#sewing contractor based
ouroborosman · 1 year
Actor!Wally AU Story Lore!
Okay!!! I've been sitting on a bunch of unfinished images but I wanna share this now! I'll update the pics as they get finished~
Here's the story lore for Jay in the Actor Wally AU!
Wally actor AU created by @frillsand!
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Jay is a 20-something that moved to a larger city about a year or two ago. She was born and raised in a pretty small town, and being the oldest of her two other siblings, was set to inherit the farm her family owned. She really hated how secluded she was from everything, and decided to set off to a nearby city to make something of herself. She might even go to college, she told them!
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The learning curve was really harsh to this formerly-sheltered girl. She brought some money with her she saved up, but that was gone before she knew it. She luckily managed to get a job and apartment before actually becoming homeless.
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 One thing she had always liked was crafting and sewing and found herself doing such in her free time. She got fairly good at it. It was one day she ran into one of her puppet neighbors that had managed to get a pretty large tear in their arm. She offered to fix them up! Word spread around and soon enough Jay had a little community of puppets around her asking for repairs and she happily obliged.
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This actually worked out well for Jay. Eventually she had puppets asking for cosmetic things, like decorative embroidery and such on their bodies. Jay charged a small fee for these services. Word got around enough that Jay actually got accepted for temporary jobs that she applied for, and she basically became an independent contractor of sorts. Along with her cosmetic services and selling her plushies she began making, she made an okay living.
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Later she gets accepted to a ‘floater’ position for Welcome Home Productions, covering for people that call in. Normally she would probably bounce from how stressful the set is, but the better pay and more reliable work opportunities keeps her there for now. Plus, she enjoys her tasks at work! She often makes props, consults for costume designing, and other things alike.
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Jay of course knew of Wally Darling before, often passing him by or watching as he worked on set. His reputation and behavior toward staff kept her pretty wary of him and she steered clear.
Too bad that she was covering for his seamstress one day! And how unfortunate that she needed to fix up an outfit he was currently wearing! Lmao. She really did expect him to bite her head off, but much to her surprise he wasn’t too bad. Small talk between them led to her explaining the other odd jobs and commissions she takes, as well as an off-hand mention about mending puppet injuries. Wally takes a bit of interest in that, how strange that a human chooses to do that? As soon as she’s done with the costume fix up she skitters off because he still intimidates her lol.
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Seeing that he wasn’t as bad as his reputation said, Jay forms a little crush on him throughout her time on set. She jumped at the opportunity of a blind date with him! He’s awkward and she finds it cute and flirts with him a bit. Probably after this date, they became somewhat friendlier towards each other and chat at work when they get the chance.
(pic soon to come maybe!)
Aaand that’s the base story in my head! I think leaving it open-ended makes it fun to imagine different scenarios! Thanks for listening to my brainrot if you made it this far!! <3
Other little factoids that will probably never be relevant to the main story:
Jay freaking loves bugs!! She’d become an entomologist if given the opportunity. School is expensive, though!
Jay keeps a few pet insects and has a cat
Though she has a little community of puppet neighbors for company, Jay lives alone. She gets really lonely sometimes, as her best friends became long distance when she moved
Maybe her loneliness is why she has so many plushies. She basically is surrounded by them when she sleeps.
She is quiet and polite to associates. To friends, she indulges in strange humor and is pretty goofy. She’s a bit too sensitive for her own good and will get pretty sad if she thinks her friends are upset with her.
Jay’s clothing style is a mishmash of cutesy-pastel and punkish. She likes fem and androgynous clothes best. She can’t afford many outfits anyways tho-
Jay loves biology and nature. She spends most of her time inside doing work and hobby stuff, though
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peterlbrown4f · 7 months
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canaryfeather · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @msviolacea!
1. Were you named after anyone? First name, nope. I was early and my folks hadn't picked a name yet, so it took them two days to come up with something. Neither remembers why they settled on what they did. My middle name is based on one of my grandmas', but they didn't spell it the same. They also immediately forgot how they spelled my first and middle names, so they're inconsistent between various official documents! These days I use the spelling on my birth certificate.
2. When was the last time you cried? I teared up on Sunday, because apparently I was feeling sappy as all get out. Full-out crying, I'm not sure. I know back in May, I cried a couple times during LadyKnighttheBrave’s Andor video. Because damn.
3. Do you have kids? Just cats!
4. Do you use sarcasm? Somewhat, but not well.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Hair. That's how I tend to recognize people, too.
6. What’s your eye colour? Green now, having changed gradually from blue sometime in my teens and 20s.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I don't like downer endings. I watch/read/consume media largely for escapism, and I want my escapism to be happier than my brain often is.
8. Any special talents? Not particularly. Nothing I could use in a talent show or anything.
9. Where were you born? In a town I never lived in, oddly enough. The town I spent the first several years of my life may have been too small to have a hospital.
10. What are your hobbies? Most active at the moment: Video games (playing and talking about), crochet Less active at the moment: D&D (as a player and DM), writing, knitting, sewing
11. Have any pets? Two kitties at the moment, though I tend to still want to count the one who passed last January.
12. What sports do/have you played? I have done intramural softball, kickball, dodgeball, and soccer. I am not good at any of them, but I have fun with kickball and dodgeball, at least.
13. How tall are you? Tall for a gal! Not quite 6'.
14. Favorite subject at school? Math.
15. Dream Job? Growing up, I'd have said, "Work at NASA!" In college, as an 18 year old, I got a coop job with a NASA contractor. So I basically got my dream job when I was 18 and have stayed the course since then. Now I have to get more specific.  So I'll say my dream job is lead/manager in my discipline on a project that makes it to the moon or Mars.
Tagging (no obligations, of course!): @beauregardent @iamgwenslongroadhome @mrv3000 @fabmab @mylittleredgirl @bunysliper @singedsun @spacefiend0128 @thehappyfangirl​ @dyingfangirl  @dreamsofgoldandbooks @gottanerdout @dreamdayvisible @k8andrewz
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captainkurosolaire · 3 years
Prompt #24 ~ Forgiveness
Reference - ♫Not Over Yet♫
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The ability of confrontation had resolved inside a pirate's walk. His first destination appointed him to the Far East. His stature and posture resumed on purpose; as if knowing everything required to be done. Determined to turn back his clock. He couldn't reverse the scars or damage etched to the past. But you can relieve the pressure of them. Exorcising them like the ghost they are. A chime-bell rang as an eastern sliding door came, presenting itself before an old-worn Kugane ramen store. He was given a bow and customarily a happy greeting to the House of the Raising Sun. He spoke to code, "I come from far. I think I'd like wisdom, n' one form." Adjusted morning-red sunglasses of the worker came. Almost a sizing up-gaze, suspicious. Then that wayward wanderer drew his index at the point of a bowl of fortune cookies. A particular and odd purchase. This place was a front in the underworld. Mysteriously tethered to a web-line of dangerous individuals. By the scrawny worker, none would ever assume much. An exchange was made from what the client wanted with a marble. The Seeker took his departure cracking open his cookie and reading the slip. 'Happiness is not a pleasure, it's a victory' This was all by purpose standardized. Once the ramen shop cleared out the last customers. The business worker took to the back of his shop. A Magpie awaited perched near a window giving that messenger the marble from earlier and sending it fluttering off. There was a process of demanding a conference with those who thrive in shadows. The pirate ate up and headed to the next location. Heading before a hidden bay of Shirogane in the residences before torches of shore were lit. Breeze flashes through before that wind suddenly felt an feather push of unnaturally distortion against his tail-hairs. A quick cloaked dagger in the dark came hurling forth at the pirate who was centered and faced away. Who blocked barely unscathed with plated wrist-guards.
