#sf9 chani x reader
Hey, if your requests are still open, could you please do a sf9 reaction where they are out with some friends and with them there's also a friend of friends which is the reader and they never met before but they don't know the boys are famous and so they treat them as normal people?
Hello Lovely <3 I hope this is what you wanted xx
SF9 Reaction: When you don't know them
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Youngbin meets you through friends at a small get together. You begin chatting and he realises how much you both have in common. When you ask him what he does for a living he finds himself smiling and awkwardly looking at his feet. He finds it incredibly cute that you don't recognise him and tells you he works in music management, not really wanting to give himself away. As you spend more time talking together, he eventually asks for your number and invites you on a date where he plans to open up more about his job.
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When you both meet at a birthday dinner for a mutual friend, he finds himself inwardly laughing when you ask for his name upon being seated next to him. He can't help but feel drawn to you and keeps dropping not so subtle hints as to who he is. Eventually your friend pulls you to one side and pulls up Inseong's details on the internet to save you from further embarrassment as you were the only clueless one at the table. You find yourself apologising several times and telling him you enjoy his music. A few days later he builds up the courage to ask the friend for your number as he can't seem to get you out of his mind.
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Jaeyoon can tell by the look on your face when you're introduced to each other that you have no idea who he is, so he ends up deciding to run with it. He is the type to make up an elaborate story about being a lion tamer or racing car driver and enjoy the cute/shocked look on your face. He finds you so innocent and adorable that he can't keep himself away from you. Eventually when someone else joins the conversation and asks him about his groups comeback, it eventually clicks in your mind who he is. You apologise profusely and he just waves it off as nothing. Definitely will ask if you want to make it up to him though by allowing him to take you out and how could you say no to that face.
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You reach out to shake his hand and ask for his name after being introduced and his eyes grow to be the size of saucers. Dawon will laugh at first thinking its a joke but eventually will realise you're being serious. Ends up taking you by the hand to the nearest table and passing you a headphone before putting the other in his ear. Makes you listen to several songs and feels proud when you recognise some. Tells you that you need to meet up regularly for more SF9 lessons, but really just wants to spend more time with you.
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Zuho's group means everything to him and he is so proud to be apart of it. When the two of you meet for the first time, he is shocked when you don't know who he is. He seems like he would take it quite personally so you end up in a long discussion about SF9's discovery and you can't help but smile and how cute and passionate he is when he explains it all to you. He continues to discuss it whilst walking you home and the only way to stop him from talking is to kiss him.
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Everyone's eyes are on him when he enters his friends open day party for their new clothing store. You see alot of people taking pictures and asking for autographs. You however slink into the corner having no idea who he is and racking for brain for ideas. Your friend would introduce you both and you find yourself asking what he does for a living...best to be upfront instead of pretending to know. You see his eyes widen a little before a smile settles on his face. Once he explains who he is, he realises that you haven't gone into a fan girl moment like alot of people do upon meeting him. Spends the rest of the evening hovering around you and finding himself jealous when another man approaches you. After you break away from others to get yourself a drink, he would be super open and ask you out on a date.
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Taeyang is another one who would be open about his career when you first meet. He isn't too shocked you don't recognise him but he definitely uses the opportunity to get to know you more whilst explaining about himself. By the end of the night you are both entrapped in a discussion about music, movies and the meaning of life. His softness and warmth makes you feel a sense of comfort you didn't know existed. It will be you who makes the first move by passing him your number and kissing him on the cheek before quickly leaving the venue. Safe to say you already have your next several dates planned together.
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Hwiyoung would enter your friends birthday party looking all cool and dripping with confidence. Confidence which is knocked when you ask for his name. He can't work out whether your joking or being serious so would just stare at you blinking waiting for you to waiver. Eventually once he has gotten over the small shock he explains who he is and can't help but feel butterflies in his stomach when you recognise their newest song. Hints heavily about you coming to a concert they were having and takes your number to send you the details, whilst secretly planning to ask the group on how he can ask you out properly.
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Nothing really fazes Chani so he's not in complete shock when you don't recognise him at an art show held by your friend. He can come off as quite distant and you're not quite sure why at first. Chani would be quite happy to let you talk and get to know you better before dropping the bomb that he's a famous singer and actor. Would awkwardly ask you out and pass you his number before turning on his heel and leaving you stood there dumbfounded.
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divinefireangel · 1 year
Hi dear¡! ♡
Can I ask SF9 how they showed their love to their partner? (Hugs, kisses, physical touches, loving words, etc)
Sorry for my english 🥺
Your English is fine hun! Plus the language is kinda stupid hehe
SF9's Love Languages 🩷
Warnings: These are what I think are SF9's top love language. Of course it is impossible for such lovely people to have just one 😔. Mention of food/cooking in Tae's. Tea is Chani's.
I will literally physically fight if anyone disagrees with me lol. Our man is so wise and sweet and his voice is just is soothing so I just think that his ultimate way to show you appreciation will be through words. Plus man's a great and creative lyricist.
Quality time
Well, it's mostly just him trying to make you laugh by saying and making up the stupidest jokes, if you can call them that, ever. I'm also a strong believer that this man just wants to annoy you enough to start a debate with him cuz he's bored lol
Physical Touch
Maybe this is me projecting my needs maybe it is not okay idk. But let's be honest here, this man is the cutest ever and he will want to squish your cheeks, irrespective of squishyness quotient. He also likes to hug you, literally engulf you in his broad af chest and baby you although you want to baby him don't we all
Acts of service
I just love him sm 😭. See, he's the kind to leave you sweet sticky notes with reassuring words and a drawing or something stupid on the back lol. But yeah it's all the small things that he'll do like buying you a new chapstick before your old one gets over, bringing your water bottle around even when you tell him you won't carry it, letting you use his arm as a pillow during the long car ride to your destination although it definitely hurts after some time, fixing your hair when you're distracted, etc. Bye I need a Sanghyuk
Words of Affirmation
He is so much different that Youngbin tho lemme tell you. So Bin uses maturity and juju uses his baby voice(?) aka he does aegyo and makes you feel all mushy inside. I mean, he is cute.
Gift Giving
It won't necessarily be stupid gift all the time, he does give you good ones occasionally like a sunscreen stick for example. Most of the time it is something useless and weird like a spoon pillow or some shit but it's the thought that counts right?💀
But no on a real note he's super thoughtful when he gives you gifts and he thinks of it as something that'll remind you of his love when you use it.
Yoo Taeyang
Acts of Service
It could be doing your laundry or cooking for you or putting you phone on charge. It's the little things that you need in your daily life that sometimes get so difficult to manage. But don't worry, our teddy Tae is here to be your little lovely helper fairy, even if you don't ask or notice it right away.
Physical Touch
Yes he hates skinship from members but you, no. He loves clinging to you and hugging you and kissing you. He's like a mama cat and you his kitten and he wants to kith and protecc and love you so much till you physically have to be away from him lol
Quality Time
It doesn't even have to be like an eventful couple of hours. It could just be him laying on your lap taking a nap and you reading you book and playing with his hair, giving him a head massage or tracing his cute facial features. It could also be sitting on the rooftop with hot tea cups and talking about life while nuzzling into each other for warmth.
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mirisss · 10 months
Path of Crowned Shadows
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Vampire! OT9 SF9 x afab! reader
 Soulmate, vampire au. 
Wordcount ≈ 8.5k
Warnings: None I think, 
Thank you for the request! And of course, I still write for Rowoon! 
Bolded words are a skip in time or the start of a new chapter. 
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Third Person POV
In the shadowy expanse of the dark kingdom, where the moon held sway over the night, there resided nine vampire princes. These enigmatic beings were intricately bound together by the mystical influence of the moon, their destinies interwoven like the phases of the celestial orb that adorned the night sky.
Driven by an ancient prophecy, the nine princes embarked on a quest to find their elusive soulmate, the one fated to complete the circle of their existence and unlock the dormant powers within them. Despite the captivating allure of the dark kingdom, their search proved to be a seemingly fruitless journey.
As the cycles of the moon waxed and waned, the princes pressed on, fueled by an unwavering determination to fulfill their destiny. The dark kingdom held its secrets close, and only time would reveal whether the celestial dance between the nine vampire princes and their soulmates would ultimately illuminate the shadows or forever remain veiled in the enigma of the night.
Youngbin, the second oldest among the nine vampire princes, possessed a unique blend of strength, charisma, and a natural inclination for leadership. Despite being younger than Inseong, the eldest of the princes, Youngbin assumed the role of the group's leader and, by virtue of a peculiar twist in their heritage, was designated as the heir apparent to the throne.
His demeanor reflected a balance of regality and approachability, making him not only a respected leader but also a figure his brothers could turn to for guidance. Youngbin's eyes, a mesmerizing blend of deep amethyst and the moonlit glow held a spark of determination that mirrored the responsibility he bore as the leader destined to guide their kingdom.
Youngbin's powers were uniquely attuned to governance and protection. He could command the elements, creating barriers of shadows and manipulating the very fabric of the dark kingdom to shield it from external threats. His leadership extended beyond the physical realm, as he proved adept at navigating the intricacies of vampire politics and ensuring the cohesion of the princely brotherhood.
In the quiet moments of reflection, Youngbin would often find solace in the moonlit gardens of their castle, contemplating not only the challenges of their quest but also the responsibilities that came with his imminent role as king. The moon, a silent witness to his thoughts, seemed to offer both guidance and reassurance in the face of the unknown.
Inseong, the eldest of the nine vampire princes, stood at the forefront of their quest with a regal demeanor that reflected both centuries of existence and the weight of the prophecy that bound them together. His eyes, like pools of ancient wisdom, gleamed with a timeless knowledge that surpassed the mortal realm. As the moonlight bathed him in an ethereal glow, it also highlighted the solitude that lingered in the recesses of his gaze.
Inseong's powers surpassed many, a testament to the accumulated strength of centuries lived under the moon's watchful eye. He could manipulate shadows, command the night, and communicate with the nocturnal creatures that inhabited the dark kingdom. Yet, for all his might, the one power that eluded him was the ability to unveil the identities of their elusive soulmate.
In the quiet moments between their pursuits, when the moon hung low and the kingdom slept in an uneasy stillness, Inseong would gaze at the night sky with a contemplative expression. The stars, distant and unattainable, mirrored the essence of the soulmate they sought—shrouded in the vastness of the unknown.
Jaeyoon and Dawon, the third and fourth vampire princes in line, complemented each other in ways that mirrored the delicate balance between dusk and dawn. Jaeyoon, with his captivating charm and beguiling aura, was a master of illusions, able to weave shadows into illusions that confounded and intrigued. Dawon, on the other hand, possessed a unique connection to the natural world, with the ability to manipulate flora and fauna at will.
Jaeyoon's powers of illusion made him a valuable asset to the group, capable of creating diversions and concealing their movements as they traversed the dark kingdom. His silver hair, like moonlit strands, framed his face in an otherworldly elegance, and his eyes sparkled with mischief as he navigated the shadows with an enigmatic grace.
Dawon, in contrast, had a deep affinity for the living realm. He could coax flowers to bloom in the moonlight, summon creatures of the night to aid their cause and draw strength from the very essence of the earth beneath their feet. His connection to the natural world brought a sense of vitality to the group, a reminder that even in the darkest of realms, life could flourish.
The bond between Jaeyoon and Dawon was as inseparable as day and night. Their complementary abilities often intertwined, creating a synergy that enhanced their effectiveness as a duo. In the moments of stillness, they would share quiet conversations beneath the moonlit canopy, reflecting on the journey and the mysteries that surrounded their quest.
As the group ventured deeper into the heart of the dark kingdom, Jaeyoon's illusions wove a protective veil around them, shielding the princes from prying eyes and malevolent forces. Dawon, in turn, would breathe life into the desolate landscapes they encountered, a testament to the enduring power of nature even in the face of darkness.
Zuho, the fifth vampire prince and known as the "dark one" within the kingdom, carried an aura of mystery and intensity that set him apart from his brothers. His icy glare, often accompanied by a stoic demeanor, earned him a reputation that echoed through the shadowed halls of the dark kingdom. Yet, beneath this façade of darkness, Zuho harbored a profound yearning for the love that the prophecy promised—a yearning that ran deep in the veins of his immortal heart.
His powers were as formidable as his reputation. Zuho commanded the element of ice, able to freeze time itself with a mere glance. The chill of his presence sent shivers through the hearts of those who crossed his path, reinforcing the moniker bestowed upon him by the kingdom's inhabitants. Yet, in the solitude of his thoughts, Zuho wrestled with the duality of his nature—the chilling exterior that concealed a warmth he dared not show.
Zuho's gaze, sharp as the moonlight reflecting off icy landscapes, held a complexity that mirrored the struggle within him. The shadows he cast were both a shield and a prison, a defense mechanism born of centuries spent navigating the intrigues of the vampire realm. Yet, as the moon waxed and waned, so did the longing in his immortal soul for a connection that transcended the cold solitude he had grown accustomed to.
On the moonlit nights, when the kingdom lay in a hushed slumber, Zuho would find himself standing on the parapets of their castle, gazing out into the vast expanse of the darkened landscape. His thoughts, like the swirling snowflakes around him, danced between the desire to embrace the warmth of love and the fear of exposing vulnerabilities that had long been buried in the frost of self-preservation.
