#sf ed x reader
ruthlesscore · 2 months
hello !
i’ve been enjoying your writing for sf6 lately, and i was wondering if you’d be able to write anything for ed?
i don’t have any specific scenario, but can it be with an x reader insert? haha i’m just craving any sort of ed content tbh
thanks !
Ed x Hacker!Reader - Meeting Ed
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- This is my first request for SF6! I was already planning on making a Ed related post so this is like killing two birds with one stone! I hope you enjoy! <3 -
You weren't a Street Fighter. You had more brains than those ruffians that go around beating up anything that moves. As an intellectual, you're enrolled in college to peruse your dream in technology. You had friends here and there, like Li-Fen, who lived in Chinatown, and some people who worked in SiRN.
You were from a working class household, only 23, constantly having to pay off your tuition. You didn't have money to afford food sometimes. You started picking up part-time jobs, some were odd, others were impractical. They never lasted long. You frequently got fired for being late or sleeping on the job. Your excuse?
"School's got me brunt out. I'm sorry, it won't happen again!"
and it didn't happen again because now youre jobless. Sitting at home, rotting away in front of your computer, you decided you needed a new job and fast. Something more practical that didn't require you to leave the comfort of your dorm.
You serached for a week or so before coming across this group called Neo Shadoloo. You've heard about Shadoloo from your many conversations with Li-Fen. The experiments they conducted on innocent children disgust you. You were glad they were gone. But if Shadoloo was gone, who the was Neo Shadoloo?
Adding the phone number to your contacts, you messaged the individual names Ed.
I saw the flyer for Neo Shadaloo. You guys hiring?
You got a response almost immediately.
Hell yeah we are. You gotta have some sort of experience in tech. You a hacker? You legit?
Yeah. What do you need done?
Just getting information from certain databases. Anything about Shadaloo, M. Bison, the experiments, or where the remnants might be. I'll send the pay to you later.
And that's the day you started cyber attacks for this strange organization. At first, you felt guilty about this. Then you were uncertain about the job because what you were doing was illegal. But then you looked at the pay and god DAMN. Who cares about morals when this shady organization is sending you 700 zenny per task.
After your first couple of jobs, Ed started to message you about things outside of work, like the history of Shadaloo, sightseeing in Metro, your studies at university, and personal philosophies. Sometimes, when you're up at night, you'd receive a text from him. You don't know if it was because he was under the influence, or that men usually act this way past 10, but he would send messages that were so strange. You couldn't tell if he was flirting or he was telling a bad joke.
You single? Of course you are. Nobody born in the shitty ass city will treat you right.
Ed, what the hell are you talking about?
You like Bratwurst? Ever had one? I could give you one.
Please go to sleep, Ed.
Only if you're sleeping with me.
Promise you'll make me breakfast in the morning?
Yeah, you're delirious. Gtb, ____.
You didn't know him personally, so the meaning is still up for grabs. The morning after these messages, Ed wouldn't even bring it up, if anything, he was avoiding it. Maybe he was under the influence.
After working for Neo Shadaloo for about 3 months, constantly messaging Ed and feeding into his nightly banter, you received a message from Ed.
Hey. I need you to come pick something up from me. It's a hard drive we need decoded. I'll be at the station at Beat Square tonight. Pull through.
You didn't even answer the message. You put your shoes on and headed out the door that night. Of course you were carrying your handy-dandy knife, as you were no fan of fighting. Hopefully no one tries to mug you or something. Heading down into the station and getting onto the train, you ran into a problem. What the hell does Ed even look like? You've never seen a photo of him and he's never seen you. How are you going to meet with someone you don't even know? Then there was a second problem, one running right towards you, a man and Shadaloo fighters.
The man held onto the overhead railing as the train shook. You lost your footing and fell onto the window. Groaning in a tinge of pain, you sit down. The man paid no attention to you. He looked at the Shadaloo fighters.
"Bring it on."
The Shadaloo fighters tried striking him. He dodged with boxer like reflexes. You silently watched the fight go down, completely dumbfounded by how brutal street fights were. God, it was disgusting. You get it, Shadaloo was a bad organization enabling bad behavior, but doing something as petty as strert fighting? Surely, there was a more mature, more intelligent way of handling affairs, right? With god like reflexes, the boxer hit all 3 of the Shadaloo fighters, knocking them to the ground. He managed to maintain his footing, even though the train was moving so unsteadily.
All of a sudden a big fighter came out, pushing the smaller ones out of the way. You pull your knees up to your chest, hoping you'd appear so small that neither the blond boxer or the Shadaloo fighter wouldn't see you. The big one tries to grab the boxer when the train car shook. The boxer's fist was suddenly engulfed in purple flames. Punching the Shadaloo fighter to the other side of the car and using some sort of supernatural ability to pull the fighter back to him, he punched the fighter's face into the ground. There's no denying it. That was Ed and he was using Psycho Power. He didn't even look your way. Once the train stopped, he quickly got off.
Once you got off the train, you quickly looked around for him. You see him and hurriedly walked over to him. With your hood up and mask on, you stopped a few feet away from Ed and showed him your messages with him. He glanced at the message before taking the hard drive out.
"So you're ____, huh. Finally got to put a name to a face."
He looks you up and down.
"Still down for that Bratwurst?"
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First kiss hcs of Ed, Bosch, Jamie and Luke??? 👀 Pretty plz with a cherry on top?
👀hehehe of course
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He was on an adrenaline high after you and him stomped out some Shadaloo trash, who'd been tailing you two for days.
Thinking they had the upper hand, they tried to corner you two in an alleyway.
Obviously, they're not the type to listen to reason, so he'll let his fist do all the talking.
But one of those thugs was quick enough to hook him in the mouth, splattering blood over the left side of his face.
That was cute, Ed had to admit, but that didn't stop him from knocking them out cold with a brutal right cross.
After the dust settled down, you noticed his split lip, so you tried to wipe the blood away with your thumb.
But Ed grabbed your hand just before you could touch his face.
The adrenaline mixed with his possessiveness led to an unexpected situation between you two.
And without a second thought, Ed pulled you into a needy kiss.
You can taste the iron on your tongue as he wraps his arms around you, feeling the desperation on his lips.
Although you were the one who broke the kiss, Ed was the one who leaned in for more.
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Your first kiss happened when you forgot to bring your lunch to the gym, so you did the only reasonable thing and sulked face down on the mats.
Noticing your…predicament, Bosch asked why you looked so distraught.
You told him how you packed a 5 star culinary meal, only for you to leave it at home.
He rolled his eyes, holding out a container. "Here, and don’t expect this to be an everyday thing."
You pushed yourself up, sitting cross-legged as you took the container from him. "What is it?" you asked.
Bosch said he knew you would forget to bring your lunch again, so he prepared one for you in advance, which made you stare at him.
“What?” he said.
“You’re more domestic than I imagined."
“Just take your food.” He shot back, feeling the warmth creeping up his neck. Great, now he's starting to feel embarrassed.
Unable to resist his cute face, you leaned in and gave him a short, sweet kiss as a thank you.
Bosch stiffened under your gesture, but eventually relaxed once you pulled away.
He lightly ran his fingers across his lips, trying to feel the sensation again.
But as you were about to join the others, you felt a slight tug on the back of your shirt.
"Hey," he muttered, eyes meeting yours. "Don’t forget to thank me properly later."
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Your first kiss with Jamie happened when he was drunk.
He can be quite affectionate after a couple of rounds and tends to cling to you when you try to leave.
So it wasn’t surprising that he wrapped you in his arms during a night out on the rooftops of Chinatown.
He smothered you to the point where you had to physically remove him despite his whines.
And when you thought that was the end of it, Jamie had you pinned to the floor faster than you could blink.
"Where do you think you're going?" he said in a drunken stupor.
He laughed, watching as you struggled against him.
Aw, don't look at him like that, it'll make him feel bad.
But Jamie knew just the thing to cheer you up.
His loose hair tickled your face as he leaned closer to you.
And although he was drunk, he was a functioning drunk. So he wasn't too sloppy in his movements as he gave you a kiss.
Jamie nipped at your lips impatiently, wanting to taste more of you.
And when he pulled back, he got a good look at your flustered face.
His grip loosened around you, which gave you enough time to try and wiggle out.
"You wanna leave so soon?... We barely even started."
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Luke isn’t the type of guy to shy away from affection.
In fact, he encourages you to give him more.
He likes to give you a lot of cheek pecks even before your first official kiss.
It happened when you had a movie night at his house.
You both ate sugary treats and buttery popcorn until your stomach hurt from the amount of food you two were eating.
He always invited you to his home to do random activities: like playing video games or setting up his new computer equipment.
After a while, you rest your head on his chest and snuggled closer to him under the covers.
You like feeling how warm he was and hearing the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
Luke grinned, seeing how cute your tired face was, and pulled the blanket over your shoulders.
He asked if you wanted to clock out for the rest of the night but you groaned, saying how you wanted to finish the movie.
He gave you a peck on your lips, “It’s okay. The movie will still be here when you wake up.”
The kiss was light and gentle.
And his lips were softer than you expected.
"Your lips are soft..." you said, before dozing off.
Luke laughed at your remark and engulfed your body in a tight hug.
