enkisstories · 1 year
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Daniel: "I got sentenced to seven years of indentured servantship abroad. They start the moment I set foot on the new continent, not a day earlier."
Hank: "Oh, if you have to get technical, then you realize that as a happy-golucky passenger you'd have to pay for transport and provisions?"
Daniel: "No. If the government wants me to go to America, it's on them to find a way to get me there."
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Hank: "May I suggest SWIMMING?"
Daniel: "Hands off, Lieutenant! Hands off property of the crown!!! In hurting me, you're actively sabotaging the colonizing efforts!"
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Hank: "Enough with the wordplay! Do you fancy yourself Connor or what?"
Daniel: "No. If I were Connor, you wouldn't want me to work. You'd bring me tea and biscuits instead."
Connor: "I wish..."
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Gavin: “Not to put too fine a point to this, Connor, but you seem pretty useless. As Anderson’s fuckboy you should negotiate good deals for us, not get us beaten up.”
Connor: “I’m not... what you insinuate!!!”
Gavin: “Really not? Then you should consider it. Captain Tosspot likes you.”
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whoreofabaddon · 2 years
What is a simple way to ask for His presence in your life? Asking from a non-religious secular background that has been tarnished by occult practices that no longer serve me. Thank you! :)
I would say that an important part of Satanism is becoming comfortable with the idea that He does not owe you His presence. The simplest way to conceptualize the relationship is that of servantship: a good servant is unobtrusive, obedient, and capable of anticipating what they must do. There is an inner joy and peace which comes merely from the thought of serving such a glorious Master. This is what must keep you in a state of awe and adoration more than any concept of reciprocation. The Master decides when He calls to the servant. The long and short of this is that, if you want to be a Satanist, you do not need a sign of His presence. You need to do research, you need to reflect upon your values, and you need to develop a sense of comfort in solitude and isolation. Do not nurture a conditional love for the Devil and expect you will not be burned.
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Wow! Amazing Dark Magician Girl and Yami Yugi artworks by NeoCriMs0n, Yagaminoue, CupidYamiVolta, and korvapuusti on Deviant Art. ✨
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cresentmoonprincess · 4 years
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Nice ..
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angies9000 · 6 years
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Servantshipping dedication
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admiralalex1000 · 6 years
For anyone that enjoys Servantshipping I’d be happy to write some fics if anyone has any ideas. Send me a message and for anyone that can I suggest we try and work together to get this ship more content. Be it art, vids, or fics. Let’s try and celebrate a ship we enjoy. :) 
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purplestarkatz93 · 7 years
My top YuGiOh DM Ships
According to the ygoshipsorter these are my top 10 (really I only ship these first 10) YuGiOh DM ships 
You can do it for yourself here>https://ygoshipsorter.tumblr.com/
Please bear in mind that the order is not my order (the #10 ship is actually my OTP for the series) on how I actually ship these.
Also some are BROTPs of mine, but if I saw romantic art of those and they were done well I would like it.
1. Angstshipping (Ryou Bakura x Malik Ishtar)
2. Blueshipping + Mizushipping (Seto Kaiba/Priest Set x Kisara)
3. Citronshipping (Thief King Bakura x Malik Ishtar)
4. Deathshipping (Yami Malik x Ryou Bakura)
5. Peachshipping (Anzu Mazaki x Yuugi Mutou)
6.  Pleashipping (Priest Mahaad x Priestess Isis)
7.  Polarshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi x Mai Kujaku)
8.  Puzzleshipping (Yami Yuugi x Yuugi Mutou)
9.  Thiefshipping (Yami Bakura x Malik Ishtar)
10. Vaseshipping (Atem x Mana)
Well that’s it.
Let me know if you like any of these ships, and we can talk about it.
