soulhusbands · 1 year
“Yeah, Sammy.”
Sam sniffed. “Will you be my best friend?”
“Already am, Sammy.”
“Always?” Sam gazed up at his big brother with those puppy dog eyes that made it impossible for Dean to say no, and honestly, he didn’t want to anyway.
Burn Out The Night by sylsdarkplace
Art by quickreaver
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AU - Canondivergent
Witchcraft - Anti-social Winchesters
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geraskierlibrary · 4 years
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Everything Comes Back to You
Author: stockholm_syndrom Rating: General Audiences WC: 2,023 Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply this is old man!Geralt/netflix!Jaskier, Time Travel/Alternate Universe, Geralt deserved to retire and pick flowers, retirement fic, Geralt gets to pick all the flowers (Jaskier included) hurr hurr, inspired by my time picking flowers in witcher 3, two old men make a house into a home, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, game!geralt/netflix!/jaskieri don't mention it, but geralt has a beard Description:
Old Man Geralt decides that for his retirement, he'll go back in time to pick Jaskier and then flowers, in that order.
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soulhusbands · 1 year
"The world around them is silent, not a car or a cricket or a hint of wind against the dusty windows. Just their breathing picking up speed. Just the wet, lurid sounds of their bodies moving together. Sam's too much and Dean's not enough, but somewhere in the middle, they're becoming one whole being."
Bring Your Alibis by coricomile
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AU - Canon Divergent
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soulhusbands · 2 years
"So when he brings the water in his palm to his lips, he meets Sam’s gaze and thinks I’ll take care of you.
There’s really nothing left to promise. "
Burn It Out of My Veins by embersdevine
Art by soluscheese
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Au - Canon Divergence
From sex to love
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soulhusbands · 3 years
"Maybe two dead things can’t tell that they’re dead when they’re together."
Undead Verse by hathfrozen
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AU - Canon Divergent
Codependency - Horror
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soulhusbands · 2 years
"Winchester’s brow furrows, and he steps up closer to Sam. So close Sam can catch his scent on the night breeze; leather and sex, dark and dangerous. He shivers."
The Outlaw Dean Winchester by runedgirl
Art by dun
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AU - Canon Divergent
Wild West - Alteredreality
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soulhusbands · 3 years
His name in Dean’s familiar scrawl is on the front. Sam’s heart pumps fast at the sight, and he runs a finger over the ink, swallowing hard. Inside is a photo of the Impala, gleaming slick and black on top of a mountain somewhere, reflecting the light of the full moon.
“Come home, Sam” it says along the bottom
Lay Your Body Down (Next to Mine) by runedgirl
Art by leyla_lovely
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Au - Canon divergent
Vampires - Graphic Violence
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soulhusbands · 3 years
"The way Dean loves makes other people’s attempts seem pale and half-hearted. Maybe it should scare him, Sam thinks sometimes, but it never does. He’s had Dean’s undivided attention all his life, even when there were 2,000 miles between them, and Sam drinks it in now, lets it warm him when the sun goes down and the road grows dark, the spark in Dean’s eyes enough of a beacon for Sam to see where he’s going.
With Dean."
The Year of Letting Go by runedgirl
Art by sillie82
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Canon divergent
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soulhusbands · 3 years
The rest of the day is business as usual, where "business" means whatever awful thing happened, we're going to pretend it didn't. Instead, they continue their research into the case that brought them to Colorado in the first place. Sam spends most of the day in front of his laptop. Lucifer continues to heckle him from the sidelines, but Sam finds that pushing his thumbnail into the tender skin of his wrist is usually enough to make him shut up. 
When that stops working he uses the tip of his pocketknife, until he feels Dean watching him and realizes he has pricked a series of notches that form a bloody circle around his wrist. Come lay bones on the alabaster stones by Caranfindel
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- Sam & Dean - Mature - S7, canon divergent - Body horror, hallucinations, torture, Sam-centric - ~11.5k [more on pinboard]
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soulhusbands · 3 years
“And so there are no words for the way he feels when Sam's figure appears on the other side of the clouded glass door. The swooping sensation in his gut is familiar, however. Sam steps wordlessly into the shower, shutting them off from the rest of the world for the time being.”  
Cri de Coeur by kelleigh
Art by stormbrite
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Caon Divergent - Case!fic
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soulhusbands · 3 years
Sam tries to rehearse the conversation in his head, while they're driving, or he's working out, or he's brushing his teeth. It never fails to put a sinking feeling in his stomach. 