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touyasdoll · 3 years
An idea for past Reader x Shirakumo, Aizawax reader (unrequited-may turn to requited but not in the distant future)
Consider- gen ed fem reader being a part of the rooftop gang and being in a happy relationship with Shirakumo. After his death she becomes hyper focused on her and oboro's shared dream of building a safe space for children from abusive homes. Though she does keep in contact with Hizashi and nemuri. Shouta avoids her like a plague. Theirs miscommunication, both parties thinking that the other blames/hates them. Any calls from her are ignored by Shouta. Shouta also thinks that the reader forgot oboro which just makes him filled with disgust.
From her studies reader can spot when something is wrong about children just by taking one glance at them. When she sees the SF- she feels like she has seen a ghost when she sees Midoriya's smile. That's not the only thing- she spots several red flags in his, Shouto and Hitoshi's behaviour. Knowing Shouta would ignore her she just contacts Tsukauchi and opens an investigation for them. Shouta is not impressed with her meddling in his life. Though he does get a feeling like a slap to the face when the concerning truths about the trio are revealed. Again in the hot mess of hurt-why didn't they approach me? How didn't I see this? I am a hero and their teacher! Oh god how did I miss this!! His response is anger which causes further miscommunications with the reader. And ends with the reader slapping him and leaving.
The reader does come back during the eri situation- on nezu's request- the things btwn her and Shouta are tense. But they tolerate each other. Reader is just happy to see Eri (she again feels like a memory / spectre from past is haunting her when she sees Izuku (less damaged, scarred, and traumatised) and Eri interact)
Flashforward to the kurogiri reveal- where she sees what happened to the man she still continues to love. " It's funny that even in this state u never changed. Always having a soft spot for children. Cuz that's what Tomura is for you... Isn't he Shirakumo?" A son... That's what she didn't say aloud. And miraculously oboro responds with an affirmative.
And while reader is breaking apart, Hizashi and Shouta can't do anything but watch. There own hearts shattering apart. While Shouta had forgotten about everyone in his grief, you and Hizashi had to tread through this mess all by yourselves.
So when he sees u pulling away like how he did all those years ago he refuses to just sit and watch. His own heart is in conflict- his own feelings for you still tightly shut away and grief for a friend who died too young. Not to mention the cluster fuck of guilt blocking his veins.
But being there for you is the least he can do- as a friend and in the place of Shirakumo himself. Too bad you have no intentions of making it easy on him. Years of pent up confusion, grief and rage and hurt- ohgodShirakumoisdeadHepromisedWhywhywhy?!whatdidIdo?whydoeshehateme?IhatehimHowdarehe?!Hisbody!!!thosesickfuckstheyviolatedhisbody!!!Kurogiri's!!!ithurtithurt it h u r t s
U decide how it goes forward.
o u c h my soul 😭 this made me feel some things. Especially the bit about seeing Oboro again as Kurogiri 💔
But I’d like to imagine that after that damn breaks between you and Aizawa and he realizes that he’s been selfish in his grief, he starts coming around more. Starts really trying to be there for you in any way that he can and you start trying to do the same. Like you’re both trying to make up for lost time, wanting to make the most of a salvaged friendship. It’s what Oboro would want for you both anyway.
And he’s come to realize that you never forgot about Oboro at all, but rather have lived every single day with the intention of carrying his spirit with you in your work. He sees how truly and deeply you always loved him and have continued to, even after all these years that he’s been gone.
He admires you for it. Admires your strength and resilience and then realizes that he admires you perhaps a bit too fondly. He’s falling hard and fast and he can’t help but to notice how much so each time he sees you. His heart pounding in his chest whenever he sees your smile, wishing he could pull you in and feel that same smile pressed against his lips.
Little does he know that you’re secretly wishing that he would one day. That you’re afraid he would go back to hating you all over again if you made the first move on him, as if he might see it as some slight to Oboro, when it’s really just a genuine attraction to a soul as battered as your own that has somehow found a way to remain kind after the turmoil.
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porlockstompf · 4 years
Reading de Nacht Reading 2019
                              my favourite books of the year
my overall favourite book of the year:
martin hägglund "this life why mortality makes us free" (2019)
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01 ken liu (ed) "broken stars: contemporary chinese sf in translation" (2019)
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02 cory doctorow "radicalized" (2019) 03 dave hutchinson "the return of the incredible exploding man" (2019)   + dave hutchinson "nomads" (2019)   + dave hutchinson "thumbprints" (1978)   + dave hutchinson "torn air" (1980)   + dave hutchinson "the push" (2009)   + dave hutchinson "the villages" (2002)   ... damn that elusive "paradise equation" (1981) ... 04 tade thompson "rosewater" (2016)   + tade thompson "rosewater insurrection" (2019)   + tade thompson "rosewater redemption" (2019) 05 desirina boskovich (ed) "lost transmissions: the secret history of sf & f" (2019)
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06 hannu rajaniemi & jacob weisman (eds) "the new voices of science fiction" (2019) 07 gardner dozois (ed) "the very best of the best: 35 years of the year's best science fiction" (2019) 08 jonathan strahan (ed) "the best science fiction & fantasy of the year, volume thirteen" (2019) 09 robert markeley "kim stanley robinson modern masters of sf" (2019) 10 allan kaster (ed) "the year's top hard sf stories 3" (2019)
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11 olivier girard (ed) "bifrost 96 la revue des mondes imaginaires: william gibson" (2019) 12 mario guglielminetti "web is over. parabola ed esplosione di ubuweb, l'antiprofilo" (2019) 13 bryan thomas schmidt (ed) "infinite stars: dark frontiers" (2019) 14 baoshu "the redemption of time" [2011] (2019) 15 cixin liu "the supernova era" [2003] (2019)
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16 l. x. beckett "gamechanger" (2019) 17 gareth l powell "fleet of knives" (2019) 18 chen qiufan "waste tide" [2013] (2019) 19 derek künsken "the quantum garden" (2019) 20 gregory benford "rewrite: loops in the timescape" (2019)
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21 james s.a. corey "tiamat's wrath" (2019)   + james s.a. corey "auberon" (2019) 22 jim al-khalili "sunfall" (2019) 23 peter f hamilton "salvation lost"  (2019) 24 neal asher "the warship" (2019) 25 jonathan strahan (ed) "mission critical" (2019)
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26 jack mcdevitt "octavia gone" (2019) 27 elizabeth bear "ancestral night" (2019) 28 ian mcdonald "moon rising" (2019) 29 carmen maria machado (ed) "the best american sf & f 2019" (2019) 30 valerie valdes "chilling effect" (2019) 31 simon morden "bright morning star" (2019)      + s. j. morden "no way" (2019) 32 neil stephenson "fall or, dodge in hell" (2019) 33 graham edwards "string city" (2019)
01 arno schmidt "bottom's dream" [1970] (2016) ... & still reading ...
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02 jorge luis borgès "borgès restored (the author's preferred translations)" (2016) 03 julie orringer "the flight portfolio" (2019)   + julie orringer "the invisible bridge" (2010) 04 pola oloixarac "savage theories" (2017)   + pola oloixarac "dark constellations" (2019) 05 simon critchley "memory theatre" (2014)
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06 gabriel josipovici "hotel andromeda" (2014) 07 david keenan "for the good times" (2019) 08 wg sebald "vertigo" [1990] (1999)   + wg sebald "the emmigrants" [1992] (1996)   + wg sebald "the rings of saturn" [1995] (1998)   + wg sebald "austerlitz" (2001) 09 luis chitarroni "the no variations "diary of an unfinished novel" [2007] (2013) 10 julián ríos "larva: a midsummer night's babel" [1983] (1991)
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11 césar aira "birthday" [2001] (2019)   + césar aira "three novels" [1990-2000-1997] (2018) 12 tom mole "the secret life of books" (2019) 13 lucy ives "loudermilk or the real poet or the origin of the world" (2019) 14 lászló krasznahorkai "baron wenckheim's homecoming" [2016] (2019) 15 lucy ellmann "ducks, newburyport" (2019)
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16 lars iyer "nietzsche & the burbs" (2019) 17 d harlan wilson "the psychotic dr. schreber" (2019) 18 andrew gallix (ed) "we'll never have paris" (2019) 19 chris kelso (ed) "i transgress" (2019) 20 john crowley "the solitudes" [1987] (2007)   + john crowley "love & sleep" (1994)   + john crowley "daemonomania" (2000)   + john crowley "endless things" (2007) ... (the aegypt cycle)
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01 carlos ruiz zafón "the labyrinth of the spirits" [2017] (2018)
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02 volker kutscher "the fatherland files" [2012] (2019) 03 andrea camilleri "the overnight kidnapper" [2015] (2019)   + andrea camilleri "the other end of the line" [2016] (2019) 04 mick herron "joe country" (2019)   + mick herron "this is what happened" (2018)   + mick herron "nobody walks" (2015) 05 john le carré "agent running the field" (2019)
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06 guillaume musso "la vie secrète des écrivains" (2019) 07 luke mccallin "the man from berlin" (2013)   + luke mccallin "the pale house" (2014)   + luke mccallin "the divided city" (2016) 09 henry porter "brandenburg" [2005] (2019)   + henry porter "firefly" (2018)   + henry porter "white hot silence" (2019) 10 mitch silver "the bookworm" (2018)   + mitch silver "in secret service" (2007)
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11 alan judd "the accidental agent" (2019) 12 philip kerr "metropolis" (2019) 13 ian rankin "westwind" (2019) 14 jo nesbø "the knife" (2019) 15 david hewson "devil's fjord" (2019)
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16 barry forshaw "crime fiction: a reader's guide" (2019) 17 a.a. dhand "one way out" (2019) 18 martin holmén "clinch: the stockholm trilogy 01" (2016)   + martin holmén "down for te count: the stockholm trilogy 02" (2017)   + martin holmén "slugger: the stockholm trilogy 03" (2019) 19 michael kestemont "de zwarte koning" (2019) 20 soren sveistrup "the chestnut man" [2018] (2019)
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21 tim mason "the darwin affair" (2019) 22 patrick conrad "good night, charlie" (2019) 23 chris pavone "the paris diversion" (2019) 24 dov aflon "a long night in paris" (2019) 25 arne dahl "hunted" [2017] (2019)
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                                  RIP ANDREA CAMILLERI !