Among his brothers, Zuho remained an enigma—a puzzle with edges that hinted at both strength and fragility. The other princes sensed the depth of his yearning, the silent plea for understanding and acceptance that echoed in the icy corridors of his heart. Yet, the path to unraveling Zuho's true self-proved to be as treacherous as the frozen landscapes he could conjure with a thought.
Rowoon, the sixth vampire prince, walked in the footsteps of Zuho, creating a striking contrast that seemed to embody the duality of their immortal existence. If Zuho was the embodiment of darkness, Rowoon emerged as the radiant counterpoint—the prince known for his charming and warm looks that endeared him to the inhabitants of the dark kingdom.
Tall and commanding, Rowoon possessed an otherworldly allure that drew eyes like moths to a flame. His golden hair, reminiscent of the sun's glow at dawn, framed a face that radiated kindness and approachability. His eyes, pools of warmth, held an innate ability to dispel the shadows that clung to the kingdom, earning him the affectionate moniker of the "light bringer" among the subjects.
Rowoon's powers were attuned to healing and restoration. He could mend wounds with a touch and infuse the air with an invigorating energy that dispelled the weariness that often accompanied their quest. His presence, like a beacon in the night, brought comfort to his brothers and a sense of hope to the kingdom that lingered in the perpetual embrace of darkness.
The dynamic between Rowoon and Zuho was a fascinating interplay of opposites. While Zuho's gaze could freeze time, Rowoon's smile had the power to thaw even the coldest hearts. Their connection, akin to the delicate balance of night and day, added a layer of complexity to the brotherhood, highlighting the diverse strengths that each prince brought to the collective journey.
Despite their differences, Rowoon and Zuho shared an unspoken understanding that ran deeper than the superficial contrasts in their appearances and abilities. In the moonlit nights, when the kingdom lay still, they would find moments of quiet contemplation, reflecting on the intricacies of their intertwined destinies and the significance of their roles in the prophecy.
Taeyang, the seventh vampire prince, brought a unique passion to the brotherhood—one that transcended the mystic powers and political intricacies that surrounded their quest. His heart resonated with the rhythmic beats of dance and the moon's warm glow served as both witness and inspiration to his profound yearning.
His name, meaning Sun, captured the essence of his vibrant spirit. Taeyang's movements were a fluid expression of grace and power, a dance that mirrored the celestial dance of the moon and the stars. His dark hair, like cascading shadows, framed a face adorned with the glow of someone who found solace in the rhythm of the night.
Taeyang's powers were intricately linked to his affinity for dance. As he moved, shadows swirled around him, creating ephemeral patterns that captivated the eyes of those fortunate enough to witness his artistry. His dance was not only a form of self-expression but also a means of channeling the very essence of the dark kingdom, infusing the air with a magical energy that resonated with the moon's warm embrace.
The moon, with its silver radiance, became both a muse and confidante to Taeyang. Under its watchful gaze, he would lose himself in the rhythmic flow of his own movements, imagining a future where he and his soulmate would dance together, creating a symphony that echoed through the darkened realm.
Among his brothers, Taeyang's passion for dance added a dynamic layer to their collective journey. The moonlit nights transformed into impromptu stages where the vampire prince would weave his spells, inviting his brothers to join in the celestial dance that bound them together.
Hwiyoung and Chani, the eighth and ninth vampire princes, brought a youthful energy to the brotherhood, their presence a reminder that even in the timeless realm of immortality, the essence of youth and discovery remained. Despite being the youngest, they carried a weighty responsibility as integral pieces in the celestial puzzle that bound them together.
Hwiyoung, with his tousled silver hair and mischievous eyes, possessed an affinity for the winds that whispered through the night. His powers allowed him to command the air, creating gentle breezes or powerful gusts that carried the secrets of the dark kingdom. His playful spirit added a lighthearted touch to the group, a refreshing breeze amidst the shadows.
Chani, on the other hand, was a creature of the moonlit forests. His connection to nature surpassed even that of Dawon, as he could communicate with animals and navigate the dense woodlands with an almost supernatural intuition. Chani's eyes, reflecting the deep hues of the nocturnal landscapes, held a wisdom that defied his youthful appearance.
The duo of Hwiyoung and Chani, inseparable like the moon and the stars, brought a sense of camaraderie and exploration to the brotherhood. Together, they discovered hidden pathways through the kingdom and reveled in the enchanting mysteries that lurked in the corners of their world. Their laughter echoed through the moonlit nights, a testament to the enduring spirit of youth even in the midst of their quest.
In the grand scheme of their quest, Hwiyoung and Chani, like the final strokes on a canvas, added a sense of completeness to the brotherhood. The moon, their ever-watchful companion, observed the unfolding destinies of the vampire princes, each step bringing them closer to the revelation of their soulmates and the fulfillment of the prophecy that bound them as one.
In the outskirts of the small town, nestled in the shadow of the dark kingdom, lived a girl by the name of (Y/n). Her humble existence unfolded in a small, weathered house, where she shared the simple comforts of life with fellow orphans from the town. The flickering candlelight and the warmth of shared stories painted the walls of their modest abode with a sense of camaraderie and resilience.
(Y/n), with her expressive eyes that mirrored the myriad hues of the moonlit night, navigated life with a quiet strength that belied her circumstances. Her days were filled with the simple joys of laughter and shared meals, and the nights brought the solace of a sky adorned with stars that seemed to echo the tales whispered by the elders of the town about the mysterious dark kingdom nearby.
Living on the outskirts allowed (Y/n) to catch glimpses of the kingdom's enigmatic silhouette, its dark spires reaching into the night sky. The tales of the vampire princes and their quest for soulmates were woven into the fabric of the town's folklore, a source of fascination and trepidation for the orphans who dared to dream beneath the moon's silver glow.
Among her fellow orphans, (Y/n) stood out as a source of comfort and inspiration. Her resilience in the face of adversity and her ability to find joy in the simplicity of life endeared her to those around her. As the moon cast its glow upon the outskirts, (Y/n) would often find herself gazing toward the dark kingdom, a spark of curiosity flickering in her eyes.
As (Y/n) went about her days, weaving the threads of her existence with those of her fellow orphans, the moon continued its watchful vigil over the unfolding tale. The dark kingdom, with its mysteries and the nine vampire princes bound by destiny, loomed ever closer, casting its enigmatic influence on the small town and the girl who lived on its outskirts.
The news of the impending arrival of the nine vampire princes stirred a mixture of excitement and trepidation throughout the small town. Whispers of their quest, their otherworldly powers, and the elusive search for soulmates spread like wildfire, casting a magical anticipation over the community.
As the summery day unfolded, the air buzzed with palpable energy, and the townsfolk couldn't help but feel the magnetic pull of destiny drawing near. The sunlight bathed the cobbled streets in a warm embrace, casting a golden hue over the town that contrasted with the mysterious shadows of the approaching dark kingdom.
In the outskirts, where (Y/n) lived with the other orphans, a sense of wonder mingled with the everyday routines. The small house, usually filled with the comforting sounds of shared stories and laughter, hummed with an added sense of anticipation. The orphans exchanged eager glances, their imaginations ignited by the prospect of encountering beings from the fabled dark kingdom.
Preparations buzzed throughout the town as its inhabitants readied for the arrival of the vampire princes. Merchants adorned their stalls with vibrant colors, flowers bloomed in window boxes, and the aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air—a collective effort to welcome the enigmatic guests with open hearts.
The summery day turned into a hazy evening, and the town's folk gathered in the central square, their faces illuminated by the warm glow of lanterns and the flickering anticipation of the impending arrival. The air shimmered with excitement, and whispers of hope and curiosity echoed beneath the moonlit sky.
The rhythmic sound of horse hooves hitting the ground echoed through the town, gradually growing louder until it became a steady and distinct beat. As the anticipation peaked, nine silhouettes emerged on the horizon, riding toward the town on majestic steeds. The moonlit night unveiled the figures of the vampire princes, their dark cloaks billowing in the night breeze as their horses gracefully carried them forward. The townspeople, collectively holding their breath, watched in awe as the nine mysterious figures drew nearer.
As the nine princes approached, the air became charged with a blend of curiosity and reverence. Rowoon, with his radiant charm, indeed drew the gaze of many despite his cloak covering his face, and the young girls couldn't help but marvel at the reality of the living legend before them. The collective heartbeat of the town seemed to synchronize with the hoofbeats of the approaching steeds, creating a harmonious symphony that underscored the significance of the moment.
The nine princes came to a graceful halt in the center of the town square, dismounting from their steeds with an otherworldly elegance. The small crowd hushed in anticipation, watched as the princes lowered their hoods one by one, revealing features that seemed to transcend the mortal realm.
Inseong, stood with a regal poise, his gaze sweeping over the assembled townspeople with a wisdom that spoke of centuries lived beneath the moon's watchful eye. Beside him, Youngbin exuded a calm confidence, a leader born of both authority and compassion.
The other princes followed suit, revealing faces that held a unique blend of mystery and allure. Jaeyoon, Dawon, and Zuho each bore expressions that hinted at the complexities beneath their exterior. Rowoon, with his warm and charming looks, smiled gently as he observed the townspeople.
Taeyang, the dancer, moved with a fluid grace that seemed to echo the very essence of the moonlit night. Hwiyoung and Chani, the youngest, exuded an energetic vibrancy that added a touch of youthful exuberance to the group.
As the princes faced the townspeople, their piercing eyes scanned the crowd, searching for a connection that would fulfill the prophecy. The air, charged with the unspoken hopes of the townspeople, crackled with a sense of destiny unfolding.
The townspeople, caught in the collective gaze of the vampire princes, held their breath as the celestial search began. Whispers rippled through the crowd, speculation and excitement intertwining in the moonlit night. Each prince, in his own way, sought the elusive soulmate who would complete the cosmic puzzle that bound them together.
In the midst of the town square, (Y/n) felt a mix of nervous anticipation and quiet curiosity. The gaze of the vampire princes, each with a unique allure, seemed to linger on the faces of the townspeople, a silent search for the one whose destiny would intertwine with theirs.
The moon, casting its ethereal glow upon the scene, bore witness to the unfolding drama beneath its celestial canvas. The small town, caught between the realms of ordinary life and the extraordinary fate promised by the prophecy, awaited the moment when the threads of mortal and immortal destinies would finally entwine.
A moment of quiet despair settled among the princes as their piercing gazes scanned the townspeople, and the weight of an uncertain future pressed upon them. The air, thick with anticipation, carried an undercurrent of melancholy as the possibility of not finding their soulmates loomed.
Yet, just as a shadow falls across a sunlit path, a subtle shift in the atmosphere caught the attention of the vampire princes. As their eyes swept over the crowd, the shadows seemed to part, revealing a figure standing at the back of the gathering. (Y/n), hidden from their direct sight, had inadvertently caught the attention of the princes through the revealing dance of the shadows.
The townspeople, unaware of the unfolding drama, continued to exchange hopeful glances, oblivious to the profound moment that hung in the air. The princes, guided by the serendipity of the shadows, felt a sudden surge of energy as their eyes locked onto the girl who stood at the periphery of the crowd.
At that moment, the world seemed to be still. The moon, the silent witness to the cosmic dance, bathed (Y/n) in its silver glow, casting her in a radiant light that captivated the vampire princes. The revelation unfolded like a dream, and the connection between the princes and the hidden girl felt palpable as if destiny had guided their eyes toward an undeniable truth.
The air shimmered with newfound hope as the princes, driven by an instinct that transcended the ordinary, began to move toward the back of the crowd where (Y/n) stood. The townspeople, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, turned their attention to the unfolding spectacle, their murmurs of anticipation giving way to a collective realization that something extraordinary was taking place.
As the princes closed the distance, the shadows continued to weave their silent narrative, revealing the connection that had eluded them moments before. Destiny, it seemed, had a way of illuminating the path even in the darkest corners of the unknown. And in that moment, beneath the watchful gaze of the moon and the curious eyes of the townspeople, the nine vampire princes and (Y/n) stood on the threshold of a fate that would bind them together in an immortal dance written by the hand of destiny. 
(Y/n), standing at the back of the crowd, felt a mixture of confusion and bewilderment as the nine princes, guided by an unseen force, began to move in her direction. The sudden attention, the weight of their collective gaze, left her feeling like the epicenter of a cosmic shift she couldn't comprehend.
The whispers and speculations of the townspeople reached her ears, adding to the surreal atmosphere that surrounded the unexpected turn of events. (Y/n)'s eyes darted between the advancing princes, each step they took amplifying her sense of disorientation.
As the princes closed the distance, their eyes, filled with an intensity that bordered on recognition, seemed to lock onto her. (Y/n) questioned the nature of this inexplicable connection, her thoughts racing to catch up with the unfolding reality. Why had the attention of the vampire princes turned toward her?
The moonlit night, usually a source of comfort, now felt like a silent witness to a mystery that eluded her understanding. The shadows, playing tricks with the light, seemed to dance around the princes and (Y/n), casting an ethereal glow on the scene.
Among the townspeople, a murmur of curiosity rippled through the air. The small community, caught in the currents of destiny, watched with bated breath as the princes and (Y/n) stood on the precipice of a revelation that promised to rewrite the narrative of their lives.
In the midst of confusion, (Y/n) couldn't escape the feeling that she had become a central figure in a tale that transcended the ordinary boundaries of her life. The questions lingered, and as the vampire princes drew closer, the answers seemed poised to unfold beneath the watchful eye of the moon, the silent orchestrator of a celestial dance that defied mortal comprehension.
