#serenitea brewing
dandelion-wings · 7 months
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I didn't take it, obviously, but I checked the wiki, and:
Kaveh: What did you say!? Kaveh: I... Ahem! It's fine, it's fine, people have different tastes... I can't force you to like my style. Besides, some aspects of it are difficult to appreciate unless you have a certain level of understanding about aesthetics... Kaveh: Hmph! I'm not so easily offended. Pfft.
That is admittedly hilarious. XD
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mysumeow · 2 years
Inconveniences 1/2❜
Eradicating himself from Irminsul proved to be not just fruitless, but also an inconvenience he now has to fix. Among those inconveniences was the fact that he had to start over with the only person who had stood by his side in his final moments of hope, since they had no recollection of their past together.
Warnings: 3.3 archon quest + wanderer's/scaramouche's lore spoiler. Mild angst, some comfort/fluff, brief mention of blood. Canon-divergence.
a/n: ive had this idea brewing for some time but was ready to forget about it until i decided to start writing again only because ive been inactive for a while kdjfhalkhkjadsfh enjoy this humble two-shot
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Despite knowing him for a long time, Wanderer never failed to keep you at arm's length—both physically and emotionally. Even if you weren’t aware of the former detail.
But when it came to the private enclosure of your Serenitea Pot, he allowed himself to be softer. A tiny bit softer. Or when you're too far into the forest, devoid of any human traces, he's willing to walk closer to you. Yes, even something like that would require him to keep a considerable distance when strolling around the city. 
"What's with that look on your face," Wanderer spoke up, sparing you a side glance before taking another sip of his black tea.
Right, you were spacing out again. You couldn't help but feel your heart ache when you met his violet eyes and had a feeling that something didn’t fit, in the same way one would try to force a puzzle piece into a space in which it doesn’t belong. 
But you knew better than to openly cry and pity him. He disliked it when people stared at him with sorrow, as if he were defenseless. 
Before he could make another comment about your weird change in mood today, you asked if he wanted to have breakfast. He nodded, and you took the opportunity to flee to the inside of your abode.
You wanted to take your mind off cooking while you occupied yourself with preparing something to eat. It didn't work out. Now you were cutting some vegetables and, at the same time, still pondering about him.
It wasn't long before you felt a presence behind you, which startled you.
A slight, instant pain shot through your index finger, and your blood dripped from the fresh wound. 
"Didn't think you were such a scaredy cat," Wanderer laughed. "You're so clumsy,"
You just rolled your eyes and went back to continue with your task; you weren't in the mood to argue with him.
"Can you hand me the paper towel? I—"
Lithe fingers wrapped around your wrist and pulled it towards his face, followed by the faint warmth of his tongue removing the red liquid. 
"Don't waste time on trivial tasks. Go back to work."
He let go of your arm and turned around to go back outside.
It took you some seconds to collect yourself before you frowned and shook your fist in his direction. 
"And who do you think you are? My boss?"
"You know well I was joking."
You did, it's just that you were taken aback by his advances and felt you had to say something, anything. Nevertheless, you simply shook your head and went back to what you were doing. 
Confused eyes met each other with varying degrees of uneasiness. 
"The kid. Where's he?"
"Do you mean...the one whose parents perished from illness?"
"That's correct. I've been keeping an eye on him and trying to delay the symptoms before they get worse." 
Like a light at the end of the tunnel, this stranger's words seemed to ignite a brighter hope for him. Nevertheless, the wounds were still fresh, so the eccentric tried to remain lucid.
"Please, do help him. Follow me."
At first, you were unsure about leaving the kid in the care of the unknown fellow you met that day. Not because you doubted him, after all, his eyes demonstrated nothing but genuine worry for the orphan; it was because the kid was in a delicate situation and needed the utmost medical attention. 
As you saw the interaction between the two, it felt wrong to force them to be apart from each other. You couldn't pinpoint how such a bond happened in so little time, but despite all logical reasoning, you decided it was best if they stayed together and took care of one another. 
"Please wait," Kabukimono surprised even himself when he reached out to your sleeve. "If it's not too much to ask, could you stay the night, for his sake? I'm...anxious at the idea that something could happen overnight,"
You had some more work to do. You should really go back.
Your heart clenched at his disheveled state and the obvious signs of stress. This poor guy needed help as well. Then again, what kind of doctor would you be if you neglected someone who required your immediate aid? 
You sat down again next to the child who was sleeping and rested your hand over the wet cloth over his forehead. 
In the days that followed, you soon understood that your first impression of him wasn’t far from the truth. Even if cautious in certain situations, this person meant no harm whatsoever. You couldn't deny that your curiosity about this eccentric's identity was piqued. Where did he come from? Why’s he here, and how did he find the child?
Despite your better judgment, you grew fond of them.
He who was once a stranger to you, to this day, you are yet to know his name. All you knew was that people used to call him kabukimono before he decided to stay in this small village.
"I brought you something else to wear," you said as you placed a new set of clothes on the table.
Every day, when you came back during the night after spending the whole day attending to the medical needs of other village folk, you would always find the white linen of kabukimono’s clothes smudged with dirt and soot.
You continued, "I’ll wash this for you, okay? If anything happens, call me and I’ll come back."
"You’re going outside at this hour? It’s dangerous. I ask of you to please not worry about me," he placed his hands on his lap and bowed his head.
You placed your hand on his shoulder, to which he raised his head and looked at you.
"There is no need to be formal."
You knew it would be fruitless, it was like his life depended on the child’s health improving. Which you understood but were concerned that he would disregard his own.
The rustling of covers and the sound of footsteps woke you up late at night.
Once you distinguished the lilac eyes that were gazing right back at you, you sighed and lied back down.
"You scared me. Are you okay?"
"It’s cold. I feel like…my hands and feet are freezing," he was shivering. "I checked if the child was having that same issue, but his temperature seems to be okay,"
"Did you try to put your hands under the pillow? Maybe that could’ve helped you."
"I did."
"Do you want my blanket?"
He shook his head no.
"I wouldn’t take that from you. If you were to greet the morning with a cold…" gently, watching every movement he carried out as if he were afraid of doing something wrong. "You do appear to be…very warm,"
It took you a few seconds to catch on to what was implied.
When you glanced back at him, the tips of his ears were tinged pink. "I’m sorry for disturbing your sleep. I’ll go back to my—"
"I don't mind," you said as you scooted closer to the edge, giving him more room to lie beside you. "I don’t know how comfortable it’ll be for you, as this futon is not that spacious. However, if you think you’ll sleep better like this, then I don’t mind,"
Of course, you didn’t suspect he was lying, but once he took the space next to you, the low temperature from his body made goosebumps appear. He was modest about the distance, though; it was close, yet there was no skin-to-skin contact. You were concerned that maybe the low temperature wouldn’t let him sleep; funny enough, you heard the soft snores coming from him mere minutes later.
You were up at six in the morning, knowing you had another long day ahead of you.
The eccentric fellow was sound asleep, his hand holding onto yours with a grasp so tender, you did your best not to wake him up.
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cavalierious-whim · 2 years
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The night is cool, the tea is hot, and Childe sits on the porch and thinks about his love.
Read here on AO3 for better quality!
It is late and the moon hangs high in the sky, full and bright, watching Childe back as though it's an old friend. 
The climate in the Serenitea Pot is chilly but not cold, perfect for a man such as himself who hails from snow-tipped peaks and winters that are made of ice. His hands are warmed by a cup of hot tea, steam billowing, pinking his face as he leans over for a sniff. 
Earthy, like Zhongli. Balanced, like Zhongli—at the end of the day, everything always comes back to Zhongli. Childe sighs, sips at his tea, and thinks about all the moments that have led to where he is right then. 
Zhongli is quiet when he pads across the floor, caught in the middling state where he’s more god than mortal, comfortable in his home to let himself loose. His tail drags across the floor in a soft slither. He is barefoot, claws digging into the smooth wooden planks. 
