#sex talk with anj
whorekneecentral · 1 year
me: *invites him over for my birthday* 
him: do you want some birthday sex too ? 
me: I'd prefer cash 
him: I'll bring both 
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daydreamingleclerc · 2 years
pretty little short skirt - mick schumacher
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summary: in which, on a river walk you bump into someone you’ve never seen taking the route before, and after an exchange of numbers things get dramatically interesting.
warnings: protected sex, oral (m&f), dirty talk, choking, spitting, pet names, praise kink. trigger warning for a mention of death of an animal at the beginning.
requested: no.
notes: this is based on a dream i had about mick & thanks to my beloved @libraryofloveletters for bringing it to life in true dirty smut format (anj i love you)
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“angie, no, you can’t have the ladies peanut butter!”
you caught the tail end of the sentence as you pulled an airpod from your ear, and looked down to be greeted by arguably one of the prettiest dogs you’d ever seen, a huge, fluffy australian shepherd, clearly called angie.
you smiled, and slipped the lid on the open tub of peanut butter just before the dog could stick her tongue inside of it, and you tickled the sides of her neck.
“i’m so sorry,” the man stuttered, crouching down to pet his dog, “she turns into an olympic sprinter when she smells peanut butter.”
you couldn’t help but laugh. his cheeks were flushed a light shade of red, and he had a baseball cap on his head. when he smiled you subconsciously tucked your legs further underneath themselves, making sure your skirt was covering anything revealing.
“don’t worry about it,” you smiled, really getting into tickling the dog’s neck, “she’s gorgeous, angie, right? i heard you calling her.”
“yeah, angie,” he smiled, tapping her side. as he did, he looked around. the riverside was reasonably quiet, with the odd people running along the opposite side of the bank. “have you got any dogs?”
you laughed and an embarrassed flush came to your cheeks, “i did,” you admitted, “i’ve got two cats and a rabbit too, but my dog blue passed away six months ago and i used to bring him here to play in the river.”
the man’s face folded into a frown and he rested his elbows on his knees while still squatting beside you, “he was just really old, and peanut butter on apples was one of his favourites,” you pulled an apple slice from the cooler beside you and held it out to the man, “any chance angie likes peanut butter on apples?”
“i think she does,” he smiled, “i never got your name?”
“i think she does,” he smiled, “i never got your name?”
“Y/N,” you blushed, “and you?”
“i’m mick,” he noticed the blush on your cheeks but knew better than to say anything, “and i’m sorry for ruining your peace.”
you shrugged him off, explaining that the company was well needed and you were happy to let them stay put for a while. mick sat himself down on your blanket properly, while angie sniffed around your bag for more peanut butter apple slices.
as you prepared more slices for her, mick admired you. he couldn’t believe he’d never seen you on this route before, it was the one he always did when he was around this area, but he’d been busy working on the car with his team and had just got back from a holiday, so even if he did see you before, he could forgive himself for letting the memory slip away.
you looked pretty in a pleated checkered mini-skirt and a white vest with a knitted cardigan, almost ethereal for want of a better word.
“i like your skirt.”
the words came out unexpectedly, even mick was shocked when they did, for it seemed his subconscious had a mind of its own. as you turned your head to face him, he stuttered over the right words to say; but ultimately decided to just say nothing.
“thanks,” you smiled in return, “i made it myself, but i’m not sure if i like it.”
he seemed shocked at your revelation, and soon you rambled to one another about everything and anything. you realised you knew his face from somewhere, and then the pair of you began talking about his work; you had plenty of questions on the subject but it was obvious mick was humble and didn’t like to talk about it too much, and so the conversation quickly shifted onto you. he asked you questions about your life and your job, and the pair of you joked that it almost felt like some sort of weird first date.
“oh shit, i’m going to my mum’s house for dinner this evening, i was supposed to be there half an hour ago,” you said, snagging your phone from the top of your bag and only realising the time when your mothers name flashed up, “i’m so sorry, i need to go.”
mick smiled, but he was upset that his time with you was coming to a close. “that’s okay,” he said, standing up and helping you to your feet. you could see him questioning whether or not to give you his number, and you couldn’t help but giggle. “what?”
“nothing,” you giggled again, grasping the pen that was wedged into the side of your notebook in your bag, “here’s my number, give me a call sometime.”
you scribbled the numbers on the palm of mick’s hand and couldn’t help yourself when you gave him a kiss on the cheek, which ended up leaving some pink lipgloss on his now bright red and rosy cheeks. as he watched you walk away, he couldn’t help but admire you once again, only this time, once he saw how short the skirt rose on your legs, his admiration was a little less innocent.
by the time you got home from dinner with your parents, it was reasonably late, but thankfully your flatmate was working until the early hours of the morning. as soon as you got through the door, your phone buzzed and when you opened it to an unknown number your eyebrows creased for a minute.
hey y/n, the message read, it’s mick. i hope dinner with your mom was good :) i’d really like to see you again if that’s okay with you. plus, you left your airpods on the bench. i’ve got them for you x
immediately, you smiled. hey mick, thanks for texting! dinner was great thank you :) you shot that one over and within seconds mick had read the message. thank you for collecting them! i would love to see you again soon, when’s good for you? x
well, the message started, i hope i’m not coming off too strong but your skirt collection was very... interesting. any chance i can see some more?
you couldn’t help the smirk that painted your face, and in a bold move, you replied swiftly. sure, i’m free now if you want me to make myself look pretty and show you my collection ;) your fingers wagged over the send button until eventually it was hit, and within minutes he responded.
perfect :) he said. what’s your address? x
“you look very pretty,” mick said as he stood at your door, a bag full of things tucked away in a small carrier bag, “is that a different skirt?”
“like i said,” you smiled, “i promised i’d make myself look pretty and show you my collection.”
“and you certainly didn’t disappoint,” mick said, his hand gravitating towards your hips, where he lifted the material briefly, and your stomach lit up in butterflies.
the change in his breath was obvious, and he let out a long, heaving breath. “do you want to come in?” you asked innocently, “i’ll take your jacket for you.”
he smirked, and followed you into the flat. you purposely wore your skirt high up on your hips, so that the curve of your bum was almost peeking out. you took him into your kitchen-livingroom, and hung his jacket up onto the rack at the back of the door.
mick noticed the washing pile beside the drier, where clean garments of lacy, skimpy underwear lay on the top of the rest of the clean clothes. he picked a pair up, hooking it around one of his fingers, and the thin red lace dangled in the warm air.
“are these yours, or do you have a roommate?”
“i have a roommate,” you said, eyeing him watchfully as you picked up the half drunk glass of wine you’d been drinking before he arrived, “but they’re mine, if you’re that curious.”
mick smirked, placing them back on the pile. he watched you eagerly as you shot back the remains of what was in the wine glass. “do i make you that nervous?”
“you wish,” you replied, hints of a smirk curling up at your mouth. he took a step closer, and your hands subconsciously rested on his hipbones and it brought him closer. his breath was hot on your skin, fanning your face delicately. “i just wanted to make sure i tasted as pretty as i look.”
“oh, i’m sure you’ve got nothing to worry about in that department, angel.”
within seconds, mick leaned in and hungrily kissed your lips. one of his hands was pressed against your hips while the other moved up your body to rest at your neck, thumb just knicking your chin as he did.
his thumb dragged at the skin under your lip, which gave him the upper hand when they parted, and left him able to nibble down on the bottom one. he tugged it between his teeth and slipped his tongue along it to soften the pain. you moaned at the action, and sucked on his tongue to give him a taste of what he would end up getting.
“is your roommate here?” he asked, pulling away from your lips and dipping his head under your jawline so he could leave a mark.
“no, why?” you asked, raising an eyebrow as you tugged on his hair breathlessly, “were you hoping she’d join in on the fun?”
“no,” he shrugged. he pulled at the fabric of the bodysuit, and when the poppers gave their signature pop! he knew he could pull at it with ease now, “was just making sure that nobody would be around to hear all the noises you’re gonna make, that’s all.”
“bold statement,” you hummed, pulling away from him and wiping the lipstick from the corners of your mouth, “do you want a glass of wine?”
mick smiled. he liked the hard to get attitude you provided him. it was new and exciting, and he loved being kept on his toes. “sure, sweetheart,” he said, and watched as you spun around in front of him to get the glass. “can you reach?”
you said nothing, but you nodded as you hopped up onto the counter. mick’s eyes trailed down your figure, and he couldn’t help but let his mind wander at the sight of you in front of him, kneeling on the counter with your skirt so short he could see your bum, and he shifted in his position.
“do you trust me?” mick’s hands skimmed your hips, and you shivered at the contact.
“i’ve only just met you.” you recalled over your shoulder, and you caught his eyes, bright blue with an eager, menace-like twinge to them.
“i know,” he said, kissing at your jawline, “but do you trust me?”
you nodded, and gave him a little yes to confirm that you did. he hummed, and with that he licked his lips. you moved once again, and mick got to his knees and awkwardly found an angle that would suit his idea best. you heard the scraping of one of your kitchen chairs behind you but you just assumed mick was pulling it out to sit at the dining table.
“mick, why don’t you — oh,” the feeling of his tongue licking a stripe up your slit made your brain go foggy, “fuck.”
“no underwear?” he asked, with a raised eyebrow, but you were too engrossed replaying the feeling of his tongue on your clit over and over again in your head, you didn’t answer. “not as innocent as you look.”
mick’s tongue flicked at your clit and you gently rocked at the feeling. every few seconds you would pull away in fear of mick’s suffocation — you weren’t sure the media would be best pleased at that news. “shall we move to the bedroom?” you asked him, but he shook his head, no; and the friction made you shiver.
“nope,” he said, and waved his finger in the direction of the sofa, “i don’t wanna sound dramatic but i need to taste you now.”
you couldn’t help but laugh as you pulled yourself away, and mick helped you down and guided you to the sofa with his hands on your hips softly, “is it a matter of life or death?” you raised an eyebrow to him as he laid down flat on your cushions.
“oh yeah,” he smirked, and pulled you back on top of him, “quite literally.”
mick’s hands rested on your bum cheeks, while you rested one hand on the back of the sofa and one at the side of his head. you moaned at the feeling of him switching between flicking his tongue on your clit and dipping it inside of you, and you couldn’t help but think he’d done this many times before. he was a pro. you pulled off of him every so often once again, fearing for his own safety.
“sit, Y/N,” he said sternly, pulling off of your clit with a pop before separating your lips with his fingers, giving his tongue deeper access. the feeling made you jolt and you lifted your hips subconsciously.
“but i don’t wanna-”
“-i said sit, Y/N, not fucking hover.”
a swarm of butterflies swept through your stomach at his words, and the tone of voice he used was dominant enough to leave you wanting more but nice enough to know that it was just fuelled by arousal. his hands moved from your bum cheeks - but before they did he left a harsh slap on each one which made you moan - to hook underneath your thighs, where he held you in place.
you were unable to move from his grip now, and your hands clawed at his hair while he hummed against your clit. he pulled away from it and flattened his tongue against your lips, and when his nose bumped your clit at the same time his tongue dipped inside of you, you cried out in a loud, desperate moan.
“that’s it, good girl.” mick muttered, albeit muffled.
“you’re so good at this,” you told him breathlessly, beginning to rock your hips back and forth against his face.
“i know, sweetheart,” he replied, and you could feel him smirking against you cockily. “and you taste so delicious.”
it didn’t take you long before you were on the brink of an orgasm, rocking back and forth against mick’s flat tongue. everytime you looked down, his eyes were on you, clouded over thickly with lust as he admired you.
“please what, Y/N?” mick’s eyebrows furrowed while a smirk crept up his face, he knew you were close because of the soft pants and the open pleading.
before you could speak any further, your orgasm hit. mick’s hands subconsciously gripped at your legs harder so you were unable to move, and as he did that, he shook his head side to side. his nose was now rubbing intensely against your clit and you stilled as you cried out his name in pleasure, unable to hold back.
mick’s arms released from around your legs and you climbed off of him and to his side with wobbly legs. immediately he wrapped an arm around your hips and you knelt beside him with your hands messing up his hair as he kissed you. “was that good?” he asked, his forehead pressing into yours softly as he caught breath, and when you nodded he smiled, slipping his tongue past your lips so you could taste yourself.
“so good i can barely think,” you admitted, embarrassed at how much you were stroking his ego, “anymore where that came from?”
“why don’t you guide me to the bedroom and i can show you plenty, pretty girl.”
you obliged, practically jumping off the sofa and snagging mick’s hand so you could drag him to your bedroom down the hall. he admired the innocence within it — the fairy lights pinned up around the edges of floating shelves, the photo frame of you and what looked to be your family and blue on the bedside table, a TV mounted to the corner of the bedroom between two walls, endless fluffy blankets on the bed and the open closet door which showed the tiniest hint of mess you’d tried to hide before he arrived.
he kissed you, backing you up against the wall closest, and as he did you reached your hand down to his crotch. his dick was already hard in his jeans, and he was fighting all urges to push you down to your knees already. you wasted no time, dipping your hand into the waistband of his sweats and feeling the skin to skin contact of his dick in your hand, a feeling which made him gasp sharply. he pulled off his shirt, and when you saw the flex of his abdomen your knees almost buckled, but you kept composure. his hands then came to the straps of your bodysuit, and as he’d already undone the poppers earlier on, it made for an easy pull. he reached around and unclasped your bra, and for a minute he stood there admiring your boobs in his hands with a smirk on his face. you squeezed at his dick and moved your lips to suck a hickey on the underside of his chin as he fondled your chest.
“jesus christ,” he muttered, but before he could say his next part of the sentence, you were already dropping to your knees. you helped him shimmy out of his sweats, pulling his calvins down along with them and when you came face to face with his dick you sucked in a breath.
mick watched you with his lips parted slightly as you wrapped your mouth around his dick, carefully bobbing your head and working your fingers around what you couldn’t fit in your mouth.
you knew if there was one thing you were good at in the bedroom — it was giving a blowjob. mick’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as you took him to the back of your throat and held him there for a few moments before your throat contracted around him and you gagged.
“fuck, do that again,” he said, already lining his dick up with the back of your throat. “fucking hell.”
“what happened to please and thank you’s?” you asked, muffled, as you pulled off of his dick for the second time. mick smirked, and pulled you up from your elbows, pecking a kiss to your lips multiple times.
“okay,” he breathed, “please let me fuck you senseless.”
your cheeks burned hot, not expecting mick to ask a question like that, and all you could do was nod.