In the moonlit glow, Youngbin, with an air of regal charisma, extended his hand toward (Y/n), breaking through the veil of confusion that enveloped her. As he stood in front of the much shorter girl, his eyes held a warmth that contrasted with the initial intensity, and a genuine smile graced his lips.
With a gentle gesture, he introduced himself and his brothers, each prince revealing a unique presence that mirrored the diverse facets of the moonlit night. Youngbin's voice, a soothing melody that resonated with authority and kindness, echoed through the square as he spoke of their quest. 
As the introduction concluded, Youngbin, still extending his hand, looked at (Y/n) with a sincerity that transcended the supernatural circumstances. "And what might be your name?" he asked, his gaze inviting her to step into the unfolding tapestry of destiny.
(Y/n), still bewildered but feeling a sense of reassurance in Youngbin's presence, took his extended hand with a small nod. Bowing respectfully, she introduced herself, "I am (Y/n)."
As (Y/n) took Youngbin's extended hand, an inexplicable spark ignited within her, a sensation that resonated with a force beyond her understanding. The touch, seemingly ordinary, carried a subtle current that whispered of connections woven by the hands of destiny.
Her world shifted when Youngbin, with a sincerity that mirrored the glow of the moon above, revealed a revelation that echoed through the quiet town square. "(Y/n)," Youngbin began, his gaze unwavering, "you are our fated soulmate,"
The words hung in the air, carrying a weight that transcended the ordinary. (Y/n), caught between the realms of disbelief and destiny, processed the profound declaration. The townspeople, overhearing Youngbin's words, fell into a collective hush as they witnessed the unfolding of a tale that defied the boundaries of their understanding.
The moon, casting its ethereal glow, seemed to intensify its radiance as if acknowledging the significance of the moment. The shadows, playing their silent dance, whispered secrets that only the celestial realm comprehended.
As the realization settled within her, (Y/n) met Youngbin's eyes, searching for confirmation in the depths of his gaze. The connection between them, sparked by the touch of their hands, resonated with the unspoken threads of destiny that bound the vampire princes together.
The small town, now a stage for an extraordinary chapter in the tale of the nine princes, held its breath as the cosmic dance of fate unfolded beneath the watchful gaze of the moon. In that moment, (Y/n) stood at the intersection of two worlds, her ordinary existence now intricately intertwined with the extraordinary destiny that awaited her and the vampire princes.
The weight of Youngbin's revelation hit (Y/n) with such force that she felt the ground shift beneath her. The shock nearly caused her to lose her footing, and she stumbled, the world tilting on its axis. However, before she could fully lose her balance, Jaeyoon, with reflexes as quick as moonlight, appeared by her side in an instant.
His strong and steady presence became her anchor, and Jaeyoon's supportive grasp ensured that (Y/n) regained her balance. The touch, though brief, carried a comforting reassurance, as if the vampire prince, with a silent understanding, sought to ease the overwhelming impact of the revelation.
"(Y/n), are you all right?" Jaeyoon asked with genuine concern, his eyes reflecting a mixture of empathy and curiosity. The townspeople, still caught in the collective hush, observed the unfolding scene with a sense of awe and wonder.
Taking a moment to compose herself, (Y/n) met Jaeyoon's gaze, a myriad of emotions swirling within her. The reality of being the fated soulmate of the nine princes began to settle, and the cosmic significance of the moment lingered in the air.
The moon, a silent witness to the unexpected turns of fate, continued to cast its glow upon the small town square. The shadows, now holding a different resonance, danced around the group, adding an ethereal quality to the unfolding drama.
As (Y/n) steadied herself, the realization of her newfound destiny intertwined with the journey of the vampire princes. The moonlit night, once ordinary, had become the stage for a tale that would leave an indelible mark on the quiet town and the girl who stood at the center of a prophecy that transcended the boundaries of mortal understanding.
Inseong, with the authority befitting the eldest of the vampire princes, raised his hand, dismissing the rest of the crowd to allow him and his brothers some private time with their newfound soulmate, (Y/n). The townspeople, a mixture of awe and curiosity, began to disperse, giving the group of vampires the space they needed.
However, a handful of curious onlookers, drawn by the mysterious allure of the vampire princes and the unfolding saga, hesitated to leave. They lingered at the edges, attempting to catch a glimpse of the extraordinary encounter between the immortal beings and the girl who held the key to their destiny.
Among those who lingered, some tried to push the boundaries of Inseong's order, perhaps fueled by a desire for proximity to the supernatural spectacle. This disobedience didn't sit well with Zuho, the "dark one" of the vampire princes, who sensed the treacherous undertones in the lingering presence of the onlookers.
Zuho, with a stern expression and an icy glare that matched his reputation, decided to take matters into his own hands. In a swift and almost imperceptible motion, he summoned the power of ice, causing an ephemeral frost to trail from his fingertips. The temperature dropped, and a chill permeated the air, sending shivers through the lingering onlookers.
The sudden manifestation of Zuho's powers, coupled with his intimidating demeanor, sent a collective shudder through the crowd. The frost danced in the moonlit night, a warning that echoed the boundaries set by the vampire princes. The lingering townspeople, now thoroughly spooked, scattered like leaves in the wind, yielding to the will of the supernatural beings in their midst.
With the unwanted spectators dispelled, the town square returned to a semblance of calm. The vampire princes, flanked by the enigmatic presence of (Y/n), were left with the solitude needed for a conversation that would unravel the intricacies of the prophecy and the destinies entwined in the moonlit night. The moon, casting its serene glow upon the scene, bore witness to the unfolding tale that danced on the edges of the extraordinary and the ordinary, a tale that defied the boundaries between the mortal and the immortal realms.
Feeling the sudden drop in temperature induced by Zuho's display of power, (Y/n) couldn't help but shiver in response to the chilling atmosphere that surrounded her. The unexpected frost in the air sent a wave of cold through her, and she instinctively wrapped her arms around herself, seeking to ward off the sudden chill.
Noticing her discomfort, Hwiyoung, the gentle and breezy vampire prince, reacted with swift kindness. Without hesitation, he removed his cloak and, with a graceful motion, draped it around (Y/n). The fabric, imbued with the essence of Hwiyoung's powers over the winds, enveloped her in a cocoon of warmth.
"There, that should help," Hwiyoung said, his voice carrying a soothing quality that echoed the breeze. The cloak, with its ethereal touch, seemed to respond to the elements under his command, creating a pocket of comfort for (Y/n) amidst the lingering traces of frost.
The gesture didn't go unnoticed by the other princes, each of them keenly aware of the small yet significant interactions unfolding in the moonlit night. The group, now standing in a more secluded part of the town square, prepared for the conversations that would shape the next chapters of their intertwined destinies.
As (Y/n) stood enveloped in Hwiyoung's cloak, the warmth and protection it offered became a tangible symbol of the bond forming between the vampire princes and their fated soulmate. The moon above, a silent witness to the ebb and flow of emotions, continued to cast its serene glow, setting the stage for the unraveling tale that lay ahead—a tale in which the ordinary and the extraordinary danced in harmony beneath the celestial canvas.
As the moonlit night embraced them in a quiet solitude, (Y/n) found herself standing with the nine vampire princes, a question weighing on her heart that she couldn't ignore. In the hushed stillness of the moment, she mustered the courage to voice the inquiry that lingered in her mind.
"What does it mean to be your soulmate?" she asked, her voice a gentle yet earnest murmur beneath the night sky.
The princes, their expressions a blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary curiosity, exchanged glances as if silently communicating the gravity of the question. Inseong, the eldest, stepped forward, his eyes holding a depth that spoke of centuries lived beneath the moon's watchful gaze.
"To be our soulmate," Inseong began, his words measured and resonant, "means that your destiny is intricately tied to ours. It means you hold the key to unlocking the dormant powers within us, powers that, when united, can reshape the very fabric of our existence."
Youngbin, with his charismatic presence, continued the explanation. "It means that, together, we fulfill a prophecy that binds us as one. Your connection with each of us is unique, and through that connection, the magic that resides within can be awakened."
Hwiyoung, ever attuned to the winds of change, expressed, "Being our soulmate means becoming a part of a cosmic symphony, where each note, each thread, contributes to the grand design of our shared destiny."
Chani, with his connection to the natural world, added, "It means finding harmony not just with us but also with the elements that surround us, a balance between the supernatural and the ordinary."
In this exchange, (Y/n) gained glimpses into the complexities of the prophecy, each prince offering a piece of the puzzle that was their shared destiny. The moon, casting its silvery glow upon the group, seemed to listen to the unfolding dialogue that would shape the path ahead.
As the explanation unfolded, (Y/n) absorbed the weight of her role in this cosmic narrative, her ordinary existence now intricately woven with the extraordinary destinies of the nine vampire princes. The moonlit night, witness to their revelations, held the promise of a journey that would transcend the boundaries of the known and venture into the realms of magic, fate, and the timeless dance of the celestial.
Dawon's words echoed through the moonlit night, each syllable carrying the weight of an eternal promise. As the youngest among the vampire princes, his expression softened with a sincerity that transcended the ages.
"It also means," Dawon continued, his voice gentle yet unwavering, "to spend the rest of our lives together, an eternal bond of love."
The revelation hung in the air, a profound declaration that resonated with the timeless nature of the vampire princes' existence. The moon, casting its ethereal glow upon the gathering, seemed to embrace the weight and beauty of the commitment being offered.
The other princes, their eyes reflecting the depth of emotions that accompanied Dawon's words, nodded in agreement. In that moment, the small group stood at the threshold of an extraordinary journey—a journey that would unfold not just beneath the moonlit sky but across the vast expanse of time itself.
"(Y/n)," Taeyang spoke, "you are the missing piece in our eternal puzzle. The completion of our bond heralds an ageless love that transcends the boundaries of mortal understanding."
As the revelation settled, (Y/n) felt a mixture of awe and trepidation. The prospect of an eternal bond, a love that spanned lifetimes, held both the allure of the extraordinary and the weight of profound responsibility.
The moon, now a silent witness to the unfolding vows, continued its watchful gaze. The vampire princes and (Y/n), standing beneath its silvery glow, became a testament to the enduring power of love that, like the moon itself, wove through the tapestry of time, leaving an indelible mark on the pages of an immortal tale.
With the weight of the eternal bond and the unfolding destiny settling in the air, (Y/n) decided to lighten the atmosphere with a question that hinted at the practicalities of their newfound connection. A playful smile graced her lips as she inquired, "So, will I be moving to your castle, or are you all planning to live in my small town?"
The question brought forth a chorus of chuckles from the vampire princes, a welcome respite from the weighty discussions of destiny and eternal bonds. Each prince exchanged amused glances, their laughter reflecting the camaraderie that existed among them.
Chani, spoke with a twinkle in his eye, "Well, (Y/n), the castle does have a certain timeless charm, but we are more than willing to adapt to the comforts of your small town if that's your preference."
Youngbin, with his charismatic presence, added, "After all, the magic lies not just in the grandeur of castles but in the simple joys of everyday life."
The other princes, in turn, expressed their willingness to embrace the lifestyle of (Y/n)'s town, acknowledging that the choice was a shared one. Jaeyoon, with a warm smile, mentioned the appeal of a close-knit community, while Dawon playfully commented on the prospect of exploring the town's charms.
Zuho, known for his icy demeanor, surprised everyone with a teasing remark, "Who knows, perhaps the 'dark one' might find warmth in the quaint corners of your town."
Rowoon, with his charming demeanor, chimed in, "Whether castle or town, our home is where our soulmate is."
The playful banter continued, creating a lighthearted atmosphere amidst the profound discussions. The moon, still casting its serene glow, seemed to appreciate the balance between the weight of destiny and the joy found in the simplicity of shared laughter.
As the vampire princes and (Y/n) stood beneath the moonlit sky, the question of where their shared journey would unfold became a topic of mutual consideration. The choices ahead, whether within the walls of a castle or amidst the familiarity of a small town, reflected the harmonious dance of the extraordinary and the ordinary—a dance that would define the chapters of their eternal bond.
Youngbin's words, infused with the weight of responsibility as the crown prince, conveyed the practical necessity of returning to the castle. The reality of ruling a kingdom required their presence in the realm they governed. As he spoke, there was a sincerity in his gaze that sought understanding, recognizing the potential complexities that such a decision might carry.
"However, truthfully, we must return to the castle. We cannot rule the kingdom from here. Will you come with us?" Youngbin's question hung in the air, carrying the weight of the choices that (Y/n) now faced.
(Y/n), with a thoughtful expression, considered the implications of such a decision. The life she had known in the small town, with its simplicity and shared moments, tugged at the strings of familiarity. Yet, as she reflected, she found no binding strings that tethered her to the town. The unfolding connection with the vampire princes, the promises of an eternal bond, and the destiny that awaited seemed to beckon her toward a path that transcended the boundaries of her ordinary existence.
In the quiet moments that followed, Youngbin's gaze held a blend of anticipation and respect, recognizing that the choice was a significant one. The other princes, standing beside him, awaited (Y/n)'s response with a mixture of curiosity and understanding.
As (Y/n) pondered the question, the moon, the silent witness to the ebb and flow of destinies, continued to cast its gentle glow upon the scene. The night, pregnant with possibilities, held the promise of a journey that could unfold within the storied walls of a castle, where the echoes of their shared destiny would resonate through the corridors of time.
The decision, a pivotal moment in the tale that bound the vampire princes and (Y/n) together, awaited a choice that would shape the course of their eternal bond.
