#sf9 easy love
espresseo-cafe · 11 months
life is still beautiful | johnny | ch.1
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genre: cappucino, romance, angst, university!au, dad!au, drama, slice of life
pairing: collegestudent!johnny x fem!reader
bean count: 4k
a/n: i’m so excited to be sharing this with you! it has been in the works since 2020 on and off and omg i can finally post this fanfic. this whole series has mentions of characters from different groups other than nct- red velvet, dreamcatcher, seventeen, sf9, etc to avoid confusion with people of the same name! note: this is only a work of fiction, it doesn’t reflect the artists’ personalities in any way.
growing up, the continuous tingling feeling whenever you see your parents arguing at the end of your hallway always broke your heart. the raised voices, objects getting thrown around, and the banging of slammed doors against the doorframe deafened your ears. you remembered you had to knock on every single apartment on the floor; same, above, and below- to apologise the nuisance your parents caused. some with good hearts would understand out of pity for you, others would provoke to kick your family out of the building. so far, you’ve made it to several years without any notice from the landlord.
with that background, there weren’t any doubts that it affected the way you perceive everything in life. silence overpowered the joyous you like a large coat, it has been that way. the younger you wouldn’t understand the clash of your parents. the younger you wouldn’t know the problems they had. most importantly though, the younger you wouldn’t receive any love or support from them at all.
it was like you never existed.
as you hit the eighteenth mark, you’ve made the bold but practical decision to move out. the toxicity they emitted were too much for you to handle. with every penny or dime you’ve been saving everyday since you were twelve and some extra cash from various part time jobs since you were sixteen, you had your small carry on luggage packed and left first thing in the morning one summer. a dilemma kind of held you back whether to leave a note for your mom and dad, only deciding not to and tell them not to find you.
if there was anything you were blessed with even if you were put in a dire situation of a broken home, you had to pat yourself at the back for never failing your grades. just average and sometimes in the honorable mention’s list. thanks to that, you’ve secured a place at a university far from your family home.
and of course, choosing a location far off was more than intentional.
the first few months were a challenge, the surroundings took you sometime to familiarise. adjustment was never an issue though, running away from home was worth the change. as you expected, your parents didn’t bother to look for their only daughter. scoffing at the past, you realised it had almost been three years since you left.
making friends was easy too, to your surprise. known as the loner and depressed type in high school, you tried to change yourself a bit and managed to befriend a new crowd of people. of course, you were discerning on people who are worth to befriend, not the ones who’d waste your time. one of them being kim yoohyeon, who’s now your best friend and roommate.
“y/n, i’m going out to the store, want anything?” she asked while putting on a cardigan.
you hummed and rolled your eyes playfully, “hm, two packs of ramyeon and chips. you’re paying alright?” she threw a crumpled ball of tissue at you, gasping at the very direct response. “what? it’s two in the morning and i’m helping you pull an all-nighter for your fashion thesis due in two months and a half. i deserve a treat. be thankful i don’t have class tomorrow and that my part-time’s in the afternoon.”
“okay fine.” she dramatically slouched her shoulders down, “be back in a jiffy bub!”
as the door closed, you sighed and stretched your almost numbed body. yoohyeon’s project was half done, just needed a little more tweaking and you could say hello to a convenience store feast.
yoohyeon was the first person you met at orientation, she seemed to extract innocence at first glance. though as you got to know her, she was a meme in real life who possessed extreme talent in singing. you and her clicked, she had problems in her home but they were immediately managed. so she was all smiles from ear to ear. it was something you were envious of; to have a healthy relationship with parents, however, it wasn’t working with you at all.
sometimes you wondered how it felt like, to have someone love you like family. your aunts or uncles would message you to check on you, and whenever they brought your parents up, you shoved down the topic back to its grave. it’s dead conversation anyway. the latest update you heard from them was two years ago. they still lived in the same damned roof where they argued a lot, you wondered why they were still stuck to each other like glue. the only difference was that your dad worked the night shift while your mom on the mornings. so they probably never see each other eye to eye.
when they did though, all hell broke loose.
you were brushed off your thoughts when yoohyeon opened the door, “okay, here’s your food, time to pig out!”
“finally, i’m starving.” you had the hot water boiling before she arrived, immediately putting the ramyeon in the pot.
“so,” she started, opening a bag of potato chips.
“when are you planning to date? it’s been theee years since uni started and i’ve never seen you on dates before.”
you pressed your lips into a thin line, “not right now.”
“why not? you’re pretty, you can cook; you’re even taking an early childhood education course, specifically in special education.” she plopped one into her mouth and chewed shamelessly, “i bet you’re good with kids too.”
“so apparently that makes me an ideal girl?”
“an ideal girl worth to have!” she exclaimed, later reaching for your unlocked phone. “guess what, download this app and go have some fun.”
“if that’s tinder you’re planning on brainwashing me with, i’m not interested.” you joked, mixing the sauce and toppings with the now cooked noodles.
“you never know, it might work.” she singsonged.
you sighed, yoohyeon has been pushing you to date because she felt like you were like a hermit, always stuck in your own shell and would only go out if needed to. not that you were interested, you just wanted to get school done and make a stable living. love will come anyway.
she clicked on the app store and downloaded a trendy app named ‘love click’. “it’s an app solely made for university students within the state. kinda like tinder but you play anonymous with a made up nickname, no one will know how you look like.”
you raised a brow. “that’s dangerous than tinder, y’know?”
“this is different, they can detect fake accounts and do a facial recognition. anyway, once you put your actual photo and real age, it will automatically pair you with others similiar with yours; interests, and hobbies. then it will change your face to a random avatar if ever you do a video call.” she tapped away. “that’s how i met hwang minhyun.”
“eh, i still think it’s risky. besides, you just got lucky. you scored a hottie.” you slurped on the noodles. “i could never.”
“just try, you could always quit and they’ll never find you. and who knows? you might even receive the whole package.”
you sighed, “okay fine. i’ll do it just once, for you alright?” you finished the rest and threw the excess soup away. “i’m not doing any after that.”
“cool! all your details are in here already. let me know if someone messages you.” she gave you a playful wink before working on her project once again.
johnny stretched his limbs after a quick power nap, he haven’t had enough rest since he was on the clock 24/7. he turned to his side to check the time, sighing a relief when it was only 3pm. as if it was waiting for him to be awake, a text message from his mom appeared on the screen.
[ mom] : “don’t forget to eat, my dear john. you’ve got two mouths to feed ❤️”
johnny smiled at his mom’s reminder, he was relieved that the messages were reduced to a low, knowing how protective she was.
a loud thud on the floor made johnny stand on his feet and rush to the door next to his. his worried demeanor soon changed to a soft one when he saw a little smile beamed at him from the ground.
“youngmin-ah, what’re you doing on the floor? did you hurt yourself?”
the child just giggled, softening johnny’s heart every single he did so.
he remembered the night when the almost two year old came into his life. it was a rough beginning, but he managed himself and was proud how he actually did while still in school.
his friends were in full support of this unexpected scenario and would take turns in looking after the child while he worked the night shifts at a café. like any other people, his friends were in doubt at his decision of bringing him to lectures.
johnny again proved them wrong.
what surprised them wasn’t how the baby managed to be quiet in all of the classes, but how johnny effortlessly handled him if ever a fuss was made. kun recalled that in one of their exams in biology major, johnny had the baby cradled in one arm as the other wrote the quiz. the professor wanted to hold the baby boy while johnny did the exam, but young man refused to, saying that he could handle it. he wouldn’t want the baby crying in a stranger’s hold while everyone was so stressed for the exams. adding that the baby’s wails would be a distraction.
he became viral at the university page when a photo of him feeding youngmin a bottle of milk, that certain scenario made girls want him as a husband. sometimes they would stop by to say hello to him and the child.