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Out of the trail came a soft-padded step. Disbelief, arm's crossed into a kimono. "Son." Came at the scoundrel. Who, shockingly, was alive. "Nice greeting' ol'man. Gotten a bit sluggish... How b' that arm?" He gave a cheeky-grin, turning to face another. A reunion of fatherhood and child brought to life. The older, more senior man's left arm came out prosthetically augmented. Taken by his own child in an old battle beyond mind. There was a bit of tension, but Father's blindfolded visage loosened, he felt unconditional, his heart restored, believing his own boy perished. It nearly worried him into an early-grave. This was a meeting of revelations waiting to explode. Although the father's eyesight was obscured. He could detect and use his scents to identify his son had grown in the respite of silence. He lived off existence, even outside where phantoms go. "Listen, I'm make this quick. I need ye... pops. You'll b' thrilled t' know ye've got yourself a granddaughter, not that ye haven't before but there's one n' my stead who found me, dare I say she may outdo you. I feel my methods of training would be obsolete. However, under yer tutor. She can waver closer t' my orbit, safer... When I dawn to storm's above skies. --- I want you to meet her." That already was a bombshell that continued by his resurrected son. And although haste surfaced in the boy's inflection, that still showed, he didn't like to share these touchy moments. Especially with the geezer who bastardized him. Left him abandoned and fending to cruelty, there was also less disdain, of that. He was offering back his Father's presence to his inner world. They couldn't outright sew or be fixtures of what happened. But, he gave his Father a reason to make his retired sword-hand raise; alongside give him a future to uphold; breath into lungs. "N' lastly. I need yer expertise. Th' illustrious darkest shadow ye once resided as. The man who brought resistance and forged peace in where no light goes... I'm going t' assassinate, some assassins." A crazed declaration said nonchalantly. His Father exhibited stun. This wasn't the same boy with a sick heart, or the same renegade attitude of a pupil he trained incognito. "You just came back alive... Before me. Yet you wish to wander so dangerously close to death again? Why do you pressurize yourself so much? This world doesn't need you to prove anything." His father imparted with concern, hints of humbleness, more clarity. He blamed this recklessness and attitude on himself, for being incapable of removing himself from prior commitment and engagement sooner. Finding peace, only until now, when nearly too late, at least it felt-like. Yet alarmingly this aura of willpower, sheer command blazed. "I had t' relinquish a lot of my, findings, plunders t' contractors, to not only keep myself alive, but my Crew... What they don't know is, I've ways t' track where they went with my belongings. Rule number one ov' the seas, if ye leave a pirate alive and take his belongings, they'll come with their greed, all t' back. They'll haunt themselves, into ghostly projections, t' devour n' haunt their own. However, th' people I hired for espionage, all faded and failed. I can't get a read how many there are, or if there's just the two, that i was confronted. I don't go into enemy bases, especially one's n' this skill-regard, aimlessly. Although you, have specialty. When comes t' stealth, you're still far better. I'm more of a break yer door down, and set off fuses, and light th' place up, I leave people with recognition, t' know my presence. Knows I'm horribly outmatched, if I don't get the first-advantage against these foes." Was his son actually considering a tactical approach... Even using reason and coming from a more intelligible, before would abandon his life and go-at things alone. This difference was drastic from the impatient and hot-headed pupil before. Whatever events cultivated these ironwork changes. The elderly and Father felt a catastrophic relief. "I will help you son." This moment was uncomfortable but so was this
itchiness of his wardrobe. Being all exposed like this was still a process, undergoing the pirate. He cared not to give exposure to this.
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"Meet me again in a Sennight on these same shores, I'll come t' pick ye up. N' old man... This isn't some mission where I want you t' go n' die into silence. You'll track the hideout and leave, and then, afterwards, you've got someone to live for eagerly; if not me." Ruffian youth in pirate gave a little shoulder nudge to his guardian as he walked onto splitting from their ways. The Shadow Father of Echo Past muttered, "It was... good... to see you too." He recognized really what was expressly told through actions, beyond formed words, they were translating signals in silence too.
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alexandria-millie · 3 years
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A simple american family
The film has a very interesting opening set in the 90s, which shows us how Natasha Romanoff had already lived in the United States in her childhood. Not only that, she was joined by Alexei Shostakov, Melina Vostokoff and Yelena Belova, all living as if they were a family. This idea is not new in pop culture, as there are several films, series and books about Soviet agents infiltrating the United States, united as if they were a traditional American family. On the internet, many are seeing strong parallels with The Americans series, which has this premise.
Black Widow is, after all, a Disney production - so it's only natural that the film has its many references to other productions and works from the studio. A beautiful example of this is at the opening, when Natasha's entire "family" gathers for dinner. On television, we can briefly see an episode of Ducktales, the classic Disney series focused on Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck's nephews. This goes to show how they went out of their way to impersonate an American family, including consuming US culture.
Red room
After this electrifying opening, we have the most incredible opening credits ever made by Marvel Studios, as they are very reminiscent of the openings of 007 and 2000s action movies. However, while we have the credits, we also see some details about the origin and the past. of the Black Widow. For example, it's during these credits that we get a great deal of exploration into how the Red Room worked, co-opting young girls from a very young age, brainwashing them and preparing them to be the perfect spies. Historical figures and songs In this opening, we can also see a bit of how the "order" of the Black Widows worked, as we can note several important historical figures who appear alongside General Dreykov. They appear with their faces scratched, as if they were targets of spies. In addition, it is important to draw attention to the film's musical choices. In the beginning, we heard American Pie by Don McLean, one of Yelena's favorite songs. Next up is a dark cover of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit by Malia J. during the opening credits.
Civil War echoes
Considering the general context of Marvel's Cinematic Universe, Black Widow's solo film is the only one that deals very well with the events and aftermath of Captain America: Civil War, as it continues from Natasha Romanoff's escape after betraying the Man's team of iron. Therefore, the beginning is full of references to the events of the film and throughout the story, we have mentions of heroes such as Captain America, Falcon and even Ant-Man. In addition, we have a brief guest appearance by General Thaddeus Ross, played by William Hurt.
Winter Soldier's Fighting Style
In the first scene where we see Yelena Belova as an adult, on a mission as Black Widow, we can see that her fighting style is much rougher and heavier than Natasha Romanoff's, as she doesn't waste time using all her strength to ruin your opponents. However, one moment in particular stands out when she is fighting a former Black Widow. She uses a knife and makes a move very similar to Winter Soldier - which makes a lot of sense, since in the comics, Bucky Barnes was once one of the Red Room instructors.
Trainer Training
Another reference to Captain America: Civil War - and this time, it's nothing new, as the scene was present in the trailers. At the beginning of the movie, we can see the mysterious Trainer being "activated" to face Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova. However, he first appears in a room, watching a monitor that carries several footage of the Civil War airport battle. We can see that he is studying the movement of each of these heroes - something he employs to perfection later, when facing Natasha on the bridge.
Rick Mason
Although many believed that O-T Fagbenle would be the Trainer, his role is much more restrained and he appears little, despite having a recurrent presence. Here, he plays Rick Mason, a private contractor who is always helping Natasha Romanoff get what she wants. In the comics, he is a mercenary known as The Agent, who is also the son of Phineas Mason, the villain Fixer - who has even appeared in Spider-Man: Back to Home. In the film, it is never mentioned if Rick has any connection with Phineas.
007 Against the Rocket of Death
While fleeing the US government for refusing to participate in the Sokovia Accords, Black Widow hides in an isolated trailer in Norway. There, she spends her days in normality, and we can see in a scene that she watches 007 Against the Rocket of Death. The choice of the film is right - not only because it is a feature film of spies like the entire James Bond franchise, but because it features the secret agent investigating a space capsule and a plot that could cause the genocide of all humanity.
After almost ten years, we finally have an explanation for what happened in Budapest, exploring the past of Black Widow and  Hawkeye. When the heroine finds herself as Yelena Belova in the city, she says that she was on a mission there many years ago. In the mission, she had to kill General Dreykov - this would be the baptism of fire in the S.H.I.E.L.D.. However, to complete her plans, she also ended up "killing" Dreykov's daughter in the explosion, and this murder still haunts her in her memories.
Special participation
Later, when Yelena and Natasha run away from Coach, we are taken to a hideout in the Budapest subway, where Natasha claims to have stayed with Clint Barton for a few days. There, she has a flashback of her mission in Budapest and we have a "participation" of Hawkeye. In fact, the hero doesn't actually appear in the flesh, but we can hear his voice through Natasha Romanoff's communicators. This shows us how Clint Barton knew of the Black Widow's "dark past" and still accepted it wholeheartedly.
Heroic poses
A recurring joke in the film begins when Yelena Belova draws attention to the various "heroic poses" that Natasha Romanoff is always doing during combat - especially when she "lands" on the ground and raises her head, always pouting. According to director Cate Shortland, this joke was included to comment a little on the sexualization of heroine in films since her first appearance. And throughout the film, we see Yelena reminiscing about this over and over - and even trying to do the same pose.
Throughout the film, we have an explanation for a detail that many fans had already noticed in the trailers and promotional material: the green vest that the Black Widow wears in Avengers: Infinite War actually belonged to Yelena Belova. Natasha's "sister" uses the item throughout the movie as a way to distance herself from the other Black Widows. She sewed the vest herself, putting in several pockets so that she could have several items at her disposal at once. At the end of the movie, she herself gives the vest to Natasha as a souvenir.
Obsession with Captain America
Halfway through the movie, we see Natasha and Yelena need to rescue the Red Guardian in a gulag. And when we meet the Soviet hero, he's bragging to other prisoners about how he was an archenemy for Captain America. In the comics, the character has always been obsessed with Steve Rogers. Here, he says he even fought the Captain in the 1980s - which we know is a lie, since at that time Steve Rogers was frozen to the bottom of the ocean.
Ursa Major
However, this same scene brings the participation of a very curious character. In prison, the Red Guardian fights an arm wrestling match with a prisoner named only Ursa - and this ends up going very wrong for the opponent, who loses badly. This appears to be an easter-egg for Ursa Major, a Russian hero who, being a mutant, had the power to transform into a humanoid bear. In the comics, this character was part of the Soviet Super Soldiers, who were basically the "Avengers of Russia".
White costumes
In the scene where Natasha and Yelena are looking for the Red Guardian, we can see them wearing white outfits, which were well used during the promotion and promotional material for the film. These clothes are made to camouflage better in white and snowy environments. However, this costume is not an invention of cinemas. In the HQ Black Widow: Fatal Origin, we can see a white look with the same functionality - camouflage in icy environments. In fact, the movie seems to be quite inspired by this particular comic book arc.