“Laogong,” he greets as he sits, leaning over to nuzzle the side of Childe’s face. Zhongli calls him this when he feels old and reminiscent, when those older and less wiser days from his past pull at his being and he’s drowning in memories. His expression pinches slightly, a line digging into the soft spot between his eyes, etching a crease that makes him look ancient. “You seem tired.”
An observation. Childe laughs, nuzzling him back, pressing a sweet kiss to the high curve of Zhongli’s cheekbone. “The older I get the earlier my nights end. I’m fine. It was just a long day.” Zhongli watches him through a narrowed-eyed gaze steeped in concern, but nods. Childe hands him a teacup. “I can’t promise it’s any good. It’s that special blend Tonia sent.”
Zhongli’s face crinkles slightly, nostrils flaring. Tonia takes after Childe with no palate for tea but insists on sending batches from her travels because she knows Zhongli’s weakness for a well-brewed cup. Zhongli sips it, letting the flavor wash over his tongue. He doesn’t cringe. A good sign. 
“What finds you out here?” Another probing question subtly asked, Zhongli’s intent fused into his words so strongly that it drips from them, seeping into the ground. His words are quiet but his concern is sincere; Childe doesn’t often find himself watching the moon, deep in thought. It must seem odd. 
“I’m just…” He doesn’t know how to explain it, the need to sit there and consider everything that's led him to this moment. “It’s a nice night,” he finally says. “I think you, of all people, would understand wanting to enjoy it.”
“Me, yes. But you?” Zhongli’s expression shifts, his eyes golden with curiosity as they glint in the dark night like Mora. “Ajax, you do not sit and think, you do.”
And so Childe does. He leans close, takes Zhongli’s face into his hand, and kisses him. It’s a soft kiss, a lingering thing that while not passionate is love incarnate. Slow, steady, the gentle press of skin against skin. A tentative brush of tongue that leaves Zhongli gasping in delight, meeting it with his own. 
Soft, fluttering breaths, and the sharing of intimate space. This sort of love is a quiet thing that Childe feels in his bones, pulsing in his veins like that one, two, three beat that brought them together. 
When they part, Zhongli chases him, nearly losing his balance before pressing a hand to the worn porch floor. “What was that for?” he asks. 
Childe smiles, feeling his face wrinkle, creased and cracked from the decades, the sort of wear and tear that enhances his features instead of ruins them. This is his love, worn so openly, so plainly for everyone to see. “It probably didn’t occur to you,” he muses, tone soft as he curls a hand around Zhongli’s, his rough, calloused fingers dragging across smooth skin. “It’s our anniversary.”
Zhongli blinks, head tilting to the side. His mouth parts and his tongue darts out to lick at his lip nervously. “I—” His brow creases. “I am sorry. I didn’t—”
“I don’t expect you to,” says Childe. Zhongli forgets every single year but it isn’t because he is thoughtless, it is because time is different for him. They don’t experience the years the same. For Zhongli, the moments that pass are like grains of sand in a timepiece; he’s lived and breathed far too many of them, so they bleed together. He loses his place, satisfied and content, never thinking about those moments that might mean more because every moment with Childe is like that for him. 
“Ajax,” says Zhongli, his voice barely a whisper. “It is unbecoming of me.”
“I love these parts of you.” Childe tugs his hand to his mouth, kissing the back of it before nuzzling his knuckles. Zhongli smells like the earth, like petrichor and the woods after a deep rain, like stone and sand, and the highest peak of Mt. Tianheng. 
He is lucky, he thinks. I am lucky, he knows, to have this god at his whim. 
“Happy anniversary,” says Zhongli far too late. It is a little silly, even he knows, with the way a half-grin spreads across his face. A placid look smooths over next and he asks, “How many years has it been?”
Their children are grown. Childe is a mess of aching joints and salt-and-pepper hair, and though still solid when he stands, there’s a softness around his gut that he has a tendency to suck in. He kisses Zhongli’s wedding ring next, the one with their vows etched right into the stone, nestled against the vein that leads right to Zhongli’s heart. 
A silly tradition, he said before they got married, citing that chopsticks were far more practical. Until he’d heard the myth and turned soft and goopy, eternally romantic when given the chance. 
“Thirty-two, not that I’m counting.” He is, he always is, but not because its fear, it’s just a matter of counting the years he’s spent in blissful fondness. 
Zhongli’s expression is peculiar. Heady, laced with something else, something apprehensive. But whatever it is, he doesn’t ask. His fingers are cold against Childe’s chin, frosted by the night chill. Zhongli tugs at him and Childe goes, he’ll always go wherever he asks, his entire life defined by the footsteps he takes close on Zhongli’s heels. 
This kiss is like the other, subtler, searching, lingering tongues and the clattering of teeth as they melt into each other. And they kiss and kiss and kiss underneath that bright full moon, the tea in their cups cool until it’s tepid, long forgotten. 
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anemocrystalflys · 1 year
is it just me or are anyone elses of ballads and brews event serenitea pot decorations gone? I used to have them up and out but i can no longer find them? ive searched though my entire inventory 3 times as well as my to craft tab thing but i still cant find them?
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menuandprice · 2 years
Kung Fu Tea Menu Prices [March 2023 Updated]
Kung Fu Tea is an American beverage company that is established in New York City, United States. The company is best known for offering a variety of tea and other beverages that are delicious enough to win everyone’s hearts. The Kung Fu Tea menu with prices is also reasonable enough for all the customers. The Kung Fu menu includes hot drinks along with cold and iced beverages to cater to a wider audience. They also have seasonal drinks, specialty blends espresso, traditional beverages, and much more to make their menu list quite versatile. This article showcases the real Kung Fu Tea menu and prices so that when you look for ‘Kung Fu Tea near me’ you are well versed with their menu and prices.