“dada.” johnny smiled at title, the little toddler fiddling the bottle in his hand while his feet stretched up.
“seems like you’re alright.” he poked his nose, earning a giggle from the two year old. “i still have to check any injuries. say youngmin, your birthday’s coming up soon. what would you like?”
youngmin hummed, as if he understood the question clearly.
johnny was caught off guard that he tickled the little toddler as he smiled. “buddy, you already have a mama though.” his phone dinged, indicating an incoming text message. “speaking of her, she just texted me.”
[ kim minji ]: sorry babe, couldn’t make it tonight for dinner. i got singing rehearsals.
[ johnny ]: it’s cool. how about tomorrow?
[ kim minji ]: i’ll see first, pretty busy.
he put his phone back into his pocket, sighing at the same excuse his girlfriend gave. he didn’t want to overthink but it had been like this for a while, he wondered if she had fallen out of love. shaking his head, he shrugged off the thought to the back of his mind.
youngmin turned his full body to the side before standing and climbed onto johnny’s kneeled figure, the bottle still in between his baby teeth. “mama, where?”
“she’s not coming home tonight. maybe some other time.” he ruffled youngmin’s soft hair, eyes closing due to exhaustion. but then the little toddler smiled and patted his cheek and johnny wrapped his arms around the little frame. “come on, let’s get you dinner, we’re having your favourite!”
“lasagna!” youngmin put arms up, and johnny could melt anytime.
“hey you said it perfectly this time! well done my so-“ he paused as his phone dinged, a snapchat notification from taeyong appeared on the screen. making the toddler tilt his head to why the young man stopped mid-sentence. “let’s go to wash your hands alright?”
while youngmin nodded then hopped away towards the bathroom, swiping to unlock his phone, a snap video that his said friend sent made his eyebrows meet in an ugly mood.
[ taeyongss ]: bro is that jiu? your mj?
it was his girlfriend giving a lap dance to someone he couldn’t seem to recognise due to the flashing lights, she was enjoying it and the shocking thing was, she wasn’t drunk at all.
kim minji, his girlfriend since senior high, had a few names labeled on her. one of them was jiu (pronounced as ji-yoo) a nickname everyone called her in school, being one of the main solos for the choir.
some of the juniors called her a pink princess because of her obsession with the said colour. owning almost everything in it.
and mj was a form of endearment that only johnny used. his expression changed from a smile to a frown, throwing his phone on the bed that it bounced off and landed on the ground; earning his phone a crack on the screen.
“dada?” youngmin peeked through the bedroom door. now it was him to hear the thudding sound. “happen?”
johnny jumped a little seeing the child standing by the door with a towel in his hands. “my phone fell. come on, let’s eat.”
lasagna was a favourite dish youngmin adored eversince he brought him to an italian restaurant. meatballs were a favourite too, but something about lasagna topped it. as youngmin was busy making his hands dirty, johnny called his mom at this hour, she was probably home by now.
“ah my love johnny! i’m glad you called, what is it?” her voice still bright and lively.
“um, i was wondering if i could drop youngmin off tonight?” he played with the fork. “taeyong messaged me and i think i need to have a drink and hang out for a bit.”
his mom’s soft laughter brought relief to his ears, “oh sure my dear, your dad and i could need some company. it’s been quiet around here since you’ve grown.”
johnny smiled at the reply, “great, we’ll be there in ten.”
“see you later.” she singsonged.
after dropping youngmin off, he made his way to the bar where his girlfriend was. everyone who met johnny knew that he could be reckless when someone crossed over the line, who knows what scene he’d make tonight?
“johnny.” taeyong called out after seeing him enter the bar, johnny walking towards the bar where his friend was stationed at. “please don’t make a scene. my boss let you off the hook the last time you broke loose.”
johnny’s eyes scanned the area, looking for mj before looking at back at taeyong. “don’t worry. i won’t. this johnny won’t do anything.”
“better keep your word. she’s by the corner over there.” taeyong pointed with his head, “she’s been here for the past three months. good thing i’m the only one from campus who has seen her. if anyone else did she’d lose her solo spot at the choir. so called ‘angel’, huh? no offense.”
“none taken, but thanks bro. see you later at the dorms.” johnny said, then he walked through partygoers, the blasting music was deafening so much he hated it.
“i know right? he’s such a sweetheart.” mj said to her friend as she patted the guy’s shoulder who she danced with earlier. “i’d love to-“
“mj.” johnny’s cold voice rung in her ears, sending shivers to her spine. what is he doing here? “i’m guessing rehearsals ended early or it never existed.”
“babe i-“
“ey johnny suh!” the guy seated next to her greeted him drunkenly, the more he looked closer in the dimmed light, his blood boiled. “haven’t seen you since you had a baby! minji has been great to me recently.”
it was his high school rival, takuya terada.
“we’ll catch up soon won’t we?” johnny said sarcastically. takuya wouldn’t know anyway, his vision probably already blurry to even comprehend a straight conversation. he looked at minji, who averted her gaze towards him as she rolled her eyes. “we need to talk, outside.”
he took her by the wrist and he didn’t care if he was hurting her. she hurt him first; for a while now actually. he just had to put up a front before he vent out when they exited the bar.
“what the hell, minji.” he threw his grip away, minji holding her wrist and tsk-ed at the attitude. “is that why you’ve been missing out lately? you were cheating on me with takuya?”
“missing out? johnny you’ve been missing out too!” she raised her voice, “i don’t know if you have noticed but it’s been straining on the both of us recently!”
“so your solution was to hang out with another guy when you could’ve voiced out to me about your feelings? mj, we’ve talked about this!” he wiped his face frustatingly. “i don’t think-“
“i don’t love you anymore, john.” she said blankly, her face didn’t emit any pain she felt, it was like she wanted it out there. “that’s why i’ve been ‘missing out’.”
“you don’t.. love me anymore?” johnny stood in shock, his voice shaking a little.
“i fell out of love. i’m sorry.. i’ve been planning to tell you but i couldn’t.” she hugged her arms. “i didn’t want to hurt you.”
“my gut feeling told me there was something up. i was hurt just thinking about it. i don’t know but somehow i knew it all along that you were out of it. i didn’t bring it up because i held onto hope and believed my guts were lying that you cheated on me.” he said, his hands rested on his hip. “turns out i was right.”
“i’m sorry.”
“save it. i’m not hurt at all. maybe i just had to come here to confirm if it were true. you can live with that guilt that you’ve broken me already before you even said anything. i’ll raise youngmin myself. we’re done.”
johnny walked away while the cold wind sliced through his cheeks. usually in a breakup, one would break down. him and minji dated since high school, and there were on and off arguments here and there. they would always make up through talking, but to be told that she was cheating on him by another person sure sucked. he’d rather find it out himself and vent out right then and there.
guess this timing was actually better. though he told minji he was broken, he was actually so much more than that. he expected to at least shed a tear, he didn’t, for youngmin’s sake. even though he felt like an elephant was lifted off his shoulders, his heart was anchored deep below.
he felt so heavy with betrayal that his heart ached so much in a way he didn’t expect.
he wanted to break down so bad.
the door swung open of his family home and youngmin screeched a high pitched tone loud enough to startle the old man beside him, who was reading a newspaper. “oh john’s back.”
“dada.” the little one ran towards him, hugging his long legs for a second before johnny picked him up. “back!”
johnny’s mood changed like a shooting star whenever youngmin’s in sight. “hey little buddy! i’m back, i had to meet a friend earlier.” he kissed his cheek, “were you good to granny bear and papa bear?”
“he was an angel, john!” his mom gave her son a quick peck on the cheek. “who knew you could raise him very well? plus singlehandly!”
