#seriously thank you anon you're fab
inkykeiji · 5 months
how would touya nii react to reader calling him a pervert (playfully or not heheh)
okay i love that you added the (playful or not) AHAHA because his reaction definitely differs depending on your tone + the context and situation in which you say it!! 
tw: noncon, pseudocest
if it’s said playfully, giggled out with girlish swats at his shoulder and fluttery glances through thick lashes then he’s laughing with you, low and smooth and with twinkling eyes, murmuring out oh, yeah? pervert, huh? i’m gonna show you just how much of a pervert your niichan can be, between stringy saliva-streaked kisses and scrapes of his teeth along the curve of your neck. 
if it’s said in a serious way, spit with vitriol and sharply narrowed eyes and a screwed up face then he is just as venomous in response, features all puckered as if he’s disgusted you’d even say such a thing, thinly veiling the offence simmering beneath, the hurt. he hurls your words right back at you, says that if he’s a pervert then surely you must be one, too—after all, you do beg your big brother to fuck you so desperately, so pathetically, so goddamn obscenely, and maybe he should film you next time, hm? to show you just how perverted you are for your niichan, yeah? 
he doesn’t let up with it, either—he’s relentless, holding you down with both wrists collected in a single massive palm as he spits out insults—if he’s a pervert, then you’re a filthy little whore, aren’t you?—flecks of saliva splattering across your cheeks, his voice lacking any of it’s usual sugared condescension, mean and cruel and so, so sharp. he tells you he’ll give you a demonstration of just how disgusting and depraved you are—you both are—right here, right now, shoving your dress up and your panties down and his cock into you in three swift motions.
only nasty little perverted girls like their big brother defiling them, right? only deviant little girls beg their big brother to fill them up with cum, don’t they? you’re just as fucked up as he is, baby, don’t you forget it.
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sinkingsidewalks · 6 years
“Siblings, two feathers from the same phoenix, a rarity. They’ve been sitting up there for longer than I can remember, unusual combinations them both.” He opens the boxes slowly. “One, holly, ten and a half inches, nice and supple, the other, pine, nine and three-quarter inches, unyielding. So different, yet at their cores, the same.” Scott stands to join her at the counter. His fingers creep forward towards the wand, curious. “Of course, the third…”
I’m assuming this is for the DVD commentary thing i rb’d the other day so THANK YOU SO MUCH :) this is gonna be a lot but im not gonna apologize for it. you picked a hell of a paragraph to send me
Siblings,Rowling calls this ‘brothers’ but obviously i couldn’t use that. hp is surprisingly gendered when you start to break it down two feathers from the same phoenix, a rarity. the whole basis of this fic is their connection (like many others lol) so to have a very literal representation of that was just a gift They’ve been sitting up there for longer than I can remember, unusual combinations them both.” this line of dialogue is paraphrased directly from Philosopher’s Stone if i remember correctly, though the book or the movie i can never tell. i almost didn’t write this scene, originally i was just going to start at the sorting. then when i started thinking about plot things and i realized that they’d need to be in diagon alley, i couldn’t not have them buying wands. i really love wandlore, its such a beautifully subtle way to reflect your characters. He opens the boxes slowly. “One, holly, ten and a half inches, nice and supple, this is essentially Harry’s wand except just a bit shorter (to make it more similar to Tessa’s), i kept it as Scott’s wand because it serves him in much the same way it serves harry. Holly is traditionally considered protective and works well for those who need help overcoming their temper (scott much?) there’s also some stuff about how holly wands favour wizards destined for dangerous quests but maybe spoilers? the other, pine, nine and three-quarter inches, unyielding. i spent a LOT of time fussing over tessa’s wand. mostly because there was so many good options for her. ultimately, i settled on pine because its wizards are often independent and can be seen as loners and because pine encourages creativity and is very adaptable. all of which suits tessa in nature and in plot purposes. she gets ‘unyielding’ for the exact opposite reason scott gets ‘nice and supple’ flexibility is the most vague aspect of wands but here it represents how comfortable they are in their personalities so to speak. Scott may seem outwardly confident in himself but inwardly his nature is still very adaptable in youth, there are several people he could end up being depending on outside influences. Tessa is less like this, she already has a handle on who she is and who she wants to be, not to say she won’t grow but her internal self is already pretty much in place. also it’s a nice contrast to the flexibility of the pine aspect. So different, yet at their cores, the same.” this line is very clearly reflective of vm themselves. their outer layer attributes may be different but they’re both driven by the same forces Scott stands to join her at the counter. His fingers creep forward towards the wand, curious. “Of course, the third…” of course, the third… if you know where im going with this you know where im going with this but if you don’t just enjoy the ride
send me a paragraph of any of my fics and i’ll write a commentary for it!
