to do with harmony and balance. Everything fairies have struggled to achieve for centuries. Losing it made them believe they'd lost their essence as well. Maybe you can show them all that it's possible to get back on track," you explained, with more emotion in your voice than you intended.
"And maybe you'll finally find out who you are, Jimin. And understand what you can do with your song." Taehyung spoke suddenly, encouraging his friend to agree to go with you to Fairyland.
"Hey, I'm not a fairy!" Jimin exclaimed, but this time he seemed more playful than outraged.
“No. You are totally and utterly human," you completed. "But you have something that fairies have missed. Maybe you are the element we need to restore our balance and our relationship with Mother Nature."
"I can't leave it here. I'm helping Tae with something." Jimin insisted.
"You've already helped me," Taehyung rebutted, a big smile on his face as if overcoming a very important discussion. "With your help, the song will be perfect for recording. You can go with no fear."
Jimin looked at his friend, then at you and Wheein, and for a second you thought he was looking for other excuses not to go, but fortunately he found none.
"Let's go," you said as you took his hand and led him to the door, a quick thankful look to Taehyung. "The faster we go, the faster we get to Fairyland and then we can fix things. And bring you back."
Jimin wasn't convinced he was doing the right thing yet, even as he followed you and Wheein out of town. But he relied on Taehyung's judgment, since he certainly didn't trust himself, at least not when it came to his gift.
He hadn't always sung. He'd discovered his talent and passion in high school when he was about to enter college. And the exploitation had begun almost at the same time.
The music industry was complicated and demanded a lot from the new singers, but what Jimin could do with his voice, even unintentionally, was very unusual and rare. No one he knew had ever seen it happen before, but that didn't stop acquaintances and strangers from doing anything to use it to their advantage.
It'd taken him some time to understand the power in his voice. More than it should. Certainly, longer than other people. And by the time producers and headhunters realized he could catch the attention of everyone who heard him and bring such a good feeling that everyone wanted to keep listening to him incessantly, they began to fight over each other for the opportunity to work with Jimin, who could no longer sleep from so much exploitation, and to use his gift to manipulate people.
All this made him give up music. After all, he never wanted to manipulate anyone. All he wanted was to have fun while distributing entertainment for a living, lessening the world's pain and worry. But if, thanks to people's ambitions, his music was doomed to do more harm than good, he was willing to give it up.
It was Taehyung that made him think better about it. After a few years trying, the box-smiling young man finally managed to make the friend realize that gift would only be turned into a curse if he let it. Leaving music was painful for Jimin, and Taehyung could see it clearly. So, he didn't rest until his older friend decided to go back into the business. Jimin swore he'd never sing again for profession, but Taehyung was pleased when he realized there was no harm in being a singing teacher.
And ever since, that was what Jimin did, taking advantage of the ease the gift brought him and extending his teachings to Taehyung himself when he needed it.
After everything that happened, Jimin only sang when he thought it was safe, and in public, only if it was strictly necessary.
And there you were, walking fast ahead of him. Determined and eager to get to your land. Agitated because you wanted to use your wings again. A completely unknown girl who'd become interested in him because you heard him singing.
Until that part you were like all the others, except for Taehyung, but until now you hadn't asked him to sing. And you weren't asking him to do it only so you and your friend could feel good, or even that others would feel in paradise while being led to do your wills and things they didn't want to.
No. You were asking him to save your people. The Fairyland fairies, a people and a place that he didn't even knew existed until he met you.
Of course, as a human, he didn't even know whether it was possible to bring harmony to a whole people that way. Especially knowing his gift only worked as long as he continued singing. But he knew how a little spark of hope could be strong enough to make a person move forward, as it had done to him.
Maybe his voice was powerful enough to bring hope, however small, to a whole species. You at least seemed sure of it. And if you and Taehyung were right, he could save your people and learn about his gift at the same time.
Of course, everything could still be a big lie to try and manipulate him. The music industry could be quite creative when it wanted to. But something deep inside him said no one would go as far as to pretend controlling the Air and Water elements, nor creating wings so convincing and able to disappear in the blink of an eye just to make him sing.
When Jimin heard the sound of a branch breaking, he stopped walking and looked back. He didn't know where the sound had come from, and he didn't want to seem fainthearted, if it was just an animal passing through the part of the forest where you walked. But then he heard the movement of the wind, as when it is shaken by wings flapping, and hoped he wasn't imagining something that was not there when he called your name.
You were surprised by the sound of his voice. He hadn't said anything since the three of you'd left the rehearsal room and you thought you wouldn't listen to him for a while longer.
You knew something was wrong though, as soon as you looked at him. His brown eyes met yours and you realized he knew it too.
Looking around, you gestured him closer to you. Frightened, he covered the short distance and widened his eyes as you positioned yourself in front of him, facing a cluster of nearby trees.
"There's something wrong, isn't there? What is going on?” he asked.
You didn't answer, watching the trees as you tried to maintain a natural and confident posture at the same time. Thoughtful, Wheein replied as she took her place behind him.
"They're here."
Of course, that answer didn't help to soothe Jimin's racing heart.
"They who?" he asked again.
"The Council," you whispered quietly, right before a tall blond woman with a slim body appeared through the trees you were watching. She seemed to float on the ground, since her large gray wings were also hidden by the cloak of the portal.
Jimin watched the woman even as you settled your body in front of his. She was older than you, who he thought was the same age as him, and had a stunning beauty. Maybe all fairies had. But her body was rigid and her eyes had a wicked glow. And she didn't shine in white and gold, as he saw happening to you, as if you had your own light. But by the way she floated, he figured she was a fairy too.
"Y/N," the woman said. It was a cold greeting.
"Lady Fiona." Fairies adopted the treatment of lords and ladies long ago, trying to resemble human monarchies, and as the Council’s leader Fiona always demanded this when it came to herself. "What a surprise to meet you here."
"You shouldn't be surprised. You knew there'd be consequences when you left Fairyland without permission." Fiona replied with the same harshness, even though her hands gracefully joined in front of her body.
You and Wheein had the same thought, but neither of you put it into words so as not to make the situation worse. Of course, you knew the Council would send someone after you as you crossed the portal linking the two dimensions. You just didn't know that the situation was so important that the Council’s leader herself felt the need to do it in person.
"I had permission, of course." You started, but when she asked from whom, you weren't able to say anything. It was obvious that you had no permission, and if you continued with the lie, you'd end up creating problems for the friends who helped you out there. "But the point is that it was too important to wait. I've found something that can help us. After so many years, we finally have the chance to..."
"I know what you found." Fiona interrupted you. "And there's a reason why it doesn't exist among us anymore."