Kung Fu Tea Menu Prices
Classic Tea Menu Prices Classic Kung Fu Black Tea $4.25 Classic Kung Fu Green Tea $4.25 Classic Kung Fu Oolong Tea $4.25 Classic Kung Fu Honey Tea $4.25 Classic Winter Melon Tea $4.25 Classic Winter Melon Green Tea $4.45 Classic Honey Black Tea $4.45 Honey Green Tea $4.45 Honey Oolong Tea $4.45 Honey Longan Jujube Tea $4.45 Also Check Updated Morton’s Steakhouse Menu With Prices Classic Hot Tea Menu Prices Classic Hot Kung Fu Black Tea $5.55 Classic Hot Kung Fu Green Tea $5.55 Classic Hot Kung Fu Oolong Tea $5.55 Classic Hot Kung Fu Honey Tea $5.55 Classic Hot Winter Melon Tea $5.55 Classic Hot Winter Melon Green Tea $5.75 Classic Hot Honey Black Tea $5.75 Classic Hot Green Tea $5.75 Classic Hot Oolong Tea $5.75 Classic Hot Longan Jujube Tea $5.75 Yogurt Menu Prices Yogurt Green Tea $5.55 Yogurt Grapefruit $6.05 Yogurt Orange $6.05 Also Check Updated Serenitea Menu And Prices Seasonal Special Menu Prices Pumpkin Oolong Milk Tea $4.85 Pumpkin Hot Oolong Milk Tea $5.65 Hot Brown Sugar Ginger $5.85 Milk Tea Menu Prices Kung Fu Milk Tea $4.85 Kung Fu Green Milk Tea $4.85 Oolong Milk Tea $4.85 Thai Milk Tea $4.85 Almond Milk Tea $5.15 Coconut Milk Tea $5.15 Honey Milk Tea $5.15 Honey Green Milk Tea $5.15 Honey Oolong Milk Tea $5.15 Winter Melon Milk Green Tea $5.15 Rosehip Milk Tea $5.15 Taro Milk Green Tea $5.15 Taro Milk Tea $5.15 Coffee Milk Tea $5.15 Also Check Updated Spur Steak Ranches Menu Prices Hot Milk Tea Menu Prices Hot Kung Fu Milk Tea $5.95 Hot Kung Fu Green Milk Tea $5.95 Hot Oolong Milk Tea $5.95 Thai Hot Milk Tea $5.95 Hot Almond Milk Tea $6.15 Hot Coconut Milk Tea $6.15 Hot Honey Milk Tea $6.15 Hot Honey Green Milk Tea $6.15 Hot Honey Oolong Milk Tea $6.15 Hot Winter Melon Milk Green Tea $6.15 Punch Menu Prices Honey Lemonade Punch $4.65 Grapefruit Green Tea Punch $5.15 Lychee Black Tea Punch $5.15 Lychee Punch $5.15 Mango Green Tea Punch $5.05 Orange Green Tea Punch $5.15 Passion Fruit Green Tea Punch $5.05 Peach Oolong Tea Punch $5.05 Rosehip Lemonade Punch $5.05 Strawberry Lemon Green Tea Punch $5.05 Strawberry Lemonade Punch $5.05 Sunshine Pineapple Tea Punch $5.05 Also Check Updated Argo Tea Menu With Prices Milk Strike Menu Prices Chai Milk Strike $5.95 Ginger Milk Strike $5.95 Original Milk Strike $5.95 Oreo Milk Strike $5.95 Matcha Milk Strike $5.95 Red Bean Milk Strike $5.95 Herbal Jelly Milk Strike $5.95 Hot Milk Strike Menu Prices Hot Chai Milk Strike $6.95 Hot Ginger Milk Strike $6.95 Hot Wow Milk Strike $6.95 Hot Original Milk Strike $6.95 Hot Oreo Milk Strike $6.95 Hot Matcha Milk Strike $6.95 Hot Red Bean Milk Strike $6.95 Hot Herbal Jelly Milk Strike $6.95 Also Check Updated Charley’s Philly Steaks Menu And Prices Espresso Menu Prices Signature Coffee $4.25 Latte $4.45 Mocha $4.45 Cappuccino $4.45 Caramel Macchiato $4.45 Caramel Macchiato $4.45 Pumpkin Coffee $5.15
History of Kung Fu Tea
Kung Fu Tea is one of the most loved beverages company, that has nailed its position in New York City. New Yorkers often start their day with a cup of freshly brewed Kung Fu Tea. Along with delicious tea and other beverages, the Kung Fu restaurant menu serves mouth-watering foods to complement your experience at the store. The first Kung Fu Tea store came up in Queens, New York in 2010. The founders Michael, Ray, Allen, and Sean started the company to serve the most delicious and authentic bubble tea in America. And without a doubt, Kung Fu Tea has emerged as one of the most loved brands of Kung Fu Tea in the United States. Since its inception, Kung Fu Tea has expanded the love of bubble tea to other locations over the entire country. Currently, there are over 200+ locations of Kung Fu Tea in multiple American states. In 2018, Kung Fu partnered with Taiwan-based TKK Fried Chicken restaurant chain and included crispy and mesmerizing fried chicken in the Kung Fu Tea food menu. Over the years, the Kung Fu Tea menu with prices has evolved a lot to meet the changing needs of customers. The brand ensures to have a fair and reasonable Kung Fu Tea menu price list so that customers get attracted to the menu as well as to the affordable prices.
Review of Kung Fu Tea
The Kung Fu Tea hours of operation vary from location to location however at most Kung Fu Tea locations, the store opens at 11 am and closes at around 7 in the evening. Their opening time might vary on weekends and holidays. The Kung Fu Tea menu is filled with delicious choices of tea, coffee, herbal drinks, and other for a refreshing experience. Moreover, the Kung Fu Tea food menu caters to some yummazing TKK fried chicken and mouth-watering ramen to complement your experience. Kung Fu Tea menu includes options like classic drinks with fresh flavors options like black tea, melon green tea, logan jujube tea, honey oolong tea, winter melon tea, and much more. These teas are iced and made with fresh ingredients for maintaining supremacy in quality. When at Kung Fu Tea how can you not order their signature milk tea that is brewed with milk powder to form a creamy and fantastic texture? Options like rosehip milk tea, coffee milk tea, Thai milk tea, and almond milk tea are most ordered in the stores. The authentic Kung Fu Boba Milk tea is something you just cannot afford to miss when you visit a Kung Fu Tea franchise. You can also have beverages like punch, slush, and seasonal drinks from their wholesome menu. Besides the Kung Fu beverages, the hospitality they offer is beyond praise as per the reviews of their customers. Also Check Updated Papi Steak Menu Prices
How to Order Online from Kung Fu Tea Menu in Few Steps?
If you want to order online from Kung Fu Tea then you can do that with the help of Grubhub, Ubereats, Doordash, etc. Below I will show you some steps on how you can order online from Kung Fu Tea with the help of Doordash so that you can enjoy their yummy food items at your home. You can also check the latest prices of Kung Fu Tea for different locations as the prices may vary from location to location. - First, head over to Doordash and choose your nearest location. - After selecting the location, the latest menu prices of Kung Fu Tea will be displayed for that particular location (here you can just check the prices of Kung Fu Tea based on your preferred location). - Now, select all the items from the Kung Fu Tea menu and add them one by one to your cart. - In the next step, go to checkout and sign in to your account if you have one or can easily create a new account. - After successfully signing in, fill in the shipping details and payment details and confirm your order.
Kung Fu Tea Contact Information & Important Links
Official Website kungfutea.com Kung Fu Tea Menu Check Here Kung Fu Tea Locations Check Here Kung Fu Tea Careers Check Here Kung Fu Tea Franchise Check Here Kung Fu Tea Nutritional Information Check Here Kung Fu Tea Order Online Order Here
Social Media Handles
Facebook Visit Now Instagram Visit Now Twitter Visit Now
Kung Fu Tea Contact Info
Kung Fu Tea Corporate Office Address Not Found Kung Fu Tea Phone Number Not Found Kung Fu Tea Contact Page/Form Visit Now
Since 2010, Kung Fu Tea has emerged as one of the most loved bubble tea brands in America. The boba-based drinks of Kung Fu have been the favorite of millions of customers who enjoy it every day at a fair Kung Fu Tea price. Although the Kung Fu Tea franchise fee may vary from location to location. If you want to enquire about the Kung Fu Tea franchise price, you can visit their website. So, what do you think about the above-mentioned Kung Fu Tea menu with prices? Whatever your response is, kindly share it with me in the comment section below.
Frequently Asked Questions Related to Kung Fu Tea (FAQs)
Who owns Kung Fu Tea? In 2017, L. Catterton, a private equity firm took over Kung Fu Tea. Is Kung Fu Tea a franchise? Yes, Kung Fu Tea is an American-based beverage franchise primarily known for its bubble tea. How much does Kung Fu Tea cost? The Kung Fu Tea cost varies between $4 to $7. How much is the Kung Fu Tea franchise? The Kung Fu Tea franchise cost would vary between $142,000 to $422,000 exclusive of the franchise fee. How many Kung Fu Tea locations are there? The Kung Fu Tea locations are expanded to over 200 locations in the United States. What is Kung Fu Tea known for? As its name suggests, Kung Fu Tea is famous for top-quality bubble tea. The post Kung Fu Tea Menu Prices appeared first on Everymenuprices. Read the full article
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brwnicons · 3 years
I know you just did this, but may I request a Zhongli x genderless Reader involving the serenitea pot? I don't have any specific idea's, but maybe just some romantic fluff. I could really use a comfort fic right now.
☆ Don't worry! Whenever you need fluff, I'm your man. Hope you can still use this and enjoy it as much as I did !! ☆
Zhongli x Reader
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-> Plot: Zhongli and you spend a nice and relaxing morning in your Serenitea Pot. Then, you discuss your plans for the rest of the day.