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guardianofrivendell · 2 years
Some people are twits.
We love you. 💜💜💜💜💚💚💚💚💛💛💛💛🖤🖤🖤🖤🤍🤍🤍🤍💓💓💓💓🧡🧡🧡🧡🤎🤎🤎🤎💙💙💙💙
Don't listen to them and do things your way. It's always fun seeing snapshots of works you have in progress. But that's why it's called a snapshot. I do the same- and then my brain goes blank the minute I actually start to write the blasted thing 😅
I'm working on a drabble and it's taken me nearly two months to finish it so... But we all work at different paces and as hobbyist writers, we also do have real lives, families etc as well. So seriously do ignore them.
Your stories. Your work. Your pace. And if they don't like it, they know where the unfollow button it.
You're fab and don't forget it. 💜
P.s. Have a nice anon for a recent change x
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Thank you lovely!!
I'm honestly a little overwhelmed with all the kindness and positivity and it makes me feel very humble to have such nice followers.
I hope the writing gods will be kind on you and you'll be able to finish that drabble of yours!
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sanchoyo · 5 years
👀👀👀👀👀👀 (when you tagged saying this meme thing is still open and we get a shot at more WH I was sorely tempted to send you like ten of these 👀 as anons ngl hhhhh ANYWAY hope you're having a fab holiday season, you're amazing, sending positive vibes your way for the new year cutie xo)
AAA I mean I wouldn’t mind posting like 10 of them since these are subject to change and may never see the light of day lmao
Thank you sm!!! Same to u!! And thank u for the continued interest :D
“Yeah, I know I’m less recognizable. He can blend in when he wants to, though. When I took him to meet my family, my mom never caught on.”
“Wow, lying to your mom? You are a villain.” He leaned on the side of the vehicle, looking up at the sky.
“Would you take a wanted criminal home?”
“Point taken. So that was an interesting game. I expected more devious questions.”
“Well, there was a question about stabbing, stealing money, and lighting stuff on fire, how devious did you want to get besides that?” You laughed. “I know it sounds crazy, but they’re just normal people too y’know? When I first joined I expected a bunch of scary, ruthless hardened criminals. But they’ve just had bad experiences.”
“What about you?”
“What about me?” You blinked. “Oh, you want my story? There isn’t one, not really.” He let out a groan, and you couldn’t help but smile. “You wanna hear it, I want to hear yours. How about that? Not the stuff in those magazines, either.”
“I’m a pretty straightforward guy, though.” He argued. “The magazines really only omit a few things.” Jin rolled his window down at that, sticking his head out and hopping in the conversation.
“Me ‘n Dabi read one that said Endeavor was your dad!”
Hawks sputtered. “It what?! Wait, wait, what magazine was this? I need to read that- what was the basis?”
“Uh, it’s obvious dude! Your wings match his hair color, you’re the right age, and they got pictures of you guys talking! Endeavor’s a bad dude who would totally have an affair, heroes are all crooked like that! We’re on to you! Dabi agreed with me! Hey, Dabi, wake up and tell him!”
“I’d buy it.” Shuchi muttered, not looking up from his game.
“What?! Seriously,” Hawks laughed. “Like, my parents have been in interviews-”
“Sure they have, the commission has actors for that kind of thing! Did you know they’ve got people who play victims for heroes in training, too?! Toga told me about it! The commission would totally have Endeavor’s back and cover this up! Especially since you’re their other top hero-!” Jin was on a roll.
“Endeavor is not my dad!”
You nodded. “I wouldn’t want to acknowledge Endeavor as my dad either; we support you.”
“Makes sense to me. Think about it like this: how’d someone so young get to the top so fast? Endeavor bribed them.” Shuichi said, turning a conspiratorial eye towards you. You were biting your lip to keep from giggling.
Hawks sputtered even more at the comment, turning red as his wings.
“And none of us know your name! Because you have the same last name!” Jin pointed a finger, raising his voice. “We’re on to you, Todoroki!”
“What.” Dabi blinked awake, squinting. “The hell are you talking about?”
“Hawks is Endeavor’s bastard child.” Shuichi informed him in a matter-of-factly voice.
“Oh, from that tabloid thing.” Dabi nodded. “I believe it.”