With the weight of the decision hanging in the air and the moon casting its serene glow upon the scene, (Y/n) took a moment to contemplate the choices before her. The prospect of life within the castle intertwined with the destiny of the vampire princes, and the responsibilities that came with ruling a kingdom were not decisions to be taken lightly.
After a minute or two of thoughtful consideration, (Y/n) looked at the vampire princes, her eyes reflecting a newfound determination. With a soft yet resolute voice, she answered, "Yes, I will come with you."
The words, like a gentle breeze, carried a promise that resonated with the destiny written in the stars. The vampire princes, their expressions a mix of joy and gratitude, exchanged glances that spoke volumes about the significance of (Y/n)'s decision.
Youngbin, the crown prince, nodded with a sense of responsibility fulfilled, recognizing the gravity of the commitment. The other princes, each harboring their unique connection with (Y/n), welcomed her decision with a shared understanding that their shared journey was set to take a new and extraordinary turn.
As (Y/n) stepped into the path of the unknown, the moon above seemed to smile upon the gathering, casting its approval upon the choice that would shape the destinies of mortals and immortals alike. The night, now filled with the promise of a shared future, stood as a testament to the enduring power of love and the harmonious dance of ordinary and extraordinary moments beneath the watchful gaze of the celestial realm.
And so, the vampire princes and their fated soulmate embarked on a journey back to the castle, where the tapestry of their eternal bond would continue to unfold in a tale written by the hand of destiny.
Taeyang's thoughtful inquiry about (Y/n)'s belongings, met with her admission of only having a handful of half-broken clothing, prompted a kind and considerate response from the gentle prince. "We'll make sure you have everything you need," he assured, a warmth in his eyes that mirrored the promise of care and provision.
Jaeyoon, known for his charming and affable nature, leaned down and whispered in (Y/n)'s ear. His voice, a soft murmur against the backdrop of the night, carried a reassurance that hinted at the opulence awaiting her in the castle. "At the castle, you'll have the most beautiful things and clothes," he shared, his words weaving a vision of a life beyond the confines of the small town.
The prospect of a new beginning, adorned with the luxuries and splendors of the castle, brought a glimmer of anticipation to (Y/n)'s eyes. The contrast between her humble belongings and the promise of a life filled with opulence seemed to symbolize the transformative journey she was about to undertake.
As the vampire princes and (Y/n) prepared to leave the small town behind, the moon, casting its silver glow, bore witness to the exchange of promises and the anticipation of the extraordinary destiny that lay ahead. The night held the echo of whispered assurances, the rustle of cloaks, and the collective heartbeat of those bound by the threads of an eternal bond.
The journey back to the castle, where the vampire princes and their soulmate would begin a new chapter, unfolded beneath the celestial canvas. The night, with its mysteries and promises, embraced them in its tender embrace, marking the commencement of a tale that transcended the boundaries of time and mortality.
As the decision was made to begin the journey back to the castle, the vampire princes, with an air of purpose, started to mount their horses. In the midst of this organized activity, Zuho, the "dark one," extended his hand toward (Y/n). The gesture was an unexpected yet graceful invitation—a hand offered not just in assistance but in a shared journey.
Zuho's icy gaze softened for a moment, revealing a depth of consideration and perhaps a hint of the vulnerability beneath his stoic exterior. The hand he extended toward (Y/n) held a silent promise of companionship on the path that lay ahead.
With a small yet appreciative smile, (Y/n) accepted Zuho's hand. His touch, surprisingly gentle, conveyed a silent understanding that transcended words. With his guidance, she mounted the horse behind him, finding herself positioned to ride alongside the "dark one" as they embarked on the journey back to the castle.
The other princes, mounted on their steeds, glanced back with smiles that held a mix of camaraderie and anticipation. The moon, now a celestial companion to the riders, continued to cast its ethereal glow upon the scene, blessing the beginning of a journey that promised to be as magical as the night itself.
As the group set forth on horseback, the clip-clop of hooves echoed through the night, harmonizing with the rustle of cloaks and the whispers of destiny. The small town, now a fading memory in the distance, marked the point of departure for a tale that would unfold within the walls of the castle—a tale written by the hand of fate, guided by the moon, and carried forward by the eternal bond that bound the vampire princes and their fated soulmate.
Life at the castle unfolded like a dream for (Y/n), a dream adorned with opulence, enchanting corridors, and the company of the vampire princes. Each passing day brought a cascade of romantic moments that seemed to transcend the ordinary boundaries of time and space.
The castle, with its majestic halls and secret passages, became a backdrop for shared laughter, whispered promises, and stolen glances. (Y/n) found herself immersed in a world where the extraordinary mingled seamlessly with the ordinary, where the moonlit nights held the promise of eternal love.
Her heart, once beating to the rhythm of a small town's simplicity, now quickened with every romantic gesture, every shared gaze, and every touch exchanged with the vampire princes. The bond between them deepened, and the feelings (Y/n) harbored for the boys grew, a symphony of emotions that resonated within the castle's grand walls.
As the moon continued its watchful gaze over the castle, the love story within its walls unfolded like a tapestry woven with threads of magic and destiny. The small town, now a distant memory, had given way to a life where each romantic moment marked a page in the timeless narrative that celebrated the extraordinary connection between mortals and immortals.
The romance, woven into the very fabric of their shared existence, became a testament to the enduring power of love that defied the constraints of mortality. Whether it was a dance beneath the chandeliers, a shared moment on the castle battlements, or a stolen kiss in the moonlit gardens, each romantic interlude added a new verse to the eternal ballad that bound the vampire princes and (Y/n) together.
In the castle's vast library, Youngbin and (Y/n) found a shared haven among the shelves of ancient tomes and modern novels. Engaged in passionate discussions about literature, their intellectual connection blossomed into something deeper. Amidst the scent of aging parchment, they shared stolen kisses, each one a promise sealed between the pages of a romantic novel.
In the serene castle gardens, Inseong became (Y/n)'s patient guide in the art of drawing. Surrounded by blooming flowers and the soft rustle of leaves, their afternoons were spent capturing the beauty of the world on paper. With each stroke of the pencil, a silent dialogue unfolded, expressing emotions that words could not convey.
Jaeyoon, with his affinity for nature, led (Y/n) through the enchanting castle greenhouse. Amidst vibrant blooms and exotic plants, they explored the hidden corners of the botanical sanctuary. The air filled with the sweet scent of flowers as they discovered the magic that flourished in the heart of the castle.
Dawon, with a penchant for elegance, whisked (Y/n) away on a shopping spree through the castle's extensive wardrobe. As he selected the most exquisite gowns, each fitting (Y/n)'s figure like a dream, their bond deepened amidst the swirl of silk and the shimmer of jewels.
In the heart of winter, Zuho created an enchanting ice rink within the castle grounds. Hand in hand, they glided across the frozen surface, the crisp air echoing with laughter and the scrape of skates. Under the starlit sky, Zuho guided (Y/n) through a dance on ice, a metaphor for the delicate balance of their shared journey.
Cozy nights in the castle's private theater became a sanctuary for (Y/n) and Rowoon. Snuggled under warm blankets, they watched movies that spanned genres, their laughter and shared commentary creating a soundtrack to their growing affection. In the dim glow of the screen, Rowoon held (Y/n) close, each frame capturing a moment frozen in time.
Taeyang, with the rhythm of a dancer's heart, twirled (Y/n) under the moonlit sky. The castle ballroom became a stage for their shared dances, each step a declaration of love set to the music that echoed through the grand halls. In the embrace of the waltz, Taeyang and (Y/n) found a harmony that transcended the ordinary.
Beneath the blanket of the midnight sky, Hwiyoung and (Y/n) shared intimate picnics on the castle battlements. Surrounded by the soft glow of lanterns, they exchanged innocent kisses as the stars bore witness to the quiet moments that illuminated the night.
In the castle's music room, Chani became (Y/n)'s patient instructor in the art of piano. Guiding her hands across the ivory keys, they created melodies that echoed through the castle corridors. In each chord and refrain, a symphony of emotions unfolded, expressing the depth of their connection in a language that only music could convey.
The castle, once a vast expanse that echoed with the footsteps of nine vampire princes, had held an air of grandeur that seemed to stretch into endless corridors. Despite the camaraderie among the princes, there lingered a sense of solitude, a quiet loneliness that whispered through the empty spaces.
However, with the arrival of (Y/n), the castle underwent a transformation. The once seemingly boundless halls now resonated with shared laughter, the warmth of companionship, and the echo of shared moments. The castle, once a majestic but solitary fortress, began to feel alive, each room infused with the energy of newfound connections.
The presence of just one more person had turned the castle into a home. The grandeur of its architecture and the opulence of its halls became the backdrop for a tale of love and shared destinies. The once-lonely corridors now held the imprint of shared footsteps, and the walls, witnesses to individual and collective moments, seemed to radiate a newfound warmth.
As (Y/n) navigated the castle's twists and turns, she found comfort in the familiarity of the vampire princes' presence. The once-never-ending halls now felt like a tapestry woven with threads of shared experiences, a testament to the bonds that had transformed a fortress into a home.
The castle, with its storied history and timeless architecture, became more than just a residence for the vampire princes. It became a haven, a sanctuary where love, laughter, and the echoes of shared moments filled the air. The once-lonely castle had found its heart, and that heartbeat in harmony with the collective rhythm of its newfound residents—a home that embraced the extraordinary and celebrated the magic of connection.
42 notes · View notes
beautifulchris · 1 year
mischief managed
pairing: han jisung x gn!reader
wc: 3,2k
featuring: lee minho, kim seungmin, sf9’s chani, nct’s jaemin
summary: jisung tries to break every single rule with you
genres: hogwarts!au, partners-in-crime!au, ravenclaw!jisung, slytherin!reader, fluff, comedy
warnings: swearing
notes: I wanna apologize to jaemin for doing him so dirty, my baby doesn’t deserve this sdjkfqlk feedback is always appreciated! moodboard made by me, pictures found on the internet. reposting works from my old blog
order of writing: chan - jisung - minho - hyunjin - jeongin - seungmin - changbin - felix
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @straykidsland
tag list: @badwithten @raethethey send ask/dm/comment to be added!
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On the King’s Cross train station on your very first day, you almost missed the train because your dad absolutely wanted to take the best pic of his precious kid going to the mythic Hogwarts school. So you ended up in an almost empty compartment. The other compartments around were full and there was just this boy alone.
“Hey, can I sit here?” You probably startled him because he looked up at you with wild eyes but instantly smiled at your sight.
“Yeah, sure.”
“What are you doing all alone?” you asked as you sat in front of him.
He shrugged. “Looking at my chocolate frog cards collection.”
“Wow, nice. Can I see?”
He handed them to you, “Yes, of course. I’m Jisung by the way.”
“I’m Y/N.”
Since that day, you were inseparable and soon became partners-in-crime. Being put in different houses didn’t stop you.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿ฺ
After learning Alohomora in charms class, you wandered in the castle to find a forbidden office to open and what better one than the caretaker’s where a whole lot of interesting things were stored?
There, you found a few dungbombs that Jisung instantly took, confiscated brooms and chains. A lot of perfectly polished chains hung on the walls.
“I understand why he doesn’t stay here often,” you snorted and returned to your inspection. In a dusty cabinet named ‘Confiscated and Highly Dangerous’, you found an old piece of blank parchment. It was mysteriously well conserved taking into account where it was so you put it in your pocket. Further inspection will be done to know how a simple parchment could be ‘highly dangerous’.
“I’m kinda disappointed. Sure we’ll use the dungbombs wisely but I thought there were more interesting treasures.”
“Don’t be so down yet Ji, I found a mystery to resolve. Let’s go before we get caught.”
Fortunately, you didn’t get caught. You both went to your common room, being a quiet place with almost no students at this hour. You showed Jisung the parchment and counted on his intelligence and logic to figure out how it worked. After a few minutes, he looked up at you and smirked.
“I feel like it’s in good hands now.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
Instead of answering, he put his wand out of his pocket and pointed it to the parchment.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” he simply said. You were going to question him when the parchment caught your eye. Ink was spreading on the paper and soon you could read:
“Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers are proud to present…”
“The Marauder’s Map,” Jisung whispered with stars in his eyes.
“What is this? Open it!”
Jisung did as told and both of you were dumbfounded by what you discovered. A map of the whole school, including the secret passages that are hidden within its walls and the location of every person in the grounds, portrayed by a dot. This map, a true masterpiece, within your hands was a disaster for everyone else.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿ฺ
Three years later, you knew everything you could possibly have learned about the school. Neither Ravenclaw or Slytherin could win the house cup as long as you both were in Hogwarts. No matter the amount of effort Seungmin, Changbin and Minho would make to earn points, they could never make up for your wickedness. You did earn points sometimes in classes when you answered correctly to a teacher’s question and you weren’t the only one to lose points either so you didn’t feel so bad. You did lose more points than you earned but shhh. Let's not talk about that.
One day, on your way to the lake after lunch, Gryffindor Jaemin called your name so you stopped in your tracks and waited for him to join you.
“Hey, Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to study with me after class? For transfiguration.”
Uh. Jaemin has never been your friend and the most he ever said to you before now was “Get out of my way, filthy Slytherin.” the second day of your first year. Therefore you were startled, to say the least. Plus you wanted to study with Jisung, not some acquaintance you never talked to and weren’t interested in.
“Not really, I already have plans for tonight. Thank you for the offer though.”
