#sevin vii
lazerrlustt · 2 years
hey all :) i finally completed a google drive i’ve been working on for over a year, aka a media archive of every piece of psyclon nine content i’ve ever saved with over 3K images, dozens of videos that aren’t available on youtube and every gif i’ve ever made of the band. message me for a link since i don’t plan to post it publicly on any platforms :3c i’m very eager to share this since i’ve been working on it for so long!!
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n3w-ab0rtion · 3 years
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psyclon nine 2006
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g4r-s4muelson · 3 years
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cyrianu · 4 years
Tagged by @freyasnotebook , thank you!
1. Are you staying home from work/school?
Under temporary layoff, but still occasionally on-call...
2. If you’re staying home, who’s there with you?
Wife, child, and two cats.
3. Do you have pets to keep you company?
As above, two cats.
4. Who do you miss the most?
My IRL gaming friends and local shop owner.
5. When was the last time you left your home?
Got called in for a few hours of work yesterday.
6. What was the last thing you bought?
7. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed?
It's a bit of a mix. I like being home, but the financial stresses and attempting to assist with the online schooling is challenging.
8. Are you a homebody?
Yes I suppose I am if I don't have something to do out.
9. What movies have you watched recently? What shows are you watching?
I'm watching Fate/Zero and Gargoyles (finished watching Fate/Stay Night a few days ago) with the family. Awaiting my FF VII remake to ship now that I got the retailer to ship it as it was an in-store pre-order and all their retail locations are closed.
10. An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
Likely the next Magic: the Gathering Pre-Release this month, and my bi-weekly D&D sessions.
11. What’s the worst thing that you’ve had to cancel?
As above.
12. What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel?
Nothing of note - my life just isn't that interesting...
13. Do you have any new hobbies?
No new hobbies, but introduced my child to the joys of Diablo (original) on PC. Some fun co-op play with that.
14. What are you out of?
Thankfully, nothing.
15. What music are you listening to?
My usual playlist - selections from the Frozen/Frozen Fever/Olaf's Frozen Adventure soundtracks, Foreigner, U2, Cascada, Lily Sevin, Bruno Mars, Lana deleted Rey and others.
16. What are you reading?
Sadly nothing (other than occasional ficlets on here), this has been stealing much of my motivation to read fanfic... :(
17. What are you doing for self-care?
Listening to music, Battlefield V multiplayer, and staying caught up on Tumblr.
18. Are you exercising?
19. How’s your toilet paper supply?
Fine. The hoarding stopped about a week ago, now it's rice and yeast that are in shorter supply.
20. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine?
No, I had it cut just before everything went to hell here luckily.
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zeynebsahn · 6 years
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Selamun Aleyküm kardeşler.
Sare’nin doğumundan bu yana klavye ile bütünleşmediğimi, on parmak yazmayı acayip özlediğimi farkettim. Hazır nazlı kızımı da uyutmuşken gelen kutumu en çok dolduran iki soruya toplu yanıt vereyim istedim.
İlki Halil İbrahim ile nasıl tanıştığımız, ikincisi ise evlilikte ve evlilik öncesinde karşımızdaki insanda neler aramamız, nelere dikkat etmemiz gerektiği..
Takip edenler az çok bilirler ki özel hayatımla alakalı çok fazla bilgi vermiyorum. Çünkü bunun ne size ne de bana faydası yok. Bence bizler kişilerden çok fikirleri konuşmalıyız. Halil ile tanışmamız değil bir bey ile bir hanımın tanışma şekli konuşulmalı. Bugün hala evliliği kölelik olarak gören kadın ve erkekler var. Evliliğin ev işi yapmaktan ibaret olduğunu düşünenler, eşleri sanki bunları yapmaya mecburmuş gibi davranan erkekler..
İslamiyet kimseyi kimseye köle olmaya zorlamaz. Aksine üstünlüğün takvada olduğunu bildirir bize.
“Erkeklerin hanımları üzerinde bulunan hakları gibi, hanımların da kocaları üzerinde meşru çerçevede hakları vardır. Şu kadar ki erkeklerin onların üzerindeki hakları bir derece daha fazladır. Unutmayın ki Allah üstün kudret, tam hüküm ve hikmet sahibidir.” (Bakara, 2/228)
”Bu karşılıklı haklar, bir ailenin huzur ve mutluluğunu sağlayan her türlü davranışla, her türlü ödev ve görevlerle ilgilidir.
Ahlaki açıdan, karşılıklı saygı ve sevgiden tutun, birbirinin hasbel-beşer olacak kusurlarını görmezlikten gelmeye kadar; her türlü maddi-manevi zarar vermekten kaçınmaktan tutun, konuşmalarında incitici sözlerden kaçınmaya kadar, bir aile için gereken bütün fedakarlık ve samimiyetin tezahürlerini ihtiva eden geniş bir ifadedir.
Bununla beraber, İslam alimleri, “Erkeklerin onların üzerindeki hakları bir derece daha fazladır” mealindeki ifadeden  farklı ve ilginç şeyler anlamışlardır:
·        Zeyd b. Eslem, bundan “erkeğin emrine itaati” anlamışken, Şa’bi bunu “erkeğin kadına mehir vermekle yükümlülüğünü” anlamıştır.
·        Mucahid’e göre, bu ifadeden maksat, mirastaki farklılık ve cihatla mükellefiyettir.