The iron Lady
After rescuing the Red Guardian, the spies go after his "mother", who they believed was dead. Melina Vostokoff is a scientist and lives isolated on a farm, raising pigs that she uses to do her mind control experiments. In a brief moment, we can see behind her some masks and some details that appear to be an armor, which is an easter-egg for her secret identity in the comics: the Iron Lady. There, she was a Black Widow's villain who wore a tech costume and a silver mask.
Scarlet dynamo
When Yelena Belova has a very emotional conversation with her "father", the Red Guardian, she ends up calling him by the name of Scarlet Dynamo, purposely missing her alter ego to hurt the man's ego. However, this character exists in comics. The Scarlet Dynamo was basically the "Russian version" of Iron Man, and turned out to be a big enemy of the comic book hero. He was also part of the Soviet Super Soldiers, alongside Ursa Major. He was one of the inspirations for Iron Man's Black Whip 2.
The New Red Room
Right at the climax of the film, we discover that General Dreykov survived Natasha Romanoff's attack on Budapest and rebuilt the Red Room, this time on an airbase above the clouds that is beyond the range of ground radar. This is also a reference to the Black Widow: Fatal Origin arc, where the heroine ends up facing a villain at an air base that looks a lot like a SHIELD airship. In the movie, we also get some glimpses of the Black Widows training ground.
At the end of the film, the Black Widow finally reunites with her greatest arch-enemy, General Dreykov - who is played by Ray Winstone. The scene is very interesting because we see Natasha using face mask technology to impersonate Melina (as she has used in other films). However, most interestingly, this scene carries echoes of another very memorable scene from The Avengers, which takes place when the Black Widow interrogates Loki without him knowing. The same thing happens here, and it ends with Natasha saying, "Thank you for your cooperation".
The Coach's Secret Identity
By the way, talking about this specific Loki scene, it's important to remember that the villain mentioned something about "Dreykov's Daughter" in his speech - and through the heroine's solo film, we believed it had to do with the fact that she killed the girl in Budapest. However, at the climax it is revealed that the girl survived and her father made her transform into Trainer, the perfect weapon, which has some brain implants and goes through the same brainwashing process as the other Black Widows.
Reflections of "Captain America: The Winter Soldier"
When we look at the movie as a whole, it's not hard to see that it looks like a huge mirror of Captain America: The Winter Soldier (considering that, for many, this was the Widow's best movie so far). The entire structure of the film is very similar to the Captain's feature. This gets even more intense at the climax when Natasha Romanoff and her allies must invade this air base while fighting soldiers, stealing information and making the entire structure plummet from the sky. Even the end of "Coach" is very reminiscent of the Winter Soldier.
New look
Before the credits go up, we can see Natasha Romanoff's last encounter with her "family". She already appears here with a new look that she would wear in Infinite War, with platinum hair and Yelena's vest, before saying goodbye and leaving on a new mission. As the scene reveals, she's about to help Captain America rescue the trapped heroes on the Ferry, a scene that takes place at the very end of Captain America: Civil War. Thus, we know that she has always been involved with the underground heroes.
Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine
In the film's post-credits scene, we see Yelena Belova pouring out her feelings at Natasha Romanoff's grave after her death in Avengers: Ultimatum. And soon, we find out that she works for Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine. The character first appeared in Falcão and the Winter Soldier and must have a great future in MCU. Here, she appears sending Yelena on a mission of revenge against the "responsible" for the death of Natasha, Hawkeye.
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a-method-in-it · 4 years
I Say This With Love
It’s April 10, 2020, and I really do honestly and truly say this with love. Because I do genuinely love all of the young radical people on here. Depending who you talk to, I also am kind of a young radical, though by tumblr standards I am An Old. And you guys are great, you really are. But I need you to hear this. 
You need to stop pinning your hopes on Bernie Sanders. 
I like Bernie a lot. He was not my first choice in this primary, but he was absolutely my second. The fact that he lost to my second least favorite of the legitimate candidates (Marianne Williamson and Andrew Yang are not legit, don’t @ me) makes me really tired. I’m old enough to remember the time the Democrats nominated John Kerry to take on Dubya and look where that got us. I was looking forward to voting for Bernie in the primary -- and in fact I still will to help him shore up his influence going into the DNC -- and the last few days were not fun for me either. 
But it’s time to face facts. And the facts are these:
First, Bernie has dropped out. In this context, “suspending his campaign” means he is dropping out. It’s a way of dropping out that allows his name to remain on the ballot in whatever states already have his name on the ballot, but it means he’s dropped out. You can and should still vote for him to give him more political influence before the convention, but he will not be the nominee. That is the reality. It sucks. It is still the reality.
Second, harm reduction matters. That thing I mentioned above, about Kerry going up against Bush 43? Yeah, for those of you too young to remember 2004, Kerry couldn’t turn out the base and he lost. And do you know what happened in the next four years? Here is a short list:
Bush tried to privatize Social Security. Actually genuinely had a bill introduced into Congress that he planned on signing. 
He completely bungled the response to Hurricane Katrina, screwing over thousands of people, most of them black and low income
We added 21,000 troops in Iraq
Private contractors working for escaped hell demon Eric Prince, who Bush paid $1 billion in military contractor money to run around in Iraq playing soldier, opened fire into a crowd of Iraqi civilians in Baghdad, killing 17 innocent people
John Roberts was nominated and confirmed as Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, where his ass still sits, fucking us over to this day.
Bush vetoed funding for stem cell research.
He continued to deny that global warming was real, running out four more years on humanity’s clock.
And -- oh yeah! -- the whole goddamn economy crashed.
I really don’t care how little you like Joe Biden. I also do not like Joe Biden. But I promise you, however frustrating it would be to see him elected president, that is nothing -- nothing -- to what it would be like to go through four more years of Donald Trump. And if you disagree, please read any newspaper. 
Third, and this is the big one:
You need to stop pinning your hopes on a single candidate. That’s not how change happens. That’s not how movements happen. 
Politicians do not save us. Not even politicians we like. Not even politicians we agree with. Not even politicians who inspire us and care about us and try to do right by us. No, that’s not how it works. We save ourselves.  
So if you’re pissed off right now, then go unionize your workplace (advice for that here); join your local DSA; donate to Black Lives Matter or Planned Parenthood or the ACLU or Greenpeace or NARF or any one of the dozens of other organizations fighting the good fight; volunteer at an abortion clinic or homeless shelter or domestic violence shelter or food bank or conservation group or with anyone else doing good work in your neighborhood; sew face masks for your neighbors; join -- or start! -- a community garden or urban agriculture group; volunteer for a state or local politician with a good platform that you do believe in; sign up to register voters in your area; start calling your congress people every day; and for gods’ sake, vote blue in November.
To everyone who skimmed over that list because you think I’m full of shit and it was too long -- go back and read it because the fact that it’s long is my whole fucking point.
We need to save ourselves. And that starts with -- big sigh -- electing Joseph Robinette Biden (gods even his name is stupid). 
It just doesn’t end there. Honestly, if you want a movement to reshape the country, trying to just elect a person as president is objectively the least effective way to go about that. It’s trying to cut to the end. It’s building your roof before you’ve laid your foundation. It’s backwards. 
So pick yourselves up, brush off the dirt, patch up your bruises, and go build some foundations. 
I meant it when I said I love you guys. I believe you can do this, that we can do this. Please don’t prove me wrong. 
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judymusgrove · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://judysbusinessblog.com/luxurious-way-of-living/
Luxurious way of living
Style is an expression that lasts over many seasons and is often connected to cultural movements and social markers, symbols, class, and culture (ex. Baroque, Rococo, etc.). Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression at a particular period and place and in a specific context, especially in clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, and body proportions. Whereas a trend often connotes a peculiar aesthetic expression and often lasting shorter than a season, fashion is a distinctive and industry-supported expression traditionally tied to the fashion season and collections.
Style is an expression that lasts over many seasons and is often connected to cultural movements and social markers, symbols, class, and culture (ex. Baroque, Rococo, etc.). According to sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, fashion connotes “the latest fashion, the latest difference.”
“One is never over-dressed or under-dressed with a Little Black Dress.” —Karl Lagerfeld
Even though they are often used together, the term fashion differs from clothes and costumes, where the first describes the material and technical garment, whereas the second has been relegated to special senses like fancy-dress or masquerade wear. Fashion instead describes the social and temporal system that “activates” dress as a social signifier in a certain time and context. Philosopher Giorgio Agamben connects fashion to the current intensity of the qualitative moment, to the temporal aspect the Greek called kairos, whereas clothes belong to the quantitative, to what the Greek called Chronos.
I don’t design clothes. I design dreams.
Exclusive brands aspire for the label haute couture, but the term is technically limited to members of the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture in Paris. It is more aspirational and inspired by art, culture and movement. It is extremely exclusive in nature.
With increasing mass-production of consumer commodities at lower prices, and with global reach, sustainability has become an urgent issue amongst politicians, brands, and consumers.
“A retailer is a business that presents a selection of goods and offers to trade  them to customer for money or other goods.”