01 martin hägglund "this life: why mortality makes us free" (2019) /                            "this life: secular faith & spiritual freedom" (2019)
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02 derrida "la vie la mort: séminaire (1975-1976)" (2019) 03 jean-luc nancy "derrida, suppléments”  (2019) 04 jean-françois bouthors et jean-luc nancy "démocratie! hic et nunc" (2019) 05 hannah arendt "de vrijheid om vrij te zijn" (2019)      + hannah arendt "nous autres réfugiés" (2019)
06 mckenzie wark "capital is dead": is this something worse?" (2019) 07 johan schokker & tim schokker      "extimiteit: jacques lacan's terugkeer naar freud" (2000) 08 gerhard richter & ann schmock (eds) "give the word:      responses to werner hamacher's 95 theses on philology"    (2019) 09 ranja n gosh "philosophy & poetry: continental perspectives" (2019) 10 shoshana zuboff "the age of surveillance capitalism" (2019)
11 kate zambrano "screen tests: stories & other writing" (2019) 12 daniele carluccio "roland barthes lecteur" (2019) 13 jean-clet martin "la philosophie de gilles deleuze" (2019) 14 mitchell dean & daniel zamora  "le dernier homme et la fin de la révolution:          foucault après mai 68" (2019) 15 arnon grunberg "vriend & vijand: decadentie, ondergang & verlossing" (2019)
16 kwami anthony appiah      "de leugens die ons verbinden: een nieuwe kijk op identiteit" [2018] (2019) 17 quentin meillassoux "science fiction & extro-science fiction" (2015) 18 roberto calasso "het onbenoembare verleden" [2017] (2019) 19 lydia davis "essays" (2019) 20 denise riley "time lived, without its flow" (2019)
zoë skoulding "footnotes to water" (2019)
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01 rick moody "on celestial music, and other adventures in listening" (2012)
02 yann courtiau "frictions:   ce que la littérature a fait à la musique et ce que la musique a en a fait" (2019) 03 vivien goldman "revenge of the she-punks:      a feminist music history from poly styrene to pussy riot" (2019) 04 garrígos, triana & guerra "god save the queens: pioneras del punk" (2019) 05 jon savage "this searing light, the sun & everything else:      joy division the oral history" (2019)
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06 richard beck "trains, jesus, and murder: the gospel according to johnny cash" 07 mark lanegan "sleevenotes" (2019) 08 jason williamson "jason williamson's house party: sleaford mods 2014-2019" (2019) 09 gallix, hill, & rose (eds) "love bites: fiction inspired by pete shelley" (2019) 10 greg laurie "johnny cash the redemption of an american icon" (2019)
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11 marc vos & toon loenders "siglo xx:     opdat de dood ons levend vindt & het leven ons niet doodt" (2019) 12 david sandilands & david keenan "go ahead & drop the bomb      (memorial device pamflet)" (2019) 13 guillaume belhomme "pop fin de siècle" (2019) 14 chris bohn (ed) "the wire" (magazine) (2019) 15 sylvain sylvain "there's no bones in ice cream:      sylvain sylvain's story of the new york dolls" (2018)
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16 debbie harry "face it" (2019) 17 jaime gonzalo "poder freak: una crónica de la contracultura vol III" (2014) 18 matthew bower & samantha davies "talisman angelical" (2017) 19 darryl w bullock "the world's worst records: an arcade of audio atrocity vol I" (2013)   + darryl w bullock "the world's worst records: another arcade of audio atrocity vol II" (2015) 20 steve zisson (ed) "a punk rock future" (2019) /      ivar muñoz-rojas "underground babilonia" (2019)
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01 didier ottinger "bacon en toutes lettres" (2019)
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02 antoni tàpies "cap braços cames cos" (2012)   + antoni tàpies "mahlerei und graphik" (2011) 03 laura oldfield ford "savage messiah" (2019) 04 fred vermorel "dead fashion girl: a situationist detective story" (2019) 05 françois schuiten & jaco van dormael "le dernier pharaon" (2019)
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06 ken krimstein "the three escapes of hannah arendt: the tyranny of truth" (2018) 07 erik bindervoet & saskia pfaeltzer "aldus sprach nietzsche's zuster" (2019) 08 anthony n fragola & roch c smith "the erotic dream machine: interviews with alain robbe-grillet on his films" (2006)
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01 bernard chambaz "petite philosophie du vélo" (2019)
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02 filip osselaer "de man die doodging (vervolgens mosselen bestelde,      de rekening vroeg en verdween): el tarangu, josé manuel fuente" (2019) 03 peter schmink "de cultus van het lijden: een vrije oefening" (2006) 04 laurent willame "les lieux sacrés du cyclisme:     15 pélérinages à faire avant de crever" (2019) 05 jonas heyerick (ed) "bahamontes: uit liefde voor de stiel" [magazine] (2019)
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06 johnny vansevenant "1969, het jaar van eddy merckx" (2019) 07 edwin winkels "la vuelta: heroïsche verhalen uit de ronde van spanje" (2019) 08 frederik baeckelandt "fausto coppi (les héros 04)" (2019) 09 harry pearson "the beast, the emperor & the milkman:      a bone-shaking tour through cycling’s flemish heartlands" (2019) 10 peter cossins "the yellow jersey / le maillot jaune" (2019)
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11 thijs zonneveld "het panini album" (2019) 12 thijs zonneveld "de fiets, de fiets & nog veel meer sportverhalen" (2019) 13 willy vangenechten "hoe word je een wielerfan (en blijf je er een)?" (2019)
some wissenschaftstompf & autres divertissements ...:
01 robert macfarlane "underland: a deep time journey" (2019)
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02 george van hal & ans hekkenberg "het kosmisch rariteitenkabinet" (2019) 03 josey waley-cohen "only connect: the difficult second quiz book" (2019)
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… tsundoku !
may your home be safe from tigers, leroy, x HNY!
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... the annual out of control TBR pile ...
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ada hoffmann "the outside" (2019) adrian tchaikovsky "children of ruin" (2019) alastair reynolds "shadow captain" (2019) + alastair reynolds "permafrost" (2019) annalee newitz "the future of another timeline" (2019) charlie jane anders "the city in the middle of the night" (2019) farah mendlesohn "the pleasant profession of robert a heinlein" (2019)gareth l powell "ragged alice" (2019) greg egan "perihelion summer" (2019) ian creasey "the shapes of strangers" (2019) jo walton "lent" (2019)
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kameron hurley "the light brigade" (2019) karl schroeder "stealing words" (2019) megan o'keefe "velocity weapon" (2019) neil clarke (ed) "the eagle has landed: 50 years of lunar sf" (2019) nina allan "the silverwind" (2019) paul di filippo "aeota" (2019) peter swirski "stanislaw lem: philosopher of the future" (2019) + peter swirski & waclaw m osadnik (eds) "lemography: stanislaw lem in the eyes of the world" (2019) richard kadrey "the grand dark" (2019) rudy rucker "million mile road trip" (2019) simon ings "the smoke" (2019)
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alex landragin "crossings" (2019) enrique vila-matas "mac's problem" [2017] (2019) joseph scapellato "the made-up man" (2019) kevin breatnach "tunnelvision" (2019) michel houellebecq "serotonin" (2019) nell zink "doxology" (2019) roberto bolaño "the spirit of science fiction: a novel" (2019) samanta schweblin "mouthful of birds" (2019) sergio pitol "mephisto's waltz: selected short stories" (2019) will eaves "murmur" (2019)
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johan op de beek "het complot van laken" (2019) jon steinhagen "the hanging artist" (2019) juli zeh "empty hearts" (2019) max hertzberg "operation oskar" (2019) + max hertzberg "berlin centre" (2019) peter robinson "many rivers to cross" (2019) tony belloto "bellini & the sphinx" [1995] (2019)
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24 notes · View notes
enchanted-flowers · 7 years
Hiya Ducky!! If you don't mind, I was wondering how a poly relationship would go with yandere uf sans x yandere sf paps x s/o? Thanks!
Warning: Suicide, Violence 
Underfell Sans x Reader x Fellswap Papyrus (Yandere Ed.) 
Nope, not a good idea at all
Red is extremely possessive. He will never be open to you taking another partner. 
You are Red’s no one else. 
Red and Rus will kill each other over you. No compromise, no negotiation. Just straight up death. 