You tried to sound as nice as you could but without much convection and left before he could reply. A few meters away, Jisung saw the whole scene and wondered what you had told him because he looked displeased. He joined you and you smiled at him before intertwining fingers.
The next day, Jisung and you were sunbathing with a nice autumn breeze on a bench in the courtyard when someone came in front of you, preventing the sun from warming your face. You opened your eyes and were met with Jaemin and a few of his friends.
“Can you move please?” you politely demanded, since you didn’t want to start anything.
“Are you dating him?” he asked, pointing at your best friend.
“Then why did you reject my date proposal?”
Oh my god. Really? You were going to put him in place but Jisung’s mocking laugh stopped you.
“Really dude? You want to do this here?”
“I don’t think you’re in the conversation.” Jaemin’s glare didn’t please you.
“Should’ve asked to talk to Y/N in person then instead of creating unnecessary drama.”
Jaemin looked like he was going to throw hands so you spoke before it went too far.
“Guys, let’s stay civil here. I rejected you cause I’m not interested in you, there's no other motive. Now can you let us be?” His friends laughed at him and you could swear you heard one of them say something about a bet.
“Wait, asking Y/N out on a date was a bet?”
“And what about it?” Jaemin said cockily. Jisung was fuming and you were disgusted by the boy.
“Can’t you respect people? No one deserves to be a bet’s victim. You guys suck.”
He scoffed. “I’m sure you’re the type of guy who hides when it comes to fight.”
“Try me.” You knew by his glare that he wasn’t playing anymore. Jaemin was smirking but not for long.
“Let’s duel.”
Jisung was so fast to put his wand out, it surprised Jaemin. You tried to stop them but it was useless because their pride was at stake.
Before you could blink, Jaemin ended up mouthless and you heard a woman screaming but you didn’t listen, being amazed by the spell’s effect. Jisung took your hand and ran through the corridors, hearing the professor yelling she would remove twenty points from his house.
You managed to catch your breath while Jisung was answering an easy riddle —for him— to enter the Ravenclaw common room.
“I can’t believe you really did it.”
“He challenged me! You know I can’t say no to that,” Jisung sighed.
“I know. That was brilliant, by the way.” You sat on one of the comfortable chairs like you lived there —it wasn’t totally false— and you were followed by your partner-in-crime.
“Thanks! I practiced this one a lot, I couldn’t wait to use it for real.”
“I hope you didn’t do anything foolish,” said a voice behind you.
“Oh, Seungmin! I didn’t see you there.” Jisung turned around and smiled. Seungmin was reading a book in a blue armchair. He closed it and gave his attention to his friends. “I hope you’re not hoping too hard.”
“How much?”
“What do you mean?” Jisung’s innocent act didn’t work since the second time he used it but he was still trying three years later.
“Twenty,” you answered. Seungmin gave Jisung a look and he shrugged.
“It was fun and I don’t regret it.” He folded his arms and pouted like a grounded kid.
“Of course you don’t,” Seungmin loudly exhaled.
“You’ll make it up for it, won’t you?”
Seungmin sighed deeply. He felt like he had to work twice as hard to win back the points Jisung made their house lose but it was never enough. “I always do, but don’t you think you should calm down a bit?”
“Absolutely not. There’s still a lot of rules Y/N and I haven't broken yet, so many adventures and exciting moments to live.” Jisung smiled widely at you while Seungmin implored you with his eyes to stop him. Your gaze went from one to another without really knowing what to say and before you could, someone sat next to Jisung and typed on the table.
“What mischief are you going to commit today pals?” It was Chani, one of the chasers of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and a fellow 4th year.
“Hey Chani! Already done, Jaemin asked for a duel and I used Oscausi on him.”
“Oh I don’t know th-” Chani started.
“OSCAUSI? Jisung, are you crazy?” Seungmin got up so fast he startled everyone, including others around him.
“Don’t worry, he got his mouth back,” Jisung waved his hand with indifference, Jaemin deserved it after all. “Eventually.”
“You’re going to be the death of me, really.” Jisung and Chani just laughed at that and Jaemin unofficially became your target for a lot of future mischief.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
“I haven’t lost any points in days, maybe I should start to pay attention in arithmancy class.”
It was this time of the year where the air was so cold you just stayed in your or Jisung’s common room and studied to prevent boredom.
Jisung pulled his robe hood over his head and gently slapped you in the back of the head. “Transfigure this quill into a rat and put it onto Jaemin’s head.”
“I mean, yeah, that’s a funnier idea.”
You lost ten points for it but you found it so fun you were back on track until the next cold day.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
You always loved the Ravenclaw common room. You didn’t dislike the Slytherin one, but it was cold and unfriendly when you weren’t a Slytherin yourself. Plus you loved warm places. What you liked the most about the Ravenclaw common room was the domed ceiling painted with stars. You could literally watch it for hours until having to go to your own dorm to sleep. If you weren’t friends with Jisung, you probably would never have been able to lose yourself in the stars because you weren’t that close with Seungmin or Chani and you didn’t really know any other Ravenclaws.
You were currently lying down on one of the couches, your head on Jisung’s lap, helping each other revise (yes, it happens!) for the history of magic test about the goblin rebellions you would have the next day, more concentrated on the stars than the subject. It was calming and it helped you stress less about the tests.
“Where’s Muffin?” you asked out of nowhere.
It made Jisung flinch but when didn't he? Just like she knew her name, she appeared next to you, purring loudly. You put her on your belly and patted her head lovingly.
“Don’t forget she’s my cat,” whined Jisung as he closed his book and put it on the coffee table next to the couch.
You smirked. “Don’t be jealous cause she loves me more.”
The elegant Siberian cat got up and rubbed herself against your best friend’s chest, waving her tail on your face.
“You were saying?”
You rolled your eyes and opened your transfiguration book which was on the floor. It was going to be a long night and you’ll probably have to go back to your dorm after curfew. Bless the marauder’s map in those moments.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
The Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin was coming up and Jisung had to practice more than usual as the seeker. He was going to play against Changbin after all. They both were really good so you wondered who would win the match. Gryffindor had won the first match against Slytherin and Ravenclaw won the one against Hufflepuff thanks to Jisung’s agility and speed.
You always followed Jisung at his training, it was the only moments he wasn’t trying to break the rules. He was pretty serious about Quidditch actually, even if after each training since your 3rd year, you went to drink a mug of butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks with Chani. It was like tradition.
The day of the match, you cheered on your team and your friends, so basically both teams. The competitive mindset of the two seekers could be felt from afar, everybody knew the match was going to be intense. At the end, the score was 350-200 for Slytherin, because Yugyeom, one of the Slytherin beaters, sent a bludger on Jisung’s broom, causing him to spin around and allowing Changbin to catch the golden snitch. It was a good game and Jisung didn’t fall so it was a double win.
Of course you would say that cause you're a Slytherin.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
Ravenclaws shared the defence against the dark arts class with Slytherins so, naturally, Jisung and you were seated together.
“Hello everyone! Today’s lesson is about acromentulas.” As the professor proceeded with his lecture, you felt your strong partner-in-crime shiver in his seat. You looked at him and were surprised by how much he looked terrified of acromentulas, not that you could blame him, these giant spiders were scary as hell.
“You okay there, bro?” He didn’t answer and was so pale you thought he was going to faint. You tried to comfort him but he was frozen.
The professor, not giving a care about what was happening in front of his face, decided to show some photos of acromentulas and as if it didn’t trigger Jisung enough, he eventually showed a real one in a big cage. From what you’ve seen in your books, it was nearly a teen so it wasn’t that big compared to his adult size but it was still big enough to scare the hell out of Jisung. He literally fell off his chair and the sound made the professor pay attention.
“Jisung? What happened?”
“He’s really scared of acromentulas, sir. Can you please put it away?”
“Oh. Yes, of course.”
While the professor finally put it away, you helped Jisung sit back.
“You okay?”
“Not really. That shit’s so grim.”
“I know, take deep breaths. It’s gone, everything’s alright.”
His breathing was unsteady for a few moments but he quickly got his composure back.
“I’m sorry Jisung, didn’t mean to frighten you. Class’ dismissed. Except you, Jisung.”
Everyone left except Seungmin, who checked on his friend, Jisung and you.
The professor went to his office and came back with chocolate.
“Here, eat this, you’ll feel better. I didn’t know it was this horrifying for you.”
He accepted the chocolate and ate it slowly. “It’s okay, you couldn’t know. Arachnophobia isn’t cool.”
“I won’t show any spider in this class from now on, I promise.”
“Thank you sir.”
“You can go now, drink water and rest.”
As you left class, Jisung whispered in your ear. “I don’t need water, I need a good butterbeer.”
You both chuckled and, after saying bye to Seungmin who certainly left to go to the library to do his homework, went to the Three Broomsticks using the secret passage beneath the one-eyed statue by the stairs of your last class to drink one or two mugs of butterbeer.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
Two months before the end of the year, Jisung had the baddest yet boldest idea so far. It was remarkable how he never failed to impress you.
“I’m going to use this potion on Jaemin, he’ll definitely leave you alone after that.”
“He left me alone after I put a rat onto his head but suit yourself, bro.”
You were hiding behind stairs on the third floor, waiting for Jaemin to walk down. Jisung was holding his flask tight in his hand. When you heard people talking, you discreetly looked up and saw Jaemin. Jisung didn’t hesitate and before you could react, his flask was emptied on Jaemin’s head. His hair slowly stood on end but it wasn’t all, it also turned into candy apple red. He somehow added Colovaria to the hair-rising potion and you were about to congratulate him when you got a glimpse of Minho upstairs.
Jaemin left, horrified, to the nearest bathroom to see the damage while Minho was casually walking down the stairs. Jisung lost his smile when he saw him and swallowed hard. Once arrived at your height, he opened his mouth.
“Rules are put in place to prevent hundreds of magically gifted hormonal hazards from accidentally turning themselves into sharks or losing an eye, or provoking the wrath of a giant spider, or blowing themselves up, or whatever. But here you are, trying to break every single one of them.” You almost felt relieved he didn’t scream at you.
“Look, I’m stupid, okay? And stupid people do stupid things. That’s a fact.”
You could have laughed at his excuse if Minho wasn’t staring at both of you like he was about to end you. He wasn’t generally scary but he was a prefect so when you did something wrong… well, let’s say you better not be seen by him.
“Do you use this lame excuse every time you do shit?”
“My other excuse is that it was Y/N’s idea but no one buys it.”
You looked at him in disbelief. Of course no one bought it, you were more like his sidekick than the mastermind.
“Not surprising. Anyway, fifteen points from Ravenclaw. I would have taken twenty but adding a transfiguration spell to a potion was really clever.”
He asked Jisung for a favor, talking privately in the nearest classroom for a few minutes. Then Minho left and Jisung came back to you with a big smile and you high-fived him. The Marauders Map usually prevented incidents like this and he wasn’t near this place when you last checked the Map. Minho literally came out of nowhere.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
On a fine and warm day, as Jisung and you successfully pranked Jaemin for the umpteenth time that year, he turned to you still laughing.
“You know what’s the strength of a duet? It’s to be two.”
“Thank you for your encouraging words. I now know you need me,” you winked.
The laughter slowly died down and the atmosphere became somehow serious. He sat on a bench and you joined him.
“Are you kidding? I’ll always need you.”
“Always? Sounds like a really long time,” you chuckled, more to tease him and put aside the fact that you need him just as much.
“Just wishing we’ll stay together forever,” he blurted out, his eyes concentrating on his shoes.
“You’re sweet. I would love that too.”
He lifted his head and looked you in the eye.
“Really? No need for the Imperius Curse then?” You blinked a few times, about to smack him when he smiled wildly. “Just kidding, I would never.”
“Anyway, go train for the match against Gryffindor, wouldn’t want Mark to catch the snitch before you, would you?”
“Won’t happen.”
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please let me know <3 and here's the masterlist!
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slytherinshua · 9 months
   sf9 masterlist ⟡₊ ⊹
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⋆˙⟡ = author's pick !
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home with you
genre: fluff. inseong as a dad. | wc: 1.1k.
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nothing yet . . .
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nothing yet . . .
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cherry blossoms and amber wood ⋆˙⟡
genre: fluff. | wc: 1.1k.
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hold me tight ⋆˙⟡
genre: fluff. | wc: 2.6k.
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nothing yet . . .
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nothing yet . . .
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your distracting kiss ⋆˙⟡
genre: fluff. | wc: 948.
airbag can't save us ⋆˙⟡
genre: angst. breakup. | wc: 1.1k.
(don't) hang up
genre: fluff. | wc: 644.
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nothing yet . . .
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texts with bf!maknae line
genre: fluff. fake texts.
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Hi again I see your requests are open, hope you are doing well. I was hoping to request Fluff prompts 1 and 4 with Chani from Sf9. It’s been a really long week for me and all I can think about is snuggling that man with some sweet kisses. 🫠 you always write the best scenarios ❤️ have a nice day!
Thank you very much, anon! You also have a nice day and I hope things are better now ♡
Chani (SF9) | Being held after a long day & Comfortable silence fluff | 0.5k
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The digits glowing on the clock on the night table read a little after midnight, but nobody pays them any attention. It’s late, even if for the two of you this is actually early. Seldom it happens that you get to hold each other sooner than in the early hours of the morning. You both got home before midnight, and yet it feels like the day has been excruciatingly long. Neither of you bothers recounting the frustrating day, instead opting to allow yourself some well deserved rest.