·        İbn Abbas ise, bundan “erkeğin kadına karşı daha toleranslı davranmasını; örneğin kendisinin kadına karşı sorumlu olduğu hakkını tastamam yerine getirmekle beraber, onun kadının üzerindeki hakkı kadın tarafından noksan bırakıldığı takdirde bunu müsamaha ile karşılamasını” emreden bir kriter olarak anlamıştır. (bk. Maverdi, ilgili ayetin tefsiri)
- Razi, erkeğin değişik yönleri itibariyle kadından daha güçlü olduğunu, kadının Allah’ın ona bir emaneti olduğunu belirttikten sonra, bu ifadenin erkekler için ciddi bir tehdit ve kadınlara haksızlık etmemeleri yönünden onlara ciddi bir uyarı niteliğinde olduğunu ifade etmiştir. (bk. Razi, ilgili ayetin tefsiri)
- İslam öncesi devirde kadınlar dünyanın her tarafında olduğu gibi Arap kültüründe de bir eşyadan, erkeği eğlendiren bir hizmetçiden pek fazla bir farkı yoktu.
İslam gelince kadını hanım efendi, erkekle bir elmanın iki parçası gibi gördü ve gördürdü.
İbn Aşur’un da ifade ettiği gibi, örneğin, “Eğer karı-kocanın (eşlerin)birbirinden ayrılacaklarından endişe ederseniz, o vakit, kendilerine erkeğin ailesinden bir hakem, kadının ailesinden bir hakem gönderin. Eğer İki taraf (gerçekten) işi düzeltmek isterlerse, Allah onları uyuşmaya/uzlaşmaya muvaffak kılar. Şüphesiz Allah  alîm ve habîrdir/her şeyi bilir, bütün niyet ve maksatlardan haberdardır.” (Nisa, 4/35) mealindeki ayette erkekle aynı konuma sahip bir kadın var ve ona verilen değer, o güne kadar hiç bir sistemde görülmemiştir. (ibn Aşur, Bakara 228. ayetin tefsiri)”
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İslam sevmeyi neden yasaklasın? Aksine güzel sevmeyi emrediyor. Ne diyor Resûl-i Ekrem (sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem) Efendimiz, "Evlenin, çoğalın; zira ben, kıyamet gününde sizin çokluğunuzla iftihar ederim."  (Beyhakî, VII/81)
Evlenmede asıl hedef, Allah’ı ve Rasûlü’nü hoşnut edecek bir neslin yetiştirilmesidir. Onun için mütedeyyin, milletine aşık, ailesine sımsıkı bağlı, çocuklarının terbiyesi üzerinde hassasiyetle duran kimseler, değişik çarpık düşüncelere rağmen, yoluna ve usulüne uygun şekilde çocuk sahibi olma konusunda kat’iyen tereddüt etmemelidirler. Zira böyle bir neslin çoğalması ümmet-i Muhammed’in yüzünü güldürecektir. Kadın ve erkeğin evlilikteki yerine gelince;
“Bir geminin iki kaptanı, bir ordunun iki komutanı, bir memleketin iki sultanı olmaz, olamaz ve olmamalı. Elbette kainat içinde küçük bir gemi, küçük bir ordu ve küçük bir memleket olan bir ailede de, iki kaptan, iki ordu ve iki sultan olmaz, olamaz ve olmamalıdır.
İşte ailede olması gereken bu kaptan, bu komutan ve bu sultan; kadının kocası ve  çocukların babasıdır.
“Erkekler, kadınlar üzerine hâkimdir (onların reisidir)ler. (Bu) Allah’ın (insanlardan) bazılarını (erkekleri) bazısından (kadınlardan) üstün kılması ve (erkeklerin kendi) mallarından sarf etmeleri sebebiyledir. Saliha kadınlar ise, itaatkâr olanlardır…” (Nisa, 4/34…)
Ayeti kerimeden de anlaşılacağı üzere, kadınların idare ve sevki erkeklere bırakılmıştır. Bunun için de ayette iki tane sebep zikredilmiştir.
Birinci sebep: Erkeklerin kadınlardan daha üstün olması gösterilmiştir. Peki, bu üstünlük nedir ve hangi konulardadır.
Fahreddin Razi (r.a) şöyle der. “Bu üstünlük iki yönden olur.
Birincisi erkeklerin özelliği ile ilgilidir. Erkekler daha akıllı, daha ilimli ve daha kuvvetli olduklarından kadınlardan üstün olmuşlardır.
İkincisi ise dini açıdan üstünlüktür. Erkek kadına göre mirastan daha fazla alır, erkek cihat eder, ezan okur, hutbe okur, itikâfa girer, erkeğin şahitliği kadına göre daha kuvvetlidir. Yanlışlıkla ve hata ile olan ölümlerde erkeğin katil olan akrabası için ödenen diyete iştirak etmesi… gibi dini emirler gösterilebilir.” (Razi, ilgili ayetin tefsiri)
İkinci sebep: Erkeğin malından harcamasından dolayıdır. Erkek kadına mihr verir, evliliğin masraflarını karşılar ve kadının ve çocuklarının her türlü nafakası erkeğin üzerinedir. Hatta doğan çocuklarını annesi ücretsiz emzirmek istemese erkek ona ücret ödemek zorundadır.
Ayet bu iki sebepten dolayı evin idare ve sevkini erkeğe bırakmıştır.”
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Peki İslam zinayı haram kılmışsa biz görmeden, konuşmadan nasıl evleneceğiz?
