#purging tw
sickkies · 3 days
E.R. 07.09 - Carter
TW: purging
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Okay this might be a bad idea but idk I was thinking about how completely different my life is now than a year or two ago and I was realizing it might be helpful (and certainly would have been for me) to see what someone with lifelong mental ilness would consider recovery to be? I know your situation is very different, but idk maybe some of your followers would appreciate this? Idk Anyways, I do consider myself "recovered" from disordered eating, depression, GAD, and OCD. I have found meds that work well enough for me that I don't have a hard time soothing myself or eating/drinking and the side effects are relatively mild (I get much more carsick and have a hard time with elevators and jumping and such). I don't feel guilty asking for accommodations, like having a single room at college. Bingeing, purging, self harm, and self-sabatoge are all things that still happen, but the vast majority of the time I think about it, I don't, and I don't feel addicted or like I ever HAVE to do them, they're just tools in my darkest moments and most of the time I have better tools. I'm motivated to do Physical Therapy/take meds/help my physical stuff. Instead of spending four to five hours a day ruminating and doing compulsions, I end up spending an hour or two calming myself down. I don't have a hard time talking about most of my issues, but I don't feel obligated to either. I don't meet diagnostic criteria for OSFED or Clinical Depression or insomnia anymore either!! Anyways, thanks for listening! :)
Thank you for sharing your experience! I think that it's so very important to know that you can make important progress, be happy with your life and in recovery even if you'll always have to deal with certain symptoms of mental illness in some capacity ❤️💪✊️
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pansyboybloom · 8 months
nobody on this site cares abt this but me, but the editor of one of the largest mukbangers on youtube came forward and (in a gross violation of privacy) admitted that their boss purges off-camera throughout filming. they went on to say that bulimia is very common in mukbang spaces and the response ive been on there has been abysmal. so many people bending over backward to say dangerously disordered relationships with food and a debilitating fear of gaining weight isn't the problem, it's the fact that these people were 'trying to eat their cake and have it too' by getting the views from meals and the views from being skinny and conventionally attractive. the people who feel 'lied to' somehow, or 'tricked' because the creators making them content are seriously harming their bodies by purging instead of feeling idk some compassion? it's genuinely disquieting.
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ed talk below the cut
deeply frustrated w my brain. Been panicking over my weight and going back to daily weigh ins and body checking, losing complete control and making entire calendars based around fasting and purging and exercise, buying fasting foods, blah blah yet binging every single day to the point of making myself sick. Like fucking PICK ONE are we fasting or purging or binging?? The suspense is literally killing me
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i’m sorry but what the fuck
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krispiecake · 2 years
ed tw but im 2 days free of laxatives/purging n that is so sexy of me
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f-ing-loser · 3 years
yknow... mia hits different when u reflect back on being 12 and purging a tub of icecream every other night and feeling so high off of it. like u discovered some secret cheat code to life. and u thought "i can quit any time.", "im just doing this because what else am i going to do?", years later now i realize, that life is what i could've been doing instead. that there is no living with mia. that now, i can't do anything else.
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feeling really conflicted. i really really want to lose weight but i dont think im doing it in a healthy way, at least partially. i already have an eating disorder (arfid) but with the way my mind is going im probably also going to develop ednos.. i discovered i can purge basically on demand and even tho i keep telling myself i shouldnt be doing that at least not very often ive purged twice today already :( my throat hurts. but its kind of hard to get myself to care enough to want to stop. like maybe the pain will be worth it when my body looks like how i want it to? it probably wont.. idk its hard. thank u for listening, im sorry if talk of eatingdisorders is triggering to u but i just needed to tell all this to Someone
Yeah that sounds beyond unhealthy and if you can't stop this development on your own, I strongly encourage you to seek out treatment asap. Sending love!
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ed-culture-is · 3 years
Ed culture is wondering why your throat feels wack and shitty knowing damn well you just purged lmao
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people will call out others over saying cutting or restricting or purging is manipulative and done on purpose for attention (and rightfully so) but the minute someone uses the internet to self harm suddenly they're pathetic people manipulating the emotions of others for positive attention instead of ya know. self harming.
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holylacydoll · 3 years
i feel so bad for my downstairs neighbor,, one of their bedrooms is right below my bathroom and they probably think i have some sort of problem,, with how much im flushing the toilet
but nope, just purging-
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Things that I will try (and probably fail) at not doing tonight:
-purging up the sushi i had for dinner
-carving the word ‘selfish’ into my leg
-texting him
-stalking her insta
Wish me luck boys
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You know you have a problem when you get vomit all over your hands and the toilet seat and some even spill onto the floor and you’re still like eh 🤷🏻‍♀️ at least it’s not inside of me anymore #justbulimiathings✌🏻
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buggybestfriend · 3 years
taking antidepressants at night does something?
No but I'll be able to purge without the risk of purging the antidepressants
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evilneo · 3 years
Im gonna go back to purging tomorrow lol I don't care anymore I'm gonna fucking die so I don't care
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bakugouwu · 4 years
im not even throwing up voluntarily now
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