#sga au
nixies-creations · 3 months
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For @topgunalternateuniverse bingo. Bingo Square - TV Show (Creator’s Choice): Hangster - Stargate Atlantis.
"Of all the people that had to be as gifted with the ATA gene, why did it have to be you," Jake snapped, glaring down at Bradley with fire in his eyes. Smirking up at him, Bradley gave a careless shrug of his shoulders instead of a verbal answer. Scoffing, Jake whirled around and began gathering his things, half cursing Javy—who had insisted he needed Jake's help monitoring this last batch of subjects getting the ATA gene shot—and cursing Bradley needing to be here because a team of doctors insisted on needing to see what kind of baseline a person with the gene natural had. Not of course that it would be like that for others, Jake cursed in his head, because of course Bradley was unnaturally strong when interacting with Ancient technology. Of course his ex-boyfriend would be unnaturally gifted in it. Of course that meant he'd have to come on the mission to the Pegasus galaxy—where Jake couldn't run away from him. Because why wouldn't Jake have an easier time to run away from the man who broke his heart? Why wouldn't Jake be able to catch a break in this.
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twotales · 1 year
Radek and Rodney blacksmithing au
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 3 months
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"Well, you're on the right track. We're about sixty years ahead of you. That is, if you survive. This shielding is woefully inadequate. Now, uranium how much do you have?" "Much more." "Yeah, but it's nowhere near weapons grade." "We have had problems in our purifying efforts. The molecular structure of the unwanted material is very similar to that of the desired material." "Diffusion—you need to separate the 235 from the 238. When you remove the barrier between two substances, the slight difference in their mass causes them to separate at different rates." "You could do this?" "Well, of course. I just—" "I think the real question is, right now, are we allies or are we still prisoners?"
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cinerins · 5 months
Seeing there's still an active SGA fandom here on tumblr is just so special to me (You really are among the bravest souls out there 💕)
As I'm strapping in for yet another rewatch, I'm reminded of all the reasons I can't help but be fond of this show, despite its... many shortcomings. The characters and their dynamics really just stay with you... but the concept of being stuck in an entire alien galaxy feels SO underutilized!
Several years ago I started thinking about different "what-ifs" and a completely alternate direction for this series, taking the more alien aspects and "survival while being cut off from earth" into account. (Going as far as rewriting two entire seasons, before I dropped it)
Well, there's no time like the present! So as I'm debating completely rebooting that script, I might as well share a couple of my ideas in that "AU" with the community here
The Ancients
On a surface level, the Ancients can be fairly interesting in their arrogance and ambitions, but that's really about it. What mostly bugged me is how utterly bland they are as a people – essentially just ethereally advanced romano-greek philosophers with a sprinkle of moral conflict.
I know in the larger SG canon they are supposed to be aliens from yet another galaxy, but I wanted to explore the idea of them being native to earth. Millions of years is an ABSURD amount of time, considering how much can change in a handful of generations.
So... I thought they could've sprung from a shared ancestor as Homo Alius, long before the rise of H. Sapiens, primarily around the Agulhas Bank, before the ocean took it. It would mainly serve to better connect them to our regular humans and explain the genetic similarities and later integration.
They would prosper and achieve interstellar travel around 300.000 years ago, developing the Stargates a couple of thousand years later. Fast forward and they eventually struggled with a "plague" which would prompt Atlantis to break off and escape into another galaxy.
Anyway, the main point is that I wanted them to feel a little more distinct in their culture and behavior. They may look like us, but they don't really act or think like us. Not to mention the number of physiological differences that would set them apart, such as a longer lifespan averaging around five centuries and certain abilities.
When the remaining Lanteans returned ten thousand years ago, they would notice the advancements humans have made in their absence. While they call themselves Alterans, these people would be referred to as Ceterans – "the others" and "the rest"
It would take them a few more generations of attempting to ascend, before the remainder ultimately decided to give up, bury the past, and live out the rest of their lives among these cousins.
The Descendants
Another point that always bothered me a little are the humans native to the Pegasus galaxy. These are people that supposedly descended from the Alterans and lived isolated in their own corner of the universe for thousands of years, so... what's with the medieval villages and european industrialization?? (joking)
It's a lot more forgivable and even interesting in SG1, where the whole premise is about humans abducted from various earth cultures and time periods. But a lot of the Atlantis episodes just end up feeling very silly, when you remember this is supposed to be another galaxy.