“he got it from me, my dear.” his dad took the chance to say, “are your studies going well though?”
“still a dean’s lister, dad.” johnny’s ears tinted a light shade of pink.
“that, he got it from me.” his mom winked at his dad, who scoffed at the remark. “where’s minji? you haven’t brought her here for a while.” the look on johnny’s face was too readable that his mom knew in an instant.
“we broke up. she had another guy behind my back.”
the sudden snickers from his parents left him in question, were they laughing? “great ‘cause we didn’t really like her for you!”
“really?.. wait, what?” he asked in disbelief, “anyway, i broke it off and i kinda knew she was out of it already.”
“took you a while to realize it, john.” his father just sighed, “are you going to get a new one?”
“what? no.” johnny chuckled awkwardly, “anyway we’ll take our leave now.” johnny shook youngmin a little before his parents bid them a goodbye. he walked towards his car and buckled him up. “ready to go, buddy?”
“ready.” he wiped his eyes, sleep covering him very soon. “music please.”
“which one?” johnny asked as he set the rear mirror to get a good look at him, knowing well what youngmin was going to say.
“coldplay!” they said simultaneously.
“now that, you got it from me.” he laughed heartily while they made their way back to his shared apartment with taeyong, jungwoo, and kun.
the clinks of the apartment keys had the boys look up from their game on playstation. jungwoo sighing frustratedly when kun defeated him thrice in a row. “seriously? you’re cheating, kun hyung!”
kun stretched, “clearly not. you’re just a bad player.”
“could one of you dumbasses get the kimchi from the table?” taeyong shouted from the kitchen, only to be greeted with youngmin having the wanted side dish in his tiny hands. “see, youngmin just got here and he did a better job than you two!”
“it’s loud in here, damn.” johnny took his shoes off while youngmin had his phone in his hands.
kun sat on one of the couches, eating the kimchi fried rice taeyong just made. “so you met up with minji, how did the dinner go?”
taeyong nudged the younger boy, and jungwoo looked confused. johnny couldn’t blame the two, they didn’t know what actually happened. “these two lovebirds called it quits tonight.”
“yup.” johnny popped his lips, “takuya terada”
kun’s eyes widened, “like.. takuya from high school?”
“they suit each other anyway, the biggest flirts of ____ high.” jungwoo chewed on a kimbap. “no offense.”
“none taken, i feel relieved anyway.” he sat down spotting taeyong busy typing on his phone. “you still looking for girls on love click?”
“well yeah, someone should at least find me attractive.” he replied.
jungwoo snickered before choking on his food, “as if anyone would see your face through a filter system on the app. just what is the university thinking?”
“ha, wait until they see this handsome thing for real.” he turned to johnny, “bro you should try looking for new love, you’re in need of it right now, you know?” taeyong locked his phone to continue eating the almost midnight dinner.
“please, i’m still freshly ‘heartbroken’, don’t tempt me.” johnny rolled his eyes.
“mama.” youngmin shook the huge phone, a selfie of johnny and minji flashed the screen.
“not mama anymore.” he told him, then youngmin clicked on another app.
“mama.” he showed them the love click app; the color scheme of red and pink caught his attention. and johnny scrunched his brows, the other three smirking at each other.
“seems like he wants a new mama.” kun teased, earning a death glare from johnny. “what? that whole daddy look of yours is attractive to almost every girl in campus. just wife someone up already!”
shaking his head, he couldn’t believe the encouragement from his friend. “too soon my bros.” johnny chuckled, “maybe i’ll give it try after a few weeks or so.”
johnny sat by the bed while youngmin slept with his sausage pillow. now that he thought about it, the little boy hadn’t seen minji in months. it was obvious that he’d look for her. but what he didn’t get was that he showed love click; a dating app he didn’t remember installing.
“mama.” he recalled youngmin say.
he dimmed the lights and sat beside youngmin, patting his bottom gently as he drifted away into slumber, he too was getting sand in his eyes. he pressed his lips into a thin line, halfheartedly created an account just in case he really needed it.
“this is stupid.”
taglist: @titanmaknae29 @joepomonerof @lovesuhng @studyingthemind @cheyehc
222 notes · View notes
slytherinshua · 1 month
honestly i am so tired of this.
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and if you've been on my blog or follow my blog for any amount of time you would know that i genuinely do not care about the notes. i don't care whether a fic gets 10 notes or 1000 notes (i see both depending on what group i write for and how popular they are). if i cared about the notes only, i would only write for popular groups like enhypen, stray kids, or seventeen. there would be no tws, sf9, onf, verivery, or victon on my blog. i write for every group that i love regardless of how many notes total i get for the fic.
what i do care about is interactions. reblogs, comments, people telling me they liked the fic in my ask box, etc... and it's about the ratio of likes to reblogs that is so disheartening and demotivating. i want to write for some of these popular groups, i have really good ideas for fics for them.... but when i see that i got over 10 times the amount of likes as i did reblogs, it makes me question why i even put the time and energy into it.
i know a lot of people are also silent readers who don't interact at all so in my head i'm thinking of maybe close to 2000 people who read my fic, only around 80 of them decided to actually interact with it. that's a 1:25 ratio.
do you realize how low that is??
it's insane to me how many silent readers there are, who simply like and nothing else for a fic. as a writer, i understand how much time and love is put into every fic, and i will always always reblog with my thoughts on it. it's such a small and easy way to show some love to the writer. it's not even hard, it's not even time consuming. it doesn't take even a fraction of the effort or work that was put in to make the fic. maybe some of you should try it once in a while...
34 notes · View notes
lost-inthedream · 11 months
Sf9 reaction to you being literally AMAZING at sucking cock like a deepthroat queen/king-
SF9 reaction to you being amazing at oral
Paring: SF9 x gn reader
Warnings: deepthroating, bad language.
Author's note: Let's go with the very beginning of a relationship in the following drabbles.
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He was not expecting things to get so heated that afternoon, let alone the fact that you were that skilled. The jazz played low in the background because you asked him to turn it down. You already knew he could moan beautifully. Anyway, there you were taking his full length past your throat in the living room. At this point, he was seeing visions of all Greek gods. "I can't believe it" he cried out, pulling your face away from his cock. "What?" you asked, still having drool run down your chin. "I've never seen this before. The way you're doing it, fuck. babe, you need to breathe". Nah, HE needed to breathe, so you stroke his thighs while observing him regain some air. His laborious gasps could not cease.
Since you have started slow with him, you could witness his romantic expression drop to something reckless. His mouth hung agape and closed his eyes tight, his shaft was impossibly swallowed by you. He was completely taken off guard. His legs did not last still for long because his climax was reaching fast, everything about that was so hot for him. "Babe, I love you so damn much. You're wrecking me so good". You almost stop because he had never said he loved you before but his orgasm was close, you just needed a few more motions and yeah. He gave you the glory, hot seed ran down your throat. You finished with a peck on his tip and asked "Were you serious? Do you love me?" He pulls you up and assures you "Babe, sure. I want you with me forever, my deepthoat queen/king"
You and Jaeyoon teased each other during the whole evening. You all knew you were having your first intimate moment that night so you threw the most obscene faces towards him. You licked your lips after sipping at your beverage, traced your own collarbones. He was no different, with that half-unbuttoned shirt. When the two of you finished the meal, his dick was visibly hard, his pants looked so tight that you would be mean if you did not give its deserved attention. You pushed him onto the couch and unzipped his trousers. No need to suppress your hunger, you sucked him with anger. That little shit was hiding an amazing cock for so long. "You know how to make me happy, beautiful. Don't stop." He seemed so excited, laugh blended with moans, yet he was not surprised.