-> Summary: One-Shot, Reader's gender is not specified, fluff and more fluff.
-> Contains: Having breakfast with Zhongli, a small make out session, bathing with Zhongli and dining with him on the Ocean Pearl.
-> Warnings / Triggers: There's a small make out session, but nothing nsfw happens. Also, Reader eats, and there are hints of nudity though nothing is depicted.
-> Words: 1.6K
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The golden rays of sun were peeking through a gap between the bedroom's courtains, filling every spot with a warm yellowish tinted. You rolled by your side to feel the other part of the bed empty and sigh, you knew Zhongli was a morning person but sometimes you really wished he could enjoy those cozy warm moments with you underneath the sheets.
Not without throwing a lazy grunt before, you slowly got up, a growing need of hugging your bf creeping into your soul.
You tried to ignore the coldness of the wooden floor by tiptoeing towards the corridor, where you noticed the floral smell of tea. You approached the stairs and squatted near them, quietly taking in all of the tea's aroma.
"Good morning, Y/N!" Cheered Tubby, startling you "Would you like to join us for a cup?"
Zhongli was cooking breakfast on the counter when he heard Tubby's words and turned to greet you too. He was a bit confused when he couldn't see you anywhere, but started laughing softly as soon as he saw you curled up upstairs while stalking him quietly.
"Oh, honey, I was just about to bring you breakfast in bed"
That man really made your heart flutter. He knew how much you loved to stay in bed so he woke up before just to make you breakfast and bring it to you, he really was the best bf you could ever wish for and you could never be thankful enough.
You slowly stood up at his confession and headed to where he was. You hugged him tightly, softly squeezing him into your arms hoping it could somehow show all your love.
He reciprocated the hug, embracing you into his scent, and laughed softly.
That warm and deep laugh that always seemed to cure all your problems...
"Thanks" you softly muttered into him
"Aww, what a couple of lovebirds you are!" Tubby exclaimed at your love gesture.
You giggled softly and smiled at her.
By the time of the end of the hug the teapot that Zhongli had put on the stove started whistling, announcing that the tea was ready.
You sat on a sofa, next to where Tubby was, while Zhongli took the teapot carefully and approached your classic little teacups. He poured the hot liquid in both of your cups and then in his. Then, he put a plate with some food on it in front of you and sat on the other sofa across the room.
You took the cup gently and drew it closer to your nose, taking a moment to really appreciate the tea's scent, as Zhongli slowly sipped the aromatic brew.
"As always, what a delightful tea, Zhongli; but I'm afraid I must go now otherwise Toby would wait for me an unnecessarily amount of time." Tubby speaked with a sad hint on her voice.
Zhongli paused his sips to reassure her. "Please, do not apologize for it. I hope you spend a pleasant day together"
"I too hope you both have a wonderful morning!" She finally said goodbye after tossing you a sweet smile. God, how much you loved that lady.
After the front door was heard closing, Zhongli gracefully stood up to sit next to you. He caressed gently your cheek with a gloved hand, his cold silver ring sending shivers down your spine when touching your warm skin.
You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, decided to prolong the moment as much as you could.
"Now this' a good morning" you softly whispered, slowly opening your eyes to look into his honey ones, those which stared you with the purest of loves.
Who could imagine that those eyes that saw entire kingdoms tear apart and hundred of lives vanish before could now still hold so much tenderness and warmth?
He held your face with all the delicacy he could carry and brought it closer to his face. Just the feeling of his hot breath on your face made you anticipate him and plant a soft kiss on his lips.
"So eager..." he whispered in a chuckle.
"So handsome..." You answered, raising your hands to hold his face too, gently stroking his soft skin, trying not to touch his orangish make up in case it was recent.
You couldn't hold back more and assaulted his lips again, and this time he laid back on the sofa so you could be more comfortable. His hands were clasping onto your hips, pinning you down as you were kneeled between the gap of his legs.
Your lips were still together, savoring each other mouth quietly while your hands pressed firmly into his chest to balance yourself.
Eventually, your mouth moved to his neck, leaving little kisses all along it, some of them making the man under you to breath deeply. You were about to undo his vest's buttons when he interrupted you by placing a gentle hand on your chest.
"Dear" He breathed out, still agitated, "you must eat, and you'll enjoy your breakfast more when it's still hot"
You sighed deeply at his comment, but decided to accept it. You remembered that his initial thought was to make you breakfast and bring it to you, so how could you deny such a sweet gesture.
At least as respect for him.
"Okay, but only if you stay here, by my side" you stated while looking at him daringly.
He laughed softly. "Seems like being with the god of contracts has truly influenced you" he answered. "I accept the deal"
"Uhm, can I add that you must cuddle me meanwhile?"
He smiled softly and approached you more, put an arm on your thigh and pretended hesitation while looking away "Well, I'm not one to make changes into a contract, but given the situation I presume this could be an exceptional case" he finally stated as he gave you the prettiest of smiles.
You really had to have Rex Lapis himself at your feet to him to make a change on a contract with him and come out unscathed.
When you finished your food and Zhongli his cup of tea, you both laid together on the warm sofa. Zhongli was caressing your back soothingly while your arms hugged his neck and your eyes remained closed.
Eventually, Zhongli's deep voice broke the comfortable silence, making you look into his eyes.
"Would you wish to join me for a warm bath?" He asked, though although he was already dressed, having a nice bath with you was a pretty tempting scenario.
You sighed just at the picture of it. "Please"
"Well then, I'll go prepare the perfumes and the warm water. I'll wait you in the bathroom when you're ready" and with that he gave you a little peck before rising up and heading to the bathroom upstairs.
When you arrived at the bathroom the fresh aroma welcomed you, it felt like being on the top of Liyue's mountains, and like its mountains were hugging you with their scent.
You found Zhongli sat on the edge othe large bathtub, his vest and coat were neatly folded near the wooden sink as well as his shoes, leaving him with his shirt and a partly undone tie on. His sleeves where slightly rolled as he was testing the clear water.
"Oh, you're here, just in time." he smiled, "The water's warm and ready, are you?"
You simply nodded as the corners of your lips curled into a sincere smile. He got up from the border and grabbed some towels and, as he folded them next to the bathtub, you finished undressing and sank down within the warm and sweet-scented waters that softly embraced you.
You closed you eyes and breathed deeply, completely relaxed, when you noticed the movements of the water around you. You opened your eyes to see Zhongli in front of you, in the other edge of the bathtub.
"This feels so nice..." you whispered to yourself, relaxed at the feelings around.
Zhongli only chuckled deeply and lowered more his body, letting his head rest on the edge of the tub.
You spent some time like that, only silence filling the room while both of you enjoyed the company of your partner. When water began cooling down, Zhongli grabbed the warm towels and wrapped both you and himself on them.
Zhongli picked up his previously folded clothes as you headed to your shared bedroom and you finally dressed up with something comfortable, something nice that could suit you if you and Zhongli's today plans where either go out or stay at home.
You waited for him leaned on the window frame, completely lost in the view outside. It was difficult to imagine that the engrossing landscape outside was all inside a little teapot.
The sudden feeling of a hot breath on your neck startled you, but the apologize that Zhongli muttered at your flinch made you relax.
You rised your hand to pet his hair gently, humming softly at the light kisses that he was leaving on your neck.
"Do you know what I'm craving?" You sighed dreamily
"Please, enlighten me"
"A slow walk around Liyue Harbor. Just seeing what new things do merchants and vendors have, maybe eating some of Xiangling's new recipes at her restaurant and ending the day with a light dinner and a cup of tea at either the Heyu Tea House or on the Ocean Pearl" you described as you rested your back on Zhongli's chest.
He chuckled deeply. "That's an easy wish to fulfill."