The pilot takes a slightly more fun (albeit mild) approach with the Athosians, who feel much more like the survivors of the ancient ruins seen on their homeworld. Still, the concept of "distinct" cultures mostly ends up on the sidelines in favor of war and action as the series progresses...
My own approach was to really go into their role as "Descendants" with varying directions. A sort of genetic turn still would've occurred at some point, with increasing generations losing many of their abilities and even the capacity to ascend on their own.
This would've sparked a rift among a number of colonies, having more and more people become "unfit" to live in their structures, unable to operate much of their more advanced technologies. However, most would refuse to "downgrade" to more accessible methods, especially so with the Wraith on the rise.
Doesn't mean that some didn't try finding a middle ground, or that this next generation couldn't figure out their own alternatives – they are Alterans still, even without the glamour. How much of that changed and survived through the ages would differ greatly. (Majority retained an average lifespan of 300 years, even some abilities)
The Expedition
Right off the bat, I wanted to lean more into the differences between the people of this galaxy and our team from earth – make them feel much more like fish out of water. SG1 had the advantage of a major anthropology nerd, these guys would have to figure it out as they go.
Characters like Teyla and Ronon would have more prominent roles in navigating the various societies and environments of known Gate-networks. Weir also could've been given more opportunities to shine with her political background.
Overall, I would've loved if this expedition actually focused a little more on research – particularly the kind that wasn't just about them finding a new super weapon or ancient virus. Featuring more nuanced dilemmas and creative problem solving, that doesn't boil down to gunfire and explosions...
Their initial struggle to survive in terms of food and energy could really be expanded, especially when stranded in environments that have been isolated from earth and developed under very different conditions for millennia.
"Accept an invitation for dinner or suffer the consequences" would have a different angle, when you don't know whether said dinner, even if well-intentioned, could kill them.
The topic of language is fairly understandable for a TV show and there's a lot more liberties in a written medium. Having a bit of a language barrier just seems like a fun thing to work around in a story. An additional point is that there's a bit of a difference between "Alteran" and "Lantean"
Pretty much all expedition members, regardless of background, would've been required to undergo an "Ancient" crash course over the 16 months before they passed through the event horizon. It just seems like the smart thing to do, when waltzing into a ten thousand year old city, that may or may not be abandoned.
There's a bit of a learning curve as they meet the various inhabitants of this galaxy. To them, these newcomers would have an "odd" and even "archaic" dialect. It would take some time for the team to adapt and for allies to start learning english – it makes for a lot of fun interactions and adds the option of "private" conversations or messages between team members, that others wouldn't understand.
Pegasus Life
There are a very few glimpses we get of "other" life among these stars and exploring that beyond one or two episodes could've gotten very interesting – more so when you wonder how they may have affected the people left behind.
Other "visitors" like the Vanir must've had quite an impact, considering their less conventional methods compared to the almost benevolent Asgard known around the Milky Way. A slow build-up of mystery and tension until their eventual encounter would've been very fun.
The prospect of life truly native to this galaxy, predating the arrival of the Ancients, is very appealing to me personally. What if "seeding" some of these worlds involved paving over pre-existing life the Ancients weren't even aware of, remnants of which could've started breaking through the cracks like weeds.
What if a number of Gate addresses lead to what are essentially just abandoned research outposts, dedicated to studying or altering local flora & fauna. What if the teams stumbled over previously undiscovered worlds via means other than Gate travel.
And as mentioned before, even the successfully "seeded" and colonized planets could've gotten pretty weird over time, their inhabitants involved. (Wish we could've gotten to see that "t-rex")
In my old rewrite, I did actually feature a bit of a Jurassic Park scenario. Here the Ancients had sampled and tried to re- and deconstruct various life of earth in their genetic studies, explaining a number of odd animal encounters. (or monster encounters)
The Wraith
Tying into that last point... the books add a little more nuance to these space vampires, being one of the Ancient's many failed attempts in achieving immortality, with disastrous consequences. Even accepting that explanation, I can't help but find them... strange.
Sucking the life force out of others through your hand feels a little too specific of a trait to be unintentional or accidental. Beyond that is their markedly different behavior and culture, even. It's just a bunch of little details that compelled me to add more to their history.