It was so clear that Sanghyuk was going easy on you. You could get a notion from the way he immediately released your wrists after he had pinned your arms above your head. You flipped him around with ease, thanks to all the care he forced himself to maintain towards you. "I wanna give you head" you announced. He signaled you to go ahead and so you did. As soon as his member sprung free, you collected it in both your hands and started to rub while your mouth worked on the tip. "Oh my god, you rough!" He spat out. "Is it too much?" you asked, slowing down the movement of your hands. "No! You can choke yourself on my cock if you feel like it"
Everything was unrolling perfectly between you and Juho. He was so generous in bed, you could see he was getting off simply by seeing your pleasure. His mouth devoured your nipple, his fingers pumped your hole with no mercy, that was amazing. However, he was still fully dressed. "Please, Ju" you implored, tugging on his shirt. He grinned at you and got rid of the item. Then you pointed to his bottoms and he got it right away. "My sweet babe wants my cock". You crawled to him and opened your mouth with your tongue out. After such a clear plea, Juho pushed his member inside and you did the job. You showed him how much you enjoyed dick by sucking it noisily as well as pulling him onto you so you could thrust it further. He lost all his words and attitude, only being able to growl and curse. Boy did not know he needed that.
Seokwoo had just finished his shower when you arrived. He did not care to put on any clothes, just a towel around his hips was enough to meet you at the doorway. "You look so pretty, my love" he said and pecked your lips. You thanked him with hot cheeks but did not stop yourself from eyeing him up. "You also look fine. So fine..." He shrugged at your words and decided not to dress up, which made you smirk and untuck the end of his towel so it slipped on the floor. And so did you, dropped on your knees to worship his cock. Your hands and mouth worked together to have it fully hard. The more it stiffened, the more you wanted to swallow it. Rowoon was so amazed by your appetite that he became mute, nothing but hard breath left his lips. After some time, he wiped the tears that scaped from your eyes and praised you "So pretty, so sweet. I'm a lucky man"
Yoo Taeyang:
Taeyang picked you up after his practice that evening, he was all sweaty. At his place his place, of course he needed to clean before anything else. So you watched as he started taking his clothes off to take to the laundry room. His hair was still sticking to the nape of his head and forehead. "Can I join you in the shower, baby boy?" you asked with your eyes stuck on his abdomen. "You don't need to ask" he replied heading you to the bathroom with him. There you gave up on being soft with him, you kissed him deeply while your hand wandered down his body. Taeyang is no angel so he slid his sweatpants down and gave you access to jerk him off freely. Yet he did not expect you to squat and devour his entire shaft little by little. "God, you're so talented?" he sighed. You just hummed without releasing his member.
He was ready to leave the studio and give you all the attention you deserved but you implored to stay there. You started to explain that his place was especial to you too and you wanted to enjoy a few hours with his songs as soundtrack. You all made out on his desk chair, you on his lap. His bulge started to poke you from under at some point and he was afraid that was not what you meant when you asked to stay. In any case, when you grinded onto his hard-on, all his worries got vanished. You slid to the floor a bit after but he was too hazy to think. His pants stayed pooled on his feet and you played with his dick with a devilish demeanor. "This is all mine. Youngkyun's cock belongs to me" you affirmed between kisses and short sucks on the tip and his head spinned. Your boyfriend was nothing but a moaning mess as you pushed his dick down your throat.
Chani had been imagining how it would be receiving oral from you. He sometimes spent a whole hour dreaming awake before sleeping. Tonight he was going to stay for the night in your place for the first time so he was trying not to allow his mind to go dirty. That was the hardest mission ever, because your sleep clothes were revealing and you sat on his lap to watch tv before going to bed. It was absolutely against his will but he kissed you and it got his dick hard. That felt so pitful, however, you hold his face and said "I can fix it for you". He observed as you confidently lied on your belly and pulled his dick out his pajamas. You did not hold back, sinking on his length until your face was pressed agaisnt his low stomack. "Oh shit! Your angel face hides a slut. I love it"
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latherinhoney · 1 year
kinktober 2023 day 2 - cum for me
(hwiyoung - sf9)
genre: (non - idol au)
warnings: (18+), (hard smut), (cunnilingus), (squirting), (nipple sucking), (cum-eating), (praise), (fingering)
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1.4k words
a/n: day 2 of kinktober! decided to do hwiyoung of sf9 bc i love that man and he's so hot and needs more stuff written abt him but as always i hope you enjoy and feel free to send me any requests!
You lifted up a pair of shorts that you had just bought recently, pink satin shorts that were just the perfect shade and we’re slightly too cheeky. You knew hwiyoung wouldn’t be able to resist seeing you walk around the house in those shorts. You slid them on pairing it with the tightest shirt you could find. You walked down the stairs and glanced over at hwiyoung who was currently watching a movie on the couch in the living room.
You reached the bottom and that’s when you felt it, a pair of eyes burning into your back. He let out a small grunt and you continued walking into the kitchen. It was almost too easy, you knew hwiyoung wouldn’t be able to resist the fact that you we’re wearing the most skimpiest outfit you could think of. You walked back into the living room, hwiyoung’s eyes never leaving your body as you walk over and plop onto the couch. 
“ hey baby” you said sweetly “whatch’a watchin?” glancing over at him
“you think i wouldn’t notice?” asked hwiyoung flatly
“notice what baby?” you asked him innocently
“Your outfit, wearing shorts that practically leave almost half of your ass hanging out” he says tugging on the fabric of your shorts “and this shirt” he says pointing at it “ you’re wearing a white shirt with no bra on, I can see your nipples poking out of your shirt” he says smugly 
“mmmmmh i see” you say as you start leaning over to his ear “ are you gonna do anything about it mmmhm?” you whisper into his ear
Immediately he leans over to grab the tv control and turns it off. He puts the remote down and turns back to you, he cups your face and leans in to kiss you. Your lips together turn from a soft kiss into a heated makeout. Your lips colliding with one another, a slight graze of teeth hitting one another. He continues making out with you biting on your bottom lip and slightly sucking on it. He then slips his tongue out asking for permission and once you let him in, your kisses turning into wet sloppy ones. He slips his hand down and put his hand under your shirt.
 His hand exploring your skin and then grabs onto your boob. He sllowly starts to massage it and then he moves his hand over to your nipple. Knowing your nippples are one of the most sensitive parts on your body he starts toying with them. He rubs the pads of his index fingers on them causing you to let out a small moan which is muffled by his mouth. He then starts to slightly tug on them with his fingers and continues to tease you, you unlock lips and hwiyoung moves his hands to take off your shirt, once it’s off he stares at your chest leaving you feeling a bit embarrassed 
“ god you’re so perfect” he breathes out as he leans his head down to latch onto one of your nipples. 
his tounge swirls around it making you throw your head back and moan. 
“fuck” you moan out
hwiyoung taking this as a good sign and continues to suck on your nipples he uses his teeth to slightly graze over your sensitive bud. He continued to suck on them taking turns between each boob and rubbing the other nipple. He continued on for a few more minutes but as he continued you could feel all your arousal rushing to your clit. The pleasure was getting too overwheling and you needed release. He let go of your nipple as he could tell you were starting to grind down on the seat of the couch. He looked up at you pupils blown out and a look of hunger on his face. 
“please” you whimpered out practically begging for him to eat you out 
he stood up and pushed you back further into the couch and started taking of your shorts. Taking them off with your underwear at the same time, you were left fully naked on the couch. He pulled you foward slightly and spread your legs open, feeling his warm breath on your pussy. He could tell you were desperate the way your pussy was clenching around nothing. He leaned in and started slowly licking at your clit and quickly started picking up the pace. Your brain was in overdrive and you couldn’t stop moaning at how fucking good it felt. He kept sucking on your clit taking turns between licking and sucking and would ocasionally use teeth to slightly graze over it. He couldn’t get over how fucking good you tasted and just kept wanting more and more. 