The icy tone in her voice made Wheein frown and made Jimin step back. You shuddered, but still didn't want to believe what you were hearing and continued.
"Yes, Mother Nature's taken it from us. But maybe now we can change the situation. And the attitudes. Perhaps he can bring the necessary harmony to meet purity again."
"That won't happen, Y/N. There's a reason we chose to live without that gift. Yes, Mother Nature lost some of her chosen ones when they came to live with humans, but not all of them. There was still enough purity to keep the gift among us until we decided it was time to eradicate it."
As Fiona spoke, other fairies came from the trees, all floating and with hostile glances. All members of the Council. You counted twenty of them and moved closer to Jimin, touching him lightly with your hands to make sure he was there behind you and try to protect him.
There were only two ways a fairy could lose the Connection to her element. Having it withdrawn by Mother Nature, which was rare, or dying. You felt a pain in the chest when Fiona's words made you realize it wasn't Mother Nature who took the gift of Song from the fairies. But it was possible, of course, that after such cruelty, it had decided it'd be best not to have it born again.
Everything you ever believed in was falling apart with those words. The fairies themselves had the courage to take lives to eliminate an element. The tale may not be entirely true, but it was not entirely false either. The gift of Song really disappeared because the fairies changed too much and lost the purity that made them special.
At that moment you felt even more the need for Jimin's help and the gift he had. Even more than before, you knew you had to save the warm brown-eyed man behind you and your own people from harm. They were more lost than you'd imagined.
With a sign from Fiona, the whole Council began to approach you three with slow but long steps.
"You need to Sing," Wheein said to Jimin, even without looking at him. "Now."
Frightened, Jimin looked at you for guidance, but you kept staring at Fiona. Then your hands found his, even when your back was turned, and you felt how nervous he was. He'd ran away from his own gift for so long.
You took his hands to your waist and had one hold the other.
"Hold tight," was all you said, and then you began to float in the air, rising faster every second, unaware that the flapping of your wings caused a frenzy in Jimin's stomach for meeting his skin.
But when the two of you were ten feet off the ground, with Wheein following behind you, the older, faster Council members overtook you. And you could feel the weight of all four elements working together to get you back to the ground and hold you there. The air was heavy and seemed sickly, while Water, Air, Earth, and Heat worked together under the Council's command to keep you from moving.
And in an instant, Fiona, who also had a Connection with Air, made yours come out of your lungs, and held it so far that you began to choke without oxygen. The sound that came out of your throat in a desperate attempt to breathe made Wheein sob, and Jimin lost control.
"Don't hurt her!" he shouted at Fiona. "I'll do whatever you want, but please, don't hurt her."
He was almost relieved when Fiona left the air so you could breathe, but his heart sank when he heard you whisper. "Don't do that."
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dihcorrea · 6 years
The Gift of Song - Jimin Fairytale AU! (Part 2 - Final)
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Pairing: Jimin x Female Reader (feat. Taehyung, Mamamoo Wheein, and GOT7 Jackson)
Genre: Fluff, angst, fairytale au! (PG15)
Summary: When Fairies lost one of their powers after too much contact with humans, they secluded themselves in their world. But you believe it is possible to hope again when you find out that a human has what your people has lost.
Word Count: 9.974
Warnings: Mentions of death
A/N: This is the final part of my @serendipity-day project for Fairytale and Voice themes. I hope you like it.
You woke up in a cell you didn't even know existed in Fairyland.
Even with all the stories and legends you've heard about the fairies' dimension, you'd never heard of fairies who were imprisoned for any reason. So you had imagined that the dimension had no prisons, that it was a place where issues were settled by common sense and respect for rules. After all, the fairies were the purest beings created by Mother Nature, the ones chosen to maintain balance.
But, it seems, you've been mistaken all your life. Not only were fairies capable of committing acts as heinous as the humans, but they were also prepared for it, as if they knew that some of their people would actually do such things.
Of course you could still blame the old interaction with humans for all this, saying it was the wingless species that turned the fairies into beings with negative and destructive emotions and cruel wills, but you believed the prisons were in Fairyland longer than that.
The well-hewn walls around you seemed to have been carved out of jewels, as if all the cells were part of a large castle. However, the fairies hadn't used castles for centuries, as you remembered. And that only heightened your conviction that the Council has imprisoned fairies that got out of line for longer than you could imagine.
Also, how could you blame the interaction with humans for all that was going on when your own Council, the fairies who should have been wiser and more reliable, seemed to do everything wrong? The only two humans you had met seemed more honest, kind, and amiable than the leaders of your people, whom you grew up being trained to believe in.
You couldn't tell the emotions you felt. It was a mixture of disappointment, repulsion and fear for your own leaders and for what they and those who governed before them were able to do. You had never imagined fairies being able to kill until that moment in the woods, when Fiona told the truth with her eyes shining as if to reveal the truth that excited her. The Council leader shouldn't be proud of what she had told you, you thought. It wasn't a decent truth. Fairies had always judged humans for their foolish acts against nature and maliciousness acts against their own kind, but what right did they have to judge?
Realizing that you would never have a reasonable answer to this and other questions, and that it would be of no use trying to understand the motives that had made the Council act as it was acting, or that had made the other fairies accept all this and be fooled by the invented histories of the rulers, you decided to think of something else. Then you looked around.
You were alone in your cell, a light-walled cubicle that should be between three and four square meters. The bars of your cell, made of a very hard material, but which didn't appear to be the metal that humans normally used, had light blue hue.
Wheein was in the cell next to yours, and you saw her as she lifted her body of the mattress she'd been sleeping on. Her cell had the same characteristics as yours, except for the greenish bars.
She looked at you, nodding to ask if you were okay. You said you were and made the same gesture indicating it. The nod she gave in response was enough to let you know she was fine.
So you gave each other significant looks, suddenly thinking the same thing. With a quick nod, you turned to the bars and concentrated. The colors should mean something, but you couldn't give up hope that they were just part of the decor.
You were wrong, though, and you sighed in frustration as you watched Wheein's eyes widen in wonder when not even a breeze or a drop of water came up. The colors of the bars of your cells meant your elements. Light blue for Air and green for Water, like the seas. And finally you understood that the prison wasn't pretty by coincidence. Something on the stones used to sculpt the walls blocked the use of your powers. So you and Wheein were trapped in different cells, for your powers were different and called for different locks.
Fighting a second sigh, you fixed your eyes on Wheein, trying to extend your power to her, to take it to her cell, hoping that the lock would only work inside your cell. And again, you were wrong. The cell didn't take the strength of your power, but it held it within you. You felt the bustling Air as if it were the blood running through your veins, the energy flowing through your body, but you couldn't expand it, make it work in your favor.