“thank you,” he smiled cheekily, knowing he’d caught you off guard in the situation.
immediately, he guided you to the bed and you sunk down between the sheets, and the atmosphere around you both grew to an exceptionally hot temperature. mick fumbled with the zipper on your skirt and rid it of your body before spreading your legs with his knees as he leaned over you, his toned body looking exceptional in the low light of your bedroom.
you leaned your hand down and grabbed at his cock, and mick groaned at the feeling. "do you have anything?"
"mhm," you shifted, pointing in the direction of the bedside table, "there's half a pack in my drawer."
mick kissed your lips again before leaning around to find the box. you ran your free hand down his abdomen, admiring the toned muscle above you. he pulled one from the box, and delicately ripped it open and you rolled the condom on for him.
mick noticed a change in your breath, and he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "we don't have to do this," he kissed your nose and gently pinched your cheek with his thumb and forefinger, "we can watch a movie or something."
"i wanna do it," you smiled, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips, "i just find it hard to believe that we only met like what? twelve hours ago and now you're about to fuck me."
mick laughed. he felt the same way too, this was so out of character for him but something about you drew him in like a magnet, "i'll make it a fuck to remember, don't worry, sweetheart."
he lined himself up with you, and you held the base of his dick to guide him inside of you. with every inch, you sucked in a breath that got deeper and deeper, he was filling you up so perfectly.
"oh, fuck, mick." you cried, wrapping a hand around his neck.
"i know, angel," he groaned lowly, followed by a soft moan, "god, you're so tight."
he began to pick up speed, snapping his hips against yours in fast fashion. you couldn't help but moan, and you got louder when he dipped his head to your chest and sucked one of your nipples into his mouth.
with every thrust, you could feel the pit in your stomach but you wanted to hold off for as long as possible. mick's left hand hooked under your right knee, and he used his strength to push it up until it was as high as it could get without any discomfort for you.
the angle of which he was fucking you was different now, and you threw your head back and began to mumble incoherent profanities. he pulled off of your nipples with a pop, and figured he'd use your neck to his advantage.
"god, you're so fucking hot underneath me like this," he said, his words lining up with each thrust. mick's hand wrapped around your neck, and almost immediately you moaned at the contact. he restricted your airflow for a few seconds before releasing his thumb and pinky from either side, and then smirked. "so responsive, even when my hands around your fuckin' throat."
he somehow managed to rest your calf on his shoulder, and used it for leverage, squeezing at the flesh as he used it as a balance to fuck you faster and deeper.
you let out garbled and strangled noises, and through all the chaos he somehow understood that you were asking him for more. "open that pretty little mouth for me then, darling," he said, his thrusts slowly starting to fall out of rhythm. immediately you did as you were told and he patted your cheek, "good girl."
you made a whimpering noise at that, and mick stuffed the memory away into his metaphorical back pocket for the next time you two would meet in this situation.
at first, the way mick leaned down you expected him to kiss you, but then you felt a trickle of spit land on your tongue and slide down into your throat. a loud, almost pornographic moan left your lips, and mick repeated the action.
his hand released from your throat, and this time he pushed your left leg out as far as it could go and held it there; meaning you'd undoubtedly have bruises on both legs from his fingers tomorrow.
"'m gonna cum, mick," you cried, your throat so dry it came out more like a croak, "i can feel it."
"hold it," he demanded, "you cum when i tell you to."
mick's hips really began to fall out of rhythm as you clenched around him, and he was unable to hold back his orgasm. "cum for me, princess," was all he had to say before the both of you came in sync.
he dropped your leg down carefully from his shoulder, and after a minute he pulled out of you and flopped down beside you, almost heaving for breath. you admired him as he pulled off the condom and tied it off, dropping it into the bin beside him.
"that was fun," he smiled, brushing the hair from your face as he turned to face you, "and you still look beautiful."
"thanks, so do you," you stifled a yawn, "we should do this again soon."
your eyes felt heavy by this point, and you were so exhausted that you forgot to thank mick as he pulled the covers from underneath you and slid you in. it wasn't until you threw it off of you that he realised you wanted him to get under as well.
"we will do it again, Y/N, but i think you should go to sleep now."
"mhm," you agreed sleepily. for a minute, you thought mick was going to leave you, so you wrapped an arm around his chest and placed your head beside his shoulder to stop him. "but stay with me tonight, please?"
he kissed your forehead and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, "i'm not going anywhere, gorgeous girl."
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wild-karrde · 8 months
One Step at a Time - Part 13
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A/N: ALRIGHT STRAP IN KIDS. Please heed the warnings on this one if you have any material you find triggering. This one is QUITE a ride. As always, thank you to the STUPENDOUS @teletraan-meets-jarvis for beta reading this for me!
Chapter Rating: E
Warnings: PiV sex, language, canon-typical violence, suicide, character death
Word Count: 8.8k words
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Life was good. As good as it had ever been in all the time Chuckles could remember. 
There was a comfort that came with falling into a routine. Chuckles would drop the kids off at school in the mornings, go to work in the mine, and then return in the evening to walk Arni and Nita home from school. Sometimes they’d stop by Grinz’s to stock up, sometimes Helly, Anj, and occasionally Lu would come over for dinner, and sometimes it would be just the three of them before the kids would go to bed. 
Then, Chuckles would head to Endi’s apartment. 
Those visits varied in how they started, but always ended the same: with Chuckles fucking Endi like it was what he’d looked forward to all day. Everything still felt so new and exciting, and the two of them could hardly keep their hands off one another. They did their best to fit some casual conversation in, asking one another about their day and talking about mundane things like the weather, allowing the tension to grow and blossom until it snapped. 
Tonight, Endi had invited Chuckles over under the pretense of sharing a pie she’d baked that day after school. He’d appeared on her doorstep in the dark, and she’d answered the door in a short, satiny robe that didn’t appear to have anything underneath. Chuckles had waited patiently, sitting across from her in her kitchen as she set a plate in front of him, carefully placing a dollop of fresh cream on the flaky crust. He’d eaten slowly as she watched and made idle conversation, never breaking eye contact as he licked his fork clean. 
As soon as the last crumb had disappeared and the plates had been cleared away, Chuckles had grabbed Endi with a playful growl and pulled her robe open, confirming his suspicions that she was wearing nothing underneath. She’d giggled breathlessly and he’d groaned as his hands squeezed her breasts, his lips finding the curve of her shoulder and sucking a bruise into her skin before he bent her over the table and buried himself inside of her in one stroke. The table creaked underneath them as he set a frantic pace, the legs scraping against the hard floor until the tabletop was bumping against the wall with every snap of Chuckles’s hips. He stared down at where they were joined and smirked. 
“Fuck, your pussy’s creamy tonight, Endoline,” he growled, admiring the white coating her cunt was leaving on his shaft between strokes. “Could have dipped my fingers in you and topped my pie with this instead.” His cock glistened in the kitchen light as he withdrew for a moment before slamming back into her with an echoing slap that drew a moan from her. “You think about me today, sweetheart?”
“All… all day,” she stuttered out. 
“Did you touch yourself?”
“N-no. Wanted t-to wait for you.” 
He leaned over her, caging her in as he planted his palms on either side of her on the tabletop. Some sweat trickled down the tip of his nose, dripping onto the skin between her shoulder blades. Chuckles ran his tongue along her spine, swiping away the moisture as he tasted the salt of her sweat-slicked skin. 
“Good girl,” he rasped. “Was it worth the wait?”
She shuddered underneath him. “Gods above, yes.” 
Chuckles grinned as he gripped her hips and readjusted his angle, easily finding the place inside of her that he’d become well-acquainted with over the last month and a half, and within moments, he had her coming undone beneath him. Endi collapsed on the table as he finished inside of her, barely managing to brace his palms against the wooden surface again as his cock slipped from her. Some of his spend dribbled back out from between the swollen lips of her cunt, spattering on the floor. 
“Looks… looks like we made a mess,” Endi panted with a dopey grin on her face, turning her head to meet his gaze over her shoulder. 
Chuckles huffed a laugh before leaning down to press a kiss to her temple. 
“Well then we’d better get ourselves cleaned up, huh?”
He wiped the evidence of their activities off of the floor quickly before scooping Endi into his arms and carrying her to her small refresher. It was only slightly larger than the one on the Starlight, but it did have a decent-sized bathtub pushed into one corner, which Chuckles filled with hot water before helping Endi in. Stripping off his clothes, he stepped in behind her, settling down and pulling her back against his chest. He pressed his hands to her stomach under the water, pulling her close and inhaling deeply into her hair. 
“Missed you today,” he whispered. 
This had become part of his routine too, and he enjoyed it almost as much as the sex. Almost.
“You just saw me last night,” she teased, reaching for a hair tie and starting to pile her hair on top of her head. 
“Let me,” Chuckles said, taking the thin band from her hand. Gently, he gathered her dark curls, combing through them carefully with his fingers until he had managed to smooth out the bumps and ridges in her hair. 
“You’ve been practicing,” she hummed. 
“What do you mean been practicing?” Chuckles giggled. “This is the practice. You’re far more patient than Nita will ever be. But I’ve at least gotten alright at doing buns.” 
“Are they even when you do two of them?”
“Still working on that,” he muttered, and Endi laughed in response. 
“You’ll get it.”
“And until then, I have Arni.”
Chuckles tied her hair up before leaning forward to kiss the back of her neck, squeezing her tightly again. Endi leaned back against him, sinking lower into the water so she could rest her head against his shoulder. She took his hand between hers, rubbing at some of the dust and grime that had settled into his callouses from the mine. 
“Something’s bothering you,” she noted quietly. 
Chuckles sighed. A lot of things were bothering him, but he wasn’t certain how many he wanted to burden her with. Everything had been easy so far, with the two of them still figuring one another out and how they fit together. There’d be time to talk about all of the secrets he kept locked away and the deeper topics, but at least for now, there seemed to be an unspoken agreement to just have fun with one another. He picked through his long list of concerns, choosing a more trivial one to reveal. 
“Nita’s birthday is next week,” he sighed. 
“And you’ve got it all planned well in advance,” Endi countered. “You’ve met all of her demands, and I think she’s going to be terribly excited to get her own bed.” 
After some debate, Chuckles had decided to reveal the decorated and furnished cargo hold to the younglings for Nita’s birthday. The deliveries had lined up almost perfectly with the date, and as long as Grinz could track down some bedding this week, everything would be in order. He knew the little Pantoran was going to love it, on top of all of the other gifts she was getting. A surprise would have been impossible; Nita had practically been counting the days since Arni’s birthday party, and she had very specific expectations for her own celebration. Luckily, none of them had been too far-fetched, and the only one Chuckles had said ‘no’ to was a pet tooka. Nita had been disappointed, but that had been short-lived as she’d moved on to planning the types of snacks she’d wanted, and Grinz had promised to deliver on every item. Endi had even promised to make the cream puffs Nita has become enamored with in the last few months, which may have been the real achievement that overshadowed the tooka debacle.
“You’re right,” he murmured. “As always.” He gripped her hand, pulling it to his lips and brushing a kiss over her knuckles.
“Are you nervous about telling them about us then?” 
They still hadn’t disclosed their relationship to Arni and Nita, but Chuckles knew the time for that discussion was fast approaching. Arni was starting to question where he went at night, and had even caught him sneaking home once just before dawn. They hadn’t directly asked him about it, but he didn’t want to feel like he was lying to them. He and Endi had talked about the right time to tell them, and they’d decided to do it after Nita’s birthday so as not to take away from the day. Deep down, Chuckles had also wanted to wait until after just in case the kids didn’t take it well. There was no reason to think they wouldn’t; by all accounts, they enjoyed school and liked their teacher. But he still couldn’t shake off all the nerves. 
“Not as nervous as I was, but not completely settled,” he admitted. 
“So what’s got you wound so tightly?” Endi asked, switching to his other hand and massaging his joints with her thumbs. “You feel as though you’ve got something on your mind.”
A twinge of guilt twisted his gut. 
Am I ruining my time with her? 
He rested his chin on top of her head. “I’m sorry if I’ve been distracted.”
“You don’t need to apologize. Or talk about it if you don’t want to. I just want to be supportive if I can.” 
Chuckles flushed with heat that made the water feel cool. Slipping his finger under her chin, he gently tilted her head towards him, raising her lips to his and pecking them lightly. 
“What did I do to deserve you?” 
“You’re deflecting with flattery.”
“You’re not supposed to notice that.”
He sighed, unsure of how to broach the topic. As well as things were going, he still wasn’t ready to tell Endi everything. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her, it just didn’t feel like the right time yet. He wanted to wait until he was more certain of how she’d react. Finding out you were sleeping with a traitor to the Empire who happened to be harboring two Jedi youngling fugitives wasn’t exactly something that could be taken lightly. In fact, chances were good it would completely upend her life. 
The time would come where he’d be ready to tell her, he was sure of it. He felt that he owed her that honesty if things got serious enough, to the point where they were building a life together. He’d told Ry and Oks after all. But that was definitely a discussion for another day, even if that secret was connected to what was bothering him right now. 
“The one year anniversary of the end of the war is coming up,” he said quietly, choosing his words carefully. There had been rumors that the Imperials were planning a galaxy-wide holiday to commemorate the day, and the thought of celebrating at all turned Chuckles’s stomach. He couldn’t even begin to imagine how the kids felt about it. 
Endi nodded, seemingly choosing her words cautiously as well. “I imagine that was quite a day for you, even being discharged.” 
You have no idea.
“It was,” he agreed. “There’s…a lot of memories there. And for the kids, it’ll be a reminder of them losing their family.” 
“And them gaining a new one in you,” Endi said softly. “Maybe you choose to celebrate that rather than dwell on the bad memories. Celebrate the brothers that you lost and all they fought for. And celebrate your family coming together.” 
Chuckles mulled through it in his mind. It was an approach he hadn’t considered. “That’s not a half-bad idea,” he said. “I think the kids will like that.” He kissed her again, deeper this time, and he felt her quiver slightly as he pulled her close. “Thank you,” he mumbled against her lips. 
“That’s what partners are for,” she replied. 
“Is that what we are?”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re my only suitor.” 
“Not the only suitor,” he countered. “There are plenty in this town that make eyes at you, whether or not you know it. And I can���t say that I blame them.”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine, then you’re the only suitor I’m interested in. And the only one I’ve shared a bed with.” She turned, straddling his lap, and he felt his cock brush her core. His hands rested on her hips as he hardened underneath her. The water lapped at the sides of the tub, disturbed from the rocking of Endi’s hips as she rubbed against his length. “You’re the only suitor that’s ever been in this tub with me, and you’re the only one I’m asking to fuck me.”
