#serge rezvani
fidjiefidjie · 4 months
Bon Matin ❤️ 📽🎸👌
Jeanne Moreau 🎶 Le Tourbillon de la Vie
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wat--son · 2 months
"Il m'est arrivé, certains soirs, alors que Danièle, tout en lisant, écoutait un quatuor de Beethoven, étendue parmi les coussins du divan de la grande pièce du rez de chaussée, la chatte sur les genoux et le chien couché de tout son long a ses pieds, oui, il m'est arrivé souvent de sortir dans la nuit sous les palmes de la terrasse pris soudain d'une sorte d' irrésistible sanglot de ce trop plein de bonheur.
Par la fenêtre restée ouverte je voyais l'amour de ma vie dans la belle lumière dorée des lampes a pétrole et je souffrais, le coeur douloureusement étreint de la nostalgie d'un présent si délicieux, si juste, dont la sublime beauté n'avait pu se former que pour demeurer suspendue dans l'Éternel.
Non la mort ne pourra jamais nous atteindre ici. Non, jamais elle ne pourra anéantir une telle somme de sereine perfection."
Roman d'une maison, Serge Rezvani
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nemosisworld · 17 days
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Elle avait des yeux, des yeux d'opale, Qui me fascinaient, qui me fascinaient. Y avait l'ovale de son visage pâle De femme fatale qui m'fut fatale De femme fatale qui m'fut fatale
On s'est connu, on s'est reconnu, On s'est perdu de vue, on s'est r'perdu d'vue On s'est retrouvé, on s'est réchauffé, Puis on s'est séparé.
Serge Rezvani
Ph. Peter Zelei
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Jeanne Moreau, Henri Serre, and Oskar Werner in Jules and Jim (François Truffaut, 1962)
Cast: Jeanne Moreau, Oskar Werner, Henri Serre, Vanna Urbino, Serge Rezvani, Anny Nelsen, Sabine Haudepin, Marie Dubois, Michel Subor. Screenplay: François Truffaut, Jean Gruault, based on a novel by Henri-Pierre Roché. Cinematography: Raoul Coutard. Production design: Fred Capel. Film editing: Claudine Bouché. Music: Georges Delerue.
Catherine (Jeanne Moreau) is insane, and Jules (Oskar Werner) and Jim (Henri Serre) love each other more than either of them loves Catherine. That's obviously a reductive way of looking at the movies' most famous ménage à trois, but it's my takeaway from the most recent viewing of Truffaut's masterpiece. Why is Catherine insane? one should ask. Because she's a free spirit trapped in a woman's body when freedom for women can be glimpsed but not fully achieved. Note how liberated she becomes when she dresses as a man, smoking a stogie (pace Dr. Freud, but sometimes a cigar is more than just a cigar) and providing a light for a strange man outside of a pissoir. And at no time do Jules and Jim find her more sexually desirable, I think. Naturally, she marries Jules, the more repressed of the two, and finds further liberation by cheating on him rather than falling into the socially respectable roles of wife and mother. As for the "bromance" of Jules and Jim, that too skirts societal disapproval: The narrator tells us that their friendship was much talked about. Even separated by a war that puts them on opposing sides, each worries that he may find himself killing the other. But they survive, only to find Catherine testing their friendship. That it survives the test until Catherine kills one of them is the film's deepest irony. And Catherine is never able to find the freedom she seeks, even after death: Her desire to have her ashes scattered to the winds is thwarted by "the regulations," as the narrator (Michel Subor) tells us. It is, of course, one of the great films, made so by Moreau's tremendous performance, by Georges Delerue's score, and by Raoul Coutard's cinematography, but most of all by Truffaut's direction and (with Jean Gruault) endlessly fascinating script. Even Jules and Catherine's daughter, Sabine, is perfectly presented: Sabine Haudepin is one of the least affected, least annoying child performers ever to appear on screen.
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welc-to-h · 2 years
Partout où ses yeux de souvenir se posent il retrouve sa présence fantôme.
Serge Rezvani, le testament amoureux
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eliguemor · 4 years
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Jules et Jim (1962) by François Truffaut
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tournevole · 5 years
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   Chacun pour soi est reparti.    Dans l'tourbillon de la vie.    Je l'ai revue un soir ah là là    Elle est retombée dans mes bras.
Serge Rezvani
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jbgravereaux · 5 years
Anna Karina - Ma ligne de chance (Serge Rezvani)                                                                                                                                                                              Anna Karina, muse de la Nouvelle Vague, "Ma ligne de chance" dans "Pierrot le fou".
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Chacun pour soi est reparti.