Silence has never bothered you, and it’s twice as true when you share it with Chani. And honestly, after the day you’ve had it’s exactly what you need. There’s ringing in your ears that has yet to subside but already it feels better as you lay your head on Chani’s chest. His heartbeat is slow and comforting, and he seems just as content with wordlessly holding you as you are with holding him. Your bare bodies share their warmth under the covers and as tired as you are, you don’t want to fall asleep just yet. It’s a blessing to feel that way, you realize, and how lucky you are it’s your lover who makes it possible. You just want to lay like this with him for as long as you can.
His hand finds its way to your hair, gently combing through it before his fingers make contact with your scalp. You groan softly as they begin to move and massage over your head. No way you’re opening your eyes any time soon. You hug him tighter, thanking him with a lingering kiss over his heart.
In response, he lets go of you, the loss of the warmth of his hand immediately making you shiver with cold, and takes your hands. He guides it towards his shoulder and you shake your head with a smile. The position isn’t good to help ease the pent up tension and knots in his muscles but it will have to do since neither of you wants to move. 
Despite the awkward angle and limited access, you do your best. You wince internally just imagining the discomfort he must feel. You add slightly more pressure even if your fingers threaten to cramp up and it’s not enough. You know he appreciates it anyway, and besides he’d need a professional to truly feel a difference - there’s only so much your loving touch can do. What a shame fairytales aren’t real.
You can’t tell when the switch flips and your mind gets so cloudy that you’re barely aware of your surroundings, sleep taking you all at once. When you awake hours later, you find yourself in the same position. Chani’s hand is still tangled in your hair, and you chuckle quietly. He must’ve drifted off just as suddenly as you did.
Carefully, you move his hand to his chest and find a more comfortable position to sleep in. Settling on your side, you feel sleep creeping up on you once more. Yet before you lose consciousness, you feel your boyfriend shift and suddenly there’s a warm chest pressed against your back. It’s not long before his arm wraps around your waist and pulls you closer. 
You think there’s no better way to fall asleep, or to wake up.
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unifox · 1 year
~Pairing: Chani x reader (with a uterus {no gender specified tho, I don't know if it worked but I tried my best!})
~Genre: fluff 
~Warnings: food and period-related things
~Words: 630
~Summary: You deal with your period in the most nonchalant way possible. So much so that Chani never noticed you at that time of the month.
a/n: Hello! Found this Draft from 2021 and decided to finally finish it. I hope You guys like this one!
Here's a Scenario game! in case anyone is interested in asking for a prompt ~Foxy🦊
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Chani kept side-eyeing Youngbin’s girlfriend as she kept grunting. 1/3 worried and 2/3 annoyed he asked
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah” was her short and direct answer, not even bothering to look at him
He shrugged and went back to scrolling through Instagram when Youngbin busted through the door and presented his girlfriend with a bag
“I got you chocolate and ice cream. Plus your pads and some painkillers” he said while kissing her forehead
She only then opened a bright smile and hugged her boyfriend repeatedly saying thank you. She then got up and ran to the toilet
“What’s up with her?” Chani mumbled
Youngbin with his sharp hearing answered that she was on her period
Chani stopped and started to think back to the last time you, his s/o was on your period but he couldn’t recall a single moment. Of course, his thinking face didn't go unnoticed by Youngbin and his girlfriend who just returned from the toilet.
"Don't you do anything to y/n? You should spoil them ” Bin's Gf questioned Chani
"I… I've never witnessed their period…" he asked
"Haven't you guys been together for 6 months now…? How have you not witnessed it yet…" Youngbin began to wonder, making Chani shrug
"How would I know that they're on their period?” Chani asked the two older
"Well, they could have cramps, mood changes, go to the toilet a lot, cravings… It really changes from person to person”
Thinking about the symptoms, Chani could't remember a single time he witnessed one of those. Oh well, he should ask you about it.
You actually act nonchalantly about your period. Cramps? Take some meds. Mood changes? Yours are not that noticeable and you're a good actor/actress. Cravings? Use that delivery app. You could say you're pretty independent and that's why your period passes unnoticed by your boyfriend. You never felt the need to call him to do anything for you when that time of the month comes after all, way too many years passed with you dealing with it on your own
A month passed and Chani kept on trying to find any signs that you were on your period. When he thought he finally figured it out because you've been upset for a whole week, you simply vented.
"My boss is being a real pain in the ass this week. Everybody agrees that the project needs more time to fully develop and improve but he doesn't care! He just wants us to finish it quickly to brag to his superior! That selfish bastard… ”
One day, Chani walks into your apartment to you angrily sipping water
"What… What happened?”
"I just wanted a mocha frappuccino but I can't drink caffeine OR milk right now. That's annoying” You said now pouting at him
"And why is that?” he asked sitting next to you and putting his arm over your shoulders
"I'm on my period. That usually worsens my cramps” You mentioned and went back to drinking your water
oh? I guess that's his cue to confront you about it
"You know, I've been talking to Youngbin and his girlfriend, and they kind of judged me for not spoiling you when you're on your period. Does that make you upset? That I didn't notice it before?” He said cautiously but honestly
"Oh… Not really, I guess I'm just used to dealing with it on my own. Some cuddles when I have cramps would be nice tho” You responded a bit surprised. You weren't expecting Chani to spoil you since throughout your relationship it wasn't really something that occurred a lot, it was just how you both were, but his willingness to change touched your heart.
"How about cuddles to chase this bad mood away? I guess you can't have that frappuccino now but you can have some cuddles… And your favorite takeout. How about that”
"That sounds wonderful baby, thank you” You pecked Chani on the lips
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hwangyeonjun · 2 years
January 17th
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pairing: kang chanhee (chani) x gn!reader
genre: fluff, humour (?)
birthday party masterlist
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you were eyeing chanhee up down, eyes a bit narrow as you tried to read him while he was peacefully eating his cereal.
he looked completely normal, like nothing’s bothering him and there’s nothing on his mind.
it made you think if you had became so bad at reading him or does he really have no thoughts behind those eyes.
it’s his birthday today, and you, the brilliant prankster that you are, decided to pretend like you forgot about it. but it’s been five hours since you woke up, and chanhee did not show any signs of disappointment or any emotions in general.
“hey babe” you called him, gaining his attention as he gazed at you. “do you know what day it is?”
he scrunched his nose, thinking about it. “oh it’s tuesday” he smiled victoriously, proud of himself that he remembered.
you sighed, resting your arms on the kitchen counter in front of him. now you definitely looked disappointed and it made him panick. did he forget your birthday? anniversary?
“chanhee, do you know what day of the month today is?”
he quickly glanced at his phone. “seventieth” chanhee answered and gulped right after, your gaze intimidating him to the point that he was barely holding in.
“baby” you started. “when is your birthday?”
“january seventi- oh” you could almost see the lightbulb that turned on above his head. glancing at his phone again, he nodded. “yep, okay. got it”
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smileyyoungchan · 2 years
☀️SF9 Masterlist☀️
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🍀Kim YoungBin🍀 
*nothing yet*
🌰Kim InSeong🌰
*nothing yet*
🐣Lee JaeYoon🐣
*nothing yet*
👅Lee SangHyuk👅
*nothing yet*
🦁Baek JuHo🦁
*nothing yet*
🐭Kim SeokWoo🐭
*nothing yet*
🌞Yoo TaeYang🌞
*nothing yet*
🔝Kim YoungKyun🔝
*nothing yet*
😇Kang ChanHee😇
*nothing yet*
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lost-inthedream · 1 year
Love your sf9 stuff!
Was wondering if you could write an SF9 reaction to their s/o being horny in the middle of the night?? Thank you!
Sorry for the late answer. Thank you for requesting!
SF9 reaction to their s/o being horny in the middle of the night
Pairing: SF9 x female reader
Warnings: oral, fingering, masturbation, mentions of sex, everything in this piece happens with consent.
Bonus song rec: UFO, by Gemini ft. Seori.
smut content under the cut
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You deliberately wake him up, but with kind touches. Once he asks what the problem is, you say you need his help. "Nightmare??" he supposes pulling you closer, which obligates you to be explicit. He chuckles with a hint of malice and tells you to undress both of you then he is gonna do the job. The way he penetrates you is rather romantic at this time.
Waking him up is harder than you expected. However, the more you talk profanities into his ear as you lay very closer to him, the wetter you get. "You nasty" he finally moans back in a low tone. "Yes, I'm the nastiest!" you whine out excited. "Will you fuck yourself on my dick right now?" he asks with a jerk, knowing that this is all you want. You just need to climb on top of him.
Jaeyoon immediately smiles at your filthy approach under the sheets but he is lazy. He slowly palms you back to reach your folds. "Are you wet?" He sounds curious but also hazy. Anyways, he is pretty caring and starts pumping your hole with two fingers as soon he figures out that you are lubrificated.
This boy is easily woken up. The first complaint that reaches his ear gets him alert. "Yes, doll". When you kiss him in the mouth, he gets it right away. You won't even need to move, he blindly goes to your bottoms and removes them, you are curious to discover what's he's going for. Maybe he will eat you out, maybe he will tease your entrance with those thick fingers of his.
He wakes up so lost and confused, you have to kiss him into comprehension. Since your kiss is much dirtier than he expects in the middle of the night, he slowly understands that there's something off. He places his hand spread onto your butt cheek and massages its flesh. "Oh shit, my princess needs to be fucked back to sleep". He will do it still half-asleep and still clothed but it's perfect to have your eyelids heavy again.
Dragging him out of dreamland this late is harder than anything. He turns to the side and purrs at your approach. You are almost giving up, resigned to only sucking on his fingers when he suddenly asks if you need your pussy eaten out. "Please, my love" you cry, pulling his damp fingers out of your mouth. He clumsily slides underneath the blanket, intruding between your legs.
Yoo Taeyang:
Taeyang having a hard-on even though he is asleep is quite frequent. He often fix it without bothering you when his cock wakes him up. It goes differently when you are the one opening your eyes to your wet pussy instead. You palm him tenderly, with a pouty in your lips and kisses onto his neck. "What's it, baby girl?" he asks, feeling his member hardening into your fist. "Give it to me" you implore. Just a few more strokes and he stretches you out.
He can't do nothing but whine once you interrupt his rest so you apologize. It's embarrassing but you're still very needy. You spread your legs, intent on taking care of yourself when Youngkyun start sucking on your shoulder and covers your hand with his. He stops the circles you were making with your fingers and checks your arousal without a word. Your fluids are enough to coat his digits thus he rubs your clit with ease.
You all have established something similar to free use, hence you start touching his body as your whines fill the room. He takes a while to wake up, you humping his front with effort. At some point, he hisses a curse and grinds back on you before sliding his hand between the two of you. Just a small movement and his half-hard shaft is free for you to play with.
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mingi-bubu · 2 years
💖💟💞✨76 Kisses to Valentine’s Day Masterlist ✨💞💟💖
I’m going to post something every day in the 76 days leading up to Valentine’s Day of 2023 starting today, November 30th.  Every post will be based on a prompt in this list, and I will change the color of the prompt once it’s filled!  Bar special occasions (aka I get too into a prompt which will probably happen at least five times), I am going to attempt to cap them, in general, at 1.3k words.
If you see a prompt that hasn’t been used yet, feel free to request whoever you want!  I’ll do my best to make it happen~
“Good morning” kiss — seonghwa x reader, fluff, ~750 words
Kiss on the forehead [WEi Seokhwa Day!]
Drunk/sloppy kiss
Awkward kiss
Angry kiss
“I’m sorry” kiss [TXT Soobin Day!]
“I’ve missed you” kiss
Seductive kiss
“War’s End” kiss
“Goodbye” kiss
“I almost lost you” kiss
Kiss on the nose — v x reader, fluff, ~2k words
Kiss on the ear
Kiss on the neck
Kiss on the back
New Year’s kiss
Needing to kiss to hide from bad guys — Talio Fukushu Daiko no Futari canon compliant, pre-relationship Shirasawa Mami x Kuroiwa Kensuke, ~3k words
“I do” kiss — Love O2O Canon compliant, Meng Yiran x Yu Banshan, post-series
Shy kiss [The9 Shuxin Day!]
Surprised kiss
Kiss on a dare [IZ Hyunjun Day!]
Sad kiss [The Boyz Eric Day!]
Exhausted parents kiss
Kiss of life
Kiss inspired by a song — doyoung x reader, platonic mark x reader, angst
Jealous kiss
Giggly kiss
First kiss
Last kiss
Kiss under a full moon
Kiss at dusk [Seventeen Joshua & BTS V Day!]
Kiss at dawn [A.C.E Yuchan Day!]
Kiss in a dream
Returned from the dead kiss — jaehyun x gn!reader x haechan (platonic-ish?); fantasy!au; 737 words
Themed kisses [Golden Child Jaehyun Day!]
“We can never be together” kiss
It’s-the-end-of-the-world kiss
Awkward teenage crush kiss
Spin the bottle kiss
Hiding/hoping not to be caught kiss — Love O2O Canon compliant, Meng Yiran x Yu Banshan, post-series
Forbidden kiss [ONEUS Xion Day!]
Sated kiss [WEi Yongha Day!]
Soft kiss
Tender kiss
Passionate kiss
Long kiss [Vanner Taehwan, Monsta X Hyungwon, & The Boyz Juyeon Day!]
Quick kiss [Seventeen Seungkwan Day!]