“Are you asking, Endoline?” The head of his cock caught at her entrance, and he held her still, gently flexing his hips so that the tip breached her cunt just enough to make her mouth fall open. 
“Please,” she whined. “Please take me again.”
He pulled her down onto him, spearing her on his length. Some of the water splashed over the edge of the tub, and she tipped her head back with a moan. 
“We’re going to make another mess,” she teased breathlessly. 
He leaned forward, cradling her ass as his tongue flicked against her nipple, sending another rippling shudder through her. 
“It’s PERFECT!” 
Chuckles released a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding as Nita squealed with delight, her golden eyes sparkling as she took in the party decorations. He, Endi, Anj, Helly, and Lu had gotten up incredibly early to decorate the outside of the Starlight and set up for Nita’s birthday celebration. While Chuck and Lu had strung streamers and decorations from the side of the ship, creating a sort of outdoor canopy, Endi had put the finishing touches on the baked goods she’d pulled together the night before. At the same time, Helly and Anj had snuck down to the hold to put the finishing touches on the younglings’ new bedroom. They’d managed to sneak back up to the kitchenette and brew some caf just before Nita came marching in, clearly ready to face the day. She was so excited, they’d immediately taken her outside for an inspection, which she conducted thoroughly before clapping her hands excitedly, dancing around in the dirt and giggling. 
She hadn’t wanted anything large in terms of attendance; just a few of her friends from school, Arni, and the sleepy adults that were now sipping caf with relieved smiles. Nita ran to each of them, hugging them hard and shouting her thanks. She slammed into Lu with such a force that she almost knocked the mug of caf from his hand, but he recovered, giving her one of his rare, quiet smiles. 
“Not a bad decorations job for a demolitions expert,” Chuckles joked, nudging Lu with a shoulder. 
Lu smiled quietly, shrugging his shoulders as Nita released him. Anj was more prepared for Nita’s embrace, squatting down and bracing herself as the little Pantoran flew into her arms. 
“Glad you like it, Little Star,” she chuckled, tousling Nita’s silver curls. “Now let’s go get Hells to braid your hair the way you like before everyone gets here.” 
Helly had been experimenting with different styles for Nita’s hair, and the little Pantoran seemed to love sitting while Helly’s nimble and gentle fingers wove intricate braids and patterns into her silver tresses. Today, Helly had brought some fresh flowers to weave into the braids, and Nita sat on a stool, swinging her legs as Helly worked. Arni was watching carefully, asking questions so they could try to recreate it later. Chuckles leaned against the wall, smiling into his cup as he watched his family. 
Settled. Finally.
A warm hand pressed against the small of his back. 
“Want a top off?” Endi asked quietly. 
Chuckles offered her his cup, and she emptied the rest of the caf press into it. “Thanks,” he whispered. 
“You did great pulling this together,” she said softly. 
“Couldn’t have done it without you all,” he replied. “And now, I might have a real bed to sleep in tonight for the first time in a year.” 
“That reminds me. I’ve got something for you.”
Chuckles raised an inquisitive eyebrow, but Endi beckoned him back to the kitchenette. He followed, setting his mug on the small countertop. Endi crouched down, digging in her bag until she pulled out a parcel that was wrapped with ribbons. She handed it to him with a small smile.
“For you.”
“It’s not my birthday.”
She shrugged, and he smirked before opening it. Inside, there were two sets of sheets, and when he ran his thumb over the fabric, Chuckles knew it would be the softest thing he’d ever slept on. One set was a dark red and one a light blue, and he glanced up at her. She ducked her head shyly.
“Consider it a housewarming gift. Well, I guess a bedwarming…” her voice drifted off, and she flushed as she realized what she’d said. 
Chuck glanced out the door for a moment, confirming no one was paying attention before he closed the distance between them, pinning her against the table she was leaning against. His knuckle slipped under her chin, and he grinned as the purple flush in her cheeks grew deeper, highlighting her freckles. 
“I’ve got a better idea of how you can warm my bed, Endoline. Not that I don’t appreciate the sheets.” 
“Chuckles,” she gasped, her voice hitching slightly as he nuzzled against her throat. 
“I may save these until the first time you sleep over, so we can break them in together,” he rasped into her ear, her curls tickling his nose. He felt her shudder as his hand slid around the back of her neck. He pressed his lips against her pulsepoint and felt it hammering. He grinned. 
“Endoline, I-”
“Nita’s asking if you’re ready to go outside and play games.”
Endi and Chuckles flew apart. Endi turned her back, straightening her clothes and smoothing her hair, trying to hide her face. Chuckles met Arni’s gaze, trying to ignore the heat in his cheeks as he hurriedly wiped his mouth. The young Twi’lek’s gaze flicked between the two of them, and they ducked their head. 
“Yeah. That’s great. We’ll be right there, kid,” Chuck managed, suddenly feeling winded. 
Arni nodded, turning and hurriedly making their exit. Chuckles could hear everyone else exiting the ship, and when the noise faded with their departure, he turned and met Endi’s eyes. The two of them burst into nervous giggles at the same time, Chuckles rubbing his neck as Endi covered her face to muffle her laughter. 
“I think it’s safe to say we’ve been found out,” she said, her voice muffled behind her hands. 
Chuckles smiled, pulling her hands from her flushed face and resting his forehead against hers. 
“If anyone was going to figure it out, it was going to be Arni anyway.” He sighed, letting out a nervous giggle of his own. “Seems like it might be time to let them both in on the secret.” 
Her golden eyes searched his. “Are you alright with that?”
“Yeah,” he said quickly. He brought her hands up to his lips, kissing her knuckles. “No more hiding?”
“No more hiding,” she agreed. “But let’s wait until after the party. I don’t want anything to take away from Nita’s day.”
Chuckles grinned, but something about the way Arni had looked at the two of them was nagging at him. He buried it quickly, taking Endi’s hand and leading her outside. 
The party went off without a hitch. By the end of it, Chuckles was almost worried Nita wouldn’t stay awake long enough to see the new bedroom. Her eyelids were drooping as she bid her guests farewell, but she wore a satisfied smile. His heart warmed as she made the rounds again to thank everyone that had helped set things up, and he could see her confusion when they didn’t leave along with her friends.
“Better move fast or she won’t be awake to appreciate it,” Anj teased him with a nudge. 
“You’re right,” he agreed. He roared playfully, scooping Nita into his arms, and she squealed with surprise, breaking into a fit of giggles. 
“Can’t go to sleep yet, Honey. We’ve got one more surprise for you. Arni too.” 
The Twi’lek paused mid-bite of a creampuff, eyes widening in curiosity. 
“Come on,” Chuck said, reaching an arm out for them. “Let’s go show you before little one nods off.” Arni slipped under his arm, and the three of them headed back into the ship, followed by Lu, Anj, Helly, and Endi. 
Chuckles felt Nita stiffen when she figured out where they were going. 
“That place is scary, Chuckles,” she murmured. 
“It’s not as scary anymore,” he replied, keying the unlock code to the door. “Chased out all the ghosts with Anj.” 
“You promise?”
He offered her his pinky, and she took it, interlocking it with hers. Chuckles set her on the floor, and he could see her steeling herself as the door hissed open. He nudged her inside, pulling Arni in behind them before slapping on the lights. 
All of Nita and Arni’s nerves evaporated, immediately replaced with wonder as the glass decorations glinted in the light cast by the strings that were woven back and forth over the ceiling of the hold. Nita ran to the edge of the railing, looking down into the new bedroom. Two bed were pushed against the opposite walls with their own sets of sheets and pillows. The middle had a large rug, already covered with the gifts Nita had received at her party. Lu and Helly had quietly whisked them away and set them up while Nita was distracted. 
It was apparent which side was meant for which youngling. One had a small desk with Arni’s colored pencils, journals, and datapad neatly placed on its surface. On the shelves above their bed sat several specimens Helly had donated after noting Arni’s interest in them. The stone Endi had given them was placed on the nightstand next to the bed. Nita’s side was decorated with flowers and stars that hung over her bed in an array. A small cupboard that Lu had built sat against the wall, the inside stocked with some of her favorite snacks. Her trooper doll laid against the pillow. Lu had also built matching sets of drawers, which contained the sets of clothing that they’d accrued during their time together. Chuckles had worried that the large space would seem sparse, but the sheer joy on the two younglings’ faces put his face at ease. He owed more favors than he could count and would be paying Grinz back through odd jobs for a while, but it was all worth it. 
“Is… is this ours?” Arni asked hesitantly. 
“All yours,” Chuckles confirmed. “Room for you two to grow into. And no one will be elbowing anyone else or leaving crumbs in the other’s sleeping space.” 
Arni’s arms were around him in an instant, their face buried in his chest as they hugged him hard. Nita wrapped herself around his right leg, stepping on his toes in the process, but he couldn’t be bothered to care as he hugged them both back. 
“Anj, Helly, Lu, and Endi all helped with this. Grinz too,” he said. “Couldn’t have done it without them.” 
The two younglings immediately flew to the other adults, thanking them and hugging them. Chuckles watched Arni and noted they were a little stiff when they hugged Endi. 
Probably just because they caught us earlier. Maybe telling them both will ease that tension so Arni doesn’t feel like they need to keep it a secret.
“Well, let’s not all stand here gawking. Let’s go get your stuff out of the old bed so you can put it in your new room!” Anj crowed, and the two younglings were off like a shot, squealing as they raced back down the hallway. 
They spent the next hour moving the children into their new room, Anj and Lu helping while Helly and Endi put things away and Chuck showed them all the new items with pride. The adrenaline was short-lived for Nita, and Chuck could see her eyeing her new bed. The other adults took their cue, bidding the kids one last good night before filing out. Chuckles caught Endi’s eye from across the room, and she nodded, giving him a wink. 
Now’s as good a time as any I suppose.
Chuckles waited until it was just him, Endi, and the younglings. He could see Arni glance between the two of them nervously. Nita was too busy cataloging her snacks to notice anything out of the ordinary. 
Chuckles cleared his throat. 
“I… I’ve got something I’d like to tell the two of you, if that’s alright.”
Nita turned to look at him, her hand already in a bag of Cinnamon Poppers. Arni straightened.
“I know at least one of you has already pieced this together, but I wanted to be upfront about it. Now that it… well, it seems to be going well.” He was suddenly nervous, and Endi came to his side. Her presence calmed him, and he felt her hand on his back again. He wet his lips and continued. “You two are my family, and it’s important to me that we’re honest with each other about things, so I want you to know if there’s another person that’s important to me.” He let his hand slide down and find Endi’s as he turned to meet her gaze. “And in the last few months, Teacher Endi has become pretty important to me. We’ve been spending some time together, and I’d like to spend more with her around the two of you. If that’s alright.” 
Nita’s eyes were wide as she chewed her snacks. Arni was still watching the two of them carefully. 
“Are you in love?” Nita finally asked. 
Chuck’s face felt hot as he fumbled for words. “I… we… well…”
“Your father and I are still figuring out how we feel about one another,” Endi cut in. “It’s still early, but we care very much for one another. I like him quite a bit.” 
Chuckles shot her a grateful look, and she winked at him, squeezing his hand gently in reassurance.
He turned to face the younglings, his family. His palms were sweating. “So?”
Nita stared for a moment before breaking into a fit of excited giggles. She ran forward, hugging Endi tightly around the waist. Endi didn’t hesitate for a moment, hugging her back. Chuck turned to Arni. When they saw him looking at them, they hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Endi as well, just as stiffly as earlier. Chuckles’s brow furrowed in concern. 
If Endi noticed, she didn’t say anything. As the younglings shuffled off to get ready for bed, she turned to Chuckles. 
“Thank you for a lovely time. And for this.” 
“You’re not staying?”
She smiled, resting her hand against his cheek. “You’ve just dropped a lot on them. I think seeing me at breakfast would be rather jarring, don’t you?” 
He huffed, resting his forehead against hers. 
“You’re pretty smart, you know that?”
“It’s a requirement for the job,” she teased. Standing on her tiptoes, she kissed his cheek. “Good night, Chuckles.”
“Good night, Endoline.” 
The two younglings returned as Endi slipped out the door, and Chuckles tucked them both in. Nita was asleep before her head could even warm the pillow, her trooper doll tucked under one arm. Chuckles waited until she was snoring to sit next to Arni on their bed. They had their light still on, their latest sketchbook balanced on their knees. As Chuckles sat down beside them, he caught a glimpse of Anj’s sharp teeth and Helly’s bright eyes, easily recognizable as Arni depicted them, carefully shading each of Anj’s tendrils. 
“That from today?” 
They nodded. “They seemed really happy. Like you and Endi.” 
Chuckles scooted closer until their shoulders were touching. “I think they are. But that’s still a secret.” 
Arni nodded again but didn’t say anything. Chuckles felt himself grow nervous again. “Are… are you happy about this kid? You seem like something’s on your mind.” 
Their pencil paused on the page, and he could practically hear the gears turning in their head. “It was just… I didn’t expect it, I guess. And I don’t think I ever considered what it would be like if you had someone. Not th-that you can’t. I want you to be happy. I just never thought about what it would feel like.”
“How does it feel?”
They finally looked up at him. “Just… different. Something to get used to.” 
There was something that they weren’t saying. Chuckles wasn’t sure if they just couldn’t articulate it correctly or if they didn’t want to, but either way, he knew better than to push. Arni would come around in time if they felt it was important enough to share. His heart fell slightly, his worries not really assuaged. 
Endi was right to go home. The kid needs some time to adjust. Maybe we all do.
“Are you happy?” 
Arni’s question surprised him, and when he looked at them again, their brown eyes were wide, expectant, watching him carefully. 
“I am,” he replied. “And not just because of Endi. But she is a factor in that.” 
Arni nodded, clearly turning the information over in their mind before reaching a conclusion.“Then I’m happy for you, Chuckles. You deserve to be happy.”
“Are you happy, Arni?”
They gave him a small smile. “Of course.” 
The way they said it, as if it were a given, unsettled Chuckles slightly. It felt like they were satisfying an expectation rather than being honest, but the young Twi’lek had already turned back to their sketchbook, their pencil scraping across the drawing once more, clearly considering the matter settled. 
The won’t want you to push. Something to keep an eye on. Another conversation for a different time.
Chuckles ruffled their lekku before pulling them into a hug. “G’night, kid. Don’t stay up too late.” 
“Night,” they replied. 