Bir adam Ensâr`dan bir kadınla evlenmek istedi de Rasûlüllah ona: “Onu gör, çünkü Ensâr`ın gözlerinde bir şey (küçüklük ya da çakırlık) vardır.” buyurdular..(Müslim nikâh 12) Câbir`in rivâyetinde: “Biriniz bir kadına talip olur da onun hoşuna gidecek ve kendini ona çekecek taraflarına bakma imkânı bulursa baksın.” denmiştir.(Ebû Dâvûd, nikâh 19; Hadîsi ayrıca Hâkim, Beyhâki ve A.b. Hanbel`de rivâyet etmişlerdir.) Ebû Hümeyd`den nakledilen Hadîs-i Şerîfte: “Biriniz kadına tâlip olduğunda, evlenme gayesiyle bakmış olduktan sonra ona bakmasında günah yoktur.” buyurulmuştur. (Müsned (Tertîbü`1-müsned) XVI/154; Hadîsi ayrıca Bezzâr ve Taberânî de rivâyet etmişlerdir. bk. Heysemî, Mecma`uz-zevâid IV/278) Mugîre b. Şu`be: “Bir kadına tâlip olmuştuk. Rasûlüllah, "Ona baktın mı?” diye sordu. “Hayır”, dedim. “Öyleyse onu gör. Bu, aranızı bulmada etkili bir yoldur” buyurdular.“ diye rivâyet etti.(Müsned (Tertîb) agy.) Muhammed b. Mesleme (Mebsût`ta Muhammed b. Ümmi Seleme deniyor) gözüyle Dahhâk kızı Büseyne`yi takip ediyordu. Niyeti onunla evlenmekti. Kendisine: "Sen Rasûlüllah`ın ashâbından olasın da böyle yapasın, yakışır mı?” dendi de o şu cevabı verdi: Ben Rasûlüllah`ın şöyle dediğini duydum: “Allah bir adamın kalbine bir kadınla evlenme niyeti koyarsa, artık ona bakmasında bir beis yoktur.”(Müsned (Tertîb) agy.; Hadîsi ayrıca Sâid b. Mansûr, Ibn Mâce, Ibn Hibbân ve Beyhakî rivâyet etmişlerdir.) Buraya kadar verdiğimiz hadîs-i şerifler Hanefi fıkıhçıları Cessâs ve Serahsî`nin görüşlerine delil olarak zikrettikleri hadîslerdir.(bk. Cessâs, Ahkâmü`1-Kur`ân V/173; Serahsî, Mebsût X/155) 
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Bu hususta lütfen dikkatli olun. Evlilik niyeti ile çıktığınız yolda şeytan sizlere musallat olmaya ve yapılanları meşru göstermeye gayret edecektir. Az evvel paylaştığım hadislerde de gördünüz. Evlilik öncesi görüşmeler bir ölçüye göre değerlendirilmiş bu ölçü içerisindeki konuşma ve görüşmeler meşru kabuul edilmiştir.
İnsan yaşayacaklarını bilemiyor. Kimse bir yola zor şeyleri yaşamak için çıkmıyor. Siz kaderinize razı gelerek ve kaderinizi severek yaşarsanız mutlu olabilirsiniz. Fikir ayrılıklarımız olmuyor mu elbette oluyor fakat hem karşınızdaki insan hem de siz bir miktar özveri gösterdiğinizde iki dünyanız da cennet oluveriyor. Olumsuzlukları kafanızda büyütmeyin. Bakın herkes size tavsiye verirken hem en kötüsünü düşünür. Yaşadığı en kötü anıyı. Evlilik sürecinden geçmiş bir hanımkız daima altınların ne kadar problem olduğunu anlatır. Kimse size iyi anısını anlatarak tavsiye vermez. Doğum yapmış bir abla hep acısından sancısından bahseder. Kimse size bu Allah’ın bir lütfu demez. Her birimiz imtihanlardan geçiyoruz ve yaşadığımız zorlukları başkası yaşamasın diye daima bu zorluklar üzerinden nasihat vererek daha bu sürece girmemiş kişilerin gözlerini korkutuyoruz. Kimseye kulak asmayın. Allah için karşınızdaki insanı eksikleriyle hatalarıyla sevin. Gece gibi kusurlarını örtün. Allah’ında buyurduğu gibi birbirinize örtü olun. En sevdiğim ayetlerden bir tanesidir şu ;
Kötü kadınlar, kötü erkeklere, kötü erkekler ise kötü kadınlara; temiz kadınlar temiz erkeklere, temiz erkekler de temiz kadınlara yaraşır. İşte bu temiz olan, (iftiracıların) söylediklerinden çok uzaktırlar. Kendileri için bağışlanma ve güzel bir rızık vardır. ( Nur süresi 26) Öyleyse ne mutlu iyi ve temiz kalabilenlere..
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Peki bizler evlilik arefesinde karşımızdaki beye veya hanıma neler soracağız?
İşte tam da burada iş size düşüyor. 
Sizin önceliğiniz nedir? 
Evlilikteki hayaliniz nedir? 
Ne için evleniyorsunuz?
Tüm bunları düşünerek bir yola çıkmanız gerekiyor. İki taraflı anlayıştan geçiyor geçinebilmek. Birbirinize alışma sürecinde zaten az çok vakıf oluyorsunuz ileriki yaşantınıza. Ben annem gibi, babaannem gibi yeri geldiğinde fedakarlık yapıp bir adım geride durmayı biliyorum, eşim babası gibi, annesinden gördüğü gibi beni hep bir adım önde tutmayı biliyor. Önceliklerini bana göre ayarlıyor. Zaten bir yerde ufacık bir dengesizlik olduğunda bütün ipler kopar. Ben maddi gücüm var gözü ile, ekonomik özgürlüğümün egosu ile hareket ettiğimde eşim istediği kadar beni ön planda tutsun bir yerde muhakkak bir çatlak oluşacaktır. Veya ben istediğim kadar fedakarlık yapayım, hem eve hem işe yetişmeye çalışayım, kariyer planlarını falan çöpe atıp annelik vasfı ile şerefleneyim eşim anlayışsız höd höd bir herif olduktan sonra hepsi boş kalır. Yani demem o ki tek taraflı olmuyor. Olmaz. Bu sebeple evlilik ilişkilerinde dikkat edilmesi gereken ilk şey uyum olmalı. Eşinizle ne kadar uyumlusunuz? İleride düzeltirim nasılsa diyerek göz yumduğunuz ama kabullenemeyeceğiniz huyları var mı? Ona ne kadar tahammül edebiliyorsunuz?  Bir yıl sonra bile ona aşkla bakabiliyor, her huyuna, bakışına, duruşuna sadakatle bağı kalabiliyorsanız, dünyayı yalnız onun etrafında döndürüyor, merkeze onu yerleştiriyorsanız siz olmuşsunuz demektir. Bir de şu var, bir ilişki, bir adım nasıl başlarsa öyle devam ediyor. Birbirinizi ne kadar süredir tanıyorsunuz ve bu süre zarfında kaç kez hangi konular üzerine tartıştınız. Kendi içinizde bence bunun analizini yapmalısınız.