By this point you were practically grinding into his face as he continued to eat you out, tongue never leaving your clit no matter how tired he was. You could start to feel the knot building in your stomach and knew you’d cum anytime soon. As he continued he slipped in a finger into your already wet pussy and started pumping it in. He kept grazing over your g-spot, making you moan even louder at how already good you felt. He continued and slipped in a second finger adding even more pleasure to your already sensitive pussy.
He continued to pump into you, even harder this time and won’t let up on the ruthless pace he has on your clit. Hwiyoung was so focused on making you cum that he didn’t even notice your arousal dripping down his arm. By this point you were overstimulated and begging to cum, as you could feel the knot growing tigher and tighter by the second in your stomach.
Hwiyoung could feel you clenching around his fingers signaling that you were close and took this as a sign to slip in a third finger and fuck into you even harder. The addition of a third finger had you moaning as you already felt so tight. Hwiyoung never let up his ruthless pace on your clit and only fingered into you harder, all of this pushed you to the brink and you couldn’t hold it in anymore 
“mmhm fuck i-im gonna cum” you moan out, as the cord in your stomach finally snaped as you release onto hwiyoung’s face. Practically seeing stars at this point your high slowly starts to come down but hwiyoung hasn’t moved his face from your pussy yet. 
“baby please” you plead out “mmm im so sensitive no more” you beg 
“ fuck baby” says moans “i can’t help myself” he says cleaning your cum up from your pussy with his tongue “ I want more, you taste so fucking good” 
He grips your inner thighs, pinning them down not being able to stop himself from roaming his tongue all over your pussy. Being incredibly sensitive you plead out for him to stop but he dosen’t listen, he just keeps licking you clean with his tongue. He coudn’t get enough of your taste and needed more, he needed to make sure he cleaned every drop of cum from you clean. Him not letting up his pace made you start to feel the knot in your stomach again knowing you were about to come again soon. But Hwiyoung just kept on licking and sucking on your pussy even slightly starting to tounge fuck you. 
“nnhmm fuck hwiyoung, baby i’m gonna fucking cum” you moan out feeling the knot in stomach more intense this time then before. 
“fuck fuck fuck im gonna-” you moan feeling the knot snap more intensely this time as you squirt onto hwiyoung’s face. You felt embarrassed realizing what you’ve just done but hwiyoung cant help but keep licking your pussy hoping more will come out. 
“fuck babe, that was so fucking hot” he moans into your pussy licking up your juicies.
As he finishes licking up your cum he moves his head from your legs and pulls himself up to give you a kiss on your lips. You shudder feeling the taste of yourself on his lips. Feeling absolutely exhausted you sink further into the couch. Hwiyoung gets up and places a kiss on your forehead as he disappears for a second and comes back with a towel to clean you up. He starts to clean your pussy but you wince because of how sensitive it is but too lazy to make a remark at hwiyoung. 
“you did amazing for me baby” he says to you sweetly as he hums while continuing to finish cleaning you up.
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k-pop-lovers · 1 year
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apomaro-mellow · 11 months
tagged by @what-the-heckin-heck
Rules: spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters:
Ace by Taemin
Party All the Time by Eddie Murphy
Obsession by EXO
Mercedes Boy by Pebbles
All or Nothing at All by Bobby Caldwell
Risaie by Piero Umiliani
Orange Road by Bronze
Miss You Much by Janet Jackson
Easy Love by SF9
L.I.E.C by Mamamoo
Lose My Mind by Boyo
Overloved by Raven Symone
We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off by Jermaine Stewart
tagging: @spectrum-spectre @discothyme @yes-im-your-mom @mrsjellymunson
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chanis-banani · 2 years
SF9 - submissive headcanons
concept: what I think each member would be like when letting you dominate them
genderneutral reader
mentions: dirty talk, brat behavior, praise, degradation, overstimulation, hair-pulling, marking, spanking, swearing, bondage, masturbation, tickling, choking, biting, blindfold, temparature play, oral, voyeurism, teasing
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a gentle and charismatic leader - but what if you take the lead?
Youngbin would get flustered pretty easily when you do stuff to him, but he would like it
rather than feeling weird or embarrassed about being so vulnerable for you, it would make him excited
a very vocal sub - he would make lots of nervous little noises as you toy with him
wants you to be vocal too - moaning his name and praising him
is a slut for dirty talk
like when you put your lips closely to his ears, so he can feel your breath on his skin as you whisper dirty things to him
it will give him goosebumps and send shivers down his spine
will definitely beg for lots of kisses and whine when you pull your lips away from his
3 step plan to make Youngbin lose his mind: 1) stroke your fingers through his hair - 2) moan his name against his lips in between kisses - 3) continue doing step 1 and 2 while you fuck him - bonus step) have fun watching how he becomes a little mess for you
would love to fall asleep in your arms after you've finished
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a brat, but not a very brave one
will rile you up - then act all innocent like he didn't do anything, in the hopes of getting away with being disobedient
most of his bratting would be all talk anyway because this man talks a lot in general
he would surrender very easily once you physically overpower him
you don't even have to tell him when it's time to start begging, because he will easily start doing it on his own
loves attention, whether it's by getting praised or degraded
also hates loves to get overstimulated
when he cums and you keep sucking until he screams for mercy >>>
speaking of screaming, Inseong is LOUD
he will whine, moan, beg, tease, scream and cry out your name until it drives your neighbors completely crazy
I don't care that he's tall, Inseong is the small spoon
make sure to stroke his head as he falls asleep
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the switchiest
so when he's being dominant, he will do a lot of dirty talk and leave plenty of marks, etc
but when he wants to get dommed, he makes sure he gets dommed hard
like Inseong, Jaeyoon will talk back at you a lot and then act all innocent
but while Inseong would act innocent so he can safely surrender, Jaeyoon just acts innocent to catch you off guard
just when you're about to go easy on him, he jumps up and pins you down beneath him, laughing at you for being a weak dom
he gets hard just from seeing the frustration on your face
and even harder when you spank him with your heart-shaped paddle to get revenge
likes to be degraded
a very short scenario: Jaeyoon is kneeled down in front of you, breathing heavily. You hold him tightly by his hair, forcing him to look up at you. "Why did you try to overpower me just now, you filthy bitch?" you ask him with a low voice. He blushes and bites his lip a little. "Because I like it when you get angry..."
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yet another brat
I really mean this with lots of love, but this man is so annoying
and probably even more so in bed, because he will do anything to get a reaction out of you
he will mock you when you threaten to punish him
and even during his punishment, he will make kissy faces at you to show that you're not punishing him hard enough
aside from slight scratches and hair-pulling, actual pain isn't really his thing, so there are only two good options for you to get your revenge in a fun way:
option #1: tie him up and make him watch as you start masturbating on the other side of the bed/room
option #2: tie him up and tickle him until he can no longer breathe
and to top it off: make him say "thank you" for being punished
wants you to be rough with him nonetheless - pushing him around, tugging his hair, rough kisses and light choking
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a good boy
it takes a little while for him to get fully comfortable with the situation, but once he's relaxed, he can completely lose himself in your touches, forgetting about the world around him
once you get him in that state of mind, new doors will open for you to play around with him
he will completely surrender himself to you on a very intimate level
slow, deep movements are the best way to drive him to his limit in no time
and if you play around with his neck in the meantime, he will just melt in your arms
pressing kisses on his adam's apple, licking his neck just below his jaw, and especially biting are some of the things that will make him feel overwhelmed with bliss
biting the side of his neck like a vampire, to the point that tooth marks are still slightly visible the next day >>>
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not the submissive type initially, so it takes a lot of convincing before he agrees to getting dommed
actually he mostly agreed because he was sceptical about how dominant you could really be in the first place
even while he's getting tied up, he makes some teasing remarks at you like: "are you sure you can do this?" and "ppfff, I could easily untie these ropes, but I'll let you have your fun"
man, what a mistake...
the next day you send him off to practice with hickeys all over his body
because of this event, you had discovered something that neither of you expected... Rowoon liked being tied up
the thought of him, a very tall and strong man, being dominated by somebody smaller than him turned both of you on
most of the time, he still takes the dominant role
but since that little experiment, every once in a while you would get this very specific look from him, telling you it was time to get the ropes out
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two words: sensation play
just wearing a blindfold alone will make him twice as horny and you can continue to build from there
stroking a feather along his chest to give him goosebumps
dripping hot candle wax on him to make him arch his back
dragging ice cubes along his thighs and lower belly to make his entire body shiver with pleasure
just watch him buck his hips in the air while you drag the ice cube along the base of his cock
these types of play do more for him than the idea of the power exchange itself
but there is one way of making him feel like a submissive little toy that gives him butterflies in his stomach
when you grab his chin and lift his head up, forcing him to make eye contact with you
he doen't get shy that easily, but when you do that....