At the end you agreed on having dinner at the Ocean Pearl, as what's a better way to end up the day than drinking a cup of wine, accompanied by your favourite person on the world, which face is illumine by the soft glow of orange lanterns while you're both surrounded by the steady sound of waves?
You couple would definently plan plenty of days like that from now on.
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
OMGGG your slime fathers hc was so good ;w; thank you for all this!! Now, I have another suggestion - What do you think would be the ideal type of Serenitea Pot realm for each of the hubbies (same boys, Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya and Childe)? There's gotta be more serenitea pot stuff related to genshin nowadays, I'm so curious as to what the characters would do or want (also what other pots look like really haha)
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━━ ☆ INCLUDES: zhongli, diluc, kaeya, childe
━━ ☆ SUMMARY: thoughts on what the genshin husbands’ teapots would look like + how they would act in it + domestic hcs with you
━━ ☆ WARNINGS: spoilers on a few bullets
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— zhongli;
i could see zhongli having a floating abode realm.
he's the prime of the adepti. he knows what's up and he would want to see something familiar every time he's in there.
but at the same time, he would want to have the opportunity to add tidbits of the new world.
with all that said, zhongli's teapot would be a complete masterpiece.
he'd have one area serve as the main house styled as a siheyuan which is a traditional courtyard house. around it would be a lush bamboo forest.
another area would serve as a makeshift business district which would be heavily based on present-day liyuen architecture.
the other area would be a little tea garden where he can enjoy the afternoon in peace. afternoon tea dates are often held there.
interior-wise, expect a lot of antique vases, paintings, and books.
literally, it would be everywhere you look but it would be placed neatly so instead of acting as clutter, you would feel as if you were in a museum.
i reckon he would have one special shelf displaying mementos from your dates and the things you gave him.
furniture-wise, i think he'd keep it simple but as he has a good eye for things, the furniture he would select would somehow pop out.
the color scheme would be earth-toned with golden accents.
alright. so now, on to things he'd do while inside the teapot.
out of all the guys, he has the most spare time and he uses it to relax in the teapot.
zhongli has dedicated one of the rooms in the main house to be a study room.
in it, he would often spend time finishing paperwork.
but in the downtime, he would indulge in calligraphy. his best works are displayed on the second floor.
at your insistence, he got a few pets. when the sun has barely risen, you would find him crane-watching from one of the benches stationed outside.
while he's inside, he would idly stroke one of his cats as his mind drifts off to other things.
they have a very strict diet and the best one at that, a product of his long study for the best cat menu.
tea brewing. loads of it.
if you're up to it, he'll happily teach you how to brew a perfect cup.
also, cooking. he likes cooking old liyuen cuisines.
imagine coming home to the teapot and you'll find a majestic steaming bowl of gourmet masterpiece and a smiling zhongli gently asking about your day.
he'd listen intently to the words you say, clinging onto it like a deprived man and asking questions when needed.
also the type to recount every single thing he did that day and it's very endearing because his day is mostly spent looking after the house.
compliment him. you would literally see him beam in a very zhongli way which is just a smile and a certain gleam in his eyes.
without fail, every time you come home, everything is tidied and done even if you didn't ask him to.
he likes taking walks and would often invite you or any of his guests to come along.
zhongli would softly talk about his memories, old visits to the realms of his friends, and what they used to do.
the teapot becomes synonymous with a safe place. you'd find him murmuring to himself, simply reminiscing the days long passed.
he's much more open here than he is outside. he feels free to discuss things that had made rex lapis.
on another note, his affection would also increase while inside.
lingering touches, comforting smiles, kisses on your knuckles and forehead. you get a lot of it.
he wakes up earlier to prepare breakfast and warm up the baths.
if you're not awake by then, he'll wake you up with a quiet call of your name and a fleeting kiss on your eyelids.
you would not dare count the number of times zhongli asked if he could help you prepare for the day. he'll do whatever you allow him to do.
be it your makeup or your hair or whatever it is, he always does it with a certain tenderness.
when you're running late, he leaves your clothes in the bed to change to.
return the favor and he's forever in his happy place.
also, present him some flowers when the day ends. it makes him very flustered but happy.
the perfect teapot husband.
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— diluc;
as for diluc, i see him feeling cozy in the cool isle.
he's not opposed to liyue style houses but i think he'd appreciate a good, proper mondstadt feel.
it's home. it's familiar. there would be little to no adjustments needed.
diluc's teapot is very refined and has a very elegant air, like him.
his main house would be a near-identical copy of the dawn winery from the outside. it's also separated from the rest of the areas.
a few crates stacked containing god knows what, garden trellis with grapevines, fruit carts...
i see diluc making a residential/community area. he likes his privacy so in case he has guests, they would not be residing in the main house.
the residential area would feel a little closer to springvale while the community area (which is also where the majority of the supplies are) would feel more like mondstadt.
windmills. he technically doesn't need them but he places them there anyways for aesthetic purposes and also because he's quite curious about the mechanisms it had.
he'll leave the beach mostly untouched, just adding a few tables and chairs to enjoy the sunset with.
i also think he'd make a conscious effort to add loads of trees. it calms him and offers shade when he wishes to get some fresh air.
interior-wise, it'll be a controlled mess.
there's a lounge area in the corner with a nice homely fireplace which is mostly the highlight of the entire house.
bookshelves. lots of it. he enjoys reading but he doesn't have much time for it outside the teapot.
the bookshelves aren't enough though and the books are seen piling on the floors or the tables.
he also has a lot of paintings. it reminds him of his father. having them there feels like honoring him but it does so without bringing much of the pain along since they are technically different.
the furniture would be kept to the bare essentials but they do look classy and expensive so it kind of cancels out.
his color scheme would be something along the lines of mahogany with vague tints of purples and oranges.
on to his teapot habits.
diluc is busy so he's not around the teapot very often. when he is though, that means he needs immediate repose.
one thing that always helps him is walking along the beach barefoot. the cool waves that gently pushed back and forth, occasionally touching his skin soothes him.
another one with a study. he continues his work there before he reads a few books or plays chess.
he has a few dogs outside, breaking the silence. aside from a few pats and them tagging along when he's taking a walk, there's not much interaction there.
he has boars though. again, to keep the springvale vibe as close as possible.
he's very busy so i can't imagine him cooking for you but when you arrive, he'll put all things down and help you with it.
he mixes drinks though. it's quick and easy not to mention, he's pretty good.
if you're just hanging around the teapot doing your own thing, don't be surprised to find him handing you a cool smoothie, milkshake, or juice (no alcohol though. the teapot is a 'strictly no alcohol' place.)
inside the teapot is where you see diluc at his best. not master diluc, not diluc ragnvindr, not the darknight hero. just a relaxed, young man.
he's more inclined to wear his hair down here and he'll happily (albeit, shyly) allow you to play with his hair. massage his scalp and you'll hear a few satisfied grunts.
like zhongli, he's more open with his affection in the comforts of the teapot.
not much of a cuddler in fear of being walked in on, inside the teapot, that changes considerably.
he's not gonna be a big, snuggly, clingy teddy bear but he'll always make up an excuse to touch you.
after dinner cuddles are also very common.
when you're inside the teapot, you don't really spend much talking. rest assured though, he is always near you. more often than naught, his hand, ungloved for once, is laced with yours.
read a book with him. better yet, read a book for him while you lounge near the fireplace at night.
if not that, join him for some chess lessons.
and if you're still not into that, take a walk with him. sides pressed together as the sand tickled the soles of your feet, the sky fading from bright orange to a dark blue that shimmered like the lights in his eyes.