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Demiştik ya şeytanın oyunlarından biri evleneceğiniz insanı ararken sizi farklı yollara çekmek, aman canım nasıl olsa evleneceğim diye düşündürerek sizi zinaya itmek. Hiç unutmuyorum bir kardeşimiz anonimden şey yazmıştı; abla bir insanla evlendiğimizde onunla bekarken işlediğimiz tüm günahlar siliniyormuş doğru mu? İnsanın kanı donuyor. Gerçekten bunları gençlerimize kimler aşılıyor? Hangi kitaplar yazıyor?
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Şeytanın bir diğer oyunu da maalesef ifşa..
     İnsanlar hayatlarını ifşa etmeye bayılıyorlar. Ve şeytan hep daha fazlası ile cezbediyor insanı. Yatak odanı paylaştın, beğenildin.. şimdi elbise kombinini paylaş. Bu da çok beğenildi. Şimdi kocanla el ele yemek masanızı paylaş. Bu da çok beğenildi. Sırada romantik akşam oturmalarımız var. Aman Allahım onlarda çok beğeni aldı. Şimdi hamilesin ultrason görüntülerini at. Hatta video çek. Doğmamış çocuğu ifşa et. Offf takipçi sayın yükseliyor devam et. Kocanın başının etini ye kendine çiçek göndert. Sonra onu paylaş. Vs. Vs. Vs. Görüyorsun ya kardeşim bunun sonu yok. Bizler de sanıyoruz ki tüm evlilikler mükemmel bir bizimki sorunlu. Herkes evli bir biz bekar. Oysa öyle değil. Nasıl biliyor musun?  Altıda çıkıp yedide eve geldin. Kocanın gelmesine bir saat var. Üstünü değiştirmeden hemen ellerini yıka sıcakta olsa bir çorba yap. Çünkü zaten nöbette, sağda solda hazır gıdalar yiyor. Midesi yumuşasın. Banyo dağılmış yine onu toparla. Ne! Sen toparladıktan sonra eşin duş mu aldı. Olsun bir daha topla. Beyazlar bitmiş adam ne atlet giyecek? Bulaşıklar birikmiş makina kokacak!? Kitaplıkta baya tozlanmış. Daraldın mı işten güçten. Trip at! Sonra eşin gönlünü alsın :) bugün izinliyim deyip ev işlerini yapsın. Seni hiç yerinden kaldırmasın. Bir öyle bir böyle yani ablacım. Hayat karşılıklı güzel. Karşılıklı anlayış, karşılıklı özveri ile.
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Kiminle evleneceğimiz ezelden muayyen olup, hiçbir surette değişmeyeceğini, hatta Ashab-ı Kiram’dan bir zatın Peygamberimize, “falan kadınla evlenmek istiyorum, duâ buyurun.” demesi üzerine; Peygamberimiz; “eğer sana İsrafil, Mikail Ve Hamele-i Arş (Arş-ı Ala’yı taşıyan Melekler) duâ etse,  aralarında ben de bulunsam,  gene sen ancak senin için yazılan kadınla evlenirdin.” buyuruyor.
-Hadis-i Şerif / Ramuzü’l eHâdis:357/ 9
Bir de şey var, cennet meyvesi.. Onunla alakalı gelen soruları da başka zaman yanıtlarız inşallah. Uzun bir yazı oldu hakkınızı helal edin..
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vonesperstudios · 8 years
Abbey Death “The Veil” Featuring Sevin VII from Columbine -Filmed at The Russell Industrial Center in Detroit, MI -The Veil Cinematographers: Kevin McLeod, Filip Abbey, Don Gransden, Joshua McAllister & Valerie Abbey -Video Edited by Kevin Vonesper of Vonesper Studios in Astoria, NY. -Written & recorded at Abbey Death Studios in Brooklyn, NY & The Russell Industrial Center in Detroit, MI Live Drummer: Don Gransden "The Veil Featuring Sevin VII from Columbine" is available for download for the low price of a dollar at https://abbeydeath.bandcamp.com/ THANK YOU FOR WATCHING AND FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
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A Rose In Harlem
OC x Erik Story
Based on Teyana Taylor’s VII & KTSE
Warnings: Implied smut! Language, Angst.
X: Show & Prove
The morning of the show
Syd woke up from what she felt was a dream. It had been the most sleep she’s gotten all week, a solid six hours. She checked her phone, 7:10 AM. She remembered tapping out and closing her eyes around 1:30 AM. What seemed to slip her mind was Sin being next to her. She jolted up at his beautiful naked frame. He was still sleeping, his hair fell every which way. She smiled to herself remembering his kisses sporadically falling across her collarbone and chest as their bodies moved in unison. She glazed her fingertips where his lips once were and smiled even harder. Her phone going off snapped her out of the daydream.