Wheein gave a wry smile, sitting on the bed again. "It'd be very easy to get away if we could use our powers," she said. "There would be no point in arresting anyone."
You nodded, knowing she was right and that the Council wouldn't dare not think of something to avoid a breakout. But that didn't change your frustration.
"What will we do now?" you asked.
"I don't know." Wheein looked desolate, too. She would like an answer.
You looked around, trying to think of something that might help, and finally saw Jimin lying on the bed of a cell in front of yours, across the wide hallway. The bars of his cell was light blue, like yours.
"Why is his cell blue?" you asked. You glanced quickly at Wheein until you heard her answer, her tone more like a question than an answer.
"So you can't use the Air to release him?"
"But I can't use Air. Not at all. I can't let it go of my body. I tried using it with you and it didn't work. Why would the Council worry that I could use Air with Jimin?" you explained. It didn't make sense.
"Well, I never knew the color of Song," Wheein said.
She was right. The Song had no physical form like the other elements. And, after all, perhaps the cells were older than the fifth element and there wasn't one that could control it.
"I guess that explains the lack of guards," you explained your thoughts to your best friend. She shook her head slightly, as if agreeing with your line of reasoning.
"It means that Fiona couldn't prevent him from using the gift, but she took precautions so that neither she nor any of her allies could be affected by it," Wheein concluded.
You just nodded. It was a reasonable explanation for all the cells around you to have light blue, green, brown, and orange bars related to each of the four original elements, but there was no color to indicate Song. And it also explained why there were no guards there watching over what the prisoners were saying and doing.
Finally Jimin moved on the bed across the hall and turned his face until his eyes met yours before he sat down.
"Are you okay?" he asked, looking genuinely concerned.
How could the fairies think he was a monster that had taken something from them? It was obvious, just by looking at him, that he was pure in heart. Worried brown eyes examining you, looking for some injury.
"I'm fine," you replied, trying to catch your breath.
"I'm fine too, thanks for caring." Wheein said, with a playful smile on her face, even though he hadn't asked her anything.
Jimin looked at her and blinked, as if only at that moment he realized she was there. "It's good to know."
You tried to hide a smile. "And how are you?"
He looked at his own body for a moment and moved his arms as if testing them. "I’m fine."
You smiled and didn't have to respond that you were happy about it.
"I'm sorry I couldn't help out there in the woods." Jimin said, looking down to the ground.
You spoke quickly to prevent Wheein from saying something harsh about his delay in using Song to save you all.
“Don’t worry about that. It is normal to have difficulty using the gift under pressure."
Jimin looked into your eyes, trying to figure out if you really thought that or if you were just saying it to calm him down.
But before he came to a conclusion, you heard a noise coming from the hallway to your right. You shifted your attention toward the sound, but you couldn't see the end of the hall or what had caused that sound until you heard footsteps and finally saw the feet of someone approaching.
Your heartbeat fastened as you wondered what would happen now, who was coming, and why they had left the three of you alone until you awoke. You also thought you might be wrong about the cell where Jimin was and its inability to contain Song. After all, why would anyone approach him knowing he could start Singing at any moment and make the person change their mind about keeping him in jail?
You noticed that it was a man who approached and closed your eyes for a moment, swallowing. When you heard the familiar voice greet you, you blew out the air you didn't know you were holding in a quick breath and opened your eyes. You couldn't believe what you were seeing.
It was Jackson who was there, not Fiona's sullen guard.
"You don't have to be so surprised to see me," Jackson said with a playful grin on his face, as if the situation wasn't serious and he hadn't nearly caused a heart attack in both his friends. "You should know I'd come."
You let out a short laugh, going from nervous to relieved. “Of course you'd find a way."
"Exactly," he agreed. "I always find a way."
You frowned and raised one eyebrow. He spoke as if you and Wheein were always in trouble. As if that wasn't the first time you disregarded the rules. You shook your head, knowing he was joking.
Then he finally turned to Jimin and appraised the young man standing behind the blue bars from head to toes.
"You must be Jimin, the Song guy," Jackson said, a breath of appreciation in his voice. Jimin only raised one eyebrow at him, not knowing how to react. "I'm Jackson, Y/N's and Wheein's best friend." Jackson introduced himself and, after another glance at Jimin, winked at you. "You’re right. He's worth it," he whispered so the imprisoned man couldn't quite listen.
Wheein rolled her eyes and you smiled as you stared at the floor, your cheeks suddenly pink. Jimin frowned.
"How did you get here?" you asked, trying to change the subject.
"It looks like your kid over there is leaving all the Council henchmen frightened," Jackson began. You felt a wave of Heat emanate from your friend, but it passed so fast you ignored it. "There are no guards nearby in a radius of at least a mile."
You saw Jimin move uncomfortably in his cell, but you couldn't decipher the look on his face.
"Do you think it's because of the Song?" you asked.
"Why else would they go so far?" Jackson replied. "Even with specific cells, it's always necessary to watch over prisoners. But the Council allowed you to stay here alone. It's obvious they're scared of Jimin - it's Jimin, isn't it? - being able to control their allies only with his voice."
You thought about it for a bit. Of course, if you were in the Council, you'd do the same. Song was a good force, but very powerful. Perhaps that is precisely why the Council took precautions to extinguish it years ago.
Across the hall, Jimin moved more and more agitated every moment. The human ran a hand through his black hair and took a deep breath. You frowned as he gripped the end of his white shirt and began to wiggle the cloth.
"Is it just me, or is it absurdly hot in here?" Jimin asked, looking at you and Wheein, who were looking at him with one eyebrow raised.
"Um, I don't feel anything, but why don't you take off your shirt? It might help make you feel more comfortable." It was Jackson's response, and when Jimin looked at him with a question in his eyes, you narrowed your eyes.
You saw Jimin take the other hand to the tip of his shirt and decided to stop it. Not that you wouldn't de happy to see Jimin's shapely body firsthand, since you'd only been able to see the contours of his abdomen muscles when Wheein had left him all wet in the rehearsal room on Earth. But fooling him into taking off his shirt wasn't very fair and you had more important things to think about at that moment.
"Jackson, stop it," you ordered, your voice chiding your friend. "You know you shouldn't use Heat for these things."
Jackson looked at you pouting as his Heat influence diminished over Jimin. "I was just testing to see if the Heat would work in a cell for the Air."
You squinted suspiciously at your friend, and your tone was still serious when you spoke again, like a mother scolding her reckless son.
"Right. You've seen it works. Now let Jimin breathe and let's stay focused on what's most important."
Wheein chuckled at your side and Jackson didn't fail to notice that the way you said it didn't show that seeing Jimin's body wasn't important. Only that it was not as important as getting out of jail.