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most of his submissiveness just comes from how whipped he is for you
if you order him to go down on you for two hours, he will do it without whining and without asking questions
in fact; he will gain lots of pleasure from it
but his favorite thing might just be to watch and admire you
you could stand still in front of him without doing anything and he would get on his knees and praise you for how gorgeous you look
he would even enjoy to watch you masturbate, delighting in the sight of you and the lewd noises you would make
loves it when you perform oral on him as well
when you push him firmly into the mattress and tightly hold his hips as you suck him off >>>
only cums with your permission and doesn't mind if you tease him first
will be the big spoon afterwards
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acts tough at first, but very easily reaches his breaking point
all you have to do is squeeze his nipple once and he becomes a squirming little sub for you
is overstimulated very easily
but hates to be teased at the same time
one thing you like to do to him a lot is bringing your hips very close to his, but just out of reach - and it drives him absolutely crazy
has a habit of clinging on to you
another short scenario: Chani had his arms wrapped tightly around your neck while he desperately kept grinding his dick back and forth against your pelvis. His tight grip and heavy breathing against your neck told you exaclty how needy he was for any friction at all. "Aww, what's wrong baby?" you chuckled at him, making him loosen up his grip a little to look at you. "Please, I'm so horny. I need you." He gulped when he saw the smirk that grew on your lips. "Alright then," you replied as you pushed him into the mattress, getting ready to fuck his brains out.
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klimtjardin · 5 months
sabe klim uma música de kpop que sempre me fez sentir bem e pasmem n é pela letra nem significado (até pq a letra é mais confusa que minha vida) e sim pq ela sempre estava ali mesmo quando eu estava triste é uma do apink
me sinto tão feliz quando ouço essa que precisava compartilhar contigo 🤍
Ai que fofura 💓
De cabeça assim travo pra pensar, mas tem algumas que sempre vão me lembrar momentos bons tipo Shine do Pentagon (essa música foi um surto) juntamente com Love Scenario do Ikon, xo ver que mais... algumas músicas do WJSN, Easy Love do SF9!!!
Do NCT a maioria delas obviamente, porém tem algumas que marcam mais, tipo, Cherry Bomb e Kick It sempre fazem meu coração bater à mil, ou We Young, Go, Love Talk, Bounce Back...
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winterchimez · 1 year
tag game! 🎮
tagged by: @adorablehyunjae @from-izzy (thank you yas & izzy!! 💕)
rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10. then answer the questions below! try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
bias list:
lee sangyeon (tbz)
jeon jungkook (bts)
xiao dejun (wayv)
min yoongi (bts)
lee hyunjae (tbz)
ju haknyeon (tbz)
kim chungha
kim youngbin (sf9)
lee jihoon (svt)
song yuqi (g)i-dle
questions under the cut!
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between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
i def fell for chungha way back before i became a deobi so it's her!! literally my kween i love love and admire her sm 🥹
between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
if we're speaking in terms of ult then it would be jungkook 🤧 he was literally my no.1 ult for life (and has been for so many years) until sangyeon came in the picture 😭 but he's still super dear to me i love my googie loads 🥺🐰 if irl ideally probs my junjun!! we both speak chinese & cantonese, me is an infp and he's an enfp, match made in heaven dare i say!! but seriously xiaojun is literally my ideal type irl 🥹🦕
if you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
firstly, we wouldn't have any language barriers which saves up so much time and energy good lord. (if it was sangyeon i would be stammering in my speech all day im sorry i will go learn more hangul first 😭😭😭) i LOVE cafe hopping, so i'd probably drag his ass to all of the places i wanna go, probably hang around at some park for picnic during noon, and finish off dinner at haidilao (obviously) 😋 he's a foodie he'll agree with me 😚
what is your favorite physical feature about 9?
look i have a thing for his captivating eyes (which jihoon reminds me loads of yoongi maybe that's why they're both part of my bias list LMAO)
what is your favorite part of 6's personality?
MY BELOVED HAKKIE 🥹 i absolutely love how enthusiastic he is about literally EVERYTHING. as a huge introvert myself i longed to have a partner who's outgoing and would literally make my laugh over anything at all, and that's how i imagine hakkie would be (esp when that's how he is with the members) ughhh i would do anything to spend time with this one 🤧🤧🤧
if you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what would you tell them?
my precious binnie 🍀 you've been through so much and i know as a leader it hasn't always been easy for you shouldering so much even when you were in the army. but i hope you know that fantasys are always here for you and that it's totally fine to cry and let out your feelings to us, and i wish nothing but to continue to see that lovely smile and laughter on you always 💚
between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
bruh they're both fashionistas but imma go for Sangyeon bcs Jungkook's closet is literally all black and white, and some hints of red that's it 😭
what is a style that you want to see 3 try?
i think xiaojun is pretty open-minded and he has tried quite a lot of styles by now... but i have to say. wayv's all for love perf from their kick back showcase???? that xiaojun CHANGED MY LIFE FOREVER.
between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
yoongi 😭 hyunjae is too tall for moi 🤧
between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
omg please this is such a hard one 😭😭😭😭😭😭 but i will have to go for seventeen since i've been their fan literally since their debut 🤧🤧🤧
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tagging: @sungbeam @juyeonszn @itsbeeble @zzoguri @kimsohn @mosviqu @invuwrld @stealanity @etherealcheol-mp3 @cupidjyu @snowflakewhispers @planetkiimchi @beautifulchris
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justsomekpopstuff · 3 months
Thank you @vcrnons for the tag! This is a new one for sure!
put your k-pop playlist on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which they like the most <3
My kpop playlist is a clusterfuck...
I now tag (no pressure AT ALL): @daydreamingyuta @itstheghostofmypast @multi-stantrash @welcometomyoasis and @irlkpop
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sneek-m · 3 months
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Favorite K-pop (so far), 2024
Here's the playlist.
aespa - "Supernova"
Ash-B - "Wish"
b!ni - "Daechul"
BIBI - "Bam Yang Gang"
DXMON - "Girls, Love boys, Love girls"
FANTASY BOYS - "Pitter-Patter-Love"
(G)I-DLE - "Super Lady"
GYUBIN - "Really Like You"
H1-KEY - "Let It Burn"
h3re - "Henessey"
Hanbyeol - "Sweet Dreamz"
heuleul - "Touch Me"
HyunA - "Q&A"
ILLIT - "Magnetic"
ITZY - "Algorhythm"
IU - "Holssi"
Jena Powder - "woong-woong"
Kep1er - "Straight Line"
KISS OF LIFE - "Midas Touch"
Lee Dahye - "HUSH"
Moon Sujin ft. GEMINI - "Gotta $ay"
Neidi - "Hide"
NewJeans - "How Sweet"
NEXZ - "Ride the Vibe"
OnlyOneOf - "dOpamine"
pakaowlla - "Mirar"
POW - "Valentine"
QWER - "T.B.H."