“Hello?” “Syeda! What time are you gonna head out for the show? The venue is gonna be available for us at seven.” “I’ll be there then, Ayana.” Yasin must’ve been a light sleeper because her loud whisper woke him up. He rose with a deep loud groan while he yawned, in which Yani heard loud and clear. “Gi--Girl! You got sum?! You and plumber bae got it in last night!?” “Shut up Yani! Shhhh!” “Nuh uh! Syeda Mariposa! I heard his fine ass! I know we been stressed out and shit too! And I know you bitch! You gave it up!” Yani gave Syd a round of applause, “I was beginning to wonder wtf was wrong with you. It’s almost been a year since you got them walls beat!” Syd brushed past Yasin with a smile and closed the bathroom door behind her, “It’s only been nine months. If you must know, nosey. Yes, I did. and He’s not just plumber bae anymore. He’s my bae.”
“Yaaaassss Syd! I’m proud of you! Making strides in fashion and in love! I’m inspired, I may stop playing and give your mystery neighbor a call.” “Girl, he’s in Berlin. He said he’ll be back next week though, if you forreal.” Yani sighed, “Yeah, I’m forreal, mami. It’s about time I finally settle down too, and he’s nice.. I guess. I can try him out, see what he’s about. Plus, him not always being around is a plus because you know how I likes my space!” Syd giggled at her friend, “Yeah, don’t I!” “Yeah, yeah! Bitch, you don’t gotta be so inclined to agree.” “Bitch you not gon act like we didn’t try living together before I moved in here and you didn’t throw me out!” Yani’s tone changed to a matter of fact-like as she replies, “I didn’t throw you out! I simply gave you options for new places to live.” Syd sucked her teeth, “Bitch, you threw me out.” “Whatever! Let’s agree to disagree on the matter! Besides, you may wanna get some good morning dick because we got a long day ahead of us! Get some for me too while you at it! A bitch is in the office and I haven’t had none since before the holidays.” Syd cringed, “Ew. Girl Bye!”
Erik woke up to a warm feeling below him, as his eyes blinked open a few times he realized what was going on. “Oh shit! Good morning.” Gina decided to wake up her interest with some morning head. Her head was slowly bobbing up and against this pelvis until his member got hard and long enough that it activated her gag reflex. “Relax that throat baby.” She moans at his request and eased her way back down to his pelvis again, collecting more spit down his shaft. She placed one hand on him, maneuvering it up and down as she slurped him up like a melting cone on a July sunset as his head flew back on the arm of Zig’s couch. He gripped her by her hair and pulled her face up to his, their lips played against one another as she sank onto him.
“Good morning.” She finally replied to his previous greeting before kissing him again.
The evening soon approached as Syd hopped in the Uber XL with all of her clothing, accessories, and materials in tow. Yani was already at 583 Park Avenue, waiting for her to arrive. She’d been recieving texts and calls from all of the models, some invited guests, Myles, and Yasin even though he’d just left her sights hours before she departed from her house.
“Hey baby. I know your nerves are on ten! Just breathe! You got this. I’ll see you once it’s done.
Syd clutched at her heart in joy at her new boyfriend’s support. The uber driver stopped as close to the service entrance as he could, “Alright, we are here Miss Syd. You need any help?” “Uhhh...yes please? Thank you!” Allen, the driver, unloaded Syd’s belongings and escorted them into the venue. Yani came outside to help him as Syd’s attention fell immediately on set design. The contractors put down the black glitter floors already and Iyo was setting up his laptop to the projector. She slipped backstage to find her MUAs hooking everyone up as she saw the last model finally arriving to set.
Gina waltzed in the show as if she was the hottest thing since Takis, strutting like she’s on the runway backstage, and she was twenty minutes late. Not only that, but she showed up needing a visit to a hair stylist and makeup. “Syd, hey girl. Listen, I’m sorry I had a long day. Me and E..” “I’m sorry but, this has to do with the show..how, exactly?” Gina giggled, saying in a boastful tone, “Me and E lost track of time, that’s why I’m late.” Syd gave her a glance over and stopped as she looked back up at her, “Hm, so that’s why you let him tag you up on the night of my fashion show too?” The right side of Gina’s neck was riddled with dark hickeys. Syd was really disgusted at the display that stood in front of her.
Gina just smiled, “I’m sorry, I’m sure GiGi can cover it up.” Syd muttered, tight lipped, “She wouldn’t have to cover shit if you could’ve remembered you had a job to do tonight and it’s all about image.” Gina rolled her eyes, “So do you want me to see if she can do it or not? Ya know, you’ve been giving me shit since you met me.. You got a thing with Erik I don’t know about? That your man that showed up last night don’t know about?” Syd had it, she stepped up on Gina really slow, looked her square in her eye as she stated, “What you do with your personal time with Erik or anyone else is of no concern to me. However, when you come into the most important night of my life, and possibly yours if you pull this off, looking freshly fucked less than two hours before showtime..that is my concern. So what I need you to do is firstly, get up with Nina and Xierra, see if they can work a miracle with what’s on your head. I’LL have a talk with GiGi and see if she can cover your shit up. And trust me, after this show, you’ll be out of my hair.”
Gina scowled, “Okay. If you say so..boss.” and with that, she disappeared. Syd hasn’t been so mad in so long. Professionally speaking, she was mad at Gina. Personally speaking, she was conflicted. Her and Erik hadn’t spoken in weeks, so she knew she really technically couldn’t be mad at him for getting with Gina. Hell, she got with Yasin. Yes, it was unexpected, but damn. She just wasn’t expecting for Erik to get back like that. Syd shook off those personal feelings and thoughts, she immediately began to dress her models that were finished with makeup. Syd dressed her models one by one as they came out.
Von, Sam, Johan, Levi, Jade, Deanna, Phoe(nix), Sevin, Nina, Essence, Xierra, Leon, Warren, Cass, Omir, Cayson, Nadia, Zaniya, Jorge, King, Tammi, Quanna, Lyric, and Gina. 