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
Just read Chapter 11. Probably going to do a more thorough read through in the morning. This chapter was filled with a lot of really good stuff. From beginning to end. Cinder and her sad thoughts. The wraith. Salem and Cinder. Ambrosius. The whole attack on Shade. The Maiden fight. The darkness. Even the random student asking Cinder for help. Summer. Cinder tripping Tyrian towards the end, made me laugh out loud. And finally towards that curious ending where Cinder finds the lamp is gone.
This might be one of my favorite chapters so far. The only thing it's missing is some good Knightfall moments which there was that scene with Cinder in the dark reaching out for Jaune.
I can't wait for chapter 12, whoa. 12 chapters already? I can remember finding this story when it was only a couple chapters long. There weren't too many Knightfall fics (still isn't, shame) out there, but I came across this story and fell in love with it in that first chapter. Now I'm here till the end. And I don't want it to end anytime soon.
Double update next weekend? What a treat for us readers. Make sure you take your breaks and go at your own pace though. And if you can't make the deadline for next weekend, don't sweat it. You are doing great. I kind of feel inspired to write something Knightfall myself but I wouldn't know where to begin.
Ok anon I am here now and I want to say thank you for this lovely message! I'm very pleased to hear you enjoyed Chapter 11 overall and I really appreciate you letting me know! I was very worried about it.
Cinder tripping Tyrian towards the end, made me laugh out loud.
Jester-type characters being tomfooled and tricked by their own japes. :D
This might be one of my favorite chapters so far. The only thing it's missing is some good Knightfall moments which there was that scene with Cinder in the dark reaching out for Jaune.
I am constantly like literally and seriously OTT and I don't know if I have the capacity to really feel bad about it. Feeling around in the dark and finding him :( it's a metaphor plus it's hot the way her hand hfidjgdiogjodg
But hey next weekend is a double update for a reason :D
I can't wait for chapter 12, whoa. 12 chapters already? I can remember finding this story when it was only a couple chapters long.
Oh wow thank you for following for so long! It's interesting to hear from people who've read it for a while, because I wonder if I am living up to expectations or not (for better or for worse lol). I mean I try really hard to still think of it as my own thing but then also I like finding other people who are into the same things I'm into and bonding over that. You're right, Knightfall's not a massively popular ship, but there are some notable V1-3 set fics and one of two I've had people recommend quite often. I appreciate other fic authors and their hard work!
I'm mostly interested in their V4 characterisations and onwards though so that's more my end of things.
Thank you for reading my fic!! It means a lot to me and it's lovely to hear from you! Honestly I don't really want it to end either... it's a lot of fun working on the fic, but if it makes you feel better I've already got another longfic I've plotted out and other medium-length fics I'm working on, and I think I'll post those when we're nearer to the end of The Distance Which Fools the Skimming Eye.
And thank you for being kind about deadlines! I always feel a bit weird about it because I'm like 'I am letting EVERYBODY down and I am EVIL' and then I am like 'nobody cares about your stupid fanfic!' so it's a real maelstrom of stupidity. XD XD but it's all good, I'm going fine at the moment and should have both up touch wood.
You should write some Knightfall if you want! I always think it's worth writing if you feel like it, second-guess yourself later. <3 <3 And imo something artistic shouldn't just be about the end-product but cathartically making something.
Hope you are having a fab day and thanks again for your message! I really appreciate it! <3 <3 <3 <3
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rooftopprendezvous · 7 years
That anon was a jerk! You're such a talented and fab person and people like that seriously need to like get a life! *sends you a million hugs*
Bella! Thank you my dear. That's an honor coming from someone so talented themselves. *sends you a million hugs back*
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calamitys-child · 8 years
For the anonymous opinions: You're a great dude with an amazing style and I seriously wish I had your patching skills! Keep up the good work dude!
Oh my god thank you? You're so sweet I hope you have a fab day anon (also, for the record, today's Look(tm) is the bully from every 90s movie ever made but like... 30% more gay)
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silikat · 8 years
Well done on your fab achievements! Wish I could get onto a decent writing schedule atm, I miss creative writing, but school gets in my way a lot. You're doing great, this anon is very proud :)
Anon, I am not going to lie to you, this message made my day. Like, seriously. You have made my heart happy and thank you so much! Honestly, the only reason I’ve got so much done recently is cos I’m miserably unemployed. School does really get in the way, but I wish you well on your own projects! You’ll find the time to write eventually, hang in there. And thank you for being so sweet!
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