The "Old Blood" are essentially the original "Wraith" native to this galaxy – very humanoid at a glance, but with features that would make our regular Wraith seem more like the guys in costumes they are. I wanted to emphasize on them feeling just a little more "primordial" and the others as wrong.
As a biology nerd, I immediately decided their key difference is that both hands serve as feeding organs. On that note, I also remember the first Queen in the pilot having what looked like slightly webbed hands and wanted to incorporate that as well.
The small pit organs on the face of the Wraith we know would turn out to be significantly reduced gill-like organs on the side of the throat/neck of the originals. Gives them more of an aquatic feeling, which i found fitting considering the Queen in Submersion (whom I actually decided to make one of the Old Blood)
Their skin would look a little rougher and more like the cool-toned, dark gray similar to John's bug transformation, but I also think there should be a little more natural variety between hives. Also, those ornaments/implants on Wraith fingers could serve to imitate the more claw-like appendages of the originals.
Anyway, I could go on, but the gist of it is that they would make the Lantean-Wraith (ironically) seem more like unnatural hybrids and somewhat "watered down" compared to the native species.
Feeding Habits
Some adjustments have also been made to the feeding process... The general idea is that it's somewhere between involving chemical components and the very vague sci-fi concept of draining the "vitality"/"energy" out of a living entity that gives them this extreme longevity.
However, you can't make something out of nothing, so a certain amount of substance is needed not only for them to grow, but also to recover from major injuries without lasting effects. At least, that's how their more traditional digestive system makes sense to me.
Feeding wouldn't actually induce artifical aging or turn somebody into a dried husk, but rather "drain" them in a way weeks of stress and 2 hours of sleep would. Skin sagging, muscles waning, body just kinda deflating, leaving you feeling frail and hollow.
Once the enzyme wears off, it's still a gamble whether or not you'll survive the experience. If you do, you'd never fully recover and your hair would slowly start falling out and start growing in gray, really making it seem like they took years off your life.
It's the complicated genetic make-up of the Lantean-Wraith that makes them "incompatible" with life unrelated to them, being forced to feed on either Alterans or other Wraith. Thought it would be interesting if that means they would be unable to feed on Ceterans, if they don't have any Ancient genes in them.
In this setting, it would also explain why Runners exist. Ronon would be one of the few people "lucky" enough to have become so genetically distinct from the Lanteans, the Wraith cannot feed on them. Majority of these generations are wiped out when found, with strong individuals picked out to serve as game and as an example.
Wraithkin would be the result of attempts to counteract this growing shift, by introducing more Wraith DNA into the gene pool. (You already know how that went down)
The Old Blood don't really have this same restriction, though feeding on humans would be the equivalent of eating junk food. Regardless, they're left with little choice, since their original feeding grounds were thoroughly destroyed or tainted by the Lanteans during the war.
The War...
Wraith have always been rather territorial and the Ancients suddenly showing up and encroaching on those territories already set things off to a great start. Neither were really looking for a fight, so while tensions ebbed and flowed, they mostly tried to stay out of each other's business.
Well, that is until certain Lanteans learned about their more fascinating traits and abilities.
Even the old hives were no monolith, opinions on Atlantis and their growing colonies ranged from indifference to indignation. A number of hives eventually decided to try and push it, giving some very desperate (but mostly curious) Alterans enough of an excuse to take prisoners for research in the midst of the rising conflict.
What really set off a full-scale war, was when those prisoners perished during an escape attempt, after the creation of the first "successful" batch of hybrids. Greatly underestimating the mental capabilities of the Wraith and their reach, the Ancients were very unprepared for the immediate, near-universal response.
Survivors of the experiment joined the warring hives, offering what little they knew and remembered as intel, which would become a deciding factor in overwhelming the Ancients.
This is the only real explanation that makes any sense to me in how this small group of freshly baked Wraith would've managed to grow so much in numbers and power without an entire galaxy of Ancients noticing or putting a stop to it...
Modern Hives
The marked disgust the Wraith have for a hybrid like Michael in the series would've been similar to the way the old hives regarded the survivors they took in. (Talk about hypocritical...) Naturally, they were more than a little upset and began plotting to seize control over the ships and troops.
After varying degrees of success and the Ancients defeated, their expected arrogance and now territorial nature spurred them to continue their conquest. Securing colonies and undermining other hives, it would be no surprise if they had a hand in the ultimate decline of the original feeding grounds.