Early Western travelers, traveling to India, Persia, Turkey, or China, would frequently remark on the absence of change in fashion in those countries. The Japanese shōgun’s secretary bragged (not completely accurately) to a Spanish visitor in 1609 that Japanese clothing had not changed in over a thousand years. However, there is considerable evidence in Ming China of rapidly changing fashions in Chinese clothing.
Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life.
I spent summer in Australia’s city.
“Shoppers’ shopping experiences may vary, based on a variety of factors including how the customer is treated.”
Online shopping allows the buyer to save the time and expense.which would have been spent traveling to the store or mall. According to technology and research firm Forrester, mobile purchases or mcommerce will account for 49% of ecommerce, or $252 billion in sales, by 2020.
H1: Fashion is what you’re offered four times a year by designers.
The notion of the global fashion industry is a product of the modern age. Before the mid-19th century, most clothing was custom-made. It was handmade for individuals, either as home production or on order from dressmakers and tailors.
H2: Fashion Book makes me more productive
By the beginning of the 20th century—with the rise of new technologies such as the sewing machine, the rise of global capitalism and the development of the factory system of production, and the proliferation of retail outlets such as department stores—clothing had increasingly come to be mass-produced in standard sizes and sold at fixed prices.
H3: 9–5 is not optimal
This is my average total monthly spending from one year living in Seattle’s Capitol Hill, one year living in San Francisco’s Upper Haight, one year traveling to 20 countries, and one month at a hotel in Bali. It is much cheaper for me to travel. Since the majority of my costs are from trains and flights, it’s significantly cheaper if I stay in one place.
H4: Fashion expands my cultural bubble
By the beginning of the 20th century—with the rise of new technologies such as the sewing machine, the rise of global capitalism and the development of the factory system of production, and the proliferation of retail outlets such as department stores—clothing had increasingly come to be mass-produced in standard sizes and sold at fixed prices.
H5: Fashion week is not the same as vacation
The notion of the global fashion industry is a product of the modern age. Before the mid-19th century, most clothing was custom-made. It was handmade for individuals, either as home production or on order from dressmakers and tailors.
H6: I became a nomad by fashion
By the beginning of the 20th century—with the rise of new technologies such as the sewing machine, the rise of global capitalism and the development of the factory system of production, and the proliferation of retail outlets such as department stores—clothing had increasingly come to be mass-produced in standard sizes and sold at fixed prices.
Heading H1
Heading H2
Heading H3
Heading H4
Heading H5
Heading H6
I spent summer in Australia’s city.
Although the fashion industry developed first in Europe and America, as of 2017, it is an international and highly globalized industry, with clothing often designed in one country, manufactured in another, and sold worldwide. For example, an American fashion company might source fabric in China and have the clothes manufactured in Vietnam, finished in Italy, and shipped to a warehouse in the United States for distribution to retail outlets internationally. The fashion industry has long been one of the largest employers in the United States, and it remains so in the 21st century. However, U.S. employment declined considerably as production increasingly moved overseas, especially to China. Because data on the fashion industry typically are reported for national economies and expressed in terms of the industry’s many separate sectors, aggregate figures for the world production of textiles and clothing are difficult to obtain. However, by any measure, the clothing industry accounts for a significant share of world economic output. The fashion industry consists of four levels:
The production of raw materials, principally Fiber, and textiles but also leather and fur.
The production of fashion goods by designers, manufacturers, contractors, and others.
Retail sales.
Various forms of advertising and promotion.
These levels consist of many separate but interdependent sectors. These sectors are Textile Design and Production, Fashion Design and Manufacturing, Fashion Retailing, Marketing and Merchandising, Fashion Shows, and Media and Marketing. Each sector is devoted to the goal of satisfying consumer demand for apparel under conditions that enable participants in the industry to operate at a profit.
“Americans spent over $83 billion on back-to-school and back-to-college shopping.”– Maya Angelou
The joy of dressing is an art.
Fashion trends influenced by several factors, including cinema, celebrities, climate, creative explorations, innovations, designs, political, economic, social, and technological. Examining these factors is called a PEST analysis. Fashion forecasters can use this information to help determine the growth or decline of a particular trend. It helps to know more about the Fashion arena and lifestyle in the modern world.
Though there had been distribution of dressed dolls from France since the 16th century and Abraham Bosse had produced engravings of fashion in the 1620s, the pace of change picked up in the 1780s with increased publication of French engravings illustrating the latest Paris styles. By 1800, all Western Europeans were dressing alike (or thought they were); local variation became first a sign of provincial culture and later a badge of the conservative peasant.
Although tailors and dressmakers were no doubt responsible for many innovations, and the textile industry indeed led many trends, the history of fashion design is generally understood to date from 1858 when the English-born Charles Frederick Worth opened the first authentic haute couture house in Paris. The Haute house was the name established by the government for the fashion houses that met the standards of the industry. These fashion houses have to adhere to standards such as keeping at least twenty employees engaged in making the clothes, showing two collections per year at fashion shows, and presenting a certain number of patterns to customers. Since then, the idea of the fashion designer as a celebrity in his or her own right has become increasingly dominant.
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
hey!! wanted to say that i ADORE the little contractor au!! and since you mentioned loving marine biology, i was kinda wondering if you have a favourite fish? my personal favourites are flashlight fish, tripod fish and barreleye!!
Personally my favorite is a Frilled Shark or a thresher shark!!!
I love how weird frilled sharks look, they are kinda more eel like than shark and threshers have the biggest dumb eyes!!!
I also adore giant squid and the mimic octopus!!!
Ahh chimera fish are also pretty cute
and vampire squids (which arent really squids!) are also fun. I also think it goes without saying i like angler fish specifically the football fish. i think they are such weird fascinating little buggers.
If we talk freshwater fish I love betta fish (specifically I like the veil tail variety). i used to raise them for a long time, they are so pretty, and im also partial to black skirt tetras because i grew up with them.
MolaMola are pretty derpy fun too!!!
I’m big on sharks and cephlapods for the most part !!!!! They’ve always been my favorites! I even sewed a 9 foot stuffed squid as my final project for senior year in HS named him Jeeves! (It’s probs no shock I’m a member of the Splatoon fandom! I cosplay Callie and Pearl!)
That’s a bunch i listed but top has to be Frilled shark!!! Actually I based Eclipse’s leviathan form on the frilled shark’s tail!!!
Also Snatcher is loosely based on an oarfish mixed with other sea life (moray eels, vampire squid and angler fish!)  in case people are curious!!
but I’m glad you are enjoying the AU!!! I’m having a blast writing for it!!! I know im a broken record but its so nice others are enjoying it ;w;
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tsukiakaeru · 4 years
Got Bored, so here is a Brief Explanation of Every Known Contractor’s Power and Price!
Be warned that there’s multiple things that can be a trigger, including purging, self harm, nudity, blood and gore, and others. There will be small spoilers as well. This is a bit of a long list, so sorry for that. Proceed at your own risk.
Abigail Croft: Can induce hallucinations into anyone around them, leaving them stuck and confused. In exchange, she must lick skin.
Alma: She can shape shift into any form she chooses. In exchange, she ages significantly faster, every time she shape shifts aging her forward by decades. As a result, she doesn’t get many uses before she dies of old age.
Amagiri: Can propel concussive blasts out of his hands. He must eat a boiled egg after.
Amber: Can control every aspect of time, even choosing to unfreeze certain people. She ages backwards significantly (goes from an adult to a preteen in three known uses) every time, getting younger every time until she essentially ceases to physically exist. As a result, she can only use her power so much.
Amitabh Kapoor: Can possess the body of any human. He must smell an old piece of clothing from his original body.
April: Can manipulate the pressure of air to create hurricanes and torrential downpour at will. She can control it well, surrounding people’s heads with water sometimes. She must drink an alcoholic beverage every time.
August 7: Can essentially do real magic tricks; what it seems like he’s doing is manipulating space around him to do various things that look like magic, or defy the laws of physics. He must reveal the secret to a magic trick every time he does.
Bai: Can control electricity; sometimes even on a quantum level, altering matter itself. This is Hei’s sister, and is technically part of Hei himself now, so Hei has the same power. She falls asleep every time she does.
Bertha: Can sing/vibrate her voice at any frequency. She has been shown to vibrate her voice to literally force a heart into cardiac arrest, similar to how one can vibrate their voice to glass to shatter it. Her price is to swallow something to then throw it up again. She prefers cigarettes for her price, due to an incident that happened with her daughter.
Black Dandelion: He can create black flowers, of which the seeds are poisonous; coming into contact with the seeds will give control to Black Dandelion. It also seems to give a random power to the person infected. His price is to be forgotten by others; eventually, he ends up forgetting himself.
Brita: She can teleport any human with her. Since she can only teleport humans, any clothes, weapons, or any other material objects are left behind. She must give someone a kiss every time.
Dale: He can turn himself into a mud-like liquid, and reform himself. Doing this, he can easily travel underground, but he can’t see above ground while underground. His price is unknown.
Dash: Can travel at superhuman speeds. His price is unknown
Genma Shizume: Can manipulate any material to make a suit of armor, or weapons for himself. He must perform a moxibustion treatment on himself every time.