Chuckles shuffled up the stairs and to the bunk, unwrapping the light blue set of sheets. As he shook them out, he was immediately inundated with the familiar, gentle scent of vanilla and perfume. Bringing the sheets to his nose, he inhaled deeply, grinning into the fabric. 
They smelled like her. 
A scrap of flimsi fluttered to the floor from where it had been tucked into the folded sheet. He picked it up, his smile widening as he read the words. 
When they stop smelling like me, let me know. I’ll come over and renew it so you don’t miss me. 
- Endi
The one year anniversary of the Republic’s fall, or Empire Day as it was apparently being called, approached faster than Chuckles could have anticipated. As predicted, the galaxy was preparing celebrations to mark the day. Many of the miners and their families were planning to head into the nearby capital city to observe the celebrations. Endi had tried to get Chuckles to go, thinking that the ceremonies and parades would give the children better memories, but when he’d still declined, she’d been understanding. He’d pushed her to go on her own, not wanting to weigh her down or make her feel like she had to stay behind because of him, and he was relieved when she finally relented. 
“Just don’t let any of your other suitors charm you while you’re up there,” he teased in bed one night as they lay snuggled together. It was the third time she’d slept on the Starlight and the first night they’d had the ship to themselves, Arni and Nita being out stargazing and camping with one of their classmate’s family. Chuckles and Endi had taken full advantage of the quiet, and now lay curled around one another as the sheets stuck to their sweaty skin. 
Endi pushed her curls out of her eyes to poke him in the ribs. “How many times do I have to assure you that you’re the only one I’m interested in?” she teased. 
“Yeah, but I’m also the one being the downer about the celebration.”
“I told you already; I understand. Take care of Arni and Nita. We’ll have time when I get back.”
His chest had bloomed with warmth before he’d rolled Endi underneath him and taken her again. 
How did I get so lucky?
He prayed to whatever deities were listening that luck would be on his side again today, the one year anniversary of his world and Arni and Nita’s being turned on its head. Chuckles was terrified of saying the wrong thing, of mentioning something that would rip old wounds open. The kids hadn’t said anything to him, but he had noted a slight stoop to Arni’s shoulders, as if the weight of the day had slowly grown as it approached. Nita still bubbled about, but there was something that seemed forced about it, as if keeping a smile on her face would keep everything else she was feeling at bay.
It would clearly be impossible to just pretend it was a normal day. The town was mostly empty, school canceled in observance of the “holiday”. Most of their friends had disappeared with their parents to the city to watch the parades. The mine was closed as well, and most of the miners had left to join the celebrations as well. 
The kids woke, ate breakfast, and then went outside to play. Chuck felt as though he was going through the motions, showering, making caf, and settling into the seat to watch the kids out of the front viewport. 
I can’t believe it’s been a year.
The younglings both looked as though they were putting up a good front for one another, but after all of their time together, Chuckles could easily see the weight on their shoulders. Nita’s smiles were half-hearted at best, and Arni seemed so weighed down, it looked like they might topple over at any moment. He thought about what Endi had said about how to frame the events surrounding that day. It wasn’t a bad idea, but he felt that he should save it for if things got dire, the eject handle if emotions ran high. He wasn’t certain how the two younglings marked the anniversary in their minds. He’d tried to remember how he’d thought of major changes as a cadet, but everything had been a milestone, another step towards becoming a soldier. Life on Kamino had been controlled, no days truly unpredictable.
Well, at least until a Jedi had shown up looking like a drowned tooka in his soaked robes and sopping hair, asking questions that had sent rumors rippling through the ranks. 
But even then, it was noteworthy because of its strangeness, not due to anything traumatic. All of that would come during the war, but when the fighting started, every moment of note felt like one of grief. 
Except for TP winning that homebrew contest in the barracks. Except for that time Crater told me he considered me his second in command. Except for when Howzer got promoted. 
Except for when Brienna kissed me for the first time in the cockpit of my Headhunter. 
He huffed into his caf. 
More than enough bad, but plenty of good sprinkled in too. 
He realized that was what had kept him going, the little bits of good in all of the bad. And he knew then that the conversation with Arni and Nita couldn’t wait. 
That day was simultaneously terrible and great because I found them. And I need them to focus on the good rather than wallowing in the bad memories and letting them weight them down. We can grieve, but I also don’t want them to get stuck in it. 
Like I did after I lost Crater and most of my squad. 
Tipping the last dregs of his caf into his mouth, he went to place the empty cup in the kitchenette. When he turned, he found the two younglings trudging inside. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Too cold,” Nita muttered. Arni was silent, clutching their journal. 
“Alright, family meeting,” Chuckles declared, sitting at the small table. The two younglings stared at him for a moment before shuffling onto the bench across from him. Brown and golden eyes watched him expectantly. He could see the sadness there, and it made his heart clench and strengthened his determination to take some of their weight.
“I figure let’s talk about the bantha in the room. We’re all thinking it. And I don’t want us moping around all day because of it. Today’s hard.” 
He internally cringed, feeling like he was a captain giving a pep talk to his ranks. That wasn’t how he wanted to do this. Leaning forward, he reached his hands across the table, palms up. It took a moment, but Nita and Arni both reached out and gripped his hands. 
“It’s hard, remembering what happened to us a year ago. It was awful, and every day I wish I could take that burden from you two. But I want you to know that I’m also grateful for some things that happened that day.”
“Like what?” Nita asked.
“Well, I’m glad Arni didn’t stab me with their lightsaber,” he started, and a hint of a smile tugged at the young Twi’lek’s lips. “I’m glad you both trusted me enough to come with me. I’m glad my chip didn’t activate and I was able to get the two of you out.” He squeezed their hands. “But above all, I’m grateful that I survived long enough to find the two of you. That we became a family. That we chose a name and have survived together. We’ve made a life for ourselves.” His voice cracked unexpectedly. “I had a family, but I always wondered what it would look like after the war, if all of my brothers would go their separate ways and I’d be left alone. I’m glad I’m not. I’m glad I have the two of you.” 
Nita sniffled, hopping off the bench and coming around to climb into Chuckles’s lap and throw her arms around his neck. 
“There was so much scary stuff that day. And I’m glad you found us too. And that Arni didn’t kill you.” 
Chuckles looked over the top of Nita’s head at Arni. They had tears running down their cheeks. 
“Hey,” he said softly. “It’s ok to feel sad. Or angry.”
“It’s just… how can they celebrate?” Arni whispered. It was the angriest he’d ever heard them. “Our friends were killed. For nothing. The Empire is tearing down everything the Republic built. How can we celebrate that?”
“Come here, kid,” Chuckles said quietly, scooting to the end of the bench. Arni came around the table, close enough to where Chuckles could awkwardly get an arm around them as well. He touched his forehead to theirs and then Nita’s. “There’s a lot of bad, but I want today to be a day for us. So, we’re not celebrating the Empire, we’re celebrating the day we became a family. I think that’s worth commemorating. What do you think?” 
Arni wrapped their arms around his chest, resting their head on his shoulder. “I think I’d like that.” 
“How do we do that?” Nita asked. 
“Well, we play games together. We eat good snacks. We talk about the good things that have happened as a family. Our favorite memories. And, if you feel like it, we talk about your friends and my brothers and keep their memories alive. Can we do that?” 
“I’d like that,” Arni said, wiping at their cheeks. 
“I’LL GET THE SNACKS!” Nita yelled, squirming out of Chuckles’s grip and sprinting off to retrieve her bags from her stash in their bedroom.
Arni leaned against Chuckles’s arm. “I’m glad you’re our family. I know people call you our dad, but how do you feel about that?”
Chuckles thought about it for a moment. It was something he’d been kicking around in his mind a lot as well. “I think that whatever feels right to you is what we can use. Whatever happens, you’re my kids, even if we don’t share any DNA. And that doesn’t have to be in a fatherly way if you don’t want it to be. I can be a weird uncle or just the guy that’s the oldest here. Whatever feels right.” 
Arni nodded. “I don’t remember what it was like to have parents, not really. I came to the temple when I was really little.” They chewed their lip. “I don’t know if I’ll ever call you ‘dad’, but I think you do feel like one, if that makes sense.” 
Chuckles smiled. “That works for me.”
Nita returned, tossing about five bags and boxes of snacks on the table. 
“Ok, so what’s your favorite memory?” she demanded, scooting back onto the bench and reaching for the Spice Snappers. 
Chuckles glanced at Arni, who thought for a second before breaking into a wide grin. “I’ve got a few, but one of them has to be when Nita beat you at hide and seek.”
The memory made Chuckles laugh out loud. When they’d been flying to Lothal, Nita had gotten bored and demanded they play hide and seek in the Starlight. Chuckles had felt confident, knowing there were only about three places in the ship that she could hide on her own. 
Apparently, she’d found a fourth. In the ceiling panels. 
Chuckles had been frantic, knowing there was no way she could have disappeared off a starship mid-hyperspace, and yet, she was nowhere to be found. He’d grabbed Arni by the shoulders, trying not to let his fear force him into yelling. 
“Ok, so, there are only a handful of places she could be on this ship, and she’s in none of them. I know you know where she is. You have GOT TO TELL ME WHERE SHE IS, ARNI.”
A giggle had erupted from the ceiling, and Chuckles’s eyes had snapped up to a grate where two golden eyes were peering down at him. 
“That’s a bad word,” she’d giggled. By the time they fished her out of the duct, she was covered in dust and cobwebs, but triumphant, declaring herself the galaxy’s greatest hider. 
Chuck didn’t disagree. 
That seemed so long ago, but Arni’s guffaws still rang fresh in his ears. Now, they were smiling and suppressing more giggles as they did an imitation of him. 
“You have GOT TO TELL ME WHERE SHE IS, ARNI,” they mocked playfully.
“That’s a good memory,” Chuckles agreed. “But I don’t sound like that.”
“Yes you do,” Nita argued. 
“Agree to disagree. Ok, what’s yours Nita?”
She pondered for a moment. “Swimming with you. And finding my crystal. I was glad you all were there. It made it feel more special.” She popped a snack into her mouth, which crunched loudly. “What about you?” 
Chuckles smiled. “I’ve got a few. Picking a name. Seeing you guys have your birthdays and get older. The looks on your faces when you saw your new room. Watching you run after that tooka the first day we were here.” He paused, realizing he’d cataloged more memories than he initially thought. 
Because they all feel special. 
Because they’re your kids and you love them.
His throat felt tight suddenly, and he reached into the Spice Snapper bag, popping one into his mouth. Nita was gleeful, Arni looked concerned. Chuck felt the heat overwhelm him and let the tears that were already there leak out of his eyes. 
“Woooo. Still hot. Thought I might have a tolerance for those.” 
“Maybe if you eat more,” Nita offered. 
Chuckles coughed hard, fanning his face. “Yeah. Maybe.” 
After Empire Day, it felt as if things settled even more for Chuckles. Sure, Endi was a new component of his life that he was sharing with the kids, but they adapted quickly. Arni still seemed stiff around her, but they were polite and engaging, and he appreciated that. He still hoped that they’d come around, but he wasn’t going to push them. 
It took them time to come around to you. They deserve that time to adjust to having her around.
The air chilled as the days shortened, and the weeks moved along at a steady pace, every day predictable to the point where any deviations from what was expected were noticeable, no matter how small. So when Chuckles arrived at the mine one afternoon, it was immediately apparent to him that someone was missing from their crew. 
“Where’s Lu?”
In all the time Chuckles had worked at the mine, he’d never known the Nikto to be so much as a minute late. Having him be completely absent was nearly unthinkable.
Helly fidgeted nervously at her locker, as Anj replied stiffly. “Took today off. He’s uh… having some family issues.” 
Chuckles nodded, pulling his gloves on. “That sounds…not good.”
Anj shrugged, but he could see the tension in her spine and an exhausted slump in her shoulders. It looked as though she hadn’t really slept. “Just needs some time to address it. Told him to take as long as he needs,” she said quietly. Finishing strapping the sensor on her ankle, she straightened, brushing off her coveralls and reaching into her locker for her tendril wrap, clearly considering the matter settled. 
She seemed off. Helly seemed worried. Something was bothering them, and Chuckles couldn’t tell if he was just looking for problems or if there actually was one. In the weeks since Empire Day, things had chugged on quietly. Too quietly. 
You’re just trying to find problems when there are none. You need to relax. The war is over, he tried to tell himself. But he still couldn’t fight that nagging feeling that something more was going on today. 
The lift appeared inside the gate at the far end of the tunnel with a metallic shriek that made Chuckles wince slightly, the doors grinding open to release the previous shift. Chuckles spotted Teef among them, making notes on his datapad and chuckling at something the man next to him was saying. They stopped by the lockers, some chatting with Anj or Helly before moving on. Chuckles nodded at a few of them as they went by. He’d come to know some of the other miners in these brief interactions where they passed each other, but most days, they never had time for more than a quick exchange before he headed down and they headed home. 
Anj slammed her locker shut, jogging to catch up with Teef to chat with him about something just as a heavy hand landed on Chuck’s shoulder. “Made sure to save the hard work for you,” a gruff voice snickered. Chuckles turned and grinned at the Devaronian that had appeared. 
“Sounds like Teef is paying you too much, Gornar,” he replied with a grin.
The Devaronian tipped his head back and cackled loudly. “I’m sure he’d agree with you.” He squeezed Chuck’s shoulder. “Been a while since we’ve crossed paths. Kids good? The little one like her party?”
“She loved it, but not as much as the new room she got out of it. Both of them have spent every spare second down there decorating it with whatever they can find. Arni’s going to have one of every specimen down there before the year is out.” 
Gornar chuckled. “I’m glad.” He leaned closer, glancing around before speaking quietly. “You’ve got some Imp inspectors down there today.”
“Inspectors? Didn’t think we were due for them for a while,” Chuckles noted with a raised eyebrow.
“We aren’t, but they’re here regardless. They don’t seem to be ones for humor either, so I’d stow the jokes and just keep your head down today.”
Chuckles feined offense. “Me? Joke? At work? Never.” 
Gornar’s smile faded, his expression growing more stoic. “I’m serious, Chuck. Not sure what’s afoot, but they took a lot of notes in their little datapads. Just don’t get yourself on anyone’s shit list if you can help it.”
“No promises,” Chuckles grinned. “But thanks for the heads up. I shall endeavor to behave.”
The Devaronian appeared to find that acceptable, grinning with sharp teeth. “Good man. I’ve got to get going. Promised Zeex I’d cook tonight. Stay safe down there today.” 
“Always,” Chuckles grinned, watching as the Devaronian jogged off, catching up with the rest of his crew as they made their way out of the shaft. Turning back to his locker, he reached for his helmet. 
