#sffantasy men 1 winners list
Round 1- Winners List!
The last round one poll is now closed, and with that our first round has reached its end!
Many of our hot sci fi/fantasy men have passed the first trial on their quest to claim the title of Hottest Man. But of course, like any good quest, it's only going to get harder from here...
Moving into Round 2, we have...
Richard Biggs
Rod Serling
Raul Julia
Bela Lugosi
James Stewart
DeForest Kelley
Tim Curry
Tim Russ
Laurence Fishburne
LeVar Burton
James Marsters
Craig Charles
Roger Delgado
Arnold Vosloo
Mark Hamill
Kyle McLachlan
Peter Capaldi
David Bowie
Sam Neill
Andrew Robinson
Brad Dourif
Bruce Boxleitner
George Takei
Ed Wasser
Billy Dee Williams
Tom Baker
Karl Urban
Doug Jones
Garrett Wang
Fredric March
Bill Pullman
Leonard Nimoy
Jeff Goldblum
David Duchovny
Ricardo Montalban
Oded Fehr
Brendan Fraser
Tony Todd
Milos Kopecky
Mandy Patinkin
Jason Miller
Wesley Snipes
Dick Van Dyke
Haruo Nakajima
Cesar Romero
Patrick Swayze
Patrick Stewart
Alexander Siddig
Warwick Davis
Christopher Reeve
Malcolm McDowell
Keanu Reeves
Jeffrey Combs
Alec Guinness
Ernie Hudson
Rutger Hauer
Leslie Nielsen
Cary Elwes
Andre the Giant
Michael Dorn
Vincent Price
Avery Brooks
Bruce Campbell
Danny John-Jules
Christopher Lee
Harrison Ford
Jerry O'Connell
Brent Spiner
Michael J Fox
Anthony Stewart Head
Peter Cushing
Walter Koenig
Edward James Olmos
William Shatner
Kurt Russell
Jonathan Frakes
Bill Paxton
Paul McGann
Alan Napier
Jeff Conaway
Ben Browder
Once again I'll start setting up matches and making polls. I'll put up another announcement ahead of Round 2 starting. I'm going to aim to have polls ready to go early next week!
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Inspired by @hotvintagepoll, here's another bracket featuring some hot vintage actors- but instead of being about actors from a particular medium, this one's about actors associated with a particular genre:
The Hottest Vintage Sci Fi/Fantasy Actors Bracket!
I'll be starting with a men's bracket.
Round 3 will begin next!
I am currently accepting submissions for additional propaganda and replacement poll pictures for the upcoming round. You may send them via ask. Please review the propaganda rules (below) before sending anything.
Polls for all rounds are tagged as #sffantasy men polls
If you want to see additional propaganda beyond polls, it's tagged #sffantasy men propaganda
Previous rounds:
Round 1: poll tag is #sffantasy men 1, masterpost here, winners list here
Round 2: poll tag is #sffantasy men 2, masterpost here, winners list here
First outs mini-bracket polls are here
You can send me additional propaganda to boost either by tagging me in a post or submitting an ask.
Rules for propaganda:
All propaganda has to come from between 1900 and 2000 (so pretty much it has to be 20th century).
Propaganda can come from both movies and television! It just must be directly from or related to SF/Fantasy material. Stuff from outside the media itself, such as interviews, promotional images, etc are allowed, as long as they have some connection to an actor’s sf/fantasy work. Completely unrelated material (for example, general magazine photoshoots, etc) will not be taken as propaganda.
Please only submit propaganda where the actor is at least 18! They must have been at least 18 while filming something; if someone was under 18 when filming but over 18 when it was released, I will not take the propaganda.
Live action roles only; voice-only roles will not be counted for propaganda.
Propaganda can come from any sci fi/fantasy related material, even if its not a super well known role for someone or one of the shows/films listed next to them on the poll.
I may not boost video propaganda that’s very much longer than 6 minutes (I’d like to try to watch videos before reblogging or posting them to try and tag TWs if need be)
See below for more info on propaganda & some general FAQ info:
Notes on Propaganda
Propaganda is not written by me. Opinions in propaganda aren’t necessarily also my opinions, and if someone makes a claim about an actor I can’t necessarily guarantee its accuracy. The most editing I’ve done of any text  propaganda is fixing small spelling issues and occasionally removing explanatory lines that are just mentioning that there’s a video/photo to look at too. 
I will not boost negative propaganda. I’m here to celebrate hot vintage sci fi/fantasy guys, so I want to hear about why your favorite guy is the hottest, not why someone else is the least hot, if that makes sense. I’ll also leave whether to take into account what a nominated actor is generally like as a person in the hands of each individual voter. 
If a show started airing before the cut-off date but ended after it, can I only submit things from the earliest part of it?
I will definitely give a little leeway to things that started pre-2000 and end like a year or two after the cut-off date. It’s only stuff that runs well past the cut-off that I’d rather only take propaganda from the early sections of, or things that don’t have their initial release until 2001 or later that I won’t take propaganda for at all. Additionally, if a show/film series started pre-2000 but an actor didn’t join it until after the cutoff, I won’t take propaganda for them from that particular role.
Since propaganda is coming from the media itself, what images will be used for actors who usually or always appear in heavy prosthetics/makeup?
Main pictures for actors are mostly coming from either submitted propaganda images or, if there were none, are being chosen by me, usually from an actor’s best known role. In cases where said best known role involves wearing heavy makeup, I have still used direct images from that role for their main picture. However, for the sake of being fair, considering there’s also lots of people where you can see their full actual face, I have made sure to include an image of all these actors without their makeup among their additional propaganda, so that people can at least get a sense of what they actually look like, as well. This will also be noted directly on applicable polls so that people will hopefully see that they can check the additional propaganda to see what the actor looks like normally. 
Is stuff from as late as the 90s really “vintage”?
Honestly it seems like the definition of what’s actually literally “vintage” is somewhat variable. I think the most common cutoff is anything older than 20 years, though some will put it a bit (though not usually much) later, and what counts as "vintage" vs other categories can sometimes depend on the medium (you might see different time ranges for what's what for clothes vs music vs cars, etc). Personally I’m kind of operating on vintage clothing store rules (in that most vintage stores will typically buy or sell things from the 90s or older). At any rate, film and television from as recently as the late 90s does feel like it’s from its own distinct era of media, which is why I feel like it fits here.
What will happen if there’s a tie?
In the case of an exact 50/50 split, both actors will move forward to the next round individually, and not be put together on a team. If the presence of an extra actor causes a three person matchup to be required in the next round, then I’ll probably put at least one of the tied actors into the three-person match. If no three-way matchup is needed (or if it was gonna need to happen regardless of extra actors moving forward), they’ll just be matched up normally.  
How were round one match-ups made?
Considering what an overall strong group of actors were going into the tournament, I don't think there's any permutation of match-ups that doesn't knock out some really good people early. So for the first round I prioritized trying to make as many matches as possible where it felt like there was at least something linking the two actors. Hence if you start to look through pairs you'll probably notice there's like sets of "vampire guys", "android guys", "ghost movie guys", etc, with some of the pairings having more or less direct connections (and a few admittedly had to be much more random because they had no great direct match up or I felt like their best match up had an even better match with someone else). I did factor projected popularity in to a degree, in that I tried not to match up people who were submitted a certain number of times against each other right away, but outside of that I mostly wanted to create as many pairings that felt like they had some common logic behind them as possible.
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