Goran: Can also travel at superhuman speeds. His price is to eat hamburgers, much to his dismay.
Harvest: Can disintegrate anything. This includes humans, and regular objects. Must swallow something round as his price. The object has to be at least the size of a golf ball, or else it will not count. This means Harvest must not get something too small, lest he doesn’t pay his price, but not too large, or he will choke and die.
Havoc: Although she is a Regressor now (meaning she lost her powers and reverted to being human again), her former power was to be able to create vacuums in space. These vacuums can kill people and rips through concrete. Every time she does so, she must drink the blood of a child.
Hei: Like Bai, Hei can control electricity on a molecular level, but only through conductive surfaces. Since he gained this power by fusing with Bai, he has no price.
Ilya Sokoloff: He can asphyxiate the brain, preventing it from gaining oxygen, even if one is breathing. What results is that the victim slowly becomes tired as the brain ceases to function, dying without feeling any pain. His price is to draw. As a former serial killer, his drawings are often disturbing and graphic, showing dismemberments and a queasy artstyle.
Itzhak: He can retrieve the specters of Dolls (Dolls are a kind of human who can’t really control their bodies, and can be programmed. Dolls can move their senses anywhere using specters as long as the medium they use to transport their senses is present [Like Yin sewing and hearing wherever there’s water, or July wherever there’s glass]). His price is to write poetry, something he’d never done before becoming a Contractor.
Jean: Can teleport any material, as long that material switches out with the other material it’s going to teleport to. For example, if he were to teleport a slab of concrete to the place of someone’s heart, the slab of concrete would enter their body, and the heart would switch places with the slab. His price is to arrange small stones in a line pattern, then ruin it.
Louis: Can completely nullify gravity. However as he can only nullify it, he can’t move objects side to side. He must break his fingers as a price.
Luc: Can turn the air around him into a handheld weapons, specifically daggers, whips, and knives. He must crease the corner of every page in a book as payment.
Mai Kashiwagi: Has the power of pyrokinesis. She must hum a specific song every time.
Maki: He can remotely explode things he’s wherever his handprints are. He must drink something burning hot in temperature every time.
Mao: Can posssess any animal, as long as it’s in his line of sight. He has no price, as it’s already paid. His price from when he was human is also unknown.
Michiru: She can control any body of water, as long as she’s stepping in it. Her price is to cook. She prefers baking.
Mina Hazuki: Can energize anything into an energy based weapon similar to a lightsaber; this can be used on herself to teleport. Every time she does, she must passionately make out with a man. This price particularly sucks, because Mina is actually adamantly gay, sometimes making innuendos to girls she thinks is cute but just met.
Musik: Can steal the power of other Contractors. Unknown price.
Nick Hillman: Has electrokinesis. His price is to put the victim’s shoes upside down, next to each other.
November 11: Can freeze any liquid around him. He can also make lethal throwing icicles out of them. He must smoke a cigarette every time, even though he abhors them.
Parcel: Can create black orbs. Whatever is in the black orb, regardless of the item, she can teleport to any location. Her price to wear fake animal ears, or else she’s not allowed to use her power in the first place. As a result, she can usually be seen wearing a bear hoodie.
Paul: Can make any object explode. He must eat a flower every time.
Shihiko Kishida: Can rupture any human internal organ, even multiple at the same time. She regains her morality and feels severe guilt every time as a price.
Shion Pavlichenko: Can duplicate anything, including humans, almost perfectly. However, there always will be one major difference. Every time he does, his legs stop working. As a result, he’s usually in a wheelchair.
Shizuma Shinoh: Has the power of hydrokinesis. He must make himself vomit every time.
Suou Pavlichenko: Her power is to summon the PTRD-41 anti tank sniper rifle with six rounds [including one in the chamber], but has to make origami swans every time she does so. The rifle retains the damage from past uses, so it needs constant maintenance.
Tanya Akulova: She can control insects. She can call them in massive hordes, enough to quickly devour a human alive. Every time she does, she must pull out strands of her own hair. The amount she must pull is proportionate to the amount of insects she summons.
Top-rope: He can manipulate a rope he carries with him, with lethal results. His price is unknown.
Wei Zhujin: He can transport any sort of matter as long as it’s something his own blood is touching. Coincidentally, and almost conveniently, his price is to cut to himself. More specifically, to shed his own blood.
Xi-Qi: He can control the minds of others. He can also create hallucinations of any kind. He must eat a flower petal every time.
Xiao Jie: She has full control over gravity. Unlike Louis, she can do more than just nullify it. Her price is to essentially strip; she must take off only one piece of clothing when she does. This isn’t to say she’s usually naked like Brita; accessories like bracelets, earrings, and necklaces do count.
And that’s every known Contractor in DtB! I didn’t think anyone would make it this far, so congrats! Thanks for reading!
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parttimemattress · 4 years
I saw your comment about mattresses (not made to be used, just made to be sold), what is a better alternative?
I wish there was a good, ethical alternative to the mattresses that are manufactured today, but the options are sorely limited (consumption under capitalism, etc.) If you’re willing to be a little weird though, I can give you some advice on how to be as economical as possible.
A mattress is a layer cake, and all the stuff inside is enclosed within a component called the mattress case. Most mattress cases are sewn shut, but some companies produce mattresses with zipper cases. This is a very good thing for us. The zipper case isn’t entirely necessary for our purposes, but it will make your life easier later.
Ok, so you need a new mattress. You have a lot of options of course. You can go to the store, you can shop online. It’s all the same shit mostly manufactured by the same handful of companies and then resold. There are some small mattress manufacturers who do it themselves...sort of, but that’s a story for another day.
Buy a bed that is comfortable. If you sleep on your side, get something soft as hell. If you sleep on your back, get something sort of soft or medium. If you sleep on your stomach (please stop sleeping on your stomach) get something firm. but really, stop sleeping on your stomach. If you can, get something with a zipper case so you can get at the guts easier. Investigating the mattresses will reveal which have zipper cases and which don’t.
Don’t spend an arm and a leg. I recommend something with a pocket coil system because they are nice in my opinion. If the gauge is higher than 15, don’t buy it. 14 is good, 13 is better. If the sales rep doesn’t know the gauge of the coils, find one that does and ask for the spec sheet to verify. 
DO NOT BUY FROM THE CLEARANCE SECTION! Those can be used beds, and that is one fast way to ruin your whole life for a few years.
BUY A WATERPROOF MATTRESS PROTECTOR! It’s a surprise tool that will help us later.
Now, the things we intend to do to this bed on down the road will definitely, egregiously void the warranty. Don’t worry about it, most bed warranties aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. Get ready for high crimes and misdemeanors.
PUT THE PROTECTOR ON YOUR MATTRESS! Wash it occasionally if it gets stained. Air dry it or dry it on low to no heat in the machine. Line dried laundry always smells better.
Sleep on your mattress. Break it in. It will probably suck for a few weeks to a month. Your body needs to acclimate and the foams and shit need to start breaking down.
Please don’t jump on the bed. Treat it like a piece of furniture that has a direct impact on your health, because it is. The part of the mattress we need to sort of baby is that coil system. It will last basically forever if you treat it well and just sleep on it. I mean, of course you can also fuck on it, but don’t do acrobatics on it, ok?
Now here is the fun part. Eventually the foam layers of your bed will break down to the point where they suck and aren’t comfortable any more.
DO NOT BUY A NEW BED. You don’t have to. If the mattress you bought has a zipper case, you can just remove the shitty broken down layers and replace them with new ones. Where do you get new ones? Well, you can shell out good money for sheets of foam from fabric stores, or you can go direct to the foam manufacturer (there are plenty in the continental US if that’s where you’re at) and buy cheaper from them. 
You can get any sort of foam you want. Gel foam. Memory foam. Typical polyurethane foam is made to different ILD levels, which stands for Indentation of Load Deflection. The higher the number, the harder the foam is. The softest foam I deal with is usually a 15, while the foam that makes up the base of the mattress is in the 30s to 40s.
Buy layers based on that and your budget. Have fun with it!
But, what if you couldn’t get a bed with a zipper case? Well, here comes the weird bit. You can remake your bed into anything you want. You already paid for the most expensive part, the coil system, so as long as that is still in good shape, you can remake him, better, faster, stronger than before.
Find your closest contract sewing company that offers mattress components and get in touch with them. They’re the enormous firms that produce most of the components that mattress companies use in their beds. A lot of sewing contractors will produce cheap, zipper closed mattress covers, some even with nice quilted tops. I don’t mean a zipper closed mattress protector, I mean the literal cover, the thing that encloses the guts of your mattress, all the coils and foam.
Contractors don’t usually do small runs, some do, but almost all of them have factory seconds and fuckups that would cost them more money to fix than to either throw away or sell at cost. Be very very nice when you call, inquire about purchasing a mattress cover and get yourself whatever size mattress cover as the bed you have. DEPTH IS IMPORTANT! How tall is your current mattress? You need the cover to be a little taller than that.
When you have the zipper close mattress cover, you need to get at all those guts inside your bed. There is a tricky and easy way to do this which is also fun at parties.