It’s not even really a poly relationship, it definitely will not work out. 
Rus is more relaxed about having other partners, but when you neglect him for Red, that’s when he gets murdery. 
Rus will chain up Red and remind him that you might love him, but you will always love Rus more. Always,
But Red doesn’t go down with a fight. 
If he can’t attack Rus, he’ll attack you instead. 
Red will threaten to slit your throat unless Rus backs off. 
Bad move Red. 
No one threatens Rus’s S/O. Ever. 
Those two will forever be locked in an never ending battle. Their skills are matched. 
In the end, no one lives. If Red can’t have you all to himself, then no one should have you at all. He will kill you. Rus, fueled by his heartbreak and rage, will then kill Red for ever laying a finger on  you. Unable to cope with his loss and grief, Rus will hold your lifeless body in his arms, then dust himself. 
96 notes · View notes
easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
Tracking Reopening Around the World
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June 2 in Lagos | Adetona Omokanye
From the Editor: Everything you missed in food news last week
This post originally appeared on June 20, 2020 in Amanda Kludt’s newsletter “From the Editor,” a roundup of the most vital news and stories in the food world each week. Read the archives and subscribe now.
I’m going to hop right into the news this week but have two suggested tiny actions. One is to support the last day of the Bakers Against Racism bake sale. Based in D.C. but now taking place worldwide, It’s a decentralized week-long bake sale where any home or pro baker can participate to raise money for charities fighting for social justice. It’s too late for many of the home bakers, but a lot of bakeries are participating for walk-ins.
More importantly, fill out the census. There is no easier way to advocate for social justice, health care, and investment in your community than getting yourself counted. I’m especially talking to all my Brooklyn readers, because we are failing at self-reporting in a major way (well below the national, New York, and borough averages). If we don’t step up, we are going to lose out on major dollars for our friends and neighbors in our communities.
On Eater
— Here’s what dining looked like in cities around the world on one day in June.
— Reopening: Seattle dining rooms, pool parties in Vegas, and outdoor dining in Philly, San Diego, and SF. Meanwhile New York reopens for outdoor dining on Monday.
— Backtracking in Texas: Austin is asking restaurants to reduce capacity from 75% to 25% for dine-in service and requiring all customers to wear masks after cases spiked; bars and restaurants in San Antonio, Dallas, and Houston are closing because of employees testing positive for COVID; and Dallas sucks at social distancing.
... And New York: Governor Cuomo is threatening to revoke liquor licenses of bars that don’t enforce social distancing in front of their property, and the sponsor of a bill extending to-go drinks well beyond the pandemic is reconsidering in response to the city’s party vibes.
— Closures: Nix, Aquagrill, and locations of Xi’an Famous Foods in New York; Be More Pacific and Daruma in Austin; Le Caprice and Indian Accent in London; and almost all Pok Pok locations and many Blue Star Donuts locations in Portland.
— Restaurant employees are becoming the unexpected and uncomfortable enforcers of mask etiquette.
— Say goodbye to the hotel breakfast buffet.
— Damn look at all the fancy-ass takeout Michelin-starred restaurants in New York are doing.
— I loved this op-ed from Marcus Samuelsson about how his regulars shifted from pre-COVID to post-COVID and how they changed once again as the pandemic raged on.
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Chona Kasinger
A stand with free food at the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) in Seattle
All the brands came out in solidarity, but dismantling white supremacy would “require dismantling everything that allows many of these brands to exist and profit the way they have for decades.”
— Charleston Food & Wine Festival will no longer host events on plantations.
— A major LA restaurateur left his restaurants after a photo of him in blackface at a Halloween party surfaced (on Eater LA).
— Writer and chef Amethyst Ganaway on what restaurants can and should be doing to support protesters and the black community.
— Lauded Chicago restaurant Fat Rice has closed following employee complaints about the culture fostered by chef and owner Abe Conlon.
— Early Black Panther Party member Billy X Jennings on how he helped feed a movement.
— How cooks, restaurant owners, and gardeners are feeding protesters in Seattle.
— Opening: Strings of Life in LA; a new location of Hewn Bread in Chicago; a new gay bar in Vegas; Uno Mas in Dallas; Mercy Me in D.C.
— To watch: Our newest series with chef Nyesha Arrington, this one shot all remotely.
Off Eater
How this pandemic has had outsize impact on vulnerable communities, via an illustration of 100 New Yorkers. [NYT]
Specialty and artisan cheesemakers are still struggling without restaurants. [Modern Farmer]
A beautiful meditation on commemorating Juneteenth this year. [WaPo]
Huge, huge, huge kudos to the Food & Wine team on this package on the future of restaurants and the Best New Restaurant and Best New Chefs lists from Khushbu Shah. [F&W]
Racism in food media goes so far beyond the obvious bad actors and heinous events and comments and can’t be solved by representation alone. [The Atlantic]
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/2ZczxEf https://ift.tt/3evAk9K
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June 2 in Lagos | Adetona Omokanye
From the Editor: Everything you missed in food news last week
This post originally appeared on June 20, 2020 in Amanda Kludt’s newsletter “From the Editor,” a roundup of the most vital news and stories in the food world each week. Read the archives and subscribe now.
I’m going to hop right into the news this week but have two suggested tiny actions. One is to support the last day of the Bakers Against Racism bake sale. Based in D.C. but now taking place worldwide, It’s a decentralized week-long bake sale where any home or pro baker can participate to raise money for charities fighting for social justice. It’s too late for many of the home bakers, but a lot of bakeries are participating for walk-ins.
More importantly, fill out the census. There is no easier way to advocate for social justice, health care, and investment in your community than getting yourself counted. I’m especially talking to all my Brooklyn readers, because we are failing at self-reporting in a major way (well below the national, New York, and borough averages). If we don’t step up, we are going to lose out on major dollars for our friends and neighbors in our communities.
On Eater
— Here’s what dining looked like in cities around the world on one day in June.
— Reopening: Seattle dining rooms, pool parties in Vegas, and outdoor dining in Philly, San Diego, and SF. Meanwhile New York reopens for outdoor dining on Monday.
— Backtracking in Texas: Austin is asking restaurants to reduce capacity from 75% to 25% for dine-in service and requiring all customers to wear masks after cases spiked; bars and restaurants in San Antonio, Dallas, and Houston are closing because of employees testing positive for COVID; and Dallas sucks at social distancing.
... And New York: Governor Cuomo is threatening to revoke liquor licenses of bars that don’t enforce social distancing in front of their property, and the sponsor of a bill extending to-go drinks well beyond the pandemic is reconsidering in response to the city’s party vibes.
— Closures: Nix, Aquagrill, and locations of Xi’an Famous Foods in New York; Be More Pacific and Daruma in Austin; Le Caprice and Indian Accent in London; and almost all Pok Pok locations and many Blue Star Donuts locations in Portland.
— Restaurant employees are becoming the unexpected and uncomfortable enforcers of mask etiquette.
— Say goodbye to the hotel breakfast buffet.
— Damn look at all the fancy-ass takeout Michelin-starred restaurants in New York are doing.
— I loved this op-ed from Marcus Samuelsson about how his regulars shifted from pre-COVID to post-COVID and how they changed once again as the pandemic raged on.
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Chona Kasinger
A stand with free food at the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) in Seattle
All the brands came out in solidarity, but dismantling white supremacy would “require dismantling everything that allows many of these brands to exist and profit the way they have for decades.”
— Charleston Food & Wine Festival will no longer host events on plantations.
— A major LA restaurateur left his restaurants after a photo of him in blackface at a Halloween party surfaced (on Eater LA).
— Writer and chef Amethyst Ganaway on what restaurants can and should be doing to support protesters and the black community.
— Lauded Chicago restaurant Fat Rice has closed following employee complaints about the culture fostered by chef and owner Abe Conlon.
— Early Black Panther Party member Billy X Jennings on how he helped feed a movement.
— How cooks, restaurant owners, and gardeners are feeding protesters in Seattle.
— Opening: Strings of Life in LA; a new location of Hewn Bread in Chicago; a new gay bar in Vegas; Uno Mas in Dallas; Mercy Me in D.C.
— To watch: Our newest series with chef Nyesha Arrington, this one shot all remotely.
Off Eater
How this pandemic has had outsize impact on vulnerable communities, via an illustration of 100 New Yorkers. [NYT]
Specialty and artisan cheesemakers are still struggling without restaurants. [Modern Farmer]
A beautiful meditation on commemorating Juneteenth this year. [WaPo]
Huge, huge, huge kudos to the Food & Wine team on this package on the future of restaurants and the Best New Restaurant and Best New Chefs lists from Khushbu Shah. [F&W]
Racism in food media goes so far beyond the obvious bad actors and heinous events and comments and can’t be solved by representation alone. [The Atlantic]
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/2ZczxEf via Blogger https://ift.tt/3eCez8h
0 notes
instantdeerlover · 4 years
Tracking Reopening Around the World added to Google Docs
Tracking Reopening Around the World .lst-kix_list_1-3 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_1-4 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-0{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-7 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_1-5 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_1-6 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-3{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-0 > li:before{content:"● "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-4{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-8 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-1{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-2{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-7{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-1 > li:before{content:"○ "}.lst-kix_list_1-2 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-8{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-5{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-6{list-style-type:none}
 June 2 in Lagos | Adetona Omokanye
From the Editor: Everything you missed in food news last week
This post originally appeared on June 20, 2020 in Amanda Kludt’s newsletter “From the Editor,” a roundup of the most vital news and stories in the food world each week. Read the archives and subscribe now.