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— kaeya;
i also see kaeya liking the atmosphere of the cool isle for similar reasons with diluc.
but also, he appreciates the caress of the weather on his skin. the contrasting warmth of the sun, his natural body temperature leaning to the cool side, and of course, the gentle chill of the breeze.
it's nice enough on its own and kaeya never fails to exhale in satisfaction when it blows.
kaeya's teapot is well presented, at least, until you inspect it.
unlike everyone else, kaeya doesn't separate his realm into areas.
instead, the place is just one whole city with his main house placed somewhere in the middle where it just fits, not too obnoxious nor too irrelevant.
it's a habit of sorts by now but he likes being at the center of things where he can be well-informed without being too eye-catching.
it comes in handy when he invites other people. his sharp ears catching gossip even if it's outside the tavern.
speaking of the tavern, he probably has a building near his house with a mini-processing plant in it.
he even made sure that he has his own grape plantation so every wine that pops out of it is guaranteed to pass his standards.
overall, his city is very alike mondstadt. in fact, it almost feels like a replica.
he once joked that he made it that way so it would feel as if it was only the two of you in the world. it's funny though because a part of you thought he was not joking after all.
interior-wise, it's... surprisingly bland.
there's not much to it. a sofa, a table, a mini-kitchen, a small shelf with books, a small dining table, a bed, and a cabinet.
in truth, kaeya can't be bothered. he's not inside very often and when he is, he just needs to lie down or sit which he can already do with the things he has.
it's almost appalling. the exterior is very pretty but the interior is very empty and dare you say, lonesome.
oh, look. life imitates art.
he gave you full authority to decorate it for him though and as time goes on, his house begins feeling like a home.
pieces of you and your character are scattered all around which when he catches sight of it, elicits a smile and a throaty chuckle.
since then, he found himself staying indoors more often.
he doesn't have a color scheme he strictly adheres to but there are more cool tones than there are warm ones.
he does have a preferred material though. he likes stone because it's cool to touch.
now, the fun part.
he likes sleeping.
no joke. that's the first thing he does when he's inside. inside the teapot, he allows himself to be vulnerable and catches up on some sleep he lost while doing cavalry captain things.
he is always, always, up for cuddles. if you catch him sleeping, drop all things and cuddle him. he smiles in his sleep and will pull you closer.
when he wakes up, he'll be extra soft and you'll be free of his jokes for a good ten minutes. in exchange, he'll be doting and clingy which is just as great.
after a quick recharge, he heads out to take a walk. he tends to stay away from the city during this time because he's kind of tired of it.
instead, he'll find himself on the beach, thinking of nothing for a change and just in a rare state of peace.
not much of a cook or anything in the kitchen. rest assured though, he does everything you ask him to do.
water the plants? done. fold the laundry? done. put the crates away? done and done.
he also does things without needing to be asked. after a long day, he'll quietly take the dishes despite your insistence and will wash the dishes. as for you, go to bed and rest.
i personally don't see him keeping pets but he will willingly take care of yours in case you're not around. kaeya has a soft spot for you and soon, the pet itself.
although the best times always come when you're both done with the recharging time.
he would start a tickle/pillow fight which results in a lot of giggles and chasing around.
it almost became a tradition for him to bring you to the beach and run around like teenagers before settling down and making faux accessories with stray shells or rocks.
good times.
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— childe;
i see childe having loads of fun in emerald peak.
it's high. just the mere thought of accidentally making a mistake and falling to his death gives him an adrenaline rush.
exactly what he loves.
it's also cool. not freezing like snezhnaya (which he would've preferred if he was being honest) but it was a nice cool. he particularly enjoys the mornings when the chill is stronger.
childe's teapot is a hot mess, like him.
better to say, it's like a puzzle with mismatched pieces.
it's messy and cluttered. it's as if he couldn't be bothered and just randomly placed whatever.
oddly enough, it feels very homely.
like how you could toss around your things but still be able to decipher which is which and where it is because it's uniquely yours.
that's how it feels like with his teapot.
it's very him and if you look deeper, it's actually positioned practically and conveniently.
basic necessities are separated from the main 'marketplace'. instead, those are found in the same area as the main house.
because his space is very limited, you'll see his buildings in staircase-like layers (similar to qingce village).
the closest 'establishment' to the main house is the forgery.
he also allocated one area (and it's worth mentioning that it is also the most dangerous area) as a training ground.
his interior isn't any better. it's a mess but a comforting mess.
his furniture is mostly of liyuen design because that was what was available.
but he also made sure to buy some snezhnayan products to display.
the main reason it feels very cluttered is that he has a horrendous amount of mementos and battle trophies scattered around.
i think it's safe to say that he has no color scheme or any pattern in the house for that matter.
upon questioning, he simply laughs saying that's what 'home' is. living with a big family means that everyone's interests are just smashed into one big hotpot.
he's used to sharing stuff and making almost everything communal.
childe encourages you to add things into his house which you do and after a while, you realize the appeal it has.
by the end of it all, you're not even sure which item belongs to whom and it weirdly makes two giddy.
back to things he does as a teapot husband.
he wakes up very early. if you're with him, he carefully slips away to make sure you get some rest while he does his morning routine.
after preparing for the day, he goes for a quick jog which is also simultaneously a dog run.
he gets a lot of dogs and it's always fun to wake up to him playing fetch with them, youthful laughter filling the morning air.
before leaving the house, he heats the water to make you your morning drink.
it's a must to have the first drink of the day together. sometimes he needs to leave because of fatui duties so he can't stay for breakfast but he can spare some time for coffee.
he informs you of his activities, limiting the details but making sure you know his schedule and if he'll be back late.
if you do the same, it'll give him so much relief because he knows where to find you in case something goes wrong.
when you're away, he's the second-best teapot husband.
he's had experience taking care of his siblings so your pets and animals are well taken care of.
his mother had plants so your plants are also in good hands.
he lived in a constant state of disarray so he knows how to clean the house.
i think it's important to note that you can be disorganized but still be clean and hygienic.
which is the case for childe. he likes his house spotless.
he's not the best cook out there but he makes mean seafood dishes which is what he makes for your dinner.
incredibly fond of spontaneous kisses and hugs.
you could be cutting up a mango and he'll suddenly come up to you with a back hug.
you were reading? oh look, a kiss on the cheek.
be sure to smother him with attention from time to time lest you want him pouty or worse, playfully vengeful.
sing a song, sing a song he knows so he can sing along, sing loudly, wildly, and maybe off-key, sing and have fun, sing a lullaby, sing with or for him.
he loves nothing more than seeing you free and willingly vulnerable in his space. it makes him feel loved and trusted.
the domesticity of it all? he lives for it and if you reciprocate his sloppy advances, he just might be ready to pop out a ring and make this his new permanent.
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━━ ☆ NOTES: ahhh!! i’m so happy you liked it! i swear you have the most interesting ideas. this got so long because i had so much fun writing it. .....i also may or may not have self-projected a little with zhongli.
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pensoluv · 3 years
SAGAO Work 12.1, crackfic with a bit of comfort
Tw: drunk archons, body horror (reader growing two arms to carry the two drunk archons)
You catch Zhongli and Venti fighting, while Baal sips dango milk with Sara without helping. The two might have damaged too much. Cw: chaos and drunk dumbassery. Diona kinnies, please proceed with caution.
Inspired by @koinotame’s work’s teapot sagao idea!
It was by your sheer good karma, that their fight only started in the Traveler twins’ Serenitea Pot. God knows the collateral damage it could have caused in the real Teyvat.
Your headache comes back, and you’re even more pissed now, because it took your healers weeks to remove it. Weeks. It came back in 5 seconds. Just because, the two senior archons are being childish, in near-passing-out drunkenness.
“Ah…” “Oh fu-“ Zhongli and Venti’s thoughts only unifies, when they see your eyes and veins glow. It was even more foolish than they had thought, to fight in your realms. Your rare deep-set frown shocks them from their state momentarily.
Before getting to scold them, the two had passed out from the ungodly amount of alcohol in their system. You grumble and heave the two on your body back indoors. The two hang over your shoulders like potato sacks.
One of them nearly slips headfirst from dream-wiggling. Grimacing, you set the two down on the grass. You speed up time as you speedrun the pain of growing two more arms. You wince that hard for your clenched teeth to hurt.