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lightmarealice · 4 years
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theabcsofjustice · 8 years
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I couldn't resist doing this for Valentine's Day. ^^;
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thehierarchyproject · 3 years
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G4y5 se localizam ABAIXO dos ALFAS e dos betas na pirâmide hierárquica por ainda estarem em processo de ascensão, eles se sentem atraídos por HOMENS desde cedo e ficam fracos perto de um ALFA, mesmo que comecem a negar sua atração por “hétero padrão” com o passar do tempo, assim, criando desenvoltura e mais confiança conforme o desenvolvimento, podendo migrar entre lugares da pirâmide. Assim como os betas, são os que sofrem bullying na escola de quem já tem o INSTINTO ALFA desde cedo, o que é natural. Com isso, uma parte deles migram enquanto a outra se fixa ainda mais abaixo de todos, reconhecendo a sua INFERIORIDADE e desenvolvendo a NECESSIDADE de ADORAÇÃO, VENERAÇÃO e SERVIDÃO a quem se encontra no TOPO da pirâmide, os ALFAS. Esses são os v14d05, a BASE da pirâmide hierárquica, não se assuste caso um apareça te mandando mensagem ou querendo fazer coisas para te agradar, esse é o instinto deles.
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G4y5 are located UNDER ALPHAS and betas in the hierarchical pyramid cause they are still in the ascension process, they are attracted to MEN from an early age and become weak around an ALPHA, even as they begin to deny their attraction to “straight man” over time, creating resourcefulness and confidence as the development progresses, being able to migrate between places in the pyramid. As well as betas, they are the ones who are bullied at the school of those who already have the ALPHA INSTINCT from an early age, which is natural. In this way, a part of them migrate while the other settles even lower than everyone else, recognizing their INFERIORITY and developing the NEED of WORSHIP, VENERATION and SERVANTSHIP to those at the TOP of the pyramid, the ALPHAS. These are the f4gg0t5, the BASE of the hierarchical pyramid, don't be scared if one shows up texting you or wanting to do things to please you, that's their instinct.
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Greenville Mayor Errick Simmons Honored ByU.S. Congress in the Congressional Record
Greenville Mayor Errick Simmons Honored ByU.S. Congress in the Congressional Record
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Bennie G. Thompson
Today, the City of Grenville announces Mayor Errick D. Simmons was honored by the United States Congress in the Congressional Record, Vol. 166, No. 147.
This esteemed recognition was expressed by the Honorable Congressman Bennie G. Thompson for Mayor Simmons’ remarkable servantship and leadership. This extension of remarks went before the United States of Representatives…
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Ship/Songs - #1
Prideshipping - “Are You Ready for It?“, Taylor Swift
Servantshipping- “Loved You for a Thousand Years”, Christina Perri
Puzzleshipping - “This Town“, Niall Horan
Gemshipping - “Break My Heart”, Hey Violet
Magicshipping - “Magic“, Coldplay
Ok, for the last one - how could I refuse? Keep in mind that just because I put them here does not mean I ship it or even like these songs.
I’ll be doing more of these in the future. If you have any ship or song requests, go ahead and drop me a comment. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. :)
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cresentmoonprincess · 4 years
Watch "From Ashes To New Let Go Lyrics" on YouTube
Prideshipping fandom of yugioh find perfect song for them and bit of vaseshipping .. listen to the lyrics .. you see Xspecially the ending of the song ... vaseshipping bit with this one ...This pain will never go away
And I will never be the same
Can't you see this misery is killing me
Is there a way we can hit rewind
Turn back the pages, go back in time
Cause I couldn't save you
It's always on my mind, my mind.. mana wish go back in time save atem but she wasn't strong enough at the time.. always on her mind ..
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angies9000 · 8 years
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The world needs more vaseshipping and servantshipping...
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v3n1c3b1tch · 7 years
I think the ship between the two Zirkon gems should be called LawyerShipping and the shipping between Yellow and Blue Pearl should be called ServantShipping ( idk just makes more sense to give it an overall name instead of a combo name )
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purple-ame · 6 years
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