Well, as Gina finally got up from Gigi performing makeup surgery to cover up her night before, Syd actually needed to cool herself down so Myles ended up dressing her. Gina was sizing him up as he was cascading the clothes on her, “Girl, I’d be barking up the wrong damn tree. This is strictly professional! Get the damn clothes on!”
Syd stepped out front where she caught a glance of Erik on the phone. She just leaned against the wall of the building, knowing it was facing East, she bowed her head and started her second prayer of the day. Her and Yasin did the first of the day together when they finally got out of bed. She hoped for a perfect, smooth show; for sound and production to go off without a hitch, and for her show to receive rave reviews. Her head rose and met Erik’s. “Wassup princess, you good?” The second thing Syd instantly took notice of was Erik’s matching hickeys on the left side of his neck. She hung her head back down, “Yeah. I’m good. Nervous that’s all.”
“You got this Syeda. Just breathe, relax. I think someone wants to congratulate you though..” She lifted her head and saw Ziggy with a huge bouquet of Sunflowers, Syeda’s favorite flower, and the hugest grin, “I heard my fly ass neighbor was gon kill her fashion show tonight!” Syd’s face lit up as she held on to Zig for dear life, “Greg! Ahhhhhhh! Thank you for coming! But how? I thought you were working?” He sighed, “Well, Tony wrapped early so I hopped on the first flight out. I couldn’t miss your big day if I didn’t have to!” Syd accepted her flowers, “My favorite!” “Only for you Miss Syd!” “Thank you so much Zig, I feel so much better! You can go ahead and grab a seat.
“Well, well! Looks like Someone beat me to the punch!” Syeda’s ears perked up at her man’s voice, she turned her attention to Yasin. He had on a black velvet two piece suit with a white button down, his hair in a high bun. Looking like he belonged on her runway tonight. Syd’s smile became impossibly wider, “Hey, you.” Yasin wrapped his arms around her and gave her multiple pecks on her lips. She momentarily forgot about the two men behind her. Erik loudly cleared his throat, stoically stalking them with a look of dislike, “Oh, my bad. I don’t think you two ever met, Yasin, this is Zigg, my neighbor. Zigg, this is my man Yasin.” “Ya man?” Erik questioned Syd in joking tone, Yasin replied, “Yeah, Erik, was it?” Erik stood opposite of Yasin, sizing him up, “Yup. That’s me.”
Yani was right on time, “Syd, I--” She quickly pieced together the scene she walked out to, “I need you inside. You need to get dressed and into makeup.” Syd grabbed Yasin’s hand as she instructed everyone to just grab a seat and the show would be starting in thirty minutes.
Syeda decided on her look for the night, her blazer dress was accompanied with her black turtle neck underneath and her boots. GiGi gave her a fire gold glitter eye shadow, snatched her face with a mean contour and golden highlighter, and set the look with the bold ombre burgundy to red lip. Syd decided to wear her hear in a slick curly ponytail with her signature two sideburn pieces, and of course, keeping true to where she came from, she bought a new set of heart shaped gold bamboo earrings with her entire name spelled out, matched with her necklace her father gave her. She stepped out of the green room to all of her models, Yani, and Myles. Everybody wooped for Syeda’s look for the night.
“Daaaaammmn Mami! You looking hot tonight! Muy Muy caliente!” “Gracias, Jorge!” She bowed to her homie and continued, “Ok everyone, this is it! It’s crunch time. Just to give you a little run down for the confirmed guest list; reps from Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Pink Pyramid, Hermes, plenty of my partners from undergrad have their own fashion lines, photographers looking for models, Ford Models, L.A. Models, and even more. Ya’ll dreams are right past that curtain. I need ya’ll personalities and confidence. Shine like the stars you are, Alright?” Everyone yelled, “Alright!” she continued, “Alright! To UPTXWN!”
The show was every single thing Syd prayed for. The models ATE. The crowd looked satisfied with the show. Byron snapped pictures of everyone walking up and down the runway, Syeda was a nervous wreck the entire show. Biting down on her nails holding on to her best friend’s hands for dear life when she wasn’t changing out her models with her. They finished all of the models final looks she stood behind Gina, as she was the last model to walk out before her. Gina sized her up and rolled her eyes, Syeda gave her a smug look as Yani caught it, she stated, “That bitch is dead to you after this, and if anyone in here asks about her to me, her ass is grass.” Syd just nodded. Every model walked onto the platform and a mic was handed to Yani as she announced her best friend, “And now, the creative behind the UPTXWN styling brand, Syeda Diaz!” 
The entire crowd rose in applause as each side of the platform was filled with all twenty-four models, twenty-three of which were following suit in applause. Gina just painted on a fake smile for the spectators. Syeda did her walkthrough and waved each way down the runway. She caught glimpses of all of the faces she’s seen while making a name for herself in the high fashion world as well as the faces of old classmates and her boyfriend. Her face went blank when she saw a face she’d never thought she’d see ever again, her ex boyfriend. Marcellus.
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ana-yanka · 4 years
Cuir Bouilli
Leather-working in the Middle Ages: Period Leather-working techniques: Cuir Bouilli/Hardened Leather FAQ
Authored by: Marc Carlson
“Cuir-bouilli (From the Oxford English Dictionary, 2d Ed.) Forms: 4/5 quir-, quyr- boilly, -boily, -boyly, -boile, -boyl(l)e, quere- boly, qwyrbolle, coerbuille, -boyle, 6 Sc. cur-, corbule. [F., lit."boiled leather."]
Leather boiled or soaked in hot water, and, when soft, moulded or pressed into any required form; on becoming dry and hard it retains the form given to it, and offers considerable resistance to cuts, blows, etc.