RIIZE - "Impossible"
SEOLA - "Without U"
tripleS - "Girls Never Die"
TWS - "hey! hey!"
UNICODE - "Let me Love"
verycoybunny - "I Guess"
XG - "Woke Up"
yemin - "Dejavu"
YENA - "Good Morning"
YongYong ft. Lee Sung Woo - "SEOUL GIRL"
YOU DAYEON - "keep it low"
Yves ft. Lil Cherry - "LOOP"
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lost-inthedream · 1 year
Hi! I think your reactions are open, however if they are closed, don't mind me! But what about an sf9 reaction to their very shy s/o actually having a very high libido/sex drive? I would be very thankful if you did this or if you gave your thoughs on who would certainly love it, be shook, etc!
SF9 reaction to their shy special other having a high sex drive
pairing: SF9 x gn reader
genre: suggestive, but it's tagged smut
Warnings: none
Bonus song rec: Yein - Plus n Minus
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It seems like Youngbin will never get used to your sexual appetite. You have your own ways to show him what you need and he excelled at reading you. However, he still gets surprised at how frequently you need him. "Oh, Well!" he stutters "I got you, baby girl/boy, I'm always here for you" he soothes you with his pretty voice and strokes your face before pulling you on top of him.
Friend, he turns your attribute to his advantage. How? He does not care if you are shy or brazen. He enjoys it when you start rubbing his thigh to call his attention and he actively initiates naughty touches whenever he gets in a mood. "Can you sit on my lap, babe. I need to show you something" (spoiler: it's his hard-on)
"But weren't you shy?" Not gonna lie, it confuses him at first. That question, made right after you complained about being needy and hot *again*, makes you blush. He notices your discomfort and kisses your face and hands. "That's fine, don't worry. I'm always needy too"
He does not take much to figure out how often you seduce him into going to bed with you. That feels pretty much above average to him, but he prefers not commenting on it. "I'm glad that you want more of me" he smirks every time you reach for his body with provocative caresses twice or more times in the same weekend.
warning: use of daddy as a pet name.
This guy finds it adorable, omg. You get so sensitive when you are aroused and he is pretty touchy, like, all the time. It is easy to read you because any small movement, such as pulling your leg on top of his has you moan, you look unarmed and small. "Don't worry. Daddy will help you" he offers opening your legs delicately as if you could dismiss his help. He knows you won't, never.
At first, he does not know what to do. Okay, you want sex almost every time you all are together, but will you be like this forever? Because he starts to get used and consequently he too wants to have you often. "Princess/prince, let me know whether I've been bothering you too much lately" he asks you one day, already naked and heavy on top of you.
Yoo taeyang:
The fact that your sex drive is so high actually relieves him. He is himself a very horny person, but now it has stopped being a problem because you are too. He won't keep his hands to himself when you all are alone. You two are overall bubbly and naughty, a perfect couple. People see you outside and have absolutely no idea of your filthy thoughts.
Shocked every damn time part 2. He knows that you will interrupt his tasks here and there because of your needs but he always looks absolutely surprised. His amazement does not last long though. "Look at you. You look so cute, I'm gonna make you happy" he states revealing your body to him to kiss.
Constantly horny partner? That fits Chani perfectly. He won't even marvel at your behavior. You will feel welcomed with your libido, since your boyfriend deals with it as a normal trait in a person. He doesn't mind your naive activities turning into the hungriest sex.
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svt-taehyun · 2 years
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BIRTHNAME choi taehyun
prince charming carats started calling him that because of his charming stage presence and his gentleness.
aegiya it translates to baby. this nickname is used mainly by the members because of his, sometimes, childlike nature
raito this nickname was given to him by japanese fans, because, as they say, the second taehyun steps foot in japan the day becomes brighter
BIRTHDATE june 19th, 1997
BIRTHPALCE daegu, south korea
HOMETOWN daegu, south korea
NATIONALITY south korean
korean ( native, 100% )
english ( learning, 89% )
japanese ( learning, 85% )
mandarin ( learning, 74% )
french ( learning, 45% )
SEXUALITY panromantic asexual
HEIGHT 181 cm ( 5’11” )
BODY MODIFICATIONS 2x tattoo ( seventeen logo on the left side of his chest, dandelion on his inner tigh ), 2x helix piercing, 2x lobe piercing, upper lobe piercing
STAGE NAME taehyun
GROUP seventeen
POSITION main dancer, lead vocalist, sub-rapper
SUB-UNIT performance unit
COMPANY pledis ent. ( 2012- )
DEBUT SONG adore u
DEBUT DATE may 26th, 2015
FACE CLAIM taeyang ( sf9 )
RAP CLAIM lee know ( stray kids )
VOCAL CLAIM han jisung ( stray kids )
DANCE CLAIM taeyang ( sf9 )
INSTAGRAM saythename_17 ( 10,2M followers ), svt_taehyunnie ( 4M )
TWITTER pledis_17 ( 10,3M )
KNOWN FOR crushing other members ending fairies. his dancing skils. being seventeen's biggest softie. his stage presence.
FRIENDS younghoon, hyunjae ( the boyz ), jungkook ( bts ), bang chan ( stray kids ), yugyeom, bambam ( got7 ), eunwoo ( astro ), jaehyun ( nct ) miyeon, minnie ( (g)i-dle ), rose ( blackpink ), mina ( twice ), yeosang ( ateez ), xiaoting, yujin ( kep1er ), yeji ( itzy ), kim lip ( loona )
MBTI infp
MBTI DESCRIPTION is someone who possesses the introverted, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting personality traits. these rare personality types tend to be quiet, open-minded, and imaginative, and they apply a caring and creative approach to everything they do
empathetic mediators don’t just care about other people in an abstract sense. these personalities can actually feel another person’s emotions, from joy and elation to sorrow and regret. Because of this sensitivity, mediators tend to be thoughtful and kindhearted, and they hate the idea of hurting anyone, even unintentionally
generous mediators rarely enjoy succeeding at other people’s expense. they feel called to share the good things in their lives, give credit where it’s due, and uplift the people around them. these personalities want to contribute to a world where every voice is heard and no one’s needs go unmet
open-minded  tolerant and accepting, mediators try not to judge anyone else’s beliefs, lifestyles, or decisions. this is a personality type that prefers compassion to fault-finding, and many mediators feel empathy even for those who have done wrong. because they’re so accepting, mediators often become confidants for their friends and loved ones – and occasionally for total strangers
creative  mediators love to see things from unconventional perspectives. few things give them more pleasure than allowing their minds to wander through all sorts of ideas and possibilities and daydreams. it’s no wonder, then, that many mediators are drawn to creative pursuits – or that this personality type is well represented among writers and artists
passionate  when an idea or movement captures their imagination, mediators want to give their whole heart to it. people with this personality type may not always be outspoken, but that doesn’t diminish their strong feelings for a cause that speaks to their beliefs and convictions
idealistic  mediators strive to follow their conscience, even when doing the right thing isn’t easy or convenient. they rarely lose sight of their desire to live a meaningful, purpose-filled life – one that helps others and leaves the world a better place
unrealistic  nothing in this world is perfect – and that can be a difficult truth for mediators to accept. people with this personality type can be hopeless romantics, with rose-colored visions of what their lives should be like. this can set mediators up for disappointment when reality inevitably falls short of their dreams
self-isolating  mediators long to connect with others, but they don’t always know how. especially in new environments, mediators may be reluctant to put themselves out there in ways that would help them make new friends or become involved in a new community. as a result, people with this personality type may sometimes feel lonely or isolated
unfocused  mediators’ imaginative, introspective nature doesn’t always lend itself to productivity. many mediators get frustrated by how difficult they find it to buckle down and get things done. the problem isn’t that they are incapable – rather, it’s that they run into problems when they become so caught up in different ideas and ideals that they fail to commit to a course of action
emotionally vulnerable  the emotional attunement of these personalities is among their greatest strengths. but unless mediators establish boundaries, they can be at risk of absorbing other people’s negative moods or attitudes
desperate to please  conflict tends to be stressful for mediators, who yearn for harmony and acceptance. when someone dislikes or disapproves of them, these personalities may become fixated on trying to clear the air and change that person’s mind. unfortunately, mediators’ desire to please others can drain their energy, eclipsing their inner wisdom and their awareness of their own needs
self-critical  mediators believe in their unique potential, and they desperately want to live up to it. but this can cause them to have unrealistic expectations for themselves. when mediators fail to live up to these visions, they may accuse themselves of being useless or selfish or woefully inadequate. taken too far, this self-criticism can discourage mediators, leading them to give up on even their dearest dreams
HABITS/MANNERISMS/QUIRKS apologizing to inanimate objects. suprisingly good with details. listens to edgy music. kinda bonkers about cats. cherishes gifts forever. doesn't like killing bugs but is okay with gory movies. often loses balanace.
