muse-of-gods · 4 months
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Peter is in love with Tony, but he is too shy to tell him. So he decides that the best way to show Tony how much he means to him is by bringing him little trinkets and treasures he finds when he swims out to search through sunken ships. Because Tony shares his love for humans and all their inventions.
Of course all of Peter's worry is unneeded because Tony is already head over heels for the cute merman. And so he thinks it is absolutely endearing when he finds out Peter was the one leaving all these gifts in front of his shell.
For @starkerfestivals MerMay2024: Treasure - Card below
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starker-sorbet · 4 months
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Mermen husbands Tony and Peter making their home in one the many human wrecks that litter the ocean floor
@starkerfestivals Mer-May 2024: Shipwreck
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starksvinyls · 5 months
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what started as a fun vacation on tony's private yacht, turned into a nightmare when a freak storm suddenly forms. now the couple are shipwrecked on a deserted island, and must figure out a way off.
for @starkerfestivals mer-may event, prompt 'shipwreck'
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starkly · 4 months
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mermay tank/aquarium prompt @starkerfestivals
Tony makes sure to say hello to the cute little merman in a tank at Stark Industries every day before work.
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madeforstarker · 5 months
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| prompt: pirate | — for @alanaaw88 ♡
King of the Sea, Tony, finds himself worried when he finds out that his only daughter Morgan had found friendship in a pirate prince. Determined to figure out who this Prince Peter is, he journeys to the Prince's ship, and when Tony sees the young Prince for the first time, an electric static goes through his body as their eyes connected.
The Pirate Prince is his mate.
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《 for @starkerfestivals MerMay24 》
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starkerfestivals · 5 months
StarkerFestivals' Mer-May 2024
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Hello! Happy May! Which means... Mer-May! Announcing StarkerFestivals' Mer-May, running for the month of May, featuring mermaids, mermen, and all fun things to do with them 🎉
Duration: May 2024
No minimums, all content accepted 💗 However you want to imagine Mer-Starker, go for it!
One prompt per created content unless it's a multi-chapter fic. Prompts for multi-chapter fics can be claimed 1 per chapter. (Another example: If you create a one-shot fic and a moodboard, you may claim 2 prompts. A 3 chapter fic and moodboard = allowed to claim up to 4)
Tag: SFMerMay24
AO3 Collection: #StarkerMerMay24
Non-human anatomy/tails
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papermacherainbow · 4 months
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Treasures Untold | Chapters 1-2
You can read Chapters 1-2 [here] or from the beginning on AO3 [here]
A Starker Story for @starkerfestivals Mer-May
Special thanks to @madeforstarker for reading this as I wrote it and helping me brainstorm 💙
Treasures Untold | Chapter 1- Look Out Lad (A Mermaid Needs Rescued)
“J. I’m dreaming, right? Tell me I’m dreaming?” “You are entirely awake, sir,” Clinging to the trunk with all his might is a young man, shirtless with brown curls damp from the sea. He looks human… until you see the red and blue tail that comprises his lower half. “That’s an actual mermaid?” he asks.  “It appears so, sir. And he is in distress,”
Treasures Untold | Chapter 2- Legs Are Required (But Walking is Hard)
“Peter, wait up!” Peter laughs and flicks his tail a little harder, racing towards the shipwreck with eager delight. “Gotta keep up, MJ!” “We’re going to be in so much trouble!” she complains, clicking at him in annoyance. “Then you shouldn’t have come with me!”
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starker-sorbet · 5 months
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Siren husbands Tony and Peter luring unwitting sailors onto their rocks in order to feed upon them
@starkerfestivals Mer-May 2024: Siren
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starker-sorbet · 5 months
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Merman Peter falling for Prince Tony after rescuing him from drowning
@starkerfestivals Mer-May 2024: Rescue
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starker-sorbet · 4 months
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Merman Peter helping to lure his pirate lover's targets on to rocks before looting the ship of anything valuable for themselves
@starkerfestivals Mer-May 2024: Pirate
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starker-sorbet · 5 months
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Octomer Tony escaping from his enclosure at the aquarium in order to leave gifts for his favourite marine biologist unaware of what the items actually mean to the human
@starkerfestivals Mer-May 2024: Tank/Aquarium
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starksvinyls · 4 months
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pirate captain tony of the iron maiden and cabin boy peter sneaking off to a secret cove for some privacy after months out at sea.
for @starkerfestivals mer-may event, prompt 'pirates'
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starkly · 4 months
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Pixel Pirate Tony + MerPeter
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starker-sorbet · 5 months
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Artist Peter sketching his mer lover Tony
@starkerfestivals Mer-May 2024: Non-human anatomy/tails
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starker-sorbet · 5 months
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Merman lovers going out on a date exploring a sunken ship for human treasures.
@starkerfestivals Mer-May 2024: Treasure
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starksvinyls · 4 months
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merfolk tony and peter
for the @starkerfestivals mer-may event, prompt 'non-human anatomy/tails'
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