The greater majority of current hives are rather "young" in comparison and much of their history has become very clouded or embellished. Wraith of the Old Blood are now few and far between, with very mixed reception from others.
Survivors may have conceded or integraded themselves as commanders and advisors, or gone into hiding. What also could've made an interesting approach, is if some of them have opted to becoming "hunters of hunters" of sorts, choosing to feed on these new Wraith either as a challenge or out of some sense of revenge.
With decidedly less variety, the contemporary Wraith culture is an unconventional mix of more instinctual notions and alteran ideas left over from the war. The "old ways" are largely foreign to them.
And that wraps it up for this post!
There is much, much more I could talk about, but I'm sure this is already long enough as is 😅
For the actual story exploring these differences — it's a general idea I had along the lines of: "Imagine if they had arrived in Atlantis much later than they did" and "What if this world and history was just a little different than in the show?"
A fun personal domino effect, that would've completely changed when certain people were first encountered and how significant or even fixed events may have played out...
I never shared this "AU" with anyone beyond one trusted friend, mostly because I was worried how others might react to this more "sciency" and sensible take on a show that is 80% "shoot the bad guy" type of action...
It would be nice to know what people here think of these ideas, so please feel welcome to share!
In the meantime, even if I decide against rehashing that script, I'll see if I can interest that friend in creating some art of these concepts again...
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annwayne · 3 months
Feral Predator x Amber Park Ranger oc and Brigerton!AU please 😊
Feral Predator x Amber Park Ranger oc
So, this is an Omegaverse au, with some of my own modifications. Human's dont notice omegaverse stuff amongst themselves. Their society is akin to ours now-although this is set in the 70's lol. Aliens, however, do 😏 Amber is a park ranger at Yellowstone National Park, working in the back woods. After reports of strange animal carcasses come in, Amber goes to investigate. She follows tracks until she sees something impossible-an Alien.
This came about 100% because of @the-itzy-bitzy-spider and now it's got me in a vice grip. I've got an sga oc, named Alice, who works with Todd to come up with a gene therapy/wraith cure. They succeed. But, rather than allow the wraith to eat fruits, meat, or any other food humans would eat, the wraith cure merely allows wraith to feed off of human energy instead of time. So, theoretically, a wraith could feed off one human so long as the human is given a chance to rest between feedings. Seeking peace without the chance of slavery, the Atlantis expedition work with human systems to come up with a plan to ensure peace and respect between humans of the Pegasus galaxy and the wraith. They come up with a simple idea. Pair each wraith to a human. Of course, there's a lot of convincing that needs to be done, so why not make an event out of the matching process? In a neutral location, humans and wraith alike come together to dance, socialize, and find their alien half, all in the name of peace. Alice and Todd, having worked so closely together, are asked to be the examples, to show this idea can work. Both agree, but is it out of duty or something more?
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stargatelov3r · 5 months
Please please indulge us with your headteacher! Elizabeth headcanons 🫴🏼
Oh there isn’t much to it (yet) butttt some of the elizabeth weir daily photos reminded gave some teacher/principal vibes and it prompted the train of thought of what would happen if Elizabeth stayed on Atlantis and especially what if Atlantis stayed independent.
There’s gotta be kids eventually, I’m sure Teyla isn’t the first to become pregnant, plus all the kids from the Athosians and other people they take in. So i think there’s gonna be a school, a bunch of folks from Atlantis are gonna sign up to give classes (lots of hands on/practical stuff i imagine) and obviously Elizabeth is gonna be the head teacher (while also giving language classes + diplomacy classes)
I think she’d be a great headteacher, she has to deal with The Boys all the time, she’s got the eyebrow game, the stern looks, the “are you fucking kidding me” looks, but she also listens to people and I think she’d be just and kind and if someone was struggling she’d try to get behind it and figure out what’s the problem and find a suitable solution
Also, I think she’d be good with kids? Personally i headcanon that she doesn’t want any herself, but I think she’s okay with them as long as she’s responsible for them primarily education wise?