Morning kiss [Vanner Hyesung & SF9 Chani Day!]
Before Bed kiss
In Secret kiss
Public kiss — wooyoung x reader, fantasy!au, uni!au, sanhwa best friends, 854 words
Accidentally Witnessed kiss — Love O2O Canon compliant, Meng Yiran x Yu Banshan, post-series
Against a wall kiss
Against a Locker kiss [mark lee, high school au]
True Love kiss
Caught off-guard kiss
Breaking The Kiss To Say Something, Staying So Close That You’re Murmuring Into Each Other’s Mouths [Monsta X Changkyun & Astro Moonbin Day!]
Moving Around While Kissing, Stumbling Over Things, Pushing Each Other Back Against The Wall/Onto The Bed
Kissing So Desperately That Their Whole Body Curves Into The Other Person’s
Throwing Their Arms Around The Other Person, Holding Them Close While They Kiss
Hands On The Other Person’s Back, Fingertips Pressing Under Their Top, Drawing Gentle Circles Against That Small Strip Of Bare Skin That Make Them Break The Kiss With A Gasp
Lazy Morning Kisses Before They’ve Even Opened Their Eyes, Still Mumbling Half-Incoherently, Not Wanting To Wake Up [NCT Doyoung Day!]
Routine Kisses Where The Other Person Presents Their Cheek/Forehead For The Hello/Goodbye Kiss Without Even Looking Up From What They’re Doing
Being Unable To Open Their Eyes For A Few Moments Afterward
One Small Kiss, Pulling Away For An Instant, Then Devouring Each Other [Golden Child Jibeom Day!]
Staring At The Other’s Lips, Trying Not To Kiss Them, Before Giving In
When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More
A Hoarse Whisper, “Kiss Me”
Following The Kiss With A Series Of Kisses Down The Neck
Starting With A Kiss Meant To Be Gentle, Ending Up In Passion
A Gentle “I Love You” Whispered After A Soft Kiss, Followed Immediately By A Stronger Kiss [NCT Johnny Day!]
When One Person’s Face Is Scrunched Up, And The Other One Kisses Their Lips/Nose/Forehead
Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Down And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes [Golden Child Daeyeol, WEi Daehyeon, & Seventeen Dino Day!]
Kisses Where One Person Is Sitting In The Other’s Lap
Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing
Top Of Head Kisses [NCT Jaehyun Day!/Valentine’s Day!]
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divinefireangel · 1 year
i dont know if this counts as one headcannon au (maybe it’s a scenario, if it is then you can just do one member!) but can you explain(?) how the sf9 members have seggs in the dorm? (like the timing and where the other members are and how it is, etc)
Okay so I know that Rowoon and Juho live alone, separately. Inseong & Dawon live in one dorm with another person, manager I think. Youngbin + Jaeyoon + roommate in one room, Taeyang + Hwiyoung + roommate in another and Chani has his own room I think in the other new dorm.
Absolutely chill. Doesn't mind being walked on cause he's too horny and you're just too hot 😏. Also lowkey is ready to invite another person if you're up for it.
Rowoon, Zuho, Dawon
Kinda shy shy to have sex with other people in the same house but if he's in the mood nothing can stop him. Will scream and throw things if someone walks in lol.
Jaeyoon, Hwiyoung
Does not at all like the idea of having sex at his place but is down to have sex at yours cause for some reason that's less embarassing? Lol.
Youngbin, Yoo Taeyang
Nope, never, too shy to have sex in the dorms but will book a room in a fancy hotel every weekend to spend time with you aka fuck you till you physically canNOT move anymore
Chani, Inseong
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key201303 · 3 years
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Pairing: Boyfriend!Chani x reader
Word count: 900 words
Warnings: suggestive, brief mentions of sex the night before, brief mentions of love marks aka hickeys
Genre: morning after AU, suggestive, fluff
Plot: A beautiful morning waking up next to the boy that owned your heart never sounded as good as today. The crisp morning air wakes you up just to admire the love marks you both left on each other’s bodies the night before where you both shared the love you had for each other. Was there a better way to wake up than that?
A/N: Here is another fic for the #FallingIntoAutumn event from @kdiarynet ❤❤ Hope you guys enjoy it ❤
Taglist -> @staysstrays @ailoveyuta @lost-inthedream @jaysbestie (let me knwo if you want to be added!)
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(9:00 am)
The soft sunlight was finally peeking through the few grey clouds that have been covering the warm sun in the past few days, letting some space for sunny days through the weekend. You always had the fall season as your favorite for the same reason: sunny and cool days. You couldn’t help loving the fact of waking up with the dim sunlight hitting the perfect nooks of your face and feeling the soft, cool and crisp morning air characteristic of autumn days softly touching the uncovered parts of your body. You always loved that feeling but ever since you started dating Chani you loved it even more. It was so heartwarming feeling his arms around your body as he pulled you close to his own body to keep you warm on the cool autumn mornings. He always complained about you leaving the window open when you felt clearly cold but little did he know it was just the perfect excuse to wake up with his arms wrapped around your body.
Today, just like any other day, you opened your eyes to meet the most beautiful frame you could think of. You loved waking up before your boyfriend so you could spend as much as you wanted admiring his peaceful and beautiful figure. He transmitted so much peace and softness through his little and soft snores as he slowly breathed, making that hypnotic movement on his chest that never failed to lull you back to sleep. You tried to get closer to his body, trying to breathe in his beautiful scent and go back to sleep but the forbidden memories you both share from last night was keeping you wide awake when your sleepy eyes landed on the few love marks you left on his collarbone a few hours ago. ‘Should I feel stupid for being shy about all of this?’ You thought to yourself, letting out a quiet giggle as you covered your face trying to hide your blushing cheeks.
A few minutes went by and all you could do was admire the figure of the boy that owned your soul and heart and that made you feel so many things last night. Noticing how late it was getting and how Chani was far away from waking up any time soon, you decide to get yourself out of bed and maybe prepare some breakfast to calm the hanger of the boy sleeping next to you. But before you got out of bed, you couldn’t resist the urge of placing a soft yet playful peck on his lips, that kind of kisses that would definitely leave you wanting a bit more, just as an attempt of waking the boy up. But it was useless, or at least that’s what you thought.
You slowly got out of bed, tucking him into the blankets right after and placing a soft and caring peck on his forehead. You couldn’t help smiling at yourself and thinking about how much you loved him and how it was even possible to love someone as much as you loved him. Then, before you exited your shared room, your eyes couldn’t avoid the mirror standing next to the door and they couldn’t help landing on the purple love marks he left on your neck and chest last night either. You just laughed a little and brushed off the memories, trying to continue with your initial plan of preparing breakfast. Unfortunately, a deep and tired voice prevented you from getting out of the room. “They look great right? I’m such a good boyfriend.” Chani said, still half asleep but awake enough to admire his masterpiece. “Good morning to you too.” You said laughing, slightly covering the hickeys so he couldn’t see them. “Good morning, love.” He said, getting out of bed and walking towards you to wrap his strong arms around your body. “Come on, don’t cover them. I love admiring it. You look so beautiful like this.” He whispered into your ear, back hugging you tightly and placing a soft kiss on one of the marks, sending a cool chill down your spine.
“You know I’ll have to cover them for work, right?” You said as you took a sip of your coffee once you were done with eating breakfast. “Don’t go to work. I can make a few more today so you have to stay with me the whole weekend.” He said with a wide smirk. It sounded really tempting. You loved having him between your legs and leaving love marks all over your body after all, and so he did. “And what do you want me to tell my boss? Oh, sorry, I can’t go because my boyfriend left some hickeys on my neck.” You said mocking him. “Well, if you want you can go with them, that way everyone will know you are mine and only mine.” He said, smirking a bit wider before finishing his coffee.
You never had big reasons to love autumn mornings apart from loving the dim sunlight and crisp morning air but from now on, a new reason has been added to your list of favorite things about autumn mornings.
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beautifulchris · 1 year
O students
pairing: kim seungmin x gn!reader
wc: 3,4k
featuring: han jisung, loona’s chaewon, the boyz’s eric, pentagon’s shinwon, sf9’s chani
summary: for two years, you considered seungmin as a rival, until his best efforts to befriend you didn't go unnoticed anymore
genres: hogwarts!au, rivals to friends to lovers!au, ravenclaw!seungmin, ravenclaw!reader, fluff
tw: swearing, a kiss
notes: moodboard made by me, pictures found on the internet. reposting works from my old blog
order of writing: chan - jisung - minho - hyunjin - jeongin - seungmin - changbin - felix
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @straykidsland @kwritersworld
tag list: @badwithten @soobin-chois @raethethey send ask/dm/cmment to be added!
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It was common knowledge that Seungmin was an O student, and you weren’t so far behind. In the beginning of first year up until the end of second year, you were rivals. You were competitive and Seungmin was a pain. He wasn’t competitive as much, but he was better than you, and you couldn’t tolerate it. Fortunately, he asked if he could talk to you on the train to your third year and you’ve been a better person ever since; less competitive, more open and definitely more livable. Bonus, you became friends with him.
Your parents had pressured you into being the best student and it made you do and say things you regret, but Seungmin understood, which you were thankful for. They also wanted you to be a Slytherin, like them, but perhaps the Sorting Hat knew deep down who you really were.
Hogwarts had always been a second home to you. At all times, you felt cozy and relaxed despite the amount of noise and homework. Making peace with yourself made the whole experience ten times better.
The librarian came out of nowhere with an unpleasant look —the usual— and hissed to the whole library before storming out: “Pray that I won’t find out who damaged our copy of Important modern magic discoveries.”
You looked at Seungmin at the other side of the table and laughed quietly while he shook his head. You knew who it was, but you wouldn’t snitch on a fellow Ravenclaw. Especially not when he cost too much house points already.
Seungmin didn’t like studying in the Great Hall because it was too loud compared to the library, where the librarian never accepted any sound (whispers were worse than speaking out loud for her). The common room was okay, sometimes, but it was mostly a place to chill and read.
Moreover, he knew every inch of the library like the back of his hand, so he often helped restock and find books for other students if they looked lost. You found that admirable, knowing the librarian’s temperament. He didn’t seem to mind, though. In fact, she seemed to respect your friend, value even.
“I can’t believe Jisung’s scared of acromantulas,” you blurted out of the blue, the last class of defense against the dark arts still fresh on your mind.
“Me neither. He does have one fear, after all,” he shrugged. As desperate as he was, never would he use this fear to ‘tame’ his friend.
You nodded, refocusing on your task at hand, when a tired-looking Chaewon sat next to you with a light thud. She sighed, pinching her nose bridge in annoyance.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, your voice laced with worry.
“I just tutored Heejin for transfiguration but she’s not making any effort.”
“She asked the professor herself, though?”
“Exactly! Ugh, why did it have to be me?”
“Ask the professor to change tutor,” proposed Seungmin.
“Already did, but she said I was the second best choice, the first being Hyunjin, and he’s already tutoring a Gryffindor.”
“Wait. You don’t have to actually meet up, right?” You were not going to let your friend have a hard time for basically nothing.
“I guess not…”
“Then just don’t. I’m sure she doesn’t even need the help.”
“You’re right, she looked jealous over the person that genuinely needed it,” recalled Seungmin.
“I guess she likes Hyunjin or something,” Chaewon shrugged.
“Poor girl. He’s never going to see her that way,” you shook your head.
“Shhh!” hissed the librarian behind you, making you all flinch. No one saw her coming back and it put an end to your conversation.
A few days later, in history of magic class shared between Ravenclaws and Slytherins, the professor monotonously recited his 14th century’s witch hunt lesson while some classmates were playing exploding snap at the back. Seungmin was, as usual, immersed in the lecture while you were trying your best not to fall asleep. Chaewon was diligently writing down notes two rows back, next to Hyunjin who gave up on staying awake a long time ago. You’ve never spent time with the Slytherin girl, but she was close to Chaewon. You could hear mini explosions and laughter from behind you, and if you weren’t so drowsy right now, you would’ve gone to see how the game was going.
After the class, you went to the courtyard during recess with Seungmin.
“I just don’t get why flying carpets are illegal, you know? They look so much steadier than brooms,” you sighed, sitting on the low wall surrounding the courtyard, your friend following you.
“I’d tell you the reason, but you know it already.”
“Yes, they have been defined as a ‘muggle artifact’ by the registry of proscribed charmable objects, so now they’re banned. But so are brooms! I guess the ministry had to choose, and made a huge mistake.”
“Why don’t you send them an owl to make a change?” Seungmin proposed, amused by your beliefs.
“Are you out of your mind? My dad works at the ministry, I don’t fancy receiving a howler during breakfast for my ‘disrespect of the wizarding law’, thank you very much.”
You visibly shivered at the thought.
“Would be fun to—” Seungmin started, but your attention drifted off to a guy standing on the edge of the fountain.
“Anyone want to do my history homework? I can pay,” proposed a fourth year Gryffindor, Eric if you weren’t mistaken.
Seeing you were about to get up to walk in the direction of the guy, Seungmin stopped you by tugging on your robe. “You’re not seriously considering it?”
“Why not? If he pays well, I can buy some books at Fleury and Bott this weekend,” you shrugged.
“I’ll buy you every book you want but please. Don’t do it, you already have a lot on your plate.”
“Aww. Do I detect worry? You’re so cute. Every book I want, huh? You can’t back down now!”