Jimin looked from you to Jackson and back at you with wide eyes, barely believing that the unbearable heat he had felt was coming from the man in front of you. As if he were still trying to understand the extent of the powers of fairies.
"Right. First things first." Jackson started, but still cast a glare at Jimin that made the human raise an eyebrow. "I came here to prepare you. The Council is acting fast out there while you are here."
"What do you mean? Tell us what's going on, Jackson," Wheein encouraged.
"The Council is preparing a judgment. All Fairyland will be present. The works will be interrupted at any moment so that all the fairies can gather in the great clearing. The verdict will be of the people, of course, but Fiona will surely use all she can to convince them," Jackson said.
And you knew, from what you'd discovered in the forest just before you were captured, that Fiona was good at modifying the true story to deceive her own people. The whole Council was. Such things had been going on since before the current Council was born.
"But you have a plan," you said more than you asked.
"Of course I have a plan! I'm Jackson Wang, what did you expect?" your friend answered and you chuckled.
Jackson was so confident, and that was very welcomed at the time. It helped to keep hope.
"Well, it's already obvious that the Council wants to keep the human away from everyone in Fairyland," Jackson began. "No offense," he finished with a glance at Jimin, who gestured that he had not been offended. "They didn't even send guards to watch over you because of what Jimin can do. Which means that for Fiona's plan to work out right, she also can't take him to the Great Clearing for judgment. That would be contradictory to everything she has done so far. If she thinks it's dangerous for him to use Song inside an isolated prison, imagine how much she can lose if he uses it in front of all our people."
"So probably only Y/N and Wheein will be judged," Jackson continued. "And that's where I come in. I'm going to do exactly what the Council wants to avoid. When the guards come to take you both into the great clearing, I'll come to release Jimin, and Fiona will lose her trump by the time we appear at the trial." With a long look at you and Wheein, he completed. "Unfortunately we can't stop them from taking you, or we won't be able to prevent Fiona from finding a way to control the situation. We need the element of surprise."
"Don't worry, Jackson, we understand," you replied. "And saving our people from these lies and manipulation is more important than that."
Wheein grimaced. "Yeah, but it's going to be really cool if you don't arrive too late," she completed.
But Jackson couldn't stay there for a long time or it would raise suspicions. Except for you and Wheein, everyone was in their jobs or daily activities at that moment. And the Council was calling everyone to participate in the public trial of his friends. He would be doubly suspicious if he wasn't where he should be when the Council came.
He wasn't suspicious at the time, of course. The fairies didn't believe in bonds of friendship so strong as to risk your life for another's in a case of betrayal. And as much as it was a big lie, that was how Fiona was making everyone see the situation, as if you and Wheein had betrayed all your people.
Since he didn't want to be found in jail before he could put his plan into practice, Jackson returned home to wait for the right moment. He counted only on his grandmother's help to pretend that he had never visited your cells.
Jimin watched until Jackson had disappeared from his sight and immediately looked at you.
"Are you sure this is going to work?" Jimin asked.
"Actually, I don't. But what other chance do we have?" was your answer.
You didn't want to sound pessimistic to him. Not when it was you who put him right in the middle of all that mess. It was true that you believed he could make a difference, but you couldn't deny that he would have avoided being part of it if he had not followed you. He would not be stuck in a cell at that very moment if he had continued on Earth.
"I don't know. There are so many things that can go wrong... " Jimin kept talking, but you realized that the hope in the tone of his voice diminished with every word, so you tried again.
"As long as we're stuck here, there's not much we can do. These cells block my Connection and Wheein's, and there's not a single person around for you to influence with the Song. " Jimin blinked twice. Maybe you were not looking as optimistic as you'd like, but you didn't want your words of encouragement to be lies. "With Jackson's plan, we have a chance. He's good at getting what he wants, and at the very least he'll give us some time to argue with Fiona. We'll be able to show the people of Fairyland our side of the story."
"There's a reason to risk so much to get to you, Jimin." Wheein completed. "Despite what it may seem now, our people are not bad. And once they realize what we know about you and your gift, the situation may change. Hope is a very strong feeling and Fiona can't beat it if everyone believes."
This seemed to satisfy Jimin, because he nodded and returned to the bed of the cell to wait.
It didn't take long, however, for four guards to come down the hall and open your cell and Wheein's. You and your friend exchanged glances when she passed you, with two guards taking her by the arms, while the other two did the same with you.
"You don't have to drag me. I still know how to walk alone," said Wheein, pretending to resist to make the situation more convincing. It wasn't only because you two going to trial was part of Jackson's plan that you should accept all the acts of the Council and the guards unreservedly.
Your eyes met Jimin's and there was fear in his. You were also scared, after all he was right about the number of things that could go wrong, but you tried your hardest not to show. Hoping that none of the guards would notice your gesture, you nodded slightly, trying to tell the human that everything would be all right.
In a short time, Jackson would come to release Jimin and you could rest easy to face what would come next knowing that the human with deep brown eyes would be free.
And that's exactly what happened, even though you're not there anymore to see.
As the guards led you and Wheein into the great clearing a few miles from the jail, Jackson slipped into the building you had just left. You were still close enough to see him approach if you looked back, but neither you nor your best friend dared to do it. And Jackson had never been so sneaky as at that day. And he was just getting started.
The Council had not waited longer than was necessary to prepare the trial. They knew what they wanted and Fiona had everything already properly planned, as if waiting for the opportunity for months. It was evening when she captured you, Wheein and Jimin in the woods near the portal that separated the dimensions, and in a single night everything was ready. It was the morning sun of the next day that shone brightly and warmed Jackson's back just before he entered the jail for the second time.
Jimin almost jumped when he saw him coming, anxiety taking over him. He'd already used the covers to make it look like someone was sleeping in the cell. He didn't think that would help much, but at least he got a little busy until Jackson got there.
Jackson smiled at the man on the other side of the bars and thought he might be able to charge for the favor later. Perhaps those full, well-drawn lips could give more than a smile of thanks. But then he thought of the way Jimin had looked at you and remembered that he had no chance with him.
Jackson's hands went against the bars at once. "Are you ready, handsome?" he asked.
Jimin raised one eyebrow at the last word of the fairy, but didn't say a word. He just took a step back and nodded.
Jackson didn't take his eyes off Jimin's as he focused on what he needed to do. Jimin watched as the other's eyes darkened and his hands flashed, as if they burned. But in reality it wasn't Jackson's hands that burned, but the bars.
The iron was soft in his hands and moments later he managed to move them with a simple movement of the arms. The space between them was large enough for the two men to pass together, if they wished.
With an interrogative glance at the man who had come there to free him, Jimin left the cell, being careful not to touch the hot bars.