So yeah🤷
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onthewaytosomewhere · 6 months
why hello, this one: two boys meet at work - work involves aliens - they secretly lust after each other and publicly snipe at each other - until that is no longer the case (alien planets will do that to ya)
doesn't have a lot written yet and was gonna be my BigBang but i decided i wanted to keep working on my other fics instead - but it's my RWRB SGA-ish (Stargate) AU where they boys were supposed to be on the mission to go to Atlantis (if I decide to not change the name) they're kinda young bigshots in the program - both recruited young and rocketed through their separate tracks and routinely get tossed onto missions together
but were both stranded off planet when the team left for atlantis and unable to go with friends and family they had on the mission they blame each other for the snafu that caused them to be stranded
they get there on the first ship out and well it's been a tense year prepping and being on the ship for a long-ass time so they're pretty much ready to blow
things go crazy from there - i haven't worked out all my plot points yet cuz well i closed the doc and haven't looked at it much but there will be some thing that forces them to figure their shit out and pull their heads out of their arses and all that jazz
it's really just a lot of thoughts right now cuz it could be massive to tackle lol
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sga-owns-my-soul · 10 months
Trinity au? 🔥
okay so. i have Big Thoughts about trinity and specifically how rodney was treated and this fic is the result of those Big Thoughts. the thing that bothers me about trinity is rodney is treated like he's infallible so often. everyone expects rodney to always have to answer, to always come up with a solution to save the day. rodney is a scientist. he is head of science and research and suddenly he's supposed to keep not only his entire team of scientists but also an entire base of marines safe and alive????
by the time trinity happens, rodney has already lost a lot of his team. he has had to watch them die in horrible, terrible, painful ways. and he's expected to always have an answer to fix any problems anyone could even imagine. this is a terrified, broken man who has an unimaginable weight forced onto his shoulders, and then you put him in a position where, if he's right (which, being wrong isn't an option for rodney) then he could save not just the lives of everyone he's suddenly very responsible for, but everyone in the galaxy. hell, everyone in the universe. OF COURSE he gets lost in it. who the hell wouldn't???
and the thing is, elizabeth KNEW this would happen. hell, john knew too!! she straight up SAYS you have to protect rodney from himself sometimes, but john loves him and can't say no and rodney asked john to trust him (bc if rodney can make this work maybe john won't constantly do stupid suicide missions all the time to keep them safe) and how is john supposed to say no to that????? so john (and caldwell) convince elizabeth that yes, rodney should be allowed to continue his work
and then he fucks up
and they act like rodney is the only one to have ever fucked up!!!!!!
exactly one person died from trinity (which was horrible and i'm not dismissing that death) and it was before rodney convinced them to let him go back. you know who else insisted he was right and everyone else was wrong and that he knew better? carson, about his work with michael. you know how many people died from that????? but no, no one got mad at carson bc he's carson and we love him but it's so easy to get mad at rodney bc he's an ass but like
he has every fucking reason to be?????? like if you actually look at his character and what he's put through and what he deals with I WOULD BE AN ASSHOLE TOO!!!!!
wow this post got away from me anyways this fic is entirely about me wishing john realized he was being a dick and stopped treating rodney so badly bc rodney!!!!! didn't!!!!!! deserve it!!!!!!!!
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acrowbyanyothername · 9 months
decided i need to write a ‘Rodney meets John’s toxic ex, Todd’ fic. like it would heal me
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trainofcommand · 2 years
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Major Lorne's face is clearly broadcasting the following thought: It's a good thing Sheppard is cute and a freak in the sack, because for fuck's sake, he's the most aggravating and unpredictable CO I've ever had. And I've only been here for a couple of weeks. Good thing Lorne is always ready to deal with shit, as evidenced by the fact that he's already wearing his tac vest.
Huh. What if Lorne was the CO and Sheppard was still a major and maybe the XO or maybe not? Would Lorne have more headaches? Or fewer? Maybe the same? Anyway, who cares, because for some dumb reason, the thought of Lorne as Sheppard's long-suffering CO is somehow incredibly hot to me, and now I'm just going to think about that all day.
Like. Can you imagine? Lorne, rubbing his temples, saying something like, "Sheppard. Seriously?" after some stunt, and Sheppard just kind of smirking at him, and lazily saluting, and then suggesting that they hook up later, because hey, it all worked out in the end, and he was only tied up for a little while, which was fine. Totally fine, if a little boring, and he's got some unresolved thoughts about it, if you know what he means.
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twotales · 10 months
Au - Radek and Rodney get dragged to some party by their annoying colleagues. The two of them get paired up for charades and despite having never met before their mind link just clicks and the party goers are like "what the hell is happening?"