PHOBIAS claustrophobia
HOBBIES AND SKILLS watching movies. dancing. singing. cooking. shopping. taking selfies. spending time with his members. writing songs. composing.
LIKES taking pictures. shopping. writing music. composing. fashion. interacting with fans. sweets. alone time. traveling. cats. animals in general.
DISLIKES small rooms. shipping. saesangs. getting mobbed. inappropriate questions. fan wars. backhanded compliments. discrediting him or his members.
FAVORITE COLOR green. pink
FAVORITE MUSICIANS dua lipa. anne-marie. adele. beyonce. 5 seconds of summer. conan gray. zayn. niall horan. harry styles. doja cat. billie eilish. cardi b. nicki minaj.
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clairedaring · 8 months
when you get this you have to answer with 5 of your favorite songs and then tag your mutuals to do the same. only if you want too.
I got tagged by @troubled-mind - thank you for thinking of me kat ╰⁠(⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠╯
my music taste changes like the weather so... you're getting 5 top songs i'm temporarily obsessed with at the moment.
#1 BUS - Because of You, I Shine
at first listen, i just had the impression that it was an easy listening bg debut t-pop song. i ended up subconciously hitting play every time I went onto youtube and there's a new performance mv for the song (they have so many versions it's insanity, nadao really dropped everything to make this passion boygroup project of theirs). because of you i shine is just such a positive vibes upbeat song. i think bus will be the next IT bg from thailand.
#2 SNOW MAN- Dangerholic
if this song had been on spotify, it would 100% end up as my most played song of 2024. 'dangerholic' is the theme song of brilliant 2023 j-drama trillion game (that i think EVERYONE should check out). played at the end of every episode, i was so obsessed with the song, i never hit skip to the next episode and sit through the preview to listen to dangerholic. brilliant drama, fantastic ost, both featuring MEGURO REN. everyone, please watch trillion game ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ.
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sf9's latest title track 'bibora' is so quintessentially 2nd gen kpop-coded. like the mv opens beautifully with strings, the edm chorus toplines, the heartbreaking lyrics, everything is very reminiscent of 2nd gen kpop and i'm so here for it. absolute banger outro too.
#4 The Flob - VEGAS
i love love love viet alternative rock. if you like alt rock or vocaloid music, please check out this little bop. whenever the lead singer does his lil growl, it gives me the absolute chills (positive).
i've always been a lyrical >>>> melodic rap girlie so when my favorite (and imho the best vietnamese lyrical) rapper dropped his sophomore full album after almost 5 years since his last album, i lost my marbles. bóng ma góc nhà is a conversation between a ghost living in the corner of a house and his friend - a human boy. the song discusses about how fears of adulthood is much more terrifying than any ghosts. and that just hit so close to home ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ.
it only hit me after listing out all the songs that my current fave songs are mostly boygroup/band songs but i swear i do listen to soloists too. hopefully the next time i get to share my fave songs it'll be a good balance of solo/group songs.
no pressure tagging @tipsyjaehyun @hoppipolla
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shakespearerants · 1 year
Song Tag
Rules: Pick a song for each letter of your URL, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL.
Summerwunne - Estampie
Heaven - Bryan Adams
Abertausen Fragen - ASP
King of Bones - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Ein Kompliment - Sportfreunde Stiller
She kissed me first - SERA
Pocahontas - AnnenMayKantereit
Easy Love - SF9
Abracadabra - Steve Miller Band
Retaliation - The Rumor Said Fire
Every Time We Touch - Electric Callboy
Rhinestone Cowboy - Glenn Campbell
Aicha - Bayta Ag Bay
Nachts Weinen die Soldaten - Saltatio Mortis
Too Much Love Will Kill You - Queen
Superspreader und die Kosmonauten - Blond
Wow this was...harder than expected. Thank you so much for the tag @frubeto ! Tagging @birdylion @evolutionsbedingt @freizusein @perchingowl @bi-vexual @clueless-dullahan @queenofpickles @neverland-in-space @shadowvalkyrie @lachricola @schuerk @mona-liar @dancingbycandlelight @twostepsfromtemerant @almostmymoon @bookshelfdreams - have fun!
If you would like to know what I almost put - outtakes under the cut
Sag mir wo die Blumen sind - Marlene Dietrich/Salute to a switchblade - tom t hall/Schüsse in die Luft - Kraftklub/Sea or Heartbreak - Don Gibson/Sedona - Houndmouth/Seemann - Apocalyptica, Nina Hagen/Sesame Syrup - Cigarettes after sex/Severed- the decembrists/shady Grove - doc Watson/shame- Peakboy, george/she kissed me first - SERA/Sinnerman - Nina Simone/Sleeping Single in a double bed - Barbara Mandrell/Somebody to love - Queen/Song for someone - U2/SOs - Abba/Sternenhimmel - Hubert Kah/Summerwunne - Estampie/Sunday Bloody Sunday - U2/Superspreader und die Kosmonauten - Blond/Surrender the Night - My Chemical Romance
Habibi - Tamino/ Hallelujah California - Luna Shadows/Halloween - Aqua/Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet - Fall Out Boy/Heartaches by the numbers - Guy Mitchell/Heaven - Bryan Adams/Heute Hier morgen dort - Hannes Wader/Heyr Himna smidur - Schola Cantorum/Hopeless Romantic - Michelle Branch
Kaputt wie ich - Tarek K.I.Z./Katherine, Katherine - Steinwolke/Killing me softly - Roberta Flack/King of Bones - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club/Küssen kann man nicht alleine - Mad Raabe
Ein Kompliment - Sportfreunde Stiller/Easy Love - SF9/ Easy Lover - Phil Collins, Philip Bailey/Eighties Goth Suicide Note - This Cold Night/ Every Breaking Wave - U2/ Every time we touch - Electric Callboy
Please don't let me love you - Hank Williams/Paper cut - Linkin Park/Pet Sematary - The Ramones
Rain - Project Pitchfork/Randy Dandy Oh - Sean Dagher/Rat A Tat Tat - Fall Out Boy/Rasputin - Boney M./Relax Take it Easy - MIKA/Rock Your Like A Hurricane - Scorpions/Rose Tattoo - Dropkick Murphys
Nåden - Garmana/Nicotine - Panic! At the Disco/Nobody Knows You When You're Down - Nina Simone
Take me on the floor - The Veronicas
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