Dans l'tourbillon de la vie
Je l'ai revue un soir, hà ie, hà ie, hà ie
Ça fait déjà un fameux bail
Ça fait déjà un fameux bail
Tourbillon (extrait) - Serge Rezvani
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serafino-finasero · 7 years
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Jeanne Moreau, actrice française (23 janvier 1928 -- 31 julliet 2017), photographiée dans les années 1950 par Studio Harcourt Paris et vers 2007 par Oliver Roller
Jeanne Moreau, French actress (23 January 1928 -- 31 July 2017), photographed in the 1950s by Studio Harcourt Paris, and circa 2007 by Oliver Roller
One of France’s most famous and beloved actresses, Jeanne Moreau, has died at the age of 89. In a career spanning 70 years, she has starred in more than 130 films.
Born in Paris in 1928 to an English mother and a French father, Moreau made her acting debut on stage, at the 1947 theatre festival of Avignon, France. Although she was succesful in the theatre, it took a while for her film career to take off -- in an era dominated by cinematic sex kittens like Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot and Gina Lollobrigida, many film directors didn’t think Moreau was 'photogenic' enough...
French film director Louis Malle, however, considered her an enormous talent and cast her for the leading female part in his 1958 film Ascenseur pour l’échafaud, (released in the UK as Lift to the Scaffold, and in the USA as both Elevator to the Gallows and Frantic). The psychological thriller, a true masterpiece, features a melancholy, and equally legendary score by American jazz trumpeter Miles Davis. [Text continues under photo]
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Jeanne with Miles Davis, who improvised most of the score for Ascenseur pour l’échafaud | Keystone / Getty Images
After about 17 somewhat uneventful movies featuring Jeanne in beautiful make-up and flattering lighting, it was this film -- in which Louis Malle lit her with little more than appartment, hallway and elevator lamps, street lanterns and the lights of café's and bars she passes and enters -- that instantly turned her into an icon of French Nouvelle Vague (’New Wave’) cinema, and a film legend in her own time.
This status was cemented a mere eight months later, when she starred as a wealthy but unhappy housewife who gets caught up in an adulterous affair in Louis Malle’s drama film Les Amants ('The Lovers'). The film was controversial for a love scene in which nothing can be seen, yet everything can be heard, but the controversy did not prevent the jury of the 1958 Venice Film Festival from awarding Jeanne Moreau the prize for best actress.
Her biggest international success was achieved with director François Truffaut’s 1962 film Jules et Jim, another Nouvelle Vague classic, in which Moreau famously sings the song Le Tourbillon (’The Whirlwind’), written by Serge Rezvani, one of her co-stars in the movie. [Text concludes under photo]
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Portrait of Jeanne Moreau by Dan Budnick for Vogue magazine, 1962
For her work in film and on stage, Jeanne Moreau has received numerous awards, among which a Best Actress Award and an honorary Palme d’Or (’Golden Palm’) at the Cannes Film Festival, three Césars ('the French Oscar’), two Bafta awards (UK), and a lifetime achievement Oscar (USA). Her life revolved around acting, and she continued working well into old age, stating in an interview: 'I'll stop when I'm dead.'
Jeanne Moreau, of course, will never stop, as she will never really die. The courageous actress, who was not afraid to do away with the securities of beauty and vanity, showed the film world, and the world in general, that there’s true beauty to be found in truthfulness and, most of all, in fearlessness. Her bravery, coupled with her talent for making us feel and accept our own emotions, has rendered her immortal. 
Adieu, Jeanne -- bonjour, beauté eternelle. ('Farewell, Jeanne -- hello, eternal beauty.') 
Tasio Ferrand (c) 31 July 2017
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palouine · 7 years
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Le Tourbillon de la vie ....... Respect Mademoiselle Jeanne Moreau et merci ❤️
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undiaungato · 7 years
Elle avait des bagues à chaque doigt,  Des tas de bracelets autour des poignets,  Et puis elle chantait avec une voix  Qui, sitôt, m'enjôla.  Elle avait des yeux, des yeux d'opale,  Qui me fascinaient, qui me fascinaient.  Y avait l'ovale de son visage pâle  De femme fatale qui m'fut fatale  De femme fatale qui m'fut fatale  On s'est connu, on s'est reconnu,  On s'est perdu de vue, on s'est r'perdu d'vue  On s'est retrouvé, on s'est réchauffé,  Puis on s'est séparé.  Chacun pour soi est reparti.  Dans l'tourbillon de la vie  Je l'ai revue un soir, aïe, aïe, aïe,  Ça fait déjà un fameux bail [...]
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already-14 · 3 years
Chanson écrite par Serge Rezvani (Bassiak), interprétée par Jeanne Moreau. Elle obtiendra le Grand prix de l’académie Charles Cros en 1964.
(via Jeanne Moreau - Ni trop tôt ni trop tard - YouTube)
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angelinilorca · 5 years
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Jules and Jim
Alors tous deux on est repartis
Dans le tourbillon de la vie
On a continué à tourner
Tous les deux enlacés
Tous les deux enlacés..
(Le Tourbillon de la vie)  Auteur : Serge Rezvani 1957
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