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sparrowsarus · 2 years
Au: mclorne, cop and robber
Picture it: Toronto, 2007. The Royal Ontario Museum is preparing for their grand reopening, following the building of the Michael Lee-Chin Crystal. Nothing can go wrong.
Then several priceless artifacts vanish without a trace, and detective Evan Lorne knows exactly which thief pulled it off.
After all, nothing can hold Rodney Mckay for long: not prisons, not promises, not someone else's bed.
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 3 months
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"Oh. Can we be careful with that? It's just it's rather fragile, and if it, uh…" "We have a problem." "Then we have something in common." "Normally, you would already have been shot for discovering our secret." "In which case, more of our people would show up and question our disappearance." "We would simply tell them the Wraith took you. With no evidence to the contrary, they would believe us." "You were saying?" "You have technology, knowledge new to us. This C-4 of yours—" "It's not for blowing up stumps."
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docjacksons · 3 months
I recently made a post wising there was a crossover between the Alien movie universe and the Stargate series. In the absence of other content, I have decided to make an Alien series AU for some Stargate characters. It’s an AU rather than a crossover just because that’s what made the most sense to me. This will just be a short list of some characters from the Stargate series and what kind of role I think they might have in the Alien universe
SG-1 characters :
Let’s kick it off with my bae Daniel.
— Daniel Jackson: Considering that Daniel is fascinated with the Ancients for at least half of SG-1, I could see him being somewhat similar to Elizabeth Shaw in Prometheus. That is, I could see him believing, as Shaw did, that the Engineers created humanity and being very driven to discover the secrets of the Engineers and humanity’s origins. As in SG-1, this pursuit would probably lead to him dying, but also as in SG-1, I’m certain he’d be brought back from the dead somehow and would continue his search for the truth, albeit more cynically.
— Jack O’Neill: Although he’s in the Airforce in SG-1, in the Alien universe, I see him being part of the United States Colonial Marine Corps. I don’t see his personality being much different than it is in SG-1. He’s probably been sent to xenomorph infested planets many times and is very over it.
— Sam Carter: I think Sam would be part of the USCM too, albeit in a more technical role than Jack. She might be an engineer or something similar to that. As in SG-1, she would still have copious amounts of UST with Jack.
— Teal’c: I can’t currently come up with a canon position for him to occupy, however, I think it’s reasonable to assume that Weyland-Yutani has private security they hire. I could see Teal’c being high up in W-Y’s private security and is privy to many, many of their dirty secrets and eventually turns against them, perhaps joining up with Jack and Sam in the USCM.
SGA characters:
— Rodney McKay: Okay, Rodney would absolutely be a neurotic Weyland-Yutani scientist that secretly has some misgivings about what they’re doing. He’d probably eventually turn against them, likely due to Sheppard’s influence.
— John Sheppard: Also definitely in the United States Colonial Marine Corps. Maybe Rodney was sent as a company man to oversee a mission the USCM were sent on. Perhaps his Rodney’s directive was similar to Burke in Aliens where he was supposed to capture a living xenomorph specimen. However, he had misgivings unlike Burke, and Sheppard persuaded him to turn against W-Y. (And also persuaded him to be in a relationship, lbr).
— Teyla and Ronon: I put them together because I could see them both living on the same planet in this AU. Their planet was probably overrun by xenomorphs and Sheppard and his division were sent to eradicate the problem. This is also where they met Rodney.
SGU characters:
— Nicholas Rush: Only one character for this category, but I think Rush would 100% be a morally grey W-Y scientist who is studying the xenomorphs. Anything unethical he does is for the greater good. If you’ve ever read the Aliens: Labyrinth comic, I could see him being a bit like Dr. Church.
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cinerins · 5 months
Another Road – Expedition Overview
This is a general look at the direction and structure of the Atlantis expedition in my AU "Another Road" — I thought I might as well share my own ideas and concepts for a slightly different SGA setting here!
The team embarks on their journey about a year later, August 2005, after a 16 month period of training and preparation, following the discovery of Atlantis.
With an initial count of 200 volunteers, the expedition is comprised of several researchers previously stationed at the antarctic outpost, as well as additional candidates and military personnel approved by the IOA and HWC.
Given what they have thus far learned about the Ancients and the experiences gained in the Stargate program, there are a number of potential points of interest and expected risks to consider, before stepping foot into another galaxy.