All mattresses are sewn shut in the same way. At  the head of the mattress, usually near the middle, or just to the right of middle, there is a tiny thread that sticks out between the topmost panel and the edge paneling. It may take some searching, but that thread is there. It is ever so slightly loose. If you pull on it just right, you can unravel the stitching around the whole top of the mattress like an old sweater and it is one of the most satisfying things in the whole world.
With great power comes great responsibility. Now you know how to unravel anyone’s mattress and ruin their day.
WARNING! WEAR GLOVES: All the guts of the mattress are probably going to be further encased in what is called the “fire sock.” It is a federally mandated case that is fire resistant. There are two common kinds, one that is chemically treated and one that uses fiberglass. In either case, just to be safe, you may as well wear gloves when handling it. You might need to cut it to get to the stuff inside. Some fire socks are embedded in the mattress case, so you might not even need to worry about this. I have handled thousands of fire socks with my bare hands with no ill effect, but I thought I should mention this to cover my bases.
Anyway, now you can remove all those internal organs from your mattress, ditch the old shitty layers, be horrified at the look and smell of oxidized, desiccated polyfoam, and start rebuilding your bed. Have a friend help you and it’ll go smoothly. Unzip the new case, put the coil system in first (it might be encased in a layer of high ILD base foam, which will make this easier) then layer your other foams on top of that. Test out how each layer feels and design a bed that feels right for you. Zip up the case, put your protector and sheets on it, and enjoy your bed forever and ever.
Of course, you don’t have to fill it with more foam if you don’t want. You can experiment with layers that feel good to you if you can get them in the right dimensions and if they will fit in the case you bought.
As a final addendum to an already way too long reply to a simple question, I will reiterate what I’ve said before: your mattress is just one component of sleeping well. Exercise, mental health and stress reduction are much more important than your mattress. When your material needs are met and you’re able to self actualize and express your full potential, you sleep better. 
Ok, thanks for the question.
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blog-task24-blog · 5 years
You Earned It! (A Guide on How to Earn through Freelancing)
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Why Freelancing? A Guide on How to Earn through Freelancing
Do you know the way to make a living where you decide what to give? Also, when, how, and how much it will cost? This way to make a living where you choose who to work for?
A way to make a living where you decide how many days or hours in a month are you going to work? 
Business? (Close!) Being a CEO? (Actually? A little closer!) It is Freelancing!
Freelancing is a kind of job where people (called "freelancers"):
are independent contractors. They can be categorized as self-employed individuals who don't have to commit to a single, long-term employer. Instead, they work independently for several different companies or clients.
Make their schedules.
Manage their paychecks.
Determine their net worth and
Gets to choose what kind of skills/job they want to offer.
Freelancing comes with many benefits, that is why a lot of corporate employees are planning to quit (if they had not yet done so) every day so they can enter the world of freelancing. Freelancing not only benefit freelancers, but also the clients who hire them. It also benefits almost everyone around us.
The following are the reasons why.
Why Freelancing?
Intrigued why many people are investing and hustling a freelance job? Why are freelance jobs online now becoming one of the norms?
You can do it without quitting your usual/current job. Take it as a part-time, but in it, you are your own boss. Two jobs? Double the pay!
Freelancing commonly just needs a few materials to start by. In the example, if you are pursuing a freelance writing job online, all you need are your skills (free, allegedly), a good personal computer and a good internet connection.
No more waiting for an eternity for the company to call you back after an interview. Once you settled your freelancing system and a client, you can start whenever you want.
No, not all the time you should settle with just one. If you are a freelancer, you can take as many clients as you want (and can). You know the equation: more clients = more payments!
In a usual job, say a clothing company, you cannot input your own ideas in the clothes you are sewing. You all need to follow a distinct standard. But, in freelancing, you can offer any skill or ideas as you would like it. You can play with and customize your services, based on every client you will handle.
Want to work only three times a day? Sure. Did you fail to close a sale or create an artwork today? You can do it tomorrow. Want to spend the first 5 days of the week with your family? Sure, you can work only on Sundays and Saturdays. Your schedule is all up to you! (Unless a client will request otherwise, but this should be discussed beforehand, anyway.)
Accept it or not, our society now revolves around (if not entirely depending on) the internet. More and more jobs are being invented because of the internet (i.e. social media managers, freelance writing jobs from home...). So, we all have to keep up with this trend.
 Now that we all have an idea of the benefits we will be ripping from freelancing,  let us get downright to where you came here for.
 A Guide on How to Earn through Freelancing 
 Creating Your Brand
 First things first, you have to create your brand so you can sell yourself.
Pick a theme that can effectively represent what you want to offer to potential customers. Invent your business name. Invest in social media pages/accounts, business cards, sample works, and the likes.
Speaking of sample works, you should take any opportunity where people can experience your product/services firsthand. Offer your services for promos or limited time offers or even for free! Whatever ways, the goal is for people to experience your by-products. The most effective advertisement: word of mouth. And, anyway, big things always start small.
In this pointer, all you earned and learned from pointer 1 and 2 will be very beneficial. Because finally creating your own web domain will require you to site experiences. Customers want to see results, what you had done so far and for whom. Build on that and expect a great response in your social media accounts and website!
Lastly, do not forget to check for legalizing your freelance business (a.k.a., taxes).
 The D-Days
  Now you have all of the above settled, let us get you working!
For starters, it is best to seek the help of job bidding sites, freelance sites for beginners or top freelancing sites (such as 24Task, Craigslist, and Upwork). With these sites, you can get clients who are best suited to you.
Again, it is good to start small. Take as many clients as they come. You will become a veteran in no time. With which you can brag this status as you move forward in your career. Hence, increasing your net value as a freelancer.
This can sound killjoy-ish, but whenever you have time (no, make time for it), make sure that not all of your rest days will only be for rest. Do not stop learning. Hone your skills by attending seminars, watching documentaries and motivational talks. Continuously seek other relevant works (i.e. freelance sites for beginners or freelance writing jobs for beginners). Practice, practice, and practice!
Freelancing (especially freelance writing jobs from home) can result in many, many dog days of procrastination. This is why you should establish and plan a solid work schedule. Set limits but also reward yourself for doing a great job!
A client will give you critical feedback. No, you cannot avoid that. In fact, do not dodge criticisms and accept them. Learn from them.
A work ended with a client? Do not be so quick on deleting their contacts! Avoid burning bridges as much as possible. Yes, you are your own company, but we all know that if you know someone, chances are your circle will widen. And yes, social circles and work histories can do favors for your freelancing job!
Sounds daunting?
Well, that is the reality and start of success! With confidence, perseverance,      and grit, no matter how hard the journey gets, you will surely get there.
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wang-wonder · 6 years
Truth Before the Lies
In which you and Jimin have been dating for four years and you are preparing for your brand to launch whilst Jimin prepares the group’s next comeback. Too much stress and not enough communication is putting a strain on your relationship and mistakes will be made. 
Warnings: slight angst, will get angstier. Signs of panic attack (non in-depth).
“What do you mean the garments won’t be ready by the launch date? It’s thirty pieces! You can’t be serious!”
You were exasperated. You had two weeks left until the launch party for your lingerie brand and it seemed as though everything was falling apart at the seams. Your manufacturer in France just informed you that the thirty pieces that were intended to be displayed weren’t going to be finished sewing in time for your show. Your website developer wasn’t returning your calls or emails to confirm the website would be ready to launch as scheduled and your DJ has already tried to cancel 3 times! All you needed now was for the gallery to contact you letting you know it was double booked and you would need to find another venue.
“I’m aware the trim delivery was delayed but you have had all the materials you needed for the last month. I need thirty pieces, not a full on production! I have been contacting you every single day, why would you not inform me of this sooner?” You were getting nowhere with this contractor. “Either you figure out a way to get my samples done in time to ship or I will charge back an additional 30% for each piece!”
“Canceling this whole thing is getting more and more tempting.” You mutter to yourself as you toss your paperwork onto your desk and abandon your office in search of some much needed TLC from your boyfriend, Jimin. You drag your feet as make your way from your home office to your living room while pulling out your phone to check the time.
Odd. It was almost 3 am. This was early for you to be calling it a night, but all of your energy has been completely drained in preparation for this launch. Five whole years of slaving away for another company with an additional two whole years of designing and finally your dreams are coming together but no one mentioned just how stressful this would all be.
Sure it was exciting to see your creations come to life, but the pressure was on and your release date was highly anticipated. Having worked as a senior designer for a brand as high end as, Fendi and at such a young age, you were well known throughout the fashion and music industry. As word spread you were leaving Fendi and starting your own fashion house, fashion bloggers and celebrities were already reaching out to wear your work. No one had expected it to be a lingerie brand but as sneak peaks were released, interests continued to peak. It was refreshing to see how much support you had, but that only made the pressure you already felt increase tenfold.
With your phone in hand, you look for Jimin’s contact and dial his number. You hear two rings before he answers, a song you recognize as his is playing in the background. “(Y/N) not now. I’ll let you know when I’m on my way home.”
“I haven’t even said anything yet.”
“It’s late and you’re calling me, what else could you possibly want.” He winced at much harsher his words came out than he intended.