When he stopped beside Jackson and received a convinced smile, he looked back. "Uh... Do you really think it's a good idea to leave the bars like this?" he asked.
Jackson's smirk didn't diminish when he answered. "I don't think that's what the Council is going to worry about when they know you ran away."
The guards led you and Wheein straight into the center of the great clearing. They didn't speak to anyone on the way, and neither did you, even though your eyes searched the crowds that only grew in search of someone you knew, someone who would stand by you at the time of the vote. There didn't seem to be such people in the audience, though.
The buzz among the crowd was loud and you could imagine what the people were talking about but you couldn't understand.
Suddenly everyone was silent and you noticed that they were looking at the same place. Following their glances, you saw Fiona approaching from the part of the wood that led to the Council's meeting place. She was flying, of course, her gray wings now visible without the density of the portal above them.
Her blond hair contrasted with the color of her wings and she wore a set of white blouse and pants to increase the impact. She wouldn't admit that this was what she was trying to do when she thought carefully about the clothes she would wear that morning, but that was the truth.
Her family had believed that the gray wings would make a bad impression when she was born, but she quickly learned to use them in her favor, not just to fly.
Her eyes roamed the crowd and her voice sounded solemn and imperious as she spoke. At no point did she look at you and Wheein.
"The motive that brought us here today is something that hasn't happened amid us for many years." The crowd that had been silent when she emerged from the trees was now completely attentive. "And it was established in the early days of our kind that all the people would have the right to vote to decide what to do when this sort of thing happens," Fiona continued, her voice lacking the usual harshness. "After all, everyone has the right to know and judge an issue that affects us all, so that the decision is fair. For our species as a whole can not tolerate treason."
At her last words, the whole crowd shouted in unison, as if she had instigated their anger.
And there she was telling the first lie. You knew from the beginning that she would twist the truth as much as possible to make it look like you and Wheein were wrong and pretend she wanted to save the people, instead of actually wanting to destroy what they had closest to the true balance. And there had been no more than five minutes of trial, and Fiona had already lied about what had really happened.
You and Wheein hadn't committed treason. Aside from the small disobedience of visiting Earth without prior permission, you had done nothing wrong. And hardly the visit to Earth would cause all that fuss among the fairies, since many of them, when young, were taken by the curiosity of knowing what the dimension that they observed every day was like.
But Fiona wouldn't have convened a general meeting if she wanted to judge you and Wheein just for crossing the portal. That's why you knew you should expect many lies from her.
"These two young fairies had apparently only been curious about Earth and had gone there without asking permission. The punishment for this would have been a simple decision, with a few hours a day of advanced Learning about the importance of staying away from humans, but with the help of their field leader, we discovered that there was a lot more behind this act." Fiona continued when they were all silent again.
As no one else spoke, the Council leader continued.
"For two months they had been keeping in touch with humans and plotting against Fairyland itself," said Fiona and the audience made sounds of surprise. There was a wicked gleam in the Council leader's eyes as she looked at you for only a few seconds. "They were careful because this kind of thing is not an easy thing to do. We still don't know all the methods they used, but there are records in the portals of observation."
You tried to control yourself so you didn't snort. There was nothing embarrassing about the portals of observation because you simply hadn't done anything wrong. On the contrary, if any of the people who listened to Fiona's speech were allowed to see your screens, they would know that you were just trying to help.
How could those fairies be deceived to the point of no longer believing in the gift of Song?
"So we finally realized that Wheein and Y/N seemed to have set the date to put their plan into effect the very day they left Fairyland without permission and we feared it wasn't a coincidence." Fiona spoke again, and you wondered how no one else could see that her pride and confidence increased with every exclamation of surprise and indignation in the crowd, as if she thought she was getting closer to getting what she wanted. "The portals of observation contained no details of the plan, but we realized what it consisted of when we found them in the forest near the portal separating the two dimensions, accompanied by a human. The human they intended to bring to Fairyland so he could learn how to destroy us."
Your jaw dropped with indignation. Fiona was getting heavy on her false accusations. To the fairies, who lived in fear of what the coexistence with humans might cause, only being in constant contact with the other species could already be considered treason. But conspire with humans to destroy the fairies? Eradicate them? Fiona was going too far.
But the moment you opened your mouth to defend yourself, the crowd began to scream in anger. The few words you could understand from them frightened you of what could be the outcome of that trial.
The woodland wasn't dense and the spaces not occupied by the trees were large enough for two people to pass without difficulty. In Jackson's opinion. Jimin concentrated a little more not to step on the plants that grew close to the ground or stumble in the roots of the trees.
But Jimin wasn't complaining. He followed the fairy closely with a more thoughtful than troubled expression.
"When we get there, we'll figure it out." Jackson's voice caught Jimin's attention as he looked up from the floor to stare at the brown-haired boy. "At this time the trial has already begun. All the fairies are gathered in the great clearing, listening to all the lies Fiona has invented. And when we arrive, everyone will hear the truth. It's going to be even better than the initial plan of bringing you here and telling them about your gift."
"Are you sure this is going to work?" Jimin asked.
“Of course! As much as possible. Fiona has guards who blindly obey her every order, and we are only two and our friends are trapped and vulnerable in her hands." When he saw Jimin's frown, he stopped talking for a moment, thinking. "But we have the element of surprise. And, believe me, people want to believe what we have to say. Fairies suffer for the loss of the gift of Song for years. To discover that it still exists is the greatest dream of everyone in this dimension."
Jimin took a deep breath, struggling to get the same optimism as his colleague.
"Do you really think we'll get there in time?" Jimin asked as he jumped a particularly high root of a tree. "I mean, where is this clearing? We've been walking a lot longer than you said we would."
“We’re almost there.” Jackson replied. "But you need to relax and have faith. You can't be so nervous. It'll come out in your voice when you Sing.
"Come out in my voice?" Jimin asked, still striding in the woods, trying to be faster now that they were close.
“Yeah. People with the gift of Song make their voice convey their emotions. It's one of the things that makes it such a delicate gift. It's as if you can make people feel the same as you, just because they're listening."
Jimin could have used Jackson's explanation to understand some events of his life, but he was too busy with something else his friend had said.
"Wait. You said 'when I Sing'. What do you mean by that?" Jimin asked.
Jackson looked at him and blinked twice. Jimin had stopped walking and the fairy made himself stop too, not knowing if he had time for it.
"I just said it. When you Sing the gift comes along and you can do things no one else does, like demonstrating your emotions." Jackson didn't understand why the human was asking that. Hadn't he already understood his role in the whole story? "When we get to the clearing and you Sing to prove to everyone that we are telling the truth, you can't show you're nervous. You have to prove the power is as good as they always believed. Both for those who have them and those who listen. And that it's not the deadly threat the Council wants to make everyone believe it is."