“Is… isn’t that Lu?” Helly said quietly from next to him. 
Chuckles leaned out, and sure enough, he saw the Nikto walking towards them. 
“It is.”
Lu had his head down, not meeting anyone’s gaze, but his pace was hurried. He wore a heavy coat that reached to his ankles, one Chuckles hadn’t seen before. It struck him as slightly odd since the week had been uncharacteristically warm.
“Thought you weren’t gonna join us today!” Chuckles called, thinking of Anj’s words and trying to make it sound light. Lu slowed, finally raising his head to meet Chuck’s gaze.
“Felt like I should be here,” he said evenly.
Chuckles stepped closer. “Anj said you’ve got some family stuff you’re dealing with. If you need to take time, we can handle it.” He rested his hand on Lu’s shoulder, and the Nikto flinched away. 
Anj had paused her conversation with Teef and was looking over at them with a concerned expression. 
“Lu?” she asked, her confusion evident.
Lu glanced at her but did nothing else to acknowledge her remark. 
“I needed to be here,” he repeated quietly. 
Chuckles nodded. “If work’ll help, I get that.” He knew as well as anyone that sometimes throwing yourself back into a task could help distract from worries or grief. “Glad to have you, then.” 
Lu met his gaze again, and his eyes were sad, but something else was lurking in them that sent a shiver down Chuck’s spine. “You’re a lot of the good in the galaxy, Chuckles. You take care of people, even if you owe them nothin’. That’s hard to find nowadays.” His voice was odd, but Chuckles couldn’t pinpoint why. Lu reached out and patted him on the chest just above his breast pocket. It was strange, but everything about this encounter was, and Chuckles had no idea how to react.
“And Hells,” the Nikto continued, turning to the Rodian standing next to them,“if I could bottle your exuberance, I would. Don’t ever lose that, you know?” 
Helly stared at him for a moment before nodding. “I won’t. Are you sure you’re alright, Lu?” 
“Good. That’s good,” he replied, ignoring her question. Seemingly satisfied with the exchange, he dipped his head. “I’ll be seeing you.”
With that, he turned and strode off directly towards the lift, his pace somehow faster now, more determined. Chuckles watched him warily. There was something about his tone of voice that was irregular for the Nikto, yet oddly familiar, something that caused the hairs on the back Chuck’s neck to stand straight up. 
“Wait, Lu! You need your helmet at least!” Helly called after him.
Lu ignored her, continuing past the checkpoint and striding towards the lift. It was then that Chuck realized what was familiar about the tone of his voice. 
It was the resignation, the consignment to defeat, the finality. He’d heard it in Crater’s voice, just before he’d ordered him to run, knowing the fight was lost, knowing it was the end. 
Knowing he was about to die. 
He whipped his head around to look at Anj. Teef was leaving the shaft, and the Nautolan was making her way towards him with long, quick strides. Her dark eyes were focused on Lu’s back, confusion and concern clear in them.
“Anj?” Chuckles’s voice sounded small. He wanted to be wrong, but when he looked at Anj, he could see she was scared. Something had shaken her. Knowing everything he did about Anj, everything she'd survived, the understanding that she was rattled sent a cold spike of fear shooting through him. 
Something was very wrong. 
A flash of understanding dawned on Anj’s features. Her dark eyes widened in horror. 
“Oh, kriff,” she breathed, breaking into a sprint. 
“What’s going on?” Helly asked. 
Lu turned to face them, and Chuckles’s heart pounded in his ears as the Nikto pulled back his long, heavy coat, revealing a glittering array of thermal detonators strapped to his chest. His expression was sad, but determined as he raised a detonator in his hand, his thumb poised on the trigger.
“ANJ! STOP!” Chuckles screamed. He lunged towards her, just managing to grab her by her arm as she passed him and wrenching her back towards him. “FUCK! LU! NO!” Anj shouted, her voice breaking as she struggled in Chuckles’s grip, still trying to get to her friend. Chuck managed to keep his hold on her and tackle Helly to the ground, doing his best to shield them both underneath his body as the mine erupted in a roar of flames and smoke.
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A/N: Sorry. You all called it that I'd let things be chill for too long. Also, TP (aka Two-Pint) is one of @teletraan-meets-jarvis's OCs, which you can learn more about in her fic "Pieces."
Tag List: @redheadgirl @cyarbika @witchklng @djarrex @arctrooper69 @sleepingsun501 @ladytano420 @rexxdjarin @echos-girlfriend @zoeykallus @leftealeaf @galacticgraffiti @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall @ariadnes-red-thread @goblininawig @merkitty49 @ladykatakuri @runforrestr @baba-fett @daimyosprincess
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openheartfanfics · 8 months
Dance with me - @perriewinklenerdie
Date Night Part Two - @lem-20 
Delicioso - @takemyopenheart Dominant Ethan speaking Spanish. That’s it. That’s the summary.
Déjà Vu - @openheartthot Ethan and Camille’s dinner plans devolve into something a bit less…sophisticated. Sequel to Layers, set during OH:SY chapter 13.
Desire - @coffeeheartaddict2  Post country club to when Casey wakes Ethan up to tell him that she has figured out what is wrong with Naveen from Casey’s perspective.  [1.15]
Desk Job - @aworldoffandoms  Ethan struggles to keep his composure when he has some unexpected company with the arrival of his girlfriend, Harper Emery, while on the job. Feat. Harper x Ethan x MC
Dinner with Chief Ramsey - @choiceskatie   Ethan gets a special visitor when he fails to come home from the hospital.
Dirty Talk - @jamespotterthefirst   Their workout session takes a steamy turn.
Distracted Art Appreciation - @queenbirbs  It takes him fifty-six days in the jungle to get over her. Or, well, so he thought.
Do It For Me - @usuallyamazinglyaverage  MC’s accidental slip-up has consequences. Kinktober: daddy kink, dirty talk, dry humping, hair pulling, begging, restraints and swallowing
Doctor’s Orders - @boneandfur “You have no idea how much i want you.”
Doctor’s Orders - @jamespotterthefirst   His knees crack when it matters the most.
Distracting - @jamespotterthefirst   Ethan is never going to meet that deadline when his wife looks that distracting.
Dreams - @the-pale-goddess   Ethan and Tiffany have sex dreams and things turn steamy.
Early morning - @perriewinklenerdie
Early Morning Sex - @daddyethanramsey 
Edenbrook’s Picture Day - @lapisreviewsstuff 
Encore - @rookie-ramsey  MC and Ethan have an evening well spent.
End this nonsense - @perriewinklenerdie
Escapade - @jamespotterthefirst 🦃 A quick getaway in a coat closet during a friend’s party.
Everybody Hurts Sometimes - @coffeeheartaddict2 📚Ⓜ [extended: series] Casey is a top intern at Edenbrook, Ethan is the lead of Diagnostics. 
Part 1: Fun In the Sun ♥ 
Everything - @lem-20  Ethan and MC spend the night at his apartment after his love confession. 3.16 missing scene
“𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒅” - @aag8  5 years later everything has changed for them.
Fantasy - @xxtraord1nary  Ethan gets caught up in a steamy fantasy about Charlotte, his protégé who continues to plague his mind.
Fantasy - @lsvdw-blog  Write a fantasy one of them has about the other.
Fatherly Advice - @shewillreadyou  At the advice of Naveen, Rhyann uses her feminine wiles to persuade her fiance to join her for a charity benefit in the form of a costume party. Kinktober Day 4: Uniforms and Deep-throating. Feat. Platonic Naveen
Feel It - @togetherwearerapture
Feel Me - @perriewinklenerdie  OH3 Chapter 11 added content. Round two after Ethan’s love confession.
Fever - @ofmischiefandmedicine   After an evening full of temptation, Ethan Ramsey must face the inevitable truth – Laura Levchenko is a woman impossible to forget.
Fight - @starrystarrytrouble Ethan and MC are fighting and everyone at Edenbrook knows it.
Flight of Fancy - @takeharryandgo  Ethan reflects on the night in Miami while flying home to Boston.
Florals - @jamespotterthefirst  Ethan is a fan of that floral dress on her.
Fire & Desire - @heauxplesslydevoted After the funeral, Naomi heads to Ethan’s apartment for comfort. Let’s pretend that 30 diamond scene in chapter 12 didn’t happen, okay?
Follemente Innamorata - @helloayz  Ethan will finally tell those words to Anj
For Lost Time - @jamespotterthefirst They continue to make up for lost time after their encounter in his car. Set during the events of Book 2, Chapter 12
For The First Time - @the-writerly-night-owl  They finally took that next step in their relationship and Ethan loved every bit of it.
For The Love of Texting - @takeharryandgo  He hates texting, but he doesn’t hate it quite so much when he’s texting her. Return of the sexting.
Forever and Always - @takemyopenheart What happens now that Ethan and Luz finally get a moment to themselves in the office?
Forget You - @takeharryandgo  Meredith is finally, resolutely done with him. Well, almost.  Set shortly after book 2, ch 8.
Fourteen Hours - @writinghereandthere  Dr Ramsey and Mariana work through the aftermath of an accidental night together while on-call.
Free Pass - @justanotherrookie 🍘 Ethan, Tobias and MC threesome
Freed From Desire - @whenyourheartskipsabeat  A soundproof room. 
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zhonglicksuck · 1 year
Aether x lumine | woman 🔞
NSFW. Some use of english. Don't like don't read.
cw// rough sex, local profanities, incest.
Seluruh mahasiswa Akademiya tahu Lumine dan Aether merupakan kembar yang tak pernah akur. Seringkali Lumine membantah sang kakak, atau Aether mengejek adiknya. Ditambah sore ini, Aether baru saja terlibat perdebatan kecil karena si adik diperebutkan oleh ketua BEM, Childe, juga ketua senat, Ayato, untuk jalan malam ini.
Kala itu, Aether berteriak, "Sekarang jatah Lumine bersihin apartemen. Jadi gue yang bawa dia pulang."
Tentu saja Lumine protes. Selama perjalanan pulang, dia merutuki Aether sampai telinga cowok itu mungkin bakal lepas di tempat. Ocehan itu pun berlanjut hingga di rumah.
"Lo kenapa sih? Nggak seneng banget lihat gue nikmatin hidup. Iri tanda tak mampu," gerutu Lumine. Alisnya meninggi sebelah. "Oh, lupa. Emang nggak mampu. No one want you. You can't fuck anyone, Mr. Small Dick."
Apa Aether marah? Agaknya hal tersebut sudah tak perlu dijelaskan. Lumine dipastikan bermain dengan titik yang salah, dan ejekan tersebut melepas rem kesabaran Aether.
"You talk too much, Little Sister."
Ada dua kesalahan Lumine: mengejek Aether, atau mengira kontol cowok itu kecil.
Justru kebalikannya. Dan entah ini berkah atau kesialan, Lumine bisa langsung merasakannya sendiri.
He shows her how to fuck, by fucking her immediately.
Lupakan soal bersih-bersih apartemen. Yang ada kamar Lumine makin berantakan, kakinya menendang acak seprei dan selimut, diikuti cairan dari vaginanya yang membasahi kasur akibat penyatuan mereka.
Lebih mengejutkan lagi, Lumine menemukan dirinya tak ingin berhenti. Her brother really knows how to fuck for sure, to make her pussy begging for more.
"Aether—anjing! Lagi ...." Lumine kembali melenguh, membuat kembarannya itu bergerak makin cepat, menusuk lubang kewanitaannya itu kasar dan dalam.
She likes it that way, how his cock moving inside her pussy hard.
"Masih mau jual mahal? Ngeledekin punya gue kecil?" ledek Aether, walaupun dia sendiri kesulitan bicara akibat kenikmatan cengkeraman vagina Lumine. "Padahal memek lo ini sebegini pengen dikontolin."
"Iya, mau."
"Mau apa?" Sengaja Aether berhenti bergerak, senyum pongah terpatri di wajahnya tatkala Lumine mengangkat sedikit pinggangnya seolah angin bisa menumpunya, kemudian berusaha mendorong tubuhnya agar batang perkasa Aether bisa masuk lebih dalam.
"Mau dientot sama kontol Aether! Please, please, please. Fuck me so hard I can barely even walk after this."
"Request accepted."
Hanya dengan itu, Aether pun kembali bergerak memompa Lumine, gerakannya jauh lebih cepat dan kasar ketimbang sebelumnya.
"Nghh ... Enak."
Lumine mengangguk seraya menengadah dalam posisinya yang tengah berbaring, matanya nyaris berputar ke belakang akibat hujaman di selangkangannya.
"Bilang siapa yang bikin lo enak," perintah Aether.
Tak ingin sang kakak menarik diri dan menghentikan sesi panas ini, Lumine langsung menjawab, "Lo, Aether. Lo dan kontol gede lo ini bikin gue keenakan. Nghh ... bangsat. Enak banget!"
"Dasar lonte. Dientot kakak sendiri malah seneng."
Semua kata-kata hinaan itu justru menjelma bagaikan minyak bagi api hasrat Lumine. Racauannya makin berisik dan liar. Entah apartemen Aether kedap suara atau tidak. Lumine sudah masa bodoh. Dia ingin berfokus pada satu titik saja.
"Ahh, Lumine. Memek lo jepit banget." Aether menggeram rendah, menggunakan telunjuk untuk menekan klitoris Lumine, membuat sang empunya melengking keenakan.
"Fuck! Fuck! Nggghhh ... mau muncrat." Lumine menggeleng cepat. Pengakuan itu menjadikan Aether makin berani. Sodokannya makin kuat, dan tangannya kini mencubit titik sensitif Lumine. Sentuhan ini sukses mengantarnya sampai ke ujung tanduk nafsu, tapi jelas dia terlalu meremehkan Aether jika berharap ini sudah puncak dari sesi senggama mereka.
"Aether ... Ahhh! Bangsat! Enakhhh ...." Bisa dia rasakan bagaimana kontol Aether membesar, membuatnya merasa penuh di bawah sana. Aether bisa merasakan bagaimana dinding kewanitaan Lumine berkedut di sekitar miliknya.
"Udah mau keluar?" sindir Aether. "Betulan lonte, ya, lo. Harusnya Ayato sama Childe nggak perlu rebutin lo. You'll take them both."
Membayangkan dua seniornya ikut menyetubuhinya membuat Lumine kepalang mabuk.
Aether pun tertawa. "Suka? Mau mereka lihatin gue ngentotin lo di sini, Adik Manis? Atau lo mau mereka gabung?"
Gangbang? Sial, berahi Lumine berganda seketika.