Usually you were never bothered by his absence. Work was his priority as was yours but today your emotions were becoming too overwhelming and all you needed was your boyfriend. “Jimin, please? I need you home now.”
“(Y/N),” he sighs, “I’m in the middle of editing. How can you expect me to just drop what I’m doing?” He really was trying not to be harsh, but this is his first song he’s written for the group. It needs to be absolutely perfect.
“I’m being unfair, I know, but please come home. Just for an hour, that’s all I’m asking for. Or I can come to you, I don’t care I just really need you to help me calm down.” Your breathing was starting to become erratic as stress was starting to consume you.
“(Y/N), you’ve been like this all month. You freak out over something stupid and make me stop what I’m doing to go take care of you. I have responsibilities, (Y/N), I have deadlines to meet. I can’t have you up my ass needing attention when things don’t go your way!” He lets out a huff and runs his fingers through his hair. He doesn’t have time for this.
“Jimin. This is only the third time I’ve called you to come home. Ever! You know I never want to take your focus away from work, but I’m human, you know. I’ve had a shit day and I would like it if my partner could be there for me.” The stress manifests itself into a suffocating, burning ball in the back of your throat, your face is starting to heat up while your eyesight is suddenly becoming blurred with unshed tears. “Jimin, just come home.”
He hears the crack in your voice but this seems to only provoke him further, “I have enough stress of my own to deal with as it is, (Y/N). I don’t need you adding more to it.”
With that he hangs up and shuts off his phone to avoid further interruption.
In Jimin’s eyes, you just don’t understand. You never will. The whole world is watching him, awaiting the release for this song. The lyrics were all his own, he had sat for hours and hours on end working with top producers to come up with a melody that fit each of the band members’ vocals. This wasn’t something he could pass off to someone else to finish. It was like a child to him and like any parent, he needed to make sure he exerted every possible option to make sure it came out as perfect as possible.
Not to mention the choreography. With it being his song, he thought only he could be responsible for coming up with the choreography for each member. A task proving to be much more challenging than he expected. The other members still haven’t been able to practice it because each and every time he was in the dance studio he would become more angry at how it wasn’t coming out the way he’d envisioned it. Each time he would go through it, he would find new movements to incorporate and even more that needed to be removed.
“Jimin-ah, it’s late. We have plenty of time to go over this and the song is coming along just fine. Go home.” Having overheard the entire conversation, Yoongi knew it was for the best if Jimin went home to make sure you were okay.
“No disrespect, hyung, but please don’t. She’ll be fine.” He responds monotonously.
He couldn’t possibly complete the choreography until the song was up to his standards and he couldn’t possibly do that until… well he hadn’t figured out what it was that was missing. Somewhere along the way he had lost the drive and inspiration he had when he first came up with the lyrics, all he knew was that it was far from perfect.
And It needed to be perfect because, even if lost sight of it, this was supposed to be for you. The song was every feeling he ever struggled to express to you and the meaning you’ve held in his life over the last six years that he has known you. But as he listens to the song playback in his ears for the upteenth time, the meaning and inspiration behind his lyrics seemed to be falling on deaf ears.  
“Hyung, let’s re-record verse three and four and bring the pitch down.”
A/N: Super short first chapter! This idea has been floating in my head for months and I finally decided to go ahead and put it out there. It’s based on personal experiences that took time to get over so as we go on with the story, if you can relate and you are still struggling, I hope this story can help get you through it. 
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3 Simple Tips on Buying Industrial Machinery
The rampant industrialization opens massive opportunities for contractors and builders to work and develop many establishments worldwide. Industrial machinery today, have brought a great impact on the market as well as to people especially to the construction workers, factories, auto and vehicle manufacturers, home builders and all mechanical and industrial firms.
There are thousands of industrial companies and providers who offer different suites of industrial machinery categorized based on its uses and purposes. Thousands of equipment suppliers out there use different tactics and strategies to deceive or to gain the trust of buyers in order for them to deal and to succeed in their business. If you are a production company, a construction worker or an individual looking for industrial machinery to purchase for your construction and building projects, choosing for the best and reliable equipment is a very daunting task to do. Selecting the right machine you need would be easier if you know the basic steps below:
Determine the equipment needed
What kind of sewing machine do I need? Is it for cutting woods?... metal?... or concrete? Before choosing a provider, make sure you have already figured-out what is exactly the type of machine are you looking for. This will help you save time and to inhibit excessive expenses to be paid due to the mistaken equipment you have ordered.
Price and budget
Ask for the estimated price of the equipment if the exact cost is not available. This is needed for a person to assess, to know if his budget is enough and so that he can make arrangement prior to buying the machine. Solicit further information about the prices of the industrial machinery directly to the supplier if their contacts are accessible. Do not just settle on what was being presented first. Attempt to ask for available discounts if the tool will be obtained in cash and possible rebates if the equipment could be purchased on installment basis.
Choose a reliable equipment provider
Make a thorough research about firms or individual suppliers capable and reliable enough to handle the delivery of your equipment orders. There are thousands of companies you can see online that provides the same services you are looking for. After our research, choose at least best 10 companies among your list. Make sure you have chosen those with a website that looks professional. A website is a representation of the credibility of any certain company. If they can't provide a good impression on their website, how much more on the real deal? After choosing the best 10, dig deeper. Ask each company all the information you want to know for price comparison, quality testing and evaluation, legality of the company and etc. Pretty impressed?... or not really impress? Try to meet the company in person to make sure you are not being tricked. After all, it's time for you to pick. Weight all your evaluations and pick the best!
It is not really easy to just rely on the advertisements of some machinery companies being promoted on flyers, magazines, or even on TV. The person must see to it that the chosen suppliers will keep the ends of the agreements secure and fair for both parties. If you are a buyer, do not take for granted any documents or other legal concerns such as insurances and warranties. Again, check the equipment you are going to purchase before handling the cash to your supplier.
Buying industrial machinery is a serious job. You would not want to end up buying something which is useless or worst might be the cause of major accidents around us. For secure equipment buying, visit nikolaevenergomash.com for reliable equipment for industry that will perfectly satisfy your needs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7298406
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judymusgrove · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://judysbusinessblog.com/hairstyles-that-are-easier/
Hairstyles that are easier
Style is an expression that lasts over many seasons and is often connected to cultural movements and social markers, symbols, class, and culture (ex. Baroque, Rococo, etc.). Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression at a particular period and place and in a specific context, especially in clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, and body proportions. Whereas a trend often connotes a peculiar aesthetic expression and often lasting shorter than a season, fashion is a distinctive and industry-supported expression traditionally tied to the fashion season and collections.
Style is an expression that lasts over many seasons and is often connected to cultural movements and social markers, symbols, class, and culture (ex. Baroque, Rococo, etc.). According to sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, fashion connotes “the latest fashion, the latest difference.”
“One is never over-dressed or under-dressed with a Little Black Dress.” —Karl Lagerfeld
Even though they are often used together, the term fashion differs from clothes and costumes, where the first describes the material and technical garment, whereas the second has been relegated to special senses like fancy-dress or masquerade wear. Fashion instead describes the social and temporal system that “activates” dress as a social signifier in a certain time and context. Philosopher Giorgio Agamben connects fashion to the current intensity of the qualitative moment, to the temporal aspect the Greek called kairos, whereas clothes belong to the quantitative, to what the Greek called Chronos.
I don’t design clothes. I design dreams.
Exclusive brands aspire for the label haute couture, but the term is technically limited to members of the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture in Paris. It is more aspirational and inspired by art, culture and movement. It is extremely exclusive in nature.
With increasing mass-production of consumer commodities at lower prices, and with global reach, sustainability has become an urgent issue amongst politicians, brands, and consumers.
“A retailer is a business that presents a selection of goods and offers to trade  them to customer for money or other goods.”
Early Western travelers, traveling to India, Persia, Turkey, or China, would frequently remark on the absence of change in fashion in those countries. The Japanese shōgun’s secretary bragged (not completely accurately) to a Spanish visitor in 1609 that Japanese clothing had not changed in over a thousand years. However, there is considerable evidence in Ming China of rapidly changing fashions in Chinese clothing.
Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life.
I spent summer in Australia’s city.
“Shoppers’ shopping experiences may vary, based on a variety of factors including how the customer is treated.”
Online shopping allows the buyer to save the time and expense.which would have been spent traveling to the store or mall. According to technology and research firm Forrester, mobile purchases or mcommerce will account for 49% of ecommerce, or $252 billion in sales, by 2020.
H1: Fashion is what you’re offered four times a year by designers.
The notion of the global fashion industry is a product of the modern age. Before the mid-19th century, most clothing was custom-made. It was handmade for individuals, either as home production or on order from dressmakers and tailors.
H2: Fashion Book makes me more productive
By the beginning of the 20th century—with the rise of new technologies such as the sewing machine, the rise of global capitalism and the development of the factory system of production, and the proliferation of retail outlets such as department stores—clothing had increasingly come to be mass-produced in standard sizes and sold at fixed prices.