I’m going to hop right into the news this week but have two suggested tiny actions. One is to support the last day of the Bakers Against Racism bake sale. Based in D.C. but now taking place worldwide, It’s a decentralized week-long bake sale where any home or pro baker can participate to raise money for charities fighting for social justice. It’s too late for many of the home bakers, but a lot of bakeries are participating for walk-ins.
More importantly, fill out the census. There is no easier way to advocate for social justice, health care, and investment in your community than getting yourself counted. I’m especially talking to all my Brooklyn readers, because we are failing at self-reporting in a major way (well below the national, New York, and borough averages). If we don’t step up, we are going to lose out on major dollars for our friends and neighbors in our communities.
On Eater
— Here’s what dining looked like in cities around the world on one day in June.
— Reopening: Seattle dining rooms, pool parties in Vegas, and outdoor dining in Philly, San Diego, and SF. Meanwhile New York reopens for outdoor dining on Monday.
— Backtracking in Texas: Austin is asking restaurants to reduce capacity from 75% to 25% for dine-in service and requiring all customers to wear masks after cases spiked; bars and restaurants in San Antonio, Dallas, and Houston are closing because of employees testing positive for COVID; and Dallas sucks at social distancing.
... And New York: Governor Cuomo is threatening to revoke liquor licenses of bars that don’t enforce social distancing in front of their property, and the sponsor of a bill extending to-go drinks well beyond the pandemic is reconsidering in response to the city’s party vibes.
— Closures: Nix, Aquagrill, and locations of Xi’an Famous Foods in New York; Be More Pacific and Daruma in Austin; Le Caprice and Indian Accent in London; and almost all Pok Pok locations and many Blue Star Donuts locations in Portland.
— Restaurant employees are becoming the unexpected and uncomfortable enforcers of mask etiquette.
— Say goodbye to the hotel breakfast buffet.
— Damn look at all the fancy-ass takeout Michelin-starred restaurants in New York are doing.
— I loved this op-ed from Marcus Samuelsson about how his regulars shifted from pre-COVID to post-COVID and how they changed once again as the pandemic raged on.
 Chona Kasinger A stand with free food at the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) in Seattle
All the brands came out in solidarity, but dismantling white supremacy would “require dismantling everything that allows many of these brands to exist and profit the way they have for decades.”
— Charleston Food & Wine Festival will no longer host events on plantations.
— A major LA restaurateur left his restaurants after a photo of him in blackface at a Halloween party surfaced (on Eater LA).
— Writer and chef Amethyst Ganaway on what restaurants can and should be doing to support protesters and the black community.
— Lauded Chicago restaurant Fat Rice has closed following employee complaints about the culture fostered by chef and owner Abe Conlon.
— Early Black Panther Party member Billy X Jennings on how he helped feed a movement.
— How cooks, restaurant owners, and gardeners are feeding protesters in Seattle.
— Opening: Strings of Life in LA; a new location of Hewn Bread in Chicago; a new gay bar in Vegas; Uno Mas in Dallas; Mercy Me in D.C.
— To watch: Our newest series with chef Nyesha Arrington, this one shot all remotely.
Off Eater
How this pandemic has had outsize impact on vulnerable communities, via an illustration of 100 New Yorkers. [NYT]
Specialty and artisan cheesemakers are still struggling without restaurants. [Modern Farmer]
A beautiful meditation on commemorating Juneteenth this year. [WaPo]
Huge, huge, huge kudos to the Food & Wine team on this package on the future of restaurants and the Best New Restaurant and Best New Chefs lists from Khushbu Shah. [F&W]
Racism in food media goes so far beyond the obvious bad actors and heinous events and comments and can’t be solved by representation alone. [The Atlantic]
via Eater - All https://www.eater.com/2020/6/22/21298983/editor-newsletter-tracking-reopening-around-the-world
Created June 22, 2020 at 10:26PM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
0 notes
amazingstories · 7 years
Hardcover: 240 pages
Publisher: IDW Publishing; Illustrated edition (October 24, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 168405091X
ISBN-13: 978-1684050918
Product Dimensions: 10.1 x 1 x 11.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.6 pounds
Hardcover: $31.44
      I suspect that I am very much like many other fans of the SF genre in finding genre art to be as fascinating and worthy of attention as its literature.  Were this not so, little space and time would be given to the Art Show at conventions and our publications would lower their prices by foregoing cover illustrations (as some are wont to do owing to fiscal restrictions).
Visual appeal certainly seems to be responsible for capturing many a fan (and many a fan-turned-pro) if their statements are anything to go buy:  Asimov, Clarke, Bradbury, Moore and others have all stated that they were originally attracted to the genre by magazine covers depicting other-worldly visions – giant ants, exploding spaceships, robots and planetary vistas.
My own story is similar, being captivated by the John Berkey illustration for Heinlein’s Starman Jones (depicting the crew working their astrogator’s stations aboard a spaceship):  I’d never seen the inside of a starship before…what were they so intent on?  What do those instruments do?  What might one see through that viewer?  Where were they…and where were they going?
Over the years I have accumulated a fair collection of SF related “coffee table” books of artwork…and I’ve been mesmerized and fascinated by each and every one of them:
 And now a new one to add to my collection, the absolutely stunning THE ART OF THE PULPS An Illustrated History edited by Doug Ellis, Ed Hulse and Robert Weinberg.
I’d love to share some of the interior layouts and cover art selected for this volume, but my attempts to scan without creasing a page would not do the book justice.  I will attempt to convey with words, however inadequate that may be.
Unlike most of my art book holdings, The Art of the Pulps focuses on the entire pulp magazine field, from sports to westerns and from science fiction to true love stories, not missing detective, war, aerial adventures, horror, hero, or titillation along the way.  One glance will tell you that walking past an old-style newsstand during pulp’s heyday must have been like walking through an everyman’s art gallery.
Designed to attract, intrigue, scandalize and spur impulse buys, the covers of the pulps, regardless of genre, were eye popping, vibrant and action-filled.
Art of the Pulps begins with a comprehensive introduction by author F. Paul Wilson, who relates his own exposure to the pulps at 13 (stories from Weird Takes in a Wollheim anthology) and an encounter with one of the great collectors and re-sellers, Gerry de la Ree (a man who I purchased some of my own collection from).  I know well the feeling when Mr. Wilson states “My first view of these covers was an electrifying epiphany.  Love at first sight.  They spoke to me.”
Mr. Wilson then goes on to try and explain the allure of these sometimes lurid images:
The art you’ll see here, the cover paintings and interior illustrations of the pulp magazines, relied heavily on “inward dreamings”.  The science fiction pulps, for instance, depicted fantastic technologies, bizarre spaceships…and the like that never were, and most likely never will be. They showed us the future, not the way it might look, but the way we wished it would look – chock full of bright colors and cool gadgets.
Wish fulfillment realized on the cover of a dime magazine.
Wilson then conducts a short course, based on his years collecting the pulps, in how to go about viewing this unique art form:  there are illustrative tropes as well as literary ones and here is the list of things to keep an eye out for:
An intervening hero: a secret passage/trapdoor: a crooked politician: an ethnic mobster: yellow peril: a damsel in distress: some sort of bondage: skull/skeleton: a madman/mad scientist: your choice of blood, lucre or weapons: partial or complete nudity (shielded by strategically placed objects.
The introduction concludes with a brief survey of other things to look for among the various pulp genres, the sports, romance and other rags.
It’s a fine introduction that whets the appetite for what is to follow.
Douglas Ellis (who – full disclosure – requested my review copy from the publisher) regales us with a history of the pulps.  I’ll leave Doug’s history for the reader who picks this book up, except to quote the quote he opens his history with, as it more than amply encapsulates the entire experience:
What were the pulps? Cheaply printed, luridly illustrated, sensationally written magazines of fiction…Were they any good?  No.  They were great.  Charles Beaumont.
other than to say that he accurately relates the history of this medium, taking us back to 1896 and Munsey’s The Argosy, which was quickly followed by The Popular Magazine and The All Story Magazine, three ventures that set the stage for the all-fiction pulp magazine, that eventually gave birth to the specialist pulps, a foreshadowing of the sub-genre fiction markets we see today.
There then follow a number of chapters devoted to each of the various genres – adventure pulps, detective pulps, western pulps, the war and aerial warfare pulps, (remember, these were published when biplanes were still a common sight), the sports pulps, the romance and true love pulps, horror and weird pulps, science fiction and fantasy pulps, the hero pulps, the racy pulps, each detailing important titles and important artists. These are then followed by chapters devoted to specific artists and specific authors.
(Side note: Mike Ashley, history king of the SF magazine field, is tapped to cover the science fiction pulps and I was very pleased to read the following, where Mike notes that Frank R. Paul’s sometimes over-the-top fantastic visions of the future were harming the perception of the new genre:
…also harmed the image of science fiction, which was aggravated further when pulp publisher William Clayton launched a rival title, Astounding Stories of Super Science, from January 1930. Whereas Gernsback had hoped the stories would encourage readers to explore science and technology, Clayton wanted pure explosive adventure. What’s more, Astounding was a genuine pulp, whereas Gernsback’s magazines had been the full flat size, often called “bedsheet”.)