"Jackson." Jimin said in such a serious tone. The fairy could see a very fast glow of desperation in the human's eyes and wondered if it was just his imagination. "I won't sing when we get to the clearing." Jimin stated.
"What?! What do you mean you won't Sing? You need to Sing. The whole plan revolves around that." Jackson was outraged.
"I just won't. I haven't been singing in public for a long time and I'm not ready to do that now. I know it's important to your people, but I can't. There has to be another way to save Y/N and Wheein."
"You can't." Jackson repeated after looking at Jimin for a few seconds with a frown. "You can't!" He repeated in a mixture of outrage and question. "But you Sing, don't you? Y/N heard you Sing. And she wouldn't risk her life for a lie."
"I sing. But I'm a singing teacher now. It's true that there's something different about my voice that makes people fascinated, but it also brought me a lot of trouble and hurt a lot of people." Jimin recounted, struggling to dispel the painful memories of how guilty he felt for everything that was going on around him. "But it's been a long time. Like I said, it's been a long time since I've been singing in public. I don't even know if I can anymore."
"You don't need to know anything. Music and harmony are as natural to you as breathing," said the fairy. Of course Jackson had no way of knowing how Jimin got out of air of fear just by thinking of singing in front of a crowd. "Song is more than a profession and a lot of training for you. It flows in you like your own blood. It's just like Heat for me. Y/N heard you Sing. If you haven't lost your voice, you can do it again."
Jimin stared at Jackson for a moment, his brown eyes intense with uncertainty.
"Why is everyone so sure that I can help?" Jimin asked suddenly, resentful. "I couldn't stop them from getting us arrested. Wheein asked me to sing right before those fairies started fighting her and Y/N, and I couldn't."
"I believe because Y/N believes." Jackson answered, and his eyes held the same conviction as his voice. "Think of Y/N, Jimin. She disobeyed a fairy law to find you and is now being judged for a betrayal she didn't commit, just because our wicked leader is using the circumstances against her." When Jackson paused, he saw Jimin frown. Maybe the human cared more about you than he had imagined. "But Y/N is being strong, Jimin. She's holding on because she trusts you. Because she thinks you're going to get into that clearing and save her, using your power to show everyone that she was just wanting to help. Y/N believes in you."
Jimin's eyes were locked on Jackson's when he finally sighed.
"That's not fair," the human said. "I never wanted all this to happen. In fact, I stopped singing to keep something like this from happening."
"So do it for Y/N. Because she believes in you more than you do." Jackson asked. They were running out of time. They both had to move on through the woods to the clearing. He needed Jimin to agree soon.
"Damn, okay. I'll do it for her. I'll find a way to sing in public again." Jimin let out the answer as he let out the air he had been holding for a long time.
Jackson smiled. "That's the spirit! And remember, you need to relax."
Jimin shot a glance at Jackson as the two of them walked. Jackson knew the decision had made the man even more nervous, but he needed to calm down or he would spoil everything.
Fiona had already managed to convince almost everyone in the great clearing that you and Wheein were guilty. You couldn't imagine a plausible reason for anyone to do the things she claimed you and your friend had done. Why would a fairy turn against her own species and dimension? Why would one fairy hurt anyone else?
But the angry glances and the sounds that the spectators did showed that they believed every word of what they were hearing and that they were disgusted. And the guilt that Fiona made a point of putting in the humans seemed bigger by the minute.
The Council leader continued to state that human emotions were the biggest problem. That envy and greed had led you and Wheein to act so hideously to your own people. And besides, the two of you had been loyal to humans, who wished evil on fairies, to the point of conspiring with them to destroy your own people, even taking one of the humans to Fairyland so he would have the chance to harm them closely.
It all made you as disgusted as the crowd, especially as it was a lie.
And how could anyone look at Jimin and think he wanted to destroy an entire species? For you, he had the face of a savior, even when he wasn't singing.
You thought of the human and became sad. He was arrested because of you. If you hadn't believed so blindly in all that had been taught about fairies, you wouldn't have persuaded the human to leave everything he knew to help a people who distrusted him and treated him as a criminal. You remembered his eyes the moment you were approached by Fiona in the woods, how confused and frightened he seemed, and later, the resignation you saw in him, as if he would accept that he deserved it.
Jimin didn't understand his own gift and was afraid of what he could do. Thanks to everything he had experienced before, he believed that a gift as wonderful as Song brought more harm than good, and blamed himself for the bad things that happened around him.
You wanted to change all this and teach him how the Song could be good, but you couldn't if you continued at the mercy of Fiona's lies and the misjudgment of fairies.
You remembered Jackson's plan and hoped that by now your friend had already managed to get the human out of the cell. Perhaps you could handle the sentence of that trial with respect to you, but you knew that your conscience wouldn't accept that anything should happen to Jimin. If he was condemned to something horrible because you had taken him to your dimension, you would never forgive yourself.
When Fiona finally interrupted your thoughts and allowed you and Wheein to speak, you took a moment to speak. Then you started with the most important, of course.
"We didn't betray you. We don't plan any destruction and we didn't join forces with humans who plan doing it." Your voice came out as loud and clear as your nervousness allowed. "You must not believe these things without proof. All we were trying to do was help..."
Fiona interrupted, her voice cold with a threat. "Don't you think it's too easy to deny everything, Y/N? You were found bringing a human to Fairyland. That's enough proof."
"Proof of what?" It was Wheein who asked. "It only proves that we were with him on the way to the portal. It doesn't prove our intentions. In fact, if you had..."
Fiona interrupted her, too. "Why else would a fairy bring a human to Fairyland? It seems that we really didn't know how much interacting with humans affected our species. Even young fairies like you have not been spared." She paused dramatically and you could see the victorious gleam in her eyes, but it lasted only a second. "We need to eliminate this effect once and for all!"
You saw that the Council leader had to hold back a smile as the crowd shouted angrily in response to her words. It was as if nothing else could change the opinion of those fairies about what needed to be done.
It was at that moment that you realized the true purpose of that trial.
The Council didn't need the other fairies to make the decision of what to do with traitors, let alone need their approval for whatever they chose. The Council could do whatever they wanted and nobody would stop them. But if other fairies didn't agree with the decisions, they could cause problems. The fairies had spent centuries living under an image of purity and harmony, depending on the trust in the members of the Council. Leaders didn't have to be accepted for every decision, but they couldn't be suspicious either.
And after living with humans a lot had changed. The Council has taken the liberty of being more restrictive in its rules and more rigid in its punishments. And, with so many fairies thinking differently now that they had lived another reality, the leaders needed to take action to maintain their own image. They had to justify what they were doing.