H3: 9–5 is not optimal
This is my average total monthly spending from one year living in Seattle’s Capitol Hill, one year living in San Francisco’s Upper Haight, one year traveling to 20 countries, and one month at a hotel in Bali. It is much cheaper for me to travel. Since the majority of my costs are from trains and flights, it’s significantly cheaper if I stay in one place.
H4: Fashion expands my cultural bubble
By the beginning of the 20th century—with the rise of new technologies such as the sewing machine, the rise of global capitalism and the development of the factory system of production, and the proliferation of retail outlets such as department stores—clothing had increasingly come to be mass-produced in standard sizes and sold at fixed prices.
H5: Fashion week is not the same as vacation
The notion of the global fashion industry is a product of the modern age. Before the mid-19th century, most clothing was custom-made. It was handmade for individuals, either as home production or on order from dressmakers and tailors.
H6: I became a nomad by fashion
By the beginning of the 20th century—with the rise of new technologies such as the sewing machine, the rise of global capitalism and the development of the factory system of production, and the proliferation of retail outlets such as department stores—clothing had increasingly come to be mass-produced in standard sizes and sold at fixed prices.
Heading H1
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I spent summer in Australia’s city.
Although the fashion industry developed first in Europe and America, as of 2017, it is an international and highly globalized industry, with clothing often designed in one country, manufactured in another, and sold worldwide. For example, an American fashion company might source fabric in China and have the clothes manufactured in Vietnam, finished in Italy, and shipped to a warehouse in the United States for distribution to retail outlets internationally. The fashion industry has long been one of the largest employers in the United States, and it remains so in the 21st century. However, U.S. employment declined considerably as production increasingly moved overseas, especially to China. Because data on the fashion industry typically are reported for national economies and expressed in terms of the industry’s many separate sectors, aggregate figures for the world production of textiles and clothing are difficult to obtain. However, by any measure, the clothing industry accounts for a significant share of world economic output. The fashion industry consists of four levels:
The production of raw materials, principally Fiber, and textiles but also leather and fur.
The production of fashion goods by designers, manufacturers, contractors, and others.
Retail sales.
Various forms of advertising and promotion.
These levels consist of many separate but interdependent sectors. These sectors are Textile Design and Production, Fashion Design and Manufacturing, Fashion Retailing, Marketing and Merchandising, Fashion Shows, and Media and Marketing. Each sector is devoted to the goal of satisfying consumer demand for apparel under conditions that enable participants in the industry to operate at a profit.
“Americans spent over $83 billion on back-to-school and back-to-college shopping.”– Maya Angelou
The joy of dressing is an art.
Fashion trends influenced by several factors, including cinema, celebrities, climate, creative explorations, innovations, designs, political, economic, social, and technological. Examining these factors is called a PEST analysis. Fashion forecasters can use this information to help determine the growth or decline of a particular trend. It helps to know more about the Fashion arena and lifestyle in the modern world.
Though there had been distribution of dressed dolls from France since the 16th century and Abraham Bosse had produced engravings of fashion in the 1620s, the pace of change picked up in the 1780s with increased publication of French engravings illustrating the latest Paris styles. By 1800, all Western Europeans were dressing alike (or thought they were); local variation became first a sign of provincial culture and later a badge of the conservative peasant.
Although tailors and dressmakers were no doubt responsible for many innovations, and the textile industry indeed led many trends, the history of fashion design is generally understood to date from 1858 when the English-born Charles Frederick Worth opened the first authentic haute couture house in Paris. The Haute house was the name established by the government for the fashion houses that met the standards of the industry. These fashion houses have to adhere to standards such as keeping at least twenty employees engaged in making the clothes, showing two collections per year at fashion shows, and presenting a certain number of patterns to customers. Since then, the idea of the fashion designer as a celebrity in his or her own right has become increasingly dominant.
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shakezbiar2605 · 4 years
Do-it-Yourself or DIY Websites
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What's the Attraction?
Today, with the price of ready made products continued to rise, an increasing number of people are finding it prudent to make or do things themselves. Occasionally kits are available, like those for birdhouses or jewelry and occasionally it's required to build it from scratch, such as wood planters or an additional bedroom. Whatever your preference is, do not let potential customers miss the feeling of accomplishment they will feel when they're ready to stand back and say,"I made that!"
What is the incentive?
Online"shoppers" are constantly checking sites regarding how to make or do particular things. You might have exactly what they need.
By way of instance, last winter you assembled your grandson a very elaborate playhouse, from scratch. As you worked, you wrote down the details of your initial pattern. When your spouse suggested you try to advertise the routine online, you did just that. Using a marketing program, you put up your own site, organized for credit card and PayPal billing, and took detailed photos of the playhouse. When the site was up and running you simply sat back and waited for the orders to enter. Success! Not bad for two weeks of work! Another case of a DIY site is one related to composing your own tutorials for popular software programs like Photo Shop or Norton's Utilities. Having used these programs for years, you now consider yourself an expert, especially associated with shortcuts and customizing your job. You are so good, in reality, that you could shoot some fairly mediocre wedding photos and, using sepia tones, then turn them into keepsakes that even the most highly paid professional would envy. You've decided you are now ready to talk about your abilities, so you build a website to advertise your initial tutorial online. Your initial offering has paid off nicely.
Consider online DIY projects as a viable revenue source. The feeling of achievement one gains through successfully completing a DIY job can't be easily described. Let's just say, it makes you feel good and proud of yourself. Any marketplace that aims at fulfilling both of these variables is attractive to any potential online"shopper." Due to the anonymity of site exploration, shoppers are willing to explore topics they would stay clear of in real life. By way of instance, a man might research flower arranging or sewing, and a woman may research auto timing or repairing small appliances. When you develop a web site for a particular DIY topic, you're opening up a potential floodgate to online profits. Even something simple such as selling the details of flower arranging could bring in a comfortable amount if it is marketed to the perfect folks.
Go ahead - take a chance.
Go ahead - take a chance - you have not much to lose. Instead of create a large initial investment in your own site, test the waters using e-Bay or Craigslist.com. Attempt to offer your playhouse pattern or your Photo Shop tutorial . While you might need to pay them a percentage of your earnings, it is going to be well worthwhile. You will know for sure if there is a market out there to your DIY idea. Considering all of the people, globally, who scan the web searching for do-it-yourself projects, you are bound to appeal to heaps of possible buyers.
DIY Home Addition Planning
The information age is here, the internet is full of DIY ideas and directions the issue is money certainly is not flowing freely nowadays. So if you have minimum knowledge of building should you try to build your own home improvement? Listed below are a few starting steps to follow if you would like to try a big DIY project like this. These measures not only will save money but also help finish your construction project quicker.
The first step to save money is to approach the township, boro or town zoning officer. Yes, the zoning officer not the license officer. Ask about any setbacks, zoning or lot coverage requirements. In the event you were to jump ahead to the routine stage without speaking to the zoning officer you will find out later that zoning won't let you build what you are considering, then precious time and money will have been wasted.
After a preliminary approval is obtained from zoning then it's time to think of a preliminary blueprint. This may be done several ways from scratching notebook paper to hiring a drafts-person or architect. I'd suggest hiring an expert to the preliminary plan, as they will know such things as, is there sufficient space for the staircase and how wide should a hallway be to meet building codes. It's at this preliminary stage you will be spending the first of your bucks. The sum of money spent for these prelim. Plans could vary from $500.00 to upwards of $5,000.00 based on the number of times you will need to return to the drawing board and how big it is. The money spent is well worth it, because then you can easily move on to another stage.
If you rent a design build company be sure that you express to them in the beginning which you mean to get pricing from other subcontractors and aren't committing to using them for your occupation. This will probably affect their cost for the preliminary plans in addition to insuring that when you get the preliminary design, the prints are really your property to maintain and not property of their design/build firm.
With preliminary plans in hand and equipped with knowledge that what you're planning will pass through zoning and it will fit in the footprint of the new addition You can then take these preliminary plans to the local lumber yards for pricing of materials. Make about 10 or more copies and you can hand them out to contractors like electric, plumbing, HVAC, masonry, roofers, etc.. Once all pricing was compiled then you'll know whether you are able to afford it.
Up to this point all that's been spent is money for the preliminary plans and your time. You can now go to the bank with a company number and paperwork to back this up. Throughout the bank approval stage it would be smart to compose a complete schedule of this job including start and completion dates of all of the stages of many different trades which will be involved throughout the construction. A mean improvement should take at least three months from begin to finish, but maybe double that if there's interior remodeling of the present home. In addition, don't overlook a program for ordering stuff, it can really slow things up if the electrician shows up to install lighting fixtures but since they had not been arranged on time he has sent to a different job. Show all this scheduling into the lender as it might encourage them to permit you to be your own general contractor.
Once all financing was lined up afterward, but before you begin paying interest, back to the drawing board for final plans. These final plans will have all the notes and details which are necessary to pass the code inspection of the building permit department. Based on how large the new addition is that need to allow up to two weeks to the final plans.
Ultimately we have final plans. Now off to the license department for a construction permit. Most construction officials request for 7 - 30 days to permit time for their strategy review before issuing a license. It's always a happy day when the building permit department calls telling you that the license is ready and eventually after possibly months and months of preparation you're ready to begin building.
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