#seriously NEED more drag mama lala content
thedaythatwas · 5 months
one of the post-p5 headcanons I can most enthusiastically get behind is akiren getting more involved in tokyo’s drag scene after the metaverse collapses. it honestly just seems like a natural progression for him after “losing” the ability to be joker. he’s got a need to find that power inside him again, and drag would be the perfect way for him to experience the rush of adrenaline that stealing hearts and being the leader of the phantom thieves gave him.
akiren is interesting because he really is simultaneously self-assured and self-sacrificing. being joker is an act, but it’s an act that comes from a genuine place inside him. interesting combo! doing drag would let him wear a mask purely for his own benefit. he’d probably learn more about who he is as his own person while he’s at it— judging from the lyrics of his theme, we know that’s something he struggles with. even if he takes wearing a mask too far sometimes, we know akiren lives for the thrill of performance. he’d kill it as a queen.
lala would be his drag mother. I see it all in my head. he’d absolutely eat it up. he’s got such a gender, and I want him to use it!
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punksarahreese · 4 years
blankets - mum!ava 👀👀
Idk how coherent this is because I’m exhausted™️ but soft reesker is soft with their little baby 🥺
Sarah looked up from her notes at the small voice, seeing her daughter hovering in the doorway of the kitchen. She had her favourite plushie, an anatomically correct heart, clutched in her tiny arms. Vivi’s short blonde curls were a mess and her cheeks flushed, looking as if she had just woken up.
"Hey, Bee," Sarah smiled at her, watching as the toddler waddled over on unstable legs. She made it over to Sarah and immediately dropped her plushie, instead lifting her arms and making grabby hands at her mother.
"Where’s mummy?" Sarah asked as she lifted her up onto her lap, smiling when Vivi hugged her tightly the second she was in her arms.
"Sleep," Vivi replied with a sure nod, making Sarah laugh a little at the seriousness on her face.
"You were sleeping too, weren’t you? How’d you get off the bed without mum’s help?"
Vivi shrugged, "Vivi big girl."
"Yeah," Sarah smiled, "You are, aren’t you?"
"Yeah, baby?"
"Lose lala," lala was the toddler’s favourite blanket, a lavender fleece thing that had pompoms along the hem and her name embroidered into it. Ava had gotten it for her when she was first adopted and Vivi had slept with it since she was safely able to. It was her favourite thing besides her heart plushie, the one comfort object she didn’t like being without.
"Is that why you’re out here?"
Vivi nodded, her lower lip sticking out a bit, "No sleep. Need lala."
"Do you know where you had it last?" Sarah liked to prompt conversation like this, lots of questions to keep Vivi talking. She may have only been 18 months old but Sarah had seen how smart and inquisitive she was, so she was happy to talk to her like one would an older child in hopes it helped her cognitive development even more.
"In the living room then," Sarah nodded, "Wanna go check?"
Vivi wiggled off Sarah’s lap at that but didn’t move to leave the room. Instead, she took her mother’s hand and tugged lightly, prompting her to follow. The brunette complied, figuring her case could wait until the baby was content. She followed the toddler as she wandered off in the direction of the couch, where she had been watching cartoons that morning when Sarah went to run errands.
"Do you see lala?" Sarah prompted once they were in front of the television, watching as Vivi looked at her with a frustrated expression.
"Mama, find lala."
"You can find it, Vivienne," she replied softly, "You remember where you had your blanket earlier?"
"Couch," she pointed to the furniture after a moment’s hesitation, toddling over. She looked around with the pout returning to her face, upset that she had yet to find her comfort object and that Sarah wasn’t helping her.
"Mama!" She stomped her tiny foot, clearly grumpy from her short nap. This wasn’t common behaviour for her by any means, she was just frustrated and didn’t know how to convey that she wanted help.
"Vivi," Sarah soothed as she pointed her in the other direction, "Looked beside the couch."
Vivi’s eyebrows furrowed but she listened, leaning over the couch where Sarah had directed. A tiny squeal preceded her pulling the long-searched-for purple blanket from in between the couch and the bookshelf. She fell back on her bum as she dragged lala out, looking at Sarah triumphantly even as she let out a hoarse cough.
"Vivienne, does your chest hurt?" The second she coughed Sarah was beside her, realizing she hadn’t been on her oxygen since that morning and was probably overworked from walking and getting upset.
"Little," Vivi shook her head, "Vivi ‘kay, mama."
"You gotta slow down, baby," Sarah reminded her, "Why don’t we go get your oxygen? You can pick the stickers today."