That judgment was a staging. The lies were told without remorse, in order to maintain the trust of the people in the leaders who had been unreliable for years.
You finally realized that the Council might have been the part of the fairies that had most developed the negative emotions of humans. Envy, anger, grudge, hatred. All that the fairies rejected and that they had gained after the time they spent in contact with the humans was much more present in the members of the Council than in any other.
But Fiona had to follow the protocol. Even though she had invented and worked on every lie she told that morning, and that she already tasted victory with the crowd's reaction to everything she said, the trial still had rules. And when the Council leader asked the next question, it didn't take long for her to regret it.
"Is there anyone here who wants to intercede for Y/N and Wheein?"
The crowd was silent and everyone looked around, as if they really expected someone to stay by your side. Fiona feared that anyone could remember at any moment that you and Wheein had never done any harm to any of your people and that you had never shown signs of being affected by human emotions. She thought it was best to get it over with before anything went out of control.
"Well, if there's nobody..."
"Actually, there is." A male voice came up, interrupting Fiona.
Everyone looked to the top of the clearing, where the trees in the woods gave way to the low lawn. You barely believed when you followed their gaze and saw your friend standing in the middle of the walk, almost dramatic, his breath making his chest rise and fall after he had walked from the jail there.
Jimin was coming after him, seeming to have the same energy and confidence, despite his wary eyes.
The crowd made no sound, not even to express surprise at the arrival of the two men, but you watched as Fiona clenched her chin in a stiff line, making an effort to control the anger. You were happy because you have never felt such a primitive and strong emotion, but at the same time so negative.
Your eyes met Jackson's, who blinked as if to make sure everything would work out, and then they met Jimin's. The human's eyes were very intense and even from a distance you could feel the worry in them. Jimin didn't even have to move his lips to ask if you were all right and you couldn't help but smile.
"You thought I wouldn't come, didn't you, Fiona?" Jackson asked as he walked to you in the center of the great clearing.
You could almost feel that the spectators had held their breaths in anticipation of the reaction of the Council leader. Talk to her without using the term lady had always been considered a serious offense.
"Lady Fiona," the leader whispered angrily. She didn't want to be heard by others for fear of losing the image she had struggled to build that morning during the trial.
But Jackson ignored her and turned to the crowd. "And you, when will you stop accepting all her lies?"
The breath the fairies were holding came out in an outraged exclamation, but Jackson wasn't shaken at all.
"During all these years, the Council has tried to deceive us all. They told us that living with humans was so bad for us that we lost the gift of Song. The one that was created by Mother Nature in order to be strong enough to bring harmony to humans. Would Mother Nature really create a gift that could be corrupted? Or was it others fairies that have been corrupted by envy and thirst for power?" Jackson didn't even seem afraid of what he was saying. He knew the danger of speaking all that in front of the Council, but he still had the same energy and pride as Fiona had just minutes before.
"But the fairies who lost the Song changed. They are spiteful." Someone shouted from the audience.
“Of course!" Jackson snapped. "Without Song, how could they defend themselves against negative emotions?" Jackson gave a few moments so that the man and all the other fairies could think about what he had said. "I'm not saying that the interaction with humans has not brought us difficulties and negative emotions. They affected us as much as we affect them. But the Song was never corrupted, nor ever allowed the fairies that possessed it to be corrupted." All the fairies listened as Jackson spoke, no matter how much Fiona was getting agitated. "Come on, David, you were here before we lived with humans. Tell me, was the behavior of the Council and of all the others the same? Or has ambition, envy, and lack of sympathy grown up among all the fairies at that time?" When he received no response from the fairy who had made the first remark, Jackson continued. "If it was the interaction with humans that corrupted the fairies, wouldn't the modified ones have only been those who had the gift of Song, since they were the ones that had direct contact with them? So why do I see negativity in the Council itself?"
Jackson looked around. He tried to analyze the effect his words had on each present fairy. Your friend didn't look at you or at Wheein. He needed to continue to make everyone believe that he doubted the Council's actions by choice, not because he wanted to support you. If the crowd thought you had corrupted his thoughts, all would be lost.
"If humans are as bad and dangerous as the Council says, could anyone explain to me how one of them was able to develop the gift of Song?"
With Jackson's question, Jimin stepped slowly forward. Their eyes met and you could see Jimin's fear. But when Jimin looked for your eyes, you smiled and nodded. He didn't need to be afraid. You yourself had already witnessed what his voice was capable of.
And when he began to Sing, all the others could witness too.
Even with the obvious nervousness on his face, Jimin's voice came out completely natural, as if nothing in the world could affect him. The music was not agitated, but neither was it too slow, and only his voice could make everyone around him feel the need to dance. Without the instrumental accompaniment humans liked to use, his voice seemed even stronger and more penetrating, as if he could hypnotize everyone around him.
When Jimin completely connected with the song and lost his nervousness, his voice conveyed this perfectly and everyone was euphoric, some fairies screaming in pleasure when they felt the lull of the Singer's tone become as sweet as honey, like a angel whispering in their ears.
It was as if there was a mechanism that connected his voice to his feelings. Every time one of the words of the song made the Singer smile, the whole audience smiled together, as if only the sound of the angelic voice could melt them inside and leave them in love with what they were hearing.
The way Jimin let out the air after a few notes, as if his emotions overflowed him and made him breathless, made all women sigh, wanting those magical feelings to be directed at them. And the slight hoarseness that seemed even deeper when the notes were not so loud made everyone shiver, without exception.
The peace you already knew Jimin's voice could bring was now stamped on the face of each of the fairies present in the great clearing. The anger everyone had shown before had completely disappeared.
Even more effective than you had imagined when you first heard it, Jimin had brought peace to Fairyland. A peace so deep and complete that it overflowed in everyone's eyes. Your own chest seemed ready to explode with emotion and you couldn't tell if it was happiness, or relief to finally see hope return to your people, or pride of the man who Sang completely relaxed in front of you.
Then his voice became slower and more intimate, a hoarse whisper, and you felt shivers as if you could feel his intense breath near your neck, despite the yards that separated you. And once again you felt complete, in perfect harmony, as if gravity didn't stop you from flying.
It was as if his voice made the very air around you dance, light as only the Air could be, soft as the waves of the sea Water, but at the same time warm with the balmy Heat, and full and mighty as the Earth. Song could do all this. It could bring union and harmony to the other elements, just as it did with the emotions of those who heard it. And make them even stronger.
As Jimin lowered the volume of his own voice, slowly and softly as in a dream, you realized that everyone around you was thrilled. No one could deny that they had just heard magic in his voice.
And the desperation on Fiona's face made you realize that she had also noticed what Jimin's Song had done to everyone in the great clearing.