"Langsung lo bayangin?" Aether menampar selangkangan Lumine, lantas merasakan bagaimana kejantanannya makin dicengkeram. "What a bitch in heat. Should I make it come true?"
Lumine tidak bisa menjawab, kecuali jika desahan serta jeritan ekstasi itu bisa dikategorikan sebagai jawaban. Cewek itu meremas sprei sementara kakinya melebar, memberi akses bagi pria yang tengah menghujam kontolnya itu ke dalam dirinya.
"Mau keluar ...."
"Mau keluar?"
"Let me cum, Ther. Please," bujuk Lumine. Lupakan soal bagaimana judes dan cueknya dia sebelumnya. Kali ini dia melingkarkan lengan di leher kakaknya, menariknya mendekat hingga memungkinkan bibir mereka bertemu.
Sungguh, Lumine sudah tidak tahan. Dia sedikit waswas kalau Aether akan iseng menarik diri dan membuat pelepasannya gagal. Tapi, mana bisa Aether menolak ketika Lumine sudah terlihat sebegini pasrah dan memohon. Pun dia sendiri sudah dekat menuju puncak gairahnya.
"Tapi gue keluar di dalam," ujar Aether final.
Mata Lumine langsung berbinar. "Pejuin gue, Aether. Let me feel your warmth inside."
Adek gue ini lonte banget. Aether bergumam dalam hati. Meski begitu, bibirnya tersenyum puas.
"Lo bakal jadi cum dump gue, Lum. You'll be addicted with my cock, my cum, my way of fucking you inside out."
Seluruh kata-kata kotor itu diikuti entakan kuat, membuat Lumine bergelinjang nikmat.
"Iya ... iyahhh. Lo mau entotin gue juga ... bebas. Pake gue kapan aja, di man juga, sama siapa juga—ahhh, fuck! Aether! Keluarrrhhh."
Lewat nama itu, tubuh Lumine pun bergetar. Aether masih memberikan beberapa sodokan lagi hingga dia keluar di sana, memenuhi rahim Lumine dengan spermanya.
Keduanya sama-sama mengatur napas, dan Aether pun menyingkir dari atas Lumine, kemudian memeluknya.
"That feels good," katanya. "Gue nggak tahu lo bisa seliar ini, Lum."
"Lo juga yang bikin orang blingsatan." Lumine boleh saka protes. Meski begitu, dia tidak bisa berbohong. Dia suka diperlakukan begitu. It made their sex hotter, even sexier.
And by this, they will never be the same.
Lumine terpejam hingga kesadarannya tenggelam dalam lelap, membiarkan diri nyaman dalam rengkugan Aether. Namun, dia tahu semua ini masih jauh dari berakhir, dan dia sama sekali tidak keberatan. Aether has made her a woman—his woman, and so her body is his to control or to fuck.
Either way, Lumine tahu dia akan menikmatinya.
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I’m just going to reply to you directly since you want my attention so bad and it’ll be the only time, really: you can pretend all you want and you can send yourself all those anons all you like but you pretending doesn’t change the facts that you’re harassing me and you’re also attacking a BUNCH of other people (feelboss isn’t a liar, neither is nuxcia, or zoological, kain, heck, I wouldn’t have met these people if it wasn’t for you, funnily enough) and going to extremes like pasting that old picture of me onto a naked woman’s body; which, btw, definitely constitutes sexual harassment, and since you used a photo of when i was a minor, that’s something that can get you into a bunch of legal shit unless you take it down. I’ve also moderated fic comments and disallowed anons, which you would do if you were so concerned about your “own” anons, but you won’t because you need those fake anons as “proof” lol.
Go on. Moderate your comments and disallow anons. If you’re not the one sending them to yourself that should be an easy step to take.
Let’s face it, Jessica: you have such a sad, pathetic life that stalking me and all these other people is the only thing that gets you out of bed every day. I don’t say this to be cruel, I’m just saying this as general statement. I have friends, a job, a family I care about and I like to do things with my life outside of the internet. So do anj and wiki and everyone else. What do you have? I can’t say I or they ought to care about you at all since all of your problems seem mostly self-inflicted and I’m not interesting in whether or not you have a sad background. Your motivations or lack thereof don’t excuse your behaviours toward us.
Because at the end of the day, I can go do things without giving you a second thought unless you’re being a fool again. Can you say the same for yourself? Can you honestly go through a whole day without checking my blog or sending me racist rape threats? Do you have a job? A hobby outside the internet? Family you can talk to? Do yourself (and everyone!) a favour and try doing something entirely else! Everyone will definitely be better off for it.
Really? So Renee sent herself anons for seven years. Do you realize how insane you sound?
You sent those anons, 2goldensnitches, the writing style, the emojis is all consistent with you. FEelboss is a stalker, she has a note, nuxcia celebrated theft of empress’ story and Kain, he literally covered for you and pretended he was harassed. Zoological? Bah, he was harassed by you. You met these people because you stalked and harassed Renee, it is hilarious you think this doesn’t prove you were stalking Renee.
Here is the funny bit, Nuxcia never received hate mail from Renee, the artstation thing was resolved and there was never any abuse. You know the name cause you were excited that you got an opportunity to harass Renee again. Imagine being such a pathetic loser, you went to look up people just to pretend you care about them. Sad. You have my absolute disgust.
You sent my sister, and Renee messages with the words “ spank me, mistress. Sex dungeons” for say, over seven years – that is criminal sexual harassment.  Also, telling my sister and Renee, that it was self sent, that is gaslighting.
I believe that picture constitutes fanart, which is very legal. Right?
Renee choosing not to disallow anons or moderate comments does not reflect my or Renee’s guilt. And if you didn’t want that pic to be passed around, you will delete the receipt blog and submit an apology but seems like you want to use the blog for more harassment.
Notice how I am not doing it to myself, cause I haven’t presented any such sexual harassment. I or Renee can’t imitate emojis or the way you talk.
Oh Nick ,you’re an attention whore, begging for attention and resorting to harassment and abuse to violate people because face it, your life sucks, and you just lying to yourself.  And you want me to pity you after saying these things, you want me to feel bad for you after being such a vicious asshole.  You are not fooling anyone Nick, you are pathetic, you sexually harassed someone for years, your life is pretty damn sad.
Nope, you clearly care because here you are..lol. Again, you sent Renee hundred s of messages, you lied that she sent it to herself. You stalked her, now you’re crying because why? You want pity? Lol. Delete your receipt blog then.
The fact is you started it to harass Renee and my sister, and continue to do so...
Ok, Renee totally sent herself anon messages, I agree. You're right. Now the question remains, if Jessica is so insane as to send herself anon messages over seven years, why are you trying to reason with her?
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Here is the emails along with dates. So your theory is she spent all this time harassing herself to make poor little you guilty. Didn't work the first time, but she kept doing it. Yet, here you are trying to reason with her. Kind of odd. Clearly, she likes harassing people so why would anything you've said move her?
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connorchen-saddog8 · 14 days
Basic Unit of Display
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吓粑粑 Blabla HOle, Harry's Magical Little Wand, 2024, 8:24mins
just the concept of two guys having sex contrasting with the serious political discourse in their conversation is jarring and absurdist and hilarious. The install is great! i love the double channel video, and the lulls of conversation into moaning while the other is talking. The visuals are great too - I wonder how the effect of human shaped masks of other videos are made? My guess is either keying or... some blending effect? yeah. i really like this work,. its really funny.
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Kitman Yeung, come come, 2021, 4:02mins
This work was stunning too. The stylised animation with those intimate pencil marks... the unimmersive / strange and soft sound design. awwesome.
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Anje Rossendell-Piper, Scrying Vessel, 2024, 4:08 mins
rhythm... the image... flashing... iphone. iphone. the everyday. the train...
0 notes
2goldensnitchesfilth · 10 months
2goldensnitches asked:
I’m just going to reply to you directly since you want my attention so bad and it’ll be the only time, really: you can pretend all you want and you can send yourself all those anons all you like but you pretending doesn’t change the facts that you’re harassing me and you’re also attacking a BUNCH of other people (feelboss isn’t a liar, neither is nuxcia, or zoological, kain, heck, I wouldn’t have met these people if it wasn’t for you, funnily enough) and going to extremes like pasting that old picture of me onto a naked woman’s body; which, btw, definitely constitutes sexual harassment, and since you used a photo of when i was a minor, that’s something that can get you into a bunch of legal shit unless you take it down. I’ve also moderated fic comments and disallowed anons, which you would do if you were so concerned about your “own” anons, but you won’t because you need those fake anons as “proof” lol.
Go on. Moderate your comments and disallow anons. If you’re not the one sending them to yourself that should be an easy step to take.
Let’s face it, Jessica: you have such a sad, pathetic life that stalking me and all these other people is the only thing that gets you out of bed every day. I don’t say this to be cruel, I’m just saying this as general statement. I have friends, a job, a family I care about and I like to do things with my life outside of the internet. So do anj and wiki and everyone else. What do you have? I can’t say I or they ought to care about you at all since all of your problems seem mostly self-inflicted and I’m not interesting in whether or not you have a sad background. Your motivations or lack thereof don’t excuse your behaviours toward us.
Because at the end of the day, I can go do things without giving you a second thought unless you’re being a fool again. Can you say the same for yourself? Can you honestly go through a whole day without checking my blog or sending me racist rape threats? Do you have a job? A hobby outside the internet? Family you can talk to? Do yourself (and everyone!) a favour and try doing something entirely else! Everyone will definitely be better off for it.
Really? So Renee sent herself anons for seven years. Do you realize how insane you sound?
You sent those anons, 2goldensnitches, the writing style, the emojis is all consistent with you. FEelboss is a stalker, she has a note, nuxcia celebrated theft of empress’ story and Kain, he literally covered for you and pretended he was harassed. Zoological? Bah, he was harassed by you. You met these people because you stalked and harassed Renee, it is hilarious you think this doesn’t prove you were stalking Renee.
You sent my sister, and Renee messages with the words “ spank me, mistress. Sex dungeons” for say, over seven years – that is criminal sexual harassment.  Also, telling my sister and Renee, that it was self sent, that is gaslighting.
I believe that picture constitutes fanart, which is very legal. Right?
Me choosing not to disallow anons or moderate comments does not reflect my or Renee’s guilt. And if you didn’t want that pic to be passed around, you will delete the receipt blog and submit an apology but seems like you want to use the blog for more harassment.
Notice how I am not doing it to myself, cause I haven’t presented any such sexual harassment. I or Renee can’t imitate emojis or the way you talk.
Oh Nick ,you’re an attention whore, begging for attention and resorting to harassment and abuse to violate people because face it, your life sucks, and you just lying to yourself.  And you want me to pity you after saying these things, you want me to feel bad for you after being such a vicious asshole.  Your not fooling anyone Nick, you are pathetic, you sexually harassed someone for years, your life is pretty damn sad.
Nope, you clearly care because here you are..lol. Again, you sent Renee hundred s of messages, you lied that she sent it to herself. You stalked her, now you’re crying because why? You want pity? Lol. Delete your receipt blog then.
The fact is you started it to harass Renee and my sister, and continue to do so...
Ok, Renee totally sent herself anon messages, I agree. You're right. Now the question remains, if Jessica is so insane as to send herself anon messages over seven years, why are you trying to reason with her?
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Here is the emails along with dates. So your theory is she spent all this time harassing herself to make poor little you guilty. Didn't work the first time, but she kept doing it. Yet, here you are trying to reason with her. Kind of odd. Clearly, she likes harassing people so why would anything you've said move her?
0 notes
2goldensnitches asked:
I’m just going to reply to you directly since you want my attention so bad and it’ll be the only time, really: you can pretend all you want and you can send yourself all those anons all you like but you pretending doesn’t change the facts that you’re harassing me and you’re also attacking a BUNCH of other people (feelboss isn’t a liar, neither is nuxcia, or zoological, kain, heck, I wouldn’t have met these people if it wasn’t for you, funnily enough) and going to extremes like pasting that old picture of me onto a naked woman’s body; which, btw, definitely constitutes sexual harassment, and since you used a photo of when i was a minor, that’s something that can get you into a bunch of legal shit unless you take it down. I’ve also moderated fic comments and disallowed anons, which you would do if you were so concerned about your “own” anons, but you won’t because you need those fake anons as “proof” lol.
Go on. Moderate your comments and disallow anons. If you’re not the one sending them to yourself that should be an easy step to take.
Let’s face it, Jessica: you have such a sad, pathetic life that stalking me and all these other people is the only thing that gets you out of bed every day. I don’t say this to be cruel, I’m just saying this as general statement. I have friends, a job, a family I care about and I like to do things with my life outside of the internet. So do anj and wiki and everyone else. What do you have? I can’t say I or they ought to care about you at all since all of your problems seem mostly self-inflicted and I’m not interesting in whether or not you have a sad background. Your motivations or lack thereof don’t excuse your behaviours toward us.
Because at the end of the day, I can go do things without giving you a second thought unless you’re being a fool again. Can you say the same for yourself? Can you honestly go through a whole day without checking my blog or sending me racist rape threats? Do you have a job? A hobby outside the internet? Family you can talk to? Do yourself (and everyone!) a favour and try doing something entirely else! Everyone will definitely be better off for it.
Really? So Renee sent herself anons for seven years. Do you realize how insane you sound?
You sent those anons, 2goldensnitches, the writing style, the emojis is all consistent with you. FEelboss is a stalker, she has a note, nuxcia celebrated theft of empress’ story and Kain, he literally covered for you and pretended he was harassed. Zoological? Bah, he was harassed by you. You met these people because you stalked and harassed Renee, it is hilarious you think this doesn’t prove you were stalking Renee.
You sent my sister, and Renee messages with the words “ spank me, mistress. Sex dungeons” for say, over seven years – that is criminal sexual harassment.  Also, telling my sister and Renee, that it was self sent, that is gaslighting.
I believe that picture constitutes fanart, which is very legal. Right?
Me choosing not to disallow anons or moderate comments does not reflect my or Renee’s guilt. And if you didn’t want that pic to be passed around, you will delete the receipt blog and submit an apology but seems like you want to use the blog for more harassment.
Notice how I am not doing it to myself, cause I haven’t presented any such sexual harassment. I or Renee can’t imitate emojis or the way you talk.
Oh Nick ,you’re an attention whore, begging for attention and resorting to harassment and abuse to violate people because face it, your life sucks, and you just lying to yourself.  And you want me to pity you after saying these things, you want me to feel bad for you after being such a vicious asshole.  Your not fooling anyone Nick, you are pathetic, you sexually harassed someone for years, your life is pretty damn sad.