Now that you have four arms, you carry both of them in the safest bridal-style, Zhongli in your stronger front arms, and Venti in your weaker back arms.
Even with more arms, they still weigh quite much for you, especially at the same time. You practically trudge along until Xiao and Noelle comes over to assist you. The others are left awestruck at your new form and can’t move from the shock. To be fair, you did only tell these two, for they care for Venti and Zhongli more often than the others, as a precaution.
Ganyu blushes from embarrassment, seeing that her fellow adeptus has already leapt into action, while she was frozen in place. She helps Xiao with Zhongli, while Amber helps Noelle.
You practically beg the other adults help clean up the mess outside. You didn’t even have to open your mouth, to be honest, since they’ve already started moving as soon as they saw the tired pain in your eyes. You’ll hang out with everyone excluding the culprits, as a reward, tomorrow.
You keep a select few for their valuable help indoors. The healers know better about soothing your anguish. The kids brighten up the moods of the helpers. Beidou and Diluc are kept as well, since they know how to brew proper antidotes for their drunk associates.
Diona endures the stench and stays, just because she felt bad for you. You eventually wash off most of the alcohol’s scent on you, so you can give her a warm hug and her regular scratches behind her ears, without her cringing. You curl up with the teapot’s pets, companions, and the teapot spirit, to avoid further draining interactions from the passed-out two. You still make them shower off the stench for Diona’s sake though, and they get cheek kisses for doing so.
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respite (ver. 2)
Genshin Impact | @albelumiweek 2021 Day 3 | "when was the last time you slept?” | AO3 Summary: “I’m fine,” she repeats softly, as though she can convince herself to believe it if she says it enough times.  Notes: same prompt but different timeline! featuring...ever so slightly protective albedo. :3
“I hear you haven’t been sleeping.”
Lumine turns from her restless gardening in her Serenitea Realm, finding Albedo strolling towards her with Paimon floating beside him. She gives her fairy friend a look, and Paimon feigns innocence with extremely low effort by looking to the side and whistling.
Lumine sighs, standing up and brushing dirt off of her hands by clapping them together, keeping her head down.
“I’m fine,” she says, the words unconvincing to everyone involved, “It happens sometimes.”
Albedo raises an eyebrow, then reaches over and gently places his fingers under her chin, tilting her face up. Her eyes are bruised purple underneath; she looks exhausted, and she pinches her lips together at his frown, averting her gaze.  
“I’m fine,” she repeats softly, as though she can convince herself to believe it if she says it enough times.
“How long has it been since you last slept?”
She does not answer, and brushes his hand away.
“I am resting,” she says instead, after a while.
“That is not the same,” Albedo replies softly.
She glances at him.
“It’s all I’m capable of right now,” she responds flatly before looking away again.
Albedo and Paimon exchange a look, the former starting to fully understand just how bad the situation is. But knows and is here now, and does not intend to let the situation go unresolved.
“Will you invite me inside?” he asks politely, and Lumine blinks at him, coloring a little at her poor hospitality.
“Yes, of course,” she says hastily, gesturing. “I’m sorry—go ahead and make yourself comfortable. My hands are dirty; I’ll follow in a moment. Paimon knows where everything is.”
The fairy salutes, rushing Albedo inside. He’s been here a few times before, but the layout changes every now and then. It is lightly furnished, the Realm too newly acquired and the Traveler too busy to outfit it more extravagantly. Still—it has very serviceable basics, and Albedo gets to work.  
By the time Lumine comes in, he has a pot of tea ready, and she blinks at him.
“What’s this?” she asks somewhat suspiciously as she peeks into the pot.
The liquid is thicker than tea, but has a similar color and smell.
“A draught, to help you sleep,” he says, and Lumine looks up at him. “Without dreams,” he adds.
Her face is unreadable, but she takes the cup he pours for her and sips at it without much hesitation. It’s a little bitterer than standard tea, but she doesn’t mind the flavor. It suits her mood.
Paimon has disappeared, and Lumine knows this is a conspiracy but lets it slide. She is exhausted. Albedo leads Lumine to the plush sofa in front of the fireplace, taking a seat next to her at a polite distance. They are silent for a while, staring into the dancing flames, and Lumine drinks two cups of not-tea in theinterim before she finally speaks.
“I’ve tried sleeping draughts before,” she says quietly, looking at her hands. “They haven’t helped.”
“Ah, but they were not brewed by me,” Albedo replies, and his confidence gets a smile out of her.
“I suppose not,” she relents, but the humor drops from her face quickly. It is another long while before she speaks again. “…Aether…didn’t come home with me. How funny that Madame Ping should gift me this realm after he…”
She trails off, her eyes distant, and though she had said nothing about her most recent adventure upon her return, there is much he can already piece together from her brief admission alone.
“I am at your service, if there is any assistance I can provide you,” he says softly, after the silence has stretched awhile, startling her back into focus.
She stares at him, the directness of her gaze harsh and searching. Her lips twist as though she might lash out, but when her mouth opens, sorrow creeps into her expression instead, and she looks away.
“I thought you found interaction with others a waste of time,” she mutters, though it is a weak deflection after all this time.
It was Albedo Paimon went to for help, after all, and not without good reason. Things between them have not been so cold and distant in a while.
“I’ll not deny it, for most cases,” he says, just a hint of amusement tinting his voice, “But after meeting you, I’d rather spend my time on you than other matters. It’s a unique anomaly.”
She jerks back to stare at him, blinking in surprise.
“I likely know the reason why,” he adds, and he looks satisfied to see her cheeks go slightly pink.
She glares at him without much heat, sipping at her third cup of his not-tea to avoid responding. But then she sighs, her expression complicated again.
“Thank you,” she says simply, and for a moment she looks so fragile that the slightest touch could crumble her.
“…May I try an experiment?” Albedo asks, and Lumine tilts her head at him curiously, nodding her permission.
He scoots closer, gently pressing her head to his shoulder. He then takes her wrist in his hand, his thumb searching out her pulse.
“Shhh. Close your eyes.”
She tries to look up at him, but he merely smiles and covers her eyes. She huffs, but he feels her eyelashes brush his fingers as she does as he says.
“One,” he begins, keeping his voice low, “Two, three…”    
Her breathing slows after a few more counts, though he continues for a few extra moments. Once he is certain that she’s fully asleep, he lowers her onto his lap so that she can rest more comfortably.
Paimon reappears shortly after with a rich blue blanket, looking satisfied.
“Thanks,” she says quietly as she spreads it over her, and Albedo inclines his head in acknowledgement before she disappears again.
Albedo looks back down at Lumine and brushes a strand of hair away from her cheek. What she must have gone through, to wear herself down to this point. But if she found her brother once…surely she can do so again. He will help her however he can, though he will need to hear the full story from her eventually.
But even without it…he sits there through the night, making plans in his head, reorganizing and revising until he is satisfied that a handful of them will produce acceptable results. He will discuss them with Lumine when she wakes.
For now, he sits with her, his hands cradling her head, his eyes gleaming in the firelight.    
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niecymagbanua-blog · 5 years
Milk Tea
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Milk tea refers to several forms of beverage found in many cultures, containing some combination of tea and milk. Beverages vary based on the amount of each of these key ingredients, the method of preparation, and the inclusion of other ingredient.
11 years ago, milk tea came in to our world. The number of milk tea fans keep  on growing as milk tea shops keep popping up with their extensive menus. Nowadays, it's not surprising to see someone drinking milk tea atleast once a week or lining up for hours. Filipinos have always had a taste for a tea. Nestea Iced Tea and Lipton Iced Tea are some of the tea we have before, C2 also became popular tea where most of us brew our own ginger tea. 