I don’t think anyone should be surprised by the fact that I spent much of my time paging through The Art of the Pulps on the science fiction section. But it doesn’t matter which pulp genre appeals to you personally, you will find yourself equally fascinated by all of them.
If you already have a collection of pulp art books, The Art of the Pulps will undoubtedly fill some holes with its comprehensive coverage. If you don’t own any pulp art books, The Art of the Pulps is the one to start with. Just for a moment, pretend you are 10, or 11, or 13 again, meeting legendary pulp collector Gerry de la Ree for the first time and he has just opened the door to reveal your own electrifying ephiphany.
FURTHER READING: Phil Stephenson-Payne maintains a visual inventory of the pulps at GalacticCentral. You can get some small idea of the breadth and depth of the pulp field author’s Ellis,, Hulse and Weinberg had to review for The Art of the Pulps by taking a look. You’ll want to reserve several hours.
The Art of the Pulps: Review Hardcover: 240 pages Publisher: IDW Publishing; Illustrated edition (October 24, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 168405091X ISBN-13:
0 notes
we all love avatar/bosch, but i offer you avatar/ed as a concept, because i'm deep in the ship trenches
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Ohh! Avatar/Ed is such an interesting ship. and srry for the wait! I didn't forget about you I swear! I honestly thought he would have more fics on tumblr because of how popular he is. And here I thought Bosch was the underappreciated one. Dude barely has 5 fics to his name. Also I didn’t know if this was a statement or a request, so I present you with some headcanons. Enjoy!
Ed doesn't want civilians getting caught in his fight to free people from Shadaloo's experiments. So he tells you that if you stay with him you may regret it.
He’s quite distant and cocky when he talks to people, so expect some push back when you try to get close to him.
That’s kind of expected when he tells you to get lost after you reached your full mastery with him.
He doesn't care about who you used to be or if you have regrets about the past, he only cares about the version of you in front of him. The You now.
His friends are important to him, they're like his family, so he would want you to be on good terms with them before he continues the relationship.
He hides most of his feelings behind a wall, but when he finds people he cares about Ed will develop a soft spot for them.
He's one of those people who can take a punch better than he can take a hug.
But that doesn't mean he'll push you away if you decide to be affectionate with him. He'll tense up at first, then he'll relax once he realizes you aren’t a threat.
Ed would want you to meet Balrog someday, and meet the man that shaped him to be who he is. Well...he'll bring you to him whenever Ed decides to reach out to him.
Every person who wields Physco Power uses it in a way to enhance their own individual skill. So he'll work with you to help you find your unique style to the best of his ability.
As your master and potentially your future bf, he wants to make sure you're not using Physco Power all willy-nilly. It's dangerous and he doesn't want you to get seriously hurt, despite you telling him you can handle yourself.
His observation skills are sharp so he can pick up small things about you that you probably haven't noticed about yourself. Like habits or certain mannerisms.
So he can tell when you really want something when your eyes linger on it for a split second longer. Which he ends up getting for you because he likes to see you smile.
Ed can also see when you want to be affectionate with him in public. He saw you catching glances at his hands when walking beside him. But you tucked your hands in your pockets after a while of contemplating. He reluctantly offered his hand to you, because as much as he hates PDA he likes you more.
He still has nightmares every so often that makes him wake up in a cold sweat, so please hug him and tell him everything's fine.
In SF6 there are hints of corruption in his KO win pose where he laughs manically. He snaps out of it fairly quickly when you point it out and gets ashamed for letting his emotions get the best of him.
As much as a hard ass he is, he appreciates it if you check up on him just like he does with you.
Like that fortune teller said, Ed is scared of losing himself and turning into something else. Would you even recognize him?
He does get concerned if he hasn’t heard from you in a while, which prompts him to go on a full-blown search. Even if you don’t think it isn’t a big deal, he does. So he wants to make sure you’re okay.
If you’re not feeling well mentally, he’ll lend his ear to you. He has his fair share of rough days, but if there’s anything he can do to relieve some of your stress he’ll do it.
On the flip side, he doesn’t want to pick fights with you but it sometimes happens when he gets frustrated. Ed has a lot of burden on his shoulders and it doesn’t help if you’re always sticking your nose in dangerous situations all the time.
He cares, he really does. It’s just that he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you.
Falke would knock some sense into him if he ever goes too far and forces him to apologize to you. Makes him get on his knees and everything.
Balrog was his unofficial official father figure so Ed picked up on some of his habits later on in life. Good and bad. And his inability to show his emotions without it turning into frustration is one of them.
He’ll try to tone it down for you in the future, but it is something he’s going to have a hard time with, especially since he’s already having an internal conflict with himself on a daily basis.
There are 2 types of kisses I can see him giving: short and abrupt or long and passionate. It depends on his mood and if he’s in public. He would hate to be seen as that couple who can’t stop locking lips at the train station. He’ll get embarrassed.
He would also want to spar against you and help you fix your form when you’re off balance. As mean as it sounds, he’ll make you fall on your ass and tell you to do it again. In his head, he’s teaching you how to be a better fighter. But if it gets too much, tell him. And he’ll adjust his demeanor towards you.
Like those cheesy romcoms. Ed would give you his oversized jacket when it got too cold outside. But don’t tease him too much about it because he’ll threaten to take it back. He won’t.
Ed roams freely at night, so most of your dates will consist of street food and fighting. He also likes to go to the movies with you and watch those shitty horror movies whenever he has downtime.
But ultimately, he’s never in one place for too long. And if you want to keep in contact with him, you better like long-distance relationships.
Because of the distance, he’ll call you at least once a day no matter where he is, because he wants to hear your voice. How’s it been? Are you doing okay? Any assholes giving you shit? Etc.
But similar to his father, if things get too dangerous on his end, he’ll contemplate cutting you off from his life.
He's the type of lover who genuinely wants the best for you, with or without him.
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Ed boy,,, eddy boy, he needs some tender softness in his life he's been through so much rough stuff and the thought of him having a moment to rest for a bit while reader goes "if something comes for you, I'm here to protect you" just jajfjakshdk this poor boy needs a warm hug and some proper sleep
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speaking about warm hugs and proper sleep...
"1800810" you mumbled, tracing the raised ink on his shoulder.
You lay tangled in the sheets, with the moon being the only source of light in the cheap motel room.
"Does it mean anything?" you asked, snaking your arms around his.
"Yeah, it means mind your business and go back to sleep." he said pushing his hair back with his free hand, which gave you the perfect view of his sunken eyes and dark bags.
"Liar. You're just waiting til I fall asleep so you can leave." you mused, leaning closer to him. "Wanna try that again?"
Ed knew you wouldn't settle on anything less than the truth, but he'd still run circles around you until you dropped it. It worked in the past, and he would continue to use it against you.
But you were oddly persistent today.
You're calling his bluff on every excuse he gave you, and you weren't taking his half-ass lies with a grain of salt anymore.
You're becoming restless. "Then you should be used to this, already. It’s not like we were ever official, or anything.”
“You wound me, Eddie." you said pulling a fake frown. "I care about you, you know.”
“Right.” He muttered, burrowing his eyes into you. You should've been nothing more than a fling to help him get his mind off his reoccurring night terrors.
And of course, like an idiot, he got close to you too.
Damn this arrangement.
Ed sat up, his muscles tensing as he shifted away from your embrace, but you only tightened your grip around him. And you pulled yourself up with the sheets pooling around your waist.
"Hey, why are you in such a hurry to leave? I missed you." You said resting your cheek against his arm. "We barely even talked last time you were here and you don't pick up my phone calls when you're away."
Shit. This is exactly why he wanted to avoid you when coming back to Metro City because he knew you would start asking questions.
His plan was to wait until you fell asleep to make his escape, but it doesn't seem like you'll be letting up on him anytime soon.
“Is something after you?”
“Stop.” He tensed at your question.
“Stop what?” You asked confused.
“Doing that...acting like you care and shit.” Ed muttered under his breath, frustration evident in his voice.
“But I do.” You said, unraveling yourself from him.
"And why would you? It's not like I'll stick around long enough to put you in any type of danger." He entertained the idea of staying, of succumbing to the intoxicating pull of your presence. But the looming danger of what's to come occupied his mind.
"Because if something does come for you, I'll be here to protect you." You intertwined your fingers with his.
“You? Protecting me? What a joke.” Ed scoffed, snatching his hand away from yours.
“I’m serious, I don’t know what you're so afraid of tha-"
“I’m not afraid of anything." He cut you off. "and I don’t need you whining in my ear all the time and all that other crap.”
His words hit you like a punch to the gut. He’s still trying to push you away despite all that you’ve been through.
“Look," he said. "I can’t promise your safety in the future.” His reluctance to involve you in his troubles probably stems from a desire to protect you. In his mind, keeping you at arm's length is another way of shielding you from danger.
“You don’t need to, I can handle myself.”
"Yeah, I know you can." Ed huffed, closing his eyes. He leaned into the bedframe, feeling the oncoming headache. Your insistence on being involved with him despite the risks, challenges his perception of you.
Forcing him to confront that maybe you're stronger than he gave you credit for.