Nope, you clearly care because here you are..lol. Again, you sent Renee hundred s of messages, you lied that she sent it to herself. You stalked her, now you’re crying because why? You want pity? Lol. Delete your receipt blog then.
The fact is you started it to harass Renee and my sister, and continue to do so...
Ok, Renee totally sent herself anon messages, I agree. You're right. Now the question remains, if Jessica is so insane as to send herself anon messages over seven years, why are you trying to reason with her?
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Here is the emails along with dates. So your theory is she spent all this time harassing herself to make poor little you guilty. Didn't work the first time, but she kept doing it. Yet, here you are trying to reason with her. Kind of odd. Clearly, she likes harassing people so why would anything you've said move her?
0 notes
whorekneecentral · 2 years
as it should be.
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storyofdawn · 10 months
Rabu, 9 Agustus 2023 - 15.11
Today, the mood and the air feels weird.
I'm not comfortable with it.
Yesterday's conversations flash me back.
In the car.
We were talking about my sister.
He said to remind my sister not to forget her thesis and start preparing it. Then, he started talking about how he can manage all the challenges and hardships during his college life.
Oke, aku akui.
Untuk seumuran dia memang dia terbilang cukup sukses.
Tapi hal yang aku gak suka adalah saat dimana dia mulai membandingkan pencapaian yang dia punya dengan pencapaian yang orang lain dapatkan. He mentioned some old friends' names.
"This one person," he said, "he already works in a big 4 but his salary is still below me. He's actually a manager level now." He's a close friend of his.
Then he mentioned the next person. A. "Dia sekarang biasa-biasa aja." A is a wife and a mom. She doesn't go to work.
Then he mentioned B. "B juga biasa-biasa aja." She's a freelancer - making pretty handmade wedding invitations.
Pait. Does he even realize that I'm also not working now because he cheated behind me and pleaded me to give up my work and follow him to this fucking dumbass place??!!
"Kalau mau sukses usahanya tu ga bisa biasa aja, ya jadinya nanti ya biasa-biasa aja" Oh yes I'm that BIASA BIASA AJA person NOT LIKE YOUR FUCKING EX AND YOUR SELINGKUHAN who are very successful FUCKING SHIT ANJING.
MULUT LO. Hahahahahahahaha
Si anjing. Pengen gue anjing-anjing in..
I think tomorrow I'll get my period.
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openheartfanfics · 3 years
Ethan Ramsey x F!MC Smut & NSFW
One Shots G-L
Games & Fears - @aarisa-frost
Garden of love - @perriewinklenerdie
Give and Take - @usuallyamazinglyaverage Ethan catches MC and Bryce in the observation deck. The tension between them reaches a high point and MC quickly realizes that Ethan really enjoys giving…
Glasses - @mrsdr-ethan-ramsey Ethan leaves his glasses at the hospital, so Parker volunteers to bring them to him, and well one thing leads to another…
Golden - @writinghereandthere Ethan and Mariana head south of Italy for a holiday getaway, and.. enjoy themselves...a lot.
Gone Too Soon - @cyb3r-kat When Ethan has everything he could ever want, what happens once he has nothing?  TW: swearing, sexism and a post sex scene.
GOOD AS GOLD - @vi-writes-stuff The events before and after their impromptu date night. Set between book 2 and 3. Sequel to All I’ve Ever Known
Good Girl - @irisofpurple 🩺 What happens when Lana comes home to Ethan, fashionably late after a girls night?
Good Interruption - @coffeeheartaddict2  Ethan comes home from a business trip early to surprise Casey and he interrupts her.
Good Morning - @fanficnewbie The morning after the storm. 2.14 Rewrite.
Green Eyed Monster - @heauxplesslydevoted During a fundraising event for Edenbrook, Ethan’s jealousy gets the better of him.
Good to be Home - @jerzwriter 🩺 Shortly after Ethan & Casey make things official, Ethan leaves for a 1-month research initiative at the Mayo Clinic. Welcome to his return home…
Heart String Complications -  @openheart12 Set during a charity event, Ethan has been avoiding MC since they last slept together.
Heartbeat Song - @liaromancewriter  Cassie convinces Ethan to join her for a relaxing bubble bath, but it soon turns into something more.
Heat -  @takeharryandgo “It’s not the only kind of heat I’d like to add…” Where 2.8 should have gone if Ethan’s dad hadn’t cockblocked him.
Hey, Stranger - @cariantha  A handsome stranger offers Sawyer a ride in his pickup truck.
His Kiss of Life - @xxtraord1nary A tedious work gala takes a sensual turn and becomes a hot night filled with passion and heated restroom affairs. Warnings: Cursing, Spanking, Dirty Talk, Rough Sex.
Hopeful Hearts, Part Two - @brooks-eden During the Gala, Ethan and Brooke sneak off for a more private encounter. 2.17 rewrite.
Hummingbird - @brooks-eden Brooke tries not to reveal a more...complicated side to her feelings and Ethan still knows something is wrong.
Hunger Pains - @cariantha 👻 Sawyer is in a bad mood. Ethan helps her calm down.
Hurts So Good - @takemyopenheart Ethan and Luz take turns fulfilling their innermost desires.
I don’t want you - @perriewinklenerdie
I know - @perriewinklenerdie
I missed you - @hopelessromantic1352 Four months after Naveen is cured their relationship is going strong.
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - @lucy-268 🎄 They work tirelessly through the night to make it a memorable Christmas.
I’ll Be Home For Christmas - @heauxplesslydevoted 🎄 Ethan gets the Christmas gift of his dreams.
I’ll Protect You - @helloayz Brief mention of chapter 15 and Ethan discovers the story of Anj's past. TW: mentions of physical, emotional, sexual abuse, and miscarriage
Infuriating - @isporticus1234 Ethan and Teagan continue their conversation about the newest diagnostics patient, but it quickly escalates into something more.
Insatiable - @aworldoffandoms After making the biggest mistake of his life, Ethan sets out to get his girl back, but his desire for her gets there first and he’s insatiable.
Insecure - @jerzwriter  Kaycee couldn't be prouder of Ethan, but with half the world lusting for the man she's secretly involved in, she becomes a bit insecure.
Insomnia - @irisofpurple Ethan after seeing MC for the first time after his return from Amazon.
Interruptions - @lucy-268  Smut-tember. It’s been three months since the twins were born. And Ethan is ready to resume his marital activities.
Into the Battlefield - @itslaniquelove
Irresistible - @takeharryandgo This may be the stupidest plan she’s ever devised, and yet she’s just desperate enough to try it. [Office Sex]
It’s Not Goodbye -  @chaoticchopshopheart  Ethan knows that he needs to maintain a professional distance from Penelope for the sake of her growth as a doctor. But he can't bring himself to hurt her either.
It’s Our Paradise - @usuallyamazinglyaverage Ethan and Anna waste a lot of water after their first time together. Set after 1.10.
Jealous - @shewillreadyou It’s her 30th birthday and Ethan doesn’t like how much of the party she’s spending at Rafael’s side. Feat. Ethan x F!MC x Rafael  
Jealousy & Desire - @takeharryandgo Ethan is more than a little upset to find that she’s moved on so quickly after Miami. Takes place in Book 1, somewhere between Ch. 11 and 12.
Just Desserts - @coffeeheartaddict2 💘 Casey buys a heart shape cake and fun ensues.
Just In Case - @itslaniquelove Swearing, Heavy petting and kissing
Just This Once... - @lem-20
Journey through the Fruit Tropics - @romewritingshop
Kicking it Up a Notch - @genevievemd 📱 The first time Genevieve sends Ethan a spicy photo, and things go from hot to hotter.
Let it snow - @perriewinklenerdie   2.14 rewrite. Round two because they can’t keep their hands off each other.
Let Them Eat Cake - @heauxplesslydevoted Ethan and Naomi have their own private cake tasting
Let’s Call It What it Is (a good f**king time) - @utterlyinevitable  No plot. Just Ethan and Becca getting off. There may be some feelings hiding about too.
Lights Out - @choiceskatie Casey's desire for her new boyfriend comes back to bite them.
Like Ships in the Night - @txemrn 📚Ⓜ [series] Anthology series about how fate tried bringing Tatum and Ethan back together during their 15 years apart.
Prologue: We Finally Got It All Right 
Long Distance - @bex-la-get  Natalie struggles with the distance when Ethan leaves town for a business trip.
Long Overdue - @lem-20 Set during the 2.18 time jump. Casey and Ethan spend a long overdue night together.
Long overdue - @zealouscanonindeer   Aspen needs Ethan. That's it, that's the plot.
Long Time Coming - @jerzwriter  Kaycee and Ethan have been looking forward to this night for a long time, but when things go wrong, Kaycee drowns her sorrows...can they salvage the night?
Long Time Running - @perriewinklenerdie Chapter 17 rewrite. Everyone knows they are together now. But no one sees what’s happening behind the closed door of his office.
L-O-V-E - @utterlyinevitable  Ethan doesn’t plan to say the fated words. They just slip out in the heat of the moment.
Love Bites - @liaromancewriter    Ethan and Cassie get a little carried away in their sex capades.
Love Me Like You Do - @bex-la-get  Natalie and Ethan celebrate their honeymoon, the only way they know how.
Lover - @genevievemd  Ethan spends the evening worshipping his wife on her birthday.
Lover -  @openheart12 Ethan is ignoring MC after the board decides the team will only take paying patients.
Lover Be Good To Me - @grigori-girl
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ijustkilledthesheep · 2 years
Read This
Hola  🐑  bitches of Open Heart Fandom
Guess who’s back? Come come, guess. Oh that's right your minuscule brain cells can't. Shockers.  It’s me @lazyruinssheep 
Hope you had fun dragging @lawyerlies and @chaoticchopshopheart down the drain. I can’t believe you fell for my trap and it was so good to watch  the  whole fandom drag two fake ass good girls  down. They were the easiest to pull anyway. I bet you felt good about dragging them huh @jamespotterthefirst, @bex-la-get, @jerzwriter, @lucy-268, @genevievemd, @a-crepusculo, @potionsprefect @danijimenezv @takeharryandgo? Hope you feel vindicated by doing just that. 
Did you think that I was finished when I posted those two notes, well all of you are wrong. I was just getting started. That was just an appetiser and this one’s the salad. I hope you are ready for the main course and dessert coming soon. 
How about I start with @chaoticchopshopheart. After all, you got dragged into this party without even knowing it. You think you're this sweet neutral person who always uplifts people. Bitch you don't know everyone in the fandom is tired of your fake sweetness. No one needs you to tell them their fics are awesome. They find it irritating that you go lick their boots hoping that they will in turn reblog the utter trash you put out there. God you're such a bore. You just don't have the talent or the brains to create anything. 
Coming to your MC - Penelope Saunders. Who the fuck is her face claim? How many times will you change her face claim?  She is such a spoiled rich brat bragging about her family wealth all the time and shoving her family down Ethan's throat. I wonder why he tolerates her nonsense. Don’t get me started on Ricky - why does he always come running when his sister calls? Is he a pet dog or something? 
@crazy-loca-blog, I know that you are not a writer but trying to make yourself so smart by what?  Digging deep and posting research of Ethan Ramsey, what a lame ass knucklehead. You are just  dumbass fucker who thinks that by kissing asses with @jamespotterthefirst, @bex-la-get, @jerzwriter, @lucy-268, @genevievemd, @a-crepusculo, @potionsprefect @danijimenezv @takeharryandgo you would suddenly become a relevant person in this fandom. Congrats bitch you did it. I’ll pop champagne for you. 
@writer-ish, I hope you’re ready because I am. You are so pompous into thinking that you are even that famous in the fandom. You only got popular because of your text-fics but otherwise you are bland and a shit fucker and that’s just for starters. 
Let’s go with your MC Brooke, she is a birdbrain for a start, you think that she’s funny? Please, she is unoriginal, humourless and boring. Brooke 
@a-crepusculo, I saw that you want more insults hurled at you. You are a sleaze-ball and airhead who thinks that by climbing up the ladders of the fandom and rubbing elbows with those skanks, you suddenly think that you are good for this thing. Making Marchia speak Indonesian for what? To make her seem like an edgy girl or to make her more cultural than a basic white ass girl. Sorry honey it doesn’t work. You’re misappropriating Indonesian culture in that pathetic white whore. 
@rookiemartin another wannabe in this fandom. You think that I’m scared of your threats please, I can flick  you with my finger and you’ll be reduced to a pest of this fandom. 
Saving the best for the last, my unwitting scapegoat @lawyerlies you are so dumb. Let’s add more insult to injury. You are a stupid law student who has all the time in the world supporting them. Funny isn’t it and now you are the talk of this goddamn fandom and a social pariah. You think that by adding your culture in your fics, it would be refined. But too bad so sad it’s so not.
Let’s go on with your MC Anj Valentine, just like you she’s naive, exploitable and gullible. She’s used and damaged trash who’s fragile, and has emotional attachments and I wonder what Ethan sees in her. I’m pretty sure Ethan is only pitying her and that their sex life is bland. What a shame. 
All of you ruined my experience when I joined the fandom and now I’m going to ruin all of yours. I’m not yet done with everyone so you better watch your backs because you’ll never know when I’m going to target you
K 💋 
@openheart12, @takeharryandgo, @aestheticartsx-blog, @perriewinklenerdie,  @queenrileyrose, @liaromancewriter, @queencarb, @potionsprefect, @utterlyinevitable, @headoverheelsforramsey, @lady-calypso, @bluebellot, @bex-la-get, @forallthatitsworth, @toadfrog26, @kalinahonore, @writer-ish, @genevievemd  @lucy-268, @shewillreadyou, @crazy-loca-blog, @trappedinfanfiction, @ethxnrxmsey, @binny1985, @lawyerlies @chaoticchopshopheart @thegreentwin @mainstreetreader, @a-crepusculo,  @choicesaddict5, @mvalentine, @choicest, @rosebudde, @estellaelysian, @myrajeanneviolets, @aworldoffandoms, @vi-writes-stuff, @myusualnerdyself, @gryffindordaughterofathena, @mysticalgalaxysstuff, @wingedhairstylemusicweasel, @helloblueeyedcat, @irisofpurple, @taniasethi, @alina-yol-ramsey, @anntoldst0ries, @blainehellyes, @gardeningourmet, @fayeswiftie, @euphorichappiness10, @messrprongs,  @jerzwriter, @danijimenezv @rookiemartin @goodbyeopenheart 
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purplesurveys · 2 years
What was the last thing you heated up in your microwave? Spaghetti from Jollibee and a couple of the chicken wings my dad had made for dinner.