In 2008, Serenitea brings the milk tea trend. It was December 9, 2008, when Serenitea opened its first branch in San Juan, Manila. If you need to blame someone for your milk tea addiction, it has to be Serenitea founders Juliet D. Herrera Chen and Peter L. Chen. This 2019, milk tea shops have capitalized in the urgency of our cravings by putting their drinks on wheels. You can now order milk tea from GrabFood, Honestbee, and FoodPanda. 
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We don't just love milk tea, we're addicted. Today, we don't think milk tea can still be classified as a "trend." Rather, milk tea has become a staple.The milk tea craze found many, both young and old, lining up at milk tea places just to drink the then cool and hip drink. The milk tea craze was unique, a phenomenon in a country which loves its coffee. It's a wonder that over the years, it has maintained a strong market and is still a much beloved drink. The unusual black balls, quite different from the sago we all know and are more familiar with, might have been the driving force behind its popularity.
To make your own milk tea at home, use your favorite tea, add as much or as little milk and sweeteners, and add as many pearls, nata de coco, or jelly as you desire. Milk tea takes 20 minutes makes 3 servings.
1/2 cup black tapioca pearls cooked according to package directions
1 English breakfast tea bag
2 cups hot water
2 1/2 tablespoons milk  
1 tablespoon honey
Ice cubes
Step 1. English breakfast tea bag in boiling hot water for 5 minutes.
Step 2. Pour and stir in cold milk and honey. Divide between three tall glasses and set aside. 
Step 3. Spoon 1/2 cup black tapioca pearls, cooked according to package directions, to glasses. 
Step 4. Serve cold with ice cubes.
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rapifessor · 2 years
Project 888 - Day 73
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Well, this was a pretty disappointing day as far as grinding talent mats goes. I had to type the numbers 0, 2, and 2 into my spreadsheet quite a lot lately, which has been slowly lowering my cumulative average. It would seem I still don’t have enough data on that yet.
In other news, I reached Friendship Rank 10 with Ayato today. My progress on that front has been somewhat hampered by the perpetual maintenance of the Serenitea Pot, leaving me unable to have him hang out there and get free EXP. I think if not for the fact that version 2.7 was also delayed, I wouldn’t have been able to get him to max rank before the update released.
I’m kind of a loner when it comes to Genshin Impact, so I rarely take advantage of the doubled Companionship EXP from playing in co-op. If I did though I could have gotten the man to Rank 10 very easily. As it stands, I’m generally able to max out a character within the span of a single update, so there’s little reason for me to use that feature.
Apparently there’s also one more event to be run before version 2.7, which I completely forgot about. Something about brewing tea in the Serenitea pot... I dunno, I didn’t pay that much attention. As I recall though, it was another thing you could do to get Companionship EXP, but at this point that’s pretty useless to me.
That’s all I got, anyway, so I’m signing out until tomorrow.
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dandelion-wings · 8 days
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Sir? Sir? Sir?
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comixconnection · 7 years
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In this latest batch we have both some returning favorites and some new blends -- but as always, quantities are limited, so don’t wait too long for it to steep before you come in and get yourself a refreshing cup!
KNIGHT OF DARKNESS: black tea blend of chocolate chip, blueberry, raspberry, and cream (high caffeine)
FELINE MYSTIQUE: black tea blend of caramel, peppermint, vanilla, cream, and cocoa nibs (moderate caffeine)
HARLEQUIN TANGO: black tea blend of coconut, cream, strawberry, and cinnamon (high caffeine)
PICARD’S EARL GREY, HOT: black tea blend of earl grey, orange peels, almond, blue cornflowers, vanilla, and anise (high caffeine)
SERENITEA: green tea blend of spearmint, gunpowder green, hazelnut, safflower, and marigold flowers (moderate caffeine)
TARDIS: black and white tea blend of early grey moonlight, white blueberry, caramel, cream, orange peel, vanilla, and blue cornflowers (high caffeine)
BEERBUTTER: black tea blend of caramel, cream, and vanilla (high caffeine)
There’s nothing like hot tea on a cold wintry (March) day -- but as the weather (finally) starts to warm after this, keep in mind that most of these will make delicious iced tea brews, too! So go ahead and raise a glass -- no matter what Mother Nature decides to send our way tomorrow!
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thehungrykat1 · 5 years
Serenitea Launches New Cookie Brulee Series
With all the new milk tea shops popping out left and right, Serenitea, one of the country’s first and original milk tea brands, continues to delight its loyal customers with new and exciting flavors and variants. I sometimes get confused with all the new brands I see everywhere, but seeing this familiar name always gives me the assurance that I will be getting a good quality and yummy beverage.
Serenitea has just introduced its new cake-inspired beverages, the Cookie Brulee Series. These very indulgent variants are not for the faint of heart, because they are thick, creamy, luscious, and oh so very sinful. The Hungry Kat was one of the first to try these new colorful flavors which were just launched on June 15, 2019 and hopefully they will be here to stay.
Serenitea started in the Philippines back in 2008 and pioneered the brewing of tea using an espresso machine, with the added option of customizing the drinks in terms of sweetness level and sinkers. From its original branch in San Juan, Serenitea quickly grew to more than fifty shops in ten years.
I’m not really a coffee drinker but I do like teas, so Serenitea has always been one of my favorite places to grab a refreshing beverage while waiting for a friend. Their cozy and relaxing venues offer a space of serenity within the busy confines of the city.
The new Cookie Brulee Series is a powerful burst of energy with its rich ingredients inspired by the popular confection, the Creme Brulee. I first tried the Cookie Supreme Milk Tea (P155-M / P170-L) which comes with Serenitiea’s original milk tea that’s fragrant and milky. The main attraction here is the layer of thick, velvety Choco Cookie Custard that’s smothered all over the glass before pouring the rich creme brulee-flavored beverage.
If that’s not enough, it is then topped with a Choco Cookie Frost that’s totally creamy and slightly salty. The result is an overwhelming combination of flavors that is sweet, salty, creamy, and chocolatey. I ordered this with 50% sweetness but it was still a bit sweet, so I’m sure every dessert lover will enjoy this. This is really a heavy drink, and I got full quite quickly because it is like drinking a slice of cake or two.
You can also have this without the choco cookie frost by ordering the Cookie Brulee Milk Tea (P120-M / P135-L). This is the same fragrant original milk tea combined with a layer of choco cookie custard and topped with ice cubes. It also comes with pearls to make it even more special. 
For the matcha lovers out there, the Cookie Supreme Matcha (P175-M / P190-L) would probably be your new favorite. This comes with authentic matcha goodness with a layer of Choco Cookie Custard then topped with Choco Cookie Frost. 
Another matcha option is the Cookie Brulee Matcha (P140-M / P155-L) which is basically the same but without the Choco Cookie Frost on top (not pictured). Serenitea also offers the Traditional Milk Tea (P95-M / P105-L) for the purists which has just their original flavored milk tea. 
The new Cookie Brulee Series is now available at all Serenitea branches nationwide. These new flavors will definitely be the talk of the town as they really pack a big flavorful punch. Now you can have your dessert and drink it too! Make sure to try them out and see which one is your favorite.
Instagram/Twitter: @iloveserenitea
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ibxtea · 7 years
Serenitea now at SM City Marilao
GOOD news to tea lovers and aficionado! The fastest-growing and most loved milk-tea brand in the country is now at SM City Marilao! Serenitea is the newest food hub that offers wide selection of satisfying tea drinks in different flavors and variations to please every palate. Guaranteed to give authentic taste of tea, Serenitea imports its base ingredients from Taiwan and uses espresso machine to brew up assortment of both inventive and traditional hot as well as cold libation. http://dlvr.it/PRV4Rr
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dandelion-wings · 8 days
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I switched to a new teapot layout today, and I can't show off my layout yet because I need to wait til Monday for the store to refresh to finish a last set I wanted to install :< but I had a bit of extra space in one area with nothing left to do with it, so I figured I would have some fun with some of the mobile event collectibles! :>
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