You wanted to keep the conversation going, but it doesn’t seem like he’s willing to talk to you anymore. Months of getting to know the man you met at the Metro Station and countless dates, went down the drain. You try to shake off the disappointment, though the ache in your chest refuses to fade.
You hoped for something more to come out of this, but now it feels like it was all just a cruel illusion, with him disappearing in the masses.
“Fine, then go. You don’t need me holding you back.” your voice rumbled in the room's silence. If he didn't want to stay, why should you force him? "But I really hope you know, no matter what. I'll always want to be here with you."
You turned away from him, pulling the covers over your bare body.
Maybe in another life, he would’ve cared about you as much as you did. One where he’s honest with the way he feels, instead of throwing it in your face. And one where he sees you more than someone who can warm his bed on lonely nights.
When you woke up to the morning rays hitting your face, Ed was nowhere in sight. You reached out expecting to feel his warmth, only to meet nothing. The sheets were crumpled and his side of the bed was empty.
So he did leave after all.
You sighed, turning to your nightstand to check the time. You felt something odd graze your finger, so you pushed yourself up, finding a sticky note on your phone.
"If you're serious about what you said, meet me at the train station by 12pm. Hurry up, and don't keep me waiting."
Smiling to yourself, you threw on your clothes and gathered the rest of your scattered items around the room.
You gave one last look at the bed you and Ed shared, before making your way over to the train station.
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stuck next to you - tiishe
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Hi ! I see you’re a fellow Ed enjoyer^^
Can I ask for some Headcannons about Ed with a shy/soft-spoken reader ? It can be the avatar or a random reader, however you prefer
ps: I looove your writing, you’re a blessing to the community
And congrats on getting to your new school 🥳
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omg you're so sweet thank you for your kind words! I'm glad I can make a couple people's day with my writing bc I'm def not the best at it.
Funnily enough, if you are shy/soft-spoken, Ed wouldn't hold it against you.
If anything, he does change his demeanor around you.
He relates your timidness to the living experiments he's freed in the past, all of which were scared and hesitant around other people too.
So he tries to find a middle ground when interacting with them because of his temper.
And it ended up forcing him to be patient with people with your personality.
Those he considered to be his close friends, had varying degrees of timidness, and they gradually opened up to him over the years. So he knew where to thread when accommodating your shyness.
But learning this was still very new to him, so he might sound a bit mean when he tells you to speak up because he can't hear you.
He does want to know what’s on your mind and will tell everyone to shut up so you can have the floor.
Your shyness is also why he won't initiate anything romantic unless you do it.
He's going on your terms, so he wants you to make that first step in the relationship.
He didn’t think you would until you pulled him in for a kiss during a movie marathon.
And it actually made him freeze.
Not because he wasn't used to this type of affection, but because he didn't think the relationship would ever go this far.
So he guessed this was your way of making it official.
When you two go on dates, he makes sure to pick a spot that isn't full of people, like a corner booth or a record store at night.
Maybe you had other forms of communication other than talking, like listening to music. You would share your headphones with him as you sat in the train station, watching people pass by.
Or maybe you communicated with your fist like he does.
Just because you're shy doesn't mean he thinks you're weak.
Like he said, his friends, who are strong fighters, were shy in the past too. So Ed doesn't compare your demeanor to your strength.
Either way, he gets to see your true personality when you warm up to him.
He won't reject any physical affection you initiate because he knows you have been contemplating whether to do it in your head.
So he just rolls with it.
You may have cues he's picked up on when you don't want to interact with people.
Like the slight tremble of your hands or when you advert your eyes to the ground.
Ed would speak in your place if you didn't want to talk to anyone. But he still checks to see if you're fine with it.
He finds solace in the small intimate moments he has with you behind closed doors. For example, tending to his wounds.
He would hiss in pain when you wiped an alcohol pad along his split lip.
You squeaked a quick apology before going back to address the rest of his wounds.
He likes being close to you, especially when your fingers gently graze his skin.
You didn't give him a lecture because he got into another street brawl like Falke does. Or berate him for letting the other person land so many hits on him like his old man.
You both just sat in comforting silence as you cleaned him up.
He doesn't let people get close to him, much less let them touch him. But since you were, he doesn't flinch at your touch when you show him affection because your movements are slow and gentle.
Ed would let you rest your head on his chest when you two lie down in bed and run his fingers along your back, as he listened to your quiet breaths.
Having downtime to relax like this puts him at ease after coming back from kicking those Shadaloo wannabe's asses.
He does get protective over you because it's people with your personality type that get taken advantage of the most.
And he wouldn't put it past others to do just that if they knew how you would react. Or if you would even react at all.
Ed wouldn't just sweep your feelings under the rug if he knew something was affecting you this much.
So if he sees that someone isn’t letting up on you, he’ll tell them to back off.
He'll pull you closer with an arm around your waist and say “Hey, don’t you have anything better to do? Unless you came here wanting to start something.” And it should be more than enough to make them back down with their tail between their legs.
Yeah he sometimes gives you shit for it, but that doesn't mean anyone else can.
But don’t get him wrong, he won't hold your hand all the time when you need to speak up for yourself. He'll give you the reins and sit back.
Ed knows you aren't the best in social situations, but he still wants to let you try and experience things on your own.
And if he sees you starting to get uncomfortable, he will step in.
He doesn't think there's anything wrong with you being shy, if anything, at least he knows you're not associating yourself with the wrong crowd. But if you do want to break out of your shell, Ed will find ways to make you do things on your own.
Because as your boyfriend he wants to see you grow into your own person and not regret the life you have with him.
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You know, I never understood why so many people like ed. And when @corokoro sent me a message, I did a lot of research about him.
And let me tell you, this clip right here was what did it for me.
Omg when avatar punches behind him and he doesn’t flinch. his SMIRK!! I can’t, I can die in peace for this man too.
Rip the girl I was before. Playing this on loop for the 1000th time
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Sorry for not updating more often everyone.
My house just got a new dog, and I have to watch her until someone comes home to take over. I do see you all in my inbox, so please don’t think I forgot about you.
Also as a life update, I got into my dream school! yippee!🥳 I’m studying to be a Radiology tech, and I start June 1st. I’m going to be doing this for 2 years straight with little to no breaks, so I probably won’t have any time to write for the Street Fighter 6 fandom like I used to.
So for anyone who wants to request anything for SF6, go crazy in my inbox. I’ll answer all of them the best I can until May 31st.
But after that, I will be on Hiatus for 2 years until my program is over. Boo. I’ll still reblog sf6 content on here but I won’t be as active.
Hopefully you all understand.
NOW request what you want ppl. My restriction is don’t request characters outside of SF6 that haven’t been properly introduced yet. Because it takes more time for me to research characters than it does to write them.
Characters I wouldn’t write for:
E. Honda
M. Bison
These characters are hard for me to write fanfics for, so please refrain from requesting them.
ps this is the little rascal keeping me up at night. Her name is Sasha.
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I have another question...
Out of everyone in SF6 who do you think would like a Scene! S/o?
(Other than Bosch, I'm trying to see if I can write for other SF6 characters)
I don't think I ever mentioned it to you guys, but I'm alt. And I genuinely do not know who in Street Fighter would appreciate a Scene S/o. Any thoughts on who would?
Edit: after much consideration, Kimberly is the best option! Saving this in my drafts for later. Thank u everyone!
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twenty three.mdni with nfsw content.call me orange
asks in inbox : 6 [closed]
hello! i haven't written fanfics in a hot minute. but street fighter 6 barely has any x reader fanfics, especially for bosch waraya so I'm gonna come back to make some contributions. so that in the future, other people have something to read!
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street fighter
first kiss orange peel theory
chun li
relationship hcs
poison x reader
poison gf headcanons
ed x reader
rain goofyball s/o billiards shy/soft-spoken reader ed bf headcanons warm hugs and proper sleep 18+ nsfw headcanons
luke x reader
warm bimbo luke angst headcanons
bosch x reader
scary movies saving bosch marriage headcanons bosch being a dad cc bosch wasted summers first draft butter tea who are you? sweetheart bosch thoughts ice cream mornings mount 18+ sub bosch 18+ turn ons 18+ pervert
sf6 outfits new bosch lore evil avatar bosch marriage questions random urge to draw first simp post of ed cute bosch drawing is he alive yes or no? nayshall clothing me n bosch fr where does bosch live? companionship in street fighter
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porlockstompf · 6 years
                                                            my favourite books of the year
my overall favourite book of the year:
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     david keenan “this is memorial device” [faber & faber] (2017)
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01 nick harkaway "gnomon" (2017) 02 kim stanley robinson "new york 2140" (2017) 03 m john harrison "you should come with me" (2017) 04 gardner dozois (ed) "the year's best science fiction: thirty-fourth annual collection" (2017) 05 james morrow "the asylum of dr. caligari" (2017)
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06 annalee newitz "autonomous" (2017) 07 cory doctorow "walkaway" (2017) 08 dave hutchinson "acadia" (2017)   + dave hutchinson "slow companions" (2017) 09 ed finn (ed) visions, ventures, escape velocities: a collection of space futures" (2017) 10 bryan thomas schmidt (ed) "infinite stars" (2017)
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11 allan kaster "the year's top hard science fiction stories" (2017) 12 nina allen "the rift" (2017) 13 charles stross "the delirium brief" (2017) 14 simon morden "at the speed of light" (2017) 15 ada palmer "seven surrenders" (2017) & "the will to battle" (2017)
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16 yoon ha lee "raven stratagem" (2017) 17 john joseph adams (ed) "cosmic powers" (2017) 18 mur lafferty "six wakes" (2017) 19 taiyo fujii "orbital cloud" (2017) 20 andrew bannister "creation machine" (2016)     + andrew bannister "iron gods" (2017)
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21 gareth l powell "entropic angel & other stories" (2017) 22 ann leckie "provenance" (2017) 23 monica louzon (ed) "catalysts, explorers & secret keepers: women of sf" 24 ian mconald "wolf moon" (2017) 25 neal stephenson & nicole galland "the rise & fall of d.o.d.o." (2017)
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26 adam roberts "the real-town murders" (2017) 27 tim pratt "the wrong stars" (2017) 28 jim c. hines "terminal alliance" (2017) 29 charles stross "the empire games" (2017) 30 james s.a. corey "persepolis rising" (2017)     + james s.a. corey "strange dogs" (2017)
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31 allen steele "avengers of the moon (captain future)" (2017) 32 neal asher "infinity engine [transformation III]" (2017) 33 jason m. hough "injection burn" (2017)   + jason m. hough "escape velocity" (2017) 34 donna scott (ed) "best of british science fiction 2016"/una mccormack "star of the sea" (2016) 35 david marusek "upon this rock"/john scalzi "collapsing empire" (2017)
& a couple of re-readings: richard k. morgan "takeshi kovacs trilogy" in view of the coming netflix series and colin harvey "damage time" (2010) ... no further reason needed!