"That is ridiculous." Fiona said taking a step forward. "A human can not have the gift of Song. Only fairies have the gifts of Nature."
"I think everyone here just witnessed that the opposite is the case." A new voice answered and you all turned to see Mi Kyoung, Jackson's grandmother approaching.
Mi Kyoung had lost the gift of Song, but she hadn't become spiteful. She was too busy dealing with all the pain and sadness she felt to give way to grudge.
"It doesn't matter whether or not you believe what you heard, Fiona. Song was felt by all of us. To deny that this young man possesses it is lying to yourself." Mi Kyoung continued in a harsh voice, as if she were chastising Fiona, as a grandmother does to a granddaughter.
Then the fairy who didn't have the gift of Song anymore looked at Jimin and smiled very warmly, as you or Jackson had not seen her do for years. Jimin smiled back, bowing low, showing respect. He knew, he could feel, that she had the same Connection as him, even if he didn't understand what he was feeling.
"How could they hide it from us for so long?" Someone in the crowd asked and you realized it was the same man who had spoken to Jackson before.
"We weren't bred to distrust anyone, David." Jackson's grandmother replied. "We were united in a strong and unique distrust incited by fear when we had problems after the time we lived among humans, but we would never distrust someone of our own people without concrete and irrefutable proofs. And the Council worked very hard not to let us know of these proofs."
"How did you find him?" Another person asked from the crowd and Mi Kyoung turned to you when she answered.
"It was Y/N who found him. She heard him Sing through the portal of observation and went to him on Earth."
Jackson had already released your hands and was releasing Wheein's. You approached Mi Kyoung and Jimin, who smiled at you and left your cheeks red with the warmth in his brown eyes. But before you or Mi Kyoung could say anything, the human stepped forward.
"Y/N felt that my voice could bring some kind of hope to all of you." Jimin commented. "She told me the story about how you lost the Song and she wouldn't accept 'no' for an answer. She brought me here and never lost hope that you would rediscover what you lost when the gift was taken from you. I just regret that the true story of how the gift left this dimension is even worse than the one invented."
Seeing the silent questions on everyone's faces, Mi Kyoung told the truth about how the Council had acted years earlier. Everyone was outraged, but the hatred they had shown before was gone.
Perhaps the powers of Song were more enduring than everyone thought, after all.
Suddenly, Fiona screamed and lunged at Jimin, her hands raised as if she wanted to hit him and the Air revolved around him as if to attack him. But all this lasted just a second before you took control over the element. Perhaps because you had lost the fear of using Air to face another fairy, an older, more powerful one, or perhaps because the harmony that Jimin's Song had brought to you helped you to better control your own element, or because you yourself were finally in peace. No matter the motive that made you stronger than Fiona at that moment. You could only think that you couldn't let her do anything to Jimin.
But no one else was willing to be cheated by anyone of the Council members again. The Guards controlled Fiona and were already holding her by the arms, as were all other members of the Council when Mi Kyoung spoke again.
"Arrest them. We will not kill them, as they have done to many of us, but they can not go unpunished after all they have done." And looking at Jimin, she added. "Maybe someday Song can make them recover their purity."
"She knows I'm not sure of what I'm doing when I Sing, right?" Jimin asked quietly in your ear, referring to Mi Kyoung.
You didn't try to control the smile. "She knows that deep down you know exactly what you're doing." And when he raised one eyebrow, you explained. "She was once like you."
Fiona even tried to use the Air to break free, but she couldn't. Not with you using the same power to stop her, with your renewed strength after all that had happened.
When the guards took Fiona and the other council members to the prison, Mi Kyoung approached you. Jackson stopped the conversation with Wheein to hear his grandmother, even though she was staring at Jimin.
"I hope you know you're welcome here if you want to stay." Jackson's grandmother said. "We can take care of you and teach you to control and understand Song better. You’re one of us now. Even though you're of another kind, the gifts of Nature unite us."
Jimin smiled and looked at you. Your wings shone like he had seen before, in the rehearsal room on Earth, and he thought it was one of the most beautiful images he had ever seen. But when he turned his face to Mi Kyoung, his smile expressed his apologies.
"I'd love to spend more time with you all, but I can't stay far from Earth for so long." Jimin replied. "I have a life to put in the right axes there, and a friend who will love to know that I have lost the fear of singing. For years he has a dream of singing a duet with me. I think I owe it to him."
"Are you sure?" Wheein asked. "Here you could learn to expand your gift and..."
"That's how Song works, Wheein." My Kyoung interrupted her. "He will always be more generous than ambitious. Let him make his own choices."
Wheein just nodded when Jimin smiled at her in thanks. His beautiful face looked magical after connecting with his element, as if he was even more beautiful.
Some fairies came up to thank Jimin and apologize for their behavior before they hear him Sing. Unlike everyone you knew, his reaction was timid and he just smiled, thanking them for their trust. Maybe you needed a little more time to understand the humility of that human who possessed such a powerful gift.
When your friends walked away, with Jackson's grandmother taking away the fairies who wanted to ask questions about the Song, Jimin turned to you with intense eyes.
"It's time to go. Tae will be worried if I don't come back." Jimin said.
You remembered the blond-haired, dark-eyed human who helped you persuade Jimin to go to Fairyland. You owed him at least the possibility of not worrying about his friend.
“Of course. But I hope you know you can visit Fairyland any time you want." You answered.
"I know. And you can also visit Earth. I don't think they'll stick to the rule of not going beyond the portal."
You both laughed, and when you caught your breath, you lost it again, because Jimin's brown eyes were locked in yours.
No word was spoken as he narrowed the distance between you and pressed his lips to yours.
It was as if heaven filled you, even stronger than when his voice did it. And even though it lasted only a few seconds, it seemed to last forever. You knew you'd never forget that kiss.
"You know, I was hoping you could come with me to Earth." His voice penetrated your still stunned brain. "You could help me with Song and I'd love to see you use Air more often." Jimin touched one of your wings lightly, making you shiver. "We can come and visit Fairyland, if you want, and as many times as you like. I just..."
"Say yes, Y/N!" Jackson screamed from afar and you could hear Wheein fighting him over it. "There's nothing holding you here." Jackson was able to conclude.
You laughed, embarrassed by your friend's intrusion, and turned your attention to Jimin again.
"I just wanted to spend a little more time near you." Jimin finished and stared into your eyes, waiting for your answer.
For some reason, you didn't even have to think. "Of course I'll go. I'll go with you to Earth." And when you started walking and one of his hands wrapped yours, you completed quietly. "It could be a new adventure."
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serendipity-day · 6 years
Appreciation Week Day 1
Date: Oct 6th
Theme: Jimin’s Dance Appreciation
3 notes · View notes