The word was in common English use from 14th to 16th c., after which it is not found till modern times, when it appears as borrowed from modern French. 
1375 Barbour Bruce xii. 22 On his basnet hye he bar Ane hat off qwyrbolle. 1386 Chaucer Sir Thopas 164 Hise Iambeux were of quyrboilly [v.r. quereboly]. 1400 Mandeville (Roxb.) xxvi. 123 ai hafe platez made of coerbuille. 1413 Lydg. Pilgr. Sowle iv. xxx. (1483) 80 A feyned hede formed of playstred clothe other of coerboyle. 1513 Douglas ?neis v. vii. 77 Thair harnes thaim semyt for to be Of curbule corvyne sevin gret oxin hydis. 1880 C. G. Leland Minor Arts i. 1 Solid or pressed work, known as cuir bouilli, in which leather after having been boiled and macerated, or rendered perfectly soft, is moulded, stamped, or otherwise worked into form.
Basically Cuir Bouilli is a means of making hardened and stiffened leather. Although there is some disagreement among some leatherworkers as to how this is accomplished, there is a significant amount of evidence to think that it was done by molding wet vegetable tanned leather. This leather can be formed into any number of forms, which, on drying, will retain that shape. The wet leather can be set more firmly by drying it under moderate heat, the degree of rigidity obtained being determined by the drying temperature. A faster method, which produces extremely hard and rigid shapes, is to dip the molded leather into boiling water for anywhere from 20 to 120 seconds. This technique causes the partial melting of the fixed tannin aggregates in the leather, making them plastic, causing them to flow and redistribute themselves throughout the fiber network of the leather. On cooling, the fibers become embedded in what can best be called a tough, three-dimensional, polymer network or resin. [...] 
There is a great deal of confusion about the term "cuir bouilli" in the literature about leather. Some sources seem to think that it was shaped/hardened with wax, others by wetting, shaping, and drying.”
By DR OBUV (From the Crispin Coliquy, 21 January - 27 January 1999)
"The cuir bouilli is the leather of ox or cow 'bouilli' in wax mixed with various gums, resins, and pastes, which are kept secret by the sheath and scabbardmakers. Article 13 of the statutes of the sheath and scabbardmakers of Paris, which are dated 12 September 1560, allows that it is forbidden for the trade to make leather bottles with any other leather than cow or ox, because other leathers are not suitable, and that the above-mentioned bottles must be 'boulues' with only new/fresh wax and nothing else, and stitched with double-seams from both sides [i.e. double-looped hand stitch, not a running stitch-ED], strong and durable." -- Roland de la Platiere, 1788 in 'Encyclopedie Methodique' [Paris,1790]
Key here are the various ways in which "bouilli" and "boulues" are used. Literally "boiling" the leather, as in dunking it into a vat of hot waxes is the immediate and easy assumption, but upon removing the object and its "last", the waxes would rapidly cool and leave an object encased in a mess solidified waxes.
"The Shoemaker uses several kinds of wax. [...] Bootmaker's jacking/wax is made from two pounds of collophony [NB -- highly refined/brittle pine rosin from Colophon, Lydia. The German edition has 'pitch' or 'black pitch' here] and one pound of yellow wax [NB -- raw beeswax] with lampblack [NB -- powdered carbon from oil fires] to suit, all melted together. This jacking/wax is used by Bootmakers to penetrate the leather of jack boots and to make them stiff as wood... The Shoemaker uses this wax for certain heavy shoes that the lower sort and peasants wear, but while making it he reduces the amount of colophony."
"Having one pair of boots... over their boot trees and previously wet, but now dry, take a coarse wood rasp, which is rubbed over the whole boot-leg to remove the fluff which stands up on the flesh; after this you proceed with the jacking/waxing... The place for jacking/waxing must be a room with a chimney, paved or tiled [NB-- "...where there is no fear of fire" in one edition]; near the top of the chimney, outside, is attached an iron chain which dangles to within six inches of the floor or there-abouts. You ready yourself for jacking/waxing by putting a small portable stove or lit brazier on a table to your left, on which you place a kettle containing the following recipe: One pound of yellow wax, two pounds of colophony, which is pine rosin, and lampblack to suit. You also furnish yourself with a swab, this is the name of a large dauber formed from a bundle of linen rags bound together, and have on your right, on the ground, some loose straw... Begin your task by lighting a little straw, which you wave under the bootleg to singe it, in other words to burn the rest of the fluff from the leaher that the rasp did not remove; afterward dip the swab in the BOILING [NB -- emphasis added] jacking/wax with which you coat the entire bootleg. Then continually rotate the boot-tree with your hands over a steady straw fire so that the heat makes the jacking/wax penetrate. You put on six sucessive coats in the space of an hour, being very careful to occasionally moisten the bootleg so it will not scorch, and so it takes two hours time to jack/wax one pair of boots. The bootleg now jacked/waxed, leave it to cool... When the bootleg has been jacked/waxed, and once more is thouroughly cold, it is full of lumps caused by the boiling jacking/wax with which it was coated and saturated; to remove them take an old knife, and using the blade as a scraper, scrape off all these lumps, then rub with a piece of cold wax that you spread very evenly with a stiff brush or burnishing stick, etc., and you finish-off by polishing and shining with the palm of your hand". -- M. de Garsault, 'l'Art du Cordonnier' [Paris, 1767]
"Lacquered [NB -- literal translation from German] Boots -- A type of stiff boot with or without tops, which are made with the flesh out in the same manner as the jack-boots, and which are given a glossy finish with the following lacquer:
Powdered gum mastic... 1/2 oz. Powdered ivory-black.... 1 oz. White poppy oil... 1 oz. Spikenard oil... 1/2 oz. Asphalt... 1/2 oz. White wax [*]... 1/2 oz.