She looked like she was about to protest until Sarah mentioned the stickers, her eyes lighting up, "Bun!"
"Bunny stickers?" She laughed as she leaned down to pick the baby up again, slinging the blanket over her shoulder so Vivi could still hold it. When she nodded happily, Sarah agreed, walking in the direction of her daughter’s room to get things set up.
Ten minutes later Vivi proudly had a purple bunny stuck to each cheekbone, holding her cannula in place once again. Sarah had tried to persuade her to have a bottle and a nap in her own bed, but the toddler immediately refused.
"No," her curls bounced as she shook her head, "Mama sleep."
"Mama has work to do, Vivvy."
"Vivi," Sarah sighed, "Why don’t you go lay down with mummy again then? She’d like to cuddle with you."
Ava had been in surgery all night so she was home resting while Sarah was off for the day because she had errands to run that morning. Vivi loved when she got to spend the day with her mothers instead of in daycare, but she was still adamant about refusing naps.
"Wan’ cuddle mama," Vivi argued, "Mama ‘n’ mummy."
Sarah sighed, looking at the toddler in her arms who was staring at her with those big doe eyes. How was she supposed to say no to that face? Really it was understandable, Sarah and Ava had worked the whole week and Vivi was just missing her parents.
"Are you going to actually sleep if I lay down with you?"
Vivienne nodded rapidly, "Nap!"
So they made their way to Sarah and Ava’s room, finding Ava on her side of the bed and still fast asleep. Her hair was still damp from the shower she begrudgingly took before going to sleep that morning, complaining about smelling like the hospital but being too tired to wash her hair. Sarah had helped her with that, which her girlfriend was thankful for even if she was too proud to admit she really needed the help.
"Don’t wake her up," Sarah chastised softly, "Mum’s tired, Vivvy."
"Hey, honeybee," Ava’s voice was low and more heavily accented with sleep; which was one of Sarah’s favourite sounds if she was being honest. The blonde had opened her eyes when her daughter jumped on the bed, smiling sleepily at them both when she realized Sarah was there too.
"Mama nap," Vivi explained proudly, "Wif Vivi ‘n’ mummy."
"Yeah?" Ava hummed as she watched Sarah hang the portable oxygen tank on the bed frame so Vivi didn’t get tugged on. The other woman smiled at her, nudging their daughter over a bit so she could get on her side of the bed.
"She’s very persuasive."
"Well, I can’t say you don’t deserve the rest, Reese cup," Ava replied, smiling when Vivi wedged herself comfortably between them. She pulled her blanket up to cover herself, also wiggling under the grey comforter Ava was occupying. All snuggled up in the blankets, Vivi smiled proudly at Ava.
"Found lala!"
"You did," Ava mused, "That’s good. Did mama help?"
"Had a bit of a coughing fit after all the excitement of finding lala," Sarah explained, turning on her side. She let Vivi pull her arm over her, taking the cue to cuddle a bit closer to the toddler.
"Vivi okay," she insisted, "Have bunbun."
Ava laughed when she tapped at the bunny stickers on her cannula as if that was the reason she could breathe better. Though Ava would agree that stickers often do make things 100x easier in the world of paediatric medicine, so maybe her daughter was onto something.
"I put her back on 3 litres per minute, just because her cough sounded a bit rough," Sarah added, running a gentle hand through vivi’s hair, "All better now though, right?"
"Happy lungs," Vivi concluded, echoing a phrase Connor always said whenever her respiratory stats were good at check ups. That made both her mothers laugh, glad their daughter had such a good outlook on her medical conditions and the aides she needed.
"Happy lungs," Ava repeated, "Very good."
It was at that point that Vivi yawned, rubbing at her eyes a little. She was clearly still tired, having only napped for about 30 minutes before she woke up to find Sarah.
"Nap time, honeybee?" Ava asked, moving a bit closer when Vivi made grabby hands at her. She wrapped her arm around her tiny frame, her hand finding Sarah’s and lacing their fingers together.
"Nap," Vivi nodded, "Nigh’ nigh’, mama-mummy."
She always mashed their names together like that, as if referring to them as a single unit. It was incredibly endearing and once again showed just how important both women had become to the baby, regardless of blood or adoption status. There had never been any worry about Vivienne not seeing them as her parents, because to her they always had been. Ava had been there since day one, a feat she was incredibly grateful for. Even before they had been dating, Sarah was mama to Vivi, and that’s all that mattered. Ava and Sarah were all Vivi knew, the one constant since she was born, and none of them would change that for the world.
Besides, anyone would agree that the toddler was the happiest she had ever been snuggled safely between her mothers.
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