Parts of the conversation are impossible for Sam to envision ("Hi, Dean, so I'm under this fatal curse with an easy fix, but on the whole, having thought about it, nah"), but Dean calling him a selfish bastard—that part is easy. 
For some reason, Sam thinks of the time more than fifteen years ago when he got out of the car in the middle of nowhere, and took his bags out of the trunk, and he walked toward Cali while Dean drove to Indiana.
- The operative word by road_rhythm
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- Sam/Dean - Explicit - Canon divergent - Fuck or die, consent issues, author chose not to warn* - ~33.8k [more on pinboard]
*Choosing not to warn is a warning itself. We decided to honor the author’s wishes and tag accordingly; however, we’re available to answer any concern you might have via private ask.
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soulhusbands · 3 years
"So you think we shouldn't go?" Sam doesn't think it's an option, even as he asks the question. He's pretty sure Dean and he can refuse any invitation anyone chooses to make, it's not that. It's that this is something he can't turn down. Dean's right: the Miskatonic isn't mentioned in their Dad's journal, this is something new. And it's calling out to Sam. He looks at Dean and sees him reading the letter again. They should know better than to let their curiosity get the better of them. They should. "William Armitage," says Dean. "University Librarian. We can handle a librarian, right? Whatever kind of creepy shit he's got going on, I reckon we can take a librarian." It's hard to disagree when Dean grins at him like that, so reckless and confident. Sam thinks they both know it's not as cut and dried as that, but he also knows they both want to go.
- The Old Gods return by fleshflutter
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- Sam/Dean - Explicit - Canon divergent - Lovecraftian, casefic, non-con, mpreg Dean - ~16k [more on pinboard]
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soulhusbands · 3 years
He tells Sammy that these people are nice, and good—which he knows isn't the whole truth because nice people don't take little brothers away from their big brothers—and that if he stays with them, he can have better things. He tells Sammy that this is the way it has to be, and he's not going away forever, just for a little while.
"The Field Museum, Sammy, the big one with all the World War Two stuff. We'll meet there on your eighteenth birthday; that way, no one can tell you no. May second, two thousand and one, say it, Sammy."
Sam sniffs and tries to wipe away his tears. "May second, two thousand and one."
"Where? Sammy, where?"
"Field Museum," he says, face buried in Dean's shirt.
- Fragments of a life you shouldn’t miss by clex_monkie89
Remix by freneticfloetry
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- Sam & Dean - Teen - AU - Canon divergence - Raised apart, tattooed Dean - ~2.5k + ~5k [more on pinboard]
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soulhusbands · 3 years
They say the boys came out of Kansas, a long time ago. How long? Well, now. That's where it all gets complicated. There's some'll tell you they remember the sound their boots made, clank of the spurs on cracked leather, clank of the heels on cracked earth, that metal-red southwestern dirt. There's some'll say it was years back, the tall one behind his brother, the West all wild around them and the two of them fast together, hip to hip and gun to gun. Nobody knows how long.
a western, i guess, by obstinatrix
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Sam & Dean (genfic) Teen Canon reimagined Legendary Winchesters 1k [more tags]
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soulhusbands · 3 years
Every week, Dean drives an old Honda right into central Nebraska and parks in front of an old abandoned bar. The sign reads Harvelle's Roadhouse and it must have been at least semi-pretty once upon a time, when it was lit up in neon and the lights inside were on, people buzzing it into life. His Honda is never the only one in the parking lot. There's an even older car parked a few spots away, a '67 Chevrolet Impala. Dean kind of wants to steal it, because it sure is a pretty car, but for some reason, he feels like it used to belong to someone important. Besides, it kind of adds to the whole thing. He once looked through the window – there were old burger wrappers and cassettes on the passenger seat, and a bunch of old clothes, mostly plaid and jackets and torn jeans, on the backseat. He spotted some blood in there as well. That's a car with a history, he thought, and left it alone.
The Trick of the Trade by anonymous
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Sam & Dean Mature AU - canon divergence Demon!Sam & Demon!Dean ~2k [more on pinboard]
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soulhusbands · 3 years
There's nothing from your old life. Nothing. It's been lost, except for one tiny scrap of a thought. It's a broken memory that you cling to, that you turn over and over in your mind, hoping that someday it'll mean something again. All you remember is this: a voice calling out to you, begging you, pleading you. Don't forget who you are. 
This road is wrapped around me, and I wear it like a chain by lyra_wing
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- Sam&Dean - Mature - Canon divergent - Demon Dean, second pov, pervert minor characters getting their due - ~2.9k [more on pinboard]
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