Add the ingredients seperately, mix in the oils."--D. G. Schreber, 'Der Schuster' [Leipzig, 1769].
While not necessarily a jacking/wax, this formula is interesting. Schreber discusses the superiority of all English boots, and the polishes for them, but says they can't quite get it right. [*, this usually denotes highly refined beeswax that has been rendered and filtered to the point of being nearly pure white--harder than raw yellow beeswax].
"For Jacking The Flaps of Cartridge Boxes Let the flesh side of the leather be shaved smooth, & put outside. When 'tis well dried & warmed, rub it with the following composition, of: 6 pounds of rosin; 1 pound of beeswax; 1/2 pint of spirits of turpentine} all dissolved together and put on hot. Frequently hold the flap to the fire till enough of the stuff enter the pores of the leather, rubbing well. When cool, size it... with a size made of rawhide, rubbing it well. If spirits of turpentine cannot be had, beeswax will answer; but it does not penetrate the leather so quick... To save the jacking stuff, the flaps should be cut out before they are jacked; but it is said that the jacking should not come where the leather afterwards to be sewed as it will be too hard; ... You will try the jacking, both before and after the sewing, and determine which is the best way." -- Timothy Pickering on Jacking cartridge box flaps, Vol. 56, p. 5 [No date, c. 1775]
"We would go to a turner or wheelwright, and get head blocks turned, of various sizes, according to the heads that had to wear them, in shape resembling a sugar loaf; we would then get some strong upper, or light sole leather, cut it out in shape, close it on the block, then grease it well with tallow, and set it before a warm fire, still on the block, and keep turning it round before the fire, still rubbing on the tallow, until it became almost as hard as a sheet of iron... We made the scabbards of our swords of leather, by closing on a pattern of wood, and treating it similar to the cap." -- Recollections of a Revolutionary War Soldier [reprint 1854 edition]
Now then, as we have before us an accumulation of descriptions of the process of hardening leather with heat, pitch, rosin, etc., let me launch a question... since "bouilli", in Abel Boyer's 'Royal Dictionary Abridged' [London, 1700] gives, in addition to "boiled", "warm, boiled, seething, or bubbling up", "to gush out", and even "baked" in connection with "boul"--derived words, what are we led to believe? Under "cuir" he gives "visage de cuir bouilli'; a wainscot face. P. Faire de cuir d'autrui large courroye, To be free of another man's purse." Now wainscot seems to be a stretch, but the connection with wood [as in Garsault's "hard as wood"] is tempting..
...Firstly, just because Chaucer mentions leg-guards of "quirboily", how/why do we assume it was heat and water only, rather than heat and "bouilli" painted-on? Why not dope-hardened leather? Waterer's assumptions aside, why couldn't Chaucer's "quirboily" be doped-hardened leather in the 14th c. as well? Post 1560 in England and France, the suggestion is saturated with rosin, etc., just that the Brits start calling it "jack"ed by the 17th, and drop the Franco-phonic "quirboily" from the vocabulary all together.
Any confusion here regarding "waxed leather", which I agree is NOT "cuir bouilli", is purely accidental I assure you. The problem is in the French use of "cire" for bloody everything vaguely resembling a waxy substance. A bit of care, however; in my translation from Garsault [above] I carefully wrote jacking/wax, where in the French text it's just "cire" [wax], though the French author seems to use "cire" for everything from currier's dubbing, shoemaker's "coad", and "machine" [white coad], up to and including what Pickering just calls "jacking stuff". Garsault also discusses "heavy waxed shoes", [gros souliers cire's]. In this case he says that the un-dyed and un-curried shoe uppers are smeared with a wax [cire] composed of "mutton tallow, a little wax [cire again -- beeswax presumably] and a little more lampblack". This mixture is applied with a dauber dipped in "le cirage chaud" [the warm wax-mix]. Nothing in the text suggests that this form of "wax" stiffens or hardens anything. Quite the contray, it loads it with warm tallow. As a matter of fact, the English term "waxed leather", as in waxed calf, etc. merely refers to a heavily grease-stuffed, blacked on the flesh, uppers leather. In fact, elsewhere Garsault says that blacking on the flesh is more "English", and the French usually blackened their uppers on the grain with dye or stain rather than sooty grease. In French, "waxed leather" is clearly NOT "cuir bouilli".
Finally, why are Chaucer's "quirboily" leg-guards NOT dope-hardened leather? Shouldn't leather armour be hard? I suppose all I'm at here is this, since "cuir bouilli" meant doped-hardened leather from 1560 on in France, and became "jack"ed leather in 17th c. England, why must it mean something different in Chaucer? Are we just trying to leave room for Waterer to be "right" about the heat/water only theory? Impregnating items with rosinous substances to alter their texture hardly seems out of keeping with the most ancient leather-work.”
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fabledpink · 8 years
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A FANMIX FOR PINK DIAMOND X BLUE DIAMOND. ALT LINK. // i. saturn - sleeping at last // ii. jenny - lily sevin // iii. dark paradise - lana del rey // iv. you - keaton henson // v. my immortal - evanescence // vi. can’t help falling in love with you - ingrid michealson // vii. when we were young - adele // viii. the lonely - christina perri // ix. blue velvet - lana del rey // x. je t’aime - kelly sweet // xi. slipped away - avril lavigne // xii. you are my sunshine - leftover cuties // xiii. she keeps me warm - mary lambert // xiv. immortal - marina and the diamonds // xv. boats and birds - gregory and the hawk // xvi. never let me go - florence and the machine // xvii. vanilla twilight - owl city // xviii. hurts like hell - fleurie // xix. turning pages - sleeping at last // xx. love like you - rebecca sugar //
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lazerrlustt · 2 years
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lazerrlustt · 2 years
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lazerrlustt · 2 years
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