My entry for @febuwhump day 4: obedience.
Content warnings: nudity, blood, demons, vague religious references, and knives. Let me know if you need anything added!
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When Seshdhar felt themself being summoned by a human, they didn’t bother putting on clothes. Draping oneself in fabric wasn’t something demons did, given that they didn’t care about modesty, and cold wasn’t exactly a problem down there. On the rare occasion that a human managed to find an actual summoning ritual, and work up the nerve to complete it, the nudity served as a bit of a power play. For some reason, seeing someone stand in front of them, wearing no clothes yet fully confident, made humans squirm. It was amusing to watch them desperately keep their eyes on their face.
But something had gone wrong.
They hadn’t been summoned in a long time, so maybe humans had just changed since then? But no, demons in general traveled fairly often between the human realm, and a change this significant would’ve garnered at least a little gossip. So why wasn’t this human scared? Why had they not cowered, or even seemed intimidated in the slightest?
Why the heaven was their lack of clothing making them feel vulnerable? That wasn’t how it was supposed to work!
All the man — he was what humans would consider a man, they were pretty sure — had done once he summoned them was to remind them that, as he summoned them, they were now bound to his will, required to obey his every demand. Then he proceeded to command them to kneel and keep their hands folded behind their back. They could feel their face heat up, but thankfully the parts of their face that weren’t covered in keratin scales were already a deep red color, so it wouldn’t be visible.
Then, the man knelt down to their level, a wide grin spreading across his face. “I have so many questions to ask you. Let’s begin.”
“Let’s,” they agreed, with biting sardonicism.
The man laced his fingers together and squeezed them, as if he’d wanted to harass a demon for so long that he could hardly contain his excitement now that the time had come. “Alright. Firstly, can demons be hurt by human tools?”
Seshdhar did not like the sound of that. “No.” Probably.
The man tilted his head. “Hmm. I now realize that I can’t be sure that you’re answering truthfully. I suppose I will have to… see for myself. Making sure your sources are reliable is very important for a scholar like me, you understand.” He pulled out a knife from his satchel and pressed it into Seshdhar’s bare chest.
Nothing happened, and the demon almost let themself hope.
But the man merely leaned back and pulled a second knife out, because of course he carried multiple weapons on him at all times. “Now, that first knife was made of silver, but this one, though it looks very similar, is actually iron.” With an odd amount of precision, he once more brought a blade to the demon’s chest.
This time, however, it sliced through their skin.
Seshdhar hissed, not in any kind of figurative way, but very literal, with their fangs bared and everything. This did not dissuade the man in any way from continuing to carve lines into their chest. If anything, the only discontent on his face was sourced in the fact that their blood failed to stand out against their naturally crimson skin.
It hurt, it hurt so badly, burning and stinging and not stopping, but Seshdhar didn’t want to give the man the pleasure of hearing them express it. So they dug their fangs into their tongue — because what the heaven, it’s not like they weren’t already bleeding — in order to prevent any pained sounds from escaping. This was mostly successful.
After an indiscernible amount of time, the man pulled back, wiped the blade clean, and slid it back away. “Now, on to my second inquiry…”
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Hello, my name is Cassie!
I use she/her pronouns.
I'm doing this for my twelve year old self who loved whump and wasn't allowed to have a Tumblr account.
Let me know if you need anything tagged!
Any images I use will be from Pinterest unless otherwise specified.
Some of my favorite tropes are pet whump, lab whump, whumper turned whumpee, hero & villain, choking, defiant whumpee, and of course good old-fashioned hurt/comfort.
I don't do well with inc*st, p*dophilia, whumper showing up at whumpee's house, graphic depictions of needles, and the whole "and those were the last words I ever said to them..." trope.
I love getting asks!
My profile picture is from a picrew by @/alerterin.
Follows from @starlight-and-lemonade.
So far I've only written stand-alone pieces. Here they are:
The Hybrid: Ruby's Story
The God: A Nameless Being's Story
The Mad Scientist: Maddox's Story
The Demon: Seshdhar's Story
The Captive: Maya's Story
The Werewolf: Lyra's Story
The Hero: Jack's Story
The Vampire: Tokito's Story
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