As an international scientific project, the primary focus of the expedition is the gathering of information pertaining to the Ancients and research of their technological advancements. However, due to the unknown nature of the Pegasus galaxy, the research of any extraterrestrial life and technology is a general goal.
Peaceful, undisruptive exploration may be the ideal direction of such an undertaking, but the International Committee and Homeworld Command have come to agree, that a military component would be necessary as a precaution. Should they find it unwarranted, the selected personnel could simply aid in emergencies and the overall operations of the group.
The 16 month buffer serves to prepare for anything the team might find on the other side of the event horizon — be that a thriving society, or another abandoned outpost left to sleep in a wasteland. All members would've been required to learn the Ancient language (Alteran) and the basics of Gate travel, if they weren't familiar already.
Since the Ancients are genetic cousins, originating from Earth in this setting and have left a grand network of habitable locations throughout the Milky Way, it gives our team the hope of establishing a reliable base, even if they don't find anything alive.
The possibility of no return is a risk they are well aware of.
Each and every volunteer has been selected and vetted by the agencies involved, either with Weir's recommendation or approval.
Key factors are an extensive understanding of relevant fields (particularly regarding the Stargate and Ancients) and/or the possession of the ATA gene. There is much overlap of expertise among expedition members, the idea being to employ a wide array of knowledge and skills in as few people as possible.
Senior staff manages the overall decisions and is comprised of the representative leader of their given division, with Dr. Weir as head of the expedition as a whole.
The team features seven divisions, color-coded for convenience and each with departments as subsections, covering specific fields.
Cultural Division (red)
Head: Elizabeth Weir
Departments / Fields
-> Initial numbers: 15
Technical Division (purple)
Head: Peter Grodin
Departments / Fields
Technology & Engineering
Stargate Operations
Computer Science
-> Initial numbers: 31
Physical Science Division (blue)
Head: Rodney McKay
Departments / Fields
Quantum Physics
Wormhole Physics
-> Initial numbers: 20
Life Science Division (green)
Head: Veronica Weaver*
Departments / Fields
Botany & Agriculture
-> Initial numbers: 24
Environmental Division (yellow)
Head: Mercedes Torres*
Departments / Fields
Atmospheric Science
-> Initial numbers: 12
Medical Division (white)
CMO: Carson Beckett
Handle primary medical treatment and care, ensuring the overall well-being of all expedition members in the following points:
Physical Therapy
-> Initial numbers: 14
Military Division (black)
CO: Marshall Sumner / John Sheppard (later)
Offer assistance to the other divisions and the expedition as a whole, cover following responsibilities:
Emergency Management
Emergency Medical Treatment
Military Operations
-> Initial numbers: 84
*unoffical characters added to fill these positions.
The team is provided with enough supplies to cover each division's general needs, both work-related and personal, for about a year. If necessary, their use of equipment and gear can easily be extended, but water and food production would depend on the environment and resources they're met with.
Complete, long-term self-sufficiency should be possible, with access to the needed materials, but is not the intended goal of this expedition.
An emergency transmitter would've been used to send a signal to Earth, in case they cannot dial back and have found themselves trapped, with no means to support themselves beyond what they brought along. It would've taken a while to be received, but by then the Daedalus should've been fully operational and able to retrieve them, before their supplies run out.
If they are not heard from in any way within their first year (taking communications delay into account, given their distance) Earth would've presumed them dead and the mission a failure. However, if the mission was at least partially a success and they have access to safe food and water, but still no way to return, a number of satellites would've been launched to act as relay stations between the galaxies.
Sending a ship to and fro would be off the table, unless it was really worth the cost of such a long trip — say, if it was to rescue the group, or to transport artifacts and materials of significant value. The IOA would be reluctant to send off one of Earth's limited number of interstellar vessels, while they have more pressing uses among our own stars.
Either way, unless they found more convenient alternatives, the expedition would've expected to rely mostly on themselves.
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annwayne · 2 months
Working on that bridgerton!au all day. Discovering things in Alice and Todd's relationship that are unique to this au. Dying inside. How can two people know each other so well and still be so blinded by their own fears? It feels like I've written 5k words thanks to how juicy and just. in the thick of it I am. but no. Just over 2.5k. This thing is packed like the carry on of a frugal mom who refuses to pay for luggage when going on a week long vacation.
And I haven't even gotten to the fun* part yet ToT
*The Balls and the Fashion and the Customs and the mixing of Wraith and Human Culture and-
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