01 matthew mcintosh "the mystery.doc" (2017)
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02 sébastien roger "les désordres du monde. walter benjamin à port-bou" (2017) 03 laurent binet "hhhh" (2012) 04 + laurent binet "the 7th function of language" (2017) 05 jean echenoz "special envoy" (2017)
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06 paul stanbridge "forbidden line" (2016) 07 ryu murakami "tokyo decadence (2016) 08 aifric campbell "the semantics of murder" (2008) 09 mark vernon "darker with the day" (2017) 10 magnus mills "the forensic records society" (2017)
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01 mckenzie wark "general intellects: 25 thinkers for the 21st century" (2017) 02 claude lefort "wat is politiek?" (2016) 03 ger groot & sam ijsseling "dankbaar en aandachtig" (2013) 04 martin heidegger "beiträge zur philosophie (vom ereignis)" (2003) 05 hannah arendt "totalitarisme" (2014)
06 daniel birnbaum & kim west "life on sirius: the situationist international & the exhibition of art" (2016) 07 ger groot "de geest is uit de fles" (2017) 08 sean gaston "the impossible mourning of jacques derrida" (2006) 09 bas heijne "onbehagen: nieuw licht op de beschaafde mens" (2016) 10 giorgio colli "ecrits sur nietzsche" (2017)
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11 frédéric neyrat "échapper à l'horreur" (2017) 12 slavoj zizek "against the double blackmail, refugees, terror & other troubles with the neighbours" (2017) 13 henning mankell "quicksand" (2016) 14 jacques rancière "en quel temps vivons-nous? conversations avec eric hazan" (2017) 15 alain badiou "je vous sais si nombreux... " (2017)
16 alain badou & jean-luc nancy "la tradition allemande dans la philosophie" (2017) 17 tom mccarthy "typewriters bombs jellyfish [essays]" (2017) 18 valeria luiselli "tell me how it ends: an essay in 40 questions" (2017) 19 fredric jameson "raymond chandler: the detections of totality" (2016) 20 umberto eco "chronicles of a liquid society" (2017)
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01 chris petit "pale horse riding" (2017)   + chris petit "the butchers of berlin" (2016)   + chris petit "the human pool" (2002)   + chris petit "the psalm killer" (1996)
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02 john le carré "a legacy of spies" (2017) 03 david hewson "sleep baby sleep" (2017) 04 mick herron "slow horses" (2010)   + mick herron "dead lions" (2013)   + mick herron "the list" (2015)   + mick herron "real tigers" (2016)   + mick herron "spook street" (2017) 05 jussi adler-olsen "the scarred woman" (2017)
06 jo nesbo "the thirst" (2017) 07 ben fergusson "the spring of kasper meier" (2014) 08 e.o. chirovici "the book of mirrors" (2017) 09 toni coppers "de zaak magritte" (2017) 10 james r. tuck "mama tried (crime fiction inspired by outlaw country music)" (2016)
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01 philip pullman "la belle sauvage" (2017)
01 cosey fanni tutti "art sex music" (2017) 02 david keenan "this is memorial device" (2017) 03 joanne demers "drone and apocalypse" (2015) 04 + joanne demers "listening through the noise" (2010) 05 robert barry "the music of the future" (2017)
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06 richard cabut & andrew gallix (eds) "punk is dead: modernity killed every night" (2017) 07 butt gavin, kodwo eshun, & mark fisher (eds) "post punk then and now" (2016)" 08 sandra garrido "why are we attracted to sad music" (2016) 09 tomas serrien "klank: een filsofie van de muzikale ervaring" (2017) 10 marlies de munck "waarom chopin de regen niet wilde horen" (2017)
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11 daniel warner "live wires" (2017) 12 will carruthers "playing the bass with three left hands" (2016) 13 steve hanley "the big midweek-life inside the fall (2016) 14 tex perkins "tex" (2017) 15 mark lanegan "i am the wolf" (2017)
17 simon reynolds "shock & awe" (2016) 18 andrew o'neill "a history of heavy metal" (2017) 19 bryan ray turcotte "the fucked up reader" (2007) 10 bob batchelor (ed) "literary cash" (2017) 20 simon webb "a 1970s teenager. from bell-bottoms to disco dancing" (2013)
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         both bell-bottoms and disco dancing can be had @ muntpunt !
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01 jonty tiplady "zam bonk dip" (2010) 02 murray lachlan young "how freakin' zeitgeist are you?" (2017)
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01 peter-andré bloch "sils-maria - "l'île bienheureuse" pour nietzsche" (2017)
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02 willem vanhuyse "atlas van de imaginaire verklaringen: het complete handboek vor de 'patafysicus'" (2017) 03 reinhard kleist "nick cave: mercy on me" (2017) 04 william gibson "archangel (a graphic novel)" (2017) 05 a. uderzo, didier conrad & jean-yves ferri "astérix et la transitalique" (2017)
01 thibault damour & mathieu burniat "mysteries of the quantum universe" (2017) 02 brian cox & jeff forshaw "universal: a journey through the cosmos" (2017)
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01 james acaster "james acaster's classic scrapes" (2017)
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02 chris wade “the story of derek and clive” (2017)
01 frederik bakelandt "grinta! de bergen: 10 legendarsche wielercols" (2017)
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02 lucien van impe & filip osselaer "de dag dat ik de tour verloor" (2017) 03 jonas heyerick & jelle vermeersch "bahamontes #17-#20" (2017) 04 frank strack "the hardmen: legends of the cycling gods" (2017) 05 matthias m. r. declercq "de val" (2017)
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… tsundoku !
may your home be safe from tigers, leroy, x HNY!
the TBR pile grew with...
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lászló krasznahorkai "the world goes on" (2017) samanta schweblin "fever dream" (2017)
peter mark, peter helman & penny snyder (eds) "the mountains in art history" (2017)
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alvin lucier (ed) "eight lectures on experimental music" (2017) rhian e jones & eli davies "under my thumb: songs that hate women and the women who love them" (2017)
arne dahl "watching you" (2017) philip kerr "prussian blue" (2017) antti tuomainen "the man who died" (2017) jon michelet "the frozen women" (2017) nicolás obregón "blue light yokohama" (2017)
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alex lamb "exodus" (2017) c robert cargill "sea of rust" (2017) chris brookmyre "places in the darkness" (2017) d nolan clark "forgotten worlds" & "forbidden suns" (2017) dan moren "the caledonian gambit" (2017) elizabeth moon "cold welcome" (2017) ferrett steinmetz "the uploaded" (2017) greg egan "dichronauts" (2017) ian whates "the ion raider" (2017) jaine fenn "the martian job" (2017) jamie sawyer "pariah" (2017)
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jeff noon "a man of shadows" (2017) joe m mcdermott "the fortress at the end of time" (2017) joe zieja "communication failure" (2017) john kessel "the moon and the other" (2017) john meaney "destructor function" (2017) jonathan strahan (ed) "best sf &f of the year vol 11" & "infinity wars" (2017) kameron hurley "the stars are legion" (2017) kay kenyon "at the table of wolves" (2017) malka older "null states" (2017) marina j. lostetter "noumenon" (2017)
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martha wells "all systems red" (2017) neil clark (ed) "galactic empires" & "more human than human" (2017) paul mcauley "austral" (2017) r.e. stearns "barbary station" (2017) robert kroese "last iota" (2017) sage walker "the man in a tree" (2017) stephen baxter "obelisk" (2017) + stephen baxter "the massacre of mankind" (2017) sulari gentill "crossing the lines" (2017) the justified ancients of mu mu “2023 a trilogy” (2017) wendy n. wagner "an oath of dogs" (2017)
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