Seungmin grimaced a bit as he watched you excitedly walking to your next class. He sighed tiredly before joining you, considering Eric’s offer for a brief moment to buy those books. That would’ve been hypocritical of him to do that, so he kept walking.
He never regretted it because he could spend more quality time with you. His wallet though, it was another story.
Out of the books you acquired, there was the ‘Quintessence: A Quest’ charm book destined for the sixth year students.
Back to Ravenclaw’s common room that Sunday, you browsed through it while Seungmin was, no big surprise, working on assignments. Chaewon was with you two for a few hours, then decided to go outside, quoting her: ‘to enjoy the first warm day of the year.’
As you were turning the pages, a spell caught your eye. It was the bubble-head charm.
“I can’t believe that spell is too advanced for me,” you whispered to yourself.
Seungmin took a quick look at your interest and shrugged, saying, “it never stopped me.”
“Me neither. I’m just saying that it’s a cool spell that we should’ve learned already! How cool would it be to swim in the black lake for hours, meet the merpeople and the giant squid?”
“Y/N, let me stop you right there,” he said seriously, bringing a hand up. “The black lake is forbidden, please don’t do anything stupid. Jisung is already a pain for losing house points daily,” he requested, his eyes pleading.
“Contrary to what you may think, I didn’t get sorted into Ravenclaw simply because I like the color blue. I know how to stay out of trouble.” Seungmin gave you an unimpressed look. “Okay. Okay, I won’t enter the black lake. Promise.”
“Thank you,” he let out a relieved sigh.
“I’m still learning that spell, though.”
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
“The library is like a second Ravenclaw common room at this point,” Chaewon pointed out, sitting next to you at a table attached to one of many narrow rows. “I’ve seen a majority of blue robes since I entered.”
“Can’t deny it,” you shrugged, amused, finishing a transfiguration assignment.
Your friend chuckled lightly, stopped abruptly when she heard a ‘shh’ from the end of the row —the librarian, no doubt— and sighed quietly. “I have five minutes to cry over my potions essay.”
Lunch time was about to end. Passing your own potions essay to your friend under her thanks, you packed up your things and waited for her to rectify a few facts on her parchment.
“I’m forever grateful,” the Ravenclaw girl said on your way to the dungeons, where you joined Seungmin and the Hufflepuffs.
“Come on Chae, we’re friends. I would lend you my essays anytime.”
“You’re the best Y/N!” Chaewon exclaimed, a pretty eye smile adorning her soft features, as she put her arms around one of yours.
Seungmin stood there, smiling to himself at the exchange, his eyes lingering on your face, which didn’t go unnoticed by Jisung. As you all entered the classroom, he nudged his friend.
“Is this a one-sided enemies to lovers au?”
He friendly slapped his shoulder and told him to shut up. Everyone around you both knew your past. It was quite the show.
“It’s so frustrating! He’s always ahead of me, no matter how hard I try to be the best,” you told your cousin.
It was about April of your second year. You had a cousin who was in his 7th year at that time. A Slytherin, too.
“You’re being too hard on yourself, Y/N,” he smiled as he put a hand on your shoulder.
Shinwon was always supportive and cheerful, despite your family motto (‘be the best in everything’). At seventeen, he already chose his path, his parents accepting it or not. Indeed, he wanted to become a healer at St Mungo’s and save lives. It was admirable, and you wished you were more like him.
“I know your parents are putting a lot of pressure on you, but you’re only twelve. Enjoy your school years, forge your own path, make friends and, more importantly, be happy.”
Those words actually helped you get through the end of your second year. Your cousin was now a healer at St Mungo’s as he dreamed of, and to honor his kind words, you were enjoying your school days as much as you could.
After potions, you got to herbology.
You’ve spent the two last classes learning the herbivicus charm, and Seungmin particularly loved it. All week, he practiced on the few plants in the common room, or the ones outside.
Herbology was one of your friend’s favorite subjects, he loved to take care of the plants, even outside of class. The professor let him water every plant in the greenhouses on weekends— to his request.
At lunch, you were eating with Seungmin, Chaewon, Jisung, his partner in crime and Chani. The latter looked around the table, stopped for a few seconds, then offered his hand over the table for Chaewon to shake. She confusedly did.
“Looks like we’re likely to end up together, this feels like a triple date.” Chaewon removed her hand from his under the protests and indignation of the five persons concerned. Chani put his hands up in fake surrender, “That was a joke, jeez.”
“Not very funny,” muttered Jisung before taking a sip of pumpkin juice.
“Don’t scare me like that again,” Chaewon glared at Chani, gently rubbing the hand that touched his own under the table.
He sent her an apologetic smile, and you were so immersed in their conversation that —you caught Chani’s red ears and how your friend’s features didn’t match her actions— you weren’t aware of Seungmin gazing at you, his brain going blank.
No thoughts, just your pretty eyes, cute smile and soft skin.
He snapped out of it when Jisung flicked his fingers in front of him. “You okay there, mate? Looks like you were daydreaming.”
Seungmin kicked him under the table —making him dramatically yelp in pain— and resumed eating his lunch in silence, trying his best to hide his embarrassment.
Actually, he had harbored feelings for you for quite some time, a few months before you talked out your rivalry. He never said anything, of course, by fear you would reject him or worse, end your friendship with him. He always did his best to hide his secret from everyone; that was until Jisung caught up.
During defense against the dark arts this afternoon, as Ravenclaws and Slytherins were practicing the twitchy-ears hex —and, therefore, the shield charm—, Jisung and his partner in crime were half-heartedly training, preferring taking their time to chat, glancing at Seungmin and you from time to time from the other side of the room. You were diligently practicing with Chaewon while Chani was with Seungmin.
The latter wasn’t fully concentrated though, often having the overwhelming feeling of eyes boring into him. He didn’t like that. It even made him mess up his shield charm, resulting in him feeling his ear twitch. He groaned, congratulated Chani and pointed his wand at his ear, whispering: “Finite.” Then, he hexed Jisung across the room when he wasn’t looking, his partner being confused because they wasn’t the one to hex him.
Meanwhile, Chaewon and you were pretty good at this so everytime one of you casted a spell, there was no difference. Both your shield charms were perfect.
“Almost would’ve liked to know how the hex feels,” Chaewon laughed during recess.
You were at the library, working on the herbology essay you got that morning, with Seungmin and Chaewon. Without a word, you put your wand out of your robe pocket, pointing it at your friend. She raised her hands to her ears, an unpleasant look on her face.
“I said almost! It’s quite irksome, actually.” You released her from the hex and she relaxed, quickly rubbing her ears, “Thanks.”
“My pleasure.”
Seungmin was lost in thought, thinking about how smart and talented you were. He had a stupid smile on his face until he shook his head and realized Chaewon was staring at him suspiciously. He coughed and got back to his assignment, not being able to fully focus.
He was losing control of his emotions.
That night in the common room, as you three were still working —uh, boringgg— on your assignments before dinner, Chaewon decided she had enough and preferred reading a romance book on her bed. She packed her stuff and went to her dorm, leaving Seungmin and you in a comfortable silence. Until Jisung entered the room, sneakily walking behind your backs at a safe distance.
He pointed his wand at your sleeves —they were a few inches apart— and whispered: “Epoximise.” He then fled out of the room like he was never here, excitedly thinking how his plan was working perfectly.
You didn’t notice for like twenty seconds, but when you moved your hand to write on your parchment, Seungmin’s left arm followed. You looked at each other in disbelief, raising your arms to see what could’ve happened.
Seungmin’s robe sleeve somehow merged with yours.
The sudden proximity —your pinky fingers touched a few times— embarrassed you for some reason, while Seungmin was a blushing mess.
“We should probably do something about that,” you finally say, gesturing to your hands.
“You should do it.”
“Yeah,” he murmured as he took his wand, “finite.”
“I wonder who did this.”
“I have an idea.” Seungmin looked upset, but you didn’t pry. “I’ll be back,” he said, getting up and leaving the common room in a hurry.
You took this time alone —well, almost, there were other Ravenclaws around— to think about why your cheeks burned as much as they did when your hands were touching.
You didn’t like him like that, right?
He was just a good friend you disliked before, who’s been nothing but sweet and understanding. A truly smart guy who, despite his gigantic love for academics and books, could always make time to help others whenever they needed. You loved that in him— wait.
No, no, no.
While you tried to convince yourself it wasn’t ‘love’ you were feeling, Seungmin was out for Jisung’s head. He found him on the spiral staircase leading to their common room, walking up in his direction.
“Jisung,” he shouted from a few stairs above him, startling not only the concerned, but a few paintings too.
“Oh, Seung, hey, how’re you doing?” he asked as he stopped in his tracks.
“What were you THINKING?”
Slowly walking backwards, Jisung started sweating, his friend’s anger intimidating him a little. “It wasn’t—”
“I know it was you, don’t deny it. I’ve felt you staring at me for hours today, I knew you were planning something.”
“I was going to say that it wasn’t meant to hurt you in any way, more like bring you two closer with a little push. I’m sorry.”
“I should hex you right now,” Seungmin huffed.
“Didn’t you already do in dada?” he raised a brow, crossing his arms.
“True. I guess we’re even, then.”
Jisung let out a relieved breath, “how did it go?”
“It was awkward,” he explained as they came back to the common room together, “and I won’t discuss this matter further with you. You’ve done your part,” he stopped to give the eagle knocker an answer to his riddle, “please don’t do anything else.”
Jisung nodded as he saw you were alone at the table, your hands in your hair like you were having a crisis. He excused himself before going to his dorm, while Seungmin sat next to you. “You okay?”
You shot your head up, using your hands to fix your hair. “Of course. Yeah. Totally.”
It looked like you were freaking out, which worried Seungmin, but he kept his mouth shut, gazing at your face. You finally looked at him and it was weird, your heart was still beating fast but you felt at ease. You managed to smile, losing yourself in his soft brown eyes.
“You’re really beautiful,” he whispered to himself but you heard it.
You blushed, your smile growing wider. “You’re beautiful, too.”
His eyes widened, his ears got red as he hid his face behind his hands.
Giggling, you gently took his hands in yours and brought them down, leaning towards him. You looked in each other’s eyes with adoration.
He slowly closed the gap between you in a chaste kiss. It didn’t last long, but it was sweet and made you all fuzzy inside. The euphoria ended immediately after a couple Ravenclaws cheered for you, though, but it was a nice feeling.
At dinner, Seungmin, Chaewon, Jisung, his partner in crime, Chani and you were all eating together, and you two lovebirds were holding hands under the table.
Jisung raised his glass out of nowhere, “I’d like to make a toast.”
“We’re fourteen,” Chani interrupted.
“Shut up and raise your damn pumpkin juice,” he cursed in a whisper, before smiling at his friends raising their own glasses —reluctantly or not. “To the new couple I helped”—Seungmin scoffed—“make happen today,” he announced as he glanced at you two, “next is your turn, buddies,” he added to the attention of Chaewon and Chani, who blushed hard.
“Cheers,” his partner in crime jovially said, before drinking.
“And when’s your turn?” Seungmin asked Jisung, murmuring over the table so he’d be the only one hearing.
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” he murmured back.
After dinner, Seungmin and you were walking around the courtyard, holding hands and making heart eyes at each other.
“Remember when I decided to learn the bubble-head charm?”
“I don’t think I like what you’re implying…” he softly answered, already feeling anxious about your next words.
“It’s not that bad, I promise,” you giggled, “I learned how to make blue sparks too.”
You put your wand out and pointed to the night sky. Making the right hand movement, jets of blue sparks came out of the tip of your wand, illuminating the sky. “Vermillious,” you enunciated, adding jets of red sparks into the mini fireworks, creating purple sparks in the process.
Seungmin was amazed, it was such a mesmerizing view. His eyes fell on your face, and, at that exact moment, intently watching as your eyes shone and your smile held pure gratification, he knew why he loved you.
You were full of life, always by his side, a good friend and so, so beautiful under the multicolored lights.
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please let me know <3 and here's the masterlist!
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slytherinshua · 8 months
genre. fluff. fake texts. warnings. kissing mention (taeyang and chani). light profanity in chani's. mention of marriage in taeyang's. pairing. sf9 maknae line x fem!reader (separate). wc. n/a. request. no. a/n. lowkey giggled i think tae's are my fav sdkjskd
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↳ sf9 taglist: @eternalgyu,, @weird-bookworm,, @kangtaehyunzzz
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synthetickitsune · 3 months
[♫ wonho - blue]
❧ chani (sf9) // fluff
He’s going to trust you this time, even as he takes a deep breath and considers this his last moments. Then he’s rushing down the water slide, the speed making him dizzy before he hits the water. He doesn’t get to enjoy the splash as he falls under the surface in the next moment. There are hands helping him find the way up, and he’d recognize your touch anywhere. Chani squints at you, as if he was making sure it’s you. In fact he’s just blinded by your smile. And the water in his eyes, but mostly you. You’re beaming at him, excited and pulling him onto the next attraction. He thinks this might’ve been a mistake - at least until you smile at him again and he knows he’s gonna let you pull him on every crazy slide you find. Don’t you get scared? He mumbles when you pass one that in his humble opinion looks illegal. You laugh at him, a refreshing sound that makes it impossible to hear the rest of the visitors. Nope, you shake your head, If I was scared you wouldn’t go on any of the rides so I gotta be brave. He scoffs, his pride hurt even though you’re right. You’re crazy, he groans when his eyes finally find your next destination. And you love me, you remind him. He does and he will - until the moment one of your ideas proves as unsafe as they look.
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