When was the last time your internet stopped working? If I remember correctly it went on-off a little bit last Thursday, minutes before I had to get into a work call. Fortunately it fixed itself just before I entered Zoom.
Did you ever watch Phil of the Future? No, I never did. I wasn’t old enough to enjoy live-action stuff just yet when that show used to air on Disney.
Were you born somewhere other than a hospital? Nope, that’s where I was born.
What’re some lyrics from the song that’s stuck in your head? “Day by day, summer, winter, even if you don’t know, you got the best of me.”
Do you brush your teeth right away when you wake up? Sometimes. Other times I’ll make coffee first.
Are you currently listening to music or watching TV? Not listening to or watching anything while taking this.
What was the last flavor of ice cream you had? It was a matcha-flavored sundae.
Do you have an online game that you play often? Technically, I guess? I play Rhythm Hive on my phone which has some online aspects to it.
What was the last thing you watched on TV? Sunday mass just earlier today.
Is there a trash can near you? No, I wouldn’t say it’s near; I’d have to walk towards the end of the kitchen to reach it.
Who does the grocery shopping in your house? My parents will alternate.
Is your hair in need of a wash right now? Not super, but I might take a shower later anyway because I think we’re going out for dinner tonight.
Have you received any compliments about your appearance today? Nah I’ve been in nothing but pajamas today hahaha.
What was the last thing to piss you off? My dad was making some annoying comment over some actress the other night and my mom tag teamed with him, so I refused to talk for the rest of the night.
If it snows a lot where you live, do you experience cabin fever? It doesn’t snow where I live and I’ve never experienced cabin fever.
When and where was the last time you took a picture of yourself? It was in the living room and I grouped together Anj, Reena, and Hans so we can take a photo together mid-concert and mid-grilling samgyeopsal, haha. This was exactly one Sunday ago. Have you ever shared sleeping accommodations with someone of the opposite sex without anything steamy happening? I don’t think that’s happened before, actually. I’ve never shared a bed with a guy. What are you hungry for? I don’t have particular cravings at the moment.
Have you ever broken a bed or other furniture during sex? Not to my recollection.
Would you play naked twister? I don’t think I’d be up for something like that.
Who do you live with? Parents, siblings, dogs.
Do you exercise regularly? If so, how often? Not at all. I don’t have the energy to allocate time for it.
Any piercings? If yes, how many and where are they? Just two; one on each earlobe that have miraculously never closed up despite me not having placed earrings in them in the last 14 years. Do you have tattoos? If yes, how many and where are they? I don’t have any.
Ever been skinny dipping? No.
Have you been told you can sing well more than once? I was told that as a kid but it was because I was a kid and anyone doing anything when they’re small and chubby warrants a compliment, lmao. Of course I know I’m no good at singing to this day, though.
Are you content with the current weather? I fucking hate it, I hate summer weather and I hate the sun.
Do you own many pairs of shorts? I own around 3-4 pairs that are suitable for outdoor wear but like I also have a bunch of shorts that are for indoor wear only.
Is there a place you’d rather be right now? Maybe at some private and quiet resort, right in front of the beach and kilometers away from the city.
Have you ever taken a close up shot of a flower? I don’t think I have. Flowers don’t really interest me, at least as a photography subject.
Is there a situation you currently feel hopeless about? I guess all my dreams about seeing the DX crew all complete, since Chyna and Scott Hall are no longer here.
When was the last time you wanted to do something, but couldn’t? I wanted to go to the Leni grand rally today but I don’t have anyone to go with; also because the weather sucks and as someone prone to fainting, I’d rather keep it safe. I’ll just be wearing pink when we go out for dinner today. Who was the last person you texted? I don’t even want to check as the answer is probably something work-related.
Is there a fan going in the room you’re in? Yes. Otherwise it’d be hot (even with the aircon currently on) and I’d get cranky.
Have you ever relied on coffee to keep you awake? Yeah dude, ever since like, Grade 7.
Will you be going to the beach anytime soon? No, I was just at one last month. It’ll be at least a couple of months before I’ll probably be at the beach again.
Have you ever made any kind of video? I mean yeah? This question is so broad hahaha I’ve made different types of videos in the past.
Who will you be spending Christmas with this year?: Family, as always. It feels wrong to celebrate it with anyone else.
What time do you usually go to sleep at night?: Anywhere between 11 PM to 1 AM, usually. But during the weekends, it’s later.
Did you go to high school with your current best friend?: Yep. I attended first grade with her – we already knew we were gonna be in each other’s lives forever by the time we reached high school haha.
Have you ever wanted to be vegetarian or vegan?: Yeah, especially during my teenage years when I wanted to try all kinds of things and routines. But it’s just really hard to maintain a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle here. A bunch of ingredients are pretty inaccessible and if you do get to find them, they’re just usually too expensive for anyone to maintain.
Do you park your car in a garage, carport or just in a driveway?: We have a carport and we park both cars there.
Have you ever been a passenger in a semi-trailer truck?: I don’t think I’ve ever been on one, no.
Have you felt sick today?: Nopes.
Whose was the last funeral you attended?: I’ve never been to a funeral. But the last wake I went to had been Nacho’s.
Have you read The Hunger Games trilogy?: I’ve never read the books but I was able to see the first film a bunch of times since they used to air it on TV all the time.
How many times a week do you wash your hair?: Around 3-4 times a week.
Do you need to wash your hair right now?: This was just on another survey haha. Again, there’s not a super big need for it since I took a shower yesterday and my hair doesn’t feel gross yet, but I might just go ahead and wash it later anyway since we’re headed out for dinner.
Do you avoid using public restrooms?: As much as possible, unless I can’t hold it in anymore. I’ve hated public restrooms even before the pandemic; the idea of sharing a toilet with a bunch of strangers (and the fact that you’ll never really know how decent or bad their personal hygiene is) just grosses me out.
Have you seen any extended relatives in the last month?: Yeah, I saw my aunt and uncles and my cousins just last weekend so we could have a few drinks. Then we also visited my dad’s side of the family a couple of weeks ago.
Do you like eggnog?: I’ve never had it before but it has always seemed delicious to me. I’d love to try it one of these days.
Is there anything important you need to do today?: Technically there’s some groundwork I have to prepare for work this week but that can absolutely fuck off because it’s the weekend.
Girls, how old were you when you first got your period?: I had just turned ten, haha. Fellow early birds, anyone?
Do you take part in paying the bills for your household?: My parents don’t require me to, but I hand over a portion of my salary every two weeks to help with the bills anyway.
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rarawoo0rlds · 3 years
aku ga tau apa yang sudah ku lewati sepanjang malam kemaren itu.
aku ga punya firasat macam-macam waktu bilang mau pergi ke yudha.
"tapi sebenarnya aku mau pergi tau yudh"
"jam segini?"
"iya, temanku tiba-tiba ngajakin ke guest house"
"iya itulah aku juga gatau"
lalu begitu aja telpon ku tutup, layar berkedip karena satu panggilan masuk.
"ra aku di depan", dan aku bertengger manis di jok belakang motornya, ngawang-ngawang, setengah ngantuk, setengah penasaran sepanjang jalan.
banyak pertanyaan, dan banyak memikirkan opsi jawabannya pula.
"guest house macam apa?, dimana?, kenapa dadakan?, ko bisa?".
sampai akhirnya motor mengambil arah belokan masuk ke dalam gang yang agak lumayan gelap. aku agak was was waktu masuk ya soalnya gimana ya wak itu anjing satu squad ngiter ngiter di depan gang situ.
tapi aku tetap diam.
aku masih diam saat motor melewati gapura gang, diam diam aja memperhatikan jalan.
dan mulai makin was was.
aku jujur ga terlalu kenal daerah ini, dan aku juga masih sangat payah dalam mengingat rute jalan. maka kalau ada sesuatu terjadi setelah aku masuk di gang antah berantah ini.
aku cuman mau titip pesan ke angin, kalau aku cinta bapak ibuku.
sampai akhirnya motor berhenti tepat di depan sebuah bangunan tingkat.
spechless ...
aku masih diam diatas motor, memandangi bangunan di depanku dengan satu vonis keras yang menggema di kepalaku.
oh yaa, salahkan persepsi burukku yang terus membayangkan bahwa penginapan semacam ini adalah camp zinah ciamik kawula muda non halal.
salah kan aku dan semua pikiran burukku.
maka aku berjalan mengikuti yang lain, memperhatikan setiap nomor di pintu, menepis segala adegan yang tentu akan dikenai banned 21+ di internet hingga berhenti tepat di depan pintu yang bernomor sesuai dengan nomor di kunci kami.
sesaat setelah masuk, aku masih juga diam mengawasi setiap sudut kamar, memastikan tidak ada barang, bekas atau apapun yang tertinggal dikamar.
kecuali corak abstrak kusut di seprai.
aku ga ambil waktu banyak dengan cekatan melucuti semua aksesoris kasur, oh ya tentu dengan alasan yang sekali lagi kuingatkan mungkin, MUNGKIN hanya ada di kepalaku.
bahwa aku g akan sanggup menghabiskan malam diatas kasur dengan seprai itu, sementara MUNGKIN, SEKALI LAGI KUINGATKAN BAHWA INI HANYA KEMUNGKINAN ATAU KETAKUTAN DI KEPALA KU AJA.
KALAU MUNGKIN, MUNGKIN AJA di atas seprei itu pernah terjadi perhelatan maha dahsyat sepasang manusia sebelum kami menempati kamar itu.
ya allah, gentar jiwa sholehah q.
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aku menyelesaikan pekerjaan ku sebelum akhirnya membuka log panggilan dan menelpon yudha.
sebagai alasan untuk keluar sementara karena samar samar mencium bau rokok yang melekat pada kamar itu.
bau rokok nya tentu g bikin suasana hatiku jadi lebih better. ga sama sekali.
aku menyusuri lorong di depan pintu pintu kamar yang tertutup, memfokuskan telingaku untuk hanya mendengar suaranya yudha diseberang sana, jangan kataku, jangan sampai dengar yang macam-macam.
lalu duduk di deretan kursi panjang di seberang tangga lantai atas, sepi menatapi pohon pohon di sekeliling guest house.
"yudh aku ngapain si disiniii"
"gapapa investasi memori"
begitu aja pembuka untuk kita ngobrol banyak hal, menepiskan fakta bahwa aku sedang duduk di sebuah penginapan yang entah gimana cara mendeskripsikannya, aku gatau, di dalam sebuah gang diujung jalan buntu.
kami banyak ngobrol seperti biasa, jadi menghangat walaupun sekitar kayaknya hawanya rada adem, atau super panas persis di dalam hatiku.
aku masih mencoba menelaah suasana yang asing disekitarku, guest house ini beneran emang camp zina strategis si menurutku.
ya gimana ya wak, mungkin karena tempatnya bener bener hidden gems gt jadi ciamik dikala kebutuhan biologis tanpa sah tidak bisa ditunda dan harus segera ditunaikan, dan lagi jauh dari peradaban dan ingar bingar kota, karena itu suasananya juga jadi sepi puolll dengan fasilitas kamar yang yahhh lumayan sih kurasa.
gitu sih menurutku.
tapi terus yudha bilang hati-hati, aku menghitung seenggaknya tiga atau empat kali dia bilang begitu.
dan menyebalkannya aku betulan hati-hati, kelewat hati-hati dengan memastikan terus menerus secara berkala bahwa pintu benar benar aman terkunci.
tapi toh sebenernya aku dan yang lain nyaris ga tidur semaleman karena sibuk menjahit cerita.
agenda yang selalu kita lakukan saat menginap.
deep talk? ya gitu kali ya bahasa kerennya, sudah nyaris tengah malam sementara pikiranku mulai bercabang mencerna satu persatu cerita yang bergantian mendesak di dalam kepalaku.
banyak hal terjadi, banyak hal terlewat, sisanya harap harap cemas untuk semua yang baik di hari hari berikutnya.
termasuk aku akan bisa seenggaknya dua atau tiga jam tertidur sebentar dengan posisi serba mepet sekasur bertiga.
aku kebagian ujung kiri, dibawahku persis sprei laknat itu teronggok ga berdaya.
aku mencoba tidur, setelah sekali lagi mengirimkan satu pesan ke yudha
"yudhh ini kiblatnya mana sih??"
dia mungkin belum bangun, dan aku juga ga sedang menunggu dia bangun, aku harus tidur, seenggaknya mulai mencoba tidur.
tapi matahari agaknya ngegas dan ga terlambat berjalan santai ke pucuk langit.
lagi aku jadi yang pertama bangun, dengan leher yang ga bisa noleh ke kanan karena kelamaa miring kiri.
terhimpit mereka berdua yang kompak mengkorupsi dengan banal space tidurku nyaris jatuh ndelosor ke lantai atau sprei yang pasti mendingin terpapar AC semaleman.
aku kelewat cape dan pegel buat ngomel ngomel atau menghadiahkan satu tendangan sakti mandraguna buat mereka atas sikapnya yang kurang ajar.
alih alih melakukan itu semua, aku berjalan ke arah nakas untuk mematikan AC, berganti baju untuk bersiap pulang.
aku bakal pulang pagi, sebentar lagi.
membangunkan mutiara dengan satu kali sentakan di lengan kanannya, untuk memaksanya agar segera bersiap, cepat meninggalkan tempat ini.
ya gitu aja si wak, ga ada pesan moralnya memang hari ini.
aku dah ga sanggup banyak bacod disini.
lain kali aku akan bagikan hal yang lebih bermanfaat daripada pengalaman nginep di penginapan semi camp berzina ini, mungkin akan aku bagikan tips memilih teman yang baik, atau membahas pentingnya sex education bagi remaja.
dah lah gt aja
*bonus bumerang maju mundur, satu dua oleh mutiara.
jgn tanya salipa mana, karena jelas jawabannya adalah masih bergelung di dalam selimut sambil merem.
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not even gonna read the questions, figured if i just picked some random numbers that could be fun :)
2, 17, 38, and 67
(hi anj how are you? drink water!)
love that for you :) 
02: who did you last say “I love you” to?
Uh my little brother when he came in to say good night :) 
17: ever made out in the bathroom ?
I've made out in lots of places ;) but yes 
38: is this year the best year of your life ?
well considering were only 24 days into it, I hope so ? it’s going good so far! 
67: who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to ? 
my best friend, he was driving home 
(hi Eva, I'm good! how are you ? I'm drinking some water rn :)) 
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